#i made a train themed restaurant and it was so cool
emphemerally · 1 month
if i had a dollar for every time i've accidentally deleted important files from my sims stuff i'd be able to buy a fucking kit thank god this time it was only my miscellaneous building save
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tiredfox64 · 2 months
I had an idea, I don't know how good this sounds but in the beginning of the MK1 story when the Lin Kuei trio attack Madame Bo's restaurant as an act to text Raiden and Kung Lao skills, the reader happens to be there as a traveler who also has fighting skills and fights off Smoke and finds out it's a test by Liu Kang who accepts being one of earthrealm's champions but has a hard time trusting Smoke after what happen and Smoke does everything he can to gain her trust?
Trust Me
Prior notes: Halfway through writing this the Ninja Storm theme song played in my head nonstop. I got distracted for an hour just listening to almost all the Power Rangers theme songs Σ( ̄。 ̄ノ)ノ
Pairing: Tomas x Afab reader
Warnings ‼️: A few kicks and punches, we got those from our siblings.
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You travel high and low, far and wide. The lands must be explored and experienced. Your current location? Fengjian Village in China. Quite a peaceful village actually with farmlands that stretch for many miles. You decided to rest for a moment at the tea house. Madame Bo was really nice to you, happy to have a lovely lady like you come in.
Little did you know that she was expecting you.
Lots of different people and personalities around here. You got a show as well. Two men fighting just to figure out who is paying tonight. It must have been serious because they were fighting for their lives. You can understand since the food was amazing.
The sun had set and the cool breeze blew through the tea house. You were finishing up your meal at the same time those two men were about to. In an instant the atmosphere became hostile. You looked up to see a man with silvery hair and gray attire harassing Madame Bo. You watched carefully, wary of this guy’s intentions. You jumped into action once you saw him attack Madame Bo and literally throw her over the balcony.
His eyes turned to you when he saw you running towards him. You were surprised by the smoke bomb he threw down. It made you cough which gave him the opportunity to attack you, causing you to hit the floor.
“You are brave, but against us? You are in over your head.” He mocked you.
“I don’t care who you are or what your purpose is. You will not be a nuisance to Madame Bo.” You declared before fighting him.
You fought viciously, as anyone would suspect. This guy had a few tricks up his sleeve. Magic that you’ve never seen before. Yet you stood your ground. While you were dealing with him those other two guys were fighting off the other assassins. Oh great there are two more who got some sort of freaky magic. Well at least they are taking care of that.
An amazing spectacle of kicking, punching, and slashing was performed by you and your opponent. After all that you managed to defeat him, leaving him lying on the ground. You moved quickly to check on Madame Bo who was…fine. No, really, she was. Standing up straight and smoking a cigarette like it was a normal Tuesday night. A man with glowing eyes approached you and you finally got the answers you needed.
This was all a test from Lord Liu Kang. You, Raiden, and Kung Lao were chosen to join Earthrealm’s champions. Liu Kang was thankful that you chose to visit Fengjian now since it made things easier.
He explained that the people who attacked were the Lin Kuei and that you fought Tomas aka Smoke. They weren’t thugs but were actually a clan that helped protect Earthrealm. You were still in shock about the whole thing. You couldn’t let your guard down fully even if you now know it was a test.
Liu Kang told you all that the Wu Shi Acadamy will help train you and prepare for the Mortal Kombat tournament. Looks like you will be staying in China for longer than you expected.
Ever since Tomas fought you he has been dying to talk to you. He thought you did amazing. He really didn’t know what to expect since you were just a traveler. No one had a clue who trained you or even why you were so good at fighting. You must have been a quick thinker since you manage to figure out he was using smoke magic.
The problem is that you were cold to him. You still didn’t trust him even after finding out it was all a test. He would visit the Wu Shi Academy just to get a chance to talk to you, only for you to move away from him whenever you saw a hint of his silvery hair.
Raiden and Kung Lao told you to not hold it over his head. Madame Bo is safe. Hell, she was even in the Lin Kuei once, she’s a tough woman. Nope, you’re still not budging.
“I don’t understand, Raiden. She still treats me like some thug.” Tomas expresses his frustration to Raiden who wants to help make peace between you two.
“It probably didn’t feel good to her to be tricked like that. It may be best to prove to her that she can trust you.” Raiden gave back the best advice he could give.
“But what can I do if I can’t even get close to her.”
Raiden had to think for a moment. The others such as Kung Lao, Johnny, and Kenshi all came around as well since they heard Tomas’ frustration. They didn’t want him feeling bad about what he did since he was instructed to cause a disturbance at the tea house. They also don’t want you holding a grudge against a sweet and cool guy like Tomas.
“I got it!” Kung Lao snapped his fingers, “How about you train with us for some time. She will see that you aren’t so bad after all especially when she sees how calm you are when fighting us. Maybe giving her a gift once in a while will help as well.”
Not a bad plan. It could work. Tomas was on board with this. He didn’t want you viewing him as some thug anymore. You need to see who he truly is and he will do anything to prove it. Operation make you trust Tomas is a go go!
Tomas asked his brother if it was okay to train with the Shaolin for a bit. Bi-Han couldn’t give two fucks where Tomas would be at so he let him do that.
Now you really couldn’t avoid Tomas. Anytime you decided to train with the other champions he was always there. You grew annoyed by his presence. You couldn’t understand why no one else was upset by that trick of a test.
You also couldn’t understand why he was leaving you bunches of lavender and peace lilies. Okay well the peace lilies should have been a big sign but you weren’t the biggest expert on flowers or their meanings. He would leave them at your door, on your chair, he would even have the guys pass you the flowers just to make sure you would accept them.
And after some time you did. It would be a waste if you kept throwing them out. They were lovely and lavender is useful. You didn’t fully trust him yet but his efforts were chipping away at your stubborn heart.
You started watched as he trained with the others. All those fighting moves you saw before when you fought him. The aggression you felt before when seeing those moves slowly started to fade. You watched as he patiently taught the others some tricks on how to defend themselves. Not just that but he was open to being taught as well. The monks taught him new moves and involved him in meditation. Now would a violent person meditate? Nope, because Tomas is not the violent person you think he is.
You realized maybe you were being a bit too harsh when you heard him speak. His voice was less deeper than when you first heard it. It was just an impression anyways. And without his mask on there is no muffle to it. You listened to how disappointed he was, concerned that you still don’t trust him. He expressed that he is doing his best but he fears that you will always see him as the bad guy.
It broke your heart when you realized you misjudged him. He was putting in a lot of effort and you were turning a blind eye to it before. You don’t know how long he will be training with the Wu Shi and you don’t want to regret not saying anything to him. You want to make things right and the best way to do that was to talk to him.
One day you found him near the zen gardens. A place of relaxation and peace. A good atmosphere for something like this. He was meditating all by himself and you were unsure about disturbing him. He already heard your footsteps, you can’t sneak up on a sneaky person. He turned towards you expecting to see someone like Raiden or Johnny. But no, it was actually you. He was shocked and wasn’t sure what you were doing here. You gently waved towards him before speaking.
“Hi…do you mind if I join you?” You asked softly.
Tomas just stared for a good five seconds before breaking out of his trace. “O-oh yeah sure.”
You thanked him before walking closer. You surprised him even more when you described to sit next to him. Both your hearts were beating fast. Yours because you were unsure of what to say and his because of the same thing. You took a few deep breaths before speaking up.
“I’m sorry that I’ve been kind of cold to you. Maybe even been avoiding you. I just kept thinking back to that night at the tea house and I just thought you were the same guy I fought back then.”
You saying sorry was already the highlight of Tomas’ day. Before he can say anything to you, even to apologize for fighting you, you continued.
“You don’t have to apologize for what happened. I understand it was just a test and no one really got hurt. Well, maybe not physically but I did hurt you by being mean.”
You were picking at your fingers as you looked down at your lap. Now you wondered if he thought of you as the bad person. He doesn’t, he never did.
“We got off on the wrong foot and I want to make it right. Maybe you and I can train one of these days if you are willing to spend time with me.”
“Yes! Yes! Of course I would love to.” Tomas got too excited and covered his mouth, not wanting to disturb the tranquility of the garden anymore.
You looked at him all shocked before chuckling quietly. He really was desperate to show you that he is trustworthy. Seeing that it all paid off was too great for him that he had to express it. How could you ever imagine he was some cruel man who purposely beats up old ladies?
Your chuckle made him feel less embarrassed and happy to see you loosen up around him. You seem way chiller than he imagined. He’s excited to get to know you more now. You took his hand into yours and shook it.
“It’s nice to officially meet you, Smoke.”
He smiled at you. The mission was a success. All of this was worth it.
“The pleasure is all mine. But please, call me Tomas.”
