#i love em and oj relationship
reveluving · 1 year
twice shy ; oj haywood x reader
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warning: fluffy fluff (shy idiots in love)
a/n: again, no reason for me to write this other than the fact that mr kaluuya is <3 MC is jupe's sister in general because ✨ i n c l u s i o n ✨ (+ the invasion didn't happen, cool? cool!)
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oj feeling his heart stop when jupe introduces you as his older sister. you're not a part of the showbiz life, but just like the haywood's, the two of you were like two peas in a pod.
em relentlessly teasing tf out of her brother; it's not hard for her to notice the way his breath would hitch or when he flexes his hands as they turn clammy. her speculations have only been confirmed when at one point, there's this dreamy look on his face as you'd leave, excusing yourself to help your brother.
it takes a second for oj to notice his sister standing next to him, but when he does, especially with that damning smirk on her face, he knew he was in for a treat.
"I'm just sayin'; you guys would look cute together!" em will not stop buttering her brother up just so he'd grow a pair to ask you out. for most people, it would look like he's trying to tune out his sister's words when in reality, he's truly taking in her words, hoping that they could actually hype him up to take you out on a date.
em not only enjoying the way you and her brother shyly interact with one another but going as far as taking a couple of secret shots with her camera. even if it was a creepy thing to do, oj had to admit, the photos turned out amazing, and it didn't help that you'd always look ethereal.
oj not being able to stop smiling whenever he sees you and his extroverted sister hang out, almost funny because it's easy to see you trying your best to keep up with her every once in a while (because same), which he truly appreciates.
oj finally having the guts to ask you out when he finds you admitting your feelings towards him to one of the horses in the barn. em would've bursted out laughing if she saw the two of you stammering over the shared confession.
horseback riding!! say you've never done it before; oj carefully helps you mount (his hands on your hips!!!) and walking with you at a comfortable pace in case lucky acts up and he'd be able to catch you!
or! if the relationship's far enough, the two of you ride the horse together! just oj sitting behind you, letting him steer the reins while you lean against his chest <333
if he's feeling bold, he'll sweet talking in your ear a little, the two of you would share a laugh before he lets go of the reins for a bit to wrap his arms around you &lt;3
failing to get used to em screaming "hey, lovebirds!" whenever she sees the two of you together. jupe's more subtle with his teases, but that doesn't mean the eyebrow-wiggling doesn't happen.
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mmikmmik2 · 2 years
(I haven't had a chance to rewatch Nope since I saw it in theaters, so apologies if any details here are off)
I was really struck by how little the audience learns about Em and her father's relationship. Why did he teach OJ everything he knows, but pass up a chance to teach Em? Maybe he just connected more with OJ and had a troubled relationship with Em. Maybe he was too sexist to take a daughter seriously as a horse trainer. Maybe the ranch was operating on such razor-thin margins that once he had OJ trained as a second pair of hands, he was so slammed with work that he kept letting chances to train Em pass him by.
It's possible that the truth is a lot more complicated than Em describes it. We are shown that her memory of the exact details was off; she is an unreliable narrator. Maybe she had other opportunities to work with the horses and turned them down, because she had other things she wanted to do at the time or because she was angry at her dad every time it came up or because she kept thinking she'd have time to learn later. Maybe her father believed she didn't want to learn.
The most important truth is: it does not matter. It doesn't matter what actually happened, it matters how Em remembers it. She has constructed a version of her past that she deeply believes in, and whether it's true or not has no impact on how it affects her behavior in the present. Two of her most important character traits, that define her motivations throughout the movie, are that she believes (1) the world wants to overlook her and she must fight to be seen and included and (2) OJ is the one exception and has always seen her; he has always deliberately looked.
I absolutely loved the little twist that Em cares about their family just as much as OJ does. She didn't get the number of "greats" wrong because she doesn't know it, she got it wrong because she was quoting their father by heart. Em and OJ both care deeply about what it means to be a Haywood. Both of them care deeply about carrying on the part of their father that was most important to them. To OJ, that's the horses and the ranch. To Em, it's the way her father could command the attention of an entire room and make them listen to and care about their family's history.
To Em, her life of being overlooked is a microcosm of the Haywood family's history. They are seen but unseen, present but irrelevant, always treated like a prop or a servant in the background of artistic visions, and an industry, that are overwhelmingly white and unwelcoming to black voices. They were present at the very beginning of film history and no one gives a damn. She won't let it keep happening to them - she won't let it happen to her. She wants to control the narrative. She wants to break into a role as something more like a director or producer, not a horse wrangler.
And she's right. OJ is right to care about horses and the ranch and understanding why animals act the way they do, and she's right to care about optics and power and control. When Angel sets up the cameras around their property, although he ultimately is an ally, he first sneaks around using the tech to spy on them. When Holst films Jean Jacket for them, he abandons their plan and gets himself killed and destroys the footage. The Haywoods needed their Oprah shot and they needed to be the ones to create it. The only way they were going to benefit from their suffering and their hard work and the danger to them personally, the only way their father's death and OJ's research would be anything more than a footnote in history at best, would be if they seized control and told the story themselves. It had to be Em operating the camera. It always had to be her.
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imthepunchlord · 1 year
i see the wave of nope posts. did you watch the movie? I rmb liking the movie and would love to hear about your thoughts if you did watch them. on that note, any horror movie recs? 👀
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I did watch Nope, it's one of the few horror films I wanted to watch, and I was waiting for my sister and dad to be available to watch it with me, which was last night.
And it was good. It is definitely my sort of horror film, where it is a horror movie, but that horror isn't in the forefront. It's like a roller coaster, where it will go through the horror scenes, but then move on to focus on something else. And for me who isn't a big fan of horror, that is just how I like it. I can do with feeling scared or dread in segments, but I don't want to sit through a whole film feeling that.
It's actually why a lot of Mike Flanagan's shows I can watch and look forward to them, they are horror shows and have horror elements, but it's not the forefront, it's the people and the setting.
Which is the same for Nope, it being more about the people, the struggles of working with Hollywood, while also dealing with that dangerous mystery. Which, for anyone who hasn't watched it yet but wants to, spoilers ahead.
The idea that the UFO being a living creature and sucking up living beings is interesting, and they wound up having a very interesting design in the end, kinda jellyfish vibes, which is fitting as jellyfish are terrifying. Like, if it ever came to it, I'd rather swim near a great white shark than a jeyllyfish. So it becoming something like a jellyfish was fitting in terms of visuals and quality of terrifying for me. I also really liked the detail of it spitting up blood, cause you see it spitting up metal, and blood has iron in it, so makes sense it can't digest blood.
And oh man, getting that scene of the people inside of it, getting to see them being swallowed up and gradually digested, I think that scared and shook me the most in the whole film. Even though you couldn't see in full detail what was happening to them, I had to look away. It's one of the two scenes that genuinely scared me, and it was so haunting that when JJ flies around, you can still hearing all those people screaming. And it clicks for you then that when you hear it in the distance and it sounds like people screaming, that tells you that it had eaten more people. And man, that scene stuck with me enough that when I went to bed, I had to fight my thoughts from circling back to it cause I didn't want to risk dreaming about it.
The other aspect that scared me in this film was when they circled back to Gordy. Chimps are terrifying, I hope to never get near one cause I know how brutal they can be. And this is one of the few movies that addresses it, and Hollywood's relationship with using animals. So, yeah, Gordy was terrifying, and I felt for Jupe in those scenes. I can just imagine how terrifying it is to be there, getting to see what this chimp did to the people you work with, an animal you didn't think could hurt a fly. And well... And man, it also hits the last terrifying effect of Gordy when you got to see his surviving co star and what Gordy had done to her.
Yeah, Gordy and seeing the inside of JJ were the two most terrifying aspects of this movie for me.
I do love though that this movie made me laugh, OJ was great as a lead, I loved the scene of him in the car, and peeking out to see JJ above and he just closed the door with a "Nope". And gosh, he's a brave man. Em was a lot of fun, and I really liked Angel, and I'm glad all of them survived. Also, Lucky was well named, cause damn, that is one lucky horse. The only one to not get swallowed with every encounter with JJ. Kudos Lucky.
As for horror recs, I don't have a lot for you cause I don't go out of my way to watch horror. And most recs I have are most likely already seen, but I'll share my small list just in case.
Anything made by Mike Flanagan is good.
Jurassic Park, and for World, the most horror of it was Battle at Big Rock (you can watch on Youtube, it's scary), and s3 of Camp Cretaceous.
Alien and Aliens was really good.
Primal has some scary episodes, be aware though that it's a very gore heavy show.
And of course Stranger Things has some good horror elements to it.
And... at this time, I can't think of anything else I've watched that really counts as horror or has horror elements. Out of all genres it is the one I watch the least.
