#i love them but sometimes their songs just don't click for me 😭
isitthemoon · 1 year
I have... opinions...... about the boyz comeback
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duckchu · 4 months
Could you please write for the following for Kayn;
Reader has media studies, and got an internship under Yone's guidance (as much as I love him, strictly platonic😭)
Kayn falls for reader along the way she is there to work with Yone, maybe even gets a little jealous until he gets himself to finally make a move and stop being dramatic about it 💀
Can have tags, im down for anything 👀🗿
Thank you ❤️
Ooooh I love this idea thank youuu
But I've got no idea how media studies work (I have expanded history and English, so pretty different directions sorry) so if I make stupid mistakes lmk so I can correct them
Also Kayn is kinda mean in the beginning but it's Kayn
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"Ok no worries it's just an internship with one of the biggest producers you've heard of, no biggie" You thought to yourself as you walked into the studio. Yone, the supervisor of your internship, was already waiting for you. At the beginning, your relationship was very stiff. Neither of you knew how to approach it, since it was the first internship both of you have done. While you liked working under him since you were always given clear instructions and his critique was rooted in wanting to help you better your work and not mean spirited at all. After a week, you both warmed up to eachother, sharing some small talk and finally you met his bandmates. Don't get me wrong, he didn't mean to put off your meeting, but they were all busy with their own schedules while he was mentoring you. But then, one day you walked into the studio and saw the other 5 members of HEARTSTEEL, goofing around. Yone must have noticed how surprised you were, so he introduced you to all the guys. Aphelios only gave you a nod, busy with his own work and Kayn seemed not too pleased at meeting you, but Ezreal, Sett and K'Sante seemed more excited about meeting you. After getting to know most of the guys, you got to work, working on a song for HEARTSTEEL'S new album, which seemed to annoy Kayn
- Are we really letting her produce our songs?-
After that Yone seemed to precisely time your work so you wouldn't be in the studio with Kayn as often as the rest, though it surprisingly seemed to annoy the pink headed menace, who went behind Yone's back in order to find you during your break and talk you up. While being as annoying as he always is. While you entertained him for some time, you quickly got back to work and that was that. Or so you thought. You intrigued him. So he spend his sweet time bugging Yone about you, sometimes even suggesting the older man was in a relationship with you to test how he'll react.
Finally, after a long time, when your internship was coming to an end he decided that he's done feeling jealous of how much time you spent with Yone. Or how many times you went to grab dinner with Ezreal. Even how you and Alune seemed to click instantly when she came to see how the progress on the album was going. When you went to take your break, he grabbed you and pulled you in an old supply closet. From the unamused look on your face he figured there were better ways to do this, but whatever.
- So...Wanna go out? - god, why is he so...himself? But might as well, a little date wouldn't hurt
- Sure. - You couldn't believe you agreed, but what's the worst that could happen?
An annoying boyfriend could happen.
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awritersometime · 9 months
She indeed likes it
Bette and Dot x fem reader
(it's nothing really, just pure fluff) Hey! I was feeling guilty for disappearing so long so here I am with a old draft of mine. I'm preparing the last exam of my life last minute and I'm hoping to succeed🤞🏼😭
brief summary: You like the twins and the twins like you, and also that adorable laugh of yours.
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There's a comfortable silence in the tent with the twins. Both are busy scribbling in their diary as I try to focus, without much success, on the script Elsa wrote for me. I can't keep myself from looking at them. I'm mesmerized by their souls, that I've developed such strong feelings for both. Nothing is too hard or impossible when they are close. Like right now, together we lean against the headboard and share the same tranquility. They understand me better than anyone else. And I understand them in return. They've become an essential part of my life that I just can't do without. Their friendship means everything to me, although sometimes I wish it was more than that. And I know that spark I've been craving for a while now, is there. Stubbornly, I believe it's there, but it's just too shy to come to light. To put a label on something that has always come so naturally is scary, but it goes without saying that there is something going on among us.
Goosebumps rise upon my skin, when Bette lets out a quiet giggle, having noticed my insistent look upon her. I bite my bottom lip, quickly averting my gaze and mentally cursing myself for being so obvious. I've been staring at the twins' profile for some time now, unable to keep focusing on the lines, that suddenly looked like Arabic on my legs. I was supposed to learn them by heart for the show. Bette turns to look at me, deep down loving the fact that I'm so easily flustered around her and her sister. Dot, being an empath, feels the exact same tingle of her sister, that makes her stop scribbling in her diary.
"Can't focus on the script, I see", Dot teases me. Bette tries so hard to contain herself, when I open my mouth to say something, but nothing comes out, "Too busy staring", she adds, and my face turns as red as a tomato. I scoff lightly, "I am NOT", I emphasize on the last word, trying to sound convincing. But it falls upon deaf ears.
Bette, noticing my sudden embarrassment, sighs softly, "Don't be like that", she tells Dot, who hums lightly, with a growing smirk playing on her face. A twinkle lights up her eyes and I can tell she is enjoying every second of that. Bette's hand comes resting upon my knee and it immediately has the power to soothe my heart. They have good intentions, they always do. Even if Dot acts like that, deep down I know how much she cares for me. She showed me countless times. Sure, her approach isn't as sweet and open like her sister, but I loved her exactly because she was different. When I cry or feel sad, she doesn't need to say anything to uplift my mood. While Bette soothes me with loving words and affection, Dot simply sets aside everything to listen. There are many ways to show someone you care, and I think they both did in their own special way.
"It's alright, Bette, she is right", I add softly, finding some determination to stand up to her sister. Dot quickly turns to look at me, and I enjoy the way her eyebrows rise in astonishment. She clicks her tongue, and I keep her gaze with playfulness in my eyes. Bette blushes and giggles cutely at the interaction.
