#i love demon yoongi more than i love myself
borathae · 1 year
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“They’ve seen the centuries come and go, watched empires rise and fall and witnessed the creation of society as it is today. And now you have fallen into their arms, showing them once again that change never stops.”
Genre: Fantasy, Romance, Smut, Hurt and Comfort, Vampire!AU, Magic!AU, Polyamory!AU
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“You change universities after moving towns. Your new university is an old, ancient building with secret tunnels and whispered ghost stories. There are two fraternities, which for some reason always seem to be in a quarrel. Alpha consisting of Kim Taehyung, Kim Namjoon, Park Jimin and Min Yoongi. Handsome, porcelain skinned men, who act as if they are out of another century and for some reason everyone on campus seems to be scared of. And Sanguis consisting of Jeon Jungkook, Kim Seokjin and Jung Hoseok. Men with skin just as pale and their faces just as beautiful, who always wear sunglasses when it is light outside and who never seem to open their curtains. And for some peculiar reason you always find yourself in the middle of them….”
Pairing: OT7 x f.Reader with main Taehyung x f.Reader & Yoongi x f.Reader
Genre: Mystery, Fantasy, Romance, Smut, University!AU, Vampire!AU
《 To Book One 》
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“When your endless game of hide and seek with Namjoon sends your little group all over Europe, you have to fight more than just vengeful witches and bloodthirsty demons. Different morals, beliefs and mindsets bring just as much struggle to your bond as your enemies. And soon you have to accept that the world you decided to live in is darker than you initially prepared for.”
Pairing: Yoongi x f.Reader, Taehyung x f.Reader & Jungkook x f.Reader + more as the story progresses
Genre: Fantasy, Romance, Smut, Vampire!AU, Magic!AU
《 To Book Two 》
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“You and your lovers visit The Plains, a magical realm created for the souls of witches and warlocks and home of your dear grandmother. She welcomes you with raspberry pie and tea. You come with many stories to tell and eager hands to help on her cottage. Golden sunlight, blue moonshine and green forests await you alongside early morning snuggles and late night kisses with your lovers.”
Pairing: Yoongi x f.Reader, Jungkook x f.Reader, Taehyung x f.Reader, Yoongi x Jungkook, Taehyung x Jungkook, platonic Yoongi x Taehyung
Genre: Magic!AU, Vampire!AU, Polyamory!AU, Slice of Life, Fluff, Romance, Smut, this is a spin-off meant to be read after the Duology
《 To the Spin-Off 》
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#01 - What You Deserve [YG x JK]
#02 - The Piano Teacher [YG x OC]
#03 - Only For You ([YG x OC]
#04 - Mellifluous [TH x OC]
#05 - Safe Hands [YG x OC]
#06 - Rache [TH x JK]
#07 - Captured [YG x OC]
#08 - Illecebra [TH x OC] ​
#09 - How I Love You [YG x OC]
#10 - Stormy Nights [YG x OC]
#11 - Of Simpler Times [TH x JM]
#12 - Best Seat [YG x OC]
#13 - Deep [JK]
#14 - Painted Blue [TH x OC]
#15 - Drunk on You [YG x OC]
#16 - I Want Your Love Forever [YG x OC]
#17 - Between Friends [YG x HS]
#18 - Bed Head [JK x OC]
#19 - Don’t Tease Please [JK x OC]
#20 - Fade into You [YG x OC]
#21 - Rope Bunny [YG x OC]
#22 - Lavender Warmth [YG x OC]
#23 - The Scholar, The Princess and the Master [YG x OC x JK]
#24 - Picnics [YG x OC x JK]
#25 - Where Love Is [YG x OC]
#26 - Wake Up Call [YG x OC]
#27 - Devotion [TH x OC]
#28 - Bewitched [YG x OC]
#29 - wanna see myself inside you [JK x OC]
#30 - Princess Treatment [YG x OC]
#31 - Guilty Tears [TH x OC]
#32 - Moonlight & Campsites [YG x OC]
#33 - ILY [YG x OC]
#34 - Morning Hours [JK x OC]
#35 - Silly Fights [YG x OC]
#36 - Carefree [YG & TH]
#37 - Cozy Times [YG x OC]
#38 - Drive You Fucking Crazy [TH x OC]
#39 - FWB [HS x OC]
#40 - A Good Life [YG x OC]
#41 - Impatient [JK x TH]
#42 - Love Wins All [TH x OC]
#43 - Cozy [YG x OC]
#44 - Listen In [HS x JK x TH]
#45 - moonlight [TH x OC]
#46 - Stardust [ TH x JK]
#47 - Protective [TH x JK]
#48 - Babybun [YG x OC x JK]
#49 - Just Relax [YG x HS]
#50 - Tenderness [JM & OC]
1K notes · View notes
sailoryooons · 1 year
Okay hear me out, but maybe a little bit of enemies to lovers, little bit of smutty goodness between witch hunter!yoongi and witch!reader?? Idk why this popped in my head but I’m kind of desperate to see a little something now lol.
Also, I love you ❤️
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❀ Pairing: Witch hunter!Yoongi x f. witch!reader
❀ Summary: For years, you and Yoongi have played cat and mouse. It’s his duty to rid the world of witches, but he always finds a new excuse to let you slip through his fingers. When you find yourself at his mercy, you wonder if the great witch hunter will finally end your game of chase, or if there’s something that will stay his hand. 
❀ Word Count: 4188 
❀ Genre: Urban fantasy, enemies to lovers, a hint of angst, smut
❀ Rating: 18+ Minors are strictly prohibited from engaging and reading this content. It contains explicit content and any minors discovered reading or engaging with this work will be blocked immediately. 
❀ Warnings: On screen character death (not permanent though), depictions of blood and intense action sequences, scary demon thing, depiction of weapons, hints at violence between two groups of people, mild world building, a bit of angst, explicit language, explicit sexual content featuring light nipple play, unprotected vaginal sex, emotional sex, a lot of spit, UNEDITED. 
❀ Published: August 3, 2023
❀ A/N: I don’t know why I thought I’d be able to control myself with some of these ideas because god dammit Sarah, I want to turn this into more than ~4k of a work. Like this idea inspired me so much, you have no idea how insane I wanted to go on this but I had to CONTROL MYSELF because I promised that this year I would keep it tame. I love you so much and I’m so sorry that this is like 90% plot and 10% smut but I kept inching toward 5k and I was like I HAVE GOT TO STOP MYSELF JESUS CHRIST and dkfgjdiogjfoigjg I am telling you right now, I want to come back and revisit this fic and makie it like a four chapter thing or something because GOD I LOVED THIS IDEA AND YOU KNEW JUST WHAT TO REQUEST. Also this is unedited!!!!
❀ Disclaimer: All members of BTS are faces and name claims for this story. This is entirely a work of fiction and by no means is meant to be a projection, judgment or representation of real-life people. Any scenarios or representations of the people and places mentioned in works are not representative of real-life scenarios.
| Masterlist | Ask | Hali’s Happy Agust | Song Inspiration |
Most nights, Yoongi dreams of you. He knows better, and yet he can’t help himself. It’s like you’re living under his skin, a virus that has taken root in the marrow of his bones. He doesn’t know how he would dig you out if he tried.
If he tried. 
If anyone from the Conclave knew the dangerous game that Yoongi is playing, he would be ousted or killed. Killing would be the mercy, but he’s garnered enough hate within the elite members of the Conclave to know they’d rather him suffer cut off from his resources. His friends. His family. 
Still, Yoongi walks a dangerous line. He knows it’s wrong, letting a witch infect him like a sickness. He is sure that he’s under your spell. There’s no other explanation for the way he always lets you slip away. For the way he closes his eyes and imagines the flutter of your heart against his, the sound of your gasps, the warmth of your hands.
Stars explode behind Yoongi’s eyes as he presses the heels of his hands into them. He’s exhausted, limbs heavy and sore from a day of bloody work. The activity downtown has only worsened the last few months, making Yoongi hunt multiple times a day and return home banged up. 
The pain he can handle. Witches and their demons are nothing new to him. But he knows there’s something he’s missing, something lurking beneath the surface of the increased activity and the strong demonic presence in the city.
Yoongi knows he could ask you. He’s thought about it a few times over the last few weeks but he’s talked himself out of it each time. The curiosity has always lingered there, waiting for him to ask in those moments where you cross his path, coy and sharp as ever. In the minutes you linger, shooting him insults he thinks you don’t mean and playing little word games. 
He doesn’t ask, though. And you never offer, despite the fact that your sharp eyes and knowing smirk lead him to believe you know he wants to ask. 
Perhaps that’s why he doesn’t. Not giving you what you want is part of the fun. He likes the way it makes you bristle, magic crackling at your fingertips. He loves the way it makes you narrow your eyes at him, lobbing empty threats that make him want to purr. 
Whatever this effect you have on him is potent. He can’t shake you off, can’t outrun you. 
And worse, he doesn’t want to.
Rain begins to beat on the bedroom window outside. Though his limbs are heavy from slogging through the sewer system downtown after a witch and her ivax demon, he’s a little too keyed up to sleep. Yoongi senses something staticy in the air, an energy that he can’t name.
Opening up his phone, he flips through his text threads with members of the Conclave. It seems everyone is in it tonight, the demonic activity buzzing and the monsters worse than usual. He frowns when he sees Seokjin mention a prowler crawling through the warehouse district. Yoongi knows that’s where you live and an unexpected sense of unease slivers down his spine.
He locks his phone and tosses it on the bed. He doesn’t need to worry about you. You’re one of the most skilled witches in the city and you’ve killed scores of demons and others alike. He should remove your head for the number of hunters you’ve put in the ground, but you’ve killed triple that in witches. 
Which is why you’re alone. It’s not lost on Yoongi that you’re a witch without a coven and with unusual alliances living in a warehouse all alone with a prowler on the loose. If you know it’s there - you have to know it’s there, being you - he knows you’ll go after it. 
“Fuck,” he sighs at the ceiling. 
Grabbing his phone, Yoongi sends off a quick text. 
Yoongi: Anyone dispatching to take care of the prowler?
Councilman Haer: Negative. The Conclave will not be dispatching. The Warehouse District is not critical and it’ll go back down after it’s satiated. Prowlers aren’t controlled by witches, it might even take a few out for us.
Yoongi stomach flips as he squeezes his phone tight before getting up. He’s tired of the Conclave’s inaction. He knows he’ll get in trouble for going after something so dangerous without backup, but he can’t ask Seokjin and Hoseok to back him up on this one. Not unauthorized, and not for something so dangerous. 
Unsanctioned hunts is exactly how Yoongi has ended up at the bottom of the pool among Conclave members, but he doesn’t care. Politics can’t erase the fact that he’s the best fucking hunter in the city, and no councilman who won’t get their hands dirty can give him grief for doing what needs to be done.
This isn’t about the Conclave, though. Yoongi knows it. Seokjin would know it, if Yoongi told him what he was doing. But the thought of a prowler tearing through the low-income streets in the Warehouse District doesn’t resonate with him. Neither does knowing that you are one of the witches in the line of fire. 
Yoongi dresses and arms himself with military proficiency. A black, long-sleeved shirt with a form-fitted leather vest over it to prevent most stabs and cuts, knives sheathed along the ribbing of the vest, breathable pants with a tactical belt and pockets full of hunting necessities, and his necklace with the Conclave helix. 
At the last second, he grabs a jacket and pulls the hood up to keep the beating rain from soaking him through. While he has some talent with magic to help him heal faster and make his blows stronger and faster, he’s not skilled in the way of weather or anything advanced enough to keep him dry and comfortable. 
Nervousness settles into him as he takes the subway to the Warehouse District. It’s not far, but the train is empty and filled with dirty puddles left behind from passengers. Lights flicker above as the subway rockets unevening on the tracks, making him dizzy. 
When he steps off the train and into the wet underground of the station entrance, he knows something is amiss. His fingers twitch as he jogs up the steps, boots splashing loudly as the rain comes down. Wind whips at him here and when he hears a crack of thunder too loud and rumbling to be human, his instincts kick in.
Yoongi takes off running. He knows where your warehouse-turned-loft is. He’d originally scouted it out to eliminate you. Now, it’s something he’s always kept an eye on, steering other hunters away from your home. It’s silly, he knows. You’d call him weak if you knew, probably. And yet he does it, diverting danger coming your way when he can.
Now, danger is already there. 
The storm rages harder as he heads your direction. Wind pushes at him, making Yoongi lock his muscles as he fights the freezing cold rain and the debris that blows down the street with the force of the storm. He hopes that it keeps people indoors and away from the prowler. 
But Yoongi sees the purple lighting lance out of the sky, an explosion of radiant beauty for a moment before it strikes nearby, blowing transforms into white sparks and he realizes what is so uncanny about this storm. 
It’s you. You’re the storm. 
A roar of rage shakes the air as he comes around the corner to your street. The warehouse you live in is at the end of the road right up against the bay. The wind is mixed with salt spray, stinging his eyes as he runs towards the shadowy outline of your building, nearly impossible to see in the rain and night.
Yoongi manages to roll one of the heavy doors open to your loft, muscles screaming with effort. Stepping inside, chaos greets him. The ceiling is blown out above your home, rain pouring in from the sky. It tastes like lightning and blood. No doubt your storm is what ripped the ceiling apart, but when he sees the prowler, he doesn’t blame you. 
A massive creature stands ten feet tall, rippling with leathered hide and spikes on its back. Long, gangly limbs drag on the floor with black, sharpened talons on the end of each of its three fingers. The prowler walks awkwardly and Yoongi notes the scorch mark in its left shoulder, making it lean as it drags itself toward its intended target. 
Which is you, laying on the ground bloody and rain soaked. Yoongi doesn’t even think. He has no idea if you’re conscious or not, but he’s moving across the room, putting power into his step as he pulls out two of his daggers and jumps high up into the air. 
Yoongi’s intent is to land on the back of the prowler and sink each blade in as he falls. He doesn’t anticipate the demon to turn away from bloodied prey, but it does, swinging its arm wildly to bat him away. He’s lucky that the forearm catches him in the stomach and sends him flying and not the flaws.
Closing his eyes and bracing for impact, Yoongi is surprised when he doesn’t slam into a wall. He opens his eyes to see himself floating toward the floor, suspended briefly before the phantom energy drops him gently. He lands with shock, looking up to where you’re sitting up, one hand extended toward him.
At least you weren’t out cold or dead. Yoongi is really happy that you’re not dead, but it’s cut short as the prowler charges him. 
This time, Yoongi’s ready. He runs at the beast, waiting until he’s right outside of the window of its swiping claws before he dives to his knees, sliding under the creature and between its legs. He twists his hands, cutting the inside of the creature’s thighs as he goes.
It shrieks, shaking the building and scattering Yoongi’s thoughts. He feels fizzy and confused for a moment, the mind breaking scream of the prowler enough to make him vulnerable. He feels a hand on his face and he looks up, momentarily stricken with the thought that he sees an angel. 
“Thank you,” you breathe, and he recognizes your voice. Usually it cracks like a whip, but this is soft. Strange. It terrifies him. “I’m going to do something that is probably going to kill me. Just know that I liked our game, Hunter.”
“What are you doing, Witch?”
Your smile is like the sun. He doesn’t think he’s seen anything more beautiful. Your face is covered in blood and rain, turning your neck scarlet as it runs. There’s a gash above your brow and he sees a blackened wound in your stomach. 
It is amazing, how a creature like you, bred to be an evil, wicked thing can look radiant. Holy. Wonderful. Your hand is cradling his face and it feels warm, despite the rain and blood on your hands. Your thumb is soft as it sweeps across his cheek, a touch more reverent than he’s ever known. 
“Witch,” Yoongi starts, unsure what you’re doing. 
“I’ll miss that. Take this.” 
Before Yoongi can react, your hand falls from his face. You move past him with absolute confidence, lifting your chin. You have a limp as you do, and Yoongi reaches after you but you’re already out of his grip.
Something stirs in the air. He’s only felt power rippling like that once before when he was a child, and the entire Conclave worked together to slaughter an Eldritch Witch that had attacked them and taken out more than half of their hunters.
Now, Yoongi feels that dark presence again, energy buzzing against his ears as he turns to look at you over his shoulder. The prowler senses the power disturbance too, backing away from you as dark particles begin to gather around your hands.
Above you, the rain hovers, disrupted by the frequency of your magic. The buzz in Yoongi’s ears gets louder as he climbs to his feet, clapping his hands firmly over his ears, wincing as it gets higher and louder. He thinks it might burst his ear drums or crack his skull open. 
Disks of dark particles circle you as you approach the demon, which is now roaring once more, trying to disrupt your thoughts. It doesn’t work, the air vibrating with dark matter. You’re at the center of the swirling darkness, the rings rotating around you like an access.
The sound stops suddenly, and for a moment, Yoongi thinks he’s deaf. Black matter pulses from you, exploding outward. Yoongi hits the floor, realizing if he gets hit with your magic, he’ll die. Never before has he witnessed the Eldritch Blast of a witch, but he knows that it's only used as a final stand.
I’m going to do something that is probably going to kill me. 
The finality of your words shreds him open as the shockwave of your magic barrels at him. He thinks he’s going to die as it expands toward him, but instead, it arches over him, battling down against a magical barrier. 
Take this. Yoongi realizes you’ve warded him from your destruction, keeping him safe as your blast levels the world around you. He feels the magic beating down on your ward like raging fits, vibrating and shrieking under the pressure of the magic. 
It even keeps him from being injured by the collapsing debris. 
Yoongi looks at you as the world falls to pieces. You go down to one knee, then the other, swaying as the darkness cascades around you in a final flutter of power. Then you fall over, heavy and unmoving as the rest of the building comes down. 
All he can do is scream.
Most nights, you dream of Yoongi. You don’t know when it started - perhaps that first night after you met him? You can’t be sure. All you know is that at some point, the hunter poisoned you from the inside out, a disease taking root and rotting you all the way through to your core. 
You always knew that dreaming of him would get you killed one day. But Yoongi was different. Wiser than the rest of his wretched Conclave. Smart enough to question his way of life and his faction’s merciless killings. You think he’ll start asking the right questions soon, that maybe he’ll start seeing the signs that who he has sworn loyalty to isn’t who they say they are.
But Yoongi never asks questions. 
It’s easy to tell he wants to. There’s always that little pause at the end of your meetings. You used to think it was perhaps he was trying to decide whether or not to kill you. Perhaps it was that at first, but now it’s something a little different. A little more. Like he is on the edge of finally asking you what exactly is going on in the city that he protects from monsters.
Yoongi is simple, though. He likes his little life tucked away in the Art District and he likes the wash, rinse, repeat of killing demons and corrupted witches nightly. You think he likes your little run-ins.
Now, you’ve finally paid the price of letting him live these last two years. Had someone told you before you’d met Yoongi that you’d sacrifice yourself for him and the rest of a small neighborhood, you’d have laughed in their face. You weren’t a hero, though some might think slaying your own kind and their creatures was worth praise. 
Penance and praise are not the same, though. 
Dying seems like a good way of paying off your list of wrongs. Especially to save Yoongi. If only to save Yoongi, if you were being honest. 
Witches have a lot of lore about death and where one goes in the afterlife. You’re not sure where you are, if you exist, or if you’re even really a thought. It feels like nothingness and everything all at once, a void of floating consciousness. There’s no pain, but you remember the warehouse. Remember the prowler ripping down the door and coming for you specifically. 
And him. You remember Yoongi coming in, looking like a fucking angel of old as he leapt through the skies. Together you might have taken on the beast. But prowlers are notoriously difficult to destroy, and you were in no shape to protect Yoongi, much less fight by his side as a reliable partner. 
That left you with one option, and though you knew it would end you, you’d done it anyway.
Yoongi’s face swims in your mind. Soft and round, eyes like the bottom of the ocean, a single pink scar carved through his right eye. Mouth soft and petal pink, hair silky and dark, reaching to his shoulders. He’s small for a hunter but he’s strong and broad, his mind his best weapon. 
Witch, Yoongi had said. The last words you’d hear from him, spoken with a softness that you’ve never heard from him before. Rain-soaked and wide eyed Yoongi, looking at you like you held the flame of life, like you were something more than a creature on the other side of the trench. 
The best thing you could do for him was die.
So you summoned your magic from deep within you, that ancient, sleeping thing. You try not to think about what Yoongi’s last memory of you will be, an eldritch horror that will remind him of the creature that slaughtered his family as a child. 
Yoongi will never get to ask his questions. You’ll never get to tell him why you haunt the streets killing your own kind. Yoongi will never know the softness of your kiss. You’ll never know the gentle press of his hands. 
Something brushes across your forehead. You feel now and you frown. Or can you frown, in whatever plane of death this is? You’re not sure, but you feel… the weight of your own body. The beating of your own heart. The rush of air through your lungs as you breathe.
Awareness prickles at the back of your neck like a needle. Slowly, you begin to feel solid. Your fingers twist in soft sheets, and when you turn your head, you feel the plushness of a pillow. Smell petrichor and cedar. 
It smells like… Yoongi. 
“Hmmm?” you feel the vibration in your throat at your unspoken question, nothing but a rumble of noise and confusion. Something cradles your face. “Hunnn..?”
A deep, throaty laugh. “Mmm, I take care of you for a week straight and we’ve moved on to endearments?” 
Your eyes flutter open, lids heavy. The world swims into view, a little blurry as your eyes try to focus in the dimly lit room, taking in the bed you’re in and the face hovering above yours. 
“Yoongi,” you breathe, your heart expanding with unfettered joy. 
“That’s the first time you’ve ever said my name.”
“Say it more often.” He leans forward and you watch as his dark eyes drink you in. “And never do that to me again.”
Before you can ask him what that is, Yoongi’s mouth is pressing against yours. You melt immediately, going boneless in a bed you’re unfamiliar with, lost in the citrusy taste of his mouth and the gentle press of his lips. His kiss is soft soft soft, blurring reality as he pulls at your bottom lip teasingly before pulling away.
Eyes fluttering open, you stare at him in wonder. He hovers above your face, haloed by inky-black hair. “Yoongi.”
He smiles. “It sounds much better than hunter. Hun can stay, though.”
“You’re not calling the shots.”
“You’re in no condition to fight me.”
“I killed a prowler, I think you’re no problem.”
His eyes glow. “I think perhaps you’re right. But for now, you’re at my mercy.”
“Kiss me again.” You lift your hands and bring them toward his face, brushing a finger over the bottom of his scar. “And don’t stop this time. I’ll ask my questions later.”
“Of course, witch.” 
Yoongi’s kiss is hungrier now. Desperate. Full of all the questions he never asked and you meet him with equal fire. You don’t care that you’ve beat the odds and lived. You don’t care about anything else but the weight of Yoongi straddling your waist and the feel of his velvet soft skin beneath your hands. 
Every inch of him is warm, filled with the heat of the hunter’s fire that burns through every member of the Conclave. This hunter burns brighter than the rest, though. Warmth blooms where your fingers press over his stomach and chest, ridding him of his shirt. Fire burns where you grab his arms, arching into him as his teeth skim your throat. 
You’ve never felt this in sync with someone, bodies twining together like you were made for one another. Yoongi’s hand is scorching as his touch ghosts down your body, his touch light and teasing as he lowers his mouth to your hardened nipple, catching it and giving a gentle suck.
Honey-dipped moans slip from your mouth. Yoongi’s mouth is wet-hot against your skin, tongue laving hungrily as his hand seeks the heat between your legs. Your thighs open for him easily, giving Yoongi access to the dripping mess of your folds. He curses when his fingers slide between your slit, gathering slick to circle his digits around your clit.
“Fuck,” you hiss, hips twitching. “Don’t bother. I can take you now. Want you now.”
“I told you that you were at my mercy.” You summon your magic, rattling his shelves. Yoongi leans over to your neglected nipple and plucks it with his teeth, making you squeal and shiver, pleasure rattling you. “Fine,” he agrees. “Greedy witch. Should have known.”
“Not greedy,” you shoot back as Yoongi sits up and sheds his pants. Your hands follow him, tracing the faint scars on his stomach, pressing against the muscle of his tapered hips. “I’ve waited for months for you to do something. To say something.”
“I’m not good at that.” 
You hum. “It takes me dying for you to take initiative?” 
“A lesson hard-learned and never to be repeated.”
Yoongi’s cock is hard, bobbing heavily as he shuffles you under him and presses your thighs open for him. The brown tip is sticky with precum, his shaft long and thick enough to make your cunt ache for him more.
“Nice cock,” you tease as he pumps himself, hand gliding and spreading his precum down his shaft.
He grunts. “Can’t wait to feel this fucking pussy,” he mutters, leaning forward and pressing the tip to your entrance. You make a breathy sound, eyes fluttering shut at the pleasure-pained stretch. “Think you can take it, witch?”
