#i love my peacock emperor
ppl act like qsh is irrational or sus for having backup plans for if guda beefs it but they’re literally the most normal person for doing so. and look at this
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they care you
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vitaminseetarot · 8 months
Butterfly PAC: What Will Your Next Falling in Love Feel Like? 🦋💕
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Some think love can be measured by the amount of butterflies in their tummy. Others think love can be measured in bunches of flowers, or by using the words 'for ever.' But love can only truly be measured by actions. It can be a small thing, such as peeling an orange for a person you love because you know they don't like doing it. Marian Keyes
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Sup y'all and welcome back to my free PAC readings! Thank you so so much for your patience with this particular post. It's been a busy week and it'll only get busier! I haven't done many love readings in the past as my readings focused solely on the querent. I decided to keep it simple and focus on that (frankly addicting) feeling of falling in love for the first time with someone.
There are four butterflies to choose from today to show you how it will feel like for you the next time you fall in love. If you're already with someone, this can represent how it feels when your partner does something truly special for you, what the right signal feels like.
As always you can choose more than one.
Pile 1, Blue Morpho Pile 2, Orange Monarch Pile 3, Red Peacock Pile 4, Emerald Swallowtail Pile 5, Purple Emperor
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Pile 1: Blue (Morpho)
XVIII Moon; Rest, Inspiration, Let it Be, 28. Blessed Sight; X Wheel of Fortune, 5 of Pentacles, XIII Death, XIV Temperance
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I pulled your oracle cards before your tarot, and before I did I said "this must be my Pisces pile". Then BOOM I got the Moon card dead center. You may be drawn to this pile if you have a lot or important Pisces placements, but I think it also very well describes the general energy of this pile.
Your next falling in love will be like a dream, or something that came from your dreams. Your person may remind you of someone you once met in your dreams even. It will feel as though your crush will be as a glowing light in the dark that warms you as you move forward into the unknown. If you're with someone, they could be showing up in your dreams more and more--there could even be a case of you both receiving signals about each other.
You're comfortable with letting fate be the guiding hand in you you'll meet next and what your partner will be like. Notice how in two cards we see closed eyes? One is resting, while the other is still walking to where she wants to go. There is a certain faith about this pile, you feel in your heart that the one you're seeking is out there and that you will not need to put yourself in uncomfortable situations to find them.
With this, sometimes you may falter and feel disheartened when you feel other people meeting their match while you're still watching the clouds roll by in the shape of your dreams. Fate combines both luck and change. Don't be afraid to sit back and let the process unfold before you. It doesn't mean you can expect your dream crush to come knocking on your door (although they could!), you can put yourself out there and mingle. This is an internal sense, adopt the intuition of letting the little guiding lights connect together and guide you when they are ready to.
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Pile 2: Orange (Monarch)
XII Hanged One; Abundance, Pause, Determination, 11. Inspiration; XI Justice, King of Cups, 3 of Swords, 10 of Wands
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This pile has likely had relationships in the recent past which may not have worked out. Or there were some romantic prospects where things didn't line up right. It seems like you're working on bringing yourself back into alignment where you can focus more on your personal goals in life. While there's nothing wrong with that, this question is about what it will feel like the next time you're in love. And I have to remind those who need this message that it's okay to take the time you need to recover.
But when you're finally ready to emerge back into the dating world, or if you're planning to, you will need to do so with open arms. Not the same as naïveté. Not the same as being in the same situations or patterns that didn't work out before. But you will need to push aside negative feelings telling you it won't work out again before you can move further with other singles. If you're in a relationship it's likely that your partner wants to see your emotional qualities more, they want you to open up so they can do the same. They want to work side-by-side with you and help you.
You're a strong individual when it comes to reaching your goals. With that said, it's okay to let others, specifically your next partner, help you out in areas you normally excel in. It will help loosen the tension a lot and bring ease to your abundance mindset. Support is with you and you don't need to do it alone. Let your crush carry some of the extra bags for you and help you relax. And don't think that by doing this you're somehow limiting yourself from reaching your future goals. If anything, your crush will help you move ahead. Your crush will want to see you CRUSH it in the board room. You will feel 100% backed and protected by your next love.
Also I wanted to add that when I did the reading for this pile, a little moth landed on my door's window and stared at me upside down like the Hanged One! Not a butterfly, but close enough! Moths talk about what you're intuitively drawn to, but also confusion following paths (since artificial light messes with their navigation). Let moths be your animal sign for when you're soon to meet your next love. They will help to guide you towards the better light.
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Pile 3: Red (Peacock)
7 of Wands; Mystery, Desire, Wisdom, 24. Heal Thyself; 3 of Pentacles, VI Lovers, Queen of Cups, 7 of Wands (x2)
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Pile 3, I'm glad I chose the beautiful red Peacock butterfly for your reading because this pile is incredibly bold! You got 7 of wands twice. It doesn't seem as though you're scared to stand out of the crowd to attract your next crush. Similarly, you want the same in your partner. You may be looking for someone who's strong and assertive, and maybe loves to put on a good show for people (as we have Mars in Leo here).
You could be into punk, or darker music genres. Your next love will be fiery, but won't show all their cards. They leave just enough detail for you to want to know more, I think they'd like to egg you on or tease you (but not in a mean way). This person could be way more intelligent than they may let on initially. You'll feel challenged by them, in a refreshing way. They may invite you to debate or play something competitive with them.
I think there's one thing that must be greatly noted with this pile, and that's remembering to stop and take some time for yourself. It doesn't mean stepping out of the dating scene. There's a fine line to walk between meeting someone who's very attractive at face level and the love that comes from genuine compatibility. Lovers speaks about integrating these two parts as one instead of thinking it's one or the other.
You also need to make sure to prioritize your own needs as well rather than get caught up in the heat of passion. I don't think this pile struggles at all with passion, but some emotional discretion is advised here. There could have been people surrounding past relationships who weren't really supportive of who you were with. Whether or not they were in the "right", it's left you a bit defensive over who you choose to be with. Please remember to take time away from every influence to listen to your own inner voice.
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Pile 4: Green (Emerald Swallowtail)
King of Pentacles; Stop, Pause, Goals, 23. Big Picture; 2 of Cups, XVII Star, XIV Temperance, 6 of Cup
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Oh wow, pile 4. Stop and Pause side by side, and then we have Goals on the bottom. Stopping goals! Says who?! Not you, Emerald Swallowtail, with the King of Pentacles in front. You must be a very career or school driven group. Money savvy, ambitious, and unafraid to chart unknown territory. You'll definitely be a catch for the next person you fall for.
Except it doesn't seem like you're in the mood for the dating scene at all. Not in the fun and casual sense anyway. You want someone serious and committed, right off the bat. Someone who's fiscally responsible and likely as driven as you. You want someone who comes right in, sits down, and presents themselves as a good partner as though they're interviewing for a job hoping the star will stand out of the pack. Mainly, you want to know exactly what you're in for before sticky things like emotions even enter the picture.
This pile seems similar to my pile 2. Maybe somebody in the past told you that as soon as you marry or get serious with someone, it's gonna affect your career or your stability and that sacrifices will inevitably be made. That seeking any kind of relationship is like stepping over huge boulders hoping your ankle won't fall through between the cracks. The thing is, emotions are already involved in this. Your next love will make you feel stable and secure, knowing that you don't have to push too hard to get by.
Moreover, your next love will LOVE that you're career oriented. They will not be threatened by your achievements. They can help you bring balance between the adult side of you that's disciplined and focused and the little kid in you who wants to play and explore. Your next love will help you expand beyond what you thought was possible in a relationship. You'll be half of a real power couple who can tackle anything together with forces combined.
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Pile 5: Purple (Emperor)
6 of Wands; Ideation, Open Heart, Hibernation, 2. Understanding; XII Hanged One, 10 of Cups, Page of Swords, 7 of Wands
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Hi, lovely pile 5! Your next love will simply make you feel like you're actually radiating. Notice all the little diamonds on the 6 of wands as well as the Ideation card? Your next love will feel more rare than diamonds, it will have you shining like one. There is such warmth with this pile, it's like the sense of having a good looking musician with a great smile gently guide your hand up on stage to let you be part of the show. Even if you're the shy type to stand back, your crush will rave about you enough to have you blushing. They'll root for your success even when you'd rather be modest.
I get with this pile that you may be slow to open up with new people, and that you would prefer to take your time in meeting someone serious. You may be just starting to dip your feet in the dating scene, perhaps for the first time. You're realizing that it's one thing to imagine what it'd be like to go out and meet new people, but it's another to actually do it. But I don't see any reason to worry too much here. Even if you come off as shy, people can sense the glow of your aura. You have a quiet but unabashed confidence and may attract that in your next partner as well.
If there's one thing I can advise for you, pile 5, is to avoid being over critical about who you would rather be or NOT be with. I mean overcritical about the little things. Try to avoid saying things like "I can't be with someone who chews too loud" because you could meet the love of your life where that happens to be their one and only flaw. If you allow compassion to rule here, then it will return back to you ten fold.
Your next love feels so smooth and romantic, your next crush will want to woo you. They will really go out their way to impress you and while they can be comfortable inside the house on rainy days, likely there will be chances to travel and share new experiences abroad. They'll love being with you but will work to warm you up to the wonders of life. They will yearn for your happiness, pile 5, your bliss will be their success! When your heart tells you it's safe, allow yourself to wander into a new adventure with someone who lights up your world inside and out.
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This reading has not been evaluated by the FDA to diagnose, prevent, treat, or cure any disease or infection. Please ask your physician before going online.
2023, @VitaminseeTarot ™
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capriciouscapsss · 1 year
How Will Your F/S Pursue You♚
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Book A Reading With Me 💞
today, as i finish up the last of my readings for the week, i am eager to return just to make another reading talking about how your f/s will pursue you! go ahead and book a reading if you'd like to learn more about your future spouse or don't, whatever's fine 😭 today I'm doing a short reading since again I don't have that much time but I still want to make something cute 💞 with that being said...let's get started 💞💞
we have four piles; intuitively choose the one you're most drawn to. 
