#i love seeing the twinkling lights of fireflies throughout the gardens
Reasons to keep going: fireflies exist
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Helena x MC, where MC has been growing a garden for Helena, and gives it to her on her Birthday or Anniversary?
"My love? This is not the direction to the restaurant?"
I can't help the mischievous smile the rises to my lips, as I'm very much aware that we aren't headed towards the restaurant that held Helena's Birthday reservations. It was her first Birthday in Chicago, and I intended on making it nothing other than truly magical.
"I told Sophie we'd stop by real quick before heading over. Is that okay?" I ask, watching her long fingers as they trace idle patterns over the deep red fabric of her dress. Her pale skin even more luminescent than usual against the brilliant color.
"Of course, my love."
The rest of the car ride is calm except for the excitement that’s bubbling up throughout me. I had spent months making sure that this night was perfect. To show Helena exactly how much she meant to me. How much she deserved in life - and she deserved everything - the sun, the moon, and every single beautiful thing in between. 
The cold night air is welcoming against my flushed skin as we exit the car.
"Sophie asked us to meet her around back, where the old court yard is." I say nonchalantly, only receiving a small hum from Helena as we made our way down the side walk, slowing our pace once we made it to the back of the building. A small string of lights lights a pathway to a small, abandoned green house. Almost looking as if it had been transported form another place and time - randomly left in the center of a bustling city. A large winter moon gleams brilliantly off of the glass roof top.
"And what is this?" Helena asks, pulling her jacket over her shoulders as the chilled January air hit her flawless skin.
"Just a little place I thought you'd like to see. Come with me?" I ask, holding out my arm to her like the knight I always promised I'd be.
"Always, my love."
As we make our way through the fogged glass door, it's immediately apparent, that Sophie had done everything in her power to make this place as magical as possible. Bright lights strung so perfectly along the hand built field of flowers, that it looks like a group of fireflies on a late summer's eve. Splashes of light blue, iridescent whites and fierce oranges, blended together in such a way that could only say 'I love you'.  
"This place is beautiful." Helena says, slightly breathless - her fingers dancing slowly over the soft petals of a forget-me-not. "Who does it belong to?"
I say the word simply and with a sincerity to my voice so strong, that I can see the emotion in Helena's eyes almost immediately. The small blush that rises to her cheeks, the tiny amount of tears that gather in her eyes - totally disarmed by such a genuine act of kindness - of love.
"M-m e? My love?"
"Mhm... I asked Sophie a few months ago to talk to her landlord about using this. We've been working on it for you ever since."
I watch as Helena slowly makes her way through the green house, her delicate nose stopping at each flower that she passes.
"And you have done all of this.. for me?" She asks again, slightly averting her eyes as she does.
"Of course, Helena. You deserve it, and so much more! I even picked out each flower here for a reason."
"Oh?" She asks, her dark blue eyes sparkling with curiosity.
"Yep. These periwinkle ones over here are-"
"Forget-me-nots. I remember." She interrupts, a small smile forming on her lips.
"Correct. The color of their soft blue petals represent calmness and tranquility, and the name can also mean not to forget one's past. To always respect it."
Helena lets out a small hum of pleasure as the tip of her fingers fondly trace over one of the small flowers. A look on her face so soft that my heart can't help but swell.
"And these over here.." I say walking over the next row a flowers - soft white petals with the slightest hint of pink to them, spread out brilliantly before us. "Are called Gladiolus. They're a symbol of strength and integrity. They also represent healing in times of grief."
"That name is similar to the word for 'sword' in Demon language." Her voice was coated something sadder as she spoke, with an almost longing to it.
For a moment, I just drink in her beauty as she leans over to take in the flower's soft scent - The way her hair fell so elegantly around her face like moonlight chasing after the dawn, how her eyes lit up like the tops of an ocean, basking in the warm sunlight - She was wise beyond her years - but also broken - rebuilt from the bottom up - Always with such a deep rooted innocence, that it only stood her apart from the other of the Witch Queen's generals. I take her hand in mine and lead her further back into the green house, where dozens upon dozens of roses filled the space - From a moonlit white, to the fiercest orange I had ever seen. The smell almost overwhelming - floral with a sweet undertone of musk - almost as delicious as the scent that was Helena.
"I chose the orange to represent your new life in Chicago - a rebirth, if you will." I say, plucking a single orange rose from a bush and handing it to her - the petals and leaves instantly flourishing to her touch.
"Ah, like a phoenix." She replies, and I smile, thinking back to the day that I had taught her about the mythological creatures of the my world. How curious she was to know that at one time, almost everyone here had once believed in magic.
"Exactly." I reply fondly.
"And.. the white?" She asks quietly, the orange rose spinning smoothly between her fingers.
"I know it may seem like an.. odd choice.. given the circumstances. But I also thought it would be a nice way to honor Alain, and Helen as well. I even made sure they were closer to a moonlit white, to match your hair."
Helena gives me a small nod, unspent tears causing her eyes to shimmer in the low lighting of the small garden, a smile on her face so fond that I immediately cup her face, pulling her in for a soft kiss - wiping away any falling tears as I do. She lays her forehead against mine when we finally part, and lets out a small hum.
"Your thoughtfulness and kindness will never cease to disarm me, my love. Thank you." Her warm breath skates across my skin as she speaks, etching a promise of everything she felt into my skin.
"Don't thank me, just yet. I still have one more thing to show you."
She gives me a look of surprised curiosity, as I lead her to the far back corner of the room - a small table, set with an elegant ceramic tea set, sits besides the beginning of a small but very suitable herb garden. The delicate inflections of the light blue and gold, that were so meticulously painted on the teapot, almost twinkled under the string lights that hung with care over the table.
"Is this an herb garden, my love?" Helena asks, looking over the variety that already began to sprout.
"Yep! I thought you'd enjoy being surrounded by some familiar smells as you relax with your favorite tea."
I motion for her to sit down, pouring her a hot cup of mint tea that Sophie had brewed for us. Swirls of steam curling elegantly around her face as she takes in a long, deep sip. The smallest of blushes rises to her cheeks and nose, as I lean over and kiss her again. She tasted like midnight and crisp air - mint and honey - love and life. I curl my fingers through her soft hair, pulling her even deeper in, savoring the perfection of the moment.
"Thank you, my love." She whispers against me.
I write the word into her lips, kissing her under the clear winter's sky, until our dinner reservations had long past expired.
