#i love punz
marry-me-malfoy · 1 year
am i delusional or does he look like ed sheeran in this photo?
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silmecicle · 2 months
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i found art i made in 2022 and decided to put it in comic form and give it funky colours
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bigboobyhalo · 11 months
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bobobingy · 3 months
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Idea that me and my partner came up with after watching dungeon meshi for an au we do, where Dream uses black magic. 😈 (Same one where he ended the world by flooding)
Punz uses fuel from the things he eats to make fire breath. The idea was that Dream would let himself get eaten somewhat to give Punz that ability if they're in a bind, while using magic to heal himself during. The fire from this is much stronger than usual because of his magic richened body. ✌️
Dream also sees this as the ultimate show of love or trust, as he isn't able to trust anyone usually easily. Doing this means that Punz has to trust Dream for this to work, and for Dream to trust Punz he won't take too much to kill him.
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moonlight-dragon · 9 months
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𝐉𝐚𝐜𝐤𝐮𝐧𝐳𝐞𝐥 | 𝐰𝐢𝐧𝐭𝐞𝐫 · 𝐬𝐩𝐫𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐀𝐔
𝐰𝐢𝐧𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐥𝐨𝐯𝐞𝐝 𝐬𝐩𝐫𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐬𝐨 𝐦𝐮𝐜𝐡 𝐭𝐡𝐚𝐭 𝐡𝐢𝐬 𝐟𝐫𝐨𝐬𝐭 𝐰𝐨𝐮𝐥𝐝 𝐝𝐨 𝐧𝐨𝐭𝐡𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐛𝐮𝐭 𝐤𝐢𝐬𝐬 𝐡𝐞𝐫 𝐬𝐮𝐧 𝐬𝐭𝐚𝐢𝐧𝐞𝐝 𝐟𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐞𝐫𝐬 *:・゚✧
​🇮​​🇳​​🇸​​🇹​​🇦​​🇬​​🇷​​🇦​​🇲​ ✧ ​🇹​​🇼​​🇮​​🇹​​🇹​​🇪​​🇷​
not 'tagging' them cause I'd be super embarrased if they saw this... they might still do but, stars, I'm not helping it happen! Still, no amount of embarrasement would prevent me from saying where the inspiration came from: full credit here!
This is an inspo-study (?) I did of an amazing piece, Last flowers, by snow124-art
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somerandomstvff · 2 years
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Aight yall have my c!drunz warmups with a slightly tweaked style :D
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box-architecture · 3 months
I was rereading some of your stuff on Ao3, and went “huh. I know Sapnap kidnaps Dream out of a misguided idea of what’s happening at one point, but how does that all go? How did Dream react? What was Sapnap like?”
So now I’m asking you. At 12:20 am. I have class in 7.5 hours!
Okay so we're going to ignore how long this has been sitting in my drafts, half answered. Okay? Okay. Awesome
So at some point during the Discovery Of Many Kinks (because when you're having a weird poly relationship with your former Warden, you're going to try a bunch of different things. For Science) awesamdrunz attempt to do a sex tape. It gets left around and found within like three days. By Sapnap.
So of course because of burning curiosity he has to watch the mysterious tape to see whats on it.
Then the only reason he kept watching was shock and also trying to figure out who the hell the third person was, why they looked familiar but also what the hell happened to them. Fun ways to find out your former best friend wasn't lying when he said he was horrifically tortured by your kind-of finance: finding his sex tape.
And listen, originally it was a fun crack idea to have him see this relationship nonsense where awesamdrunz was basically fucking in sex dungeons (made by Sam) after kidnappings, and decided that this was actually a really good template to fix his own relationship. He ends up trapping Quackity and Karl in what might be a previously unused sex dungeon!
(Resounding success: both of his boyfriends did not murder each other (due to bars in between them) and even spoke to each other in order to escape. This is the most progress he's had in months.)
But then! Alternate Idea! Sapnap sees the sex tape and (honestly not unfairly given his prior knowledge) believes Punz & Sam are at minimum, pressuring Dream into this relationship, and somehow this is a worse crime than murder. No wonder Dream couldn't stay in the prison! (Which. Not inaccurate.) So Sapnap sets about needing to find and protect Dream.