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Pile I. woman sm*king
[8oS, 9oS, 2oS, KoW, 7oC, the fool, p, s.c]
your person pursues you in a more laidback way. they're very unsure of themselves, most of them not likely to go ahead and pursue you without being sure that you're even in to them in the first place. they're quite shy. i can see them being the type of people that only stare at you when they know you're not watching. looking at you when you look at something else with a small smile on their face. thinking of you constantly. asking themselves if you like them or not. they might even be in a state of unrest, a will they won't they type of thing when it comes to pursuing you.
once they know though...then they change. they start acting different. start carrying themselves with more confidence. they start joking about so much lmao, almost like since they know that you're reciprocating their energy they feel comfortable enough to show you their true selves. also the type that feels that, after knowing you like them, will start to fantasize a lot about what could be. like they see you somewhere and they think about you for hours after.
pursuing you would be them being super shy at first, acting like you're not there. and then once they start getting the vibe that you're feeing them as well, that's when they start vibing more. being spontaneous, saying stuff that'll catch you off guard. being more possessive, grabbing at your waist or simply just letting people know that there's something going on between you both.
now please understand, these people will mess up. they might not say the right thing or do the right thing all the time. in fact, i think the f/s of this pile will be the one that messes up the most. they're not that experienced in the area of love, but one thing i will tell you is that having them pursue you is chaotic and funny but most of all warm.
Pile II. lonely in a movie theater
[the emperor, 4oW, KoS, Justice, 10oC, 10oS]
smooth talker fr. someone who knows how to worm their way into the heart of who they're talking to. i feel like they like to talk about the future. when you both are together they might look at random stuff and tell you to think of both of you doing those things together. they make themselves appear bigger too lmao like a peacock showing off their feathers.
also, things will get a little dark for a second so bare with me but, they're not people who know what happiness exactly is. they don't have a good picture of a happy healthy relationship.
that's why they seem to chase it with such vigor. they want what they've never had. they've likely grown up around people with silver tongues, people that can say exactly what you want to hear. might even be a fan of baby talk or just sweetening their words a lot. i also feel like that your person might highlight your differences to them a great deal. for ex. if they have dark hair and you have light hair you'll hear them say "if we have kids, i want them to have your hair"
being with you will also put them out of their comfort zone, like finding out that their words can also be met with actions. their words speaking of their future with you and their actions making sure no one tries to get with you in order to make it happen. telling you your attractive and making sure they show you off at the same time.
Pile III. riding a motorcycle
[PoW, 9oP, 2oW, AoP, AoC,Strength]
a definite gift giver. like this is giving me taurus/2nd house venus energy. someone that doesn't know how to love in words or actions but they're definitely good gift givers. they're very romantic. whether it be a small gift or a big one they're definitely going to deliver.
they like showing you their idea of what a better life could be at their side. might like taking you on trips fully paid. they have moneyyy. i imagine them taking you to a vacation spot and telling you about this plate on the menu that they love but you haven't tried; they're going to do all they can to make sure you try it as well. even if it means you ordering two plates lmao.
also i believe that they could win you over by just being there for you. supporting you, making sure that you're well cared for. loving you even in the hardest of times. they'd like to also act like they were hurt in order for you to take care of them lmao.
probably likes teasing you and commenting on how much you love him more. how you're the one who's fallen hopelessly in love all whilst knowing that they're the one that's fallen hard. might be a little more on the dramatic side lmao, think wattpad king falling for the calm and collected wallflower.
Pile IV. riding in the passenger seat
[AoW, 9oS, 8oS, 2oC, The Fool, QoP]
a mess in a heart shaped bottle. they don't know how to act. they're the type of people that change tactics easily. one moment they're totally going to go for it and the next they don't know how to approach you correctly.
they're Katy Perry's "Hot and Cold" personified. like they remind me a bit of Stiles from Teen wolf. they can be the type of person that feels like they have a 15 year plan then just like he did, they throw caution to the wind and ditch all that for a chance to talk to you. their way of coming to you is from all angles and from no where all at once. acts like they have no interest and then they forget about all that and they're professing love to you.
they'll behave very weirdly lmao. i mean i can imagine them going to you and telling you about their plans with you. trying to win you over slowly. taking you on dates. treating you with care and respect. being careful to not even touch you LMAO and then i can see them forget about all that and just be spontaneous. taking you on last minute adventures, calling you out of the blue. stuff like that.
will get crazy if they find out someone's trying to steal you from them but they also love the chase. love knowing that you're into them but almost acting coy? I can also see them approaching you as a friend at first. Aquarius vibes? but with a stable purpose. so aqua and taurus mixed.
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k-looking-glass-house · 3 months
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What if Crowley uses "bird" vocabulary like Floyd with his marine nicknames....
Yes he's a crow ... Just imagine if he sees us as biiiiird~
Of course it's just my point of view, I am not a professional in ornithology, you might have your own idea about this one and I would definitely want to hear about it!
Mostly they are birds we could see in my country...
Let's go:
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Grim(m) -> Grey catbird (grey like Grimm, striped wings and can make cat noise....yes)
Yuu(sona) -> Sparrow (Crowley would definitely call Yuu a little sparrow....)
Night Raven College staff
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Sam -> Painted bunting (small, vibrant, colorful, a rare sight to view)
Mozus Trein -> Eurasian skylark (classy, well known literally a french song about this bird "he sung it to Lucius as a kitten")
Ashton Vargas -> Pheasant (....the irony as his Disney counterpart is an hunter, but vibrant color)
Divus Crewel -> Great spotted woodpecker (literally screaming I am Cruella, fashion red, black and white bird)
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Ace Trappola -> Nothern cardinal (red... funky feather style, fights their own mirror reflection...)
Deuce Spade -> Blue slaty bunting
Riddle Roseheart -> Robin (Hi Ciel Phantomhive...I mean Kuroshitsuji ref but look that little red face)
Trey Clover -> Nightingale (sorry Trey...Crowley is implying you can either sing...or can't...but you do have a perfect voice!)
Cater Diamond -> Pyrrhula (I love this little bird too....they became very rare by now, look this tiny orange one)
(Heartslabyul are literally the birds of Aurora in 2d "Sleeping beauty")
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Jack Howl -> Owl (....this one is pretty obvious)
Leona Kingscholar -> "Savanna" eagle (yes... definitely a strong bird)
Ruggie Bucchi -> Speckled mousebird (listen to that bird you'll understand, also....that feather hairstyle!)
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Jade Leech -> Emperor penguin (tall...classy ...can't fly pfff)
Azul Ashengrotto -> Nothern gannet (verrryyy big, analystic-smart one, can't walk on land...)
Floyd Leech -> Snare penguin (unique appareance, multiple various vocalized sounds)
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Kalim Al Asim -> White falcon (precious, royal bird in a "maybe similar related country in our world")
Jamil Viper -> Red Parrot (or macaw) (obviously because of Iago)
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Epel Felmier -> Snow bunting (a "petite robuste" bird living in snow)
Vil Schoenheit -> Peacock (beautiful, handsome literally The Evil Queen's bird)
Rook Hunt -> Mallard (another irony for an hunter...but this bird is beautiful I mean it, and is found everywheerrre (like a stalker bird ha ha))
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Idia Shroud -> Blue jay (blue, black and blue stripes, funny enough the bird is stated to be noisy ha ha, Idia can be supah noisy sometimes too when setting his boundaries, GG Idia!)
Ortho Shroud -> Eurasian blue tit (a little fluffy bird, blue and yellow doing a very cute melodious sound, I love watching them...)
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Sebek Zigvolt -> Egyptian plover (yes....the bird on the crocodile's back...yes)
Malleus Draconia -> Great eared nightjar (it's a dragon bird....look at him)/I could have chosen Casoar too... but nope...
Lilia Vanrouge -> Anna's hummingbird (it's small, pink and changes color with light...like his hairs)
Silver -> Nine-primaried oscines (a cute lovely bird in our woods, pink and blue)
Thanks National Geographic....
It's just pure fanon brainstorming... I'm sorry...
bird photos were mostly took from "Wikipedia"
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cirusthecitrus · 1 year
Horde Prime's body language and mannerisms part 1/3
T posing, head shaking and manspreading
I was always facinated with the way Prime moves and handles himself, but ever since I got officially obsessed with this character I began to notice more and more interesting quirks and signature Prime gestures - there are just so many. And now I'm going to (over)analyse them all!
1. Hands behind the back
Lets start with the classic "well mannered/disciplined character" pose
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It really suits his whole character and even makes Prime look like he's always plotting something (which he does). And it shows that HP clearly watches his posture and I'm glad he does like damn my man has such a good posture
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Also, I now have a theory that Prime keeps his arms behind his back so no one can see him fidgeting with his hands and fingers. Or he hides them in a way to restrain himself from touching everything he sees (I just cant help but to headcanon Horde Prime as a kinesthetic person who learns through touch and feeling)
2. Crossed legs
It's giving slut, its giving bad bitch, its giving if only I cared hon uwu and I love it
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The way he sits shows just how comfortable he feels on his throne and in his role as an emperor - he's right where he thinks he belongs. In his case crossed legs also indicate that Prime feels confident and in control. Even when Adora sees him during this whole vessel maintenance process, even when Catra turned against him, even when he was visiting the Fright Zone and sitting on Hordak's throne, even when a rebellion sparks on other occupied planets
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And yeah, sometimes the emphasis on his legs is so obvious that it looks very fanservice-y, but not that I mind that >:}
Eventually u get so used to him sitting like this that when Prime doesnt cross his legs it feels wrong and scandalous lol
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But this only happened like 3 times. And I think he only changes his pose when he needs to concentrate (like when he searches through someone's memories) or when he feels like he's losing control (like when he felt enraged after She-Ra and co escaped the Velvet Glove)
Though I cant explain why he manspreads in the last screenshot, its from Save the Cat and I have no idea why'd he do that, it feels so wrong pls make him stop I'm scared
3. The iconic Prime pose
He's actual signature pose that really fits his character. It's dramatic, it has some similarities with irl holy/religious imagery, it makes Prime look like he's taking even more space, and it kinda reminds me of the way peacocks show off their tails :)
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Gotta mention that when he doesnt do "the pose" Prime is still doing something with his arms and posing almost thetrically, which is again, right on brand for him
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3. The 👉👈
At first I didnt want to include this one cause I thought it was just an insignificant silly gesture he only does once, but then I actually caught Prime doing it again!