"I can't help it, if you two are so beautiful", I continue in a sing song voice, at the same time fighting the sudden heat on my cheeks.
Bette can't contain her excitement, while Dot freezes for a moment, trying to process my words. A lump form to her throat and she quickly swallows it. A whirlwind of emotions comes knocking at the doors of her heart and she feels the urge to scold her sisters, believing it's her fault she is feeling so messed up.
"T-thank you", Bette replies with that adorable smile of hers, she takes my hand in hers and that's when I finally blush from head to toe, "So are you. Dot thinks the same, but she is too stubborn to admit it"
I chuckle softly at that, and Dot just groans, but the fact that she doesn't deny it is enough proof to me.
"You should feel her heart. It's going wild!", Bette continues in a whisper, pushing Dot's buttons maybe too far. I bite my bottom lip and a nod carefully in her direction, but the brunette is too busy throwing daggers at Bette to notice my expression.
"Shut it, will you?", she spats, nudging at her.
Bette frowns and whines, "Ouch! You hurt me!"
I can sense Dot is trying hard to keep control of her emotions, of her sudden rage at her sister for having exposed her feelings. "Girls, come on", I try to interject, but she precedes me, "If I were you, I'd better choose my next words", she continues sternly.
Bette gives her a dramatic eyeroll, being used to her empty threats.
"Alright, let's stop this. We both know how it ends", I say placing my hand on their lap, and grazing both their knees alternatively, so that none of them feels left out.
"She knows you're a pathetic little thing"
"Oh shut up,  Dot . You're not almighty"
"Are you two done with the mental argument?", I scoff a little. I saw it coming in the exact moment the twins started looking at each other with dangerous insistence. I love both so much, but it pains me to see how often they bicker, especially when, most of the time, I'm the matter of their arguments. And I know it's their thing. Their special way to communicate, but sometimes I can't help but wish they wouldn't do that. It makes me feel as if I could never really be part of their world, because of their zoning out.
"I don't need to be to keep you at bay"
"What? You insensitive little-"
"I suggest you stop there"
"Alright, keep talking you two", I roll my eyes and lie back on the mattress, the script on my lap long forgotten. It probably fell on the floor, but I can't really be bothered. I don't have the heart to memorize it now.
I pout and suddenly I feel Bette and Dot's eyes on me. I always know when they stare at me, even if I don't stare back. Their gaze is so intense, my entire body reacts before I can have a say.
"See? You did it again. Now she thinks we don't care about her"
"How is this my fault, Dot?"
"Because it always is!"
Bette lets out a soft sigh and she reaches out her hand to touch me. "Don't ignore us, please", her voice comes out so thin and smooth, that it's not hard to imagine her bottom lip wobbling as well, "We are sorry", she continues and Dot turns with sigh, when Bette pokes her.
I'm not really mad, but I feel like standing my ground a little more, just because, I want them to know what it feels like when they zone out and I can't enter their thoughts. The twins' body moves to lie down on the stomach, "Y/n, pleaseeee", Bette is growing impatient by my obstinacy, and I can tell by the way her voice sounds.
Her face is so close to my side profile, that I struggle to keep a serious expression. She frowns and I feel her breath warming up my skin.
I almost crack a smile, but then Dot starts talking, "You're being a big baby". I had to admit it, she's got a nerve. But hell, did I love her regardless.
Gasping and turning to face her, I snap childishly, "That's not true!"
Both twins share a content smile, happy to have caught my attention. I groan and rub my eyes with my fingertips, muttering some complaints under my breath. The twins crawl on top of me, towering over me, like they always do when they want something from me.
It's incredible how despite being identical twins, I can recognize one from the other just by the expression on their face. Even the same feeling is portrayed differently by them. If they are amused, one would simply laugh openly, maybe have tears in their eyes, whereas the other would grin mischievously and sweep her tongue over their lips.
Bette knows what she is doing, and she starts giggling, and when I tentatively ask what's going on, she says, while stroking my cheeks, "You're cute even when you're grumpy"
Dot, on the other hand, traces the line of my hip with her fingernail, causing a ticklish sensation to rise over my body, "But she is even cuter, when she smiles, isn't she?", she grins, eyeing her sister.
They know what happens when they do that, so I can't help the thought that they're doing this on purpose.
"N-no, w-wait- Ah!", I say, hardly suppressing a fit of giggles, when their touch persists. They know I'm probably the weakest ticklish mess to ever exist, and too often they use the notion to their advantage, but mostly when I'm being unreasonable to them. I guess that was one of those moments. But the truth is, there is also another reason why they like teasing me that way. It's something intimate that only happens among us, special like our bond.
"You mean, keep going?", Dot fakes innocence, a tone that doesn't really belong to her and that makes me feel funny even more, "Are you sure you can take it?", she keeps teasing me, and Bette's giggles mix with mine as she starts tickling my belly. I squirm and squeal, but their body keeps me trapped there. While Bette tickles my skin with playful pokes and soft brushstrokes, Dot is more meticulous and finds her way under my shirt in between my ribs.
I can't help the tears falling from my eyes, "Alright, I-I'm so-sohohrry!", I apologize and I'm not even sure why I'm doing it, but the ticklish sensation is driving me crazy.
Dot mutters something that looks like "good girl", but in my head turns into "good pet".
"Dot, look!", Bette squeals in delight, as she sees a familiar wagging under my butt. I blush vehemently, and I accept the fact that my tail is out of control now. It escapes my baggy pants and wags wildly, because of their teasings.
Finally, they stop tickling me.
"Gods, you're terrible!", I exclaim, still smiling.