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spriteandnicotine · 4 years
Paper Lanterns
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Fandom: Haikyuu
Pairing: Sugawara x Fem! Reader
Word Count: 1.4K+
A/N: Doing this for Haikyuuwritersnet June event! It’s my first one for them so I hope you enjoy it <3 I also like to think that Suga volunteers at a cat shelter in his free time. I also would like to thank @megalodon-writes​ and @strawbirb​ for helping me bounce ideas off of them, and @gayforgreen-martians​ for being my Beta reader <3
Prompt: A and B’s plans to go to the festival didn’t quite pan out. Seeing how upset A is, B sets up their own home-made viewing in the backyard
As you are unlocking your car, your pone begins to buzz in your back pocket. You take it out and when you see who it is, butterflies begin to flutter inside your stomach. You swipe your thumb across the screen and place the phone to your ear.
“Y/N? I don’t think I can come to the festival. I was on my way home and spotted a kitten who appeared to be abandoned. She’s pretty young, so I picked up milk formula and a bottle. I need to feed her every 3-4 hours so I’ll need to stay home.” As Suga says this, you feel your heart sink.
Crestfallen, you respond, “Oh. U-um, I guess I’ll just stay ho-”
Before you can finish your sentence, he interrupts, “No, please, come over. I bought supplies for us to make our own paper lanterns while I was out.”
“Okay! I’ll see you then!” You hang up and clutch the phone to your chest, take a deep breath, and pull the door open.
You climb in, hook the phone into the aux, start the car, and turn on your favorite song on repeat.
As you pull into Suga’s driveway, you turn the volume down so you won’t be too embarrassed. You grab your phone and exit the car, holding your keys over your shoulder to lock the vehicle behind you.
Before you knock, Suga appears in the doorway, holding a tiny black kitten with white tufts of fur sprinkled throughout her body. Your heart starts pumping rapidly.
Suga holds the glass door open with one arm while securely holding the little cat in his other.
You slide off your flip-flops and pick them up in your right hand, then enter the Sugawara residence. Suga closes the door behind you and leads you straight through to the back yard.
There is a small sunflower garden on the right side of the yard. In the center, there are two chairs next to a fire. Next to the chairs is a circular glass table with s’mores and paper lantern supplies. Further back are several cherry blossom trees, filled sporadically with green leaves.
“Where are your parents?” you ask while slipping your shoes back on.
He smiles and puts some sandals on while he replies, “They wanted to go to the festival. It ends in about two hours.”
The realization that you will be alone with him while watching the sunset hits and your pulse kicks into high gear, blood rushing to your face. 
Suga leads you to the chairs and sits down in the one on the left. You join him by sitting in the other. The sweet rich scent of cedar burning hits your nostrils as the warmth from the fire heats the tips of your fingers and toes.
You look up to the sky and take in the beautiful view. There are birds flying along the orange purple and pink backdrop. Fluffy clouds are scattered above the sun. You can feel Suga’s eyes on you, so you turn to face him.
Once your eyes meet his, the kitten lets out a tiny mew. You immediately glance toward her and hold your hands out to take her.
He transfers the cat into your hands and pulls a bottle of milk out of his pocket. You set her down on your lap and take the bottle from him gently guiding the nib into her mouth.
As she is drinking, Suga speaks, “Y/N sure is cute.”
You look at him in shock. “Oh, I decided to name her Y/N Junior,” he explains.
“Oh,” you chuckle, trying to be nonchalant.
You look down to Junior, running one finger down her fragile back. Suddenly, you hear Suga blow a burst of air out from his mouth. Upon looking over, you see a charred marshmallow on a poker. He places a piece of chocolate delicately on the graham cracker, then places the marshmallow on top, using another graham cracker along with pressure to remove the poker.
He wakes a bite and smiles wide, “I love s’mores.”
“Yeah, but they’re way better when the marshmallow isn’t burnt,” you respond.
He looks at you quizzically before sticking two marshmallows on the poker and handing it to you. You place the empty bottle into the built-in cup holder on the chair and grab the poker, holding it carefully six inches above the flames. After one side crisps to a light golden brown, you rotate the marshmallows to finish toasting them to perfection.
You hold the poker out to him and ask, “Would you do the honors?”
He grabs enough for two, constructing the desserts quickly and with precision. Once the marshmallows are off, you lay the stick against the bricks surrounding the fire, careful to not only ensure it stays in place, but to keep from waking Y/N Junior.
Suga hands one to you once you are sitting upright again and an idea pops into your head, “Taste test on three... one... two... three!” you say, taking a large bite out of the sweet treat.
You hear an audible “mmm” from Suga as the flavors swirl around in your own mouth. The chewy marshmallow mingles wit the crunchy graham cracker as the chocolate melts.
“I guess I get why they call them s’mores,” you stare at him blankly as he continues, “It’s because once you have one, you always crave s’more!” You can't help it...a laugh escapes from your lips.
“Let’s see you do it the right way then, hot shot,” you say, handing him the poker with one hand while popping the rest of the snack into your mouth with the other.
Suga obliges, placing two marshmallows onto the device. You watch as he attempts to imitate your process. 
Unfortunately, he is holding the poker at a slightly downward angle, and a marshmallow falls into the pit. He quickly withdraws the poker, but the other marshmallow touches the flames. He blows it out and lays the stick on the ground, looking defeated.
“How about I stick to roasting the marshmallows from now on?” you ask, nudging him on the shoulder.
“Okay, but one day I’ll get it right and then I’ll show you!” He says.
Between you roasting the marshmallows, him constructing the s’mores, and the both of you devouring them, time passes quickly. Before you know it, fireflies emerge from hiding, joining the stars to twinkle in the sky.
Suga passes you a lantern and a marker. “My family has a tradition where we write our hopes on the sides of these lanterns before we let them fly away,” he explains.
You write yours down as he does his. He secretly lights his and lets it fly away, then hands a matchbook to you. You light yours and let it go, then quickly fan the match through the air until the flame goes out.
Not long after, fireworks begin, which startles Y/N Junior out of her cat nap. “Do you mind if we move inside? It will muffle the sounds of the explosions so Y/N can sleep,” Suga points out.
You stand up, carefully cradling the kitten in your arms and make your way to the house. You slide off your flip-flops and stand to the side while he opens the door for you. You enter and follow Suga through the house. 
He opens another door, revealing a room full of volleyball posters. The bed is neatly made with black linens, and there is a huge sit-in window taking up the wall facing the fireworks. Suga sits on the bed, propping himself up on his elbows. He looks between you and the bed, as if he were trying to tell you to join him.
