#i luhh her:(((((((((
jadedghoul · 1 year
Callate gringa fkfbekfbdkrnekdn
0 notes
ashes-writing · 1 year
stranger things ● can't fight this feeling ● s.harrington
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angsty!Steve in the beginning, flirtatious!coquette reader, neighbors to lovers, high school drama and angst, no sci fi or upside down this is a total AU, underage smoking, alcohol and 🍃 + house parties and eventual filth / PDA ( for my readers who aren't a fan you're warned now ahead of time), Steve finally wins a fight it's happening at some point, teeeny hints of a rivalry between Billy / Steve but Steve is bae so he will win, swearing, sarcasm. mentions of both steve and reader having similar but totally different home lives and steve's parents are.. old money snobby.
<- female reader warning ( personified a fair bit, clothing / hair / body parts and loads of personality so this one isn't as vague sorry babes this is me being ✨ self indulgent ✨ to a degree )
word count
7670 words exactly. I uh.. got carried away, oopsies.
( i'm on my bullshit.. again. there was a lot of groundwork to set bc this is deffo going to be a series. )
he's fresh off a breakup with Nancy and he's not looking. but then you move in next door and he's entirely too aware. will either of you be able to fight your feelings?
( traaash. summary is trash. song inspo / title is can't fight this feeling by REO Speedwagon cos it kinda fits, esp the 'my life has been a whirlwind since I saw you' line. trust me on this. )
-- taglist here if you want to be tagged in my works please lmk or add yourself. otherwise, i don't tag.also, also.. if anyone who joined my ST list for strictly gareth fics wanna be removed from my other nonsense lmk please?
@tbmunson - bestie i luhh you. i had to tag you in this because you're my inspiration. feel free to ignore though, babes.
other links
masterlist ● steve's masterlist ● about + rules
Rain drizzles down the window of the classroom as Steve Harrington stares out, bored. He’s barely listening, his mind’s a million miles away. Replaying the talk he had with the guidance counselor about college and the importance of it in his head. 
The door to the classroom opens with a tired creak, slowly. He tears his eyes off the gray drizzle outside to glance over and he watches as you walk in, stopping by the teacher’s desk. You happen to glance his way and the second you do this, he’s lost in your eyes for a few seconds. You’re the one who looks down first. Beside him, he can hear Carol and Nicole whispering back and forth, he catches bits of it and rolls his eyes.
If he needed a reminder as to why he stopped being friends with Carol and Tommy, the fact that she’s already talking about you and she doesn’t even know you is a good one. Carol snickers quietly, nodding to the front of the classroom at you as she tells Nicole, “She’s gonna get dress coded for that little dress of hers by the end of the day. Only sluts wear that kind of stuff.” and Nicole whispers back, “Carol, that’s mean. You’re not wrong though. I bet she’s easy.”
By now, you’ve clocked the two girls whispering back and forth as they steal glances at you and you want to laugh but you can’t. You’re almost willing to bet that they’re whispering back and forth about the pastel pink slip dress you’re wearing beneath your favorite soft cardigan with the hood and flared sleeves. Honestly, the fact that you’ve only been at Hawkins High for a total of ten minutes now and you’re already being talked about is something you find amusing. 
The teacher is still looking over your schedule and as he does, you shuffle your feet against the speckled tiles. Glancing around the classroom.
The first set of gazes you meet are the two girls who are making no secret that they’re talking about you. You smirk at both and when the redhead looks you up and down and mouths the word slut, you shrug.
It’s nothing you haven’t heard before and honestly, you stopped letting anything anybody else says or thinks about you get to you a long time ago. 
The next person your eyes settle on is the guy sitting right beside the window with an olive colored Members Only jacket. He looks like a classroom is the last place he wants to be and he’s twisting a black ink pen around in between his fingers until he looks up and right at you.
You can’t help but stare. His hand raises and fingers drag through effortlessly styled brown hair and your eyes catch on the movement for a split second but then they’re moving downward. Settling briefly on the prettiest lips you’ve ever seen on a boy, hands down. You bite your own lip for a second or two and you can feel a slow heat rise from the pit of your stomach, blossoming out over your cheeks and settling in the tips of your ears. He’s still staring, you can’t tell whether it’s amusement, curiosity or boredom, maybe it’s a mix of all three playing in doe eyes as he continues to stare. You shift from one foot to the other and your hand raises, catching in the long thick mess you call hair. Lingering there as you let a slow and soft smile slowly play at your lips.
The trance you’re in is broken by the teacher speaking. First to you, “You can take the empty seat in front of Steve Harrington.” and you nod. Then the teacher addresses that same boy you’ve only just managed to take your eyes off of because you were so mesmerized.
Which is dumb, you think to yourself, because I know how guys are. And he looks like the very kind to break your heart and probably laugh about it.
You shove the thought out of your head.
“Mr. Harrington, since you’re not taking one of your naps today, mind raising your hand so that our new student can find her desk, sir?”
There’s quiet laughter among the other students and you catch a glimpse of Steve as a hint of pink creeps into his cheeks and he gives the teacher a dirty look while slowly raising his hand.
You make your way over to your new seat and you’re settling in. The teacher tells you what page he’s reading from and you realize there’s no book at your desk so you speak up. “I don’t have a book.”
“You can share with Mr. Harrington. Maybe if he’s sharing a book he’ll actually pay attention for once.” the teacher shoots Steve a pointed look and Steve grumbles to himself but he moves to the empty seat beside your seat, the one normally occupied by some girl named Andrea. He pushes the seat closer to yours and sets the textbook so that it’s between you so you can see it and read along.
You give him this shy little smile and he gives you a weak one. Half-hearted, because Steve Harrington doesn’t smile that much these days. 
As he settles into the seat he’s moved so that it’s beside your own, the sultry sweet scent of vanilla and a hint of something fruity envelopes the air around you both and when you lean in a little to read the page as he flips it, your movement sends it wafting towards him all over again.
Your hair brushes against his bare arm and he shifts in his seat slightly. You glance up at him apologetically and a few strands of hair swoop down into your eyes. He shrugs off the apology and goes back to reading. Or attempting to read.
You’re almost hyper aware of the boy  sitting next to you, the powdery musk of his designer cologne thick in the air as you catch yourself stealing another glance of his side profile, sharp facial features, the faintest hint of a five o’clock shadow. When you feel his eyes set on you again, you quickly drop your gaze to feign interest in the same paragraph you’ve been reading for almost a whole minute by this point.
You uncross your legs to cross them again the opposite way. He moves to flip the page to the next one and this time, his forearm brushes right against the soft flared sleeve of the cardigan you’re wearing that nearly covers your pastel pink slip dress.
The air is thick, getting thicker by the second. And you catch yourself stealing a look at the clock over the blackboard because you almost can’t breathe properly and you’re wondering how long until the bell rings and you can rush out of class, go find a bathroom and collect yourself. 
Steve’s gaze shifts to the clock and he takes a deep breath. There’s only ten more minutes left to class. The teacher finishes reading and closes his book, gazing out into the classroom. “You may choose someone to work with to complete the worksheet.”
You close the textbook and you’re assuming that he’ll move, abandon you to go work with friends or something. Honestly, you’re not in a hurry to find someone to work with, the equations on the worksheet are something you previously covered at your last school so you know you can struggle through and finish them on your own. ,, and I don’t need anybody to work with anyway, I’m better off alone.” the thought comes but it’s quickly shoved out of your head. You pick up your pencil and start working, despite the fact that Steve hasn’t moved back to his normal seat.
“You’re doing it wrong.” Steve speaks up after about ten or fifteen seconds of watching you bite your lip and glare at the paper in front of you, writing in numbers and erasing them. He clears his throat and nods to the worksheet in front of you. You look up at him and your tongue outlines glossy pink lips. He lets his eyes linger for a second or two before taking your pencil and the worksheet. And he calmly explains exactly what you’re missing to solve the problem.
“You have to divide first.” he tells you and you nod. You take the pencil from him when he holds it out to you and you make an attempt at doing the next one on your own, but you wind up annoyed. Letting the pencil fall to the  desk.
“Math isn’t.. It’s not my thing. I hate numbers.” you admit quietly. Steve looks up from his half-complete worksheet and over to yours. Then he looks at you. “I can help you.. If you want me to, I mean.”
“Please?” you’re giving him this little pout, begging with your eyes. He chuckles and bites his lip as he  trains his eyes on your worksheet. “Okay, I see what’s happening. Okay, this is what you need t’do.” he takes the pencil again and he’s going through each step with you. Every now and then he’ll drag his hand through his hair or pause and rub the back of his neck and your eyes are glued to his hands each time. “Okay, do you understand now?” he questions and you bring yourself out of your little daze to nod. Give him a little smile. “Math isn’t really my thing, but I think I get what you’re saying.”
He chuckles quietly. Goes back to finishing off his own worksheet quietly and after a little more struggling on your end, you finish your worksheet. Everyone else is still working for the most part.
You glance around the classroom for a few seconds to make sure nobody is looking and you slip the pack of gum out. You take a piece for yourself and unwrap it, popping it into your mouth. Then you gently tap Steve on the bicep and when he looks up, you nod to his hands.
His brow raises. You carefully slip the fat square of gum beneath the hand he has resting against the desk, your hands brushing. He sucks in a breath and feels annoyed with himself for the simple fact that even the slightest hint of physical contact is amplified because it’s just so rare that he’s touched or touching anybody else as of late.
It’s not a big deal and he tells himself that.
The bell to end class rings and you rise from your seat, gathering your books and shoving them down into your backpack, slinging that carelessly over one shoulder. Steve realizes that you left a paperback behind on top of the desk you were sitting in so he picks it up and wanders out into the hallway, glancing up and then down, brown eyes scanning the busy crowd of students until he spots you at some lockers down the hall just a little. You’re leaning against a locker with a little silver compact mirror in your hand and you’re reapplying your favorite flavored gloss to your lips.
He makes his way over and you lock eyes with him in the reflection of your little silver mirror just as you’re finishing your touch-up. You give him another soft little smile and close the compact, turning to face him. It puts you body to body and you marvel at the difference in your heights. The way he towers  over you and the way the polo shirt he’s wearing cuffs tight against his biceps. As the hallway gets more crowded, you’re forced at one point to step into him and when you do this, you brush against him just barely and Steve swallows hard.
“Sorry.” you mumble, a softness to your voice when you speak. He tears his focus off that and holds out your paperback, hints of a teasing smirk on his face as you feel your cheeks flame up the second you realize you left your current read sitting behind beneath the desk in class.
You want the floor to open up and swallow you right then and there. Your gaze settles on the thick and well-read paperback he’s holding out to you, the picture of a bare chested pirate standing at the helm of a ship with long dark hair blown out in the breeze emblazoned across the front has you swallowing hard. And there’s this teasing gleam in Steve’s eyes as he chuckles. “I think this is yours.”
“Uh huh.” is all you can manage to get out for some reason. And you’re annoyed at yourself for this. You pluck the book out of his hand and you shove it into your locker once you’ve opened it. Steve’s started to walk away and you steal a quick glance as he disappears into a classroom.
When you have to lean against the locker and breathe in, breathe out to pull yourself together, you grow even more annoyed with yourself. “Jesus christ. He’s just a boy.” you fan yourself and beside you, there’s laughter.
“He’s not even that good looking if you want the honest truth. And his kind.. They think they own the school.”
You’re red-faced when you meet the other girl’s gaze. Biting your lip, you nod in agreement. “Yeah. I kind of thought that’d be the case. Usually is with the pretty ones.”
Robin laughs softly. “I’m Robin. What’s your name?”
“You’re new, huh?”
You nod. “Today is my first day.”
Robin smiles at you. “Prepare to be bored out of your skull. I’ve gotta get going. I’ll uh.. I’ll see you around?”
You smile back at her and nod. “Yeah. It’s a small school.” you keep it casual. Careful. Because getting too close isn’t something you’re good at. It’s not something you do well with and every single time you do, it winds up being a complete disaster. As she wanders off to her next class, you consult your schedule.
You’re wandering the hallway, in no hurry despite the fact that you know damn well the tardy bell is about to ring and you need to be making an effort to find your next class. As you turn a corner, you find yourself body to body with another boy. He’s not as tall and he looks more than a little overconfident. Blue eyes flit over you, taking you in. He’s chewing spearmint gum, this mixes with the faintest hint of cigarette and you bite your lip, looking him right in the eyes. It’s cheeky. Defiant. He chuckles.
“Hey. Haven’t seen you around before. I’m Billy.”
“___. You haven’t seen me because I’m new. Do you mind?” you’re staring over his shoulder because he happens to be standing right in front of the door you need to go through to get to your next class. Instead of moving, he leans in the doorway. Blocking your entrance. He chuckles. “Oh? You’re in this class too?”
You nod. He steps out of the door and makes a show about letting you go in first. You ignore his theatrics and slink into the room, presenting the teacher with your schedule and gazing around the room as the teacher writes your name down in her grade book. You wind up sitting at the same dual desk that Billy’s assigned to and you can feel him staring at you through class.
You look up a time or two because the weight of his stare is just that heavy. 
Somewhere in the middle of class, he slips you a note.
← i’m kind of new here too.
← you smell amazing, by the way. Sweet.
You let your palm settle over the note and slip it across the desk so that it’s in front of your space. Your eyes dance over the words and you can’t help but roll them as soon as you read what he’s written about your scent. It’s the perfume, it gets you a lot of compliments. Surprising for a cheap perfume, but it’s your signature scent now, you haven’t worn anything else since freshman year.
You tap your pink pen against the desktop for a few seconds before responding.
→ Fascinating. I lived in the next town over. Where’d you move here from?
→ Thanks?
