#i love only working with four colors! yaay
agilident · 4 months
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drew rev in undertale yellow :^)
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My Reaction to “Thor Ragnarok”
Bless.  This.  Movie.
Oooh, we’re panning up, oooohhh....
Thor, what happened?  Seriously, like how did you get into this situation?
The freaking skeleton though...
*starts singing Fresh Prince of Bel-Air*
Thor’s hair is so long here.  Too bad it won’t last
Oh my gosh, Thor
They freaking included “The Immigrant Song” into the movie!  Holy shit!
Totally did not see Surtur as a tall, skinny dude.
Thor movies totally redefining the body shape of bad guys everywhere
Wait, so that’s not Surtur’s eyebrows?!?
Seriously, Thor, why are you in Muspelheim?
Hahahahaha... the freaking dragon head...
How come Skurge doesn’t have a personal horse there that he can ride into Asgard instead of actually jogging his heavy ass there?
Goddamn it, Loki...
Wait, is that Liam Hemsworth as Actor!Thor?
Wait, please tell me that’s Sam Niell as Actor!Odin
Fake!Odin literally just said “Oh shit”
*ugly, ugly snickering*
So why is Odin’s color scheme now orange?
Thor’s pulling the freaking Jack Bauer Interview Technique on Loki
Aayyyy he [Loki] look good!
How has no one caught onto Fake!Odin?
One epileptic trip through the Bifrost later...
“I’m not a witch.”  “Then why did you dress like one?”  Oh my God
Thor, you’re too cute when it comes to taking pictures
“Sorry Jane dumped you [Thor].”  “It was a mutual dumping.”  NO SCREW THAT NOISE
He [Thor] disguised Mjolnir... as an umbrella...
Doctor Strange!
Oh now they’re just replaying the end credit scene from “Doctor Strange”
“I [Thor] don’t have a phone.”  Then send a raven!
All right, I know it’s comic accurate for Dr. Strange to have yellow gloves but here they look weird
Mjolnir just freaking destroyed the New York Sanctum flying its way to Thor
“I [Loki] have been FALLING FOR 30 MINUTES!!!”  *cue ugly snickering*
Well shit, now I gotta go rewatch “Doctor Strange.”  Expect a rewatch post before Netflix removes all the Marvel movies.
“Alright, bye bye!”  Pffftttt....
This music here is great
Holy crap we haven’t seen Odin in four years.  I’m old.  I was a sophomore in high school when “Thor:  The Dark World” came out.  Dang.
Wait, so who’s Hela’s mother?  It’s definitely not Frigga, right?
Also wow, way to drop the secret sibling bomb on your son at the last minute, Odin.
Ooohhh there she [Hela] is!
Hela:  Kneel
Loki:  Bitch, you stole my line.
Hela’s entrance consisted entirely of her trash talking her younger brother.  Amazing.
Whaaaa that’s awesome!!
Aaaahhh it’s the Warriors- NOOOOO!!!
Man, Cate Blanchett looks freaking amazing
The heck?
That’s it.  I’m downloading the OST
That ramp is awesome
Valkyrie!  I dressed up as her for a Halloween party a few weeks ago!
She [Valkyrie] just freaking toppled off the ship, drunk...
This movie should be subtitled “Thor and the Horrible, No Good, Very Bad Weekend”
Oh hi Sakaar!
Where did Hela get her cape?  Did she rip off Volstagg or Fandral’s corpse or something?!?
“My father is dead.  As are the princes, you’re welcome.”  Pfffttt...
Ooohh I like that shot of Hogun’s mace
Oh shit are Asgardian capes bulletproof?  That’s awesome!
Damn Hela
Is Thor on a Disney ride or something?
Who is freaking narrating the ride?
Oh, can’t you [Grandmaster] get up and walk the ten feet to Thor?
Valkyrie’s freaking flirting with the Grandmaster after getting paid... that’s totally Han Solo here
Isn’t that the dealer from “Guardians of the Galaxy,” the one Peter tried selling the Orb to?
