#i love you alexander nox
noxbunni · 8 months
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cyber-cry-baby · 1 year
Miasma Pt. 20 "Alkaline"
Caustic x fem reader Words: ~1100 Warnings: slight smut! A/N: thank you so much for reading my first ever fic! I will definitely keep writing Apex fics. All feedback is welcome! <3 (Also, as I said before: Alkaline is a perfect Caustic song
Previous chapter
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You stood on the beach, the sea washing over your ankles. The past night had been... chaotic. The sea offered some solace, making your mind a bit more relaxed. Perhaps you even felt a little lighter. You were truly free from all that mess now.
You knew you had seen this beach once in a dream. That dream was about Alexander. Back when all of this had begun. You couldn't help falling in love, even though it all had a terrible ending. But everyone was right. Here, you shouldn't develop feelings, or at least let them get in your way. Now, there was nothing in your way. This week's games would be victorious; you could feel it.
Success loomed in the future, and you'd meet your own assistant very soon. You were so far ahead now that the number of games and practices was increasing. You might not have felt the need for your assistant yet, but perhaps your thoughts would be more focused on the game and improvement, and you might need some help. You would probably spend more time in your workroom now than in the Lounge, drunk, and then in the laboratory. You smirked to yourself. Those times were behind you. It was time to focus on what truly mattered.
You closed your eyes and wanted to dwell in the past one more time. But only in the good parts. The future would bring a lot of progress and victories, but your time here had already been full of good things. Friends and success. And Alexander... maybe he wasn't what you thought, but you hoped you hadn't imagined everything completely. Or even if you had, you wanted to hold onto the good he had brought. At first, he had been cold towards you and wanted you to leave him alone. That was the real him. His sudden warmth was just to spite Syndicate through you. Still, you wanted to believe there was something genuine in it.
Alexander Nox was busy in his laboratory as usual. He had succeeded in his plan once again. But only partially. Not everything had gone as he had planned.
At first, he had regarded you as just another new legend who didn't impress him. Soon he found out you were unusually skilled and smart for someone so young. Of course, you were beautiful in his eyes, no doubt about that. He just wasn't a very emotional man.
Then, you started appearing in front of him often, everywhere. In the gym, the elevator, the same team. Alexander couldn't figure out what fascinated him about you. He wanted to stay away from you because you were messing with his thoughts. He wanted to be harsh with you to deny the strange feelings within him.
Then came the opportunity to help you and be more involved with you. Why would he do that? Why would he take the chance to further confuse himself with your presence? Because he wanted to. He made the most of the opportunity, observed your actions, and offered opportunities to come to his laboratory and "steal" his important files.
He had some need to protect you. To observe you. And when the opportunity arose to be intimate with you, he took it. As a rational person, he found it difficult to understand his own feelings, but he enjoyed every moment. He enjoyed knowing that you would appear at his laboratory door.
But now it was over. He had completed his mission and helped you. But he didn't want to tell you that. It was easier to claim that he did it to spite Syndicate. It was easier to stay cold. He wouldn't need to protect you anymore, and it would all be over. Something inside him had altered. And you were the one who had changed him.
And he couldn't hate himself for it anymore. Was it his turn to come to your door
You sat on your bed, jotting down notes in your calendar. You were determined to take work seriously now and planned your week's schedule. Until you heard a knock on your door. You stared at the door in surprise. No one ever knocked on your door. Who could it be? You opened the door and couldn't believe your eyes. Alexander. He stood there, looking lost, and you just stared, unable to say a word. Your heart immediately started beating faster.
"Y-yes...?" you asked, but your voice broke.
"I am the one who is the fool, Y/N. I manage to observe everything... but myself. The biggest trap is always your own mind", you looked at him in confusion, and you both stayed silent for a moment. You really didn't know what he meant.
"I've developed feelings for you. I don't want you to think that I used you. I want you to be well. I don't usually care about people's hatred, but I hope you don't hate me."
You furrowed your brow and tilted your head to better understand. Was he serious? You observed his actions. You couldn't think of a reason why he would stand at your door lying about something like this.
"You used the word love", Alexander suddenly said, and you looked away, embarrassed. "I don't hope for your love, I hope... for forgiveness. But... it felt good to hear it. I don't deserve it", he stumbled.
"I shouldn't have said it. You were right; we shouldn't let such strong feelings get in the way here", you said softly. Suddenly, Alexander gently lifted your face with his hand.
"Don't apologize", he said, looking into your eyes. You both gazed at each other for a moment that felt like an eternity. "We're both fools", he continued and leaned down to kiss you.
You responded to the kiss passionately. A wave of pleasure swept over you. You pulled him inside your apartment, inhaling his scent. You kissed his lips and wrapped both your hands around his neck, touching his face first as if to make sure he was really there. He settled on your bed, and you straddled his lap.
"We should have just stayed away from each other as you suggested", you whispered.
"I strongly disagree", Alexander groaned and threw you onto your back on the bed. He leaned down to kiss your neck. "I said, you're mine."
"You already said that in my dream – a long time ago", you said between kisses. Alexander touched every part of your body to prove his point. Yes, you were his. "Maybe we need this."
"I do need it, to be able to focus on my work again, at least for a while", Alexander slipped his hand into your pants. You felt his fingers teasing your most intimate area, and you moaned in ecstasy. "What are we, Alex, colleagues? Rivals? ...Lovers?" you asked with a grin before a wave of pleasure washed over you again, and you could only moan in response.
"All of the above."
Every once in a while, something changes And she's changing me It's too late for me now, I am altered There is something beneath She's not acid nor alkaline Caught between black and white Not quite either day or night She's perfectly misaligned I'm caught up in her design And how it connects to mine I see in a different light The objects of my desire Ooh, let's talk about chemistry 'Cause I'm dying to melt through To the heart of her molecules Till the particles part like holy water If anything, she's an undiscovered element Either born in Hell or heaven-sent Either way, I'm into it.
