#i love jett he deserves good things
miss-squishy · 5 months
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finally drew jett
i learned how to draw men for him really
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taexual · 1 year
sleepwalking ● 1 | jjk
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summary: due to unfortunate circumstances, you ended up managing your ex-boyfriend’s band. you thought you’ve both made peace with it, but suddenly he’s very eager to prove to you that first love never dies.
pairing: jungkook x fem!reader
genre: rockstar!jungkook / exes to lovers / fluff / angst / smut (in later chapters)
warnings: explicit language, suggestive themes, SLOW BURN
words: 7.5k
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chapter 1 ► when i open my eyes to the future, i can hear you say my name
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There was virtually not a single person left on the entire fourth floor of the company building, despite it being a Monday afternoon. Normally, two other managers worked in offices adjacent to yours, so the noise in the hallways never settled below a pleasant hum: producers, promoters, and publicists – the three cursed Ps – shuffled in and out, heels clicking urgently against the marble floor.
This funeral silence was unusual, but you knew it was only a calm before the storm.
Rated Riot were going on their first-ever European tour in two days to promote their sophomore album – named aptly, “ready, set, RIOT” – and today was the final day of meetings. Evidently, the executives at Jett Records assumed that the band deserved to have a whole floor to themselves, so everyone else got a half-day, leaving you and the Floor Administrator, Rue, all by yourselves until the band got here.
This unsettling silence was exactly why you heard them arrive as soon as the door of the building opened four floors below. Rated Riot lived up to their name by making themselves heard before they were seen.
As soon as the sharp ding! of the elevator reached you in your office—your door was always open on meeting days, because the four members of one of the most promising rock bands in the world at the moment lacked any sense of direction—you could immediately feel the atmosphere lighten, the previous silence long gone.
“Rue! The apple of my eye!” Hoseok, the drummer and the de facto mood setter of Rated Riot, exclaimed as you listened to the familiar sounds of the band as they exited the elevator and, based on the repeated clicking of shoes in the lobby, momentarily got disoriented.
“Always looking good, Rue!” Jungkook, the vocalist, as well as the new Golden Boy of Jett Records followed after.
“Good to see you again,” Taehyung, the always well-mannered bassist, said. Silence followed and you assumed he shook Rue’s hand.
“Hello,” Yoongi, who was, technically, the guitarist of the band, but, really, played any instrument he could get his hands on, was the last to speak. He’d always been very well-spoken in songwriting, but quieter and more careful in most everyday conversations.
“Welcome, guys,” Rue greeted them. You couldn’t see any of them from where your office was located, but you’ve been in a similar situation countless times before and you could imagine what was happening without needing to witness it first-hand.
Rue would stand up from her seat and point her right hand down the hallway, reminding them—yet again—that they needed to walk down the hall and take a right turn. The members of Rated Riot, in turn, would walk down the hall. At least one of the four of them would turn left instead, causing a pause as the group gathered back together, exchanging confused glances. Then, they would turn back to Rue—who would still be standing there, her right hand extended like a helpful Statue of Liberty. They’d laugh at themselves, nod at Rue, and take the correct turn.
If things were going well, they’d find your office on first try—they’d just need to find the open door and peer inside; your desk was right in front. More often than not, however, they stumbled around, knocking and chuckling to themselves as they continuously interrupted the offices of everyone else, but you.
They were special. Not just because they looked like loose ducklings, separated from the Mother Duck, whenever they entered the company building, but also because, in spite of their own lack of coordination, they still managed to get things done.
And they brightened the day of everyone they came across. Which was almost ironic—as you realised by watching the four of them enter your office—considering the effortless rockstar aura that surrounded them.
Jungkook walked in first. That was typical because he usually did: sometimes because he was the only one who remembered where your office was, but usually because the other members offered him as a sacrificial lamb when they went knocking around every office on the floor in search of yours.
He was dressed in all-black—always—adorned with silver chains and necklaces that often gave you a start when you looked up, because he had a very specific way of entering the room: he seemed to make sure to position himself in just a way that the light, coming in from the window behind you, always reflected off his jewellery and momentarily blinded you.
Sure enough, you blinked, cringing into yourself as the brightness hit your eyes, and when you opened them again, he was already grinning.
“Hi,” he said and the rest of the members followed in after him—a brighter palette of colours.
Even Yoongi, who was the only one who could have given Jungkook a run for his money if you had to count which one had more black items of clothing in their closet, was wearing a beige, loosely buttoned shirt.
Despite that, however, you could tell they were rock artists as soon as you looked at them—all tattoos, piercings, intense eye make-up behind sunglasses, and old band tees—and you stood up, excited to let them know that, finally, every last loose thread had been found and tightened. They’d get to introduce their artistry on a different continent, and you’d make sure it’d go smoothly.
“We’re leaving for Prague tomorrow morning,” you told them once the five of you settled down at the round table in the back of your office. “So, if you were planning a going away party, I strongly advise against it.”
“We weren’t,” Yoongi said, lifting his glass of lemon water—there was a jug on the table—and giving you a reassuring look. “This is the strongest drink I’m having tonight.”
“Thanks,” you said paradoxically enough, but being grateful when the members of the band you managed didn’t get drunk before an important day was part of the job. “I’d also appreciate it if—”
“Hold on a second, though,” Jungkook interrupted—you’d been anticipating it. “I’m going to a gig tonight, Reconnaissance are in town again. And there’s obviously an after-party—”
Despite Reconnaissance being, arguably, one of the most popular rock bands in the world right now, you were definite when you cut him off, “No.”
“—so, I—wait. No?” he paused. “I never miss their shows, you know that. And I don’t get drunk easily. You know that, too.”
“That’s why you drink so much,” you rebutted. The rest of the band members got their phones out, knowing well enough at this point that this would take a while. “And then I have to come get you out of trouble.”
“You absolutely do not have to do that,” Jungkook insisted. “We’ve been through this.”
“Have we?” you argued. “Because I keep telling you it’s my job to keep you from passing out in a dirty bar bathroom, but you don’t care enough to hear me.”
“Well, you’re not very convincing. What’s the worst that can happen? I’ll wake up again.”
You were used to having this conversation with him—you’ve argued about this way before he became a singer and you ended up as his manager. And yet, the lax way he said this made you clench your fists.
Despite being mostly introverted, Jungkook did enjoy getting drinks with friends: even if said friends enjoyed his celebrity status more than they enjoyed the drinks.
“And if you don’t?” you threatened. “Rated Riot’s vocalist gets his stomach pumped. A catchy headline.”
“Yeah, man,” Hoseok interjected, putting his phone screen down on the table and crossing his arms. “Doesn’t go well with the vibe we’re going for. Don’t get your stomach pumped.”
“Fine, I—”
“What he meant was, don’t drink so much that you’d need your stomach pumped,” you clarified because Jungkook moonlighted as a Loophole Finder.
“I never have!” he insisted. “Seriously, you treat me like I’m still nineteen. Have some faith.”
Out of the corner of your eye, you could see the other members of the group look up from their phones. The band had only formed a few years ago, so you were the only person in this room who knew what Jungkook was like when he was nineteen. You never spoke about it – that was likely why everyone was so curious.
In any case, Jungkook was wrong. You did have faith—that’s why you spent so many of your off-duty nights driving down deserted streets to pick him up after his asshole friends convinced him it was a good idea to try the biker bar on the outskirts of town, and he’d gotten in an altercation with a burly redneck that was twice his size.
There was no time for that now, not when he was supposed to be on stage in Prague in three days.
“Well,” Taehyung spoke up. “I was thinking of going to the show as well. Not so much the after-party, I have better plans. But, uh, I could come, after all.”
You appreciated the offer, but you knew that these better plans involved him spending time with his girlfriend, Luna, who was going to join him for a few weeks of the European tour, but after that, the two of them were going to be apart for several months.
“You don’t have to go if you don’t want to,” you said, not trying very much to hide the hopeful undertones in your voice. Jungkook’s friends felt intimidated by all the members of Rated Riot; they’d be on their best behaviour if Taehyung was there.
“No, I think it might be fun,” Taehyung said. You exhaled quietly and he could sense your gratitude without words. He turned to his younger bandmate. “Should we go together?”
Jungkook groaned and mumbled under his breath, “not if I have to third-wheel again.”
“When have you ever third-wheeled anyone?” you asked rhetorically, but he was already opening his mouth to reply. Quickly, you added, “be careful, is what I’m saying, okay? I am complaining about having to pick you up from all kinds of holes, but if you need me to bring NDAs, I will bring them. So, ask.”
Jungkook rolled his eyes, but chose to stay quiet. He knew better now – the one time he did not make anyone sign a non-disclosure agreement after an impromptu, drunken busking session in New York, pictures of him, half-dressed and giving a lap dance to a random, equally as drunk, groupie, were on every rock page on Instagram. Accompanied with detailed retellings of how it came to happen, of course; all of them more ridiculous than the next. Your personal favourite story was that he was recruiting members for a sex cult.
“We’ll call you,” Taehyung gave you a nod, “if we have to.”
“Perfect,” you said, glancing at Jungkook again, even though expecting him to confirm that he, too, would call you if he had to, was wishful thinking.
Every time you reminded him how he needed to start going out with a less destructive crowd, he’d treat his phone like a poisonous snake – and he’d been doing that even before you became his manager. His friends seemed to get their pleasure fix from watching you arrive and rip him a new one, so they were the ones who called you most of the time, always laughing into their phones like true accomplices.
It was funny how Jungkook was the only one who passed out or got so wasted, he ended up on a ferry to Martha’s Vineyard. His friends always walked away unscathed and, usually, only called you by the time they were back in their bedrooms – “when we left, he was ordering mint and honey daiquiris, you should probably go over there and check up on him.”
It was like they loved pushing him into danger and purposefully bringing the two of you together again, and Jungkook either didn’t realise or didn’t care anymore. It’s been a while, after all.
You and Jungkook had been broken up for almost two years when you got the unbelievable offer to manage an up-and-coming rock band. This was over two years ago now and you were only twenty-four back then. Up until that point, you had worked as an assistant manager for various indie artists, so that offer was massive.
You figured the downside that your ex-boyfriend happened to be in this particular band was worth it, considering the huge leap in your career you’d make by accepting this job.
And, for the most part (excluding the first two months that were pure chaos of repressed feelings), you and Jungkook both made this work, drawing a strict line between your relationship before Rated Riot (back when he still had your phone number saved as “❌”) and after he met you again as Rated Riot’s new manager (ironically, now your name on his phone was “❌❌❌”).
You’ve managed Rated Riot for almost exactly two years now, and if you’d asked the band – which you wouldn’t, partially out of humbleness, but also because you were scared – you’d know that they loved working with you as much as you loved working with them. So, in the end, it all really had been worth it.
“Check your emails for the descriptive itineraries,” you continued smoothly enough. The guys at the table put their phones down and returned their attention to you. “Now, who else is coming with us?”
Technically, the band wasn’t supposed to bring anyone – the label was explicitly clear about that. They wanted the first European tour to go “without a hitch” (meaning, without distractions), but you held a more liberal view here.
You didn’t think loved ones coming on the road were a distraction; if anything, they were a firm support mechanism that made touring easier for the artists.
“I know Luna’s staying until the Barcelona show, yeah?” you asked, double-checking the notes on your laptop.
Taehyung nodded, a small smile on his lips at the mention of the girl. “She flies out the next day, yeah.”
“Okay. Who else?”
“Well, Sid and Jude are coming,” Jungkook spoke up and, after seeing your eyes roll back, added, quieter, “and Minjun isn’t sure.”
The three musketeer-wannabes – Sid, Jude, and Minjun – were on speed dial on your work and personal phones, because if Rated Riot had a performance and the vocalist wasn’t there, it was likely those three who were to blame. They were the only ones who knew Jungkook longer than you did, and they seemed to take pride in the fact that they had successfully been causing you headaches for seven years now.
“Sid and Jude,” you repeated, “aren’t worried they’ll lose their jobs if they travel to Europe abruptly?”
“No, they’re cool,” Jungkook shrugged, not catching the mockery in your voice—both Sid and Jude worked for their families, which really meant that they got paid to occasionally show up at the shareholders’ meetings on behalf of their parents. “I’ll text Minjun right now. Maybe he’ll come when we’re in Poland…”
“I needed confirmation by last week,” you reminded him. “At the latest.”
He glanced at you from his phone and then went back to texting. “So, why’d you ask now?”
“To double-check,” you said. “They’re going to have to book the hotels themselves. Or sleep on the street. Honestly, I don’t really—”
“So, uh,” Yoongi interrupted before another argument could begin, “how many hotels this time?”
“Prague, Amsterdam, and Paris. And some nights in London, depending on our flight time,” you said with an apologetic smile. “Bring your favourite blankets. We’re living on buses for the next three months.”
None of them minded – if anything, you could see a little glitter in their eyes as they listened to you. Being on the road and having to sleep on the tour bus every night was an experience they’d missed. They hadn’t gone on an actual tour in almost a year – as someone who thrived on live performances, they had obviously missed this.
Really, you’ve missed it, too. Rated Riot may have been a riot to look after as their manager – pun fully intended – especially on tour, but they were your riot to deal with.
You liked your job and the challenges that came with it, because, in the end, you overcame most of them: starting with your previous relationship with Jungkook (no one in the band had a problem with it, and the label miraculously seemed not to know about it) and ending with your relatively young age (Jungkook was the only one who had a problem with you being his age, but he had a problem with almost everything).
Hopefully, one day you’d manage to overcome the challenge that was getting Jungkook to open his eyes and realise that the people he surrounded himself with were more groupies than his friends. But all in due time.
“If you have questions,” you said as the meeting approached its’ conclusion, “go right ahead.”
