#i love talking about m/artha so much
erigold13261 · 2 years
Will Neon J ever get over Martha? Will they ever meet again?
Neon will never fully get over Martha, he will always hold some kind of love for her in his heart, even after all the shit she did to him and if he did find out the shitty things she did to 1010. He is not hoping to get back with her, but he won't deny that he still loves her and she will almost always be in the back of his mind when/if he starts dating again.
As for meeting, yes they will. Martha will one day bring a fully grown Aria to Neon so that he can meet Aria's child. It was Aria who wanted to meet him again because she still sees him as her real dad since he raised her til she was 9. She just never had the knowledge of where he was or if he was still alive.
Once she has her child Martha lets slip that Neon is still alive and her and him still talk through letters. After explaining who Neon is now (he had a different name before becoming a cyborg) Aria wants to meet him so he can meet his grand-kid and so she can connect with 1010 and have them meet their nephew/niece (still deciding the kid's gender).
And instead of being normal about it, Martha decided to just SHOW UP unannounced, totally freaking out Purl and causing a slight shit-show to happen. But Neon does end up getting to see Aria again and meet his grand-kid with lots of happy static crying as he finally got to meet his daughter again after about 20 years.
Martha and Neon have a real conversation face-to-face as most of 1010 stay with Aria and the baby (Purl dipped basically the second they saw Martha). They talk a bit and Martha ends up telling stuff about his parents since she went to stay with them to get away from an abusive partner she had after the divorce.
They won't ever get together again, they won't even try it. They both care for each other still, but they just don't love each other the same as when they were younger. But I will say, that this would be very good closure for Neon that would allow him to fully and finally date again without any regret or guilt eating at him.
It would also give Martha a chance to apologize to 1010 for her actions to them. She knows she will never be able to make it up to them, but she does apologize and tries to at least make amends as best as she could.
I don't see Martha becoming a big part of Neon and 1010's life, but they would definitely be there for Aria and the baby as much as possible. She would go back to her own home with Martha, but they would all visit each other on special holidays.
Neon might even visit his parents as Martha and Aria live close to them, but only because 1010 would want to see them and find out about their own heritage. It would not be because Neon wants to. Heck, Neon would try to discourage them from wanting to go for fear of what his parents might think of 1010 and how they identify. Though Aria and Martha let him know that they changed, he doesn't believe them.
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cloudybs · 7 years
Another Day Another Trip 4 : Bandung by Gojek
Yeup, it is good day to write something while I have a story to tell about my indoor trip in Bandung City. Yes literally the city, because I only visit places near the city. 
A day before my trip, I had prepared and planned where I wanna go. Actually, I wanted something close to the nature which mean it would be further from my bro’s house, however I didn’t have many times so I decided to not to go there. Maybe, another day. 
I searched and made a list of museums in Bandung, and then I looked for them on the gMaps. By looking them on the gMaps, I knew one place was close to others or it was far. Again, made a list and determained the paces I wanted to visit. So here they were : Nuart Sculpture Museum, Barli Museum, Babakan Siliwangi, Graha Prahyangan Railway Museum, and Bandung Zoo.
I went to one place to the other by Gojek, if only the distance would make me gempor if I took a walk. Why gojek not the other public transportation like angkot  or something? Yeup, actually this trip would be more fun if I went by other public transportation which could make me met Sunda people, had a conversation with them and other unexpected moments. But, heuu again I didn’t have long time to spend. 
Don’t be upset, because I still have interesting story about places I visit and about my gojek partners. Joke.
1. NuArt Sculpture
Seriously, it is a really recommended museum to be visited! In this museum visitor could look to incredible sculpture by Nu Artha. Do you know him? He’s a big artist who designed and made Garuda Wisnu Kencana sculpture in Bali, one of his famous work I think. Im sure you know about GWK. 
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They greet the visitors
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One of sclupture in front of the galery, cool huh?