There’s not much else to say. You’ve got no real desire to ask him about himself, he strikes you as the type who won’t shut up about himself once you give him an opening to talk. Very much egotistical. Not what you’re into at all.
You slip the note back towards him and his hand settles over your hand for just a second or two, settling on top of it so you can’t pull away. It’s annoying, really.
A definite contrast to the way your two accidental brushes against the hand of Steve Harrington in your first class felt. But you’re shoving that one out as quickly as it invades your brain.
Because you’re better off alone. It’s been proven time and time again for you. Made worse by the fact that since your mom’s death, your own father can’t even stand to be around you. You know he loves you, you know he’s grieving but he’s shut you out completely.
You tear yourself out of your own thoughts and lick your lips, training your eyes on the torn slip of paper. You slip it back over to your side of the desk.
← There’s a party tonight. You should come.
← I can show you around.
You glance over at him, chewing your gum. He’s already staring when you look up and as a result, you make it a point to look down. Picking up your favorite pink pen, you start to scrawl out a response. 
→ Can’t. My friends are coming over.
→ I’ll figure it out. Thanks anyway.
You push the torn slip of paper back to him and turn your attention to the worksheet you’ve just been handed by the teacher. This class is another subject you’re not so good at but you’re determined that you’ll struggle in silence. Because you want as little to do with the boy sitting beside you as possible, truth be told. You’re just not into the whole aura of dominance that you’re getting off him.
It reminds you too much of the last boy you dated. The one who kept pushing you into things you weren’t ready for and didn’t want. 
Billy rubs his chin thoughtfully and he steals another look at you as you sit beside him, glaring at the worksheet as you uncross your legs and cross them again. You’ve taken off the high platform shoes you were wearing, they’re discarded below your chair. You twist a strand of hair around your finger as you focus on your work.He leans in a little, nodding to the worksheet. “I can help you.”
“I’m fine.” you answer quick. He frowns to himself as soon as you’ve looked away. You’re the first girl that hasn’t fallen at his feet in months and he’s at a loss about it. He’s also determined to change this.
“You’ve got your square drawn wrong.”
You glance up and over at Billy, the end of your pen rested against the center of your bottom lip. “I’ll figure it out later.” you answer.
“Fine. I’m trying to help.” Billy raises his hands and gives you his best good guy smile. You barely acknowledge it, looking back down at the worksheet in front of you instead. The second the bell rings you’ve gathered your books and you’re out the door before Billy even has the chance to catch you. You glance back to find him flanked by the two girls in your first class, both of them whispering and staring at you intently.. Again.
You roll your eyes and turn your head back to the front of you so that you can actually see where you’re going but you don’t do it soon enough and you collide into Steve. Steve’s hands shoot out, resting against your upper arms to steady you and he chuckles. “You’re in a hurry.”
“Yeah. Sorry. I should’ve been paying attention.” you mumble because yet again, you’re mesmerized. You shake your head and laugh softly at yourself. “Trying to get away from this guy in my class.”
Steve chuckles. Has the passing thought that this is something that probably happens to you a lot. Wonders to himself if it has anything at all to do with the way you carry yourself without realizing it, because it took him all of five minutes in the class he had with you earlier to quickly figure out that you’re one of those girls who carries herself like a little flirt and it’s completely unintentional for the most part.
Like, you’re completely unaware of it.
Because if he weren’t a thousand percent sure there was no way in hell you were flirting with you, if this had been last year, he’d have already put the moves on you.
,, but you’re not that guy anymore.” he reminds himself, ,, and you’re better off not getting close or attached because the one time you did was a disaster.” 
“This guy have a name?” Steve asks. Surprised by the surge of jealousy that rises to the surface quick when you laugh and roll your eyes as you say the name of the guy in question. “Yeah. His name is Billy.”
“The guy’s a douchebag.” Steve steps up into you because he sees Billy rounding the corner, flanked by Carol and Nicole. Tommy’s walking in front of the three of them, facing away from the flow of hallway traffic like an asshole.
Your gaze flits to the group as they make their way past but it’s only because Steve was already glancing their way and you were curious about where he was looking. Billy locks eyes with you and a smirk plays at peachy lips. “Hey Harrington, I see you met ___.”
Carol rolls her eyes and coughs to cover “Slut.” when she passes you.
“ When a house lands on that bitch I want to be there.” you mumble, a response to hearing what she said and tried to cover. You shake your head and laugh it off and Steve is glaring at their retreating backs. “Ignore her. She’s jealous of pretty much everybody.”
“I picked up on that in first.” you admit, laughing softly. You tilt your head to the side slightly, gazing up at Steve. You haven’t bothered to step away from him and he finally realizes that he’s still got his hands against  your upper arms, so he lowers them, slipping them into the pockets of his olive colored jacket. He steps away first, leaning against his locker. “So uh… what class do you have now?”
“Home Ec?” you dig around for the schedule you spent the parts of first class that you weren’t stealing glances at him doodling all over and you find it, holding it out to him. Steve takes the paper and chuckles, raising a hand to rest it against the back of his head. “C’mon. Your class is down the hall from mine. I’ll help you find it.”
Wordlessly, you fall in beside him, wandering down the hall. Neither of you are saying anything to each other. As you pass up Nancy’s locker in the hallway, Nancy watches as Steve walks past with you. She notes the way you tuck yourself into his side when the hallway gets a little too crowded. She catches you when you steal a glance up at him and it lingers right as the two of you are almost past the locker she’s standing in front of. She notices the way you’re biting your lip while you’re staring and all of this prompts her to gently nudge her new boyfriend Jonathan, nodding to your retreating backs.
Jonathan follows his girlfriend’s gaze.
“Do you think he’ll be okay?”
“I don’t know. But I do think she’s into him. Who was she?”
Jonathan shrugs. “Not a single clue.”
But Nancy’s curious now. And she’s sensing the potential to fix the mess she made when she broke up with Steve a few months ago. 
“You’re getting an idea.. Aren’t you?”
“Maybe?” Nancy laughs softly as she says it and Jonathan chuckles. “Leave it alone, Nance.”
But she doesn’t want to because she owes Steve.. Something. She feels horrible about the way things ended. Cheating on him even though it’s not what she set out to do.
She hates the way things ended and she’s really hated seeing him the way he is now, all distant and closed off. Shut down.
Steve spots the door to the Home Ec classroom. He nods to it. “There you are.”
You’re lingering in the doorway, almost body to body. “Thanks. I’ll see you around.” you give him another little smile and you turn, making your way into the classroom. As Steve turns to walk away, he finds himself almost nose to nose with Billy Hargrove, who promptly chuckles. Nods to the door you just walked through. “You can’t handle a girl like that, Harrington. You couldn’t even handle that little mouse you got dumped by. What was her name again?”
Steve rolls his eyes.
“I was walking her to class.”
“Sure you were. If you’re smart, Harrington.. You’ll leave her alone.”
“Maybe you’re the one who should do that, Billy.” and Steve has to check himself, he’s not even sure why he’s getting worked up over it to start with, it’s not like you’re his girl. He doesn’t have any right.
All he knows is that you were in a big hurry to get away from Billy Hargrove not even ten minutes ago and that alone tells him you’re not interested in Billy. 
,, And she’s not your girl so this isn’t your business.” his brain reminds, only to have him ignore it because he’s sick and fucking tired of the way Billy’s taken over since his arrival back in October.
He’s not jealous, he’s just annoyed. Irritated.
The guy’s an asshole and everyone seems to flock to that.
Billy chuckles. “That’s not gonna happen, Harrington. You into her or something?” Billy’s taunting him, a menacing gleam in baby blue eyes as he steps just a little closer. “That what this is, Harrington?”
“Nope. I just know for a fact that she was in such a hurry to escape you that she ran into me.” Steve’s standing taller. Studying Billy with an annoyed look on his face and his arms folded over his chest. Billy makes himself taller. Smirks at Steve. “She’s gonna end up with me. I’m pretty good at getting what I want.”
Steve chuckles. Shrugs it off. “Whatever, Hargrove. I really don’t care.”
It’s a lie, he’d rather eat glass before admitting just how much the thought of Billy making yet another girl fall at his feet annoys him, but he’s determined to stick through it. 
“Stay away from her, Harrington.” Billy calls out the warning as Steve walks away, not even bothering to stop and look back or challenging him.
Because if it happens, it happens. All he’s currently trying to do is finish out his senior year and graduate. Get on with his life. Nothing matters anymore.
You wander into your new house, pausing at the door to slip off your shoes and put down your backpack, slip out of your favorite cardigan and hang it neatly on the coat hanger. You close the door behind you and wander over to your father’s state of the art stereo, turning it on and tuning it to the local rock station you prefer and then from there, you wander into the kitchen, sifting through the mail that’s sat on the counter, discarding everything but your catalogs as you wander over and open the double doors of the fridge.
You’ve just popped the tab on your soda when you hear the doorbell ringing, so you wander back out into the living room, throwing open the front door.
“Girl.. This place is big!” your friend Chloe steps into your house and she’s laughing. Talking a mile a minute about what happened today at your old school. And you’d be listening if it weren’t for the fact that you’re just a little distracted, staring at the house across the street.
Steve Harrington is outside, mowing the lawn. A gray t-shirt thrown around his neck to catch the sweat that’s covering his body in a light sheen.
Chloe realizes you aren’t listening and she goes quiet, her gaze following yours.
“He’s kind of a prettyboy, ___. Like Landon.”
You sigh. Give her a sheepish shrug. “He seems sweet though. He’s in my first class of the day.”
“Speaking of.. How weird is it going to our rival high school?” Chloe asks and you finally manage to shut the front door just so you won’t keep staring across the road at the poor guy. You remind yourself a little firmer this time that guys like Steve will break your heart. Zero hesitation.
Your father’s sports car pulls into the circular brick drive in front of the house and he calls out, “Forgot my plane tickets, champ!”
“On the counter, sir!”
“I’m leaving the Visa with you this time. If you girls wanna go into the city and do a little shopping or you need anything, you know the pin, right?”
This is standard. You get the same speech every single time he leaves. You’ve been getting it since the summer your mother died, between 8th grade and 9th. When your father started taking more out of town cases. Higher profile ones that meant he’d be away longer. When he started taking solo vacations because he said he needed time.
He goes in for a hug but it’s not the hugs he gave you when you were a little girl, you haven’t gotten one of those since your mom died either. This is stiff and it’s awkward. You pull away and your eyes settle on his navy colored tie. “Dad.. the tie is wrong. You’re going to throw off the whole suit.”
“Fix it,will ya, princess?”
You fix his tie and he chuckles, glancing from you to your best friend Chloe. “You two don’t have any wild parties.”
And then he’s gone, plane ticket in hand. 
Chloe laughs softly. “C’mon. You mentioned this place has a heated pool?”
You laugh. “I did.”
“We can go swim. Teresa and Janey are coming, Janey just had to go home and finish packing her mom for New York.”
“What about Em?”
“She’s gonna no show. And we’re not talking to her right now because oh my god, girl.. Guess who brought her to school this morning?”
You shrug. “Yeah. I kind of knew  that was coming.”
“It blew up at lunch. They were all over each other and we exploded. I mean, there is such a thing as girl code.”
“Chloe, it’s fine. It’s not like I was gonna marry the guy. Besides.. I broke up with him. Remember?”
“Well yeah, but still. She’s dating him not even a week later. You’re our friend. Friends don’t pull that crap.”
You laugh and smile at her. “It was so hard today, I kept looking for you guys in the hallway. I did make one friend. Her name is Robin? She’s taking AP classes, so she’s in a few of my classes with the seniors.”
“You invited her, right?”
“She said she didn’t want to be in the way. Next time though.”
Chloe smiles. “Good.”
Teresa’s mother’s car pulls into the circular drive out front behind where Chloe parked her older sister’s car when she arrived. Teresa gets out on the driver side and Janey gets out of the passenger seat, the two of them arguing loud about Teresa’s driving and you’re laughing as you open the door again to let them in.
“Girl, holy shit. This house is massive.”
“I’m moving in.”
You laugh, hugging your two friends.
Teresa pulls away from the hug. “Did Chloe tell you about Landon and Em? Girl, that’s who he was cheating on you with.” 
You wince but it doesn’t hurt like you thought it would, finally knowing the  truth. Ultimately, you shrug it off. “It’s whatever, Teresa. I’m over it. It’s not like we were going to get married anyway, I mean.. And honestly, he’s not even that good looking.”
“He’s got balls for a chin.”
You snort, a hand raised to your mouth as you stifle a laugh. “So mean, Teresa.”
“Tessa’s coming too. Mom finally ungrounded her.” Teresa tells you and you laugh. “Unless she gets grounded again.”
“True, you’ve got a point. I can’t believe she thought she’d get away with coming in at 1.”
“Where was she even at?”
“That stupid club in the city? Yeah.. Apparently, Brenda figured out how to score a fake id? She got soooooo wasted. I had to help her up to her room.”
“Wait.. Brenda? Mousy little Brenda? She knows how to score a fake id?” you’re raising a brow because this is surprising. 
“Mhm.  That one.”
 The Mustang Tessa drives pulls to a stop behind the car her twin sister drove and Tessa gets out. “Guess who’s out on parole, bitches!”
She says it so loud that you’re pretty sure Steve’s mother heard her as she got out of her own sports car across the street. Because the woman pauses, looks back at the group of you standing in the open front door of your father’s house and she’s giving you all this look of extreme disdain.
As soon as she’s in the house, Tessa wrinkles her nose. “What the hell was her problem?”
“You know how high on themselves those old money types are, sis.” Teresa laughs. Chloe speaks up. “Her son is hot. I wonder if he has any brothers.. Particularly an older one, y’know me..”