Grinning to one e other, they slightly pull away, letting me catch my breath. I sit up and the twins share an accomplice's look, fully believing that I enjoy that treatment, to which I reply with an eyeroll. Bette's fingers reach out to stroke the fur on top of my tail, but I go before her and playfully wag it under her nose and chin, offering her a little tickle in return, "I'll get my revenge", I promise, with a full smile on my face.
"I'm shaking!", Dot jokes, and her sister giggles.
I say nothing which is saying something. Dot's smiling fondly. Neither of them has ever showed fear or disgust in my regards and that's something priceless to me. I scoop closer to them, suddenly feeling the need of a cuddle. They get the message and while Dot unexpectedly peppers kisses upon my forehead, Bette keeps stroking my tail, like a child who's been given a new doll to play with. It feels so soothing and relaxing that I close my eyes, humming and feeling content. Safe most of all. There I was known as the foxy girl, but in my head I was their foxy girl.
Screw the labels, that was heaven.
"She, indeed, likes it", I hear Dot say to Bette, while she lightly scratches my arm.
And I'm not ashamed to admit that she was right, as I sigh contently with a smile.
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mosses-gate-3 · 4 months
What drew your Tavs to their love interests? Was there an instant connection between them, or was it more of a gradual build-up? What's their favorite things about their respective LIs?
Thank you so much for the ask!! (I swear I'm working on the tents one I just need to actually draw them 😭)
Andis got smacked directly in the face by Cupid watching Wyll's introduction, and Karlach with her golden retriever energy had him at hello. He was immediately drawn to both of their genuineness and sense of fun. Also watching Wyll with the tiefling kids made him swoon. However he does kind of have a crush on everyone new he meets and assumed it would just go away with time so he didn't really make a move beyond his normal platonic affection. His favorite thing about Wyll is his love of a dramatic flair and his unfailingly good heart. His favorite thing about Karlach is her sunny disposition and her love of trying new things. They also all really like dancing and music and that's something they bond over (no I don't have a ballroom dancing thing whatever do you mean,,,) He just loves them so much you guys <- projecting
Salix. Okay salixstarion is really interesting to me because for the majority of their relationship (act 1-mid act 2 at which point they break up) they go through varying degrees of hatred, contempt, and disgust for each other and for their situation. The thing that drew her to him is the fact that he's an elf, meaning she can't use her siren song on him and therefore he poses a serious threat to her safety within the group. The best way I'd describe their arrangement is, they're both playing the exact same game of 5d manipulation chess but they both hate it too much to realize the other person also hates it. Their relationship improves a lot after they break up in act 2 and by the end of the game she's started to develop a genuine crush on him, and him on her, which they then proceed to never address even though they're adventuring together post-game.
Ren and Gale clicked pretty quickly I think. They got talking to him at first because they recognized him as having been their classmate at wizard school, and then continued because of their shared love of their respective crafts. They adore it when he teaches them things about magic and just things in general because they love learning and he's one of the only people who's ever really treated them like they deserve to be taught, if that makes sense. They could spend hours listening to him talk. Ren also loves his artistry when working with the Weave, it reflects their own passion towards the more artistic and beautiful side of their work as an artificer. And he's such a genuinely good and kind person it's hard for them not to fall in love. He's perfect for them is what I'm saying
...I haven't decided who Monty's romancing yet-- I'm just gonna go with whoever tries to fuck him first because that's what's most in character lol. I think his endgame romance is Wyll because uh. Gwaincelot brainworms. My interpretation of it is he'd flirt with Wyll right off the bat, get rejected, drop the subject because he didn't care that much anyway, sleep around with whoever else, and then realize oh fuck I actually genuinely like him what the hell do I do!!! And then they get together sometime during act 3 and are ridiculously cute. I think he does have a brief fling with Gale during the sleep around phase but it's very much no-strings-attached. I really don't think he'd work out with Gale in the long-term. Wyll however I can see being perfect for him.
Cesair isn't romancing anyone I don't think because he's still not over his ex and also this is a playthrough with a dear friend of mine and I won't subject it to that (hi @otherworldlyjukebox ily). But I can see him with Gale, Astarion, or Minthara - he'd definitely end up ascending both of the boys but he'd be so chill with it afterwards. He's used to being subservient so he wouldn't see anything wrong with being Gale's Chosen or Astarion's Consort. There also are the narrative parallels between him and Gale and having had really imbalanced power dynamics in their past relationships. His moral code is really fucky so I could also see him raiding the Grove and recruiting + romancing Minthara if he was guided to that.
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riddlerosehearts · 3 months
some more, slightly longwinded thoughts on various things i've done in act 1 of bg3 with my half-elf bard tav, elenion:
i ran into raphael and basically told him to fuck off because why would we ever accept "help" from a devil after seeing what just happened with wyll and mizora??
i also investigated the beach and found the harpies. i wonder if it was actually them that the squirrels were complaining about earlier and not alfira's beautiful song.
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gale is hilarious but i'm now imagining elenion, who has already chosen to project an image of them on a romantic walk with gale into his head, rolling their eyes and thinking "so that's what i might be getting myself into if we survive all this."
i think i need to try and get into the habit of talking to everyone at camp after anything big happens even if they don't have a ! over their heads. i went to camp and accidentally clicked on astarion, and he had quite a bit to say about raphael and then so did everyone else!