“Wake-up calls,” Yoongi said. “Any possibility of arranging those?”
You smiled – this had been traditional practice ever since you started to work with them.
“I’ll call,” you said and then remembered a particularly frustrating way in which this had backfired. You added, “and keep you on the phone until you’re out of bed.”
Back when you were an assistant manager to a different band, this had been your main task. And, you supposed, if Rated Riot had assistant managers, they’d be the ones making wake-up calls, too – however, the band had only started to live up to their potential now. Before you booked the European tour for them, Jett Records thought they barely needed one manager to begin with.
You’ve made it this far. If the tour went well, maybe you’d get to expand your team as the band gained popularity.
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Jungkook felt giddy the whole night. The Reconnaissance show with Taehyung and Luna was a lot of fun, as expected—he’d seen the band five times before tonight, and they never failed to let him down.
When he arrived at the after-party, he was nearly vibrating with excitement—on top of everything, he was going on tour tomorrow and he knew he might lose his mind over it—and this was usually the time when he tended to get reckless.
He did drink a little too much to retain a completely sober mind, but he stayed true to his word and did not wander anywhere or caused any—serious—trouble. You would have said that’s because Sid and Jude weren’t with him, but Jungkook was convinced it was because he simply had great self-control when he put his mind to it.
The only place he went to after the party was his family’s house, so he could say goodbye to his grandma. She probably wouldn’t even hear him—and if she would, then she probably wouldn’t recognise him—but he couldn’t leave to Europe without saying goodbye to her.
He thought he’d take his Katana to the house, but then remembered immediately the last time he got on his motorcycle drunk – his grandma had, literally, smacked him on the back with a rolling pin, yelling about how careless he was. She didn’t say that she hit him out of concern for his safety—that was obvious—and, instead, she focused on how hard he’d worked on restoring the bike after he’d bought it; his first purchase with the money that he made off Rated Riot’s music.
“Don’t you want it to last?” she had said then. She’d been the only person who believed he could bring the bike to life, despite it not having a single properly functioning part, least of all the engine. “You worked so hard on it. Do you want to wreck it in one night?”
Tonight, however, everyone in the house was asleep when he arrived. It was quiet, so he tried to be silent as he went up the stairs to her room—and then knocked over a picture frame after his feet fumbled on the carpet in the hallway. But no one went out to check who was making the noise—which was dangerous, he realised for a brief, semi-sober second; but the house had security, so he figured they were safe from outsiders—and he gently lowered the handle on his grandma’s door, peering inside.
The room was painted in blue hues from the night light next to the bed where his grandma was sleeping. He approached—really trying to be quiet this time—and carefully pulled her comforter up, so she wouldn’t get cold, even though the room felt warm.
It was always warm here and Jungkook had to bite his lip when he realised how much he missed sitting here as a child while dozens of his cousins ran around the house and wreaked loud, childish havoc. How much he missed his grandma reading him books—never children’s stories, he always insisted she read him the thickest, most boring books he could find on her shelves, just so he could stay in her room longer, listening to her soothing voice and feeling her comforting warmth.
Sniffling quietly, he leaned closer to her and brushed a strand of white hair from her face, listening to her soft breathing as she slept, unaware of his presence.
“I’ll be back soon,” he promised in a whisper as he pressed a soft kiss to her forehead. She didn’t wake. “We will talk again then.”
He knew he’d keep this promise even if she didn’t hear it, even if she didn’t remember. But leaving her room felt painful and he was far less excited now. The alcohol had begun to wear off and heaviness settled in his chest instead. This happened sometimes when he was left alone with his thoughts, especially after he visited his grandma.
He'd come back, he knew he would. But as he glanced at his grandma’s sleeping frame one more time—remembering how she hadn’t called him by his name in months; not one glint of recognition in her eyes when she’d see him—he wondered if he’d have anyone to come back to.
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Surprising exactly no one, Jungkook was the only one who did not answer your wake-up call the next morning. Having foreseen this, you’d already called Hoseok, Yoongi and Taehyung – in that order, because the first two took the longest to wake up, and by that time, Taehyung was already awake on his own – and only then attempted to reach the one remaining member.
Fifteen minutes later, you were already dressed and ready to drive over to his house and personally wake him up with an icy bath in bed. And just then, your phone rang – his name as the caller’s ID.
“Look who—”
“Okay, okay,” Jungkook’s groggy voice cut you off before you could greet him with the appropriate sarcastic remark. “I’m awake. Halfway in the shower.”
“I don’t hear running water.”
He responded with a groan first, then shuffling. You waited patiently, balancing the phone on your shoulder as you unlocked the door of your apartment. Finally, you could hear the water start running on the other end of the call.
“Happy?” Jungkook asked, always the brightest of all rays of sunshine in the morning.
“Ecstatic,” you replied, equally as enthusiastically. “Sending a car to pick you up in half an hour. Don’t be late.”
“I can drive myself—”
“No driving when you’re hungover,” you said, not for the first time. “In fact, don’t even go near your Katana.”
He considered several ways to respond to you; first and foremost, defending his beloved, navy-coloured Suzuki Katana with a matte coating, custom-made leather seat covers, golden rims, purring engine, and—anyway. He ended up choosing to respond with a question, “how do you know I’m hungover?”
“I’ve known you for almost ten years,” you replied. “If you go out drinking the night before, you’ll wake up hungover.”
“Well, how do you know I drank that much last ni—?”
“Listen,” you cut him off, hoisting your suitcases over the threshold of your front door. You fixed your phone against your cheek and continued, “how about you take that shower, and we’ll resume this nice little Q&A at the airport?”
“No,” he replied and, in a purposefully exaggerated breathy voice said, “I simply can’t stop talking to you.”
“Hanging up now.”
Jungkook laughed as he listened to the beep, indicating the end of the call. Putting his phone on the side of the sink, he took his shirt off and was about to continue undressing when his phone vibrated and nearly fell off the sink.
Scrambling to catch it, he smacked it against the cupboard and exhaled in relief when he saw that the screen hadn’t cracked. He was expecting a text from you – a threat, in case he’d go back to bed – but it was actually Sid, asking for the time of his flight.
His friends were taking a separate flight out to Prague – they weren’t happy about it and neither was he, but at least they’d get to hang out in Europe eventually – and, obviously, they wanted to know what time they’d meet up and where.
He double-checked the itinerary you’d emailed him, got confused about the time zone difference and texted Sid back.
“Gonna be there the day before the show,” his text said, “jetlag. Sleep. Maybe beer? Catch u there.”
Sid was, of course, delighted to hear the mention of beer and Jungkook snickered to himself before he resumed undressing for his shower—knowing from experience that you wouldn’t be above shipping him to Prague in the cargo section on the plane if he was late to the airport.
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As it turned out, for the first time in his life, Jungkook was so terribly jet-lagged, that he did not feel like doing anything – not even drinking with friends – but sleeping.
He slept through the whole layover in Paris – and, consequently, through Taehyung and Luna’s stories about the 5 minutes they got to spend in front of the Eiffel Tower before rushing back to the airport (never mind that it was about 2 AM) – as well as the flight to Prague.
He only woke up on the bus ride to the hotel when he felt something nudging his lips and opened his eyes to find an open bottle of Coca-Cola in your hands as you held it by his face.
“Did you just—” he started to say, but his voice sounded brittle, more a croak than a voice, really. He cleared his throat and tried again, “did you just wake me up by making me sniff soda?”
“It worked,” you replied, nudging the bottle at him again. “Drink. You need sugar. You didn’t eat anything on the plane here.”
“I had that bagel on the flight to Paris,” he mumbled, but sat up properly and took the bottle from you.
“That was a croissant,” you clarified. It was almost cute to see him barely awake. “And I warned you about flying with a hangover. You did this to yourself.”
“I’m fine,” he replied after taking a big gulp of coke. “Not sure which day it is, but other than that, I’m perfect. Do you have anything for headaches?”
Snickering, you nodded. “Yeah, give me a second.”
You went to fetch your carry-on bag and returned with ibuprofen, which allowed him to go back to sleep until you arrived at the hotel. The other members were also in and out of slumber, but that was their own fault. You and the other girls on this tour, which, really, only meant Luna— Taehyung’s girlfriend—and Maggie—the tour photographer—had planned ahead and taken sleeping pills as soon as the plane took off. Meanwhile, every man on this trip thought too much of himself.
By the time you arrived to the hotel and checked in, it was already lunchtime. If this had been your first time travelling with Rated Riot, you would have been beyond surprised to see what effect food had on them: they looked like they'd just returned from the most refreshing vacation in the Caribbean. Lively conversation and cheerful laughter echoed around the table – no one would have guessed that they’d just spent over 13 hours on airplanes. Their recovery was nearly always miraculous.
And, naturally, since they were feeling better, they wanted to do something as soon as the first rehearsal was over. You had far too many things to do before the show tomorrow, so you couldn’t babysit them – again, an assistant manager would have been life-saving – but you knew you’d still have to keep an eye on them.
Taehyung and Luna went sightseeing, but they were the sort who kept you updated on their adventures through pictures, which you were endlessly grateful for. There was never a reason to worry here; if you were a teacher who had to pretend not to have a favourite student, Taehyung would be the student you were pretending about.
Yoongi and Hoseok, initially, went to a record store together, but then split up – one of them returned to the hotel for a nap, and the other one went café-hopping. Those two were also fine – they usually took some members of the crew with them anyway, so you knew that in the worst-case scenario, you’d still have several people you could call to reach them.
Now Jungkook was going to meet up with Sid and Jude, both of whom had, most unfortunately, successfully landed in Prague. The Diabolical Duo would take him out drinking, you had no doubt about it – and this was where you’d have to step in with another warning. You weren’t the angry mother, dragging her children by their ears, but you felt it necessary to remind Jungkook of what was at stake if he allowed his friends to be their usual, obnoxious selves tonight.
However, you didn’t want to ask, so you had to figure out where to find them yourself. You didn’t even have to use the seven years that you’ve known them to deduce two logical, universal-for-all-assholes things: one, Jungkook’s friends wouldn’t be nearly tired enough not to want to drink. Two, they’d be too jet-lagged to look for their usual hole-in-the-wall spot that sold drinks. Therefore, they’d have to settle for the bar of the hotel.
And when you exited the elevator on the ground floor later that night, your assumption was confirmed – you could hear their laughter from where you were standing in the lobby.
You’d texted Jungkook as you arrived, hoping he’d leave his friends and come see you at the back of the bar for a minute, but unfortunately, Sid and Jude noticed you and waved you over with loud cheers.
Embarrassed as the people in booths around you began to turn to look, you swallowed and walked towards the front where Jungkook and his friends were sitting by the bar.
“Wow, it’s been so long!” Jude exclaimed as you approached. In your opinion, it wasn’t nearly long enough, but you only lifted the corners of your lips and did not comment.
“Jungkook, a moment?” you said instead.
“Let’s get you a drink!” Sid suggested as though you hadn’t spoken and extended a hand, clicking his fingers to get the bartender’s attention. “Hey! Can we get some Margaritas here?”
You cringed watching this, but, again, restrained yourself. They could behave like pricks all they wanted; it wasn’t their reputation that you had to protect. Someone else would, hopefully, teach them a lesson.
“Sure,” Jungkook said to you, sliding off the stool. He seemed sober enough to walk without any sort of waddling or stand without swaying, but you could tell by the relaxation behind his eyes, that he was already tipsy.
His friends patted him on the back and whistled as he followed you to a quieter spot in the back of the bar. He shook his head at them—but had a grin on his face, and for that alone you wanted to punch him.
“Can I count on you to take it easy?” you asked, once the two of you were out of earshot. “Not because you’ll make my job much harder if you don’t, but because you have a rehearsal tomorrow at eight, and that’s hard with the jet lag alone, but add a hangover into the mix, and—”
“I’ll be fine,” he said, but you’ve heard this song many times before. It was one of his top hits. “I’m actually tired, so I might have a few and then go straight to bed.”
“Okay,” you said, choosing to believe him, because that was easier than making him sign a contract, swearing not to wake up in a dumpster. “Can you text me when you’re back in your room? So I know you’re not lost somewhere in Prague with Dumb and Dumber.”
His lip twitched in an almost-smile at the nickname, but he resisted – a loyal friend, even if they didn’t deserve it – and gave you a nod.
“Fine,” he said. “I’ll text you. And I won’t get lost.”
“Okay—” you started to say and then squinted your eyes at him, realizing. “I meant don’t go wandering the city streets while drunk.”
He snorted and placed a hand on your left shoulder. Gazing into your eyes, he enunciated very dramatically, “I will not get into trouble. Promise.”
You pursed your lips. “You’d better not.”
“I realise what that would mean, believe it or not,” he said, straightening. “Tomorrow is an important day. I’d never do anything to ruin it.”
“I know,” you said. “I trust you to make smart choices. I don’t trust them.”
You pointed at the twosome by the bar – both of them watching you like you were the entertainment of the night – and Jungkook turned to look. Sid and Jude both immediately waved at him. Jungkook waved back and, when he looked at you again, he was smiling softly.
Clearly, he genuinely enjoyed hanging out with those two. You’d never believe that there was anything about them that was bearable—let alone enjoyable—so Jungkook’s weird attachment to them had to come from some sort of weird destructive force inside of him.
“I’ll keep them in check,” he said and then, possibly prompted by the skeptical frown on your face, he felt the need to explain, “they help me relax. If it weren’t for them, I’d probably be shaking from anxiety all the time. Kind of like you are.”
He winked as he said that last part, grinning at his own wit, but you rolled your eyes in response.
“Goodnight,” you said then. “Don’t forget to text me.”
“Are you going to stay up late waiting for my text?” his tone was humorous and it stopped you from leaving.