Yoongi sinks in and you second-guess your statement for a second, but the stretch of his cock pressing you open feels good. Deliriously so, your back arching as he bottoms out. You feel him in your gut, deeper than anything ever before and you whine as he draws his hips back before snapping them forward, punching the breath from your lungs.
He sets a deep, hard pace. You grip his biceps, feeling the muscle flex in his arms. Every part of you is on fire, lit up from the closeness of your bodies as Yoongi leans down and melds your mouths together, continuing to fuck you so deep you know you’ll never forget what it feels like.
Every brush of his cock against your g-spot drives you mad. Every whisper of your name - your name, not witch - makes you shudder. His tongue is hungrily as it brushes against yours, his moans deep and throaty as your pussy grips him tight. 
“Fuck,” he pants, sliding a hand down your body to grab your thigh and hoist your leg higher. It changes the angle, making his stroke somehow deeper. Your eyes roll back and your head digs into the mattress as you fist at the sheets. “You can fucking take it.”
“Keep going.”
“As if i could fucking stop.” 
You never want him to stop. Fucking you, kisses you, teasing you, shadowing you as you take on the world. You want every part of your life colored with Yoongi. You want him to be a part of your mornings, your fights, your weaknesses, your strengths. You want to rile him up, needle him with little insults that get him going. Tease him to make him laugh and share that secret smile. 
Every moment has led to this. You don’t know how you never saw this outcome, here with him, crying out his name as your orgasm crests into an unstoppable force. When you come around him, it’s with his name in your mouth and so much need for him in your heart that you think you might explode with energy for a second time. 
After, when you’re wrapped in Yoongi and you feel his hunter’s skin blaze against you, sweat-slick skin pressed close, you think that finally, he’ll ask those questions. You’ll give him answers. 
“Don’t do that ever again, witch,” Yoongi warns. “I will follow you into death.” 
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whalyrae · 1 year
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"We don’t get a say on how it ends, we never have. But we can control how we live."
Summary : You are a powerful witch, cursed and hurt through ages. Owner of your esoteric shop, you were resigned to live this lonely life when the powerful magic of soulmates and fate came to you.
Pairing : poly BTS x reader (she/her)
Genre : soulmate au, demons bts au, witch y/n au, fluff, angst, eventual smut, polyamory relationships
Status : In process
Word Count : 4.3k
Warnings : eventual smut, angst, mention of depression, death, suicide, past trauma, violence, blood, past (sexual) abuse, past torture, PTSD, scars, self harm, and more.
Tag list :  @blackrockshooter780 @babyymeme @starrlo0ver @suckerforv @mushroom-main @m1sss1mp @prettydancingdamzel
A/N : IT'S HERE !! The big one.... Took so much time to write this part... Unlike Dance With me, the chapters here are longer, and will therefore take longer to be published. I like to take my time writing… plus with my adhd it's hard sometimes to stay focused especially since I have my finals coming up soon and I have to study… AND I have a lot of mental breakdowns where I want to delete everything because I have no confidence in myself and my writing skills LOL
Ah, thank you so so much for all the loves you give with this story with all the likes and the shares and the comments ! Love y'all ♥
Masterlist | ao3 | wattpad
Chapter 1 // Chapter 3
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When Namjoon returned home, saying he was ecstatic was a euphemism. He’d finally found her. Their last soul mate. After all these years. He met her by accident in a shop that his friend had recommended to him. What was the probability? Shit, he should thank Bangchan properly. He will be eternally grateful to him. 
But her reactions when they met worried him. Something happened to her. Something that frightened her at the thought of bonding with her soulmates. They needed to know everything about her. Her past, her wounds, her fears, so that Namjoon and his other soulmates could help her. He wanted nothing more than for them all to be together, as they always wanted, as they always talked about.
They all had so many exciting projects to do. But they always waited, they didn't want to do anything until they were all together.
The time has come. Finally. 
But to do all of that, he needed to tell them about her.
He slammed the door so hard that he woke up the black cat and Hoseok who were both sleeping peacefully on the sofa. 
“Sorry hyungs,” he apologized before taking off his jacket, “I have something really, really important to tell you and…-”
Namjoon, what’s that smell? 
Yoongi’s voice echoed in Namjoon’s and Hoseok’s head. Namjoon wasn’t surprised he already noticed it. In his cat form, his hyung’s senses were sharper. Hoseok frowned and came near his boyfriend to smell him. Slowly, he lifted his eyes to meet his partners. Her sweet vanilla scent was still barely on him, but enough for demons like his boyfriends to notice it. 
“Joonie, you’re finally back! Oh, something happened, Hobi? You should see your face! ” 
Jungkook appeared behind Hoseok, giving him a back hug while his head rested on his shoulder. The others joined them quickly. Everyone was there for Namjoon’s relief. On the way back to their home, he was afraid that the maknaes had decided to go out on the town as they used to do.
But unlike Hoseok and Yoongi, they didn’t seem to notice her smell on him. 
Fuck, he didn’t even know how to tell them. Why was he so nervous? They all waited for that day. 
But he couldn’t forget how she acted towards him. When their eyes finally met each other, how was her reaction during their handshake. The way she read the part of the book, the tears she had held back. 
She didn’t reject him though, he was sure of that. 
“Is everything okay? Oh… you smell really good, is that a new perfume ?” 
He shook his head at Jin's question. Namjoon noticed the oldest’s face changed quickly. Jin was confused in some way Namjoon didn’t understand. He, too, must have wondered where that sweet smell Namjoon had on him came from. 
He looked at each of his boyfriends and took a deep breath before finally saying the words that would change their lives forever.  
“I met our last soulmate.”
The room remained quiet for long seconds. He noticed that Yoongi had returned to his human form, and had the same look as his boyfriends.
Suddenly, they all started asking Namjoon questions. Who’s this person? What’s their name? Was the vanilla smell theirs? Was Namjoon sure they were their last soulmate? If so, why didn't he bring them here? 
The only one who stayed calm was Jin. He was standing behind Namjoon, staring at him in a somewhat strange kind of way that Yoongi had noticed. But he said nothing. He probably had to absorb the information too. 
“Okay, okay, can y’all please stop talking at the same time ?” Namjoon finally asked. 
“But hyung, I want to meet them !” Jimin whined.
“Me too, it’s not fair you’re the only one who’s got the chance to talk to them !” Taehyung added with a pout.
“Tell us where you met them, please! At their work? Or maybe in a library? You like to visit libraries after all! ” Jungkook asked beside him, clinging to his arm. His big brown eyes shone with impatience and excitement. 
Namjoon pinched his nose and sighed. These were exactly the reactions he had expected. Especially from the three youngest. Well, he couldn’t blame them for that. If he were them, he’d react the same way. 
Jin, Hoseok, and Yoongi were calmer, but he knew they were burning with impatience and even envy towards him for meeting her first, and especially for being the only one to know her, for now. He couldn't be upset with them for being so impatient, he'd probably have reacted the same way if he'd been in their situation... 
“Okay guys,” Jin finally spoke, in a strangely calm voice, and wrapped his arms around Taehyung and Jimin’s waist, “Maybe we can let Joon explain to us… right? I’ll make some coffee and tea for everyone. ” 
He separated from his two boyfriends and disappeared into the kitchen before receiving any response. On the one hand, because he didn't need to wait for answers, he already knew what each of them would drink. But also because the second the smell of vanilla had reached him, a sudden headache had taken over him. 
Now alone, he had leaned against the work surface and closed his eyes. His face suddenly tensed. 
Flashbacks invaded his mind. 
He couldn’t recognize or remember the place, the situation, or the person he was with. They were faceless. He couldn’t tell which one of his soulmates he was with. Or was it none of them? But if so, who was it? 
What were these memories? He didn’t even remember living any of them. Were these memories even his own?
“Jin, are you okay? ”
He jump-started when he heard the voice of Yoongi behind him. The second oldest had noticed the suddenly strange attitude of his elder. 
“Yeah, just a headache, nothing serious, don’t worry.” 
Jin smiled to reassure him, but Yoongi wasn’t naive. He came closer to him and put his hand on his forehead. 
“I’m a demon, Yoongs,” he added in a more serious tone and gently grabbed his hand, “I can’t be sick like humans.”
“Then why do you have a headache? Hm? You never had any before now. It oddly coincides with Joon’s arrival and this… sweet and delicious vanilla scent he had on him.” 
He caught a whiff of that wonderful smell on Namjoon, even though it was already very faint. He also hadn’t understood that these sudden flashbacks probably had something to do with that aroma. 
Of course not, he couldn't make that connection. He had never smelled that scent before. 
Or so he thought. 
Jin frowned a little and shook his head, walking away from Yoongi to prepare the drinks. 
“I’m fine Yoongi, I promise.”
Yoongi did not believe him, his senses told him not to. Jin and him were the first two to meet. They were together for several years before their paths crossed with Namjoon and Hoseok. The three younger ones were the last to arrive, decades ago. 
He knew his elder very well. He knew something was up, something probably related to their last soulmate, which they had all been looking for and waiting for all these years. 
Jin said nothing when he saw Yoongi join him to help. But Yoongi couldn’t deny that he, too, felt rather strange at the thought of Namjoon meeting their soulmate. A mixed feeling of excitement, and impatience but also stress and apprehension when he saw Namjoon's serious and worried face. He thought to himself that the same was probably true for Jin and that he was perhaps worrying a little too much. 
Yoongi also thought he should check things out on his own, one way or another. 
Several minutes later, the two boys were back in the living room. Everyone was settled in front of Namjoon and impatient while he was still standing, and nervous as he fidgeted with his fingers, which everyone quickly noticed. 
“Okay,” Namjoon took a deep breath, and ran his hand through his hair, “please, let me finish before asking any questions, because we’ll need to find something to help her.”
After her breakdown in her apartment, Handong and Gahyeon took her to theirs, not really far away from her home. where the other girls were waiting for her with blankets and food. But she didn't eat anything. The pain and sadness were so big and intense that her stomach was in knots. The thought of eating any kind of food made her feel nauseous. Her head hurts from crying so much.
She was silent at first, but finally, she started to speak and told them everything. Her meeting with Namjoon, how sweet and kind he was towards her, what she felt, the connection that people experienced with the person or people were meant to be with.
A soulmate connection.
All the girls were seated around her. They listened carefully. Bora and Gahyeon were at her sides while the others were in front of her, two on the small coffee table, the three others sitting on the floor.
After that, Siyeon asked her in a soft and calm voice why she reacted like that. Siyeon and the others thought she would be happy to finally meet her soulmate, especially since she also told them that Namjoon and her were linked to six other people, people that Namjoon already knew, making her the last person missing from the bond.
And there’s the moment when she felt tears appear again. The truth was that Namjoon wasn’t the first one she met. Gahyeon remembered her whispering a name when she broke down in her arms. A man named Jin. Who was he? Someone she loved, and who wasn’t her soulmate?
“No, absolutely not,” she answered to Gahyeon when she asked her, “Jin is… one of my soulmates too…”
She took a deep breath. She didn’t want to cry again. She was tired of crying.
She felt Bora’s head leaning on her shoulder and hugging her tightly.
“Can you tell us what happened, unnie ?” she asked in a calm and sweet voice.
Her heart ached for all the memories she had buried inside her to suddenly return. Bright memories, where Jin and she were together, happy and eager to meet their other soul mates. But also, when they had been forced to be separated, when he lost his memory when they had not been strong enough to protect each other. When she was imprisoned by those humans, accused of being a witch, and sentenced to death. How she survived, marking the beginning of her immortality, and escaped to them, and all those hurting centuries she passed alone.
She let out a sigh and finally nodded. She trusted them, they never judged her, and they were always gentle, and understanding. Gahyeon and Handong did not hesitate to come to her house after her message at almost midnight because she needed them. They were the kind of people you only met once in your life. They were true friends.
More than that, she saw them as little sisters.
She could open up to them, she could trust them, about her past, what happened with Jin, how she lost him, and most importantly, why she spent most of her life alone, surviving instead of living.
“ No! That’s not fair! It wasn’t your fault! ” Gahyeon shouted suddenly.
She stood up, angry and nearly crying, Minji joined her and gave her a comforting hug. She had just finished her story. It has been so long since she talked about it...
Bringing up all her memories was painful, but at the same time, it felt quite good to finally be able to share her pain and sorrow with them. Yoohyeon took Gahyeon's place, taking her hand in hers.
“ She’s right y/n, Why do you blame yourself? You and Jin... you were just victims! ”
“Is there anything you can do to restore his memory ?” Siyeon asked.
“Memory magic is… complex but also very powerful.” she started to explain, playing nervously with her fingers, “Brain and memory have always been a very mysterious subject, and even after all these centuries of studying it… medicine and neuroscience, for human or not, have never managed to unlock all its secrets. He's a demon, like most of you, but your brain is relatively the same as a human's… ”
She shook her head.
“Besides that, we got separated, and after I escaped from those humans, he was gone. I looked for him. I traveled the world, in vain. I never knew where he was. Was he back in the demon realm? I never knew, I tried to summon him, to invoke him, again and again, in vain. He never came to me, and I never knew why... ”
Demons could live freely in the human world if they wanted to. Otherwise, most of them lived in another world, outside time and space, parallel to where they lived now. A world where only demons could enter and leave at their will.
She sighed. She felt tears welling up again, which made her let out a swear.
“We were young and stupid, we didn’t want to waste our time with those stories of invocations and everything…”
“But now, you know where he is, you can see him again !” Yubin suddenly exclaimed, “I’m sure he hasn't forgotten you! Well, maybe for now, but the moment he sees you, all the memories will come back! He's your soul mate y/n, damn it! ”
She looked up at her and sighed again before standing up. She walked to the window and looked through it. The moon was almost full in three days.
“I’m…,” she began, her voice shaking, and she took a deep breath, “I’m scared to face him again, to face all of them. And what if he never remembers me? What if they don’t want me because of that ?”
She bites her lips. Damn it, her heart was beating faster, and not in a good way.
“And what if… she’s still alive? What if she’s still after him and she finds out that I'm still alive, and that I've found him? She could still go after him, or even our other soulmates, and even though I'm more powerful than before, she has become more powerful too… but on the other hand…,” she turned to her friends, and despite the smile on her lips, tears were running down her cheeks, “I want to see him, I want to meet them…”
Those words she just said out loud, she hasn't controlled them. They came out of her lips without her controlling it,
When she met Namjoon, a few hours earlier, her reactions towards him were more about surprise and shock at finding another soul mate. Especially since she had immediately sensed that Jin was there too.
All those memories, all those traumas, and all the things she experienced and had buried inside her were suddenly brought up, causing a surge of panic and anxiety.
But now that she had been able to confide in her friends, to talk about it, to hear their advice and support, she was able to put her thoughts in order.
Okay, learning from one day to the next that she had met not only her soul mate but also the other six, one of whom was her first love lost dramatically was something quite... sudden and abrupt.
After Jin, she never had a love affair and never fell in love again. Of course not, how could she?
Now, the idea of seeing him again, of meeting these six other people who were related to her, too, but who had also taken care of him for… she didn't even know how long...
She didn’t even want to hear the word “soulmate” or anything related to love and bonding. Because she would have felt like she was betraying Jin. She couldn't even imagine being happy with a soulmate or soulmates without him.
“You deserve it,” Minji suddenly said, pulling her out of her reverie, and gently placed her hand on her shoulder, a gentle smile on her lips, “you deserve it more than anyone else. You spent your whole life helping anyone who asks for help, sacrificing your life more than once - literally - for the helping and saving. You deserve to be happy, with those who are destined for you. And I'm sure they too have been waiting for you and are looking forward to meeting you, and to being reunited with Jin.”
She winked at her and wiped her cheeks wet with tears.
“And about this demon bitch,” Yubin continued, making a fireball appear in her hand with a fake smile, “She can come and try if she wants!”
“Yeah! We’re waiting for her! ” Gahyeon added.
Her lips stretched into a slight smile. Things were different than they had been centuries ago.
She was older, more mature, more powerful.
After all these years, decades, and centuries spent alone, hope was finally awakening in her. Hope for a better future, where loneliness would no longer exist.
“Oh girls, wait a minute !” Gahyeon suddenly shouted, “How will she meet them? Namjoon has left his shop and they have not exchanged any contacts!”
“Oh, you know for that, I’m not worried.” Handong replied with a smirk, “He knows where she works. I can bet anything you want that at least one of them will visit her very, very soon.”
Handong was right, but she didn't know it yet, or at least she didn't believe it.
She wouldn't think that Namjoon would talk about her as soon as he returned home to his... no, to their soulmates.
But he did.
He even specifically asked his partners not to rush to see her. They had to come up with a plan to approach her, enter her life, and bring her into theirs, being attentive to her inner wounds.
He thought he had convinced them. Or so he thought.
The day after she met Namjoon, at dawn, she left her friends' apartment and returned to hers. It had been a short night and she talked a lot. After she confessed, Minji and Yoohyeon convinced her to eat. She then fell asleep against Gahyeon, lulled by their conversations about random things, she didn't even remember them.
She was exhausted. But she had a business to run. There was also the possibility of creatures needing her help. The full moon was coming up in a few days, and she knew that at this time of year, werewolves often accidentally hurt themselves.
She also needed to focus her mind on something else, only for a few hours.
And anyway, she had no information. She didn't know where Jin, Namjoon, and her other soulmates lived, whom she didn't even know yet. 
And then, let's imagine she found herself facing Jin., what would she do? He wouldn't even recognize her. He would see her crying and not even understand why.
She might be his soul mate, but to him, she was yet a stranger.
Maybe it was better if she didn't see them again. Maybe Namjoon would never talk about her after their catastrophic first meeting yesterday, and go on with his life as if nothing had ever happened. Maybe that was the only way.
She sighed and left her apartment after taking a quick shower and changing her clothes. She walked down the stairs to her bookstore and turned the sign to announce that it was officially open.
She had done what she did every day: arranged and dusted the books on the shelves, correctly tidied and cleaned the various crystals, watered her plants, collected the petals and fruit from some of them, dried them for later, and made them into ingredients for future potions or spells and finally, swept the bookshop.
Her day was like any other, except maybe she was more clumsy than usual. She would have liked to blame it on tiredness, but she knew very well that it wasn't because of that.
A dark spot outside caught her eye. In front of one of the windows, sitting and staring into her bookstore, a cat.
Oh, it wasn't just any cat. It was much bigger than the cats she was used to seeing. It was also more graceful and probably the most beautiful black cat she had ever seen in her life.
She was completely mesmerized by this cat, so much so that she put her ballet down against her counter and approached the door she had opened.
She was used to this kind of situation. Stray cats often came to visit her. She got into the habit of feeding them, giving them water, and even healing them if they arrived injured, which, fortunately, was much rarer.
"Hey kitty," she murmured in a soft voice, a little smile on her face, “are you hungry? or thirsty? come in, I'll take care of you.”
She didn't dare approach the cat, she didn't know if he was afraid and would run away if she tried to touch him, or even be aggressive. She didn't want him to go away either, strangely though. She didn't want to be alone.
So she walked away from him, leaving the door open behind her, and went into the back room to get a bowl and a bottle of water.
When she came back, the cat was not only in the bookstore, but he was sitting on the counter. He was seated with his back straight, his dark eyes staring at her intensely.
She didn't know why, but she suddenly felt intimidated by this cat.
She approached him, and put down the bowl to fill it with water. She then walked away to put the ballet away.
And then the truth hit her.
He couldn't be a real cat. Well, yes, of course, it was a cat. But she felt something coming out of him, something magical and mystical.
Something supernatural. Like a shape-shifter.
She turned her head towards him, silently observing the animal that lapped up the water with an almost disconcerting slowness and tranquility.
She took a long breath and the cat raised his head, hearing her, and ran his tongue over his lips, his eyes resting on her.
That deep, dark look. No, even if she was exhausted, it couldn't be the look of a simple cat. Her witch senses were tingling, she couldn't ignore them. She had crossed paths with many shape-shifters in her life, she knew the signs. 
“I know you’re not an ordinary cat,” she finally said to him with a soft, non-accusatory voice, sitting in her chair in front of him, “I’m a witch, a very, very old witch to be honest, you’re not the first metamorph I met,” she adds with a small laugh. 
The cat’s ears bent slightly at the sound of her voice, he blinked slowly, without taking his eyes off her. 
“Are you stuck in your animal form?” She asks, resting her chin on the palm of her hand, “I can help you.”
It took only a few seconds before the cat came a little closer to her. 
Namjoon was right, our new soul mate is a person with a big heart and breathtaking beauty. 
A deep, raspy, and seductive voice echoed in her head. She frowned, slightly confused, as she looked around. Eventually, she realized where the voice was coming from. 
Wait. He said Namjoon's name, didn't he? It can't be... 
Did you genuinely think he wouldn't tell us about you and your first meeting? Come on, sweetheart, we've been waiting for you for so long. 
She took one step back, and another. Honestly, yes, she thought he wouldn't talk about her. 
She couldn't deny that his last words warmed her heart. So, had they been looking for her, too? 
He also asked us to wait…
He continued, turning his back on her to jump off the counter.
I mean, before coming to meet you. But I am his elder after all, why should I obey him? I love Namjoon with all my soul, but he asks too much from us when it’s about you, our precious and pretty soul mate. 
She heard him chuckle and looked down at him. She breathed deeply. She breathed in, and out, slowly. She was trying to calm the rhythm of her heart which was fast, too fast. 
Ah, maybe it's talking to a cat that disturbs you and makes you speechless? You knew from the beginning that I was a shapeshifter, didn't you? 
She shook her head slightly to recover her senses. 
“Not really, I thought you were a real cat at first” she admits, “and no, it’s not the first time I’m talking to a metamorph and... even if I did, it wouldn't be the weirdest thing I've done in my life. But, can you…” 
Oh, yeah, sure. Sorry.
It wasn't talking to a cat that troubled her the most. She was curious. Curious to see what he looked like. What her soul mate looked like.
In the blink of an eye, it was not a black cat that was facing her anymore, but a man. A very handsome man. His beauty was just as breathtaking as Namjoon's but in a different way. Black hair, pale skin, thin facial features, yeah, he was beautiful. Moreover, he was stunning.
Shit, if they were all as handsome as Jin, Namjoon and this guy, she was in trouble.
His gaze was the same as in his cat form. Piercing, quite dark, but now she could read something else in it. Tenderness.
Seeing her reaction, a smirk appeared at the corner of his lips. He ran a hand through his hair and took a step towards her. 
"Thanks for the water, by the way, I was very thirsty." he bowed his head with a slight smile and a soft voice that made her shiver, "I'm Min Yoongi, it's very nice to finally meet you, Y/n."
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cookiesuga55 · 10 months
Cookie Jar 🍪
Masterlist of bite-sized prompts, ships, and fics to devour
Full Feasts: Fics on AO3
Winter Gains (Hybrid AU, Winter Weight, Bun Koo, Tiger Tae)
The Darkness I Love (Vampire Koo, Shadow Demon Joon)
Love You Can Handle (College AU, Online Relationship, Taekook)
The Gingerbread House (Hansel and Gretel AU, hybrids, dark w/g)
Stuffed Full of Love (Camboy/Mukbang AU, Namkook)
Doughy Delights: Longer scenes to enjoy
Home Cooking, parts 1 and 2 (Namkook)
A Helping Hand: Seokjin's Feedism Cookbook (Seokjin)
Full of Life (Minimoni)
Under the Harvest Moon (Namkook)
A Seed of Doubt (Namkook)
Hunk Himbo x Slutty Kitty (Jikook)
Weighting for Love (Namkook)
Weight of the World (Jikook)
Royal Pet (Namkook)
Holiday Fluff (Yoonkook)
Jungkook's Guide to Surviving as a Single Omega (Namkook)
Hot Tub(by) (Jikook)
Primping for a Night Out (Jikook)
A Day All to Myself (Koo)
Chemistry Class (Namjin)
Weight Gain Denial pt. 1 (Koo)
Weight Gain Denial pt. 2 (Jikook)
Soft Feeder Yoongi (Yoonkook)
"You're Looking Well-Fed" (Taekook)
Breeding Bloat: ABO (Taekook)
Sugar Daddy Jin: Ask (Jinkook)
Sweeter than Sweet pt. 1 (Namkook)
Sweeter than Sweet pt. 2 (Namkook)
Snack Packs: Imagines and AUs
Porking Up (Namkook)
A Few Years and a Few Hundred Pounds (Namjin)
Home-cooking pt. 1 (Namkook)
Weight of Love (Taekook)
Breeding Bloat: ABO (Namkook)
Drinks on Me (Jikook)
Good Things Take Time (Jikook)
Subscription Gainer (Koo)
Muscle Chub (Koo)
Try it on for Size (Jinkook)
Body Worship (Jikook)
Buffet Dates (Vmin)
More to Love (Minimoni)
Stuffed to Perfection (Joonie)
Greek Gods (Jikook)
People Say They Look Like Their Pets (Koo and Bahmi)
3-way: Namjinkook
Muscle (Koo) Chub (Joon)
Taekook Thread (ft. bulletproofscales)
BubbleBlob (Taekook)
Bulking Gone Right (Koo)
Meetcute (Taekook)
Science Nerd x Jock (Jikook)
Gaming Gains (Koo)
Weight Training (Jikook)
Royal Prince Jungkook
Open Mindset (Taekook)
Freshman 15? ...50? (Koo)
College Chub (Koo)
Courting Season (Jikook)
Cookie Crumbs: Small Prompts
Autumn Chub (Jinkook)
Cream Before Bed (Koo)
Room to Grow (Namkook)
Tummy Love (WolfJoon)
Confident Chub (Jikook)
Hybrid Winter Gain (Koo)
Self Love (Koo)
Chubby Vampires (Taekook)
Self-Realization (Namkook)
Muffin Thread (ft. Huev0)
Xoxo, Sugar Cookie
🐞Side blog for all BTS dark feedism endeavors:
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kithtaehyung · 2 years
Hello writer… Ryen is it? Sorry kinda nervous I don’t do this kind of things… my wife forced me to do this, she said something about people wanting to hear a man’s perspective… thoughts…? About your story so yeah here I am 😂 Hello
I started to read your story mainly out of curiosity, my wife likes to read a lot, on line and of line and I’m always willing to listen to her rant about the characters or stories she reads, it makes her happy and that’s the main goal am i right? so when she started to tell me about your story, first of all I was a bit shocked, it’s very… risqué😂 and I teased her because she was basically reading porn… 😂 but then she told me how it developed, and I was even more intrigued so after I listened to her talk, and of course after a lot of teasing she told me “shut the fuck off and read it, it’s good” her exact fine words… so I did.