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lae'zel is so funny sometimes actually. i kind of love her.
also, the investigate the beach quest seems to have bugged out for me--it didn't complete after getting the letter from the kid we saved, which i assume was the end of the quest, but the objective was still to find mol who had no new dialogue. and then after i beat the goblin leaders the quest suddenly completed and changed to say "the situation has changed in the grove. mol is busy dealing with other matters." that's kind of annoying, but i'm guessing/hoping it won't really cause any issues??
anyway. i investigated kagha, and when i confronted her i got an option to recite the history told on the plaques in the grove as a way of convincing her to turn against the shadow druids. i knew my dedication to reading every bit of flavor text that i can find would come in handy somewhere! also, the game says that you just speak the text that was etched into the plaques, but since elenion is a bard i'm choosing to pretend that he turned it into a song.
after that i set out toward the goblin camp to save halsin and defeat the leaders. on the way there i got a dream sequence with the guardian i made in character creation, going "i've been protecting you from everything and btw you should totally embrace the ilithid powers". i had no idea what the guardian was going to be used for so i just made her look basically like how i thought elenion's mother would look, except i gave her the wrong eye color by mistake. i imagine that would feel very strange and would make it obvious that someone is trying to magically use his mother's face to manipulate him but has gotten a significant detail wrong.
everyone else at camp had the same dream and all had something to say about it! elenion basically told everyone he isn't sure he trusts this mysterious dream visitor, because really, i just do not see why he should from a roleplay perspective. he also is not opening his mind to the tadpole specimens, at least not for now. we'll see if anything that happens later in the story changes that.
minthara wiped my party once when i tried fighting her normally, so the second time around i killed her by luring her onto a bridge and then destroying it out from under her. i didn't get her loot that way, but it was hilarious. will probably try to beat her legitimately on a second playthrough.
i forgot to say earlier, i love how investigating the shadow druids gives you the ability to make kagha see the error of her ways and redeem her. i am still kind of mad that she tried to imprison a child, but i think she's actually a very interesting character.
kind of hilarious to me how lae'zel was very clearly expressing... interest in my tav at the party and was all "well, it's your loss, then" when they turned her down whereas astarion, completely unprompted, was like "gods i wish i was having sex with someone right now. but not you obviously, that would be awful". 😭 well you know what, elenion is gorgeous and smart and a musician (an inherently sexy thing to be) so maybe that's your loss!
i think i also could've ended up getting a romantic scene with shadowheart (she wanted to share a bottle of wine after everyone else went to sleep), but i chose not to do anything with her. although now i'm curious if i could've done it and just, like, made it platonic somehow? or if sharing a bottle of wine with her would've automatically been romantic.
i've heard that if you trigger the weave scene with gale at the party then the other companions will have dialogue where they react to the budding romance. which sounds hilarious but i got his approval up very quickly just by having my character be nice to people, and got the weave scene earlier, so i didn't get that dialogue. oh well! i still got a very sweet conversation with him. all of this talk about tara makes me wish she could come on the journey with us :(
i'm so glad we get to see alfira again at the party. i wish she could be a companion tbh, it'd be nice to still have a bard around if you don't play as one.
and speaking of alfira, once again i'm obsessed with the dialogue options in this game:
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i picked the mixed heritage option because although elenion hates to boast or reveal too much about himself, i think he is very proud of his family. but i love that you have the option to be like "if you're going to write a song about me then it obviously has to be about how hot i am" or "if you dare write a song about me i will actually kill you".
anyway uhhh. what else. i'm sure that i've missed plenty of things i could've done so far, for example i ended up finding a dead tiefling beside a telescope on a hill and i bet if i'd gone up there sooner i could've saved her. i bet i also could've gotten higher approval with at least karlach or lae'zel and seen what might've changed about their dialogue at the party if i'd progressed more in their quests first. i think i may have also missed the chance to adopt a baby owlbear. and i'll probably end up missing even more things! but that's fine because i already know i'm going to be doing multiple playthroughs of this game.
i think now before i do anything else i am going to work on karlach's personal quest, because i still haven't taken down those paladins and i need to get some answers out of her.
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sennaverstappendiary · 6 months
australian grand prix ✩ 02.04.2023
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SOOOOO HERE WE FUCKING GO‼️‼️‼️ my journey into f1 has finally started. now, is it because i'm dutch and max is slaying? well, that has something to do with it, but! i actually have to instead thank the other driver in my username for getting me into f1! 🥰🥰🥰
🗓️ march 23th, 2023. i was in bed, trying to sleep, and i simply couldn't. i don't know why - might have to do with recovery symptoms, but i COULD NOT sleep. and my now ex was sleeping next to me, so couldn't watch video's. what did i do instead?
wikipedia deep dive. 😁😁😁
i'm not sure how it happened, but eventually i found myself on the... "crashes in formula one" page. and being the morbidly curious little freak that i am, i scrolled through everything. one of them caught my eyes though, more than any other.
💕💕ayrton senna💕💕 - the last driver to pass away during a formula one race. i clicked on his page, and, woah. it was like something clicked inside of me as i scrolled through it. especially his rivalry with 💕💕alain prost💕💕 seemed so interesting to me... like what happened there...