After notes: It’s a bad time for me to find out that my favorite show is free on YouTube. Mhm I’m gonna be blasting that good shit on my tv. Anyways I hope you enjoy whoever requested it. I actually thought about this scenario a bit ago but never wrote it down and forgot about it. So looks like you read my mind. Trust me it sounded good to me :3. Adiós!
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ijumpbridges · 10 months
Do a headcanon of scp 076, scp 049, scp 2396, doctor cleff, doctor iceberg, doctor kondrank, doctor glass on the first date.
First Date!
Ft. Scp 049, Scp 076, Scp 2396, Dr. Clef, Dr. Kondraki, Dr. Glass, Dr. Iceberg.
____ scp 049
Its impressive that you got him out of his lab to go on a date with you.
You were probably the one who suggested and it and he agree to it and decide to plan a picnic and restaurant theme inside his cell
Yall eating ok the floor but the 049-2 dress up as waiters.
Used 049-2 as the ones who would bring food or help around to make the setting for comfortable.
When you came in bringing the food he had the wine cups outside and bottles of stolen wine and the carpet and blankets on the floor.
The dinner was nice, you brought white spaghettini and he complimented it.
He gave you a lots of compliments.
He talked about the pestilence.
And you excuse yourself many times just to cough or sneeze cuz you don’t want to trigger him.
It was annoying, but overall the date was great, but you were removed from his cell.
scp 076
Blink twice you need help.
You date consist on doing physical work so im going to put maybe doing a sport together or taking care of animals in the foundations shelters.
If you chose to do a sport with him, be very careful, since its you are not strong enough to beat him.
It doesn’t matter if he says he will try to go ‘soft’ on you, he will throw you across the room.
If you chose to take care of the animals it would a nice heartwarming moment together, bounding with animals and you helps him a lot.
He was able to wash then and get them ready up to the standards.
You both also played with them afterwards in the artificial park and dog training section.
Throwing balls and training them.
You both would challenge each other, until it went wrong.
You ended up with a broken arm because of him.
When you told your friends they about it laughed at you, but at least 076 defended you to an extend until you told him not to and that it was fine since they were your friends unless it was someone from your outside group.
scp 2396
I think a movie night or a breach contaimenht to a theme park.
You cant chose cuz both thinks happen.
She invited you to watch a movie with her and you agree to it.
When you got to her containment chamber thinking you were going to watch the movie there, she tells you to wait out.
By ‘outside’ you though she meant outside of her chamber not the foundation.
She breach containment and actually made it out and when you heard this you went after her.
Afterwards you went to watch the movie, it was Barbie, she cry and while crying you two had to leave because the foundation had found you.
Luckily it was night and the theme park was close and since you both escape through the back door and no one saw you went to the theme park to calm her down.
You two when to the wheel fortune and got to the top and it felt relaxing and you even got a small conversation before a light from a helicopter showed up pointing at both of you.
A whole MTF squad showed up and took you both from the top.
They made you both climb up to the helicopter and went back tot he foundation.
Dr. Clef
Blink twice if you need help.
It was suppose to be a restaurant date night, but all went side ways and shit the fan and you are on the run with him.
The dinner date was not going great, the guy was being weird.
You kept your cool even with his weird comments.
Then a breach containment happen, this was a perfect time, since you could ditch the date.
But no, you see Clef told you he was going to take you to somewhere safe.
And you follow him, he took out his gun and then it was too late for you to make any decisions.
This man, brought you to the anomaly and not only that he started to provoke it.
So, now you that you are in danger you had to put your nerves aside and get your flight or fight reflex if you want to make it out alive.
He did a good job on containing that anomaly and he even protected you and hand you a gun to kill off any remaining of the anomaly.
Then you both got something to drink and part ways since its been a long night, afterwards you realize that he wasn’t so bad.
Dr. Kondraki
He took you to take picture with 408.
They were adorable and really friendly towards you.
They even surrounded you.
And he took a pic of that since he thought it looked cute, but he will never admit that.
He will take you around and bring you to the bar.
While you two talked he tried to control himself on the drinking.
But how could he if you were also tipsy too?
At the end of the date both of you only got tipsy not drunk, but a little which it was great for him.
You two mostly talked about anything and everything that wasn’t work related, he showed his works on photography and you showed him your hobbies and the things you achieve from it.
He dropped you off and then he went home.
It was a great night, you two really bonded, might as well get another date too.
Dr. Glass
He asks you out and you agree to a dinner night.
You two went actually out of the foundation to get dinner and wine together.
Being away from the foundation was actually nice and you two had a nice moment.
Until one of his client shows up at the dinner.
Like out of nowhere and uninvited saying he was looking for him cuz something fucked just happen to them.
And not only that just like a hardworking ants more two more came behind him. One was an Scp the other was a mtf chasing after it.
Then more people started to come in asking for your help, you and Simon looked at each other and sight in sync.
The date had to be cancel and reschedule, but you both got the left overs of your dinner and bought some wine.
Then you meet up at his place and set up a theme and mood for a dinner and had fun again talking.
The night went great with him.
Dr. Iceberg
Remember to blink twice if you need help.
And take pepper spray you will need it.
You either grab coffee in the morning or grab a drink at the end of your shift.
It was with mix feelings.
The guy will show some of his red flags.
Talking about the foundation and how they wont give him a promotion.
Ngl, it was a good vibe at first but then the guy was full of himself and probably made you uncomfortable.
You tried listening and giving him advice and everything and he took them to heart.
He tried touching you and you might have flinch med a little with how clod they were.
So, you tried to make room for you to talk about and he might have criticized some of the stuff that you say.
The end of the date the whole thing was on thin ice so it depends if you both reach out for another date.
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oftenwantedafton · 6 months
Pas de Deux - William Afton x Female Ballerina Reader ~ A Ballora Origin Story
Chapter 1
Rating : Explicit
Warnings - none for this chapter
Summary: It’s your senior year of high school and at 18 you’re on the cusp of becoming one of the best students in Mrs. Afton’s ballet class, where only the most elite train and compete.
But the closer you get to Mr. Afton, the more you question what it is you truly want to be.
Also available on AO3
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You see the red glow of a cigarette before you realize who its owner is, leaning against the brick and mortar of the building adjacent to the ballet studio you attend.
“Hi, Mr. Afton.”
You think he might nod a greeting, but it’s difficult to discern much when he’s cloaked in shadows.
“Mrs. Afton said she’ll be down soon.” You switch your duffel bag to your other hand. The evening air is cool against your damp skin, the moisture lingering from the rigorous exercise you’d just performed. The woman was merciless, but her reputation was well founded. She expected the best; you either rose to the top under her tutelage, or floundered and faced expulsion. There were no exceptions.
The paper roll of tobacco ignites again and this time it illuminates the older man’s features, revealing a shadow of stubble along cheekbones and jaw. There are soot colored stains beneath his pale eyes that speak of long hours at the children’s party themed restaurant again. You don’t understand precisely what maintaining the animatronics involves, but it clearly is exhausting.
He gestures with the cigarette towards the row of second story windows facing the street. “I saw you earlier. You’re the best in the group,” he murmurs.
You blush, feeling warmth creep into your face. “I don’t know about that.”
”The way you move. It’s…” He takes another long drag, leaving the sentence hanging open. The silence lengthens and you seek an end to the awkwardness.
“I didn’t know you smoked,” you blurt out.
“On occasion. Don’t tell my wife,” he adds with a smirk.
“I won’t,” you promise. You shiver suddenly, wishing you had brought your hoodie with you; it’s getting colder at night now.
“Here.” He shrugs out of his blazer, stepping forward and draping it around your shoulders. You’re suddenly enveloped in warmth, his lingering body heat covering your skin. He’s so tall compared to you, another exhalation of smoke wafting down. You inhale deeply and drink it in. He’s made no move to step back, studying you with those icicle pale eyes. “You ever smoke before?”
“I’ve tried it.” You swallow, refusing to falter beneath his gaze. “I liked it.”
He hums thoughtfully, removing the cigarette from his mouth. “You want to finish it?”
He holds it just before your lips, so the lit end faces away from you. You lean forward slightly, accepting the offering, shivering again when his fingers brush your lips.
Behind you, you hear the sound of the stairwell door clanging shut and you hurriedly remove the cigarette, tossing it to the ground and grinding it beneath your sneaker. The brisk click of high heels can only belong to one person.
“William, why haven’t you started the car yet? It’s freezing out here.”
“Needed some fresh air. I’ve been indoors all day.” He rummages in his pants pocket and produces a set of keys. He unlocks the trunk and relieves you of your burden.
“So have I,” the other woman snaps impatiently, dumping her bag next to yours.
William unlocks the front passenger door and then the rear, holding the door as you slide in. You’d been getting a ride home from ballet lessons for several weeks now, an arrangement your mother had made since you didn’t have your own vehicle and she was now working second shift.
“Can we get going? I have an early class tomorrow.” Mrs. Afton drums her perfectly manicured crimson nails on the door handle impatiently.
