#i love making my niche even nicher
rowboattheboat · 1 year
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drawing ETN Roi because he is my silly and i love him and he deserves love and hdhdhdjdjdjjd
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thedevilsrain · 1 year
brazilian eberbach would be like "real brazilians eat mandioca people who waste mandioca aren't real brazilians"
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argumentl · 5 months
I like the fact that someone is sharing a screenshot of my TFOE summary on X/Twitter and spouting disinformation with it, and then blocking me when I call them out.
Can we just make one thing clear?
The members were not starved and mistreated on tour. Whatever you may think of the management, there is NO reason to assume they are holding the members prisoners under draconian, cheapskate conditions. And certainly no reason to spout such assumption as fact in public.
Yes, Kyo was complaining, but Kyo just complains. Thats how he is. Those of you subscribed to TheThe Day can see how much Kaoru suffered on tour (i.e He didn't).
As for the new MV, this seemingly was also not solely a result of management demanding cheapness, as we heard from Kaoru recently when he was describing some of the background.
As for the complaint about the overseas merch store, Dir en grey are a niche band in Japan, and an even nicher one overseas. As a first go at setting up a store for overseas fsns, it seems perfectly fine to me. If the merch sells, they will probably continue invest more in it, like any business. Give them a chance, instead of just instant condemnation. Don't even get me started on how many Japanese fans LOVED the merch in the overseas store.
Based on the amount of people who apparently complained profusely in the tour survey about use of AI etc, I would honestly not be surprised if the management think twice about sending the band to Europe again soon. Why would they send them after getting so many complaints??
I really wish people would consider this.
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ectogeo-rebubbles · 5 months
I have kind of a niche Garashir fic idea I want to write but I’ve never posted anything publicly before, so I am nervous. But I can’t seem to get over the idea? You’re one of my favorite fic writers, any advice? 💕🥺
Ooooh, you gotta try to write it!!! I always love to indulge my new ideas that are driving me insane as soon as I can hehe (because part of writing often has to be done after the initial idea no longer excites you quite the same way).
I like that you said it’s a niche idea, too! I do enjoy most of the common fanon tropes and worldbuilding, but it’s always so refreshing when people add something brand new to the Garashir body of literature. And the nicher and stranger the better, in my opinion!! One thing about writing something niche is that maybe it won’t get the same amount of attention as quickly as something that has broader appeal, HOWEVER... I can tell you from experience that when your niche stuff does find its audience (which may take patience and persistence) that audience will likely go absolutely WILD for it. And I always find that very rewarding <3
Is the reason you haven't started yet because you don't quite know how to start? If that's the case, I would recommend writing an outline first. I even sometimes will outline really short oneshots lol, not because I think I really need to, but because that way i at least have a good record of my idea and ALSO because sometimes I can trick myself into just starting to write by taking notes on in outline format until I get to the part I'm REALLY excited about, at which point I realize I'm just writing full sentences instead of notes and I just let it flow from there and go back to fix the beginning later. XD You could also just try to summarize the plot for a friend, that often reveals to me where any structural issues are tripping me up, and identifies what I need to think about more before I set words down on the page.
Idk if you haven't written before or if you just haven't posted any of it, but I want you to know that a few years ago, when I was easing myself back into writing, I worked on writing like 3 or 4 different garashir fic ideas privately before I actually figured out which idea I wanted to write all the way to the end and actually post. Most of those first wips never got posted (and my wip graveyard is still massive and always growing lol) and that's for the best bc I either got bored of the idea or could not yet achieve the story in the way I wanted to. Which is NOT to tell you that this is inevitable or that you should let your inner editor shut you down, but I just want you to know that it's perfectly okay and normal to, like, have to noodle around a bit before you've written something you're happy with.
Speaking of your inner editor, you gotta tune them out while writing a first draft. Don't even worry if the sentence makes sense, just get the words out, and then get the next words out, and then the next... If there is something stopping you from writing the next sentence (a name you need to make up, or something you need to research, or uncertainty about what a character would be doing, or even if you are just blanking on a word) and you are trying to maintain a flow of writing, then write a note for yourself (e.g, "[insert title of a Cardassian novel here]" or "[Julian makes some kind of expression. Surprise? Anger? idk]" or "[synonym for sinister, bc I've used sinister three times this fic already]") and then MOVE ON. You can go back in and fill in those blanks later.
Also, I really really really really like the writing advice of thinking of your first draft as your worst draft or stupidest draft. It's so true and it helps take the pressure off. One related amazing thing about writing star trek fanfic is that if ever you begin to doubt yourself, you can just fondly think about a beloved episode of Star Trek where something very silly or buckwild happens in a very contrived way, and then remind yourself that people LOVE that episode anyway. This is a genuine way that I have reminded myself not to be so harsh on my own writing lmao.