needless to say: i was hooked. more than hooked, to be honest. 😵‍💫😵‍💫😵‍💫
i ended up scrolling, reading more and more, and i only slept when it was 5 am. the days after that were a blur of FORMULA ONE FORMULA ONE FORMULA ONE. it was genuinely the only thing i could think of/talk about. genuinely felt like i was on cr4ck... 💥💥💥
funny thing: my brother, who had introduced me to f1, wasn't even home at the time i got hyperfixated. sometimes i wonder how that would've gone. 🥹🥹🥹🥹🥹
another funny thing: i was very sad to find out that the prosenna community wasn't thriving on tumblr 🥹🥹🥹🥹🥹💔💔💔💔💔💔💔💔💔💔💔💔💔
another VERY funny thing: i literally laughed the first time i saw lestappen. like in a mean way. i have no clue what happened but about 2 days later i was reblogging it and it was becoming my fav modern ship alarmingly quickly 🤯🤯🤯🤯
so yeah. went kinda (really) fucking crazy the week before this grand prix. of course i decided to wake up at 7 am to watch it 😁😁 god bless. i didn't gaf about fp at the time (smartest thing ive ever done, like, i should stop caring about fp now)
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qualifying was just... confusing for me seeing as i didn't understand too much. i do vividly remember how AWKWARD the picture with the top 3 was 😭😭😭 i was very sleepy and i think i accidentally woke up my (now) exin the other room PLEASE 🤣🤣🤣
the race was... i'm both shocked and glad that this was my first ever race. waking up at 7 for it was fun as fuck i can't even lie i LOVE me an early race 💕💕 i was so hyped for it!! i didn't understand much, and i didn't have any friends to chat with yet, but it was fun. if i had been into f1 longer i would've probably been more scared of the mercs leading lap after lap, but i was blissfully unaware AND very very faithful in max... just kept repeating to myself "i'm not gonna worry about it lol" which DID work in the end. i rewatched this race for this post and man. i remember not really giving a fuck about charles dnf because i wasn't THAT much into any modern drivers yet except max LOL. 🥲🥲🥲 and i remember alex's crash being way later than it actually was in the race? maybe because of the crazy fucking red flags PLEASE 😰😰😰 george's car lighting on fire... nyck flopping... my first impression of carlos being his fucking complaint about the SUN i'm screaming... what a crazy fucking race.
after the race i was gleefully telling my dad everything (his ass was NOT waking up at 7 for this which i respect greatly) and shakingly eating breakfast (i was so excited fdjhgdhfgdfh)... and then i realised... 4 weeks without f1 😵‍💫😵‍💫 whilst in the height of my hyperfix!! how did i survive!!!
anyway i'm so glad this was my first race, even though it was a really weird one dfhghdg 🥹🥹🥹🥹🥹 AUSTRALIA 2023 U WILL ALWAYS BE FAMOUS TO ME‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️
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✩ song of the race: Industry Baby - Lil Nas X
I just fuck heavy with this song LMFAO. also it's kinda maxcore if u think about it... i certainly think about it... 😭💕😭💕😭💕
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Soooo as I thought, v9 caught with me before I had a chance to finish my rewatch, but no reason to cut it when we have 7 days in between episodes lol so back for v5!
I gotta admit this was not my favorite volume, the pacing issues really show in this one and some things felt not well expressed/explained, but still the story and character moments are very great and it contains some of my favorite scenes in the whole show.
Also there's lots of Raven and Ilia how can I complain about that??
Anyways, lets get in!
I gotta say that Triumph is definitely my less favorite opening, I never liked it that much, but it's not saying a lot, because it's still a no-skip when I listen to the rwby playlist and it still fucks. Jeff and Casey don't miss. So basically, it's not bad, it's just that all of them are so good that it's hard to compete lol.
The scene where Blake and Sun talk about how Blake sees every person as a word it's one of those things that live rent-free in my mind <3 Blake's love for her friends is so loud in its quietness, it's beautiful <3
Also her saying that Adam is Spite<3 I love it because while watching reactors they almost always think 'Hate' or 'Violence' but as soon as they hear Spite is like...something just clicks into place. Of course he is spite, it's the only thing that make sense!
I gotta admit that much of why I'm happy about this volume is really just the fact that we got so much Raven lol. I seriously enjoy Raven so freaking much I can't believe it! I can't wait until we finally see her again! Please RT???
No but seriously, every scene with Raven is so enjoyable to me because I really feel there is so much hidden meaning behind all of her interactions. She's another of those characters I can see the bravery and love practically trying to claw their wait out from, but damn this woman is so stubborn and traumatized smh. I hope Tai is able to knock some sense into her sometime.
Also while on the topic of Raven... I still believe that Vernal and her were in some kind of relationship??? Like... There was something there! And Vernal has such a big lesbian energy to me
Also while on the topic of Vernal... Vernal can also step on me. Her design is honestly so sexy???? The short hair, the dark skin with light blue eyes, honestly top tier. Why did v5 had to be the volume were sexy women were introduced just to be killed???
Yes that last line Is about Sienna... I'm still so mad we only got five freaking minutes of Sienna Khan, how do you make such an awesome design and interesting character and then just inmediatly kill her off?? Why? 😭
Anyways, leaving my list of rwby crushes aside... This volume was one of Blake's best<3 I still remember how proud I felt when I heard her speech after battling Ilia and the Albains. My girl was born to lead a revolution<3 also, that speech is just amazing, I think we should all remember it along with Ren's advice to 'take action every time'.
And then she goes and tells Adam to his face that he's not that important? That he's not the center of her life and She's not letting him act like it anymore? That moment was top tier! I can't wait for v6 it's my favorite <3
Yang and Weiss' reunion 🥹 and how tiny Weiss looked while they hugged 😭 I love these two so much!!!
And the moment when they meet with Ruby again and Ruby is panicking in guilt and Yang just hugs her and tells her she loves her because last time we saw them together in v3 Ruby told her she loved her and Yang didn't respond 😭😭😭😭
And then they just inmediatly call Weiss to join them because of course you silly touch-starved princess you're family too!!!
Seriously this volume is just full of character moments that make me all soft 🥹
Listen, I love Nevermore and Bmblb and Armed and ready and Wings and can you beelieve how many songs the ship has already?! as much as every bee shipper...but All that matters Is just my favorite Bee song <3 I love the angsty bees, and I love how undeniably romantic and devoted this song is even if it doesn't mention love a single time.
Cinder really be there insulting Raven's cleverness and inteligence while I'm still 100% sure she doesn't have a single braincell in her head because Neo took it hostage seroously woman, I love you but you're stupid as hell!
Emmerald's little breakdown thinking that Cinder was dead</3 you'll be ok baby
Also Blake asking 'what was that?' after the Salem vision and Oz saying 'that was Salem' and I can just imagine Blake thinking 'that doesn't clarify things at all but ok' because at this point She's not 'in' yet lol.