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Caustic: An Origin Story
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Caustic/Alexander Nox x Original Female Character
Rating: 18+
Chapter 10
Alex was happy. For the first time in all his life, he was truly happy. He even called his mother to tell her how happy he was, she was pleased to hear it was because of a woman and was desperate to meet her.
    ‘Perhaps soon,’ Alex promised. ‘She is working on herself at the moment, I do not want that disturbed for any reason.’
    ‘Oh, Alex, I’m sure dinner with family won’t hurt.’ His mother pleaded, but he knew better. He couldn’t overwhelm Jessica for any reason.
    ‘I’m going to ask her to marry me.’ He blurted out. His mother was quiet for a moment before suddenly laughing with such joy.
    Alex honestly hadn’t figured out the ins and outs of it, but he was absolutely certain that Jessica was the one for him. He didn’t want to live the rest of his life without her, not for a single second. If she was his wife, he would never have to worry about anything ever again. She was his answer, his angel.
    Jessica had been going into the lab a little earlier than usual, Humbert had asked her to help out with a few trials across the department, it was mostly just filing and Alexander didn’t mind in the slightest. She was trying to find her independence again and he wanted that for her.
    They spent the nights in his apartment, he asked her to move in with him, she joked that they were basically living together already and he agreed. She didn’t have a lot of personal items, but he made sure they all had a place within his home. He liked the way it looked, she was sprinkled all over his life in every way now and it was beautiful.
    Alex had minimal experiments running and so one morning he decided to get in a work out in preparation for the next Apex Games. Jessica had left that morning to work on one of the trials in the adjoining lab to his, she was excited about it, it was a medical trial and that was her forte.
    ‘Don’t work too hard.’ He said as she began dressing and he watched her from the bed.
    ‘The only place I work hard is in here.’ She bit her lip and crawled across the bed, still half dressed, and kissed him. God, she was beautiful.
    ‘You could be late?’ He suggested.
    ‘I could.’ She chuckled, darkly, kissing him again, her lips were so soft, and he just wanted to devour her. ‘But Chase hates lateness and I can’t be bothered to deal with the yelling.’
    Alex smiled, but reluctantly let her go. ‘I love you.’ He said.
    ‘I love you too.’ She smiled that beautiful smile.
    ‘Make sure you finish on time tonight.’ He told her, leaning on his elbow to see her properly. ‘I’ll be making dinner.’
    ‘Oh really?’ She slid her white blouse on and laughed. ‘What’s the occasion?’
    ‘You’ve been working hard, and I think you deserve a nice evening free from stress.’ Alex tried to make it casual and simple, and much to his surprise, it worked.
    ‘Well, fair enough.’ Jessica smiled, picking up her shoes and jacket. She rounded the bed once more and kissed him again. He never wanted her to leave, but she was enjoying her work and he wouldn’t take that from her, not for any reason. ‘I’ll see you tonight then.’
    ‘See you tonight.’ He agreed and watched her leave, looking back to run her eyes over his body once more, making him laugh.
    Alex was happy.
    He made it into work after a good workout, feeling proud of himself and thinking on the evening to come where he would finally ask her to marry him. He had it all planned out, he would make her dinner, make love to her and ask her to do him the honour of being his wife. He promised himself that if she said yes, he would always put her first, he would create a life so beautiful for her, she would almost forget the horrors. Alex would never love another the way he loved her, and he wanted to show her that.
    He planned for the following day to meet his mother, she would love Jessica and Jessica would love her. They had a lot in common and it would make Alex incredibly happy to know that they could be a family together. Jessica deserved that, she deserved the world.
    Alex began getting on with his day when the walls suddenly shook, an explosion.
    He sprinted out of his lab, noting that it came from the same lab that Jessica was working in. Humbert was just outside, he closed the door to the lab to contain whatever was happening inside.
    ‘Where is Jessica?’ Alex demanded. Humbert just glared at him and pointed to the lab that was filling with green gas, he couldn’t see her. ‘No.’ He breathed. ‘Open the door!’
    Humbert did nothing. Alex felt that familiar rage surging through him and grabbed his boss by the lapels of his jacket.
    ‘Open the door.’ He growled, not knowing what he would do to Humbert if he refused again.
    ‘You think I wouldn’t notice?’ Humbert panted. ‘You think I wouldn’t see those experiments of yours, what was your plan? Were you going to test it on people next? Kill innocents? And that woman you hired? You’ve been fucking her, haven’t you? Like she’s just a plaything for you. Well, I’ve had enough of your-‘
    He couldn’t say another word, Alex had slammed him into the wall and his head lolled back, unconscious. Alex let Humbert’s body drop to the floor and tried to force the door to the lab open. He couldn’t get through; he couldn’t even budge it. He turned his attention back to Humbert who was barely moving.
    Alex felt himself blacking out with rage. His fists were flying into the mans face at a rapid pace, he didn’t stop until his hands were covered in blood. He looked down to see Humbert’s face had caved in from the force, he was dead.
    A noise behind him had Alex turning around. The whole lab had seen him and were frozen still. He would be executed for this, there was no choice. Alex stood up, rage and fury the only thing fuelling him now, if Humbert thought he was a monster, then a monster he would be.
    Alex pressed the emergency lockdown button and the entire building was cut off. He then went into his own lab, put on his gas mask and gathered the cannisters he was working with. He would kill everyone in the building to make up for what they did to Jessica.
    He knew what needed to happen, he needed to make it look like he’d died as well, so he cut off two of his fingers and dismembered as many bodies as he could. The gas really worked the way he designed it to, it was incredibly fast and everyone he saw began choking on their own blood. He found it oddly soothing to exact revenge in such a way.