You oblige, sitting with your back against the array of pillows. The air conditioner turns on, causing you to shiver. You feel Suga shift to grab something off the bed frame, then drape it across your back. From the feel of the material you can tell it’s his athletic jacket.
“So Y/N, what did you wish for?” He asked.
You pick up the kitten and hold her in the air so she is facing you as you respond, “I want her to grow big and strong, and I would like to be there for it too. What about you?”
At this point, he is watching the fireworks explode into the sky while you admire Junior’s cute face.
“Y/N look at me,” he says. You set the cat in the space between the two of you and turn to face him. “I was wishing for the courage to do this,” he says, sliding his fingers into your hair. His lips meet yours and sparks of electricity reach every cell in your body. The kiss ends in sync with the finale of fireworks, and you are happy that Suga held his own private viewing with you.
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justjen523 · 6 years
Perilous Paradise
Unknown x MC
Series Rating E (18+)
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Within the Darkness       Chapter 3    (4 on A3)
“We're here!” The car comes to a stop off of a dirt road in the middle of the woods and I can’t help myself as I crack a half serious joke.
“Yeah....’cause this is definitely not a scene from a horror movie waiting to happen.” I stick my tongue out and he shakes his head while laughing at me.
“See, you are so convinced I want to hurt you but what you don’t understand is, if that was my goal you’d be dead already.”
“So what is your goal Mr. Unknown?”
“I told you several times already, to take you home.”
“Okay and then what?”
“You ask far too many questions. Haven’t you ever heard the phrase, ‘curiosity killed the cat’?”
“Mm. Yeah I have but considering what you are asking of me, I think it’s a fair question to wanna know what I am getting myself into.” His sexy smile and enchanting eyes captivate me as he slowly leans over and captures my lips in a tender and gentle kiss.
“We will live happily ever after my princess doing whatever our hearts desire.” He speaks against my lips before tasting them once more.
“And what does your heart desire Unknown?” He smiles against my lips before nuzzling his cheek against mine. His voice is husky as he speaks quietly near my ear.
“Savoring every inch of the forbidden fruit I fought so hard to bring carefully home.” I gasp as his soft lips travel to my neck and I feel his hot breath against my cool skin.
"G-God what is it about you?” I breathe as my eyes close. I can never get enough of him touching me and that’s dangerous. I can’t say no to him for no other reason than, I simply don’t want to. Everything about him is like a drug. 
After leaving a trail of kisses down my neck to my chest he pulls away smiling wickedly.
“Look how beautiful my girl is when she wants me. You really are mine aren’t you? That’s right, you know you belong to me and I will never let you go. Not ever.” His words should command fear and send me running but for some insane reason I want what he says to be true. I smile shyly as he runs his fingers through my hair before pulling a lock to his lips. He inhales deeply and his eyes close, a deep sound of satisfaction vibrating in his chest. 
“Come, there’s something I want you to see before we return home.” After exiting the vehicle he opens my door surprising me yet again at this walking contradiction of a man. A bad boy gentleman? He’s like every girl’s wet dream. Taking my hand as I exit the car, he leads me through some thick tree’s and underbrush before it empties us out into a clearing. A large and lazy hill with shallow slopes awaits us as we swiftly climb it hand in hand.
“It’s beautiful here.” I say in astonishment. All along the tree-line fireflies dance as the sun finally sets below the horizon. The sound of cicadas can be heard singing as I inhale a lung full of clean fresh air. 
“Come, sit and wait and I’ll show you something wonderful.” Sprawling out on the grass we lay side by side and watch the sky change from brilliant shades of oranges and reds into purples and blues. Eventually the darkness of night engulfs us and without the light pollution from the city, a sky littered with bright and twinkling stars surrounds us. 
“I’ve never seen the sky this beautiful before. Thank you so much for bringing me here.” 
He smiles and continues staring wistfully up at the sky. In the silence that follows I can sense the melancholy that now fills this mysterious man. He sighs before sitting up and from his pocket he takes his flask and drinks deeply from it. 
“Just curious but what is it you’re drinking? The color is...fascinating.” He laughs as he screws the cap back on then tucking it away in his pocket. 
“Didn’t I tell you? I belong to a religious cult and this is our magic Kool-Aid.” The way he chuckles after saying it I can’t help but laugh along with him. He’s impossibly cute though I am sure that’s not the image he is going for. 
He pulls out the remainder of the joint from earlier and is about to light it but stops and turns to me first.
“You mind? If it’s going to bother you-” I sigh internally as I think, ‘_____, what the hell are you doing?‘ I snatch it along with the lighter from his fingers and light it up before taking a huge drag and handing it back to him. His eyes are wide and there’s a surprised yet very pleased grin on his handsome face. I make it about 4.5 seconds before I start coughing so violently I am sure some organs are going to come up with it. He takes a huge drag of his own before comforting me as best he can by rubbing my back.
“Oh Princess, that was brave.” I spare him a glance though my eyes are watering and I am unable to soothe the coughing. He takes another hit never taking his eyes off of me, watching me with a thoroughly enthralled smile. 
“I’m going to warn you now, after a hit like that, you are going to be high as fuck.” He chuckles sympathetically still rubbing my back. After about fifteen minutes of non stop coughing I finally start to stabilize and that’s when I realize my vision is severely blurred. My eyes search for him and when they find him I feel like they are somehow moving faster than my vision will allow. I slowly lift my hand in front of my face studying it a moment before bursting into a fit of hysterical laughter. 
“W-What....is...this?” I barely manage trying to focus on him. Though it’s difficult to see straight I can tell he’s smiling at me. 
“Oh Princess. Hahaha! I’m so sorry.” He’s cracking up at the expression on my face and I am unable to help myself from joining him. 
“It’s amazing.” He says in a sweet tone grinning at me.
“W-What is?” I find forming words kind of a challenge in this state. 
“How you can be this fucking precious.” I giggle and he tossels my hair atop my head playfully sending a strange sensation cascading downward throughout my body.
“Mmmm…….wow. T-That feels...amazing.” My eyes close on their own as the lingering sensation sends pleasant shivers up and down my arms. 
“Yeah, this is a potent Indica strain. I grew it myself at home in our huge garden.”
“Y-You’re...allowed to....grow marijuana?” He chuckles at my innocent question.
“Well, I am pretty sure Savior wouldn’t like it if she knew but, I’m the one who tends the garden so I do whatever I want.”
“T-That’s...somehow not surprising.” I laugh until something he just said actually registers.
