#i love to make Richie as a softie
frizz-bee-2 · 6 months
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i needed to do this-- .·´¯`(>▂<)´¯`·.
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carmenberzattosgf · 5 months
Okay okay okay I’m having so many thoughts about Carmy having physical touch as a love language.
Like he just FOLDS at physical touch. You can’t tell me that man isn’t touch starved beyond words…. More thoughts under the cut (that are minimally proofread-)
Kisses on his neck? He’s a goner. To the point of whines leaving his throat. He would be embarrassed by his own sounds if it wasn’t for how much you liked them. You know the spots that make him melt in an instant.
It gets to a point where you giving him neck kisses are your favorite way to tease him. When you visit the restaurant? Yeah you give him a quick kiss goodbye on his neck mid hug.
He definitely has a thing for hickeys too. He just likes having a mark of you on him ( and he likes marking you up too but that’s a blurb for another time). It’s something nice to look at in the mirror. A reminder of you. But that becomes an issue when Richie notices a very large hickey peeking out of his collar and. Well. Teases the ever loving fuck out of him. “Are you dating a vampire or something Carmy?” Oh and if Richie had no idea Carmy has a girl?? “Yo cousin? What the fuck is that on your neck”
Going to get fluffy before I get smutty… hugs from behind while he’s cooking. God– he just loves it when you creep up behind him and press up against his back in a bear hug ( haha. Bear hug). It just makes him feel so loved.
Now I don’t think he’s into pda… but he ALWAYS has a hand on you in public. It could be around your waist, holding your hand, or anything really. He just likes to touch you. It keeps him grounded and focused and he just wants to know you’re right there at all times.
And when you’re alone together??? Oh he’s such a softie it’s not even funny. Always giving you hugs and burying his face in your neck when he’s feeling overwhelmed. He’s done for when you start raking your fingers through his curls. The second you do that, he’s instantly relaxed.
When he comes home from a long day at the restaurant? He instantly lays his head in your lap while you’re sitting on the couch. You take that as a cue to run your fingers through his hair while he either talks about his day, or while you talk about yours.
Now time to get smutty. This man is only into sex positions that allow for as much skin to skin contact as possible. Will he do positions like doggy if you ask? Of course he will, but his preference is always going to be something where he can be close to you (bc being inside you isn’t enough for him apparently).
Fuck- him on top of you in missionary. His forehead resting on yours so he can watch your face as the pleasure consumes you. His arms are wrapped around you, holding you flush to his body. Carmy loses it when your nails dig into his back. Don’t even get me started on the filth he would be saying. “God– you feel so good. So fucking good for me. Like you were made for me.”At some point he takes both of your legs and puts them over his shoulder, letting him hit even deeper inside of you. I can even see a size kink coming into play here… like him pressing on your stomach until you can feel his cock moving inside of you. “You feel that? So fucking deep-“
Or or or you on top of him straddling his lap. He’s holding you so your chest is against his. Carmy loves it like this because it lefts you be in control. He just lets you bounce on him while he moans and whines into your neck.
Anyways I could go on and on and on about Carmy and physical touch but imma stop there- ( also cannot describe how hard it was to leave breeding out of this-)
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laiiaaa · 8 months
in need of more dad!carmy cause oml
him walkin in on the girls doing something they're not supposed to be doin :0 but ofc he can't manage to stay upset at them for long
He’s got the biggest soft spot in the world for his girls and he really can’t help it, especially when they’re young. They’re always up to something, usually because Rory’s a little shit (she takes after you) and Jack’s just trying to copy after her big sister.
You’re fast asleep one night when he’s wide awake. Just nerves, kinks in the road with The Bear, thoughts of Mikey’s birthday approaching, anxiety bubbling up that he doesn’t want to worry you with. So he heads downstairs to sit outside and clear his head with some fresh air—
Only to find Rory and Jack in the living room, on the floor, your sneaky bag of candy—the one reserved for you, that you pick at once the girls are off to bed and you’re cozied up on the couch with Carmen, chatting about your days between sweets—dispersed on the floor.
They don’t even notice his presence till he speaks up:
“What’s goin’ on here?”
They both look up, entirely spooked at their dad standing feet away.
“You two should be in bed.”
“But Dad,” Rory whines, “We don’t even have school tomorrow.” She puts on that pout she knows will have him cooing at her, and Jack follows right behind. “We were just looking, I promise.”
“Just lookin’, huh?”
“You know that’s your mother’s, right? That’s her candy you’re stealin’?”
Jack frowns, puts her big brown doe eyes to work. “Mommy lets us have some all the time.”
“Don’t lie t’me, Jacqueline.” One hand of his rests at his hip, the other swiping at his mouth as he fidgets. “You lyin’ t’me?”
He looks back and forth between his girls—his babies, really, because even though they’ve grown out of diapers and go to school on the weekdays, he still can’t fathom them as anything but his baby girls. So small, and so adorable, with tiny pouts and tiny hands and tiny giggles. They’re just so sweet.
“Not lyin’, Daddy.”
“She’s not,” Rory agrees. “Promise.”
He must be going soft. If Richie knew, he’d never hear the end of it, what with his heart going to mush at his girls, how he sees you in them both, how just a simple and meek little promise has his irritation going smooth and his lungs letting out a sigh before he cleans them up and carries them to bed—after they get one more piece of candy, of course, because who is he to deny them a little joy?
Carmen tells you the short of it by morning, limbs tangled together.
“You’re too easy on ‘em,” you giggle, “Such a softie. And they know it.”
“I’m not, y’know, soft, I’m just—”
“Bear, you let them get away with everything—”
“No I don’t—”
“If you say so,” you tease, letting the matter settle with your lips pressed sweetly against his, his arms wrapping around your waist to pull you just a little closer. “It’s gonna come back ‘n bite you, though.”
“I’ll be alright, baby.” Another gentle trail of kisses, along your jaw, down to your neck, fading away at your collarbone. He’d kiss you all day if you’d let him.
“Hm.” Your nails scratch gently along his back, and you press your fingertips into the tender muscles of his back as he buries himself into your neck. “Are you making waffles today?”
A muffled groan escapes him, and he peeks up at you. “Thought you said you were doin’ breakfast today?”
You pout, and it looks awfully familiar to him. “Next weekend?”
“Next weekend, huh?”
And oh, how the irony dawns on him, and oh, how little he cares. But why would he? How could he say no to you, or the girls you’ve brought into his life, when you’re the best thing that’s ever happened to him—when you love him like you do?
With a brief stretch and a deepened kiss with your hands in his hair, he lifts himself out of bed as you trail close behind, your touch a comfort unlike anything else. And when you shimmy into your seat at the counter, laughing with him over your cup of coffee, watching sweetly as he prepares breakfast before the girls scurry into the kitchen, he knows:
He wouldn’t change a thing.
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ihavemanyhusbands · 11 months
in my mind richie is a secret romantic and super tactile lover when it comes to his partner,, could you write richie in an established relationship where he comes home after a stressful day with carmy at the restaurant and all he wants is to kiss and hold his girl and his mood will be lifted immediately🫶🏻
AAAAAA he’s just the type that LOVES to be babied when he’s just w his girl, but he’s all tough and macho when others are around 😭 sorry to me this is CANON thanks!!!!