First of all… I understand tangerine man (Yoongi) as a man that once felt unworthy of the love and affection of a perfect girl (talking about my wife… making it clear in case she reads this 😅) I understand where he’s coming from. you see there’s a voice inside your head that keeps telling you you’ll never be good enough, and let me tell you…that fucking voice makes you act stupid, even say things that you don’t mean but mostly makes you so fucking scared and lonely…
I would say my favorite chapter was his interlude it really dived into his internal struggles and man did I feel… I don’t know… understood?
I sympathized with him after all I was on his shoes once… not that long ago honestly, so yeah, I sympathize with Yoongi, and I really like how your main character is trying her best to understand him, it’s nice to read about a girl that has that patience, determination and kindness, because let me tell you there’s a lot of shitty people that don’t even try to understand the demons that their partners battle with… (Not talking about you dear wife…have to make it clear or she might cut my balls off) Moving on …probably there’s a lot of shit that they, my man Yoongi and reader, will have to endure but hopefully they know that at the end it’s so fucking worth it…
Shit, Your story hits really close to home…
I hope this makes sense, keep the good work, and yeah bye 👋🏻
—I don’t know how to name myself, Ki told me I had to use an emoji…? I don’t know you can choose something if you’ll like.
P.S. Keep your imagination wild please… kinda benefits me… if you know what I mean 😉 (Sorry dear but it’s true)😂 ✌🏻
Holy crap. I... I don't even know what to say? This is incredible feedback and I'm having a bit of an out of body experience right now wow! This is more than I could ever ask for, so thank you for taking the time to say all of these things (and for even reading in the first place!) All my love to you and your lovely wife who I am dubbing a queen already ahahahah. Thoughts and response under the readmore!
I started to read your story mainly out of curiosity, my wife likes to read a lot, on line and of line and I’m always willing to listen to her rant about the characters or stories she reads, it makes her happy and that’s the main goal am i right? so when she started to tell me about your story, first of all I was a bit shocked, it’s very… risqué😂 and I teased her because she was basically reading porn… 😂 but then she told me how it developed, and I was even more intrigued so after I listened to her talk, and of course after a lot of teasing she told me “shut the fuck off and read it, it’s good” her exact fine words… so I did.
I will admit that there is definitely a lot of spice in here. But it's so much more than that, and I'm glad she was able to convey that to you in a very lovely way (her wording made me laugh out loud, incredible LOLL)
First of all… I understand tangerine man (Yoongi) as a man that once felt unworthy of the love and affection of a perfect girl (talking about my wife… making it clear in case she reads this 😅) I understand where he’s coming from. you see there’s a voice inside your head that keeps telling you you’ll never be good enough, and let me tell you…that fucking voice makes you act stupid, even say things that you don’t mean but mostly makes you so fucking scared and lonely…
If you understand Yoongi in that way, I'm both proud as a writer but also quite sad as a person. Obviously I wish you never felt that way, but I've seen it so many times. Even I myself found myself thinking those thoughts and hearing that voice in my head - saying stupid things, acting out in ways that are just not good. It's a universal feeling but.. to hear that you connect with him? Damn. I truly don't have the words to describe everything I feel. (Also, "tangerine man" makes me so happy LOL)
I would say my favorite chapter was his interlude it really dived into his internal struggles and man did I feel… I don’t know… understood?
Let me tell you about the interlude: it ripped me to shreds getting inside this man's head. It's dark in there, it's foggy and alarming. But there's also so much good in there - just like for you, too. He was being so protective, he was thinking about reader so much. If only he wasn't so horribly hard on himself.. But. You got out of that, and I know he can, as well.
I sympathized with him after all I was on his shoes once… not that long ago honestly, so yeah, I sympathize with Yoongi, and I really like how your main character is trying her best to understand him, it’s nice to read about a girl that has that patience, determination and kindness, because let me tell you there’s a lot of shitty people that don’t even try to understand the demons that their partners battle with… (Not talking about you dear wife…have to make it clear or she might cut my balls off) Moving on …probably there’s a lot of shit that they, my man Yoongi and reader, will have to endure but hopefully they know that at the end it’s so fucking worth it…
You're right about there being people out there that won't even try to understand. OR they give up after a few attempts and dub things not worth it. But if you find the right person, they are gonna stay and fight and that feeling of having someone there for you is indescribable. I bet your wife is fantastic just from how you talk about her! ARGH you're both so cool. And yes, it seems like things may be a constant battle even if they get better, but I believe in them. You're right, it really is so fucking worth it.
Shit, Your story hits really close to home…
Three Tangerines is a story about life. Humans just getting through despite all the shit that they go through. If it hits close to home? For anyone reading it? Just know that there is also a theme of hope here.
Ki is an expert on this blog already! I can give you the 📖 emoji (and oh trust me, there is so much more to.. explore with these two so look forward to more!)
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marenski · 1 year
i haven’t really been active here but i wanna take this time to share my feelings about yoongi and d-day.
because boy do i have all the feelings right now.
i’m currently at the office where i work, running with only caffeine in my veins and my constant anger— at everyone, at the world, at myself. i haven’t felt peace in a while; not even the word quiet can ever be associated with me because the silence i harbor in me is deafening.
perhaps it is one of the reasons why i feel the most kinship to yoongi among all the idols i’ve been a fan of. or shall i say agust d? at this point, it doesn’t matter to me. it never really did. these personas make up the min yoongi we know. the min yoongi that i know.
he mentioned once that his music was mainly fueled by his anger before; that he’s became mellow and softened around the edges. he was brutal with his words and spared no fucks to anyone, and he’s now more vulnerable than ever but this time with an ache of tenderness in every line, even if he criticizes the society and the way we live in conformity and self-indulgence.
i have been playing his new album since its release and there’s a quiet sense of comfort that always seeps in every time i listen to it— and my heart sings… and cries and screams and loves and dreams.
but most importantly, it hopes for better things.
it’s so easy to just say fuck this, i am out and escape to wherever we think is safest; to say i am tired of this shit and just fucking go. i could’ve done it. yoongi could’ve done it… but he didn’t. so there’s no reason for me to do it, too. compared to the suffering he went through (his accident, his struggle with his anxiety and depression, his parents’ health crisis) and the courage it took for him to share his utmost inner battles for the past few years, i have no right to take the easy way out. he survived the hardest of backhanded slaps from life, and he’s still fighting every day to be here. i have no right.
but then his music says it’s okay to say you’re tired when you are; to quit when you’re done. it’s okay to cry, to suffer, to dream— because he will always be there to back you up and encourage you.
how fucking comforting is that? in a world where people prefer more to suffer alone, yoongi is right there to carry the load with you. he’s there to hold your hand and pat you in the back for every day of trying your damn hardest. it brings tears to my eyes knowing he feels this deeply, this genuinely about life even if he has taken the short end of the stick multiple times.
this entire body of work he has generously shared with us all is a testament to his healing. and i marvel at the thought of him accepting the fact that he’ll never be free from his demons, but he’s now stronger than ever to confront it and accept it as a part of him.
i am moved to my core. my eyes are sore from watching the music video to amygdala last night, my colleagues are looking at me funny because of my puffy red eyes; but my heart flutters with joy and elation. he means so much to me, he and his 6 brothers, and i hope he gets all the happiness in the world because he deserves it more than anything else.
i wish him peace, as much as i wish it for myself. i wish i have the tenacity he has; the fucking guts. one day, maybe.
agust d, suga, min yoongi— thank you, you absolute genius motherfucker. i owe you this one.
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angelicyoongie · 2 years
FIRST OF ALL: lovesick IS one of the best fics I’ve read on here period. no ifs ands or buts.
SECONDABLE: I love love loved this chapter. I love that I can feel for both Reader and (some) of the boys. I love that I can feel and understand Reader’s hatred, anger, and despair (and I love that you didn’t let her give up without a fight!). The feelings I have are so conflicting and you wrote them so well. I love that I can sympathize with JK, Jin, Namjoon and even Taehyung while rooting for Reader’s escape. Bc while I can acknowledge that the boys just want her love and affection, I also understand Reader feeling helpless and trapped. Thank you for not letting Reader lose her fight and smarts while being captured.
THIRDLY: Reader is so damn strong. Stronger than me even. I don’t think I would have been able to stop myself from punching the shit out of Taehyung if he tried to kiss me, or throwing a carrot at Jimin’s head after his smugness (this is the anon that called him a little asshole btw. I love Jimin but I want Reader to fuck him up so bad.) I also love how she tried to keep her composure and manipulate Namjoon into taking her away. +1 for her intelligence!
I feel so so bad for Reader though. I wonder how the boys are gonna treat her now? If they’re gonna be even worse? I hope not, bc there’s no way they’re gonna get Reader to even like them if they up the ante and start acting crazier w her.
I can see Reader just giving up and trying to die slowly instead of fighting. Like being unresponsive, not even trying to pretend to like the boys nor talk to them. Or being even more hostile. Idk. Those are just my predictions.
Anyway. I had a lot of fun reading this chapter!
(PS: Reader is better than me bc if those demons we call Tae and Jimin tried to corner me in the kitchen talking about “do u like Jk and Yoongi more than us? 🥺” I’d be like “yeah lmao. now fuck off.”)
Thank you so much omg?? 😭😭💖💖
It makes me so happy that you enjoyed this chapter so much! I really wanted to show off the boys' delusions/hopes in contrast to the MC's despair and I think I managed that okay! I really wanted to write a MC with a lot of drive and guts that didn't submit to them at the first possible moment, so I'm having a lot of fun with her character! I've been putting her through a lot, the poor thing, but she's still fighting!
Honestly, the MC has handled all of this way better than I ever could! I would’ve lost my mind at the first letter, lmao. And oof, yeah, my quick temper could NEVER. “Little asshole” is a great way to describe ls!Jimin lol 💀 She’s a strong woman! 
Hmm, good question. They won’t necessarily hurt her, but if the MC thought they were clingy and intrusive before then she has another storm coming once she’s back to the cabin ... The MC is going to have to rethink her plan, that’s for sure! She’s tired and drained at this point, so she’ll probably “give in” to what they want while she tries to gather herself again. 
Thank you so much again!! 💖💖 (Lmao same 💀)
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lostinbirbilling · 1 year
I swore to myself that I will not journal multiple times or as frequently as I did the past few months. Although therapeutic, journaling has solidified some memories for me that I shouod be forgetting and they push me further into the loop of overthinking. Moreover, I've journaled as if I was venting out my anger in the past few months. So now, I'm trying to redeem.
But I cant stop myself from journaling one time on tumblr. Cause it's been so long.
Firstly, I've moved on from my first crush. (Or atleast, I'm beginning to move on from him)
This is a milestone in itself because I realised that I do not want to be a secret admirer for someone I talk to very frequently that too,in a filter-free manner.
Although pretty late to join the other end of the sea called "first crushes and hormonal rushes", I've realised that it's either -
You stay a secret admirer while keeping your interactions minimal
You let them know how you feel a little early in the relationship
So that you don't let the guilt of becoming a delusional take over whatever friendship you've really established enroute that's actually needed for the 2 of you but, you're too guilty when he needs you as a friend.
Learnt the lesson a really tough way, but we both have our lives moving in different paces in our unis so "it is what it is"
(I really wish we could hang out sometime soon. But I swore to not get ahead anytime soon, so)
Secondly, I began coloring in the penup app of my new tab and doodling a little albeit rarely. This got me into training my mind into being a little patient. Maybe right now I'm patient by 4% more than I was before on an average
Thirdly, I'm chronically having headaches.
It could be me stressing out or overthinking subtle things when I let my emotions and silliness take over the rationale. Also because although im not entirely a people pleaser, i have a hard time saying no and even taking it (should seriously work on better communication)
Or inadequate sleep mostly due to my inefficiency in planning things for the day or night if I'm being specific.
I should be sleeping now so I get sufficient rest for tomorrow, but I'm typing away anyways :p
Or me studying under stress! Panicking. Worrying about my future.
Or missing home and worrying about family
Or under-hydration
Or micro nutrition deficiency cause I get fatigued after I'm out in the sun, pretty easily.
So to sum everything up, my health is getting fucked up. Mental health and physical one too.
Hence the pms and pcos.
Fourthly, I read a lot than I studied in the past few months.
Be it solo leveling to begin with.
Or subtle art of not giving a fuck.
Then recently I've read It ends with us and It starts with us.
While rn I'm binging on Omniscient reader and Eaternal Nocturnal.
Even anime wise
I've watched too many it seems
Kaguya Sama
Suzume (in theatres ✨️)
Your name (rewatch, in theatres 💫, and re-rewatch in my new tab)
Your lie in april
Garden of words
Horimiya (S1)
Demon slayer (rehabilitation arc and mugen train)
I've watched many movies too
Jailer (in theatres)
Happy days
Good night
(Okay not too many but yeah more than my average in the recent times)
Now it makes sense why I get all panicky before exams. I almost never touched my books because I know, I know how the next 3 and the next 3 years of my life are gonna be like, academically
Lastly, yoongi's lines from magic shop are making so much sense to me right now that I want to turn back time and just live happily with my family but this time around - Imma take care of my parents more and show my brother I love him more and not think about growing up or idolize growing up. Cause adulting is so damn not easy! And I'm not even 21 yet (will be in a few months though)
It's tiring
You can't even blame your parents anymore (that feels morally wrong!)
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jungshookz · 6 years
For the Christmas drabbles! Can you do a Drabble with demon yoongi and yn now that we know Yoongi’s feeling on Christmas. With Yoongi being an absolute grinch because it’s CHRISTmas? Alll I want for christmassssss~~~~ is that Drabble! Thank you!!!
Tumblr media
🎄 pairing: min yoongi x reader
🎄 genre: demon!yoongi, angel!jimin, yoongi isn’t the biggest fan of christmas, yoongi is very vERy jealous of jimin, this gets a little spicy so nsFW, fluff of course
🎄 wordcount: 4.1k oof
🎄 notes: this was supposed to be a drabble but obviously i got carried away!! also a lot of u fell in love with angel!jimin (same) so he’s bACK!! 
(gif isn’t mine!)
(((and the read more function iS there but most of the time it doesn’t work on mobile :// i am sorry don’t attack me by sending passive-aggressive anon messages)))
yoongi’s always been a bit of a pessimist
it’s not his fault though!!!!!
he’s a demon
naturally he shines a more negative light on pretty much anything
and sometimes he doesn’t realise it but he takes it a little bit too far when he’s joking around and poking fun at your ‘dumb human traditions’
it’s just that he’s never really celebrated christmas before so he doesn’t take it as seriously as you do!!
“look at this poor, mangled tree. you should’ve left it in the forest where it belongs.” yoongi shakes his head as you hand him another bauble to put up
you suppress a sigh and roll your eyes as you bend down to pick up an ornament for yourself
it’s almost christmas which is your favourite time of the year!!!!
being surrounded by loved ones while enjoying sugar cookies and hot chocolate and opening up gifts is just!! it’s so wonderful and you take christmas very veRy seriously
and this is yoongi’s first christmas so you decided you wanted to make it extra special so you decided to put up the tree today even though you were going to save it for next week
also you’re a little tired from lectures today and your bones ache but sTILL you were like NopE today is the day that the christmas decorations are going to go up and it’s going to be great
you always have a lotta fun putting up christmas decorations
usually kook is here to help but you decided that this was just going to be a special you and yoongi thing this year
plus you’ll see him at your annual christmas party anyway so
it’s a little difficult to have fun when you have a literal demon next to you yapping your ear off talking about how stupid these decorations are and how dumb christmas is and ‘why would i want to spend my own hard-earned money on other people??’
you’ve been doing fine for the past two hours
tuning yoongi’s nonstop complaining out as you wrapped some sparkly tinsel around the stair railings
bit down on your tongue to keep yourself from yelling at yoongi as you shoved the pre-made sugar cookies into the oven
you even ignored his comments about your ‘childish’ reindeer antler headband and your ‘flashy’ snowflake earrings
but uh
now you’re 500% irritated and you don’t want to hear another complaint come out of yoongi’s mouth otherwise you’re literally going to explode out of anger
“i would rather go back to hell than put up another ornament.” yoongi mutters and looks at the candy cane ornament in his hand
that’s it
“you know what yoongi, if you don’t wanna do this, i’m not going to force you to, okay?” you snap and snatch the ornament away from yoongi and he’s like damn okay fine
he furrows his brows and watches as you aggressively hang the ornament up
“i was just kidd-“
“you’re always just kidding!!!”
someone’s grouchy
yoongi doesn’t say anything (which is a smart move) but he bends down to grab a bauble from the box of christmas tree decorations
he jumps when you kick the box out of the way gently
“why don’t you go and check on the cookies or something?” you give him a pointed look before letting out a huff
yoongi purses his lips before raising his hands in defence
he turns to look at you over his shoulder as he steps over the boxes and heads to the kitchen
you’re not paying attention to him at all
now that yoongi has a moment of silence to think
he can admit that maybe he’s been a bit of a scrooge the entire day and you’ve done nothing but try to make christmas as fun as possible
and it’s not fair for him to bag on these christmas traditions just because he doesn’t typically celebrate christmas down in hell
but like jesus christ is his enemy after all
big yikes energy
he feels the guilt eating at him as he watches the cookies bake in the oven
okay okay okay
what can he do to cheer you up
finish decorating the rest of the house??
no he can’t do that because you’ve pretty much decorated the entire house alone while he stood there and complained
make more cookies???
no he can’t because those cookies are pre-made and you only bought one box of them
what use is an incubus when it comes to christmas
christmas sex by the fireplace??
no he can’t because it’s noT EVEN CHRISTMAS YET and you’ve taught him that also sex doesn’t solve everything (unfortunately)
yoongi freezes when he hears something
something that makes his heart drop to his stomach
a bead of sweat roll down the side of his forehead
okay he’s being a little dramatic but-
his eyes flicker up when he hears a twinkly little laugh
oh god
he knows that laugh
yoongi buRSts out of the kitchen and nearly trips over his feet
oh for fuCK’s SAKE
“yoongi! there you are! i was wondering why the usual stench of sulphur wasn’t present in the room.” jimin grins and giggles when you whack his arm playfully “kidding!”
“what are you doing here?” yoongi huffs and crosses his arms
he bites down on the inside of his cheek when jimin bends down and plucks a bauble out of the box of decorations
you didn’t kick the box away like you did with him
“i finished my duties early so i figured i’d stop by!” jimin hums and looks at the fully decorated tree
the two of you take a step back to look at the tree
“something’s missing…” jimin furrows his brows and strokes his chin
“yoongi broke like three baubles so the bald spots are kind of unavoidable” you shrug and turn to glare and yoongi and he’s like wha- i didN’T KNOW THEY Were so deLICATE
“oh! i know!” jimin gasps and snaps his fingers and you watch in amazement as he starts levitating off the ground until he’s at the top of the tree
jimin rubs his fingers together and you squeal in excitement when a mixture of silver and white glitter starts sprinkling down from his fingers onto the tree
“oh jimin that’s perfect!!!!! i love that!!!” you gasp and jimin nods excitedly as he continues dusting the tree and adding the final touches
yoongi scoffs and rolls his eyes
what a show off  
yoongi could totally do that too
he looks down at his hands
yoongi rubs his fingers together and winces when smokey ashes start sprinkling down from his fingers
not quite the same
“anyways - what was i talking about?” jimin lands on the ground and dusts off his hands
yoongi gives him an unimpressed look and crosses his arm again before tapping his foot on the ground impatiently
“you were in the middle of telling us why you’re here in the first place”
“he already told us it’s because he finished his duties early so he figured he’d stop by - if you were even listening.” you raise a brow and yoongi resists the urge to roll his eyes
he plops down on the couch and winces when the box of decorations fall off the couch from the bounce
he picks it up quickly
luckily it was just full of tinsel
“and it looks like i stopped by at just the right time because-“ jimin pauses and sticks his finger in the air
yoongi’s like wtf r u doing u loser
and suddenly the timer from the oven goes off “-the cookies are ready!”
“ooh, let me go get those!” you grin “you’re gonna loVe them jimin they’re all shaped like angels” you clap your hands together before scurrying off to the kitchen
“oh, yoongi. yoongi yoongi yoongi.” jimin sighs and shakes his head mockingly once you disappear into the kitchen
yoongi glares up at jimin “what.”
“you messed up big time, didn’t you?”
“i did no such thing”
“then why is y/n so mad at you?”
“she’s not mad at me and it’s none of your business”
“is it because you were being your usual grouchy self?” jimin tilts his head and yoongi’s like u already knOW it’s because i was being my usual grouchy self u dick
“you might be wondering why i came when i did” jimin starts cleaning up loose glitter and tinsel on the floor
“you already said it’s because you finished your-“
“one of my most important duties is making sure y/n is happy, you know.” jimin stands up quickly and holds up a finger
and yoongi’s like ? no it’s not
“…what do u mean”
“oh, haven’t you heard? i’m her guardian angel now. no longer just an angel - i’ve been promoted to guardian angel and they assigned me to y/n which means you’ll be seeing me around a lot more often. did she not tell you?”
yoongi can feel himself growing red from anger
“now now - no need to start a fire” jimin pats the top of yoongi’s head because it’s literally starting to sizzle and smoke up “so i’m going to need you to stay out of the way for a couple of hours so that i can improve y/n’s mood. i’ve already increased it significantly but i’d like for it to be at 100% before i leave.”