Sapnap finds Dream, and tries to convince him that he'll protect him. Dream is confused about what Sapnap saw, and has a tough time refuting anything. He also does really miss his friend. So he,,, doesn't really fight when Sapnap takes him to a secondary location.
"The windows are nice. Not as defensible, but you'll know if the enemy approaches." Dream commented, staring at the cloud-covered sea.
Sapnap laughed nervously, pulling open kitchen cupboards. "Yeah, I don't know. There shouldn't be any way for someone to find us out here though; its not like I told anyone where we were going."
Dream pursed his lips, but said nothing, eyes following the way the waves crashed against the shitty boardwalk Sapnap cobbled together half asleep. He figured Dream wouldn't want to be cooped up in the cottage all the time, not after… everything, so they could go sit out on the beach and fish, maybe, or go look for seashells. They hadn't built a sandcastle since they were kids, either, so it would definitely be something fun to try. Just like old times.
The wheat was crumbling in his hands, so Sapnap quickly tossed it on the counter.
"Are you hungry?" He called out, trying for a bit more cheer. Dream's gaze pulled to his, and Sapnap began pulling more ingredients out on the granite. "I know I'm not usually the person who cooks, but I've been getting into it lately! I made rabbit stew for Karl the other day, and he didn't even make a face when he was chewing."
He didn't really think about the potatoes as he dumped them into the sink, but he did notice the way Dream flinched, drawing in on himself and towards the doorway.
"Just…" Dream looked back out into the sea. His fingers, what remained of them, dug into the fabric of his pants. "Nothing with potatoes. Please."
Sapnap felt his anxiety roll like the tide.
"Yeah, dude, that's cool. Doesn't sound appealing right now anyway." He said uncertainly. Dream's shoulders relaxed marginally, but Sapnap still felt off. "Anything you're in the mood for, though? Beet soup? Cheese sandwich?"
"Whatever you cook is fine." Dream reassured him. A brittle, but teasing edge appeared in his smile. "Unless you somehow got worse at baking bread."
He had, but god forbid would he ever admit to that. He grinned, and sat up on the counter. "Oh, like you're so good at it. I tried your stupid 'Everything' bread, and it tasted like ash."
"You turned off the timer and it burned."
"Well maybe next time don't leave random timers on the oven and expect anyone to know what they're for."
"Maybe next time you should assume its there for a reason and not touch it." Dream said in exasperation. Sapnap stuck his tongue out, and Dream threw his hands up, exiting the kitchen. He was so dramatic, Sapnap thought fondly.
Its a lot of Sapnap attempting to reestablish their previous connection and realizing how much Dream has changed, and staring at the scars when he thinks Dream isn't looking. He gets Super Protective and promises he wont let anything else happen to him. Dream is instinctively upset (why now, why does it matter now, why do you care, I am Perfectly Fine) but its one of his People and he is So Tired.
Sapnap is sorta kinda keeping Dream with him. It's not exactly against Dream's will, but it's also like, if Dream could walk out the door and come back later without Sapnap freaking out he'd rather do that. But Sapnap is freaking out, and seems to believe that there is a credible threat against Dream if he leaves. Given Sapnap's previous relationship with Quackity, Dream is willing to believe he might know something and that alone makes him anxious enough that he wants to stay.
Sapnap gets more horrified the longer he's with Dream (Dream flinches under his touches, his fingers are gone, Dream makes a snide comment about Quackity when Sapnap asks about the scars,) and this only convinces him more that clearly he needs to be protecting Dream. Sapnap expresses a lot of fury towards Sam, and Dream doesn't have any good arguments against it. There's a lot of stuff that he just sorta, decided to ignore, and now that coming back up is messing with him.
They get into a brief yelling match when Dream gets tired of what he presumes is pity and fake behavior, and it ends with Sapnap holding Dream to keep him from leaving or collapsing.
(The irony(?) of Dream comforting Sapnap for most of his life only for them to switch places in this moment is not lost on him.)
He gets to snuggle with him under the covers and gets a kiss on the chin (Dream is half asleep, and thinking about how much he missed him.)
