#which ended up in me projecting onto p/url
erigold13261 · 2 years
Will Neon J ever get over Martha? Will they ever meet again?
Neon will never fully get over Martha, he will always hold some kind of love for her in his heart, even after all the shit she did to him and if he did find out the shitty things she did to 1010. He is not hoping to get back with her, but he won't deny that he still loves her and she will almost always be in the back of his mind when/if he starts dating again.
As for meeting, yes they will. Martha will one day bring a fully grown Aria to Neon so that he can meet Aria's child. It was Aria who wanted to meet him again because she still sees him as her real dad since he raised her til she was 9. She just never had the knowledge of where he was or if he was still alive.
Once she has her child Martha lets slip that Neon is still alive and her and him still talk through letters. After explaining who Neon is now (he had a different name before becoming a cyborg) Aria wants to meet him so he can meet his grand-kid and so she can connect with 1010 and have them meet their nephew/niece (still deciding the kid's gender).
And instead of being normal about it, Martha decided to just SHOW UP unannounced, totally freaking out Purl and causing a slight shit-show to happen. But Neon does end up getting to see Aria again and meet his grand-kid with lots of happy static crying as he finally got to meet his daughter again after about 20 years.
Martha and Neon have a real conversation face-to-face as most of 1010 stay with Aria and the baby (Purl dipped basically the second they saw Martha). They talk a bit and Martha ends up telling stuff about his parents since she went to stay with them to get away from an abusive partner she had after the divorce.
They won't ever get together again, they won't even try it. They both care for each other still, but they just don't love each other the same as when they were younger. But I will say, that this would be very good closure for Neon that would allow him to fully and finally date again without any regret or guilt eating at him.
It would also give Martha a chance to apologize to 1010 for her actions to them. She knows she will never be able to make it up to them, but she does apologize and tries to at least make amends as best as she could.
I don't see Martha becoming a big part of Neon and 1010's life, but they would definitely be there for Aria and the baby as much as possible. She would go back to her own home with Martha, but they would all visit each other on special holidays.
Neon might even visit his parents as Martha and Aria live close to them, but only because 1010 would want to see them and find out about their own heritage. It would not be because Neon wants to. Heck, Neon would try to discourage them from wanting to go for fear of what his parents might think of 1010 and how they identify. Though Aria and Martha let him know that they changed, he doesn't believe them.
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ellectric-blue · 4 years
star filled nights | shigaraki tomura
☆ A/N: HEY HEY HEY @yourlostairpods​!!!!! It is I, your spring time anon, also known as ~ (^▽^). I LOVED talking with you!!! Coming up/sending asks and reading your answers was just so much fun 🥺asdfhgjlaskjdf I knew I was gonna go with this idea on like the 3rd day but ofc I left it for Monday and ended up changing it completely 🤪 Anyway, if there’s anything you want me to change PLEASE lmk, I wanted to make this perfect for my favorite airpod burner ;) My brain still decides to change the ‘lost’ with ‘burnt’ in your URL and I’ve decided to stop fighting it 😌 Also, I have no clue how ACNH works, so just imagine new leaf but on the switch :P._
☆ pairing: shigaraki x reader
☆ summary: it’s your league-iversary and shiggy has a surprise :)
It had been three years since you joined the league and you were certain no one would remember your league-iversary. After all, you never made a big deal out of it and avoided mentioning it. The memory of League rescuing you all those years ago is not one of your favorites.
You had just graduated from the hero course and got a spot in one of the best agencies in all of Japan. You got to work under the #2 hero as one of his sidekicks. However, you would soon learn it wasn’t what you were expecting at all. The heroes here weren’t exactly heroic, choosing which crimes to pursue and who to help depending on how much media coverage they would get. All that mattered was your rank. This led you to become disillusioned with hero society. Was this really what I trained for all this time? One night, while scrolling on the internet, you stumbled upon a video with Stain’s beliefs, something you’d never thought you’d agree with. However, it all made sense.
Eventually, you tried to take matters into your own hands. You planned to take your agency’s files and release them to the public, endangering undercover operations and the lives of many heroes. At this point, you didn’t really care. They’re doing it for fame anyway, you thought. You infiltrated the office, but your ex-coworkers quickly noticed something fishy was going on. Right as you were about to be caught, ending your career as a villain before it even started, black mist encompassed the room and you were transported to the League’s base. Over the next three years, these people, who you once believed to be heartless criminals with no morals, would become you new family.
As you reminisced about the start of your adventure, you could start to see sunlight coming from the slightly ajar window. You sat up from your bed and placed your feet on the cold floor. Today was meant to be a quiet day. The League didn’t have any mischievous plans and the heroes hadn’t bothered them for a while. On days like these everyone does their own thing, and everyone gets to bond. Jin, Toga, and Dabi usually hang out and play board games, much to Dabi’s dismay; Spinner and Compress watch and critique movies; and Shigaraki and Kurogiri play video games. In reality, Shigaraki was the only one playing videogames. Kurogiri just kept him company while he watched. You switched between the three groups depending on the day, you loved how, although you all had your different interests, you could bond over silly things like games and movies.
You walked over to the couch in the center of the room and sat down next to Shigaraki. Kurogiri took this action as his cue to leave. At this point, it was impossible to deny the feelings you had developed for your fellow League member. After everything you had gone through together, you were sure of your feelings but never had enough courage to confess. Thankfully, although they don’t like to admit it, most of the League is completely oblivious to details, and after all this time, only two people caught onto your feelings. Kurogiri, who never mentioned anything until you asked him why he always left you and Shigaraki alone, and Dabi, who you confided in after a long night of talking.
You made sure to leave enough space between you and Shigaraki to fit a small cat. Once Kurogiri knew about your feelings, he explained that the reason Shigaraki keeps most people away is because he could never forgive himself if he accidentally activated his quirk around one of the League’s members. You waited patiently in silence for Shigaraki to finish his opponent in smash. It was a known rule that one should wait for Shigaraki to finish whatever match he’s playing, for if you didn’t, he would lose and that came with even worse repercussions.
“Three years, huh?” Shigaraki said with a soft smile, not taking his eyes off the game.
“You remembered?”
“Of course, how could I ever forget the moment I met my favorite member?” 
You could feel your heart pulsating behind your eyes, his favorite member? That couldn’t be right. He finished his opponent off with rapid, constant pressing of the buttons and turned to face you, his eyes were squinting a bit while he gave you a closed-lip smile. 
“What do you wanna play, y/n?”
Although he claimed he was a hardcore gamer, you knew he was secretly obsessed with Animal Crossing. 
“I could show you my Animal Crossing town, I bet my town is prettier than yours,” you knew that by challenging him would certainly make him want to play 
“That’s a lost bet y/n, I am a master at Animal Crossing.”
“You can’t be a master, you’ve only been playing for the past few months.” 
“Just wait and see.”
He pulls out his cartridge and you pull your console out, loading the game you’ve been working on perfecting since before you even joined the League. You had the Beautiful Town Ordinance and had built most Public Work Projects, there was no way he could beat you at this. That was until you actually saw his town. Shigaraki had the most intricate town you had ever seen. It was Japanese themed, and he managed to remodel the Town Hall and the train station. He had laid down paths and completed all the stores in Main Street. His museum was full, he had all the fruits, native and non-native, and even his villagers were perfect.
“H-how did you manage to make all your villagers cats?” you choked out, flabbergasted at how wrong you were. 
“I traded my old villagers online, noob.”
It was an understatement to say that you were jealous and embarrassed. The town you had been working so hard on all this time was not even comparable to the one Shigaraki operated. You had been trying to get rid of annoying villagers like Vladimir and Webber for years, and he got all your favorites in mere months! He even had Chief, who had always been your favorite.