“are you implying that i don’t make her happy?” yoongi stands up and towers over jimin and jimin purses his lips before shrugging  
“i mean i’m not not implying that.”
that’s it
yoongi’s going to RIP jimin’s wings right off his back
“jiminie!!!!! i brought a cookie for you they’rE so good” you pop out of the kitchen before yoongi can luRch forward and strangle jiminiE
“they smell very good!”
you break off a piece of the cookie and hold it up to feed jimin and he takes it happily
yoongi automatically assumes that the other half is for him and he opens his mouth expectantly
you raise a brow at him before popping the other half into your own mouth
you chew
you swallow
and yoongi’s still standing there with an open mouth
“you can help yourself to a cookie. now - where were we?” you turn and wander back to jimin and jimin gives yoongi a knowing smirk
yoongi clenches his fist before letting out a huff and crossing his arms
“oh! the star! how could i forget about the most important part of the tree??” you take the glimmering gold star out of the box and hold it up “jimin, do you wanna put it up?”
wait but u said that yOONgi could put it up
this is supposed to be his thing!!
in fact this whole decorating thing was supposed to be your guys’ thing!!!!!!!!!
like yA he was being a dick but u made a promise and u can’t break ur promise like thIS
“wait but-“ yoongi pauses when you and jimin turn to look at him
he clears his throat
“i, uh, i thought you said that i could put up the star?” he scratches the back of his neck and avoids your gaze
“yeah. and?” you blink at yoongi and put a hand on your hip
yeah and
that’s your response
the two of you are having this silent veRy very intense stare down and jimin’s like [sweat] because you’re obviously not scared of yoongi even though you’re well aware of his capabilities as a literal demon
“fine. let jimin put your stupid star up.” yoongi snarls and you see his eyes flicker to black before he disappears into a cloud of smoke
if you let jimin put the damn star up you might as well start DAtinG Him tOO
he’s already your stupid guardian angel so taking it to a romantic level wouldn’t be out of the ordinary!! much more normal than a human willingly being in a romantic relationship with an incubus
he hAtes this
he’s always been a little insecure about himself being a demon and all
and when jimin comes around with all his perfectness and his twinkles and glitter and warmth it makes yoongi feel like shit even tho it’s not jimin’s fault like yeah he’s an angel he’s supposed to be a figure of perfection
and now you and jimin are decorating the tree together which was supposed to be your guys’ thing but apparently not anymore!!!!!!
yoongi wants to live in purgatory for the rest of his life
you jump in surprise when yoongi disappears so suddenly
he hasn’t done that in a while
he only goes into purgatory when something’s really really bugging him
maybe u took it a little too far
u were a little rough on him
but to be fair hE started it- okAy but you should’ve taken the high road even tho u were frustrated you’re well aware that yoongi’s personality is just naturally like that and he’s been trained to think of jesus christ as his enemy so u can see why he keeps poking fun at all the traditions
you let out a sigh and toss the star onto the couch before turning to look at jimin who’s currently twirling a sprig of mistletoe between his fingers
“yoongi?” you poke your head into the bedroom
you’ve checked everywhere else in the house but yoongi’s nowhere to be found
you thought that maybe he was just chilling in a room somewhere but obviously not
jimin left a while ago but u sent him off with some cookies and a kiss on the cheek (which probably wasn’t the best thing to do lol)
he told u about the whole guardian angel thing a while ago and yEs of course you were ecstatic about it but then u could see why yoongi would be upset about you not talking to him about that
you shut the bedroom door behind you
“look, i don’t know if you’re listening to me right now or not - i sure hope you are otherwise i look like an idiot talking to myself. i’m sorry, alright? i shouldn’t have broken my promise and i know i was being a little too petty, i admit it. can you come back now? i miss u” you murmur that last part and scratch the back of your neck when you’re met with silence
how come you didn’t tell me about jimin becoming your guardian angel?
you jump when you hear yoongi’s voice
he’s still in purgatory
“if you come back i’ll tell you”
you roll your eyes
don’t roll your eyes at me
“i didn’t tell you because i didn’t think it’d be a big deal. so what if jimin’s my guardian angel?? who cares??” you sigh exasperatedly “i don’t think i even need a guardian angel because i already have yoU but it’s always good to have extra protection. don’t you want me to be safe?”
i’m perfectly capable of keeping you safe
“i know you are, yoongs. but you know what the difference is?”
he has wings and i don’t? he’s an angel and i’m not? everyone celebrates him but everyone fears me??-
“i like jimin but i love you”
you’re met with nothing but silence and understandably you start getting a little nervous
you’re about to say something along the lines of ‘i meaN when i say love i mean like i really reALLy like u’ but all of a sudden yoongi poofs up and appears sitting on the edge of the bed
he clears his throat and avoids your gaze but you can see that his cheeks are a little flushed
yoongi??? blushing???????? the world must be ENDING
“ʸᵒᵘ ˡᵒᵛᵉ ᵐᵉˀ” he squeaks out and you can’t fight the FAT grin on your face
“of course i love u” you rock back and forth on your heels and offer him a cute smile and his heart exploDes “don’t you love me?”
yoongi coughs into his fist and his eyes flicker toward the door
he physically cannot look you in the eye other wise he’s going to melt into a puddle of goop
“ᵒᶠ ᶜᵒᵘʳˢᵉ ᶦ ˡᵒᵛᵉ ᵘ ᵗᵒᵒ”
he coughs again and finally looks up at you
“of course i love you too.”
“so,, am i forgiven?” you purse your lips and take a little step closer to him
yoongi gives you an unimpressed look “did you just tell me you loved me so that it’d be easier for me to forgive you?”
“i’m realising that’s how it seems buT i have a peace offering for you too” you reach into your back pocket and pull out the sprig of mistletoe that jimin was playing with earlier
you hold it above your head and smile and yoongi expectantly and he’s like ?
“.,.,,is that a weed”
“it’s mistletoe! i’m holding it over my head so u have to kiss me and thaT’s the rule.”
another silly christmas tradition
yoongi scoffs and leans back against his palms
you pout and look up at the mistletoe you’re holding above your head “you can’t not kiss me. that’s not how mistletoe works”
yoongi let out a sigh before shaking his head and gesturing for you to come closer
the holiday season is about forgiveness after all
“c’mere, you dummy” yoongi murmurs and you immediately swoops down to plant your lips against his
“see, i can get into the christmas spirit” yoongi purrs and pulls you down so that you’re straddling him
you giggle and give him another kiss
“do you, um, do you forgive me too?” yoongi asks sheepishly and reaches up to scratch the back of his neck
“mm, i dunno…” you tease “you were being a real dick today” you sigh “and you were being super immature around jimin-“
“sTop talking about jimin” yoongi whines and grabs your hips before pushing you down on the bed
you giggle as your head flops against the mattress
“just tell me u foRgive meEe” yoongi hovers over you and rubs his nose against yours
he already knows you’ve forgiven him but he needs to hear it otherwise he’ll feel bad
u know how earlier yoongi said that you taught him sex doesn’t solve everything
he’s about to prove that that is nOt entirely true
“forgive me now?” yoongi sighs against your neck and rolls his hips against yours
you’re not thAt weak you’re not giving in that easily
“nope” you tsk and let out a bored sigh
you feel yoongi’s hand slither down and whOops your jeans have just been undone
“forgive me… now?” yoongi’s hand slides into your panties and he smirks against your neck because it definitely feELs like you’ve forgiven him
o h
maybe you’re a lot weaker than u originally thought
you feel a thrill down your spine when yoongi eases a finger into you without warning
“n-no..” you gasp and arch your back against the mattress and yoongi’s other hand comes up and he intertwines his fingers with yours
he presses a kiss behind your jaw and hums as you rock your hips into his hand
you whine when another finger slips into you alongside the other very easily
“you take my fingers so well, baby” yoongi praises and your hips twitch up from the bed
yoongi pulls away from you and leans back on his heels but he keeps his eyes glued on you
you look like you just stepped out of his wildest wet dream
your lips are slick and swollen from his kisses and you’ve got small blooms of blues and purples on your neck and your chest
your chest is rising up and down rapidly and soft whimpers and moans tumble from your lips as your fingers dig into the plush pillow behind you
he wants nothing more than to push into you and fuck you like there’s no tomorrow but he’ll start off with making you cum with his fingers before he gets to that
yoongi tilts his head and watches your eyelashes flutter when his thumb starts rubbing quick circles over your clit
“jimin could never make you feel this good, could he?”
oh god
you can barely breathe because your head is spinning with pleasure
“answer me, baby” yoongi grunts when your walls clench tighter around his fingers
he leans back down and starts pressing warm kisses to the spot under your ear
“no, n-no, he could never make me feel as good as you do” you manage to get out and yoongi smirks against your skin before he starts to double his efforts and concentration on that spot
“and you forgive me now?” his thumb starts rubbing quickEr circles over your clit and he pushes your hips down when they buck up
“yes, yesyesyEs i forgive y-you-!”
“mm, good girl” yoongi tuts and slams his fingers in before curling them upwards and oH fuCk you’re gonna cum like really reaLLY sOOn-
a sharp cry leaves your throat when the tension finally snaps and you cum a loT harder than ever before
you’re pretty sure your soul leaves your body for like a split second
yoongi hisses because your walls tighten significantly around his fingers and he takes his bottom lip in between his teeth as he fucks you through your orgasm
your thighs are trembling and your body is twitching slightly and you know what yoongi could stop there and let you relax for a bit but
he is a devil of a boy
which is how he ends up making you have anoTher orgasm right after this first one
except this time he makes you cum with his mouth because he wanted to spice it up a little
“you did so good for me, baby” yoongi wiggles you into a pair of clean panties before leaning down and pressing a kiss against your mouth and flopping down next to you
“i hate you” you pant softly and yoongi grins and turns to look at you and your flushed cheeks
“that’s not what u said when my face was buried in between your legs”
yoongi now knows what his favourite christmas tradition is
it starts with a mistle and ends with a toe
now thAT’s the good kush
hold up a tiny little weed above someone’s head and the person has to kiss you??? genius
but uh
you have to admit
yoongi’s having a little too much fun with mistletoe
but you can’t get mad at him because he’s finally interested in a christmas tradition
you’ve been giving him kisses all day which is not what you’re complaining about because you loVe kissing your boyfriend
but like
u have so much to do to prepare for christmas and yoongi is being very distracting
at one point you ended up making out on the couch for like ten minutes and when you were like ok i have to go buy more baubles for the tree yoongi whIPPed the mistletoe out from his back pocket and held it over you and was like!!! u have to kiss me!!! u said those were the rules!!!
“oh y/n~” yoongi sing-songs and you let out a sigh as you pull the cookies out of the oven
“yes, yoongi?” you set the cookies down before turning to face him and peeling the oven mitts off
“come n give me another kiss” yoongi wiggles his brows as he holds the mistletoe above his crotch
🎄the twelve drabbles of christmas! 🎄
❄️do you have a special christmas request? ❄️
445 notes · View notes
ggukkieland · 3 years
📕BTS Fic Reads - 2021 July
Sharing all the fics read and loved the month of July! It was a busy month for me and I actually just realized I am so late in posting my usual monthly reading list. I also read more ongoing fics I am subscribed to (which means I reblogged more on 🌹ggukkieland than 🌷ggukkiereads).
If you are a reader like me and you stumbled upon this list, please reblog author’s fics and share these stories too =)
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Note: if link doesn’t work, click on author and go to their masterlist
🥕 Ongoing - most recent chapter [as of date this list was posted] 🥕 Completed - completed one shots | series 🥕 S - smut | F - fluff | A - angst
↳ ALL Members listed  (60+ fics)
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🥕 [Ongoing Series]
↬ Seokjin
Make it Right @eatjeanjin​ - series [1/?] | 1.6k+ | Time Travel AU, Cursed!OC, feat Taehyung (best friend) | a
↬ Yoongi
Let Me Love You @meanyoongi​ - series [2/?] | 14.9k+ | fwb, secret relationship, kind of enemies to lovers | a, s, f
Monachopsis @personasintro​ - series [2/?] | 8.6k+ | husband’s brother yoongi, OC and husband trying to have a baby, sort of sperm donor!yoongi | s, a
Need to Know @minyfic - series [4/?] | 13.2k+ | CEO AU, Sugar Daddy AU, softdom, age gap | s, f, a
Set Me Free @secretum-scriptor​ - series [4/?] | 27k+ | arranged marriage, heiress!oc, rich au, fake relationship, CEO Yoongi | a, f, s
Stuck @joonscypher​ - two shot [1/2] | 11.2k+ | part of the Sons of Midas Collab, chaebol au, heir au, rich au, arranged marriage | a (so far)
Your Voice @burningupp​ - 📱 SMAU | music au, cafe au, yoongi heard her sing | a, f
↬ Hoseok
Kitsune @kpopsithereasonihavenolife - series [5/?] | 82k+ | demon hunter au, feudal Japan, enemies to lovers, action | a
↬ Jimin
Half-bitten @eureka-its-zico​ - series [5/?] | 30k+ | Vampire AU, Witch!OC, Supernatural AU, eventual poly on Ch 5 (heavy smut this part 🔥💦 - Jungkook x Reader, Namjoon x Reader)
Into It @xpeachesncream​ - series [2/?] | 15k+ | grad school au, idiots to lovers, strangers to lovers, fake dating of some sort (couples counseling but they are strangers) | a, future s
Lose Myself to Find You @jinpanman​ - series [1/?] | 4.4k+ | ex-villain!jimin, fairy tale keeper!oc, enemies to lovers (sort of), fantasy | f, a
The Misadventures List @kimvvantae​ - series [2/?] | 14k+ | convenience store worker!oc, rich/chaebol Jimin, fake dating au, comedy | f, future s
↬ Taehyung
Bloom @1kook - series [1/?] | 4.3k | regency era, historical, princess!oc x knight!taehyung | a, f, future s
Flavours @jjkpls - series [9/?] | 18k+ | coworker au, enemies to lovers (like toxic and they trash talk each other type of enemies), fuckboy!taehyung | s, a
Gossamer @aroseforyoongi - series [6/?] | 63k+ | Hybrid AU, Taehyung is experiment 1230 | a, s (this is a repost/write)
The Island @taestefully-in-luv​ - series [10/?] | 99.4k+ | strangers to lovers, enemies to lovers, soulmate au, roommate au, slow burn, two people thrown in an island for research (according to research they are soulmates) | f, a, s (please go to author’s masterlist for the rest of the chapters)
What The Water Gave Me @snackhobi​ - two shot [1/?] 8k+ | God AU, Fantasy AU, with steampunk elements, vigilante reader
White Lies @yoonia - series [4/?] | 20.6k+ | childhood friends au, best friend au | a, s (I remember reading bits of this years (???) ago and thank you for revamping this =))
↬ Jungkook
All that Glitters @minyfic​ - series [7/?] | 41.4k+ | Fuckboy AU, College AU, Jungkook used to be a sweet dude turned fuckboy, unrequited love (for OC), heavy angst (not expecting nor wanting Jungkook for OC honestly), eventual series sequel for OC!! | s, a
Candy Cane Ache @monvante​ - two shot [1/?] | 4k+ | The Proposal AU, fake dating, boss au, editor au, assistant au | a, eventual s
Code of Conduct @go1denjeon​ - series [8/?] | 38k+ | mafia au, yandere-ish, godfather references (the movie, yes), oc’s brother yoongi  | a
Concentric @gingerpeachtae - series [26/27] | 236k+ | fantasy enemies to lovers, dark fantasy | a, s, f
Devilman @koo1uvr - series [1/?] | 12.7k+ | Devilman AU, Bestfriend AU, Track Runner AU, Horror/Gore | a, s, f (this is part of my past reading list but author reposted in a new blog and I had to re-read =)
In Another Life @lil-meow-meow-goes-rawr - series [8/?] | 28k+ | fantasy, pirate au, time travel, magic | f, a
It Was Always You @namjooningelsewhere​ - series [2/?] | 4.7k+ | College AU, Strangers to Lovers, Exes AU | F, A (no masterpost yet, check part 2 here)
Live Through This @starshapedkookie​ - series [1/?] | 22.5k+ | Exes AU, Enemies to Lovers, Punk AU | A, S
Mean Girls Finish Last @herherteartear​ - 📱 SMAU | fuckboy, stuntman!jungkook x mean girl!oc | f, suggestive pics
Nerve @adonis-koo - series [1/?] | 9.5k+ | thriller, mystery, memory lapse (OC woke up in mysterious room), dark | a, eventual s
Not His Type @writerforkpop - 📱 SMAU | College AU, enemies to lovers, kind of bet au (jungkook is a player and OC/friends made a bet they can make him notice her) | a, eventual f
Nuisance @seokahwrites​ - series [2/?] | 12.8k+ | enemies to lovers, lawyer!oc, lawyer!jungkook, vacation au (they got stuck in the cruise, only one room, thanks to OC’s assistant Seokjin), humor | f, future s (? not really sure)
Only Fools @yonkimint - 📱 SMAU | College OT7, unrequited love (OC), she’s the best friend’s nerdy cousin, costume party, catfish, crack | f
Platinum Panther @arcticmarshmallow​ -  series? [1/?] | 27.4k+ | Rich AU, spoiled!reader, single dad!jungkook, boss jungkook, age gap (but it’s only three years so it’s not really that muchof an age gap) | s, a, f
Puddle of Love @btssmutgalore - series [3/?] | 30.2k+ | Rocker AU, Singer!OC, Band AU, Bad Boy AU, Friends to Lovers, Slow Burn | a, future s, future f  02 03
Right Here @shukakoo​ - drabble series [4/?] | 3.9k+ | Best Friend AU, Jungkook recently broke up with GF, kind of slow burn? (JK fell out of love with GF but not exactly in that I’m in love with my best friend yet) | a, f, eventtual s
Risque @mercurygguk​ - series [1/?] | 9.2k+ | Age Gap AU, kinda spoiled/tease OC, Office AU, Jungkook is employer of her dad | s, a
Shadows of Euphoria @cinnabun-faerie​ [5/?] | 9.5k+ | Demon!Jungkook, feat. Taehyung, part of the Your Eyes Tell OT7 series, Soulmate AU | a, f
Stream Simulator @minloop - series [1/?] + drabbles + time stamps | 6.6k+ | streamer au, gamer au, established relationship | f
Superblood Wolfmoon @ironicarmy​ - series [4/?] | 18k+ | werewolf au, a/b/o dynamics, alpha!jungkook, soulmate au, fantasy, mystery | a, future s
Sway Me More @hoseokmylovesworld​ - series [2/3] | 22k+ | enemies to lovers, mafia au, continuation of their story | s, f
Tail as Old as Time @yoonjinkooked - series [1/?] | 4.8k+ | Mermaid AU, Fantasy | f, s, a (note: this was part of previous reading list but author reuploaded the fic since the original link got deleted)
Day by Day @hansolmates​ - drabble series? [4/?] | 6.5k+ |  single dad!jungkook, bestfriend au, baby Haru calls OC ‘mom’, slow burn | a
The Sexual Awakening @xotoosweet​ - drabble series [1/?] | 1.6k | college au, best friends to lovers, compsci!jungkook, economics!reader, oc on a journey of sexual awakening | f, future s
To Build a Home @soft4gguks​ - series [6/?] | 53k+ | single dad!jungkook, ceo au, nanny!oc, strangers to lovers | a, f, s
Waiting Game @tteokggukk​ - 📱 SMAU | soulmate au, ex-friends to lovers, humor, slow burn | f, a  
Yo-ho-hoe And A Bottle Of Rum @yoonjinkooked​ - series [1/?] | 2.8k+ | enemies to lovers, pirate au, fantasy, crack/humor | a, f, s
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🥕[Completed Fics/Series]
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cliche drabbles: friends at grocer and mistaken as a couple @hueseok - drabble | >1k | friends to lovers, best friend au | f
Open When It’s… @an-exotic-writer​ - one shot | 3.5k | epistolary (some parts), Dad!Namjoon, but he passed away and his son is reading his letters at certain stages of life (example: open when you get into the worst fight ever with your mother) | a
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Lesson Learned @silhouetted-beauty - one shot | 10.8k | Married!Seokjin, Teacher!OC, DAD!Seokjin, infidelity, questionable morals | s, a
Puns @heartkook​ - one shot | 1.8k | strangers to lovers, humor, a fic about puns! | f (really cute!)
Sensucht @johobi - one shot | 7.4k | CEO AU, new hire OC (who’s not exactly a model employee yet), dom/sub undertones | S (pwp)
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Bitter @heartkook - drabble | 1.9k | Bartender!OC, Yoongi recently got dumped, sort of rebound AU (that isn’t) | a, f
Mic Drop @ve1vetyoongi​ - one shot | 29k | rapper!yoongi, photographer!oc, composer!oc, star-crossed of some sort, rival of her brother, secret relationship, music au | s, a, f
Signed in Black @yoon-kooks - series [7/7] | 21.1k | Soulmate AU, Bad Boy AU, Barista!OC, BTS as Bulletproof Fairies, Fake Dating (sort of but not really?) | F, slight A
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Eclipse @baepsaesbae​ - one shot | 3.3k | fantasy, Fae AU, Day Fairy!Hoseok x Night Fairy!OC, summer solstice, idiots to lovers | a, s, f
Love; Always @yeoldontknow - one shot | 7.3k | 100% epistolary, reincarnation au, soulmate au, pen pals, letters au, pining, long distance relationship | f, a, s
Myosotis + Chrysanthemum @03mistress30 - two-shot | 7.8k | demi-god!hoseok, rescued OC from a thief, OC let him stay, reunion in part 2, fantasy | a
Synchronized @idroppedthesope​ - drabble | 900wc | soulmate au (timer), unrequited love with bestfriend!hoseok, but check until the end 🥰 | f
Strip @your-daily-biaswrecking​ - one shot | 7.9k | established relationship au, jealous Hoseok of the female stripper x OC action 😁 | s, f
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Blackthorn Creek @randombtsprincessa​ - one shot | 23k | Beauty and the Beast AU (OC is the beast), fantasy, curse au, also shifter au (there’s a part she shifts), fairy tale au | a,f, s
Equinox @crystaljins​ - one shot | 7.2k | King of Spring!Jiming x Queen of Winter!OC, arranged marriage AU, fantasy, royalty, talks of seasons | f
Touched by a Fallen Star @cutaepatootie​ - one shot | 37.2k | Prince Jimin, Fantasy AU, royalty, star-crossed, use of magic, OC is a celestial being | a, s
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An Unexpected Kindness @heartkook​ - one shot | 2.1k | creepy guy won’t leave OC alone, Taehyung pretended to be the boyfriend, strangers to lovers | a, f
Catch My Ghost @smaubts​ - 📱 SMAU (short) | supernatural au, ghost hunter!taehyung, crack | f
Drabble: taehyung as brother’s best friend @1kook - drabble | >1k | secret relationship, brother’s best friend au, pwp | s
Louder Than Bombs @moononthejoon - 📱 SMAU (discontinued but with complete outline) | writer!taehyung, fan!oc | f
Peculiar Taste @gashinabts​ - one shot | 2.8k | Roommate AU, OC found out her foot fics on a fetish page 😂, humor | s, f
Pink @ggukcangetit​ - drabble | 511wc | friends to lovers. Prompt: “kissing to prove there’s no chemistry, even though it’s a lie, the kiss proving it” | f
Relentless @alpacaparkaseok - one shot | 5.9k | spin off of the Lost & Found fic (Jimin story), this is Taehyung’s story with the “string cutter” (who isn’t his soulmate, ouch), Soulmate AU | a, f
Rival Heirs drabble @yoonpobs​ - drabble | >1k | enemies to lovers, rich au, ceo au, star-crossed lovers, extra load of angst T_T | a, s
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🥕 One-shots | Drabbles
Addicted to You @ughcore - one shot | 5.4k | enemies to lovers, feat clueless Taehyung, went to a bar (jungkook just got back), sexual tension | s, a, f
Can I Sleep in Your Bed @ddaeng-181338 - one shot | 4k | Roommate AU, insomnia AU, best friends who are in college, OC couldn’t sleep and crashed in JK’s bed to help her sleep, talks about love which led to something more 🥰 | s, f
Cherry Glosses N Car Washes @softlyjiminie​ - one shot | 7k | goth!jungkook x cheerleader!oc, college au, established relationship, sorority au, opposites (they don’t like JK for OC even though he’s a nice guy 😢) | s, f
cliche drabble: bar and jungkook saves you @hueseok​ - drabble | >1k | strangers, bar, some knight in shining armor kook, prompt: "a drunk dude tries to seduce you at a bar and you start to feel uncomfortable then a cute stranger, jungkook, saves you by saying she's with me" | f
cliche drabble: dramatic wedding objection @/hueseok - drabble | >1k | wedding au, star-crossed lovers, OC to marry someone else (arranged)  | f
drabble: camping trip with bestfriend!jungkook @rmverse​ - drabble | 1.1k | bestfriend au, oh there’s only one bed trope (only it’s a sleeping bag), camping | s
Drabble: single dad jungkook e2l with kid’s teacher @1kook - drabble | >1k | single dad au, kindergarten teacher!oc, enemies to lovers, really cute | f
Fireflies @impossiblewriter - one shot | 20k | epistolary au, prince!jungkook, princess!reader, best friend AU, childhood friends, war au, fictional country, kinda angsty| a, f
Fuck You, Ana. Sincerely, Jungkook @jamkookies​ - one shot | 30k | Barista!Jungkook, strangers to lovers, hurt/comfort fic, themes of eating disorder/anorexia, humor (OC is actually funny but in a sarcastic way), coworker AU, coffee shop | a, f, implied s
Handwritten @jeonocho - one shot | 2.5k | epistolary, soldier!jungkook, war au, one day Jungkook stopped writing | a, f
I Can’t Wait to Tell You, I Told Ya @moon-write​ - one shot | 16.2k | single dad!jungkook (who is kind of a player), bestfriend!OC, cute relationship between OC and the daughter, unrequited love from OC, idiots to lovers | a, f
I Hate That I’m In Love With You @prkchimins - 📱 SMAU with written parts  | Fuckboy AU, College AU, Enemies to Lovers, Jungkook as a ticket to get invited to parties (Yoongi, Jimin, Taehyung, and OC) |  A, F, implied S
Intense Desires @kookscrescent​ - drabble | 1.2k | boyfriend au, just pwp about kook going feral and just going at it like there’s no tomorrow | s
It Should Be Me @you-know-bts - one shot | 4.3k | brother’s best friend au, overprotective!jungkook (and brother yoongi), abusive boyfriend!Minho | a, f
I’ll Love You Until You Love Yourself @jiminiesfavouritecolourisblue​ - one shot | 3.4k | Exes AU, Noona!OC, OC got called by friends when Jungkook was so drunk, toxic methods of coping with breakup | a
Jeon Husband @breakiebunny​ - one shot | 8.7k | Arranged Marriage or Contract Marriage, CEO AU, OC wants out and Jungkook is suddenly threatened, jealous!jungkook, feat Yoongi | s, f
Knight in Distress @jimilter- drabble | 2.5k | chaebol!jungkook, heir au, enemies to lovers, co-workers, CEO!Jungkook, OC high position too, shirtless jungkook in water | f, a
Liars and Fire @kpopfanfictrash - one shot | 3.1k | Exes AU, ex-husband!jungkook, turned FWB | a, s
Love You Like a Love Song @dat-town - drabble | 1.8k | Best Friend AU, friends since high school, College AU, Jungkook’s birthday, OC baked a cake, fluff ensues 🥰 | f
Not Like You @oureuphoria​ - one shot | 28k | single dad au, boxer!jungkook, enemies to lovers, childhood acquaintance, childhood enemy, slow burn | f, a
Old Friends, Warm Eyes @xiaokoo - drabble | 979 | Hurt/Comfort, both got cheated on 😢, met at the park, ex-classmates | f
Stoic + Redemption @blue-jade​ - one shot | 4.2k | CEO AU, cheater!jungkook, angsty ugh, OC would rather take fake love/gestures than admit he’s cheating  | a, s (there’s a sequel! please check author’s mtl)
Stress Reliever @imaginethisbts​ - one shot | 2.6k | domestic au, established relationship au, boyfriend!jungkook after a very stressful day at work, pwp | s
Sweet Apology @unbeli-bubble​ - drabble | 1.8k | established relationship, domestic au, Jungkook ditched OC for time with friends, soft dom!jungkook | s, f
Which, as They Kiss, Consume @banqdanfnfic​ - one shot | 4k | tattoo artist!jungkook, established relationship, boyfriend au, OC’s first time to get a tattoo and asked boyfriend jungkook to do it (their relationship is not sexual yet so skdjskl the tattoo scene is just full of sexual tension) | s, f
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Thank you dear authors for your stories! It was a seriously exhausting month for me with all the changes at work and I’m glad I have these stories to escape to 😢.