Meanwhile, Punz is going to Murder Sapnap.
Punz has no context for why Sapnap took Dream so he is assuming Sapnap is going to attempt to imprison Dream again (after failing to kill him) and while he is 100 percent confident in Dreams abilities he also is aware that Sapnap is one of Dreams People and therefore capable of hurting Dream emotionally. Hurting Dream is Not Allowed.
Sam is having a panic attack because Dream isn't within sight line and isn't with Punz and therefore everything is Wrong and Bad in his world.
When you finally get a confrontation between Sam and Sapnap (because at this point, they don't know that Sapnap knows about Punz, so Sam is going in first), Sapnap responds viciously, tearing into Sam both for the scars on Dream's body, but also stating he knew they were fucking, and there's no way that's even remotely acceptable given the position of power Sam had (he's not wrong. this is a true statement of fact for everything that occurred prior to the prison break. it's just that things got weird after that). Sam has no good rebuttal, and faced with violence from Sap, has to flee. He's left shaken from everything.
Dream: listen he may have enabled my torture and abuse, and starved and isolated me, and accepted sexual favors from me while being in a position of power over me But he's also a very sad wet cat of a man, and I'm a control freak
Punz tries to talk with Sapnap on slightly less,,, angry grounds? On his part. Knowing about the interaction with Sam, he feels better about the fact Dream is probably safe and Sapnap probably has good reason for what he's doing.
To be clear though, Sapnap is furious with Punz. Right out of the gate he reveals he knows Punz was involved. At first, he's assuming that Punz was paid off to help Sam, but Punz decides "fuck it" and reveals at least part of things. He explains he was working with Dream after the prison break, that he felt bad for betraying him, and that they had a relationship. Dream wanted to involve Sam post-prison, Punz was against it, but wanted Dream to be safe.
Sapnap: you're forcing him to do this! Punz: I DON'T EVEN WANT HIM TO BE DOING THIS Sam: >:(
Sapnap needs to take some time to processes that, but he then presses to clarify; Dream and Sam had a relationship while Dream was in prison? Yes.
Sam had a hand in the torture and Dream's condition? Also yes.
After he broke out, despite all of this, Dream still felt like he wanted to return to Sam? Yes.
Sapnap: And you LET him?!
Punz doesn't have a good answer for that, other than Dream is his own person, and Punz can't stop him from doing what he wants with his life. To which Sapnap responds, yes you can motherfucker
It's a very fundamentally rift in their two perspectives. Punz, particularly post-prison, couldn't morally justify restricting Dream or telling him how to life his life or cope. Sapnap, thinks that Dream was not in a position to make a choice like that.
Punz doesn't have a good answer for that, it's the exact thing he's been feeling guilty over. So he ends up leaving, Not for forever. Just to think.
Meanwhile, Dream overheard everything. He now understands what Sapnap is seeing as the "real issue" (or at least, the current threat at hand), and he knows that he's going to make his own choice here.
Dream: I understand that my decisions are problematic but have you ever considered that I've made my choices and will continue to make them, even if you don't agree Sapnap: NO
Dream tells Sapnap gently that he's leaving now. He wants to go back. Sapnap doesn't want him to, he makes fair arguments about how much Dream could be hurt here. Dream understands, but he's also an adult, and he's decided what he wants. He's forgiven his stupid creeper hybrid boyfriend. It might not make sense to, but he has. It's his choice in the end.
Sapnap doesn't like it, there's a long people where he's just holding Dream and in tears. He's apologized a lot. For leaving Dream there. He says it again for good measure. Dream gives him a soft kiss on the forehead and he doesn't say it's okay, but he does say that he loves him. That it will be okay.
Dream has to go now, but he promises to come back, they set a time and they get to just spend time together. Talking about things one at a time.
(Sapnap and Dream see each other a lot now, as he slowly enters Dream's life again. Occupying his space and checking up on him and fretting. They get more kisses, more cuddles in bed. Once a week they come back to their little cottage and grow something that isn't what they used to have, but its still good, and its full of love.)
Later, Dream will be reassuring Punz that he made the best choices he could make, sighing and pulling Sam out of his prison depression hole. Kidnapping once again proves to be a great way to solve problems.