“You win Shigaraki,” you muttered with your head down, looking defeated; although not for long, for you challenged Shigaraki to play the island games with you. Your refined expertise thanks to years’ worth of practice would certainly give you an advantage. 
If it weren’t for the real-time mechanisms of the game, you two would’ve never noticed it was already dark out.
“Don’t you love how the game changes with time?” you asked with a shy smile, getting to spend all day playing games with Shigaraki was not an everyday occurrence. 
“Not really, it makes it harder to see and I have to turn the brightness up,” disagreed Shigaraki. 
“But look,” you pointed at the screen, today seemed to be a really special day, “we got a meteor shower.”
Before you could say anything else, you could feel four fingers pulling at your wrist. 
“I’ll show you something cooler, close your eyes.” 
You let out a quiet okay while you stumbled to your feet and let yourself be dragged. You walked carefully up some stairs and then heard a heavy lock open, followed by the creak of a bulky metal door. Shigaraki guided you forward by your waist until you touched a cold, metal handrail. He gently pushed your forehead down, making you look up.
“Open your eyes.” 
As you did, you could see the sky littered with glowing white dots, accompanied by a full moon on the side. After taking in such a sight, you turned to Shigaraki who hadn’t let go of your waist. Behind him, there was a massive cherry blossom tree. His skin was glowing under the moon and you wondered if this was the right moment. Shigaraki pointed at the sky. 
“You see that group of stars over there?” 
“Yeah, isn’t that Ophiuchus?” 
“Maybe,” said Shigaraki with a chuckle; “I like to call it angry Kurogiri.”
You burst out laughing. It does look like an angry version of Kurogiri with his hands on his hips, staring you down in disappointment. 
“If that’s angry Kurogiri then this one over here is Toga when she sees that one UA student.” 
“Fair, and that one over there is Kirby with his mouth open.”
As you continued to rename famous constellations, your gazed slowly shifted to Shiggy. His crimson eyes were shining with happiness. It was a rare sight to see him so lively outside of accomplishing a mission. He looks back at you and you couldn’t help but blush. A shy smile taking place. You look away, trying not to think about it. Where we having a moment? No, you couldn’t have, Shigaraki doesn’t do relationships._ But what if…_
The two of you continued gazing at the stars and next thing you knew your shoulders were touching. You look back at him and he takes your hands, making sure to keep his pinkies up. 
“Shiggy? What are you doing?” 
“Something I’ve wanted to do for a long time.”
With that, he softly lets go of one of your hands and carefully places it on your chin, bringing it up so that your lips meet his. You felt like a firework show was going on inside you. As you separated, you slowly opened your closed eyes and saw that the cold night wind blew the pink sakura flowers in a way that they flew around you. It felt like a stereotypical shoujo manga scene, but you couldn’t care less. You softly caressed his face, surprised at his actions. 
When you said his name, you could see the glint in his scarlet eyes deepen, prompting you to kiss him back. This time, it lasted longer, and you could feel his rough lips against your soft ones. He let go of your other hand and placed it on your waist, pulling you closer until you were completely pressed against him. You could feel his rapid heartbeat, and he could feel yours. The rush of adrenaline and happiness you were feeling made you wish the moment would never end, but you separated, pulling for air. As you looked into his crimson eyes, with your body completely pressed against his, he opened his mouth to speak. 
“Will you be my player two?”
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Aftermath - Peter Parker
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I Love You and I Like You Chapter Fourteen
A/N: Hello! Hello! I know it’s been a long time since I wrote ILYAILY, but I couldn’t help but add Infinity War and Endgame chapters! I’ve had this drafted since IW came out, and since seeing Endgame, I had to post. If you haven’t seen Endgame yet, there are a few spoilers at the end of the fic! I hope you enjoy! I’m sorry about the angst!
If you haven’t read the original fic, you can find all chapters in my masterlist, but long story short, Peter is now 20, the reader is 23 and they have been together for two/three years now. The reader is also a superhero and they’re currently in a long distance relationship because he is at MIT. Anyways! You’ll understand the fic if you just read this part! I’m sorry I’m talking too long! Just read!!!
Pairing: Peter Parker x Reader Word Count: 5,188 Synopsis: It has been two years since the last ILYAILY chapter, and Peter and the reader are getting used to their new lives. Just as Peter returns for his summer break from MIT, Thanos sends his people down to collect the rest of the Infinity Stones.
Tags: @atomicpeacekryptonite, @spiderking-of-queens, @the-life-of-a-loser, @drunken-superheros (Taglist people!! A lot of the original list has either deactivated or changed their urls, so if you would like to be added to the list, please let me know! I have at least one more fic drafted to add!)
Previous Chapter - Next Chapter
Y: Are you done with your exams yet?
P: No, I have one more tomorrow.
Y: If you skip it will you fail?
P: Yes
Y: Fuck
P: Miss me?
Y: Sooo much. Check your Snapchat to see how much
Peter smiled as he changed apps and opened the Snap you just sent him, showing off your cleavage. He bit his lip and started to seriously consider how much it would affect his grade to leave Massachusetts right now and drive back to New York.
Y: What? No response?
P: I wish I could come home. You are so hot
Your next text was just a Spotify link to the *NSYNC song, Digital Get Down. He laughed out loud and immediately Facetimed you. You picked up right away, grinning at him widely.
“Hey,” Peter said.
“Hey.” You ran your fingers through your hair, purposefully knowing that it drove him crazy.
“I miss you.”
“I miss you, too. I can’t wait for you to come back to the city.”
“Me too. How’s my favorite Stark Industries engineer? Any cool projects you’re working on?”
“Weirdly enough, I didn’t send you that snap so that we could talk about my job.”
“I know,” he said, smiling, “But I can’t talk for that long.”
“You don’t even take that long in the first place.” He opened his mouth in shock, making you laugh.
“You know, I take offense to that. You’ve lost all sexting privileges.”
“I can’t lose them if I never had them,” you said, rolling your eyes.
“When I get home, we will spend every second in bed-”
“Every thirty seconds,” you teased.
“I’m staying in Massachusets.”
“No, no, I take it back,” you pleaded, pulling the phone close to your face. “I love you and you satisfy all of my needs.” Peter laughed and threw his arm around his head, relaxing back in bed.
“I love you.”
“I love you, too. And I like you. You should get back to studying.”
“Yeah. I’ll call you as I’m leaving. I like you, too.”
“Bye,” you said, hanging up on him.
“Y/N!” You turned around on your way to your office inside of Stark Industries and saw Tony Stark himself running towards you.
“Hey. What are you doing here? I hear congratulations are in order!” He smiled as you patted his arm, feeling the hollow shake of where the metal plate in your hand used to be.
“Thank you. I thought it might be nice to swing by and see how things are going with my company.”
“Isn’t that what board room meetings are for?” He ignored your question as he opened the door to your office.
“You know, you don’t have to wear that,” he said, referring to your professional outfit. “I wear sweats and t-shirts when I work.”
“I know, but actually, I do have to dress like this. The rest of the men in my department don’t take me seriously unless I dress like this.”
“Fire them,” Tony said optimistically, taking a seat in front of your desk.
“I didn’t hire them,” you said, smiling slightly as you sat down.
“I know, I did, and I’m telling you to fire them if they’re being assholes.”
“I’ll take that into consideration. So, Tony, what are you doing here?”
“When does the kid get back?”
“Peter should be back tonight. Why?”
“I might have a new suit design prepared for him.” You smiled and clasped your hands together.
“I’m sure he’ll be ecstatic to see it. Do you want to come over for dinner or something?” Tony looked at you seriously, pulling his glasses down the bridge of his nose.
“You seem stressed, what’s up?”
“Nothing, I just miss my boyfriend,” you said with a sigh.
“You talk to your uncle lately?” You shook your head with a frown. “City can be pretty lonely. I know better than most. You taking care of yourself?”