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mumpsetc · 1 year
If you’re up for a nonTaylor accusation it could also just be because AE doesn’t want canon romantic relationships in II. Like, disregarding Payjay and II’s deal with rep for a second it’s surprising they haven’t made Fantube canon yet. Where Payjay is a ship of older less visible characters Fantube is a ship of the audience’s literal fan favorites and if made canon would definitely bolster II’s reputation and standing with the fandom, which they kinda need right now. They keep making content of these two over and over trying to milk em of what they’re worth they had a million opportunities to do something that would make a buncha people happy, so whatever it is it’s probably something to do with the show bible or something I feel, or because they want to save it for some future thing.
So yeah I don’t know if it’s necessarily the gay rep that’s the problem (II definitely has some problems with rep for sure but I don’t know for sure if that’s what’s fueling this decision) or if it’s just a more strict avoidance of pinning any of their main characters together in a romantic relationship canonically.
Though there is evidence of hetero romance in the show with Salt and OJ and the two MePhones that one time, so really what’s going on over there we’ll never know ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
See I Subscribe to This Idea More That AE Just Has Some Weird Hangup With Depicting Romance Which is Severely Holding Them Back. Payjay and Marshple Would Both Be Easily Confirms That Lose Them Literally Nothing and Would Almost Certainly Be Loved By the Fandom
On the Fantube Front Though, I Will Say Their Noncanonical Status is Kinda Dubious to Me. Like, I Know AE Says Theyre Platonic But They're Getting to Have Children Together and Stuff Which None of the Other "Basically Canon But Not Quite" Couples are Gettin So... Suspicious
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starlahuskyz · 1 year
"Ask me about Jordan"
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How does she get along with each of the boys? Does she get along with Star and or Laddie? What's her reaction to the Emersons + Frog Bros? If she were canon, would she die in the movie like the boys? (Also the thought of her going into a blind blood boiling rage after Marko’s death has a GRIP on me)
So sorry if it's too much no need to answer em all! Just pick oje to your liking if you want! ^^ 💜💜💜💜
Starting with David, he's able to tolerate her but she has an attitude like Marko so she can be a bit of a smartass sometimes. Whenever she pulls that shit with him he might snap at her but she could give less of a shit. She doesn't hate him but she really pushes her luck with him a lot just to see what his limits are like. But overall, David treats her the best he can because Marko won't tolerate David being mean to her.
Moving onto Dwayne, he's pretty impassive at first but he soon grows to like her more. While she tends to have a wild side to her compared to most other girls he's met, she's also fairly grounded and isn't completely dense which is a nice change for him. He also admires how well she gets along with Laddie. Also bonus points cuz he has a skating buddy now :)
Paul and Jordan are two halves of a whole moron, Paul loves getting absolutely zonked with her and having really stupid conversations that soon turn existential really fast. And if they aren't doing that they are blasting music on the rock box being an absolute nuisance to everyone else. Sometimes he'll ask her to draw shit on his arms just for the funsies.
Do I even need to say anything about how Marko feels? He was fairly enamored by her at first glance, but after having a few convos with her, he became head over heels for her. He would do anything for her, he would kill anyone who even looks at her wrong. They both have fiery attitudes and can get into very and I mean VERY stupid arguments that end in the occasional fight but it always ends with them making up in the end and then usually laughing about it. She ends up loving him more than she thought she would after he proves that he can be trusted and that he means no harm (poor girl has trust issues after her previous relationship). Basically they are the crazy ass couple you don't fuck with.
Star didn't know what to think of her when she first met her. She was a little wary of her because she almost seemed like bad news going off of first impressions. But she ended up warming up to her as she proved to be a lot nicer than she initially thought. As for Jordan, she was kinda nervous to talk to her because she could tell she wasn't a fan of her being in the cave. (also she was flustered by how pretty she was) They both could bond together having girl talk which soon led to how Jordan ended up getting her ear pierced with the lil rubber ducky.
Laddie sees Jordan as the crazy asf older sister like how Paul is the crazy asf older brother. Whenever Laddie is feeling down, Jordan will do whatever it takes to make him feel better. Jordan sometimes babysits him and they end up watching MTV in her room at her house. Although she gets reckless with him sometimes, like skateboarding through Santa Carla with him holding onto her back for dear life as she weaved through traffic and almost sent hem off a cliff. Dwayne wasn't too happy but by the end, Laddie told Jordan that it was better than any ride he's ever been on at the boardwalk.
(At this point my usual headcanon is that the emersons and frogs had went through the whole incident but it ended in a truce between humans and vamps, so I will be going off of of that for now.)
Jordan met the frogs even before she was a vamp so they had prior interaction, it was mostly just them having stupid back and forths about nonsense, and even when she became a vamp...that didn't really change anything. The frogs are mostly just wary of her and don't completely trust her, especially after hearing she was hanging with the Lost Boys. Jordan will sometimes enter their shop to ask them occasional questions about vampires cuz she knows jack shit about them. And when they aren't in the shop, they are hanging with Sam. This ends in Jordan opening Sam's window unannounced as they are doing god knows what which scares the shit out of all of them.
Speaking of which Sam is fine with her, but hates how unpredictable she can be sometimes. Entering his home unannounced is one example, sometimes she may need to talk to one of the emersons about something so what does she do? Enter through Sam's window... Every. Single. Time. Even with that though, they still are cool with each other. Jordan sometimes brings him a comic he was be looking for just for compensation.
Michael and Jordan are apart of the "Manipulated into drinking blood by an attractive guy" club. So they tend to talk about their frustrations and they seem to relate to each other quite a bit more than they ever thought they would. They are both just losers, but they are losers who have each other.
Lucy reminds Jordan of her own mother a whole lot, so she tries to be nice to her as much as possible. Sometimes for days when she shows up unannounced, she'll talk to Lucy if she senses something wrong with her. Sometimes her kids get distant so it's nice to have Jordan to talk to and vent to.
Grandpa scares the shit out of Jordan, he will say something that comes off as a threat to her, but ends up laughing about it saying he's just messing with her. Jordan doesn't know if he really is though...
Now if she was a canon character, she would die trying to avenge Marko. As for how she would die, it would probably be after she does something impulsive out of blind rage. Like she's goes after Sam but ends up getting caught up in a bunch up wires and cable which she tries to escape from by biting them. Sam tries to warn her not to do that but it's too late and she suffers a similar fate to Dwayne. Sam almost feels bad because she was only trying to avenge her lover who they took away from her, and her own death wasn't even his own doing.
Hope that answers ur questions :3
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about Nope i just wanna say! me and my friends all love it so much. one of my favorite things about it is seeing characters that feel as intentional and purposeful in their roles, but also as people who exist naturally as individuals in the story.
like i feel like i could think of any hypothetical (who might be a heavy sleeper? who’s a morning person or not? flavors of ice cream?) and legitimately think about it based on the nuance of the performances and the great writing. and that’s not something i feel from most horror movies specifically, but also not from a lot of movies in general. obviously there’s a million other good things about the movie, i just wanted to share what i’ve been thinking lately :3
oh this is so lovely!! thank you so much for talking to me about Nope <3 my irl frens don't get my obsession with it so it's always so fun hearing from someone who gets it!!
And i agree! i care about all of them so much!!! and this definitely doesn't happen with every movie i watch, i think you're right in that it speaks to great acting and writing.
"People who exist naturally as individuals in the story" especially resonates for me because something I enjoyed a lot was seeing them all have little moments on their own.
OJ in so many moments (with his dad, thinking of his dad while he's in bed, tending the horses on his own, seeing Jean on his own for the first time).
Em hanging in her trailer watching Oprah on her own or going off at times with her girls.
Angel deciding to watch the feeds on his own or interacting with staff at Fry's.
Ant just hanging on set when he meets the siblings. Jupe bearing his trauma on his own literally inside himself even as he tells the siblings what happened.
Even when we meet Amber we meet her not as Jupe's wife but as someone who works there with Jupe and I'm even seeing Nessie included in fanworks and it makes me so happy to know so many people love these characters so much and i think seeing them on their own, without their relationships dictating their personalities (not that they're not influenced by one another) it's so important and so great.
I really hope we get to see so much more of them but until then, i think we're so lucky to know them so well already so we can put them in situations of our own <3
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honorarycassowary · 2 years
Just watched Nope.
OJ and Em felt like real siblings in their conflicting feelings about their father and contentious-but-loving relationship. They’d die for each other but would be happiest when they’re not living under the same roof.
Jean Jacket was FASCINATING. Where did it come from? How did it get here? Its design is super cool, too.
I can’t handle the chimpanzee attack scene at all. It was far and away the most stressful part of the movie and I had to take a break to go walk around taking deep breaths and drink tea. Would recommend skipping.