You’re well accustomed to the female instructor’s abrasive nature by now. Her husband’s eyes meet yours in the rear view mirror after he closes the door and gets behind the wheel. You’re not entirely sure you comprehend how these two had ever become a couple. Sure, she was pretty, thin and willowy, with full lips and sparkling eyes. Maybe she’d been kinder when they’d been younger. Their personalities were just so different. William was quiet and reserved, while she was loud and energetic.
Perhaps it was the old adage opposites attract.
When you move to return his blazer after you reach your destination, he insists you keep it, touching your hand briefly before handing you your bag and shutting the trunk of the car.
”I’ll see you Friday,” he says, hovering near the car, seemingly reluctant to part ways.
You nod and say goodnight, hearing another sigh of exasperation from the passenger before you turn away.
You spend a long time in the shower letting the hot water cascade over you and soothe sore muscles before changing into your favorite pajamas, oversized and well worn. You cannot resist bringing the loaned fabric to your face, inhaling William’s scent. Nicotine and that morning’s aftershave fill your nostrils and you think about your mouths sharing the same cigarette, a virtual kiss.
The fragrance dissipates over time but still you keep the blazer hidden deep in your bedroom closet. William never asks for it back and you don’t think you’re willing to part with it.
One evening you share another cigarette and lean against the building next to him, so close your arm brushes his each time you move to take another drag. His fingers tangle with yours in a seemingly accidental collision during an exchange and you drop it. He doesn’t let go and you let him caress your hand. You can feel the shiny taut lines of well healed scars and the rough edge of a newer scab across one knuckle. He hisses and you think maybe you’ve hurt him until you see his head rock back, striking masonry, teeth catching his bottom lip. Your heart pounds as you continue to stroke the injured area.
Your companion curses, grabs your upper arm and pulls you further into the alley. He presses you against the rough side of the building, one forearm braced above your head, his tall figure looming over you.
“What are you doing to me?” His lips graze one ear and ghost over your throat, brushing feather light against your mouth and then he’s gone, moving back towards the entrance of the studio.
He watches you in the mirror the entire ride home and you wonder how he manages to operate the vehicle safely.
You tremble like an addict going through withdrawal and your heart continues to jackhammer long after he’s dropped you off.
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acnlmorioh · 8 months
today i visited @azaleacnl's new leaf town through the dream suite! it was such an adorable and well made town so here is my review of my travels ! (sidenote i lost the notes i wrote while exploring the town so if its a little disjointed then that's why)
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immediately as i loaded into the town i could tell it was going to be amazing. the clovers by the bed and the cherry blossom trees created such an atmosphere already.
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i loved the bushes around the town tree, i thought that was a super nice touch.
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there were so many outdoor areas that i just loved. i really liked the use of items like the perfect apple basket to add more life to the outdoors. it's really cool to see what people do with the limited amount of stuff you can place outside in NL!! i also loved the trees with the carnations in the water, they looked like cherry blossom petals floating in the river!!
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the first character's house that i came across was meli's house! i LOVED the sweets exterior. i find that it can often be a bit out of place in some towns but i thought it fit super well here!
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I LOVE THE SWEETS SET. AAAAGHHH. one thing about the whole town is the use of certain smaller furniture items that just add so much more - for example, in this room, the black roses look like they're made of chocolate.
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i loved the cosy vibe of the back room with all the cabin furniture and using the large bookcase as a room partition works so well!! the pompompurin room was also super cute and furniture like the super star and the balloon fit really nicely!
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i genuinely audibly gasped when i saw this room and i am not even joking. the atmosphere is just PERFECT i think it's my favourite room in the whole town!! it feels so comfy and everything is exactly where it should be. i love it!!!!
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the next house i came to was cathy's ! i love the exterior, the fairy tale theme is so cute and matches nicely with the town hall and train station.
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i have VERY strong feelings about the lovely set (I LVOE IT ITSM Y FAVOURITE SET EVER) so trust i was a fan of this room !! i also really like the soft lighting that was in a lot of the rooms, when i was decorating my nl house recently i found that a lot of the lighting was wayyy too harsh for my liking so i like how it's done here!! i also noticed a lot of furniture items that i swear i have never seen before - it goes to show how much effort was clearly put into this whole town.
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i really love the distinct theming of every room - while they were all different, they still felt really cohesive. i also think the space is used very well, such as in the rococo room. in my own rococo room i've been really struggling to figure out how to use the space, but these rooms are all full but not crowded. i also love the use of cyrus such as in the regal furniture. i never really considered using regal furniture because i didn't like the yellow but here you can see how it's recoloured to pink which i feel makes it fit in a lot better with more sets.
i also love the use of mannequins in the rooms! it really makes it feel like a scene where there's actual characters and a story, like the character by the birdcage in the princess room!
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the next house was lina's!! i'm going to become very repetitive but once again i love the exterior. it's so impressive managing to make the very different exterior styles work so well in the same town.
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i have never been a fan of the gorgeous set. HOWEVER. seeing it like this (especially with this lighting) has certainly made it grow on me! i think the strong lighting also helps to unite the pieces by making them similar colours e.g. the handbag on the table - iirc it's pink and can't be recoloured, but in the lighting it looks more red which makes it fit in with the rest of the furniture.
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once again loved the use of mannequins in these rooms! i thought the minimalist beds in the spa was super smart. the atmosphere in the rooms is actually impeccable like the spa room seems so clean and cool. i LOVED the restaurant room!! i think it's so creative to use the rooms as like actual places rather than just rooms in a house. it adds more liveliness and story to the whole town i really love it!!
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the final house i came to was misa's!
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the interiors were always very unpredictable in the best way possible - i didn't expect to step into the house and be on a tropical island, but there i was! as much as i really liked the island, i was absolutely blown away by the basement room. it really felt like i was outside and had come across a magical fairy circle. i never really make use of wallpapers like the vistas and skies but this really showed me how well they can be used - the atmosphere was insane !!!
even though this house isn't 100% finished, i honestly liked that - it made me super excited to see what was to come!!!
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after i looked at the player houses, i looked around the rest of the town. i feel like my thoughts were the same wherever i went - it was mostly 'OHHH MY GOD THAT IS SO CUTE. OHHHH MY GOD USING THAT FURNITURE IS GENIUS. I LOVE IT'. the pwps were used very well and i think they were really well placed - they were spread out enough that the town wasn't super crowded but there weren't super big empty spaces. i also found the town really easy to navigate, not only due to the placement of buildings but the paths were very clearly and purposefully placed! (they were also super cute i loved the patterns)
i thought the villager housing was nicely done with some of them being paired off together. also bonus points for the wisteria trellis (my fav pwp EVER)!!!!!
overall it was just a really lovely experience going and exploring around the town of azalea. if you would like to visit (which you SHOULD! there's a lot i didn't include here so you should go see the town for yourself!!) the DA is 7E00-00D5-AA0B !! you should also follow the towns blog which is @azaleacnl !!
eee thank you for reading please check out the town + blog !!
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franklyshipping · 5 months
Tickle-Hungry ~ A Markiplier Ego Fanfic
Here we have our next glorious anon prompt, this one pertaining to an interesting ship between the snazzy Bim Trimmer and courageous Silver Shepherd! Let's explore this cute union and DO THIS!
TAGGING: @bimlee-trimmer @bim-trimler and @silvlee-shepherd
Silver Shepherd, as usual, was being a complete and utter sweetheart, and Bim Trimmer was smitten. The charming gameshow host had taken a swan-dive into the whole “new year new me” vibe, and had begun this process by giving his studio a complete revamp in anticipation of a new panel show he was going to be filming. All the basic decorating had been done and everything he needed was on-site, but now it was a case of getting all the heavy apparatus and props in position… and the workforce he normally used had all come down with the flu! Naturally of course, Silver Shepherd was eager to jump to the rescue and be the hero of the hour, and for the past few days had been placing podiums, installing rows of seating, as well as positioning heavy cameras and light fixtures.
Bim was helping too of course… though mostly by bringing Silver drinks and snacks whilst he himself mostly watched the hero at work. Silver didn’t mind, and honestly was glad because the last thing he wanted was for Bim to pull a muscle! So he accepted the sustenance and chat happily, honestly loving having Bim’s constant company… and the occasional subtle flirting that came with it. Silver pretended not to notice, but he saw how Bim would glance over at him (or sometimes just straight up stare) whenever he stretched or flexed amidst his work. Silver found it very flattering, and as a result had slowed his pace a little, just to make the fun last.
‘Where do you want this camera going?’
‘Just over there please, we’ll use that one for the wide podium shots.’
‘Okey dokey!’
Silver went about moving it, his shirt raising as he did so, and Bim had to bite back a grin when he got the chance to catch yet another glimpse of Silver’s delectable midriff. Bim didn’t know what was coming over him, but something about spying Silver’s adorable tummy or waist made him feel–
‘So what’s it about?’