“I’ve got Peter. And you.” He smiled and stood up.
“So? Dinner this week?”
“Alright. My people will call your people.” You laughed and nodded. “Fire those assholes! And use protection! We don’t need any spider-grandchildren yet.” You rolled your eyes and turned on the computer, feeling grateful for the smile on your face.
In the past two years, with Peter being away at MIT, and Steve cutting off contact with the world, you felt really lonely in the big city. You had your family and your friends, but things weren’t the same. A nagging notion in your head told you that you were also missing your plates. Tony had turned off the slightly functioning one to keep it from destroying your hand, and their absence made you feel even more alone.
As you pulled up the schematics for the recent product from Stark Industries that would monitor radiation pollution, your phone buzzed. Expecting it to be a message from a coworker, you glanced down at it briefly.
P: Finished with my exam. On my way home!
Y: Yay! Hurry the hell up!!
This message lifted your spirits and inspired you to get some work done. You started configuring the sensor on the monitor and filed paperwork to get two of your least favorite employees out of the company. You left work early and headed down to Peter’s favorite Chinese place, picking up his favorite before getting back to your apartment. If Peter had truly left when he said he did, he should be getting home soon.
You spun your armchair around to face the door, checking your phone every few seconds to see when he would be home. At 6:53, you heard shuffling in the hall and threw open the door. Peter looked up at you in surprise, wearing an MIT hoodie and ruffled hair.
“Hey, babe,” he said with a smile.
“Oh my god,” you said, wrapping your arms around his neck. He dropped his bag and hugged you back tightly, picking you up off the ground. “I’ve missed you so much.”
“I’ve missed you, too,” he said, setting you back down to kiss you softly. You hummed into his lips, grabbing onto the hem of his sweatshirt, holding him against your chest.
“Come inside,” you whispered, pecking his lips once more before backing up. He picked his bags up off the floor and followed you inside, kicking the door shut behind him. He tossed his bag onto the couch before coming up behind you. He snaked an arm around your waist and kissed your neck a few times.
“How was your exam?” you breathed.
“Good,” you said as he continued to kiss down your neck, making you smile. “I have a surprise for you.”
“What?” he asked, picking his head up. You laughed and leaned back to kiss him before leading him into the kitchen. Sprawled out on your countertop was a spread of practically everything the Chinese restaurant offered.
“Do you like it?” you asked, squeezing his hand. He laughed and pulled you in close, kissing you again.
“I love it. Of all the things I missed most-” You loosened your grip on his hand, looking at him angrily. “You are obviously the most, but food from Wok on the Wild Side is the second.”
“Damn right.” He laughed and opened up a bag, taking a bite of an egg roll.
“You didn’t have to do this, you know?” he said, his mouth full.
“Oh, I know I didn’t. But I want you to know exactly what you’re missing when you go back to MIT next fall.” He cocked an eyebrow at you, finishing his egg roll.
“So, you’re going to have buffets of Chinese food every single day?”
“Well,” you said, walking over to him, “Your surprises aren’t all entirely of the food variety.” You grabbed his hand and pulled him back to your bedroom, kissing him quickly every few steps. Once you got inside, you started to pull off Peter’s sweatshirt, which he threw over his head.
“God, I’ve missed you.”
“Show me how much.”
Coming out of the bathroom later that night, you smiled at Peter. His head was propped up by a pillow, his arm draped over his head. You crawled back into bed and kissed his chest.
“I love summer break,” he said, letting out a satisfied breath. You groaned and laid in his arms as he wrapped them around you.
“Don’t remind me that it’s only a break. I’m pretending you’re never going back to MIT.”
“Well, that’s months away. And who knows, with all you’ve got in store, maybe I won’t go back at all.” You laughed softly and tilted your head to look up at him.
“Don’t make promises you can’t keep,” you said, poking his chin softly.
“I would never.”
“Should we bring all that Chinese food in bed with us?”
“Are you kidding me? Absolutely,” Peter said, getting out of bed. “It’s even better when it’s cold.” He came back into your bedroom with a six-pack of beer and all of the takeout boxes. You sat up in bed and smiled at him as you opened the bag of crab rangoons.
“Alright, so now that we’ve got the important things out of the way,” you said, throwing your hair up in a ponytail, “Tell me everything.”
You each discussed the projects you had worked on since seeing each other last. Peter described his new friends and his proposed idea for a thesis. You got him caught up on all the drama at your work, eventually getting to what happened today with Tony.
“He’s got a new suit for me?”
“That’s what he says,” you said, using your fork to kick around the rice. Peter noticed your mood change and touched your knee.
“You okay?”
“Yeah. It’s just-” You stopped and sighed.
“You can tell me anything.”
“I know. I’ve just,” you sighed again, moving all of the food from the bed and sprawling out. Peter laughed quietly and looked down at you in confusion.
“Okay, I was still eating that,” he said as you laid your head down on his lap. He played with your hair, smiling at you. “What’s up?”
“I’ve missed you, I miss the Avengers, I miss my stupid uncle, I am getting so mad at the idiots I work with, and I am a little bit jealous that you got a new suit.”
“Well, that is a lot. But I’ll tell you what, I’m here now. As far as I’m concerned, I’m the coolest Avenger anyway,” he said, making you laugh, “And if you want a new suit, I will make you a new suit.” You reached up and cupped his cheek.
“I love you.”
“I love you, too. Do you want Spider-Man to go beat those idiots you work with up?”
“So much.”
“Can I eat that food now?” he asked quietly.
“Sure, I’m just having a crisis, but by all means, eat your fucking mu-shu pork.” Peter smiled as he moved you off of his lap and onto a pillow.
“I’ve missed you so much.” You smiled, and relaxed against your pillow, you realized how tired you were. You had been bottling up so much since Peter had left, and it felt so good for him to be back and to get everything off your chest, that you expected you would sleep easy tonight.
So easy, in fact, that you didn’t even notice that you had fallen asleep. You only felt Peter tuck you in after he turned off the lights and wrapped his arms around your waist. He fell asleep next to you with a full stomach, completely satisfied.
“Pete,” you said the next morning, shaking his arm carefully. He woke up abruptly and looked at you worriedly.
“Everything okay?”
“Yeah, sorry, I shouldn’t have woken you up,” you said, flashing an apologetic smile at him. He laughed and folded his pillow underneath him, looking at you.
“What’s up?”
“Why didn’t you wake me up?”
“Because it was 12:30 and you seemed exhausted.” You traced your thumb across his cheekbone and smiled. 
“I had a lot more in mind for you last night.” He smirked and grabbed your hand, kissing your palm. 
“No time like the present.”
“Hmm, I wish, but I’ve got to get to work. I’m needed in a board proposal meeting.”
“Can’t someone else do it?” he asked, pulling on your t-shirt.
“No, but I can probably leave early if you want.”
“I want that so much.” You smiled and leaned in to kiss him. “Can I cook you dinner?”
“Well, I think we have enough Chinese to last for four days, but sure, I would love that.” 
“Perfect,” he said, kissing you once more before you got out of bed to get ready for work.
Your board room meeting went poorly. No matter what angle you could spin it, there just wasn’t enough money to fund all of the projects you wanted to get done. You slumped back to your office, wanting nothing more than to go home and be with Peter again. 
You looked down at your phone and saw that you had only been here for two hours. Groaning, you decided to call Peter. His phone rang and rang, and eventually went to voicemail. 
“Ugh, where are you? Call me back.” You sat in your office for another hour, still wondering why Peter hadn’t called you back when Pepper came into your office.
“Hey, Pepper,” you said, looking up from your computer with a smile. She didn’t match it. In fact, she looked incredibly upset. “What’s wrong?”
“Turn on the news.” 