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Then I've noticed that Prime often does this thing when he folds his hands in various ways, kinda forming a shape of a rhomb/diamond? The same as the one on the Horde emblem?
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My main point is that HP again seems to never know where to put his hands, which I find cute :з
4. The thinking pose
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It's just funny how Prime always props his head on his left hand just so he won't accidentally poke his extra eyes out with his claws))
5. Smoothing the hair
I included this specifically because Prime only does this one time in the entire season. It's an uncharacteristic gesture for him. Especially since there's no hair to smooth, its all cabels with only little seen of his actual hair
Prime only did this after Scorpia disobeyed his order, letting Adora and Perfuma escape. For a moment he felt like he lost control over the situation AND one of his puppets, plus it was yet another time when She-Ra managed to survive and "win"
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I will speculate that Prime used to do this gesture all the time somewhere in the past, when he didnt have his cable hair yet AND when he had less control over his "subjects"
So when on Etheria Prime's plans began to fail for the first time in forever and someone who supposed to be under his full control actually dared to disobey him he felt so frustrated and stressed that he might've mentally come back to those times when he wasnt yet "all powerful". When he often felt the need to calm himself down by fixing his hair and running his hand over it
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What's interesting, Prime does something similar in this scene, only here he gives pets to one of his clones. I'm going to throw in another suggestion and say that it actually might've been someone else who used to help HP calm down in similar manner
6. Head shake
I could not stop thinking about this one simply because it annoyed me too much lol. I really don't get what is it with Prime always shaking his head and why it was only a thing in his debut episode. Anyway, he does this to emphasize the words "No" and "Never". And only when he is either really amused or angry. He also does this almost in a mocking condescending manner, probably because he saw Glimmer and Catra as some dumb children who won't get the message otherwise
Still don't get why he only does this in one episode and then this quirk of his is (mostly) completely forgotten
It was easier to make a video rather than a set of gifs, so enjoy me counting all the times when Prime shook his goddamn head
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peaterookie · 4 months
Elongated Emperor's Pokemon Infopost
hi!!! everyone!! This is a bit different from what i usually do A year ago, I've had these paradox pokemon designs sitting in the gutter, getting extremely dusty, so now I'm giving them a fresh new redesign and additional info about them!!
These pokemons are based off of @diamondpastry's OC, Longkii !!
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here's what he looks like. but this post isn't about him, it's about my thing. so shoo longkii
paradox pokemons are essentially variants of existing pokemon but reimagined into what they would look like in the past or in the future. it's much more complicated than that but i think i would be here all day if i have to explain everything throughly.
This post is for the past variant I have created, which is named Elongated Emperor. If you want to see the infopost for the future variant, Iron Launcher, then go here! >> [Iron Launcher's Infopost]
i will explain all the things about this big guy and go into his game info if he were to be in the gen 9 pokemon games, so let's get started on his design!!!
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silly goober!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
The main design inspiration for EE is that of the caterpillar and the man-eating worm. i can easily imagine a dangerous, giant, fat bug like this living in the past, and Longkii's very long body can easily be described as a worm. why would a bug have feathers and horns though? this is because paradox pokemon usually have very ridiculous features!
take the paradox version of Volcarona and Suicune for example. Slither Wing(left), despite being a bug pokemon, is covered with fur and has a rather out-of-place dinosaur tail. Walking Wake(right) on the other hand, changed from a leopard to a raptor and has two tails!! its kinda sick ngl
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these design philosophy are stuff i tried to incorporate in Elongated Emperor. I also tried to make it as colorful as possible and cover it with markings, much like a primitive animal.
The crown Longkii sports in the og design gets changed into red feathers, much like a peacock's feather that it uses to attract a female peacock. Instead of attracting a mate however, EE uses its feathers to attract its next meal. the red circles around the arms also for the same use, it isn't there just for show!
these two things have psychic, hypnotizing properties, which explains the secondary Psychic type.
I also want to explain the general personality and vibe i wanted to show through EE's design. The giant and tall stature shows a bit an imposing vibe, and its plump body is a sign of wealth and royalty, much like how fat people were seen in ancient civilizations. EE clearly does not need to do a lot to get a full meal everyday.
The colorful feathers and the markings on its face and fingers is there to show that it dresses to impress! To be a king, you have to look like one- no speck of dirt, no unkempt feathers. It wants to look as beautiful as possible, so no one would suspect that it hides a filthy and monsterous side to them....
Game Data
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this is the spread i made for EE's base stats! together it totals up to 570. i also want to preface that this is the first time that i've made up base stats for a pokemon so sorry if this is a really bad spread!! i would love to learn and improve for future project.
when making this, i wanted EE to basically be a bulky physical attacker with very slow speed to make up for it's bulk.
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its super high health is also supported by its unique ability, Prosperity! it essentially functions as a Big Root, where it heals an additional 30% HP when EE uses a move that heals itself. this will be made much more relevant when i get to its moveset.
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here are the pokedex entries! and no, i'm not telling you where the mouth is located, its more fun to see you figure it out for yourself !
i also wanted to write a lot more, here were some of my other ideas:
facts about it lounging around in caves
when a meal is too malnourishes, it hypnotizes the pokemon to stuff itself until it grows fat, then it will be eaten
facts on how it has the capacity to swallow an entire arbok whole
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lastly, here are the moves EE will learn throughout leveing! i have also made tm learnsets, but it's too long so i will be putting the sheet link for everyone to look at at the end of this post.
obviously, most of their attacking moves will deal physical damage as they have a higher attack than special attack. most paradox pokemon usually start out with pretty strong moves already so i also copied that as well. i also added a lot of healing moves at the beginning, and then a big power up in the form of Leech Life and other draining moves to match with its ability.
You can also notice that there's some moves that involves biting, this is in purpose to show that it has teeth :) The rest of the attacking moves involve them thrashing their body around. Given their shape, they shouldn't learn any high-precision moves.
I should also mention the highlighted move, Fast Food. this is a signature move of EE made by a friend in Dia's server, Gold! so tysm for this idea.
Fast Food - Elongated Emperor rushes to take a ferocious bite of the target that can last 3-6 turns. If the target is holding a Berry, there's heightened chance of it biting longer. Restores 5% of health per hit. (+1 priority)
ngl, i think this pokemon may be a teensy bit overpowered.
i think if i were to have this guy in my team, i would give it these moves (i am not a comp person so please dont bully me for these choices 🥺)
Item: Leftovers Leech Life | Zen Headbutt | Drain Punch | Belly Drum
Anyways, that's all I got for Elongated Emperor! I hope you found the silly gluttonous worm cool to read about. Stay tuned for a post about Iron Launcher and goooodbye
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shiyorin · 11 months
This is WIP "Addiction", and like I said All -------> Reader :v
(I love all your silly ideas.)
Amongst the Primarchs, feelings of desire and affection were weaknesses best buried deep. Honor and duty formed the pillars of their lives, with little room for softer sentiments.
In the quiet corners of their minds, each Primarch nurtured a secret longing for the same person, about you, an Imperial Agent.
When you enter their chamber, their eyes find you out, drinking in your graceful form and aloof. When you departed, their thoughts lingered on fleeting glimpses of skin, a curve of the lips suggesting a hidden smile.
They told themselves your presence meant nothing, you were but a tool, and deserved neither their notice nor care. But you remain etched in their memory, haunting the desires they dared not speak aloud.
When your name arose in conversation, each of them listened with keen interest under the guise of strategy or necessity. They poured over reports bearing your sigil, seeking any new morsel of insight, awaken dormant longings within their hardened hearts. They contemplated all the things they imagined you might be, a prize to be won, a mind to bend to their will, a body to claim, a fleeting moment of solace. Fantastical musings, soon banished with derision at their own foolishness.
The Primarchs would banter and plan wars, oblivious to how each mind wandered elsewhere, to fleeting imaginings of limbs entwined, hands caressing cold skin brought to strange warmth, lips parting in sighs never meant for them. You, who had awakened desires long thought dead within unyielding souls.
But such impossible visions must remain unspoken, poisonous fruitless imaginings better left buried. They continued on, concealing aching desire behind masks of duty and pride. All wondering if any hint of their secret longing would betray itself, should you ever truly look upon them and see.
The Emperor sat upon his golden throne, deep in thought. Unknown to his sons, he was aware of their hidden longings for an Imperial Agent. And this one who had unknowingly captured the hearts of his mighty sons. The Primarchs, great generals crafted to span galaxies and shape Imperium, now found themselves longing for the simple nearness of one so seemingly without artifice.
Their feelings were neither surprising nor shameful, but had the potential to cause discord if left unchecked. Discreet intervention may be needed.
The Emperor chuckled softly. "It is the way of things." He said to you. "Great beasts in nature preen and prance, trying their best to impress the one they desire. They become awkward, stubborn creatures, guided not by reason but longing."
He remembered well those struggles, those endless games of courtship played out in the guise of duty and honor. And though his sons were made for mightier things, part of him rejoiced to see stirrings of love within their stony hearts.
"My Emperor, forgive me for my ignorance but I don't understand." You confused.
The Emperor smiled. "Like peacocks displaying their plumage."