Bim blinked at Silver, realising Silver was stood in front of him, smiling curiously.
‘The new gameshow! Is it a quizzy one?’
Bim used all his willpower not to blush as a charming smile appeared on his face, and he laughed lightly.
‘O-Oh, hah, yeah yeah it is.’
‘How will it work?’
Silver asked, his eyes bright with curiosity which made Bim feel like his heart was going to melt. Bim subtly neatened his hair as his smile grew, subconsciously trying to look smart and charming as he replied.
‘Well um, the questions are in different categories. If you answer enough questions in one category you can get prizes related to it, and there are a list of themes people can pick from. For example if someone went with the theme of Italy and they answer three questions right, they’ll get a dinner for two at a 5 star Italian restaurant. Answer six questions right they’ll also get a six year supply of authentic gelato, and if they answer all ten questions correctly then they also get an all expenses paid 4-night holiday to Florence! Also all the questions are multiple choice, so it’s not super hard.’
Silver looked utterly awestruck, mainly because the prizes sounded so generous!
‘Woah, that sounds so cool!’
‘You really think so?’
Bim asked, and Silver nodded as his beaming smile grew.
‘Yeah! I mean… I think all your ideas are awesome.’
Silver’s words hit Bim like a freight train. Bim was used to compliments, he got them from colleagues and fans practically every day… but to hear words like these from Silver just got to him in a totally different way. Bim couldn’t hold back the warmth blooming on his face, and when Silver saw he’d made Bim blush he himself felt his own cheeks turn rosy. But of course that’s fine between really close friends! Silver figured it was totally normal that his tummy was full of flutters and that his fingers were twitching with the urge to play with Bim’s hair and stroke his face– oh boy. Silver blinked, getting his thoughts straight, and opened his mouth to ask what Bim wanted moving next.
But he didn’t have a chance to get his words out, because Bim too had been swirled about in his own head. All he could think about was how damn kind and sweet Silver was, how generous and selfless… but also how goddamn pretty he was. I mean he was a superhero for goodness sake! Not only that, but he was so strong, so soft looking… and that midriff was a whole treat all by itself. Bim couldn’t resist anymore… and so he pounced.
‘So shall I do one of the podiums next or–AHH!’
Silver’s words were cut off as he suddenly found himself pinned to the floor, eyes wide. As he locked eyes with Bim he spotted a twinkle… a very, very familiar twinkle. Silver had been tickled by Bim before, so he knew what his ler mood looked like… but for Bim this was even more than that. There was something feral in that twinkle, and for a moment Silver could have sworn he saw his eyes flash violet and his teeth momentarily gleam with sharpness.
‘B-Bim what the heck?!’
Silver giggled nervously as he squirmed, but Bim’s hold was strong as he kept him playfully pinned down. Slowly he leaned in and whispered in the hero’s ear.
‘Do you have any idea… how tempting you are?’
Silver’s pink cheeks suddenly darkened to a distinct red as he stuttered.
‘T-Tempting? H-How?’
Bim chuckled fondly down at him, and gently lifted up Silver’s t-shirt to reveal his stomach and waist. With a few fingertips he started tracing the bare skin, and he purred in a low voice.
‘Soft, sensitive… tasty looking…’
Silver’s eyes went wide as he realised what Bim was getting at, and the traces already got his giggles started. Bim’s way of tickling was legendary in the manor…in the most wild and chill-inducing way. Bim slowly licked his lips, grinning and revealing his teeth as his face hovered closer and closer to Silver’s stomach.
‘N-Nonono Bim Bim w-wait yoou know I c-can’t take it when you–EEEEP!’
Bim pressed his open mouth against Silver’s stomach…and started nibbling. In an instant Silver was struggling wildly as he giggled and snorted, his blush creeping down his neck and he started babbling.
‘Nohohoho stahahahappit! Yohohour teheeth ahare shahaharp!’
‘Mhmm, all the better to tickle you with!’
Silver giggled even harder as Bim nibbled all over his soft, plush stomach. He wasn’t leaving any marks to speak of, but those canines in particular was just impossible for Silver to ignore. Plus with Bim holding his hands down, their fingers interlaced together in a totally normal friend way, there was nothing he could do to fight back!
‘Mmm, has anyone ever told you that you taste as good as you look?’
Silver was flustered into near speechlessness as he gazed up at Bim, gaping and stuttering.
Bim laugh, giving Silver’s lower belly a nip as he growled warmly.
‘Aww, did I embarrass you?’
Silver resumed his wild giggles and little shrieks as Bim’s teeth continued their tickly feasting. The rest of the hero’s energy translated into him frantically kicking his legs as he replied.
‘Why ahahare yohou dohoing thihis toho mehehehe?!’
‘I already told you, because you’re just so tempting!’
Bim retorted, nipping at one of the hero’s hips to make Silver squeal and whine.
‘Buhuhuhut why?!’
Silver’s eyes were wide with cute confusion, and Bim hesitated as his own cheeks got hotter. He decided to hide his face by bowing it to nip Silver’s hip again – but even as the hero squealed… he caught the edge of Bim’s smile as it turned noticeably shy.
‘Maybe I… like you.’
Silver’s breath hitched and both men went still. Silver’s smile didn’t fade as the tickles paused and Bim gently released his hands, sitting up and clearing his throat softly as he glanced away from Silver. Bim’s heart and head were racing. Did he really just say that? Would Silver be happy because of what he said? Would Silver know exactly what he meant when he said that he liked him? Bim’s mind was threatening to run away with him, until he felt a squeeze on his hand.
‘You like me?’
Silver whispered, and when Bim looked at him he saw an expression full of a smile, a blush… and hope. Bim cleared his throat softly, gently resting his chin on Silver’s tummy as he nodded, looking at Silver tentatively. The Silver’s face was hot as his mind raced with his own thoughts. Was this really happening? Did Bim say what Silver thought he said? Did they both have the same feelings? Silver knew how he felt for Bim, that’s for sure… he’d felt things for Bim for such a long time, but a lack of confidence had always gotten in his way. Until now. Silver reached out and gently stroked Bim’s cheek, encouraging him to look at him.
‘Maybe… maybe I like you too.’
Bim’s face lit up, and he instinctively pressed his cheek against Silver’s hand. One look in his eyes told him that he and the hero were on the exact same page. Bim also saw that the smile on Silver’s face was vibrant, and a tad cheeky. Flirty. Bim grinned, and leaned down to nuzzle Silver’s already pink hip – he figured there was no harm in flirting back, just a little.
‘Oh really?’
Silver squeaked with surprise… but didn’t push Bim away as he continued to softly nuzzle along his waist. He hid his face in his hands as he giggled, nodding as he peeked at Bim through his fingers. If Silver had been looking for confirmation of their relationship, this was definitely it. Bim chuckled, showing of his pearly whites as he grinned broadly. This was the best day ever.
‘I think you like it when I nibble you, don’t you?’
Silver got butterflies in his stomach at the thought of admitting that of all things… and he also liked the thought of keeping up that subtle cheeky streak he had bubbling in his chest. He snorted softly as he mumbled.
Bim smirked at that, raising a playful eyebrow. He could tell Silver was playing coy on purpose which he thought was adorable… and he knew exactly what the perfect response would be. Bim took a deep breath, and started blowing raspberries along Silver’s exposed waist as he chuckled.
‘Only maybe? Are you sure?’
Needless to say, Silver was an absolute giddy mess of shrieks and yelping-laughs as his eyes widened cutely.
‘I am being nice, I’m giving you one of your five a day!’
Bim continued his raspberries as Silver kicked and batted at him. Though he didn’t fight back with any genuine force, it didn’t take long for the one-sided tickles to transform into a full-blown tussle of pokes and half-hearted wrestling. Neither man could stop smiling.
‘Yohohou’re ahaha meheanie!’
‘You take that back!’
‘Oh you’re really gonna get it now!’
Silver’s giggles were bubbly and full of squeaks as they continued wrestling, and Bim’s giggles were similarly unstoppable. He leaned in close with a growl, and the hero shrieked and flails when he felt a sloppy raspberry against his ear.
‘Ooohhh, I didn’t know your ears were so ticklish!’
Bim laughed, and playfully grazed the shell of his ear with his teeth.
‘Aww, so sensitive and delicious! I think these might be my new favourite snack!’
Silver was a mess of flustered laughter, but once again wasn’t truly trying to push Bim away. In fact, he was doing the opposite. His arms were wrapped around Bim’s waist, keeping him snug and as close as humanly possible, which was keeping Bim’s heart racing with delight. He treated both of Silver’s ears to a load of nibbles for a while, before he dimmed down to more soothing kisses, until finally leaning up and having mercy. Silver was panting as he giggled residually, and he beamed when he saw the shy smile return to Bim’s face.
‘Was that… okay?’