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posted: 2021 Aug 05
link to other reading lists
other fic rec lists (by theme)
I love to read so feel free to message me about fics! 🌷
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881 notes · View notes
borathae · 5 months
Chapter 4
ooh looks like he is a gentleman
You can see it in the way he looks at his knees ever so often. dont tell me he slept
HE DID AHAHAH PLS this is peak comedy for me, idk i had this image of "ooh mysterious ancient being, must find sleep, and other stuff as something for the weak", basically a grandpa on him. (i see yoongi like that from reading the drabbles, but now that im reading it, tae felt like that in 1st chapter lol)
Of course not, I was merely resting my eyes” ofc i believe you, u were having a meditating/communicating with your ancestors moment
As if he doesn’t even notice his hand touching you the way it does. STOP I LITERALLY DIE EVERYTIME THIS HAPPENS WHEN IM READING LIKE AAAAAH *bites, slaps, giggles, fans myself, pretends to be dead soo much ah
Your chest heaves up and down in a heavy breath, your legs parting slightly. sis is gone already. mood
Come go with me. I SAID I HAVE NO TIME HEE HEE
Taehyung placed his hand on your thigh instead. OH NO HE IS GETTING DANGEROUS
Your nails dig into the edge of the seat, her: (literally made it, if only i had this devotion in my studies 😭)
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Taehyung’s delight as another smirk washes over his face. He stops moving, the only sensation he allows you to feel is his big, warm hand against your inner thigh SDTOP I CANT HANDLE HIS ASS I CAN ALREADY IMAGINE THE FAKE GUM CHEWING AAAH
Tapping on your inner thigh rhythmical AAAAH WE MUST STAY FOCUSED BROTHER
Stay, fellow, I can read. I DOUBT I CAN IM LOSING MY SANITU
“Are you alright?” he rasps DO U THINK IM OK?????
My master’s. THAT FAST?? really said wanna see some speed?
You whine at the loss of touch, pulling at his necktie. PULLING NECKTIE WWWOOOO IM SQUIRTING
The door, which normally always squeaks, opens silently when Taehyung opens it mythical being or has strict parents pt 3 (pt 2 during the date)
I want to devour you.” yn my love, what if he actually does 😭(missed the vore tag on ao3 once and i have ptsd from that)
You’ll probably call me crazy but I named all of my houseplants after famous painters TAE MOVE UR ASS, SHE'S MINE WE ARE MARRIED BYE
Just mere seconds ago it felt like he wanted to devour you whole and now here he is, as patient as ever.  i take that back, we can be a throuple
I didn’t even hear you come outside mythical being or has strict parents pt 4
It’s one of those weirdly dishonest smiles again. maybe he is in lactose intolerant and is worried destroying ur toilet with the volcanic diarrhea
It makes you look so perfectly alive." THATS EXACTLY WHAT A VAMPIRE WOULD SAY. i would have said that tho lol
I guess you are right. What a silly thing for me to say."  OFC ITS VERY SILLY CUZ U IS MR.DRACULA
“Actually this is just a myth some misogynistic doctors made up in the sixteenth century to shame women for having sex”, SLAY now marry me
“so enjoy it ___ for as long and as passionate as you can.” THATS WHAT A GRANDPA WOULD SAY or A VAMPIRE
I am glad that you aren’t pretending with me hold ur horses he didnt say he is 95% honest, also the 5% could be more shocking than the 95%
swirling the tea in his cup with a flick of his wrist. LOOK AT DA FLICKA DA WRIST
My dream is to own a really big greenhouse. THE GARDEN IN THE DRABBLE
“you’re not having a heart attack, are you?” damn grandpa is dying (im sorry i had to)
OH SHIT WHATS GOING ON?? did she put some anti-mythical being stuff in the tea?
0-100 real quick
she is so cute im feeling it soo well, you wrote those parts well. it made me feel like im intruding them
Throw it on the floor *starts throwing it back Tae: i meant the tie me: oh sorry, silly me
that wasnt me, that was the demons bye
He has a really nice spine, my bestie to me - your spine is ... um how do i put it to words, spines very well. i will definitely count them for anatomy 💀💀LIKE STOP AT LEAST ITS BETTER COMPARED TO 4TH GRADE
thankfully Taehyung can’t read minds because this was one silly thought. you sure about that? u sure about that??👀👀
Dearmotherofchrist what the hell? Okay, goodbye cruel world this is how you will die. PLS 😭😭
This is madness. Heaven. ME AT YOU POOKIE
besides, we have many more occasions to practice your stamina SUCH A TEASE AAH
im sick and feeling cold. guess who isnt cold anymore cuz they are reading a smexy, gobsmacking as usual smut by THE MOMMY, SIBI?? ME YALL. a hoe(mentally) doesnt get cold, until they get runny nose.
don’t rip it because this cost like forty bucks” WE LOVE REALISTIC SMUT HERE
He scissors them, fucking in and out of you slowly. His teeth craze over your nipple before he bites down. poeple died sir I DIED
During class, on the bus, whilst talking to people. same here girly pop, relatable after reading smut
watching you be like this drives me crazy I AM CRAZY
me: i hope i dont fall him: he praises me: ana oop
It is a stupid name, but it has never been more accurate than tonight. no it aint stupid when true af
"Hold me"..“That’s it, draw me in deeper. Keep me there” bye i will be jumping off the cliff(my bed's name)
seven matches this soo well, cuz its sexy but very romantic
that was too hot until u think (wait this is bts songs in a nutshell)
 oh boi tae is just trying feel humanity, life, and the whole "live in the moment", "yolo" by asking to hold closer and feel what she is feeling
horny - sad real quick. (bts albums and playlists be like)
Sex is merely a wonderful byproduct from being with you. You have truly bewitched me, body and soul” this is too good holy fuck
reminds me of blood sweat and tears lines and the whole mood is hold me tight
they are soo cute, being all warm and cozy with each other.
shitting tears as we speak bye,
the emotions were emotioning, smut smuting (do i even have to say about this anymore lol) i love how your smut isnt just focused on sexy parts, emotionally, yes very much connected and love it and also shows other parts, like its soo easy to have the entire view from pillow to toes, with lil frames with focused parts.
now that we still havent seen 2seokkook, its making more nervous like
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HE DID AHAHAH PLS this is peak comedy for me, idk i had this image of "ooh mysterious ancient being, must find sleep, and other stuff as something for the weak", basically a grandpa on him. (i see yoongi like that from reading the drabbles, but now that im reading it, tae felt like that in 1st chapter lol)
this is actually so funny HAHHAHAH he is always acting like such a well-put mysterious man and then he is sleeping in class BHAHAHAHAH
As if he doesn’t even notice his hand touching you the way it does. STOP I LITERALLY DIE EVERYTIME THIS HAPPENS WHEN IM READING LIKE AAAAAH *bites, slaps, giggles, fans myself, pretends to be dead soo much ah
Taehyung’s delight as another smirk washes over his face. He stops moving, the only sensation he allows you to feel is his big, warm hand against your inner thigh SDTOP I CANT HANDLE HIS ASS I CAN ALREADY IMAGINE THE FAKE GUM CHEWING AAAH
the gum chewing pisses me off with any other person BUT ITS SO HOT WHEN HE DOES IT LIKE PLEASE KEEP DOING IT SIR IMMA SUCK YOUR COCK
You whine at the loss of touch, pulling at his necktie. PULLING NECKTIE WWWOOOO IM SQUIRTING
jajdfj valid.
I want to devour you.” yn my love, what if he actually does 😭(missed the vore tag on ao3 once and i have ptsd from that)
NO BUT WHAT IF??? oh god hahhaha I feel you I once missed the impregnation tag and actually triggered myself when he started speaking about putting babies in her like BACK OFF ILL BITE YOUR BALLS OFF
It’s one of those weirdly dishonest smiles again. maybe he is in lactose intolerant and is worried destroying ur toilet with the volcanic diarrhea
PLEASE hhahahhaha this would be so iconic of him tbfh
“Actually this is just a myth some misogynistic doctors made up in the sixteenth century to shame women for having sex”, SLAY now marry me
he is SO HOT I need him to fuc-
My dream is to own a really big greenhouse. THE GARDEN IN THE DRABBLE
OH SHIT WHATS GOING ON?? did she put some anti-mythical being stuff in the tea?
He has a really nice spine, my bestie to me - your spine is ... um how do i put it to words, spines very well. i will definitely count them for anatomy 💀💀LIKE STOP AT LEAST ITS BETTER COMPARED TO 4TH GRADE
LISTEN. don't judge me but I genuinely think that spines (inside the body where they're supposed to be) can be so sexy like if someone has a nice spine I just wanna trace and lick and kiss and touch it like-
thankfully Taehyung can’t read minds because this was one silly thought. you sure about that? u sure about that??👀👀
im sick and feeling cold. guess who isnt cold anymore cuz they are reading a smexy, gobsmacking as usual smut by THE MOMMY, SIBI?? ME YALL. a hoe(mentally) doesnt get cold, until they get runny nose.
I gain ten years of life each time one of you calls me Mommy HAHHAHA like yes I am indeed mother HFAHDSF
don’t rip it because this cost like forty bucks” WE LOVE REALISTIC SMUT HERE
me: i hope i dont fall him: he praises me: ana oop
BITCH (affectionate) SAME HOLY FUCK praise works so well with me like it got me thinking about the person for the next five weeks for real
 oh boi tae is just trying feel humanity, life, and the whole "live in the moment", "yolo" by asking to hold closer and feel what she is feeling
reminds me of blood sweat and tears lines and the whole mood is hold me tight
shitting tears as we speak bye,
hahahhaa shitting tears jfadsjf
the emotions were emotioning, smut smuting (do i even have to say about this anymore lol) i love how your smut isnt just focused on sexy parts, emotionally, yes very much connected and love it and also shows other parts, like its soo easy to have the entire view from pillow to toes, with lil frames with focused parts.
THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR SAYING THIS!!! that's exactly what I want most of my smut to be for 😭😭😭
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Chapter 9
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Title: Those Evil Ways
Pairing: OT7 x Y/N (female reader)
Genre: supernatural au, medical, fluff, angst, smut, war
Word count: ~6 100
Characters: (Demons!BTS) Namjoon/Corson, Jin/Agares, Yoongi/Baal, Hoseok/Alastor, Jimin/Aamon, Jungkook/Mammon, Taehyung/Gaap, human reader (with special abilities later in the story)
Warnings: much angst, cursing, Y/N is smoking in a short part, mentions of intercourse from a previous chapter, arguing, Y/N gets unstable due to some revelation and breaks down crying, big revelations about the main character's past, brief mention of her real parents having to abandon Y/N, a very short mention of war led long ago, throwbacks, Y/N starts to get the hang of her powers and work things out slowly :3 – if I have missed something please send a pigeon 😅❤️
Summary: Y/N is a third-year medical student going through life like others do. On one unfortunate night she gets in unexpected contact with otherworldly beings who drag her into their world of violence, war and fight for power.
Author's notes: TAGLIST OPEN. Hi everyone! I know I promised that this chapter is going to come sooner but... I guess not. Sorry about that. I had to take some time for myself. Thanks for being patient! I want to apologize once more for leaving you hanging.
I hope this chapter is not a disappointment.
Please, enjoy! <3
“The moment I find out what you’d done I will mess you up badly.” Y/N taunted staring at the mint-haired demon. “And why the fuck you’re partially transformed?”
Yoongi rolled his eyes “What are you gonna do really? In the time you’ve spent with us in Doordale have you actually done something? Did you manage to use even a fraction of your power?”
He didn’t know what to expect exactly as an answer. It was more than clear that this young woman didn’t know how to use the Spark but her subconscious did. Baal wanted to be sure that the things between them were real.
“I don’t know. Maybe I did or didn’t. There’s no way I can be sure…” she trailed off. They entered the house once again. Y/N headed for the spacious veranda and sat down on the garden chairs. Reaching into the side pocket of the jean jacket she took out the pack of cigarettes. The demon followed just a few seconds behind.
“Y/N… you have to tell me. What’s on your mind?”
“I’ve got nothing to lose so fuck it.” She took a drag and started speaking while exhaling so the smoke was coming out in small puffs. “I don’t know what happened between us. You make me so confused and the thing is even Jin turned nicer to me than you.”
Yoongi leaned back in his chair running a hand through his hair. He knew this was coming because Y/N wasn’t blind or stupid. The frustration grew even more inside of the man. He was so conflicted with himself recently that he couldn’t stand it.
“I guess it’s because of me staying with the King. Maybe it’s because I told you about the things we did in the palace. I guess your jealousy and competitiveness are surfacing and it’s getting the best of you.” She was spot on. There was no way in hell he could share. Most of them were like that. Most of them…
Y/N wanted to get everything straight and clear where the two of them were standing because she hated this passive-aggressive behavior of his. The tension made the girl constantly on edge and weigh her words more than she should have. “So the question in order is - what happened to you and me? And before you blow off and tell me how you’re a demon and all that - I know. I don’t expect love, compassion, or something of the sort. What I want is to get an idea of what’s bothering you.
He bent over and placed his elbows on his knees then the demon’s long fingers intertwined. “I’m mad because you did things with me in the playroom then sometime later Jungkook invited you to the Northern Palace and you show up on his arm, then fucked him and shared quality time with him I suppose.” Baal laughed bitterly. This was so hard to express. He felt ridiculous and exposed. “I’m mad because the moment you came back I couldn’t feel this draw towards you and at the same time, you seemed distant.”
Here it comes…
Y/N raised the cigarette to her lips waiting patiently.
“I’m filled with jealousy and anger - towards you and towards Mammon. You forgot about me but apparently, you have a more meaningful bond with Agares. I see you two for the past few days, I’m not blind. It’s like you threw me back in some corner of your mind but you kept them two close.”
“Just say it. I know what you’re getting at.”
Yoongi was shocked to see Y/N’s face contorted in a nasty mocking half-smile which the girl didn’t even realize she had on. At the same time, the man switched to his usual “business” expression. Two could play this game…
Baal stood up and got closer to Y/N while bending over her slim figure. Their faces were a few centimeters apart. The demon looked scary from the side and if Y/N wasn’t in this state of hers maybe she would feel frightened too.
“You used your abilities to make me fall for you and then once you got away to the North the influence vanished because then you set your mind on the others - Jungkook and Jimin. The only explanation for my feelings, if you want to call them that way, is that you forgot about me then and there. The only thing you need is for the people around you to be swayed by you, to be ready to kill for you and think about this beautiful face of your in every waking hour.” The minty locks fell in his eyes but Y/N saw it - his irises vanished and once more just like in the beginning the crystal-like substance was taking over the tissue. “My question is - did you use the Spark’s power on me and Jin? And don’t lie to me because I’ll rip your vocal cords out.”
Y/N felt power coursing through her. She smiled sweetly and reached up to caress Yoongi’s cheek. “To tell you the truth I don’t know what I did, I guess my inner thoughts and desires come true after all. Nothing from what happened was intentional though” she was completely truthful now even though it seemed more like a joke, given the expression Y/N had on at the moment.
No movement on Yoongi’s side. He stood still, his eyes becoming slits. “I want to learn how to control the powers I have because apparently you or Jin took my life here away, without my consent.”
Y/N was conflicted it felt like a dark sticky substance was pouring over her heart and the light inside her was vanishing. “I hate you for taking away my life.” She stated and grabbed the man’s neck dragging him closer to her. “But from what I see I still need all of you to get my shit back on track…”
Something was really wrong and Baal could feel it with every cell in his body. He tore her hand away and straightened up. “What happened to you…?” He asked not expecting an answer.
“You,” Y/N said in a sharp tone taking out another cigarette.
“Let me rephrase my question - have you heard either of them saying where they will take her?” Jungkook asked Christopher who was leaning on one of the pillars in the solar room.
The spy was here to inform the King of his recent discoveries and he found Mammon in the middle of a chess game with Taehyung.
“No. The only thing I saw was Baal taking the woman in the forest away from the mansion and then they passed through a portal. I have no clue where it was leading.”
“Aren’t you a useless one” the General mused while making his move. Asmodeus didn’t seem to care one bit about the comment though.
The air was tense between the King and the spy. “You know why I sent you and yet… the audacity to come back with nothing. I have the desire to cut you open. Don't you understand that I need her?”
“At least let me change my body I really like Chris here.” The spy smiled once more and his dimples showed.
Gaap still couldn’t see why all the others were so set on having this woman close. She was bringing only misfortunes and destruction based on what he knew up until this point. For one he was happy to be away on duty and not tangled in those pointless intrigues and fights over the human girl.
Of course, the demon would be lying if he said that he had never felt drawn towards Y/N during their practice. In his long years of studying and expeditions, Taehyung had read about, seen and talked with many people of different nations and only two stood of them out to him now in his memory…
But then “I don’t think you’re doing the right thing here.” He turned to Jungkook.
The King raised his pierced brow in disbelief. “And why is that?” 
“Just my thoughts” the General smiled sideways giving a subtle hint that he needs some time alone with Mammon.
Moving his knight right in front of Jungkook’s he kept his bishop secure. Taehyung’s smile widened even more.
“Just do what I told you to,” the King said looking at the board. “If there’s something important come to me, if not keep away. I don’t want others to know of my deals.” Reaching in his robe’s pocket the tattooed demon retrieved a pouch full of golden coins and tossed it to Christopher. The spy bowed deeply as always and smiled at the other man.
Once the door closed from the other side Jungkook’s eyes slowly lifted, finding Gaap’s. Both of them stood unmoving sizing each other for a few seconds. “Tell me.” The King urged his opponent.
“I have my suspicions about Y/N. Since I’ve yet to confirm any of them I will keep it to myself but I will tell you this - you should forget about her for a while. Throw this woman in the deepest corners of your mind and keep her there. If or when she comes back don’t send for her, just do your thing and let her be.”
The King of the North was completely lost in the other’s words. The two options were - one he wanted for someone else to benefit or two - the General was truly helping him in some way. “Explain because I’m about to…” trying to ground himself Jungkook exhaled slowly. They were so close, there was no way that Taehyung would try to fuck him over… right?
“I think that she’s doing something to you. Somehow… You haven’t been interested in a woman for decades now. What happened so suddenly?”
“I just want what the others want. Jin and Yoongi have her and I want to take Y/N away from them, she’s so… ugh. Don’t you get it? There’s something so enticing about this girl and if they have it I want it.”
Gaap shook his head. This was a pure obsession. Jungkook seemed frantic and the General doubted that he could resist the urge to find Y/N and have her.
“I can hear your thoughts you know” Mammon reached for his king but then stopped. “Jimin wants Y/N so bad too. I’ve seen the way he drinks her figure with his eyes. I hope you’re not doing this on Aamon’s behalf because if that’s so we will have a huge problem.”
They looked at each other once more.
The whole situation was reaching deeper than Taehyung had expected. He couldn’t do much about Jimin as of now but he could help Jungkook and in the process get to the bottom of it. He was a patient man and was sure that in time things will unfold one by one and his closest friends will find out the truth about this syren called Y/N.
The dispute between Y/N and Yoongi left them in the middle of nowhere, each one silently doing their own thing around the house until the time to leave came.
The demon was sure that something dark was brewing inside of the young woman. He could feel her aura changing shapes and color. It wasn’t a decisive change, at least not yet. In his opinion, a good way to ask didn’t exist either. Their relationship was partially ruined due to the fights and the demonic soul residing inside of him wouldn’t let Yoongi apologize or feel sorry for what he did.
Y/N was feeling sorry though. She felt guilty for telling Jungkook some of their secrets and for lying to Yoongi and Jin but there was no helping it. Maybe Mammon was right after all and her soul was getting tainted and turning dark and demonic like theirs. It was so scary to even think about the possibility of becoming this dark creature so the girl set her mind on becoming a Spark like her ancestors and escape the nasty predictions of Jungkook.
Traveling to the land of the Oracles was more exhausting than all the previous passings through the portals. Baal explained it was because their land was protected by countless spells and incantations so no one was able to find it and come and go as they please.
“Then what about us?”
“We’re special” he winked playfully at her. “To be frank - Jin managed to negotiate for them to take you here, he cut a juicy deal with the leader. The people of this place don’t like us. If there was a way… no demon would be alive and the Oracles would personally see to it.”
A long, long time ago the two species were living their separate lives, unothered by one another. The Oracles were always striving to maintain peace but the demons were just as they’re now - cruel, relentless, leading wars and shedding blood wherever they go. It all came down to a moment when one of the wars led by Leviathan reached the border with the Oracles’ land. The people there fought bravely and managed to drive the invaders out but many lives were lost. The casualties were countless that was why the current-then-leader of the Oracles gave an order to erase their country from the maps and make the borders impenetrable. Many precautionary measures were taken so the citizens would be safe and sound while avoiding getting caught up in the middle of conflicts between some of the other nations.
"I have no idea what Jin offered them but it must be worth it because they've accepted you to be here." Y/N stated while looking around. The people here were not paying any attention to her and Yoongi. In Doordale someone would occasionally bow and greet Yoongi while walking the streets while in the land of the Oracles he was a no-one.
"You're quite right," the demon told her. "But you know I don't mind being here. It's like the vacations you humans go on from time to time."
"Why? I thought you like what you do?" A tall woman with long white hair bumped into Y/N's shoulder but continued down the street like nothing had happened.
"Don't have much of a choice really. Most of the things I do are Jin's responsibilities but… oh well." He smiled humorlessly "I could have become much more but I defied my father long ago, centuries ago. Being here feels like pure freedom, it's like tons of load being lifted off my shoulders."
Y/N felt sorry for the demon. Each time he began telling the girl a story her heart was becoming heavy with sorrow. What was it like to live close to forever yet still having to abide by someone else's orders and kneel down?
Freedom is something apparent-only isn't it? Everyone strives for it but no one really gets it, as sad as it is. Don't you think it's actually funny? "You change so fast" Baal mused while walking. "A few hours ago you were ready to rip my head off and now you've become all empathetic."
Y/N rolled her eyes already annoyed by the comment. That was the thing about her - she could be understanding, nice and sympathetic up until the moment someone called her out on it. Then caught in the act the young woman always became defensive and snappy. Her closest friends knew this and were never noting it, just enjoyed the soft and caring side of Y/N. Yoongi had so much more to learn about her.