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somerandomcryptid · 26 days
Ok so I'm making this a proper tag I guess so take some canon compliant trans!dream sketches from right after prison break
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Punz notices the fact he's unbinded(he did not know Dream was trans :) ) they just doesn't care
They also doesn't bother asking about it. Dream is his friend/college/boss/man he is pinning over and he's solidly a man unless Dream tells them otherwise, who the fuck cares if he has tits?
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l-just-want-to-see · 10 months
help I found some mcc memes I drew a few months ago
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mistythedritten · 6 months
*c!Dream and c!punz, looking at how things are going down with their counterparts*
C!punz, tuning to c!dream: if I *ever* act like this, don’t you DARE apologize.
C!dream: …okay
C!punz: slap some sense into me instead. I don’t care how long it takes, SLAP SOME SENSE INTO ME
C!dream: …okay, but you have to admit, this Dream is the kindest person ever
C!punz: sure, I’ll admit that. Still. Slap me as many times as it takes. Kill me if you have to.
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cdroloisms · 1 year
dr3's attempted serious of c!dream duo rankings based on lore importance (note: probably wrong, definitely argue)
c!Dream and c!Tommy: This is kinda undeniable. Like, in terms of their story, in terms of the Dream SMP, they are absolutely the heart and soul of the server. The c!Dream and c!Tommy show was such a thing that it has been like intentionally referenced and parodied within the story itself a million times. The story literally hinged on the idea of their opposing each other, c!Tommy-as-hero and c!Dream-as-villain, to the point where their whole you know finale and the closure for both characters involved realizing that they actually wanted the same thing and intentionally stepping out of the roles given them. Nothing really compares, sorry c!Discduo for the poll (but the heart wants what it wants XD)
c!Dream and c!Wilbur: I cannot believe they ended up ranking so low like I'm actually appalled. SLASH JAY but like . guys. Guys Please. c!Dream and c!Tommy's whole schtick forms the beating heart of this server because the story c!Wilbur wrote about them was its backbone. Like it's incredibly difficult to actually overstate how much c!Wilbur actually influences how c!Dream ends up--the paranoid spiral he ends up on is a direct influence of the increasing isolation he lived up until November 16th--this is why c!Quackity is so confident when he states c!Dream has no one left during dethronement and this is why c!Wilbur knows that c!Dream has no one in inconsolable differences. c!Dream doesn't exist in a vacuum and the whole, L'manburg narrative tyrant-villain-monster idea that originates from Wilbur ends up culminating in the identity that c!Dream ends up assuming to accomplish what he wants like hoooly shit he quotes "unfinished symphony" in Doomsday and he expects c!Wilbur to save him from the prison to the point of calling on him as his savior before basically Anyone and he lists c!Wilbur's name with c!Sam and c!Quackity post-prison like. Shit's fucked. Anyway.
c!Dream and c!Sam: Look I warned you guys I was going to be a little selfish. A Tad. Though, you know, it's kinda hard to compare in terms of like, you know, the fact that they literally spent a fuckin year together with almost no one else--sure there were visitors, sure Quackity happened, but like so much about them is very much isolated to. Them. (Also the ccs very clearly got a little carried away w/ these two and this reflects onto their like, Everything XD). With c!Sam and c!Dream it's less about well, straightforward comparisons and more about the Multitudes--c!Sam as the Plan, and c!Sam as part of the time and part of the server that c!Dream idealizes, and c!Sam as the cage for the monster the punishment for the evil the one that holds the villain away. And obviously while c!Dream doesn't um redefine his whole identity to base it on c!Sam the way that c!Sam does with c!Dream, the power of the trauma bond established over a year of Nothing Else does makes c!Dream noticeably more comfortable, almost, with c!Sam compared to like quite literally everyone else post-prison. Which is. Y'know.