Silver giggled, and didn’t hesitate to nod.
‘Yeah… more than okay.’
Then, before he could let his nerves cloud his judgement, Silver leaned up and gave Bim a peck on the lips. Bim’s face lit up, his eyes flashing with those magical glints of violet once again… and he kissed Silver back. They were connected, warm and soothed for a few sweet moments before they briefly parted for air, and Silver whispered.
‘Do you still want me to move stuff–?’
‘Are you sure–?’
Bim cut him off with another kiss, making the hero giggle and melt – if he had to pick between moving light fixtures and kissing the most handsome gameshow host in existence, he was going to choose the latter every time. Especially when said gameshow host pulled him to his feet with a grin and a growl, holding his hand and pulling him out of the study and he mumbled about still being hungry. Silver figured his grin was probably permanent now, and his step had a skip to it as he interlaced his fingers with Bim. After all, he wasn’t the only one hungry for tickles – and that, darling readers, is the greatest prize of all.
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howtotrainyouragents · 4 months
Agent H’s TV Reactions
Spy x Family Season 1 
A spy is tasked with creating a fake family to infiltrate the enemy country, only to unwittingly marry an assassin and adopt a child telepath
-I love that this a story about survivors of war. About how they fight for peace. About how they heal through love and relationships with each other. I love that it’s an action story, a drama, a comedy, a slice of life
-You can tell that this is an anime that really loves the story and source material. It is truly done with such love and care and attention to detail 
-I really wish that the opening/closing scenes were canon/shown because I want to see them going on vacations and dance around their home TT. I also want that scene of Loid at the train looking up at Yor on the balcony. I also love the scene in the second opening scene of Yor hugging Anya by the window
-The teacups theme song is my new comfort song
-I have such a crush on Loid. The tousled “at home” hair will be the death of me. 
-HE’S SUCH A DAD. Have him make a corny dad jokes and HE’S THERE
-I love that Loid’s complaint of Anya is that she’s unpredictable. Like, yes, the best spy in the world, the man who can predict and prepare for any situation in the world, is having his ass handed to him by a four year old
-Meanwhile it take Anya about 48 hours to learn that no matter how cool your parents are, all parents are lame
-I know it was for the interview, but I think Loid genuinely meant it when he said he found a kindred spirit in Yor. The moment at the party I think is when Yor starts to fall for him, but also when Loid recognizes that they are alot alike, that she “may be the only person who can accept him for who he is right now.”
-Also, Loid absolutely fell in love with Yor when she first knocked out that bad guy
-Yor being the emotional support and rock of the family. The way she supports and cares for Anya and plays with her and gives her advice (however helpful it is XD). And the way that she supports Loid, breaking him out of his anxiety. Like in the restaurant in the third episode, he’s totally spiraling about the interview, and she doesn’t know what’s going on in his head, but she knows to take them to the park for fresh air and perspective and it’s just what he needed
-The scene of Loid and Yor comforting each other as parents is one of the most foundational scenes of the story
-I saw some people a while back being like “Twilight is going to get too soft and eventually do something emotionally and jeopardize Operation Strix” You mean, the interview???
-Anya punching Damian is one of the greatest scenes of all time
-The dodgeball episode is one of the greatest episodes ever made XD
-The penguin park episode may be my favorite. Whole family working together without knowing what the others are doing. Yor kicking a guy into the ceiling. Loid winning the penguin for his girl. Loid wanting a vacation then STOPPING and deciding to just work harder because he loves his girls so much
-My heart broke with Sylvia’s simple “I had a daughter once like her.” 
-The Loid reflection while they’re at the dog park broke me
-Loid being proud of his daughter jumping two boxes and jumping rope five times
-In any other show Nightfall would be the most iconic, fan-favorite character ever made, and (we love her too!) the only reason she’s not here is because she’s competing with the fucking Forgers
-Yes, Loid, you should switch to decaf
-I love the episode of Yuri tutoring Anya because for how intense Yuri is about work and his sister, he really is just a 20 year old kid. And I just love seeing this big kid get so exasperated with this little kid, and I hope they get more bonding in the future lol
-Shinybluebirdwizard pointed it out that Becky Blackbell is pretty much the only character remotely living as her authentic self and that is fucking hilarious
-Damian always being ready to fight when it comes to Anya
-I would be very curious to learn about Japan’s role and viewpoint in the Cold War because it’s interesting how this is Cold War Germany inspired 
-I had a separate post about the tennis arc. Let's see if I ever write it up...
-Loid going out of his way to reassure and support Yor just because he wants her to be happy. I am ride or die for this couple
-Loid ep 6: Yor is sad, I should reassure her!
Loid ep 15: Yor is sad, I should take her out on a date!
Loid ep 24: Yor is sad, I should take her on a date and ask her to marry me! Like, bud, the reaction does not equal the situation. With all of Loid overthinking I’m genuinely trying to understand how he thought honey-trapping Yor would be beneficial for the musssion. Like I know why he does it but Loid, what was your reasoning there
-The last episode was so good!! The hat tip mirroring the first episode. The importance of love and care and communication and trying to be there for each other. The final words summarizes the whole story, and the teacups song playing through Loid's words. Anya’s at bliss even when he has no idea what’s going on in her head: They don't understand each other but they love each other and want to do their best for each other. That's it. That's the whole story.
-Extremely important question: Is Loid licensed to be working as a psychiatrist. Because on one hand, obviously it’s just a cover story. On the other hand, Loid has never half assed anything in his life and cramming years of worth of medical school and passing a licensing exam just to make his story airtight is exactly the kind of thing he would do. Endo, respectfully are you listening. Endo, please, I need to know this
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angelstrawbabie420 · 14 days
WHY do i have dreams that feel more real than life and are also 5 million times cooler. just woke up from one that felt like it lasted 12 hours and in that time i had held a house party, got extremely crossfaded, went to an amusement park, wandered the streets and nearly got hit by a car, went to a restaurant that looked identical to that from dua lipa’s training season mv which morphed back into my house where i was making a salad bar for everyone at the party, then almost went to a devil themed nightclub with everyone but i couldn’t because i needed some sort of christian identification to get in???? then my mom came home and made me take a bunch of drug tests. also there were several black cats and random huge dogs wandering around the whole time. i literally felt every sensation like it was as if i had been transported to another real life timeline that was incredibly wacky yet SUPER familiar (the house/town looked exactly like irl but with random added places.)
i also NEVER realize that i’m dreaming per se, i’m just like, “oh so this is my life now cool” and when i say i feel everything i mean it. it was humid and i could feel the mist on my face. i could taste the food. i felt paper bills underneath my fingertips whenever i wld pay for something. funniest part was i was JUST as poor in this dream as i am irl i found $6 in my wallet and lost my ever-loving shit bc i could get a gas station monster. oh and i stole from the gas station too??
this is a 3-4 times a week occurrence and when i wake up i do not feel rested, i feel like i would had i just done everything in whatever dream i woke up from (BAD.) i sometimes will confuse things i’ve done in dreams with what i’ve done in waking life, it just feels THAT real. i’ll wake up and it will take me a few decent minutes to distinguish between whether that experience was a dream, or if it was real and i just went to bed at the end of it and am waking up from that.
absolutely fucking bizarre shit but tbh it’s pretty rad and i’ve actually been able to get over fears i had irl bc i had the experience in the dream, and it felt so real that it was almost like i gained that xp in waking/real life. like something i never thought i’d be able to do/was nervous abt but now i can do it fine bc i’ve “gone through it.”