"The fact that you did some shit doesn't stop me from feeling sorry for your non-existent pitiful soul." The sad look still lingered in the girl's eyes and tone. "I'm still waiting for the answer to my question and am still tempted to burn your balls for lying to me." The man opened his mouth to argue but she yelled at him "don't even try to tell me you didn't do such a thing! Fucking liar…" she trailed off getting back into her own world.
"Don't give me that look" Yoongi interrupted Y/N's train of thoughts. "All things considered I don't mind living this kind of life" the man smiled widely and took her hand. "Here" the new road led to a castle-like structure built inside of a mountain. "We still have a long way to go as you see but I hope you can endure the one-on-one time with me for a while longer."
The young woman rolled her eyes and pushed the mint-haired demon "such a drama queen. An audience I guess is next on the list?"
"When does the training begin?"
"That's up to their leader.  Oh and keep in mind that those creatures don’t talk much."
Y/N laughed out loud. “You don’t talk much either!”
Later on in the mountain castle they were greeted with cold stares and dead silence. Y/N walked beside Baal confidently. It reminded her of the exams in the university - the professors and the assistants always gave the students annoyed or haughty looks from “up above”. While they were presenting their cases and answering questions the people in front of them were constantly quiet appearing judgy so this situation was familiar to her.
In the throne room there were many guards standing on the sides or at least Y/N thought they were guards. For the record they didn’t look like that at all - the people were dressed in long white tunics with silvery belts from which hung small daggers. There were no armors, no spears or swords to speak of. Their long hair was braided down reaching the men’s waists. The woman concluded that was because they usually used some type of magic and not raw power in a fight.
“Welcome,” a deep gruff voice greeted the two. A chill ran down Y/N’s spine. That was the leader of the land. He sounded so manacing. She didn’t expect this man to sound like that looking at this finely sculptured face.
After a bit of back and forth between him and Yoongi she felt the hate the demon spoke about earlier. The leader wasn’t happy about Y/N being here too. “She’s a breach, even more than you.” He had sifted through his teeth while giving the newcomer a once-over.
“She is a Spark and we don’t have anyone to train her” the demon explained.
“My question is why this woman is even in this realm? I can sense her dormant powers. Why are you trying to wake those abilities? It could bring the end times if used wrongly.” The oracle exhaled annoyed. “But I remember you and your Master - you and this General brought disaster to us.”
He is talking about the war - Y/N thought trying to come up with something to back up the mint-haired demon. Then it dawned on her. “That’s why I’m here - so a catastrophe can be prevented.”
The leader tilted his head to the side in confusion when he heard Y/N speaking and then the walls began vibrating when the man started laughing. “You’re such a lost girl.” She sensed the danger coming swiftly her way. The oracle got up and in an instant was standing in front of her. Baal tensed up and became defensive, his body beginning to transform from his hands up.
“Ease up you demon scum” he roared, his eyes flashing brightly in Yoongi’s direction. Then he turned back to Y/N looking down. Just then the young woman noticed how tall he actually was, maybe about 6’5… Damn. “The best question of all is - once again - why are you here? Did those monsters bring you here by force? Did they lie to you about some interdimensional threat? Or maybe made you choose between coming here or taking your life?”
Y/N searched for Yoongi’s eyes and when they met he looked so sad and guilty. He was tripping back into her loop.
“That’s pretty self-explanatory” the oracle concluded. He looked at her triumphantly then continued with unmasked satisfaction “You’re dangerous. None of your ancestors are alive now and we have a little understanding of how your powers are working.” The man turned around and began walking back to his throne slowly while speaking. “I feel the uncertainty running through your veins so I can offer you two options and whatever you choose it should be final because if your mind is not made up there’s nothing to be done.”
Yoongi’s breath hitched once more. He feared that she will leave for good and he wouldn’t be able to find her. The oracles’ nation was pretty good at doing that.
Y/N straightened up and nodded in determination.
“Very well,” the tall man said and continued talking while taking big slow strides. “One - you stay, under our laws and guidance we teach you everything we know about the Spark and the abilities in your possession.” He smiled sourly at his thoughts. “Of course I can’t make you promise that those powers will be used for good only because I know it will be a lie - after all you have a human soul living in you due to all those ears spent in your dimension. Two - we wipe all your memories of ever being here, I can restore the things you lost from your world and make you forget about the mess those monsters got you into.”
This time Y/N didn’t have any doubts, she was sure that there were things those people can teach her and help her understand her hidden self. Another thing the woman believed was that once she got the grips of those ancient powers there wasn’t anything that couldn’t be done - including getting her old life back.
Without hesitation she said “I’m staying.”
“Very well. The guards will show you to your room and give you details on how we will proceed.”
After a few hours all the instructions were given to Y/N and Baal. He was not to interfere in any way during the training - the most important rule to follow was that. Another thing expected from Y/N was for her not to use the powers on the citizens or the higher-ups in any way. The guard told her that in the beginning there are going to be more “theoretical lessons” than “practical” ones. That was fine by itself because the basic understanding of how things worked was going to give her more opportunities to “upgrade” later on.
“Am I going to be safe here?” She asked the guard when he turned to leave.
“There is no safer place than here” he reassured her in a stone-cold tone.
“One more thing… please.” 
“Can I tell your leader something confidential?” The man seemed unsure but nodded.
“I will inform you after dinner.” With that he closed the door.
Apparently, the leader was intrigued by Y/N’s request to speak privately with him so the man granted her wish.
“Can I trust you?” She asked while sitting in a room paneled with white marble. A huge fireplace was lit in the center of the northern wall. The fire was making the shadows dance on the walls. “No, wait. Let me paraphrase - can I trust you that this will stay between us only? No one should know.”
“Yes,” the man immediately answered, his green eyes fixed on Y/N. “Oh and one more thing before you begin - my real name is Trophonius. I’m telling you because I bet the demon didn’t tell you my name. I expect you to address me by this name.”
“Of course, Trophonius. So…”
Y/N decided that in order to unlock the full potential of what was inside of her she should tell the oracle everything that had happened until now. The girl told him about the dream she had had weeks back about the man who was changing faces and taunting her. For the young woman this dream was still a mystery. She also told Trophonius what she knew about the powers to this point, which frankly said was close to nothing.
The man was listening patiently, paying attention to even the smallest details - it was crucial if he wanted all of this to be successful. “There’s something you’re reluctant to share” he noted. “You’re dwelling on the smallest things but not getting to the main point. What’s the this that’s troubling you?”
Then all Hell came loose… Y/N went on with the story of what she saw at Jungkook’s palace in the mirror on a faithful morning. The ink-like black shiny stains on her mouth and neck, the interpretation of the King, how it all seemed to connect to the dream from before about her true identity coming to light. Y/N seemed so scared that the oracle offered her a glass of his milky-white liquor. She took it gladly and after taking a generous sip of the sickly sweet beverage the woman continued. “I’m scared that I’ll become a demon. What if it’s true? What is going to happen to my soul if I taint it and become a monster like them? Is this even possible to be this Spark being and a demon at the same time? Isn’t it impossible? They are completely different. The exact opposites.”
Trophonius exhaled loudly and his face for the first time since they met became different - troubled and worried.
“Follow me.”
He stood up and Y/N followed.
After what felt like hours he unlocked a massive golden door and entered a huge hall that had so many floors and bookshelves that it almost seemed endless. The man called one of the librarians and told her something in a different language, she noted and disappeared in a flash.
“Give her a few seconds.”
She was back just as fast and handed him an old-looking grimoire. Y/N was still overwhelmed by the interior of this place to even notice what was happening but Trophonius’ voice calling her name brought her back. “Come.”
The two approached a glass table and he placed the book down carefully. “This is a gift from the nation of the Spark to my grandfather. They have written here some prophecies that after you’ve told me your story are starting to make sense now.”
The pages were filled with pictures and text that was in an unknown language like everything here and were apparently telling a story.
“Listen carefully now” he began while showing a particular drawing of a baby, partially covered in bright light and on the other side - in shadow. “This here is an old tale of a forbidden union between two nations - as you can guess - the Spark and the demons. They conceived a child but since it was a half-blood and that was a forbidden deed they had to give it up and keep this a secret.” Y/N was stunned and unable to speak. Her eyes were as big as saucers while taking in the information becoming more and more scared with each passing minute. Trophonius turned the page.
It had two pairs of hands holding the baby high. Below the child was a dark blood red color and above it blue and white space with yellow rays of light. “The safest place to leave the child was in the human world, even if that meant for the parents to die and never see their baby again. They erased every record of this ever happening and the demon mother killed almost everyone who knew of their union.”
“Then…” Y/N rasped “how is this even here?”
“Only the scribe who made this book of prophecies was left alive so if the child ever finds its way here even in a dream to know of it’s origin. Then…” he showed the young woman the following page. “Big war followed soon after because the King of the demons found out that the mother, who was a renowned strategist in Doordale had done this unforgivable deed. According to all resources, the parents are dead and none is known about their kid.” He stopped and turned to look at Y/N expecting to see understanding in the girl’s eyes.
Shaken to the core of her being she was planted firmly to the ground, unmoving. “You want to tell me…” the whisper was so quiet that it was barely descernable “that I am… a demon?”
“According to what you’ve told me and this here - partially - yes.” Trophonius’ voice was just as flat as before. “But I think that’s not final. From what I know this is debatable, given the fact you are a half-blood. Depending on your actions your soul can take a different path - the goor or bad, simply said.”
Her whole life was falling apart by the second. Her mom and dad were not Y/N’s real parents, the life she believed was hers up to this point was a complete lie. The question was why all those years they didn’t say a single word, nor did her grandmother?
Is it possible that their memories were altered all those years ago just like Monica’s, Lucas’ and Felix’?
“Is there… a place where I can see the faces of my parents?” she asked finally, after a long pause.
For a while the oracle was quiet, thinking. “About your father… I’m not sure but in Doordale there should be a drawing of your birthmother somewhere.” Before being able to say anything Y/N cut him off.
“Wait! Wait…” the confusion was great now. “When did this happen exactly?”
“Oh, centuries ago.”
“Then this baby is not me,” Y/N said exhaling loudly.
“Keep in mind that the time here and in the human realm flows differently.”
This was getting just too much. The information was pouring over her in this impossible amount to be even slightly comprehensible.
“But that slowly?! I’m in my twenties!”
He nodded slowly and sympathetically placed a hand on Y/N’s shoulder. “That’s completely possible. Stay focused.”
Tears rolled down her face, burning her cheeks. Overwhelmed she grabbed fistfuls of hair squeezing it. Her voice rose, rippling through the quietness of the library. The wail was agonizing and painful.
“Come with me” the oracle tried grounding her but the young woman’s screams became louder. “The demon will get alerted if you don’t stop that.”
“I-I… I” Y/N whined through tears “I… can’t tell h-him! You! You can’t tell him!”
“I will not” the leader reassured her as he did in the beginning. He was trustworthy but blinded by desperation.
“He can’t know! N-no one can know!”
Trophonius was afraid that her powers will get out of control if she got any more agitated. Sometimes it was normal to happen to all magical creatures if their emotions became too strong. To prevent the worst from happening he extended his left hand and touched Y/N’s forehead sucking the overflowing burst of energy out of her body.
Immediately her body became limp and she lost consciousness.
“She is so strong…” he uttered trying to channel the gathered energy evenly throughout his own body.
Southern Doordale, King Aamon’s residence
“She left with Yoongi.”
“That’s none of my concern…” Jimin huffed while looking at his cards.
Jungkook laughed sarcastically. “I know you’re drawn to her at least as much as I am. I know you pretty well” they locked eyes across the table. “The thing is - I know you saw me and her in the garden that night.”
Jimin was taken aback by the statement but the King of the North added lightheartedly with a wave of his hand “I’m not mad. You know I’m willing to share my all with you if we’ve talked about it.”
“That’s not the point…”
They were playing cards for a while now while sitting in the steam room of the palace. The white towels wrapped around their hips were loose, tiny droplets of sweat rolling down their soft skin. Jungkook was losing this spread but that didn’t bother him in the slightest. 
“Then what is?”
Concern was written all over Jimin’s angel-like features. “Baal and Agares are enamored by her too. If she gets to spend time with the rest of us the others will be too I’m sure…” he was reluctant to continue but did. “Can you imagine the severity of the problems it could bring with it?”
Jungkook’s face was expressionless. “We’re not savages.”
“But there’s something about her that’s making me vicious and… maybe a higher power or a spell or I don’t know what.”
“And you can’t stop it” Mammon stated knowingly.
His companion nodded in agreement, sharing the same emotion. “So you’ve felt it too.”
“I did.”
The situation felt like a double-edged blade. On one side Jimin was not alone and was sharing the same sentiment with his brother. This by itself was good. You all know that a pain you share with someone close is a consolation to some extent but then… On the other - the silver-haired demon knew there was something hidden in the shadows that is gonna hurt like motherfucker if not taken care of soon.
“Don’t worry, you Chan. I’ve sent him to keep an eye out for anything unusual.”
“Chan as… Christopher? Asmodeus, the spy?”
“The same.”
Aamon stirred uncomfortably in his seat placing another card on the table. “He’s back? Since when?”
“The first day of the feast.”
Jimin hummed deep in thought. 
“So I see. Keep me in the loop and if you need my help - you know I always have your back.”
During the next few days Y/N became calmer with the help of an oracle who was teaching her how to stabilize her emotions and coach her mind. It was a long and tough process in which Yoongi was not included.
The poor demon was shunned by the staff of the palace and kept at a distance from the girl. She missed him in her own way. From time to time her thoughts strayed during training in a different direction - was he feeling lonely, did he miss her too, what was the demon doing? Yoongi on the other hand was occupying his brain with trying to come up with new strategies for the upcoming battles. When he was taking a break Baal was reading books from the bookshelf in his room. All of this was done in an effort to distract himself so he doesn’t lose his mind over Y/N once more like when she was with Jungkook.
At night they were having dinner together but he was sitting further from the leader and he and the medical student were having short non-productive conversations, small talk to be precise. She wasn’t sharing almost anything from the training, only the superficial small things and the general progress - that’s what Trophonius told her to do. It was how it was supposed to be until her time in this land came to an end. The leader didn’t want the demon interfering.
A few days later while the “teacher” oracle was talking with Y/N their leader entered the chamber. “Hello, Y/N. Nice to see you taking this seriously.”
“Good to see you, Trophonius. What is it?”
He invited another tall man in and introduced him to her. “This is the Ace. He is a man of many talents and he is going to take on your training from tomorrow.”
“What are we going to do?”
“Testing your powers in an actual situation. Small tests, on short-term things.”
She bowed her head to him and the new man did the same. “You will see. I will take it easy, don’t worry.” His voice was soft and uplifting. “Oh, and I will teach you the basics of our language and rune magic if you can pull it off.”
“Okay. Thank you” she smiled and extended a hand to him. The man seemed confused but took it nonetheless. Y/N shook it and her smile stayed for a while. “This is what we do in my world. We shake on something as an agreement and so on.”
“I can learn something from you too I see.”
The leader was pleased to see this. The woman was becoming used to the people here, her energy flow felt steady with sudden spikes like when she first arrived. “I can sense your progress, this is good. The outcome can be on the positive side. You get it.”
Y/N nodded in a calm but happy manner.
Chapter 8 / Chapter 10
12 notes · View notes
minshookie · 3 years
All Play, No Work. Pt two
Pairing | CEO!Yoongi x reader
Genre |angst, dark themed, yandere, gore.
Summary | “ Eunji just couldn’t play nice, firing her just wouldn’t be enough.”
!Warnings! 18+, yandere Yoongi, character death, descriptive scenes, murder scene, infidelity.
| this is not in anyway shape or form a true depiction or representation of BTS, this is a work of fiction and is not to be taken seriously. For entertainment purposes only.|
(this is my work, please don’t repost or steal)
Requested [request closed] words 3k
A/N : link to part 1 I hope this is enjoyable!! Unedited but I will edit soon.
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“Yoongi, don’t talk so drastically...it was just a joke.” He heaved deeply, gripping the door handle severely. “It can’t be a joke every time y/n she’s done worse before, her and her husband.” Sighing, unsure if it was safe to touch him you put your hand on the handle next to his. “Min, they hate me because you love me, if you want it resolved maybe we should lay low...take something like a break?” Of course you didn’t mean it, but the complications at work were becoming a bit detrimental.
His head turned at lighting speed, with a look of disgust almost. “Break? You can’t be serious don’t ever say something like that again, and I’ll do what I please, we should we hide ourselves she’ll start waking around with her head high like she won.” He let go of the handle leaning against the door looking deeply into you. “I’ll fire her.” You rolled your eyes “Yoongi please she needs to work.” “Stop being so damn sweet, this is the same person that soiled your clothes, cracks jokes about you...she bullies you she should’ve been out of here.” He put his hand in his pocket, checking his watch on his other wrist. “We’re almost done for the day anyway... you go to my place without me I’ll meet you there.” Taking his watch clad hand in yours, you could tell he was still furious.
“Alright if you insist, but what’ll you be doing yoongs?” You attempted to turn the atmosphere playful. “Baby, you insist on disobeying my requests.” Chuckles dryly. “I’ll be talking to Kim, and Lucy.” “Lucy, why?” “I’m giving her Kim’s position, a promotion.” He leans swiftly pecking your cheek before opening the door for you both to exit, not giving you a chance at questioning him further. He follows closely behind all eyes on you, a grimace on Eunji’s features. It’s like you had a fat red target right in the middle of your face. “Actually, why don’t you just head out now.” Yoongi mumbled before leaving your side, quickly heading to his office his fist curled in a rough grip.
You hung your head low like a shy school girl, going to collect your bag and belongings from your cubicle. Only to find Jimin completing the papers you’d left. “Heading home miss Raman booty?” He mumbled without turning, a pen between his teeth, his fingers typing with stealth. “I hate you Jimin.” Laughing he let the pen fall, leaning in the chair finally facing you. “You ok?” You nodded giving a warm smile. “Good, here’s your thousand dollar sack.” He handed you your purse, he’s full of jokes today, you responded with a low chuckle. “Wait before you go, whats the 411 on the bosses mood?” “Mm angry, go in quickly and quietly and leave the same way.” He nodded going back to the computer, “Ah, so not the day for pay increase forms? Gotcha.” You laughed before walking away, ready to be rid of the grimy feeling you were getting from work today.
Avoiding eye contact, you focus on the rythmatic clicking of your pumps until you entered the silver elevator. Leaning against the glass window you watched as you descended through the building. Finally meeting the last floor quickly freeing yourself sighing one more trek to take, that being into the parking garage. Silent and eerie, it oddly relaxed you you found your car quickly. It’s always there right next to Yoongi’s ever since the first day you started.
The thought warmed you, feelings of your boyfriends love floating around you. Hopping in your car you threw the gifted purse in the back seat, just before you could start up your phone rang, Yoongi of course. “Hey Yoongi” ”Ah, you sound happier already.” Reclining your seat you sighed. “I was thinking of you.” He hummed in approval. “Cute, hm I do the same to calm myself...thinking of you of course.” Giggling you responded “reason for calling?” “I wanted to say I love you, and I want you to go straight home.” He orders blandly. “Tsk I wanted to shop a bit.” You joke putting your seat back into position. “Y/n straight home, no questions.” “Yeah I heard you Daddy.” You joked starting your vehicle. “Good, I’ll see you soon, love you...say it back.” “I love you Yoongi, of course.” He sighed softly, checking your surroundings you pulled back waiting for him to hang up. “Alright bye...Jimin get out.” The phone call ended.
Relaxed you drove through your city, it’s a bit later in the day the faces of people passing linger in your mind. A soft tune plays from the radio, resting at a light your eyes wandered to the beagle place Yoongi always insists on getting breakfast from. His friends little hole in the wall. Letting your mind wander, he really is a romantic. Finishing the length of the trip you finally reach your destination, a discreet apartment on the edge of town with a not so discreet price. Reaching for your purse you got out of the car, frankly mentally and physically exhausted. “Mrs min! Welcome back!” You’re warmly greeted at the door, “no still y/l/n,good afternoon.” Warmly you smile thanking him for opening the door, yet another elevator to take you where you needed to be.
On the home stretch, trudging towards the door unlocking it you fumbled inside sighing taking in his scent that floated about. With your eyes closed you dropped your bag shuffling to the couch. Kicking off the shoes you let gravity take over thumping onto the firm furniture. The light jingling, made a smile spread on your lips. “Is that my best boy!?” You opened your eyes, greeted with Min Holly his coffee colored paws giving you pets on your head. “My Beautiful little one.” Kissing him on the temple, and gifting him to a few pets and scratches he was satisfied with your greeting he let you be at rest.
Pulling from the couch, you fulfilled the routine of grabbing a snack and skipping upstairs to shower. Stripping you ventured Yoongi’s bedroom in the nude, in search for the clothes you’d left there. Giving up you opted for a pair of briefs and a t-shirt.
Finishing the shower, you cuddled into bed wallowing on the plush mattress in search of a comforting position, engulfing your senses in Yoongi’s scent. Turing on the tv you rolled over, the bed felt cold without your cuddle baby. “Hmm Holly! C’mere little boy!” Joyously he ran in jumping next to you cuddling into your warm side. “We’ll nap and wait for Daddy huh?”
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NOW READING FROM: Yoongi’s point of view.
“Are you sure Min, I mean I’m flattered but I just started about a month ago-” I held up my hand to stop her nervous speech. “I’m positive, I’ve observed your work ethic I’m sure you could keep up Lucy, the pay is great the work is easy....more time to speak to Jungkook hm?” Her cheeks blushed light rose at the mention of his name. “But what about uhm..Eunji?” She spoke of her coworker in hushed tones,like she was some sort of demon.
“Kim Eunji has been polluting our work area, making others feel uncomfortable...and uncomfortable means less work getting done, I’ll see about her don’t worry.” Toying with her manicured fingers, such a shy girl, “so what’s your answer?” She sighed brushing a stray hair behind her ear, “Mr Min, when do I start?” She held a coy smile, slowly looking up to make eye contact. “Ah! Smart girl!” I distributed my hand for her to shake in agreement. “You’ll start Monday, we’ll have it all sorted by then.” Nodding she let go of my hand, “thank you Mr Min.” “Of course Lucy I know I won’t regret it, enjoy your night sorry for keeping you late.” Now almost all of her face had a glow of blush, “oh it’s fine Mr Min I don’t mind I didn’t have anything to do tonight anyways, how a-” “ask Eunji to come in for me please, Good night Lucy thank you.”
Shutting up he gave a quick smile and nod before leaving quicker than she came. Eunji pranced in almost eagerly a subtle smirk playing on her cherry lips. “It’s late Yoongi I have to get home.” “Home to what...a cold shower and empty bed? Come sit.” I smirked as she complied, “what do you want Min...if you’re looking for apologies you wont-” “I just wanted to talk to you.” She shut her painted lips, nodding giving me room to speak.
“You’ve been acting out Kim, and I think I know why.” She folded her arms defensively humming a response. “Oh yeah?” Her cocky tone only deepened my concealed rage. “You’re missing someone, your husband maybe?” She rolled her eyes, poking her tongue along her cheek. “What about it?” She began to toy with the small figurines that decorated my desk. “Well, he misses you too...I’ve made the decision to let you go if you’d like.”
“It isn’t time for him to come back, he’s been on the trip for months.” She mumbles smiling down at a framed picture of Holly. Scoffing I took the image back, “Joon, he likes it there he’s been having issues contacting you so he’s said....but he’s made the choice to transfer and stay at the location.” She looked intensely Into my eyes, confused yet gullible.
“He’s gotten a good place, he wants to move you there...he misses you more than you know, and the way you’ve been acting out of line I think you feel the same.” She huffs, nodding slowly. “Alright, you’ll treat my flight the same you did his?” Greedy little bitch...“yes, paid and full, you’ll be able to contact him at the airport hm?” Finally a soft smile spreads her lips, she huffs a low chuckle. “Really?” “Would you like to see the messages and paperwork?”
In hopes she’d say no I still pulled open the side drawer, a single word held her fate as I gripped the heavy weapon. It would be messy and against the plan if she’d decided to take this route. “No..no, why would you lie about sending me on all expenses paid long term vacation.” I smirked nodding while closing the drawer. “So you’ve agreed to joining him?” Sighing she tamed wisps of her dark hair, raking the back into her loose ponytail.
I pushed the legal paper forward a ballpoint rests atop of it. “When do I leave, do I get a chance to say goodbye?” She mumbles leaving her signature along the dotted spaces. Goodbye? Who would want to farewell a she-demon like you. “I’m afraid not, your flight is scheduled for tomorrow 7AM...you should get home actually.” I checked my timepiece briefly.