“Hopefully not,” you said, ignoring the flirty comment that was obviously meant to rattle your composure. “But it’d do you well to remember that I can make life very difficult for you if you disobey me.”
He lifted his eyebrows at this, but did not lose the grin. “Oh? Will I get punished if I—”
“Goodnight, Jungkook,” you said again—louder—and turned away.
You glanced over your shoulder when you reached the archway leading to the lobby and caught him watching you leave—he was still beaming, but he composed himself and nodded when he caught your eye. You nodded back.
Maybe he really would be fine tonight.
And, truly, Jungkook had meant what he’d said – he couldn’t wait for tomorrow and there was nothing he’d do to ruin that. Not even if the smirking faces of his friends prompted him to laugh as soon as he returned to his seat by the bar.
“What do you want, assholes?” he asked, punching Jude on the shoulder as he walked past his friends. As soon as he sat down, leaving Sid in the middle, he took a big gulp of the beer he’d left waiting; only his third one tonight.
“We don’t want anything,” Jude said, still smirking. “What did she want? Another moral how you’re not being a good boy?”
Jungkook rolled his eyes. “No—”
“I was always curious,” Sid interrupted. “Was she like that when you dated, too? You know, always in charge?”
Even before you and Jungkook had settled into a steady enough rhythm of working with each other, neither of you spoke to others about your relationship. Not while you were dating, and not after you broke up. So, all your friends—real friends and whoever the hell Sid and Jude were—essentially knew nothing of your relationship.
And there was nothing he’d tell them now.
It’s been four years since you broke up—plenty of time to move on. Not to mention, you were both (trying to be) professionals. There was no point to bring back the past; there never had been.
“Wouldn’t you like to know?” Jungkook teased, managing to keep the banter going without revealing how the question irked something inside him.
“I would. That’s why I asked,” Sid replied, laughing haughtily. A few heads turned his way. Sid sounded very much like an entitled heir—or an elephant high on helium—when he laughed, especially when there was nothing funny going on. “I mean, you never talked about her to us. Was it getting rid of her that made you who you are today?”
Jude snorted, slapping Sid on the back in a half-supportive, half-warning manner. Jungkook knew that the level of your patience for his friends ranged from Sid (no patience) to Jude (case-by-case), to Minjun (bearable)—and he could see why.
“I didn’t get rid of her,” he said, an edge to his voice. “We broke up and moved on. Did you hear from Minjun?”
Sid laughed again—even louder than before; the glasses behind the bar seemed to clatter.
“Look at him, trying to change the topic!” he wheezed, looking at Jude over his shoulder.
“Leave him be, man,” Jude said and nodded at Jungkook. “So many girls around us and this dumbass is still hung up on your ex, huh?”
Jungkook finished his beer and held the liquid behind his cheeks for a second before swallowing. He caught the bartender’s eye and lifted his empty glass, indicating a refill.
“I don’t think I’m the one who’s hung up,” Sid said with a very knowing look in his eye.
Jungkook looked at him and raised his eyebrows—surprised and momentarily distracted from his drink. “What is that supposed to mean?”
“Well, you come to her as soon as she calls, like a puppy,” Sid replied. “So, you tell me.”
“I have to come when she calls,” Jungkook defended. “She’s my manager.”
“Yeah, dumbass,” Jude said, slapping Sid on the back of the head this time. “She’s his manager.”
Jungkook suddenly found himself smiling when he realised that you’d probably consider this the reason why Sid acted the way he did sometimes – permanent brain damage from Jude’s incessant slaps.
“Well, then someone,” Sid said, angrily accentuating the word—the anger was clearly directed at Jude, but the pronoun at Jungkook, “has a fucking crush on their manager.”
“I don’t have a crush—”
Sid spoke over him, “I bet you could never get her to go out with you again.”
Jungkook saw the bartender approach to pour him a drink and he heard Jude scoffing, but he could only blink, taken aback by what sounded like an accusation.  “Why—why would I even—why—”
“Oh, see, see?!” Sid screeched, turning to Jude with a triumphant expression. Jude gave him a pitiful look—and looked about ready to give him a black eye, too. “He knows I’m right, it’s why he’s stuttering!”
“Dude,” Jude said slowly. “You are yelling.”
Jungkook cleared his throat, nodding at the bartender as a thank-you and then bringing his refilled glass to his lips. “And I’m not stuttering.”
“You so are, my man,” Sid taunted, patting Jungkook on the shoulder with so much force, the beer nearly spilled from the glass and from his mouth. “Your ass is so whipped, you’re going to be singing at her wedding to some random producer.”
Suddenly hyper-aware that there were several producers on tour with them right now, Jungkook put his drink down and straightened in his seat.
“I’m not fucking singing at weddings,” he said.
“Not yet,” Sid pointed out, grinning. He knew he'd gotten under his skin.
“Okay, come on now,” Jude interjected, leaning back in his seat to be able to see Jungkook. “You promised you’d sing at my wedding.”
“As if anyone would ever marry you,” came Sid’s snide.
“You shut the fuck up,” Jude snarled, but there was no malice behind his bark. “I have more chances of marrying someone than he has of marrying his manager.”
“He—oh, fuck!” Sid was about to argue, but then burst into laughter—so loud and thunderous again, that the bartender was forced to glance over at the security guards by the entrance to the bar. “That’s good! You’re so right!”
“Both of you are fucking idiots,” Jungkook spoke. The edges of his vision were red. “I could get her to go out with me again if I wanted to.”
“Oh, sure, sure,” Sid nodded, wiping invisible tears from his eyes. “Big talk.”
“Jungkook, no offense, my dude,” Jude said, leaning forwards this time. “Let him have this one. Sid may be dumber than box of rocks, but he’s got a point here. Forget about her.”
Another insinuation that had Jungkook throwing his head back in frustration.
“There’s nothing to forget!” he groaned. “What the fuck are you even talking about? I just fucking told you I moved on.”
“So why are you getting all riled up, then?” Sid smirked, more and more satisfied with each curse that he provoked out of him.
Jungkook felt even angrier, because he was getting riled up, but he had a good reason for it. He enjoyed banter as much as the next person, but he did not enjoy mockery at his own expense—especially not the kind that involved you.
He snapped back, “because you don’t know what the fuck you’re talking about.”
His friends snickered at this – convinced that his irritation only proved the point they were both making – and Jungkook clenched his jaw, annoyed.
“If anything,” he added sharply as he picked his beer up—as if that could somehow distance him from this conversation, “it’s her who’s still hung up on me.”
That was a cheap, childish defence, and everyone by the bar knew it.
“Yeah, right!” Sid cried out, but resisted from laughing again. “We’ve heard her yell at you more times than we can count. You fucking wish she was still hung up on you.”
“Okay, to be fair, Sid can probably only count to five,” Jude added—Sid finally punched him on the shoulder—as he toyed with the paper umbrella on his fourth cocktail; the Margaritas they’d ordered were long gone. “But he’s right, you know? You’d never get her to go out with you again.”
There was pity in Jude’s voice—as if he felt sorry that Jungkook lived in denial, chasing after you and convincing himself that it was only a matter of time before you’d come back to him.
This made Jungkook’s temper vile, his face red, hot, and angry. He slammed his beer back on the table, forcing some of it to spill. “Yes, I fucking would!”
Sid was hiccupping as he laughed.
“Okay, okay, listen—let’s make a proper bet,” he managed. He picked up a napkin from the bar top, then looked around for something to write on it with—not finding anything, he stood up from his seat and leaned over the bar, grabbing a pen before the bartender could notice. “$1000 says you can’t get her to go on a date with you again.”
He glanced at Jude for approval—Jude shrugged.
“I’d suggest $500,” he said. “We don’t want to rob him blind.”
Jungkook’s face remained stoic, prideful.
“Fine with me. But you have no idea what you’re getting yourselves into,” he bit.
“Oh, that’s right, he’s been awfully cocky about the whole thing, hasn’t he?” Sid spoke, addressing his rhetorical question at the bar. He wrote something on the napkin and then lifted it to show the number “4000” to Jungkook. “How about this: Jude and I each pay you $2000 if you win. But if you lose, you give us your Katana.”
Jungkook lifted his eyebrows, the sudden mention of his bike catching him off-guard. Sid came from old money, he could afford fifteen brand-new motorcycles with the change he found in his suitcase, probably.
“How is that fair?” he asked. “Do you even know how much a Suzuki costs these days? It’s not $4000, I can tell you that much.”
“Why should you care?” Sid asked, his eyes glinting with mischief. “You were so confident about winning the bet just a second ago. Scared you’ll lose after all?”
In his defence, Jungkook did hesitate for half a moment. But there was a shit-eating grin on Sid’s mouth that he wanted to wipe off more than anything else, and he downed the rest of his beer in one big gulp—a showcase of his determination.
“Not at all,” he said then. He wasn’t sure if he was lying as he said this, but he had no time to figure that out. He extended his hand at Sid. “Get your money ready.”
Here, he was putting up a front – this wasn’t about the money at all. It was more a thing of pride; they were teasing him, purposefully making fun of him—and he wanted to prove them wrong, regardless if they were actually wrong.
Smirking, Sid shook his hand—cementing the bet between all three of them, as Jude was busy finishing off his cocktail—and was about to say something when Jungkook jumped off his stool.
“Have to go now,” he said, always a show-off with his overly creative comebacks when he was tipsy. “My horoscope predicts a date and a big fortune in my near future. Got to prepare.”
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chapter title credits: sleep token, “rain”
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special shout-out & thank you to @eleni-cherie who delivered the much-appreciated kicks in the ass, so that i would keep writing. the odds were really against me, so if it weren't for you & our in-depth fanfic discussions, i definitely wouldn't even be writing this note right now, let alone finally starting this story 💜
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lilmoonbunny · 7 months
He loves hates you; Yoru x Reader
Yoru claims he hates you, so why do you still love him?
Warnings: Yoru is mean, mention of being hurt by a partner
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You and Yoru were once friends, but something changed one day, and he decided that he hated you. You had no idea what had happened or what you had done, but he seemingly hated you and wouldn’t tell you why.
Little did you know, he didn’t actually hate you. Yoru had realised that he had developed feelings for you and was terrified so he decided to push you away so he wouldn’t get hurt.
The two of you went from talking every day to him glaring at you every time he saw you. In his mind, he had to make it realistic, no matter how much your sad face hurt him.
However, even when you two weren’t talking, the feelings he harboured for you never faded, much to his dismay. It was annoying him; the urge to always protect you when you two were working together had him watching you more than the enemies and unable to properly focus; he didn’t even want to rift-walk in case you got hurt.
Despite having harshly cut you off, Yoru couldn’t help but feel extremely hurt when you got a boyfriend.
He was some civilian or something, he didn’t want care enough to find out.
No, he didn’t listen to Phoenix and Jett talk about it whilst pretending to be annoyed, what are you talking about!?
He hated your boyfriend with a fiery passion. He wasn’t good enough for you, you deserved better. You deserve him, but he doesn’t deserve you, at least in his mind.
Yoru’s ‘hatred’ for you only grew worse since you got a boyfriend, leaving you even more confused and very hurt. You started to hate him too.
You hated his sudden feeling change, how he treated you, how he abandoned you just as you were going to confess to him… You hated him!!!!
So why did you end up in front of him after being beat up by your ex-boyfriend…?
“Who did this to you!?” You could see Yoru’s rage, no matter how hard he tried to appear calm. Naturally, you assumed it was because you had come to him.
“I’m sorry, I didn’t know where else to go.” You sobbed.
He stood there with clenched fists, ready to kill whoever hurt you.
No, there’s something more important first. Someone more important. He thought and opened his door.
Wordlessly, you entered, and he told you to sit down whilst he went to grab some things to help clean your wounds.
“This is going to hurt.” He said before beginning to clean your wounds.
You two sat in silence for a while, only your occasional winces (which hurt him more than he’d like to admit) being heard.
“Ryo?” You broke the silence.
He tensed at the use of his real name. He missed hearing you say it…
“What?” Whilst he sounded blunt, he was genuinely curious what you had to say.
“Why do you hate me?”
That hurt him, yet he sighed, ignoring the question.
“Please tell me what I did wrong.” You whispered, tears falling down your cheeks.
“You didn’t do anything.”
“Then why won’t you talk to me anymore? Why do you treat me like dirt?”
Yoru dropped the equipment he was using.
“Because I love you, okay!? Are you happy now?” He snapped, immediately regretting speaking the moment he realised what he had said. “Forget it. You should go, I’m done.”
You were frozen in place as he tossed the cleaning rags in the trash.
It took a few moments for his words to sink in, but the moment they did, you immediately grabbed his hand and spun him to face you. Was he blushing…?
“I said forget it,” his words were supposed to be aggressive, but they just sounded sad…
“I love you too, Ryo. I always have.” Your words had his eyes widening.
“But why? Even after everything I did to you?”
You nodded.
“You really are an idiot,” he said, yet there was no malice behind his words, especially when there was the tiniest smile on his lips.
“Only for you,”
Yoru simply shook his head.
“Well, I suppose you could be my idiot. If you want that is?
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honestlywtf04 · 2 years
warning: lap dance, lots of teasing, twerking, some nsfw content, 🎶 vinnie gets a boner 🎶
summary: he didn't expect you to be at his bachelor party, but he definitely didn't expect the gift you gave to him.
author's note: i have never written a lap dance, the last time i did, it was horrendous. so please bear with me. ignore any mistakes.
