#i love oyu and htis is the cutest idea I want youto know that
roachesbf · 1 year
Hey if possible could I get a Bunny Rudy x Jessica rabbit male reader? Where the male reader visit the base cause he misses his hunny bunny very very much while Rudy is thumping really happily seeing the male reader run up to him kissing his face all over like Jessica did in the movie ‘who framed Rodger rabbit’
I do hope this makes sense lol And do please take your time there is no rush at all so please take your time :)
Bunny Rudy X Jessica Rabbit!MaleReader
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When you first enter the base it catches almost everyone off guard!! One you dress very differently, and two you hold a different type of confidence to yourself. All the other men whispered amongst themselves on who you were here for and they’d never imagined it’d be sergeant major Rodolfo “Rudy” Parra!! Your hunny bunny missed you as much as you missed him!! The entire time he was impatiently thumping his foot against the ground, his tail wagging around as others tried holding a conversation with him. All Rudy wanted was to be with you yet here he was!! Not with you!! He would complain to Alejandro about how badly he missed you so maaybbee Alejandro pulled a few strings and got you to visit base, anything for his 4lyfer. He’s grunting the entire time, he is not enjoying a single second. His ears are all tense due to his annoyed behavior, until he hears something that clearly doesn’t belong on base…clacking?? Rudy's ears strike up as alert when he recognizes that sound anywhere.
This literally jumps for joy when he sees you, running into your arms as you spin him around!! Rudys immediately scenting you while you smear your red lipstick all over his cute face. It catches almost everyone on guard because one, where did the Rudy from five minutes ago, go. And two, how the hell did he bag you. You’re giggling as he asks you questions between each kiss, did you eat? How have you been sleeping? Is everything okay back home? He gives you a quick little kiss on your nose before being put down. You got him sitting in your lap all the while he’s making jokes that crack you up. Everyones looking at the two of you like they’re hallucinating, asking Alejandro if they know anything about this.
Rudy introduces you to everyone rather quickly, he’s always been excited to talk about you and show you off. You jokingly will slap his arm and then squish his cheeks before giving him another kiss, saying how he’s always flattering you when it comes to other people. He insists it's nothing but the truth and here you are all over again flaunting your amazing love life in front of everyone. He even has you show off your great self defense skills against some of the soldiers on base!! Of course early on in the relationship one of his favorite things to do was showing you how to defend yourself.
You make sure you’re always attached to his hip during your visit. It’s only when he’s gone because he’s forced to do work where you seem to stop acting so lovesick. Without Rudy you seem cold and distant, complete contrast to who you were 10 seconds ago. Everyone tries to talk to you but if it’s not about Rudy then you have no reason to talk to any of the other men at base. When they asked what attracted you to him, the simple answer of “he makes me laugh” confused them even more. When he comes back, he flops onto your lap, your lipstick still stained on his face.
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