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reginaldqueribundus · 2 years
movies I recently watched
The Adventures of Buckaroo Banzai Across the 8th Dimension (1984)
Buckaroo Banzai (Peter Weller) — yes that’s his name — is a neurosurgeon / rock star / racecar driver who sometimes works for the US President and also does weird science experiments. After he drives his rocket-truck through another dimension a mad scientist (played by John Lithgow as a crackhead with a bad Italian accent) tries to steal his technology thingy to free a bunch of alien war criminals trapped inside a mountain, and the other aliens are going to start a nuclear war with Russia if Buckaroo B. doesn’t stop them in time. Meanwhile he falls in love with a random lady who tries to shoot herself at one of his concerts and might be his dead wife’s identical twin. The film also features Jeff Goldblum as a doctor who dresses like a cowboy and Christopher Lloyd as an alien named “John Bigbooty”. And Clancy Brown, too!
There is way too much going on in this movie but it’s still kind of fun, and the weird cast makes it worthwhile. 6.5/10
Vesper (2022)
Vesper (Raffiella Chapman) is just your average girl who became a self-taught biogenetic engineer in hopes of gaining entrance to one of the Citadels where all the rich people live in comfort and safety from the world they destroyed. Her dad has Bedridden Movie Parent Disease but he controls a floating robot head that follows her around. This is one of those indie films starring a bunch of people you’ve never heard of except That One Guy (in this case Eddie Marsan as Vesper’s creepy uncle who I think wants to marry her? ewww). I enjoyed it except for one weird scene where Eddie Marsan kinda fingers a sci-fi lady’s neck vagina.
The plot is a hurricane of sci-fi tropes we’ve seen before, but the acting and production design are so good it doesn’t matter. 8/10
Everything Everywhere All At Once (2022)
Evelyn Wang (Michelle Yeoh) is a Chinese-American laundromat owner who just can't seem to get along with her gay daughter, her annoying husband, her disapproving elderly father, or the IRS. Naturally she’s also the chosen one who has to save the multiverse by brain-hijacking alternate versions of herself who have done way cooler stuff than her. Also James Hong, Sigourney Weaver and the guy who played Short Round are there.
This is a movie where Michelle Yeoh rides a teppanyaki chef down the street like a bicycle, desperately kung fu fights a man to stop him from shoving something up his ass, and has a passionate sapphic relationship with her IRS auditor in a universe where humans have hot dogs for fingers. What else can I say about it? It’s like Rick and Morty but somehow stupider and way more optimistic. Ultimately it’s less about the road not taken and more about connecting with the people in your life, here and now. I liked it. 9/10
Nope (2022)
OJ & his sister Em (Daniel Kaluuya & Keke Palmer) are trying to keep their dad’s movie stunt horse ranch afloat, but thar’s aliens in them thar hills. Along comes Ricky Park (Steven Yeun), a failed child actor / theme park owner who lost his capacity for good decision-making when he witnessed a chimp murder at the age of 9, to make everything worse. With the help of the world’s most dedicated Geek Squad member and a pretentious Hollywood filmmaker who talks like a chainsaw that smokes five packs a day, can the siblings get a video of the aliens and get rich? And, y’know, not die?
This is one of those movies where everything is a spoiler, but that somehow doesn’t reduce its rewatch value. A horror film in the truest sense of the word. It probably won’t jumpscare you, but you’ll be thinking about it for days. 9.5/10
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mariautistic · 2 years
I didn't love nope like it was a solid movie and get why most people loved it this isn't really a "wow this movie sucks idk why the public is stupid" it just didn't do a lot for me. The whole movie industry thing kinda falls apart in the later part when it tries to make jean jacket into a metaphor for a bunch of things instead of just sticking to the Film industry. Though i looooved oj like angel is the funny guy of the movie makes sense he gets q lot of attention but i think my favorite was him. His back and forth with em was really good and loved the way they did the sibling relationship. The whole thing with using religious symbols to talk about the way fame and Fortune is worshipped in the industry above all else is cool but felt a little contrived at times and also a bit aimless too. I don't think Jean Jacket should've eaten the protagonists but i think at least if you're gonna do a movie about how this evil entity is some wild beast beyond any taming and is a 1-to-1 of the film industry you can't just have the protagonists kill it like. The film industry is still out there bro. Anyways it was a good 8/10 just not my favorite
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onlyallytothesun · 2 years
Nope was a horse girl movie at its core. With Oj saving the day with the power of love, friendship, and a horse.
Em: We can't go back their. We are going to DIE.
Oj: I want my horse back.
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g0tmilkx3 · 2 years
Sure Looks Strange to Me I
You met Emerald Haywood purely by chance. You didn’t expect to go through a near death experience with her but stranger things have happened.
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WARNINGS: Mature, NOPE spoilers, swearing, crude jokes, drug use (weed), death mention, suggestive language, mentions of oral sex (female receiving), this story is lesbian so yes the relationship moves very fast for no reason, written like a romcom, not proofread
Dividers by: Firefly-Graphics
Part 1 Part 2
“Hey! I’m gonna need help setting these cameras up”
“Why can’t Nessie help?”
“Because she’s retail plus you’re the only other person who knows the system like I do”
“Come on Angel I’m off in 30 minutes” you reasoned. It’d been a long day of monotonous transactions and backroom stocking. There was nothing more you wanted to do than go home and get some much needed rest.
“Dude, stop being a crybaby and just help me out. You can write it off as overtime. Plus you’ve been talking about wanting the new AirPods” he wiggled his eyebrows at you, trying his hardest to sell you on this.
“Ew stop it” you laughed “let’s just get this over with” Angel shot you an appreciative smile as he exited the backroom. You followed behind your coworker turned best friend already counting down the minutes until you were back home and in bed.
After you helped Angel load the newly purchased camera system in the company owned van you two were off.
“…I mean she didn’t even call me after. Not even for the final closure fuck” Angel slammed his hand against the leather steering wheel. The two of you had been driving for almost an hour out to the Haywood ranch. Angel spent maybe 15 minutes of that talking about UFO’s and the rest of the time crying over his ex.
“Dude you complained about her every. day.” you loved your best friend but boy was he delusional. His tumultuous relationship with his now ex-girlfriend was anything but happy. You silently wondered why he was grieving its end so hard. You looked to him — maybe he wasn’t delusional. Maybe he was just in love. What’s the difference anyway?
“Yeah but she was the one” he exclaimed once again “what great couple doesn’t go through shit. Look at Beyoncé and Jay-Z!”
“They’re millionaires! They can afford to be unhappy.”
“Ah you don’t get it” he grumbled gripping the steering wheel. After a beat of silence he turned to you and opened his mouth once again “do you think these guys are in a UFO hotspot?”
“What?” you turned from your phone looking at him incredulously “is that what they told you?”
“They didn’t tell me”
“But they ‘told’ me alright”
He clamped his mouth shut settling back in his seat.
“I don’t know I’ve got a feeling” he added “plus I trust them”
“Yeah me too could you turn the radio on?” you asked before stifling your laughter. He shot you a look that said ‘stop being mean to me’. You patted his shoulder in reassurance “love ya dude.”
“Yeah yeah” he quirked a smile “when we get abducted you won’t be laughing.” Angel never held grudges or took things too seriously. That’s probably why your friendship had lasted so long.
After a short stretch of silence he eventually began drumming his hands on the wheel to the song playing on the radio.
“You’re a strange animal…” he hummed “hey you remember this song? Gordy’s home theme song”
“What?“ you didn’t bother looking from your phone this time.
“Aw come on. You’re a strange animal that’s what I know” he excitedly continued “with Jupe from Kid Sheriff”
“I was born this century you know?”
“You’re just uncultured”
“Nobody remembers that show man” you laughed going back to your word scrabble app.
The two of you soon turned down a long stretch of dirt road. Down the long and winding pathway a sizable house peaked into view. It sat smack dab in the middle of a substantial piece of land.
“Okay, now be on the lookout for UFO’s” Angel muttered eyes to the sky. You quietly laughed at your friend remembering just how much you loved him and his quirks.
You and Angel had known each other since middle school. You both decided early on that the two of you were going to be glued at the hip. You just worked together. It made sense.
He was the first person you told about your sexuality. You half expected him to change or to say something weirdly sexual like most boys that age, but he only smiled. His freshmen face stretched around his newly acquired braces and with a simple sentence he whisked away all of your anxieties.
“Who do you think can kiss the most girls by the end of the year, you or me?”
It was history from there. He won by the way.
That memory was just a fading melody that echoed in the back of your mind from time to time. Your friendship had been through much more since then. From pointless fights to late night bonding. At some points the two of you spent so much time with each other that you couldn’t stand each other. Nonetheless you were like siblings in every sense of the word. You couldn’t live with him and you couldn’t live without him. You liked to think he felt the same about you.
As Angel unloaded the truck you were caught up staring up at a cloud that wasn’t moving. And no you weren’t bugging, the shit literally wasn’t moving. It was standing still amongst the other clouds, like a fixture.
“Imma pop out” you faintly heard behind you.