“OHHH MY GOD!”  Thor, I love you.
Confirmed:  the Grandmaster’s bi
Korg!  Taika!
“I tried to start a revolution...”  Hahaha!
“It’s a circle... more like a freaky circle.”  Hahaha!
“Faake!”  Oh my God!
The Tesseract!
The hell is that?
Wait, so is that Hel?  Like Hel, as in Hell, the place?
Whaaa that’s awesome!
Thor’s doing the Viking Prayer.  That’s awesome.
“PISS OFF, GHOST!”  Hahahaha!
Wait, there’s vampires in the MCU?
“Oh my God, the hammer pulled you off?”  HAHAHAHAHA!
“An elite form of [female] warriors.  It’s about time.”  Damn right, Thor!
Lots of screaming Thor in this movie
Damn Loki, that glass grab was slick
Unpopular Opinion:  I think Thor looks better with shorter hair
“I [Loki] have to get off this planet!”  Pffffftttt....
Even Loki’s freaking out for Thor
He’s [Thor] trying the calming down technique Natasha did from “Age of Ultron”
So what kind of Asgardian is Skurge?
Umm, doesn’t Gungnir have the same power of Heimdall’s sword though?
Umm, can we talk about how gorgeous Asgard looks?
That’s not awkward at all
Gotta get a shirtless Chris in somewhere in a Marvel movie
We just saw Hulk’s butt onscreen...
Never imagined Thor being picky about interior design.
He’s probably a big fan of “Property Brothers”
Things I Like:  Thor with orange eyes
Hulk is very much the petulant child here
Aaawww Hulk and Valkyrie are buddies!
“NO TEAM, ONLY HULK!”  Oh my gosh
Holy crap it’s been two years since we’ve seen the Quinjet
Point Break!
Wait, Bruce doesn’t remember the last two years?
Aaw Tony keeps a stash of clothes on the Quinjet whenever Bruce de-Hulks
Oh my gosh that’s awesome!
Wait, what do they mean “Banner might not come back?”
“I’m sorry, Tony wears his pants super tight around the crotch.”  Oh my God, no...
I am totally down for an AU of Bruce and Thor attending Holi and getting covered in colored chalk
“The Re-Revengers”  Oh my God I love it!
Holy crap, Loki’s the only one who actually addresses Bruce by his first name
“Wait, whose Anus?”  Oh my God no
“I need safe passage through the Anus.”  Loki just said that.
Aaww Thor’s favorite animal is a snake... WAIT OH MY GOD NO IT’S A REFERENCE TO THE WORLD SERPENT
“Aah, it’s me!”  Hahahaha!
“Loki, I thought the world of you.”  Aaawww...
Goddammit another double
Whoaaaa big fluffy boy [Fenris]
Skurge, no
“I [random Asgardian] know where the sword is.”  Goddammit
Ohh I like the detail of summoning people to the court with Gungnir
“OK, get up.”  Oh my gosh that line delivery was awesome.  She’s like an annoyed sibling- which she is- and that’s the sort of tone of voice I’ve used a lot surprisingly
Man, the Fenris Wolf looks awesome
Let’s go, Heimdall!
Wait, that means...
“Your savior is here!”  Freaking Loki
They’re pulling some “American Gods” shenanigans with these Odin visions and the colors
C’mon, Skurge...
Nooo- oh thank God
So are none of the Revengers gonna discuss how, oh I don’t know, Thor’s missing an eye?!?
C’mon, Skurge...
Dooon’t.... don’t think about it [the Tesseract], Loki!
God dang it
Yoooo Clancy Brown’s back!
Hulk, no!
Goddamn Hela, that’s awesome!
Please don’t tell me they killed off Hela
So... Asgard’s just.... gone
Liking the new eyepatch
He’s [Loki] actually there now!  Yay!
Oh my gosh, Thor’s little wave
Aaand we’re off to Norway
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scurvgirl · 7 years
Recovery Fluff
for lovely @feynites 
100% fluffy happy goodness 
“Alright, Dirthamen, we have an important decision to make,” Marassal says.