“What are you doing?” You asked, biting down your smile as you tried not to laugh. “Richie, babe, do you really think this shirt is big enough for the both of us?”
Part of Richie’s body was already inside said t-shirt, and you couldn’t help a high pitched giggle as you felt his lips tickling your ribs.
“I mean, it’s worth a try,” he said with a slight chuckle. “I just want to be close to you, baby.”
You wrapped your arms around him, squeezing him against you. Though he was already pretty affectionate, he was particularly needy when he’d had a rough day. Not that you could complain, since you loved holding him close.
Frankly, it was generally hard to keep your hands off each other, even in the most innocent of ways.
In the morning, you knew he’d make amends with Carmen, but for the time being, you were more than happy to help him unwind and feel better.
“Do you wanna watch a movie or something?” You asked, peering at him through the taut neck of the t-shirt.
He had his ear pressed to your chest, listening to your heartbeat and trying to match his breath to yours.
“Yeah, I could watch a movie. But we have to stay just like this.”
You laughed once more. “You can lie on top of me, but come out here. I want to be able to kiss you properly.”
He jokingly grumbled a little as if it was a mountainous request, but slipped out regardless. As soon as he did, you pulled him to you in a sweet kiss, wrapping your legs around his waist.
He leaned his forehead against yours, already feeling much more relaxed than he did an hour ago.
“I love you, you know that?” He murmured. “I don’t know what I’d do without you.”
“I love you, too, you big softie.”
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rorywritesjunk · 2 months
There's no race, no ending in sight
r rating. title comes from "two of us on the run" by lucius
(some Buggy now. The clown always falls fast in my works and of course he's a bit of a mess)
Taglist: @hey-august
pt 1 + pt 2 + p3 + p4 + pt 5 + p6 + pt 7 +Pt 8 + Pt 9 + Pt 10 + Pt 11 + Pt 12 + Pt 13 + Pt 14 + Pt 15 + pt 16 + Pt 17 (End)
Pt 4
Nothing was going right for Buggy since Crocodile, Sunny, and Mihawk showed up. Not only did Buggy constantly get reminded of his debt to Crocodile, the clown accidentally became the face of the Cross Guild due to his followers enthusiasm and loyalty. But for him, that really wasn't even the worse part.
For Buggy, the worse part was he found himself thinking about Sunny a little too much in the two weeks since they met.
She was Crocodile's wife. She wasn't always nice to Buggy, but there were little things she did that made Buggy see her in a different light.
She asked him to show her how to juggle after his failed attempt at wowing her. He had hesitated, thinking this was a joke to her, but she seemed to genuinely want to learn so he did, being mindful of how he taught her, trying to keep the touching to a minimum as he first showed her with a ball first, thinking it was easier.
The accidental joke about her handling his balls had her laughing. An actual, genuine laugh that Buggy thought was the prettiest sound.
That led to her judging the state of his jacket, noticing one of the cuffs coming loose from the jacket. After explaining Richie snagged it while Buggy was trying to get him to perform before Sunny showed up, she offered to fix it for him. No charge or anything. He must look his best after all.
When she returned it a few days later, the jacket looked brand new. She cleaned and ironed it for him, insisting that she did it because if he was to put on a proper performance for her then she wanted him to dazzle her.
She insisted he put it on to make sure it fit and he hated that he listened to her. He hated it even more how red in the face he got when she crowded him, buttoning it up to make sure it looked right on him.
Days later she showed up again, asking him to keep teaching her fun little tricks like juggling and plate spinning. Did she think this was a playground? He and his men had work to do! But she actually asked nicely, twirling a lock of her hair around her finger, looking a bit uncertain, and he found himself agreeing to it.
"As a kid I thought it would be fun to run away and join the circus." Sunny told him as she practiced juggling two balls in the air. "My mom caught me trying to sneak away one night."
"Why, were your parents awful or something?" Buggy asked, catching one of the balls when she miscalculated a throw. He tossed it back to her. "Watch what you're doing."
"My parents are absolutely lovely." Sunny smiled as she tried again to juggle. "I was just excited after seeing the show. My dad is a big softy and cried when he found out while my mom thought it was funny. She said if my dad hadn't been so upset she would have let me sneak away."
Buggy frowned at that. As a kid on Roger's ship, he threatened to run away multiple times when he was upset. Shanks always offered to join him and often as soon as the boys hatched the plan, the ship was already sailing away from the port, preventing them from following through. He couldn't imagine doing it just for fun.
"Huh." Buggy shrugged and suddenly tossed her a third ball, catching her by surprise. "Well, never too late to run away and join the circus, you know."
"Oh? Your circus is the only one around. Maybe I'll run away and join yours." Sunny chuckled as she failed to maintain her rhythm, dropping them. "Maybe I'm not meant to juggle."
"You just started learning." Buggy rolled his eyes as his hands went to collect them. He tried not to think of her showing up at the tent with a bag, ready to leave her husband to join him instead. "Don't give up yet."
"As long as you keep teaching me then I won't." She smiled at him and Buggy paused, swallowing heavily as his face started to turn red. She looked so pretty when she smiled.
Now he was sulking in the tent, nursing his injuries Mihawk and Crocodile inflicted upon him after the fliers were dropped, showing him as the head of the organization. They both laid into him and the bumps and bruises all over would certainly take some time to heal. He had a bottle of rum in one hand and an ice pack in the other, cursing their names.
It didn't make it any better that Sunny showed up shortly after, frowning when she saw the clown's head hanging from Crocodile's hook while his body lay at his feet. Buggy couldn't believe she was scolding her husband, but not for hurting Buggy so much, more on the fact that she just finished getting stains out of Crocodile's shirt and now it was dirty again.
Of course, she had no reason to worry about Buggy. She had her husband after all. Why would Buggy think she would show any interest in his safety when she had her husband to think about?
He huffed in annoyance, taking a few drinks of his rum as he sulked on the couch. He didn't want to think about her at all because he felt that would just get him into trouble. She just... She was so pretty. That was the first thing that came to mind. When she smiled, her face would light up and eyes sparkled and Buggy thought that was almost as wonderful as all the treasure in the world. Almost.
But he just met her a few weeks ago. He shouldn't be thinking about her this way when her husband wouldn't hesitate killing him.
And why would he think she would even consider him? If she was bored of her husband she would go to someone like Mihawk, wouldn't she? Not some pathetic clown who she saw crying in front of her husband, begging for his life to be spared. Buggy wouldn't be surprised if she started keeping her distance after that. Maybe he needed to tell her to, but would that do any good? She was stubborn and would probably ignore him if he told her that.
He finished the bottle and threw it aside, grumbling to himself as he tried to not think about her.
It was dumb to do it.
Dumb, dumb, dumb. He was a dead clown for sure but he couldn't stop himself.
Mihawk and Sunny were outside together, actually gardening. Sunny was in her overalls and a duck printed tank top. Buggy tried not to stare at her exposed arms, free of marks and bruises from a night with her husband. She had a big floppy hat on, shielding her face from the sun. He noticed her hair was in two braids, though a few strands were loose that she kept brushing out of her eyes. She looked... Cute.
Mihawk noticed Buggy first, looking up from his task with narrowed eyes. Sunny was standing, leaning on a rake as she turned to look at Buggy. She grinned when she saw him.