    Alex gathered his plans, notes Jessica had made while he was away, and made one last visit to the lab she’d died in. The gas was still too thick to see her body, but it hurt him all the same. He wondered if it was better this way, the last memory he had of her was her kissing him and smiling as she left for work.
    He could hear the police arriving outside the building and knew he would need to escape via the roof. The green gas still hadn’t cleared, and it broke his heart to know he would never hold her again, never kiss her soft lips, run his hand through her soft hair.
    All he had left was a chain necklace with a pair of wings to serve as a reminder of what the world had lost, and to remind of what was always lurking beneath the surface. Jessica had been the only thing keeping the monster at bay, and the world would come to regret allowing that cage to be opened.
    Jessica Wells was gone and he was a monster. Caustic was born.
If you liked this, please consider supporting me ☕ thanks for reading!
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noxtms · 14 days
*   𝐀𝐍𝐎𝐍𝐘𝐌𝐎𝐔𝐒 𝐀𝐒𝐊𝐄𝐃   :  omg, make sure to give yourself that credit too!! from what i can tell as an outsider, your brilliant mind has been hard at work as well!! Thank you so much for your answer! I'm definitely still debating the switch to tumblr rp, i'm just nervous to be a total noob at it! lol do u have any ideas on fc's for george + fleur weasley?
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i've done my best, and i feel very proud of the work i've done here, but i do credit everybody else with how much i've been able to go off the rails - they've all been super receptive, and without that we'd have gotten nowhere ! <3 i totally get the hesitation, too, though i will keep stressing that we were all new at one point or another, and no one in nox is going to be critical of somebody going through that same experience. we're all here to be friends ! for george, i love taron egerton and have never stopped loving him, but i do think that jack o'connell, george mackay, joe cole, ruairi o'connor, jeremy irvine, jack lowden or alexander calvert are high up on the list of fcs that would work super nicely - and charlie heaton and josha strawdowski are up there as 'fcs that would work, i think, but i do not feel so strongly on'. i have so many more ideas for fleur, with my frontrunners being meaghan rath and simone ashley, but i also love diane guerrero, demet ozdemir ( with an appropriate name change ), sobhita dhulipala, shay mitchell, candice patton, karen fukuhara, odette annable, stephanie hsu, anna diop, summer bishil, tanaya beatty, baifren pimchanok, emmy raver lampman, carmela zumbado, christian serratos, jamie chung, richa moorjani and brenda song ! i tell every potential fleur the same thing - just be mindful of whoever you choose, because if there aren't options for gabrielle to be a full sibling then you'll have to incorporate one or both of them being adopted / half siblings, depending on the fcs background, and if them being full biological siblings is important to you, you'll be somewhat limited in your choices !
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Taken by Storm (chpts. 1-3)
Rating and Archive Warning:
Mature, Graphic Depictions Of Violence
Apex Legends (Video Games)
Category and Relationships:
Multi, Bloodhound/Mirage | Elliott Witt, Bloodhound/Caustic | Alexander Nox
Relevant Additional Tags:
Gun Violence, Blood and Gore, In varying levels, It's a blood sport folks, Polyamory, Slow Burn, I mean slow, Animal Death, Various prowlers get shot, Broken Bones, Toxic Gas, Gameplay, Video Game Mechanics, Minor Character Death, they'll be fine, Burns, Gratuitous amounts of Elliott stuttering, And being a blushing mess, I can woobify him if it's because I actually think that's how he'd act if he were in love, mild fatphobic comments, Established Relationship, Wilderness Survival, Narratively convenient storm, I planned this years before the 'storm coming to storm point' leaks btw, TAKES PLACE SEASON 11, Hey if you know what a kismesis is, Keep that in mind :), will become explicit later
It's just another normal match on Storm Point, the Apex Games' hottest new battlegrounds. Mirage, aka Elliott Witt, has the pleasure of being put on a squad with the enigmatic Bloodhound (and less pleasure at their third being Caustic). Or at least, it seemed like just another normal match. Storm clouds come rolling in, and when the match is cancelled and the island is evacuated, Mirage and his squad just miss the dropship. Will the unlikely trio survive the storm and the dangerous wildlife? Or will they have to worry about killing each other first? And that age old question: can love really bloom on the battlefield?
This is my multichapter Mirhoundstic fanfic that's been in the works since 2021! Normally I wouldn't post my story until I've written it to completion, but I'm 11 chapters and 27k words in, with 14 more chapters planned out and more still unplanned, and I'm nowhere near finished yet. I kinda want to see if there's any interest in this story before I keep going with it. I feel the Apex Legends fanfic community is kinda dead lately.
But feel free to prove me wrong! Please leave a comment if you liked the first three preview chapters! It lets me know you’re interested in the story and encourages me to keep posting and writing more of it!
Give me an excuse to keep writing! Read it here!
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v4nnyzzz · 4 years
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how do the caustic mains feel about alexander nox literally just being a feral walter white
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ace-caustic · 3 years
Having to read caustic is confirmed straight (until said otherwise but still) knowing 100% despite what I hc him, he is literally not straight and in fact aroace is just disappointing.
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annaoi · 6 years
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Some Crown AU characters in our recent discussion. 
From top to bottom: Alexander Lafayette, Evelyn Dufort (2 of the OCs that me and @fabulanova-ffxv made), and young Sylva Nox Fleuret.
This ain’t your ordinary love triangle.
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noxbunni · 7 months
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i have been very tired lately but a certain someone has kept me sane happy birthday to alexander maxwell nox, i love you
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unholyplumpprincess · 3 years
15, 17, and 24 for Caustic 👉👈
15. What's your ideal first date? Alexander is...well. If it's not obvious, he's not the most romantic type. It probably has been a loooong time since he's had to even worry or think of that. In all honesty, he probably doesn't have too big of an opinion.