Ilia, honey... You were right there. Right in the same room as Weiss, at the same time, after the battle ended... Why couldn't you just talk to her???? I'm literally asking for the crumbs of one (1) interaction between them!!
I love how cute and innocent Jinn's statue looks in the school lol once we actually meet Jinn... She's nothing like that lol but we love her anyways.
Jaune's semblance!!! He deserved that moment! He worked so hard and Cinder Is a bitch but she didn't get her way because Jaune is awesome!!!
also that Pyrrha line 😭
While I don't hate Ozpin as part of the FNDM does, that part where he looks at Yang and tells her he's not gonna lie of tell half-truths is one of those that annoy me after v6 lol I get why he is the way he Is .. but still, Yang being angry at him after that was deserved.
Also I've seen that conversation like fifty times already ando the thing that bugs me the most about The volume is that I don't really get why they treat Raven and Qrow turning into birds like it is some kind of abomination lol that's one of the moments I feel didn't translate so well. I get that the actual problem goes way deeper than that, but "why would you do something like that?" Still sounds a little overdramatic lol
Oscar and Ruby training hand to hand has to be one of the cutests scenes this volume lol both these kids are so pure and cute<3
"you can't lose to a girl that wears a skirt" "Ruby you wear a skirt" lol <3 I love the Ruby-Weiss moments<3 also combat skirts FTW!
Again with Yang and Weiss, I couldn't not talk about Alone together <3 again, I really love Weiss taking care of her team with the coffee first and then talking to Yang <3 Weiss reaaaaaally became the best teammate the girls could have.
Also Weiss and Sun being wingman/woman for the bees is my favorite thing<3 they could bond over it maybe lol
Yang crying over Blake 🥹 again, she is the living embodiment of 'I don't care, I say caringly, while I care a lot' and I love that <3
Also Ruby making me cry when she said 'combat ready' and immedialy thought of Penny and just... Lost her light... That was a low blow, still is
And yes I'm still very much angry about Penny 🙂 better move on
Leonardo being an actually cowardly lion and Ironwood an actually heartless tinman make me worried about Vaccuo's headmaster... I gotta buy the CFVY novels to learn a little more about him *puts on birthday list*
The Cinder vs Raven fight is probably my favorite one in the volume though Yang vs the Bandits is hot af and I loved Weiss vs the Lancers but honestly, I can't not laugh when they get out the giant swords lmao what was that? What was the use of that? Lol I love it
The fact that RT didn't make Pilot boy explicitly gay because they were gonna kill him off and then regretted it because the fandom just latched onto him lol that's still one of my favorite v5 funfacts
I gotta say I kinda love how this story is way bigger than any of the characters involved. I remember how many people were mad that they just ended the white fang plot with the quick capture of the Albains and the Faunus army, and then how many more got angry when Adam was finally killed next season, but it makes sense because the end goals are bigger than these villains... And sadly bigger than the heroes too, hence why Nobody is trully safe.
Yang proving again and again that she has gotten smarter while fighting is so sexy of her<3 She's learned to prioritize, to slow down and, as Taiyang told her, find out of there's a way around the fight, which is why her final confrontación with Raven is so rewarding to watch, and why it makes sense.
Again I really want to see Raven again <3 pleasepleasepleasepleaseplease!!!
I get they wanted to end the volume on a kind-off cliffhanger/hint of next path, but Oscar, my dear, you really didn't need to try so hard to deliver that message lol I'm sure they could've waited a couple hours for you to say it.
There's probably a lot I'm forgetting but like... I kind of really want to keep going because my favorite volume is next!! So I'm gonna leave here!
Overall, team rwby is back together and that's how it should be!! Also, bees<3
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shortpplfedup · 3 years
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And here we are, at the end...
Decided aromatherapy is not enough, I have prosecco and pink macarons, let's light this bitch up!
Not my hand shaking as I click play...
Watching Oh Aew fly like this was worth everything.
HE STILL HAS THE FLASHCARDS 😭😭😭😭 They are 100% getting back together.
Turning down boys left and right YES OH AEW.
Including Q...poor boy had hopes for sure. But Oh Aew still has the flashcards, and he perks up when Teh's on the TV. Nobody else stands a chance.
Hoon's wedding, everybody who had that on your bingo card take a drink.
He's still carrying that torch and...well yeah, I totally get it. Teh's half his life.
Is Airy his girlfriend? Or just his costar? META.
I always wondered why Teh never talked to Top more about this whole business considering he was the only one of the three seniors who was actually successfully doing what Teh was trying to do. I think it was because he didn't want Top to say something to him he didn't want to hear. But this is EXACTLY what he needed to hear.
OK the moment their eyes met...goosebumps. Yeah, maybe I want them to get back together.
God you can SEE how much Teh wants to just TALK to him.
Oh Aew needs to send Teh an invoice after all this free advice...lol. But this is really showing how much Oh Aew observes and pays attention to and cares about people, and how much Teh just...never has.
So Airy is his girlfriend. I think Oh Aew genuinely is happy for Teh here though, as much as there may be sadness mixed in.
Oh, Airy is his EX girlfriend. Yikes. Oh Aew speaking some harsh truths to Teh here, speaking for Airy but also for his past self in a way. This conversation is everything. They were such good friends at the core of it all before Teh let his bullshit get in the way.
This shit's so perfect already no matter how it turns out.
Oh god he put a love letter to Oh Aew on stage. Oh god I'm WEEPING. But this is EXACTLY Teh's pattern. Grand Gestures of Guilt.
But still, both their thesis projects were about each other. There's no stopping this train.
I honestly don't know if I want Oh Aew to say no or yes. I'm not sure a no would stick anyway because these two will never be over each other.