You are oblivious to the Emperor's hints. Still remained focused solely on relaying information, missing the sign in his words.
The Emperor sighed. "As dawn breaks and the flowers blossom." He continued. His words grew more obscure, comparing his sons to suitors hoping to catch the eye of a beloved. Yet still you did not grasp his meaning.
The Emperor suppressed a chuckle. "As seeds drifting on the wind, hoping to find purchase in fertile soil." he said wryly. You listened, but still blind to its context.
The Emperor's smile widened. "How unfortunate that so many should work, while you remain oblivious to their achievement."
You bowed, taking leave in confusion. The Emperor sighed. His sons' affections were obvious to him, but they themselves were blind. You were untouched, seemingly unable to perceive how you had captivated the hearts of beings never meant for softness.
Although his great plans were set in motion, he saw now how one small change, one cracked egg in the nest, could unravel it all. The tiniest mortal, a mote of forgotten dust, now held the hearts of his greatest designs within the unaware hands.
He wondered, if you ever understood. If amidst all their plans and war, your simple "Yes" might reweave their fates in ways beyond any vision, any cunning or will he possessed.
The Emperor paused, considering. Perhaps it was for the best that his subtle hints fell on deaf ears. What good would come from you knowing the power you held, without ever asking for it?
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thebearemoji · 7 months
Thinking about kayn and his skins
I swear I'm gonna make it the length of this post without being a freak.
What is it about knock off Sasuke thats stuck in my craw? Its not like league has a shortage of edgy designs to choose from, so why does Kayn hit so differently?
For me the answer is pretty clear, the most interesting thing about kayn... is rhaast.
Kayn and rhaast deserve each other, a pair of power hungry killers fighting to consume the other and achieve incredible power. The never ending battle for control of kayn's body plays out every time you lock him in. Which of them will snuff out the other this time? Will kayn master his abilities? Or succumb to his demons?
There's no other champion like it, by playing kayn you actively play out his lore. It's so satisfying every time I see rhaast vanquish his naive counterpart or kayn purge the darkin once and for all. Genuinely never gets old.
Theres THIRTY-TWO MINUTES of voice over content, banter between him and rhaast that still makes me laugh even though I've been playing this skin for 5 years. To be clear, odyssey kayn is my favorite skin in the game, an absolutely perfect reimagining for a champion with so much potential.
The odyssey skin took it one step further. It made the characters... interesting. Gone are the try hard lines and grittiness, replaced with campe gregarious fun. Kayn goes from stuffy and dull in canon to a flamboyant and tyrannical space emperor. Rhaast retains much of the role he had before, the devil on kayn's shoulder trying to tempt him to embrace power until its too late. But as kayn let's his hair down, so does rhaast, letting him have a lot more fun dialogue as well. The amount of personality these two have crammed into them... Odyssey kayn and rhaast are an absolute delight to listen to.
My affection for odyssey aside, kayn has been fortunate. He's recently received a second legendary skin for the heartsteel event. This skin is a bit of a mixed bag for me, visually it's my favorite of the line, I love his loud colors and bright pink hair. I love the look of the scythe and the vfk. His verse in the music video was awesome, sounded just like rhaast rapping. But where odyssey succeeded in realizing the character's potential, Heartsteel falls short of the mark.
Heartsteel kayn only gets 11 minutes of voice over, which was already a red flag for me when I was hoping for more banter between the two characters. But a grand majority of this is base kayn peacocking, delightful to be sure, but... where's rhaast? Rhaast echoes almost every line base and odyssey Kayn say, he's constantly taunting him constantly chiming in. But he has maybe a quarter of lines that kayn does in heartsteel, and often they're standalone.
This skin takes a different approach to the relationship between kayn and rhaast, in the heartsteel universe, rhaast isn't kayn's enemy but more his... alter ego. If anything they seem to be allies in this skin, they even hang around after kayn's passive is completed and one usually dies. But this doesn't feel explored at all by the voice work.
If the purpose of this skin was to explore a scenario in which Kayn and rhaast are allies, then it's a failure. It seems more like this skin was meant to hide rhaast entirely, which is a damn shame since... Rhaast is the most interesting thing about kayn. It's a nice skin, but doesn't compare to odyssey imo.
(Cough cough) Also the voice over doesn't get new lines after transforming... which is a feature base kayn has... so its less that kayn/rhaast stick around after the transformation and more that this skin only has 1/3 of the voice work that base and odyssey do...(cough)
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hulijingemperor2 · 25 days
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Rusong: *standing outside A-qing's door*
A-qing: *coming out, wearing a beautiful pastel green dress~ along with accessories, her gifted comb, and makeup*
Rusong: *glancing at her*
A-qing: *blushing*
Rusong: you look pretty.
A-qing: thanks. Mo xuanyu did my makeup.
Rusong: that's sweet of uncle Mo.
*grabs her hand and lovingly placed his lips on her ear*
A-qing: R....Rusong....*turning red* what if someone....sees us.....
Rusong: *hugs* everyone knows that we're a couple. And who dares to eavsdrop on us.
A-qing: oh. *blushing* then, I can do this.
*kisses his dimple*
Rusong: *looks into her eyes*
A-qing: Rusong, you have a cute little smile.
Rusong: *lifts chin* you too.
Shall we, A-qing?
A-qing: let's go.
The party was in full swing! The Junior quartet were there sampling wine while a notorious Gumihos, Kitsunes and Hulijings were lounging around, having a good time.
Everyone present were either young business heirs~ and heiresses, or the elite.
Hey Dianxia,
Greetings, Dianxia.
Rusong: hello. Glad you can make it. *smile*
Your party is awesome as always, Dianxia.
Rusong: Jingyi and I had planned it.
Oh nice!
Rusong: mn. This is my girlfriend, A-qing.
You two make a perfect pair.
A-qing: *shy* nice to meet you guys.
Like his A-Die, Rusong loves mingling with the elite and being a proper host.
You have good tastes in women, Dianxia.
Love your style, Wangfei.
A-qing: ah. We're not married yet. *blushing intensely*
And I don't get that a lot.
Rusong: isn't she adorable? She's so cute when she blushes.
Of course Dianxia. She's extremely adorable.
Rusong: A-qing these are the children of merchants, ministers business owners, marquise, and minor nobles.
A-qing: ohh. (Rich Dianxia has rich friends)
Rusong: we'll be over there if you need anything.
Or if you can't find me, just look for er Dianxia.
You're a wonderful host!
Er Dianxia! *hugs*
Jingyi: hey dude.
We came all the way to Korea.
Jingyi: ohh! My Gumiho counterparts.
Jingyi: pleasure to meet you.
Jingyi: *exhales*
Jinling: finally, you got a job.
Jingyi: Jinling I always had a job. I'm a cultivator!
Jinling: dude that's more of a sport.
Jingyi: cultivation is hard work.
Sizhui: oh guys, don't argue. I totally agree that cultivation is a task by itself.
Jingyi: thank you Sizhui. My well wisher.
Ouyang Zizhen: *chugging down some more wine*
Jingyi: I don't know how Rusong can host a party. It's kinda tough.
Rusong: what's so tough?
Quartet: Rusong!!!
Rusong: hey guys.
Ouyang zizhen: hi Dianxia. And A-qing.
Sizhui: Dianxia. Who's this?
Jingyi: she's my sister-in-law. I'll beat someone up if they do anything to her.
A-qing: since when are nice. Where did your bossiness go.
Jingyi: Jinling was rubbing off on me so that's why I was bossy.
Jinling: hey!
Rusong: she's my girlfriend, Sizhui gege.
Ouyang Zizhen: well we all know the bro code. Our bro's gf is our sister-in-law and we got to protect them.
A-qing: ahh.
Jinling: Rusong, you didn't tell me this!
*nudges* why?!
Rusong: because it wasn't official yet.
Jinling: congrats Song. You little chick magnet.
Rusong: *laughing* thanks Ling gege!
A-qing: who are you? And why do you look like the scary peacock?
Jingyi: that's mistress Jin. Aka princess Jin.
A-qing: lol why are you calling him mistress Jin.
Jingyi: soon you'll find out.
Rusong: A-qing. This is my cousin, Jinling.
He's also like a brother.
A-qing: ohh waww. He looks so fancy, like you.
Jinling: thanks a lot.
And you better treat my baby cousin right.
A-qing: yea I got it.
So you're a Wangzi too?
Jinling: yes. My A-Die is the emperor.
The one you called the scary peacock.
A-qing: my bad.
Jinling: you shouldn't talk about my A-Die like that.
A-qing: fine.
Anyways, you two are the next generation of peacock and fox.
Rusong: exactly.
Jinling: we'll be Huangdis soon! *rests his arm on Rusong's shoulder* just Rusong and I, running the empire.
A-qing: cool!
Jingyi: I'll get so drunk on that day. Celebrating Rusong.
Then I'll congratulate Jinling.
Jinling: you can't stop being sour, can't you.
A-qing: I'm happy that you guys have a healthy bond!
Sizhui: mhm. Yes we do.
Where are you from?
A-qing: Yi city!!
You know. Coffin town!
Jingyi: that foggy place we went, Sizhui. Your remember?
Jinling: your brain is foggy.
Jingyi: because I'm sharing a brain cell with you.
Sizhui: I remember. We were doing some night hunting there once.
Ouyang Zizhen: isn't she gorgeous? Even though we're sharing Rusong Dianxia.
Rusong: ehem.
Ouyang Zizhen: sorry.
Rusong, you and your dimples had really attracted a beauty, as well as myself. Um...
How are you so charming.
Rusong: I think i do it without trying.
Ouyang Zizhen: Rusong, you're fab.
Jinling: you're so suspicious.
Sizhui: in Yi city, we were almost attacked by xue yang.
Jingyi: oh yea! I forgot about that!
A-qing: because you guys were trespassing. He doesn't like when people are in his territory, and also he was already in a bad mood.