That is. Until he catches Dr. Che asking you that question at the bar, a Champion's party he'd begrudgingly attended hearing you were coming. You beam so bright, a little tipsy but joyously shouting, "Aquarium!!!! It's been so long since I've been to one!"
So a month later when he approaches you asking if you would like to attend Solace's Aquarium with him since he needs to do some...research anyway. He feels his heart skip a beat at your gasp and excited reply.
So an aquarium. (Though he'd also lowkey love a date to a garden).
17. What’s the most attractive thing a person could wear? Tbh I think he really likes classy femme clothing. Like someone wearing a long dress with a slit up the leg or a plunge neckline. Or a pencil skirt and blouse. He's also a HUGE sucker for heels.
24. What makes you blush? Once again another man who is not effected that easily. Treating him gently can get mixed results, some days he likes it, some days he feels treated like a child. But what never fails to make him blush? Mark him. Whether you want to kiss him with lipstick on his neck/face/wherever you can reach or straight up giving him hickeys.
Or if you're a participant in the arena- mark him by slitting his throat or scarring him. He's into it, don't worry!
Ask me (or a character of ur choice!) Valentines day asks!
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soulheartthewolf · 2 years
💚 Hi I'm Wolfy|22|she/they|polyam bi
💚 My main f/o is Caustic/Alexander Nox from Apex Legends. Though I have a few others such as Dimitri (Fire Emblem) and Fuse (Apex Legends). I am perfectly fine with sharing!!!
💚 While selfshipping is a big part of my blog I don't make sideblogs for anything so I will often reblog/post fandom related things (mainly apex but I honestly post about anything I'm interested in) so I apologize in advance if you only follow me for selfshipping!!
💚 My carrd is in my pinned post which has other info in it such as my dni and full f/o list so go and give it a look
💚 I love interacting with people and hearing about others ships and interests so please don't be afriad to send messages or asks about them <3
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Caustic: An Origin Story
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Caustic/Alexander Nox x Original Female Character
Rating: 18+
Chapter 6
The next week was difficult, Dr Humbert was putting pressure on Dr Nox to complete his latest research and it was only making him irritable and often angry. I did my best to calm the situation, but ultimately all I really could do was restrict his visitors even further to only the essential workers and make sure he had everything he needed on time and without hesitation.
    My job became a little about predictability, which was hard enough most days, but now I was being forced to try to understand some of what he was talking in order to make sure he had what he needed.
   My dingy little flat didn’t feel right anymore, I could suddenly hear everything so much louder, the peace and tranquillity of Dr Nox’s apartment had been a luxury I didn’t need. Returning to the noisy downtown area only served to keep me awake at night and I was constantly looking over my shoulder for the next time I was mugged.
    I found myself missing the feel of Dr Nox around me, we hadn’t spoken about that night since it happened and part of me understood that he had been busy with his work, but the other part of me was a little upset that I hadn’t had the chance to tell him how I felt… however that was.
    I tried not to daydream at work, ever, but with Nox just on the other side of the door and the image of his broad chest pressed against mine, it was difficult to stay focused. I honestly didn’t know if he had been telling me the truth anymore, I couldn’t picture him telling me that he was falling in love with me and have it have the same effect. I didn’t know if I felt the exact same way, I felt love for him, but I didn’t know if it was the same love. He had a furious temper that could rear at any moment and sometimes it scared me, but I never felt in any danger, he was kind to me, allowed me room to be who I wanted to be, whoever that was and I missed kissing him.
    ‘Well, that sounds like a simple problem that you have made complicated because you’re scared.’ Toni smiled as we walked back from the meeting. The night air was cooler and refreshing.
    ‘I’m not scared.’
    ‘Yes, you are, you are scared to fall in love because it means the life you knew before is definitely over.’ He went on, ignoring my defensive statement. ‘You started fighting young and now it’s all you know, never getting too close to people is default, trust me, I know all about that.’ Toni laughed, his pearly white teeth made even more so by his darker skin. ‘This is all part of taking the next step into reality. You said you never called him by his first name, why not? Is it because you truly don’t want to, or because it might mean more when you finally do?’
    ‘I have no idea what you’re really talking about here.’ I half laughed.
    ‘Jessica, it is plain as day to say that you are in love with this man, I see it from where I am standing, Dr Nox probably knows as well and from what you have told me, he is just waiting for you to decide whether you want him or not.’ Toni suddenly frowned. ‘I imagine he’s in a lot of pain doing so.’ He said, quietly.
    I thought about it for a while, maybe Toni was right, maybe I was in love with Nox, I liked almost everything about him, I liked talking to him, having banter with him, he was smart, handsome, he cared about me, he was a great kisser and he never crossed any lines with me.
    ‘Maybe you’re right.’ I sighed as we came to the split in the road, I wasn’t keen on walking on my own again. ‘Maybe I need to just talk to him and tell him what’s going on, we’ve always had a fairly honest relationship.’
    ‘Then I am certain it will work out for the best.’ Toni smiled his easy smile. ‘Goodnight, Jessica. Stay safe and I will see you again next week.’
    ‘Yeah, see you next week Toni.’ I smiled back and immediately got my phone out, at least if I was on the phone to him, I may have been able to avoid some of the harsher looking faces.
    ‘Jessica?’ Dr Nox panted, he was in the middle of a workout once again.
    ‘Sorry, I didn’t mean to interrupt.’ I suddenly felt very nervous.
    ‘That’s quite alright, how was your meeting?’ I was caught off guard by his seemingly genuine question.
