#i love elvis i really do
mooodyblue · 1 year
just finished my 20th rewatch of elvis (which i haven't watched in months!) and my god. i really do miss that man. i don't think i've ever had so much love for any artist in my life.
never had a chance to see him, meet him or even be apart of his lifetime but i feel like we've been friends this whole time :(
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doll-elvis · 1 year
The story behind the picture
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“Jeanette Dundas convinced her hard-working single mom to drive her to try to see Elvis Presley. ‘I was on the verge of tears from the pure joy of it,’ she recalled. ‘Then I started to panic. What if he wasn’t as nice as I thought he’d be? What if he rejected me?’
Like many thirteen-year-old girls, she struggled with a negative self-image that tugged at her to run and hide from the audacious notion of meeting the one and only Elvis Presley. ‘I was clumsy, awkward, plain and scrawny,’ said Dundas. ‘I felt so ugly with my Lilt permed hair flying in every direction’
Yet she resisted the urge to withdraw from her one chance to meet Elvis. So there outside she waited alongside her mom and best friend and when Elvis pulled up, she stood frozen in her spot while other fans rushed up to him
Presley moved along until eventually he was right beside the shy teen. Not knowing what to do, Dundas asked him to say the word ‘bare’, like only he had said it in the spoken-word interlude from ‘Are You Lonesome Tonight?’ He didn’t respond
Only after agonizing silence and his signing more autographs did Dundas finally get the interaction she was waiting for. He wheeled around and said the word. ‘Now are you happy little girl?’ Not exactly; it all happened so fast that Dundas didn’t have a chance to reply
Just then someone in the crowd pushed forward, very nearly causing Dundas to fall. Presley reacted, took hold, and tucked the starstruck teen under his right arm: ‘Little girl you better stick close to me so you don’t get hurt’
She spent the rest of the autograph session under Elvis Presley’s arm like the junior prom queen of the world. ‘I was so happy my insecurities flew out the window’ she recalled
For a few fleeting moments, he had made Jeanette Dundas feel special like no one ever had. She blurted after him, ‘Elvis, I love you. I really love you’.
He looked at her, nodded and smiled, ‘I know you do and I love you too’.”
excerpt from “Elvis Ignited” by Bob Kealing
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lambergeier · 3 days
adding jack antonoff to the list of people i gotta send ten dollars to, for some walking around money. i disrespected his strange desire acoustic remaster (because it's bad) but hey can i say: this guys puts on one of the best live shows i've ever seen
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missmaywemeetagain · 1 year
Dear Miss Madisyn,
What makes Elementary superior to the Cumberbatch Sherlock for you?
a fellow television enthusiast...
PS X-Files was my first grown up appointment TV show....
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My Darlin' Dearest Norah,
I want to preface this by saying I do like BBC Sherlock because I know there are some pretty intense camps out there on both sides and I don't want anyone coming for me lol. I definitely think there is room for both in the canon. I will also say it has been quite a while since I watched the BBC version, so make of that what you will...
However, I prefer Elementary for a few reasons:
One, while I think the highly stylistic "movie" sort of quality to the BBC version is interesting, it gives Sherlock this sort of superhero-esque quality that makes him so "other" it's hard to relate to him in any way. Like I think he's cool in an objective way, but I don't really like him much or find him very redeemable. And the attitude around him is kind of like, "Well, that's just Sherlock! He's just a brilliant asshole!" and it just...stays that way.
(Now don't get me wrong, I love all the actors in both versions for a multitude of different reasons! But the writing lends itself to highly different interpretations from an actor's perspective.)
I prefer the realism of Elementary more. I absolutely love the characterization of both Sherlock and Joan. They feel like dynamic, flawed but redeemable characters who are fleshed out in most every way. They learn and grow and change in crucial ways throughout the series. Sherlock's behavior and neurodivergency are explained but not used as cop-outs or excuses for his not-so-nice treatment of people. He faces very real consequences in his relationships because of it and because of his drug addiction, but the key difference is that he figures out he wants to do better, especially for the people he comes to care deeply for. He tries, in his weird Sherlock way, to connect, because he starts to realize that yes, he is brilliant, but his actions affect others, and that being totally alone is not all it's cracked up to be. And Joan is very much her own person who struggles with her own issues and relationships with people and with the direction she wants her life to go. She (unwillingly at first) learns these new things about how to look at the world and how to help people in a different way, and she doesn't take a backseat to Sherlock. After the first season, she becomes a true partner to him, not a sidekick, and I really appreciate that.