I really working with beta readers, but I know that's not something everyone enjoys and it's def not required. Still, a beta reader can give feedback on your writing to make it clearer, and they'll likely become invested in your fic and will cheer you on, and if it’s longer than a oneshot you can have someone to talk it through with during the writing process. But it might be hard to find someone you work well with and everyone’s beta reading style is a lil different, so I recommend always being very clear about what kind of feedback you want from them (grammar/typos, plot structure, clarity, brainstorming ideas for how to fix this plothole, does this one specific line of dialogue work, etc! whatever aspects you are uncertain about and want help with for that specific fic). And you should know that it’s okay to not take someone's recommendations too, it’s ultimately your fic, so anyone giving you feedback should just be trying to help you achieve your own vision. Still, even in those cases where you don't go along exactly with their idea for what to change, knowing what parts confused them can help you figure out how to get your vision across more clearly.
If you think concrit might actually be demotivational and intimidating (totally get that, back in high school I actually solicited concrit on my fics publicly, as was the custom back then, and received some critiques from some truly well-meaning friends, and the experience STILL rattled me so bad that it turned me off writing for awhile), or if the process of finding someone to beta read sounds overwhelming, I’d recommend that you instead just find a trusted friend who is willing to read over the completed draft, with the understanding that they must simply give you a sanity check and then tell you yep that’s good! Cannot stress enough the power of encouragement and support and having someone hype you up. ^_^
If you are too nervous to post it under your own name, you can post it to the Anonymous collection on ao3. This is a reversible process, so if you want to reattach your username to your fic later then you can!
Anyway, feel free to send follow up questions about any of this or let me know if there's an aspect of writing I didn't mention that is what you're actually stuck on. I hope this helps and good luck and HAVE FUN! Have fun is actually the most important writing advice haha.
(P.S., anon, if you want me to beta read a draft of a oneshot or at least look over a chapter or two if it's multichapter, I am down to do so, just DM me. If not that's fine too, I'm just so so flattered that you reached out to me and I want to encourage you in any way I can! <3)
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leseigneurdufeu · 1 year
it's webtoon time: 💣, 🏰, and as a treat 🐕
💣 a story you hate with a burning passion but can't stop reading
Long-time followers might have noticed it, or maybe I just like and don't reblog those posts? can't remember, but anyway Lore Olympus. I noticed a drop in quality in both art and plot and went into the Lore Olympus Critical tag and it basically put a spotlight into what I hate about that series (which i just disliked) but boy seeing people who fastpassed it speaking of weird events to come just makes me want to see it with my own eyes and I just keep reading it. It's a dumpster fire and I'm chained under it. I just can't stop reading this.
And it only gets weirder every week.
🏰 Favorite historical story
Whale Star: The Gyeongseong Mermaid. Now, I know I'm the queen in this life counts as historical story, but it's in a european-coded past that isn't real Europe, so I'll go with real history. WS:TGM is just THE best historical story I had read in a while, and probably the best on the webtoon app. The art is gorgeous, the plot is superb, and despite being paper and not audio, it expresses beautifully the disability of the main character (she's mute) and how it changes the world for her from the point her chords are damaged and on.
🐕 Infodump about niche stories you love
I don't have much to say about the niche stories i love rn, so I'll just make a list while browsing my account. The Sound of magic: annarasumanara is pretty, Behind the Gifs is hilarious, anything by Gaumeo is gorgeous and well written, Toaster Dude is absurdly funny, and Madam Outlaw, Ghost on the Roof, Senorita Cometa, Spaceboy, and Nonesuch don't get nearly as much love as they deserve.
Then there are a bunch of canvas I love too, like Sugar and Swords or, again, anything by Gaumeo, or even the slightly nsfw Carry On: the Road to Rackenroon, who are even nicher by virtu of being canvas, not originals. Only thing I don't really like about CO:TRTR is, again, the mild nsfw and the fact male victims of SA are, this far, treated as a joke, although it could change in the future.
But back to Sugar and Swords I actually think it has strong Viva la dirt league vibes, VLDL being a youtube channel which I can't recommend enough for anyone who likes meta humor and video games (and DnD). S&S is about an NPC in a skyrim-like video game who is sentient and regularly confronted to weird bugs, players breaking the fourth wall, and eldritch horror (er I mean regular playing mechanisms which just seem weird from the inside). And it's very good. The art is pretty, too.
