#i love them my bi4bi girlies
zoeswiftie · 5 months
some zoe/natalie incorrect quotes bc i'm spreading the agenda so y'all like them !!!!!! pls i'm so alone i have read every fanfic (three) a hundred times this is hell
Zoe, trying to flirt with Natalie: I think both of our families suck.
Zoe: Being gay is a constant battle between "I wish to sit on a window bench with my lover, our legs tangling as we listen to the birds" and "Hey, let's go throw rocks at fascists" and I think that's very sexy of us. Natalie: If the window's open and you time it right, you can do both.
*Natalie comes home absolutely drunk, undresses, and stands in Zoe’s bedroom.* Zoe: Babe, are you.. coming to bed? Natalie: No thank you, I’m sure you’re lovely but I have a girlfriend. Natalie: *Lies on the ground and falls asleep* Zoe: ...
Natalie: Due to personal reasons, I will be fucking sinking to the bottom of the ocean in a large metal box. Henry: Did Zoe say 'I love you' and you said 'Thanks'? Natalie: THE REASONS ARE PERSONAL–
Zoe: I have feelings for you. Natalie: Why? What's wrong with you? Are you sure you're okay?
Natalie: Caffeine no longer keeps me awake while I work, so instead I have Zoe periodically send me texts saying ‘we need to talk.’ Natalie: It gives me the right amount of adrenaline and fear I need to keep going.
Computer: Please enter a password. Zoe: *types in Natalie* Computer: Your password is too weak. Zoe: How fucking DARE YOU-
Zoe: You ever get so tired you start seeing spiders? Natalie: That's me after I take 17 Benadryl and start seeing the hat man. Zoe: ...The who? Natalie: Oh, is this not a safe space suddenly?
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nenupharhein · 1 month
Fairy tail goofy hc
Mostly queer, FR/ENG (/créole vite fait genre une phrase)
POV Natsu et Happy :
Lucy becomming more and more buff as she train.
One day Natsu thought he got the concept of gendre but no.
One time Sting try to eat himself bc he was so hungry, bc he can eat what's white.
Erik real name is Eric but he thought it was more swag with a K.
Erza is a tismé sucré des îles sucré au surce carameliser.
Meldy has a jelly fish hair cut.
JELLAL IS TRANSFEM, because she is too cool to be a man, so erza is a lesbian !!!!!!!
Natsu is poc and Zeleph is white as an ass
Mavis speak creole, bc she's from Tenro
Jubia got mommy issues (i will explain later)
Erza is buff lika Patty on tiktok.
The girl and girlies got an MMA club (the sport not the assurance)
Readers do art therapy on demand
Macbeth is non-binary. They never got over the closure of skyblog. Mira give them her old wardrobe and Luxus his old CD.
Erik is immunized to every poison but he's lactos intolerant that dumbass
Lucy got a carabiner for her keys bravo les lesbiennes
Crime Sorcière became a registred guild and with the help of the concil then try to reinsert crimminals to society (i will explan later)
Cana is from the south of France, le pastis o con putaing
Bacus is from Bretagne, BREIZH DA VIKEN
Zoro from one piece is vendéen
Makarof the first time he saw Natsu eating fire : Ti marmail la la baise la science (the expression is from my mother idk)
Gadjeel eats his own piercings when he is hungry
Lisana have been influence by edo-Lucy, so is now roasting the shit out of everyone. Her favorit sentance is : elle comme ou quoi cette pute ?
(Sorry for the last one, that was a french meme. Sorry for my frenchness)
Reby and Mirajane host a podcast and invite the guild members, and some time other guild. (Once they had crime sorcière as guest , and they get the council au cul) (for the defense of crime sorcière, they thought it was a podcast for fairy tail members only)
Macbeth is a huge fan of Mozart l'opéra rock, their favorite song is "L'assassymphonie"
Gadjeel has the certificate (or whatever it is) to pierced people, but only Reby can get free piercing.
So Reby got a navel piercing, and some on her ears
Erza a a scar on the right eye (the one she cover), because action has consequences and healing everything without scars is boring. Or if not a scar she can't see with the fake eye or something. At least she can never cry from that eye again.
She has also a scars burn on her arms since she stopped the fight between Nastu and Grey
Wendy healing magic (or any healing magic i guess) is like an acceleration of the healing or scarring process, so it live scars and stuff.
After Jubia sacrificed herself to save Grey, she get chronic Pain (or something like that, idk i'm not a doctor)
Jubia is bi, when she says "rival in love" when talking about Lucy, she's talking about the rivality between Lucy and Grey. She's in love with both of them. (Jubia also had a crush on Erza, but every girls in ft got a crush on Erza)
Sting il a découvert sa bisexualité a l'envers, il pensait être gay et un jour il a eu un crush sur une meuf (too lazy to translate this one, but it's like the Chevalier de Lorraine in Versailles)
Bisca and Arzak are bi4bi
Erza get actual armor, not the things she has on the anime where she's half-naked most of the time.
