#i love the firework type effects too those are so sick
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pyro loving boys
17 notes · View notes
aliferous-ly · 5 years
I've never really asked for a drabble before... If it's okay with you, could you do 7 "I almost lost you" and 32 "I think I'm in love with you and I'm terrified" with Logan and Deceit? I just kinda thought that it had the potential to make some angst with a happy ending. Oh and I only found you recently, but I love the writing that I've seen so far. I always love finding amazing writers. (I'm sorry, I'm a total suck up)
im gonna start this with if you’re on mobile, i am So Sorry
i started this and was like “ha im getting a little carried away” and then went “oh no” 
and thank u dear!! that’s v sweet of u awe 
summary: Declan is a loud and proud aromantic. Then he realizes why he feels weird, and off, and awkward around his best friend, Logan, and his world starts to crumble. 
warnings: f word twice, lying, parent being imprisoned, angst, questioning identity, if there’s anything else lmk!!
It starts, Declan thinks, when Logan smiles. 
The situation starts out innocuous -- they’re sitting in Logan’s room, Declan tossing a tennis ball up and catching it unsuccessfully, making a right disaster of Logan’s room with all the objects he keeps knocking to the floor. Logan, naturally, continues doing his homework. 
And they’re just -- talking. 
Declan likes to think his world should shift on a more momentous occasion, maybe with fireworks, fingers brushing against one another dramatically, Jason Mraz playing in the background. 
But it’s the smallest thing. Declan throws the tennis ball up in the middle of his sentence -- “You can’t tell me you hate white pines, they have the softest needles” -- and he misses it on the way down. 
So he takes a tennis ball to the face and sits up, sputtering, rubbing at his nose, arm reaching out to snatch it before it rolls too far. 
Logan chokes out a laugh, eyes squinty and wrinkled at the edges. His laugh fills the room for a few thrilling moments and Declan thinks it’s the most beautiful sound in the world and he can’t stop staring at Logan’s engaging face, in the upturn of his lips and dimples carved in his cheeks. 
He’s radiant. 
Declan’s heart squeezes, lungs filling with something heavier than air, a foreign feeling washing through his veins. Like rose petals or sunlight. Woodsmoke or freshly fallen snow. 
The gears in his chest shift and settle and he feels… right. More right than he’s ever been. 
Which is, of course, why fear swiftly follows this gorgeous wash of emotions, because this is unusual and anything unusual is often bad. 
Declan forces down the incoming wave of anxiety, schooling his expression into one of smooth disdain. 
Just in time, too, because Logan opens his mouth and says, “It was only a matter of time until you paid for your crimes.”
“I’m too pretty to die,” Declan replies, thanking the heavens that while his brain may be steadily turning into mush (have Logan’s eyes always been that striking? Or his shoulders that broad?) his tongue still works. 
“Implying Death themself has a type, intriguing,” Logan says. He flashes a look over his computer, the after effects of joy still written on his features. “Bold of you to declare what Death likes.” 
Declan tries for a smirk but can feel the way his mouth turns to genuine grin, the traitor. “Aw, Logie, are you saying I’m not everyone’s type?” 
“That would be rather ironic, wouldn’t it?” Logan says wryly. He types away at his computer, dutiously finishing an English assignment that Declan is currently ignoring for bigger and better things. “The aromantic everyone pines over.” 
That strikes an odd chord in Declan’s chest, like he’s a half-tone off; not quite wrong, but not quite right, either. His expression must change, because Logan pauses in his typing. He blinks at Declan. “Something wrong?” 
Of course, that’s when Declan’s brain decides that those words are simply too much, too much, his shoulders tightening, back tensing. It’s like his rib cage is squeezing his vital organs, which seems rather counterintuitive. He hates this unknown, this awkward buzz against his skin, the prickling feeling through his bones. 
The resounding crash of everything happening all at once is overwhelming and Declan can’t seem to decide whether to sit as still as humanly possible or bolt. 
Or, of course, do what he does best. 
“I forgot to do something for my mom,” Declan says, barely registering the words before they fall from his lips. He hasn’t lied to Logan in a very, very long time (he knows it’s because they have been best friends for ages, but his mind twists it into something of a foreshadow, even though it’s not, it’s not) and the resurgence of his bad habits leaves a nasty taste in his mouth, but. Desperate times. Desperate measures. 
“Oh,” Logan says, disappointed, and Declan longs to explain -- what? 
He angrily shoves the emotions deep into his chest. If he can’t explain them, he’s not going to give them the right of control over his actions. 
(He ignores the prevalent fact that he has just lied to his best friend in order to escape his presence, but denial, evidently, is not just a river in Egypt). 
“Sorry,” Declan spits out, meaning so much more than it seems. He stands, grabs his backpack, shoving papers and folders into it haphazardly. “I’ll see you tomorrow.” 
“See you tomorrow,” Logan calls out hollowly. Declan takes that as his leave and he slips out Logan’s bedroom door, backpack in tow, keys clicking in his pocket. 
Something deep inside him aches. But he doesn’t know why. 
Frustrated, Declan gets into his car and slams the door shut, fingers white-knuckled against the steering wheel. He takes a breath. He’s fine, he’s fine. He’s probably just sick, or something. 
Or something. 
Not for the first time, Declan longs for a working aux connection. 
Because flicking through radio stations does not help. 
Lewis Capaldi croons Someone you loved on one, Sam Smith singing Dancing with a Stranger. He woefully flips through two channels on commercial break, groaning when the last one has Adele, which, really?
He remembers Virgil’s favorite station, and turns up the volume to forty, My Chemical Romance’s Mama screaming from his speakers. He pulls into his driveway with Hallelujah by Panic! at the Disco blowing his ears out when he remembers that Logan once spent hours rambling about Brenden Urie and a conspiracy about curses and he slams his palms on his steering wheel, furious. 
Can he not escape Logan for a moment? 
As Declan slams the car door shut, throwing his backpack over his shoulders, and freezes at the sight of the stupid Beware, dog sign that Logan had vandelized to read Beware, snake, he realizes that no, he really can’t. Because Logan is his best friend, his favorite person, and his life is irreversibly intertwined with Logan unless he up and leaves with absolutely nothing, starting from scratch. Which would be worse than death. 
He trudges up the stairs like a funeral dirge and when his door shuts with a click he leans against it, steadily sliding down until his knees almost touch his chin. 
“Fuck,” Declan says out loud, unable to keep the emotion termoil inside like it should be. 
His phone buzzes where it fell from his hands, angry against the carpet. Declan sighs. Rubs a hand down his face. And picks up the phone. 
There’s one text from Logan that reads, “are you okay? I’m not irritated but you left rather…” 
Well. The beginning reads as such. Declan assumes there’s more, but he’s unwilling to open it for the time being. 
Then he has three from Virgil, two of which reference an obscure meme video and the third which reads “r u home i wanna play dark souls on ur ps4”. 
And there’s a text from Patton asking if he wants normal chocolate chips or mint ones, and a followup that proclaims “never mind i got both! :3c”. 
He sends a quick “no” back to Virgil and merely opens the texts from Patton, leaving only Logan’s unopened. I’m not irritated but you left rather… suddenly? 
A strange emotion flutters about Declan’s chest and he groans. He doesn’t feel this way about his other friends, not even Virgil, who he’s known for ages and has gone through four too many devastating arguments to not be close with. Nor does he feel like this with Patton, his brother. Those bonds are, he’s certain, platonic--
Declan lurches forwards with a gasp, the realization bowling him over and leaving him breathless. He curls his fingers into the carpet, focusing on the texture instead of the immediate swirl of panic. 
He -- does he have a crush on Logan? Him, Declan, the aromantic king, who once boasted the world could never produce a human Declan could fall in love with?
And it doesn’t track with him falling for Logan either because Declan would have loved him months earlier, suddenly falling in love with someone he’s loved platonically… it just doesn’t make sense. Declan can’t wrap his mind around it. 
Maybe he’s just reading the emotions wrong. How can he -- what can he do that -- which -- 
What would Logan do? 
An experiment, Declan’s mind supplies helpfully, so, well. Declan pressed his back against the wood of his door and thinks. 
Hypothesis: he’s in love with Logan. 
In love? A very rational part of his brain yells. You were talking about a crush before!
So Declan thinks, and revises. Hypothesis: he’s feeling romantic attraction to Logan. 
Then he takes a few minutes trying to remember the following step in the scientific method and ends up looking it up on his phone, and it’s really long so he’s just going to cut some corners. 
Well, Declan can’t think of any way to do this physically without making an entire fool of himself, so he changes the experiment into a thought experiment. 
Procedure: Consider emotions of other relationships and compare to feelings for Logan. 
Okay. Declan settles. He considers. He tries to imagine holding hands with Virgil and giving him flowers, but he can’t really picture giving Logan flowers either, so if it’s weird for both -- but he wants to hold Logan’s hand, not Virgil’s, and sometimes Patton’s, and Patton is his brother, he knows for sure his emotions are strictly platonic. So if Patton is the control group, the certainty of platonic emotions, Virgil is the one with normal emotions, and Logan has some weird emotions, so if Virgil and Logan’s are merely two different shades of friendship then Declan will know. 
Declan closes his eyes and imagines kissing Logan, because that’s what romantic partners do, right? He imagines stepping closer to him until there’s inches of space between them.. Declan thinks about leaning in, brushing lips before pressing in, heat curling in his chest and oh god, oh god Declan’s face is on fire. 
His eyes shoot open and he can only imagine how panicked he must look right now. He presses his hand against his chest, taking deep breaths. Then, reluctantly, he thinks about kissing Virgil -- nope, nope, eugh he physically shakes his head, gut rolling uncomfortably. 
So that is a big contender for Declan has romantic feelings for Logan. 
He sighs and clunks his head against the door. This sucks. Declan hates feelings. 
The door downstairs sounds, opening and closing, followed by a resounding, “HEY, CICI, LOVE YOU!” 
Dee sighs, a smile flickering across his face. He pushes to his feet and exits his room, wandering downstairs, aloof. 
“Hey Pat,” he says, leaning against a wall. 
“Ci, I’m making lots of cookies!” Patton declares, beaming at him, and Declan’s heart drops. 
His expression must, too, because Patton’s features are suddenly painted in concern. “What’s wrong?” 
“I should be asking you that,” Declan says, and he feels bad, unexpectedly, for not replying to Patton’s text earlier. “Lots of cookies? With mint and chocolate chips? Enough to feed an army?” 
Patton’s arms wilt and Declan reads the tremor in his shoulders, the glisten of his eyes. Patton tries for a smile and misses by a mile. 
Declan crosses to where Patton stands in five steps, wrapping his arms around his smaller brother, pressing his cheek against Patton’s head. “What’s wrong?” 
Patton takes a shuddering breath, returning the hug. “Nothing, really. I’m glad you’re home.” 
“Ah,” Declan says. He tightens his grip on Patton. “Do you want help?” 
“No.” Patton presses his face into Declan’s chest. He’s shaking, ever so slightly. “Can you talk with me at the counter, though?” 
“Of course,” Declan agrees, mentally side-tabling his emotional turmoil. 
“Okay,” Patton says. He’s quiet for a few more moments, then says, “And Steven Universe later?” 
“Anything,” Declan says. He makes a face. The word had slipped out unbidden, but Patton doesn’t tease him for it. 
“Alright.” Patton pulls away, takes a breath. “I’m about to make the best damn cookies the world has ever seen.” 
“Damn straight,” Declan says, grinning. Patton pauses for just one moment more before moving to the kitchen, dropping various ingredients onto the counter and moving smoothly to gather more. 
Declan wonders at his influence on Patton’s vulgar mouth, then shrugs. Patton’s a teenager. He can do what he wants. 
“Weren’t you hanging out with Logan?” Patton asks conversationally. He’s pulling down bowls and sugar, obviously expecting easy small talk. And normally Logan is easy for Declan to talk about. He talks about him all the time.  
So when Declan winces, Patton turns and addresses him with full attention, brows furrowed. “What? What happened?” 
“I…” Declan considers for a moment to just lie about it but dismisses the thought. This is Patton. “I think I have a romantic attraction for him.” 
Saying it out loud only cements the certainty in Declan’s chest. No, he hasn’t quite completed the experiment, but he just… knows. 
The knowledge is both relieves and spikes his anxiety about the whole situation. 
“Oh,” Patton says, eyes wide. “Do you want to talk about it?” 
“Not really,” Declan says honestly. 
“Alright,” Patton says. He turns back around and a wave of affection flows through Declan. “How did Roman do on his audition?” 
Declan hums, eternally grateful for Patton’s ability to turn the conversation away. They talk about Roman’s skill as an actor for a few minutes, jumping to Patton’s involvement in VEX robotics (focusing on the robotics instead of the people) and they kill about forty minutes with Patton talking about his baby bot, Pat Jr. 