“W-Wait did you say Savior?”
“Mm, yeah I did. She is going to love you I know it.”
“Who is she?” I guess I was making a strange face as he blinks in surprise several times before cracking up at me.
“Oh no, don’t worry Princess. It’s not like that. You have nothing to worry about.”
“You’re expression just now.”
“W-What about it?”
“You looked so angry, though I think a better description would be jealous.”
“J-Jealous?! Of her? Wait why, s-should I be?” He can’t help laughing at me and teasing me as I get more and more flustered and unable to properly articulate my frustrations. 
“No beautiful, you’re my only girl.”
“D-Damn right I am!” I suddenly proclaim loudly making him crack up once more at the seriousness with which I announce it.
“H-Hey! Don’t you dare laugh!” I shout at him trying to sound intimidating but fail miserably when I cannot restrain the laughter. I try to swat at him but greatly miss my mark and he pulls me into his arms so I don’t fall over from the force. 
“So naughty! Didn’t you learn your lesson last time?” He chuckles darkly in my ear.
“Mmm....probably not. I just like the w-way your hands feel on my body right now.” God what am I saying?
“Yeah? Do you want me to touch you more?” Wow that’s a loaded question and I am in no state to respond reasonably. 
“Yes.” I state shamelessly. He smirks cupping my cheek before sliding his hand down to lightly grip my chin bringing his lips to mine. I moan into his kiss helpless to resist him. He pulls his fingers lightly down my neck, over my chest making me arch my back into his touch. His hand stops at my naval before he pulls my shirt up exposing my stomach and pressing kisses all over.
“F-Fuck....this feels so....oh my god....” 
“Mmm, your skin is so soft Princess, I want to devour you.”
“G-God go ahead, this is so.....ah! Amazing. W-Why does this....feel so good?”
“Yeah? Tell me what you want me to do?”
“G-God, whatever you want...just...touch me....kiss me....” His hot breath rolls across my skin and a burst of heat shoots straight to my sex making me whimper under his ministrations. While his mouth continues its journey slowly upward, his hand goes right between my legs cupping me there.
“Oh holy fuck. P-Please, don’t tease me...” I grind my hips against his hand and he hums against my skin, dragging his soft lips up my chest. His head buried beneath my shirt traps the heat causing me to feel feverish. 
“Oh I like this. You’re so naughty.” 
“Princess, be careful, if you get me too wound up I’m not going to be able to stop.”
“G-Good! I don’t want you to stop!”
“Haha! Yeah, I know you don’t but, you’re also not in your right frame of mind sweetheart.”
“Hey! I’m fully aware of what we’re doing!”
“Yeah? What do you want? For me to fuck you?”
“Y-Yes. I do.”
“God as much as I want to, I don’t want you to regret it after.”
“I-I won’t!” I protest, desperate to feel him inside me suddenly. The need powerful and consuming. He chuckles against my skin.
“No need to rush this beautiful. I’m not going anywhere.” A frustrated sigh escapes my lips and I sigh dramatically. Discontentment spilling out.
“Oh my, not what you wanted to hear? My girl is so naughty. I’ll be merciful since you’ve been such a good girl for me.” His fingers relinquish my sex and undo the button of my jeans, unzip them and then pull them fluidly from my body,setting them aside. I lift my ass this time to help remove the now sodden panties but he pushes my hips back down to the ground.
“Patience beautiful.” My chest is pounding in anticipation and I pull my hands through my hair splayed out around me in the grass. He then carefully lifts my hips and drapes my legs over his shoulders. Through my panties I feel his tongue drag along the fabric making my mind go numb. I tremble under his touch as he licks up and down torturously slow till I am crying from the bliss of the mixed and heightened sensations.
“S-So..good….” I can barely breathe. I hear him chuckle lowly, clearly pleased at the state I’m in.
“Christ you taste better than fucking ice cream.” He rips the fabric covering my sex pulling it from my body and sticking in his pocket. Fully exposed to him I start to feel shy until his wet, hot muscle glides across my throbbing core causing me to cry out.
“God Unknown!”
“Oh fuck beautiful..let me hear more of that voice. Sing for me.” I’m pretty confident I don’t disappoint. The cries of pleasure and bliss reverberate around us coupled with the lewd sounds from him feasting upon me like a last meal. My fingers twist in his hair and when his tongue plunges within, my body begins to quake at the intensity. 
“Fuck....oh god....Unknown...Unknown!”
“Yeah Princess....gimme more.”
“S-Shit! I’m gonna....”
“Cum for me, I want to drink that delicious nectar.” It was too much, the coil within was too taught and finally snapped sending me into a convulsing mess. I never came so hard in all my life. It stole the air from my lungs and caused giant tears to pool in the corners of my eyes. A string of incomprehensible sounds of gratification echoing in the darkness. 
He growled, clearly pleased as he licked, sucked and drank down my lust for him until I couldn’t take anymore and began to squirm uncomfortably from the sensitivity. When he sat up a glossy sheen covered his lips and chin. He wiped it away with his hand before bringing each finger to his mouth to suck clean.
“Goddamn Princess. You have quite a tasty little snatch don’t you? Mm. I’ll lick your pretty pussy anytime.” He crawled atop me and claimed my mouth hungrily allowing me to feel his hard-on press firmly into my thigh.
“Hey.” I pulled away from the kiss.
“Yeah Princess?”
“You’re fucking amazing.” I breathed. He laughed reclaiming my mouth kissing me deeply and once more stealing my breath away.
“And..” I manage, separating our lips.
“And?” He repeats kissing my nose.
“Why don’t you let me return the favor?”
“Mmm such a naughty girl indeed.” He licks across my lips teasingly before giving me a gorgeous grin.
“Not tonight Princess. Tonight is about you.” He states without room for debate. I go to protest but he presses his index finger to my lips and shakes his head. 
“But....our night is almost over.” I realize in a rather depressing tone.
“It doesn’t have to be.” He takes my hand in his and kisses the back softly, his ethereal looking eyes glowing in the moonlight. My heart is thrumming steadily in my chest and though every ounce of reason screams for me to part ways, he has already claimed my heart and it will not be swayed.
“You were right Unknown. I am your girl. Please, take me home.”
