#i love kotm SO much
ruubesz-draws · 5 months
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He buys and collects all the Mothra merch
He's so proud of himself!
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geddoart · 6 months
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Wanted to participate in this older trend
I guess this is also the first time I've posted my new and updated Springtrap design on Tumblr ? What an incredible introduction for the best child offer in the state of Utah /s
Please don't repost or use my art without permission ! Reblogging is okay :>
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linzerj · 6 months
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⚡️ The Golden Demise ⚡️
Really love how this turned out - King Ghidorah is a stinky bastard of a space dragon but he's also really fun to draw!
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I may start to writing something by the end of the month
No promise😔
In the meanwhile a meme (made on my phone)
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Godzilla be like: " This little shit keeps me awake all night with his peeps, bites my finger when I try to feed him and fuss at every bath time. He's my baby brother and I'll keep him safe with my life."
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hall0wedwyrm · 5 months
Something I love about the Monsterverse is how they took one of the titans who started as kind of an antagonist, and made him THE protagonist. Kong having a character arc is soooo good I love it. The whole idea of him being misinterpreted as an antagonist but is revealed to be a protector of Skull Island and the Iwi... man.
and in GvK where he slowly grows into this role too. Reluctantly going along with the humans, but becoming a bit more trusting of them, and actively helping.
AND in The New Empire, the choice to make him a main protag is SO GOOD!!!!! Following his pov as his discovers others of his kind, and Suko and his personality really shines too. he's a pretty tough guy, but he's also willing to jump in if something is wrong (shown when he openly fights Skar King) AND THE SCENE WHERE HE HELPS THE OVERWORKED APE IS SO AAAAAAGH he's soooo empathetic,,,,,
anyway yeah just thought I'd share this I've been thinking about it a lot
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takerfoxx · 10 months
I don't often gush about movies on this blog. Hell, I don't often go to the movies anymore. I just don't have the attention span for it. And I honestly was going to give this one a miss until someone who's opinion I trust was adamant that I needed to see this film right now on the biggest screen possible while I still had the chance. So, FOMO out won over, and I went to go see Godzilla Minus One in Imax.
Look, I've been a Godzilla fan practically all my life. My family used to rent those old english dubs of the films on VHS from Blockbuster in the early nineties. I grew up with these monsters. But I have to admit, I've never seen the original, nor have I seen Shin Godzilla. To me, Godzilla is about one thing and one thing only.
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Gimme the big monsters just going HAM on each other. Rubber suits, CGI, I don't care! I want the big boys with beef to beef with a large side of cheese!
I guess that's why Godzilla 2014 ultimately left me feeling kind of cold while I absolutely loved KOTM despite how stupid a lot of it was. I just want my big monsters absolutely wrecking shit.
This was different. I knew it was going to be different. A remake of the original Godzilla, this time from the viewpoint of the common citizens still trying to get their lives together after WW2? I knew I was in for some heavy drama.
What I didn't expect was one of the most amazing theater experience I have ever had.
And I'm not just saying that because the movie is good, even though it is.
I'm not just saying that because the movie is great, even though it is.
I'm not just saying that because it's a goddamn masterpiece, even though it is.
I'm saying that because it's about as close to perfect of a film as you can get, and not just of a Godzilla movie, but just as a movie!
Like, it's a running joke that you can cut the human characters out of any Godzilla movie. Here, you could cut Godzilla out and still have a great movie. That's how good the human side of things was.
Like, you really grow attached to these people who have literally lost everything. You grow invested in their struggles, in their relationships, in their baggage, in their love for one another. You come to care about them and are genuinely happy as they eke out a new life after having their homes literally blown to bits. You just want to see them succeed and be happy together.
And that's when Godzilla shows up.
This movie is called Godzilla Minus One in reference to how post-war Japan was basically a Zero Society, left devastated by the conflict. And these people who literally were left with nothing suddenly find even that ripped away as an enormous monster just starts rampaging through the recovering cities.