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"vinnie! we got something for you! close your eyes and sit down in this chair!" you hear jett yell at your fiancée from the bathroom. he doesn't know that you're here at his bachelor party, he thinks that you're at home with your friends or maybe sleeping.
your bachelorette party happened a week ago, he and his friends planned his own bachelor party today. his friends' original plan was to get him a bunch of strippers but then they simultaneously realized that it would be too much since they would have to pay a lot of money and the last time they did it to someone... it didn't turn out as planned, long story short he was pissed.
so jack called you and asked if you were willing to surprise him and give him a lap dance at his party in front of all the people. you were hesitant but vinnie was and is a great boyfriend and now fiancée, so he deserved a little more than what he typically gets.
now he is sitting in a chair, in the middle of a crowd blindfolded and doesn't know what's going happen. he's terrified and a little excited. the only thing circling his mind is 'did they get me my own taco truck'.
someone knocks on your door and you immediately walk out to see jack. "you ready?" he asks you and you simply nod. you take one last look in the mirror to make sure your outfit looks good. "excited and ready," you step out and jack takes your hand, leading you towards the man that is currently sitting down biting his lip anxiously with a blindfold covering his eyes.
"alright! everyone listen up. let's take a moment to clap for our friend vinnie here who is probably wondering why he is blindfolded," jett says into the microphone and not too long after everyone starts cheering and whistling.
"so vinnie- or should i say vincent, we managed to get you something you will probably like, just a little," people start laughing and vinnie does the middle finger not knowing where jett is at.
jack grabs your hand and has you stand directly in front of your fiancée. "alright enough stalling, vinnie take off your blindfold."
when he removes his blindfold, the first thing he sees is his beautiful fiancée wearing one of his favorite sets of lingerie that he loves on you. you watch his eyebrows raise and his cheeks turning a little rosy. you place your hand on your hip and raise your eyebrow, teasing him. his eyes scanning every inch of your body.
jett walks over to him and puts the microphone in front of vinnie. "i- um, wow."
"happy bachelor party vincent! now sit there, and enjoy," jett says and not long after, the DJ starts playing "Pony - Ginuwine."
you step closer to him and spread his legs, putting your foot right in front of his crotch, ignoring the cheers from the crowd behind you. you touch your ankle and start traveling it upwards, stopping once you reach your upper thigh.
you sit down on his lap and start to grind on him, making direct eye contact with him. he places his hands on your hips but you quickly move them away hearing people going "ooooh."
you stand up and walk behind his chair, moving your hand down, above his bulge and start moving it up very slowly. when you reach his chest, you feel his heart beating fast which causes you to smirk. and grab his head and force him to look up at you. as you lean down, his eyes stay on your face and anxiously waits for your lips to touch his but you move away and sit yourself on his lap, your back facing him.
you lean down to touch your heels feeling his eyes on your ass. you turn back around and decide to be a little risky so you place your area directly on his bulge seeing his eyes slightly widen and look down to where you are both touching intimately. you begin to move your hips to the rhythm of the song hearing him breathing heavily. you move your breasts closer to his face feeling his hot breath hitting them.
"y/n," he whispers but you ignore him and continue your sexual movements. "i don't want them to see my boner," he quietly mumbles which makes you grind even harder on him. you grab his chin making eye contact with him. he looks down at your lips with his mouth open. you pull his bottom lip down with your thumb and stand up, seeing his confused expression. you watch one of his friends give him a stack of what you believe is one-dollar bills.
vinnie looks confused until he sees you bend down a bit and start to shake your ass. you hear many people start to cheer and applaud. soon you start hearing the man behind you start to laugh and throw the money on you.
the song ends and you finish what you were doing. you hear him stand up and touch your waist with his hands not caring about the people watching.
you turn around and push vinnie back down on the chair. he looks at me amused and almost proud. you lean down, grab his jaw and give him a very long kiss.
"upstairs, 10 minutes, third door on the right, and i'll take care of you, that's my real gift," you whisper seductively in his ear and not so sneakily trail my hand down to his bulge before walking upstairs.
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magniloquent-raven · 3 months
Billy and El's relationship headcanons?
Yessss!! Always more than happy to talk about these two
I love El just kind of deciding that her and Billy are friends now. Billy gets no say in the matter.
She spends a lot of her time after Starcourt hanging out in his hospital room. Like, sitting in the corner quietly reading or practising her penmanship, anything that'll keep her occupied while Billy lays there and pretends to watch whatever's on TV. They don't really talk much. So Billy kind of figures Max put her up to this, keeping an eye on him. Or she's doing it out of some kind of obligation because he sort of saved her life.
The reality of it is that she doesn't feel quite at home living with the Byers yet, so she's finding any excuse to be elsewhere. And it just so happens that she wants to keep Billy company. It's a win-win.
When Billy gets out he figures he won't see her anymore. She's got her nerds to hang out with, she doesn't need to waste any more time on him now that everyone's pretty sure he's not gonna die.
Except the day after he moves into the tiny little apartment that some government stooge picked out for him, El shows up at his door with a gift bag in hand (Joyce introduced her to the concept of a housewarming present, and she was very excited about trying it out). It's already weird enough being on his own, trying to figure out how to live in his own space while he's relearning how to use his own body. He's navigating a lot of uncertainty, and then this kid comes along and he doesn't understand this either. It's a lot. He's going through a lot.
So he's a little too blunt when the first thing that comes out of his mouth is, "What the fuck are you doing here?"
She doesn't seem to notice the tone. Doesn't care that he's being rude. She just holds up the bag and smiles. "Making your house warm." She explains in careful, clipped sentences, that Joyce told her it's a thing friends do. That's the only part he really hears. Friends.
When he stepped between her and the Mind Flayer he didn't expect to get a friend out of it. He didn't expect anything but the pain that followed. The blood. The plan was to be a temporary shield for someone who deserved to live more than he did. He did his job. Max has never thanked him for it, why should anyone else.
He's not sure why her declaration makes his eyes well up. He doesn't really want to think about it that hard, if he's perfectly honest. It's awkward enough trying to blink away tears while some kid he barely knows intently watches him pull wads of tissue paper off a lumpy pile of...blanket? There's a fuzzy green throw blanket at the bottom of the bag, and he's not sure if that's going to make him laugh or cry some more.
By the time Mrs. Byers shows up that evening, he's feeling a little less emotionally unstable. A little. She spent the day helping him shelve all the books he never bothered unpacking after Neil moved them to Indiana. Every so often she'd ask what one was about, and always with refreshingly unbiased curiosity, never why do you have that or I wouldn't have expected you read something like this.
He knows a little about where she's from, memories the Mind Flayer left behind, impressions and echoes. He knows enough to understand why she is the way she is.
It occurs to him after she leaves that she knows just as much, if not more about him. The realization gives him vertigo, the bottom of his stomach dropping away. But despite that, he wonders if it's a good thing. They don't have to explain themselves to each other, they can just. Be friends. Might be nice.
bonus tidbits:
Billy lets El have a beer one time and she deeply regrets asking for one, because it's gross. She has to use his mouthwash twice and she's still making disgusted faces about it like an hour later
El's canon habit of dressing like people she spends a lot of time with. She hangs out with Billy for like two months and ends up getting a Joan Jett rocker shag. She steals a jean jacket from Jonathan. She likes his earring but when he tells her how ear piercing works she gets really upset because needles scare her. So he buys her some clip-ons
Max hates how much time they spend together, at first. She's jealous that they're so close. Both of them are people she's really wanted to like her but initially rejected her, and now they're just automatically each other's BFFs? How is that fair? But it's hard to stay angry when Billy seems so much happier nowadays, and she knows El has trouble making friends
It takes Billy a long time to get comfortable around Joyce. When she comes by to pick El up she's always so friendly and. Mom-like. One time she gave him a little pat on the shoulder and said she hopes he's doing okay all alone up here, before she left with El, and he spent the next ten minutes sitting on the floor in tears
Personally, I've always HCd El as a lesbian, I just think it would take her SO much to actually figure it out, because her relationship with Mike is kind of the first thing she latched onto after leaving the lab, so it would be hard to come to terms with what that attachment really is. But I like toying with the idea of her being introduced to the idea of what queerness even is via Billy's memories. She's scared to bring it up for a long time, it was something she only saw because he had so many memories of being made to feel bad about it, she doesn't quite understand all the shame and the anger, but it makes the idea of being gay scary. After she looked into Billy's memories she started to notice the things people say in real life, the attitudes they have, now that she's got context for what that kind of stuff means. And she doesn't know who to talk to about it other than Billy. Which would not go well at first, because it's Billy. But after they talk it out he'd be soooo much more protective of her, like. Insisting on driving her any time she wants to go somewhere, glowering at literally everybody who looks at her funny. Kinda hovering around waiting for there to be someone to beat the shit out of for her.
El being made aware of queerness being a thing might make her more likely to notice Will's gay too tbh, and then she'd be super protective of him. El ends up at Billy's place super agitated one day and ends up telling Billy the things she heard people saying about Will, and Billy's like, oh, well. I may have to run some kids over, okay.
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pedges-world · 2 months
The One With Pedge and Jett:
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This morning I awoke to discover my favorite social media writer is temporarily exiting the literary fandom, and I had the difficult duty of notifying Pedge the Therapist of this possibility. He promptly burst into tears. I gently reminded him that this is slightly unprofessional therapist conduct, and later we could have some chocolate chip cookies, if that would help.
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I was hoping he might offer some words of wisdom for the writing fandom, but he has currently passed out from grief in the kitchen, and I am fanning him with a frond from Roman Centurion days. But as he recovers I would first like to offer my support and encouragement for any artists who need to protect their creative sensibilities. Pedge the Therapist calls us “The Sensitives” and he’s correct in the best SENSE of the word. Artists are seekers of truth, beauty and love and it’s important to protect that process. 
Pedge has a bad case of the sniffles, but I have gone on to remind him that art is a very personal and intimate expression of self, and anyone willing to do that is deserving of our support. For that matter, I’ve also recently heard of some digital plagiarism and bullying tactics that make personal expression even more challenging than it already is.
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Oh my! Pedge, put that down! That’s my favorite vase! Stawwwwwp! I’m sorry, Pedge is pursuing the therapeutic technique of throwing a well timed temper tantrum, I just wish he would use the plethora of stuffies I have, rather than my Lego Sets. Alright good, Pedge, get it all out! Injustice should make us angry! Afterwards, we can seek out every opportunity to extend kindness, gratitude and love. 
I know, Pedge. He says, “This is why we can’t have nice things”. Put that whiskey back, it’s only 11am in the morning! Good heavens. I will take this moment to remind us that other than his extensive time at Tisch, deconstruction of the human condition through the arts, and apparent love of shrooms, Pedge the Therapist is not a a registered clinician. HOWEVER, he would like to remind us all that kindness is the tool of the day and please continue to protect your inner artistic child with a ferocity only paralleled by Marcus Acacius.
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Sigh. Alright, we had a good cry, engaged in primal scream…actually later we might enjoy some healthy sexy time activities to release our inner aggression. Pedge is also asking about those chocolate chip cookies. With that, I say a hearty thank you to ALL the beauty and artistry I continue to enjoy within and without.  You continue to inspire me.
Yes, Pedge we can now have some cuddle time and listen to “Purple Rain”.
Sending love. Sending cookies. And sending Pedge :)
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seneitut · 1 year
[Autumn] [Winter] [Spring] [Summer]
[Yoru/Reader] [Gekko/Reader]
Words: 1.5K
Tags: Sadness, cheating, hurt/no comfort (Only first part...maybe), breaking-up, self-hate, poor self-esteem, background ships.
[Youth - Daughter]
When the first leaves of autumn lose all their lively greenish color and are set to disguise themselves to a reddish hue, as if touched by fire or the early dawn of a morning enveloping them in a warm tone, is when you realize that your lover has been unfaithful to you.
It was painful, to say the least, that it almost felt like a joke. 
That something so precious will never belong to you anymore and despair is the only answer for dealing with the loss.
Because not even bidding your last words of affection to someone who didn't want to hear from you, nor have you in his sights anymore, was enough to fill that empty void eating you from the inside.
It was hard to navigate through these unknown waters being as inexperienced as you were when it comes to love— confused and hurt when neglected, fulfilled when he spared you a moment of his day.
And to acknowledge he doesn’t want you after you confronted him, as if it was your fault instead of his that led him to take these actions that pained you, it was devastating and unavoidable. Eating every spiteful word of his when you approached for the last time to figure things out and ask why? Why did he do it?
I don’t have to explain things, he had said. He pitied you, but not even then did he consider answering your pleading question, because he believed he didn't owe you the bare minimum as an explanation.
Letting him go would be the most reasonable decision to take, but the idea of begging him to stay was stronger than your sadness, willing yourself to be humiliated if that meant he wasn't going to leave and might give you a chance to meddle in his decision of abandonment—and if it weren't for Jett, the one who figured your intentions and knocked some sense into your head, you might have done it with no regrets.
Completely furious and blinded by rage, she snapped at you with no regards to your fragile emotions, questioning your judgment throughout the break-up and challenging you whether you were able to take care of yourself or not, whether you were thinking with your head or were you just stupid for going after a boy who never deserved you.
It all came from a good place. 
Within her heart, Jett cares so much about your well-being that seeing you kneel in front of her— asking if you were a little more loving to him, if only you could've pleased him more, or maybe be able to be in his league, would he have stayed by your side and not search for whatever you were lacking in someone else—your broken expression set something ugly and dark in her heart that Jett couldn't help but burst it all on you.
“Why can't you see your worth?!” She screamed, shaking you by your shoulders. “Has he plummeted your self-esteem to the depths so badly that this is your conclusion? Are you stupid?!”
Misdirected anger, since Jett wanted to murder him for making you go through this, not hurt you further with her words.
For when she realized what she had said, an apology flew from her mouth, avoiding your sad eyes and crumbling form in front of her, before leaving to chastise herself for being too absorbed in her negative emotion instead of helping you out with this situation. 
Although you wished she had stayed, you understood Jett might have not been in her best moment to support you.