Ouyang Zizhen: what happened to him? How can a hot dude be in a bad mood.
Rusong is never in a bad mood...*panics* not that I'm saying you're hot! Well...you are....Rusong, it isn't about you.
Rusong: *confused*
A-qing: he was in a bad mood because Songlan tried to choke him, then he went away with Xingchen.
And on top of that he accidentally soiled his xingchen cosplay.
Jingyi: with dirt?
A-qing: no. With blood.
And blood stains.
Rusong: as expected of uncle muffin.
A-qing: Are you guys princes too?
Sizhui: cultivators.
A-qing: you're Wangxian's kid?
Sizhui: yes. I was originally a wen.
A-qing: ohhhhh xue yang told me a lot about you! And how your parents do everyday means everyday.
Sizhui: haha. That's what they do best.
Ouyang Zizhen: I'm the sect leader of the Bailing Ouyang clan. For now I'm doing sect leader training.
A-qing: that's great.
Sizhui: and I'm the Wen sect leader.
Aqing: ohh. Well my Rusong is~
Sizhui: the Laoling Qin sect leader.
I know. He's awesome.
Aqing: right!
Afterwards some Kitsunes and Gumihos came and greeted Rusong and Jingyi.
Rusong: hey guys. *speaking Japanese*
Kitsunes: *heart melting*
Yes yes, Dianxia. We're enjoying ourselves.
Dianxia, your Japanese is so cute and quite proper.
Rusong: thank you. I practiced.
Ouyang zizhen: *shocked* Rusong knows Japanese?!
Jinling: and Korean. He has been able to speak them since childhood. Thanks to Xiao shushu and a couple of tutors.
Jingyi: my bro is super talented.
I'm still taking classes for those two languages.
Sizhui: that's cool!
Jinling: I hope you don't stress out the hulijings.
Some random Gumiho: Dianxia, can you tell a joke in Korean?
Rusong: my Korean is still rusty but I'll try. Just for you.
If A-Die was here, he would have helped me.
Er Dianxia, we want to hear your Japanese too.
Jingyi: ok guys. *speaks Japanese*
Awe. Brilliant!
But practice makes perfect!
Jingyi: yea I got to keep practicing.
Gumihos: *cracking up* Dianxia you have one wicked humor.
Rusong: glad you like, lol.
A-qing: Rusong, Rusong. Tell me something pretty in Japanese.
Rusong: *lifts chin* like?
A-qing: something what will make me blush.
Rusong: Anata wa watashi no monodesu.
A-qing: now what does that mean?
Rusong: *kisses her in her forehead* you're mine.
A-qing: *blushing* Rusong.
Rusong: it's true.
Ouyang Zizhen: awwwwwwww. I ship you two!!
A-qing: now i want to learn Japanese so I can understand you and your love talks.
Rusong: *smiling* as you wish.
Ouyang Zizhen: bro, isn't that your code language.
Rusong: nop. My Yunping dialect is. *wink*
Ouyang zizhen: nice!
Jinling: Rusong is very smart as always.
Sizhui: very charming.
Rusong: oh guys.
Lol, let's go take some cocktails. Shrimp and wine.
Jingyi: right behind you! You diva.
Rusong: A-qing, what type of wine do you want?
There's Korean wine there too.
A-qing: well let me go with the Korean one then.
Rusong: delightful choice.
Try the takju.
It's the best.
A-qing: ahh.
In Jing Manor's main mansion 📍.
Yao: *reclining while eating shrimp and drinking expensive wine from Dongying.
Xue yang: diva. Your shrimp is bussin.
Mo xuanyu: are these from Song'er and Jingyi's party?
Yao: mhm.
Su she: *sipping wine* I bet this will get Lan lips drunk.
Mo xuanyu: one way to find out!!!
Xue yang: Dianxia got some expensive stuff for his bash.
Yao: because he's Song'er.
He has the best things.
Su she: Song'er was born a diva.
Yao: exactly.
Xue yang: Jiggy, Jiggy, let's do some sexy roleplay nah. Since the juniors are busy partying.
Su she: stop acting like wei wuxian.
Anyways, can we, Huangdi?
Mo xuanyu: with your whip.
Yao: *laughing* I don't see why not.
Mo xuanyu: let's do it in your torture chamber.
Yao: excellent idea.
*stood up* i need some more wine.
Xiying: yes Huangdi. I'll order more wine and deliver it to your torture chambers
Fuying: should I get you your execution heels?
Team dimple: YES!!!!
Yao: *glares at them. Then looks at his attendant* certainly, Fuying. Please get them.
(Whenever Yao huangdi operates his torture chamber or handles criminals, he would wear high heeled boots. He has countless pairs of high heeled boots but these are his execution boots~ which are kept in another place.
Hulijings are hoarders when it comes to their Huangdi)
Fuying: yes Huangdi.
Torture chambers 📍
Yao: *sitting while his fox spirit servants put his execution boots on him, as well as poured him wine and fanned him*
Other fox spirits: *clinging on to their emperor*
Team dimple: *wiping their nosebleed*
Mo xuanyu: Yao gege looks so powerful with his fox spirits.
Su she: he's definitely the lord of fox spirits.
Xue yang: Jiggy can take over the world with them. I'll find it very hot if he do.
Yao: team d.
Trio: *falls on their knees*
Yao: relax. I just called you.
Do you want me to chain you myself. Or should I ask my fox spirits to do it.
Su she: do anything you like, Huangdi.
Xue yang: *grinning*
Yao: *puts some shackles on mo xuanyu* A-Yu.
Mo xuanyu: *blushing* Yao gege.
Yao: I'm going to chain you to a post. *caresses mxy's lips* but don't worry. Team dimple will keep you company.
Mo xuanyu: do whatever, Yao gege.
Yao: perfect hostage. *lifts chin*
*turns to his servants* get the Lan.
Hulijings: yes Huangdi.
Mo xuanyu: why Lan lips?! He doesn't deserve you, Yao gege.
Yao: shhh. *kisses*
Mo xuanyu: oh my goodness.
Yao: don't quarrel. *pats his cheek playfully*
Yao:  xue yang.
Xue yang: *grinning* what do you want Jiggylicious. *goes to hug him*
Yao: *grabs his chin* not so fast.
Xue yang: are you gonna destroy me?
Yao: certainly, my little delinquent.
Xue yang: *goes to touch A-Yao's butt*
Yao: *hits him with his fan.*
Xue yang: dang Jiggy. Why are you protecting your cakes like that.
Are you preserving them for Xichen?
Yao: *glares at him*
*then chained him up and tied him next to mo xuanyu.*
Xue yang: can I have one kiss?! That little cutesleeve xuanyu got one!
Mo xuanyu: because Yao gege loves me!
Xue yang: he loves me more!
Mo xuanyu: I don't believe that!
Yao: enough!
Both: yes Huangdi.
Yao: *caressing xue yang's face* my delinquent. Why are you upset. *shows him some candy* hungry?
Xue yang: for those lips of yours.
Yao: *throws the candy away* as you wish.
Xue yang: how is my savage Jiggylicious not fighting me tonight.
Yao: because I'm a fair person. Everyone deserves a kiss.
*kisses passionately*
Xue yang: Jiggy. You're so sweet! Like honey!
Like candy.  
Yao: ah really.
Xue yang: I love you. You make me feel so drunk! Ah!
Yao: *smiling* do you want to kiss the dimple.
Xue yang: hell yea.
Yao: mn.
Su she: *kowtowing* I'm here, my emperor. I was waiting for you to chain me up.
*kneels before him and kisses A-Yao's hands*
Yao: my dear. You're the sweetest thing.
Su she: here are the chains and shackles.
Should I bring your whip?
Yao: *amused*
Yao: that isn't necessary. But I'll indeed chain you.
Su she: *stood up*
Yao: *pecks him* devoted henchman.
Mo xuanyu and xue yang: *jealous*
Su she: Huangdi, all my masculine energy is yours. Feel free to use me.
Yao: I'll never hurt you, Shanshan.
*Chains him up*
Hulijings: *coming in with Xichen*
Yao: hi Huan. *sits and crosses his legs*
Xichen: *astonished by his surroundings and A-Yao who was surrounded by fox spirits*
A-Yao you have a whole torture chamber?!
Yao: mn.
Do you like?
Su she: do you have a problem, Lan lips!
Mo xuanyu: you can leave if you want.
Xue yang: I don't know why this hot emperor Yao even called you.
Yao: *sips some wine*
Xichen: *kneels* A-Yao Huangdi.
Yao: *grabs Xichen's flute and lifted Xichen's chin with it*
Don't listen to team dimple.
Would you stay with me?
Xichen: *hiccups*
Yao: *using the flute to caress Xichen's face* excellent.
Xichen: *hiccups* A-Yao Huangdi, are those heels you're wearing? *hiccups*
Yao: yep. 
Xichen: you look hot, my love. *kisses*
Yao: *kisses him some more*
Xichen: *rubbing A-Yao's hips affectionately* 
Yao: *amused by him*
Huan, I feel cold.
Mo xuanyu: Lan lips, how dare you give Yao gege discomfort.
Su she: evil Lan.
Yao: guys. He didn't give me discomfort.
Winter is about to come soon, so nights would be chilly.
Su she: this Lan lips is turning everything into the cloud recesses.
Yao: *laughing*
Xichen: take my outer robes, A-Yao! You'll feel warmer.
Yao: *looking at his attendants* take it off for him.
And don't touch his headband.
Yes huangdi.
Attendants: *putting the lan robes on him*
Yao: since you're mine Huan, if someone else touches your headband,
they might lose their fingers.
Xue yang: why is Jiggy so hot.
Su she: I know right.
Yao: *ties Xichen's hands with his headband* beautiful.
Xichen: *blushing*
Yao: *drags him* let's go, Lan lips.