After a few more minutes you weren’t alone anymore.
“Like the view?”
You turned to the person who spoke. She smiled at you once you made eye contact.
“I uh” you turned back to the cloud before shaking your head and looking to the client “I apologize. Um yes its beautiful Ms. Haywood”
You took her soft hand in yours noting how firm her handshake was. She didn’t let you go as you you took a step down from the rock you’d been standing on.
“No need to apologize pretty lady” she quirked a smile at you “and Em is fine”.
You felt warm all over as her eyes trailed your movements. You looked to your hands surprised to see that they were still connected. You shyly pulled your hand back and flexed your fingers. They tingled — you already missed the warmth Em’s hand gave you.
“I better go help Angel”
“Dudes weird” she said with no real heat behind her words.
“Yeah but he’s my weirdo” You continued your walk towards Angel who was using the dolly to move the camera equipment inside the clients house. Mr. Haywood led the way.
“What’d you mean by that?” She asked stopping in her tracks.
You glanced behind you before eventually coming to a stop and turning fully towards her.
You took note of how she looked. She wore a pair of cut off jean shorts that showed off her legs. A bit of sweat was gathering at the collar of her Coyote top. You couldn’t help the feeling of fondness blossoming within you as you surveyed the sight before you. You had to bite your lip to stop yourself from blurting out something stupid. Like calling the stranger who was also a client cute.
“Im sorry?”
She chuckled to herself taking a few steps towards you. You stayed put, using your hand to shield your eyes from the sun. You thought you caught a glimpse of an object darting behind a cloud but Em’s voice brought you back down to earth.
“Is he your friend, boyfriend… life partner?”
It took you longer than you’d like to admit to catch her subtlety. It was so obvious now. Everything about her was calling out to you. Pulling you closer. You soon realized why she wanted to know the information so timely.
“Oh” you laughed nervously “he’s uh my friend”
“Just friends” she raised her eyebrows eyeing you from head to toe. The hot drag of her gaze down your body took your breath away. “that’s great news!”
“Why is that?” You coyly questioned, looking up at her from under your lashes.
“Because” she simply stated. Her knowing smile and charming eyes filled you with desire. Before you knew it she was turning away to walk to her truck.
“Because?” you called behind her not bothering to follow.
“Because I wanna be your friend too” she called back without turning around.
“Cryptic” you replied through a surprised laugh. She threw a peace sign behind her before hopping in the Haywood truck and driving away.
“Hey are you gonna keep flirting or help me with this?” Angel teased. His words didn’t deter you from longingly staring at the flying dust Em left behind.
“I wasn’t flirting” you retorted feeling your face heat up.
After installing the system Angel and Oj, who asked you to not call him Mr. Haywood, took to the grounds to adjust the cameras. You watched curiously from the computer room as the bright blue sky came into view. You hummed curiously wondering why Oj had you and your friend carry out the peculiar request.
There was that cloud again. In full view not moving an inch. You peered closer to the screen trying to see some form of movement. Anything to show that the cloud was real and you weren’t going crazy.
“Havin’ fun” you jumped out of your skin at the unexpected visitor. Whipping your head around a flutter of butterflies erupted in your belly as you seen the younger Haywood smiling at you.
“I uh sorry I was just making sure the cameras were set up correctly”
“Why are you apologizing” she chuckled stepping closer to you “it’s your job, no?”
“Uh yes it is my job” you scratched the back of your ear nervously turning back to the monitors. You heard her steps near you until she stood next to you.
“What’s up there?” You eventually asked turning to her. You were surprised to find her eyes already on you.
“Who knows” she finally ripped her gaze from you and to the monitors “but we gone find out”
You raised an eyebrow wondering if Angel wasn’t so crazy after all. What are the odds that these strangers are also looking up searching for more.
“Angel thinks you guys are in a ufo hot spot” you laughed but soon faltered when you realized she want joining in “holy shit are you guys?”
The younger Haywood laughed a bit before shrugging and looking back to the monitors. She squinted her eyes searching for something. You assumed she searched for what you were searching for.
You watched her. It was kind of hard not to. There was something about her. Something that piqued your interest. You wanted to bury your nose in her fluffy hair and inhale her scent. You wanted to kiss her soft neck and hear what sounds she made. You wanted to taste her lips. God did you want her lips. You drunk her in, staring at the long expansion of her neck when someone interrupted your fascinated stare.
“Hey it’s time to head out”
You turned to Angel who looked at you like he’d just caught you red handed. His teasing smile made your face heat up in embarrassment.
“Leaving already?” Em questioned turning back to you a frown on her face “that was quick”
You decided not to mention how it took about an hour to get everything set up. But she was gone for most of the set up so there was no real way she’d be able to know.
“She’ll take your number” Angel interjected, already grabbing your phone from your back pocket. He ignored your hushed protests and handed your device (unlocked) to Em who chuckled at the two of you. You resisted the urge to sink to the floor as she winked at you.
“Thank you Angel” she smiled to you as she handed the phone back to him “I’ll be in touch”
“Sounds good” you squeaked before grabbing your phone and scurrying to the waiting van. Once inside you exhaled finally getting a good look at the newly acquired contact.
Em Haywood ❤️🐎
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“Those guys are kinda dicks” Angel said once he closed his car door “if they don’t give me a good review Al is gonna be on my ass”
“Hey I’ve been waiting in the car for like 30 minutes. What took so long? Also, since when do you care what our manager thinks?”
“They needed help setting up a decoy for horse training or some shit” he shrugged pulling out of the driveway “and I care about what Al thinks since he threatened to fire me if I got one more bad review”
“You just talk too much” you snickered teasing him.
“What am I supposed to do? Sit there in silence and work?”
“Uh yes?”
“At least I’m not like you. Trying to get laid on the job”
“I was not”
“Dude you were looking at her like you wanted to go down on her”
“Jesus Christ angel”
“What?” He laughed narrowly dodging your playful shoulder slap “if it makes you feel any better she looked at you the exact same way”
“Well that’s good to know” you sarcastically retorted “I don’t even think she’s gonna text-“
Em Haywood ❤️🐎: ‘So when can I see your pretty self again?’
“Don’t tell me that’s the carpet muncher”
“Shut up” you landed your shoulder slap this time “are you even allowed to say that?”
“Hey!” he swerved a bit before straightening the van back up “also, yes my best friend is a lesbian I get a pass or two”
“She asked when can she see me again” you smiled down at your phone.
“Tell her tonight”
“No” you scoffed “I don’t wanna seem too desperate”
“But you are…” he raised an eyebrow to you.
“Look at the road dude” you sighed when he complied “I am ugh I don’t know”
“Just say tonight. It’s okay, she’s the one who text you first. Plus we left her house like 15 minutes ago. If anything it’s her that’s desperate”
“Okay okay okay” you worried your bottom lip as you hesitantly typed a reply.
You: ‘How about tonight?’
“If she thinks I’m a creep you’re dead”
“You’re awesome nobody will think you’re a creep” Angel promised.
Em Haywood ❤️🐎: ‘Sounds good. Come over to mine?’
You: ‘See you after 7?’
Em Haywood ❤️🐎: ‘See you then 🤩’
You stayed mostly silent the rest of the car ride; occasionally cracking a joke with Angel or singing along to a song on the radio. Truthfully, you were in a daze.
It was strange actually. How could a girl you’d met an hour ago and who you exchanged barley 10 words with have you so hung up and nervous. There was something different about this one. Or maybe you were becoming delusional like Angel and his ex.
“Dude you are the worst when you have a crush” your best friend teased as you pulled back into Fry’s Electronics “you’ve been giving googly eyes to your phone since she text you”
“Do you think her strap is big?”
“Okay this conversation is over” he waved you off ignoring your delighted laughter.
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You cursed quietly to yourself as you pulled up to the Haywood ranch. So many things rushed through your head. Anxiety had you strung tight, how long would it be before you snapped? You had the right to be anxious after all. You were in the middle of nowhere meeting up with a stranger who was probably going to kill you. You barley even thought this through. Why do pretty girls render you useless?
What if she’s a bad person? She could have lured many unsuspecting girls here. With her undeniable charm and convincing smile, she could’ve convinced you to do anything.
What if she thinks you’re a bad person? Or worse, boring. You placed your hand on the gearshift contemplating putting the car in reverse and hightailing it out of there, never to return. The generic jingle of your ringtone snapped you from your thoughts.
“Don’t do it” Angel said without even greeting you.
“What are you talking about?” You took your hand from the gearshift and leaned back in your chair.
“I know you and I know you’re thinking about not going in right now”
“How did you know that?”
“Because I know you!”
“I can’t do this Angel” you confessed “I’m too nervous I don’t wanna embarrass myself”
“See now that’s literally impossible. You’d embarrass yourself by not walking in that house.” He was right. You hated when he was right. “Just talk to her about movies, you love movies”
“I don’t wanna talk her ear off.”