And this time, Godzilla isn't an avenging hero. He's not a destructive anti-hero. He's not a fun mascot. He's not even a poor, suffering monster unaware of the destruction that he's wreaking. This Godzilla is goddamn menace, an outright monster that is absolutely terrifying. He wants to crush, kill, and destroy. This is Godzilla at his most actively malicious, and all you can do is gape up in horror with these people that you've come to care so much about, wondering how in the hell are they supposed to deal with this!
I won't give away how the day is eventually saved, only to say that it is a masterclass of character-driven suspense and emotion. You honestly come to root for the humans for once. You want to see them succeed, and are genuinely in fear for their lives. No exaggeration, I had my heart in my throat and tears in my eyes all throughout the climax. I don't cry during movies, and this movie made me sob like a baby. It was that good.
And it also had so much to say! Not only about Japan's collective trauma following the nuclear bombs or the other bombing raids like the original, but also about how the Japanese government dehumanized its own people during the war, treating them as expendable resources to fuel the war machine. The main character is a freaking kamikaze pilot who lost his nerve and abandoned his mission, and that plus another act of what he saw as cowardice haunts him throughout the movie, and while it realistically shows how such a person would be treated like a pariah by his former friends and neighbors, it is nothing but sympathetic toward him. He blames himself constantly, but the narrative never seems to.
And there's just this wonderful moment near the end, when it's clear that the government isn't coming to the rescue, so it's up to the common man to band together and find a solution, when a few men leave the mission for fear of their lives and that of their families, and are not condemned for it. And the scientist spearheading the whole thing gives this lovely little speech about how carelessly life has been treated during the war, from the kamikazes to the poorly maintained supply chains to how the common folk were left to fend for themselves, and he hopes to just once be able to secure a win that doesn't sacrifice any more lives. Wow.
I know it's probably too late for anyone else to see it, because I'm pretty sure it's theatrical run ends today. I just wanted to get this review off my chest, because wow, this was the best movie I've seen all year. What a goddamn masterpiece.
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astraerystarr · 4 months
Wingard can fuck off with his attempts at lore building.
Shimo is still a fully mature grandma for me and Mothra is still an immortal deity capable of (self sufficient) reincarnation.
But sure, Wingard. Yeah. She's the mother of KOTM Mothra.
Because. you know. She lays her own eggs?? The ones she is reborn in? I really hope that's what he's trying to say because if it's not I'll just give up.
Or she was SUPPOSED to be reborn in the eggs she lays before he made her spawn straight out of her cocoon instead. (And only with the help of a human from an island the isolated Iwi would have no knowledge of)
((Because of course the immortal reincarnating deity needs help from the little guys that worship her))
But idk. Maybe if they had thought about this a little more they could have introduced her into this movie in a way that wasn't disgustingly messy with her lore?
How much stuff was retconned with this movie? Little bits of lore and characterization the fandom embraced and enjoyed? If it wasn't for Shimo and Kong's story I would just disregard this movie as non canon
I'm sorry if this is all harsh but I just really love the silly moth, and since KOTM I grew such a big love for the concept of the Monsterverse and everything in it. Monarch, the hierarchy between the Titans, the dynamics between the Titans. It's so awesome. Such a creative spin on Kaiju and these iconic characters.
Next director, please. Preferably one that tries harder.
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hrodvitnon · 6 months
can we talk spoilers? (if at least tag them so those who haven't seen it yet can block the tag)
DOUG STEALS KONG'S LUNCH LOL. He's even so smug about it when Kong relents and lets him have it.
Mothra is so much fluffier this time around! Love how when she breaks up Godzilla and Kong's fight she's almost SCOLDING Goji lol. "Goji! Stop bullying the poor monkey!" "S..sorry, dear..." Jia seems to be her main priestess now tho? Whatever happened to the twin scientists from KOTM? I hope they aren't entirely forgotten and replaced. Maybe they can return as Jia's guides.