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longestnight64448 · 7 years
We're Looking Up At The Same Night Sky... *George Weasley X reader*
Emily >>> You 
I looked around and saw everyone laughing. I smiled and slipped on my black converse. I took my opening and went outside without anyone noticing. As soon as I opened the door, a wave of cool summer night air hit me. I looked up at the sky. It was beautiful. The stars were brighter than I have ever seen them before and the crescent moon lit up everything outside. I took in a deep breath of fresh air and sat down with my back against the cold brick wall of the house. I sighed and stared up into the night sky. I heard someone walk out of the door and come outside. I looked over and saw a familiar head of red hair shining in the moonlight. I smiled and looked back up at the sky. I felt him come over and sit down beside me. I felt his warmth wash over me. I looked over at him and he was smiling at me.
"What are you doing out here?" I smiled and shook my head.
"I needed some fresh air." He smiled and looked up at the sky.
"Yeah, I know what you mean." I laughed lightly and looked at his handsome profile. He turned his head and looked at me. "You okay?" I nodded.
"Yeah. I just didn't want to intrude on anyone." He smiled and lightly brushed his hand against mine. I could the blood pulling in my cheeks and tingles go throughout my body.
"What do you mean Emily?" I looked at George and smiled.
"All of you guys looked so happy laughing together and I didn't really know what you we're talking about. I love your family, don't get me wrong, but...I just don't want to become someone who...you know...I just." He put his finger up to my lips. The butterflies in my stomach started to go crazy.
"Emily, you are practically part of the family. You've been best friends with all of us since our first year. Mum practically thinks of you as a Weasley. I mean you have the right hair." He ruffled up my copper colored hair and I smiled. "That's the smile I love...Are you sure you're okay, you've seemed a little distant these past couple of days." I looked back up at the sky. I have been distance because I realized that I'm in love with you. But I can't tell him that. I sighed and looked back at his perfect face.
"I'm fine Georgie. Don't worry about me." He smiled and looked up at the sky. "They are beautiful aren't they?" I could feel George get closer to me. He leaned over next to my ear. I could feel his warm breath on my neck. It sent shivers up my spine.
"Not as beautiful as you." I looked at him and his face was so close to mine. I could feel my stomach turn into knots. He smiled and put his hand on my knee. Were he touched me felt like it was on fire. He looked into my blue-green eyes and titled his head. He lightly touched his lips to mine. The kiss took my breath away.
"George! Emily! Where are you." George quickly pulled away and scooted away from me. I looked back up to the sky, a smile playing on my lips. Mrs. Weasley came out of the door and looked at us. "What are you two doing outside? Charlie was just telling us about his travels with the dragons he's been training." She had a slight smile on her face as she looked at me with her kind eyes. I nodded. George got up and held out his hand. I grabbed it and he helped me up. I smiled and got up. I wiped off my black skinny jeans and looked up at George. He bit his lip and headed inside. My face got hot and I looked at Mrs. Weasley. I walked in the door. "Emily dear." I turned around and looked at her. "You look lovely tonight." I smiled, a little confusedly. She winked and walked in front of me. I saw George standing in the kitchen. I smiled at him and he gave me slight smile and looked away. I followed Mrs. Weasley into the living room. I sat down in a comfy armchair. Charlie proceeded to tell us about the dragons he was working with. I didn't mean to tune him out, but I had more important things on my mind than dragons. I saw George walk in and whisper something to Fred. I saw them look at me out of the corner of their eyes. A smile crept onto my face. They both got up and headed up stairs. I looked over at Hermione and she smiled at me. She was the only who knew that I liked George. After Charlie was done with his stories, Mrs. Weasley said it was time to go to bed since we had to go toDiagon Alleyin the morning to get our school supplies.
I climbed up the stairs and went into Ginny's room. Ginny, Hermione, and I all put our pajamas on. I put on my black and red plaid shorts and a black tank top that had a red cat on the side of it. I put my copper colored hair into a side ponytail and slipped on my black slippers. I sat down on my sleeping bag, and looked around at the small room. I smiled. It was so cozy and homely. I felt more at home here than I did at home. I'm glad that the Weasley's let me stay in their home these past couple of weeks. It was back to school in a couple of days. My last year at Hogwarts. I looked over at Hermione and Ginny and they were already in their beds trying to sleep. I looked out the tiny window over Ginny's bed. The sky was still crystal clear. I smiled at bright stars. I waited awhile until the girls' were both asleep. I slowly got up and quietly went out of the door. I made my way to the front door. I slowly opened it so it didn't squeak. I squeezed my way through it and walked outside. I made my way to their garden and found my favorite spot by the small little pond. I took a seat on the large rock and looked up at the sky. I thought about how this was my last year. I sighed and picked at the grass beneath my feet. I heard footsteps behind me. His smell wafted over me and I smiled. I turned around and saw George walking toward me. He was wearing long pajama pants with brooms all over them and an old Chudley Canons tee shirt. I smiled. He came closer and his blue eyes shined in the light of the moon. I turned back around and looked at the pond. The stars were reflecting in the rippling blue water. George took a seat next to me.
"How'd you know I was out here?" He smiled and looked out at the pond.
"I didn't see you in Ginny's room, so I took a wild guess that you were out here." I smiled and sighed. He looked up at me. "What are you doing out here again?"
"Thinking." He nodded.
"About what?"
"About how I'm scared."
"This is our last year of Hogwarts Georgie. What am I gonna do after? I've never thought about it. I just scooted my way through school, not caring what my actual future was going to be. I just...I can't think of anything I'm good at." He looked at me and smiled.
"What are you talking about?"
"What am I good at Georgie?" He laughed.
"Everything." I blushed and he touched my cheek. My face got hot and looked at him. "You are good at everything."
"Stop kidding around George." He smiled and stood up. He held out his hand. "What?" He smiled and shook his hand at me. "What?"
"Take my hand."
"Why?" He smiled and grabbed my hand. He lifted me up and I stood there next to him. "What are you doing?" He smiled and laced his fingers through mine and put his hand on my hip with his other. I smiled and shook my head. "Georgie?" He smiled and music began to filter through the air. I looked all around and couldn't find the source of the music. The soft strumming of 'Collide' by Howie Day came on. I smiled and looked at George. "What are you doing?"
"I know that you are good at dancing." I smiled and shook my head.
"No I'm not." He smiled and began to sway. He moved me along with him.
"Sure you are. Remember the Yule Ball." I laughed and shook my head.
"Oh merlin. That was bad." He laughed and shook his head.