“It’s a first date who cares?”
“Date?” You shrieked “this is not a date!”
“You’re so bad at this.”
“I can’t do this, nah” you mulled over your choices: you can either go in and embarrass yourself or leave and embarrass yourself “Nope.”
“You didn’t even give yourself a chance” he offered “give yourself a chance”
“But what if it goes wrong”
“Let’s make a deal in 15 minutes I’ll call you and give you an excuse to leave if it’s going good just stay! Simple”
“Simple…” you nodded “okay yeah sounds good I’ll just do that” you took your keys out of the ignition “15 minutes Angel.”
“15 minutes and I’ll E.T phone home you”
You stopped your movements “you know you can just say phone home I know what the reference is”
“Of course you do…” your friends voice dipped out. The lights in your car dimmed until you were shrouded in darkness. You whipped your head around as the hair on the back of your neck stood up. Something within you stirred, somehow you knew you weren’t safe in that moment. It felt almost like a centuries long instinct within you was rising up. Telling you to get out of there. You breathed out slowly searching for the newcomer, you were quickly realizing that you weren’t alone anymore. The warm glow from the house became more and more muted until darkness overtook the structure. The incessant low buzz of electricity was absent. The emptiness of the countryside made the ringing silence all the more noticeable.
You took a shaky breath as you gripped your keys, ignoring the sharp metal digging into your palms. The dirt beneath your feet sunk under your weight as you stepped out of your car and surveilled your surroundings. Nothing. Nothing but darkness.
After a beat the house began emitting a warm glow lighting the area enough for you to see Em standing on the porch.
You faintly felt the vibrations of your phone turning back on.
“I thought I heard somebody out here”
“The power went out?” You sauntered over to her taking in how cute she looked under the stars.
“Yeah it does that sometimes” she supplied before turning back to the house. You shook your head ridding your mind of the odd occurrence and stepped into the antique house behind Em. The two of you soon stood before a liquor cabinet “would you like a drink? I got bourbon, tequila, vodka…”
You eyed the wooden cabinet before you as Em grabbed a couple of glasses and ice.
“I don’t really drink” you hummed turning to the girl as she sat the glasses on the table.
“I got weed” she tried.
Your matched smiles led the two of you to standing in a random room upstairs listening to records with the window open.
She took a long drag before handing the joint to you. She eyed whatever it was outside of her window as you stared at a poster on her wall.
“That horse is just hard headed” she shook her head as she sucked her teeth “I just wanna know how that nigga got out”
“How many horses y’all got?”
“Shit I don’t know at this point. Oj dumbass stay selling my daddy’s horses”
Your gaze was kept on the poster showing a clip of their great great great grandfather on a horse. Em gave you the rundown of her family as she rolled the joint the two of you were smoking.
You were so distracted that you hadn’t realized your companion moving from the window to the space just behind you. You felt a comforting heat radiating from her body as she lightly pressed against the back of you. Her hand stretched past you and pointed to one of the frames.
“Allegedly this frame got fucked up, but they decided to keep it in” her breath brushed against your sensitive ears. She smelled like vanilla and cherries mixed with fresh wood and weed. You deeply inhaled letting her scent intoxicate you. You slowly turned around, words dying on your lips finding her closer than you expected. Her nose brushed against yours as her hands softly gripped your hips.
Her lips were as soft as they looked you realized once they covered yours. She breathed you in, pulling you closer than you were before. Your begging hands tangled in her fro as you repeated her movements and pulled her closer. Electricity surged down your body as she walked you back to the waiting bed. The two of you refused to pull away from each other as your back pressed against the cold plush linen. Your mouths continued moving against each other — soft wet tongues massaging the other. Her kiss was so passionate it felt as if she was stealing the oxygen from your body. But you weren’t complaining. She briefly pulled away, her chest heaving as she took you in.
“I’m sorry I just-“ she cut herself off pressing her mouth back against yours. Her skilled tongue slipped into your mouth once again, this time with more vigor. Your bodies pressed heatedly against each other as your heartbeats began drumming in tandem. You could taste her desperation you could feel her desperation as her hands began pulling your shirt up. Her warm hands lingered on your belly, she ran her finger tips across your warm skin. Butterflies fluttered in their wake. Her sensual touch dragged across your belly before moving up to your breast.
A melodic sound filtered through the air. It pulled you from the pleasure you were receiving but only for a second. Soon the sound was gone and you were plunged back into the promise land of bliss. She didn’t waste time going back to feeling every exposed part of you. Her hand slipped under your bralette. Warm fingers brushed against your nipples making them hard. A long awaited moan climbed up your throat. She smiled against your lips.
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I smiled once again hearing your desperate moans fill the air. They sounded like music and I was prepared to listen to your song forever. You felt so right beneath me. Like you were meant to be there.
I couldn’t help myself from trailing my lips down to your waiting neck. Inhaling the sweet scent you gave me only made my panties grow wetter in anticipation. I resisted the urge to grind my hips down against yours. But I’d be lying if I said I wasn’t searching for some sort of relief. From the moment I saw you standing there staring off into the clouds I knew I had to be near you. I had to say something to you or I feared the moment would have passed me by.
My phone began ringing again. This time I groaned in frustration, pulling away from my honey suckle I put my phone to my ear.
“There is a bug on camera 1”
“What?” I rolled my eyes as I realized what the peculiar tech guy meant “man I told you to stop watching our shit”
I stood up shooting an apologetic look to you. You only shook your head a bashful smile on your face. I watched as you sat up and straightened your shirt then you moved to fixing your hair. We’d only been kissing for 5 minutes and you already looked fucked out. I wanted to see how you’d look after I had my way with you. Showing you just how much I like you. Showing you how pretty you are to me.
“Yeah but camera two is out” he exclaimed nervously “like ancient fucking aliens out”
“Shit!” My heart dropped to my stomach as I sprinted out of the room only Oj on my mind.
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You could only sit and watch as Em abruptly left the room phone in hand. You wanted to be angry but there was something in her voice that made an uneasy feeling stir in your body.
Staring out of the window you saw what looked like sand and dust falling from the sky… or being sucked up into it. No. That can’t be it.
You squinted your eyes trying to catch a better glimpse. Em’s vocie echoed from outside.
“OJ ITS IN THE CLOUDS” her urgency startled you “RUN OJ RUN!” She continued with renewed exclamation.
Fear circle your body as you watched Oj run away from something you couldn’t quite see. Whatever it was it was big. It was angry and it was trying to suck Oj up into the sky.
You stood frozen watching the scene before you play out. Surely you had to be hallucinating. Were you simply sleep deprived. Was the weed you smoked laced with a foreign substance?
You didn’t have the chance to puzzle together what you were seeing because you were soon blacking out.
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“Shit is she okay?”
“How the fuck am I supposed to know I ain’t a doctor” Em brushed some of your hair back “first fine girl I get back to the ranch and this bullshit”
“We need to wake her up somehow” Oj’s gruff voice vibrates your ears.
“I’m gonna go get some wet towels”
A sharp pain shot through your head. Bright light poured into your retinas making a pain you never felt before rush through your head.
“Em come back she’s waking up”
“I’m coming I’m coming”
You groaned watching as 3 Oj’s changed to 2 then eventually 1. Em soon came into view. She dabbed your forehead with a cold wet towel.
“You okay pretty girl?” She frowned continuing her actions.
“Angel” you muttered.
“That’s cute she thinks I’m an angel” Em cooed, her eyes growing soft as she felt her heart melt.
“Angel” you groaned again still struggling to regain consciousness. Your phone was vibrating off the hook. No doubt it was Angel calling to check on you.
“I think she talkin’ about Angel”
You dragged your phone from your back pocket and wearily dragged your finger across the screen to accept his call.
“Oh my god you’re alive!”
“Did you get that on film?” You croaked eager to see if your friend had also witnessed the spectacle.
“No. There was a fucking praying mantis!” He replied.
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I saw some great bad takes about this movie but holy Jesus Christ mother Mary and all the saints if this ain't the single worst
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Look I love jupe as much as the next guy but you had to be watching this movie with closed eyes and the sound off to come out if it thinking he was the "main character" or at least the only main character
I watched the video and the guy just uses the same points everyone made online about the movie being about the spectacle, but comes to the conclusion that because jupe was the center of the spectacle (Gordy's home) and tried to create another spectacle (jean jacket) he was a tragic hero of sorts
Which no he wasn't
Look I don't think jupe was a proper villain but just a victim of his own hubris a modern day Icarus who flies too close to the sun and dies
He is presented in a antagonistic way, the plot of him trying to buy the ranch pulls from the old western trope of the rich bad guy trying to buy land for profit, his kids scaring oj also play in said trope, yes he was traumatized but he also was both careless and exploitative about JJ then the worst scene in the movie is his fault, innocent people died because he viewed himself as special and thought death would spare him again
Now oj and Em are more of the main characters. Their relationship, the relationship between them and their father's legacy is what moves the plot, the conclusion is tied to them they are the heroes who at the end without causing unnecessary death defeat the big creature.