I really loved this place, because the galery room and the street galery were very amusement. I felt so much calm while I was enjoying the sculptures. I dont know about sculpture, anymore. But I could enjoy them, everytime I saw them I wanted to see the deets. Hah, most of time it made me whispered to my self “damn it’s so cool, beautiful” and felt stop breathing. 
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Some of the collections
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My favorite among all of the sculptures, named WTC
I still have many more photos, but I want you to come and see by your own eyes to enjoy them. So just visit, and feel the peacefulness here.
2. Barli Museum
The building of the museum has 3 floors, 1st floor is cafe, and the rest is the galery rooms. There are two kinds of collections : old toys and paintings by Mr. Barli. The old toys display in the 2nd floor and there are some paintings by children who has paint class here, while the Mr. Barli’s paintings placed in the 3rd floor.
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You’ll see this in front of the building
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Some collections in 2nd floor
The old toys remind us our happy childhood when we’re playing the toys. A good reminder. Here, we also study about the history of kinds of toys. In the 3rd floor we can enjoy many paintings with their own story and we were educated about types of painting and the meaning of them. 
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Old toys, ever played with them, huh?
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Some of Barli’s painting, from left to right : Mr. Affandi, Mr. Barli and Mr. Sudarso, Painters. 
However, honestly many repairements must be done to make the visitors feel comfortable. It needs some air conditioners so visitors won’t be sultry, and also the collection setup needs to be changed because it is too tight and make the visitors can’t enjoy them freely. 
I hope, it will be upgraded soon!
3. Babakan Siliwangi
This is one of park in the Bandung city. This place good for people who are exhauted of work and need some refresment but near from the city. Some couples do the pre-wed photos here too. There are some snack sellers here, so you can enjoy the ‘oxygen’ and snacks peacefully.
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Such a pleasure, huh?
4. Graha Parahyangan Railway Museum
I tell about this museum, sadly. I hope the organizer will manage this museum well and well for next time.
I was about confused when I arrived, because there was no sign that showed it was a museum, it looked like an usual building or house. Then when I talked to the security ...
M : Permisi, ini Graha Parahyangan?
S : Iya, mau berkunjung teh?
M : Iya, buka a’?
S : Iya teh, silahkan tulis dulu. (deliver the visitor book)
M : Oh iya. (write my name, and feel very sad when I see the condition of the book, it is ripped and the last date writen is October, hello this is december)
S : Tapi di dalam cuma ada galeri-galeri foto teh, nggak papa?
M : Iya, enggak papa. (a bit confused, I mean some other museums only have photos to display, so what? but.. hmm) 
S : Oh, ya. Sebentar ya teh, saya bukakan dari belakang. 
I really sad everytime I remember this.. Why? :(((
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Front part of the building
The building of the museum actually is Mr. Oscar Kelling’s House, an European enterpreneur but then it’s owned by PT. KAI. So, in the beginning You’ll see the story about this house and how Mr. Oscar used it as his living place. And the next collections, we see about history of railway and railway station in Bandung, and in the next room people can see the photos’ of the Director of the Indonesia’s Railway Company. 
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Some collections
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Bandung Railway Station, 1930
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Director of the Indonesia’s Railway Company, upper left is Mr. Djuanda, find out about him if you curious
Upgrade, please!
5. Bandung Zoo
This place just pleasing. I don’t know what to tell, I just happy to be here to see some beautiful animals, which I forget or haven’t known some of them. Maybe some people will say “I am sad to see animals to be in the cage, can’t be free”. But yeah just accept, the aim of the zoo is to educate children, and agree or not it is needed.
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orang utan
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Sitatunga, I never knew this before
So, that’s it about my short trip. I was so glad, although my footh is gempor.