"No, that was fun." We both smiled and swayed to the music. I looked around and light began to twinkle all around us. I smiled and George looked down at me. I looked all around, fireflies were dancing around us. I laughed. George pulled me closer to him. I put my head on his shoulder. "Don't worry about the future Emily. We live for right now." I smiled and closed my eyes. The song ended and George stopped. He looked down at me. He lifted his hand up and brushed a piece of hair behind my ear. "You look so beautiful." I smiled and looked down.
"In my pajamas?" He smiled and nodded.
"You look perfect all the time Emily." I smiled and my face grew hot. He looked up at the stars. "I can see why you look at them all the time...I could spend a lifetime looking up at those stars." I smiled and nodded. "A lifetime that would never be the same if you weren't in it." My breath caught and I looked up at him. "Emily." He looked down at me and smiled. "Do you remember last year when we pulled that prank on Snape." I laughed and nodded at him. "Do you remember when we got back to the common room and I was going to tell you something." I nodded again. "Well, I was going to tell you then, but I chickened out."
"Tell me what?" He sighed and sat down on a rock. I sat down next to him.
"I was going to tell you that...um...well..." I looked at him and his face was red. I smiled and lightly put my hand on his. He smiled and put his thumb on top of my hand. He looked at me and smiled. "I was going to tell you, that...well...I can't get enough of you." I smiled and closed my eyes. "I have always had a crush on you. Ever since the first day on the train. You were so sarcastic and funny and you stood up for yourself even when the older kids said stuff. Sometimes I think that I'm the only one that gets your humor." I smiled and chuckled a bit. "I just never had the guts to tell you." He looked at me and smiled sweetly. "Emily Hamilton, I love you." I felt a pang in my stomach and my heart skipped a beat.
"What?" He smiled
"I'm in love with you Emily. I always have been, even when you got me in trouble for sticking that wad of gum in Angelina's hair our second year." I laughed. "I'm hopelessly in love with you. The way your nose scrunches up when you laugh, the way your copper colored hair shines in the sunlight, the way you carry yourself when you walk, the way you roll your eyes when anyone does something dumb, the way your face lights up when you smile, the way you bit your lips when you are mad, I just love everything about you. Everything. I can't seem to get you out of my mind no matter how hard I try Emily. I love you every inch of you." He ran his hand through my hair. I shivered from his touch. He brought his head closer to mine. He smiled and looked into my eyes. He gently kissed my lips. I felt sparks ignite and I could feel the butterflies in my stomach. He pulled back and put his hand on the side of my face. "I love you, it just took me a long time to finally realize it Emily." He smiled and stroked the side of face lightly. "Say something Emily." I smiled.
"I've waited forever for you to say something like that." He laughed. "I love you George and I always have." He smiled. He picked me up and spun me around. He tripped over something and we both tumbled to the ground. I started laughing and he laughed along with me. He looked at me and smiled. "So, you're falling for me already." He laughed and shook his head.
"I fell for you a long time ago." I smiled and looked into his eyes. He kissed me lovingly on the lips. I smiled. He rolled onto his back and looked up into the sky. I put my head on his chest and did the same. "Emily?"
"Um, does this mean that we are dating now?" I laughed and looked up at the stars.
"Yes." He smiled and put his hand on top of mine.
"So that means that you'll be mine?" I smiled.
"As long as there are stars in the sky George." He smiled and sighed.
"That's a pretty big promise." I laughed.
"And I intend to keep it."
"Good." I yawned and closed my eyes. George stroked my hair softly. "You tired love?" I smiled and nodded. "Go to sleep love, we're safe out here." I laughed lightly and snuggled into George. "I love you."
"I love you too." He smiled and wrapped his arms around me. I closed my eyes and drifted off to sleep.
"Emily, wake up." I yawned and opened my eyes. I saw Ginny and Hermione standing over me smiling. "Hey, sleepy head." I looked and saw George still sleeping. I smiled. I looked up at Hermione and she winked at me.
"What are you guys doing?"
"Mum's worried sick about you two."
"Yeah, she's been looking all over the house." I laughed and shook George beside me. He snored and opened his eyes. He looked at me and smiled. I smiled back at him. He saw Ginny and Hermione and sat up.
"What are they doing out here."
"Mum's going ballistic. If she finds out you slept out here, she's going to murder you." He rolled his eyes and grabbed my hand.
"Not if I'm in my room." He winked at them and appearated us into his room. My stomach lurched and he held onto me. We landed on his bed. I looked up at him and smiled. He brushed a piece of hair out of my face. I heard loud footsteps coming up the stairs.
"George Weasley!" The door opened and Mrs. Weasley stormed in. "What were you thinking sleeping outside! How dumb can you be!" She looked at me and smiled. "I don't blame you dear, he probably persuaded you." I tried to control my laugh as she glared at George. He squeezed my hand and I smiled. She looked down and saw us holding hands. A grin broke out on her face. She looked from me to him. "Are you two, together?" I looked at George and he smiled. "You are! Oh Merlin. I'm so excited! You are so perfect Emily. I'm so glad he chose you. Oh, I'm so happy. Wait until I tell Arthur." She hurried out of the room. I laughed and George shook his head.
"My whole family will know by the end of the day." I smiled. He shook his head and looked at me. He touched my chin with his finger. "I love you, so I don't think that I really mind." I smiled and kissed him on the lips. He smiled and looked into my eyes. "You are so perfect. I could kiss you forever."
"You could?" He smiled.
"As long as we are looking up at the same night sky."
"That's a big promise." He smiled.
"And I intend to keep it." I smiled and kissed him again.
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agilenano · 5 years
Agilenano - News: Glamorous Firefly Solar Lantern
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The Firefly Lantern by Evergreen is a new, solar-powered and environmentally conscious option for all of your lighting needs. Whether you enjoy camping and. Amazon.com : Firefly Indestructible Silicone Solar Powered Outdoor Camping and Hiking LED Lantern with Water-Tight Twist Top : Sports & Outdoors. Illuminate your life with this magical swirl Firefly solar lantern. Adorned in a marbleized twist of purple, pink, and white, the lanterns versatility and beauty will. Barefoot Power Firefly Mobile LED Portable Solar Table Lamp + Solar study Lamp with Mobile Charger- Solar Lantern-Travel Campaigning Solar Lantern. Firefly Green Bell-Shaped Indestructible Silicone Solar Powered LED Emergency Power Light with Water-Tight Twist Top: Amazon.ca: Tools & Home. Premium high quality solar firefly lantern jar light; Solar powered. Charges throughout the day and the light will turn on automatically at dusk; The lantern jar. Luxury Solar Marine Copper Lantern Light for Garden and Patio Ideal Gift . Homezone Large Solar Copper Hanging Firefly Lantern with LED Lights Patio. Best Selling Top Rated. Luxury Solar Marine Copper Lantern Light for Garden and Patio Ideal Gift. Direct Global Trading. Luxury Solar Marine Copper Lantern. Solar-powered and battery powered Firefly lanterns offer a flexible multi-purpose lighting solution indoors and out!