Shimo is adorable. I'm glad she got a happy ending and some neck scratches from Kong. Big huggable lizard-horse-kitty.
Suko saves the day by retrieving Kong's axe? Huh. That lil kid pulled his weight a lot more than I'd expected to. Also love his mean streak at the start, he and Kong bickered a lot at first.
And of course, Skar King's very very karmic and brutal demise. I can only imagine the state of him (and Rio de Janeiro's streets) when those ice chunks finally thaw out. Good luck with the cleanup, Monarch.
Everyone make sure you filter "gxk spoilers" because I've been using that tag for everyone not looking to be spoiled!
I think Mothra suddenly becoming an Iwi protector is because supposedly there was going to be another Original MonsterVerse Monster called Phosphora or some-such, but it wasn't well received by test audiences or something so it got reworked into Mothra. I could be misremembering, but that's what I remember hearing. Which is funny, because if memory serves correctly the KOTM end credits hinted at Mothra having already laid an egg before the Boston battle, so... retcon?
I'm really glad Shimo survived the movie, I felt so bad for her being under Skar King's pain control and how she visibly resists him throughout. Even her roars sounded pained. It was really sweet seeing the look in her eyes when the surface world sky is being cleared up, like if she's the source of the last Ice Age then it's been literally thousands upon thousands of years since she's last seen a sky like ours. Hoping we see her again in another movie!
Holy shit, Suko's introduction scene got SO MUCH FUNNIER when he goes from "i'm baby" to biting Kong's finger to being used as a BLUDGEONING WEAPON BY KONG. Suko really chugged that character development juice.
I feel vindicated for not once underestimating Skar King, because he is the most vile MonsterVerse... uh, monster villain we've gotten so far. Ghidorah was a sadistic son of a bitch and Mechagodzilla was a crazy Titan Terminator On Blue Rock Steroids, but Skar King has the heads of fellow Kongs stuck on pikes (presumably to set an example for anyone looking to challenge him), when he mocks Kong's new tooth most of the apes and especially Suko seem to laugh along out of fear, he straight up KICKS an ape into lava, and has actual sex slaves holding babies in his throne room, and you just KNOW they don't consent to what he does to them. On top of him controlling Shimo with pain and his attempts on Suko's life - and considering the number of red/orange-furred babies in the throne room, we can surmise that Suko is one of his own children - Skar King may not have the spectacle or scale Ghidorah had, but my god did it feel good seeing him go down.
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jennilah · 2 months
I don't think I've ever fully read your about me thing until a few minutes ago, and I looked at the animation reel on your website, AND HOLY CRAP YOUR WORK IS AMAZING?? AND YOU'VE WORKED ON SOME OF THE COOLEST FILMS WHAT THE FUCK, It's so good I'm in shock, what's your job like? Does it ever get stressful? What's the best thing you've ever worked on in your job? And once more, HOLY CRAP YOUR ANIMATIONS ARE AWESOME OH MY FREAKING GOD.
Hope you have a good day, AND YOU ARE SO COOL, inspiring me to look at what job I actually want in the future.
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i’m so happy you like it!! it’s weird to say but it’s hard to openly gush about my own work without sounding like i’m just bragging but I really do just enjoy what I do that much
it’s usually normal! whenever I get to actually slap some keyframes around and work on exciting shots, it’s a LOT of fun. because I find the act of animating genuinely enjoyable. and I love my teammates, the people I get to work with is some of the best parts. Many of my favorite experiences so far was just because the team was so fun to work with, with our team memes and jokes and outings and such. doing extreme overtime was made slightly worth it with such entertaining companions in the animation trenches by my side.