This was not about you two, after all, and a chat might take place in the future to fix things between friends, but for now, you both needed to cool off.
Just thinking about how Jett would have reacted if she were the one to witness what you did gives you the chills. 
But Phoenix was there when you found out.
He was on a walk when you encountered him by chance. And eager as ever, the man offered his company on this warm day out while you chatted softly about nothing in particular.
You've always liked his energy and character: playful, kind, and a teaser to the core. Is no wonder Jett and him get along so well, despite the many flirtatious words directed at each other, their dynamic is something you have always been envious of, if not a little greedy to have it for yourself.
Perhaps you will have it in the future, who knows? There is always faith that your relationship might go another route and things might change for the better and just like you always dreamed of.
It was a naive thought, you think from back then, sharing this tidbit of information with Phoenix. 
He was always encouraging of your relationship, despite having his doubts about his friend being capable of love. But Phoenix never let those thoughts known because he knew how smitten you were, unable to break that bubble of yours and hopeful for an improvement from his friend's part.
Until you both saw him.
Between the yards and yards of space, trees surrounding every corner and the ray of sunlight filtering through gaps in the foliage; who could've thought this is where you would meet your demise—
as if watching it through a sepia film the moment that shattered you completely.
Is not like there was a kiss or anything of the sort, although you think if you were a little more late, something else might have happened.
But the scene in front of you was enough of a telltale— the way he orbited around that woman, smiling and teasing, was not something you would see often on him when it comes to you. 
In his hand was a single yellow flower, from the distance you couldn't make out what kind it was, but the intention was clear. 
He leaned in, tucking the object with tenderness in her ear, and caressing her cheek with the soft touch of his fingertips and angling her face closer to his.
The woman huffs in amusement, taking his hand between hers and kissing the open palm with affection before leaning her head on his hand. 
There were no words needed to understand what was going on there nor critical thinking to guess that he holds a deep affection towards the woman just like she does to him. The resemblance to what a perfect couple would look like shatters you into a million pieces—, their colors melting together in a harmonious painting you couldn't help the burning jealousy burning you from the inside.
Phoenix was the one who shouted in disbelief, throwing an arm in front of you, as if to shield you from whatever was unfolding in front of your eyes, and made intentions to confront him now that he has been caught.
Nauseous and anxiousness were eating you alive, worsening when the couple turned around, startled, and both took distance from each other in guilt when they realized they were being watched.
You wonder: if he were to explain that you misread the situation, would you have believed him? God, you would have let this go the instant he tells you to forget it because that's how much trust and blind love you have for him.
But the avoidance from both of them, not even looking you in the eyes nor explaining themselves was enough to overwhelm you with sadness.
By then you couldn't hold back the tears and turned around to escape from the scene, having Phoenix run after you in a wild chase to make sure you were okay.
It's sad to say you bonded deeply with Phoenix when the break-up happened; but you were grateful for his presence when you needed it the most.
He was the one to hold you tightly and help the tears flow endlessly like a broken dam, flooding your room with painful sobs and staggering hiccups while his hands caressed your hair and gave you gentle squeezes on the shoulder to ground you with him.
Phoenix has experienced this kind of situation before, knows how hurt you must feel and how hard it is to see your lover with someone who you considered a friend before— now the labels are all twisted because, what should one act like from now on?
“He will face consequences if you want.” Phoenix whispered. His hugs were warm and soothing, expected from someone who carries a flame within them and is a spark of joy in anyone's life.
Although, right now, his fire wants to burn the sole person who dared to betray your trust like this.
“I don't want to talk about this anymore.” was your reply. And while Phoenix understood where you were coming from, he didn't agree wholeheartedly with the decision, but decided to honor your wishes.
Because despite everything, there is still the same affection and undying love you had since day one for him. 
Despite everything, you still held love for Kiritani Ryo.
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clovermarigold · 8 days
Late Night Snack pt.2
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Gekko, Skye, Chamber x Reader
Series masterlist - Pt.1
Somewhat of a prequal for most of the pairings.
Thank you to @rowanyte for requesting this sequel.
*Disclaimer* alcohol
as someone who doesn't drink by choice, just imagine I understood anything I wrote.
Gekko- Doritos
10... 10 to fucking 0. How? How was that even possible. You were the one to introduce him to this game. You spent more time learning all of its characters than you did outside. How the hell did he manage to beat you ten times!
"I think it's official, Angel. I'm better than you at every game we own" you turned sharply to glare at him, "Absolutely not! Rematch".
"Yeah, it's like three in the morning, I'll pass" he said turning off his controller and standing to stretch. "Oh, ok. No that makes sense... So, I guess that means I win" you mutter just loud enough for him to make out, "What was that?", the corners of your lips turning up.
"Oh nothing, it's just that it sounds like you're forfeiting" He groaned looking at the roof, "Please don't do your whole super competitive thing now ".
"Hey!" you bristle at the unsavory accusation, "We don't have to do anything besides going to bed and cuddling.... if you admit you're giving up" he rubbed a hand down his face.
A sinister giggle left you as you watched him flop down into is spot on the couch. "You're grabbing snacks!" a fair enough deal if it meant you had your chance at revenge.
You were quick to run to the kitchen and raid the pantry. It was a good thing some of the other agents had gone shopping recently, they wouldn't mind you 'borrowing' some, surely!
Skye's kale chips? Gross. Neon's energy drinks? Would be perfect if you and Matteo actually liked energy drinks. Jett's tteobokki? Eh, you were looking for something that was ready to go. Oh! There it is!
"I got the goods!" you held up the bag of Doritos, no doubt phoenix's. To your surprise he didn't react. "Geks?" walking around to the front of the couch you were met with your boyfriend who was passed out, head resting on his hand.
Gently, you take your spot next to him, curling into his side, carefully pressing on his arm. "We still playing?" he stirred, drowsiness apparent. "No. we can go to bed" you smile lightly. "hmm... You sure?".
"Yeah. I'm sure" As much as you loved winning, it wasn't worth it if he would be stuck suffering sleep deprivation. His hand wrapped around yours, rubbing light circles on your palm, "Thanks."
The sweet moment, however, was completely destroyed when he decided to open his stupid mouth. "Got it. You forfeit. I win" this little shit!
Apparently, your face must have been as shocked and irritated as you felt, because he broke out laughing. "You asshole! You weren't even sleeping!" he made a move to grab the bag of chips from you.
"uh uh! Doritos are for good boyfriends who don't pull shit like this!" you pulled the bag away, knocking him on his arm. "Hey, tranquilo!".
You stood, "I am going to give these to someone who deserves them! Wings!!!!".
He lunged at you, lifting you in the air, "Gimme the bag and I'll put you down". "Gek- Matteo! Put me down" the both of you froze when the door slammed open.
"It is 3 in the damn morning" Brimstone.... parties over. "Go to bed. Now" abruptly he put you down, the two of you marching to your rooms under Brim's watchful eye, making sure you actually went to bed.
"well that was embarrassing" you said, flopping onto your bed. A notification went off on your phone
Geks <3 : So I won right?
This man
Skye- Fruit Salad
43 minutes, you had cut down your run time by 7 minutes. It wasn't quite your goal, but it was progress. you usually preferred to do your morning run at around 5. But you had a mission briefing at 6:30. A 4 o'clock run wasn't too terrible.
Damn you were tired, hungry too. taking out your earbuds and resting your phone on the table and walking over to the fridge.
Pork Cutlet? Too heavy, besides, heating it up would stink up the kitchen with pork. The last thing you needed was to wake someone up. You had already been yelled at by viper for interrupting her during your workout.
Adobo was immediately out of the question. Neon was scary when it came to people eating her food. Gekko had eaten it once when it was in an unmarked container, labeling it up for grabs....
Not even wingman could save him
"Pesto? No. Curry? Nice, but I'm not in the mood for spicy. Aha, there we go" reaching into the back, you found your prize. You had honestly thought someone would have eaten it by now.
Your perfect way to start the day. A nice cold, untouched fruit salad. Mind you, it did have more melons than you'd liked, but it was to be expected. Had to cut down on the price somehow.
"Bugger. I was looking forward to that" a familiar voice came from behind you. You turned, holding the bowl in one hand, and a single, half bitten strawberry in the other.
"Good morning, Skye" you took in her appearance, she was dressed in sportswear, and she had an arm band holding her music player firm to her arm, "You going on a run?".
"Yeah, Brims got another thing coming if he thinks I'm skipping my run for a brief on a mission two days from now" she reached over, grabbing a grape from the bowl in your hand.
"A little late to ask, but did you want to share?"
"All right" she says smiling as she popped another grape into her mouth. You felt your knees wobble a little. For a moment you actually take in her appearance. Her skin was covered in a light sheen of sweat, cheeks still rosy from exercise, biceps taut, and teeth practically blinding you.
"Looking good, mate! Nice to see some people here exercise in their free time" oh shit, was she checking you out too? No! You were gross and sweaty. Hell, probably pink in the face from exercise... and other reasons. Oh, you were not gonna last long this close to her before you made a fool of yourself.
It's not your fault, she's just too cool. Ripped, clever, sharp tongued, and an absolute tank on the field.
"You can have the rest!" you wince at how stupid you sound. Great going idiot, now she thinks you're weird...er?
carefully (and fully aware of your embarrassed blunder) Skye pulls the bowl from your hand with a laugh, "Cheers, love". She gives you a nod and exits the kitchen.
she called you love
Chamber- Wine
You swear sometimes the thought that your job wasn't worth all the paperwork was truer than you would like to admit. Reyna may be the sword and face of the sanctuary but in reality, it would not be able to function without you.
After all, managing to make people disappear from one of the most powerful companies in the world, as well as balancing defending the earth from multiverse invaders was no easy task.
But you suppose being able to help protect your fellow Radiants was more than worth the grueling hours of organizing fake passports and ids as well as schedule meetings with possible sponsors of.... less than legal repertoires.
Such was tonight, another headache alone in your office. Reyna may be ecstatic at the increasing number of radiants surfacing, but you weren't. Damn you needed a drink.
A knock catches you off guard as you reach for a new stack of papers you were loath to sort through.
"Ah, it seems I have caught you at a bad time" shit. Right, you had a meeting. God, why did you even think to schedule him this late? And how did he look so calm and well rested?
"No, no, take a seat. I always have time for the sanctuary's number one donor" you plastered on your business chic facade. It was the reason you handled people instead of Reyna. You understood people, altering your facade to fit whoever you did business with.
Chamber was a special case, a break from the usual ass kissing and baby doll voice face you would force yourself to do with other sponsors.
Chamber's facade was tailored differently, teasing but not outright flirting, sarcastic in the way two gossiping women would be, and a hint of theatrics. Easily one of your favorites. It felt more like a game than business when you worked together.
"You seem energetic, Monsieur Fabron" a small chuckle leaves him as he takes a seat across your desk. "I slept on the plane; Jet lag can be so inconvenient ".
"Ah, your trip, I nearly forgot" a lie, no doubt one he could tell, but work is so boring without play. "But of course, lionne. A truly wonderful experience, though not one to beat my time with you" you gasp in mock flattery.
Pausing momentarily before laying a tall silvery bag on the desk, Chamber looked at you expectantly, "A gift".
for a fraction of a second your facade dropped, intrigued by the pristine and obviously expensive gift laid out by your guest. Before promptly putting on your teasing smile reaching into the bag, "Chamber, you spoil me".
"But of course, what are friends for" looking into the silvery packaging and secondary protection you swear you could cry. "You do still prefer your wines sweet, correct?" you take back any regret you had for scheduling this meeting, alcoholism for the win!
"I doubt anything could be as sweet as you, my friend" he huffed a laugh as you poured the both of you a glass. "To friends" he offered, holding out his glass. With a smirk you knocked yours against his.
God your job was worth it
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kayssweetdreams · 1 year
A "Perfect" Vacation Ch 45
The next evening, The island was preparing for another publicity stunt, only this time, It wasn't the equivalent of a hostile takeover. The Flora Tropica had been arranged so that the beauty of the flower could be admired by everyone. The various employees that worked for Ka Lā (and had been unfortunately been tested on by her) were also around to enjoy the festivities.
Thea smiled as she reappeared on stage, this time, a real smile on her face as she stepped out in front of the crowd "I'd like to dedicate this song to my closest friends and family. Including My dearest friend, Ka Lā, without her...I'm not sure any of us would be here today. As well as my family, that I love more than life itself." She said, her eyes gazing at Ka Lā and the rest of the Bruno family, happy to see Thea ready to sing.
The woman then nodded to the band as they began play for her. Thea then began to sing her heart out for her crowd, the infectious music enough to make everyone begin to dance to the beat. Jett was seen bobbing his head to the music, as Phil and Lila had dragged him over to dance with them, Iben and John. Jett smiled as he began dancing, while Skarlett, Ivy, Piper, Maxie and Lizz joined them.
Lora meanwhile, had been talking with Sana and Yuri, of which she thought it was super brave (and VERY satisfying to see Prim get what she deserved.) And helping her snap out of the drug's effects...again. She smiled as she gave a crazed look to...let's just say something REALLY painful to Prim should she try doing it again, as Aria was talking to the maestros to see if Prim really WAS locked away this time.
Balan snapped his fingers as a comically large telescope appeared. He adjusted it so it could clearly see Timeville Asylum. Lo and Behold, the now docile headmistress was locked away in maximum security. Ensuring that this time NO ONE could get her out. Balan smiled "Good news Aria dear. Prim will never be coming here. She is now permanently locked away. Never to see the light of day." He said, giving Aria the telescope so that she could see out into the distance.