Now outside of the movie and the metad it's hilarious to think that someone would think that a Jordan-all-my-movies-are-focused-on-black-people-and-racism-Peele somehow intended to make a non black character the "main character"
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jennrypan · 2 years
Ok I still have Nope brainworms-
Absolutely obsessed with the relationship Em and OJ have?? Like its so rare to see a good and healthy and fun relationship with black siblings!! One that isnt cringey and fulls under the 'these siblings hate each other cuz thats just how siblings are' trope, also. The sister being a lighter skin tone with the older darker skin brother just really spoke to me cuz thats how me and my brother look and its really nice, I know its not much but like its just good to see on screen done so well!!
How Em wanted to leave but she knew OJ would never leave the ranch so she stayed despite everything and they made it out!! Also the 'I see you' gesture they had, almost made me cry like I bitch.
Also the added bonus on Angel being roped into this weird friendship he has with them, hes known these two for many two days at best and theyve been through hell together, he let them stay at his house and even went along with the crazy plan just to help them and he didnt let Antlers use the hose as bait, just ugh <3 please. Bless all three of them .
(Also the little fist bump him and Em had, I love them but not ship wise cuz Ems a lesbian, clearly in case yall wanna forget that lil detail, and sure could make the argument she might be bi but shes only shown attraction to women sooo yeah)
I love siblings and especially found siblings (you know damn well after this Angels gonna follow them everywhere and they wont let him out of their sight)
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robbyrobinson · 2 years
Favorite Horror Films of 2022
The Black Phone: This was just an awesome film. Ethan Hawke is terrifying as the Grabber, an enigmatic serial abductor, and murderer. While some were critical of the Grabber not having much of a backstory (I personally think he was abused by his father who played the "naughty boy" game with him), he is the perfect example of stranger danger personified. His masks are creative and are used to represent a certain mood he was feeling at the moment. Though I don't really understand how he freaked out when his mask was almost removed when he first meets Finney he had no mask on.
Besides Hawke, we had some good child actors. Finney's relationship with Gwen is believable and you are actually rooting for Finney to escape.
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Next would be Jordan Peele's Nope. To me, Get Out was my favorite, and I have warmed up to his film Us. It is Get Out first then Nope and then Us. Us was by no means a bad film, just felt that it was too boggled down in its themes. But I have grown to appreciate what Peele was trying to do. It had good cinematography and a soundtrack I'd bop to at the club, and acting.
But as for Nope, I liked it. OJ and Em felt like real siblings who, while they have their spats, do care about each other. Kaluya and Keke Palmer did a good job playing the characters as polar opposites.
The theme of how people are willing to do anything for spectacle is so relevant it is hilarious how Logan Paul missed that point when he made that long "review" on the film. It is also true in its assertion that animals should be respected and if mishandled, there will be consequences.
Of course, people have criticized the film for a number of reasons such as how it is a prominent example of hype backlash due to some putting Peele on a high pedestal (when he himself doesn't mind you) or how it was an unconventional alien film than the trailers were initially letting on. Nope is by no means a perfect film, but I really liked 98.5% of the film.
Jordan Peele has done a stellar job creating movie monsters. There was the Armitage family in Get Out then the Tethered from Us. And now we have Jean Jacket from Nope. Jean Jacket is such an awesome kaiju with how it is a living being instead who devours anything that looks at it is such a unique concept especially when it unfurls in the climax of the film.
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X and Pearl are part of a planned trilogy by Ti West with a third film being in development. In 1979, a film crew goes to a farm to pitch an adult movie but things go horribly wrong when Pearl and Howard, the elderly couple living on the farm, start killing the crew off one by one.
Howard and Pearl are so scary because, unlike some killers like Freddy Krueger or Jason Voorhees, they are a human couple who are embittered by having failed to live the lives they wanted and resent the young crew for their sex drive and their freedom from frailties. It is scary because anyone can end up like them whether it be the film crew or you. The film crew, except RJ, are also likable and you are genuinely upset at their gory ends.
Pearl is a great character study where we follow a younger Pearl in 1918 who dreamed to be a famous dancer. However, she had her own psychotic ways to her to where she is an evil clone of Dorothy Gale. While we already know the foregone conclusion that she will not win the spot in the dancing troupe and will stay on the farm forever, one cannot help feeling sorry for her. Mia Goth is an amazing actress who makes a six-minute long raw rant that is spellbinding.
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Scream (2022): Loved the kills such as that blade sticking its way into Wes's neck and then somehow peeking from the back.
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stevengrantshubby · 2 years
i hope everyone knows and understands that i love em, oj, and angels relationship in nope! its so good!
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bob-giovanni · 6 years
I’ll Cover You - Part 15
Characters: Simon X OFC
Summary: Emily introduces Simon to her friends and celebrates her birthday.
Warnings: Cursing, Fluff, Smut
Notes: I totally reused something that I wrote about in a different story of mine but in my defense I didn’t realize it until after I’d finished writing the chapter. Please forgive me!
Simon awoke a little earlier than usual. Today was Emily’s birthday, the first birthday either of them was celebrating since their relationship had started. So he wanted to make today extra special. Simon carefully slipped out of bed, grabbed some clothes from his bag, and tiptoed to the bathroom so he could change and brush his teeth. When he was finished, he slowly opened the door and made his way out the room as quietly as possible so he didn’t wake Emily. Once he was downstairs, he grabbed his boots and pulled them on. He heard some noise in the kitchen and walked in to find Emily’s sister Courtney sitting at the counter. “Good morning.” Simon said with a smile. Courtney looked up and returned the smile. “Good morning.” Simon ran his hand through his hair. “Hey, maybe you could help me. I wanted to get Emily a special breakfast since it’s her birthday and all, but I wasn’t sure where to go. Is there anywhere around here that she likes?”
Courtney smiled to herself, thinking that Simon’s gesture was very sweet. “Um, yeah, actually. There’s this place called The Bagel House that we used to go to all the time. She loved getting a chocolate chip bagel with bacon and cheese.” Simon made a face. “Really?” Courtney laughed softly and nodded. “Yeah I know it sounds weird but it’s actually surprisingly good.” Courtney gave Simon directions to the shop. He thanked her before grabbing the keys for the rental car from Emily’s purse and heading out. He found the place ok but had a little trouble getting back to the house. Once he got back he went straight to the kitchen. Courtney was gone but luckily Simon was able to find the plates. He unwrapped Emily’s sandwich and placed it on a plate before unwrapping his and placing it on the other plate. He threw away the wrappers and grabbed the drinks he’d bought from the store, a milk for Emily and an OJ for himself, before heading back up to Emily’s bedroom.
He slipped inside and found Emily sitting up in bed. She looked up when she heard the door open. “There you are. I was worried my family had scared you away.” Simon laughed and shook his head. “Never.” He walked over and handed Emily her plate before leaning down to kiss her forehead. “Happy birthday, sweetheart.” Emily grinned brightly. “Oh my god, is this from The Bagel House?!” Simon nodded as he climbed into bed. “It sure is.” She leaned over and pecked Simon’s lips. “You are the absolute sweetest. I don’t even remember telling you about this place.” Simon laughed softly. “You didn’t. I ran into your sister in the kitchen. She told me about it and your unusual order.” Emily smirked. “It’s actually really good. Wanna try a bite?” Simon shook his head. “No thank you. I have a sausage, egg, and cheese bagel that I’m very much looking forward to.” Emily giggled and bit into her bagel, groaning and licking her lips. “Fuck, this is just as good as I remember.”
Simon smiled as he ate. He loved that basic things like eating breakfast could be so enjoyable when he did it with Emily. She was just so adorable and he just loved spending time with her, even if they were just eating in silence. Simon finished his sandwich first and put his plate on the nightstand before taking a big swig of his OJ. Emily finished her sandwich a couple of minutes later. She leaned back against the headboard and rubbed her belly. “That was delicious. Thank you so much.” Simon smiled. “No thanks needed. I wanted to do a little something special for your birthday.” Emily smiled and cuddled against Simon’s side, wrapping her arms around his torso. They sat like that for a moments before Simon broke the silence. “So, do you want your present now or later?” Emily grinned and bit her bottom lip as she looked up at Simon. “Now.” She said softly. Simon laughed and stood, going to his bag and pulling an envelope and a small gift wrapped box from one of the side pockets. He handed it to Emily before sitting back down.
Emily took the envelope and opened it, pulling out the card from inside. It was a white card with a picture of a deer on the front. Underneath it said “Happy Birthday. I love you deer-ly.” Emily looked over Simon who was awfully proud of his punny card. Emily snorted and shook her head. She opened the card. Inside was a handwritten note.