A quirky decorative lantern for your garden, the Solar LED Firefly Lantern has a trio of LED . Glass Firefly Solar Lantern Reviews . Sun Jar Suck Uk 16.99. Premium high quality solar firefly lantern jar light; Solar powered. Charges throughout the . Find answers in product info, Q&As, reviews. Please make sure that. I read the reviews for theses lights and drove over to my cost plus to grab some. These are Antique Bronze Nautical Metal Cage Solar LED Lantern. Made of. Tools & Home Improvement Best Sellers Deals & Savings Gift Ideas Power & Hand CEDAR HOME Solar Lantern Outdoor LED Light Collapsible Silicone Portable Waterproof Camping Lamp with Hanger and . Find answers in product info, Q&As, reviews . The Firefly Lantern by Evergreen is a new, solar-powered and. Buy SUCK UK Solar Sun Jar Yellow: Outdoor Lighting Amazon.com FREE DELIVERY possible on eligible . Find answers in product info, Q&As, reviews. Solar Lanterns idea to power your life might seem farfetched and daunting at first glance. Nonetheless, it doesnt have to feel like that With huge a variety of solar garden lights, you can hang solar lanterns, line walkways . Lucena Cream Tassel Solar Lantern . 20 Firefly LED Solar Fairy Lights. Bright colours or warm white tones, the choice of solar string lights is yours! If youre stringing your solar fairy lights up high then solar stake lights and solar lanterns are a great way to add light at lower levels too. . 20 Firefly LED Solar Fairy Lights Reviews. lights4fun.fr lights4fun.de. Lights4fun 2003-2018 Company. This will only be applicable if your light is brand new and it isnt working. This can be a tricky . It is an idea to do this regularly with all of your solar lights. This is.
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CEDAR HOME Solar Lantern Outdoor LED Light Collapsible Silicone Portable Waterproof Camping Lamp . The Firefly Lantern by Evergreen is a new, solar-powered and environmentally . Most solar outdoor lights I tried were pretty weak. . Instructions suck the unit works well after you figure it out despite the instructions. Malibu Solar LED Firefly Glass Lantern Jar Landscape Lighting Amazon.com. . Beauty & Grooming Gift Ideas Power & Hand Tools Lighting & Ceiling Fans Kitchen & Bath Fixtures Aubasic Solar Mason Jar Lights, 20 Leds Waterproof Fairy Firefly String Lights Build-in Glass Mason Quick and Easy Installation. Solar-powered and battery powered Firefly lanterns offer a flexible multi-purpose lighting solution indoors and out! This will only be applicable if your light is brand new and it isnt working. This can be a tricky . It is an idea to do this regularly with all of your solar lights. This is. . Mothers Day Cooking & Baking Gifts Mothers Day Brunch Gift Ideas Outdoor Furniture Gifts for Mothers Day Mothers Day Bath & Body . Assembly Instructions . Beautiful solar lights . Bought for toddler grandson who really enjoys the twinkling firefly lights . Antique Bronze Nautical Metal Cage Solar LED Lantern. Give your home a rustic touch with this solar powered firefly lantern. The charming design . They lit up and look lovely. Hope they last, time . No instructions about a switch and having read the previous review I still cant see it. Shame as they. Solar Lanterns idea to power your life might seem farfetched and daunting at first . The beautiful decorative solar lanterns can be used interchangeably from EASY INSTALLATION: Install, remove and relocate your lamp with absolute ease.
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Products 830 1306 Amazon.com : Winsome House Decorative Leaves Hanging Solar Lights with Shepherds Hook . Echo Valley 4570R Firefly Solar Lantern. Buy Used and Save: Buy a Used Winsome House Pagoda Hanging Solar Lanterns with S. and save 32% off the $43.99 list price. Buy with confidence as the. Amazon.com : Winsome House Traditional Solar Lanterns with Shepherds Hooks, Set of 2 : Garden & Outdoor. Regal Art & Gift Solar Firefly Lantern, Yellow (11257) 3.7 out of 5 stars . Light up your garden, yard, and patio with Winsome Houses solar lights. The tabletop. Exhart Round Solar Amber Glass Hanging Lantern with 12 LED Firefly String Light, . Light up your garden, yard, and patio with Winsome Houses solar lights. Exhart Firefly Tabletop Lantern, Solar Powered, Metal & Glass, Bronze Finish, . Light up your garden, yard, and patio with Winsome Houses solar lights. Die Cast Aluminum Solar Lantern, Assorted Colors, 4 Each Of Blue, Orange, & Green, Sun LuminAid PackLite Firefly USB Solar Lantern . Winsome House. Check out this great Cyber Week deal on starry night solar light lantern from Winsome House? . Yellow Solar Firefly Lantern Regal Art & Gift. Yellow Solar. Malibu Solar LED Firefly Glass Lantern Jar Landscape Lighting Malibu Lighting. Malibu Solar LED Firefly . Winsome House. Starry Night Solar LED Lantern.
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Amazon.com : Aquamarine Firefly Solar Lantern by Evergreen : Garden & Outdoor. Firefly Green Jar-Shaped Indestructible Silicone Solar Powered Outdoor The Firefly
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Lantern by Evergreen is a new, solar-powered and eco-friendly option. Items 1 48 of 108 Firefly
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Solar Lanterns. Sort By: . Elegant Green and Turquoise Dragonfly Lanterns Set of 2 . Firefly
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Aquamarine Classic Solar Lantern. . Cyber Week shopping for you. Find the best prices for solar lantern glass 15 on Shop People. . 2 Patio & Garden Lighting. ACE TRADING EVERGREEN 2. Shop for Evergreen Firefly Collapsible Silicone Solar Powered LED Lantern . Youll be able to adapt the perfect outdoor lighting for elegant entertaining,. Shop Wayfair for the best firefly solar lantern. . When lit from within, the stained glass panels of this stylish lantern come alive . By Evergreen Enterprises, Inc. Shop Wayfair for the best firefly solar light. . or an elegant outdoor wedding reception with the Solar Powered Nylon Lanterns. . By Evergreen Enterprises, Inc. Warm up with hot deals this Winter! evergreen garden swirl firefly solar lanterns aquamarine blue for $18.99. Was $22.00.