Kaylo meanwhile, was looking down at the crowd, her mind still thinking about what had happened. Right before she was fully under Prim's drug, she could faintly remember hearing the old hag talking to someone, but her mind kept fading in and out, which made it hard to understand the voice, or what they were talking about. "Hey Kaylo? You OK?" She heard Mei ask, as she and the others had found looking over a balcony.
"Um...Yeah. I'm OK." She lied, making Trisha Jane see right through her "Kaylo, you're lying right now. Your hair frizzes up when you think too hard." She pointed out. Kaylo sighed. "OK. Fine. There was something that I didn't tell anyone else...I don't think Prim was working alone." She said. "We know that though, there's no way she could have Whipped up that drug on her own." Rebecca pointed out. "No...I mean, I might have actually heard and SEEN who was working with her...but I was under the drug, so everything was blurry and hard to hear." She said.
This got everyone's attention. "Was there anything you heard clearly?" Emma asked. "One thing...And I could be wrong, but it sounded like something called 'Project X' or something." She said. "Project...X?" Leo asked, the name itself sounding like a bad thing. "Yep...But that's about it." Kaylo said, frowning at the idea that this wasn't something to be messed with.
"Well...whatever it is, we'll face it together." Mei says, a determined look on her face. The others joined her determination as they decided to join back with the party. Kaylo joined them...but she couldn't shake the feeling that there were going up against something BIG...
Meanwhile, Somewhere Far Away From the Island...
A figure sits down in a chair, a small USB file that read "Backup Security Cameras" in their hands. They plugged it in as the security feed from the island was seen, this footage not tampered by Maxie or Jett. They scrolled through the footage as they saw the inhabitants gathering the various ingredients, and how they hijacked the false performance, with the antidote.
However, what caught their eyes the most was the very strange boat named the "S.S. Wonder" sitting out in the sea, along with the two strange figures that accompanied the group of the undrugged children, and that Montgomery woman. Their eyes lit up as they saw what the maestros could do. Removing their sunglasses again, they symbols in their eyes were seen to be glowing.
"Well Well...After years of searching. I finally found it." They said, before grazing what looked to be some kind of mural detailing the two figures, shaking hands with a pink haired woman holding a book. "Project X will be completed. Now that I have actual proof." They said, a glowing red ball of magic seen forming in their hands...
The End!(?)
Mei and the Hualing Family, Phil, John and Lila belong to @sundove88
Rebecca and the Reynolds belong to @thehypercutstudios/@thehyperrequiem
Trisha Jane and the Postrados belong to @lovelyteng
Aria belongs to @shadowqueen402
Lora Jade belongs to @alex-frostwalker
Jett, Skarlett, Lizz, Ivy, Piper and Maxie belong to @jettthespeeddemon
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luck be a (leading) lady | part 12.
[Posted 2022.09.30]
Summary: Y/N has always been a background character. That’s just life for some folks isn’t it? But what if she’s determined to not just be another member in the ensemble? What if someone helps her step into the spotlight in her own special way?
Warnings for the Series: a teeny bit of angst but mainly fluff
Pairing: ricky bowen x black!reader
Word Count: 4.6k
A/N: one more part after this 
Previous Part | (Series Masterlist)
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The obnoxious sound of an air horn coming from Yurt Locker’s cabin woke up all the girls in Honeycomb. Kourtney hopped out of bed to go see the problem while the rest of you tried to get to your senses. She came seconds later announcing Corbin Bleu had lost his mind. That got you guys to come to your senses alright. What was he doing here this early in the morning? You thought they weren’t even filming today. 
“We’re doing something called a Color War. Did you pack any blue or yellow?” 
Reluctantly, you looked at your clothes. Corbin and Channing woke you up for a color war? All because it would make good television. Camp Shallow Lake stopped doing them years ago. Color War had been replaced with Cabin War— the winning cabin got snacks, pick of movie night, two nights of phone usage, and free time at the pool for just them and a plus two. Honeycomb had won twice. Well, a color war wouldn’t be so bad. 
As everyone did the little activities to earn small points for their teams, Ricky decided to see if there were Caprisuns in the coolers by the barn area. The coolers at the pool only had Sprite. He saw Jett sitting on the grass and messing with a soccer ball. 
“Hey, dude, last night was kinda intense.”
“Do you really think I’m not that bad? Even after all the stuff Maddie yelled about yesterday?”
“I am in no place to judge, man, I’ve done more than a few things I’m ashamed of.” 
“I wasn’t even trying to out her. I thought those texts came from a guy, I was just trying to make a point that I should be allowed to date if she was.”
“Does Maddox know that?” 
“Not sure she’d even hear me. We used to sing together all the time and now we barely talk. If Y/N’s not there, we don’t even stay in the same room for very long.” 
“So, I once knew this girl who was pretty mad at me, I deserved it. But I found that what helps is throwing myself into something that she’s into. Like, I joined the show and worked really hard.”
“Is everything about theater to theater kids? I swear every other word to come out Y/N’s mouth is ballet.” 
Ricky chuckled. “Look, Maddox loves camp. It’s Color War so try to win for her.” 
“Ricky! Are you speaking to the enemy?” You came skipping up. 
Jett rolled his eyes. “I’m the enemy?” 
“You’re in yellow, Jett. Until Team Blue wins, I can’t speak to you today.”
Your cousin just smiled as he muttered a whatever and left to go find Maddox or someone else from Team Yellow. Without a thought, you grabbed Ricky’s hand and led him to one of the first events. It was basketball. With EJ on the team you guys were sure to win. Only you didn’t see EJ when you made it to the small court. Gina didn’t know either. He had kind of been avoiding her since she talked to him about the break. You assured her that she did the right thing for herself and everything would work out in the end whether that meant she was with EJ or not. 
“Well, how are we supposed to win without him?”
Ricky picked up one of the blue basketballs. “It can’t be that hard. Just aim and…”
You and Gina snorted when the ball bounced off the backboard. Gina stood there with a hand on her hip. 
“Didn’t you literally play Troy?”
“Okay, one I was in a harness literally dangling from the ceiling. That’s different.” 
“Mmm hmm, okay, Ricky.” 
“Well… Why don’t we ask Corbin? I bet he’s got some moves.” 
You both turned to see him pointing at Channing and Corbin. While Gina seemed excited, you rolled your eyes and went to the other side of the court. Ricky tossed the ball to Gina before going to sit with you. You both were content to let other people on Team Blue play instead of you. Besides, you didn’t need people to see how uncoordinated you were with anything that wasn’t dance. So you rested your head on Ricky’s shoulder and decided to cheer Gina on. You looked up a bit to speak to Ricky. 
“We’re supposed to practice the Kristoff and Snow dance tomorrow.” 
“What did you have in mind?”
“How quickly can you learn basic ballet? Like really basic ballet.” 
“That sounds… like you have more faith in me than my abilities, Prima.”
“So I take that as a yes, you’re a quick learner.”
Ricky’s mouth hung open for a bit. “I totally didn’t say that, Y/N.”   
You ignored his comment and went back to watching the game. Ricky fiddled with the bottom of his shirt. There wasn’t a good time to tell you about Channing catching his confession on camera. Even if he found a good time, he wasn’t sure he had worked up the courage to tell you. The game ended with Team Blue winning. Ricky let you take his hand as you followed everyone else to move to the next game. 
He did that all day, held your hand as you guys moved from place to place. Even when EJ surprised you guys with Ms. Jenn, you two held hands. He was sure that you had only let go when you were trying to cheer Kourtney on about climbing a rock wall— even though her fear of heights stopped her in the end. And when you went to stand next to Ricky again, his fingers were laced through yours once more. Kourtney and Gina raised eyebrows at that. You didn’t notice but Ricky blushed under their scrutiny. 
“Hey, tomorrow, Dewey gave me permission to use my phone because of auditions,” you told Ricky as you walked to the bonfire area for the last event. “Will you help me film it so I can send it in?” 
He agreed right away to help. You both were up bright and early to film. Stopping by the food hall to get some breakfast to go, you talked about the ballet as you walked down the pier to the large deck that overlooked the lake. Ricky talked through the different roles with you and you decided to take a chance and dance the audition piece for Lucy. You also decided to go see one of his skate competitions. 
“You’re always coming to my stuff,” you said as you started to stretch. “When does anyone ever see about your interests outside of theater? I want to come watch you.” 
The corners of Ricky’s lips curled upwards at that. He started your phone camera, staying deathly still so he could get a good shot for you. It was so different seeing you like this. Ricky had only ever seen your ballet when you were all done up in makeup and tutus. You looked just as graceful and pretty in a basic leotard and tights, long sleeve shrug, wrap skirt, and leg warmers. Shyly, you asked to take a few more videos just so you could check which one was perfect. Ricky assured you that he didn’t mind. You finally sat down to check the videos and eat your breakfast that had cooled. 
“Are you sure you want me to pick?” Ricky asked when you showed him the videos. 
“Just, which do you think looks good? It’ll help me narrow down the videos.” 
He picked two of them. Ricky never noticed before but your nose scrunched up when you concentrated. Eventually, you picked the one you thought was best and sent it in. Ricky jumped in surprise when you suddenly threw your phone in his lap. You couldn’t check your email yourself. Even though Dewey only approved phone use for your audition, you just had to know what the Berklee scouts said— if they even said anything. Ricky couldn’t help but chuckle as you squeezed your eyes shut to brace for the news. He took his time scrolling through your inbox. 
“Stop teasing, I can’t take it anymore.” 
“Okay, okay… I’m sorry Y/N, it looks like you’ll have double work to do in college and you might have to see my face on campus.” 
You popped one eye open. “What?” 
“Dear, Y/N,” Ricky started to read. “After thorough review of your past performances, as well as your current school grades, we at Berklee would like to extend an invitation to join our student body after your graduation next year. The invitation extends to our dance and acting programs. You will be given a scholarship in accordance to your family’s financial status that should prevent you from having to take out any student loans. The amount will be reviewed before each year to account for changes in income. We look forward to hearing a response on your decision in the upcoming weeks. Signed, The Board. Furthermore, after assessing the grades of your colleague and taking into account the performances we saw, we gladly request for you to send the information of Ricky Bowen in your reply if possible.” 
You took the phone back from your friend. “That’s one hundred percent a scouting if I’ve ever heard one. Do you want me to send them your email? Are you thinking about taking it?” 
Ricky took his time to think through his decision as your thumbs blazed through your keyboard to type your response. He decided to give it a shot. Besides, he could always choose to pull his acceptance if he found a college he thought was better. You wouldn’t say it but you hoped that Ricky would choose to go. You would never force any of your friends to stay with you just because you had major anxiety flare ups in new places. But you would love it if somehow they just managed to be with you. So secretly, you were hoping Ricky would accept the offer and come to Berklee. 
“Okay, let me return the phone to Dewey and then you and I have a dance to practice before prom tonight!”
“So why do we have a prom here? And why is it 70s themed?” 
You shrugged your shoulders. “Susan Fine loved dancing or something. And Dewey just really likes disco music. It’s going to be extra fun this year.” 
“Why? Is there another celebrity guest besides Corbin Bleu?” 
“No but Dewey said Corbin and Channing are coming back today to show everyone the trailers for the docuseries. They’re gonna show it before the last dance at prom, it’s airing internationally at the same time. Everyone gets to see us be reality tv famous with the dumb roles Carlos, Val, and EJ assigned us.” 
You stood up to leave. “I’m pretty sure Channing caught my panic attack on camera and I wish I was acting. At least Gina throwing a drink at Kourtney will be entertaining. And Maddox trying to act. I still can’t believe they made her the crier. She has dry eye syndrome, it’s a real condition.”
Ricky just froze as you walked away to turn your phone back in to Dewey. They were airing trailers tonight? There was no way they’d put his confession in the preview, right? Everyone knew that the juicy bits were saved for the actual show. Ricky wasn’t sure how much he could convince himself of that but it was all he had to go on. Paranoid, he looked around for Channing or just a camera. He only got back into focus when you came back. You grabbed both of Ricky’s hands and helped pull him up. 
“So I was thinking a simple pas de deux starting with a pas de chat. And then I interact with EJ at the end because it’d be cute if the reindeer actually was annoyed by snow. Then I’ll run off and we go back to the rest of your song. Sound good?”
“If you explain what a pas de chat is. I know pas de deux is basically just fancy for duet.”
“It’s French, not fancy. And you know that term?”
“I do remember some stuff you say.”
You tried not to laugh too much as you taught Ricky the dance. Some moves you had to change in the moment because it was obvious that they wouldn’t look good in time for the show. Still, the dance was going to look amazing. Especially since most of the advanced and flashy moves didn’t rely on Ricky. You didn’t even put many lifts in there. It had taken your usual partner at Saltwater a solid six months of training and dancing together to lift you consecutively without faltering. You genuinely didn’t know Ricky’s strength and didn’t want to risk finding out. 
He held onto your waist as you showed him how you would turn. You felt Ricky’s fingers tighten slightly. You stopped turning to look at Ricky who pointed at something in the distance. Back on the shore, you could see Channing and the camera. Of course he couldn’t take a day of rest when there was footage to be found. Immediately, Ricky’s hands left your waist. 
“We aren’t going to act for your little show, today! We have real work on the musical, go find someone else to cause drama or deal with boring footage!” You yelled at Channing. 
He didn’t seem to move so you went back to focusing on Ricky and teaching him the dance. Channing would leave eventually when he realized you were serious about not acting for the camera. It was imperative that Ricky learned the dance. The fake docuseries could wait. Besides, Maddox had told you last night about how she and Jett were starting to make up. They even agreed to play it up for Channing to film. Certainly, that would make for better footage. 
When you and Ricky were finished, you saw that Channing was nowhere to be found. That didn’t bother you one bit. You started to take off your pointe shoes that were already ruined from practicing on the deck. That was why you brought this pair though. You always had a relatively cheaper set for outdoor dance. It hurt less the cheaper they were when you saw them ruined by grass or concrete. You set your shoes aside and grabbed some stuff out of your bag to massage your feet. 
