#i love the way you draw gale <333
excaryder · 8 months
i genuinely love the way you draw gale <333
AAW thank you so much, so glad you like him
here, more Gale
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basketobread · 9 months
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Just caught up, and the way you draw him is already so shaped. spectacular. he looks like a microorganism plushie /pos /aff (also just in general ive been loving your comics so far :,] go girlbosses and also some sad little men go!!!!!!!!!)
ROHFUIDHDSIUS TINY LITTLE JELLY BEAN GALE, MY BELOVED <333 i'm glad you like him!!!!! im hoping to come up with more silly ideas that involved him soon huehue... THANKS SO MUCH!! i only hope to make more silly comics from here <333
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bareee · 2 months
are you planning to ship your tav with any of the companions? youve mentioned that the main 6 he would considsr too young but halsin or someone along those lines? i think the mutual stability in their characters would soften each others edges in a very sweet way but if you plan to keep your tav single i think their friendship would be extremely interesting too! will minthara get killed or added to the party? im so excited to see how all the characters resolve their arcs and how the creche and moonrise and everything else goes :D your art is so gorgeous too!!! the way you draw all of the characters is just so good <333 you really catch all the aspects of them that make people adore this game and thats such an amazing skill to have!!! i hope you have a good whatever it is when you read this!!!!!
Imma try keepin this short…but I doubt it’s gonna be XD
1. ‘Ppreciate ya~ happy ya enjoy my mess XD even though Im always over in the corner muttering about my poor consistency that drives me crazy
2. I’ve said this many times I’m pretty sure as replies to comments lost in the void somewhere, Through the 2 full playthroughs I’ve done, I didnt care to romance cause I couldn’t help but cringe myself even at the gale and Astarion stuff I couldn’t get away from. Im not good at romancy stuff movin so quickly like the game puts ya through,so I was dyin. And ‘in game wise’ Mark is like how Jaheria is, I’ve found thats the best way to put it. He’s gone through enough for himself to handle already at this point in his background story, and the best way to describe it is he’s just tired. Maybe in post game he’ll warm up, I think Imma leave that up to all yal and yer votin’ honestly. I’ve thought about it for a bit now and yal’s choices in Mark’s story I give you directing who he grows close to works well for me as I warm up to these goofballs, course as I said It’d still be more post game when he relaxes with stuff like that depending on what path yal put him on.
3. Kinda related to #2, Half of the main six are too young, not all. Gale is i think literally Mark’s age if not close and if I ignore elves and their age weirdness, Astarion and Shadowheart are fine. If/when the vote options open Mark up more to someone, Wyll,Karlach, and Laezel will never be more than family/kids to him. Nu….
4.We’ll get to Halsin…. I know I say that a lot when he comes up, but ughhh…. I will say I agree him and Mark have a lot they share and can grow together, but the horny side of Halsin drove me insane in the game and really made it where it was hard to talk to him cause the niceness felt so….uggghhh…. I’ll get to it,I’ll get to it, I’m gettin around that part of Halsin that loves to be constantly shoved in front… but aghhhh. Jaheria’s my favorite outta the side peeps obviously XD and Minsc is fun
5. Spoiler, I’m letting yal decide on if Minthara stays around! Wooooo, we’ll get thereeee XD And if yal choose to keep her alive it wont mean other peeps leave like the game does, we’ll see how that goessss. Halsin and wyll and whoever else will stay around of course, Wyll’s adorable and yal ain’t takin em away from me. In my playthroughs I could never go her route officially, never will. Little baby tieflings too cute, I refuse…
Think that’s all of it, woooooo I did ittttt! Hope I make senseeeeee yaaaay
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sardinemasc · 11 months
the way you draw gale is literally. oh my god. i don't think it could be any more perfect i could stare at him all day. love your art!!!
omg thank you :' )!!!!! this means so much 2 me i am so honored that you think so !!!! there will be lots more gale coming so im glad u enjoy how i draw him :D!!!