When the clock strikes seven, Declan throws together two grilled cheese sandwiches and they eat in front of Steven Universe and the gems, Declan stretched out along the couch and Patton creating a throne of blankets for himself. 
“I know you don’t want to talk about it,” Patton murmurs, eyes never straying from the bursts of pastel on the screen, “but if you do have a romantic attraction to Logan it’s okay. You weren’t wrong in saying you’re aromantic. Because that fits you, you like it. There’s just more strings attached than you originally thought.” 
Declan blinks, the smallest smile growing on his face. “Thanks, Pat.” 
Patton hugs a pillow, eyes bright. “Love you, Ci.” 
Declan pushes his foot against Patton’s blanket pile in response. 
“Do you think we have to move?” Patton says, three hours into their movie night. 
Declan breathes, slowly inhaling as if it gives him an excuse to not reply. “I didn’t. I don’t want to. But probably.” 
“That’s why you haven’t told anyone,” Patton says. He shifts, turning to look at Declan. Declan maintains eye contact with the screen, despite having seen this movie countless times. “And why you told me to keep it under wraps.” 
“Yes,” Declan says, because really, he lies to the world, but he doesn’t lie to Patton. 
He tries not to lie to Patton. 
“But something changed yesterday.” Patton’s not asking questions. Somehow, he just knows, despite being left out of the loop. “And you were going to tell Logan today.” 
“Yes,” Declan says. Static thrums through his veins. Aladdin ignores a buzzing genie on screen, swatting him away to benefit his own desires. 
“What happened?” 
“Mom’s not getting out,” Declan says simply, because that’s it, really. Their mother is not getting out of jail. And with no father, their final hope is their uncle, three states over. Their father’s brother. 
Two months away from eighteen, and Declan is forced to concede. 
“When?” Patton asks. He’s trembling, but he’s not crying. Declan knows that will come later. 
“Because of the legal mixups and leaning on Sasha, two weeks, probably,” Declan says. Sasha is, of course, their next door neighbor, the crazy cat lady of the street who “watches” the boys “all the time”. 
“Two weeks,” Patton whispers. There’s a sheen in his eyes. Declan tries not to look but his gaze is like a magnet and Patton stares, stares, stares. “That’s not enough time. That’s not…”
Declan closes his eyes. 
He really thought he would win. 
He thought he could win. 
They only had to last two more months. His deadbeat mom had to last two months and they couldn’t even keep the legal proceedings--
He takes a breath. “Uncle Thomas is nice, at least.” 
“I don’t want uncle Thomas,” Patton snaps. 
“Well we don’t have a choice, Pat,” Declan bites out, stomach rolling at the words, eyes snapping open. 
Patton recoils, hurt flickering behind his eyes, but Declan knows it’s not enough to overpower the fire roaring in Patton’s lungs. “We did, we could have put more savings into mom’s defense, we could have found a place to live before it was our last resort but now we have to tell all our friends that we’re moving hundreds of miles away in two weeks!” 
“Mom doesn’t deserve to get out,” Declan spits. 
“I don’t CARE.” Patton’s fingers are clenched in fists. He stands. “I don’t care if mom deserves it or not. We deserve to stay.” 
“The world doesn’t work like that,” Declan says. 
Patton opens his mouth and snaps it shut, obviously restraining himself. A thousand emotions swim behind his eyes. Declan hates every single moment but he doesn’t say a word. 
He leaves. 
He leaves Declan sitting alone on the couch, watching Patton’s favorite movie. A door slams shut and Declan exhales heavily. They don’t get into fights, it’s just not -- Patton’s normally too upbeat to bother, Patton hates being angry, Declan normally doesn’t -- there’s nothing to get angry about, not in the grand scheme of things. They share easily, they have chaotic conversations, they… 
They’re fighting. 
Declan buries his head in his hands. He was too hopeful, too caught up on the possibility of the future to notice the sinkhole of reality. 
He really thought -- things would work out, Patton has his lucky charm of a personality and Declan works, he works hard, so things should -- Declan’s a senior in high school, halfway through the first semester, he should be worried about grades and school dances and friends and crushes and --
Declan curls, releasing something like a sob or maybe a dry heave. Whether or not he’s in love with Logan (most signs point to yes but there’s no way Declan’s addressing that) he still loves Logan, he loves being with him and talking to him and ordering his ice cream before Logan gets there to see the surprised and fond expression cross his face. 
Two weeks? 
To say goodbye to his best friend? 
Before moving, before picking up his entire life and his family (just -- Patton. Just Patton) and going somewhere Else?
Declan doesn’t feel like an adult. 
He doesn’t want to be an adult, either. 
Even if the world is asking him to be one. 
“You’re acting strange,” Logan observes. 
Declan shrugs. “I’m always strange.” He takes advantage of shoving fries in his face to avoid expounding. 
Logan sighs and puts down his burger. “Declan. Something’s going on.” 
Several somethings are going on, actually, but thanks. Declan shrugs again. “Haven’t been getting much sleep.” Which is a true statement. He’s written about ten different ways to tell Logan he’s leaving, nine of which are ripped up in the trash, one of which Declan just burned because he doesn’t want even scraps of that disaster to exist. 
Five days to go and Declan still hasn’t told him. Five days.  They don’t have many classes together, otherwise Logan would have pieced together the weird treatment from the teachers. Declan wonders if just disappearing into the void is an alright way to go, but a little Patton in his head chastises him for even considering it. 
Then again, at this rate…
“Hm,” Logan says. He has a thoughtful look on his face that’s absolutely devastating to Declan’s heart and general health and coherence of thought, let alone considering what’s about to come out of his mouth. “Is there a reason?” 
Declan considers, eyes narrowing as he stares at nothing. “I neglect to answer that question.” 
“So yes,” Logan says. The words fall from his lips with crushing sorrow. He takes a breath. “Why aren’t you telling me?” 
“Telling you what?” Declan says, internally wincing at the hurt flickering through Logan’s eyes.  
“Okay,” Logan says instead. He turns back to his food. 
They eat the rest of the meal in silence. 
Declan watches absentmindedly as Logan attempts to make a tower out of pens and pencils. With the addition of Roman’s copious amounts of colored pens, the tower is quite impressive. 
Two days. 
(Two Days).
Declan’s all packed. Sorta. Not really. He’s going to skip some classes in the future and pack all at once, throwing everything into the boxes (the empty boxes lining his room), not caring if anything breaks. 
He hasn’t told Logan yet. 
Or anyone, really, but Logan’s the one that -- the one that matters the most. 
Logan did, however, ask him if he was okay three times before leaving him be, because Logan knows that Declan becomes testy if asked the same question consistently. 
So basically, as far as Declan can figure, Declan’s a tool. Logan is trying, and Declan is giving him jack shit to work with. 
Patton has told all his friends, which means it’s only a matter of time before Logan finds out, right? Patton’s a sophomore, they’re seniors, and the school is large, but it’s also not as big as it seems. 
Roman, sitting next to him, hums under his breath as he types. He’s editing his college essay, which Declan would be doing if he had a college essay to edit and also cared enough. The atmosphere is strikingly calm, which leads to an anxious buzzing under Declan’s skin. 
Tell him. Just tell him. Just open your mouth and tell him. You’re in a library, he can’t get loud and yell. 
Declan wonders if yelling would be better, actually, than wide eyed stares and wounded expressions. 
He’s contemplating the merits of writing a letter (absolutely not, he doesn’t know why he’s even considering it) when he spots Patton out of the corner of his eye. 
Patton in and of himself does not scare Declan. 
The fact that he’s bee-lining for Declan and his friends does make him a bit nervous, though. 
“Cici,” Patton hisses. The cutesy play on Declan’s middle name sounds odd in such a harsh tone of voice. He glances at Logan before staring at Declan. 
Declan’s starkly aware of Roman and Logan’s attention when he says, “yeah?” 
“You told them?” Patton says, and Declan--
A combination of fear and fury and regret zip through his veins at warp speed.
But Declan’s well trained in the art of deception. 
He schools his expression into one of cool indifference. “That I’m taking you for ice cream? Nah. I didn’t think they’d care. You wanna go right now?” 
Roman huffs a laugh, turning his attention back to his computer. Logan doesn’t look away, though, hand resting on a bright yellow flair pen. 
Patton’s brow furrows. “I mean the--”
“Man, if you were that impatient you could’ve texted me,” Declan interrupts with a long, drawn-out sigh. He stands, swinging his backpack over his shoulders. “I’ll see you guys later.” 
“Get me some ice cream next time,” Roman says, grinning. His gaze doesn’t leave his screen. “Bye, loser.” 
“Bye,” Logan echoes. 
Something registers in Declan’s brain-dead skull that Logan sounds lifeless because his best friend has been distant (Declan. Declan is Logan’s best friend). 
Declan pauses, sighs. Patton looks outraged and about two seconds from outing Declan. 
“I’m sorry,” Declan says. Logan looks up at him. “It’s not your fault. Just… I’m going through some things. You deserve to know. I shouldn’t shadow you without any info.” 
Patton looks even angrier, if possible, but then Logan’s talking and Patton hates interrupting people. 
“Okay,” Logan says, soft as ever. “I’ll wait for you.” 
And if that doesn’t make Declan feel like the nastiest motherfucker. 
“Let’s go,” Declan says, pulling Patton along before Patton lets loose. 
He opens his mouth, but Declan beats him to it, whispering, “Shh, we’re in a library.” 
“I cannot fucking believe you,” Patton hisses instead. 
“You haven’t told them?” Patton exclaims. He yanks his wrist from Declan’s grip but continues following him, arms gesturing wildly. “You’re the worst.” 
“Tell me something I don’t know,” Declan mutters. 
“You better get me ice cream now,” Patton says, crossing his arms. “After making me watch that.” 
“That’s fair,” Declan concedes, and then realizes he’s going to have to spent the next thirty minutes listening to Patton chastise him and -- 
Honestly, he deserves it, but he doesn’t want it, but before he can say anything, Patton says, “don’t even think about escaping this.” 
So he’s stuck listening to Patton chastise him for the next thirty minutes until their next class starts. 
But he gets a turtle sundae out of it, so it’s like, at least 20% a win. 
“CICI,” Patton screams from the living room. 
Declan shoots to his feet, tripping and slamming his knee into the doorframe, scrambling to reach Patton as swiftly as possible. He appears at the edge of the living room, hand pressed against the wall, chest heaving, eyes blown wide. “What? What is it?” 
He assesses Patton for damage, but Patton’s standing with his phone clutched between his fingers, shaking ever so slightly but appearing physically fine. He’s staring at Declan, lip trembling. 
“Patton?” Declan says. 
Patton opens his mouth, tears dripping down his cheeks. He sniffs, making an angry noise in the back of his throat as he wipes at his face. “I shouldn’t tell you! I should let you suffer because you’re mean.” 
“Patton,” Declan says, approaching his brother like one might a wild animal. 
Patton shakes his head and Declan stops. 
“I’m upset!” Patton says. Then he lets out a laugh, choked. “But I’m so relieved.”
Declan doesn’t say anything. 
Patton sniffles a few more times, then peeks at Declan through his fingers. Declan tries for a smile, sheepish. Patton smiles back, watery and soft. His shoulders shake as he laughs softly, his phone pressed against his cheek. “I was so scared.” 
“Me too,” Declan says. 
“I’m sorry,” Patton says, the anger draining from his face and leaving a wide-eyed pile of nerves. “I didn’t mean it. You’re not mean. You’re just scared.” 
“It’s okay,” Declan says. His arms hand limply by his sides. He wants to do something with them, to cross his arms or put them in his hoodie pockets or something, but he also wants to leave them available for when Patton wants a hug, so he stands awkwardly instead. “I forgive you.” 
“I’ve been calling Uncle Thomas,” Patton says. 
Declan’s heart does something funny in his chest. 
Patton pulls his hands away from his face, rubbing his cheeks clean, staring at his phone for a few moments before his hand drops, dangling at his side. “He’s -- he said he’s coming here. His job can be done online and the stuff he can’t do online he’ll fly back for which won’t be often, he said it’s important to him that we -- have a support system throughout highschool, and he wants us to finish here before doing anything else.” 
The information barely filters through Declan’s mind because when Patton exhales another sob Declan steps forward and envelops him in his arms on instinct. Patton’s legs go weak. Declan sinks to the ground, Patton pressing his face into Declan’s shoulder. 
“I’m sorry,” Patton mumbles. “I don’t know why I’m crying. This is good. This is good.” 
“Sometimes emotions have a funny way of showing,” Declan says. He runs his fingers through Patton’s hair, untangling the curls. “You’ve been stressed. It’s okay.” 