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nilnox-blog · 7 years
also if ur feeling up to it, positivity for sunwoven, glaiv, luminouswove, warpedstrike, kingslight & heroscar
I GOT A LOT OF LOVE // accepting
@sunwoven jade is literally??? so fucking funny and brings so much to her muses. talking to her ooc is an  absolute joy and i just love? the lightness that she brings to everything that she does. also apollo? Fantastic, cat daddy? Best. jade is such a lovely writer i’m l o v e
@glaiv / @stillsuper ( u ain’t hiding from the love bico ) i already talked about them but i will never pass up an opportunity not to yell about how much bico means to me???? they are such a fantastic friend i will follow them (arthas voice) TO THE ENDS OF THE EARTH
@luminouswove hecate is SO WONDERFUL and every single time  talk to her i? just love. when we talk hcs whether they be for iggy nd luna or our ocs, i feel my muses like, becoming more real and gaining more depth. and hecate is so nice and funny and just? I Adore Hecate i adore everything abt her so m uch
@warpedstrike VEN HAS SO MANY BLOGS but seriously ven is? so smart and strong, and is able to portray so many different characters with such ease i’m in awe of them and how they write so beautifully but also? there’s a lightness to it ( lookin @hamusato bc i’m in Love ) and i just? ven is so wonderful i’m crying
@kingslight okay confession the first time i heard of u harley was when vixen rb’d the Incident w u liking that nsf.w post bc i was a baby blog and she wanted to show me what i’d missed. so right away i thought u were? absolutely hilarious nd we haven’t been mutuals that long bc i am a shy noodle but you seem??? so cool and nice and chill?? also looks @ ur regis cosplay and weeps t b h
@heroscar u ever meet like? a person who gives u the feeling like you’re in a bear hug constantly? but in the way that’s rlly comforting and u never want to leave the hug? that’s caleb. i haven’t known him for long but literally from the moment we met i? just automatically Loved Caleb and how he writes gladio? how he writes anything? i Die
and last! @silvaer because res we’ve only been mutuals for a lil bit but u are literally? the equivalent 2 a lil bit of sunshine on earth and u get positivity too because i? admire you a lot and how much love you have for your muse and how strong you are. you’re a wonderful, wonderful bean res and i love u
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shadowphoenixrider · 8 years
(A sequel to this story, Zal’ria decides to talk over her experience with the person who could most understand them. Again, tagging @galleywinter, because she enabled both of these stories.)
Rain was falling over the Western Plaguelands by the time Zal’ria completed the ride to Andorhal and acquired lodgings in the inn, or at least a room that contained an actual bed and not a coffin.
It wasn’t not much, but the young mage didn’t care; she’d slept with the stars over her head once or twice, curled up with Spike to keep her warm, so a small poky room with a dodgy ambience was barely anything to complain about.
Zal’ria locked her door, casting a simple sealing spell to keep anyone from barging in, before she sat on the bed, summoning a small, floating sphere of magic. Closing her eyes, she chanted softly, reaching out with her magic through the sphere, the tendrils searching, calling for a specific presence.
She felt an answer, and she opened her eyes, the ball of magic solidifying before a familiar face appeared.
“‘Ria.” Khadgar’s deep voice made her relax immediately, smiling. “It is good to talk to you again. How are you doing? You said you were heading to the Plaguelands, last we spoke?”
“Yeah, I am.” Zal’ria nodded. It was good to hear his voice again. Properly, too, not those ghostly fragments within Capital City’s throne room. “I’m at Andorhal right now. Mum said to head for Mender’s Stead?”
“Yes, it’s not far from there.” Her father nodded. “A little to the north? Your aunt Camdyn says it’s on the road to Hearthglen, the first settlement you’ll come to. No doubt the Argent Crusade will direct you there if you do a good job for them.” He grinned. “Of which I have no doubt you will.”
The half-troll chuckled shyly.
“I’ll do my best, Dad. Least I can do.” Her thoughts turned back to the ruined city, to the land she’d ridden through on the back of her raptor, her smile faded some.
How Khadgar sensed her mood shift through their magical communication, she’d never know, but he picked up on it almost immediately.