"The clown lives!" She chuckled as she looked him over. He wasn't in that goofy red outfit now, instead in pants and a shirt, something a little more practical. "I hadn't seen you in a while. Thought you may have run off or something."
"I was busy, okay?!" He shot back, only to recoil slightly under Mihawk's glare. Buggy straightened up and cleared his throat. "You stopped coming around to bug me about teaching you tricks. I... Was just checking on you."
"Checking on me?" Sunny repeated with a frown. "Oh, sorry, I figured you wanted space after everything that happened. And Mihawk wanted to start a garden and I asked to help him."
Buggy tried to ignore the swordsman, choosing to keep his attention on Sunny instead. "Yea, well, how are you going to get better at juggling if you stop talking to me, huh?! Didn't you want to learn all of this stuff?!"
"I do..." Sunny frowned. "But why don't you help us out and then you can teach me some more? I wouldn't mind learning more tricks from you, if you're free."
"What sort of 'tricks' are you teaching, clown?" Mihawk asked. Sunny laughed as Buggy tried not to shake with fear in front of him.
"I want him to teach me to juggle and spin plates, Mihawk!" She told him with a smile. "I get so bored sometimes. I thought it would be fun and he's a great teacher."
Mihawk looked between the two before his gaze fell on Buggy. "Is that all you're doing?"
""Y-Yes! What else would it be?!" Buggy exclaimed nervously, any remaining calm now gone from his body. He didn't want Mihawk getting the wrong impression and telling Crocodile. He would be dead for sure. "That's all! Nothing else, understand?! Just some little tricks!"
"Very well." Mihawk pointed to the rake Sunny was leaning on. "Help her with some of the weeds. The sooner this is done the sooner you can 'teach her little tricks'."
Sunny handed Buggy the rake before going over to where she left some bottles of water. Once she was out of earshot, Mihawk stood up and grabbed Buggy by the front of his shirt, startling him.
"What game are you playing?" He asked Buggy.
He put his hands up, shaking his head. "Nothing, I swear, she wants me to teach her things and... And if she's happy then her husband will be happy, right? Less chance of him killing me, right?"
Mihawk narrowed his eyes, studying Buggy's face for any signs of ulterior motives. Supposedly the clown was telling the truth, that this was just to entertain Sunny, but he didn't trust Buggy. He released him and pushed him back.
"Yes, keep her happy, that's the best thing you can do, clown." Mihawk told him before he returned to his task. Sunny came back over, adjusting her hat as she smiled.
"C'mon, Buggy. I'll show you what to do." She told him, touching his arm, causing him to stiffen up for a moment. He glanced at Mihawk who was watching them, so Buggy pulled his arm away and let Sunny show him what to do.
Oh, he was a dead man for this. Mihawk wasn't stupid.
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hacked-by-jake · 1 year
Duskwood boys – their favorite way to pick up/carry you around.
Characters: Jake, Richy, Dan & Thomas
A/n: Tumblr suggested a post about this topic, so I was inspired by it and it’s not my idea. Unfortunately I lost the post so the credits for the idea go to the person. But I like this kind of writing and I wanted to do it for Duskwood, I wanted to start something like this for a long time. So if you have ideas that go in that direction, my requests are open for it. I hope everything is understandable and you like it. Have fun. 💚
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Definitely piggyback but from the front. Hands under your butt to lift you up so that you can/ must wrap your legs around his hips, as well as your arms around his shoulders, and he can feel your body as close as possible to his. It it Jake, it makes him feel like you need him to protect you. He wanted to be your savior as always and it made him feel like he was. He could also keep an eye on you. Whether on you, on your figure, or someone else approached you, even if it was not possible in your apartment. But after such a long time on the run, he was a little paranoid. He could observe every little emotional change in your eyes on the spot and immediately take care of any discomfort on your part or similar. Besides, he was addicted to your kisses and that way he could perfectly combine both. But also, of course, bridal style was one of his go-to’s. He loves to carry you on hands in any situation, and this position allowed it almost literally. You were everything and you deserved to be treated like a royal.
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Oh, he definitely loved taking you piggyback style, like a little backpack. Richy was quite and perfectly the most playful and funny. So he loved to piggyback you and then run with you. He loved hearing your laughter and the fun you have together. In addition, he enjoys the feeling when you have to completely cling to him. After all, this way he doesn’t have so many possibilities to hold you. So most of it to not fall down has to come from you, and he loved how much you trust him to still not let you fall and hold on to him. But Richy was also a fan of 'over the shoulder', also here, it was a very playful gesture and thanks to his job he had more muscles than you can see at first glance. And he loved to feel your trust when he carried you over his shoulder and you weren’t worried for a second because you couldn’t see where he was going but you trust him without ifs and buts that you can’t get hurt and he wouldn’t do anything bad to you.
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Definitely over his shoulder. I mean, the man loves to flex his muscles and show them. His loveling hobby was the gym, and he was a little macho who was more playful than he would let you see if one spoke to him normally. So he loved to grab your legs and throw you over his shoulder and then carry you to his destination. Of course, this also offered him the perfect view of your butt and allowed one or two claps on this. He always commented that with a little, rough and kinda dirty laugh. But he was a gentleman through and through, as he himself always emphasized, so bridal style was also something of a duty for him. (Also because this gave you a good view of his biceps)
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Definitely the most bridal style, it just suited him the most. He was the little softie, nothing negative, who always wanted to carry his partners on hands and always wanted to take care if them completely. He wanted to make sure his partner could rely on him 100% every second and you could feel how much he loved you. Of course, the bridal style had a meaning for itself in general. But in this way he could always perfectly look at you with eyes filled with pure love, look into your face and make sure that you could absolutely let youself down and he would always carry you on. He would never let you go/fall.
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thebirdandthebee · 2 years
Easy As
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A Carmen Berzatto Universe
A/N: This is another request from the inbox! I am running low on requests for this series, so feel free to hop in there. There is an exciting little nod in this one that’s new :)
Vanessa Monaghan is the breath of fresh air that Carmen had been gasping for.
Chapter 19: Smoke
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Vanessa tossed the dirty socks down into the washing machine before slamming the lid shut. She stalked through the house, heels first into the hardwood, tearing open the refrigerator door and grabbing a can of ginger ale, cracking open the top.
She was pissed, and rightfully so, even a few hours after Carmen had gone to work she wanted to wring his stupid neck. Trying her best to cool off, she leaned against the kitchen counter, shooting off a text to Gina so she could commiserate.
As she composed the message, a separate message came through from Sydney.
From: Syd
So do you know why Carmen is on a warpath today?
Vanessa sighed, not wanting to ignore her friend, but she really was trying to forget about their giant argument earlier that day. Trying to keep from reigniting her anger, she left her phone on the kitchen counter before heading to the living room.
She was even more annoyed at the fact that she’d taken the day off from work to relax after a tough week, only for the day to explode into a big fight.
She heard her phone ding again atop the kitchen counter and couldn’t ignore Syd again.
From: Syd
Seriously though, he’s about to lose half of his staff.
Vanessa sighed, running a hand through her hair.
To: Syd
Do you think you could trip him?
From: Syd
So you’re aware of this situation?