You groan and roll your eyes. And you happen to glance at the house across the street again just in time to see Steve standing in an upstairs window, looking out. You give a little wave and laughing, you turn away, wandering into the house.
“So.. we’re swimming. Right?”
“Duh. I waited for you guys to finally get here so I can test out the heated pool. I ordered pizza too. And Tessa can use her fake id to get us a little something later.” you’re giving the older girl a teasing look and Tessa grumbles, but she finally agrees. “Okay, alright,fine. I better not get in trouble.”
“Girl, nobody in Hawkins knows our mom.”
“Thank God for that.”
All of you make your way up into the room you chose to be yours and you’re taking turns changing into bathing suits in it’s adjoining private bathroom. Janey’s lounging on the bed, flipping through a magazine and you wander over to the big window facing the street, leaning against the glass.
“Yeah?” Janey looks up.
“Were you creeping on that guy next door?”
You can feel your cheeks burn. “No!”
“I’m not lying.”
“He’s back.” Janey laughs when you flatten yourself against the wall next to the window and she’s smirking. “Point proven.”
You flip her off.
“Hey, I’m stealing this purple bikini.” Tessa calls out from your walk in closet. You laugh. “Take it. I didn’t like the way it fit. Too much ass.”
“What? It’s true!”
“If I were a boy, you have no idea.” Teresa is wiggling her brows at you suggestively and you’re laughing and shaking your head. 
You grab your favorite bikini, a red top with little white hearts all over it and a purposely mismatched white bottom with little red hearts all over it and you step into your closet to change. Once you’re done changing, you and your friends wander out into the yard, heading towards the back gate. 
And across the road, Mrs. Harrington rolls her eyes. “Where on Earth are that girls parents?”
Steve almost chokes on the sip of Sprite he’s taken as he tries not to laugh or respond with something that he knows will get him in serious trouble.
His father rolls his eyes at his mother’s query and turns his attention back to Steve. “The coach called to talk to me today at the firm. Says you’ve been less than enthusiastic at practice lately, son. Harringtons are winners.”
“Yes sir.”
“And you need to talk to that rep from my old college. You’ve got to stop being lazy and putting things off. Slacking will not be tolerated.”
“Sweetie, your father just wants what’s best for you. Is this all because of that little drip? What was her name..” his mother rolls her eyes and turns her attention to the sudden shattering of silence, some rock band playing at full blast from the house across the street.
She rubs her forehead, grumbling in annoyance. “Those people are going to bring  down property values.”
Steve clenches his fists. “Don’t you both have a flight to catch soon?”
“We fly out tomorrow. There better not be any girls here while we’re gone.”
“Your mother is right. The last thing you need right now is some little tramp throwing off your focus, kid. You’ve got a big game this Friday. A scout is going to be there. I expect your best effort.”
And Steve goes along with it, nodding his head. But mentally, he’s just reached a point where he’s done. And he doesn’t care. Because he doesn’t want anything his father’s been pushing on him since he was old enough to dribble a ball.
But basketball’s been the only way to get his father’s attention and even an ounce of pride from the man in him. But lately, he’s just reached a point where he doesn’t care. He’s starting to realize that the only time his parents are proud of him happen to be when he’s doing everything they want him to do. It’s as if he’s not allowed anything that might actually make him happy.
They hated Nancy.
They hate it when he goes out or has friends over, they hate anything remotely resembling fun.
“Okay, alright. I will, okay?”
“You’d better. I mean it, son. You’d better start shaping up. High school is almost over, son. It’s time to start growing up. Putting away childish things.”
And Steve can’t take it anymore. He gets up from the table and pushes his chair back into place beneath it forcefully before storming up the stairs.
“I don’t know what’s gotten into that kid but if he doesn’t shape up, I’ll ship him off to the military. That’ll build his character alright. Worked for me.” Steve’s father doesn’t miss a beat, rolling his eyes as the radio in his son’s bedroom kicks on, the sounds of some godawful band filling the house.
Down the table, Steve’s mother glares up at the ceiling. “He was such a sweet little boy. What happened to my sweet little boy? I think it was that frumpy little girl he was so caught up in.. Nancy? Wasn’t that her name? Or was it Nelly?”
Up in his room, Steve grabs his pack of cigarettes, thumping the unopened pack against his palm after he’s opened the window so he doesn’t set off the smoke alarms. Because if he has to take a second more of his parents riding him, he’s going to explode and he knows it.
He flops down in the window seat and leans his head back against the window surround, taking a cigarette out of the pack. And he finds himself glancing across the street to your house. Watching as you and your friends splash around in the heated pool out back. He can hear I Just Died In Your Arms Tonight as it floats across on the night breeze. He chuckles to himself as you try to dive on a massive unicorn float and miss it completely, popping up from beneath the water to splash your friend who is perched on a lounge chair, sipping something out of a wine glass.
As you pull yourself out of the pool and start to walk towards the gate, he quickly drops his gaze, exhaling a plume of smoke out the window and into the night. He’s got his eyes closed, he’s humming along to your radio since apparently, you’re going to let everyone in the neighborhood suffer tonight. Cutting Crew fades to Material Girl by Madonna and his eyes pop open when he hears a hiss coming from the yard below. 
He swings his legs so that they’re out the windows as he sits up, gazing down at you. 
“Hey.” you’re smiling, a hand caught in wet and wild hair as you tilt your head and stare up at the way he’s sitting half out his bedroom window. You nod to the cigarette pressed between his lips. “You don’t uh.. Do you have more of those?”
“Can I bum one? Please?”
“You smoke?” he raises a brow. You shrug. “Everyone has vices, Steve.”
“Yeah. Hang on.”
“Wait, this will be easier if I just ring the bell and ask for you.” you say it and you’re gone before Steve can coax you out of doing that. He hears you ring the doorbell and he swears to himself, hurrying to shove a few cigarettes in the hollowed out book he usually hides his joints in on the rare occasion that his parents are home. And he wanders down the stairs just as your father has thrown open the door and you’re leaning in the doorway.
“Excuse me sir? Your son is in my class, I.. I kind of need to talk to him. It’s about an assignment.”
From behind Steve’s father, his mother speaks up, cutting her eyes at you. “It’s nearly 9 pm. On a Friday. Somehow I doubt you really want to talk to my son about a class assignment.” as she steps into the foyer of the house. 
You can feel the disapproval as it radiates off the woman. But you don’t really care. She reminds you of your old neighbor. Always thinking she’s better than everyone else. Your hand settles on your hip and you flash her a grin. “I’m sorry to bother you so late, ma’am.” and it’s said in your sweetest butter wouldn’t melt of tones. “But I’m trying to catch up. I just moved in.”
“As if the moving truck parked across the street all morning or the construction noises I’ve been subjected to when I happen to be home weren’t obvious.” she’s got her arms folded, she’s looking you up and down and you just know she’s judging you.
And you want to laugh almost immediately.
Because you’re not the one standing around with shoulderpads so ridiculous on a designer blazer and skirt set that you look like a pro linebacker.
You lower the hand caught in your hair. “I can come back.”
“I’ll just go get my son.” Steve’s father gives you this smirk. And it’s similar to Steve’s to a point where you can see exactly where his looks came from, but it’s also different. A little too fake. A little too charming. And it rubs you all sorts of wrong when the man does it.
Steve’s mother is glaring at his father as his father makes his way over to the staircase to yell up for Steve.
You’re relieved when Steve wanders down, and you roll your eyes when his mother immediately stops him and she’s saying something to him in a whisper. You can tell she’s not happy with you being at her door.
It bothers you and amuses you in equal measure.
Steve’s scowling when he walks away from his mom and over to the front door. As he hands you a thick book, he leans in a little. “I think we’re around page 45 in class right now, ___.” he says it with this wink and you nod. “Thank you. I’m sorry to come over so late..” as you laugh softly, giving him this amused little grin.
You’re walking back across the street to get over to your house and take in the pizza that just got delivered when Steve hisses at you to stop from his bedroom window. “Sorry about that. My mom is..” he trails off. You shrug. “Kinda used to it?” you laugh a little. Nod to your house and offer, “If you wanna come over later.. We’re not really doing anything, dude. Just swimming. Tessa’s going to the corner store in a little bit, she’s gonna get some drinks.”
Steve chuckles and shakes his head. “Thanks though. Kind of writing an essay.”
“On a Friday?”
“Yeah.” he laughs quietly. “Why?”
“Nothing.. I mean if I knew your mom’s head wouldn’t explode I’d come over and help.”
“What about your friends though?”
“I mean, unless you’re opposed to having a house full of girls, they’d probably tag along. The offer is open. I mean.. We’re neighbors.” you can feel your face burning and you know you’re fumbling this badly, so you decide it’s time to leave. Go back over to your father’s house and get back to swimming with your friends.
As you wander away and disappear through the back gate, Steve takes a deep breath or two. “Nah..She wasn’t flirting with me.”
He keeps the window open, the sounds of music and laughter competing with REO Speedwagon as it plays quietly on the radio while he attempts a fourth time to come up with an essay that isn’t completely horrible.
And on his smoke breaks, no matter how hard he tries to stay away, he finds himself wandering over to his window. Staring across to yours.
“It’s not gonna happen. And I’m done anyway. Nobody ever stays. Kind of pointless.” he mutters to himself as he lights up his last cigarette and exhales a plume of smoke into the night…
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hoesformatt · 3 months
Does anybody else agree?
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nyrarachelle-plays · 1 month
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For the Tea of it All...
I kept these screenies in! Tea under the cut...
Previously. (Love and Affection...) | Next. (Like Kids Again.)
This is the start of me finally trying to get Latisha and Tamara together, since they're always slipping off to woohoo at the friends' gatherings...Tiffani's asking how Latisha feels about Tamara when she finally comes strolling into the barbecue -_-, & Latisha is shook! Now, as Black folks do at casual gatherings, I have the friends playing cards (I like to think it's spades lmbo), but I'm not playing Krystle and I can't figure out why she's sitting there pissed, the whole time?? I'm thinking she's just in her head, playing it off as her losing the game.
It's not that Krystle doesn't luhh the kidssss, she's just scared of the responsibility and love required when it comes to KEEPing the kids, unable to give them back to the rents at the end of the day because she IS the rent at the end of the day! She can't even remember the parenting of her own folks having started in the foster care system as a toddler. However, after helping Tiffani with Alana for all this time, she's sitting at parenting level 10!!?
Previously. (Love and Affection...) | Next. (Like Kids Again.)
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sillycyan · 1 month
I'm bored out of my mind, give me a description of three of your paras / comfort characters / whatever and I'll be drawing it
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I was abt to sleep but I’m not gon leave you hangin here 😭😭 ranting with no editing time.. yall get to see typing as I think..
We gon do my iconic para duo here.. Reign, Donis, and Meil <3 Thankfully I have picrew stuff done of them from the longest time ago cuz I am NOT the explainer-
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Starting off with REIGN !! Man he’s just great.. Your average workaholic but we love him regardless okay?!? HE WILL BE FREE FROM THE SHACKLES OF NUMBERWON ONE DAY (he won’t) 🙏🙏 Bless his heart.. 70% of the time he is wearing some sort of suit so I did him some justice for the img and toned down his professionalism. His hair is in locs which and dyed have been in all types of lengths so go crazy- Usually in a half up half down sorta thing idk. Some piercings he still has from when he was a teen, but those get purposefully hidden by hair when working. Rarely wears his glasses and sticks for contacts unless he's in a rush in the morning, which somehow is rarely the case like okayy you early birdd LEMME STOP. He is the one I project onto the most and he covers up his problems with work and being a serious guy. He gets with Arline later on which.. understandable even I love her gosh BUT SHE ISNT IN IT SHHHH
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To not have him be last.. MEIL omg love him so much. First one to hit the paracosm, and first to become just some guy. I LOVE THIS WHITE BOY THO COME ONN. He’s shorter than Reign and Donis, but he’s still a good average height I’d say ?? Literally just goes home to play on his switch or watch movies after work. Having some suspicion (personal headcanons) on him being aroace as well. ALSO he’s been trying to grow facial hair recently but has horrible genes so it’s just not working out.. Bless his heart as well ig 💀 I'm not sure I have too many mentions of him on my stuff WHICH I WILL DO MORE SOOONNN RAAAHH LUHH HIMM
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Finally at this rich mf DONIS yuhhh. Tall as hell, models the most random for a living, and is quite literally the dumb rich person I know besides Elon Musk.. I think Donis would have try to buy the rights to CANDY CRUSH before thinking of Twitter OH GOD BLESS HIS HEART TOO 💀💀 He is just some silly guy though!! The one to make the dumbest and funniest comments constantly and I love him for that. One of those like half open button up shirt kinda of guys lord he has his fans in a chokehold. Also has a pretty built body as much as he covers up with his normal clothes. OH WHEN I TELL YOU HE IS KNOWN BY THE WORLDDD he needs some bodyguard man THEY GON TAKE HIM OUT ONE DAY.. just in case.. RIP Donis would have loved among us
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anifoster · 1 year
My girl mad at me, but I made us $123 billion 💵 today.
She about to buy me a magazine or some, some artworks, and some hotels 🏨 plus she have more guap on the way coming her way.
Love ❤️ luhh you 😘.
0 notes
derrrys · 5 years
gn im gnna sleep knowing Yara will tear Euron’s head off his body and her strap is huge
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rendezvousrenjun · 4 years
our playlist. | j.jaehyun
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✩ In which each song represents each pivotal moment in your relationship with Jung Jaehyun. ✩ romance + angst | 6.2k words | beware! some cussing :(
Jaehyun loved to learn more about the world. The dork inside him always questioned the most mundane things; Where do phobias come from? What would happen if there were no moon? Can you ever stop loving someone? Being an idol, there were multiple times he missed the regular everyday hobbies he used to partake in. Nonetheless, hands on experience and opportunities given to him by his company would always be something he would be grateful for. His dream would always be first priority, everything else could follow after. 