“What?” you asked as she grabbed a remote from your coffee table and flipped on the TV. Destruction was covering New York, and just as you thought it couldn’t get any worse, you saw Spider-Man swing past with Iron Man. “Oh my god,” you said, putting your hands over your mouth. 
“I haven’t heard from Peter, but Tony went up with that spaceship.”
“And I’m freaking out, too, but I need you to call Peter. See if you can get a hold of him.” 
“Yeah, yeah, okay,” you said, shaking your head as you dialed Peter’s number again. It rang and rang, and just as you thought it was going to go to voicemail again, he picked up.
“Y/N? I can’t believe I get reception out here.”
“Reception out where? Peter, where are you?” Pepper looked over at you, her face mimicking your reaction. 
“Um, that big donut in the sky.”
“Get back down here.”
“I can’t, I’m helping Tony. And I know you like to boss me around when we . . . but you can’t really do that-”
“Peter! You can’t go to space.”
“I can- Stark- suit-” The rest of his conversation cut off until the phone line went dead. You put your phone down with a shaky hand.
“What’s going on? What the hell is that spaceship doing here?”
“I think I can explain that.” You looked to the door and saw Bruce Banner walk into your office.
“Hi, Y/N,” he said, smiling. You stood up and hugged him tightly.
“When did you get back?”
“Just a second ago. I called Steve. We’re meeting at the Compound? What happened to the tower?”
“Long story. Luckily, we’ve got a long drive. Pepper?”
“No, I need to start clean up around here. You two go.” You nodded and gave her your hand.
“Be safe. Keep in touch.”
“You too.”
“So this is the compound.”
“Fancy digs, huh?” Bruce smiled, but you didn’t. He looked over at you, his eyes softening.
“So that spider?”
“My boyfriend,” you said, parking your car outside of the compound. 
“And you were both a part of Tony and Steve’s fight?”
“I’m sorry.” You forced a smile at him and walked into the compound. Rhodey was waiting for you in the situation room and nodded at you as he finished up his phone call.
“Where’s Steve?” you asked.
“On his way. You doing okay? Tony went up with that kid, right?” You nodded and flopped down into a chair in the corner. The remaining members of the Avengers were about to walk in here, who you hadn’t heard from or spoken to since the airport hangar.
“How’d it go with the secretary of state?”
“Not well,” Rhodey said, sitting down at the table. “I’ve been court marshaled.”
“Well, fate of the galaxy and all, I’m sure they’ll be forgiving.” Rhodey laughed softly and nodded his head as a noise came from down the hall. You looked over and saw Steve, Sam, Vision, Nat, and Wanda walk into the room. 
“Y/N, hey,” Steve said, coming over to you and giving you an awkward hug. “Peter will be fine.”
You sat in the corner, not getting involved with the discussion. No matter what their plan was, you weren’t going to be involved with it. Even if you could turn your plates back on, you had no chance to hold up against a god-killing monster like Thanos.
“Y/N?” You looked up when Wanda said your name.
“What do you think we should do?”
“Thanos is coming whether we like it or not. If we can get the stone out before he gets here and destroys it, then by all means.”
“That’s not a side,” Natasha said.
“Taking sides hasn’t really panned out for us, has it?” Steve set his jaw but nodded his head.
“She’s right. This is the only option we have where we can still save Vision. And I know someone who can help.”
“Who?” Bruce asked.
“King T’Challa of Wakanda.” Bruce looked like he needed to sit down from all the new information he’d received and you couldn’t blame him. “Let’s suit up. Y/N?” He nodded down the hall and you reluctantly followed after him.
“It is really good to see you,” he said, touching your arm gently. 
“You too,” you said genuinely, albeit reluctantly.
“I know I left you alone, and to make it up to you, I’ve had T’Challa’s sister whip up something for you.”
“She made you gloves that should harness your power without the plates.”
“I haven’t fought in two years.”
“No time like the end of the universe,” he said, smiling softly.
“Ah, I see you’ve picked up more jokes since you’ve been gone.” Steve smiled.
“A few.”
“Alright, well, thanks.”
“One last thing, though. You’ll need to get the plate out of your hand.”
“What, do you want me to just rip it out?”
“No. Bruce thinks he can remove it on the ride over.” There was so much to take in, but absolutely no time, so you had no choice but to agree.
Within ten minutes, you all gathered the needed supplies and boarded the ship. Once it took off, you found Bruce. You smiled at him and he looked just as nervous as you.
“Have you ever performed hand surgery before?”
“No, but that’s what she’s here for.” He motioned over to Wanda as she walked into the room. “She’s going to be my hands and I’ve got this manual,” he said uncomfortably.
“Alright, what the hell,” you said, holding out your palm. 
By the time you landed, you had cursed Wanda out twice, resulting in her using her skills to basically turn off your mind. Once you came to again, Bruce was bandaging up your hand.
“How’d it go?”
“Great,” Wanda said, putting her jacket back on.
“Great, thanks.”
Shuri was amazing. The first instance you met her you knew the two of you would be friends. Peter would like her even more. She was wildly intelligent, witty, and cute. She fitted a more advanced plate technology into gloves for you. When you put them on, you felt the familiar surge of power flow to your fingertips. This, combined with the power still embedded in your palms naturally, made you feel more powerful than anything you had produced on your own, or with Tony’s plates.
Steve looked at you with worry, but you nodded. Shuri was now working on removing the stone from Vision, and Thanos’s army was arriving.
“How do you feel?”
“Powerful,” you said, wiggling your fingers, making a few sparks come out. “Check it out.” You snapped your wrists and instantly two identical, sharp-edged shields appeared out of the gloves. Steve smiled and patted your shoulder as you snapped them away again.
“I also had her design a new suit for you.”
“You’re really trying to make it up to me, aren’t you?”
“I need to.”
“Thanks,” you said with a smile. One of the Wakandan guards led you down to a room where a pale purple leather jacket and black pants to match your gloves were spread out on a table. They were lined with bullet-proof fabric, but you didn’t know how that would hold up against alien technology.
“Ready?” Nat asked, stepping into the room.
“Yeah. Let’s stop this son of a bitch.”
Standing next to Natasha and Steve, you watched with the rest of the Wakandan warriors and your friends as the alien creatures ripped themselves apart trying to breach the wall. You wondered if Peter was having these same troubles as the wall opened up and you went running into the firefight. 
As you ran, you snapped the shields into place and pushed one full force. It plunged into the chest of one of the aliens, dropping it to the ground immediately. You smirked and made eye contact with Steve who smiled back. You snapped another shield into place and took out all of your frustrations from the past two years on the aliens.
Over and over again, you sent shield after shield into the chests and skulls of the aggressive alien creatures, and over and over again, they kept coming. It seemed that Thanos had brought an infinite number of soldiers with him, and you were wondering how you were going to stop him. Wanda had already joined the fight, and even with one of the strongest Avengers, you didn’t know if you could defeat Thanos.
Just as this thought entered your head, thunder struck overhead, and everyone, including the aliens, turned to see the god of thunder himself strike down onto the ground, demolishing a slew of aliens. You smiled. Inspired by his action, you created a giant ball of force and sent it rolling across the field, flattening a group of aliens. Thor nodded at you, winking slightly as he went flying across the field.
Just as things were starting to turn around, you felt a disturbance in the air. You and Steve had run over to help out Vision when the unknown change occurred. You looked over at Steve and saw that he felt the same presence.
“Everybody on my position. We have incoming.”
A few moments later, a thick cloud of smoke grew before your eyes and Thanos stepped onto Wakanda. The rest of the Avengers gathered around you, and you all readied yourself to fight. Over and over your friends went after Thanos, and by some combination of his strength or the stones’, he took every single one of you out. 
As he came towards you, you sent shield after shield towards him, but he waved them all away like he was swatting a fly. He jumped and was about to punch you into the ground with his massive fists as you created a force field around yourself. You held on as long as you could, you fingers straining with the weight of keeping the shield up, but eventually, he overpowered you.  