obvs a lot less fun when these are nightmares, not dreams; the exhaustion sucks as sleep is not rejuvenating but that’s nearly offset by the fun i have in many dreams and the way that has opened me up to so much irl. some say when we dream we’re visiting a parallel timeline, and while i don’t completely agree i can 100% see why honestly
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rkhemlani · 1 year
Sweet Treat (Bonus) Blog Post for June 21st - Free Day/Last Day/Farewell Dinner
SWEET TREAT BLOG POST. Ok our last day was too good to not post. First, Nico and I woke up to meet Leina and some others downstairs to get Shinkansen tickets for our trip back to Tokyo to go home. There were some technical difficulties, but with Leina’s help we were able to sort them out. I called Vishnu and made sure he woke up to get ready to go to the beach, which was his idea but he’s a HUGE sleepyhead so I wanted to make sure he was ready. I also wanted Eliza and Sam (girl) to come as well but they went to Starbucks and had their own day, which was cool, but I wish they were there. The group met downstairs around 10:15-10:30 and it consisted of Nico, Vishnu, Xander, Chelsea (who was skeptical about going, but we all knew she was gonna come), Aulora, Julie, Casey, and myself. We headed onto the train for about an hour to Omimaiko, which was located on a massive lake. Kyoto is pretty much landlocked, so it was the only cool looking beach that wasn’t like four hours away. We got there and were lost for a little bit, but then eventually set our things down on the sand. Casey and Chelsea went on their adventure to find a coffee shop or bathroom or something, but they ended up finding a better spot with beach chairs in front of some restaurants and stalls. In the meantime, Vishnu, Nico, and I jumped into the water and though it was cold, it felt nice as it was extremely refreshing. We chit-chatted, laughed, and reminisced on the trip. We headed over to meet up with Chelsea and Casey and we sat down on the chairs and had some drinks. Eventually, Sam (boy), met up with us and he brought a bunch of drinks which was really nice of him. We were sitting down on the beach chairs when suddenly two of them snapped because there was too much weight on them, which was really funny. We ate lunch at a Hawaiian themed restaurant, which reminded me of the restaurant in Fifty First Dates, the movie with Adam Sandler. We then headed back to Kyoto around 3 to get back around 4, with enough time for everyone to get ready for our farewell dinner. It was interesting walking to the dinner because it was located right next to the clubs that we would frequent during the nighttime. The dinner itself was wholesome as we told jokes and attempted to try and get drinks but failed. Some people left, but the restaurant prepared a surprise desert for Vishnu and Sam (boy) because it was their birthdays while we were on the trip. We headed back to the hotel for a sweet night of drunk Uno and Concentration, which we played in our room. Surprisingly we fit about 15 of us in our room and the night was going well until Vishnu got up to leave to go to the onsen around 1:30. Nico and I started to tear up a bit because it hit us like a truck that we wouldn’t be able to see each other until the fall most likely. Slowly, people started to trickle out of our room one by one and it got more and more emotional. We hugged and said our goodbyes. Eventually Uncle Sebastian walked into our room at like 3:30 in the morning to say his goodbyes as well, which was incredibly emotional because he won’t be at UF in the fall because he is graduating. Damn. What a trip with such strange, yet amazing people. I definitely made more friends than I had imagined prior to the trip and I truly hope we keep in touch in the future. Shoutout the Prime Ministers of Japan. 
P.S. I'm on the Shinkansen now, I'll post pics when I have better service.
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umichenginabroad · 1 year
Sunrise to Sunset à Montmartre: underrated Paris art destinations
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Paris is known for some of the world’s most fabulous art destinations, and my second week in the city certainly paid homage to the fact.
My friends and I started off the week with a visit to the Louvre following Monday’s class. Prior to coming to the museum, I hadn’t realized just how vast it truly was: the Louvre holds over 35,000 works of art, representing 5 out of 7 continents and over 25 centuries’ worth of human creativity. Another thing I hadn’t realized was that there would be a line just to see the Mona Lisa up close(?????). Tired after having seen so much art, my friends and I opted out of this wait on Monday and chose to instead revisit Friday morning. Thanks to the existence of our study abroad students IDs, visiting the museum both times was free, so I did not mind returning solely to see the Mona Lisa.
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Tuesday, we continued the week’s ‘art’ theme by visiting the Musée d’Orsay, Paris’ train-station-turned-impressionist-museum. This museum houses Claude Monet’s Water Lilies as well as several other notable works from the Impressionist, Neo-Impressionist, and Post-Impressionist eras. I enjoyed the more focused perspective this museum provided in comparison to that of the Louvre and found the stylistic changes from era to era interesting to observe.
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My favorite thing I did this week, however, was not found within the walls of any of Paris’ art museums, but in the heart of one of its most vibrant villages: Montmartre. Montmartre is located in Paris’ 18th arrondissement and most famously houses the Sacré Cœur. In addition to the allure of its beautiful basilica, the atmosphere of Montmartre is unlike that of any other part of Paris. The artists’ quarter of the city, there is no shortage of street artists selling their work or drawing portraits as souvenirs, all while live music from neighboring restaurants fills the air. In the past week I visited Montmartre 3 times, all at different times of day, and found each to be enjoyable. The environment is always lively, and its restaurants and shops seem to be open for longer than those of anywhere else.
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Another of the village’s assets I’d like to highlight is its city view. As indicated by the “mont” in its name, Montmartre is an elevated hill providing a breathtaking look at the city below. My roommate and I took our first visit to Montmartre at sunset, where we observed the city all lit up at night. We enjoyed this so much that we (willingly!!) woke up at 4:45 a.m. this Saturday to see the view once more, this time at sunrise.
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Montmartre is just one example of the many underrated art stops outside of Paris’ most touristy ones. Today, my roommate and I visited another of its lesser-known stops, Petit Palais. This fine arts museum holds art from the reigns of several of the king ‘Louis’s, in addition to numerous sculptures and religious works. Unlike that of the Louvre or Musée d’Orsay, the line to enter was short and it took less than 5 minutes to get in. Additionally, entry is free for all visitors, another perk.
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After appreciating its artwork, we made our way to the museum’s garden area. The weather today was beautiful, sunny and perfect for appreciating the ornate building and its landscape. We also enjoyed some drinks and pastries from its café/restaurant, which I'm sure we'll be revisiting to take advantage of its meal combo deals (entrée + dessert for a very reasonable price) and outdoor seating.
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Some other inspiring stops from the week:
-Walking and enjoying the stalls along the Seine, where you can find a variety of posters, pins, and other unique souvenirs
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-A trip to une brocante, a flea market, near the métro Bastille, where I found some cool vintage jewelry
(For anyone studying in the area who may be interested, a TikTok user I follow suggested this website to locate upcoming brocantes: Brocante et vide-grenier Paris (75000) - Brocabrac)
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-Brazilian coffee at Brigadeiro d’Alis, a South American-style coffeeshop on our way to class
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All in all, as I’ve started to run out of the more “touristy” things to do in Paris, I’m enjoying becoming more creative and present in my daily planning. Paris is far from boring, and I’m finding that there’s so much more to do and see than its most popular attractions. I can’t wait to see where this mindset takes me in the weeks to come!
As for classes, my second class starts tomorrow, so wish me luck and expect an update next week!
À bientôt !!
Hannah Bernardi
First-year Engineering
Engineering in Paris, France
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snugglebeans3000 · 2 years
Wholesome Headcanons for mY heART
Yu loves to collect stickers. It all started when he got a pair of noise cancelling headphones from Tsubasa and he started to decorate it with cool stickers he got from tournaments and friends, but since then he has a whole scrapbooks with pages covered in stickers. His favorite is his Dino themed book because he gets to rant about his extensive and honestly impressive knowledge about dinosaurs. I feel like whenever it’s somebody’s birthday he makes them a card adorn with stickers of their favorite things, which are always really goofy and makes the group laugh.
Kyoya volunteers at a local cat animal shelter on the weekends when he’s in town. He claims he only does it for the workout when he gets hauling in the food bags but this is a lie. He enjoys every second that he spends with the animals. I like to think every time a cat gets adopted he cries because he’s made such a strong connection with them and he’ll miss them, but he’s happy knowing they’re going to a loving family. He especially has a soft spot for the older fat cats in the shelter and will give them extra treats when no one’s looking.
Zeo and Toby have a game night every week. It’s a tradition that they started from when Toby was still stuck at the hospital and didn’t have a lot of fun stuff to do in his room. It started out as just simple games, but since then it’s escalated to a full on session lasting like 3-5 hours. I think they especially love things like little card games where they’re solely playing to just bamboozle each other. They would have like an extreme version of Uno they would play where they just go bat shit crazy, and they would end up cussing and screaming and dying of laughter by the end of it. They invite Masamune to these Intense matches just to watch him suffer as he tries to figure out the rules.
Benkei worked as a MA/nurse to help pay for the restaurant he opened up in beyblade shogun steel. He first went into it for the pay, but he liked helping people so much he eventually really started to enjoy it. I don’t know why I have this Headcanon but imagining him in big blue scrubs with a clip board covered in bull stickers with a little smiley face nurse badge makes me just so happy. I feel like he really loves helping the kids that are scared of the doctors feel more comfortable by giving them cool stickers/bandaids after they get a shot or session done. His favorite thing he always wanted to do though was Physical Therapy, which he developed a love for after Kyoya went through his bottom surgery and needed to do P.T. Plus, he thinks it’s really handy to have first aid knowledge on you when you’re training new bladers, in case one of them has a medical emergency they need help with.
Ryo loves Karaoke. He didn’t know what it was until he moved into the city and joined the WBBA and he was invited to an office party where he was introduced to it and he had a blast. His favorite song to karaoke to is Dancing Queen by Abba. Probably has the worst dance moves ever known to man. Gingka and Hikaru are embarrassed by it but have no power to stop it.
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appliedvillainy · 2 years
085. Aromantic cupid.
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(It’s the early evening when Tynan walks into a little bar-and-restaurant for a bite and a drink. Upon entering, he finds Scott Parker, setting up a big table in the middle of the restaurant. Scott notices Tynan and waves.)
Scott: Eyyy, if it ain’t my favorite li’l hetero.