She stood silently, “ah ah wait, Eunji...it’s late you’re tired allow me to drive you home.” She furrows her brows, giving a suspicious look. “I’ll miss you Kim, you were one of the first people here you and Namjoon.” She lowered herself in the seat her expression now compassionate.
I didn’t lie, Eunji was exhausted...the bags under her eyes almost frightening. She was once the best dressed, best looking, and best worker here. Jealousy had eaten her, and the absence of her Lover only made her worse. “Ah Min, you won’t miss me...you’re sending me away to protect your little hook up, she moan like I used to?” My cheeks began to redden, “no, her’s are better.” Guilt set in sourly. I lied right to y/n’s face to save my ass.
Kim Eunji had made me a liar, a cheater and a bad businessman...all the more reason for her fate. “Hm, if you say so.....how about we go to your place.” Her smirk detailed more than she’d let on. “One last time.” She’s always been scandalous, she could never learn a lesson, she’d never get enough. She saw an opportunity to finally sink her teeth into what she envied, and sinking her teeth is what she planned on doing.
“Tempting, can’t wait for mr kim huh?” I attempted to participate in her now lustful staring. “Hmm, you won’t make me will you?” I set free a chuckle, letting my fingertips glide my lip. “Your place, we can make it an all night thing...you can bring me to get my car in the morning.” She collected her expensive shoulder bag. “No, y/n is at my place, probably out cold by now....I’ll bring you somewhere with a romantic view, you’ll get back to your car tonight.” She frowned at the mention of her name, pulling her wisps of hair back.
“Fine, but don’t say her name anymore tonight.” Nodding I stood offering a hand to help her up and she refused with a bratty giggle, leaving the office. She removed her heels walking barefoot to the elevator, I paced hot on her trail, finally catching her as she stood idle in the spacious elevator.
The elevator couldn’t reach the final floor fast enough for me, she’d gotten comfortable the guilt of cheating on her husband nonexistent. Sighing in frustration eyeing my watch. She toyed with my fingers leaning against me, “why’d you replace me huh?” She pouted interlocking our fingers, her fridged rings kissed my skin harshly. “Excuse me?” She sighed, “we were messing around and you...found y/n.” I chuckled as the doors pulled open. “You were engaged...nothing more would’ve developed anyway.”
Eunji and I had held countless endeavors right under Namjoon’s nose, flirtatious, casual, sexual. But he was everything but oblivious, he was just lenient until he found out the depth of our friendship. So he decided to test the waters with y/n, it was extremely unacceptable. Eunji was engaged after all, I do have some self respect. I never replaced her, I just found someone I actually loved, someone who needed me and only me.
She only laughed at my reasoning, following me giddily to my car, I opened the passenger and let her inside. I already had her fate planned. She’d been the thorn in y/n’s side ever since she’d started, she’d come running to me in tears over the things Eunji would say...the things she’d do. They treated her like a rag doll the new girl fresh to adulthood, she knew nothing better than to follow and comply.
Eunji was given warning after warning, I hate firing people but for her I’d make an exception. But y/n she’s so sweet...it’ll kill her to know Eunji was walking around jobless because of her sensitivity. So what am I to do? I’ll just make her leave silently...on her own. I’ll make her disappear.
“Where are we going?” She pushed my knee aggressively, I’d zoned out completely roaming my thoughts a dangerous thing to do behind the wheel. Absentmindedly I’d driven past our false “date”, ultimately finding ourselves in the dark. “There is this bridge, it’s romantic y/n loves it.” I fibbed, how much of an idiot could I be...this mishaps could fuck everything I’d planned. I pulled onto said bridge, vacant, thankfully just how I needed it. I turned the car off, in pitch black I could feel her looking at me.
“Huh, what a view.” She quips, “well don’t be ungrateful.” The moment before the fall is always awkward, “hm...recline the seat.” She ordered, I personally didn’t enjoy her tone. I let my seat slowly fall back and she leaned over the center console. Blindly fiddling my pant buckle. Oh shit. Oh no. Waves of guilt washed over me at the simple thought of what she was attempting.
This had to be it, she’d made it to my briefs with ease, trailing her manicured fingers along my member. This had to happen now or the outcome I’d been planning would definitely go to shit. I put an end to her exploration, gripping the back of her neck with great force she mewled like a harmed animal. “F-fuck Min, feeling rough?”
No way would this be easy or clean in the car. “Shut up.” I gritted, now griping her hair making her whine and cry out. “P-please wait.” “What the fuck did I say?” Opening my door I pulled her from the car on my side. This needed to be quick and clean, this bridge was all too public and constantly frequented for me to be leaving a messy scene on.
What smart girl, she tried to escape only to be pained by my iron grip on her mane. “Why so scared...you wanted me right?” “M-m-Min! Please I’m sorry, tell her I’m sorry...sorry-so sorry.” I kicked the pit of her knee causing her to collapse on the cold gravel. “One sorry Bitch you are, I couldn’t even pay you to keep your mouth shut.”
“Think of all you did to that innocent woman...ruined her clothes, sent her on wild goose chases in a county she’s never been in, made her fall down the stairs, turned half the office against her...so evil you even made your sleazy husband her personal predator.” She sobbed pathetically, “w-what....he did-wait?” Of course she was unaware as any idiot would be.
I knelt mumbling in her ear. “He touched my fucking girlfriend for months on end...She was so ashamed do you know how much it took for her to come and tell me?” She gagged on her sobs, choking herself on her cries. “I’m sorry, I’ll quit I’ll leave-no need to do this I’ll be gone by tomorrow.”
She whispers letting her body go limp. She thinks it’s so easy. “You sure will.” I grumbled reaching to pull my tie from my back pocket. “You can’t do shit to me- Joon- Joon will be lo-” “Joon his fucking dead. This right here.” I kicked her down pressing my foot into her soft back, to keep her still. She struggled to breath with my weight on her back, I crouch looping the long tie around her neck she ceased from fighting back as I wrapped it around my hands as well. Pulling with my angered strength, “this is the fucking business trip...enjoy the flight whore.”
She stoped struggling all together, pulling the fabric as tight as I could, I made sure the deed was done. She quit breathing, the ceased the struggle. Violently making sure she was gone, before I stored her in the trunk. My hands shook, the rush made my figure quake, I did my best to climb into the drivers seat.
Starting the car, it’s best in mind to flee as fast as I arrived. He’ll be pissed to high heaven, but at this moment theirs only one person to call. I scanned the road feeling beyond the edge, unsure of my final destination. Finally he felt the need to answer “Min, Min Yoongi-ah it is too late to be calling me this way!” He croaked through the phone .
“Jimin, hm a bonus?” “Excuse me?” He shuffled, I couldn’t continue to circle around here “Jimin...I need your help.” I groaned, I’d have to find somewhere to go before someone saw me driving suspiciously. “I’ve made another mistake....a messy one.” He gasped before mumbling complaints. “Why,Who and how much?” He grumbled, “meet me and I’ll let you know that.” “You know where to find me.” When all else fails, Jimin is the one to call. Partner in crime, cheater of justice and death.
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NOW READING FROM : readers point of view.
Fear rolled over you as you came to the realization that is was almost 5 AM and Yoongi wasn’t in bed. Holly still occupied his spot, sprawled out in pure comfort. Enjoying the luxury of sleeping in the big bed.
Rubbing sleep from your eyes you shuffled your feet along the chilly floor, slipping in Yoongi’s slippers to adventure to the bathroom. You’d have to be back at work in some hours, Yoongi as well. It’s never like him to be late. After reliving yourself, washing up you’d realized the dryness of your mouth.
Aiding the feeling you took the trip downstairs, Holly’s paws hot on ur heels. “You thirsty too?” Rhetorically you questioned setting his dish for him, and grabbing a water for yourself, drinking it almost instantly. “You’ll get sick that way kitten.”
You choked in response, spitting the water onto the marbled counter. “What the fuck Yoongi, where’ve you been?” You spoke into the darkness, you didn’t hear him come in, maybe he was already home. “After I cleared some things up at work, Jimin and I had to...do some heavy work.” His voice held a quiver, unsure if it was of sadness or fear, maybe even anger.
“Ah well....come out of the dark, come over here.” You closed the the water, Holly had already met him in the living room. He neared, his features being shown from the glow of the kitchen lights. “Here, c’mon.” You sat on the island, back to him.
Something was off...he was hiding something, he was moving strangely with his words and actions. He came, leaving Holly on the floor he centers between your legs. Leaning on his palms on either side of you, “my shirt, my slippers, dressing up as me today?” You gave a soft smirk, “when’d you change?”
“At Jimin’s the work was messy.” “Ah...what’s that on your lip?” Taking your nail, you scrapped the flake of red from his top lip. “Been kissing other ladies...ladies in cheap red lipstick?” You giggled. His face ran pale at your joke, “n-no probably from Parks food, we were hungry.” You gazed in his eyes, “what’d you eat?” “Why?” Sighing you blew it off, “no reason, just curious...how’d it go with Eunji.”
He sighed leaned forward on the counter to stretch his back. It’s then when you caught a glimpse of something odd. “There was a struggle, but it’s all over now.” You held his shoulders, stopping him from moving back up, “Yoongi, you have this stuff all in your hair, where were you?” You brushed the stubborn dried substance with your fingers. “All on your neck.” You groomed him awaiting his answer. “Painting at Jimin’s.” Overpowering you he stood to his height.
You didn’t believe him, how could you? What paint job takes that long? How could it get on his hair? Down his neck? On his lips...nose as well? “I’m going to bed, kiss.” He pecked my cheek moving from my legs, Holly followed his escape. “Oh, and Jimin’s buddy gonna look at my car for a while I had to clean it out...left your lipstick.” He threw the tube for you to catch, it fell in your clutches.
“Yoongi, stop...where’d you get this?” “In the car, it’s yours baby.” He stood stiff on the stairs not turning around. “No, it’s not I can’t wear this...it fucks up my lips, I’m allergic.”
“It was Kim’s huh? You were out doing what you said you didn’t.” He turned glaring sinisterly. “I was out doing what I should’ve a while ago.”
You scoffed, he’s unbelievable, how could he. You’d began to plan your breakdown, how you’d destroy his home in a fit of rage. He’d cheated, lied, and didn’t care. “Kim Eunji and Kim Namjoon are dead.” He shared coldly, “any more questions miss curiosity?”
“No? Good now come up and clean me.”
In utter shock, you shook on top of the kitchen island. He’d made his way to the shower quickly, you heard the faint sprinkling. Sliding from your seat, in fear you followed his orders “now my love...don’t be afraid of me I do all things for you out of love.”
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Minshookie 2021 | Not my image
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un2-verse · 3 years
BILLY — Kim Taehyung (1)
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》 News of a Sadistic Serial Killer nicknamed “Jigsaw” is spreading around town like wildfire… the nickname stemming from the puzzle piece he cuts from every victim’s body. No one knows who he’ll trap next but in a town full of delinquents and criminals, it could never be you. Right? 《
pairings: john kramer!taehyung x female reader
warnings: dark themes, angst, yandere, murder, torture, self harm, suicide, stalking etc.... (will add more when i know lol) although it is rather innocent in the first couple chapters(?) so idk it could be slow burn but i guess we’ll find out as i write it >< ,, it’s my version of saw if saw was a fucked up love story lol. Please don’t read if any of the topics mentioned trigger you!! 18+
this fic is exactly that, fiction!!!! the au does not represent the characters mentioned irl......
synopsis: you end up lost on the other side of town, where you cross paths with a handsome stranger, kim taehyung, only.... are you a stranger to him?
[a/n: daffodils represent; love me, sympathy, desire and affection returned...]
word count: 3k
series masterlist
part two
Hiding behind a mask was something you were accustomed to. Your friend group and family were clueless to the torment you endured from simply existing. You were confident your masking had convinced the world you were happy with yourself. Unbeknown to you, one other person saw straight through your façade.
You wanted to end your life.
He needed you to cherish your life.
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Nothing looked familiar. The café you frequented was nowhere to be found. Your usual hangout was most definitely not on the side of town you found yourself in. You felt anxiety slowly curl its way around your body, you were frigid. You tried and tried but couldn’t find it in yourself to run.
You lived in the more friendly part of town (so to speak) – where houses were colourful, gardens pristine, warm-hearted neighbours who would treat you like family and white picket fences are what surrounded you. That was your norm, sure, you weren’t exactly loaded but you weren’t exactly poor either. It was a healthy balance in the middle. That’s not to say you hadn’t lived or seen this side of town before.
Your Mother and Father had grown up on this side of the fence. Two young people brought up in the rougher, more unfortunate areas. Your Mother was tough; she looked like a naïve, weak girl, albeit that was not the case. She was strong willed, used to life on the streets and doing anything she could to get money to make sure there was at least some food on the table. While your Mum was the leader, your Dad was more of a sheep. He was easily influenced and was dragged into the wrong crowd (had his fair share with drugs and street racing). That was their life for a few years till they crossed paths and your Mum helped your Dad get back on the right track.
They didn’t tell you much about their childhood and adolescence but they told you enough to make you appreciate what you have and to always work hard for it. To stick with the right people, be wise and conscious of your decisions. Be kind to those around you.
Your family owned a garage; your Dad was the head mechanic. This was the sole reason you were here. You knew it wouldn’t be simple when you agreed to go to this side of town to get a few bits for your Father’s shop. However, you didn’t expect it to be this difficult. How could you be so stupid? Why didn’t you just ask Hoseok and Yoongi to come with you like your father told you to? Or at least tell them where you were… yet you decided today of all days to be stubborn and venture on yourself, knowing full well how unsafe the area was. There were rundown businesses on either side of the road, beggars at every doorstep; drug dealings happening in broad daylight, no one even trying to hide it.
You felt your phone buzz in your pocket, you took it out and sighed a breath of relief once you’d read the texts.
14:37— From Papa: U ok munchkin ??? Did u get the stuff ?
14:39— From Papa: its ok if u didnt. Yoongs rang said hes got majority this morning lol so be safe n get home soon . Love u
14:40— To Papa: ohhh ok pops, i couldn’t find the shop anyway lol i’ll head back soon, love u too x
“Fuck, trust me to forget to charge the bastard.” You rolled your eyes as you stuffed the phone back in your pocket.
Muffled shouting was heard around you. People ran across the street, bumping into you as they ran past. You gathered yourself and moved further down the path. “Great!” you exasperated, “honestly I’m so fucking stupid! Yoongi’s gonna kill me for this, I knew, I knew I should’ve told him I was coming over here but no,” your head was hung low as you dragged your feet across the pavement, “maybe I could tell Hobi, he wouldn’t be as angry right? I’m sure he’ll come,“ A sudden scream ripped you out of your chuntering. You whipped your head to the right, you could make out some figures bustling about in front of you, a group of men were quite clearly fighting… your anxiety struck you and you held your breath as you saw a man pull a knife from the waistband of his sweatpants. All thoughts and common sense seemed to leave all at once. Statue like, feet stuck to the ground. You watched on as the group rushed towards the brown haired man, you scanned his figure: tall, broad, confident… he exuded an intimidating aura even when you were this far away from him.
How could someone be so sure of themselves? It was one against five, surely the loner had no chance?
The glistening of the knife brought you back to your senses. Fucking hell. How do you always end up in these situations when you’re alone? Why me? Why? Good Lord, I need to run. Just as you were about to leave, the group who were arguing charged past you; one gripped his side as another supported his weight. Holy fuck, did he stab him? you stood frozen, yet again, your mind raced a mile a minute. Panic bubbled in your chest.
“You okay there Doll?” His voice was deep, velvet-like. It flowed so smoothly you doubted it was real, it was so soothing like it had wrapped itself around you, embracing your body. You heard his footsteps before he planted himself beside you. His shoulder reached the top of your head, his hand brushed yours. Swallowing your nerves you dared a glance up. He was fucking breath-taking, like a fallen angel. The stranger shot you a small smile that you would’ve easily missed had you not been staring at his features… a blush crept up your neck as you nodded. His smile slowly twisted into a smirk.
Cute, Taehyung thought to himself. Couldn’t help but adore the way you slightly trembled under his gaze, the way your hands gripped and twisted your sweater paws. Almost like a puppy. He cleared his throat and reached his hand to yours, “Sorry, I should’ve introduced myself. I’m Taehyung.” you took his hand into yours, apprehensively you greeted him, “I’m Y/N.”
“Ah, Y/N. I haven’t seen you round here before, you new or something?” Taehyung cocked his head to the side, his eyes seemed to stare right through you.
“Uhm, I don’t live here. I live over the other part of Town… I was just grabbing some stuff for my Dad but, my phones about to die. I have no idea where I am or how to get home, I’m sorry, I promise I didn’t see anything!” a deep chuckle cut you off, Taehyung smiled and beckoned you to follow him.
“Come on Y/N, you’re not suited for this side of Town, I’ll walk you back. A pretty little thing like you, you’re easy prey to these guys.” your feet fell into a cautious pace behind him, he glanced over his shoulder, “hurry up Buttercup, I don’t bite.” Taehyung flashed a boxy grin in your direction, which caused you to speed up ever so slightly.
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You were unsure how you felt about letting a complete stranger walk you home, Yoongi would definitely kill you for this. Especially with the recent news of some serial killer named ‘Jigsaw’, Yoongi and Hoseok had been very stern and their usual, overprotective selves when the news had broken out. “It’s on every headline Y/Nie! No more leaving the house on yourself, you need to go anywhere you ring either of us. Got it? Don’t talk to anyone you don’t know either. There’s some dodgy fucks about recently.” Although, you loved them dearly, sometimes their protectiveness was a...little overbearing. You already felt suffocated from your parents (you didn’t need it from your best friends as well). They were happy and believed you to be too; but that was exhausting, faking happiness. You had a constant façade, acted like a happy normal teenager with a happy family; when that was far from the truth.
Drowning. That’s how you’d explain the way you felt. Breathing was difficult and brought you more pain than it was worth. Growing up was tedious, you had grown differently to your peers which only brought ridicule and embarrassment for you. You had struggled with your speech (sometimes you still do), you often stuttered, mispronounced words, the list was endless. That was one of the first reasons you were a castaway. As you grew, the ridicule worsened. Verbal abuse turned physical from your classmates. They made you feel like you were a waste of space. The names they called you, you soon started to believe them. Ugly. Weird. Freak. Stupid. They took root in your brain, slowly they grew and grew till your head was overgrown with twisted, rotten weeds.
Eventually, you sought comfort in blood. You didn’t care that it hurt you; you were almost happy to feel pain. Like you deserved to.
By age 14, you had started to skip school. Only ever there for exams and a couple of art classes you had with Jeongguk. He was what you would’ve called a best friend, he supported you and was by your side till you left school. He went away to college and like always with school friends, you drifted apart. Nevertheless, he still texts you now and then to check in.
Although you were (once) close with Jeongguk. He never knew of your inner demons, the same with Yoongi and Hoseok. You didn’t want to feel like a burden and worry your friends when they had shit to worry about themselves.
Why devastate flowers that flourish beautifully with weeds that manage to twist their way around every crack?
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You had walked for a few minutes now, having chatted absentmindedly about anything and everything. The roads still didn’t look familiar to you and you just wished they did, you didn’t want to be away from your home any longer, your feet were starting to ache, your phone was on 10% battery and it was fucking cold. You just wanted to be back in bed tucked up watching Lady and the Tramp or 101 Dalmatians for the millionth time. You felt safe and content when you indulged in your comfort films. Far away from the real world and wrapped up in the false reality. They easily distracted you and that's when you truly felt at peace. Your mind was always too busy thinking about how cute it was when Tramp calls Lady, Pidge or how in love Pongo and Perdy were.
Majority of the time you fantasised about having a love similar, but then again, why would you wanna make yourself vulnerable like that? Is the risk of being hurt (more than you are now) any good? Of course it’s not. Fuck that, life isn’t nothing like those shitty romance films or novels… It’s real and painful.
As you and Taehyung rounded the corner, a little cafe caught your eye, a dainty blue and pink building. Fairy Lights strung up around the windows, you could see a handful of people inside, busy sipping their drinks and chatting away to one another. ‘Aroma Mocha’ hung above the doors. It looked so cute and simple. Your previous thoughts left your mind as quick as they had come. You wanted to go inside, it had an enticing atmosphere.
Taehyung hadn’t realised you’d stopped walking until he couldn’t hear the soft thud of your footsteps behind him, he turned as he called out to you, your eyes still fixed on the cafe. He chuckled to himself, “Fucking adorable, like a kid at christmas,” he walked back over to you. “Hey Doll, you wanna go in?” He felt his heart quicken when you looked at him with those pretty eyes, “We’ve plenty of time to get you back before it’s dark angel.” You answered him with a nod as you turned your head from Taehyung to look back at the alluring little cafe.
Not a second had passed before Taehyung grabbed your hand and pulled you across the road to the entrance; you ignored the warmth of his hand as it intertwined with yours; you ignored the way your tummy erupted with butterflies. Taehyung had stopped to hold the door for you, you murmured a small, “thank you,” looking up at him, the heat that crept up your cheeks making your face resemble that of a doll’s he thought to himself. Once he ushered you fully inside, he placed his hand to rest on the curve of your waist as he guided you to the back corner of the room, where a quaint table for two was unoccupied, a little pot of Daffodils sat atop. How fitting...
Taehyung was quick to pull the chair out for you to take a seat, you pulled it in as you sat down and sent a shy smile his way, “I’m sorry, I know we just met Taehyung but this place is so fucking precious! I hope I’m not bothering you, if I am we can just carry on walking or, I could ring a Taxi? Is this weird? Oh god, I can’t believe--”, Taehyung threw his head back as he laughed, a sound that seemed to wrap its way around your soul, twisting around your heart in the nicest of ways, it was almost like a killer to the weeds taking over your body. A temporary release. You felt like you could really breathe in those short seconds of his laughter.
“Angel, if you were bothering me, I’d have kept on walking. That, or I would’ve called you a Taxi myself, it’s no problem honestly.” You ducked your head as he sent a wink your way, fuck sake Y/N get it together! Why are you acting like a fucking schoolgirl?
“Well I uh, appreciate it so, yeah thank you?” You don’t know what to do, you’re here with the most gorgeous person you’ve ever laid your eyes on… yet you have no clue if what you saw was real, did Taehyung stab someone? Could someone have had the knife who wasn’t Taehyung? Was he even the person you saw in that altercation? Did you imagine everything that had gone off?
Before you had chance to overthink it, a light bubbly voice greeted your ears, “Hi! Welcome to Aroma Mocha, I’m Jimin and I’ll be your server today. Is there anything I can get you?” Jimin held his gaze on you as he flashed you a friendly smile, Taehyung turned around at the sound of his best friend, “Oh, Tae! I wasn’t expecting to see you today, what are you doing here? And who’s this pretty little lady?”
“This is Y/Nie, she was in the neighbourhood so we thought we’d nip in for something to drink before I take her back to hers.” you sent a warm smile to Jimin which he gladly returned, “I’ll have my usual and can you get Y/Nie a Strawberry Iced Tea? Thanks man.”
Once Jimin had disappeared to make your drinks, you shot your eyes to Taehyung, “Uhm, how’d you know I like Strawberry Iced Tea?” Taehyung didn’t even look in your direction as he scrolled through his phone, eyes glued to the screen. A minute passed by and he’d still not acknowledged your question so you let it slide, it wasn’t that big of a deal right? Your mind drifted. Your fingers rested atop of your lap, hidden from the sight of onlookers, picking around your nails as anxiety flooded your body. You felt like you were about to suffocate. You shouldn’t be talking to anyone, you shouldn’t let anyone close. You were only going to fuck everything up in a heartbeat. It’s only natural. Self deprecating thoughts devoured and made their way through your veins, poisoning yourself further; your whole body felt as though it was alight.
Jimin brought you your drinks, placed them carefully in front of the pair of you as you both said your thanks.
The click of Taehyung’s phone being locked and the clearing of his throat brought you back to your senses. “The drink I ordered for you is popular here so, I assumed you’d like to try it. You wanna talk about what’s bothering you?” your eyes shot up to meet his, your head tilted a little to the left as your tongue wet your lip, so puppy like...
You stared incredulously, “I don’t know what you’re talking about Taehyung.” You leant forward slightly as you wrapped your lips around the straw and took a sip.
Taehyung saw the way you sucked your drink up through your straw, his eyes darkened. Thankful to have worn sweatpants that day, he shifted himself discreetly, “I’m not stupid Angel, I know what you’re doing under the table. I’m here, so talk to me. I’ll listen to whatever you gotta say.”
You stuttered as you wracked your brain for something to say, “I-I only met you like forty minutes ago, I don’t even tell my friends what’s wrong. Not that there is, everything’s fine.”