“You do this all the time after musical rehearsal, does it help the pain a lot?” Ricky asked as he messed with the ribbons on your pointe shoes. 
You laughed. “It’s not for pain. Some dancers might be okay with ugly feet but I refuse, Richard. That’s why I stuff my pointe shoes. The calluses, I guess I’ll allow but that doesn’t mean the rest of my foot has to look disgusting.” 
You finished massaging your feet and rubbing the lotion in before applying two layers of socks. Ricky helped you up after you tied the shoelaces on your sneakers. He still had your pointe shoes in his hands after you picked up your dance bag. You laced your fingers through his. 
“Time to get ready for prom. Oh and don’t feel forced to do any prom traditions even if EJ seems really enthused about it.” 
“Prom traditions?” Rick asked as you guys stopped outside Honeycomb’s cabin.
“The boys and ice water. The point? Don’t know but it happens every year. I’m sure EJ will tell you all about it if he gets the chance. Well, thank you for escorting back, Mr. Bowen. I will see you at the dance.” 
He gave you a little two finger salute before walking to Yurt Locker. The dance wasn’t until tonight but he already knew that you would be with the rest of the girls until it was time. His little guess turned out to be correct because you were all hyping Gina up for the dance. She wasn’t exactly excited about going solo. EJ didn’t take the break very well. Gina still wanted to see if they had a chance together but it was obvious the separation was needed to figure out life. She was finally on board and was immediately moved to the front of the line at Kourtney’s beauty salon.
Camp prom was always kind of silly but you loved hanging out with the girls beforehand. Getting ready was almost always better than the actual dance. You all chatted while doing each other’s hair and makeup. Everyone gave style advice on the seventies’ outfits. You and Maddox were once again in matching outfits. There was only one year that you didn’t match. This time you were wearing tight denim rompers with long sleeves— like the legs on a mechanic’s uniform got cut off— and ankle-length gogo boots. 
The Barn was decorated to fit the Flower Power theme. Your cabin was fashionably late, the music was already playing nice and loud. Linking hands with the girls, you all gave each other one last nod before walking in like you owned the place.
Ricky and Carlos were at the punch bowl. The 70s theme was different but fun. Fun except for EJ trying to make everyone run lines. He only put the binder down when Carlos reminded him that maybe that was why Gina wanted a break. EJ nodded. He could relax, not let the pressure of his dad get to him that much. At least for one dance. Ricky took a sip of his punch. 
“I feel like John Travolta in Saturday Night Fever.” 
Carlos looked at him with a grimace. “I feel like John Travola in Hairspray.”
The gasp and dropped jaw from Carlos garnered the other boys’ attention. They looked over towards the saloon doors to see the girls walking through them. Nearly choking on his drink, Ricky watched you walk in. You were the one to spot them all at the punch table. Breaking apart from the group, you told them you would catch up in a minute. 
“Hello boys… Okay, my makeup skills aren’t that bad.” 
“You look amazing!” Carlos made you twirl once for the full outfit effect. 
“Thank you, are you guys da—”
“Y/N, there’s a photo wall!” Ashlyn came back over to grab your arm. “We’re stealing her. Bye!”
You laughed as you took pictures with the girls. The photo wall had some of the strangest props, including fake mustaches that you thought everyone agreed to leave back in 2013. While you always went to the camp prom, you actually enjoyed it this year. With more than just Maddox around, you felt comfortable enough to just be there and be yourself amongst your little circle. The only time you weren’t taking pictures or dancing with the girls was when everyone went to the bathroom but you and Ashlyn— and then Carlos proceeded to steal Ashlyn to give her a little coming out gift. The music slowed down a bit. Everyone was looking around to grab partners. Ricky was about to approach you when Kourtney grabbed your arm. 
“Can we talk?” 
You motioned to the edge of the stage for you two to sit down. 
“How do you deal with… with anx… an—”
“Anxiety?” you asked gently. 
Kourtney nodded. “We don’t have much longer until the show and I feel like I keep forgetting my lines and I’ve never been away from my mom before with being able to call her. I feel like I’m flailing.” 
“I completely understand. Firstly, I got a therapist— well, my parents did but same difference. Second, the feeling never goes away, Kourt. Not completely. It’s just something we learn to handle. You’ve seen me fall apart more than once.”
“How do you get through it each time?” 
“You know, I don’t know how well I do. My friends help me through it, I do what I’ve learned with my therapist. And I focus on what I really love. You enjoy singing, right, Kourt?”
“Almost more than fashion.” 
“Then don’t let the stage become another place of anxiety. I use it as a comfort. You aren’t Kourtney when you’re up there. You’re Elsa and no one knows you as anything other than Elsa.”
“That was actually really helpful. Do you think you can show me those breathing exercises some time?”
“Totally. But I will warn you that my success rate without help is about sixty percent.”
“Sixty is better than nothing.” 
The two of you laughed as you stood up again. The dj was about to announce the start to a soul train line when Corbin and Channing busted through the doors. While you were less enthused than others, you were still curious about what the trailer for the docuseries looked like. Channing was obviously pleased with everyone’s acting and it was clear he had the skills to edit out mistakes. You just wondered how believable the entire thing would look. 
A thought ran through your brain as you sat on the floor. If the acting was bad would the Berklee majors take away your acceptance to the acting program? You had to laugh at yourself for how ridiculous you were being. Gina and Ashlyn squeezed your hands in anticipation. You were sure that no one listened to Corbin’s speech before the trailer started. You still couldn’t believe that you guys were seeing it just as it aired all over the world. 
It started normal enough. Basic B roll of everyone at camp. Very quickly, the reality show aspect showed itself. You couldn’t say that you were surprised that it started with Kourtney’s judgy line bit. Even though Gina did throw a drink at Kourtney, you were all a bit shocked to see the angle was that they were jealous of each other as leads. Would the audience really buy that when they were playing Anna and Elsa? It would have been an easier sell if it was Ashlyn or you against one of them. Maybe it was just the trailer’s angle and the doc would show a different story. 
A lot of glances were shown between Maddox and Ashlyn, mainly from Maddox’s end. That wasn’t surprising. Most of the footage didn’t seem that bad when edited together. The cast pulled it off better than anyone thought. Even things that seemed way too far fetched at the time ended up looking decent when put together. You and Maddox nearly screamed when Jett’s part came up. 
“I’m in love with the girl playing Elsa and it’s eating me inside.” 
It didn’t matter that it was acting. You knew that was the whole scenario that Carlos envisioned but neither one of you was going to let him live this down. He didn’t even show a lot of emotion when he said it. Your eyes went wide when you saw you and Gina walking together through the camp. When was that filmed? You weren’t acting then. 
“Maybe,” you started to suggest very carefully. “You need a break.” 
“I’m saying go explore other options. You know what you want, G.”
Your mouth dropped open. That wasn’t what you said at all. That was the complete opposite of the advice you gave Gina. EJ’s nostrils flared as he looked over at you. 
“Other options? You’re the reason we broke up?!”
You clutched at the belt on your romper, trying to control your breathing. You didn’t do well with being yelled at. Gina patted your knee in reassurance. The trailer wasn’t over yet although you didn’t focus too much on the others. You only paid close attention again when you were shown once more. Your head was on Ricky’s shoulder during the first read-through then it showed you holding his hand and him watching you dance. Your eyebrows scrunched up. What narrative was this? You thought Carlos scrapped your romantic subplot when he realized that his straightdar was so off course for trying to pair you and Jett together. Another scene popped up with Carlos and Ricky sitting at a log bench. Ricky’s entire body tensed up as he saw the scene. Figures they would put it in the trailer. He braced himself to hear his confession played for everyone. You watched the Ricky on screen scratch the back of his head. 
“I think I more than like her. Is that crazy? I couldn’t even say it to Nini but with Y/N… I think I love her, Carlos.”
You and the girls blinked. You felt your head shaking back and forth before you truly registered it. Ricky was sitting two rows behind you just waiting for your reaction. He didn’t expect the tears when you met his eyes. Ricky immediately got up after you when you ran out the barn. You felt like you couldn’t get out of there fast enough. You just wanted to go back to your cabin and cry into a pillow the entire night. 
“Y/N, wait. Wait!” Ricky caught up to you, grabbing your hand. “Y/N, please.”
“Why would you do that? Why would you and Carlos even think that was okay? Why…”
Ricky moved to place his hands on both of your shoulders. “Woah, breathe. Take a deep breath with me. Come on.” 
You felt yourself get pulled into a bear hug after hitting at your chest a few times. Ricky kept telling you to breathe. He tried to slow his own breathing down to help you better. You felt like you had enough control to speak. 
“You should have asked before you did something like that. I don’t even like the idea of blasting my panic attacks on air but I agreed. This was too far. You didn’t have to act like you had a crush on me to add drama. I hate that.”
Ricky pulled away slightly. “What?” 
“I get it, I’m the pitiful character but I’d at least like to know why the audience feels for me so I don’t look like an idiot. And I know we’re friends but I did have feelings for you at one point. It was more than a stupid crush like I said and I feel like you and Carlos just made fun of that.” 
“No! No, I wasn’t making fun of you. It wasn’t an act. I never meant for Channing to pick up on that. I thought Carlos and I were alone.”
“If it’s not an act then…”
“I can’t stop seeing you the way I do. I haven’t been able to see you as a friend since that day we had to come up with a new transformation for the beast mask. I think it was before that, really, but I didn’t realize it until we got back from New York.”
“Since New York? But why didn’t you just tell me?”
“You said you had a crush on me and got over it. Was I supposed to tell you after that? It felt like I’d be forcing you to like me again. I never meant for you to find out, it was always meant to stay between me and Carlos.”
“You didn’t just say you liked me… That video, you think you…”
“Yeah,” Ricky said with a weak chuckle. He just looked at you for a moment. “I love you… Can I kiss you?” 
“Yes,” you said barely above a whisper. 
Ricky’s hands moved from your shoulders to cup your face. His lips gently pressed against yours. Your hands that were pressed between the two of you went to clutch the fabric of his suit. His thumb brushed your cheek as he tried to deepen the kiss. You both pulled apart slowly, laughing, before going in for another kiss.
@mishtay​ @ifilwtmfc​​
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timaeusterrored · 1 year
(The Golden Cross)
Kerry lit his cigarette and looked over at Venus, who was stretched out like the Goddess Venus herself. The morning sun hit him just right, the blankets around his hips, Vax’s arm over his waist. It was unfair to have two beautiful people in his bed like this.
But the thing that really caught Kerry’s eye was the golden cross around Venus’s neck. They never talked about religion, Venus certainly did not go to church. But it still had him curious, a cross symbolic of Christianity, but a name of a Roman Goddess-or the planet, or the plant. God why were there so many things named Venus?
The one thing about Venus that was more on the creepy side though was the fact that both his eyes were all black, two endless voids. He used to have brown eyes apparently, in the baby pictures he saw.
“Like what ya see?” Venus’s accent was thick in the morning, a mix of his Louisiana draw and whatever abomination was Night City’s accent. It made for some very fun conversations with him.
“I do.” They spoke quietly, as to not wake the exhausted fixed behind Venus. Vax deserved his rest, especially after yesterday. “Curious ‘bout something though.”
Venus rubbed his eyes, shifting a bit so Vax could snuggle into his chest. How was the most dangerous man in Night City the cutest fucking thing Kerry had ever seen?
“Your cross. What’s that about? Fashion or you secretly religious and I’ve been disrespecting someone for a bit.” What? Kerry likes holding it between his teeth when he fucked Venus.
“Mmmmm… both.” He had not been expecting that. “I’m by no means religious… haven’t been for years. But my mama was. Religion is a sticky subject in our family… this is Jett’s cross though, his grandmother was religious.” Something else Kerry noticed is when speaking of Jett, Venus always talked about him in the present tense. But he understood, he did the same with Johnny for years.
“Was it hard?”
“Yeah… but my mama died before I came out so I think I dodged a bullet. Not that nomads have a church or anything, but that woman prayed before every meal, before bed, every trip we took… always had her Bible too.”
Kerry nodded and blew the smoke out away from his partners, looking out over the city.
“What about you? You ever have religious family?” Venus asked, making Kerry look over again, then nod. He never talked about his own history.
“Mom was a devout Christian… dad was too greedy and drunk to really give a fuck. He fucked off to I don’t know where, maybe back to the Philippines. Never saw him after I left. She was never the type to force it on us though, as long as we were happy, she didn’t care… she knew I was bi before I did, apparently when I was a kid, I talked about boys and girls the same. She was a great woman in some ways…” He missed his mother. She was long dead now, died when he was 16, after he had already moved in with Johnny. That was the year he went off to work on the cruise to get away.
“Sorry, didn’t mean to ramble-“ When he looked over, Vax’s eyes were open and watching him. Both had the same look on their faces.
“I would have loved to meet her.” Vax whispered.
“You’re a few decades too late, sweetheart. Most of my family is dead anyway, my youngest sister is probably alive? Dunno.” Kerry shrugged.
He and Venus shared a look, a look of familiarity. In some ways, Venus reminded him a lot of himself, he didn’t know if he loved or hated it.
“I’m gonna go make some coffee. Good chat.” He kissed his lovers before pondering why the fuck he just said ‘good chat’ to his input of two years now. He hadn’t meant for the conversation to go the way it did. He didn’t want to talk about his family, he had wanted to talk about Venus.
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starlight-phantom · 11 months
So excited to see someone else play Project: Eden's Garden! It's an amazing fan project and deserves all the love! There any characters you like yet? Any suspicions? Any ideas on who'll live or die?