    ‘Oh yeah, it was fine, to be expected really.’ I swallowed nervously. ‘I still can’t really talk about anything important, but no one seems to mind.’
    ‘If you are having difficulty talking about your experiences, can I assume you have called me for another reason?’ I was suddenly at a loss, how did he know me so well? ‘Jessica?’
    ‘Sorry, yeah, I called because… I want to talk.’
    ‘I thought we were talking.’ I could hear him smiling and I was sure he chuckled at the inevitable eye roll I responded with.
    ‘I mean face to face.’ I sighed. ‘I have some things I want to say to you.’
    ‘Of course, why don’t you begin walking to my apartment? I will meet you on the way.’ Even his suggestion carried a weight of authoritativeness.
    ‘Sure, I can do that.’ I turned around and started walking the other way.
    Nox was quicker than I thought he would be, but then his stride was almost double mine so maybe I was just a slow walker. I felt the sharp blush reach my cheeks and thanked goodness that it was dark so he wouldn’t see it.
    ‘Jessica.’ He sighed, smiling. We stood a little far apart for my liking, it even made him frown. ‘Is something wrong?’ Why did he have to look so good in his tight work out gear?
    ‘No,’ I whispered, unable to make my voice work, much to his amusement. ‘I am in love with you.’ Well, I guess there was no time like the present, though I hadn’t quite intended to tell him like that. ‘I don’t know why I doubted that. Toni said I was scared and I think he’s right, I am scared, not of you, but of what you mean to me. The fact that you mean anything is a scary prospect to me and not one I have ever been given the chance to have before. I am in love with you, I just don’t know how to feel that without… feeling it, I guess.’ I half laughed towards the end, but the really scary thing was that Dr Nox hadn’t said a word or moved a muscle. I suddenly felt like this was a very bad idea indeed.
    Dr Nox took in a deep breath and nodded. ‘Stay with me tonight.’ He said, not a command, but a firm suggestion, one I wanted to comply with.
    ‘Okay.’ I breathed, knowing he might not have heard, but he definitely saw that I was in agreement, because he tried to contain a smile. I let my breath go and rolled my eyes. Maybe everything was okay.
    The walk was a little shorter than I remembered, but then last time I was being held up by my ribs that were injured at the time. I risked a glance at Nox every so often to see him thinking deeply, occasionally with a smile on his face, sometimes it was a deep frown.
    We finally arrived at his apartment and rode the lift in silence, but this time, I could see that his eyes were dark and he was grinning to himself. He took out his keys and unlocked the front door, once again I was captivated by the small view of the glittering city, it was so peaceful.
    I turned to see him leaning on the door frame, smiling at me and it only made me chuckle, following him inside.
    ‘Would you like some tea?’ Dr Nox asked, gesturing for me to enter into his kitchen and take the seat I occupied the week before.
    ‘Sure.’ I nodded, feeling the flush appear once again over my face, amusing him to no end.
    While Nox made us both some tea, I saw that his television was once again paused in the middle of highlights of his previous match in the Games. This must have been part of his routine every night, to go over old matches, get a workout in and then presumably go to bed. It was just so quiet, it was no wonder he was able to get so much done in the precious free time he had.
    ‘You seem distracted?’
    I jumped, finding that Nox was now sitting opposite me, sipping on his tea and smiling at me. How long had I been staring off in the distance for?
    ‘I’m okay,’ I shook my head. ‘I’m just thinking about things.’
    ‘What things?’
    I rolled my eyes, grinning. ‘About the way you live. It still amazes me, the space you have to think and breathe.’
    ‘I find the peace desirable.’ He said simply, nodding. I wasn’t sure how to respond. ‘Jessica, I apologise if this week has been difficult for you, I know Dr Humbert has been pressuring us both, but you have risen to the occasion very well.’
    ‘It’s okay.’ I shook my head, not really wanting him to have to thank me for doing my job. ‘How is your research going anyway?’
    ‘It’s had its difficulties, but I believe I have had a breakthrough.’
    ‘Oh really?’
    ‘Yes, using gas may well be a better alternative to a liquid form, so tomorrow I will begin working on that theory.’
    ‘That’s… great news?’ I really didn’t know if it was and he knew that, but neither of us cared that much.
    ‘It is.’ Nox nodded and bowed his head slightly. He always made such good tea. ‘Though I did receive better news today.’ He looked up at me and smiled uncontrollably. ‘Did you mean what you said?’ I nodded slowly and watched him deflate with relief. ‘That pleases me. Would I be right in assuming that I will still have to earn the privilege of you using my first name?’
    I could suddenly see so much clearer, he was fidgeting, nervous and anxious, like he didn’t want to mess anything up, like he wanted to do more than simply talk about things. I felt myself grinning and once again, blushing furiously.
    ‘I mean, privileges are there to be earnt.’ I made him suck in a breath and chuckle. ‘What exactly are you going to do to earn it?’
    ‘I’m going to make love to you.’
    I almost choked on the breath that I sucked in. Did he really just say that? With such a casual and yet strangely sensual tone? Of course he did, Dr Nox never beat around the bush about anything, why should this be any different?
    I could feel my teeth biting into my lower lip, something he was fixing his gaze on, the second I stopped, his dark eyes snapped up to mine and I was staring at two black gems, devouring me.
    Nox scooped me up, pressing his lips to mine, his hands below my thighs encouraging me to wrap my legs around his thick waist, it was as if I weighed nothing at all. His hair was a combination of silky smooth and a little damp, but I loved it. His mouth attacked mine with glorious passion, he licked and bit and growled into every motion.
    Without even realising that we had moved very far, I felt him lying me down on his huge bed, cradling me with his hands and softly stroking up my sides and into my hair. His tongue exploring my mouth and groaning as my hips pushed up into his.