Oh Aew is torn, you can see it. The hurt and anger is still there, mixed up with the loving and missing.
Yes, this shouldn't be easy. Don't make it easy.
So he's stayed in touch with Bas all these years.
God I love Oh Aew so much. So so SO much. He's fought so hard for himself, he doesn't want to lose it all. But Bas is right here: there's no right answer, it's either you want to know or you don't.
He really left Teh's every message unread for a YEAR. A YEAR.
Sorry I have something in my eye reading these messages. They really got me, they did. I'm still mad as hell but also sometimes people need to lose it all to get their heads right.
Return to Phuket, DRINK! But I love how Phuket looks vibrant and more...real instead of nostalgic and dreamy in these scenes. Things are different, things have changed, they have changed.
Bas got one eye on Teh...lol.
Look at Hoon my king making sense.
This whole sequence of Oh Aew showing up and catching the bouquet is cliche as hell but I will absolutely allow it THIS ONE TIME because I'm crying.
Is Oh Aew going to take the leap?
Narrative: 8/10
Emotions: 12/10
I have so many thoughts about the series as a whole that I'll be doing a big meta wrap up on after my episode analyses, but I just gotta say I think they stuck the landing for the most part. Was it perfect, no, but did it get me, yes.
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baekhvuns · 2 years
Yes fantasy anime for suuuuure, an epic one. I'm the opposite because I listen to Fireworks VERY often, I need to by hyped all the time so Wonderland, Fireworks, The Leaders, Rocky etc. I need to be in a certain mood for slower tracks, the hard-hitting ones are my go to because I need NOOOOOISEEEE. I actually much prefer Still Here over Better I don't listen to Better often, it's fine but just doesn't do it for me you know? But My Way is so nice and the sax too?!
I will neverrrrr link the video here don't worry, I have my limits x.x I have a friend who saw Hwa's soft side, but is still a bit disturbed by him, in a good way, but they don't get me calling him my lil meow meow :( he IS one though. I know irl he has a resting bitch face and looks judgemental and serious I still don't understand people saying they're scared of him wtf, lmao. What are you 5?!
I clicked on the link expecting nerd, got MILF instead well...
That Y/N sounds really fun, I'm excited! Yes, the lack of personality is the issue really, sometimes they're also "not like the other girls" in a way and is pisses me off. Had to mention Addicting Kitten again lmao there's no escape, but AK was on the shy side, but she was so sweet and fun too. I mean girle let some goth guy eat her out just like that 😭😅 absolutely BBHwa Y/N was so cool I love her. I know people's experiences are different, but some the characters sound like they're borderline nuns or 10 year olds...
Gotta buy a safe at this point, nvm putting my pcs in binders to the safe they go! I wish the merch was cheaper though 🥴 after all it's pretty simple, so relax maybe
The tiny cat is a she and she's very sweet and cuddly, but also likes being alone. She's not very playful though :( the other two are devils and run around like little horses, but she's just like "no, I'd rather chill" she looks feisty but is shy. Kinda like Seonghwa...😵 the devils aren't cuddly but they demand to be petted at all times and they always purr and talk shit hahaha. One even "sings" high notes kahdudyayhsjshs and he always randomly flops belly out so you have to rub it
Taehyung is my almost birthday bestie and so is SVT's Joshua that much I know. No my mother is truly a 🤡 what can I say, we don't get along most of the time 🔫
Ironically the pcs that look too perfect are often fanmade, because the originals have certain markings or are sometimes messed up 💀 listeeeeen, I don't really buy Hwa's broadcast photocards because the prices are crazy, but otherwise I gotta collect them all <3
Right so what was the point of showing off his cheek and ear moles just to erase them in the next photo, consistency who? Whenever they cover Felix's freckles I'm closer to my 13th reason. Thankfully he's been showing them a looooot recently, but I always check if they're visible or not 👀
Oof that's a whole psychoanalysis for sure, some of the quiz creators need to stop 😭 and when they kind nail it...
I'm the general yes! Omg you're a pirate congrats *Pirate by Everglow starts playing* Okay so you're a pirate that kidnapped my prince Hwa and we need to duel ⚔
I'm dying we got Hwa x Soohyuk, we got Hwa as Joonggil's and Ryeon's child, now it's this https://twitter.com/sthwars/status/1530515868190646272?t=yrtrnwRTQoHouMVwzIQ8Rw&s=19
- DV 💖
hi hello!!!
Yes fantasy anime for suuuuure, an epic one. I'm the opposite because I listen to Fireworks VERY often, I need to by hyped all the time so Wonderland, Fireworks, The Leaders, Rocky etc. I need to be in a certain mood for slower tracks, the hard-hitting ones are my go to because I need NOOOOOISEEEE. I actually much prefer Still Here over Better I don't listen to Better often, it's fine but just doesn't do it for me you know? But My Way is so nice and the sax too?!
ateez anime ost when 😭😭😭 JCKABDKW SCREAMING BULNORIYA EVERY TWO SECS,,, do u ever just out an ateez song up in ur headphones and do ur model walk to it in public and it just 🤌🏼🤌🏼 to the beat FRR GETS ME GOINGGG,,, LMFAOOOO NEED THE NOISE FHEJDHKS okay yes still here is so good, the chorus seems like their in a arena and fans ate chanting with them, YES PK ALBUM UNDERRATED BOP NO SKIP
I will neverrrrr link the video here don't worry, I have my limits x.x I have a friend who saw Hwa's soft side, but is still a bit disturbed by him, in a good way, but they don't get me calling him my lil meow meow :( he IS one though. I know irl he has a resting bitch face and looks judgemental and serious I still don't understand people saying they're scared of him wtf, lmao. What are you 5?!
i wouldve watched the link but gehqdkw 🔫 DISTURBED BY HIM?? 😭😭😭😭 GIRLIE TRAUMATIZED IN A GOOD WAY JVDKWJ if hwa fans don’t call hwa lil meow meow are u even a hwa fan 🤨 NO FRRR SOME PPL BE SO SCARED OF AN IDOL WITH A RBF??? FOR WHAT?????? i knew someone who was terrified of sehun bc he has rbf and they said they’d never wanna see him angry and them i showed him his real self and they did the “oh” BDKQHDKW BUT YEAH WHATS WRONG WITH RBF 😭😭🤚🏼
I clicked on the link expecting nerd, got MILF instead well...