Dirthamen blows a spit bubble from his spot in the car seat.
“Excellent, I knew you’d understand. Now,” he pulls out three pictures from the file he’s been collecting over the last few months.
“House number one, the Orlesian colonial. Three bedrooms, two bathrooms, big backyard, original floors and plaster detail work. Completely restored. What do you think?” He holds the picture up. Dirthamen makes a popping noise with his lips and Marassal nods.
“I totally agree, no basement and no designated play area for you, deal breaker.” He set the picture down and pulls up the second picture.
“House number two, the Fereldan tudor. I really like this one, it’s got that big bonus room at the top, three bedrooms again, a screened in porch, three bathrooms this time, one on each level!”
Dirthamen shakes his fist and gets distracted by a spot on his carrier.
“Hmm, the kitchen does need updating and an open concept is just not happening in that house. Plus the basement isn’t even finished and the yard is on this horrible slope. Next.”
He shuffles the pictures again and pulls out the third, “House number three. Two bedrooms this time, so it’s a little smaller, but completely open concept, finished basement, a nice sized yard, fenced. Two bathrooms...oh but it’s a new build. Hmm. We need something with some character to it, don’t we? Yeaah. House number four is a mansion built by a Marcher who wanted to be closer to his daughter after she married Ferelden nobility. The historical preservation societies keep it regulated to the max, so really, renovation and customization isn’t going to happen.”
Dirthamen burbles and Marassal sighs.
“It is too big, isn’t it? And we want something we customize to our needs over time. Alright, house number five, now I really like this one. It’s a mid-century modern, so you know, I’m older than it, but it is just so architecturally interesting and oh! There is a water feature in the backyard, a very soothing little waterfall. Four bedrooms, all on the same level, three bathrooms including the master bathroom. You will have your own bathroom! And a little free room since it’s a Jack and Jill set up. It’s a good neighborhood, with good schools, all mage friendly. The basement needs some more finishing, I think, but it is livable right now. There’s a courtyard and a large fenced in backyard.”
Dirthamen giggles and kicks and Marassal smiles in response, “Mid-century modern it is! Now, what color do you want your bedroom to be?”
Marassal loves TV, he does, but he hates commercials. One of the many banes of his existence, commercials are. But alas it is something he must deal with if he wants to watch his shows debut live.
He is watching the latest of  Say Yes to the Dress when a most decidedly offensive commercial comes on air. It’s this woman talking about how she thinks that her birth mother is the only one who will understand her and that she’s adopted and never felt wanted. Marassal blinks and then narrows his eyes.
It’s just marketing, Desire says but Marassal doesn’t care. Is this how Dirthamen is going to feel? Is he going to feel some sort of automatic pull towards investigating his biologically family just because of blood? Marassal supposes he can’t really blame him if he does, he never got over his own bio family, though those were considerably different circumstances.
Dirthamen sits on the plush rug in their great room, making what looks to be a booming metropolis with his blocks.
Marassal climbs down to the floor and asks Dirthamen for a hug.
“Okay,” he says and crawls into Marassal’s lap. Marassal coos and holds Dirthamen close, snuggling his nose into Dirthamen’s hair.
He supposes that it doesn’t really matter, in the end. He loves Dirthamen and he is going to raise this boy with that love and the resulting support. And if Dirthamen finds any of it lacking...he gets what we wants. His desires are valid and should be listened to.
Dirthamen is his son, always will be at the end of the day. But for now he can hold Dirthamen close and revel in the fact that he is all that Dirthamen knows right now. That he doesn’t see any oddities in how he doesn’t really look like his father. So in the meantime, Marassal plans to hold his son and to love and cherish him as he deserves.
Dirthamen wriggles and pulls back a little bit, wanting to get back to his blocks.
“Play wit’ me?” He asks and how can Marassal say no to that?
“Of course, sweetheart.”