    ‘Tell me what you like.’ He growled, placing hot kiss down my jaw and to that sweet spot just below my ear. What I liked, what I liked… huh, what did I like? ‘Jessica?’ Nox questioned and frowned, staring down at me. ‘What’s wrong?’
    ‘I… I actually don’t know what I like.’ I said, more as a realisation than anything, but it only made him grin wickedly.
    ‘In that case,’ he stroked through my hair and smiled. ‘I’ll just have to experiment.’ The way he said it sent shivers through my entire body, making my chest lift just to be closer to him, had Nox chuckling and kissing my neck, softly nibbling the sensitive skin. ‘I’m going to enjoy this, Jessica.’ He whispered and I had no control over the light moan that left my mouth.
    Nox lifted himself to kneel between my legs and unzipped his hoodie, stripping his tight black t-shirt off straight afterwards and I could see every part of his muscular torso, it was beautiful. His shape, the way he carried himself and the way he stared down at me was everything I’d always wanted without realising it. I didn’t hesitate in removing my jumper and t-shirt as well, not wanting to hide from him anymore.
    He quickly stepped off the bed and helped me take my jeans off, revealing my pure white thong that I’d forgotten I was wearing that day. I heard Nox groan as he suddenly realised what I was wearing. He crawled back up my body, placing small, soft kisses wherever he desired, before reaching my mouth and devouring me with another kiss.
    ‘I need to see more of you.’ He said, desperately. Nox reached around to unclasp my bra, kissing my neck, biting gently, making my back arch and exposing more of myself to him.
    ‘Please.’ I cried, unsure of what I was asking for, but it made Nox chuckle wickedly against my skin.
    He descended down my body, his beard scratching at all of my sensitive spots, his hands roaming over my waist and hips, caressing the flesh and keeping me close to his body that was working hard, flexing and relaxing and all of it was wonderful.
    Finally, he reached my hips, placing hot, passionate kisses over the bone and soon his thumbs had hooked beneath my thong as he gently pulled the material away. I could feel his breath grazing me and let out a stuttered sigh. He hummed in approval and threw my thong away somewhere on the floor. ‘Delicious.’ He growled and let his lips drift agonisingly lightly over the exact place that I needed him to devour me.
    I felt the cool air for just a moment as he stood up to remove his joggers and tight briefs, but unfortunately, I didn’t quite catch a glimpse of his size, if I had, I may not have been so nonchalant about everything he was about to do.
    ‘Jessica, say my name.’ He whispered against my lips. I couldn’t help but let out a breathy laugh.
    ‘You’ve going to have to do better than that, Dr Nox.’ I teased, raking my fingers through his soft hair. He smiled another wicked smile and kissed me teasingly.
    I suddenly felt his hand on my hip, rubbing his thumb across the inside where the skin was thinnest and more sensitive. My head fell backwards, my grip tightened and a smooth groan echoed from my throat, he almost had me.
    ‘Informative.’ He said and immediately lowered his mouth to my sensitive skin. His beard grazed it and I was already in a losing battle. Nox began kissing softly, making me sigh and breathe heavily, but the second he changed his approach to a somewhat more aggressive tone, using his teeth and fingers to press into flesh, that was when I knew I would be done for good. I could feel him creeping further and further downwards and I was only able to gently nudge him the direction of where I needed him to be. I felt his chuckle vibrating through me. ‘Don’t worry, I’m just as eager to taste you.’ He got so close to making me say his name, so incredibly close and he knew it as well.
    Nox gave me a moment to regain a little of my breathing before pushing my legs apart and running his tongue through me. I didn’t even care how obscene I sounded, it only made him groan into the action and repeat over and over until he was satisfied. He kept my legs spread and started to experiment with moving in different directions, making shapes to see what I responded to best and he was so good at latching onto what did work and exploiting it.
    I could feel his fingers pressing into my hips and all I could do was twist my fists into the sheets and try hard to hold onto anything I had left. It was a losing battle. ‘Yes.’ I breathed and the second I did, I felt him chuckle, repeating the motion with his tongue and bringing his hand around to the back of my leg.
    ‘Jessica.’ He breathed into me, before running two fingers through my folds, carefully sliding into me. I let out another deep groan, how could he make me feel so full with just his fingers? I wondered what he would feel like filling me with anything else, it was suddenly a scary and arousing prospect. ‘That’s it.’ He encouraged and I came closer and closer to coming undone. Suddenly his tongue was working with his fingers and I was there.
    ‘Yes!’ I cried and Nox brought me down slowly and gloriously. My chest was heaving breath into my lungs and I could feel the smile on my face forming.
    ‘So close.’ He chuckled and began kissing my hips, bringing me back up without letting me fully calm down. ‘Don’t worry, I’ll keep going,’ he reached my neck and dragged his lips over my jaw. ‘You will say my name, Jessica.’ He growled. ‘I will make you say my name.’ It was that beautiful warning, the one so filled with promise. I felt the lazy smile making an appearance on my face as he watched me come down a little. ‘You really are perfect.’
    ‘Perfect?’ I laughed. ‘You’ve already got me naked, the time for flattery has passed, don’t you think?’
    ‘Flattery implies deceit,’ he kissed my jaw again, keeping me on the edge. He pressed his body into mine so I could feel how hard he was between my legs. ‘I would never lie to you. You are the perfect specimen,’ his fingers brushed my hips as he spoke. ‘Your legs are strong and slender, perfect for wrapping around my waist,’ his beard scraped over every nerve in my jaw and neck. ‘Your hips are beautifully shaped, curved and easy to hold in my hands, your waist is slim and toned perfectly, your breasts are the perfect shape and weight,’ right on cue, his fingers drifted up to breasts and began massaging them, occasionally he would lightly pinch my nipples, making me sigh a little heavier than before. ‘Your neck is warm and soft, your jaw makes me want to be close to you and your face…’ Nox lifted himself to look over my face, my eyes were heavy and I was hardly able to focus on him properly. ‘You have very pretty features, very complimentary of each other, your hair is soft and rare. Only two percent of the human population of the universe is blonde. Your eyes… usually such bright, little emeralds that make me feel safe and settled, now obsidian gems that make me want to devour you in every way. Perfection.’ I hadn’t realised until that moment that my breathing had increased and I was now panting. His voice was just incredibly arousing on it’s own.