To my dearest Emily,
I know we’ve only been together for about 6 months now, but I feel like we’ve known each other forever. I can honestly say that I’ve never felt as connected to anyone as I do to you. I truly love everything about you, from the way you chew your bottom lip when you’re trying to decide what you want a restaurant, to the little wrinkle that forms on the bridge of your nose when you laugh, to the way you care about Amara. You are absolutely perfect and I love you so much.
Simon XO
Emily sniffed softly and threw her arms around Simon’s neck. “Oh, Simon, that was beautiful. Thank you so much.” Simon held Emily close for a moment before pulling back to kiss her softly. He hummed softly. Her lips tasted like chocolate from her bagel and he liked it. “Go ahead. Open your present.” Emily excitedly tore the wrapping off the box and removed the lid. Inside was a key with a keyring. On the keyring was Emily’s name in bright rainbow letters. It looked like a keyring you would buy at a gift shop on the boardwalk. Emily picked it up and examined it for a moment before looking over at Simon with furrowed eyebrows. “What is this a key to?” She asked. “My house.” Simon responded. Emily’s jaw went slack as tears starting to brim in her eyes. “What?” Simon smiled softly. “Well I thought it might too much too soon to ask you if you wanted to move in, so I figured starting off a little smaller might be better. Now you have a key and you can come and go as you please, even if I’m not there. If you just wanna lounge around and eat my food and watch my TV, well I’d very much welcome having you there.”
Emily moved so she was kneeling next to Simon and pulled him into a tight hug. “This is the most amazing gift anyone has ever given me. I love you so much.” Simon smiled and kissed Emily softly. “I love you too.” Emily placed the key back in the box for safekeeping and placed the box on her nightstand. Emily snuggled against Simon for a few moments before looking up at him. “Mm, I should get a shower.” She kissed Simon’s cheek before slipping out of bed and heading to the bathroom. She turned the shower on and gave the water a moment to warm. She leaned against the doorframe and smirked. “You should get a shower too.” Simon nodded. “I can get one when you’re done.” “Or…” Emily started as she pulled off her nightgown and let it fall to the ground as she stood there naked. “You could join me, since it is my birthday and all.” Simon groaned and licked his lips. “You, young lady, are too much of a tease.” Emily giggled softly. “But you love it.” She said as she turned and disappeared into the bathroom.
Simon stood and quickly stripped before heading into the bathroom as well, holding the shower curtain back so Emily could step in first. He slid the curtain shut and sighed softly as the warm water pelted his body. Emily placed her hands on Simon’s chest before running her fingers down, using her fingertips to lightly trace over Simon’s abs. Simon sighed softly. “That feels nice.” Emily smiled and leaned up on her toes to kiss Simon deeply, moaning softly against his lips. Emily turned so her back was to Simon and stood under the stream of warm water. Simon grabbed the bottle of body wash Emily had brought and squirted some into his hands. Once the body wash was all sudsy he gently massaged Emily’s back and shoulders. She bit her bottom lip and groaned. “Mm, that feels so good.” Simon smiled and pressed a soft kiss to Emily’s neck as he continued washing her. “Good.”
Once both of them were finished washing, they climbed out of the shower and Simon wrapped a towel around his waist while Emily pulled on a robe. Simon sat on the edge of the bed and Emily sat in his lap and wrapped her arms around his neck. He smiled and held her close. “So what does the birthday girl wanna do today?” Emily smiled softly. “I just wanna hang out with you. Maybe go for a walk. Take a nap. Just lounge until we have to meet up with my friend tonight.” Simon nodded. “Sounds like a plan.” Emily gave Simon a quick kiss before standing and grabbing her hair brush. She sat at her desk and brushed her hair out before braiding it so it would be wavy for tonight. After she was done she laid on the bed and reached out for Simon. “Lay with me.” She said softly. Simon smiled and laid next to her and pulled her close to him. Simon gently caressed Emily’s cheek and ran his thumb over her lips before leaning in to kiss her sweetly. They made out for a few minutes before Emily pulled back and yawned. “Mm, I’m sleepy.” Simon laughed softly. “Well then go to sleep, baby girl.” Emily buried her face in the crook of Simon’s neck and quickly drifted off to sleep.
Simon just watched Emily for a while as she slept. He still couldn’t believe that she was with him. She was so sweet and beautiful and kind. She was way too good for him, yet somehow, she picked him. Every time Simon laid eyes on her, he knew how lucky he was to have her. He leaned down and pressed a soft kiss to Emily’s forehead. She stirred a bit before snuggling closer to Simon. He smiled softly before closing his eyes, drifting off as well a few moments later. Emily was the first to wake up about an hour later. She sat up and yawned as she stretched her arms above her head. Simon awoke when he felt Emily moving around. He groaned a bit before turned onto his side. Emily smiled. “I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to wake you.” Simon smiled sleepily and shook his head. “Don’t be sorry. We should probably get up anyway.” Emily wanted to go for a walk so she and Simon got dressed before heading out. They walked around Emily’s neighborhood. She enjoyed pointing out different places to him, places she used to hang out, houses of her old friends, where she learned to drive. Simon enjoyed seeing Emily so happy. They walked around aimlessly for a few hours holding hands and taking in the scenery.
After they were done they headed back to Emily’s house. It was getting late so they had to get ready to meet Emily’s friends. Emily pulled out the dress she’d bought the day before before heading into the bathroom to change and do her makeup. While Emily was in the bathroom, Simon changed into a pair of jeans and a black button down shirt. This was his usual club attire so he hoped Emily didn’t mind that he didn’t dress too fancy. Emily put the finishing touches on her makeup before unbraiding her hair. She slipped on a pair of heels and some simple jewelry before exiting the bathroom. Simon whistled as he looked her over. “Goddamn, baby, you look so sexy.” Emily blushed a bit. “You think so?” Simon nodded. “Definitely.” Simon walked over to her and held out his arm. “Shall we?” Emily giggled and nodded as she linked their arms together and led Simon downstairs. Just as they were getting ready to leave, Courtney was getting home from work. She grinned and pulled Emily into a hug. “Happy birthday, sis.” Emily laughed and hugged Courtney tightly. “Thank you.” Courtney put her things down and looked Simon and Emily over. “Well you two look awfully fancy.” Emily smiled. “Thanks. Some of my old high school friends wanted to meet up so we’re going to a club.” Courtney smiled and gave Emily a little hip bump. “Have fun!” She said before disappearing into the kitchen.
Emily and Simon headed out and got into their rental car. Emily drove to the club and parked in a lot next door. She texted one of her friends to see if they were their yet. They were, and she told Emily where they were in the club. Emily and Simon got out of the car and made their way inside. A few guys standing outside were leering at Emily, which caused Simon to wrap his arm around her waist and hold her close. She smiled up at him, seemingly oblivious to the attention she was receiving. Once they were inside, Emily took Simon’s hand and led him through the crowd towards the area Emily’s friends said they were in. Emily spotted her friend Danielle and waved excitedly as she pulled Simon towards their table. Danielle jumped up and hurried over to greet Emily, pulling her into a hug. “Oh my god, happy birthday!! I can’t believe it’s been so long since I saw you last!” Emily grinned. “I know, I was just so busy with school and now with work. But I’m so glad I decided to come back this weekend.” Danielle nodded. “Me too!” Emily’s other friends, Tonya, Pam, and Erica, were all there with their boyfriends.
They went around and introduced their boyfriends to Emil before Emily placed a hand on Simon’s stomach. “This is my boyfriend, Simon.” Simon smiled and waved at everyone. The other girls stood and walked to Emily. Erica smiled and held her hand out to Simon. “It’s so nice to meet you Simon. Emily has told all of us so much about you.” The group chatted for a few minutes before Pam grabbed Emily’s hand. “C’mon, ladies! We have a birthday to celebrate!” And dragged Emily to the dance floor. Simon sat in the booth with the other boyfriends and talked to them for a while. At certain points the other girls came back to fetch their boyfriends one by one for a couple of dances before the boyfriends were returned, joking about paying their dues for the night. After a couple of hours, Emily made her way up to the table. She had clearly had one too many shots but it was her birthday after all. She crawled into the booth and wrapped her arms around Simon, pressing her lips to his ear. “Come dance with me.” She whined. Simon smirked. “You’re drunk, baby doll.” She giggled and nodded. “Yes I am. And I need my big, strong man to help keep me up while I dance.” Simon laughed and nodded. “Ok, let’s go.”