To: Syd Sorry, yes. We got into it before he left for dinner service.
From: Syd
Please fix this, he’s making my life hell.
It was unfair for Carmen to be taking out his personal issues on his staff, and it made her all the more annoyed at the chef.
She weighed her options. She could leave it alone and hope the team survived the night, or she could make her way down to The Bear and tell Carmen to pull the stick out of his ass.
Unfortunately for Carmen, her father didn’t raise her to back down. So she tossed her hair up in a ponytail, stepped into a pair of her bitchiest heels and called an Uber.
Rolling up The Bear, the team had already finished for dinner service for the night and had clearly moved into side work and cleaning. Vanessa knew that during service, the customers often served as a buffer between staff members, giving them something to focus on.
“If you let that slip again, Marcus, you can leave your apron by the door on the way out!” She heard Carmen shout from the back just moments after pushing open the front door. “What I’m asking is not hard, do your fucking job!”
Vanessa frowned, she loved Marcus who was a big softie and was truly always trying his best.
“Thank God,” Richie sighed, popping his head out of the service entry to the front of house. “Nessie, he’s off his goddamn rocker, can you fix this?” Richie asked, tilting his head back toward the kitchen.
“If you guys are almost done, it’s probably best to start clearing out,” she advised. Richie watched Vanessa walk back toward the kitchen.
“I don’t know how many times I have to ask, if these lowboys aren’t cleaned out properly, I’m going to lose it!” Carmen shouted, taken aback as he saw his fiancé enter the kitchen. It wasn’t too often she got to catch him completely by surprise. “Hi,” he said curtly, quickly silencing the room.
It was not the way Carmen Berzatto ever greeted Vanessa, and his whole staff knew it.
“Mom and Dad are fighting,” Ebrahim said, eyes glancing all around. Vanessa could see the anger creeping up Carmen’s neck.
“I think we’re good here,” T murmured, grabbing her things. “See you Monday, Jeff,” she brushed by Carmen, “hope you’re less of a dick.”
Carmen shifted on his feet, rolling his neck as his staff filed out.
Thank you, Sydney mouthed to Vanessa, creeping backward to her locker and quickly grabbing her coat.
“What are you doing here?” Carmen asked, tossing a kitchen towel over his shoulder. In other circumstances, she’d have a hard time taking her seriously in those crocs, but seeing his face reminded her why she was so pissed at him.
“Your team asked me to come because the said you were being a monumental asshole,” she said, crossing her arms over her chest.
“Who?” Carmen asked, leaning into one of his shoulders.
“Doesn’t matter,” she replied.
“Well they shouldn’t be calling you,” he said, turning back to walk around the other side of the kitchen. She watched as he took the towel off his shoulder, wiping down counters. “You didn’t need to come down here,” he added, knowing full well she was watching him.
“And you don’t need to be laying into your staff because you’re pissed at me,” Vanessa countered. Carmen paused his ministrations momentarily.
“I’m not,” he said pointedly.
“You are!” Vanessa countered, “did you not see how fast they split out of here?”
“Ness,” Carmen warned, “I can’t get into this again,” he finished.
Vanessa’s jaw ticked.
“God you’re such a dick,” she shook her head, “I swear to god.”
“Vanessa I already apologized,” Carmen said, throwing his towel down.
“You’re not sorry, you’re just sorry I found out!” Vanessa narrowed her eyes. “If I wouldn’t have come home early from the office, I never would have caught you,” she elaborated.
“It’s not that big of a deal!” Carmen huffed, tugging at his curls. “Everyone in this goddamn kitchen smokes!” He gestured around him.
“Sydney does not smoke,” Vanessa spat back immediately. “You told me you quit!”
“I only light up once and a while!” Carmen said, “at work!”
“Clearly it’s not just at work because you were smoking in our home!” She laughed.
“I was out on the patio,” Carmen returned, a little wind out of his sails.
“You lied, you told me you quit and clearly you haven’t,” Vanessa listed off. “It feels so disrespectful of you to do that in our home after I made it very clear I didn’t want you to.”
Carmen felt a little guilt. He knew he should feel more, but that’s what people did in the restaurant industry, they smoked cigarettes to keep from going insane. It was shitty he’d smoked at the apartment, even if he was outside, knowing how much Vanessa hated it.
And he had told her he quit several months ago, because he really did have every intent of doing so – but it was harder than he thought it would be as someone who only smoked one or two time s a week.
“I am sorry for smoking at the house,” he sighed, sounding anything but genuine.
“I can’t stand you,” Vanessa sighed. “I’ll see you at home, enjoy cleaning on your own,” she waved off, turning to leave the restaurant. She shouldn’t have come down there to begin with.
Carmen dropped his head down, hanging over the stainless steel counter.
He didn’t realize how much this affected her.
“Ness!” He called out, turning and heading to the dining room. She had a foot out the door and tossed him back a look that didn’t indicate she was too excited to talk to him anymore. “Can we talk about this?” He asked. Vanessa debated waiting outside for her Uber, but she remembered she was committing the rest of her life to this man, and they’d need to talk this out eventually.
Against her desires, she walked back into the restaurant, leaning against a tabletop.
“I am sorry,” he said, “I didn’t realize it was that big of a deal and I shouldn’t have tried to hide it.” He elaborated.
“I told you it was a big deal,” Vanessa frowned, “and you must have known on some level because when I asked, you lied.” Carmen leveled a direct stare with that blue gaze. It wasn’t too often they spoke to one another like this, but it was a serious situation after all. “It’s a deal breaker for me,” she added, watching as his eyebrows crept up toward his hairline.
“A deal breaker?” Carmen asked.
“Yeah, if you don’t care about yourself that much, it’s unfair to me,” Vanessa replied logically. “And I want babies, so it’s unfair to me, and it’s unfair to them,” she shrugged. “I’m not bringing them up in a house with cigarette smoke, or where their Dad is fine putting himself at risk for lung disease and cancer,” she finished. “You’re either with the program, or you’re not, I’m not doing it all alone.”
Carmen had tunnel vision. There was not anyone else on God’s green earth that was going to be raising babies with Vanessa, and if he had to give up a few cigs to ensure that, he would without hesitation.
“They’re gone,” he nodded. “They’re not worth it,” he said. They were both quiet for a few beats. “I’m sorry, Ness,” he said, much more softly.
“I accept your apology,” she mumbled, “still want to pinch you, though,” she added. Carmen barely allowed his mouth to turn up at its corners.
“You wanna pinch me?” He asked.
“Yeah, I really do,” she sighed, crossing one ankle over the other, perched gently against the table.
“Can I get within pinching distance?” He asked, not wanting to breach her personal space given the conversation they’d just had.
“Yeah, you can get closer,” she nodded. Carmen entered her personal bubble.
“Want to be annoyed with me at home?” He offered, “it’s getting late,” he commented. Vanessa nodded, letting him drape his arms around her shoulders. “I’m sorry baby,” he said, smoothing her hair back from her face, her big brown eyes looking up at him. God he was screwed if their babies had her eyes.
“I know,” she nodded. “No more beign mean to Syd and the team,” She said, tugging on the sides of his apron. Carmen huffed but nodded resolutely.
“Can’t believe they called you,” he murmured, pressing a kiss to the top of their head.
“They know who’s in charge.”