c!Dteam (emphasis on c!Dnf): Admittedly, I'm not the biggest c!dnfer around by a long shot, so I don't really have as much to say here--but you know, considering c!Dteam very literally symbolize what c!Dream desires like. They're an extremely important part of who he is, what he wants, and why he does what he does. There's a reason why dethronement (and the cutting ties with c!Sapnap and c!George) is such a defining moment in terms of showing when he's fully burned bridges with the rest of the server, when he totally stands alone, etc. Obviously c!George is the originator of the "big happy family" line and well his mutual interests line up with c!Dream's quite a bit more than c!Sapnap's do, but as far as c!Dream is concerned both relationships are very much important to him and symbolic of happier times (and he's quite convinced that well. Both of them kinda want him dead, for reasonable reasons. So.)
c!Techno and c!Dream: This is where numbers get finicky, admittedly. As much as I love c!Rivals, and I love them a lot, I struggle a bit to put them on a definitive ranking. Because...well, on one hand, c!Techno is absolutely very high on c!Dream's priority list like as a character. I have said before and I'll say again that some of the most like outstanding displays of loyalty on the server come from c!Dream coming in c!Techno's defense at GREAT risk of personal harm--this guy literally stares down and denies both of his fucking torturers for c!Techno, like holy shit. c!Dream really fucking likes the guy like. So damn much. At the same time though, we're talking more...narrative importance versus importance to the character from a character's perspective--which is part of why c!Dteam is as high as they are, imo--while they're extremely important in terms of c!Dream's motivations and how he defines the whole "happy family" ideal around the idea of them living peacefully as a family, as far as actually looking at character interactions...especially post-dethronement they mostly just. Exist as figures that c!Dream yearns for but is also really fucking scared of. There's not as much consistent character interaction and frankly when we're talking about a character that's actively suppressing what he actually wants, they're not exactly high on his mental priority list either. All this being said, c!Techno definitely gets points by being one of the main vehicles by which we see c!Dream's like, humanity--being one of the few characters not to treat him as just a monster to be defeated and having similar ideals and therefore being an obvious comparison to make. Which is obviously important when we're talking about c!Dream, who was keeping himself rather in the dark.
c!Dream and c!Punz: Another real struggle to rank--I'd understand putting them up higher, but what really holds me back is well. c!Dream and c!Punz is the same as c!Dream and the Plan. And don't get me wrong, the Plan is extremely important to c!Dream as a character and like defines a lot of his actions especially post-revive book onwards, but what complicates this is like...well c!Punz as a character in terms of c!Dream? Like, he's just. He's just the Plan. That is his purpose, that's who he is supposed to be, and of course the Plan is important and of course c!Punz's like motivations here end up playing a big part in the tangled mess of what c!Dream ends up doing when we're talking what he starts ranting about in the third finale stream, but like. Well it's really not about c!Punz, innit, it's about what they're working together towards. c!Punz is secondary to the plan in a way that you really can't say the same for when you're talking about, say, c!Wilbur + the L'manburg narrative, or c!Sam and the prison. I can see an argument for them being higher just because like, if we're talking major c!Dream arcs, it's reasonable to have c!Dream and c!Tommy as being like a presence as the "main characters" in Wilbur's story starting the revolutionary war and ending at the genuine finale with c!Dream's main character development being split between the previously-named season finales--c!Wilbur being the main influence leading up to November 16th as c!Dream takes on the villain mantle, The Plan (and therefore c!Punz) driving him until Staged Finale, and the c!Sam and the Prison being the main force until the prison break...but well. There's just not enough of c!Punz and c!Dream actually acting together as a duo in terms of give and take in this dynamic to really make me put them higher--what's really important about c!Punz and c!Dream is just. The Plan and the Plan alone. Anyway, I'm decently flexible about this, but eeeeeeeh.
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awesamforehead · 9 months
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I need to study them in a lab, they are so interesting
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diggingfordragons · 6 months
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bleue-flora · 1 month
didn’t they experiment on themselves I’m confused by you saying “may not” gen
Well ya see, I’m not saying they did or didn’t, but I realized in my rewatching that to be honest, despite it being basically considered canon by dreblr at this point, it never really is actually confirmed. (I’ve talked about why a bit already here). In fact, the basis of this widely accepted canon is I’m pretty sure mostly the dialogue in the finale (transcript below), which even if we take as 100% truth doesn’t really confirm or necessarily imply they did.