thank u sm again, this made my day :')!!!! here's a little gale from a doodle i did recently to show my gratitude <333
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mosses-gate-3 · 9 months
the challenge
nobody asked me to do this but I'm doing it anyway - this one's the Andis edition, I'll post the Salix one right after!! (and Maia if you're reading this I am working on your ask sorry lol)
His name's Andis, he's a half-elf and a spore circle druid, pronouns he/him
favorite weapon: His quarterstaff!! He loves the flexibility of all the different ways to hold it and styles of fighting with it as well as being able to use it outside of combat as a walking stick/tent pole/whatever. Very versatile and wielding it feels like an art form.
style of combat: Like with the quarterstaff, flexibility is something he values in combat, and he's got a range of both up-close and long-range attacks. He does like to use surfaces like ice and acid to his advantage, and tends to favor larger radius spells and bombs.
most prized possession: His magic testosterone locket lol. It's basically the same effects as T, he just keeps it on and changes happen over an extended period of time. Other than that, probably his drum set, though that's in his apartment in Baldur's Gate and not on the quest with him.
deepest desire: To be known, wholly and entirely, for all his flaws, and to be loved in spite of them. To have a strong community and circles of friends. People are very important to him.
guilty pleasure: Pineapple on pizza...
best-kept secret: Not sure if he has many things he deliberately keeps secret - he's never told anyone about a lot of things but I think he just forgets to lol
greatest strength: His ability to make friends and his willingness to support them.
fatal flaw: He's kind of impulsive and tends to rush into things without a proper plan.
favorite smell: The forest when it's about to rain
favorite spell or cantrip: Halo of Spores is a really useful spell as a bonus action, that 1d4 damage goes a long way
pet peeve: People who talk shit about their friends behind their backs for small things and never give the benefit of the doubt. (Okay this is really just my pet peeve. Looking at you, Emma from My Life)
bad habit: Picking at his skin :(
hidden talent: He's surprisingly good at cooking. Gale takes care of most of it but Andy likes to help when he can.
leisure activity: He loves playing the drums and writing music! Also he bakes a lot when he's stressed
favorite drink: Fruit juices and slushies (although I don't know if they exist in d&d really)
comfort food: Matzo ball soup <333
favorite person: His cousin Kate!! She's his best friend, I did make a post at some point with drawings of them :D
favored display of affection (platonic and/or romantic): He really likes touch! Hugging and cuddling with friends is one of the greatest joys in life <3
fondest childhood memory: I also did a post about this - he and his cousins and friends had a little secret hideout in the woods where they grew up.
Is there anything else you'd like to share? (feel free to include art or a screenshot of your Tav if available!): Here's a drawing of the boy + a modern au!!
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And his in-game design:
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solasan · 1 year
mollie can you please spare some facts about your bg3 ocs? they all seem so 🥺💖
aaaaaa sophie tysm 🥺 i would be HAPPY to spare some facts abt them (im still working on the ask meme u sent me im sowwy <333) buckle up tho bc theres.... four of them lol 🤪
so estrilda nerezac is my most recent tav. she's a draconic bloodline sorcerer from the noble house nerezac (descended from a gold dragon named solarien) and is, fittingly, the proudest of all my tavs with a nice little (big) superiority complex to boot. she has the thickest french accent which doesn't matter but i love. her family's flitted about a lot in the last few generations (sun elves amirite) but they returned from evermeet in the 1360s, when estie was about 10, and settled in silverymoon. that makes her roughly 140 years old by the time of bg3, so she's Lived A Life in that time. she'd just recently agreed to take a husband from one of the other sun elf noble houses in silverymoon and was on the road to everlund with her older brother valoran to look at wedding dresses when the nautiloid took them. valoran is successfully turned into a mindflayer while they're on-board 😔
she romances gale and they spend most of their time together by turns either competing with each other (my magic is better than your magic) or having some surprising moments of understanding & comfort lol. they end up married and settling down in waterdeep (which her family has their issues with) and having a couple of kids. estie unfortunately will outlive him but im trying not to think abt that haha.