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chans-room · 9 months
🎈Spookyfest Presents 🎈
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Stray Kids in IT
Georgie - Yang Jeongin
He is baby and unfortunately that means he is dying first. Pour one out for the babiest bread.
Bill - Bang Chan
No one is surprised. He’s the leader, and his guilt (despite it not being his fault) for I.N dying drives him. Idk if anyone else has read the book recently but literally all the characters talk about how they’d die for Bill but don’t always agree with him/understand his motivation. That is So Chan-core.
Richie - Lee Minho
If anyone is gonna be Trash Mouth Richie Tozier it’s gonna be Lee Minho. Homosexual feelings for one of his friends? Check. Propensity for violence and outrage, but is actually a softie? Check. We stan.
Eddie - Han Jisung
Hypocondriac softie. He’s not convinced he should be there or if his friends really love him, but is so deeeeeply loved by everyone and especially Lino. The bravery comes out in the moments where it’s needed, and his sacrifice is always remembered. Pour another one out for Hanji.
Bev - Lee Felix
Have you seen how SKZ fawn over Felix? Like you can not tell me I’m wrong. Everyone treats them like they’re weak, but they’re actually the strongest of the bunch. Unintentionally keep everyone together and moving forward, always agreeswith Chan/Bill and helps everyone see the importance of the Losers Club.
Stanley - Hwang Hyunjin
Very methodical, particular, and mature, but also the most skeptical and fearful. In the book, he is supposed to have a strange sense of humor, and that feels sooooo Hyunjin to me. Also rip to Hyunjin: the reappearance of IT causes him so much strife he can’t go back to Derry. Also, if we’re going off movie Stanley sacrifices himself to make sure the others can succeed bc he knows his fear would get in the way of the others killing IT. We love a self aware king even tho hes dead
Ben - Seo Changbin
Okay I debated putting this but he just, fits for Ben’s arc. Super smart, sensitive and shy, but turns into a rich hot dude who gets the girl in the end and remains unwaveringly kind and gentle? Yes please.
Mike - Kim Seungmin
Listen, this might be a hot take but imo Seungmin is the only one in skz who I think would be a) responsible enough to stay in Derry to make sure someone’s ready when Pennywise comes back and b) unhinged enough to drug his friends to try to get them to stay in town and kill a demon clown.
Pennywise - JYP sorry not sorry
Thrives off fear and making others feel smaller and more insignificant as him?? Feasts on the souls of innocent children?? Corporate wants you to tell the difference between the two. You can’t.
spookyfest babes: @kiestrokes @eureka-its-zico @j-a-nuary @minisugakoobies @minttangerines @chimivx
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Richie is basically climbing the fucking walls. He’s got half his wardrobe pulled out and scattered over his bed, a mountain of florals, tacky t-shirts, and the few new suits he’s collected thanks to a certain Miss. Beverly Marsh.
He’s never had this much trouble trying to pick an outfit in his entire life. Not at prom, or at any award show he somehow managed to get an invite to. He’s gone on talk shows with a ‘MILF: Man I Love Fishing.’ t-shirt he found at Goodwill.
“I just don’t see what the big deal is.”
“Did you not hear me before? That me and Eddie are going on a date? Edward fucking Kaspbrak, love of my life since we were kids, know him?”
“How many times have you guys gone out together since he moved in with you? If I have to see another Instagram post where you both argue in the comment section like some weird mix of horny teens and an old married couple, I’m going to go crazy.”
“That’s different!” Richie whines, throwing himself back onto the heap of clothes on his bed, “Those weren’t dates, not like, officially.” They’d decided to take it slow and date first after a semi-heated kiss at the Benverly’s (as Richie lovingly called them, like the teen girl he was put into the body of a hairy middle-aged man) cabin, after a tipsy love confession. A love confession that Richie absolutely did not reply to with ‘That is so fucking neat.’ They’d gone out together plenty, but they both agreed to date like normal people would, like they might have done when they were younger if their lives hadn't been fucked up by the killer-clown-from-Outerspace.
“You sound so lame right now. I hope you know that.” Despite the comment, the layer of fondness was clear in Stan’s tone.
Richie pouts, mumbles a petty little, “No, you.” back.
“Anyway, back to the point. What the fuck am I going to wear?”
“You’re talking to the wrong Loser.”
“You’re so right, I don’t wanna turn up dressed like you, Grandpa. I’ll call Bev.” He pauses, pulls at a piece of skin on his lip with his teeth, trying to soothe his racing heart.
“Hey. You’re gonna be fine, Rich. And if Eddie breaks your heart, I’ll break his entire body, okay?” And fuck does that make Richie tear up a little, after all these years, even 27 of them apart, Stan was still particularly protective of him. Even against another of his best friends. His low self esteem appreciated the safety net of knowing that when if Eddie ever just got fed up with him, Stan would be there on his side. “Not that he’s going to. He’s just as stupid and in love as you are.”
“Aw, Staniel. You big ole softie... Thanks, man. Tell Pats I’m asking for her, yeah?” With that he hangs up.
For a moment Richie feels calm again. Until he looks at the mountain of clothes dumped out onto his bed. Fuck.
Bev answers on the second ring, “Hey, Honey! How’re-”
“Eddie and I are going on a date, what the fuck do I wear, Bev?”
She vetoes most of his wardrobe, Ben shows up for moral support too, like the angel sent from Heaven that he is. The thing is though, Richie feels pretty fucking awful leaving the house without his garish shirts – they're his armour. He can wear something fucking horrendous and it distracts away from everything that is him.
Miss Beverly Marsh knows this, and she simply won’t stand for it.
In the end he’s wearing a nice pair of black jeans, cuffed to show off the bright pink Monty Python socks that had been Okay'd so he could have at least one comfort item. And another compromise, a navy shirt with a subtle floral print. It doesn’t scream ‘Weird Al meets the Muppets.’ but it’s enough that it doesn’t make Richie feel stuffy and unlike himself.
“Lookin’ sharp, Richie!” Fucking Ben, so earnest and nice, Beverly coos at his side in agreement, giving a whistle as he’s forced to give them a turn. He’s not used to that kind of attention; he can feel his face heat up and the way his too-tall body wants to shrink in on itself.
“Have a good night, Sweetie! Remember to use protect-”
Richie cuts her off with a shout, suddenly feeling like a teenager being embarrassed by their parents before a first date, “Oh my god, Bev. Shut up.” She cackles good-naturedly at him, while Ben holds back a smirk.
The call ends and he feels sort of bad that Bill and Mike were left out of his crisis, so he shoots them a text: ‘Got a date with Eddie, literally going to die. See you in hell Billiam. I’ll miss you when you’re chilling up in heaven Mikey.’
He can only let himself be distracted by the other Losers for so long, and how fun it was to have his battle with Bill. But it’s creeping closer and closer to 6pm, he knows that he and Eddie will have to leave soon to make it to their reservation. So, he rubs his sweaty palms against the thighs of his jeans, sniffs his pits to make sure he still smells good, and pushes himself out to go knock on Eddie’s bedroom door – which he couldn’t help but achingly hope would become the guest bedroom again in the nearby future.