“‘Ria?” He asked gently. “Is there something wrong?”
She took a breath, steeling herself.
“Mum said the quickest way to the Plaguelands was from the Undercity. I...” She swallowed past the lump in her throat. “You know the Undercity is built...underneath the Capital City castle, right? I...I...”
The worried concern in her father’s face suddenly vanished, and his eyebrows furrowed.
“Don’t say anything else. I’m coming over,” he said, his statement so abrupt it took time for Zal’ria to process it.
“Wait, Dad-” She began, but he’d disappeared from view. She dismissed the sphere with a wave of her hand, before she sensed magic thickening in the room, moments before he teleported into the room.
Khadgar was in his casual robes; soft and light, coloured in two shades of blue with gold and purple trim, held around his waist by the purple fabric belt. Zal’ria felt a pang of guilt that he’d come to her from home at short notice, but a stronger issue pushed its way to the fore.
“Dad, this side of Andorhal is Horde!” She hissed. “You can’t be here-!”
“You’ve locked and sealed the door, ‘Ria.” Khadgar replied smoothly, a simple gesture casting her seals to glow pink around the lock. “And if they wish to complain, the Warchief can take it up with me later.” The spark of humour was brief. “But my main concern is you.” He took her hands, enveloping them with his own. “I get the sense you’re...troubled.”
Zal’ria swallowed hard, and nodded. The archmage moved to sit on the bed, patting the space beside him. The half-troll was too big to sit on his lap now, but she sat beside him, tucking her legs up under herself as he looped an arm around her to hold her close.
“Tell me what happened.” Her father said gently. It was like being a young initiate again, sporting fresh wounds from school, only this time there was no underlying threat that her bullies were shortly going to fear the baleful glare of a raven for the rest of their lives.
The young mage took a breath. Where to begin?
“I don’t know if you...know, but...The Undercity’s directly under the palace. I...I walked through it, to, to get out into the glades. I...“ She swallowed hard, past the lump that had appeared in her throat. “I was in the throne room.”
Her father says nothing, but she feels his arm tighten around her, and the words begin to pour out of her.
“I-It’s like time’s just stopped. The-the-the banners are tattered a-and there’s some plants taking over outside, but everything is, is as if...If I hadn’t seen the tomb, t-to know that King Terenas is dead, I-I mean...” Zal’ria was a scared little girl again, alone in the dark with the ghosts. “Daddy, there are voices in there! I-It’s like Kara but weaker, only voices, and, and I heard you!”
“Oh 'Ria. Come here, princess.” Khadgar pulled her into his arms, and Zal’ria burst into tears, curling up to his warm chest. He pressed a kiss to the top of her head, humming the soft Zandali lullaby her mother Draggka would sing to her after the half-troll had had a nightmare. He lacked the natural smoothness that characterised the language, but the rumble from his deep voice all but made up for it.
The young mage suddenly felt very homesick. How did her mother tolerate being on the road so long away from home? Was it because she was a hunter, and used to wandering for days searching for prey and work? Zal’ria yearned to go back to Dalaran and curl up with her cuddly devilsaur and just ignore the outside world for a while.
She didn’t know how long she cried, her father rubbing her back and murmuring softly to her. But eventually her tears stopped, and she sniffed wetly, looking up at Khadgar with puffy red eyes.
“‘m sorry. I shouldn’t’ve dragged you out,” she said, but he was already shaking his head.
“There’s no need to apologise for this, sweetheart.” Khadgar replied, tucking a lock of white hair behind her pointed ear. “No doubt I would have been just as shaken as you, in your...” He glanced to her bare feet; human-shaped, but with an awkward troll back toe where her heel would be. “...soles.”
Despite herself, she smiled at his attempt at a joke, wiping her eyes.
“I thought...I thought I’d gotten over Kara...But...Hearing your voice...E-Even if it was only a little fragment...” She shook her head, Khadgar tucking her closer to him.