Tynan: If it isn’t the gossip train. What’s up?
Scott: Not much, dude. Jus’ got done havin’ some seriously bad times ‘n I’m feelin’ pretty great bein’ on th’ other side’f it.
Tynan: Well damn dude, I’m glad things’re looking up. You having a party?
Scott: Sorta! I got this li’l support group I run. We meet ev’ry other Sunday.
Tynan: What’s the group for? Cool parties anonymous?
Scott: Hell naw, we’re th’ ones throwin’ all the cool parties! It’s for aromantic people.
Tynan: There’s groups for that?
Scott: Hell yeah there is, ‘cause I made one.
Tynan: You mind if I sit in?
Scott: You aro too?
Tynan: Man, I dunno. I just know you’re a good time and I’m sure your friends are too.
Scott: Pfff. Watch it, you might jus’ be fallin’ for me.
Tynan: Like you wouldn’t want me to.
Scott: Long’s it’s no strings attached, fine by me.
Tynan: Well there you go.
Scott: So what’s been up with you? Your job still keepin’ you from havin’ fun?
Tynan: Yeah, as always. It’s been a little slow lately, with the occasional busy night. Had a pretty big thing happen the other night.
Scott: Guess we’re all gettin’ slammed with shit ‘t the same time, huh?
Tynan: Guess so. You mind me asking what happened?
Scott (shrugging): Couple things. Had a bit’f a fight with my dad. Wasn’t very pleasant, but now’t he’s gone ‘m feelin’ better about it. My bro ‘n this one friend’f mine really stood up for me ‘n it helped. ‘N then one’f my other friends came in ‘n helped me out with this other thing that’s been hangin’ over my head, so that’s lookin’ like it’s gonna work out. Things’re lookin’ up for this bad motherfucker.
Tynan: Must be nice having so many friends.
Scott: Don’ get all jealous on me.
Tynan: I used to be such a social butterfly. Now all I’ve got is my annoying family, and coworkers.
Scott: ‘m gonna hook you up with like, all th’ friends if’n you keep talkin’ like that. 
Tynan: Put me on blind friend-dates.
Scott: ‘s absolutely a thing I can do.
Tynan: Nah, don’t worry about it. 
Scott: You sure? ‘Cause that’s th’ shit I live for. I’m like a li’l cupid. Hookin’ people up.
Tynan: Aromantic cupid.
Scott: Damn right. ‘M so unfettered from romantic attachments ‘t I can focus properly on what other people need. See? ‘S like a damn superpower.
Tynan: You could be a superhero.
(Scott laughs.)
Scott: Yeah! Yeah, oh m’ god. Can y’ even imagine?? Me, a superhero? Oh m’ god.
Tynan: Go with the cupid theme. You could get a jetpack that looks like a little pair of wings, go around shirtless, carry a little nerf bow and arrow.
Scott: Okay, I’ll take th’ jetpack. Where do heroes even get those from? I’d use mine like, all th’ time. For ev’rythin’.
Tynan: They have super scientists making them. Like, the people who would be mad scientists if they were villains, except they’re not villains.
Scott: Hell! Get me a scientist. I’ll pay top dollar.
Tynan: I’ll see if any of my coworkers know one.
Scott: I’ll pay ya’ by buyin’ your drinks.
Tynan: Again? I thought we were married and past the flirting.
Scott: It’s never too late t’ flirt more.
Tynan: Seriously though, you’re barking up the wrong tree.
Scott: ‘s just a drink for a friend, buddy, no worries here.
Tynan: You sleep with your friends, dude. But as long as you keep it entertaining you can flirt all you want.
Scott: I’ll do my very best.
--End: Episode eighty-five.
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zacharyja · 14 days
Thursday, May 23, 2024
Free Day - Osaka Aquarium Kaiyukan
Today began with a later start of about 10, and after getting dressed and ready, Luke and I met to with Noah and Griffin to head to the Aquarium in Osaka together. We were making good progress but after getting on the first train we realized we were on the local line instead of the express, meaning we would have to make about 12 stops instead of 3. This delayed us quite a bit and extended the route, after we transferred to a monorail once in Osaka, we got off and were supposed to get on a bus to get to the aquarium. However this felt wrong to me as I would be shocked to hear that there is not a closer train stop to the aquarium, which is one of the largest in the world and gets millions of visitors every year. Turns out my buddy Luke had put a random pet store called “Osaka Aquarium” into google maps so we ended up going somewhere a bit of a ways away. I am glad that I said something before we ended up at a tiny aquarium store which would have been disappointing. From this point Noah over the navigation and led us to the actual Osaka Aquarium Kaiyukan. Right outside of the aquarium was a large shopping area and we were all hungry so we decided to get some lunch. We went to a steak restaurant called “Ushi no Fuku” serving bento boxes where I ordered a steak and gyudon rice bowl bento that came with soup, a small salad, and a broth-like sauce to pour over the meat and rice.
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I was very impressed with both the quality of the meat as well as the massive portion size, and at a price of ¥1500 ≈ $10 you can’t really beat that. After eating our meal we regrouped and headed to the aquarium which was just down the road. The aquarium itself was pretty massive, and was housed in a pretty cool looking building. There was also a ton of marine life themed kites hung up and I enjoyed seeing that.
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After buying our tickets and going inside the aquarium I was pretty impressed from the beginning in regard to how well setup everything was and the large amount of different sea creatures that were living here. They had many sections ranging from Antarctica, Monterey Bay, to an Ecuador Rainforest. I am a big fan of animals in general and aquariums are one of my favorite places to go, so being able to go to one of the largest in the world was something I didn’t want to pass up on. They are also one of very few aquariums that houses Whale Sharks, and though I have seen them at the Georgia Aquarium, I was still blown away by the sheer gargantuan size of these behemoths. They also had a ton of different types of penguins, puffins, seals and sea lions, sharks, crabs, otters, and fish out the wazoo. A few of my favorites included the Ocean Sunfish, which I had never seen in an aquarium before, Japanese Spider Crabs which were much bigger and alien looking than I imagined, and an Arapaima who had to be close to 9 feet long.
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Getting to see all of these animals made for a great day trip, and was definitely worth all the troubles from getting lost this morning. After we had thoroughly enjoyed the aquarium and seen everything there was so see, we decided to head back to the hotel, this time without getting lost it was much faster. After that we went and got some dinner at a place called Miyamoto Munashi, where I ordered chicken katsu with grilled pork and rice. My food was pretty solid and I had a good meal overall. I then bought breakfast for tomorrow at FamilyMart before heading home and getting in bed where I currently reside writing this post.
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I also stumbled upon this Camponotus japonicus queen ant right outside of the dinner restaurant, i’m pretty upset that I couldn’t take it with me but I don’t have any test tubes and I’d rather not risk getting thrown in Japanese prison for smuggling ant reproductives.
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eienoah · 25 days
May 12 - Hakone day trip
Today was an early day where I barely even got a chance to eat breakfast. We went straight to the station and got on a line to Shinjuku. From then we went over to the romance train where we all partnered up for seats. I managed to snag a nice little snack which was a small chocolate filled pastry. It was quite good but barely enough for breakfast. The train ride was about 2 hours in which I mostly just talked to Jonah the whole time. We arrived near Hakone and hopped on a steep train to get further into the area. From there we got on a cable car which took us to the gondolas. From there we got to an area that had such a great view of the surrounding area especially from the gondola. We reached an area that had eggs boiled in sulfur water which turn black when fully cooked. They were much different to how I expected but surprisingly good. From there we got on another gondola with just ok sights which took us to a visitor center-like place. I found my favorite thing, the little city pins. I love them so much but I also got a hello kitty pin with a Sakura theme that I love. We ate at the themed restaurant on site and my meal was kind of mid but at least it was sustenance.  We then hopped on the pirate ship which didn’t let us go to the front unfortunately but being able to ride a pirate ship across a lake was surely a strange experience. After disembarking we landed in a small town where we walked to a small museum which replicated one of the path checkpoints mentioned in the reading. From there we did a short walk over to a different small summit which had perfect overcast so the lighting was amazing. After that was a small walk over to the shrine which I think around that point the group had reached around 25 flights of stairs. We really did get our workout in for the day. The shrine was pretty cool but I picked up an awesome charm for super cheap at just 500 yen. We then went over to the torii gate and waited for almost an hour to take pictures. I managed to meet some people who are actually friends with one of my friends back in Gainesville, some Aogaku students. Guzen???? After that we took a nice walk back to the small part of the city and all got on the bus back to the train. From there it was about a two hour ride back which flew by talking to friends. I also found out next. Team I might be able to go surfing with Momo. I’m extremely excited for a once in a lifetime opportunity.