And they also have magic clothes that can resist to magic, so they don't finish half-naked
Sting discovered his bisexuality in reverse, he thought he was gay and one day he had a crush on a girl (not lazy anymore)
Yukino and Minerva are dating 🥰💗🎀
I have many hc but i forget the rest. I will do an other post maybe. Maybe focus on a specifique character.
Also I don't know how to use Tumblr so forgive me.
I also can't speak a proper english sorry
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roses-and-hedgehogs · 6 months
messy doodle while i try to remember how to draw again. yet again i make art for my epilogue au, a series of fanfics set 30 years in the future.
one of my favorite parts of this whole au is the surprisingly wholesome and stable marriage between knuckles and rouge (bi4bi). I wanna do proper design sheets for them later but ill talk about their designs here a bit too
I wanted knuckles (46 yrs) to have proportions more like his ancestors, so ya boi got buff. he has literally never been happier surrounded by a family on angel island, and he loves his wife more than anything <3 overall he's become a lot more open with his affections and wears his heart on his sleeve, and he is an insanely proud dad of 2 kids
rouge (48 yrs) still rocks spy fashion gear that i could not get across very well in this doodle smh. she also grew out her hair longer because queen. im also a plus size rouge truther so girlie put some weight on over the years as the lord intended. she took a while to settle into being a mom but she learned how to do things her way - she raised kids while still robbing banks <3
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hbogirls · 1 year
gimme ur choni/kangs/tangs takes
ooh thank you for asking!!
my thing with choni is that i DO like them together, and i DO want them back together, but i think that that's more of a madelaine/vanessa chemistry thing than a cheryl and toni logic and reasoning thing, which makes me feel anti-intellectual like some sort of instagram riverdale stan, but unfortunately that is the way it is lol. i think toni and her personality, interests, and storylines get very muted around cheryl in a way that isn't great, but they function well as a unit and are fun to watch onscreen together. like they really do love each other. the whole thing with heather being like "cheryl and toni are soulmates in every timeline" seemed like an indication that they're, for lack of a better word, endgame, and i'm not mad about it because they're cute and fun! i just think it's funny that "destiny" is the only way they could reasonably come back together because, despite all of the longing looks over the past two seasons, ultimately toni is so much healthier and more well-rounded without my overbearing girlie cheryl. also i love the backstory of abigail and thomasina and how that factors into their love story over the grand scheme of the town's cyclical story, so i think the soulmate element is there. i just want a touch more real-world logic and emotion to be involved
tangs feels like a safe, if somewhat boring, option. i don't mind them, and i think they've had some very sweet moments, though they seem more like good friends than romantic partners. i'm glad they're raising baby anthony together, but i don't think their similar upbringings as serpents are enough to sustain the relationship longterm now that he's not a baby anymore. somehow they're 26-year-old bi4bi empty nesters, and i think they're going to realize that they can't spend the rest of their lives with only their adult son in common. all of their disagreements about how to handle both anthony and the serpents don't seem like they're ever on the same page, but i don't hate it by any means, i just think their whole dalliance feels like a stopover because it was always designed to be one.
kangs... well! kevin sort of annoys me, and frankly it seems dangerous for anyone to enter into a relationship with him where they have to trust him and rely on him because he WILL get sucked into whatever cult comes to town next. because their relationship always has existed on the edges of the rest of the storylines, i think we know more about how they broke up than how they were when they were together. i think if the inevitable dissolution of tangs leads fangs back here, though, more power to him! he will always have to live with the fact that kevin tried to fuck percival, though.
this got long, but, in sum, i do lean towards the choni/kangs status quo simply because i like what that relationship does for cheryl. i just wish they could show us one compelling reason beyond "fate" that it's good for toni, too, and then i would be 100% fully on board lol
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bunbun206 · 2 years
KYLE FOR THE ASK MEME. and wendy :)
This ask is talking about this post
Sexuality Headcanon: So when it comes to Kyle’s sexuality I don’t have any like clear thoughts on what it is besides he likes guys sometimes. Because of that I kinda hc Kyle just in a perpetual state of not knowing either. If someone ask about his sexuality he’s probably going to say he’s gay even though it doesn’t feel right and will go through some sort of crisis for at least a week.
Gender Headcanon: I just view him as cis. straight up. He pretty comfortable with his gender. He thought about using they/them once. Felt like it didn’t fit and went back to using he/him
A ship I have with said character: stylennyman and styleman supremacy. I also just ship him separately with all his friends. I ship Kyman, Style and K2 with Kyman being my favorite of the three. Strange that even though I feel like Kyle is very shippable I don’t ship him with many people.