His company encouraged him to film another “Daily Jaehyun” vlog (although he’d prefer to call them “Yuno Time”) for the holiday season as a gift for all the nctzens. He always enjoyed taking his time filming them, as it basically meant being able to relax and spend some time on himself-- besides the fact that there was a camera or two. 
He had asked Johnny what would be interesting enough to film; Johnny responding with “they’d be happy with anything you do.” 
And yes, sure, they probably would -- but Jaehyun wanted this to be special. Something special he could do. Not even for himself but for others. It was the season of giving after-all. A couple hours of listening to music and pondering on his bed later, he decided he wanted to vlog himself volunteering to encourage the nctzens to do so too. 
That’s when he met you. 
⌜ OUTTA MY MIND - Monsune ⌟
It was right before the sun started to set when you receive a call from SM entertainment. They ask for permission to film at the nursing home you worked at, which caught you off guard. You were in the midst of organizing the files of care home patients -- and no one really calls around this time -- so you ended up jotting down all the information on a folder. To say you were surprised that such a well known company wanted to stop over at this specific care home would be an understatement; but you made sure to relay the message to your manager as well as the rest of the staff members. 
Suddenly the tan dry walls seemed to be splattered with a different type of sunlight -- the transition from day to dusk blanketing over you and your colleagues’ excitement.
The frost on your car window was still intact early in the morning when you show up to work. Funnily enough, everyone else had arrived as early as you. The day began as it always does -- checking stats and arranging breakfast for your designated patients. You hear your manager greet two people about two hours in. They set up cameras in the main halls and public spaces in order to capture all the action without disturbing the elderly. 
Unfortunately it still caused pandemonium, and one certain patient was particular in expressing their unsettling feelings about this. 
“What’s happening? You think being here is some type of sick joke?” He spits out in disdain. “What’s with all these cameras, huh? Gonna capture us in wheelchairs and pissing ourselves?”
You begin to feel guilty. But considering that there wasn't anything you could do now, hearing your manager discuss that some van would be here any time now, you lower yourself to the upset patient. 
“You know what they say,” your eyes stare into his with utmost sincerity, taking both of his hands in yours as you crouch to make sure you weren’t talking down to him, “the more the merrier. I’m sorry to put you in such an uncomfortable situation sir, tell me anything you need and I’ll be sure to take care of it right away -- really anything -- it’s just that this publicity could really help this clinic, you know? And -- I really want to raise the donations this year to fund your guys’ equipment -- this could be the perfect opportunity, so what’dya say? Just for today let’s bare with the cameras, hmm?” You rub your thumbs over his palms to calm him down a bit more. 
You don’t even realize Jaehyun had already walked in and started vlogging his greeting of your other colleagues because you’re so focused on the smile the grumpy old man genuinely gave you now. 
“Ooh, baby, let me get you into my life
Ooh, baby, I can't let you out of my sight”
As cheesy as it sounds, Jaehyun was completely enamored by you the moment he laid eyes on you. The way you were comforting the old man, the way you spoke with such hope towards him, the way your entire presence seemed so gentle; maybe he just caught you at the right moment but you immediately made him feel some type of way.
His camera is still focused on his face, and it captures the way he melts in adoration over you, dimples and all. 
Your mind totally blanks out when you look up at him smiling like that and at you. 
“Hey, nice to meet you both. I’m Jaehyun, um-” he bites his lip to stop himself from smiling as wide when you reciprocate one back at him, “what could I do to help?” 
You end up being Jaehyun’s guide the entire time, not like you didn’t mind. Because you did not mind AT ALL. He just follows everything you do, listening to your instructions intently, trying his best; something you found admirable. 
On the inside, Jaehyun is absolutely dorking out at the way you passionately explain things to him, all the procedures and what most volunteers do. He stares at your mouth and the way you form words, or when you scrunch up your nose when he says something jokingly. He almost forgets that he’s volunteering because he’s having so much fun working with you. Oh? Organizing files? Piece of cake. Preparing adult diapers? No problemo. Checking medication schedules? Sure! Speaking to the elderly about taking their insulin shots? Okie dokie. 
You notice that he’s staring sometimes, thinking he ain’t that slick, and when you do catch him his cheeks flush a bright pink and he clumsily swings his head back to fight back his embarrassment. You enjoy how he’s taking what you’re doing seriously; he even nods at your tangents about the importance of taking care of oneself, or the proper way to track your sugar levels.
Which Jaehyun then realizes he’s been neglecting his camera and points at it to declare, “you hear that nctzens? Take care of yourselves and others around you, okay??” 
You end up facepalming with both hands to resist secondhand embarrassment. 
You don’t notice the day pass by so quickly, in fact none of the people at the nursing home did. Jaehyun’s appearance filled them with joy; one of the grandmas even remarked that Jaehyun’s handsome face extended her lifeline -- which caused all the residents to burst out laughing. When the cameras are put away and shut off, you’re upset that such a great day is over. Jaehyun says goodbye to you last, as you send him off from the entrance. 
He skips about five steps down the pavement before he hesitates taking the next. You watch him turn around and take long strides towards you by the door. 
“Don't even know you
But I can't get you outta my mind”
“Hey..” he breathes out in a polite chuckle. 
“So uh, I know I kinda asked you a bunch of questions about you earlier and I hope I wasn’t intruding your privacy--”
“You weren’t!” you cover your mouth with your hand since you’re surprised at how fast you cut him off, “I mean, you really weren’t, it was nice.”
“Um, well, I forgot to ask about something else.” he starts biting the inside of his cheek to fight his own nerves. “But may I have your number, y/n?” 
“I've been waiting for the right time
To let u know that i've been looking for you all of my life”
⌜ you are luhh - cover by Frank Ocean ⌟
Jaehyun really wanted to take you someplace nice for your first date but options were, unfortunately, extremely limited. 
In a way, there were multiple restraints to taking you out properly. He wanted to pick you up, but he didn’t own a car. He wanted to bring you some place where he could show you off, but instead he had to find somewhere with as little foot traffic as possible. He was also apologetic about the fact he asked you to come out after your shift and at night when it was dangerous. 
It was around eleven at night when Jaehyun had asked if you guys could meet up at a downtown music shop on the outskirts of town. You have never heard of this particular one before, as it seemed to be an individual-owned business. 
Entering the shop, hair a bit messy from getting off work, clothes smelling a tad like hand sanitizer-- you are greeted by the soft music playing inside the shop. There was certainly a retro-ambiance that glowed from within: orange light bulbs hanging from the ceiling, little key-chains on a rack, a jukebox stored at the back of the shop, and vanilla scented candles looming over a couple of the vinyl shelves. 
Jaehyun watches the way you make your way over to him in the back. The atmosphere adding to your appearance makes him breathe out a soft “wow”. 
“Sorry we couldn’t meet up earlier.”
“Jaehyun I’m just glad you wanted to meet me at all.” 
His eyes smile at you as his grin spreads across his cheeks. You restrain yourself from pinching them.
“I love this place, it’s like a new little world.” Your eyes move around the room as you talk, walking over to see some of the CDs.
“Right? Honestly I can’t believe it hasn't blown up yet since the owner is such a cool dude too.” He follows you over to the CDs where you excitedly point out your favorites.
You guys naturally get along well, enjoying each others’ company without much thought. It was such a relaxed environment, all the nerves from the start were replaced with wholesome butterflies. The way Jaehyun talked about music was so endearing to you. He was so passionate about his work that it made you respect him even more than you thought possible. 
“Oh!” Jaehyun interrupts himself to pull out two matching keychains with tiny vinyls on them, “look what I bought for us! Sorry if you think it’s a little much-”
“AHHH I love them! They’re so cute! Were they handmade? And there's one for each of us…” You pout at how cute the gesture is, genuinely touched. 
Jaehyun took note of your expression, saving it in his mind. 
“So many things have taken place before this love affair began
But if you feel more like I feel
Confusion can give way to doubt”
Maybe it's delirium from lack of sleep, or the fact it was one am, but Jaehyun really wanted to dance with you. Although he hesitates at first, his impulsiveness takes the best of him and he pops the question. 
You listen to the slow rhythm of the song, and move your head to nod “yes” to the beat. 
“Tell me what it is
What it is, no need to make believe
Look beyond your world
Try to find, find a place for me”
It was supposed to be awkward but why did you feel like you were about to fall asleep in his arms? You were supposed to be embarrassed for basically embracing as you guys slow dance to the beat in this empty music shop, but you weren’t. You were comfortable. And Jaehyun really liked this feeling. 
It was ironic. He was unsettled because he was comfortable with you: your scent, your arms around his neck, his around your waist, your warmth. He plucks up the courage to whisper the question you both have been anticipating into your ear,
“Do you think we could officially be together?”
You don’t move from your position in his arms, his mouth slightly grazing the side of your ear. You take a few seconds to think and he respects the time you take. 
“I think we’re going too fast.”
His body stops swaying to the song playing so he could pull apart from you and see your face.  
“I don't want this moment to get lost.” He takes hold of your arms, squeezing them gently, then making eye contact with you again. “I know we’re going too fast--” he bites the inside of his cheek, “but I don’t know when the last time I felt this way was, or if I’m ever going to feel this way again.”
You stare at him. He’s so straightforward it makes the butterflies in your stomach go crazy. 
“--and being an idol and all--” he pauses to collect his thoughts, “it’s so hard to maintain relationships out of the industry you know? But y/n,” his tone lowers, “I’d understand if you wouldn’t want to get into a relationship with me. Because I’m telling you now, it’s hard. It will be hard. And I sound like a crazy person right now because we’ve only gone on one date but I really really like you.” 
You burst out laughing because the butterflies in your stomach wanted to escape so badly, and there was tension building in your lungs. Jaehyun lets go of your arms, flustered by your reaction. 
You take his palms again and interlace his fingers with your own. 
“Jaehyun I like you too. Although I’m a bit hesitant, I really like you.” 
“I’ll try my best y/n, I promise.” 
“Cuz when you're at your best you are love
You're a positive motivating force within my life
Should you ever feel the need to wonder why
Let me know, let me know”
⌜ --star. - Nadin Amizah⌟
The first time you entered Jaehyun’s dorm you expected it to be extremely chaotic. But then again, you really didn’t know much apart from what the members had posted online on their daily channel. 
It was like any other dorm. It wasn’t exactly messy, but it wasn’t spotless either. It just seemed like the next run-of-the-mill shared apartment complex where people lived. It did, however, have a distinct smell. Coffee? Men’s deodorant? A slight hint of fabric softener -- or was that the soup that was boiling on the stove? It was heavy mix. 
Your first instinct was to go to the kitchen as Jaehyun was locking the door. An auntie was stirring the soup and was quite startled at your appearance. 
“I’m so sorry! I couldn’t help but come over because it smelled so good…” The auntie, followed by Jaehyun, started laughing at your charm. 
“Auntie this is y/n.”
“I’m Jaehyun’s friend, nice to meet you.” 
“Girlfriend actually--” 
You look up at Jaehyun in surprise, the word actually leaving his mouth for the first time. Taeil walks into the kitchen at the sound of the word as well and greets you happily. 
“See I told you not to worry about the members.” Jaehyun whispers as you two make your way towards his bedroom. Once you’re inside, you sit at the edge of his barely made bed and lean over towards his piano to play a single note. 
“You want me to play you something?”
“You sure? You don’t have to, we could just chill now.” 
Jaehyun grabs some of the red wine in his little refrigerator and hands it over to you, then sits at the keyboard to brush over the keys. 
“Lend me your palm
I have brought you a star
As bright as who you are
But not enough as lovely as what you are”
Listening to Jaehyun play so effortlessly, the way his fingers glide and shift between keys while concentrating on the sheet music made you realize how he shined as an artist. You’ve always known he was talented (guiltily listening to all his covers on Youtube at least ten times on repeat), but you are always hypnotized whenever you see it live. His voice mixing into the melody was so fucking beautiful it made you emotional. He was just so fucking beautiful. 
“WHY ARE YOU CRYING??!!” He abruptly stops playing to twirl his chair over to you who’s currently bawling after finishing about half a bottle of wine. He takes your face in his palms, wiping your tears with his sweater, concern evident in the crinkles of his forehead. 
“Jaehyun… you, you….you’re a star! Just so talented! I can’t handle it!” You look him dead in the eyes with tears springing up again at this drunken confession. 
He’s overwhelmed with your red cheeks and the passion you have to continuously proclaim how amazing his voice is. It really means so much to him hearing this from you. He keeps staring at your mouth babble on about how he deserves recognition -- the entire world even -- and he can’t help but melt. 
“Whisper me a kiss
You can draw me your dreams
It’s safe inside this tiny house
Where we both understand of who we are”
“Can I kiss you?” He asks and you stop talking just to gasp. 
“dUH you beautiful MAN!” You throw your arms around his neck sloppily and he smiles while he presses your lips together for the first time, tasting the wine from earlier. It’s sweet and soft and meaningful. Just like you. 
You try to lean more into him but you end up almost falling over from the edge of the bed. 
“I might have to return you to the sky tonight
But now it feels like you make everything alright
I might have never told you but with you
Feel like everything is right”
⌜ Thank You - JUNNY⌟
It’s been exactly one year since Jaehyun and you have been dating. Surprisingly no one has caught you guys yet, other than your closest, most trusted friends, and of course, the NCT members. Unfortunately, your boyfriend was doing promotions for their new comeback all day today. You were extremely proud of him and really happy that he was living out his dream, it was just a tad tiny bit disappointing you couldn’t make it to any of stages since you were at work all day as well. 