It felt like all the bones in your body were broken, and too weak to move, you watched Thanos step over your body. Steve put up a valiant fight, as did Wanda, and you still carried hope as Thor plunged his ax into Thanos’s chest, but then, everything changed.
Thor screamed at Thanos as Steve came rushing forward, but the ugly purple alien disappeared right in front of your eyes. You struggled to sit up and watched your friends disappear to dust around you. You stumbled over to Steve, ignoring the pain in your body as you clung to him as the world changed forever.
“Oh god.”
Once what happened set in, you stood up and started pacing back towards the castle. If anyone could make contact with Peter, it would be Shuri.
“Y/N! Y/N, wait!”
“For what?” you shouted, looking back at Steve. Your eyes were frantically searching his. “What am I supposed to wait for?”
“I don’t know, but-” You ignored him and kept walking. Across the field, dead alien bodies laid with a few Wakandan soldiers. The ones who had survived had also dipped slowly in number with the snap.
You didn’t care what it would take. You just saw your friends vanish into thin air. Just the thought that the same thing could be happening to Peter made you breathless. 
“Y/N!” Across the field, Steve was coming towards you. You didn’t stop him but didn’t tell him to go away this time, either.
“What?” you asked, still walking forcefully towards T’Challa’s home. He grabbed your arm and whipped you around so you were facing him.
“You’re not the only one suffering right now, but we have to figure out what’s happening.”
“We know what’s happening! We lost! We fucking lost!” you shouted, pressing your fingers into his chest as tears flowed from your eyes. “There’s a fifty percent chance that my boyfriend is dead. A fifty percent chance. I’m not going to sit around, crying for the lives I can’t save right now.”
“Steve! I have to know.”
“I know, I know you do,” he said, putting his hands up to calm you. “With what happened in Sokovia, if Peter really is-” You rolled your eyes and walked away. If Steve wasn’t going to take you seriously, you were going to figure things out for yourself.
“Shuri? Shuri?” you called, walking into her lab. There was only one person in the room, one of Shuri’s bodyguards, crouched down on the floor, crying softly.
“What happened?” she whispered heartbreakingly.
“Thanos,” you said, letting out a sigh. “Shuri?”
“Vanished into thin air.” You nodded and set your jaw, trying to think of another way to discover Peter’s fate.
“Fuck!” you shouted, kicking the nearest table. 
“Y/N,” Steve said softly.
“Just, give me a minute. Go figure out what we do now. I’m fine,” you said firmly. He looked like he wanted to stay, but he didn’t want to argue with you anymore.
Your last hope for making contact with Peter and Tony was now gone, and the weight of what happened felt like it doubled. Even if they would have survived the snap, who knew if they had made it to that point in the first place? If they did survive, their chances for survival in space weren’t looking promising either.
On Titan, the world began to shift around Peter, too. He watched the weird girl, the big angry guy, the Footloose lover, and the magician disappear before his eyes. He felt something strange in the pit of his stomach, just as Tony’s eyes fell on him.
“Kid, don’t,” he said warningly. Peter shook his head, stumbling towards him.
“Mr. Stark? I don’t feel so good.”
“You’re alright,” Tony said, although his voice didn’t agree.
“I don’t . . . I don’t know what's happening. I don’t know,” he said, falling into Tony’s arms. Tony held him back, his heart thundering in his chest. “I don’t want to go, sir,” Peter cried, “Please. Please, I don’t want to go. I don’t want to go. I have to get back to Y/N.”
“Yes, you do,” Tony said, helping him down to the ground. Peter looked into his eyes, finding similar tears in his. They both understood at this moment that they had failed and that they would never see their loved ones again. Peter stumbled over his last words.
“I’m sorry,” he said weakly, his eyes looking away emptily. In his arms, Tony watched as Peter disappeared to dust just like the rest of them. He tried to hold onto any part of him, but he was gone, and Tony was now alone in space with Nebula, with no hope of getting back to what remained Earth.
Two weeks since the snap, the world looked bleak. Power was still out in most parts of the world. Many locations still didn’t know exactly what happened and explaining it was another headache entirely. You went back to the Avengers facility with the rest of your friends, even though all you wanted to do was cry in bed.
Pepper offered all of the resources that Tony Stark could and put you in charge of divvying up what help went where. You were sure it was because Steve requested that the job be given to you to keep your mind off of Peter, but it was nice nonetheless. You got to help people all over the world, so you didn’t have to worry about helping yourself.
You arrived back at the Avengers compound late at night, ready to fall in bed and dream of Peter. As you made a bowl of popcorn in the kitchen, you saw a giant alien ship land on the yard.
“Steve? Steve!” 
You raced out onto the yard, but Steve cut in front of you when he saw the shape that Tony was in. Looking pale and week, Steve went over and helped him out of the ship. It was so good to see him that for a moment you didn’t register that Peter hadn’t stepped off the ship.
“Tony,” you said softly as he came down the steps. He looked up at you but didn’t return your smile. If anything, his face saddened when he saw you. He fell in Steve’s arms, and you rushed over to help him down, along with Pepper. Even with all the love around him, Tony’s mood didn’t change as he looked at Steve.
“I lost the kid.” You took a few steps back, letting go of Tony’s arm.
“Y/N,” Steve tried gently, but you only shook your head in response.
“No, no, it’s not true,” you muttered, shaking slightly as you stepped onto the ship. The woman Tony arrived with tried to stop you, but you pushed past her. You called Peter’s name over and over, tearing apart the ship to find some trace of him until Rhodey pulled you off. 
“Y/N, Y/N, hey,” he said, grabbing hold of your arms. Now that you were steadied, the loss took its full effect on you. You fell down to your knees, trying to keep your powers from shooting out like they did in Sokovia. You sobbed on the floor of the ship, finally feeling like the world had truly ended.
You waited until everyone had left you alone, and stepping onto the compound’s grounds, you let go.  Even as Steve and Pepper got him away from the ship, Tony still heard your heart-shattering scream, the scream that would keep him up for the rest of his days.
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laurenredhead · 5 years
Work in Progress
It can be easy to feel the there is no time to make anything new or to explore new avenues. I am at a very busy period in my job at the moment and on top of that there are many deadlines coming up in projects I have already started - some involve composing and performing and others writing. The result is that I rarely (or never!)find myself with time on my hands to think about musical projects other than those I have already committed to.
On the one hand, I am very lucky. When I was studying I would have described exactly the situation I am in now (maybe with a little less stress) as my long-term goal. And I do think it is important to remind oneself of that when things are feeling a bit tough. However, it is also important to think about developing one’s personal practice as an artist, and that isn’t something that can happen without time to reflect and try things out. When your re extremely busy with deadlines looking then of course you fall back onto the techniques and approaches that you have amassed through training and practice - and obviously that is what that training and practice was for, But to keep moving forward and make sure you don’t only re-create the same practices, trying new things - with the obvious possibility of failure - is necessary. And that takes time, which I’ve already noted is at a premium.
The point of this preamble is to talk about how experimentation might arise out of failure. For July and August I made myself a list of research and art-related tasks that I wanted to complete before the new term began. Characteristically,, this was perhaps unachievable, although at the beginning of October I have now crossed off most of it. One of these tasks was to compose a short piece using something I had already recorded before the summer. I had both a title and a compositional procedure already mapped out. This seemed like a simple and straightforward task that I must only get around to in order to have mew music to share as a result of this process.
And, somehow, this failed.
This was an occasion where my tried and tested method did yield something that failed. I did makes something that sounded, but (in my opinion) it did not sound interesting or worthwhile. It wasn’t what I was hoping for or anywhere near it. Obviously that is a frustrating situation where you are hoping to quickly complete a piece and move on. Luckily, this music had no deadline or end purpose other than rounding off a project I had previously started (which I can, of course, continue), but it was still disappointing that I had tried to make something and failed.