sometimes it’s incredibly stressful yes. the technical stuff isn’t as fun, or sometimes you get a shot that makes you want to rip all your hair out because it’s so goddamn annoying, or it’s just very difficult, or there’s technical glitches kicking your ass, or the clients just seem to never be happy with it. there’s def been some long nights with tears. but usually the rewarding stuff outweighs the bad. for me at least. 😬
oh god don’t even get me started on the industry halts, that’s a whole other beast that we’re dealing with right now.
gosh well everything i’ve worked on is one of my children that i love in its own way………. but i DO love my children unequally LMAO
some of my top experiences have definitely been:
Godzilla KOTM- a dream come true as a big Godzilla fan and relatively new animator, and later again getting to work on Monarch
Prey- some of the most kickass shots i’ve gotten to say I animated. the predator fighting a bear? fuck yeah
Top Gun Maverick- the absolute jaw-dropping shock i had to the reception to the film, realizing what i got to be a part of. an incredibly surreal feeling.
and i’ll stop there bc i could honestly say something about everything and just go down memory lane like a cringe aunt forcing everyone to look at her vacation photos
again THABK YOU SO MUCH!!!! 😭 ❤️❤️
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Assembling my Mosura brainrot here...
So, Godzilla would be flabbergasted because this Mothra he meet in Egypt was actually the KOTM Mothra's mother. I mean, right.
In the epilogue of GxK...
His Queen, the KOTM Mothra would've been really shocked after Godzilla talked to her about missing her so much, and it really confused the hell out of Mothra. However, another Mothra? And then she demands him to travel beyond the Hollow Earth, with the assistance of Kong of course (they're friends now).
And guess what, KOTM Mothra did cry out for the love of Kaiju, this Mothra in Hollow is actually her MOTHER.
What's even embarassing is that Godzilla realizing that this was his mother-in-law. Oh boy, he will be having more questions to Mothra Prime (if that's what I had intended to say that name); judging by the fact that he almost flirted at her and she was unfazed in the Egypt fighy scene. 😐
Give Mothra and her mum some time to talk, while Godzilla and Kong are just...chilling right there...
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star-going-supernova · 10 months
I was asked to share my thoughts on the new Godzilla trailer, so here we go! Of course, this all comes down to my personal preference and opinion, and I do want to say that I am looking forward to seeing the movie, no matter how much I might not seem like it, lol. 
• I miss when Godzilla had this presence about him. He moved slowly, heavily, with a certain gravity that was as terrifying as it was awesome, in the traditional sense. The running scene in the trailer just really didn’t do it for me. Neither did the pink spines and stuff. 
• I like the Hollow Earth in theory, but seeing it in the trailer… I’m a bit more meh on it now. The 2014/2019 movies felt grounded in reality, silly as that may sound considering giant monsters are involved. But it was still an otherwise normal earth, just with Titans roaming around. The whole world inside our world takes the story into a more fantasy-based direction that just isn’t what I’m looking for in these movies. 
• Where’s the mystery, where’s the majesty, where’s the beauty in these incredible creatures? KotM especially nailed the vibe that the Titans are these absolute forces of nature, and I watched the first KotM trailer for comparison before writing this and oh my gosh, I wish I could see KotM for the first time again. The trailer was amazing. 
• It’s too early to tell, but I’m leery of how the human characters will be handled. The decrease in Monarch’s presence in GvK was a big disappointment for me (and the increase in Monarch: Legacy of Monsters is why I am so far loving the show). It’s no secret that I think KotM handled the human to Titan balance really, really well, but I loved it in Kong: Skull Island too, and even 2014 didn’t butcher it that badly. GvK did not inspire confidence in me, however. 
• PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE THERE ARE SO MANY INTERESTING TITANS ON EARTH WHY ARE YOU GIVING US ANOTHER APE. No but really, RIP to anyone who had a favorite Titan who isn’t Godzilla or Kong. 