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Solar Lantern Bottle LED Solar Bottle Lights Collapsible Foldable Silicone Water Bottle . Collapsible Foldable Silicone Water Bottle Waterproof Rechargeable Camping Lantern . Instead, it uses a fancy, proprietary, magnetic charging cord. Firefly Green Jar-Shaped Indestructible Silicone Solar Powered Outdoor Camping . Nearly indestructible silicone construction with extremely durable, waterproof plastic . LE Portable LED Lantern Collapsible Camping Light 3 Modes Water. Use indoors, outdoors, camping, hiking, biking, boating (its waterproof!) and even as an emergency APOLLED Camping Lantern, 30-LED Collapsible Lantern with 6 AA Batteries, Survival Kit . The Firefly Lantern by Evergreen is a new, solar-powered and . Instead, it uses a fancy, proprietary, magnetic charging cord. This Solar Firefly Lantern creates the sight of fireflies in a jar with amazing functionality. Great for outdoor entertaining, camping, travel, emergency lig Results 1 48 of 126 4 Pack Solar Waterproof Outdoor Hanging Lanterns Lights LED Decor Evergreen Firefly All-Purpose 5 Green Silicone Lantern Camping Outdoor 2SP4744 . Use the handle to pop it wherever you fancy, on your patio or deck to . Inflatable Solar Lantern Light Outdoor LED Lantern Lamp Portable. This Solar Decorative Lantern is the cheerful way to add light to your winter . This Solar Firefly Decorative Lantern creates the sight of fireflies in a jar with . Waterproof, collapsible silicone light has three brightness settings and also flashes. . If traditional decorative accents are what you fancy, then the 1 Light Wall.
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Amazon.com : Firefly Magic Solar and Battery-Operated Firefly Lights . Lights Copper Wire Lights Firefly Lights for DIY Christmas Decor Lights Cool White. Amazon.com : Flickering Fireflies Lights Solar Powered 7 Magic Fireflies Bulb . 20 Leds Waterproof Fairy Firefly String Lights Build-in Glass Mason Jar, Best. Youve just discovered the amazing Firefly Magic Firefly Lights that have been . I border a bog area so I mounted the (Firefly Magic) solar lamp on a tall pole,. Solar-powered and battery powered Firefly lanterns offer a flexible multi-purpose lighting solution indoors and out! Gone are the days with unreliable or even no electricity. Firefly is an easy-to-use solar power system that provides consistent lighting to your home for up to 8. Find great deals on eBay for Firefly Lights in More Outdoor Lighting. Shop with . Solar Mason Jar Lid Lights 20 Led String Fairy Star Firefly Lamp Best For Decor. Shop Wayfair for the best firefly solar light. Enjoy Free Shipping on most stuff, even big stuff. Shop Wayfair for the best firefly solar lantern. Enjoy Free Shipping on most stuff, even big stuff.
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Firefly Frosted White Bell-Shaped Indestructible Silicone Solar Powered LED Emergency . LE Portable LED Lantern Collapsible Camping Light 3 Modes Water. Firefly Frosted White Bell-Shaped Indestructible Silicone Solar Powered LED Emergency Power Light with Water. Firefly Frosted White Bell-Shaped. (Solar) Frosted White Bell with Twist Top The Firefly Lantern by Evergreen is a new, solar-powered and eco-friendly option for all of your . Excellent product. Homezone Large Solar Copper Hanging Firefly Lantern with LED Lights Patio Storm Vase Table Lantern. Homezone Large . Lights4fun Set of 2 Rattan Solar Powered LED Garden Lanterns by 4.2 out of 5 excellent lights. Read more. Youll love the Solar Encased Firefly Lantern at Wayfair Great Deals on all Outdoor products with Free Shipping on most stuff, even the big stuff. Shop Wayfair for the best firefly solar lantern. . lanterns are punched with a hand crafted floral design and cast stunning patterns by night. This ornamental bulb is styled like a classic Edison light bulb and features an attractive frosted finish. Results 1 48 of 214 Solar Powered Warm White LED Hanging Light Bulbs Garden Lights Set Outdoor Lamp . Living section which include stunning Garden Lights and Fire Pits. . These bulbs feature thermal plastic bodies and frosted lenses for improved appearance. . Firefly Frosted White Solar Powered LED Light. Results 1 48 of 75 Firefly Frosted White Solar Powered LED Light . Stunning battery powered glass lantern with jute handle for ease of suspension on trees,. Results 51 75 of 3218 Solar Powered Garden Lantern Ornamental Damasque Light These decorative Firefly Solar Lanterns will make any garden look gorgeous. . garden with this beautiful set of 3 weatherproof frosted solar cornet lights.
The Firefly Lantern by Evergreen is a new, solar-powered and environmentally conscious option for all of your lighting needs. Whether you enjoy camping and. Firefly Green Bell-Shaped Indestructible Silicone Solar Powered LED Emergency . Kizen Solar Powered LED Camping Lantern Solar or USB Chargeable,. Firefly Green Jar-Shaped Indestructible Silicone Solar Powered Outdoor Camping and LE Portable LED Lantern Collapsible Camping Light 3 Modes Water. The Firefly
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Lantern by Evergreen is a new, solar-powered and eco-friendly option for all of your lighting needs. Whether you enjoy camping and hiking in the. Solar Lanterns idea to power your life might seem farfetched and daunting at first . of energy, solar energy has been deemed cheaper and environmental savvy as Every light glows in 8 vibrant hues (red, green, blue, purple, yellow, cyan,. Eco friendly, these 3 Solar Glass Lanterns With Firefly LEDs will help light up your garden once the sun drops. Check out this great deal on red green laser projector landscape light firefly led outdoor garden lawn xmas from New World Motoring. The Firefly series of portable lighting and phone charging solutions combine LED . The Barefoot PowaPack Series offers a solar lighting solution for homes and . It can replace grid-powered lighting or be installed as a green fields solution. . BioLite has created a low-cost biomass cookstove that, by converting waste heat. 1777518 items Lights for sale at Lazada Philippines Lighting Prices 2018 Best . WISHGATE Solar Wall Light Outdoor Waterproof 20 LED PIR Motion . LED Red Green Shower Laser Projector Star Light Water Resistant Landscape Lamp.
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Agilenano - News from Agilenano from shopsnetwork (4 sites) https://agilenano.com/blogs/news/glamorous-firefly-solar-lantern
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