“Shh, darling. Don’t talk about it any more if you don’t want to,” he said. “You’ve told me enough. Anything else I can hear another time. Unless you feel comfortable telling me, of course.” He combed his fingers through her long hair that wasn’t contained in her braids. “Whatever you wish.”
Zal’ria leaned against him for a while, saying nothing and just listening to his strong, steady heartbeat.
“Who were you calling ‘bastards’?” She asked. Khadgar lifted his head, raising an eyebrow.
“You might need to give me context than that, sweetheart.” He smiled.
Zal’ria frowned, dredging her memory.
“You said ‘they’d’ talked someone into something...Something about ‘out of the frying pan’?”
“Yes.” Her father’s eyes were wide with disbelief. “Yes, I...That must have been straight after the meeting with the Kings, when the Alliance was formed at the dawn of the Second War. They’d manoeuvred Anduin Lothar into heading up the Alliance, without him being able to refuse.” His blue eyes looked past his daughter for a moment, before a blink returned his gaze to her. “You say you heard this-, heard me, in the throne room?”
“Yeah. Fragments of other things too...Someone saying that Stormwind was no more...”
“Lothar.” Khadgar looked thoughtful. “Yes, you were listening to the meetings of the Second War. Or what was to become the Second War. How interesting. I thought Karazhan had its visions due to being on a leyline. But the palace is not.”
“Do you think...Do you think Arthas did it? When he killed the King?” Zal’ria asked. “Mum said Frostmourne was cursed, and that...and that sometimes great evil can tear wounds in the world. Like Theramore.”
A flicker of pain flashed over Khadgar’s face at the mention of the city.
“It’s usually magic that tears such large holes in reality, ‘Ria. But...I could believe that dark acts forever scour a place.” A shadow passed over his eyes. “Considering what became of my homeland in my absence...” He shook his head, and the half-troll’s heart ached.
“...Sorry, Dad.”
“No, there is nothing for you to be sorry for, my darling.” Her father pressed a kiss to her head. “The Scourge was nothing we could have controlled. I was merely lucky to escape it. The time I called Lordaeron my home is long gone.” He smiled wistfully. “Although...Dalaran is Lordaeron, technically. The soil that still clings to its foundations, anyway.”
“I don’t think that’s how it works, Dad.” Zal’ria spoke. “By that logic, I‘m still part of Stranglethorn because I still have its dirt between my toes.”
“I don’t know if you’ve checked, ‘Ria, but Dalaran isn’t just sitting on a ‘little bit of dirt’.” Khadgar grinned. “More like...a ‘lot of bloody rock’.”
The young mage rolled her eyes.
“Ugh, Daaaad!” She moaned, but his grin was infectious, and it wasn’t long before one curled her lips too.
“Ah, there’s that smile of yours I love so much.” Khadgar chuckled, gently tapping her barely visible tusks at the corners of her mouth. “Feel better, sweetheart?”
“Much better.” She wrapped her arms around her father, squeezing him tight. “Thank you.”
“You know I will always come if you call.” Khadgar said. “That’s what I’m for.”
“I know, I just...” Zal’ria sighed. “I feel I should be able to deal with this on my own. Mum used to. And I dragged you out-”
“Hey hey.” She was stopped when the elder mage pressed a finger to her nose. “Your mother didn’t deal with things solely on her own. She had Spike. Although,” he hesitated, weighing his words, “I think she benefited greatly when she could talk to me.” Khadgar shook his head in a quick movement. “Anyway, I don’t recall you dragging me out. I came of my own accord, because my beloved daughter needed to talk to her father face to face. Not through a magical connection.”
He gently cupped her chin in his large hand. “We did not force back the Legion alone, ‘Ria. I did not strike down Gul’dan alone. Your mother did not slay Deathwing alone. You should not face anything alone. Not any more.”
Zal’ria smiled sadly.