Not seeing each other in person was something you both had to get used to. It was difficult when both of you wanted to be comforted, or do things together. But for the past year you guys have been staying strong for so long, it was just the normal in your relationship. It often led to multiple miscommunications here and there, but in general, you two were going steady. 
You had sent Jaehyun a happy anniversary paragraph the moment you wake up, excited despite knowing well enough you weren’t going to see him today. 
↬ Baby! Good morning! I hope your promotions do really really well! You’re going to do so well today. Know I am always proud of you, my precious star. I can’t believe it’s already been a year together. I hope it turns into two years, or five, or maybe… fifty? AHAHAH I miss you! Stay Healthy! Happy Anniversary. I love you. 
You constantly checked your phone throughout the day to see if he replied to the message, but he didn’t. 
Even when the television in the nursing home switched to a music network where Jaehyun was performing you wondered if he didn’t even have time to send a quick text while he was getting ready throughout the day. 
You knew you shouldn’t complain. He was busy. You were busy. But busy enough to not even greet you? Wasn’t that a bit much? 
Nevertheless it puts you in a bad mood for the rest of the day, all the way to the car drive home, and all the way to your bed. You check your phone one last time right before twelve am strikes, and decide to sleep it off. 
The next morning you wake up to your phone ringing continuously at around three am. 
↬ 14 Missed Calls from ‘My Star’
↬ 25 Text Messages from ‘My Star’
↬ Incoming Video Call: ‘My Star’
You press accept, rubbing the sleep from your eyes to try to adjust to the bright light of your phone in the pitch black of your bedroom. 
“I just wanted you to know
For you I have my gratitude
and so much more
Every one of your messages
I be reading inside”
“Y/n….” Jaehyun was sobbing on video call and you were genuinely confused for the first minute or so because your body hasn’t adjusted to what was happening yet. “I’m so sorry for not replying--” he starts sobbing again, “you must’ve been so sad oh my gosh….”
You straighten up so you could see Jaehyun’s face on camera and your heart drops at him feeling bad for not replying. “Jaehyun! Today was your comeback! You should be happy!”
“But I didn’t even reply y/n! I’m such a terrible boyfriend!” 
“Hey…. shhh…. It’s okay. Well, to be honest I was pretty upset, but I know you didn’t mean to leave me hanging.”
“But I did! I even left you on read, oh my gosh I’m literally the worst.”
“Hey! Stop disrespecting yourself like that. You’re here now that’s what matters.”
Jaehyun sniffles and starts wiping his tears and begins to regulate his breathing again. 
“I prepared a video to send you of me singing -- thank goodness I took it a couple days ago or else it would’ve sounded terrible now.”
“Oh really? Is it in our chat?”
“Yea I sent it on messages, basically I just wanted to tell you how much you mean to me. And that I’m so happy I met you by chance because I really wouldn’t know what I would do without you. Literally -- showed me another perspective on life and you are always supporting me. You’re so beautiful inside and out baby I-” he starts choking up again, “I love you.”
“I love you too Jaehyun. Now go to sleep! You must be so tired oh my goodness! How long were you calling me for?”
“Are you sure? We can stay up and talk about your day, it’s really okay.”
“No it’s not okay go to sleep babe, I can feel your sleepiness from here.”
“You know me too well. Goodnight mwah baby. Again, I’m really sorry and I miss you.”
You ended up watching Jaehyun’s video singing you a song. He begins by saying how he thinks the lyrics really resonate with him, followed by Haechan and Johnny shouting behind him. 
“I’ve been listening
to you from the start
Thank you for today
Tomorrow yesterday
Every day and night
I wanna thank you
for believing
I’ve been listening
to you all along
Put it to my faith
I just feel amazing
Every day and night
You make me feel alive
Thank you for your love”
Now it was your turn to bawl. 
⌜ Mad - Ne-Yo⌟
No relationship is perfect. No matter how hard you and Jaehyun tried there was always some sort of barrier. Or some unspoken rule. At first you thought it was the lack of time both of you had for each other these days. 
You, being busy taking care of the residents in the care home. Jaehyun, busy preparing for his world tour. 
“Oh baby this love ain't gonna be perfect, oh no (perfect, perfect, oh)
And just how good it's gonna be
We can fuss and we can fight
As long as everything's alright between us
Before we go to sleep”
At some point you realized you couldn’t rely on Jaehyun completely anymore. 
You had just witnessed the old man who had grumpily refused to be caught on camera just over two years ago, pass away. This was the most difficult part about your line of work, and you really just wanted to be held and be told it was okay. However, when you showed up at Jaehyun’s dorm he was asleep on his bed after a long day of practice. You wanted to wake him up to talk to him about how hard it’s been for you lately -- and you did. You wanted to be selfish and talk about it because it’s something that’s been snatching your insides.
“We fight in this war, baby when both of us are losing, oh, whoa
(This ain't the way that love is supposed to go)
(What happened to working it out?)”
When he woke up he wasn’t too happy. Snapping crankily at you because he had a bad day at practice and that he was extremely tired. Initially, you were stunned. Was this really the Jaehyun who promised that he’d try his best? You wanted to be considerate, you really did. But eventually you start to feel like you were less important and less loved in comparison.
You questioned whether your problems were even valid enough to talk about with him. Ever since that day you questioned everything you said before telling him anything. Always the one supporting him. Always the one to lend a shoulder. 
You two were stressed and tired all the time. You wanted to communicate with him, you really did, but the opportunity felt like it never came.
“Let’s break up.” 
Jaehyun was in the middle of his rants, the only thing he did when you two saw each other in person nowadays. You sat at the edge of his bed, the same place where he kissed you for the first time. Except this time instead of playing the piano he was playing with your heart.
“And now as I'm yelling over her, she yelling over me
All that that means is neither of us are listening”
“You never listen to me anymore. I’ve been trying to communicate with you but all you ever talk about is your fucking tour. Don’t get it twisted -- I’m proud of you. I’ve always have been. But what about me --” you finally snap. You can’t stop yourself from breaking down right there. 
Jaehyun is silent. He doesn’t hold you. He’s in shock. Was this really how you felt? This whole time? He just let this happen to you? 
“You’re not going to argue with me? Say anything?”
“I can’t argue with someone who's already made their decision. I told you that it was going to be hard, I thought you expected this? What happened to all the promises huh?”
“Oh? Promises? We’re talking about promises now? Where were you when I needed you most? When was the last time you comforted me for once? Huh Jung motherfucking Jaehyun?!”
Doyoung could hear the yelling from his bedroom and decided to check up on you guys to make sure nothing too bad was happening. When he interrupts you two arguing, you take this as an opportunity to get up and leave. 
“Fine! Leave! I’m leaving tomorrow morning anyways! Have a good life y/n!” Jaehyun basically spits out of his mouth, ears red, venom pouring out through every word. 
“But baby can we make up now
'Cause I can't sleep through the pain (can't sleep through the pain)”
None of you sleep that night.
⌜ Hearing Your Voice - Omar Apollo⌟
Seeing Jaehyun so at ease on national television, or just on promotional photos on Twitter or Instagram hurt you more than it should.
It’s been a month since you two broke up but it still feels fresh. You still loved Jaehyun. However, him not even messaging you once after your fight was absolutely ridiculous to you. What was he expecting? You running to him at the airport like in the movies? So what? You could apologize? There’s no way you were in the wrong though. It was just hard. Knowing he didn’t care enough to call. 
Halfway around the world Jaehyun knew he fucked up bad. But he tried to ignore it. He wanted to enjoy being with international nctzens and exploring the world with his members. Everyday held something fun, although he had to admit he would zone out in some of the interviews, he really enjoyed his time out.
“I got time, what you expected?
Sleepless nights, felt disconnected”
It was when he got back to his hotel room every night where he realized how empty he felt at the end of the day. 
He couldn’t sleep alone. Although, you never got to sleep with him often anyways. It was something he truly regretted -- not being in your company enough. It was too late now though. His competitiveness and pride got the best of him. He lost you and that was that. He didn’t make you happy anymore and you probably didn’t even think about him as much as he thought about you. Damn. Thinking about you like this. It was a lot. 
“But that's not fair
You got everything I need
Used to call me constantly”
He misses you. Like crazy. So much he would even dream about what your voice sounded like, or what your hands felt like to hold, or all the times you were there for him. All the times you put in effort and went out of your way just to see him. Or the smile you would put on for him so he wouldn’t feel bad about forgetting something. He used to do that too. When did it go wrong?
“It don't make sense to me
But I'm fantasizing 'bout hearing your voice”
It doesn’t make sense. He should’ve been content with what he has, his dream was always a top priority, but why did it always felt like he was always forgetting something? No matter how many days passed, or how many sleepless nights went on, you were always lingering around him. Haunting his thoughts every second he was conscious -- even unconscious. 
He saw you everywhere he went, hell, he couldn’t even look at stars without thinking of the way you called him your’s. He worried about you so much he thought he was going to die. 
He wanted to hear from you again. Talk to you again. But he didn’t. He was too stubborn for his own good. 
Despite all of this, you did not know. You were blinded by your own assumptions about how Jaehyun was probably out with somebody else. 
The only time he heard of you was when Doyoung approached him asking him if he knew how you’ve been these past few months. In which Jaehyun could only bitterly laugh, obviously still hurt from hearing your name. But it was more self-harm than harm from you: he’s doing this to himself. Jaehyun recollected himself quickly though when he noticed Doyoung remaining stoic.
Doyoung puts his hand on top of Jaehyun’s knee and looks back up at him. 
“Jaehyun. I know you are hurt right now, but y/n got in a car accident last night, and I think right now, more than ever, it’s time for you to swallow your big ass pride and just go to her. Stop playing the victim when we all know you were the one neglecting her in the first place.”
“I'm not confiding in
What's really here”
Everyone has a realization so powerful it basically breaks them at some point in their lives. A realization so daring to cross one’s mind. This was Jaehyun’s:
You were now his top priority. 
⌜ Nothing - Jeremy Passion⌟
↬ Report: NCT Jaehyun leaves Worldwide Tour early for unspecified reasons. 
“There's not much, not much the world can do
To keep me away from you
I am committed to make sure
These dreams we have come true”
You feel your body’s soreness the moment you wake up from your hospital bed. It was late at night, the humidifier and flowers next to your head, while the window that presented the night view was on the other. You feel something tickle your left hand, so you try to extend your neck to look. 
At the edge of your bed, was Jaehyun. Your hand was clutched in his as his hair fell near the tips of your fingers. He was sound asleep, sitting in such an uncomfortable position. This was a dream, no way Jaehyun could be here right now. 
But you move your fingers to feel the tuft of hair, and to your surprise, this was real. His eyes flutter open and he raises his head to look at you in person for the first time in months. You retract your hand agonizing slow in order to put yourself through any more pain, but Jaehyun gently clutches your palm again. He starts rubbing it against his cheek, and you choke up at his touch.
You didn’t want to melt so easily under his touch, but it all felt so familiar. He doesn’t break eye contact with you when you simply stare at him, expression unreadable. He moves your knuckles from his cheek to his lips, where he presses a warm kiss, warm tears falling in the process. He holds your hand with both of his as he silently sobs into it. 
“Why are you here? I thought we both agreed we were broken up.” You try to steady your voice, but there was an underlying quiver to your tone. You do not have the strength to remove your hand. 
Jaehyun grips your hand tighter, his breath exhaling “sorry” repeatedly over it. You can’t hold yourself back anymore. 
“It’s like you never listened to me!” You yelp out between broken cries, “and it hurt to know that the person I thought I would’ve spent forever with just left me in the dust like that! Everyday I wondered, ‘no way he could’ve done that -- not my Jaehyun.’ But you did--” 
He reaches over to hold onto your arm now, trying hard not to hurt you any further but wanting you closer to him. 
“You know what? I spent all my life taking care of other people and I thought, maybe this just once you were going to take care of me.”
His sobbing gets increasingly louder, hearing those words fall out of you. He buries his head into your shoulder gently, your arm still lodged in between his chest and arms. It was an uncomfortable position, but he wanted to hold you. To hold you properly this time. 
“Wait -- I just realized -- I’m upset with you right now but what about your tour?”
“Don’t care. I miss you. I’m sorry. Really sorry. Really sorry…” He keeps mumbling apologizes into your shoulder. 
“Honey, we'll make it
Nothing can stop us, nothing can stop us now”
You cave in and peck him on the top of his head, “I’m not forgiving you right away okay? It’s going to take some time for us to heal and communicate properly this time.”
“But this time nothing is going to get in the way for how I feel about you.”
“How can you say that so surely?”
“Because I love you and I’d do anything to make you feel safe with me again.” 
“I've been blessed with the privilege
Of loving you, babe”
⌜ Day 1 (Brooklyn Session) - HONNE⌟
“When I first met you, it just felt right
It's like I met a copy of myself that night
I don't believe in fate as such
But we were meant to be together that's my hunch”
You told Jaehyun that getting a white couch was going to be a bad idea but you guys ended up getting one anyways. Turns out, despite the stain-potential, the one he picked was so comfortable to the point you two often fell asleep on it. 
You join Jaehyun on the couch as he flips through one of your photograph albums. Your arms sneaking around his torso to hug him from behind. 
“I got lucky finding you
I won big the day that I came across you
'Cause when you're with me, I don't feel blue
Not a day goes by that I would not redo”
“You’re looking at our album?”
“Mhmm” Jaehyun hums back, eyes admiring the shared pictures you two have taken over the years.
“Oh you know what would be really good right now? If we listened to ‘our playlist’ so we could be extra nostalgic HAHA!”