then there's alarice silversong, who's a college of swords bard. she was raised by four "mothers" in a brothel (only 1 of them was her mother by blood, but they all looked after her) in the lower city of baldur's gate. birth name was alice. fell in love with music as a child bc she was expected to play the lute for the brothel's patrons on the main floor. after 3 of her moms died, she ended up on the streets, where she became quite the accomplished little pickpocket and eventually joined the guild. nine-fingers became a sort of mother figure to her — which is why she's so pissed that alarice ran off with loot from duke ravengard, blowing an operation wide open and getting multiple guild members killed before the nautiloid grabbed her. despite being selfish & greedy & an incorrigible liar, alarice is charismatic & fun, so she's good at drawing people in. lonely tho.
her and astarion have a lot of similar issues, so their romance is a lot of learning to recognise and love yourself through the other &lt;3
next is callista lomarel, a cleric of selûne native to baldur's gate. she was abandoned on the steps of the house of the moonmaiden when she was only a couple of days old, bc her (noble) family were all human and she popped out purple with a tail, so. that's all she really knows about her past for the most part, which she pretends to be ok with, but curiosity and abandonment issues do haunt her a lot. she was raised in the faith, an acolyte in the same place she was abandoned at, and maybe she was never loved in the way that most children are loved by their parents, but she felt the love of selûne every day of her life and became a very dedicated cleric. she didn't really leave the house of the moonmaiden (making her very naive and ignorant to the ways of the world) until the day she was taken by the nautiloid. she's super sweet and gentle, very kind, looks after everyone around her. baby.
she romances shadowheart <333 while shadowheart goes into the romance trying to convert her to shar (lol SIKE for her), callista just... sees good in her and can't stop seeing it, no matter how much she wishes she could sometimes. they r very cute girlfriends by the end. shadowheart's callista's first lover ever so it's a learning curve for her but yeah. <3
and then the tav that i know the least about is izevel (no surname), who's a half-drow great old one warlock and my dark urge tav <3 i haven't played huge amounts of her and i dont want to spoil the durge for myself so i rly don't have much to say except that i think she's going to romance wyll and she tries very hard to be a good person despite her fucked up urges. cant wait to eventually get to her full playthrough LOL
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silent-of-spirit · 8 years
Roman AU: Visiting Dorian.
So I switched it to ‘Dorian visiting’ because it fit better. I hope you don’t mind
She woke slowly, head pounding, noseand throat feeling as though they had been stuffed with scratchycotton. She had to force her eyes open, groaning at the invasion ofbright light. She heard a shuffling movement beside her, then a handlike ice was applied to her forehead. She jerked away from thesensation, retreating beneath the blankets of her bed.
“Still burning.” She heard thegentle voice of her mother, tutting disapprovingly as she shuffledelsewhere in the room.
“I'm fine.” Liahra said weakly,voice muffled from her hiding place.
“You are unwell.” Her mothersnapped. There was a moment of silence that fell heavy in the airbefore she sighed. “I- I am sorry. That was unworthy of me.”Liahra pushed the blankets away, wincing again at the light and howit seemed to lance through her skull. She settled her eyes upon thewoman whom she loved above all others, studying the lines of her faceas she sat with downcast eyes.
“What troubles you, mother?” Sheasked gently, trying to ignore the incessant pounding in her head andpowder in her lungs as she swung her legs from the bed.
“Gracious, Liahra!” Edina hissed,rushing from her chair to push her daughter back down into thecushions.
“Let me up! I have been in thisdamned bed for three days. It is driving me to madness.” Sheflushed in shame at the look of admonishment she received at heroutburst. “Apologies, mother.” She said quietly, averting hergaze. Edina gave her a sharp look, but allowed her to rise, gesturingfor one of the servants.