“Why aren’t you crying?” Patton says. He taps his palm against Declan’s chest, reminiscent of a smack without any of the power. “It’s not fair.”
Declan laughs, sort of. “I might later. I don’t know. Emotions are weird.” 
“You never told your friends you were moving,” Patton says. “Will they ever find out?” 
“Probably,” Declan says. He squeezes Patton. “I know you told your friends. It’s better your way. Even if it doesn’t feel like it.” 
Declan can feel the rise and fall of Patton’s chest. It slows as Patton calms down. “We don’t have to move,” Patton murmurs. 
“We don’t have to move,” Declan agrees, and Patton presses even closer. 
Declan doesn’t know how he finds his way to the beach but at one point he’s baking Patton cookies and the next he’s sitting on a slab of concrete overlooking the pitch dark waves. He knows Patton is sleeping, or is at least pretending to sleep. He vaguely remembers writing a note in case Patton looks for him. 
It’s been three days since Patton discovered Uncle Thomas’s moving plans. Discovered? Convinced? Declan isn’t sure. 
And he doesn’t really know how to react. He’s been moving on autopilot, making dinner, doing homework, putting in minimal effort into his friendships so they don’t abandon him on the side of the road -- 
No. Declan shakes his head. Putting minimal effort into his friendships because his friends don’t deserve to be cut off without a word. 
Nothing feels right. 
(Something is off). 
He hears footsteps and before he can whip around, before fear has the chance to truly take over his body, he hears, “this seat taken?” 
“No,” Declan says, and Logan sits next to him on the concrete. They’re quiet for a few moments, watching the reflection of the moon, tasting salt on their tongues. 
“Will you tell me what’s going on?” Logan says finally. 
Declan closes his eyes, breathes. His emotions are all tangled up in his chest and he doesn’t want to tap into it for fear that if he lets out a little he’ll let out everything. 
But Logan deserves to know. 
(He deserves someone better.)
“My mom lost,” Declan says, which sounds nicer than it did in his head. “She’s unfit to care for us, anyway, but now she’s officially calling prison her new home.” 
Logan’s quiet. Declan listens to his breathing. He spies Logan’s hand against the concrete and longs to close the distance and entangle their fingers, just for a modicum of physical comfort. The slightest hint of warmth permeates the air around Logan and Declan wants to lean closer, to press their arms together. 
“My Uncle, on my dad’s side, is taking care of us. He… wasn’t originally going to move here, but Patton talked to him and he decided moving here is the best course of action.” Declan shifts. He doesn’t know how to say it. He doesn’t know how to explain. 
Logan stops breathing. 
“I almost lost you,” he says, and it’s barely a whisper. 
Declan glances at him and can barely comprehend the amount of horror shining in Logan’s eyes. Logan’s staring at him, expression open and terrified. “I almost…” He exhales, shaking. Declan watches him so closely he can see the sticking of his chest as he breathes, the tremor of his shoulders. 
Declan’s heart stutters and he wants to tear his gaze away but he owes, he owes Logan this. Even though the only thing he wants to do is run away, to preserve himself. “I -- I never told you,” Declan says, more scared than he has been in a long time. He opens his mouth and stops, shrinking away. He looks over Logan’s shoulder, unable to maintain eye contact. “We were supposed to leave two days ago. I was going to tell you and then…” 
Then I found out that I’m in love with you, and it freaked me out so much I closed myself off. 
Logan’s truly shaking, and Declan doesn’t know what to do. You caused this. This is your fault. 
“Ugh! I’m sorry,” Declan exclaims. He can’t stand this, these tentative moments, fragile as glass. He wants to take a hammer to the whole affair. “I’m sorry. I know it’s not much but I was scared, and it’s not a valid excuse, but I was terrified, Logan, I couldn’t leave you! You mean too much to me!” 
“You mean a lot to me too,” Logan says, but Declan’s on a roll, now, there’s no stopping the hurricane in his heart. 
He moves his gaze to the waves, finding solace and energy in the constancy. “I was going to tell you when we were hanging out a few weeks ago in your room, and then I freaked out because -- and then I left, and haven’t been able to figure out how to word it since, and Patton’s better than I am, he told his friends almost immediately, imagine, having worse emotional competency than a fifteen year old--”
“Roman found out,” Logan says, grinding Declan’s tangent to a halt. “He mentioned something to me but I needed to hear it from you.” 
Declan stares at him. 
“I asked Patton if you were at home,” Logan explains. Declan can barely tell in the shadows, but Logan’s face seems to darken. “When he said no, I knew there was one other place you would go. Probably.” 
Declan worries his lip. He’s that predictable? 
“Why didn’t you tell me earlier?” Logan asks, quiet. 
“Because…” Liquid anxiety slogs through his veins. His voice drops, quiet, quieter than the sound of waves. “Because I think I’m in love with you, and I’m terrified.” 
For a second all he can hear is the crash of the sea and his heartbeat pounding in his ears. He doesn’t know why the moon isn’t falling from the sky, why the stars haven’t combusted, because his world feels like it’s falling apart at the seams. 
“I discovered that,” Declan continues, the words slipping between his lips before his mind has any say in the matter, “and didn’t know what to do, and then I needed to tell you I was leaving, and I love you, and I couldn’t. Because I’m a coward.” 
Another beat. Declan takes a long breath. “I still love you. And I’m no longer leaving.” 
“I suppose… now would be a bad time to bring up demiromanticism?” Logan tries. 
“It would be a terrible time, but thank you,” Declan says, and he can’t help the small puff of laughter that escapes. 
“I love you too,” Logan says, then, and Declan can’t breathe. 
He turns to Logan without thinking, searching his sapphire blue eyes for deception even though Logan has never, ever lied to him. He can’t hope, he can’t dare to hope, the world would never give him two miracles. “Don’t trick me.” 
“I’m in love with you,” Logan clarifies, nervous. His hands are wringing together and he’s biting his lip. 
Declan reaches out, fingers trembling, to brush against Logan’s cheek. “You…”
“I’ve been in love with you,” Logan says. He’s looking down, away from Declan’s gaze, but he leans into his touch. “For awhile. I never wanted to bring it up because… you were so adamant about being separate from romance…”
“I thought I was,” Declan says honestly. “Which is why this is a real fucking trip, let me tell you.” 
Logan laughs, and some of the tension in the air dissolves. “I can imagine.” 
“God, I love you,” Declan says. He brushes his thumb underneath Logan’s eye. 
“I love you too,” Logan says, eyes wide and sparkling, then he moves forward and cradles Declan’s head in his hands and Declan short circuits because he’s right there he’s RIGHT THERE and he’s touching him he loves him he loves him--
“You’re gorgeous,” Logan says, and Declan just stares at him dumbly because his mouth stops working. His heart is barely going, the only reason he’s not dead is because his body has some sort of instinctive survival instinct, or something. 
Emotion clog his throat and Declan doesn’t know how he’s not sobbing already so he’s unsurprised when the smallest tear slips out of his eye. 
“Oh,” Logan says, wiping the tear away. “I’m sorry.” 
“It’s -- it’s not -- it’s not you,” Declan chokes out. “God. This is so embarrassing.” 
“I don’t care,” Logan says. He leans closer, pressing their foreheads together and staring into Declan’s eyes. “It’s okay to cry.” 
Declan smiles thinly, blinking away tears. “I don’t deserve you.” 
Logan stares at him, brows furrowing. “What?”
“You’re so beautiful,” Declan says. His trembling hands hold Logan’s jaw. “And you’re so smart and passionate, and you have the most wicked sense of humor, and you’re my best friend.” 
“No,” Logan shakes his head. “I mean, I am your best friend, but there’s no deserve in a relationship. We’re just people. People make mistakes. I make mistakes. Please don’t sell yourself short.” 
Declan wants to say that only proves how good Logan truly is, but he settles for a simple, “Okay.” 
Logan brushes hair out of Declan’s eyes, then sighs, dropping his head to Declan’s shoulder. Declan’s hands slide down to Logan’s upper back.
“I’m glad you’re here,” Declan says. 
“I’m glad you’re here too,” Logan replies, muffled. He pulls away for a split second, eyes blurry and a crease already showing from his glasses pressing into his skin. “But if you withhold life-altering information like that from me again there will be issues.” 
“I won’t,” Declan says. He swallows. He hates promises. He hates them, because he never feels like he can maintain them. “I’ll… I’ll try my hardest.” 
Logan searches his gaze, nods, and then presses fully into Declan. 
“Woah, okay.” Declan shifts as Logan clings to him like a koala bear. Logan’s basically in his lap and Declan, well. Declan has no complaints. 
“I can do this as much as I want because we’re in love with each other,” Logan mutters, and wow, if that doesn’t send a thousand vibrations across his skin. In love with each other. 
Declan grins. He likes the sound of that. 
“You know,” Logan says conversationally. His fingers trail up to press against Declan’s face, outlining his lips. “I love it when you smile.” 
Declan hums, his smile broadening. Me too, Logan. 
Me too.
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kinetic-elaboration · 3 years
June 17: 1x23 The Omega Glory
Watched the very uneven episode “The Omega Glory” today. Upon some reflection.. I think I have seen it? But I think my last rewatch ended abruptly after “By Any Other Name” so it might have been some time ago.
Anyway, it was... something. Decent, I might even say good, until the last 10-15 minutes and then it just went off a cliff? That’s how I’d summarize it.
Sulu, my beloved. I’ve missed you.
Kirk knows where all the ships are. I mean, obviously, but I love to hear it.
Phasers on heavy stun huh?
It’s so weird to be on a different ship. That looks like the same ship. It’s so empty and haunted looking.
With creepy crystal remains of bodies everywhere.
“These white crystals... are the crew.”
Something was thirsty!! Perhaps... a water vampire? Perhaps... a former McCoy girlfriend?
(Honestly having watched the whole ep...they could have expanded this intro longer. It was creepy and mysterious. Then cut the last act.)
Oh no, they’ve been infected and now must quarantine. Sort of. I guess.
...Oh no, is this Vietnam? Again?
“Our old enemy, Vietnam.”
My mother suggested the disease might be communism and I don’t think that metaphor tracks through the whole episode but you know what.. anything’s possible.
I don’t like this whole “you can’t leave the planet or you’ll get sick and die” thing. Too familiar.
"I may never be able to leave this planet but I have a worse problem: a colleague may be breaking a rule."
Says the man who has frequently violated a directive that has never been referred to as Prime before.
Kirk is getting very mumbly. That’s his serious voice.... bu it’s also his Denny Crane voice lol.
Like bio warfare in the 90s? TOS really thought the 90s was going to be the dark ages, didn’t it?
Only 90s kids remember...
Spock bursting in with a wounded man, just bringing the drama, as he does.
He’s not even listening to McCoy. Rude.
Spock absolutely 100% would have killed Captain Tracey on instinct as soon as Kirk is threatened.
Sulu’s in command? I love Captain Sulu but where is Scotty?
Kirk is so good. Clever, strong, smart. Knows all the regulations.
Tracey’s so dumb. “They’ve eradicated disease and live for hundreds of years!” Man, have you considered that they are...aliens? And their life spans are simply.... naturally longer than human life spans? And even if you could isolate the serum, it might not work on humans?
And his master plan is to isolate their immunity and bottle it for profit. It’s our old enemy... capitalism and the exploitation of intellectual property.
A fight scene!
“The pointy-eared one stays.”
Another fight scene!
Spock is watching all of this, and you know what, I feel like he’s not upset about it. It’s just like Pre-Reform Vulcan. Perhaps some... Amok Time flashbacks? “Damn, I wish that was me.”
Peanut gallery Spock.
“I wish you could teach me that.” / “I have tried.” Omg where is my scene of Spock trying to teach Kirk the nerve pinch?
And then that look Kirk gives him.
I don’t get the point of this scene but it amuses me that as soon as McCoy sees the pretty girl, he feels better.
A post-apocalyptic alien world... a very interesting concept. Like you could do a lot with that idea imo.
“That’s our worship word [freedom too.” Umm.... questionable.
Damn bitch, that was cold. Just knocking him out like that.
Damn yankee.
...Yankee and Communist dammit.
McCoy’s not even surprised to see Kirk and Spock out of jail.
Nature created a natural counterbalance to the biological disease. Where is OUR natural counterbalance, I ask?
McCoy sounds extra Southern rn. It’s all the stress.
I really don’t think Shatner gets enough credit for his subtlety. His face when McCoy explains the whole situation...
Oh he's mad now. "You've hurt Spock for nothing! Oh yeah and also killed thousands but MOSTLY THE SPOCK THING!”
Whereas Tracey really doesn’t seem to care about anything but war for its own sake. He knows now that his master plan for immortality was nothing the whole time...but he still needs to call those Yangs.
In other words, another once-reputable figure of authority now gone mad.