“Should we?” Jaehyun flips to the next page, “man I still can’t believe you added the song that reminds us of our breakup on it…” 
“Oh shhh… it’s a good song.” You get up to play the playlist on your guys’ home stereo. “If we didn’t break up that one time we wouldn’t have gotten this far yaknow?”
“You’re right baby.” He pulls you back to the couch to sit next to him, placing the album between the two of you.
“I still can’t believe you took a picture of that red wine bottle.”
“But that’s not any red wine bottle, y/n. That’s the first kiss red wine bottle.” He flashes his timeless dimple at you as the two of you fond over the memory. 
“I could barely remember our first kiss.”
“I can kiss you now if you want?”
Jaehyun wraps his right hand around the nape of your neck as the other one gingerly makes its way to your left cheek. He places his soft lips against yours, leaving the taste of his peach lip balm on you. There’s a cold sensation pressing into your skin, reminding you of the silver ring that matches yours placed on his ring finger. 
“You'll always be my day one
Day zero when I was no one
I'm nothing by myself, you and no one else
Thankful you're my day one”
1K notes · View notes
sleepysandy · 3 years
fruits basket s3 ep6
aw shes happy
friend 💗💗💗
shishu so nice tho
less lonely 😔😔😔
luhhh at baket
shigure wtffff
i like rins mullet
tohru has great timing
ooh young shigure
woahhh its the first a zodiac would hear
that isnt sketchy shigure
shigure what is wrong with u
napaka provoker
tohru its ok to move on
shes dead tohru u dont have to put her first
kulyo trying to give good advice
thats messed up to say in a funeral
to a child too wtf
oohh pity
ooh tohru acting a lil selfish
thats good
she admitting it finally
kyo ure next
they never show his face
i dont think anyones in the wrong tho
kyoko suddenly becoming a single parent when both sides of the family do not support her
just sucks for everyone
they wont show the dad
lots of symbolism in just like5 secs
wtf did kyo kill the mom
ep 7
how tf didnthey meet
they have similar hair
he just slept on the foor
lots of self hatred
shigure into milfs?
shigure master manipulator
rens fucking xrazy tho
ren social climber chs
baby sohmas so cute
this so messed up
who tf is this old woman
wtf akito so young
its bcs of u akito !!!
i think u need to kill ren
the way no ones trying to stop her
akito relies so much on being special
so wheres the body
akito dumb as hell
kureno stepping up
akito has a point tho
bat ka galet
ep 8
the tension
tohru cancelled
shet walang kilig
so they lost contact
baby kyo so cuteee
they so similar
catboy so cute
kyo hasnt changed at all
awww he missed her by a bit
baby kyo has so much angst
kyooo nooo
flying lmao
kyo serious mommy issues
with 2 moms
where tf akito going
she had time to say that
if he forgot why does he not like going to the grave
he got serious abandonment issues
yuki rlly eavesdropping rn
the self loathing kyo
luhh not crazy akito
4 notes · View notes
babyboibucky · 3 years
Bruh devils mark omg—
I do hope there’s gonna be some angst between the reader and Bucky…like maybe he goes to far and embarrasses her in public or something?
Then he realizes like oh snap I luhh dis girl lemme fix it
Omg you’re incredible bee!
Ooohhh there’s definitely going to be some angst down the pipeline 😌
Thank you for reading 🥺
5 notes · View notes
jadedghoul · 11 months
I been on a kuromi kick lately... damn I luhh her sm
0 notes
ashes-writing · 1 year
stranger things ● the new girl pt 5 ● g.emerson
Tumblr media
heavy public displays of affection / idiots in love + bicker like an old married couple tropes at play, bullying -because we're merely taking a small break from Jason and Co and their bullshit, underage drinking / mentions of 🍃, mentions of an Ouija board and it's use ( this chapter only ) reader is female but vaguely characterized, absence of sci fi elements.
word count
4483 exactly. Welcome to part 5, babes.
y'all are gonna get so fucking tireddd of my attempts at a slow burn and the bullshit that goes with i s2g.
continued from ( here )
You're falling in love with your best guy friend Gareth after you've moved to Hawkins. How will this go for you?
( my summaries are shiiiit and traaash omg man )
-- if you want to be tagged in my stranger things works, please go ( here ) and add yourself. Or lmk and I'll add you. if you're not on my taglist, i won't tag you.
@tbmunson you knew I was going to tag you in this, we love our grumpy drummer sm. you're my inspiration bestie and I luhh you.
other links
masterlist ● gareth's masterlist ● about + rules
The sound of the local rock station follows you out to the deck as you throw open the French doors and make your way out, arms loaded down with pizza boxes. Edith rushes over, taking some of the boxes to sit them on the dining table. Adeline tears her eyes off of the abandoned house next door and sniffs the air. “Ooh! Pizza.”
“Yeah, obviously.” Edith taunts, with Adeline flipping her off as she climbs out of the pool and wanders towards you both. Maria wanders back into the house and grabs the bottle of rum you were all passing around as you watched MTV. She pauses in the open doorway and leans against the frame as she takes a sip from the bottle and burps. Edith glares. “Fucking rude, Mar.”
Maria flips her off too. As you all grab a slice or two of pizza, you make your way over to the edge of the pool and seat yourselves. Staring up at a darkening sky as Bon Jovi plays in the background.
“How do you live next door to that monstrosity?”
You shrug at Maria’s question and take a bite of your pizza. “For starters, I tune it out.”
“How? Place is massive.” Adeline speaks up, shifting her gaze to you. She holds out the rum bottle and you take it, turning it up and grimacing at the way the alcohol burns it’s way down your throat. You hand the bottle off to Maria and glance over at the house next door.
“Easy. I just don’t look at the damn place much.” you answer after a few seconds.
Edith speaks up quietly. “Girl.. Was Gareth Emerson hugging you in the cafeteria earlier?”
You can feel your cheeks flame up and you take a few bites of your pizza. It’s a clumsy attempt to get out of answering, but when Maria and Adeline glance your way expectantly, you laugh softly and lean back a little. “Yeah. Why? I mean, I’m pretty sure he was just being nice because he could tell I cried or whatever.”
“That guy is not a hugger normally.”
“And.” Edith is sitting up, finishing off her slice of pizza so she can reach into the box sitting behind her on a cushioned lounge chair to grab another, “And, he looks at you. A lot.”
“Have you seen her staring at him though. It’s cute, okay?” Maria laughs, turning her attention to you. “Your whole face lights up.”
“Does not.”
“Does so!”
“Do you like him?”
You bite your lip and stare down at bare legs. “I do. But.” you counter, going quiet, “we’re friends.”
“Girl, he almost called you babe.”
“Probably a mistake, Edie.”
“Mistake my ass, ___.” Edith laughs and takes the bottle of rum from Adeline, taking another long sip. She grimaces and shakes her head, passing it over to Maria. Then she locks eyes with you. “And he kept calling you bunny during lunch.”
“Because he always does that. I eat salads at school because I don’t trust anything else, it always looks questionable.” you laugh and shake your head. Splash your feet around in the water a little bit. 
“Or.. hear me out..” Maria starts, laughing softly, “He likes you. Like.. a lot. Like enough that last week, when you wore that plaid skirt that kinda looks like the plaid vest thing he’s always wearing, I watched him, with my own two eyes, as he was staring so damn hard he almost walked straight into the girls bathroom.”
“He did not.” you laugh and shake your head. “You’re lying.”
“And the sexual tension.” Adeline fans herself before taking a bite of her pizza. “Don’t even get me started there. All the lingering looks. And the way he makes himself taller and leans in doorways. He’s always touching you too.”
“Okay, one.. That leaning thing is sexy.” you fan yourself and giggle and this makes your three friends burst into laughter as they share a look. “Two, he’s not always touching me?”
“Girl, oh my goddd. He is.”
“He totally is. Like.. the way he grabbed you by the hips in the hallway on Monday?”
“Yeah! To pull my dumb ass out of everyone’s way, Mar.” you counter, shaking your head. And you’re sitting, you’re thinking about everything your friends seem to be hinting at.
There’s a logical explanation for nearly all of it and you know this but deep down, maybe a tiny part of you wishes that weren’t so. That you had just some small -but sure, sign that the way you felt was mutual and you could stop fighting the way you feel as hard as you’ve been fighting it.
“Okay, well.. He’s always sharing his french fries with you at lunch.”
“So? Friends share food. I offered him my salad, he just refuses to take a bite.”
“I’ve caught him staring at your ass, totally zoned out. When we were all in gym last week?”
You nearly choke on the bite you’d just taken. “You’re full of shit, Adi.”
“Am not, ___.”
“You are!” you’re laughing as you reach for the bottle of rum again, pouting when you find that it’s empty. “Who drank all the rum?”
“We all did, woman. We’ve been drinking the same bottle since about 5.”
“Oh. Oh yeah.” you rub your face. The alcohol has your face on fire, the tips of your ears burning. And you’re giggly now. So are your friends.
“Y’know, if we gave a shit about everyone else at Hawkins High, your house would be killer to throw a party at.”
“Parties get busted by like 9 around here though.. Right?” you question, making Edith laugh and shrug. “Depends. If Chief Hopper is the one on duty, he’ll let ‘em go a while.” and she’s gazing in the direction of the backyard of the house beside yours on the opposite side. “Hey, those kids go to our school! They’re freshmen.”
You glance over and spot Dustin, Mike and Will all out in the Wheeler backyard. You wave at Mike and he waves back.
“Dustin, Mike and Will. I think they’re in Hellfire.” you answer, the long burp following has your friends laughing. You pull yourself up off the cement pool surround and you grab a box of pizza, wandering over to the fence separating your backyard from the Wheeler backyard.
“Hey! Psst!”
Mike looks up from where he’s got the board for their last minute three person DnD campaign set up on the picnic table. He sees you just barely peek over the fence so he pulls himself up and wanders over. “Yeah?”
“Have a pizza, kid. My friends and I, we.” and you’re slipping a little, this has your friends laughing and you’re laughing too. You hold up a finger and duck down, pulling the bucket you were standing on onto level ground, then you pull yourself back up. “We ordered too much, little dude.”
Mike takes the pizza and raises a brow at you. “Are you guys drunk?”
You snort in laughter. “What? Us? No. Absolutely not, little  dude.”
The bucket’s slipping again and you jump down.
Mike, Dustin and Will all gaze at the fence and then share a look before going back to setting up their usual weekend campaign. And a few seconds later, Bob Seger is echoing off the night, accompanied by the sounds of loud laughter.
Mike shakes his head, laughing to himself. “They do this every weekend. One weekend, she had a slip and slide set up.”
“Dude, where are her parents in all this?”
“Barely home. Kinda like Steve’s?” Mike shrugs it off. Dustin chuckles. “Gareth’s into her.”
Will speaks up. “She likes him too. She sits near me in creative writing and we had to write letters we’d never send. She wrote hers to Gareth.”
“Oh really?” Dustin muses, “Did you see what it said?”
Will chuckles. “It was uh.. Dirty. Sweet but dirty. She balled it up and tossed it in the trash at the end of class.”
“Dude, why don’t you just go for it? She basically admitted she was into you. I mean..” Jeff’s laughing because the joint they’re all passing around is starting to get to him. It’s starting to get to everyone, they’re all laughing about anything and everything. Gareth takes the joint from Jeff and takes a long drag, feeling instantly that he’s made a mistake when he starts to cough. He passes it off to Ethan with an annoyed glare. Then he flops back to lay on the concrete as he stares up at the dingy ceiling.
“That’s not how this works, Jeff. You know that man.”
“Dude, that’s exactly how this works, Gareth. You’re just a little bitch.” Jeff argues, sitting up. Staring over at his friend with an amused smirk. “You could’ve invited her to watch us jam tonight.”
“Her friends were coming over. Sleepover. They do it every weekend.” 
Eddie chuckles. “You still could’ve asked her. They could’ve come too.”
“She’s busy, dude. Jesus.” Gareth flips Eddie off as Eddie mimics what he’s just said. “She’s not into me like that.”
“She wears a plaid skirt that just happens to match your vest, man. And she wears it a lot lately, come to think of it.”
“Ooh, the one that bounces a little when she walks. I like that one. A lot..” Gareth admits, doubling over as a laughing fit hits him. “Her fucking legs.. Ahhh.” he rubs a hand over his face and takes a few deep breaths as the laughter dies away. Then he shrugs. “She happens to like that skirt?”
Eddie, Ethan and Jeff still haven’t recovered from the tangent he’s just gone on about your skirt. Ethan is practically wheezing that he’s laughing so hard but he manages to get words out at last, “She’s always huddling against you whenever the hallway is too crowded or there are a lot of jocks in it. Girls don’t do that unless they feel safe, Gareth.”
“He’s not wrong, man.” Eddie speaks up. “And she’s always looking at you, then when you look up, she looks down.”
“I’m telling you, man. She’s into you. She’s not just your friend like you’re assuming.” Jeff’s got his eyes locked on Gareth intently. “She admitted it.”
Gareth grumbles, shakes his head. “She didn’t say it.”
“She didn’t have to, buddy. The implication was there when she didn’t immediately react to what Molly Fletcher said in the hallway today.” Eddie rubs a hand over his face and shakes his head. “By Ozzy, you are the single most infuriatingly stubborn asshole I’ve ever known, Emerson.”
“Fuck you, Munson.”
“You wanna fuck somebody alright. And we all know who it is.” at Ethan’s outburst, the three of them have doubled over laughing. “The sexual tension is killing me, man. Watching you two.”
Gareth coughs for a second or two and then he flips Ethan off. “There’s no sexual tension. It’s.. It’s not like that, Ethan. Everything isn’t always about sex, idiot.”