And isn’t Eddie just a fucking sight for sore eyes, his hair isn’t gelled back to oblivion, so it looks so soft, it curls around his face prettily. Makes Eddie look younger. He’s dressed up in clothes that cost more than Richie has ever spent on anything for himself, fucking Gucci loafers and everything. He looks hot as fuck, and he smells sweet and earthy.
Eddie also has the most shit-eating grin. “I hear you were having some trouble.”
“What? Which one of those assholes told you?” Richie would, in future, deny how whiny he sounded whenever Eddie brings it up to the Losers, when he brings it up at their wedding.
“Rich.” Eddie has the cutest, most devious fucking look on his face. Richie’s cheeks burn as his face is gently held between Eddie’s hands, he can feel the callouses from Eddie’s car endeavors, he can smell the cologne on Eddie’s wrist. “I could hear you, I’m across the fucking hall and you speak like you have a built in megaphone.” And Jesus God Damn Christ, Eddie says it like it’s a compliment, like it's something he adores about him.
Richie turns his face to hide it in the palm of one of Eddie’s hands and, again, whines. The part of him that overthinks, that hates every move he makes, tells him that he’s already fucked up. That Eddie is going to realize that he’s an idiot, that he’s a dork and completely and utterly out of Eddie’s league. As if Eddie isn’t the type to say, ‘See you later alligator.’ or ‘Okay-dokey.’ in a serious conversation.
“C’mon, we’ve got reservations and I’m starving my ass off.”
Richie makes a great effort Not to make a comment on how much of a tragedy that would be, because he really does love that little fucker’s ass.
He does let himself show a little vulnerability, “You still wanna go?”
Eddie cocks his head to the side and gives him the sweetest little smile, catches one of Richie’s hands in his own and gives it a squeeze, “Fuck yeah. You look too good not to, Trashmouth.”
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krikeymate · 1 year
Okay but the real question is: in your larger age gap au, is Sam born 5 years earlier, or is Tara born 5 years later?
Both options would change different things, like whether Tara has the same friends as in canon or not. If Tara is born 5 years later, then she probably wouldn't be friends with Amber, so Amber and Richie's plot would have to be carried out differently.
On the other hand, if Sam is born 5 years earlier, then she would be much closer in age to the teens from Scream 4, which could also be really interesting.
You've exposed one of my fatal flaws, which is that when I'm thinking about Sam and Tara, I forget other characters exist.
This has given me some really interesting things to think about! And think I did as I made my dinner.
So the intention is that Tara is born 5 years later, in 2007 instead of 2002. I hadn't considered Sam being the one born earlier, and I think unless you really fuck with the Scream timeline in major ways, it wouldn't work. I actually thought out a detailed way of how that could work with Billy having escaped and actually still being alive and then I realised I was actually having Sam be born 5 years later not earlier, whoops, but great opportunity if you wanted to make Tara Billy's daughter too lmao. You could have Billy and Christina both be older and out of school, it would have the added bonus of making his relationship with Sidney extra creepy, but otherwise, I like to stick mostly to canon as much as possible.
So, here's what I'm thinking. Hicks and Sam have an entirely different relationship in this AU. Sam does get into some trouble with the law, she does have some trouble with drinking and drugs, but she doesn't go entirely off the rails. Hicks sets her straight, reminds her that between her and her mother, Tara is likely to get taken away. Hicks is the reason she wins a custody fight against her mother.
Sam still babysits Wes and his friends at Judy's (she lets her bring Tara), and even though they're older, they're so gentle with her baby sister. By the time the babysitting group are becoming teens (around 12/13 or so), they're too old to need a babysitter really, but Judy and Martha still pay her to do so (to keep them out of trouble). They start to invite their new friend Amber over. Sam doesn't really get why they're friends, her relationship is mostly borderline nasty snide comments and arguing with Mindy, but kids will be kids. Amber doesn't seem to like her friends, she definitely doesn't care for Sam (and feels the need to comment on them still needing a babysitter), but for whatever goddamn reason, this girl seems to adore Tara. Amber doesn't even like children! She's got a little sister of her own, and they've all seen the way she recoils from kids in the park. Now to be fair, Tara is very adorable. Who wouldn't love Tara? But still. It's weird. But Sam isn't going to deny Tara someone else who will be affectionate with her.
Years pass. Sam feels a bit weird that her friends are all high school kids and their moms, but these people buy her little sister birthday presents and invite them over for Christmas... they're like a family to her. Chad teaches Tara soccer, and Mindy introduces Tara to scary movies (Sam nearly murders her for this), and Wes, well he just does whatever Tara asks him to, the softy. Amber's her second confidant, she tells her things she's not ready to tell her sister. Sam doesn't like how close they are, but as Tara becomes a teenager, she knows there's no point fighting it. It isn't a hill she's willing to die on.
Sam never runs away, she stays in Woodboro, she gains custody over her sister. She rents a small two-bedroom home from a compassionate elderly woman who lives with her son now and is sweet on her sister. She's had some problems with... seeing things, her therapist still hasn't settled on a diagnosis yet, but the antipsychotics she's given her work, and that's all that matters her therapist says. All that matters is figuring out whether it's genetic and whether her sister is going to have problems too, is what she retorts.
She works at the bowling ally, she's thinking about Judy's offer to have her work at the station. A few months ago a new guy rolled into town, looking for a fresh start away from a toxic family, and they've been having fun. Richie keeps asking when she'll introduce him to her sister, and she laughs him off, he's so not at that point.
She's a couple of blocks away from home - the boss let her go early and told Richie he'll be making up for his constant slacking by staying late to clean - when a piercing alarm sounds from her phone. It's her security system, alerting her the police have been called.
Sam sprints the rest of the way home.
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swayziiwriter · 11 months
Heat | Richarlison
summary: a drabble of sexing out Richarlison.
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WARNING: 18+, sexual content
Richarlison wouldn't ever become tired of this. Having her beneath him moaning out in pleasure, mouth parted, in an attempt to catch her breath. y/n's nails dug into his back begging for him to never stop, it felt too good for him to ever stop.
She knew better though she didn't want to finish, not like this. She wanted him pounding into her, claiming her.
"Richie" she softy called out, voice trembling from the pleasure he was giving her by eating her out. He lifted up his head from the inside of her thighs, lips glossy and wet.
Seeing him in this state made her core ache to feel him inside her. "I want you" she breathed out,
Richarlison simply smiled up at her leaning down to give her clit a final kiss before hovering over her.
Within seconds she ripped his shirt over, finally getting the satisfaction of running her hands down his abs while tracing the tattoo over his heart.
Richarlison had gotten off on y/n's moans he was hard and very much in need of relief. "Let me help you with those" y/n spoke as she slid his boxers down his legs, his hard dick coming up to hit his chest.
Y/n reached her hand down to his dick spreading his precum all over his tip. "Please fuck me Richie" y/n begged. "All you had to do was ask"
Richarlison spoke as he thrusted into her leaving no time for her to adjust to his size. "Oh fuck Richie" she moaned out.
"Keep saying my name" Richarlison demanded, as he sped up his pace pounding into y/n. Y/n hadn't stopped screaming out his name whilst he didn't stop telling her to continue with his grunts and soft moans.