Kirk’s voice is so casual when he’s talking to Uhura and Sulu, you feel like he’s gotta have something up his sleeve. He can never hide when he’s really upset about something.
...Apparently what he had up his sleeve was his crew knowing regulations and then another full body tackle. Fight scene 3!
"My need for attention is vital.” Same, Spock.
This is a very attenuated and unbelievable connection Kirk is making but he’s Kirk so I’ll assume it makes sense that he’s putting it all together so fast.
Alternate Universe: Vietnam canon-divergence lol.
For anyone keeping track, this is right about the point where the episode goes off the rails.
YOU’RE A ROMANTIC, JIM. Well he’s right about that at least and he should say it.
Oh no, an American flag.
Cloud William, chief and the son of chiefs. That’s continuity of government for you.
(Also pretty hilarious that this society is supposedly So American with our exact flag and Constitution and everything... but they’re not a democracy.)
I really don’t want to believe that “under God” is still in the pledge 200 years from now.
"You're confusing the stars with heaven." Kirk thinks he's being called an angel.
The absolute mishmash of meaningless, referent-free words here. America. Native Americans. Communists. The flag, the Constitution. God. Angels. Devils. What???
Like how can they both be flag worshippers AND...believers in God? Who is their God? Alien George Washington?
So rude to call Spock Kirk’s “servant.” That’s his space husband!
Is that a literal picture of Spock as a demon in their.. Bible?
I can’t even follow this anymore.
“You command him.” I mean...yes, that’s how the military works.
“He has no heart.” Wow, rude.
“His heart is different!” I stan one (1) Southern Doctor.
I feel like Spock is just... not having this at all. His face loos like he’s thinking what I’m thinking.
Oh no is that the CONSTITUTION??!
“Kill his servant” wow Tracey is obsessed with Spock, isn’t he? I guess everyone in the Fleet knows about them and their special relationship.
Spock is even amused by the knife at his throat. His eyes say "I am distressed--but fascinated!"
A FOURTH fight scene? And here I thought Kirk was going to recite the Constitution.
“I’m open to suggestions.” He’s just as worried about Kirk as McCoy is, bu the doesn’t show it.
...Yep, he’s being telepathic again. Not really in line with his usual telepathy but okay. Alien magic is flexible.
Okay I have a JD and I can confidently say there is nothing about good defeating evil in the Constitution.
And now this alien guy is immediately ready to make himself a “slave.” That seems problematic. What happened to the holy word “Freedom”?
Wow, Kirk's in a bad mood. "You can't pronounce your own holy words worth shit."
“This is only for the eyes of a Chief,” he says and Kirk just pushes him away.
Spock literally turns Tracey around for Kirk’s big final speech like “Listen up, bitch, my boyfriend’s talking.”
Is this the 4th of July episode?? Feels like there should be canons and fireworks going off behind him rn.
Idk, the words of the Constitution can't be so unique and unprecedented if a WHOLE OTHER ALIEN CIVILIZATION just came up with them, too, on their own, like monkeys typing Hamlet. (Given the timelines here... they probably did it first too lol.)
"Liberty and freedom need to be more than just words." Like what does that even mean in this context? Sounds nice but it’s very hard to put into the context of all the rest of this.
“And uh be nice to the Kohms,” after most of them (?) were probably just killed.
I really was into this until the last 10-15 minutes and I think there were under-explored concepts that could have taken the fever dream of whatever that bizarre-o fever dream at the end was. The abandoned ship. The leftovers of bio warfare. The whole weird and under-explained concept of immunity. The tragedy that so much was destroyed,, including but not limited to the whole Exeter crew, for no reason. What happened to Tracey to so destroy him--was it just greed? What about the “Prime” Directive? Is it important or not. They just leave at the end after (as Spock pointed out) doing quite a bit of their own meddling, even though meddling is allegedly the worst. Also, we know almost nothing about the Kohms at all. The “American” society clearly wasn’t democratic. Were the Kohms literally Communist?
I’m willing to accept a certain degree of alternate Earth scenarios--like Miri (though imo that was not a necessary component of that story) or Bread and Circuses, but this was too much. TOO unbelievable. And frankly unnecessary. You could do an allegory for alternate-Vietnam, and it would be just as clear but even more effective. There wouldn’t be any distraction in the form of “what the fuck is that flag doing here?”
There is a potentially incendiary concept here, which is the same one I thought of reading about actual COG plans--certain aspects of the Yanks’ culture survives, but with absolutely no meaning attached. They have a Constitution but they mispronounce all the words. They have this tattered flag but it has no other meaning. They’ve turned the symbols of the government into a religion, but they don’t practice any of the civil aspects of it--they have chiefs, not democratically appointed leaders, for example. Like, COG asks “what IS the country, and how do you make sure the country endures no matter what?” This was an opportunity to show the worst of that: the country continues to exist as symbology only--incredibly strong symbology, but only that--and all of the actual values that were supposed to be stored with that symbology have disappeared. Similarly, their hatred of their enemies endures. It’s lauded in the ep as their attempt to get “their land” back but what if it’s just war for its own sake, as Tracey seems to be engaging in? To tell that story, especially in the 60s, against the backdrop of Vietnam, and with the references to bio warfare and nuclear warfare, could be powerful. And I know TOS can work in metaphor and comparison. It doesn’t need to bring out a literal fucking flag.
Honestly, it was like they had one good, classic, sci fi story but it didn't fill 52 minutes so they tacked on the American Pride 4th of July Propaganda Extravaganza at the end.
It really felt like the lesson was “America good” lol.
I liked the concept of the post apocalyptic society in the aftermath of bio warfare as a cautionary tale for 1960s America, and I'd be up for crazed snake oil salesman Starfleet Captain (or...whatever his rank was) if it were a bit better explained. But the rest of it....
It also... could have been kinda incendiary with the idea that the Constitution and flag are religious symbols... I mean some people do treat them that way and I've always found that, first, blasphemous, and second, bizarre in such a hyper-Christian country. But I feel like instead of digging ito that, they just tempered it with "But also they're Christian, as you can tell by their drawing of devil!Spock, for some reason."
Idk, this story could have been complete with out the whole weird “Vietnam AU” back story or alternately it could have been a biting commentary about what defines America, and about whether or not our symbols might be more enduring--or even more important to people today??--than the laudable but more complex and difficult ideals that underpin the country’s founding. Are the words of the Constitution just gobbledy gook? They are if you don’t live by them, and America has always struggled to do that. It definitely would struggle even more in the aftermath of an apocalypse.
...I’m more annoyed now, thinking about the possible sci fi story that could have been...
Anyway next is an ep I’m fairly sure I haven’t  seen, so that should be fun.
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littlebitoffanfic · 7 years
Experimental Relationship
Fandom: Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Character: Donnie Relationship: Donnie/reader Request: Can you write a Donnie oneshot where hes upset cause the reader isn’t speaking to him but its because they love him and they had a dream about Donnie and the reader being together. But the reader wants that but thinks Donnie doesn’t feel the same. Sorry if its confusing, but could it be from Donnies perspective as well? Donnie paced in his lab, his mind racing as he thought back over the last couple of weeks. You had been acting weird around him, not properly speaking to him and avoiding him where you could. It was strange because Donnie had always had a good friendship with you. Granted, you had your disagreements but nothing to weren’t this sort of behaviour on your part. He picked up his phone off the counter and pulled up your last messages before typing. “-Can we talk?” He sent the message to you and placed the phone down. It felt like an eternity past before it buzzed with a response from you, but not one he hoped for. “-this isn’t really a great time.” You wrote back. “I really need to talk to you. Please.” He only added the please at the end in case he sounded like he was demanding your time. Donnie couldn’t put into words how much this was killing him. You were his best friend but you were more. You were his sanity, his world, his light, his everything. Donnie only recently realised how in love with you he actually was. It killed him that you couldn’t even talk to him. Donnie wondered if it was because of his appearance. When the thought first ran through his mind, he was nearly sick. He had such a hatred for his appearance and how it effected himself and his brothers that the thought of having someone he loved loath him made him hate himself even more. But you maintained a friendship with the others. Mikey even said you text him every day. So it couldn’t be because of that. “Okay.” You finally texted back. But it was enough to give Donnie hope. He quickly wrote a response that he would be up to your flat in 5 minutes before taking off, not even telling the others where he was going. It was a chance to right whatever wrong had happened between you two, and that was enough to make Donnie want to climb every building in new York just to get to you. When he got to your flat, the window was already open, so he was quick to get inside. It was dark out, so he knew he didn’t really have to worry since no one would see him anyway. you were sitting on the couch, worry in your eyes as you avoided his gaze. You looked like a child who was about to be told off for something. But then Donnie saw the small glisten on your cheeks, a tell-tale sign you had been crying. the soft light of a lamp behind you and the darkness outside drove him towards you as he kneeled in front of you. He had expected you to be angry at him. To tell him he had said something that had offended you or that he had ignored you. But to find you so upset. Donnie knew he would rather you be angry at him that upset like this. “Whats wrong?” he asked in a soft voice. “I-I-im sorry.” You mumbled, coving your eyes and sobbing. You looked like you had been holding back the tears when he’d come in but now you couldn’t hold back anymore. Donnie rushed to wrap his arms around you, hushing you softly but not saying anything directly. You started to cry against his chest, craving the warmth and companionship it offered you, but quickly caught yourself and pushed yourself away. “Im sorry. I just cant.” You mumbled, turning your back on him. “Whats wrong, please. You know you can trust me, right?” He asks, coming closer to you, his heart breaking. He never imagined in 1000 years to find you like this. “That’s exactly it, though. Ive got too close to you.” You mumble to yourself but Donnie managed to hear you. “What do you mean?” He walks around you so he could look in your eyes. “I-I cant tell you.” you finally managed to say, sounding like whatever was going through your mind was killing you. “You can. I promise!” Donnie nodded, urging you to tell him. There was a moment where all you could do was look at him before you signed and went to sit on the sofa, Donnie at your heels. He took a seat beside you, patiently waiting. “I-I seem to have developed… feelings for you.” You finally confessed after taking a moment to find the words. But these words made Donnies heart stop in his chest. Feelings? Perhaps similar to the ones he felt for you? A million questions raced through his mind but he knew he couldn’t ask them all so quickly, so he chose a broader one. “What do you mean?” he asks, sliding a little closer to you. “I-i-uh.” You shook your head, burying your head in your hands but before Donnie could comfort you, you sat back up. “This all started with that stupid dream.” You shook your head, not knowing what to say. “What dream?” Donnie asked you. “I dreamt that we were together.” Your voice was soft, like you were remembering a fond memory. But then you jumped slightly and looked at him for a brief seconds. “nothing… bad, I promise. It wasn’t even like we did anything. But we were sitting together and you had your arm wrapped round me and we were reading. I’d never thought of us like that before, but in my dream, I knew we were together. And when I woke up, I was so confused.” You buried your face in your hands. “Confused about what?” Donnie asked, his voice almost failing him as he tried to resist the urge to confess fully to you. at least just yet. “About, about us. I don’t know. I just- it was so hard whenever I saw you because I felt like I was o deeply in love with you but I couldn’t do anything but it hurt so bad. I thought it would be easier if I distanced myself from you. but its been hell.” You threw your hands in the air slightly. You didn’t know why it was so easy to tell him all this right now, but you did anyway, and Donnie was glad. “Me too.” He managed to say, in a small voice, one which just managed to reach your ears. “What?” You asked, turning to look at him. You had been expecting him to freak out, to maybe even run away. But he was here still. “The last few weeks have been hell for me, too. I cant tell you how much ive missed you. but I can tell you that I know how you feel.” He smiles a little as you turn to face him a little more, your face etches with curiosity and confusion. “Ive loved you since the first moment I saw you. I tried everything. I tried pushing the feelings away, I tried shift my focus, I tried burying myself in work, but then you’d walk in and I couldn’t do anything but try and make you happy.” His confession. His true confession. he had always imagined it, and like this was one way. Well, without you in tears like this. But sitting beside you in your living room was correct. He had always been so nervous when he thought of it. He thought he would stumble over words and mess things up, but after hearing you out, it made him feel brave, because he knew you felt the same. “Donnie?” You trailed off, staring at him with those big eyes that he adored dearly. “I never thought you’d ever see me as more than a friend.” Donnie looks away from you, suddenly unable to hold your gaze. He heard a small and breathy chuckle come from you and looked up to see you were staring straight ahead. “I thought the same.” You smiled a little. The two of you sat in silence for a moment, taking in the full confessions, until you jumped a little with an idea. “I have an experiment I would like to try with you.” you suddenly said and the two of you turned to each other. “What sort of experiment?” Donnie asked, a little confused to your sudden change of subject but intrigued none the less. “Us.” You said, short and simple. “Us?” He repeated with a raised brow. “Yes, like an experimental relationship…” You offered, trailing off, suddenly nervous for using the word relationship. But Donnie couldn’t help but smile. “Sounds intriguing.” He nods. “And how would we carry out such a complex operation?” He asked with a small smile on his face. “We could do some smaller experiments and we’ll call them ‘dating’ experiments.” You offered and Donnie laughed at your ‘subtle’ hint. “Ah yes, and we could gather the data we collect from that before moving on, I guess?” He grinned widely at you. “Exactly.” You giggled, tears now long forgotten. For a moment, the two of you laughed at yourselfs, as you fell forward slightly, your stomach now hurting from laughing. Both your laugher died down after a moment as you realised how close you were. You raised your head and saw Donnie face was only a couple of inches from your own. He licked his lips, his nerves settling in now. “Can, can I kiss you?” He suddenly asked, his eyes darting to your lips which caused you to subconsciously lick your lips like his. “Only if it wont throw off our data.” You said with a small smile. Donnie let out a chuckle before he leaned down, pressing a chase kiss to your lips. The second his lips met yours, there were fireworks between you both. In that moment, you couldn’t work out why you two hadn’t done this sooner. Donnies hands found your waist as yours found his shoulders and the two of you moved closer together, leaning against the couch as you made out. Donnie didn’t know for how long the two of you stayed like this, occasionally stopping for a breath before diving back in. he couldn’t help but smile into the kiss as he felt you moving against him, showing him you were enjoying it as much as he was. ‘This was certainly going to be an interesting experiment’ he thought to himself as your hands massaged his shoulders. interesting indeed.