    ‘Perfection.’ I found myself repeating, just testing out the word, not really knowing if I suited it, but I supposed it didn’t really matter what I thought at that moment.
    Nox kissed me softly, but I could already feel him nudging close to my centre, I wanted him so desperately.
    ‘Please.’ I breathed, massaging the back of his neck, feeling his attack on my neck increase.
    Suddenly he stopped and stilled, had I done something wrong? ‘I apologise,’ he said, panting and lifting himself to see me, a small panic in his eyes. ‘I should have asked before if you are on any kind of contraception.’
    It was my turn to panic, I could already feel the tears building in the corners of my eyes, I tried to hide my hands that had begun shaking. ‘No.’ I breathed, Nox was just about to get up, presumably to get some other form of protection. ‘I don’t need to be.’ I stopped him. Nox frowned and indicated for me to explain. ‘I can’t… I can’t get pregnant… so, no need to worry.’ He seemed at a bit of a loss. ‘Not so perfect, I suppose.’ Maybe joking would help the situation.
    ‘Your ability to have children or not is irrelevant to your perfection,’ he stated. ‘I fell in love with you, this changes nothing.’ I thought all the air in the room had left me, he didn’t care, he really didn’t care. Nox pressed a harsh kiss to my mouth, his hands delved into my hair and I was so desperate to become a part of him. His hands dragged down my body and squeezed at the sensitive flesh, bringing me back up to a point of arousal where I was so ready for him.
    Without much warning, I suddenly felt him pushing slowly into me, stretching me more than I had ever been stretched in my life. My hand flew to his outrageously large arm, and he slowed.
    ‘Slower.’ I whispered, feeling him smile smugly against my mouth. He continued to softly kiss me, occasionally pushing his length into me as slowly as he could, but every time he did, I thought I would break. ‘Fuck, you’re big.’ I hadn’t meant to say it, but it was true and it made him laugh a little.
    ‘It bodes well for me that size impresses you.’ He stated, kissing me again. ‘But I’m afraid, I’m not done yet.’ Was he serious? He couldn’t have been, no one was that big, not a single human in the universe was that big without someone knowing about it. ‘Are you ready?’ He asked and I took a deep breath, nodding. He waited, watching me for a moment until I really was ready, before pushing just a little further than before.
    ‘Fuck, Alex.’ I groaned, my head thrown back as he attacked my throat, peppering hot kisses up the sensitive skin, gently biting and moaning into my neck.
    I could hear him panting harder, his smug smile increased as I realised what I said and it only made me laugh. ‘I told you I’d make you say it.’ He chuckled darkly. ‘Say it again.’ He asked gently.
    ‘You won’t get it out of me a second time.’ I panted, trying to regain some composure, but he wasn’t going to let that happen.
    ‘I expect it more than twice.’ He mumbled close to my ear, before pulling out ever so slightly, he thrust back at a slower pace, but it was still incredible, I almost slipped up. I was panting a little harder than I expected myself to, but the way he was filling me, it was warranted. ‘You think control is a challenge for you?’ He whispered, moving his hand down to lift my leg higher around his waist, changing the angle so that I took him just a little deeper, but it was a much better feeling. ‘Quite frankly, this could be humiliating for me.’ That made me laugh, I was the one spread eagled on his bed, promising I wouldn’t say his name, but failing miserably. I suddenly had an idea.
    ‘In that case,’ I leaned up to kiss him, swiping my tongue over his bottom lip, forcing a groan from his chest. ‘I think you had better make me come again, Alex.’ I made sure to say his name in the most sensual way I could. Lucky for me, it worked.
    Alex groaned and stilled for just a moment, closing his eyes and breathing deeply. ‘Rest assured, I’ll make you regret that.’ He kissed me hard and started to thrust slowly and gently, but it was all about the angle, it was all about the slow kissing and the way he cradled my body against his. It was the slow build, the fact that he could drag out moans from places I didn’t know I had, the fact that no one had ever made love to me before and I never even realised until Alex did it.
    ‘Say it again.’ He panted and I had just about lost all self control.
    ‘Alex.’ I moaned. He thrust a little deeper than before.
    ‘Again.’ He commanded more firmly. He was close.
    ‘Alex, please.’ I begged. ‘Please, make me come, Alex.’
    He only picked up the pace marginally before I was suddenly coming hard and fast, shaking around him.
    ‘Yes.’ I cried, let my back arch and once again tightening the angle for him.
    ‘Jessica.’ I had never heard his voice take on such a helpless tone before as he came hard inside me.
    Eventually we were coming down as slowly as Alex could bring us and I was unable to believe it was really over. For a while we just breathed together, just taking in what we had done together, just absorbing the cooling air around us. I turned to see the view of the glittering lights of the city and realised that the only noise I’d heard since I arrived at Alex’s apartment, was us. It was incredibly peaceful.
    ‘I hope you don’t mind the interruption,’ he said, breaking my thoughts. ‘But I will need to shower. Would you consider joining me?’ Alex smiled, his eyes were heavy, how could I say no?