His tall body hovered over her, his hands on either side of her keeping him above her. She ran her nails down his back, digging them into his shoulders. She wouldn't be
surprised if she left marks, it was too good not to. "Yes Richie, yes" y/n moaned out "so good, so fucking good". "Mhm you like it like this huh?" Richarlison moaned out as he fucked her harder.
Y/n was seeing stars, she was in a state of total bliss the way he thrusted into her was a feeling she could only experience with him, with his cock. Richarlison leaned down to the valley of her breasts leaving love bites all around them, marking her as his, and she wanted it.
"I'm close" y/n moaned "I know, me too" Richarlison responded.
"THERE" "Right there, don't stop oh, don't stop" y/n yelled out as she brought her hands to his hair tugging on what very little he had.
Within the next 3 thrusts y/n and Richarlison became undone. Her juices coating his cock as he rode them through their highs, his thick load shooting into her as they both moaned out each others names.
"Only you make me feel this good" y/n spoke as Richarlison moved to lay beside her body, "I only want to make you feel good" Richarlison responded as he moved to pull her into him bringing her into his embrace. "I love you" y/n told him as he ran his hand down her thigh lightly. "I love you more" Richarlison said capturing her lips into his.
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koocycle · 10 months
hii lira! ive been seeing a lot of wedding tiktoks (maybe a sign for me lol) but instead of actually taking it as one, im gonna tell u how i imagine ow wedding... and you really don't have to read this if you want to cus ...😭
first of all, the dress - since oc is THAT girl, i imagine her with 2 dresses, the main one and one for sort of like an afterparty? anyway i imagine first one obviously as a princess dress, not too huge but not too minimal. and the second one, something more simple - like vivienne westwood bridal dresses. though, with an original touch. i see her as a creative person and she just oozes the energy of someone that's different. (not in a pick me way). that's why she doesn't really "fit in" in the neighborhood - i see her wanting to do something completely original for her special day. so maybe self designed main dress and spicing up her other one. (personally, i rlly love this vw bridal dress, and i'd kill a bitch to wear it at MY WEDDING, https://pin.it/3dG0HSG - though, the original design doesn't include the gloves shown in the picture, so you can think of those as the special added detail.) but tbh, i'm not really sure about the big dress thing since i see her not doing too much, but at the same time, i see her doing everything she has ever imagined doing for her big day and i can tell that girl is a softie inside...no matter how much we deny it
the veil - i see her doing something VERY unique, like maybe sofia richie veil typa thing. maybe covered in pearls or diamonds for that rain droplet effect.
and i see her creating her dream dresses with designers she once worked with, because i bet she's adored in that industry!! so i bet they threw hands over who got to do the honors of working with her for her big day.
jk's outfit - well. i can't really say much cus men are basic... i mean who even looks at them while the bride is right there in all her glory? but i'm pretty sure he looked absolutely DELICIOUS that day. he definitely cried while oc was walking down the aisle and we LOVE him for that.
the guests - i don't think there were too many guests, but enough for the place to be filled with love. oc definitely doesn't seem like the type of person to invite the neighbors of relatives of relatives.
the speeches - OMG JUNGKOOK DEFINITELY CRIED HIS EYES OUT. i strongly believe that both their speeches were so so so cute that they still feel their eyes water when they see the videos of it.
the place - hmmmmm, i feel like it could've been in south korea, or if they wanted a more private one, italy or south of france maybe? and flying all the guests out, but that must've cost a fortune. OR JEJU ISLAND OMG HOW COULD I FORGET?!
but i see them getting married in the place that's really meaningful to them. one that's filled with great memories or the one they've always been talking about and planning on going to. since that hasn't been shown (yet), i cant rlly tell.
the venue - honestly, i haven't really thought about this one. it depends on the place they had their wedding in. but maybe a gorgeous beach view. a LOT of flowers. lots of lights too!
the musician - just because i love her with all my heart, i would hope one of them was none other than miss LEE-HI. especially the song "only". "On tiring nights and busy days, please make room in your heart for me to rest" like hello?? "I'll do better when you promise me we will stay together" i literally cant believe lee hi wrote a song about overwine couple??
idk but that wedding definitely had everyone going wild, had everyone wanting to marry as soon as possible and she ended up on a LOT of wedding inspiration boards.
aaand last but not least, their wedding night. but that's for lira to tell😉
anyways lira bae if u have something different in mind for their wedding, please don't let this distract u from all ur beautiful thoughts, i was just really bored!
oh. my. god.
you just made the rest of my year with this single ask. and now you make me want to write a wedding drabble :( that’s definitely added to the list. oof.
lemme give u my comments on your thoughts :3
so true!! not sure if oc is the type of girl to do “too much”, but she definitely is the type to stand out in a classy and simple way, yet very very outstanding with the way she carries herself in the dress. vivian westwood is so true and oc coded. it’s like you see right through her!! that dress is absolutely beautiful she’d definitely rock it. that dress makes me want to get married.
but also very true when you mention the two different dresses for her big day. i feel like she would get a different dress for the ceremony, something that brings up that princess feel but remains classy, like this (1) or this (2). love the off the shoulders look for her honestly!!
for the rest of the day she’d definitely be wearing something sexy, silky and shiny
the sofia richie veil is spot on. she’d have one that sweeps beautifully over the floors and is three times her size lol
and during the prep of their big day, stylists, decorators and designers were probably standing in fucking line to offer her all sorts of dresses, pieces and decor.
men are very boring when it comes to attire, but jungkook would eat that shit up!! he wouldn’t go with any black, grey or blue suits to live up to the standard, but instead i imagine him in a true, soft beige with a very muted corsage. imagine him in that!! we all know he shed a tear or two while she was walking down the aisle. imagine that cute little scrunch of his nose that makes wrinkles at his eye appear to laugh off the fact that he was getting teary!! especially after he tried to convince all his relatives he would not (!) cry
THEY WERE BAWLING! oh my good it was a mess and babies didn’t even try to hide it. their speeches were probably so personal and cute and a total mess!! got all their guests on a rollercoaster lmao
they’d most likely invited tons of guests but chose a more private location to celebrate at france/italy, or jeju island seem like great guesses! definitely somewhere secluded with mountains, calm sounds of the waters and a beautiful scenery to look out on. some place fairy tale worthy.
only is so wedding coded. so over wine coded. imagine them hiring a singer to sing for them while she walks up the aisle ?!? or jungkook even singing her that song later on the day
oc definitely ended up having two full spreads in some vogue or bazaar magazine :3 no one can tell me otherwise
wedding drabble. do i do it ?!? wedding night included 😋
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heavenbarnes · 3 months
Omg omg were her like unexpected scary dog privilege gf and buy a big softie like a rottweiler (idk why I'm mentioning a type of dog breed I am a nerd and work with dogs so I thought of them of how scary they seem but they're not) and what about how you're not like that with anyone else but sugar brings out a different side to you that no one has ever seen, but ur such a simp for her and Richie makes fun of it but shuts up when sugar calls him out and he does that 😑 face and walks away. Carmy tries to shout at you sometimes and Sugar randomly pops up and has a hand on her hips and is like "bear, no." In a stern tone that no one wants to hear from her. Syd sometimes joking makes a comment of how you such a simp for her (maybe everyone is stressed and just going at each other) and u shrug, not really too hurt by her comment as it's true and sugar pops up and is like "Syd."