• It’s a change. There’s a change happening in MonsterVerse in the tone of the Godzilla movies, and that isn’t automatically a bad thing. I’m just set in my ways, and I’m fully aware of that. I’m absolutely positive that there’s a ton of people who are really into what this trailer showed us, and I’m thrilled! I hope this series keeps getting more and more interest and fans because that will give us more movies and shows. Just based on this one trailer, it’s not what I would want in a new Godzilla movie. And that’s okay. I genuinely hope I’ll get more hyped about it as the release date gets closer and we hopefully get another trailer or two. I’m excited to see more of Jia, and I will take literally any scrap of Godzilla I can get because I still love him a whole lot, even when he looks kinda silly. 
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linzerj · 6 months
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I've been on a Godzilla kick lately and this is my first attempt at drawing the big old lizard... and I liked how it came out well enough to share!!!
Shoutout to all the other Godzilla artists on this platform - I love all your work and was inspired by pretty much all of you to give drawing Goji a try!!
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prettyinsea-blue · 6 months
I just stumbled onto your blog, I love it!
I'm also writing my own au(ish) type thing involving Godzilla
Can you infodump about yours? :D
OF COURSE! It’s gonna get long so be prepared hah! (Most of this is actually spoilers for my own books so yeehaw)
Okay so, I’ve restarted my AU multiple times but after watching the ending credits of Godzilla: KOTM and piecing the story together that was hidden beneath the white markings— I decided to change up my AU and that is the version that I’ve kept up with.
So basically, there’s gods & goddesses thrown into it all. There’s a creation goddess named Gatix and she’s been around since earth was created, and a few elders were there as well (Methuselah, Scylla, Behemoth, and Shimo for example.)
When other kaiju species began arriving Gatix decided to split her powers between two members of the divine moth species, Akari and Daku (two fanmade moths). These two are the goddess and god of Life and Death.
Soon after these two are created, a war sparks between the MUTOS and the rest of Kaiju civilization, practically making life almost impossible on one side of the world.
On the divine moth side of things, there are two new sub-species types that are named after their respective gods. Akari moths control life and healing and Daku-moths control death and pain. Upon this, most Daku-moths are killed during their first winter.
However, as the war is in its highest point— Akari and Daku ask Gatix if they may split their powers further. Of course, they don’t know who to give their abilities too but you know— Gatix always has an idea. She decides that their granddaughter, Mothra, should take on one of their powers. Though, at the time of her birth she was born as a Daku-moth but she does not have the full power to become a goddess.
The reasoning for this is because Mothra’s faction (that’s what the moth groups are called) has become so detached from reality that they actually told her mother (Setsuko, another fanmade titan) that Mothra had died when in reality they were about to use her daughter for their own greed.
Around this same point in time, our favorite Gojiran is learning how he fits into this world with his mom, Evelyn, and his cousin, Zilla. He had lost his father, Dai, to the war and so he has to watch his mom fight all the battles by herself.
But of course, when he hits the age is 120 years old, his mother is slaughtered in front of him- which forces Zilla and him to leave the only homeland they’ve ever known.
Rodan’s also in here too! His childhood is pretty chill and I haven’t fleshed out his story entirely so that’ll be saved for later! Though I will say, he is bisexual and he does have a partner named Yoko (I decided to make a fanmade character because I couldn’t figure out which actual character to put him with.)
That’s all I say lore wise because I’d rather let you and everyone else reading this figure it out for themselves when I get back to posting Godzilla stuff lmao. And hey, if you still around long enough, you’ll see the MVT chapters get posted (maybe after a month or so because I don’t want people to get spoiled for GvK).
Thank you so much for the ask! I’ve never got to infodump before!! :))
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meariigoround-art · 11 months
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Like a Moth to a Flame♡
A bit of a homage to the scene in KoTM where Burning Godzilla uses his pulses to beat Ghidorah and you can see and hear Mothra when he releases it ♡♡♡
Ugh I love these two so much~ Not gonna lie, I really like how I drew Mothra in this, like she's giving an angry/excited meow! Idk, KotM made her kinda sound like a cat lol
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konggodzuko · 10 months
Look, it may be the fact that I had just watched possibly the best Godzilla movie of all time (Godzilla Minus One) and have been watching possibly the best installment of the Monsterverse (Monarch: Legacy of Monsters) but when the Godzilla x Kong: The New Empire trailer dropped I felt...