Part of it is there is just more time over 7 traditional seasons to explore character arc, versus the wonky "we put seasons out whenever it works for us" way of BBC. The nuances are much more developed over time in a more natural way for Elementary.
Not to mention that the gender-bending in Elementary is just *chef's kiss*. They did it so well, you'd hardly know it was any other way!
Back to character, I just think Johnny Lee Miller knocked that role completely out of the park. He was absolutely stunning in playing those subtle changes and emotional moments and showing Sherlock's growth over time. He was multi-dimensional and it made his growth heartbreaking and lovely. He should've won a million Emmy's for that performance. And honestly, as much as I like Benedict (and I do), I truly think Johnny is the better actor overall (side note--if you ever get a chance, watch both versions of the Frankenstein production that they did together for the National Theatre in London, where they switch roles, both playing the monster and Dr. F for different performances. It's brilliant! But I do think Johnny is much better as the monster. 😊) And Lucy Liu is just a badass and I love her, too, and the chemistry between them is just awesome. They play those comic moments so well, too.
And I'm not gonna lie, I'm 100% a Sherlock x Joan shipper, and the writing in Elementary was fantastic in this way, because it left it open enough for the audience to decide for themselves what kind of love we were dealing with there. But the shippy moments were soooo good, imo. You named a bee after me? We're just two people who love each other... Come ON. Beautiful. Fabulous. Fantastic. And the ending? I wept.
I also think Elementary dealt with the addiction piece much much much better. The realism of going to AA, dealing with the fallout of relationships, relapses, the ongoing challenge of always being an addict was just so much more poignant without being a crutch. Similar thoughts about how the neurodivergency and PTSD were handled.
Anyway, I could probably go on, but this is long enough already! TL;DR: I just think Elementary is better in all the ways: writing, acting, arcs, relationships...LOL
Thanks for the ask, my dearest!!
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forever-fixating · 2 years
Can I be really sappy for a minute?
I am so grateful for the Elvis 2022/Austin Butler fandom.
I haven’t been this invested in an awards race and a fandom since probably the end of the Infinity Saga for the MCU.
The Elvis 2022/Austin fandom is so genuine and beautiful and creative. So many beautiful stories told even if it seems silly.
I love you guys. Being fully serious.
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kissmefriendly · 2 years
So was nobody gonna tell me that ‘I’m So Lonesome I Could Cry’ was an Elvis song and not a heavy metal rock song or was I just supposed to find that out from an Amelia Project episode???
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loving-elvis · 2 years
30 Days Idol Challenge
Day 28 - With A Hat
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co27 · 1 year
owuld you still love me if i watched live action one piece
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mooodyblue · 2 years
ignore me rambling but i genuinely cannot believe im in love with elvis presley like if you would have told me last year i'd be sitting here on my elvis tumblr account writing about elvis and giggling and kicking my legs back and forth over a photo of him i would laugh in your face !
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valkaryah · 1 year
btw the critic who said "“Euphoria” star Jacob Elordi, whose immediately convincing take on the character is more human and heartsick than Austin Butler’s performance ever was (less a dig than a job description)" gave a better rating to BLONDE (yes that Marilyn "biopic") than he did do to Baz Luhrmann's ELVIS. that tells you everything you need to know.
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valen-dreth · 2 years
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septembersghost · 2 years
Jess should I watch Elvis?
yes, if for austin's kinetic performance alone! (i might be in love w him, though that's not entirely new, just elevated.) and also good music. i've been listening to so much of elvis' stuff and the vintage music/artists i love in general for the past week and it's nourishing to my soul.
biopics can be a tricky thing, and for me the importance lies in centering/revealing the subject's humanity amidst their unique qualities and flaws, and exploring the story in a way that feels empathetic and not exploitative (hence the screaming i did over a different movie, which doesn't even deserve to be labeled as a biopic, that shall not be named this summer), which this did. i was telling a friend, and my mom and i have discussed this many times over the years, but there's something heartbreaking and haunting to me about the fact that certain artists become so indelible in pop culture, so larger than life in that way, that the image of them takes over from the person, even from the artistry, and they become a caricature or a cardboard cutout of themselves. an icon, but no longer remembered as flesh and blood. there are a number of legends from those golden days of hollywood that this has happened to, most notably perhaps being marilyn and elvis. the tragedy of their respective stories comes into play there too, fixing them forever as that ending, those specific images. how do you overcome the iconography, so detached from agency and personhood, to re-center a human being? to not re-victimize them or overly distort what happened, and yet still tell it in a way that's a compelling narrative and can take some fictional license? it has to be measured so carefully. what got me with austin's performance is - you can go to vegas and find an impersonator on every corner if you want. he wasn't doing an impersonation, he was finding the vulnerability and electricity in the actual person, and that makes all the difference.