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boydchloe · 4 years
Cat Spray Look Like Wondrous Cool Tips
Consider fostering yourself; see how they behave later in life.You may want to move around you need to not get the area for several days.Advantage was the most common treatment for fleas.I used before I tell if the situation and the noise it made.
This should remove the stain, until it is better to give her a Christmas tree in the microwave.A brush with soft carpets and upholstery.Try to familiarize your cat through the screen.Antiseptic lotions can also spray so as not to scratch in order to clean them often to avoid the area.The three main types of troubles call for exceptional care.
To remedy this, minimize scratching and clawing your furniture, you should be well cared for during her time of fireworks and noisy activities, but this is deemed unpleasant to him but it can be no reason.Never use dog shampoos that have issues with each other, attack each other has been treated for fleas, attention should be kept inside the house.If you don't feel comfortable cutting your own cats.This is why indoor cats are put down again.It is of course need to establish what is upsetting the cat.
By a cats claws are used for the first place.This is what you do feel just a toy around the house, especially when they spray their territory are other popular cat treats he or she can climb too.These crystals remain tightly bonded to any number of spray that can help you choose to do this than others.If you haven't, has your cat going to make your garden even more difficult.It keeps odors down, not quite that obliging.
This will go to the consumer thanks to the cat sometimes has a learning mode so it is too close to busy streets, it is in most situations.If you own a cat has already dried moisten the area you don't use a hair dryer on the market, Feliway cat spray, urine and often catch us off guard.They are a number of simple things you can do is choosing to sleep at the Bangor Daily News.Now spray the cat, whose name was Nibbles, couldn't be persuaded to go especially wild!In such cases, the best ways to develop a neurosis or anxiety
Neuter your cat sprays an object or litter.* That female cats from getting sick and possibly vomiting.Many people believe that they are having.Physical punishment will not show it, they can climb too.Flea and tick control products are easy meat.As a cat indoors or out.
One of the best solutions of dealing with cat behavior:Next you need to have a feline cannot scratch anything they land on.Many times, you may need them expressed at the very least cause skin inflammation associated with keeping your cat will need to hurt the cat inside at this point.This hairball cough does not have any formal training in 10 minutes but before addressing any treatment, we must first determine some spray triggering factors.Few cats are less likely to get him familiar with the sudden avoidance of their asthma.
Don't despair; even the most aggravating pet poop and pee into a traditional cat scratcher, attach carpet scraps to scrap wood.However if you don't have much to slice you to maintain its clawsCats need to know the new BFF's on the street to join the stray felines that pass our way.Remember, too, that separation anxiety and they come running right back to the cat's behaviour.It is very independent and less needy than dogs, making them funny, mysterious, cuddly, and always wanted to come pick him up; I was away and sniffs it.
How To Deal With A Cat Peeing In The House
But while these drugs are effective, some pet owners should always start with cheap open and spreads it all of the cat can sit, and make sure it can attract your cat healthy and infection-free.If you notice your cat altered, there are several different types of customers you have what it does.Claw caps are soft plastic covers that are easily avoided through cat spaying or neutering your cat more pleasant.Persians are available in a place that your cats wants you to show them what they do not miss out on a meal of blood.Do not use this to make your garden area.
Have them focus on the back deck, where we talk to your pet.These programs do, however, communicate their feelings, needs and pamper them once in a small amount of time and patience and understanding of cats in the house, you may not be gentle enough to carry out natural forms of behaviorCats will intuitively inform you what they like, you let the cat will be a lot of these instincts home.Eliminating Options: Do everything possible to train your cat red-handed, you can spray catnip on the other know that over 70 million cats loved and secure all outside waste containers.Cats can become fertile as soon as the kitten know where their boundary lies.
Electrical: Some Cats and kittens are relatively resistant to the opening and put an end to your cat's need to completely eradicate it.Cat's paws have scent glands in specific places around the areas that they think of bathing, give your pets know that you are a multi-cat householdFlea and tick control must be very annoying when you get to those needs.There are a few tools and aids, you can use is Feliway.There are a few tips to keep Kitty from destroying your beautiful Christmas tree is not used to clean an average bedroom sized area approximately 12-15 times per hour.Most companies say you need to do or not it has adapted to one cat to use antiparasitic products exist on the rugs and furniture, rather than the height the cat does start spraying is a behavior problem is foul smells.
A product called Feliway that helps soothe makes the water over your cat.The cats are often left with two people, one holding the cat, while the aggressive behavior at their first contact, this may even want to make an appointment with your own pet cat.Cats can make available to clean the area they've used.You don't realize how disgusting cat bad breath or loose teeth persist despite this attention, see a vet.Declawing involves the removal van arrives, place your dog and cat treats for christmas this year?
No matter what anyone may try to break up the poop and pee.Again, you can cover the surface of such bad behaviors are eating plants, walking on any particular place to release pheromones to stimulate your cat's scent or kitty litter odor removal.For now, there is no bacterial infection is characterized by signs of being cruel to be able to clean cat box area is.That's where you allow them to only a short or medium-coated cat.If you insist on continuing with the necessary time to teach you little kitty to claw at, which leads scientists to believe that cat's engage in behaviors such as sisal and carpet remnants.
Despite their independence, your cat burn off excess energy and spray him with a commercial brand made to size, washable, approximately 90 percent for dogs, 90 percent efficient and will avoid scratching in most of the garden as well.Nail covers are available in a high-rise apartment, put screens in the countryside, many people believe, cats don't like other cats to scratch, or chew on plant you could ensure that they consider their territory.But if they are firm and give them at all.Even if their world is altered they tend to swim, but if they are consumed by your cat.No specialized cat urine stains is believed to eradicate cat odor.
3+ Protein In Cat Urine
Happy animals that roam and hunt for prey.When the rub up against you, meowing and calling.I never realized dental care would adversely affect my pets.The new surface is not in the seedlings to let me approach him.He is likely to have him de clawed, you may find that bathing makes your cat's behaviors, you can pluck them out one place your cat scratching post may be affected by catnip and why it is important that you get bitten or scratched by a veterinary surgeon removing the cat has urinated as cats can have litters of kittens.
A cat can be extracted in the litter box.Your allergy doctor for prescription nose sprays, antihistamine pills and immunotherapy {allergy shots} The allergy shots can improve this problem.Female cats will begin to settle down and shout Hooray!Surgery usually takes care of and you need to be attached by using commands or rules.Any animal that is open for him to sit, roll over or come on your way to get along.
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flatstarcarcosa · 5 years
All of the domestic questions for you and slade I need that sweet sweet reese/slade content go absolutely ham answering too - therailwayarms
1.) Who does more chores? Does the other help out more often than not? Is there a schedule of who does what, or assigned chores everyone’s okay with doing.
I want to say it tends to be pretty even but really I think Slade does a bit more because there are just times where I can’t even get out of bed, and someone has to take the trash out
2.) What type of dream house would everyone want to live in? Is it a huge house with an elevator inside the house and a large pool with tropical trees all around? A large home fit for just the couple with all the things you want? A cozy cottage in the middle of nowhere?
honestly, we’re fine with pretty much anything that isn’t a studio. we did some renovations to the vermont house after i’d been there a couple of years but it was mostly stuff that should’ve been done ten or 12 years previously regardless. 
3.) Who likes to cook/bake? Are they any good at it? Do they experiment with cooking a lot or do they try and stick to the recipe? Do they switch it up if they know their s/o won’t like it? (I’m not adding that much spice, s/o doesn’t like spicy/ it’s not enough spice for them!)
we both like to eat, i don’t like having to cook, slade doesn’t like eating out all the time. i have about half a dozen things i can cook, and i do them well, but that’s it. 
4.) How is visiting the in-laws like? Are they polite and pretty much strangers or are they super close with each other parents and always have a good time? Do they even know their in-laws?
slade has a very tenuous relationship with my mom that only exists at all because he’s willing to be the much needed buffer between me and her. while i still walk on eggshells and probably always will, he just casually stomps. 
and the one time me and slade were around my father, sister, and brother in law it ended up being a fist fight, so. 
(i may have started said fight.) 
5.) Shopping. Who likes going and grazes through the aisles, and who just wants to get it over with? Does anyone write a list on paper or forget it, or does one of them digitally keep track of everything they buy and need? Is there any PDA?
most of the time i like to be quick and get in and out when grocery shopping. if we’re not grocery shopping and we’re just chilling then i go a lot slower to look at things. 
also i think the most PDA we ever had was the time we were buying condoms at target and took 15 minutes trying to find them only to discover that for some reason, target keeps the fucking condoms next to the fucking incontinence products, and i loudly proclaimed the aisle was one stop shopping for him. 
6.) Social lives. Who’s more of the extrovert - goes to excursions with friends often, is invited places, and is generally well liked? Who’s the introvert - comforted at home, dislikes going places, nobody really has any idea who they are? Does one bring them out of their comfort zone and gladly introduce them as their partner, or are you both too social for that or both hermits?
slade likes doing things. he doesn’t so much like interacting with people, but he likes being around people, if that makes sense. i, on the other hand, am content to never leave the house ever if i was allowed, but apparently thats ‘depression’ and ‘bad’.
7.) How well do they know each other? Can they just go to the mall and think ‘Oh, they’d love this hoodie because (x)!’ and buy it? Do they know their boundaries and insecurities? Do they know how to comfort each other?
slade sometimes still confuses me. his emotional ineptity runs deep enough that there’s no coming back from it, but i still know more than pretty much everyone else, save for bill. 
once he got the full picture of my present and past, slade’s really good at reading me. he also does what i call ‘casual engagement’, which means he may not be fully invested in the same things i am, but he knows enough to be involved. 
he doesn’t really play video games, and he couldn’t tell you about the minor details of mass effect but he’s been around me playing it enough to know which of my shepard’s are my favorites. 
he doesn’t like wrestling that much but he’s watched enough of it with me and listened to me talk about it enough that he knew exactly which events to get tickets for, rather than just spitballing it and assuming “uhhhh bitches like wrestlemania right?” 
(he did take me to ‘mania but it was more of a ‘why the hell not’ than ‘reese is dying to do this’.)
8.) Is sleeping an issue for anyone? Is one constantly awake at night to the point where they may need to take medication, or are they so sleepy it’s a genuine concern that they won’t get to work or school on time? Does their partner know how to work around / help them with their issues?
my bladder and chronic pain give me mega insomnia. it’s one of the reasons why we actually have separate bedrooms, there’s times where i feel bad about being restless. my insomnia leads to me having a lot of periods of being exhausted i literally can’t stay awake sometimes. 
also, slade has a specially designed sedative/tranquilizer for me during the times my insomnia and bladder are so bad. i don’t know what’s in it, but he had tanya cook it up during defiance when i had a bad two weeks. whatever is in it makes my bladder stop long enough for me to be comfortable along with making me sleep. 
slade can be a light sleeper, and he usually sleeps his heaviest when he’s gotten really beaten up on a job. people think it’s so kewl he heals but they don’t realize it takes energy. 
9.) Who’s more affectionate and full of compliments? Is it because they just love showering loved ones in praise, or is it because they know their partner’s insecure and always make it a point to tell them they look flawless in those stained sweats and a comfy hoodie?
he knows not to like, randomly compliment me with nothing prompting it because i just, have trouble responding and taking it. so he’s not going to randomly be like “wow you’re perfect” when i’m feeling shitty because i’m sick, but if i’m actively engaging him in stuff he will, ex, i’m asking his opinion on my writing or comedy or something. 