It only states that they did tests - which duh we already knew they did on Lazar and Vik - and that they ran tests that apparently included suicide and self-sacrifice. We are also informed that both Dream and Punz have been to Limbo before the finale. With Dream including them in his list of revivals as well as him saying nonchalantly, “it wasn’t my first time” and Punz saying, “Yeah, I've been there also, it fucking sucks. My Limbo is terrible.”
But the thing is that only really means they’ve both died at least once. In fact, the way Punz used“my” Limbo when we know Limbo changes based on the circumstances of your death, doesn’t make sense if he’s been multiple times. And as for Dream, his again only implies that he has died before, but for all we know that could be just once not multiple times.
And there’s also the point of Why would they experiment on themselves when they also experimented on Lazar and Vik (especially now that we know those experiments happened after prison and came presumably first)? It doesn’t really make much sense. Or at least why would they run test after test on themselves in the way I’ve seen commonly portrayed. I’d say there is a strong argument for them dying to maybe get to the End somehow or test whether they can revive themselves. But why kill Vik and Lazar in every way imaginable and then what, do the same to yourself right after?…
Plus, should what they say, in which we base this canon, even be taken as all true since it’s staged duo giving a ‘villain monologue’ to clingy duo. I mean in this same conversation we have lines like “This is so cute we shouldn’t interrupt them.” [clip]. (I’ve talked about this here also).
So yeah, that’s what I mean by “maybe.” A ‘take’ that I think a lot of people here dislike and think is weird. But it’s not so much my take or whether I personally think it is or isn’t true. I’m really just looking at the lore and facts, and highlighting that at the end of the day, this canon we have all accepted is not actually objectively true.
Tommy [18:36]: “What do you mean you know so much more?”
Dream: “Listen the separation from us to you in terms of our knowledge and our power and what we have and what we know, we might as well be a God—we might as well be! We might as well be Gods! Punz might as well be a God. I might as well be a God—because in terms of what we know and what you know—you're puny—your little ants—you know nothing—“
Tommy: “You’re a psychopaths.”
Dream: “Like he said you're one-dimensional—you're simple-minded. You go about your day you go and you go to your base and you sit there and you—you f—farm potatoes well we're sitting here, dealing with God and revival and life and death and—you know people—we've—we’ve realized over time, so much stuff has happened and I—I at this point the thing is that death has such importance on the server there's—there's so much to death. You realize—have you even realized people have developed like powers? You know that Foolish could die infinite times he just could—he's invincible. You know Ranboo—h—he could pick up blocks? You know—you know there's—there's such thing as mind control on the server?“
Tommy: “What?”
Dream: “I—I bet you—you didn't know that. That could have—could have been used for the longest time. You know Ranboo when he, you know, he made the explosions and he helped—the whole time.”
Tommy: “Ranboo made what?… Sorry, what do you mean Ranboo made the explosions—what explosions?”
Dream (laughs): “When you got trapped in the prison...”
Tubbo: “What’s going on?”
Dream: “Look—you know nothing, Tommy!”
Tommy: “That was Ranboo?”
Dream: “You know nothing—you know nothing!
Tommy: “You’ve been controlling him.”
Dream: “There was there was a period of time when we—we were dabbling with mind control—and it has to do with the Revival Book and the way it works, and it has to do with death—“
Tommy: “The reason I stayed in prison with you… You can't play God, Dream, because shit like this happens—you ruin lives, not just mine but so many people. You don't even know the effect… you can't do this. You have to stop now.”
Dream: “Tommy—“
Punz: “There's no fucking stopping this, Tommy.”
Dream: “It's—it's too late and that's the thing is we—we did make a couple mistakes and—we made mistakes but—through testing we realized—“
Tommy: “What do you mean he made mistakes?”
Dream: “Well… I mean, Laserbeam and Vikstar—I'd say that's a little bit of a…you know—“
Tommy: “Wait, where’s Vikstar?!”
Tubbo: “Woah! woah woah woah woah—!”
Tommy: “Where’s Vikstar?”
Punz: “We’ve done a little bit or experimenting—“
Tommy: “Where is Vik?…” (quieter) “Where’s Vik?”