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depoteka · 3 years
tagged by my biggest fan @bowiepop. thank you for the interview
who was your first favourite artist? oh man, when i was 9 i loved queen a lot, then my next major music obsession was nirvana at 12
who are your current favourite artists? as of Right right now i keep listening to: maneskin, sam fender, rammstein, simple minds asdfsf i’m going thru something
are you into musicals? which ones/why not? oh hell no. i hate the concept of musicals so much. there are SOME i love tho like rocky horror, moulin rouge, rocketman is essentially a musical as well
are there songs you consider so special you only listen to them very rarely? i think mostly the sad ones, the emotional ones. like i can’t just listen to no distance left to run by blur on regular basis you know
what’s your preferred way of listening to music? (time of day, medium, situation) listening from spotify at home is the most comfortable i suppose but i think that listening to music while travelling is my favourite? it just hits different when i am on a train and looking out the window
what would you say is the most niche music you listen to? i don’t think i’m that niche. i think i was nicher during my grunge years when i was listening to side projects of everybody from the seattle bands asdfsdfsdf anybody here ever listened to wellwater conspiracy?
what’s your favourite music related movie/tv show that’s not a musical? blinded by the light and sing street!!! obviously also all the documentaries and biopics of my fave bands
albums or playlists? albums when im looking for new songs but playlists when i’m not in any particular mood
favourite albums? too tired to list em so i just say go listen to seventeen going under by sam fender!!!
is there an artist you’re trying to get into? not really, when i get into something i just do. it happens
whose music do you find overhyped? radiohead, led zeppelin
what’s an underrated song? go listen to seventeen going under by sam fender
what’s a thing a bunch of songs do that you love every time? if it has a sax solo then i’m in
what song is better acoustic? i hate acoustic version of songs. even worse when it’s an acoustic cover. unless somebody is doing an mtv unplugged concert then please stop it
what’s the worst song of all time? sweet child o mine by guns n roses. that riff gives me headaches
do you put individual songs on repeat? if so, for how long and how often? sure do but i do listen to some other songs in between so i don’t get sick of the song too fast asdfdsafdsf
do you make your own playlists? if so, what’s your most entertaining playlist title? i basically don’t really listen to other people’s playlists. my most fabulous playlist title is “songs for people who fuck their cars”, go follow it on spotify
headphones or earbuds? when i’m home headphones but earbuds are more comfortable outside
do you always sing the lead vocal or do you harmonize sometimes? if you harmonize, do you ever invent your own harmony? i’m not a singer, i can’t harmonize adsfdsf  i just sing the leads
a musical confession: i don’t get why mr. brightside is so popular assdfsdaf i swear i first heard about this song here on tumblr in 2013 and i’d never heard it before. when i finally did i just couldn’t get why it’s supposedly such a cultural phenomenon
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quidfree · 3 years
Out of all your AO3 works, which one do you like the best?
Is there any fic that you wish got more traction (considering you’ve written for a few niche fandoms)?
How are you so good at writing in English when it isn’t even your native language??????? Unbelievable. Pls leave some talent for the rest of us, it’s rude to hog it all
anon this is such a nice message thanks for giving me an opportunity to be incredibly self-indulgent in looking back at my own catalogue of works. also re: english im flattered & if it makes you feel any better english is probably my strongest writing language because ive spent all of university only working in english so it’s not that i’m actually even better in my first 2 lges yk
regarding which of my works i like best: that’s a really tough question!!! there’s quite some variety in the fics i write so it kind of depends on the day. currently my tsh one is probably somewhere up there, but otherwise without overthinking it i do have a massive soft spot for my rinharu piece because it’s been sitting in the back of my mind since i was like 14 and i’m glad i wrote it once my writing ability was not that of my 14 year old self, and i like a lot of its quirks- the outsider pov, my soulmate manifesto, the really heavy water symbolism throughout, etc. i also do love LMV because i love the characters and their interactions very much. and my two multi-chapter todobakus are always fun to read because they have actual long plots and also are so long that i always forget details until i reread them, plus i do love todobaku themselves. and then all my nicher stuff with like 5 hits for various dead or non-existent fandoms was obviously written purely for my own sake so of course i like them a fair deal. so i don’t know that i have any singular favorites, honestly!
i guess this does kind of overlap with your second question as to traction, because i do think some of my better works also happen to be works that have a very minor audience. the obvious recent example is my tsh fic, because it’s i think probably the best thing i’ve ever written, and that’s not necessarily because of some insane jump in quality or because my other writing is bad, but because it has a much more literary tone/feel & i think succeeds decently in imitating the tartt voice, both of which are things i enjoy reading. separately i do very much love the atmosphere and development of the story as well. beyond that, i think a lot of my nicher works are really good standalone vignettes of a certain vibe i wanted to capture- eg my the society fic is kind of meandering and very high school, and then obviously my faux monnayeurs fic is supremely obscure but also i think does a decent job with the themes of the novel while purposefully overturning its status quo wrt the characters since i’m explicitly rescuing them from the narrative they’re from. anyways i don’t want to harp on about my own writing unprompted but to answer your original question: yes, of course, but the engagement i do get on those pieces is especially appreciated and tends to be really in-depth and interesting feedback so i can’t complain at all.
is it gauche of me to ask you what your thoughts are on the same matters, since you thought to ask? like- do you have any favorites amongst the shakespeares lore? have you dipped your toes into my lesser known works? any obscure fandoms you’re in that you secretly hope i write a 30k oneshot for one day unprompted? feel free to answer or not- i’m chronically curious.
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