This basically led me to give some time over to experimentation. In fact, it caused me to interrupt my carefully planned schedule to give more time to making the music than intended - something that I should definitely do more often! Rather than use the technique I had planned, I modified it to create different types of sounds. I don’t want to describe in too much detail my actual process (and perhaps some readers of this blog can hear what I did) because I still think there is room for modification and improvements. As a brief description, I am using pre-recorded sound files of usually quite dense and chaotic group improvisation as a source for digital manipulation. I hope to retain the “grain” and the humanness of the sound - which I think is much better created by humans than digitally - but to create from these sources something that would be impossible to perform. Here is the result of my experiment:
I am much happier with this result. I like the low sounds, and the multiple detailed layers that are created in something that is essentially slow-moving. I like that there are moments where the sound of human music-making rises to the surface but also that many moments cannot be recognised as instruments or voices. This sketch is both longer and more detailed than the music I originally planned.
This is still a sketch because it has a somewhat open-ended form, and I think more can still be done with the sound. I have a personal project - about the octopus - that I am developing very slowly but that I hope will eventually become a larger mixed/multimedia piece. I don’t expect that much of that will be shareable for a long time unless I suddenly stumble on some funding and a deadline. But I feel certain that the sounds I have discovered here will eventually make their way into the project.
It’s been important to me to share this work in progress as a few people have commented to me on their perceptions of my approach to music-making, and I think it is good for people to know that things don’t always go well or as planned. But also that musical failures can often lead to new or more interesting ideas!
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im putting you up to what you posted and I'm asking you to answer all of the writing questions. also the url change had me confused for half a second but im in love
This is why I’m my own worst enemy
2. Favorite part of writing.
Creating a whole world, a whole other life, that people can someday enjoy and find comfort in when they’re feeling down
3. Least favorite part of writing.
Writing, like the fact that your ideas and storyline isn’t instantly onto the paper is insane
4. Do you have writing habits or rituals?
I mean I probably do but I can’t remember
6. Favorite character you ever created.
A teenage greek goddess I pulled out of my ass named Arendellia, she was a badass who died and I really just liked what I wrote involving her
9. Least favorite trope to write.
the opposites attract, in my opinion it’s cliche and unrealistic, I prefer the characters have similar interests but different approaches to things if that makes sense?
10. Pick a writer to co-write a book with and tell us what you’d write about.
Natasha Preston, and we’d wrote the sequel to The Cabin cause it’s been a year and I’m still not over the ending, I need a sequel
11. Describe your writing process from scratch to finish.
first I get a new notebook, I need a clean space for my ideas, then I wrote down a prologue or a description, it allows for my brain to fully process where I want the story to go, then I write until I hit a male characters name, cause I hate coming up with male names, if I have one picked out I’ll see if the image in my brain matches the name, if I can’t find a name that fits the project is discarded, if I find one that fits I write until I don’t know where to take the story next then I continue to formulate my ideas into actual scenes until I reach the end, then I close it up in a box never to be touched again until I accidentally find it while cleaning one day
12. How do you deal with self-doubts?
I either won’t show anyone or will preface saying “it’s not edited yet” or “I know it’s garbage lol”
13. How do you deal with writers block?
I listen to music, and write stories based off of the song titles, like I always try to write a chapter and if after a chapter I don’t think I have a story I move on, sometimes I’ll get a completely new idea but it really helps to get ideas flowing
14. What’s the most research you ever put into a book?
I’m currently waiting to write a book until I have all of the details, it revolves around Greek mythology but I want to be so accurate, not white wash, or erase the different sexualities of the Gods and I want to be accurate to the myths (a bit) but so far that’s the one
16. Where do you take your motivation from?
My brain telling me that it’ll leave me if I don’t get the ideas out of my head
18. What’s your revision or rewriting process like?
I learned in 7th grade that I need to do a complete rewrite which sometimes I do, other times I’m being nostalgic and read an old story then realize I’m an idiot so I edit it lol
19. First line of a WIP you’re working on.
‘"Coffee looks absolutely lovely on you, madam," I glare at Cody while attempting to pat myself dry.’ From that Dying in LA story I talked about earlier
21. Post the last sentence you wrote in one of your WIP’s.
’"I told the director to go suck a dick. It was the worse thing imaginable,” I groan into my hands.’ Same story, and it’s only the second chapter but yeah
22. How many drafts do you need until you’re satisfied and a project is ultimately done for you?
Bold of you to assume I actually finish my writings
23. Single or multi POV, and why?
As big of a fan that I am of different perspectives, I prefer single POV, I feel as though the character is more personal. Rarely do I do multi
24. Poetry or prose, and why?
Prose, my poetry is rather depressing and I just can’t
25. Linear or non-linear, and why?
Linear, otherwise in my opinion it doesn’t make a whole lot of sense
27. Do you share rough drafts or do you wait until it’s all polished?
yes and no (I’ll explain in next answer)
28. And who do you share them with?
the unpolished, I share on Wattpad because it’s easier to detach myself if they don’t like it, but I wait until polished for people I actually know
29. Who do you write for?
Myself, it’s a way for me to cope with life, and writing and rewriting an event that has happened to me helps me move on from the situation
31. Hardest character to write.
32. Easiest character to write.
35. Tell some backstory details about one of your characters in your story ________.
the main character in “Dying in LA” had a rough childhood (shut up at the cliche) and used acting to escape, she moves to LA when she’s 19 having fail after fail at auditions, she’s about to give up when she gets her big break. (Sorry I’m terrible at back stories)
36. A spoiler for story _________.
Oof I want to spoil DILA (Dying in LA) but I won’t, um, I started this story about this girl who gets kidnapped and um I’m kinda planning on killing her so there’s that.
38. Have you shared your outline of your story ________ with someone? If so, what did they think of it?
Bold of you to assume I’m not just BSing my way through my story
39. Do you base your characters of real people or not? If so, tell us about one.
Yes. Um, I’m gonna tell you about the real person cause I based so many characters off of this person. Oof okay, it was any ex. For years he was in EVERYTHING I wrote, the story usually focused on the what if’s or the repercussions of our relationship and the fall out of it. We just complemented each other so well the thought of writing something to try and capture our time together comforted me so much. I still get flashbacks of our time together and sometimes his personality shows up in my writing but it just goes to show how the people in your life stay with you.
40. Original Fiction or Fanfiction, and why?
Both? I think there’s upsides and down sides to both but both are so amazing and are fun to explore
44. Best piece of feedback you’ve ever gotten.
Be confident in your writing and it will show, don’t be afraid to take risks
45. Worst piece of feedback you’ve ever gotten.
“Great job! Keep up the good work!” Um???? what good work???? be specific please!
46. What would your story _______ look like as a tv show or movie?
DILA would hopefully be done in a CW style where like it’s light hearted but a real plot and seriousness lies beneath? I actually don’t know?
47. Do you start with characters or plot when working on a new story?
Plot, my guy
48. Favorite genre to write in.
Realistic Fiction
49. What do you find the hardest to write in a story, the beginning, the middle or the end?
the middle, most likely I already have the end and beginning planned
51. Describe the aesthetic of your story _______ in 5 sentences or words.
Dying in LA: fame, used, lost, forgotten, greed
52. How did writing change you?
It gave me a place to express myself and cope with life and the struggles I’ve been through
53. What does writing mean to you?
Everything, it gives me a voice when I feel like I don’t have one
54. Any writing advice you want to share?
Keep writing, practice really does make perfect
Also the url is the best (any numbers missing means I already answered them, check under #asks )
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swisssadge · 5 years
  Berlin, 25th of February, 1713
  The air in the room was heavy. Though it had only to do with the fact that the window had been closed for so long. A heavy silence also hung over the room like a blanket.