    Alex was considerate, soothing, kind and gentle. We walked into his huge shower and without hesitation or conversation, he began washing every part of my body, as if committing it to memory. I was tired, my body ached and I couldn’t hold myself straight for much longer, I needed to sleep. Alex carried me back into the bedroom and lay me down carefully in the warm sheets.
    ‘Goodnight.’ He whispered and the last thing I felt was his warm, strong arms wrapping around my small frame, keeping me safe, keeping me close.
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lycan--carcass · 3 years
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Alexander 'Caustic' Nox I love you
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shortythescreen · 4 years
I know you do mostly shipping but would you be able to do something with Wattson and Caustic like as father daughter kind of?
Note(s): Mentions of Natalie’s injuries, mentions of Caustic’s past crimes. Even though this is sfw, my blog is not, so please do not follow me if you’re under 18! Also, I actually LOVE writing the legends dynamics that aren’t romantic. They’re family and friends damn it. 
Alexander Nox wanted children. 
An oddity of which would baffle the majority of true crime journalists that investigated his supposed death and suspected reappearance. He never took a wife during his time on Gaea and rarely was it that he dated. His relationships were usually short lived, ended due to his dedication to his work, and when he truly became invested in the pursuit of improving the gas that corroded any living tissue it came into contact with, children became the last thing on his mind. 
Dr. Caustic forgot almost entirely about the desire after entering the Apex Games. If he couldn’t have children before, certainly now it would be impossible -- not only because of his age, evident by the graying hairs in his beard and temples, but because he could have no further evidence that he escaped the Humbert Labs fire. 
When he met Ms. Paquette, he admired her mind. He still does -- so young and still so ingenious. The ring is a modern marvel, an engineering feat that Dr. Caustic still believes she should be awarded for. 
As she answered his questions about the ring, he began to admire her for other things. That despite her intellect, she still managed to be bright, chipper. That despite losing someone so important to her so young, she made silly puns, collected the other Legends like they were as much family as the man she buried. 
She is a bright spot in a dark world, a light that illuminates the room. She squealed and grinned when he found her Nessie in the ring, begged him to keep it, saw the sides of him that he would not allow the other legends to see. 
Dr. Caustic is brutal. He will never not be. Observation of death is not only his study, it is his passion. His life. 
Right, now, though, it’s the last thing he wants. 
He sits next to Ms. Paquette’s bed, watching her prone face. Dr. Caustic finds very little truly wrong in the world -- has watched the process of death closely, has made sure he can annotate the process as it happens.
It seems wrong now to watch Natalie so still. She is always moving, full of energy -- he has watched her rub a balloon on her head, squealing when the static tickles it way across her scalp. He has watched her laugh after making a silly pun that only someone with knowledge of electricity could understand. He has watched her chatter about the ring, about the developments she’s discovered in furthering her research, about the improves she wants to make. To see her still, unconscious, injured... 
It makes his blood boil, makes him glad that Revenant discovered their plot. He hopes the simulacrum touches Ms. Andrade with its deadly fingers, that it chokes the air from her lungs and leaves her in the same condition that she flippantly disregarded Ms. Paquette in. 
If Ms. Paquette does not recover, he might even ask it to allow him the honor. 
Dr. Caustic looks at her hand, resting above the blanket. She’s dressed in a hospital gown, her golden hair spread across the pillow, and it occurs to him that he should look into getting a hair brush -- that feeling her hair tangled from resting on it for so long will bother her. 
He rises, meaning to approach Wraith’s dorm, ask if she has one that she can lend him in the event that Ms. Paquette awakens -- she is the only one who will understand the show of tenderness, the only one that won’t be unsettled by it -- when Ms. Paquette stirs. 
“Ms. Paquette,” he says in a rush, sitting back down, his elbows dropping to rest on the edge of her mattress his gathering up her hand. It’s cold and he hopes he can warm it between his fingers. She sighs, her eyes fluttering open, slivers of blue appearing behind the thick line of her blonde lashes. 
“Doctor... Caustic...” she whispers back, voice croaking from lack of use. She’s been unconscious for the better part of the week, waking only twice for brief periods of time only to fall right back into her slumber. All the breath leaves his lungs and Dr. Caustic twists his head to cough into his bicep. “You should... have some water...” 
“Don’t be ridiculous, you’re the one in need of something to drink,” says Dr. Caustic. Incredible. She’s just woken up and already she’s more concerned for his health than her own. He goes to stand, to find a nurse that can bring her a proper meal -- only for her smaller hand to tighten around one of his larger ones, as strong as she can manage as she comes to. 
“Ms. Paquette, it is imperative I call a nurse to take your vitals-” 
She looks at him with those eyes like the sky, endlessly blue, and her lower lip puckers out like she’s pouting. Dr. Caustic feels something clench in his chest, thumping wetly, constricting and not for the first time, he wishes he could have protected her from this. He stares at her for a long moment then with a huff, he sits back down. 
“Fine. But I will be calling Ms. Che to run diagnostics on you.” He says, fishing out the phone given to him that he’s still not quite sure how to use. He places it on his thigh, opening the screen, and navigating to his contacts. 
“Tell her... nothing hertz...” Ms. Paquette says and his toxic green eyes flicker from his phone screen up to look at her, deadpan. The instant he meets her eyes, her lips pull into a smile, tired but bright and all at once, the light has turned back on in Dr. Caustic’s world. 
Alexander Nox wanted children. Dr. Caustic forgot entirely about it, removed himself from the name that so many accused him of being born with. Natalie Paquette made him remember.
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fictionkinfessional · 3 years
ah. hello. katerina. or uh, mom.
i'm here.
i love you.
and sorry again.
please don't die on me, mom. i love you. and so does tae joon. please keep living, if not for me then for him. he's been a much better son, and i understand if you want to completely disown me or something similar. still. i love you, mom.
- alexander nox (apex legends)
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