She's always there 🥺 (Pete is lovely but I'm taking ur girl) and in this au she's ours.
having an unmistakable crush on sugar from the moment you start at the restaurant and she knows about and uses it to her full advantage!
being her scary-dog-privilege (i’m projecting) going out with her when she needs to do pick ups and standing over her shoulder with a scowl to make sure nobody tries to fleece her!
you’re friendly with everyone in the kitchen but not a pushover, unless it’s sugar and then whatever that woman asks of you she’s getting!
richie getting on your nerves about “simping” (you want to kill whoever taught him that word) for sugar and being such a “simp” and sugar shuts it down because only she gets to tease you like that!
but when syd jokes that you’re a total simp for sugar you deny it once until you hear her calling your name and you’re turning on a dime in the direction of her voice. syd shakes her head but you’re shrugging because- what’s the use in denying it!
sugar coming into the kitchen and not realising everyone is highly strung, getting snapped at for no reason by her brother or maybe richie and immediately scary-dog is back on. you’re walking her to carmy’s office before coming back and threatening to have their heads for speaking to her like that!
when you go with her for pickups, maybe she needed to pick up furniture? and she asked if you’d come too? so now you’re following her around the store with something heavy across your shoulders so she doesn’t have to lift a finger!
losing sugar in the store when you went back to grab her something and by the time you find her again, she’s being chat up by some bozo. newsflash asshole, she’s only got room for one idiot in her life and you’re looking at them! so you pull your usual routine of manifesting over her shoulder and when she realises you’re there she gives a nice “thank you, sweetheart!” before completely forgetting about that doofus!
finding her in her car outside the restaurant, teary-eyed and you’re knocking on the window telling her to scooch over. you drive her home without a second thought and after you walk her inside you hear her quietly ask if she can tell you about her shitty day!
being sugar’s loser-husband type person and being so totally pussy-whipped for her and entirely okay with that because- look at her!
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ihavemanyhusbands · 11 months
hello could you write a Richie fic where he’s comforting his girl who’s struggling w depression and/or anxiety ❤️‍🩹
❤️❤️❤️❤️ it’s like mix between headcanons and blurb so i hope that’s alright!
Some days were harder than others.
There were times when you didn’t have the energy to do much, and Richie always stepped up to the plate in terms of taking care of you.
He’d help you shower and dress, as well as help take care of your hair afterwards. He’d watch your favorite shows with you, holding you all the while, rubbing your shoulders whenever you were most tense.
He would make sure you ate properly, took your medications, drank enough water and slept enough. Though if you really needed it, he’d also stay up all night just to talk with you.
On days you were in higher spirits, he’d take you out for long walks, trying to get you to get as much fresh air as possible. Whenever you visited the Beef, he tried his best to not raise his voice during arguments in the kitchen. He’d even chew Carmy’s head off if he ever directed any of his own stress at you, but most of the others knew not to mess with you.
Sometimes it was hard for him to hold back on pressing you to share with him what you were feeling. He would do anything in his power to help you, but sometimes you just didn’t know what to ask for.
Still, he reminded you daily that you were loved, that you were needed and that he would be with you no matter what. And if you ever told him you felt like you were burdening him, he’d shut that shit down immediately.
He wouldn’t let you do any self deprecating talk either, instead showering you with compliments and praise. Perhaps to anyone else he was becoming a big softie, but you knew deep down he was always like that.
You felt like the luckiest gal in the world to have someone like him at your side.
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astromechs · 1 year
For the character meme, I want to ask Jessica Jones because I have no idea what you think about her 👀
I'm not sure you like her though so I'll also say Rich Rider
ooo, i love jessica jones! here she is:
1: sexuality headcanon: bisexual (and didn't that actually go canon in gail simone's variants series recently? i haven't read it yet, but that's what i heard) 2: otp: i have a real soft spot for her and matt together, i really do, their dynamic is just fun (and it's fun to write). the show kind of made it wonky, but in the comics, her and luke cage are otp for life. 3: brotp: show jessica is trish for sure. anyone she can be shitty to while she secretly likes, ALWAYS fun. 4: notp: kilgrave lol like wtf are people thinking actually shipping that 5: first headcanon that pops into my head: her musical taste trends closer to pop than you'd expect. DON'T ever say anything to her about this, though. (but, since i think matt's definitely trend toward pop-y? they find they like a lot of the same stuff eventually. ghfjdks) 6: favorite line from this character: "knowing it's real means you've gotta make a decision. one, keep denying it, or two, do something about it." 7: one way in which I relate to this character: i too put up a front of hardness and sarcasm to other people but really i'm a softie on the inside — so same as jess really 8: thing that gives me second hand embarrassment about this character: baby please do your laundry, i know you like your jeans but you gotta wash them sometime 9: cinnamon roll or problematic fave?: she'd kill me for saying it but she's a cinnamon roll
aaand for richie:
1: sexuality headcanon: bisexual 2: otp: namorita, peter quill, gamora — and there are at least, like, four ships i invented for him that i'm super obsessed with if you want to hear about them LMFAO 3: brotp: sam, the guardians, the new warriors 4: notp: things that are like, minor or villain ships. or shipping him with his brother. otherwise i'm chill 5: first headcanon that pops into my head: i always thought that if DC heroes existed as fictional in the marvel universe, his favorite superhero would be wonder woman 6: favorite line from this character: "we don't get to quit." 7: one way in which I relate to this character: a lot of his mental health and self-worth issues really hit home with me. i too struggle with believing i deserve love. it's a problem. i do also go through life with that "it's all up to me" mentality, and where does it get me. same place as rich LMFAO 8: thing that gives me second hand embarrassment about this character: bro. bro. i love you, but handling your return from the dead by not telling people you're alive and then expecting other people to pass that message along is not the way to handle it. no wonder you got punched; you deserved it 9: cinnamon roll or problematic fave?: he's a cinnamon roll, he's never done anything wrong in his life. you know, conceptually.
send me a character, and i'll answer these!
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One of my favorite hcs is Richie Tozier as a Cat Dad™️. Like after they kill the clown, Eddie pulls his whole “show up at his door with his life in a suitcase and his heart on his sleeve” thing, and they’re so caught up in the moment of confessing their love and making out on the couch that Richie doesn’t get a chance to mention his cats until one jumps on Eddie’s back and nearly sends him into cardiac arrest. He’s all screaming and “WHAT THE FUCK WAS THAT” and once Richie recovers from his sympathetic panic, he’s just like “oh! you haven’t met my babies yet, let me introduce you 😊” and that’s how Eddie discovers Richie has 4 cats (Dishwasher, Shrimp Scampi, Wrath, and Concrete) that he found in various alleyways and gutters (“They found me, Eds”) and adopted as his children. Eddie is thrown for a loop, but his heart absolutely melts watching Richie coo at these little furballs and tell them to “be nice to their new daddy,” and they all instantly love Eddie in the way that cats are always all over the people who are NOT cat people.
(Eddie eventually grows to love them just as much as Richie does, especially Shrimp Scampi who seems to decide that being more than two feet away from Eddie when he’s home is intolerable and is not afraid to yell about it. Whenever Richie finds them snuggled up together, he says something like “There’s my two favorite pasta dishes!” and squeezes himself in the mix to get some cuddles.)
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