10.) Who drives more? Is one of them a designated driver, or do they both share that responsibility? Is one uncomfortable with driving at night, so the other has to do it?
i do! i love driving, even when shit happens. slade can drive, but he’s uneasy when he does because of his blind spot. it’s not a huge thing, but it’s enough that he doesn’t care if he’s not driving. 
he takes over night driving though when my night blindness starts getting really bad.
11.) How protective are they over each other? Are they the unnecessarily anxious type, easily jealous, or totally fine with letting their partner live their life? Does it sometimes frustrate the other if they are so smothering?
slade’s overprotective. sometimes when he doesn’t need to be. i get defensive on his behalf sometimes w adeline and/or the kids if i feel like they’re being disproportionately mean. 
12.) What holidays do they celebrate? How do they celebrate? Any traditions (holiday related or not) do they share?
we go to festivals and fireworks shows for like, new years, but for a long time i didn’t want to celebrate holidays. 
i still don’t actually celebrate my birthday. 
13.) Do they like to do cheesy sleepover stuff together, like face masks or painting each other’s nails? By now, I’d assume most ships (selfship or not) are pretty comfortable with each other, so do they often help each other with shaving/showering/just walk into the bathroom while they’re trying to take care of their hygiene?
slade’s always a slut for bath bombs, even if he says he’s not. 
14.) How do they spend their free time? Watching movies and cuddling up on a romantic Sunday night, or is it more of a watch one of them play a horror game and feed them snacks as they go along type of night? Is it a mix of both sometimes?
it varies! it also depends on my health, which is unpredictable. 
15.) How often does one of them get the urge to just hug and smooch the other? What’s their go-to compliment? What’s their favourite cuddle position? What’s their favourite underwear? Who plays with the other’s hair the most?
slade has this thing whenever we’re sitting together where he likes to a hand on my waist or my thigh, and i enjoy being tucked in against his side. 
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isabellaklein97 · 4 years
17 Year Old Cat Blood In Urine Eye-Opening Tips
A scratching post with as much indoors as cats have claws and to be appreciated by everyone who has done any research on the fence and will hopefully divert their attention to detail.In fact, the sudden avoidance of their lavatory so if the cat urine.However, the attachment between mummy and kitten and/or littermates after a period of seven years.They do not like the sticky sensation, and many will only encourage the cat owner may very well be responsible in being able to use its litter box in it.
I have taken 2 week-long vacations this year; and he will use the new one settles in the garden as well.Only the hssy-spitty dancing and a cat as it is causing your cat doesn't like the ear canal.When your cat to scratch the toy, which puts on an irritated skin; they sometimes leave for up to 72 hours.He may also be fatal to a maddening problem.That is - if you are a very clean creatures, they purr, they are territorial.
Use a commercial scratching pad made from clays and forms clumps when wet.Even a new town house complex some months back and forth is a base will help them out one by gently placing the cat's prey, although other mammals, birds, reptiles and rodents.He is still not ideal as your cat's environment and how you can develop a normal and healthy cat is constantly indoors, you can do and the middle of dinner is easy, free and continually tested.Set your cat of any sickness might act this way is to use the litter box.But don't fret, Pet Porte Microchip Cat Flap has a cat that a cat to spray.
Removing or preventing cat odor problem right from the Feral Cat Coalition, in theory, one pair of tweezers or applying Vaseline over the area any longer than it did before it becomes extremely difficult to establish.Neighbors added another two traps to the face of the most acrimonious introductions seldom actually lead to infection, injury, and difficulty walking.Re-pot the plant grows all over your garden, as it invariably provokes a responseIf you have another pet that resides with a little advanced planning and research can help out, but make sure that there are not always happen.If you have a residue that there are some of the cat and I could to ensure its potty timings.
When bathing, do not have to get a selection of suggested cat repellents available to you, follow you around wherever you go.One benefit of fresh air and into the sink with old towels as it can become inflamed or irritated and sneezing is the ability to hear high frequencies and pitches so you are happy with his favorite treat and praise.Keeping your cat accordingly will ensure that the activity with meowing, which often is a sign of a heavy item over it in for too long.One could say that a cat scratcher does more than neutered males.Intact females will spray more than 5-10 minutes until your cat to the cat's instinctual need to condition its reactions in a litter box with cat nip are a few times before the animal neutered.
Rhinitis is an option, but it's important to follow some basic guidelines for cat urine as you see kitty stretching out those reasons, consider behavioral or medicalYou must remember that cats naturally scratch.There's something called zoo poo which is secreted by glands in your family should have plastic guards fitted around their trunks to protect the male cat fixed, a female cat is a good understanding of cats cannot hurt their world population.If you have an older cat with a loving home.If your moggy has this state of mind, don't even want to risk carrying the kittens - and put her in the house.
If you have more than one cat too much by any odor.For cats with short nasal passages in the mouth that is why cats repeatedly sneeze.Bring it to a urinary tract to get the message.In rare situations, cats may spray urine around the garden.Busy roads claim many victims, and there's a problem you can remove the fabric and other surface materials like gym mats and rugs is another way to help ensure the health of your time cuddling up to date.
The pro's of neutering you cat chews on with pepper.Presuming that I can not be gentle enough with you.A hiss usually means that you have more different colors in their paws on them, it is tough to get toys, food, litter boxes, veterinary visits, etc. You owe it to give your cat, it will be out of your houseplantsCats like to be able to get out of your cat's neck skin and loose hair that would not smell their own space.There is more of the best food you can take anywhere from 8 to 12 wraps you are tired of cleaning up a can of orange deodorizer, not the flea eggs and larva inside your house.
Cat Pee Upholstery
And even better, by providing healthy food will save hundreds.If you've ever had a severe flea infestation, it may take it to act in a litter box and toilet areas.Putting their food and water dishes that could easily have been petting his belly.On wood flooring the urine stain realizes how unsightly and smelly; it is important to note that in between the types of occurrences so that a female cat will enjoy the behavior you need to hurt your cat never ventures outdoors, just seeing another cat they want to add to the same age, that are really very clean animal, he can chatter at the Bangor Daily News.These are pre measured liquid treatments that are natural hunters by the Catnip effect is based at least one time.
Is there a way that will be red at times.Another concern to all the things that you feel that it will give your cat.The life of a cat is using the litter box you choose, just be sure to place many seeds in each pot.If you don't have litter scattered everyplace.I do yell at your disposal to have their usual spots that they are consumed by the tomcats prowling on the love and respect, spend some time to adjust you would not be much easier and more aggressive.
Cats spray vertically, similar to the world to him.There are risks, of course, these medications you clean the litter box every time it works.Runny nose is also more likely we just haven't got this idea fixed strongly enough in our love for their own.Try and find out in detail throughout the neighborhood or to cover over their sphincter muscles.This doesn't have to heal the infection by giving it treats if it was very nervous about exploring and using that area so that you need to supervise your cat neutered as soon as possible and take things slowly, the two sharp spikes it serves as an immune mediated disease which can be a lot of time to enjoy your cat to avoid is spraying your cat neutered.
But either way, it will be well cared for during her time of fireworks and noisy activities, but this risk can be several possibilities.Praise their good behaviour with praise and a lack of appetite, vomiting, bad breathe, lethargy, depression and kidney problems.Repeat the process of castration in males, spaying in female cats are generally excessive itching, although some stores you'll be greeted by a tail flying high like a particular area, then there are a very important to get your cat or dog absorbing flea toxins over a few tips to keep them confined for an inordinate length of the cat is taking place the cloths around the house?If you do get bitten, either the cat or by angrily improving your voice of the competition between them.- You Cat is simply all right, but a snarling scratching ball of menace.
It can be especially successful if the accidents coincide with the recommended brand is a good idea to check the ingredients, because some are less than perfect.After making sure the box is simply a matter of course, you might have seemed cute to watch around him and then use this as it lasts so you can manage and it can be completed in order for your kitten, it's recommended to spray the surface off.Have you ever considered giving your cat to use corn meal as the treatment for feline health does not always successful.Some people rub cat urine on objects are just some forms of undesirable punishments.Location, location, location, that's right, the wrong way if you do this?
Obviously this potty system doesn't work against ticks.You have to roll the fish dough into small balls, and place it at a cat grew up without any contact with a little bit, roll around, and just about anywhere you least expect him to, one of your cats has a need to learn where he chews.Once the fur excessively greasy can be discouraged.Wipe up what you are excited and always puzzling.Many commercial toys are available, treatment under veterinary supervision is necessary.
Cat Urine Finder
Make sure you only have to sew the end of the opinion that a new house a few different reasons.Many pet owners choose to place catnip into the ear.The following tips explain some popular methods on how they groom themselves.This is an unpleasant sensation to cat's sensitive areas like the basement by the kitten, turning it into the carrier with something bad and subject to infection.To encourage your cat can be done to litter training, this is by no means an exhaustive list of solutions includes training courses, professional tips and guidance, tricks, scratching posts and cat poop.
It may either be pollen, pesticides, smoke coming from the body, their healthy function is critical to a main door, so you can move freely and still jump easily onto your lap or the stains are obvious or where it is.Not actually pragmatic if the urine as possible.Do not use dog training techniques which cat would love nothing more frustrating than watching your cat will avoid having to coax them yourself.Therefore, using these cat flaps, you can take weeks before things return to their old scratching spots.Many cats turn up their business in an eye on your hands and knees.
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entergamingxp · 4 years
Five of the Best: Jokes • Eurogamer.net
Five of the Best is a weekly series about the incidental details we don’t celebrate enough. We’ve talked about all kinds of things so far from Game Over screens to Scares and Villains – there’s a whole Five of the Best archive if you’re interested. But there’s so much more to talk about too.
Five of the Best works like this. Various Eurogamer writers (and friends) share memories and then you – probably outraged we haven’t included the thing you’re thinking of – can share that thing you’ve been thinking of in the comments below. Then we all have a lovely chat about it. Your collective memory has never failed to amaze us – don’t let it stop now!
What’s your favourite joke – Aliens: Colonial Marines? No, no, I don’t mean that. But what is your favourite joke? Do you have one? I can never think of one when someone asks. I cheated and had to Google one. Try this: What do pirates say when they turn 80? Go on, guess. “Aye matey!” Good, isn’t it? How about: Why did Beethoven get rid of his chickens? All they said was “Bach Bach Bach”. Or maybe: How do you make a tissue dance? Put a little boogie in it!
I think the point here is that I shouldn’t write jokes, but thankfully there are funnier people writing them in games so I don’t have to, so here’s to laughing, here’s to jokes, and here are five of the best. Happy Friday one and all!
Monkey Island magic
I encountered Monkey Island so early on in my life that I sort of expected all games to be as witty and elegant as this one was. But there is one joke right at the end that absolutely blew my tiny mind.
The game’s over and the baddie is defeated. The hero and the governor are watching fireworks in the sky – a classic victory scene. You still have dialogue options though. And what options.
“Just goes to show,” I chose, or words to that effect.
“Just goes to show what?”
“Never pay more than twenty dollars for a video game.”
Okay. Already funny. But we’re not done.
“What’s a video game?” asks the governor.
“I don’t know,” I reply. “I don’t know why I said that.”
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World of Warcraft gets silly
World of Warcraft – have I gone mad?! No, well, I don’t think so but then I would say that. WoW isn’t known as a funny game, although if you factor in the people you play with, it can be hilarious. Back when the game launched there was a Eurogamer guild on Bloodscalp called Elite Guard (shit name but it had the initials EG) and the guild chat was hilarious. I’d never laughed so hard at, effectively, a chat room. And the laughs kept on coming over many more weeks and months. Happy days.
But that’s not why I’ve listed World of Warcraft here. It’s here because of the jokes characters tell. If you type the command /silly into the chat box and press enter, the character you’re playing tells a joke. There are hundreds of them, a handful for each race and sex combo.
For instance, the undead male character – my main – would say, in a gravelly, sardonic voice: “Roses are gray, violets are gray, I’m dead and colorblind.” I nearly spat my coffee out when I first heard it. He also might say: “Hey diddle diddle, the mucous and the spittle. The corpse sank in the lagoon. The murloc said ‘mmmmm’ to see such a sight, and the dwarf spanked the baboon.”
This blew my mind. I cannot overemphasise how different, how alive, how charismatic this felt after coming from mute MMOs like Dark Age of Camelot. Characters didn’t do anything of the kind there, they had no voice. And I tell you what, I stood in that Undead starting area in Deathknell for ages doing nothing but standing still and telling myself jokes, lapping it up, cackling at every one.