“Will you please see to the baths,dear?” She asked the girl kindly. The servant smiled and curtsied,dismissing herself to the adjacent chamber. Liahra searched hermother's face for what could be weighing so heavily.
“A Tevinter magister will be stayingwith us for a while.” The woman said at last, refusing to meet herdaughter's gaze. Liahra felt as though the wind had just been knockedfrom her, and she had to lower herself back down to the bed in shock,suddenly dizzy.
A magister? No. No, it isn'tpossible. Uncle would not bend knee... not now.
Shecould feel the rage flooding her, white hot and consuming. Hewouldn't, she tried totell herself, but she quickly found reason replaced with emotion, andshe found herself striding from her room, purpose in her steps and asharpness in her eyes. She heard her mother's startled cry as sheswept past, but ignored it. The wind blew through the corridors, aharbinger of a storm to come. Fitting that there should beanother presently. She thoughtwith bitterness.
Herrage was evident enough that it sent the servants scurrying from herpath, despite the desperation of their duties. They were hurried. Sohe must be coming soon, she thought- followed swiftly by another- Notif I can help it. She wasvaguely aware of Krem when she passed him in the hall, his headswiveling to do a double take before following her, steps clipped.
“My lady!” Hecalled after her, but she ignored him as well, striding through theestate to her Uncle's study. Her night shift was billowing aroundher, the fabric shimmering and translucent, but she could not bringherself to care about the impropriety of it. She was of a singlepurpose, driven to find the reasoning behind this utter madness. Sheignored the way her head pounded and set her vision blurry, ignoredthe burning in her throat and lungs, ignored the light sheen of sweaton her skin as she tried to rid the fever.
“Uncle!” Shebarked as she rounded the corner, blowing into his office like a galewind leaving destruction in its wake. He knew this would come. Henodded his dismissal to the servant who was standing near, eyes wideand a little afraid. The boy scurried from the room as fast as hislegs would carry, tossing a single look back over his shoulder at thetempest that was Liahra. Maeral lifted his gaze to her, tired andresigned.
“I had no choice,my dear.” Her nostrils flared, flame present in her eyes.
“Thereis always a choice.”She snapped, staring him down with unforgiving fury. Krem and Edinaappeared in the doorway then, both a little breathless. Krem lookedbetween the two of them, immediately averting his eyes when theyrested on Liahra. He cleared his throat uneasily, unclasping hiscloak and holding it out to her. Her eyes snapped to the movement andshe grabbed it from his grasp with a small grunt of thanks, coveringthe indecency of her nightclothes. Maeral watched the exchange,breathing carefully to avoid rousing his temper. He needed to bereasonable when he knew she would not. Not about this matter inparticular, at least. He did not blame her.
“There werequestions of my loyalty to the Senate, and to Arlathan.”
“Why?Because you voice reasonin a room of those who would see us bend a knee to the Empire?” Shedemanded.
“Not all-”
“Fuck all!” Shescreeched.
“Liahra!” Hermother hissed, outraged.
“No,mother! I will not besilent! Not in this.” She shook her head vehemently. “No, not allof them are in support of occupation, but enoughof them are. Enough to pose issue and cause harm.”
“And if my voiceis removed from the Senate, it is one less in opposition. Try tounderstand what is at stake, Liahra.” Maeral reasoned, his voicerising slightly at the last.
“Soyou let them cajole you into letting a magisterinto our home? You arethe cleverest man I know. Surelyyou would have found a way around this!”
“I encouragedit.” He said simply. Her rage instantly abated, replaced insteadwith horrified confusion. Edina moved behind him, placing a hand onhis shoulder in support. Krem stood stock still, watching theexchange with sharp eyes.
“You... what?”Liahra finally said, voice soft and hurt.