Simon danced with Emily for a few songs, laughing and joking around with her as she started to sober up a little bit. After about a half hour, Emily leaned up. “I’m ready to go.” Simon looked down at her. “Are you sure?” She nodded. “My buzz is wearing off and I’m getting sleepy.” Simon nodded and Emily went to her friends and told them she was going to leave. “We’ll talk tomorrow, ok?” The girls all hugged Emily and wished her a happy birthday before she wrapped her arm around Simon’s waist and headed towards the exit. Once they were at the car, Simon took the keys from Emily and helped her in the passenger side before climbing into the driver’s seat and driving back to Emily’s house. “Did you have fun?” Simon asked as he drove. Emily smiled and nodded. “I did. It was great seeing all of them again. It’s been so long.” Simon smiled as he listened to Emily talk. She giggled and leaned over a bit, placing her hand on Simon’s thigh. “Pam couldn’t stop talking about how attractive you are.” Simon quirked an eyebrow and looked over at Emily. “Is that so?”
Emily bit her lip and nodded. She undid her seatbelt and leaned over the center console as she moved her hand further up Simon’s thigh. “She sounded real thirsty for you.” She said with a smirk. Simon laughed. “Thirsty.” Emily started to kiss along Simon’s neck. “Mhm. I think if I hadn’t been there to stop her she would have tried to fuck you in the middle of the dance floor.” Simon swallowed and tilted his head a bit. “What exactly do you think you’re doing, young lady?” Emily grinned and placed her hand over Simon’s crotch. “Having some fun on my birthday.” She said as she nipped at his exposed flesh. Simon cleared his throat and adjusted himself a bit. “Do you think that’s a good idea to do while I’m driving?” Emily rubbed her palm over Simon’s crotch, ignoring his question for a moment as she continued teasing. She continued for a moment longer before pulling back and buckling up again. “You’re probably right. Not the best idea while you’re driving.”
Simon shook his head. “You really are a tease.” Emily smirked to herself and shrugged a bit. “I know.” Simon parked in front of Emily’s house and helped her out of the car. When they got inside, Emily’s mom emerged from the living room and smiled. She walked over to Emily and gave her a hug before handing her a card. “Happy birthday, angel.” Emily smiled a bit. She was still mad at her mom for what had happened the night before, but she knew her mom was just trying to be nice. “Thanks, mom.” She opened the card and read it over. Inside was a gift card to her favorite clothing store. “Simon, would you mind giving me a moment alone with my daughter?” Simon smiled and nodded. “Of course. I’ll be upstairs.” Once Simon was gone, Cynthia turned to Emily. “I’m so sorry about last night.” “Sorry you got caught?” Cynthia shook her head. “No, sorry I said anything. I let your father get into my head. Any fool can see how happy you are with Simon. And I’m so excited for you.” Emily smiled and nodded. “Thank you. That means a lot.” Emily hugged her mom. “I’m kinda tired so I’m gonna head up to bed.” Cynthia smiled and nodded. “Ok, dear. Sleep tight.”
Emily made her way up to her room where Simon was sitting on the bed watching TV. He smiled over at her. “Hello, my love.” Emily smiled and quickly removed her shoes and jewelry before standing in front of Simon. “So, you like this dress?” Simon nodded. “I do. It’s very sexy and it looks amazing on you.” Emily smirked. “It’s funny you say that. Because I think it looks even better off of me.” Simon quirked an eyebrow and watched as Emily pushed the dress down her body, revealing that she wasn’t wearing any underwear underneath. Simon groaned and reached out to put a hand on Emily’s hip, running his fingers down over her outer thigh. Emily bit her lip. “You are wearing far too many clothes, sir.” Simon stood and removed his shirt, tossing it to the side. Emily started to place soft kisses on Simon’s chest as he worked on removing his jeans and boxer briefs. Once he was naked, Simon pulled Emily against his body. “So, what does my favorite girl want to do tonight to celebrate her birthday?”
Emily grinned and licked her lips. “I want you to tie me to the bed and make me cum over and over again.” Simon groaned as he slid a hand over Emily’s ass. “You are such a dirty girl.” Emily smirked. “Mm, I know.” She said before leaning up to kiss Simon passionately. Simon gave her ass a sharp smack, causing her to yelp before she climbed onto the bed and laid on her back. Simon grabbed the sash form Emily’s robe and used it to tie her hands to the headboard. “Is that too tight?” Emily shook her head. Her body felt like it was on fire. This was something she’d wanted to try for so long but was worried that Simon would think she was weird if she asked. She was so glad that he was ok with it. He started placing soft, wet kisses all over Emily’s body but was sure to avoid her most sensitive areas, teasing her mercilessly. Emily whimpered and tugged at the sash as she arched her back. “A little impatient, are we?” Simon teased. He finally gave Emily some relief when he started to flick his tongue over her left nipple. Emily gasped softly as the feeling rushed straight to her clit. “Fuck, baby.”
Simon smirked and continued licking and sucking Emily’s nipples as he slid a hand down over her stomach to her groin and started to slowly circle her clit. Emily whimpered and licked her lips. “Simon…oh god.” After a few minutes of this, Simon slipped two fingers inside her tight heat. Emily arched her hips as her body started to tremble. “I’m close, baby…don’t stop.” Simon curled his fingers to massage her g-spot and used his thumb to rub her clit. Emily gasped as she clenched around Simon’s fingers and came, moaning Simon’s name as her orgasm washed over her. Emily panted and looked up at Simon. “Damn, baby.” Simon smirked and leaned up to kiss her sweetly. “I have to admit…that was pretty fucking hot.” Emily licked her lips and grinned. “Mm, yeah?” Simon nodded. “How are your arms feeling?” Emily giggled. “Just fine.” Simon leaned down and kissed Emily once more. After making out for a few minutes, Simon started to make his way down Emily’s body, kissing and nipping at her skin as he did. He settled between her legs and pressed soft kisses along her inner thighs, causing her to whine each time he got close to her pussy before pulling back.
Simon laughed at how desperate Emily sounded. As she opened her mouth to scold him, he finally wrapped his lips around her clit, licking and sucking at her sensitive bud, causing her to groan loudly. Simon wrapped his around Emily’s legs, resting his hands on her thighs as he licked along her dripping sex. Emily wanted to thread her fingers through Simon’s hair so badly, but having her hands tied and being so open and vulnerable was making this so much hotter than usual. Sex with Simon was usually amazing but this was on another level. Emily knew she wasn’t going to last too long, but she was determined to hold out for as long as possible. Simon looked up at Emily, making eye contact with her for a moment before winking. Emily moaned and wiggled her hips. “Si…fuck.” She whined softly. Simon leaned down a bit further and pushed Emily’s hips up a bit as he flattened his tongue over her asshole, causing her to let out a loud, high-pitched moan. “Oh my god, what the fuck…” Simon smirked and continued this for just a few more seconds before it pushed Emily over the edge, causing her to cum for a second time.
Emily’s thighs trembled as she started to recover. Simon hovered over her. “So you liked that then?” “It was unexpected, but I definitely did’t hate it.” She said between breaths. Simon laughed softly and kissed Emily softly. She moaned softly and bit her lip. “I want you inside me so bad, baby.” Simon groaned softly. “You sure you can handle it.” Emily nodded quickly. “Yes, god, please just fuck me.” She begged. Simon stood from the bed and grabbed a condom from Emily’s bag, quickly rolling it down his rock hard member before laying on top of Emily. He pressed his tip to her entrance. “You sure?” He asked. Emily knew she was going to be sensitive but she wanted this so badly. She nodded once more. “Please.” Simon pushed into Emily with one quick thrust. She whimpered and arched her hips, allowing Simon to push into her a bit further. He groaned and leaned down to kiss her deeply as he began thrusting slowly at first. After a moment Simon sped up his thrusts. Emily’s eyes rolled back and she was panting heavily. “Baby…oh god, baby, untie me.” Simon reached up with one hand and loosened the sash around Emily’s right wrist. She slipped her wrist free and was able to quickly untie her other wrist before wrapping her arms around Simon’s neck.
“Harder, baby. Fuck, I’m so close.” Simon started to thrust his hips harder and faster. He felt his stomach start to tighten. “Fuck, I’m gonna cum, Em.” Emily whimpered and dug her nails into Simon’s shoulders. She moaned loudly as she came for the third time that night. Simon came at the same time, his arms giving out, causing him to collapse on top of Emily. The pair panted, trying to catch their breath. Simon slowly pulled out of Emily and laid next to her. Emily gently rubbed at her wrists which had dark red marks from the sash. Simon gasped softly. “Oh my god, babe. Why didn’t you tell me I tied it too tight?” Emily smiled as Simon took her wrists in his hands and gave each one a kiss. “It wasn’t too tight. I was just tugging really hard. We’ll just have to figure something out for next time.” Simon laughed softly and turned onto his side, snuggling close to Emily as he pulled the covers over their naked bodies. Emily smiled and kissed Simon’s cheek. “I love you.” Simon smiled and returned the kiss. “I love you too. Happy birthday, sweetheart.”
Tags: @faith-lynn9 @collette04 @simons-savior86 @simons-thirst-squad @negans-castle @atticusboo68 @this-is-kuma
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