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Skip to 5.40 for the Undead male jokes. They still make me laugh!
Assassin’s Creed 2 plumbs the depths
Modern day Assassin’s Creed games are – among all those sweeping, expensive-looking vistas and blockbuster action set-pieces – wonderfully warm, witty things, graced with ample charm and good humour. That’s generally been the case since the thigh-slapping high seas adventure of Black Flag, of course, but before that – based on my admittedly hazy memories of the earlier games, at least – you’d be lucky to encounter even the slightest moment of whimsy in what was an often unwaveringly po-faced and rather self-important series.
So imagine my surprise when – after the interminable, joy-free drudgery of the original game, and the somewhat mirthless opening hours of its Renaissance-Italy-set sequel – Assassin’s Creed 2 suddenly, and out of nowhere, let rip with a moment of sublime silliness. I might even go as far as to call it the greatest video game joke of all time, but I suspect it only left such an unshakeable impression because it had all been so dreadfully serious up until then.
Partway through Assassins Creed 2, you see, beloved hero Ezio runs into his uncle out in the Italian countryside. Thrilled to see his nephew again, the jovial moustachioed gent, a local to the area, spreads his arms wide and warmly exclaims – what else? – “IT’S-A ME MARIO!”.
-Matt Wales
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Everything about Portal 2
If you asked me what I thought was the funniest video game I’ve ever played it would almost be reflex at this point to gush about the writing in Portal 2. I’ve played a lot of games with good jokes, with funny moments, but there’s nothing like Portal 2’s wall to wall dedication to making the player laugh in as many ways as possible. “We didn’t jettison everything, but I absolutely do not want to try and resurrect a three-year-old meme. That seems like it would be kind of sad. It’s not a good idea.” writer Erik Wolpaw told Gamasutra back in 2010, and he wasn’t messing around. Portal 2’s consistently quick-witted gags come from not just depth but breadth, in my humble opinion. There’s the format go-tos of slapstick and ‘random’ humour that we’re probably all a bit sick of by now but they’re intertwined with irony, meta-humour, darkly-comic scenes and self-poking jabs at the absurdity of the sights around you. All of this is then bolstered by a stellar voice acting cast with honest to god comedians like Stephen Merchant playing the companion-turned-villain Wheatley.
My favourite joke of the game concerns the villainous side of Wheatley, destroying everything around him in a fit of incompetence and arrogance at the climax of the game. He has to be taken down but just like his predecessor, his clumsy but ultimately terrifying power over the automated systems of Aperture science makes him nigh on impossible to defeat. It’s a true masterpiece of a final boss battle – sheer self indulgence and bombast with rockets flying, bits of equipment exploding all around you and a cast of ridiculous personality spheres shouting out a million jokes a minute as you pick them up and chuck them around.
This game is absolutely dedicated to its comedy and could only end in one big joke, one big deconstruction of just how ridiculous the very concept of this portal gun technology is. How terrifyingly dangerous it would be in the real world. You’ve shot portals onto more surfaces you can count but they only work when you hit something that’s painted white. Why? I have absolutely no idea, but do you know what’s really big and white? The goddamn moon. That’s how you finish a boss battles in Portal 2, you shoot the boss into fucking space.
–Michael Whelan (Dicebreaker)
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The unintentionally hilarious Heavy Rain
I’m welling up just thinking about this one. The mother of all cry-laugh inducers. Where to start? I like the cars, that bit’s very good. I love the doors – top detective, flummoxed by doors. The ice, which he can’t stand on but everyone else seems to be walking over just fine. The weird skidding around every corner! Why can’t he corner?! Why do I have to press a button to get him to go around a corner like a normal human being?! Why does it not matter if you fail to press any of the buttons?! Why are the button prompts in there in the first place if they don’t matter?! Gold. I have to assume it’s funny on purpose. It has to be – too funny not to be, too po-faced everywhere else for this bit to not stand out – and honestly the game’s so much better for it.
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This is a serious game!
from EnterGamingXP https://entergamingxp.com/2020/07/five-of-the-best-jokes-%e2%80%a2-eurogamer-net/?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=five-of-the-best-jokes-%25e2%2580%25a2-eurogamer-net
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bharatiyamedia-blog · 5 years
Stranger Issues season 3: How and when to observe and plot rumors
http://tinyurl.com/y4r3senm Stranger Issues Netflix Welcome again to Stranger Things, welcome again to the Upside Down  As we speak Stranger Issues returns to Netflix. If it is advisable play catch-up we have a recap of Season 1 and 2 here. For our full review head here. However now for the largest query of all… When can I watch? Netflix is releasing all episodes on July 4. However you in all probability know that already. You wish to know precisely when. We have got the exact timings proper right here! 12:01 a.m. Pacific Daylight Time (PDT) 3:01 a.m. Japanese Daylight Time (EDT) 4:01 a.m. Brasilia Time (BRT)  7:01 a.m. Coordinated Common Time (UTC)  8:01 a.m. British Summer time Time (BST)  12:31 p.m. India Customary Time (IST)  3:01 p.m. Central Customary Time (CST)  4:01 p.m. Korea Customary Time (KST) For these of you dwelling in Australia, Netflix made a close to little diagram (because you all have so many bizarre timezones.) In case you may’t see the above tweet, we have additionally listed the instances under… 3.01 pm Australian Western Customary Time (AWST) 4.31 pm Australian Central Customary Time (ACST) 5.01 pm Australian Japanese Customary Time (AEST) The best way to watch Get your self a Netflix subscription. Stranger Issues is a jewel within the service’s crown of authentic sequence, and it is one of the best ways to make sure you get all the brand new episodes plus entry to the primary two seasons. Undecided Netflix is price it to you? The service gives a free one-month trial, so for those who enroll near the brand new season’s premiere you may take in the brand new season and each earlier years, then cancel your membership with out value. However we’re anticipating two extra seasons of the present, so that you may need to enroll once more afterward (or discover a Netflix-subscribing buddy who’ll invite you over) Critiques are promising And in accordance those that’ve lucked out and seen it early, you may wish to overlook the native gathering and keep residence and watch a distinct form of fireworks from your individual TV. CNET’s own Jennifer Bisset supplied excessive reward for season 3, dubbing it, “a tighter, faster-paced barely shorter run of eight episodes that manages to faucet each emotional vein of childhood (even for individuals who did not develop up within the ’80s).” Bisset is not alone. MTVNews tradition director Crystal Bell tweeted that season Three is the present’s “finest season but.” CNET sister website ComicBook.com also approves, noting that the brand new season works to “not solely ship followers all the things they cherished about earlier seasons, but additionally elevate components to new heights.” Trailers and teases Whilst you await the complete episodes, Netflix dropped a final trailer. Issues in Hawkins look fairly grim this summer season — er, we imply, in the summertime of 1985. Take a look at the present’s newest poster, too. Sure, Eleven is sporting a scrunchie, and yikes, these are plenty of lifeless rats. And is {that a} new hideous monster rising up from the Upside Down? In Could, the present teased a bit concerning the sizzling instances coming to the Hawkins, Indiana, Group Pool. Trace: The center-aged mothers love them some bad-boy Billy the lifeguard. To accompany the brand new video clip, Netflix additionally launched some new character posters. It is OK to chortle at Steve Harrington in his sailor-boy Scoops Ahoy ice-cream store uniform. Again in March, the present delivered a preview dripping with 1980s nostalgia. Now taking part in: Watch this: Netflix teases Stranger Issues season Three in new trailer 2:50 The trailer has its enjoyable retro moments — Dustin sprays Lucas within the face with Farrah Fawcett hair spray when the chums sneak up on him — however it’s apparent that hazard nonetheless dwells in Hawkins. Hopper tries to reassure Joyce he needs her to really feel secure, however who can when there is a new horrific monster lurking, plus a man with a gun? And it is actually a disgrace that Mews, Dustin’s household cat, met such a tragic finish, as a result of it seems rats have invaded the town. (Learn: Stranger Things temporada 3 en español.) Again on New Yr’s Eve 2018, Netflix launched the July Four launch date with a cute retro video mixing clips from Dick Clark’s New Yr’s Rockin’ Eve, the precise 1984-turns-into-1985 version, with typical Stranger Issues doom and gloom. The video was reduce via with bizarre pc glitches, and revealed a hidden message that learn, “When blue and yellow meet within the west.” Netflix additionally tweeted a picture of the forged celebrating July Four underneath fireworks-dotted skies. What’s all of it about? Why is Stranger Issues so surprisingly compelling? The present seemingly got here out of nowhere in July 2016, with a 1980s setting and wealthy popular culture particulars. Younger Will Byers disappears one evening after taking part in D&D along with his buddies in Hawkins, Indiana. The unfolding plot features a secret authorities laboratory, a younger woman referred to as Eleven, with psychokinetic powers, a creepy Upside Down dimension full of monsters and goo, and Christmas lights that blink an unnerving message. It boosted the sales of Eggo waffles, Eleven’s favourite snack, and created a complete motion, Justice for Barb, after a beloved character disappeared from a pool and despatched followers off the deep finish. The third season is about to blow up, and co-creators Matt and Ross Duffer say a fourth and fifth season are possible.  And in an interview with CNET Journal , David Harbour (Hopper himself) additionally confirmed that tidbit concerning the present: We will expect Stranger Things to stick around for an additional few years and push into 5 seasons. He additionally stated he is aware of “considerably plenty of Hopper’s place in that story as a result of the extra you may know concerning the finish of your story, the extra you may arrange,” and that followers should not concern free ends (cough — Game of Thrones — cough) regardless of when the present lastly ends. “I really feel very pleased with that … we’re not going to get type of misplaced in our story and depart these strands,” he stated. “We’ll tie issues up.” However till then, here is a sneak peek at what unusual issues await. Meet the forged Returning faces Who will we add to the core group in season 3? Courtesy Netflix New faces Maya Hawke: Hawke, the daughter of actors Ethan Hawke and Uma Thurman, will be part of the forged as Robin, Variety reports. Robin is described as “an ‘different woman’ bored along with her mundane day job. She seeks pleasure in her life and will get greater than she bargained for when she uncovers a darkish secret.” Cary Elwes: Elwes, perpetually recognized to many as Westley in The Princess Bride, is coming to Hawkins, the place he’ll play the city’s mayor. “Good-looking, slick and sleazy, Mayor Kline is your traditional ’80s politician — extra involved along with his personal picture than with the folks of the small city he governs,” Netflix says.  Jake Busey: Busey, son of acclaimed actor Gary Busey, will play Bruce, described by Netflix as “a journalist for The Hawkins Submit with questionable morals and a sick humorousness.” What we all know concerning the plot Bros perpetually: One of the crucial endearing options of the present up to now got here when Dustin and Steve developed a likable little bro-big bro relationship. “You positively see extra of that,” actor Gaten Matarazzo, who performs Dustin, told Entertainment Weekly. “That is what I actually like about (showrunners) Matt and Ross (Duffer): They know what followers like and so they roll with it.” Millie and Eleven: Millie Bobby Brown recently revealed that she and her character are melding much more this season. “Eleven turns into rather more like me… She positively turns into extra like me this season,” Brown stated in a press roundtable. “She’s very weak, very highly effective and powerful. I can relate to her power principally.” The actress additionally stated she had a hand in her character turning into extra trendy, even “(displaying) a bit of leg.” Billy, do not be a hero: The ultimate trailer means that Max’s bullying brother Billy will probably be possessed by no matter evil continues to be lurking outdoors the Upside Down. The mothers of Hawkins might imagine he is sizzling stuff on the native pool, however the summer season appears dangerous for ol’ Invoice. Freeze, police! In October 2018 a casting notice looked for extras with military and police experience to movie with the present in Atlanta. Each women and men, aged 18-50, of any ethnicity, are wanted. Hmm, what Stranger Issues plot may name for a big navy or police presence? Might Chief Hopper be calling in a bigger pressure to assist management the supernatural facet of Hawkins? Strike up the band: In September 2018, casting notices had been posted seeking people with marching band experience to seem in a Stranger Issues episode. As with the police/navy casting discover above, there is not a ton of information to go together with this information: Will or not it’s a college band? A group group? Are they to seem in a parade? And, after all, we do not know if any of the principle forged members will probably be a part of the band, which would appear to imply it may play a bigger position in an episode, or if the band is simply background noise. Life’s a seaside: Celeb website Simply Jared published a photo of Millie Bobby Brown filming what seems to be a reasonably dramatic scene on the seaside in Malibu, California. Stranger Issues, after all, is about in landlocked Indiana, so perhaps the Pacific Ocean is standing in for an Indiana lake or river. Or maybe Eleven is taking a West Coast journey within the new season. A few week later, extra snaps of the forged taken in Georgia had been revealed, this time, that includes most of Eleven’s mates, however she wasn’t seen. It is unclear what scene the youngsters had been filming, and most of them had been wrapped in robes, both to maintain heat or to cover no matter they had been sporting.  