“Think about it,da'len.” He said gently, but she just shook her head in confusion.“A magister under our roof- think of the information we cangather.” He could see the understanding dawn on her, her lipsparting in a surprised 'oh'. She immediately lowered her eyes,clasping her hands in front of her as her cheeks flushed scarlet.“You have a good heart, Liahra, and a good head on your shoulders.You are quick and clever, but you need to learn temperance,especially with a political situation so volatile. It is wonderfulthat you speak your mind, but remember that there is also virtue inwaiting until the opportune time.”
“Deepest regretsfor my outburst, Uncle. It was hasty and ill-considered. I shall dobetter.”
“Thank you,da'len. I know this is hard for you, but I trust you will make meproud.” He said gently, gesturing to Krem to lead her out. “I amrelieved to see you are feeling better. You should see to a bath andget properly attired- Tamlen comes at the noon bell, and the Magisternot long after.” She inclined her head, following Krem from theroom.
“You gave me aright fright, storming out like that in little more than your skin,mistress.” Krem tossed back at her. “You were near death notthree days ago- you shouldn't have exerted yourself like this.”
She grabbed his armgently, pulling him back to look at her. When he turned back with asigh, she took his hand in both of hers, squeezing tightly.
“I'm sorry, Krem.You're right, of course.” She paused. “You are my dearest friend,and I deeply apologize for causing you worry.” He let out a huff ofamusement and jerked his head toward the end of the hall with a smallsmile.
“On our way,ladyship. Your mother will have my hide if you aren't ready in time.”
“Tamlen! Howlovely to see you again.” Liahra called from across the courtyard,taking measured steps to where he stood. He greeted her with abrilliant smile, suited for his handsome face.
“Ah, ma lath!”He pulled her into a warm embrace. He smiled again when he pulledback, eyes roaming her face. “You are radiant as ever- a truejewel. I am a lucky man.” She blushed prettily beneath hisattentions, tucking back an escaped blonde curl.
“You flatter me,Tamlen.” She said with a laugh.
“On the contrary!I speak only facts, as ever.”
“Ah, Tamlen!”Maeral stepped into the courtyard in opulent robes, clapping theyounger man on the back heartily. “So good of you to bear witnessto an historic event such as this.” Tamlen chuckled.
“I would be lyingif I said that the thought of seeing my betrothed bore no weight inmy decision.”
“Ha! As I hope itwould.”
The servant sent towatch the road came scurrying in the gate, standing at attentionbefore them. “The magister's carriage draws near!” Maeral noddedonce.
“Very good. Thankyou. Please see that the wine has been brought out for our guest.”The servant bowed and darted into the house, disappearing from sight.Apprehension coiled tightly in Liahra's belly, her uneasiness fromearlier settling back upon her with startling intensity. She couldfeel the tension in her shoulders, and she forced herself to swallowpast the lump in her throat, head beginning to pound in earnest oncemore.
She grew only morerigid when the carriage pulled into the courtyard, pulled by four ofthe finest horses she had ever seen, massive with shining onyx coats.She admired them for a moment, hoping to calm her nerves, but hergaze flitted to the carriage door the instant the driver stepped tothe earth. She could distantly feel Tamlen's gaze on her face, browfurrowed.
The door clicked,and she took a steadying breath, willing herself to be calm as itopened. From the carriage stepped a man in opulent finery, arms andhands bedecked in all manners of gold jewelry. He wore no shirtbeneath his robes, leaving his right shoulder and half of his chestbare. Bold. His hair was perfectly coiffed, moustache expertly waxedand shining, and his bright eyes were rimmed with kohl. He wasdevastatingly handsome, and a perfect picture of arrogance andwealth.
She hated himimmediately.
He turned his gazeto them, gesturing widely with his hands as a smile graced his lips.“My gracious hosts, I presume.” Maeral stepped forward with agrin that looked completely genuine, belying none of the anxietyLiahra knew he too felt.
“I am Maeral ofHouse Lavellan, and we welcome you to our humble home.” He bowed,bowed, before the magister, and she bristled at the sight.Tamlen's grip tightened on her hand, and she afforded him a smallsmile in thanks, the gesture slightly comforting.