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dansnaturepictures · 10 months
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Seven of my favourite photos I took in July 2023 and month summary
The photos are of; Marmalade hoverfly at Egleton Nature Reserve at Rutland Water, view at Andrews Mare in the New Forest, Brown Hairstreak at Shipton Bellinger, Chalkhill Blue at Stockbridge Down, Four-spotted Chaser at Hickling Broad, water mint at Lakeside Country Park and White Storks at Knepp.
July was another fantastic wild month for me with so much seen and so many places visited, a key part of real core weeks in my wildlife year. We saw and did so much it feels as though things right at the start were more than a month ago!
It was one of my greatest ever months of butterflies. There were nine excellent species additions to my year; the dream moment when we were amazed to see a Swallowtail in Norfolk, another very successful Purple Emperor search at Knepp seeing them so well as well as Silver-washed Fritillary, White Admiral and lovely White-letter Hairstreak, always a quintessential summer moment I think seeing beautiful Chalkhill Blues at Stockbridge Down and Brown Hairstreak, Wall Brown and Silver-spotted Skipper on an extraordinary day at Shipton Bellinger and Perham Down making my butterfly year list my highest ever. Purple Hairstreak at Knepp and various times at Lakeside was another key butterfly I loved seeing this month, with Marbled White, Ringlet and Small Skipper enjoyed too. The arrival of Big Butterfly Count was something I enjoyed doing, counting the butterflies to help inform how species are doing again. This also helped uncover (although I’d have surely noticed anyway) for me that we are onto a bumper year of Red Admirals with so many around which has been fun. Gatekeeper, Meadow Brown, Small White, Green-veined White, Holly Blue, Common Blue, Comma, Peacock, Brimstone, Small Copper and Small Tortoiseshell were other of the target species enjoyed, with Brown Argus seen nicely this month too. Six-spot Burnet which I’ve also seen so many of this year and Silver Y are day flying moths in the count I’ve liked seeing this month in another good one for moths with my first ever Forester a pretty one and a Mint moth at Stockbridge Down as well as Synaphe punctalis on that pivotal insect day for me as well as Yellow Shell at Knepp, a few Bird-cherry Ermine at Rutland Water and Shipton Bellinger, Pearl Veneer at Lakeside and Pyrausta nigrata at Shipton Bellinger key ones seen.
Bird wise it was another smashing month, with a charming Ruddy Shelduck seen at Petersfield Heath Pond, an inspiring day at Knepp getting exquisite views of the monumental White Storks young and old, of course another valuable chance to see the astonishing and wondrous Bee-eaters at Trimingham on the Norfolk trip and in among all the inspiring talks and lovely interaction at the Bird Fair my first Green Sandpiper and Yellow-legged Gulls of the year at Rutland Water’s Egleton reserve during that long weekend both top birds of my year. On those two weekends away this month part of one of my best runs of weekends throughout the year with so much packed in and many big trips we like to do going to Norfolk and Rutland stunning views of majestic Marsh Harrier, exceptional views of Osprey including seeing one hunt, Hobby seen extremely well and at both gorgeous Great White Egrets so well established in those areas now were other big highlights, with Egyptian Geese enjoyed at both and the Petersfield Heath Pond visit including seeing young. Sand Martin, Common Tern, Blackcap, Linnet and Yellowhammer were other standouts this month, with the Lakeside Great Crested Grebes with both families doing well I really enjoyed seeing multiple times as well as Moorhens with young, seeing Peregrines in Winchester including the chick Rosie too. I have also really appreciated Swift and House Martin this month especially on patch, and with gull numbers going up again at Lakeside young Black-headed and also an adult Mediterranean Gull were key moments there this month.
It was also one of my best ever months for dazzling dragonflies and damselflies, with our first ever Norfolk Hawkers, Brown Hawker, Ruddy Darter and Emerald Damselfly coming into our year on the Norfolk trip, Brown Hawker enjoyed again alongside immense Southern Hawker views at Rutland Water with Common Darter, Four-spotted Chaser and locally and further afield Black-tailed Skimmer seen well this month. It was a top month of mammals with smashing views of Water Vole and Stoat at Rutland Water and Stockbridge Down on the long weekend, big mammals in what has got to be my best year of mammals with so many amazing species seen. Fallow and Muntjac Deers at Knepp and Norfolk respectively added to those brilliant times. There were lots of great moments with other insects with Black Clock beetle, Peacock butterfly caterpillar and Garden Tiger moth caterpillar at Hickling Broad, Marmalade (also seen at Lakeside) and Long Hoverfly at Egleton, Rutland Water in a strong month of hoverflies, striking and symbolic of summer Cinnabar moth caterpillars first seeing these at Knepp, so many Common Red Soldier beetles seen what a stalwart of summer, Black-and-yellow longhorn beetle something I was fixated on at Lakeside and Meadow grasshopper at Stockbridge Down with Common Field Grasshopper at Lakeside standing out with nice spider moments too.
In my plant year July felt like the very mature time in the flower year it is with some of the last flowers I expect to see blooming including hemp agrimony, water mint and red bartsia. Wild carrot, marjoram and basil, great willowherb, purple loosestrife, bird vetch, pyramidal orchid, St. John’s-wort, centaury, restharrow, scabious, mallow, scarlet pimpernel, many white clovers, rosebay willowherb, lady’s bedstraw, cuckoo-pint and agrimony have been others that stood out this month. With wetland, coast, meadow, rich grassland, lakes and woodland explored I enjoyed many breathtaking and panoramic views this month, as the weather was interestingly changeable. Have a good August all.
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Zixuan: *fanning himself*
Yao: *relaxing while Su she groomed his tail*
Jintang: Huangdi.....ehem, two Huangdis. Your tea.
Zixuan: thank you very much.
Yao: thanks.
Yao: Shanshan, you're so amazing. You're doing a good job.
Su she: *bhlush* thank you, Yaoyao.
Xue yang: *chewing on some candy* Jiggybuns.
Yao: yangyang.
Zixuan: excuse me? You have your people calling you by nicknames? And not by Huangdi?
Xue yang: I can call Jiggy however I want!! Peacock!!
Yao: because they're my besties, Zish.
Other than my team dimple, I'm down to earth with everyone.
I think that your attendants should give you a nickname too.
Zixuan: ohh. How does Dearest Huangdi sound?
Yao: *laughs and nods*
Xue yang: Jiggybun what about you and that peacock...... I mean zIxUaN Huangdi's loser good-for-nothing, deadbeat, womanizer dad?
Mo xuanyu: Jin guangshan!
Yao and Zixuan: *bursting out in laughter*
Zixuan: he's renting Jinlintai from us.
Yao: we inherited it, so we thought of letting him rent it out from us.
Extra revenue for our empire.
Mo xuanyu: lol you did what?!!
Yao: remember your extra allowance? That was from guangshan's rent.
Zixuan: oh come on. He gave us childhood trauma. And mistreated our moms, plus other unknown women.
Mo xuanyu: you're so amazing! I'm so blessed to have brothers like you!
Xue yang: ahahaahahhaah. So guangshit is renting from you two!!! Oh gosh!
I wonder how he reacted.
Zixuan: he cursed.
Yao: then cried because he's going to lose money.
But his tears were only soiling up our rugs.
Zixuan: so sadly we had to get it replaced.
Yao: even his clothes belongs to us.
Mo xuanyu: what about madam Jin?
Yao: we did nothing to her.
Su she: and what about Jinling?
Zixuan: He's living with me. And now is Ru Lan Wang zi. He also stays with Jiang cheng. 
Xue yang: like you saved everyone from guangshan.
Zixuan: exactly.
Yao: isn't our gorgeous peacock emperor amazing?
Zixuan: isn't our splendid fox emperor amazing?
Xue yang: you two are divas.
*clapping* but heroes too!
Su she: where's stinky Zixun?
Zixuan: *laughs* he's my gardener.
Yao: what?! That's hilarious.
Zixuan: also he sweeps the steps of Jinlintai on weekends.
Mo xuanyu: oh my.
Yao: lovely.
Zixuan: he bullied my little bro.
I must do something about it right?
Yao: aww.
Yao: anyways, speaking of which. Aren't we supposed to collect money?
Zixuan: *sips tea* ask someone to do it, yaoyao.
Yao: let's visit him in person. *smile* and you know. Make ourselves comfortable.
Zixuan: ooo. Yaoyao. So devious.
Yao: thank you, Zish.
Xue yang: so is guangshit an emperor?
Zixuan: *spits out tea*
Jintang: *wipes mouth*
Yao: he doesn't have an imperial bone in his body, yangyang.
My A-niang was once a hulijing empress, but she was denounced as a prostitute.
Zixuan: and mine, a.k.a. Madam Jin was the peacock spirit empress, but she denounced it when she got married.
Sadly in Lanling, women weren't allowed to work or show strength.
However that has been changed, and now there are more female cultivators.
Poor Mianmian had to struggle though, but unfortunately left.
Xue yang: kind of strange how it happened twice. Lol.
Yao: Yea. Now he's just a clan leader. Well. Was.
Zixuan: when A-ling comes of age, he'll become the Jin sect leader, and I'll gift him a tiny empire of his own.
Mo xuanyu: so is there anything special?! These beings  love to find significance in everything.
Yao: oh yes. The imperial expression.
He's  golden + lineage + qualities.
Zixuan: and he's  dimples + qualities + lineage too.
Xue yang: not the dimples again. Lol.
Yao: *laughs*
Zixuan: I didn't like how he treated my siblings so I planned to protect them, as well as use my potential to build my own empire.
Yao: same!
Zixuan: right. And A-Su lives with me. She's A-li's bestie.
But she has her own mansion.
Yao: that's so good to hear.
Yao: ah, I think we should go now.
We're getting late.
Zixuan: right. Let's go.
Yao: Hou, please arrange a caravan.
Hou: yes Huangdi.
Yao: team dimple, you comin'?
Su she: of course!
Xue yang: I want to see how badass Jiggy is!!!!!