I know, right?! I was honestly so impressed by it and funnily enough, I saw some videos about it when the prologue was first released and I honestly thought it was a new Danganronpa game made by Kodaka because all the art looked so official. Then I found out it was fanmade and just wow, kudos to everyone working on it, they're making something amazing.
Yes, there are some characters I already love like Toshiko because she's so dang adorable and I love how her personality is just perfectly '14 year old trying their best to appear more mature in front of their older peers but not fooling anyone' also the fact that they managed to draw all those different poses for her sprites and still keep her mouth hidden in all of them is really impressive.
I love Jett because he honestly just has the energy of an excitable dog (especially since he seems to be paired with Mark who has the energy of a tired cat who just wants to be left alone) and he's a joy to talk to, also he does the Scooby Doo laugh for some reason??? But going off the games I've played... I don't think his chances of surviving are good...
And I honestly don't understand why... But I really, really love Kai. Like, okay, his design is lovely, but like... He's kinda a pathetic wet cat of a man but he's also an influencer who sics his fans onto people he doesn't like... So I don't understand why I love him so much. I love him and I hate the fact that I love him but goddammit I love him. Although, while I do really like him, I do not trust him in the slightest, he is suspicious as hell.
I don't really know if I have any suspicions yet since this is just the prologue so far so we only know the basics... But like I said, I don't trust Kai and I think Jett will probably die at some point. I'm not entirely sure why but I find Diana a little suspicious... Maybe it's because of Junko and she's got the similar fashion kinda background but yeah I'm kinda suspicious of her. And I don't know if they'll die or survive or whatever, but I can see a lot of tension between Cassidy and Wenona happening because of their views.
But honestly, the main thing that I find really interesting is that we're playing as a kinda antagonistic character. Like Damon is honestly like a Togami type character but he's the protagonist??? It's a really interesting idea because all the official protagonists are dead set on keeping the group together and hopeful whereas Damon literally walked in and said "Your talents ain't shit, I'm better than all of you and you're stupid for thinking that there's no way someone won't be driven to murder." Like honestly? With his attitude, I have no clue if he'll even make it to the end. But I'm really, really interested to see where his character goes.
Sorry for writing so much, I'm just really excited about this game.
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lollo-sw-br · 1 year
Idol Wing AU: Star 2: Super DREAM1ES!
CEO's office - MAX1M Entertainment
Choi Tae Ho, CEO of MAX1M Entertainment, seeing that the group already with three albums was not making profit as he hoped it would, he was now willing to boycott YUM1E and do anything to get him to disband.
But the problem would not be the easiest thing in the world, his right hand Lee Han Jin, did not want to end YUM1E in any way, because unlike the CEO, he believed in the success of YUM1E
- This group is lost! - said Tae Ho - has not won anything so far, considering that we promoted a single and two mini albums, no opportunity to go to MAMMA or Ighigayo and get in a good position
- TaeHo, you are being very impatient - said HanJin - hope that YUM1E will hit a lot
- Stop dreaming HanJin - said TaeHo - YUM1E will not make a hit level BTS and BLACKPINK, it's useless, it's not going to work! This group is not a hit like I expected, I don't see success in anything!
- If you don't see potential in the group, then I do! - Han Jin said - The YUM1E is going to hit whether you like it or not!
HanJin left the room leaving TaeHo alone and thoughtful, little did the Co-CEO know that his boss was planning to disband YUM1E.
- This group cannot continue, I will not let this little group tarnish my company's image - TaeHo said - YUM1E needs to put an end point, and I will be the one who will have the intense pleasure of doing that.
Main Hall - World Aircraft
The girls created the Fanpage (loveyum1e.ofc), in addition, the Super Wings girls spread YUM1E's songs all over the airport, either listening to the songs near other Super Wings to get them interested in the group, or performing dance covers of the choreography, most of the team (younger members) were already part of Fandom, while the veterans enjoyed the music and supported the group, being a senior fan, being less intense as the younger ones.
Jerome, Paul and those who love to dance learned the choreography, Jett, Flip, Crystal, Ellie, Dizzy and that more radical, they tried the movements and they remade scenes of the MVs, with Bello, Grand Albert, Poppa Wheels and others, like to reproduce the photos in the album, play the games that come with them (each one comes with a different game, according to the concept and theme of the concept, from a memory game, even a group deck, In addition to the clear, collectible cards in all albums, piquing the interest of collectors).
The World Airport was taken over by YUM1E, played the songs all the time, plus Random Dance Play competitions (YUM1E ver.), Waiting eagerly for the Fameetings and Fansing of the group, and waiting to be noticed by the group, and little did they know that just as they are DREAM1ES, the group members are WINGERS and wanted the same.
- Wait guys! - Said Astra - Comeback will come out now in April get ready!
- I'm so curious! - said Jett - I want to know what the concept is going to be? will it be a full album?
- Here's saying it's going to be a surprise - Sunny said
- Surprise? - said Donnie - this kills me with curiosity!
- From everybody Donnie - said Dizzy
- I hope Lollo and Flora get the spotlight they deserve - said Ellie
- Poor thing about our Bias - said Mira - they really deserved more attention
- Who knows girls - said Tino - Flora is also my bias
- Never lose hope - said Grand Albert - Lollo is my bias and I think it's unfair and what the company does to her.
- I agree - said Narae - let's wait for the Comeback and see what will happen
- Let's not give up - said Jett - the girls will stand out, I love Brighie, but the company thinks she, Vicky, Aria and Cherie are the only ones in the group, That's absurd.
- I agree! - all said
To be continued....
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kithtaehyung · 2 years
Jett is good at a lot of things, but words isn‘t one of them, so don’t expect this long of a response from me ever again. But I have a lot of thoughts that I‘ve been holding onto since I started reading 3tan, and I was waiting for the proverbial "right time" to say them. I guess now feels right.
Fanfiction in and of itself is an unrealistic genre, but even so, I feel like a lot of writers lose themselves in the dramatic delusions and fantasy of the genre. I’ve been reading and writing fanfics avidly since I was maybe 10 years old (I‘m 22 now, so safe to say it’s been a while), and what I always despised about the things I’ve read is how unhinged and unrealistic it is. They painted a skewed image of what relationships should look like, what healthy friendships and intimacy should look like, and I know a lot of people who don’t have experience outside of fanfics adopt these views as their own.
Which brings me to my point of why I hold you, and three tangerines to such a high regard: it’s so real. It’s so blatantly obvious that you understand who Yoongi is at his core, and even though he still has a slightly altered personality for the sake of the AU, it’s still *him*. The fact that we can see his insecurities and his tumultuous inner monologue and he’s not just hot hunky perfect man for the sake of a fanfic is what I love, because it shows your understanding. That, and Y/N isn’t just a spiraling damsel in distress for the love interest to come and sweep all her problems away. She’s her own person, she has layers and a complex personality, she has friendships and a job outside of Yoongi, she‘s honestly the realest OC I’ve seen ever.
And then there’s their actual relationship. Their communication and lack thereof. It’s not perfect, and that’s beautiful, because it’s not supposed to be. What really caught my attention the most was how you write the sex scenes, because again, with fanfic it’s so easy to get carried away in the fantasy and making everything seem perfect, but you write in the teeth bumping into each other, the uncomfortable noises, the cleaning up afterwards, the awkward pause waiting for a condom to be put on, all these things that aren’t necessarily "perfect," but it makes it so much more real. I think it goes so far beyond making it more enjoyable for me, but I think you’re part of a bigger change to setting a healthy standard for what relationships and sex should actually look like. Before 3tan, I had never read anyone asking for consent in a fanfic. I never read about having to switch positions to be more comfortable. I never read about such an open line of communication right in the middle of sex, and it’s a shame I’m only seeing it now. I hope more people take notes from you, because you truly should be the standard that people strive to be.
Last thing, I love that despite the length of your chapters/parts, it’s not wordy. It’s not boring. It’s not long just for the sake of being long. Every word is purposeful. As a writer, that’s something I struggle with so much, so it’s really nice to see lengthy chapters done right.
You deserve the break. You deserve all the love. You deserve it all.
jett, you are wonderful, powerful, and so, so lovely. you are a writer and you certainly do have a way with words bc my god you made me BAWL when i read this the first time. i honestly don't know what to say to this. but i will try my best.
to start, i'll say this: thank you for touching on the aspect of three tangerines being real. because my point from the start was to make it as relatable and comforting as it is spicy, but of course a year later it has turned into more than that. more than i ever imagined and will continue to be part of my life no matter what.
i'm really happy you also like this yoongi. whether he's really like the real yoongi or not, i don't know for sure. but i do know that he brings me peace and comfort to write and there's a connection i feel whenever i work on this series. and i know he's not perfect, because i don't want him to be. none of my characters are flawless and i've set that point for my fics from the very beginning. everyone is just gonna be human, with all the good and bad that comes with it. same thing goes for reader. not perfect, just genuine. real. complex, like we are.
along with people, i know relationships aren't perfect, either. so that's what i wanted to also showcase here, too. but you're right: that's what makes this magical - the push and pull, the dancing, the tension, the imperfection. the sex, too. it's all about keeping this as real and organic and human as possible.
"I think it goes so far beyond making it more enjoyable for me, but I think you’re part of a bigger change to setting a healthy standard for what relationships and sex should actually look like. Before 3tan, I had never read anyone asking for consent in a fanfic. I never read about having to switch positions to be more comfortable. I never read about such an open line of communication right in the middle of sex, and it’s a shame I’m only seeing it now. I hope more people take notes from you, because you truly should be the standard that people strive to be."
i genuinely don't have words for this. you've rendered me speechless here and i feel.. idk, like i accomplished something above what i wanted to and just feel like crying. because this is meant to be a comfort series, since the beginning. that all of this is what you should look for. it's all normal and fine and okay.
thank you so much for all of this. i'm just sitting here not really knowing what to say and all of this response probably didn't make sense because i was typing with blurry vision but. yeah. thank you for telling me this. it's thoughtful as hell and i can only hope i keep this standard.
i shall make the most of my break, babe. my brain does need to rest and i will give it what it needs<3
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obigem · 2 years
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"Did my mediocre dance moves offend you?" He joked with a laugh.
"No." Melody smiled. "It's just, it's getting pretty late, and I should be going is all."
"Yeah, but I thought we were meant to party?"
"We did. And now I think you're primed for a private party." She winked.
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"What?" Jett looked confused.
"You're cute Jett, but you're pretty dense."
"Jo, I'm pretty sure she's into you. And unless my eyes deceive me, I'm pretty sure you're into her too."
"Oh, well." Jett was flustered now. "We just work together."
"And you like her."
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"If you like her, and I'm pretty certain she likes you, then I'm just a third wheel."
"I thought you said 3 people make a party?"
"Not when it's Love Day and the other 2 people have a shot at romance. So take the shot, Jett."
"And what about you?"
"I don't need romance."
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"Don't look at me like that you big softie. The best thing I could've asked for was to spend the night with a good friend, and you're one of the best." She caressed his cheek. "You're a good guy Jett Boyd. You deserve romance. Don't worry about me."
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loisfreakinglane · 4 months
has anyone asked disco yet? also ds9 also idk whatever the movies are called i can’t keep track of these things
The first character I first fell in love with: 
The character I never expected to love as much as I do now: 
emperor georgiou is so evil and i adore her she is my EVERYTHING
The character everyone else loves that I don’t: 
no one springs to mind?
The character I love that everyone else hates: 
lorca was just suuuuuch a good character including all the villainy. ALSO I LOVED AIRIAM AND HER DEATH EP HIT ME HARD
The character I used to love but don’t any longer:
mmmmmmmm i've just....... gotten really ambivalent about gabrielle
The character I would totally smooch: 
ash, michael, book
The character I’d want to be like: 
The character I’d slap: 
lorca?????? LELAND
A pairing that I love:
ASH/MICHAEL. also ash/pike i am what i am
A pairing that I despise: 
hmmmm the fact lorca/michael exists in some universe makes me shudder
The first character I first fell in love with: 
it was either benjamin or julian
The character I never expected to love as much as I do now: 
GOD SO MANY PPL THO???? a huuuuuuuuge one is rom. i found him so obnoxiously weak willed at the beginning lol. ALSO O'BRIEN. oh and nog!!!!!!!!!!
The character everyone else loves that I don’t: 
nobody comes to mind!
The character I love that everyone else hates: 
DO PPL HATE QUARK BC HE'S AN ASSHOLE BUT I FIND HIM SOOOOOOOO ENTERTAINING. also ezri! we never should have lost jadzia but ezri was adorable
The character I used to love but don’t any longer:
i used to be way more into odo at the beginning of the show. still love him but i just got less and less interested
The character I would totally smooch: 
bashir is top of the list
The character I’d want to be like: 
can i say lwaxana troi or will u judge me
The character I’d slap: 
dukat obvsly. also quark! bc i love him but he deserves it!
A pairing that I love:
A pairing that I despise: 
why did they try to make ezri/bashir happen out of nowhere
star trek chris pine movies i think you're saying??
The first character I first fell in love with: 
The character I never expected to love as much as I do now: 
i was so mad about sofia's character being a fully painted alien that i didn't expect how much i would ADOOOOOOORE jaylah. BUT I DO. MY BABY.
The character everyone else loves that I don’t: 
nobody??? i can't think of anyone lol
The character I love that everyone else hates: 
The character I used to love but don’t any longer:
The character I would totally smooch: 
spock tops the list. then uhura, kirk, sulu, carol, etc lol
The character I’d want to be like: 
The character I’d slap: 
fake khan that piece of shit
A pairing that I love:
kirk/spock/uhura are an ot3 of dreams. also i fucking love both spock/uhura and kirk/carol leave me alooooooooone
A pairing that I despise: 
n/a! SO MUCH N/A
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