Prussia stood in a corner and stared at the large bed. He almost didn’t recognise the man lying in it. Sickness had transformed him into a mere shadow of his former self.
Friedrich. Duke of Brandenburg-Preussen. Elector. Third of his name as Margrave of Brandenburg. And first of his name as king of Prussia.
Gilbert still remembered when Friedrich had crowned himself. It had been a pompous ceremony. And it had transformed Prussia from a mere Margraviate into an actual kingdom.
,To think I’ve once been a simple Duchy, outside of the Holy Roman Empire… I’ve sure come far.’
And Friedrich had contributed the greatest step. However, Gilbert felt ambiguous about this particular Hohenzollern. While the dying man had turned Prussia into a kingdom, he had also been a child of his time. A Renaissance ruler through and through. The Renaissance – era of pomp, lavishness and new ways of thinking. And corruption. Friedrich had been unable, and maybe unwilling, to do anything against these things. So they all together had led the people of Prussia into poverty. The nation felt it gravely. He had been getting sicker and sicker, his appearance turning more dissheveled as time went on.
,His son, on the other hand…’
Prussia turned his eyes onto a young man sitting at a small wooden table. The open book in front of him said everything about this character. It was the Prussian state cash book.
Friedrich Wilhelm was a man of contradictions. Gilbert had learned that quickly. More importantly, in many fundamental ways, he was the exact opposite of his father.
Friedrich had fully indulged in the life of a Renaissance ruler. Feasts. Eating. Extravaganza. Everything that came with his position in this era. Friedrich Wilhelm on the other hand… there was a sternness and discipline in him which his father completely lacked. Even as a child, the son had been more robust and sturdy than his father. A trait perfectly mirrored in their different mindsets. Where Friedrich had lived a lavish life, Friedrich Wilhelm had started keeping record of his finances at the tender age of ten. He also showed much more interest in the military than his father.
The silver-haired, adolescent nation studied his future boss thoughtfully. The crown prince wore an unreadable expression on his face as he studied the numbers. Gilbert suddenly had the distinct feeling that things were about to change drastically. He felt it in the aura of harshness and discipline Friedrich Wilhelm radiated. Saw it in his eyes.
Clothes rustled and drew Gilbert’s attention. The royal medic checked Friedrich once more. When he looked up at the assembled men, Prussia instantly knew it was over.
„The king is dead“, the medic said and looked at Friedrich Wilhelm. „Long live the king.“
That was it. One king was gone. Another took his place. As the new ruler of the Prussian kingdom stood, everyone else knelt. Even Gilbert. „Long live the king“, they repeated.
Friedrich Wilhelm let his eyes wander across everyone. His eyes betrayed not a single trace of sadness or any other emotion. „King I am, and rule I shall“, he said. He fixed the ministers present. „From you, Herren Minister, I do not demand advice nor reasoning. I demand obedience.“ He paused. „A king is not supposed to sit idly on his throne. Mein Herr Vater, Gott hab’ ihn seelig, did that. Well, I saw the cash books he left me. Our debst are horrendous. It will not go on like this. I will personally take matters into my hand. I will pull Preussen out of the swamp into which it has sunken. Ein neuer Wind wird wehen.“ The monarch walked over to Gilbert and put a hand on his shoulder. „Will you help me with this, my friend?“
The silver-haired nation glanced into Friedrich Wilhelm’s eyes. A decisiveness shone in them as hard as diamonds.
,Well, for the good or bad, there will be change. It’s going tob e interesting to see how this will play out in the end.‘
„Of course you can, Majestät.“
A faint smile appeared on Friedrich Wilhelm’s face. „Very well.“ He turned. „Now then, I think we have an announcement to make. And send the fastest messengers to the churches, so the bells may ring. Make all of the necessary peparations. We will have one final grand festivity. Afterwards – those will be over.“
One last time, he stopped at his father’s bed and glanced down at him. Then he walked out of the room, followed by the rest.
As Gilbert walked out the door, he glanced at the late monarch one last time as well.
Change was coming. It was clear now. If anyone managed to end the miserable conditions in the kingdom, it was Friedrich Wilhelm. But at what price? Gilbert knew the iron discipline of the new king. He might project that mentality onto his entire people. But then again, did it matter? Whatever measures Friedrich Wilhelm was going to take, if they ended the poverty, they were worth it. And the silver-haired nation would willingly submit to whatever his new ruler demanded of him.
Gilbert closed the door and followed his new ruler.
A ruler who would very quickly earn the well-deserved title „Soldatenkönig.“
                      Herren Mister = Misters Ministers
Mein Vater, Gott hab‘ ihn seelig = My father, may God bless him
Preussen = Prussia
Ein neuer Wind wird wehen =A new wind will blow
Majestät = majesty
Soldatenkönig = soldier-king
  Author's note: A little historic piece on Prussia. It is actually about the father of the famous Friedrich der Grosse (Frederick the Great), Friedrich Wilhelm. What intrigued me was the contrast between Friedrich Wilhelm and his father, Friedrich III. Friedrich III was a renaissance guy through and through, while Friedrich Wilhelm was the complete opposite. So, when he came to power, things changed for Prussia. And so I decided to use this opportunity to write a little piece about Hetalia's Prussia. Oh, and if you wanna know how well the term Soldatenkönig fits Friedrich Wilhelm – go read what he did to his son, Friedrich der Grosse.
(Ugh, so many Friedrichs… -.- So hard to keep track of who's who.)
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kayawagner · 6 years
Gnome Stew Notables – Brie Sheldon
Welcome to the next installment of our Gnome Spotlight: Notables series. The notables series is a look at game developers in the gaming industry doing good work. The series will focus on game creators from underrepresented populations primarily, and each entry will be a short bio and interview. We’ve currently got a group of authors and guest authors interviewing game creators and hope to bring you many more entries in the series as it continues on. If you’ve got a suggestion for someone we should be doing a notables article on, send us a note at [email protected]. – Head Gnome John
Meet Brie
Brie is a game designer, editor, and journalist. They currently have a blog at briecs.com which features interviews and thoughts, a Patreon to support it at Patreon.com/briecs, and an itchio where their games are featured at briecs.itch.io.
@briecs on twitter
briecs @ Patreon
Talking With Brie
1) Tell us a little bit about yourself and your work. 
I’m Brie Sheldon, a tabletop game designer, editor, and journalist. I’ve been working in games since like 2011 or so, on everything from more traditionally structured and complex games to simple narrative games. I write smaller games for my Thoughty. I worked on the main design team for the  Turn’s core mechanic with Struggles and Powers and the 2d6+1d6 rolling mechanic is basically “Well I guess Powered by the Apocalypse is cool but what if I just took this, and I stomped on it, and make this mean something completely different,” and I love it. 
Sometimes breaking things is such a brilliant way to create newer, better things.
6) How does gender/queerness fit into your games?
Some of my work is about examining things about ourselves, including our gender and orientation, but I don’t know if it’s obvious. One of my original lonely games, Locked Away, which is in the Of the Woods collection, is actually about the loss of innocence and the familial suspicion when there’s social deviance. briecs.itch.io, and doing a project on teaching leadership through games. I’m trying to work on some smaller games as well, collaborations and some personal stuff. I am finishing grad school so my free time is a little limited, but I am hoping that soon I’ll be able to dig in a little more deeply!
11) Who/what games are some of your influences?
Some of the designers I particularly like are Nathan Paoletta and Jason Morningstar, Aura Belle. I try not to get too into the loving-designer culture in part because people are Notoriously Disappointing, and because I don’t want to design just like anyone else. I really love elements of these designer’s work, though – and I also just like how they do their work. Aura designs in a very visceral way – something I’d love to be known for but it’s not quite me. I’ve tried it, didn’t go.