A BROTP I have with said character: I guess it would be Style bc I really do love their friendship. Seeing them being buddies makes me happy :). Also I like to think he’s good friends with Wendy.
A NOTP I have with said character: I don’t actually have any notps for Kyle. I haven’t really seen any ships that invoke any of those kind of feelings.
A random headcanon: Dude gets so sick so fast. Through out winter he’s like constantly sick. There’s barely any days where he doesn’t have at least the sniffles. He probably wouldn’t get as sick as much if he stopped wearing shorts in the middle of winter.
General Opinion over said character: Oh my boy! My precious boy! He’s my favorite character like I love him! I just wanna squeeze his body til his head pops.
Now Wendy:
Sexuality Headcanon: Wendy is bi. She’s a bi girlie. There’s nothing more to it.
Gender Headcanon: I also see her as going by she/they pronouns like I just feel that in my soul. I can also see as being gender fluid.
A ship I have with said character: honestly the only ship I have with her is Stendy. They’re a cute bi4bi couple.
A BROTP I have with said character: like I said before I think her and Kyle are good friends. I also think that she would try to be friends or at least good terms with Kenny bc she knows Stan is close to him.
A NOTP I have with said character: don’t really have any but I will say I’m not the fondest of seeing her with Bebe or Cartman. I don’t mind Candy actually it just doesn’t appeal to me anymore like it did when I was first watching sp.
A random headcanon: Wendy likes gathering clubs like they’re trading cards. She’s in a different one every year. If she can she tries to join two.
General Opinion over said character: I do really like Wendy as a character but she’s not very prominent in my head like most sp characters honestly.
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ryansjane · 1 year
I saw your recent tag on your explicitly bisexual characters in bls set (i remember when you first posted it!!feels so long ago!) and it got me thinking of a few characters. i don’t really understand the term “explicit” I think, but these characters are not straight and talked about it or mentioned it. I didn't watch half of the series but i saw it on my dash enough to basically know enough lmao. ritsu in the end of the world with you (he said the B✨ word). love in the air payu (he said the B✨ word). rain love in the air (buuut…not explicit i think but it's bi4bi), i thought abt dont say no leon but he said he is pan not bi i think. bad buddy pat, when they have the hotpot double date they talk about it. Hmmm roommates of poongduck i guess but is it explicit ?idk he said to his love interest he didn’t care if he was a guy. In the movie with saint and mean, there’s a guy who tells his mom about liking a boy and a girl. … Was Gav from gameboys bi?  Speaking of which ! The following characters ARE in bls…so 👀 technically 🤷‍♀️ frdttgh. pearl from gameboys, and i think she said the B✨ word. MISS TIFFY MARRY ME PLSSSS hahem from lovely writer. also kitty my girl i love you from dark blue kiss. pa from bad buddy, well.. she said anyone who’s taller than her will do so… i guess it works lmao. And finally, my secret crush, Yuna!! from semantic error, the power she has hm hm. 
So sorry for this word vomit but it’s all i can think of the things i see on my dash, and from stuff i watched two years ago lol. 
…okay in big sense of the term i dont really believe in “bad representation” to some extent concerning overall queer characters, who are a mess or doing something not ‘green flaggy’. With that in mind… the 2 guys i mentioned who have SAID they are BISEXUAL, ritsu and payu, and alex from uwma from your gifset who SAID it too, all three of them… have serious issues lmao can’t take no don’t respect boundaries plays around with feelings. i LOVE ‘messy’ queer and more specifically bi- characters but i JUST realised the only THREE male characters from DRAMAS I KNOW ABOUT who loudly identify as bi are like this. again, it’s just an observation. and i dont watch every bl on the planet moreover 😅 but yeah wow
okay so lots of things to answer lol. first of all when I say explicitly bisexual, it's exactly what is shown in the gifset, it's either saying the word which is very rare, or at least proclaiming that you like both, that don't wanna choose, etc. a LOT of bl characters are bi bc they're shown as having love interests with girls before ending up with a guy, but it's never explicitly said. that's why I appreciate when bi characters get to make it explicit in bls. I didn't watch love in the air & have never heard of the end of the world with you so that's why I couldn't use those as examples, the only recent ones I was thinking about were pat from bb and pete from the player, but that's not enough to make a gifset, is it? :'))) also for poongduck 304 I don't remember him explicitly saying that he's bi, and for von the movie, I know! I giffed that part lol! but it's not a bl so I couldn't include it in the gifset... also for the girlies, I do need to make the girl characters version of that gifset, but so far there's not enough characters ;_; and oh no for all the bi characters using the word openly being toxic, I hate that shit...
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