Mo xuanyu: definitely!
Yao: great. Make that two~~
Xue yang: Jiggy, Jiggy, Jiggy. We're not princesses. Not even divas like you two. We'll pull up on our swords!
Yao: hahaha. Fine.
Zixuan: when am I a diva?!
Xue yang: when aren't you a diva.
Zixuan: hmpf!
Hulijings: *surrounding the place*
Peacocks: *biting cultivators who try to stop them*
Yao and Zixuan:  *sit on the Jin throne*
Zixuan: why are you shocked? Aren't you going to greet us? Ill mannered! *opens fan furiously*
Yao: should I use my golden strings to punish them?!
Zixuan: that may be the last resort!
Jin sect members: greetings.
Yao: where's guangshan.
Yao: xue yang, darling. Can you drag him out?!
Xue yang: yea.
Guangshan:*runs in* landlords, landlords. I'm here!
Ugh bastard child we meet again.
Zixuan, hold on I got your money.
Yao: who are you calling bastard child.
Certainly not your landlord. Who give you a roof over your head.
Zixuan: you must pay both of us, remember. Have you forgotten?
Xue yang: his poor old brain. It slipped him!
Jgs: how dare you let your nasty hulijings run all over my place!!!
Yao: our place.
Ours as in mine and Zixuan's
Jgs: nothing belongs to you! Yao!!
Yao: *saunters, and rests his fan under jgss chin* Huangdi.
Jgs: *deliberately sneezes on Yao*
Yao: agh!!! Ew!! *walks away furiously*
Su she: *wipes him up.* relax, Huangdi, relax.
Zixuan: so much trouble to pay us? So bad.
Jgs: I'm fed up of paying you and that bastard! I can't even remember his name for a second!
Yao: *smiles ominously.*
*pins him on the floor with guqin strings*
Jgs: hey! Untie me!!!
Yao: *sits and opens fan*
Su she: *massaging his arm*
I'll help calm you.
He doesn't know your rage.
Xue yang: *unsheaths sword*
Zixuan: someone, get me some tea.
Jintang: sure Huangdi.
Yao: former sect leader. Do you like perfume?
Jgs: cut the small talk and get out!! I'll push you down the stairs again!
Mo xuanyu: the audacity.
Yao: answer the question.
Xue yang: *glaring mischievously while caressing his Jiangzai*
Jgs: yea. I do like perfume.
Yao: good.
My hulijings.
Hulijing bunch *in their fox form: *gathering up, and waiting anxiously for their leader's instruction*
Yao: fart in his face, and give him some perfume.
With pleasure, Huangdi.
Yao: lovely.
Jgs: what?!!
Yao: you said that you love perfume. So you got perfume.
Jgs: you little lowlife! I knew I shouldn't have let you into the Jin sect. But I just wanted to use you!! I have never accepted you!
Yao: *tightens strings* I realized that I didn't need to be accepted by you!
Jgs: bastard!
Yao: *strings starting to let out steam while his eyes turned a shiny gold* call me that again, and I'll cook you with my strings right in front of everyone!!
Jgs: that's what you are!
Yao: *stops heating up his guqin strings* you can't improve, can you?
I have only stopped because my beloved hulijings may get burnt.
Jgs: you only care about them?
Yao: yes. Have you ever cared about me? Or Xuanyu? Or A-Su
Mo xuanyu: ah, Yao gege. The love of my life.
Jgs: why should I care about outside children!
Zixuan: you better pay us double the amount of money.
Jgs: why?!!
Zixuan: you can't ask an emperor why.
Jgs: *cries* fineeeee. But what if I go bankrupt!
Zixuan: you won't. Because the sect is still running.
Jgs: I'm not thinking of  those pests! I'm thinking about me and my expenses.
Zixuan: how selfish.
Yao: then you'll become a tea leaf farmer. That's all. *smile*
Jgs: what power do you two have?!!
Zixuan: we can fire you.
Yao: we even own your clothes, lol.
Jgs: *crying* oh gosh! I'm done for!
I should have kept it in my pants.
Jgs: and who told me to go around with multiple women! But, but I love women so much......*sobs*
Zixuan: what do you like about them?
Jgs: their shape. And beauty. Nothing elseeeee.
They got to be a little dumb too.
Yao: disgusting!
Xue yang: I won't spare him for nothing.
Zixuan: I'm surprised once again.
Yao: *sighs* well. I'm going to my old room to take a bath. Minshan, come with me.
Su she: sure.
And yes, we have packed extra clothes, just incase you guys spend the night.
Yao: lovely.
Jgs: so you're just going to leave me tied  here?!!!
Yao: yea. Why not?
Yao: maybe. If you say, my marvelous Yao Huangdi, then maybe I'll untie you.
Jgs: never!!!
Yao: well stay tied, eat some floor.
Xue yang: and smell some farts!!!
~~~ Hours after.
Yao: *entering with Su she* I'm back.
Zixuan: finally, yaoyao. I was getting bored.
Yao: oh no.
Jgs: do you think that if you untie me, I'll give you two your rent money.
Zixuan: pardon him for not respecting you.
Yao: alright then. *releases strings*
Zixuan: *sighs* cultivators. They're so hard sometimes.
Jintang: *massaging Zixuan's arm*
Jgs: here you go. Half a million taels each.
Yao: thank you.
Zixuan: would you give any to A-Yu?
Yao: I think you should pay him too.
Jgs: no way.
Zixuan: don't let us throw you out.
Jgs: fine. Half a million for that child too.
Yao: excellent. Tata.
Zixuan: see you next month.
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v-anrouge · 1 year
guess who's back , me , I am the sweet apple child
Rook has longer hair than in source and it also gets super messy sometimes ( Vil's almost had a heart attack the many times he's had to brush Rook's hair and make sure that all the loose little bits of branches and leaves come out ) , he also has a habit of forgetting where some places are in inner world so sometimes he just kinds stumbles into the pit of water we have in one of the many habitat areas ( it's for Mosa and our Sea Emperor Leviathan mainly cause their huge and need a big space to swim )
Vil contrary to one may think likes to pick up our cats and snuggle them for hours on end - if he has to get up while snuggling he'll baby cradle or put their arms around our neck so he can carry him like he has me in headspace before ( also it's been determined that he's just kinda a mix of both fae and beastmen and he changes a bit on how he looks depending on whether he wants to look more fae like or more beastmen like | for specific animals it's either peacock , secretary bird , or Persian / ragdoll cat | ) - 🍎💜
LONG HAIRED ROOKNEJJWJDJW id love to brush his hand and style it and braid it and put little thingies in it 😿😿😿
VIL BEINF A CAT PERSON JUST MAKES ME SO HAPPY imagining him laying down being covered in cats just make me so happy and gives me so much comfort 😿🩵
i love u my dearest son
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glittertrail · 2 years
i'm submitting the '00 for the decades thingie :)
cc: @roxy206 bc you both asked for this at the same time (ty i love u both); this time I'm going to try to be choosier bc i watch too much stuff, issue is, a lot of these conflate together for me lol
Favorite film: howl's moving castle (feels like a hug), pan's labyrinth (i am a sucker for a good fairy tale specially a good gothic fairytale), the devil wears prada (pretty clothes and it happened right as my burgeoning interest in clothes as a tool of self expression was starting to develop), before sunset (i am not immune to romanticizing the mortifying ordeal of baring yourself to a stranger you met on a train, the desire to explore a city all day and making a crazy plan with someone you barely know but are already a little bit in love with... plus i love vienna), in the mood for love (high on the list of media that have ever made me feel alive; this one could classify for all three categories)
Comfort films: the emperor's new groove (i can quote this thing by heart and imitate yzma perfectly in the latam dub), sofia coppola's marie antoinette (pretty photography that doesn't require me to think too much and banging soundtrack), legally blonde (happy people don't kill their husbands... They just don't!), phantom of the opera (the first musical i saw live lmao it has a very special place in my heart bc of it), mamma mia (duh)
"Good" film: up! from pixar (fun fact: the falls Carl and Ellie wanted to go to are inspired in a real place in my country, it's a good movie, only it reminds me of someone that's already passed away, I've named my favorite peacock in el retiro park kevin after the bird from this thing), big fish (no words just my heart doing the thing from the grinch and feeling full and growing three times in size, i had a huge TB phase), dark knight (i am too fed up by super hero movies in general but i have a soft spot in particular for nolan's batman and spiderman in general), kill bill (i do not subscribe to the religion of people that worship everything he does but the truth is tarantino*is* really good), eternal sunshine of the spotless mind (it's not one of my favorites nor is it something i watch for comfort, but it is up there okay? the first movie of jim carrey that made me think oh shit he's actually good, with a couple of years and perspective on relationships it's just gotten better for me)
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bookwormlover10 · 2 years
🌹Rosie Smith 🌹
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Rosie is my owl house oc. To some what understand my suneye au you need to know her ( though her story is different)
Rosie was born in the demon realm. As a baby she was somehow transported to the human. She was found in a Rose bush my a puritan man named Jacob Smith ( totally didn't get their last name from kai from Ninjago) who took her as his own. Her father know that she was different. How couldn't he when his daughter pointed ears and could grow rose thorns out of her body. So to keep her safe from their puritan town he had her wear a bonnet. Growing up Rosie had to keep her Thorns ( that response when she upset) at bey. She also discovered her love of reading and teaching, she teach the children how to read and write ( in secret of course, though puritan woman were allowed to read and write certain things) in adulthood some one saw her with out her bonnet and her Thorns were out then accused her of being a witch ( they technically were right but also wrong) on the day of her hanging her father help her escaped. She rad into the woods and fell in to the boiling isles..... No literally she was running where she fell in to a howl ( Alice in wonderland style) into the sky. That is how she met Philip wittebane.