Nathan creates clever designs integrated with visual design, which I envy but I’m not a visual designer so that’s harder for me. Jason does sooooo much research, which will never happen for me (that’s why I design what I know most of the time). Everyone has their own style, I guess? If anything, I’m more likely to design in rejection of someone else’s work (more destruction), and for politeness’ sake I’m not about to say whose work made me mad enough to make something.
As far as specific games, I like some thematic stuff like Shadowrun’s setting is great, Sagas of the Icelanders is awesome in the way it handles gender and social norms, and I try to learn from everything without copying. It’s sometimes hard because you see stuff and you’re like “oo cool I wanna do that too!” but then you’re like “I wanna do my own thing!” For me though, a lot of the time it’s like, “this pisses me off for [any given reason]! I gotta do something about that!” It’s fun that way, though.
Thanks for joining us for this entry in the notables series.  You can find more in the series here: and please feel free to drop us any suggestions for people we should interview at [email protected].
Gnome Stew Notables – Brie Sheldon published first on https://supergalaxyrom.tumblr.com
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kayawagner · 6 years
Gnome Stew Notables – Brie Sheldon
Welcome to the next installment of our Gnome Spotlight: Notables series. The notables series is a look at game developers in the gaming industry doing good work. The series will focus on game creators from underrepresented populations primarily, and each entry will be a short bio and interview. We’ve currently got a group of authors and guest authors interviewing game creators and hope to bring you many more entries in the series as it continues on. If you’ve got a suggestion for someone we should be doing a notables article on, send us a note at [email protected]. – Head Gnome John
Meet Brie
Brie is a game designer, editor, and journalist. They currently have a blog at briecs.com which features interviews and thoughts, a Patreon to support it at Patreon.com/briecs, and an itchio where their games are featured at briecs.itch.io.
@briecs on twitter
briecs @ Patreon
Talking With Brie
1) Tell us a little bit about yourself and your work. 
I’m Brie Sheldon, a tabletop game designer, editor, and journalist. I’ve been working in games since like 2011 or so, on everything from more traditionally structured and complex games to simple narrative games. I write smaller games for my Thoughty. I worked on the main design team for the  Turn’s core mechanic with Struggles and Powers and the 2d6+1d6 rolling mechanic is basically “Well I guess Powered by the Apocalypse is cool but what if I just took this, and I stomped on it, and make this mean something completely different,” and I love it. 
Sometimes breaking things is such a brilliant way to create newer, better things.
6) How does gender/queerness fit into your games?
Some of my work is about examining things about ourselves, including our gender and orientation, but I don’t know if it’s obvious. One of my original lonely games, Locked Away, which is in the Of the Woods collection, is actually about the loss of innocence and the familial suspicion when there’s social deviance. briecs.itch.io, and doing a project on teaching leadership through games. I’m trying to work on some smaller games as well, collaborations and some personal stuff. I am finishing grad school so my free time is a little limited, but I am hoping that soon I’ll be able to dig in a little more deeply!
11) Who/what games are some of your influences?
Some of the designers I particularly like are Nathan Paoletta and Jason Morningstar, Aura Belle. I try not to get too into the loving-designer culture in part because people are Notoriously Disappointing, and because I don’t want to design just like anyone else. I really love elements of these designer’s work, though – and I also just like how they do their work. Aura designs in a very visceral way – something I’d love to be known for but it’s not quite me. I’ve tried it, didn’t go.
Nathan creates clever designs integrated with visual design, which I envy but I’m not a visual designer so that’s harder for me. Jason does sooooo much research, which will never happen for me (that’s why I design what I know most of the time). Everyone has their own style, I guess? If anything, I’m more likely to design in rejection of someone else’s work (more destruction), and for politeness’ sake I’m not about to say whose work made me mad enough to make something.
As far as specific games, I like some thematic stuff like Shadowrun’s setting is great, Sagas of the Icelanders is awesome in the way it handles gender and social norms, and I try to learn from everything without copying. It’s sometimes hard because you see stuff and you’re like “oo cool I wanna do that too!” but then you’re like “I wanna do my own thing!” For me though, a lot of the time it’s like, “this pisses me off for [any given reason]! I gotta do something about that!” It’s fun that way, though.
Thanks for joining us for this entry in the notables series.  You can find more in the series here: and please feel free to drop us any suggestions for people we should interview at [email protected].
Gnome Stew Notables – Brie Sheldon published first on https://supergalaxyrom.tumblr.com
0 notes
kayawagner · 6 years
Gnome Stew Notables – Brie Sheldon
Welcome to the next installment of our Gnome Spotlight: Notables series. The notables series is a look at game developers in the gaming industry doing good work. The series will focus on game creators from underrepresented populations primarily, and each entry will be a short bio and interview. We’ve currently got a group of authors and guest authors interviewing game creators and hope to bring you many more entries in the series as it continues on. If you’ve got a suggestion for someone we should be doing a notables article on, send us a note at [email protected]. – Head Gnome John
Meet Brie
Brie is a game designer, editor, and journalist. They currently have a blog at briecs.com which features interviews and thoughts, a Patreon to support it at Patreon.com/briecs, and an itchio where their games are featured at briecs.itch.io.
@briecs on twitter
briecs @ Patreon
Talking With Brie
1) Tell us a little bit about yourself and your work. 
I’m Brie Sheldon, a tabletop game designer, editor, and journalist. I’ve been working in games since like 2011 or so, on everything from more traditionally structured and complex games to simple narrative games. I write smaller games for my Thoughty. I worked on the main design team for the  Turn’s core mechanic with Struggles and Powers and the 2d6+1d6 rolling mechanic is basically “Well I guess Powered by the Apocalypse is cool but what if I just took this, and I stomped on it, and make this mean something completely different,” and I love it. 
Sometimes breaking things is such a brilliant way to create newer, better things.
6) How does gender/queerness fit into your games?
Some of my work is about examining things about ourselves, including our gender and orientation, but I don’t know if it’s obvious. One of my original lonely games, Locked Away, which is in the Of the Woods collection, is actually about the loss of innocence and the familial suspicion when there’s social deviance. briecs.itch.io, and doing a project on teaching leadership through games. I’m trying to work on some smaller games as well, collaborations and some personal stuff. I am finishing grad school so my free time is a little limited, but I am hoping that soon I’ll be able to dig in a little more deeply!
11) Who/what games are some of your influences?
Some of the designers I particularly like are Nathan Paoletta and Jason Morningstar, Caitlynn Belle. I try not to get too into the loving-designer culture in part because people are Notoriously Disappointing, and because I don’t want to design just like anyone else. I really love elements of these designer’s work, though – and I also just like how they do their work. Caitie designs in a very visceral way – something I’d love to be known for but it’s not quite me. I’ve tried it, didn’t go.
Nathan creates clever designs integrated with visual design, which I envy but I’m not a visual designer so that’s harder for me. Jason does sooooo much research, which will never happen for me (that’s why I design what I know most of the time). Everyone has their own style, I guess? If anything, I’m more likely to design in rejection of someone else’s work (more destruction), and for politeness’ sake I’m not about to say whose work made me mad enough to make something.
As far as specific games, I like some thematic stuff like Shadowrun’s setting is great, Sagas of the Icelanders is awesome in the way it handles gender and social norms, and I try to learn from everything without copying. It’s sometimes hard because you see stuff and you’re like “oo cool I wanna do that too!” but then you’re like “I wanna do my own thing!” For me though, a lot of the time it’s like, “this pisses me off for [any given reason]! I gotta do something about that!” It’s fun that way, though.
Thanks for joining us for this entry in the notables series.  You can find more in the series here: and please feel free to drop us any suggestions for people we should interview at [email protected].
Gnome Stew Notables – Brie Sheldon published first on https://supergalaxyrom.tumblr.com
0 notes