“I’ll catch you! I promise!” Marassal calls from inside the pool that was completed at the beginning of summer. Dirthamen shuffles to the edge of the pool and looks at it with great suspicion.
“Are you sure?” The four-year-old asks. Marassal nods.
“Yes! I am a very good Dirthamen catcher!”
Dirthamen doesn’t look convinced but he takes a deep breath and wiggles, his water wings swishing with him. But then he takes a deep breath and looks back at Marassal with his serious face.
“Okay!” He backs up a bit and does a little run before jumping off the edge.
Desire catches the moment like a snapshot for Marassal’s memory, Dirthamen flying in the air, scared but determined and flying before actually knowing how to fly.
He jumps right into Marassal’s arms, warm and safe and comforting.
“Yaay! You did it! Oh you were spectacular! I am so proud of you!” Marassal coos and praises while Dirthamen giggles with the adrenaline rushing through his little body.
The doorbell rings  just as Marassal is walking by, which means something he thinks. He opens it up to find a little girl with a wagon full of brightly colored boxes.
“Hello,” he says.
“Good afternoon, good ser! My name is Velari and I’m with the Girl Scouts and I was wondering if you’d like to buy some cookies? We’re a very good organization that promotes leadership skills and good citizenship in young girls all over Thedas!” Her two front teeth are missing and her glasses are bright purple cat-eyes that make his heart soar.
“Just one moment!” He says and runs inside, grabbing his wallet and rushing back out.
He rifles through the wallet and pulls out a wad of cash, counting it quickly in his head, “How much will...three hundred twenty six and thirty two cents buy me?” Her eyes go wide at seeing that much cash and she stutters.
“Uh I have twenty boxes and sixteen of them are three-fifty but the other four are six dollars.”
Marassal quickly does the math in his head, “That’s only ninety-four dollars! Uh, here, have...two hundred, buy yourself something nice. Can I have all the cookies? Or do you need to sell them to different houses?”
“I-I don’t think there’s a rule about that.”
“Excellent! I’ll take the lot!” Marassal waves his hand and floats the boxes into the house much to Velari’s amazement.
“Have you never seen a mage, da’len? We’re quite the treat, you know.” He winks at her and floats all the boxes into the house.
“Thank you, ser!” Velari says, holding her two hundred dollars in hand.
“Of course, darling! Now go! Have fun, it’s a lovely day, tell your mamae I say hello and thank you.” He waves goodbye and closes the door.
“Dirthamen!” He calls, “we have cookies!”
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todokori-kun · 7 years
I’M SO. FREAKING. GLAD YOU’RE BACK <3333 (I feel really stupid for this because I KNOW Queen Luna’s told me like a dozen times that if you’re not answering, it’s probably because of the internet…but ugh, Evans is an idiot who  still keeps having mini panic attacks over late replies XD like, I almost sent a 'did I say something wrong' message before I took a deep breath and realized how hecking stupid that would sound lol)
You’re welcome! They really do look amazing, though <3 I’ve also been working on aesthetics but eh. Idk, really. I made a barely-tolerable Saiko/Urie one, and then one for one of the Love Interests in that Otome Game I mentioned (not The Blind Griffin; the original thing I was working on)…which actually looks nice, but guess what? I could only find four pictures that matched with the color scheme/themes I’d picked out OTL
And tysm <333 ;-; but seriously, Mikasa is such a Zoldyck. Like, what if she and Illumi switched places. It’s like “Killua, you are my favorite sibling, I’ll follow you anywhere and protect you from everything” and “Eren you have a duty to your family (AKA me) please, stop playing the hero and come back here”
Actually I feel like Killua would be a lot happier with Mikasa for an older sibling instead of Illumi. Like, Zoldyck!Mikasa would probably be just as messed up as Illumi, but if we’re talking about canon Mikasa…let’s be honest. If Killua wanted to be a hunter she’d make sure he’d pass the test by any means necessary. If Killua wanted to get away from their family and explore, then sure, she’d order the butlers to let him out. If Killua’s friends came to visit and Mrs. Zoldyck/the servants refused to let them in, Mikasa would storm out there and open the gates herself. If the rest of the family went too far I really think she'd be perfectly willing to stab them all in the back, throw Killua over her shoulder, resign from her job as an assassin and walk right out of there.