“Thank you, Dad.” She hugged him again, but didn’t linger this time. “You should probably get back, before someone gets suspicious.”
“Nothing a good Polymorph can’t fix.” Khadgar commented, grinning widely as she giggled, getting up. “Are you sure you’re all right now, ‘Ria? Remember you can always call us if you need to. I know it’s easier to contact me, but I’m sure your mother would move the White Lady and the Blue Child to come to your side too.” He smiled wryly. “Also she’s allowed in Horde lands without causing a diplomatic incident. Even if she’s married to me.” He wiggled his fingers, the golden wedding band glinting in the light.
“Yeah, I’m fine now, Dad.” Zal’ria smiled genuinely this time. “Thank you.”
“Any time, princess.” Khadgar murmured, dropping a kiss to her forehead. “I look forward to talking with you again and hearing your exploits with the Argent Crusade.”
“I’ll be sure to let you know, Dad.” Zal’ria smiled. “Safe travels.”
“And to you too, youngster. Come back in one piece.”
In one, elegant movement, her father disappeared in a flare of blue magic, leaving only ripples of magic in his wake, and creases in the bedsheets where he’d sat.
But he’d done what he needed to, and Zal’ria felt much better. She smiled to herself. Tomorrow was a new dawn.
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altherei · 8 years
Alphabet Tag
A - Age: 126
B - Biggest Fear: It’s a tie between losing everyone she cares about and being useless.
C - Current Time: 2:21 PM
D - Drink you last had: Water.
E - Easiest person to talk to: Her brothers, particularly Oraen the oldest.
F - Favorite Song: She likes classical music, particularly more romantic, sweet tunes.
G - Grossest Memory: A toss-up between the carnage after Arthas swept through Quel’thalas, or when she and a couple of others rescued Liathana. The condition she was in, and the condition of place around her, nearly caused Alth to throw up.
H - Horror yes or Horror no: Mun-wise, I’m open to horror stories though I’ve got plenty of squicks that might make it difficult. Muse-wise, Altherei does not like horror, she doesn’t like to be scared, and she doesn’t like violence.
I - In Love: Nope, but she hopes for it.
J - Jealous of people: Not usually, though she does occasionally find herself envious of those who have a special someone, or who are better able to protect those they care about.
K - Killed someone: Yes, but in defense of another.
L - Love at First Sight or Should I Walk By Again: Alth grows infatuated fairly easily, and she forms connections with similar ease provided the other person is friendly and approachable. However, keeping her affections takes actual work.
M - Middle Name: Lethelle, after her mother.
N - Number of Siblings: Four older brothers, one deceased.
O - One Wish: ((Whoops forgot this one)). Her one wish right now is to have things be all right. She’s immensely stressed and feels like her life is coming apart at the seams.
P - Person you Called Last: If we count the Refuge comlinks, then the last person she spoke to was Yujehli, I believe.
Q - Question You’re Always Asked: “How much do I owe you for this?” ((People are surprised that the Refuge doesn’t charge!))
R - Reason to Smile: She has people who care about her, and have her back in what’s quickly becoming the most stressful months of her life to date.
S - Song You Sang Last: Altherei doesn’t really sing, in public or private. She can, but she’s not terribly excellent at it. The last tune she hummed was "Across the Sunlands”. ((It’s a song by Erutan. Go check it out.))
T - Time You Woke Up: Probably somewhere around nine. The stress from last night left her immensely exhausted and she’s still feeling it.
U - Underwear Color: White.
V - Vacation Destination: She’d go back to the Jade Forest in a heartbeat!
W - Worst Habit: Chewing her lip, fidgeting.
X - X-Rays Had: None.
Y - Your Favorite Food: Fresh fruit.
Z - Zodiac Sign: Birth-wise, Capricorn, but she acts more like a Virgo.
tagged by: @marhus-felshard
tagging: if you haven’t done it, and wanna do it, DO IT. I got to this so late omg.
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