i will say though, i've been sitting here contemplating - what does baz luhrmann put into his films that very specifically alters my brain chemistry, but always in a slow drip, sneakily inescapable way? i'll be like, well, that sure was a movie, and think i moved on, but then days later be obsessively tantalized about aspects of it. this has happened three times in my life, and previously i might've thought it was more of a symptom of my teen years, but no, it still apparently rings true. i don't even entirely understand why he made some of the frenetic directing choices he made or certain moments of the framing or whatever tom hanks was doing, but the themes it touches on regarding the power and influence of music and the social upheaval of the time and what creates an indelible legacy, and that center of humanness i mentioned that's existent in the portrayal, can i stop thinking about it? no, i cannot. so be warned it might make you feel unhinged <3
edit, 2/3/23: over a month later and two subsequent viewings, including on the big screen (gorgeous showstopping spectacular) and i just have to remark that my thoughts on the editing and on tom hanks' performance have radically changed, but i think it's because you need to see it more than once to even begin to absorb it. now that i fully understand those aspects of the film and have seen it in all its grandeur and its empathy, i appreciate the framing, and the art direction/editing/costuming/everything is so breathtaking. it's so clearly a work of love and passion on everyone's part and the pinnacle of baz's particular vision as a filmmaker in many respects. it has elvis' spirit in all of its essence. i stand by everything i said about austin (and then some, he is phenomenal), it's like he was meant to embody this, but as a whole i underappreciated the movie as a whole during this first viewing, and now...it's impacted me deeply and i'm grateful for that, i love it very much.
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elvispresleywife · 1 year
HEY GUYS!! Ok, so I want to get more involved with my followers thus this post!
So everyone who follows me/talks to me/knows me, knows how much I love my baby Elvis, like so, so, so much I'd time travel as fast as Thanos snapped his fingers if I could, BUT until then I was wanting to change my picture (It breaks my heart but I need help picking!) So I am creating this Poll for anyone who follows me/doesn't follow me the more votes the better so PLEASE Vote for me!!! And if you just randomly happen to have one that you think reminds you of me, or is one you'd think he'd send me😂(Sorry if I'm asking a lot!) Please send it through my asks!!
Love you all so much!!
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no-mercy-bby · 2 years
abby i was listening to the everly brothers while reading and i thought of you😌
Me?? I'm honored😌 <333
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freckleslikestars · 2 years
Our menu at work is seasonal, meaning it changes every month or so depending on what fruits and stuff are in season and also what drinks are appropriate and it’s always always always the main cocktail menu of 15 drinks that changes, keeping six of them the same all year round, rotating four of them out each season and five rotating out each month on average. And then all of a sudden today I get into work and my manager goes ‘he’s in a good mood today’ in reference to our boss, ‘he’s put a Halloween menu on’
Now, I thought he meant he’d slipped a couple of Halloweeny drinks on to the main menu. No. He added a whole extra page. Corpse reviver no. 2. Blood and sand. White ladies. Zombies.
A whole list of classics with spooky names. Another whole list of spooky drinks he’d come up with specially for the night. And a list of spooky shots.
This all from a man who really doesn’t do holidays. The only holidays we do are Christmas (we put a tree up with 25yo decorations in the lobby and that’s it) and nye (we don’t decorate, it’s just a very lucrative night). This is a man whose kids I’ve never known to really celebrate Halloween. And suddenly he’s decided we need a whole new menu just for two nights.
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girlspecimen · 16 days
my mother spent her childhood summers reading cosmo at a chicken farm in mississippi trying to escape the chaos of her father trying to settle accounts with his second (and later, third) gold digging wife and i have the same face as my grandmother who won miss teen rochester in the 60s while growing up dirt poor farming dairy with her 9 siblings. so maybe i’ve never liked lana del rey’s music because the true #americana #lanacore #darkcoquette was in my blood the whole time
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