Dream : “They’re dead…. Tommy, we—we locked up Vik and Laser in a room very similar to this one—very similar to this one and we ran test after test after test for months on end we killed them in Every Way that you could think this—this sounds morbid—but we had to, Tommy, we had to know what—“
Tubbo: “No one has to do something that evil!”
Tommy: “No one has to!… Tubbo’s right!—You’re a fucking psychos the both of you”
Punz: “We needed—we needed answers, Tommy! We needed to figure out—“
Tommy: “Why would you do this, Punz?!”
Punz: “We need to figure out—we need to figure out the ins and outs of the Revival Book: how do people, how people die, how they react to dying, how you come back to life, Limbos…”
Dream: “Tommy, did you know—did you know there's a whole other dimension?”
Tommy: “What?”
Dream: “There's a whole other dimension—and there's dragons and there's—there's infinite void.”
Tommy: “What?”
Tubbo: “What?”
Dream: “Yeah, you didn't know that... And you know—you know what's interesting is—“
Tommy: “What?”
Dream: “We—I—I said we made mis—I said we made mistakes and—and we did. We did—we did make mistakes because by reviving people by reviving Wilbur by reviving you by—you know reviving me. I just—I was just in—in Limbo, you know, I just… it wasn't my first time but—it… you know..”
Punz: “Yeah, I've been there also, it fucking sucks. My Limbo is terrible.”
Dream (laughs): “Yeah, it’s—yeah it’s not all that fun but…”
Tubbo: “Wait—wait why didn’t you bring Vik and Lazarbeam back?”
Tommy: “You've been to Limbo before? Wait, wait, Toby, one second—you've been to Limbo before? You've Died—before?”
Tubbo: “What's that?”
Tommy: “Toby—
Dream: “Look—“
Tommy: “You know when I died and I told you that I couldn't speak about the one thing that happened to me?”
Tubbo: “Yeah.”
Tommy: “An unspeakable place—your worst nightmare—the worst thing to you comes to life forever, that’s Limbo… How have you survived?—Dream, you're a monster. You can't—Punz, Punz, tell me?”
Punz: “What, Tommy?”
Tommy: “Have you always been like this? Because—“
Punz: “Yes.”
Tommy: “We trusted you.”
Punz: “Alright well, you're a fucking idiot and simple-minded. I've said this like eight times, Tommy, get it through your head—you're simple-minded, we need answers and you are—just don’t know that.”
Tommy: “What do you want from me and Tubbo?”
Dream: “Okay well, wh—what I was saying just now is we—we—by all these revivals and all this death th—there's been kind of a—a—a balance. W—we've realized like you—you know have you ever thought about where do people come from? W—where do we come from? There's people that just show up on the server now and then—they just out of nowhere they're just here. They weren't here before. You at some point that happened you just—you were here. How? And we realized that it all kind of it all comes down to like life and death and—and right now we created… an imbalance because we've revived you and me and Punz—and we revived Wilbur and we revived people to where death right now—there's an imbalance and we've seen it in the other dimension. We—we've seen the problems it causes in—in the corruption it can cause into this world and… it's—not looking good—it's not looking good, at all and—“
Tommy: “Dream—“
Dream: “Tommy—“
Tommy: “Why are me and Tubbo here?”
Dream: “Well, we have to—balance the world again.“
Punz: “People need to die!
Tubbo: “Balance? What? Wait—what are you trying to balance?”
Punz: “People need to die, Tommy.”
Tommy: “People don't need to Die, Punz!”
Punz: “They need to die.”
Dream: “People do need to die. And that's the problem—the problem is that people need to die to restore—“
Tubbo: “Says who?”
Dream: “Says us through our testing. The balance on the server is messed up. We—we've—we revive to many people and death isn't permanent and we've—we've messed up and I think that in the eyes of—in the eyes of whatever God is and whatever this place is that we haven't figured out—is that the world could very well just—just end if w—we don't kill people. But the problem—“
Tommy: “What does that mean? What are you planning to do?”