Only Eren would be miserable. Illumi would probably do an even better job of keeping him ‘safe’ than Mikasa did (unlike Mikasa Illumi is perfectly willing to manipulate loved ones to keep them by his side), but…yeah. It’s Illumi. How could Eren be happy?
I KNOW. THE HAMILTON FEELS. (if you’d like I could send you more letters? I’ve managed to find quite a few….
Also idk if this is even true, but do you know about the relationship between Angelica and TJeffs (apparently they were friends and Jefferson may have been pining over Angelica, just a bit)? So I heard that Angelica slapped him so hard one time that he refused to go to any parties after that if he heard she was there too.
He also became terrified of Eliza as well…
Again, idk if this is true but I sorta want it to be lol)
Like, ok, maybe Eliza doesn’t get to truly shine until That Would Be Enough, and maybe Peggy comes off as simple comic relief to some people, but…HOW CAN YOU LISTEN TO 'THE SCHUYLER SISTERS’ AND NOT BE IMPRESSED BY ANGELICA FREAKING SCHUYLER
Nope nope nope nope rewind rewind
How does the bastard, orphan, son of a whore and a 
Scotsman, dropped in the middle of a forgotten
Spot in the Caribbean by providence, impoverished, in squalor,
Grow up to be a hero and a scholar?
seriously? Because I broke a lot of stuff too XD There’s only one 100% undamaged glass item in this house that belongs to me, and that’s the last snow globe, the only one I somehow haven’t smashed yet. I don’t even touch it anymore because I’m scared of breaking it lol
And aww that sounds so sweet! Weirdly enough I could destroy my own clothes and doodle all over my skin but I never had the guts to do anything to my dolls…I was tempted to give them haircuts several times but I knew mom would probably freak out if she saw doll hair all over the floor so.
Yeah, tbh I have no idea what happened there either. As for blood…well, I got used to nosebleeds as a kid. Like, a ton of blood would randomly come pouring out of my nose all the time and I didn’t even care; just like 'oh welp there it all goes…dad can you pass me a tissue?’. I also don’t mind 'messier’ injuries like scraped knees. But bruises and cuts really, REALLY bother me for some reason ;-;
Oh. Oh dear.
Um, um, um. What is that. I’m never reading this manga. It will make me suffer.
(I wonder if you’re talking about Erza/Jellal? If not, sorry ^^;;)
Feel free to show me the chapter if you want to, though! I’ll try my best to figure out what’s going on :D
Schwing *insert lenny face here*
I finally found the OPM volumes! I’m gonna do my best to catch up with both that and HxH :) (that thing with Saitama, the smol child and the snow monsters at the end of volume 1 is like the cutest thing ever in my eyes. Idk. Maybe I’m just weird?)
I mean, Roma ate Urie so. We’re in for one heck of a ride…
I tried my best, but weirdly, CP hasn’t been working very well for me the last few days…it keeps crashing. I’m really sorry OTL But I’m trying to fix it and I think it’ll work now!
nononononononononono don’t you dare write any more HCs Queen Luna please spare me
Oooh, can’t wait to see your reaction :D
That sounds amazing! Wishing you luck with finding more people to do it with you- I’m sure it’ll turn out great! Tell me how it turns out later, please??? <3
(also I’ll be sending you some HxH character pics, mostly of my problematic favs…hope that’s ok ^^ (tbh I’m mostly trying to get you to join me in my Adultrio (Illumi/Chrollo/Hisoka trio) obsession. Also my love for Leorio and Gon))
No, no, don’t worry about it!! Seriously, I felt so bad, because I’d be in the middle of watching something (USBs were my lord and saviour) and think ‘Omg I gotta tell Evans about this’ and then look up and think ‘wait when was the last time I had net for long enough to answer?’ Then I’d get depressed XD
Aaah, also, telling you in advance this time, on Thursday we’ll be traveling, so I probably won’t be able to answer for 10ish days ^^;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; I feel like crap OTL
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Ayyy thank you so much!!!  I get your struggle with colours XD It can be really hard ;-; I usually try to get 8 pics, but end up with 6. 