Young Philip wittebane was waking when he saw something In sky and was getting close to him fast. In the end Rosie landed on him. When she landed she was reasonably was freaking out. Philip now bruise said something along the lines of " witchs falling on eneone!" When she told him she not a witch, he rolled his eyes and said" only witchs and demon have pointed ears though your are the smalles I've seen." Rosie then replied" yea your ears are the biggest I've ever seen." After some bikering Philip took Rosie to the local witch town. With her world upside-down she wondered about her birth parents. Sence Philip was the only person she knew ( also that he knew more about the demon realm then she did) and were both looking for someone they came to an apartment she helped him find his brother and he helped her find her birth parents Also with money
Eventually she got a job as a teacher at the local school house hexside. But she still went on " adventures" with Philip for extra cash. I returned she let him sleep at her house. Sence she didn't grew up in the boiling isles learning magic the traditional way became harder for her but she figured out a different way to manipulate plants, though danceing and talking to the plants. She found her paliman in the woods and name him bush. ( Who is a little shit) as the years went on Philip and Rosie grew to enjoy each other company and fell in love with each other. ( More like insulting each other tell it turned into flirting) Philip propose after 3, years of know each other and 3 months of courting. Sence the bride and groom were both to stubborn to change their last names they combine both their last name ( wittesmith) After they were married they build (and with a little bit of magic) a house together. 1 Year into their marriage Rosie discovered that she was pregnant she couldn't wait to tell her husband the news when he got home. That is when tragedy struct. Philip coming home couldn't wait to sing a song that he wrote about her to his beloved. But when he got home he saw his house almost burn down and the love of his life in the hands of a dragon. ( You know that seen in how to train your dragon 2 it went like that.) Calling each other names as Rosie fade away. In the few the time in his life Philip wittebane fell down and cryed. That day became known as the dragon maiden festival.
400 years later after the event of hollow mind and labyrinth runners ( this is we're Canon is diverge a little or a lot) dering the dragon maiden festival hunter mentions that belos despises this holiday and that a pink peacock come to the castle the the emperor chase out. Hunter suggested that the Bird might know something of how to beat belos. So Lis and Hunter went to the woods to find this Bird. But it didn't take long the peacock was waiting for them. The two fallow the bird to a house in the middle of the woods in front of the house is a man singing a song. Lis and Hunter tried to be as silent as possible. It didn't stop them from being notice my the man " come out I know your there." The shadowing figure terd around and to be ( the one the only) emperor belos in a baggie jakit Lis was terrified hunter more so. there was a very awkward pause. It was interupted when belos notice the bird " bush you dam bird you lead them here did you!!" Let's say the of site of the emperor of the boiling isles bikering with a peacock lason the terrified teens. " Look here I'm not in the mood, now please ge-." When he was about to finish his sentence. He herd a voice, Rosies voice calling out to him. Rosie was all he said before running into the woods to the voice. The teens were both wondering " who the hell is Rosie." So they fallow the emperor to a cave. This cave was no ordinary cave it shows the pass of all who go in there. In the cave there was a woman laying down with something in her arms. To say the evil emperor was crying was an understatement. It was the first time hunter saw belos cry, Lis was stond that he had the ability to. The couple cry each other names. But it stopped, belos notice the she berly age while she noticed he looks older then she remembers last seing him and his ears are different and a werd skar. " Philip what happened to your wile I was gone." " You been gone for a awfully long time my dear. 400 years to be exact" Rosie shook " no I have I've been here for 9 months, and I just gave birth. Ummm Philip met you son Jacob h. Wittesmith. " As she reveals what she was holding was a baby. (As it was 400 years for him it was 9 months for her)The man who killed and purified millions, who could manipulate eneone fainted. Lis was laughing her but of and record it. Hunter on the other hand was coming to the fact that he has a(technical) aunt and a cousin. On their way out of the cave belos /Philip was in shock ( as a man does when decovers to be a father for 400 years) Rosie explain that she was going to tell him.
Out of the cave belos took Rosie hand " my love I very different from the man you knew, I've done very bad things. You deserve better man....he both deserve better father then." You see our girl Rosie is also a stubborn butch as her "husband ". So she slapped him in the face ( hard I might add) " I never married a good man to begin with you big earned buffoon, and I'll make you fall in love with me again you jerk." ( Lis and Hunter In the background: 👁️👄👁️🍿) the man laughed and kiss thes beloved hand and his new son head. On he way out he ask hunter and Lis to watch over Rosie even though he shouldn't. That night Rosie and her son went with Lis and Hunter to the owl house telling her everything the Phillip/ belos done and explaining eda the night. The next someone ( it was Rane spoils alerts) Rosie got their house, monny ( hes paying his child support) and custody of hunter.
That her story... It bacame a very vague fanfiction......... There more but I'll leave this here
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linus-wickworth · 9 months
August 2023 Reading Recap
I managed to squeeze in a total of 95 books for this month, which is much too long to not have under a read-more. But here's my total stats:
Total: 95 books and 1 short story. Oldest: The Tenant of Wildfell Hall (1848). Longest: Les Misérables (1463pg). Average Pages: 289. 64% were YA. 56% were read as e-book or audiobook. 56% were written by female authors. Rep: 28% queer, 35% mental health, 25% POC, 15% disability.
5 Stars:
Pedro & Daniel by Federico Erebia The Hero of Ages by Brandon Sanderson Negative Space by B. R. Yeagar Head Case by Sarah Aronson A List Of Cages by Robin Roe How It Feels to Float by Helena Fox A World Without You by Beth Revis The Inexplicable Logic of My Life by Benjamin Alire Sáenz Orbiting Jupiter by Gary D. Schmidt The Vanishing Place by Theresa Emminizer The Cost of Knowing by Brittney Morris A Death on the Wolf by G.M. Frazier
4.5 Stars:
Lost Girls by Ann Kelley Beauty of the Broken by Tawni Waters Honeybee by Craig Silvey Bang, Bang, You're Dead! by Narinder Dhami We Need to Do Something by Max Booth III We Need to Talk About Kevin by Lionel Shriver My Father's Scar by Michael Cart Phoenix Rising by Karen Hesse More Than This by Patrick Ness Born to Serve by Josephine Cox Forgive Me, Leonard Peacock by Matthew Quick Howl by Shaun David Hutchinson You Asked for Perfect by Laura Silverman
4 Stars:
The Tenant of Wildfell Hall by Anne Bronte A Very, Very Bad Thing by Jeffery Self Double by Jenny Valentine Tattoo Atlas by Tim Floreen The Lovely Bones by Alice Sebold Bridge of Clay by Markus Zusak The Escape by Hannah Jayne My Abandonment by Peter Rock Brother by Ania Ahlborn Counterfeit Son by Elaine Marie Alphin The Escape from Home by Avi Les Misérables by Victor Hugo Young Pioneers by Rose Wilder Lane Elantris by Brandon Sanderson Let's Call It a Doomsday by Katie Henry Raven Summer by David Almond The Emperor's Soul by Brandon Sanderson The Hole by Hye-Young Pyun The Prince and the Pauper by Mark Twain Pandemic by Yvonne Ventresca Ashfall by Mike Mullin
3.5 Stars:
10 Things I Can See from Here by Carrie Mac Lord of the Flies by William Golding Calvin by Martine Leavitt The Long Weekend by Savita Kalhan Complicit by Stephanie Kuehn Surviving Bear Island by Paul Greci Simon vs. the Homo Sapiens Agenda by Becky Albertalli Rainbow Boys by Alex Sanchez
3 Stars:
They Never Came Home by Lois Duncan Five and the Stately Homes Gang by Claude Voilier Five Go On Television by Claude Voilier Five and the Golden Galleon by Claude Voilier Ten Mile River by Paul Griffin Five in Fancy Dress by Claude Voilier Pig Boy by J.C. Burke Five Versus the Black Mask by Claude Voilier The Meaning of Birds by Jaye Robin Brown Five and the Pink Pearls by Claude Voilier The Trouble With Half a Moon by Danette Vigilante I Am David by Anne Holm I Am The Cheese by Robert Cormier Five and the Secret of the Caves by Claude Voilier The Fear by Spencer Hamilton Five and the Z-Rays by Claude Voilier Hold Fast by Kevin Major The Disturbed Girl's Dictionary by NoNieqa Ramos Five and the Knights' Treasure by Claude Voilier
2.5 Stars:
The Rag and Bone Shop by Robert Cormier Five and the Mystery of the Emeralds by Claude Voilier Five and the Missing Cheetah by Claude Voilier Outside Looking In by James Lincoln Collier Tears of a Tiger by Sharon M. Draper The Hobbit by J. R. R Tolkien Too Soon for Jeff by Marilyn Reynolds Mine by Delilah S. Dawson Five And The Cavalier's Treasure by Claude Voilier Five and the Blue Bear Mystery by Claude Voilier Supermassive by Nina Rossing Five And The Strange Legacy by Claude Voilier
2 Stars:
The Island Keeper by Harry Mazer The Winter Children by Lulu Taylor 33 Snowfish by Adam Rapp Five and the Hijackers by Claude Voilier Let The Right One In by John Ajvide Lindqvist Paper Covers Rock by Jenny Hubbard The Story of King Arthur and his Knights by Howard Pyle
1.5 Stars:
Aliens in the Family by Margaret Mahy The Kingdom By The Sea by Robert Westall The Nightmarys by Dan Poblocki
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danteagilehri · 1 year
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An India invisible I rule:
come 'neath the azure of my realm, I shall command my naked wizard to change a snake into a bracelet for thee.
To thee, O princess who defies description,
I offer, for a kiss, Ceylon: and, for thy love, my whole, luxuri- ant, ancient, star-weighty firmament.
My peacock and my panther, vel- vet-sheeny,both languish: 'round the palace, like showers, the palmy copses pat- ter: we're waiting, all of us, to see thy face.
I'll give thee earrings, twin tear- drops of sunrise, I'll give the heart out of my breast.
I'm emperor, and if you don't belie- ve it, then don't-but come in any case
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