“True..” Eddie muses, rubbing his chin thoughtfully. “Look, what we’re trying to say here is you gotta do something, man.”
“You have to.”
“We only have a few months left until grad, dude. Do you really wanna look back ten years from now and wonder what might have happened?”
“Well no, but..” Gareth’s staring at his hands. Twisting the ring he always wears around on his finger. “I’m telling you, she’s not into me. Girls like her never go for us. We all know it. Besides,” he pauses, taking the joint from Jeff and taking a hit or two, “Everything you guys are saying all has a perfectly good explanation.”
“It does, but.. Have you seen the way she looks at you? And she’s always touching you. She’s not really a touchy person, either.” Jeff points out calmly. “Just think about it, man. She fucking tackle hugged you when she came back after missing those three days. Tackle hugged. Not just a normal hug.”
“And it kind of looked like she had her legs around your waist at one time during that, by the way.” Ethan points out. Gareth glares at him a second or two, “First of all, what the hell are you doing staring so hard?”
Ethan shrugs. “The whole school saw it happen, Emerson. People are starting to assume you guys are a thing.”
Gareth’s a little stunned by this. Then he remembers that at one point last week, a girl named Hayley from one of your classes -Creative writing, she was talking to you while he was standing there and Hayley mentioned something about “Oh, well your boyfriend is welcome too.” as she nodded at him. And he didn’t think anything of it then, but you didn’t rush to correct Hayley. 
And it’s not the first time this has happened in the short time you’ve been getting to know each other, either. Now that he’s thinking about it.
As the sliver of hope that maybe you feel the same way about him starts to grow, he has to fight ten times harder just to keep it from happening.
“We’re right about this and you know it, Gare.”
“There’s no way. I’m telling you guys.” Gareth argues, but he’s sitting there and he’s replaying everything that’s happened since the first time you talked to him in the hallway. And if he were a more hopeful person…
He can’t entirely say with 100 percent certainty that maybe his friends aren’t onto something.
“Are you finally getting it? Tell me you’re gonna do something.”
Gareth rubs his reddened face and takes a very shaky breath. “ Okay, even if it were true.. What the hell do I do, huh? I don’t know how this shit works.”
You’re not entirely sure whose bright idea it was to whip out the Ouija board but it’s currently sitting on top of the coffee table with you and your three best friends gathered around. “This isn’t a good idea.” you mumble.
“It’ll be fine. As long as we stick to the harmless questions.”
“And say goodbye to close the session.” Maria speaks up from where she’s sprawled out on the sofa.
“As long as we ask it stuff about our future. Like for example, will ___ ever get brave enough to finally pull Gareth Emerson into the supply closet at school and kiss the hell out of him? Because ___ you stare at his lips so much. And it’s not the dark ages anymore. There’s absolutely nothing stopping you from making the first move, girl.”
“I’ll do it when you tell Eddie Munson exactly what you said about him earlier today in the bathroom.” you stick out your tongue as you say it. Maria takes a sip from the new bottle you’d all opened after wandering in from the heated pool out back. You gesture for the bottle and she leans forward, nearly falling over onto the table. 
Giggling. You take the bottle and take a small sip, passing it off to Edith as Edith closes her eyes and breathes in and out. “Okay. Here we go.”
Kate Bush is playing softly on the stereo. 
“Is there anyone here with us?”
The planchette doesn’t budge. The four of you let out a collective ragged breath. The lights flicker a second or two and all of you are tensing up.
“Did you just make the lights flicker?”
The planchette feels warmer. And with everyone’s hands on it, it attempts to move but it goes still.
You kind of have a feeling at least one of your friends are behind it moving, and you laugh. “Funny. You guys are hilarious.”
“I didn’t..”
“I didn’t do it either.”
“Me either.”
“Can you make the lights flicker again?”
The second Edith asks the question, the lights go dim and less than half a second later, they brighten again.
“Can you tell us why you’re here?”
You shoot Edith a warning look. And you’re kind of scared, after all, you do have to spend most of your time in your parents house alone in it. With a murder scene right next door, abandoned. And maybe you are a little more scared about it than you thought.
But one of them has to be making the planchette move… Right?
Adeline speaks up. “Is it getting colder in here to you guys?”
“A little.”
“Maybe it’s just the thermostat. Let’s go look. We can bring that box of Twinkies in here too because I’m a little hungry.” you pull yourself up off the floor and the lights throughout the house go off all at once as the rainstorm that drove you all in from the pool kicks up another notch, thunder rolling outside. You shriek and the instant you stub your toe on a piece of furniture, you’re swearing and flipping off the piece of furniture.
“Okay, we’re done here. Goodbye. Session is over.” Edith springs off the floor, the planchette hits the board on the tabletop with a clatter and this is how the four of you wind up huddled together in the kitchen, staring at the basement door intently.
“The breakers are downstairs.”
“Mhm. Right, well.. I’m not going down there.”
“Absolutely not.”
“Guys.” you laugh a little. “It’s just the storm.”
“The lights flickered when we were asking questions, ___.”
You take a step towards the basement door and you’re about to reach for the handle when a loud clap of thunder has you jumping and screaming. And the four of you share a look. “We could um.. We could call somebody.”
“Like who, Adi?” you question, gazing at her with a hand on your hip. “My parents are both gone on separate cruises.”
“Well.” Edith mumbles, “You do have Gareth’s number.. Right?”
“ I do, but I’m not.. What the hell would I say, huh? Hey, Gare, we were playing with a Ouija board and now every single noise scares the living shit out of us? Be serious, Edie.”
“Or.. we could get out of here and go over there. Hawkins is small, we could totally find them.”
“It’s almost midnight.” you point out.
“What?” the three of you answer Maria in unison. She’s staring out the panes in the French door. “I think I saw a light on over at the Creel house.”
“What? No way. That place hasn’t had electricity since the fifties or something.” Adeline shoves her way through you all to stand at the door beside Maria. Then she sees it too, for a split second in the upstairs window. 
“We’re being babies right now.”
“No, we’re not. And I  vote we all get in my car and go… Somewhere.”
“Or.. Hear me out. We could grab some flashlights and go over.”
“Are you insane, Adi?” you’re gaping at her when she suggests going over. Adeline shrugs. “There has to be an explanation.”
“Yeah! We shouldn’t have played with that damn thing because now for all we know, we unlocked something.” Maria’s pacing. Edith glances at you. “Screw it. I’m calling someone. You’ve got a phone book, it’s not hard, it’s not like there are a thousand Emersons in Hawkins.. Or Munsons.”
As soon as she blurts this out, you and your friends all share a look.
You walk over and take the phone out of her hands. “Give me that. I’ll call Gareth. He’s probably sleeping, I can’t believe we’re all such big babies.”
You dial Gareth’s number and you wait. And wait.
He finally answers, voice thick with sleep. And the storm kicks it up another notch, the clap of thunder making all four of you release ear-splitting screams as Maria stands and says “Yeah, that’s it. I’m outta here.”
“You’re the one who said it’d be fun to play with that damn thing!” you whine.
Gareth’s sitting up in bed at his house now and he’s yawning. “___? What’s goin’ on?”
“My friends and me we were..” you hiccup, “Playing with a Ouija board.”
You can hear him grumbling on his end of the line. Gareth rubs his forehead and jumps a little himself when a loud clap of thunder makes his bedroom window rattle. There’s a long enough pause that he asks, “Still there, bunny?”
“Y-yeah.” you answer after a second or two.
“Okay, I am not seeing shit. There is a light on upstairs at the Creel house. It was on a little longer this time.” Adeline calls out from the kitchen window. “Everyone else’s lights are out though, so maybe we didn’t release the spirit of a killer or a demon or some shit.”
Gareth’s snickering to himself. Until you scream at the thunder as it cracks loud. There’s static on the phone lines, he’s straining to hear.
“You’re scared, huh?”
“This isn’t funny, Gareth.”
“It’s actually kind of hilarious.” Gareth’s teasing, he can’t help it. On your end of the line, you pout a little.
Adeline and Edith have both just left and this leaves you all alone in your parents big and empty house. “Those little shits! They all bailed.”
Gareth chuckles quietly. “Breathe for me, ___.”
You take a deep breath or two, pacing your living room and scowling at the phone when the cord is starting to wrap around your body. You take a second to breathe -and untangle yourself from the phone cord- and Gareth speaks up quietly. “You alone? Like.. totally alone, bunny?”
“If you wanna come over..” he suggests, going quiet. Wanting to punch himself in the throat because he’s suggested it. And he can’t stop thinking about everything he was made aware of and how much he wishes that just once, it’d be true.
“Gareth, your parents would flip.”
Gareth pulls himself out of bed and he starts to slip on the jeans he wore earlier. “I’ll come t’ you.”
“Gareth, it’s storming out.”
“You live what.. Two? Three blocks away? Think I can walk that far in a storm.”
“Lightning, Gare.” you protest.
“Do you wanna sit there alone all night or not, huh?” Gareth argues back, grumbling about how stubborn you are as he looks for his old flashlight and a t-shirt that isn’t dirty and waiting to be washed.
“Okay, alright.” you realize that Gareth’s made his mind up and one way or another, he’s coming over, no matter how much you protest. And you want to feel awful about calling in the middle of the night and waking him up, but there’s a bigger part of you that’s just glad she won’t be all alone in her parents house in the middle of a bad storm.
And you’re frustrated, because you know if you let yourself get used to this, even a little, when he decides you’re too much to deal with and ditches you like others in the past, like your own parents do now, it’s going to be so hard to go back to the way things were before you opened up.
“I’ll be over in ten, okay?”
“Okay. I’m sorry, Gareth. I should be used to this, I just… don’t like storms and then we went and got tipsy and thought playing with my old Ouija board was a good idea for some reason.” you’re rambling and it’s kind of cute. He chuckles quietly. “It’s fine. I wasn’t sleepin anyway, I hate storms too.”
You hang up with Gareth and you’re pacing your living room, jumping at every noise you hear. The emptiness of the house has taken on a creepier feel and the more intense the storm outside gets, the more it feels as if the walls are closing in all around you. When you happen to look out the French doors leading to the pool, you see a flash of light in one of the upstairs rooms at the Creel house for just a split second and then it’s gone. 
The door is being knocked on. You hear Gareth call out to you through the other side and you rush over, throwing it open.
“There’s someone in the Creel house.”
Gareth doubles over laugh and he shakes his head. “There’s not.”
“It’s not funny. I saw the lights.”
“You saw headlights from a passing car on the mirror up in the attic.” Gareth explains, stepping into the house. You shut and lock the  door behind him and for a few seconds, you’re body to body. Gareth steps closer.
You’re shaking. Gareth notices and he pulls you into another awkward hug. Smoothing his hands over your hair, letting his fingers catch in a few thick curls. “Hey. It’s just a storm. And I promise you, bunny.. There’s nobody at the Creel house. I know, okay? I got dared to go up to the attic.”
You look up at him and take a deep breath or two. You’re breathing in the scent of him and using that to calm you down a little. And you’re laughing softly. “You.. you saw the mirror in the attic, right?”
“Mhm. It’s sitting in the window. So whenever a car goes past at night, the headlights reflect off.” Gareth’s got you sitting down now, you’re leaned against his side. And he’s teasing you a little for freaking out, but the entire time this is happening, he’s also trying to wrap his head around the fact that you called him.
Not one of your friends parents, not your own parents. You called him.
His mind is blown.
“I’m an idiot, oh my god.” you’re laughing sheepishly. Gareth shakes his head. Comes out of the daze he’s in and looks at you. “You’re not. You were scared. It’s okay.”
“I woke you up for no reason. Literally everything that happened when we were playing with that damn board had a rational explanation.” you raise a hand and palm at your face. “I’m sorry.”
“Will you stop apologizing? It’s fine. I wasn’t really sleeping anyway.”
“Okay. I owe you. I owe you so big because you shouldn’t have come out in this shit.” you mumble, getting lost in his eyes. Or the way each split second flash of lightning illuminates his face just enough that you can’t help but stare at his mouth, helpless.
You shove the overwhelming urge to do something dumb like go for it and kiss him to the back of your mind and you take a few very long and shaky breaths as you lean against him. Feeling calmer.
“I didn’t mind. I wanted to,okay?” Gareth speaks up after a few seconds. “I’ll stay as long as you want me to. This place is fucking creepy at night. I don’t blame you.” Gareth admits after a long pause.
“It really is… Thank you.”
“It’s not a big deal.” he shrugs, fighting off a yawn.
But to you, it is. Because he didn’t have to do this. The fact that he has done it, well.. It’s only made you fall even harder. 
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draconscious · 4 years
Tagged by: @pkmnsdarkqueen & @pumpkaboospiced (thank you both!!) Tagging: you!! (I’m LATE!!)