I finally saw some pics of Illumi and I get what you mean by ‘dead fish eyes’. Just, I don’t remember the last time I’ve seen a character so bored. 
If only, if only... Tbh, Mikasa would be an amazing sibling figure. She’d make sure that her sibling is happy and if there was someone who made them NOT happy, then she’d return the favour.  I say Killua needs a lost big sis who is pretty much Mikasa XD
Well,,, let’s say Mikasa AND Eren switch places with Illumi? But then we’re dooming pretty much everyone in the AoT universe... Poor Armin XD
AHAHAHAHAHAH I completely understand Jeff XD Weren’t they rumoured to have had an affair?  That’s amazing XD Just what did the slap have to be like to make a grown man afraid of being in the same room as you. Can you imagine what would’ve happened if he didn’t hear Angelica would be there, though? Like, he walks in and sees her.
WADDAYA MEAN ELIZA DOESN’T SHINE TILL THAT WOULD BE ENOUGH??? WHAT ABOUT HELPLESS??  And, true, you don’t know the awesomeness of Peggy unless you know the history, but damn, she was a freaking badass.  Thankfully, Satisfied did make them go ‘damn’, mostly the rap parts XD
The ten-dollar Founding Father without a father Got a lot farther by working a lot harder By being a lot smarter By being a self-starter By fourteen, they placed him in charge of a trading charter
Ahahah, that’s completely understandable XD Now that I look around my room, the only glass item which is not a lamp, is a small vial that stands on a shelf I never touch. Maybe that’s why it survived my childhood XD
Nope, the dolls looked like nightmare fuel if my sister didn’t help XD I knew ever since I was a kid that I could never be a make up artist or a hair stylist... Tbh I never had any remorse about cutting their hair, and since my sister was there as well, she taught me to always throw the hair away/do it above a trash can. 
Well, I have to blow my nose a lot (I get sick really often), so I also get nosebleeds every once in a while, but I’m still not used to them.
ALRIGHTY THEN I am totally uploading the last chapter then XD
Yep, it’s Erza and Jellal. Wait, how do you know that??
( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
Yaay!! I’ll have to read the rest as well XD
Ah, that’s a shame... don’t worry about it though!! 
The thing is, every time I ask someone for advice on how to start a group every time, all they tell me is ‘go to cons and find cosplayers’. It’s literally the only advice I’ve received.  The problem? Nearest cons are in Germany. And that’s not exactly nearby. Even if I did go and found LL cosplayers, what are the odds they’re Croatian? It’s honestly so frustrating.  I’ll just practice dances on my own, and if I find someone who likes it, great! If not, then whatever. 
Oh boy, let’s get to the pics!
Gon really does seem like a cinnamon roll! I wanna adopt him XD
Omg I already love Leorio! Like wow, he seems extra, but nice under all that? Rumpel no2
I wanna adopt Killua as well XD He seems like the sweetest sunshine child out there
Tbh when i saw Pika, I thought he was a girl. Whoops. Also, tragedy™
I see Chrollo becoming my problematic fave XD Also, he with his hair down ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
Aww, that’s nice! I hope she enjoys it!
DOn’t remind me of that ep XDDD Remember when I said a while ago that I was watching Sherlock? I watched The Reichenbach Fall. You should’ve seen me during Watson’s speech at his grave.
1am, not wearing pants, stuffing my face with pancakes while crying.  Why does it seem like 1am, no pants is my default mode XD
Yes, Illumi certainly has beautiful eyes. I feel compelled to gouge them out and decorate my room with them.
Also, idk if you’ve noticed but I’m slowly reviving scenarios on ice!! I missed that blog, so I wanna go back to writing for it ^^
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