You met me just short of an hour ago, he thought to himself, “You don’t have to lie to me Y/Nie…” he grabbed your hands that were laid near the cup of your Iced Tea. His thumb rubbing circles onto the back of your hand. You looked small and fragile, like the Daffodils on the table; one little pluck and you’d be ruined. He wouldn’t admit it to you just yet but, Taehyung fucking loved how delicate you seemed as you sat across from him.
How easy it would be to take your life away. How easy it’d be to pull those weeds up that are poisoning you, torturing you every single day. He shook his head, as he cleared those thoughts. No, only Y/N can make that decision. I’m just going to help her choose.
Live or Die.
You visibly winced, “You don’t know me. Think whatever the fuck you want about me, it doesn’t matter.” your eyes flashed hurt as you went back to picking your skin. You knew it, this whole encounter was too good to be true. A complete stranger (well acquaintance technically) had just presumed shit about you, the fact he was right is what hurt more. You didn’t want anyone to know how you were feeling. Or how you were dealing with it.
You couldn’t exactly tell him to piss off, you still needed his help home and so you tried to distract yourself from the unsettling gaze that watched your every move. You let out a breath as Taehyung went back to his phone. Your eyes drifted as you picked up the local Newspaper, your eyes skimmed over the headline, ‘Jigsaw Traps Continue’. Taehyung noticed you staring at the front page, and chuckled, “you scared of Jigsaw Angel?”
You shook your head, why would you be scared of some nutjob who’s targeted criminals and drug dealers? You’re a nobody. “Of some psychopathic puppet?” if anyone did anything to you that would threaten your life, it would be you. Taehyung just laughed in return as you skipped the article and skim-read the other pointless stories.
You were fucking clueless as to who he was while he knew every little thing about you. He had watched you for months… His precious little Y/Nie… Oh how silly you were, taking your life for granted.
You hated yourself that much, you were willingly marking yourself up. Tainting your skin… oh your skin, how fucking beautiful and soft it looked, even with all the scars it still looked perfect… Taehyung wanted nothing more than to whisk you away and lock you inside with him. Forever. He didn’t want anyone touching what was his.
He knew you wore a mask when in public, too afraid to show your real self. Little did you know, he wore a mask himself...only he wore it to better other people.
He had a plan.
And you’d soon find out.
Let the games begin.
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theharrowing · 2 years
hey bestie i am going to need #10 and #18 or ELSE!!!!!*
this is an empty threat i'm just interesting in getting to know you 🥰
wait no i love the idea of it being a real threat!!! 😅😰 keep things interesting!
10. Has a piece of writing ever “haunted” you? Has your own writing haunted you? What does that mean to you?
yes, actually! while writing The Hooksborough Demon i was having some intense dreams. and sometimes i have similar dreams from time to time. but, also, the more haunting imagery came from my dreams in the first place, so perhaps i’ve just haunted myself by putting it into writing.
haunting, to me, can be a lot of things. but i closely associate it to the feeling of something always lingering on the periphery, just in the blind spot, waiting for you to be fully aware. sometimes you’re never aware. sometimes you can’t shake the feeling of something unexplainable giving you the feeling it does. sometimes it makes itself know when you least expect it to. i love when it makes itself known. except i did dream once about the scene with jimin’s intestines and it was pretty ínstense. lots of blood.
18. Choose a passage from your writing. Tell me about the backstory of this moment. How you came up with it, how it changed from start to end.
since i already brought up THD, and we’re talking about haunting, i’ll choose a passage from that! i’m a huge fan of found footage horror films, and i wanted to make a story where you can only see the monster through a lens, so initially only Yoongi saw it, but now the reader is rewatching the footage he shot, and she sees it too. (and if you see it, legend has it, you’ll die soon…)
oh my god.
it’s so tall. holy shit. Yoongi sees it and he screams. jesus christ he screams so loud. oh my god, i think it…it looks like it turned at the sound of yoongi screaming. it’s just a big black mass, i can’t make out a clear shape, but where i assume there’s a head, it seemed to respond to yoongi’s voice. like it realized he can see it.
and now i can see it.
i get night terrors and often it’s not a being i can clearly see, but a feeling and a big, smokey massive being that makes me feel like i’m suddenly being suffocated for being near. i thought that being would make a good monster. (someone asked if it’s like the beings in hellbound, but it’s bigger and more…shapeless.) nothing was changed while writing it because, unlike my other writing, this was just reader typing a stream of consciousness for what she saw. (the story is mostly a lot more concise than this passage…but not always.)
🖤✨ thank you for asking, bestie! i hope this hasn’t creeped you out too much hehehe.
send me some weird asks!
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seokoloqy · 4 years
The Ravenheart Manor
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➳ PAIRING(s): ot7 x reader
➳ GENRE: smut, pwp, mythical creature!au
➳ WARNINGS: aphrodisiacs, suggestive content, more warnings will be added in each chapter
➳ SUMMARY: you’re the new maid at the Ravenheart Manor. Take your chance with each of its peculiar residents (hey, does that one have a tail?) after accidentally ingesting a powerful aphrodisiac that might just kill you if you don’t give in to your burning desires.
➳ A/N: at the end of the story it will be split off into seven different parts. Each of them dedicated to a different member they don’t have to be read in order and they are not connected. Enjoy your descent into monster fucker hell~
Rain pours all around you and it only seems to grow stronger the longer you wait at the looming door. You had rapped your knuckles against the ornate door twice now, but the manor is so large you doubt anyone would have heard unless they were lingering next to the door.
Your fingers begin to feel numb when the howling winds pick up. You raise your hand again to knock with all your strength, hoping someone will answer before you freeze.
Before your hand hits the door for the third time, the doors pull open and you’re greeted by a man in a waistcoat. His dark hair contrasts with his pale skin. He scans you slowly, eyes drifting down your shivering body, pretending not to notice how your clothes stick to your curves. He makes a small sound of approval before meeting your eyes.
To you, he seems normal, but that would be completely incorrect. When you took this job, you knew it’d be at your own risk. It pays so well you don’t even care about the dangers you potentially face.
“You must be the new help,” he says, pulling the door open wider. You get a glimpse of the inside and the grand decor. “Welcome to the Ravenheart Manor. I’m Yoongi, the butler. I’ll be helping you adjust to life here.”
You lift your suitcase and cross the threshold, taking in your surroundings. Yoongi reaches for your suitcase. When your hands touch briefly, you feel colder than before. You would have dropped your entire suitcase if he hadn’t grabbed it.
Yoongi isn’t phased, instead, he moves along, deeper into the heart of the manor. You force yourself to shake it off and follow him. You might as well get used to this. There’s certainly more encounters like this to come.
“I believe you’ve already been informed of this, but the residents here, including myself, aren’t exactly human. I would like to preface that before you meet them.”
“Yes, I’ve been told.”
You only know that they’re each different creatures, but you’re not entirely sure what. You can’t even tell what Yoongi is yet, but judging by his dark aura, he’s nothing to be messed with.
“May I ask what you are?”
He grins as if he were waiting for you to ask, but doesn’t turn around to meet your gaze. “A demon. If you’re not careful I could steal away your soul and your face. So I suggest not messing up.”
Although his tone is playful, you doubt he’s joking.
In the dining area, two men lounge in chairs across from each other, neither of them eating. One has his feet up on the white linen; his mud-coated boots stain the fabric. A toothpick rests between his lips and his eyes travel the pages of a worn book. The other nurses a cup of dark liquid that he seems mesmerized in, watching his tired reflection stare back at him. The room smells of coffee and you assume that’s what he’s drinking, despite the clock ticking close to midnight.
The ambient candle lighting is warm, casting a soft glow over the room. With the rain battering against the window it creates a cozy atmosphere, and for a brief moment, it’s almost a place you’d call home.
Yoongi clears his throat and both men call their attention towards you and you’re suddenly reminded of the dangers beneath this roof.
The man with his feet on the table grins, his canines peeking beneath his upper lip, plucking the toothpick from his mouth and shutting his novel with a loud slam that startles the other man out of his daze. “A toy? You love to spoil us, don’t you, Yoongi?”
“She’s not your toy, master Taehyung,” Yoongi says, eyes narrowing slightly at Taehyung’s shoes muddying up the table. “This is ___ and as of today she will be assisting me with chores around the manor.”
“That doesn’t mean I can’t play around with her,” Taehyung pouts, “Jungkook, doesn’t she look like fun?”
Jungkook meets your eyes and immediately flushes, turning back to stare into his black coffee. “I don’t know,” he mutters, curling into himself like he wants to disappear.
Taehyung laughs, rich and melodious laughter, throwing his head back against his chair, “don’t mind him. All baku are shy things. It’s cute—don’t you agree, ___?”
At that, Jungkook dips his head lower, dark hair sweeping over his eyes as he tries hiding his embarrassment.
You don’t want to turn Jungkook any more red than he already is. You ignore Taehyung’s question and regard both men with a thin smile and a polite bow. “Hello, I’m eager to begin working here.”
Taehyung swings his boots off the counter—much to Yoongi’s relief—and leans forward with his elbow resting on the table and chin propped in his hands. His tongue wets his lower lip like a starving wolf.
“Will you call me master as well, ___?” Taehyung queries, popping his toothpick back in his mouth with a sly grin.
Your heart hammers at his charming smile.
“If you wish.”
“I’d love nothing more, my dear.”
You take a deep breath through your nose, unsure of your next words.
“Well then, master, it’s a pleasure to meet you.”
Taehyung’s smile drops and for a second you can see the predatory gaze in his eyes that tells you he craves to pounce on you. Maybe if Yoongi and a Jungkook weren’t in the room, he would. Maybe he’d have you pressed against the wall before you could say anything more and devour you completely. His voice is lower when he speaks again, any trace of his teasing attitude gone. “I think we’ll have a lot of fun together, my dear.”
“This room is the bathing area. You’ll be sharing it with the rest of the residents here. There is a scheduled amount of time for you to bathe alone, however. So don’t worry about anyone barging in on you.” Yoongi says, opening the door, releasing a thick cloud of steam. Upon entering, you notice the large bath in the center with two shadowy figures in the fog.
“You get off on making me angry, don’t you?” The hiss comes from the steam. “I said, don’t touch my things!”
“It’s just soap, Hobi. Relax before you pull something.”
Before you can turn away after the fog clears, you’re met with two men at the bath. One is submerged in the water with his arms crossed over the ledge and the other stands over him with a towel wrapped around his waist.
The one not in the bath has a scowl on his face, but more importantly, two leathery white and blue wings protruding from his back and a large sweeping tail matching in color tucked under his towel.
“Touch my things again and I’ll tie you up in the sun till you shrivel,” the one with the tail threatens.
“You wouldn’t dare.”
“Ahem,” Yoongi clears his throat. “Masters, may I introduce our newest guest?”
You almost gawk at Yoongi for thinking now, when there are two men practically naked and arguing, is an appropriate time to introduce you. But then again, he is a demon. He must not have any qualms over things that you’d normally find inappropriate. He is the embodiment of sin, after all.
The one in the bath is the first to look at you. He gasps, pushing himself up from the water. Instead of seeing him completely naked, his waist blends into iridescent smooth scales. A shimmering tail flicks behind him, splashing water over the edge of the bath.
“I had no idea she’d be so cute! Say, care to join me for a bath, dear?”
Saving you from the embarrassing stutters that would’ve left your mouth, Yoongi interrupts, “there’s no time for that tonight, master Jimin. I’m sure ___ is tired from her trip here and would like to get to bed as soon as this tour is over.”
You hold in your sigh of relief.
Jimin pouts, dropping his arms back into the water with a splash. “Alright. Maybe next time.” The disappointment is marred on his beautiful face.
“Why’d you have to bring a human into the manor, Yoongi?” The second man says.
“I think she is very qualified for the job, master Hoseok.”
“Tch,” Hoseok scoffs. “She won’t last here.”
The crackling fireplace warms your rain-soaked body. Worn books line the walls in this next room. Yoongi guides you deeper into the library where there are two men sitting in chairs across from one another, pondering over a chessboard.
“This is very boring, Namjoon,” the blonde one huffs, propping his elbow on the table to cradle his chin. He looks out the looming window at the drops of rain battering against the window with a sigh. “Nothing like celestial games.”
The man opposite him gives a similar sigh as his hand hovers over a pawn, contemplating his next move carefully, “Seokjin, it’s been over a century since you were cast out. When will you stop comparing everything to the celestial realm?”
“When my Father gives me my true wings back.”
“So never,” Namjoon says matter factly, pushing his dark-rimmed glasses up the bridge of his nose. He pulls his hand back and scans over all his pieces on the board with furrowed brows.
“Masters,” Yoongi calls. “Please meet our newest maid.”
Seokjin turns from the window and nearly grimaces at Yoongi, but as his eyes travel to you they light up, absolutely delighted to see you.
“Hello! Come join us!” Seokjin says, “would you like to play for me?”
He’d like to get out of playing chess anyway he can. He’s already halfway across the room to greet you before you can speak.
“Hello, I’m ___,” you greet politely, placing your hand in Seokjin’s outstretched one. He’s warm, unlike Yoongi. You already feel so much more comfortable just being near him. Namjoon said something about heaven and you assume he must have been an angel.
You become frozen when Seokjin brings your knuckles to meet his lips in a tender kiss.
“It’s a pleasure to meet you, ___.”
“The theatrics are unnecessary.” Namjoon gives a tired sigh from his chair, still intent on the board before finally moving his piece. After he’s satisfied with the move, he rises from the chair and strides across the room with confidence. When he stops, looming before you, he stares down at you with dangerous maroon eyes. “I’m Namjoon, owner of the Ravenheart Manor. I hope you do not disappoint me.”
It’s been about a month since you started working at this manor. You’ve gotten to know a little bit more about each of the residents, but only surface-level things.
You know that Namjoon is half vampire, half werewolf but doesn’t care to speak of his werewolf side. He sometimes disappears into the garden in the middle of the night. You can see him strolling around and disappearing behind hedges from your window. You’ve never been down there because Yoongi has you working dusk to dawn scrubbing down the manor or doing laundry until you can hardly move once your head hits the pillow.
Seokjin is a fallen angel who was cast out centuries ago, but can’t seem to stop reminiscing about his time there. You enjoy being around him the most. He always puts you at ease and is the only one who occasionally helps you with chores. He’ll help you sweep the floors and tell stories of Heaven that always captivate you.
Yoongi is a demon who seems to take a great amount of joy in bossing you around on your hands and knees. Every morning, just before the sun is over the horizon, he’s hovering over you with endless amounts of chores to do and a new list of your flaws and how you can do better.
Hoseok is a dragon and it seems like he just doesn’t like you at all. The subtle glare he gives you whenever you walk into a room makes you want to exit immediately. He likes to keep to himself in his room most of the day and away from the other residents. No one gets to go into his room at all because he locks the door. You’re not sure what he’s hiding in there.
Jimin is a siren who endlessly flirts with you about getting into the bath with him. You’ve heard the stories of sirens seducing their prey just to drown and eat them so you avoid being near the baths whenever he’s in, but it seems like he’s always in the bath. Sometimes you catch yourself being tempted by his sweet voice whenever he offers.
Taehyung is a kumiho that loves to tease and pull you onto his lap while he reads a book just to watch you grow flustered. You always find yourself thrown onto his lap whenever he’s nearby. He loves having you curled against him, one arm securely around your waist and the other with a book open on your lap.
Jungkook is a baku. He’s easily flustered by you, turning red easily whenever you’re around. He’s so quiet; sometimes you don’t even notice his presence in a room until someone acknowledges him.
You sigh as you pour a glass of blood for Namjoon in his usual tall glass. You spent the whole day dusting the library and pulling yourself from Taehyung’s affectionate grasp most of the time.
Another voice entering the kitchen disrupts your futile attempts at relaxing. Caught off guard, you accidentally let out a yelp, nearly tipping out the entire pitcher of blood. Consequently, your help causes the intruder to jump as well.
“Sorry!” He says.
You turn around to find Jungkook shrinking away under the door frame and not some hungry monster you didn’t know inhabited the manor.
“What are you doing here?” you breathe a sigh of relief. Out of all the residents in this house, Jungkook is the least of your worries. Actually, you doubt he’s even capable of hurting anything with how timid he is.
“Do you need more coffee?” You gesture towards the empty mug clutched in his hand.
He nods, extending his cup towards you. His arm strains to hand the cup to you from the distance he’s put between you two.
By now, you’re not surprised he’s here asking for more caffeine at night. His unusual sleeping schedule (not that he ever sleeps), along with a filled cup of black coffee always clinging to his side, keeps him up all through the night. You’ve never questioned his obsession with coffee and the habit of staying up. You don’t know much about baku, but there probably is a good explanation for it.
“Um,” he mumbles, scratching the back of his neck, “You seem… stressed?”
“A little,” you admit, moving to take the coffee pitcher off the heat.
“Oh,” he trails off, not knowing what else to say. You can see the cogs turning in his head as he attempts to think of something to say or do. “Maybe something to drink will help?”
You laugh, “I don’t think coffee is going to help me relax, especially at night.”
Jungkook flushes, averting his gaze towards the cupboards. “Th-That’s not what I meant.”
He shuffles over to the cupboard and opens a panel to reveal where the liquor is kept. He grabs one of the bottles off the top shelf—an opaque rose-colored glass with a wide rounded bottom and long neck.
“Here. Jimin always drinks this whenever he’s stressed and brags about how it can make anyone feel good,” he extends the bottle towards you, “maybe this’ll help.”
You haven’t had a good drink since coming to the manor. Even with Yoongi’s voice in the back of your head nagging about how a good maid wouldn’t drink on the job and how he’d be disappointed by your actions, you find yourself reaching for the bottle.
You take the bottle from Jungkook, who surprisingly doesn’t flinch when you accidentally brush fingertips, but you can see the familiar pink flush across his cheeks.
“One or two drinks won’t hurt.”
You drank a few shots of the oddly sweet liquor before dinner could begin. It filled you with a pleasant warmth that ran through your entire body. True to Jungkook’s word, it did help you relax—maybe a little too much.
Now you’re sitting at the dinner table surrounded by all seven of the residents. Yoongi is hovering behind Jungkook, refilling another cup of coffee, still working to serve his masters. You don’t think you’ve ever seen him eat.
Tonight is a mandatory dinner where you all sit down and have dinner at one table. Usually, the residents have separate meals at separate times in their own rooms or wherever they can find prey—willing, submissive volunteers, as Jimin likes to call them—but Namjoon made it a rule to have dinner together at least once a week to help you find normalcy and feel more comfortable living with a group of supernatural creatures.
You absentmindedly poke at your meal while your stomach churns. You’re not in pain—far from it actually. The all too familiar heat between your legs has you slowly sliding your legs together underneath the table to ease the tension. The throbbing is subtle but it’s there, rendering you unable to focus on anything else but that need.
“Not hungry?” Namjoon asks you, dabbing blood off the corner of his lip with a white cloth.
You glance toward the head of the table where Namjoon sits back in his chair watching with sapphire eyes as your hand swirls around a spoon. You tense under his gaze, which is entirely devoid of emotions when it travels back to your face.
The month that you’ve been in this manor you’ve picked up on some things about its peculiar residents.
This always seemed to be Namjoon’s demeanor—composed and seemingly one step ahead of everyone else. Namjoon is always eerily calm even when he should be livid. It only makes him more intimidating to you.
You’ve always wondered what goes on in his head. Maintaining a mansion full of different mythical creatures must be tough on him, and if it is, he doesn’t let it show.
In the corner of your eye, you see Yoongi cradling the pitcher of coffee behind Jungkook. His silent stare is a warning. ‘Don’t let the masters know you’re struggling. Maintain your composure or be punished.’
Working closely with Yoongi has taught you a few things about him too. He hates upsetting his masters and if you mess a single thing up, one of two things can happen. He’ll begin to lecture you about not being an adequate maid or he’ll stay silent and watch you until you crumble and apologize.
His silence is what you’re most afraid of. You’ve never seen what he looks like as a demon; but when he’s upset with you, a cloud of thick dark smoke rises from his body. If you ever do get to see his real demon form, you’re positive punishment would be laid out for you.
And that’s how he looks at you now—silently.
“Nothing’s wrong,” you lie. Even without Yoongi’s warning eyes, you wouldn’t want them to know about the embarrassing need between your legs anyway. Though you’re sure Jimin or Taehyung wouldn’t mind jumping at the chance to help you. They’re always eager to touch you and keep you close to their sides. Their hands roaming your body doesn’t seem like such a bad idea right now though.
All chatter halts as all the men turn their curious eyes towards you, all of a sudden very interested in your loss of appetite. Seokjin even soothingly rubs your back with one hand and you can’t help but melt at his touch. It’s not uncommon for the former angel to give you a hug or a head pat when you’re feeling down, but this time his hands on you feel different.
It’s like his hand sends tingles throughout your body, more importantly between your legs, as it rubs warm and soothing circles on your back. His hands between your legs are all you can think of—the heavenly angel, sinning between your thighs. His lips, his tongue on you, licking up your arousal like it’s the sweetest ambrosia.
“If you’re not feeling well you should rest,” Seokjin says, moving his hand to your forehead to check your temperature.
Once his hand makes contact with your bare skin, you bite your lip at how warm his hand feels against you and you just want more of his touch. You want to feel all of him against you.
He flinches back once he touches your skin and his face scrunches up in worry. “Oh my, you’re burning up.”
“You’ve been working her too hard, Yoongi,” Taehyung says. He’s sitting on you’re right and leans in closer to inspect your heated face. His hand subtly slides onto your thigh and you immediately move your hand over his to make sure he doesn’t move it. He looks shocked by your unusually bold move. Normally, you play coy and pretend that you don’t like his sly advances and push him away.
“I only give her as much as she can handle, master.”
You let out an accidental whimper. Why did that sound so much more sexual than it was? The idea of Yoongi’s punishments has a different ring to you now. If you were to disobey Yoongi would he bend you over his lap and make you beg for forgiveness?
Your grip tightens around Taehyung’s hand.
The rest of the table looks at you wide-eyed, a few gaping, mainly Jungkook who looks ready to disappear into his chair.
“What the hell was that?” Hoseok blurts, averting his gaze from your heated one.
“You sound like me after a sip of my aphrodisiac,” Jimin giggles to which Jungkook pales.
“W-What?” he stutters, a panicked expression settling on his face.
Namjoon puts down his glass, licking the drop of blood on the corner of his lip.
Jungkook shifts uncomfortably, an action not unnoticed by Namjoon’s sharp eye.
“Speak,“ Namjoon says, shooting a sharp glare towards Jungkook, causing him to press himself further into his chair. "If you know what’s the matter, then speak, Jungkook.”
At the sound of his name, Jungkook almost yelps, anxious to admit his mistake. He ducks his head down and fiddles with his hands in his lap.
"I-I think I accidentally let her drink some of Jimin’s aphrodisiac,” he mutters underneath his breath, voice trailing off near the end. The atmosphere surrounding the table goes silent for a moment. Namjoon simply stares at Jungkook with silent anger. Jungkook avoids eye contact with the entire table, especially you.
“You!” Jimin laughs aloud, interrupting the silence, and points his finger towards Jungkook, hardly getting a word past his laughter. “You gave her my aphrodisiac?! What were you trying to do, Jungkook? Get her into bed with you?”
“No! No, I swear!” Jungkook cries, sounding more and more helpless and meak, “I-I didn’t mean to! I was only trying to help! S-She said she was stressed!”
Namjoon puts his elbows on the table and rubs his temples. A groan escapes him. “How much did you drink, ___?”
You don’t trust your voice to speak without sounding breathless and needy. “A little,” you respond weakly.
“And how much is a little?” he repeats this time the question is aimed towards Jungkook.
“One…eh, m-maybe four shots?”
Yoongi looks disappointed in you, but you don’t really seem to mind. Your thoughts are still on the kinds of punishment Yoongi’s hands could give you. “What am I going to do with you?” He tsks.
“Don’t worry; the potion should wear off in a couple of hours or so. If you need any help with those urges feel free to knock on my door.” Jimin winks from across the table. Given your state, you wouldn’t mind taking him up on that offer. You’ve often walked by and heard the sounds his ‘guests’ make in his bedroom all night long. His very skilled hands stroking your body, the sweet lull of a siren’s song singing in your ears as he-
“The aphrodisiac potion may wear off in a couple of hours for us but the same can’t be said for humans. ___ should be monitored in case this potion turns out to have more negative consequences than expected.” He turns toward you. “To make you more comfortable I’ll let you choose who you’d like to watch over you.”
Seokjin - angel | coming soon
Namjoon - werewolf/vampire hybrid | coming soon
Yoongi - demon
Hoseok - dragon | coming soon
Jimin - siren | coming soon
Taehyung - kumiho | coming soon
Jungkook - baku | coming soon
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