That Y/N sounds really fun, I'm excited! Yes, the lack of personality is the issue really, sometimes they're also "not like the other girls" in a way and is pisses me off. Had to mention Addicting Kitten again lmao there's no escape, but AK was on the shy side, but she was so sweet and fun too. I mean girle let some goth guy eat her out just like that 😭😅 absolutely BBHwa Y/N was so cool I love her. I know people's experiences are different, but some the characters sound like they're borderline nuns or 10 year olds...
super fun! like u know those side character best friends who’re kinda loud,,, this is that yn bC SIDE CHARACTERS DESERVE LOVE,,,, sTOP NO THE NOT LIKE OTHER GIRLS 😭😭😭😭 like they say it so subtly u can literally see it 😭😭 YES AK WAS SHY BUT GIRLIE A FREAK AND WE LOVED TO SEE JF FBFB bbhwa yn absolutely amazing, i would love it if she beat me with a broom <3 i just know she’s hot <3 NBBFMWDNSBDHWDW BORDERLINE NUNS GET THE FUCK OUT IM SCREAMJGMBGKEBFKWBDKS THATS SO SO TRUE !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! IM YELLING GET OUT U JUST MADE MY DAY
Gotta buy a safe at this point, nvm putting my pcs in binders to the safe they go! I wish the merch was cheaper though 🥴 after all it's pretty simple, so relax maybe
LMFAOOOO 😭😭 if the merch was cheaper the way they’d sell it out 😭😭😭 ateez world domination if merch was cheap 🔫
The tiny cat is a she and she's very sweet and cuddly, but also likes being alone. She's not very playful though :( the other two are devils and run around like little horses, but she's just like "no, I'd rather chill" she looks feisty but is shy. Kinda like Seonghwa...😵 the devils aren't cuddly but they demand to be petted at all times and they always purr and talk shit hahaha. One even "sings" high notes kahdudyayhsjshs and he always randomly flops belly out so you have to rub it
Taehyung is my almost birthday bestie and so is SVT's Joshua that much I know. No my mother is truly a 🤡 what can I say, we don't get along most of the time 🔫
FBWMFBWKBD at lEAST THERES A LITTLE BIT OF HUMOUR,,, are u near the dec 26-jan6 birthdays??
Ironically the pcs that look too perfect are often fanmade, because the originals have certain markings or are sometimes messed up 💀 listeeeeen, I don't really buy Hwa's broadcast photocards because the prices are crazy, but otherwise I gotta collect them all <3
AAHHHHHH i have a broadcast pc of his and like it looks so basic but i have a fan made one and those ones usually seem more over the top FBNEBDEJ LMFAOOOO UR LIMIT DISAPPEARS AT SEONGHWA
Right so what was the point of showing off his cheek and ear moles just to erase them in the next photo, consistency who? Whenever they cover Felix's freckles I'm closer to my 13th reason. Thankfully he's been showing them a looooot recently, but I always check if they're visible or not 👀
Oof that's a whole psychoanalysis for sure, some of the quiz creators need to stop 😭 and when they kind nail it...I'm the general yes! Omg you're a pirate congrats *Pirate by Everglow starts playing* Okay so you're a pirate that kidnapped my prince Hwa and we need to duel ⚔
no fr i just wanna have a chat with them bc how are they so accurate 🔫 FBWMFBKW A PLOTLINE AYO AYO AYO 🤚🏼
I'm dying we got Hwa x Soohyuk, we got Hwa as Joonggil's and Ryeon's child, now it's this https://twitter.com/sthwars/status/1530515868190646272?t=yrtrnwRTQoHouMVwzIQ8Rw&s=19
if hwa’s mom doesn’t look like her 🤨 FBWKDB i also saw this soohyuk post yesterday and screamed dv anon
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0 notes
sodrippy · 3 years
I listen to a lot of different groups, my other ults are literally Shinee shhahahashshah, and a lot of their tracks are questionable, but they're excused. <3 Sometimes I just don't click with certain artists, which makes me a bit disappointed especially if I like the members, but what can you do... I somehow got into TXT because of their recent album, but before I only liked 1 song, lol. Never thought that will happen!
I think Ateez are really special, because while I enjoy a lot of different genres, I'm also picky if that makes sense? But they make me love all their songs, even those I'm not obsessed with I still think are good! It's veeeeeeery rare for me to enjoy whole albums (not just in kpop), but somehow Ateez has that effect on me 😭❤
no totally i get what you mean and ateez is the same for me like. ok they might not make sense TO YOU (other people). but we (me and anon) get it.
jshdwjdn outside of kpop i mostly just listen to a few songs from 50000 artists, i only follow a handful of artists and even then i dont like all the songs off an album so this is so wild to me.
its so funny i think shinee has great music across the board i just never listen to them. but whenever i hear a track im like ok bop! sorry kings unless ur dcm or key im not listening</3
txt soooo true, they were also one of the first groups i ever listened to (or ok, i watched all their mvs via autoplay for 2 weeks straight) and their newest album is SO SO SO good like. aoty. i really really love and respect what theyre doing w their whole brand image sound etc its so creative and they really push the envelope in a really cool way!!
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