Deeply unexcited. Apprehensive, even.
There's some weird shit going on with Egypt as we see a portal near the Great Pyramids and then some sort of weird Egyptian chamber w/ more pyramids and I really hope we don't find out some weird ancient-aliens BS went on with Egypt.
I honestly, truly think that the new Godzilla design is terrible. His proportions seem wacky & top heavy, the shape of the spines isn't doing it for me, and the pink is obnoxious. Yeah yeah, MireGoji had some purple on her spines, but it wasn't NEON PINK. Plus all the glowing stuff is way too much. His design was PERFECT in KOTM/GvK (well, nearly perfect, his head could've been a touch bigger) so I don't know why they would change him so much.
IDK, something about the trailer made me just think this is going to be stupid. Not in a fun way, but in an obnoxious, over-the-top Bay Transformers movie kinda way. Godzilla doing an extended, arms-pumping sprint next to Kong who has a robot arm made me feel annoyed rather than hyped.
It's just... up until GvK, the Monsterverse has largely played its concept seriously. Hell, Monarch is a VERY serious show, even with it's well-done humor. But GvK was like "wuh-oh, let's get WACKY!" and writing just flew out the window and it was ONLY an excuse for monster fights, and this looks to be even more of that. The director's even said they have several minute long sequences of JUST monster stuff and that sounds EXHAUSTING.
It's also not helpful that I've seen so, so many people who're excited for this movie acting like anyone who expresses the mildest dislike of this movie "hates fun" or "doesn't understand Godzilla" or whatever.
Look, I hope the movie's good. I hope I walk into that theater and end up loving it, but man, I just don't have high hopes. I thought GvK was a franchise lowpoint for the Monsterverse and the fact that they've doubled down on it does not fill me with hope.
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velocibirb · 10 months
Needless to say, I loved Godzilla Minus One, but…
It has the most pathos of any Godzilla movie I’ve yet seen, an utterly terrifying depiction of the G-man, and superbly written human characters. Godzilla as a symbol of PTSD and the way trauma never really leaves a person (as shown in the final scene) is profound — it’s a delight to see people traumatized by war achieve a redemptive victory and defeat their metaphorical trauma, at least for now, and the message to live for a better future is something just as valuable now as it is for the time period of the film.
However, I can’t forgive this film for the crime of not being Shin Godzilla, my favorite movie ever. This is ultimately subjective, but I find I greatly prefer Shin’s animal lashing out in pain to the angry, vengeful monster of Minus One. MinusGoji is a classic Godzilla (plus regeneration and detonating atomic breath), and that suits the film, but I prefer the risks taken to make ShinGoji weird and distinct. Shin Godzilla is the story of the world’s most difficult euthanasia, not the genuine, personal conflict of Minus One, and while the deeply personal story of Minus One is beautiful and engaging, but it doesn’t hit as close to home for me as Shin’s exploration of how politicians would genuinely react to an unprecedented disaster — Shin is deeply concerned with political power, while Minus One focuses on the actions of postwar civilians and individuals. Minus One is the Godzilla movie we’ve all been waiting for, a proper tribute to the original, but it just can’t beat the deconstruction of Shin for me. Much as I enjoyed it, I left the theater wishing I had rewatched Shin.
Minus One gets a 9/10 from me. It’s my third favorite Godzilla film after the political drama of Shin and the Kaiju-on-kaiju action of KOTM. Of all Godzilla films, Minus One has the best vocalizations for Godzilla, so definitely see it before it leaves IMAX.
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