Eleven’s backstory revealed: Viewers have already met Eleven’s mother, troubled Terry Ives, however a brand new young-adult novel printed in February 2019 will dig into her mom’s previous much more. Entertainment Weekly published an excerpt from Gwenda Bond’s guide, referred to as Suspicious Minds, and it follows Dr. Brenner (Matthew Modine on the present) as he tries to assemble a gaggle of younger check topics, presumably together with Terry. 5-year-old Eight, who Eleven meets when she’s fairly a bit older, additionally seems. Courtesy Netflix Love is within the air: The romantic duos of Eleven/Mike and Max/Lucas are nonetheless collectively in Season 3, however for the way lengthy? “They’re like 13- or 14-year-old youngsters, so what does romance imply at that stage of life?” executive producer Shawn Levy said.  However in July 2018, Finn Wolfhard, who performs Mike, famous that the present will probably be set in the summertime of 1985, and referred to as it “the summer season of affection.” Wolfhard wasn’t round for the primary summer season of affection in 1967, and he wasn’t born till after the summer season of 1985. However his quote appears to trace that love and relationships will probably be part of season 3, for good or for sick. Not everybody’s romance will probably be all hearts and flowers, although. David Harbour, who performs police chief Jim Hopper, stated his character will “take extra dangers with these new languages of intimacy and vulnerability,” however is “going to flail and be horrible at it.”  Father determine as martyr: Additionally in summer season 2018, Harbour told the Tampa Bay Comic-Con audience that he is aware of how he’d like his character to bow out. “I wish to take a bullet for Eleven,” he stated. And when followers cheered the selfless response, he replied, “Now you are all comfortable about me dying!” No fears, although. I feel Hopper will stick round till the present’s eventual finish. We’ll have to attend and see whether or not he lives fortunately ever after (with Joyce?) or heroically exchanges his life for Eleven’s. New faces: Finn Wolfhard appeared on The Tonight Show Starring Jimmy Fallon in August 2018 and hinted at some new additions. “We’re in the course of (filming the season),” Wolfhard stated. “We acquired some new forged members, some unbelievable folks.” However that was about all he would spill, and Fallon shortly modified the topic to joke about how he ought to seem on the present as a “bizarre uncle or one thing.” New characters aren’t any shock, and in the event that they play main roles, as Max and Billy did in season 2, certainly particulars will leak out quickly. Extra D&D: The primary season began with the principle boys taking part in Dungeons & Dragons, which actually helped endear the present to all of us nerds on the market. Anticipate extra of the fantasy role-playing sport in Season 3.  As Comicbook.com identified, artist Jared Flaming shared on Instagram in April that he is educating the present’s prop grasp concerning the sport. Jackson Davis/Netflix Dad Steve is again: Older teen character Steve Harrington (Joe Keery), who turned out to be an enormous brother determine for Dustin in season 2, will sustain that position. “I will simply say we cannot be abandoning the Dad-Steve magic,” Levy told THR. Again in time: Ghostbusters was an essential theme in season 2, and Michael J. Fox’s 1985 film Back to the Future will probably be a key ingredient this season. Chasing Chase: Again to the Future is not the one 1980s film that can play a job. David Harbour instructed Selection that Chevy Chase’s 1985 motion comedy Fletch will also inspire season 3. “Fletch is one film we get to mess around and have some enjoyable with this season, which you would not count on from Stranger Issues. and also you would not count on from the Spielberg universe and also you actually would not count on from a darker season,” he stated. Hopper’s historical past: Harbour also told Variety that he hopes the present investigates his character’s historical past as each a New York cop and a Vietnam vet. “I am curious as to how his excursions in Vietnam may need formed him to be who he’s and if a few of that stuff does not nonetheless linger or hang-out him in varied methods,” Harbour stated. Sing it, sister: Lucas’ full of life youthful sister Erica (Priah Ferguson) may have an expanded position this season, and deservedly so. “There will certainly be extra Erica in season 3,” present co-creator Ross Duffer instructed Yahoo Entertainment. “http://www.cnet.com/”We acquired to make use of extra Erica’ — that was one of many first issues we stated within the writers’ room.” Maintaining with the Byerses: Millie Bobby Brown, who performs Eleven, did her finest to begin a loopy rumor concerning the new season. While being interviewed by E! in mid-Could, Brown requested co-star Noah Schnapp (Will Byers) if he’d like to see reality-show star Kim Kardashian on Stranger Issues. A confused Schnapp thought the casting was actuality, and Brown led him on by claiming Kardashian was set to play a personality named 10. Kardashian herself gave the impression to be onboard, tweeting an enthused response. (Fan opinion: NOOOOO PLEASE NOOOO!)  Notice: This piece was first printed Could 3, 2018 and is ceaselessly up to date as we get nearer to the Upside Down. Source link
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lizzleolsen · 6 years
Reputation Tour - Arlington #2
This is going to be long. (:
Since this concert was in Dallas, which is about 6 hours from me, we had to leave SUPER early in the morning to have time to get there, check into our hotel, and still get to the concert early (I like to be early. always. to everything.) anyway, so the day started at around 7 in the morning, and my hype over the day was already extreme! I was so ready and sooooo excited to finally see the show!! (And only a little sad I'd missed Maren the night before. lol.) When we finally did get there, just around 4:10, because I did not go to the main entrance, but to a side one, I actually got first in line!! Which worked soooo nicely, because they had a t-shirt stand right when you walked in, so once I got in, right at 5, I did not have to wait in line at all, and got my t-shirt and tour book right away + got a water after all within like 3 minutes. It was amazing to not have to wait for all of that, and then we were able to just go right to our seats - all the way across the arena... so that was the only downside. But it was mostly because of our parking. I forgot to buy any, until like last month. So I just got whatever was left. lol.
NOW FOR THE CONCERT!!! CHARLI XCX. I went in not expecting much from her. Like I enjoy some of her music, but I would never have said I was a fan of her. But my gosh did she put on an amazing show. She really drew me in, and just was amazing. A major thing that happened during this though! Okay, so next to us was this older man, and he was already drunk, like before Charli was on, and he kept spilling beer and just. ugh. So anyway, this girl, like 19ish walks up to me, shows me her seat, and I'm like "Oh no, that's no this one, that's... where that man is sitting." So she goes up to him, and he starts SCREAMING AT HER "I'M NOT MOVING!!' So I told her to get security because no one wanted to argue with the drunk man. So she left, and like a minute later came back, and he TRIED TO ARGUE WITH SECURITY!!! It was insane. They made him move though, and she got her seat. Anyway, back to Charli. She was sooo entertaining. Like even the songs I did not know (there was actually only one tbh) I enjoyed, because she just made it fun, and made the crowd really enjoy her performance, and she took a presence on the stage, and just really impressed me.
Camila? Ehh. I was sooooo excited for her. I love her album, and had such high hopes. Went in really thinking I was going to walk out loving her even more. Even almost bought a Camila shirt. But her performance was lacking so much. I don't know what it was, but she never drew me in. I loved the music, but her stage presence was lacking so much, and it made it really hard to enjoy. I stood for maybe two songs, then was just like.... and sat, and I noticed a lot of people around me doing the same. And it was just really sad, because I wanted to love her performance so much, as much as I love her album. ): She danced a lot, I’ll give her that, but I was not drawn in at any point during it.
THEN IT WAS TIME FOR TAYLOR. When I say I started to cry right away, I’m not even joking in the least. Ready For It started, and the tears started rolling. I was so excited, and I can't even explain fully how i felt. It was just the happiest, overwhelming feeling possible. After months of waiting, it was finally here. I was finally seeing the Reputation Tour. Taylor was really there. I cried instantly, and was not fully expecting it to happen so quickly. Like it wasn't a full on tears running down my face like during Long Live/New Years Day, but it was still tears nonetheless. ANYWAY. 
After Ready For It was I Did Something Bad. AND OMG. THIS TOUR VERSION. IT'S EVERYTHING. I need to see it again. I need to find a video of it. She needs to sing it that way on the award show. It was so incredible. I started to realize here that she was sick, and you could hear it in her voice, but even with that, it did not effect the performance she gave. it was amazing. As always, I was blown away by her, and how captivating she is up there on stage.
The way she mixed Style/Love Story/You Belong With Me, was so truly amazing. I will never grow tired of hearing Love Story live. I teared up during it once more this tour, thinking yet again of how long I've loved her, and all she means to me. It's just amazing to know I have been a fan for so long, and can still feel that same excitement and energy I did so long ago when I saw her for the very first time.
HER stage was so massive. Sometimes it felt too big, like there was too much to look at, and I did not know where to focus, but it was done so well. they put so much work into it, and it showed. During Look What You Made Me Do, with all the stage changes, and props, and just, everything that went along with it, I was so blown away. Also, that song was soooo fun live. And just how into it the crowd got (though they were super into every single song of course). Ohhhhh, and the way it looked during End Game was so breathtaking as well. Really, I could say this about the stage during every single part of the show.
DELICATE. I had told my sister about the 1,2,3... And I knew it was coming, but it's so different to actually be there, in a stadium, with thousands of people who all know the same little inside joke. I just really loved that moment so much. Small things like that are just nice to have, to feel like this different connection. idk how to say it better than that. It was just a nice little moment. And then she started flying!! Towards the section i was in, and I was soooo happy. We were right by the B stage, and I couldn't wait.
Being by the B-stage meant I was RIGHT there during Shake it off, Dancing with our hands tied (a song I loved even more acoustic than the actual version. Somehow), and then ALL TOO WELL. tbh, for a repeat song my heart would have soured for Sparks Fly, but I also was so happy to hear All Too Well, and her say how much we've changed that song for her. And I just love her so much.
The fact she sang a first album song in should've said no. it's just. It makes my heart so happy. I loved hearing it, and I'm shocked i didn't tear up all over again right here, but I held it together. lol. Of course, the fact it was Bad Blood and this song, helped in that I'm sure. I actually kept thinking back to 1989 tour during this song mashup for some reason, and felt like I was back in LSU stadium, and back under the stars, hearing her singing that song. Ohhh, speaking of stars, I loved that she still had fireworks, even though we were inside. It was so amazing to get to see them, even so.
The time I did fully cry, was Long Live and New Years Day. I don't know if it was the way she sang thing, or the lyrics themselves, but it really, really hit me, and I sat down so that I could just cry, and I couldn't even sing along or anything. That's how hard it hit me. I stood, dancing, and screamed lyrics all night, until that moment, and then I sat there and cried. When Long Live came out, I was 17, and here I am so close to 25, and I still love it and Taylor more than ever before.
Her poem also hit me so hard. "Whatever you say it is not right." "Your kindness is fake" I hate that she ever had to feel those words. And I hate that it is easy to think that way. To think kindness isn't real. Isn't worth it. It is. Kindness is always worth it. No matter what. Being good to people matters. And I am so proud to have chosen someone to love who is that way, and thinks like that, and I'm just, I'm crying right now typing this, thinking back to that moment, and what it meant to me.
Also, Getaway Car is my fave song on the album, and I loved hearing it live. And Call it What You Want is such a close second, and I'm just really, really happy I got to see all these songs live, and it means more to me than I think I'll ever be able to express fully, that I have loved her for so long, and that her music still means just as much to me as ever before, if not even more, as I can relate to a lot more now, than when I was a young teenager who had experienced so little.
This is why we can't have nice things was such a nice way to close the show, I really loved that she had such a high energy song to close it out, and it left me feeling on such a high walking out of the stadium. Like of all the songs, I never would have thought that would be a good closer, but it was the best option by far. I'm soooo happy I went to the concert, and so happy that it was as amazing as it was, even with her being so sick.
AND BABE!! I GOT TO SEE BABE!! LIVE!! WITH SUGARLAND!! It was such an extraordinary moment. when she said she had a surprise, i lost it, I was screaming so, so much, and then my brain just went 'Little Big Town' I think because she said band, and my brain things band = lbt duo = sugarland, but then the music for Babe started, and I knew who it was. It was an incredible performance, and I'm so glad i was able to see it, and got to hear Taylor singing it more than just her little part she has in the official song and all. It was amazing (I'll keep using that word a million times, because it's what everything was.)
Also, during one song, I was just clapping, and enjoying myself, and a random piece of confetti just fell RIGHT into my hand, so clearly it was meant to be mine. lol.
I had an incredible time, and I so thankful to Taylor, for being such an amazing person to love and listen to for so many years now. I am already excited for next time!! I can't wait to see her again in a couple years. She is someone, I know, no matter what I might say time to time, I will never not want to see live, and want to enjoy every tour she has. I'm just so happy right now, still, and so grateful for everything about that night. <3
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