The Tevene man lethis gaze sweep over the grand estate with a small smirk. “Humble?Gracious, one wonders what extravagant would be in this fine city.”Maeral laughed good-naturedly.
“You are tookind.”
“Ah! But whereare my manners?” The magister said suddenly, bending in a sweepingbow, “My name is Dorian of House Pavus of Minrathous- how do youdo?”
Her mother steppedforward, offering her hand with a serene smile. “I am EdinaLavellan, sister to the charming master of the house. It is apleasure to make your acquaintance.” Liahra knew they needed toplay nicely, but it did not sit well with her... at all. They wereprostrating themselves before a man who was a part of the structureof a country wanting to rule the world. It did not sit well, and shehad to remind herself to remain calm. Not only was the reputation ofher uncle at stake, but Tamlen's as well. If she made a fool ofherself, she made a fool of them. The thought tempered her annoyancesomewhat.
The magister-Dorian, she reminded herself- bowed over her mother's proffered hand,kissing it lightly. “Charmed.” He said with a grin before turningto Tamlen, seeming to briefly assess her from the corner of his eyes.Tamlen smiled brightly, ever friendly and kind.
“Tamlen of HouseSabrae. It's a pleasure, Magister Pavus.” Dorian quirked a brow,but then laughed heartily, startling them all.
“Oh, I am not amagister.” He said finally, still chuckling. They all exchangedconfused looks. “Well, I suppose all Southerners must think anymage from the Imperium is a magister, hm? No, I am an altus,next in line to take my father's seat in the Magisterium, should hechoose to leave it to me. Much like your 'Senate' seats.”
“Senate seats areelected, not passed down.” Liahra said, berating herself for theunintended bite in her tone. Dorian turned to her, seeming to assessher again, eyes slightly narrowed but smile still present. She raisedher chin slightly, noticing how the corner of his lips quirked alittle more in response. He was looking at her as if he knewher- and that was more unsettling than his presence as a whole.
“And who are you,my dear?” He asked, voice positively dripping with honey. She fixedhim with a smile of her own, predatory and vaguely threatening. Itdid nothing to deter him, in fact, it seemed to further amuse him.
“LiahraLavellan.” She said simply. She did not offer her hand in greeting,merely met his challenging gaze with her own, a standoff that had theothers shifting uncomfortably. Dorian broke the stalemate, smilingbrilliantly and turning away.
“Such apleasure to meet you in particular, Lady Liahra.” Maeral made amove to step in and guide the man away, too aware of the bait Dorianleft- a bait he knew Liahra would snatch. Restraint was not askill to be perfected in a few hours' time.
“Ser Pa-
“In particular?”She asked pointedly, and Maeral closed his eyes, clenching his jaw ashe let out a slow breath of defeat.
“I have heardquite a bit about you.” Dorian said smugly.
“Oh?” She saidcasually, though the dangerous glint in her eyes gave her away.
“Indeed. Speakingout against honored Tevene guests, decrying the games while stillattending, shameful public displays of vocal aggression againstvisiting Imperium dignitaries, the 'rescue' and freeing of aTevinter slave condemned to death for treason- you are a hot topicfor debate in the Empire.” He said with a smirk. “Most unbecomingof one with such status, and even so,  you sit in your palace on yourhill and deign to judge while doing nothing for a cause youapparently so heatedly support aside from spew vitriol and makeyourself a fool.” Dorian watched her phase through a whole host ofdifferent emotions, fury being the primary. She looked as if she madeto say something, but held back at the last moment, clenching herjaw. He smiled.
Yes, she was justthe sort he needed for his mission- just as he'd hoped she might be.
He turned back tothe lord of the house, the man seeming stunned for a moment. “MightI have a tour?” Dorian asked helpfully, allowing the man to shakehimself from his daze. He spluttered nonsense for a moment beforeturning and leading him inside.
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