Dream: “The problem is if we kill—if we kill—the problem is if we kill some people then everyone else comes against us and tries to force us to revive them and tries to, you know. kill us so—we have to kill everyone… We have to kill—“
Tubbo: “Like Everyone—everyone?
Dream: “Everyone… Everyone.”
Tommy: “You won't be—you won’t be able to.”
Dream: “Why not?”
Tubbo: “Even Badboyhalo?”
Tommy: “There’s Phil, there’s Sam, there's—there's so many good pvps, players equal if not better than you. They’ll kill you. They'll kill you both. Me and Tubbo by their side will lead an army to fucking kill you, alright.”
Dream: “You and Tubbo—I mean, maybe—maybe one of you can try but—“
Tubbo: “That’s—that’s… What do you mean, one of us?
Tommy (in sync): “What do you mean, one of us?
Punz: “Look, how do you know that we can't revive ourselves after we're already dead. You don't know that either.”
Dream: “They don't know anything—they don’t know anything.”
Punz: “You don't know anything.”
Dream: “They don't even know. You don't know what death is. You don't know.”
Tommy: “Dream—“
Dream: “Tommy, let me ask you a question. When you died, why didn't you come back as a ghost? Before you revived, why did you come back as a ghost? But why did Wil—“
Tommy: “I don’t know.”
Dream: “Wilbur was a ghost.”
Tommy: “I don't know.”
Dream: “You don’t know.”
Tommy: “I don't know, and that's okay!”
Dream: “Do you—do you want to know? Do you want to know?…”
Tommy: “Dream, you have a power—you two both have a power to revive, alright and with that power comes a Great Responsibility. That you are taking No—No responsibility over! Please, just think for a second.”
Punz: “We know the responsibility, Tubbo. The world has an imbalance now because we've revived too many times!—alright?”
Tubbo: “Wh—where is the scale? Where—how do you know? I don’t understand!”
Tommy: “How do you decide?!”
Dream: “The world—the world's fucked up. We fucked up.”
Tubbo: “Explain it to us!”
Dream: “Everyone—everyone fucked up! everyone—there's too much death, too much destruction, everyone hates each other, there's a fucking Egg there's—there's—this world is so… fucked that we just need to restart. And if that means we have to kill everybody—and ev—everybody that doesn't wanna go along with what me and Punz have to say, everyone that doesn't want to figure it out, then fine you can be simple-minded and you can die simple-minded. But if you wanna actually know what's going on in this world and you wanna fix it, and make it the best that we can be and live forever, then they can join us. But, we already know your answers, so we don't really care about that. But, the thing is—is we did realize through all the testing that we've done that—“
Tommy: “Oh no.”
Dream: “Your Limbo, and that what happens to you after you die changes based on how you die—“
Tubbo: “What?”
Dream: “And what happened to you before you died. And the thing is—is we've tested by murder, We've tested by—self-sacrifice and suicide. But we haven't tested… is somebody being selfless and dying a hero. We don't know anything about that because… we—can't test that because we're evil, we're so bad and—murderers—bla bla bla, whatever—who cares. But… We can test that now.”
I just wanna say in making this transcript and trying to break apart their voices as they talk over eachother I noticed a lot of things I didn’t before. My favorite bring what I think Dream laughed out (very hard to pick out his voice) at Punz’s limbo comment of “Yeah, it’s—yeah it’s not all that fun but…” Also shoutout to Tubbo who really be asking the real questions that no one hears ooof…
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bastardbvby · 2 years
punz: i’m eating this dance floor up right now
sapnap: bro you’re not, you’re not that guy – you are not that guy
punz: i’m that girl right now bro! 
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Suds suds suds suds suds suds suds suds suds suds suds suds suds suds suds suds suds suds suds suds suds suds suds suds suds suds suds suds
Fox Dream & Wolf Punz
Fox & the Hound Drunz
"We're still friends, right Punz?"
Dream's voice was low, barely above a whisper. They could pretend it was the crackling of the fire, the howling of the wind, if they so chose. Dream would let them; he allowed too much.
Instead, they reached over and squeezed his hand. The SMP had changed over the years, changed its landscape and changed its alliances and changed them.
"Yeah Dream, we're still friends."
They refused to let it change this.
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