𝟎𝟏 . 𝐀𝐋𝐈𝐀𝐒 / 𝐍𝐀𝐌𝐄 • Dan 𝟎𝟐 . 𝐁𝐈𝐑𝐓𝐇𝐃𝐀𝐘 • March 20th 𝟎𝟑 . 𝐙𝐎𝐃𝐈𝐀𝐂 𝐒𝐈𝐆𝐍 • Pisces 𝟎𝟒 . 𝐇𝐄𝐈𝐆𝐇𝐓 • 10′ 5′8″ 𝟎𝟓 . 𝐇𝐎𝐁𝐁𝐈𝐄𝐒 • Other than writing (RP) and fall hiking atm, I love watching and playing (not too seriously) competitive games. I mainly watch American football and basketball, and I’m pumped for this year’s League of Legends World Championship! I’m currently playing a lot of Pokemon Sword/Showdown (hot take: competitive battling is great), Magic: The Gathering Arena, Among Us, and Teamfight Tactics/League with the crew. Tbh, I haven’t had much time for hobbies lately--work and school are killing me. 𝟎𝟔 . 𝐅𝐀𝐕𝐎𝐔𝐑𝐈𝐓𝐄 𝐂𝐎𝐋𝐎𝐔𝐑 • BRIGHT orange. Pow! 𝟎𝟕 . 𝐅𝐀𝐕𝐎𝐔𝐑𝐈𝐓𝐄 𝐁𝐎𝐎𝐊 • It’s in my bio, but I’m happy to say it again and again: A Tale for the Time Being by Ruth Ozeki is awesome and a Big Fave. For nonfiction, I recently finished Evicted: Poverty and Profit in the American City, which was really insightful and sad.  𝟎𝟖 . 𝐋𝐀𝐒𝐓 𝐒𝐎𝐍𝐆 • You Are Luhh (Aaliyah cover) / Frank Ocean 𝟎𝟗 . 𝐋𝐀𝐒𝐓 𝐅𝐈𝐋𝐌 / 𝐒𝐇𝐎𝐖 • Last film was that Eurovision Netflix original with Will Ferrell LOL (it just made me miss actual Eurovision...). I’m also currently rewatching The Legend of Korra! 𝟏𝟎 . 𝐈𝐍𝐒𝐏𝐈𝐑𝐀𝐓𝐈𝐎𝐍 • I just love Clair! Here’s mainly what inspires me to write her: redemption arcs (esp. in sports--love a good underdog story), strong women who kick ass (esp. in games and shows), any Clair-related media, and professional athletes (mostly their training and routines, Clair’s a fierce competitor after all!).  𝟏𝟏. 𝐒𝐓𝐎𝐑𝐘 𝐁𝐄𝐇𝐈𝐍𝐃 𝐔𝐑𝐋 • I wanted a URL that started with “dragon” or “draco-”, and I honestly started to go through “co-” words in my head until I settled on “conscious” (since dragons are such a huge part of Clair’s everyday life & thoughts). Early drafts for the URL include “draconqueror,” “dragonheir” (first choice, taken...) and “wyvernwoman”!
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divrx · 4 years
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Adjusting herself in the seat, DIOR watched as the mic was hooked onto her and the monitors begin to light up with her face on it. ❛Issa evil world we live in. We signed up for this shit though right?❜ Making her usual funny face in the camera, she did her little dance in front of the green screen before hearing the clack of the action board. ❛Again, not necessary.❜ @aehqs​ | @tsrhq​
❛ So this week we had a nice little carnival and my big kid ass was mad excited.❜ The female started off with a wide grin, clasping her hands. ❛ I luhh me some rides and funnel cake. Spent time with a couple of my siblings, won shorty her Jamaican banana and got to try fried oreos. Shit was going smooth till it hit the fan.❜ Reflecting back on the last 24 hours, she tried to choose her words carefully since the topic had new developments that weren’t quite ready to be shared. ❛ Devon and I definitely was kicking it for a minute with a few relations here and there. Seeing him pop up at the carnival with Aaliyah did throw me off but single folks do single shit.❜ She was confused as to where the narrative of a one-sided relationship came up when all she did was just express feelings for him amongst her family. ❛ I’m single, he single. Ain’t nothing else to it, baby.❜ It was a partial lie for now but again, she wanted to keep things cute and simple. ❛ I will say niggas better not get mad when we start benching them and beat them at they own games. 'cause the women on this cast are more than pretty faces and pussies to keep in your pockets, gents. That’s all ima say on that.❜
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Grabbing a hold of the IPAD the producer handed her, a few light chuckles couldn't help but leave her freshly glossed pair as she scrolled through the comments and posts on the SHADEROOM. Handing the device back, she waited for her cue to give her thoughts. ❛Jerome and I? That ship...is docked in the middle of the ocean right now. It didn’t work out the 1st...or the 2nd...or the 14th time..for reasons babes, so if you think we just gonna poof together per request of some strangers? You trippin’. We took the best parts of our relationship and turned it into a dope ass friendship so we chillin’ for now. I love the kid though. His corny ass. ❜
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After a few more clips, DIOR was was prompted to give her final thoughts on the last week, her tongue pressing against her top lip for a moment as she tried to think ❛ This week been interesting. I wish a MAN would court me like I been seeing my blood doing these last couple days but shit happens and you gotta just move on. ❜ The female shrugged some and smiled. ❛ I feel like folks still trying to feel out everyone and we all seen how people move around here so far so, these next coming weeks gon’ be interesting once shit start to unravel. ❜ Flipping her hair over her shoulder, she finished off her last thought. ❛ All I ask that this dogging niggas on the low? Ain’t it. When I say I don’t give a fuck, I mean that shit. I may bitch about something once amongst the fam but wave a Nintendo switch in front of me and I’m on to the next thought. How is clowning and talking shit benefiting you and your pockets? Me and mine be minding ours and you can't say you do the same when others are the center of your thoughts. And thats that on that. I’m high as shit so that probably ain’t make no sense. Basically, work on yourself. Don’t worry about me. I’m straight. Well...not fully. I do in fact, like pussy. Sorry mama.❜
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dearskz · 6 years
i don’t like him pt. 1
Genre: school au, fuckboy au, angst, fluff + bullet points
Pairing: reader x changbin
Length: 1,458 words 
Warning: profanity
Description: How not to fall in love with your school’s #1 fuckboy.
Part 2 (masterlist)
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okay hehe this is another new thing for me
so it might be crap SORRY!
but i wanted to write something spontaneously that i wouldn’t overthink bc I do that a lot
ANYWAYS onto the story :)
there was one thing that you hated more than calculus
and seo changbin was the ultimate fuckboy
he would flirt with anyone and anything
ngl, he was pretty good at it
not that you would admit it tho
bc WE ARE NOT falling down that hole
but you kind of understood why everyone at your school fell into his trap???
he was quite articulate with his words
one of the top students of your year
the star of multiple sports teams
not to mention an amazing rapper and singer
and wow have you seen him?
fucking gorgeous
^another thing you would not admit to
no stop, stop thinking that, get a hold of yourself y/n!
i don’t like him
it’s not like you hate him tho
he was your childhood best friend growing up
you used to do everything together
you just hate what he’s become
which is why you decided to distance yourself from him
but, after hitting puberty LIKE A TRUCK, people started noticing him more
he became cocky, flirtatious
the sweet and adorable changbin you knew started to disappear
or so you thought
watching him slowly change from someone you loved to be with 24/7 into someone that you couldn’t stand makes it that much harder to be around him
“HEY Y/N!!!” your best friend chaeyoung scared you from behind
“holy shit chaeyoung, please save my eardrums, i don’t plan on needing a hearing aid until I’m a 70-year-old raisin. ”
“you’re so fucking dramatic. i’ve called you 10 times, why didn’t you pick up? daydreaming about what could’ve been with changbin again?”
“you’re going to regret saying that when you have to walk home in the rain today.”
“SORRY jeez. it’s just that whenever you zone out, you’re usually thinking about him. you even say his name in your sleep sometimes.”
you felt yourself blushing
there is no way i say his name in my sleep
“i don’t like him.”
“i didn’t say you did.”
you glared at her, “oh my gosh you’re so annoying, just tell me why you called me so many times.”
“there’s a rumour going around that changbin is taking finally taking someone to the formal this year!”
“and you wanted to tell me this beecaausee???...”
“becauseeee it sounds like he’s finally settling down! isn’t that great? maybe that means he’s gonna stop being a fuckboy.”
you rolled your eyes
“woohoo, should i give him an award?”
chaeyoung sighed in defeat
“okay, fine. i know you don’t care but i thought it would’ve been good news because you could possibly become friends again… the break is about to end, i’ll see you after school y/n. bye!”
“bye, see you!”
you began walking back to class
maybe chaeyoung was right
maybe he’s trying to change
i mean it would be nice to be friends again, i miss him so much
2:34 pm
it was your last class of the day, school ends in less than half an hour
you were trying to finish your homework so you could binge on vlive videos
(y’all know who u are, aka me)
it also happened to be the day before formal tickets went on sale
it was so hard to hear yourself think because your obnoxious seatmate was batting her eyelashes at changbin
“changbinnie~ are you excited for the formal? are you taking someone this year? who?? i still need a date you know….”
“that’s a secret, but hopefully it’s someone as pretty as you” he winked
wtf gross, can class end faster?
suddenly you got a text from student council
                      [2:40] woojin: emergency meeting in rm 214 right after school!
shit, i have to tell chaeyoung that I can’t drive her home today
                      [2:29] y/n: hey, sorry but an emergency council meeting came up!                       [2:29] my bae chae: np, i’ll catch a ride with dahyun! be careful tho, it’s raining rlly hard later today!!                       [2:30] y/n: dw i will! luhh u bish                       [2:30] my bae chae: luh u too biiishh
4:35 pm
the meeting took a long time bc yall needed some last minute DJ’s for the formal
long story short: it took a lot of phone calls
but don’t worry, it’s gucci now
after saying bye to your fellow council members, you began making your way to your car
it began pouring right before the meeting ended and you were hoping that it would die down soon
but it didn’t
just then you saw changbin waiting at the front entrance
ahh it’s monday, he usually walks home on mondays
wait why do i know that
you felt guilty
i guess i could offer him a ride??? he does live across the street…
“HEy chANgbIn!” just came out of your mouth
that was a fucking croak, i just sounded like a toad what is wrong with me
“oh hey y/n”
“..uh.. so... why are you still at school?”
“i was giving some basketball pointers to our freshmen.”
“wow, smart, attractive, and a saint? what else can you do seo changbin?”
i did not just say that out loud, save me 
he chuckled and gave you a warm smile
you forgot how much you missed that beautiful smile of his
“apparently i can make you flush like a red tomato too.”
that only made you blush harder
you tried to hide your face from any more embarrassment
“d-do you want a ride home? i don’t want you to be caught in the rain…. we live on the sam-”
“yes y/n, i very much appreciate a ride home from you, thank you.”
“no problem… let’s go”
impulsively, you grabbed his hand and ran through the rain towards your car
i’m just continuously surprising myself today, aren’t i?
still, his hand fit so nicely in yours
holding his hand brought back so many memories
perhaps it was seeing his gentle smile again
or talking to him for the first time in a year
that made you forget that you weren’t best friends anymore
you got to your car in no time but you were both drenched
“i should have a few clean towels in my gym bag, so we can dry off when we get inside.”
“cool, thanks. but y/n?” he faced you
“yes changbin?” you stared into his eyes
“i can’t get inside if you’re still holding my hand” he smirked
“OH R-RIGHT. sorry aha.”
you quickly ran to the driver's side and slammed the door
you both quickly dried your soaking wet hair before heading home
you sat in silence for the first few minutes
“hey you can play some music if you want,” you said handing him the aux cord with one hand
“ah, thanks.”
a familiar tune began playing
“omg is this-”
“1AM BY TAEYANG,” you both said at the same time
you looked at each other and laughed
“i guess we still have the same taste in music.”
“you acquired your taste of music from me. remember all the mixtapes i would make for you?”
“i guess i did. they were really good mixtapes. i guess i owe it to you, thanks, y/n!”
“what do you mean?”
“for kinda getting me into music… .and encouraging me to pursue a music career a few years ago before… before we stopped talking…”
“oh… right…”
even the music couldn’t help the awkward silence in the car the rest of the way home
you pulled into his driveway just as the rain cleared up
“thank you again for the ride home y/n. it was nice talking to you. I miss you.”
you missed the last part because you spent the entire time thinking about how selfish it was to cut off your best friend just because of a silly thing like popularity
why did i even care back then? so what if more than half the school swoons over him? it’s not like i care right? he was my best friend
i didn’t like him
i don’t like him
“y/n? are you alright? did you catch a cold?”
changbin put his hand on your forehead
you weren’t sick but you could feel butterflies in your stomach
did i have milk today ahahaha silly me, i always forget that i’m lactose intolerant ahhaah
“N-NO! sorry, I just zoned out for a bit. i’ll see you at school changbin.”
he withdrew his hand and began to step out of the car
“yeah, right. see you at school y/n.” he said without looking back
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Weelllll neww heree ...hello👋
Actually may acc. na ako dito dati pero d ko na matandaan ung nilagay ko so gumawa na lng ako ng bago, and nagkaroon ako ng interest mag-blog since pagkatapos kong mabasa ang blogpost#143 sa wattpad kaya hetooo...hahatdog
I'm happy naman today kase may sapat ako na tulog,nakapagsimba ako,and nakakain ako ng matinong pagkain haha...syempre masaya rin ako kase 30 out of 43 ang nagrank samin sa room this 3rd grading and pang 4th ako kaya masaya ako parang nawala ung insecurities ko sa sarili ko...pero nakakadiscourage naman nung mga nagsasabi na classmates ko na "ohh galingan pa natin 13 na lng guyss more teamwork" tapos may kaklase kase kame si M nangongopya sya sa kanila pero behind her back sinasabihan sya na "luhh bat sya nangongopya eh wlaa naman syang tinulong" gossips there and here about her ....
Sa isip isip ko syempre luhh teamwork pa pero ganyan naman sila pweee..sarap nilang pakain sa palaka e ahhahaha
Andami dami ko pang napapansin pero i just understood na lng na ganyan talaga walang perpekto sa mundo, kahit gano na tlga kakati tong bunganga kong sabihin sa kanila i really need to take control baka magalit pa sila sakin kaya dito ko na lng isusulat hahaha
Wala akong pake kung wlang magbasa netoo hahaha puro kadramahan ko lng naman sa buhay ang andito eee....
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