Academic portion
From the readings I thought it was interesting to actually see a little bit more about the trade route stoppages at the museum-like place. You kind of got a better feel for just how strict they were back then on securing anything and everything passing through. Almost like a pre modern TSA. The statues reflecting different rooms were interesting but the coolest to me was the summit tower which was used for scouting purposes. I did see a lot of the weapons that they described in the reading but the bows blew my mind. I have never seen a real life yumi and had no idea how large they actually were. In addition, seeing the actual road that was used in ancient times was incredibly astounding. The part that made me laugh however, was that there was a road for cars literally 10 feet from it. Today really did feel like I almost walked an entire trade route but it was super fun so I am glad I got to do it.
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bike42 · 1 month
Rome April 26-27, 2024
We arrived in Rome about 5pm Thursday evening. Each of three flights were late, which made for 1 hour connections in Minneapolis and Amsterdam. Bailey dropped us off in Madison, and it turned out we had nearly three hours to wait there. Played two games of cribbage, split a sandwich and walked the terminals.
I like arriving in Europe in the afternoon versus first thing in the morning. Seems to help with jet lag to spend a few hours exploring, and dinner and go to sleep!
Our hotel had arranged for a driver, Marco, to meet us at the immigration door and transport us to the hotel. Made it so much easier, but maybe took out some of the “adventure” away - figuring out the train, dragging roller bags over cobblestones while looking for street names and building numbers!
By just after 6 pm, we were checked it. Had a little session with xxx from the front desk where she gave recommendations for restaurants and things to see, as well as how to get around. The hotel, xxxx is in a great location and is in a very old building. Nice, comfortable space and nicely renovated bathroom.
We unpacked, changed clothes and hit the streets for a quick walk to see the outside of the Colosseum before the sun set. We quickly realized nearly every intersection had a beautiful piazza with statues and fountains, an ornate government building, or a cathedral! Wow.
On our way to the Colosseum, we overlooked an area where they’re recovering additional space that was part of the Forum” in the ancient times. We followed the throngs to the Colosseum … following the throng will be the general theme of our time in Rome!
It had been a nice day, but still a bit cool - low 60’s. We grabbed our light puffy jackets on our way, and needed them when the sun went down. I led us in a different way back towards the hotel, and the streets are not square, so we got a bit off base, but explored another less touristy area of the city before I pulled out my phone and used Google Maps to lead us back.
We opted for dinner at a trattoria near the hotel that had a table with no wait. We walked by a few that had lines that stretched around the block! We had wine, salads and split a pizza but couldn’t eat the whole thing, as we had to save room for Gelato! After dinner we poked into a few shops, grabbed our Gelato (funny eating something cold while wearing a puffy coat, but we weren’t alone)! We walked the two blocks to get our first look at the Trevi Fountain, but the square was so crowded it was hard to get close enough to really see it. We climbed into bed about midnight this time zone, and I do best if I don’t think about what time it is at home!
By six am Friday, I was wide awake, so I got up, made some hot tea, and did a yoga session while Jeff was still sleeping. I’d left my Rick Steves Rome book at home, but they have a bunch of books here in the common area, so I did a little research about what we’d see on our walk to the Vatican where we had booked a private tour that started at noon.
We headed out about 8:30am, in search of breakfast and adventure. Our first stop was Trevi Fountain, where there were some people, but it was easy for us to get down to the front row and take the time to appreciate the beauty!
Next stop - Sant’Ignazio di Loyola. There was a line forming there, as it didn’t open until 9am, but it was about 8:55 am, so we got in line. We’d learned about this church last night. When it was built, they couldn’t afford a dome. The fresco on the ceiling is painted such that it gives you the illusion of a dome - really cool, but the photos probably won’t do it justice!
From there, it was a short walk to the Pantheon, where the line already stretched two blocks! We popped into a cafe there for breakfast, where we enjoyed watching people while we ate our omelets and had fresh squeezed orange juice.
We didn’t go into the Pantheon, just admired it from the outside. This current version was built in AD 120. Hard to get your mind around that! The 16 enormous columns in front are made of SOLID red-and-grey granite. Each one is 40 feet tall and 15 feet around. They were quarried in Egypt, shipped across the Mediterranean, barged up the Tiber River and put into place here. Two thousand years ago!
Next we made our way to Piazza Navona, and took advantage of few people, warm skies and no where we had to be for awhile. We studied the three fountains from the 1600’s - amazing statues and themes. From there, we headed towards the river, and crossed on the Ponte Umberto bridge. Some boats on the water, a bike path at water level, and pop up shops along the bank reminded us of Paris along the Seine.
We walked past Castel Sant’Angelo, where another long line had formed! We followed the crowds along the ancient city wall, and soon found ourselves at Piazza San Pietro, looking across the crowd at St Peter’s Basilica. We had some time, so we grabbed a panini from a food truck and sat and watched people stream towards the gates. We started walking (shuffling) with the crowd, but I soon figured out we could cross the street and move faster. We had time, but I knew we’d be shuffling through crowds all afternoon!
We arrived at our meeting spot. I’d booked a small “skip the line” tour via Viator, whom I’d had great luck with many times. They subcontract work out to local guides, and there we met Serafina from Liv Tours. It could have been up to six in our group, but we were delighted to find it was just us! Serafina is originally from the Amalfi Coast, grew up in Como. She knew she wanted to be a guide when she came to Rome as a child. She got a degree in Art History, and was a fantastic guide for us all afternoon.
We had no idea what to expect with our tour of the Vatican Museum, Sistine Chapel and St Peter’s. I knew Michelangelo painted the ceiling and carved the Pieta - that’s about all I knew. OMG - the art in the museum. On some level, I found it to be uncomfortable that this much history and art had been stashed away, primarily for the enjoyment of past Popes. Serafina told us they think that half of this kind of art in the whole world, is here in this museum.
Rick Steves says this: “With the fall of Rome - 476AD, the Catholic Church became the great preserver of civilization, collecting artifacts from cultures dead and dying. Renaissance Popes (15th and 16th centuries p) collected most of what is here, using it as furniture to decorate their palace. Combining the classical and Christian worlds, the found the Devine in the creations of man.
It starts in the courtyard with a 12-foot tall bronze Pinecone that is 2000 years old! Egyptian statues and sarcophaguses, Greek gods, Lacoon - a statue from BC that was considered superior to all other statues, was found buried near the colosseum in 1506. It was missing its right arm. Serafina told us a great story that they rebuilt the arm straight, but Michelangelo thought it should be bent, and he used a bent arm in many of his works as a sign of protest what “they’d” done to the statue (it now has a bent arm!).
We entered a round room with a massive purple porphyry marble (empty) fountain. The floor was a beautiful mosaic, made out of tiny little tiles. It is 1700 years old and was one the bottom of a pool in an ancient Roman bath - they MOVED IT HERE! Crazy. Next came tapestries, not really my thing, but I appreciate the labor and the upkeep, wow. I loved the “map gallery,” frescos of maps of all of Italy. Then the Raphael Rooms, which is about the only thing other than the ceiling of the Sistine Chapel that I’d previously heard about.
The Sistine Chapel was amazing, but too crowded and the guard repeatedly yelling “shhhh” and “no photos.” On to St Peter’s, and I knew it was massive, but the size is overwhelming! I found it a bit funny that they’d cannibalized a bit of the colosseum to build St Peter’s! By this point, we’d already been with Serafina for over three hours, and we were overloaded. I gravitated to Michelangelo’s Pieta, the one thing I most wanted to see in Rome and was very moved by it. We shuffled past a few side chapels, but we were mostly done by then. Perhaps done with the excess of the Catholic Church by then too?
Back outside, we said Grazie and Arrivederci to Serafina and began the shuffle back towards our hotel, scouting the perfect gelato shop on our way. The streets were crowded with people, and we had to nearly push our way through the Trevi Fountain square! Up to the room for some rest and showers before heading back out for the night!
It was Eight PM before we were back on the street looking for dinner. We walked in the direction of the Spanish Steps, and found a restaurant with open tables on our way. We were hungry and the waiter had too many suggestions for add ons to our meal, so we only ate half our food: pasta primavera, artichokes, roasted veggies, focaccia bread, veal for me and sea bass for JT. Just when we thought we couldn’t eat anymore, the waiter brought us complementary cannolis and limoncello! We finished up, the continued our walk to the Spanish Steps - alive with people on this beautiful Roman Saturday night! Caio Bella!
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simplysurviving89 · 7 months
Post about my trip to London
I realised i never made a post about my weekend in London with my sister, so if you dont like comic con, pokemon, shopping or ramblings about autistic traits and anxiety feel free to skip ahead!
So.. we took the train down friday, checked into the hotel, i broke my suitcase and some random woman checking out dragged us into her argument with the staff 🙄 ... so after all the drama we headed straight out to china town, picked up a bubble tea, custard buns and a pack of sponge cakes from a chinese supermarket. (They were yummy but i cant remember the name of them, they were sponge cakes with different fruits in the middle). Later we headed down to check out forbidden planet (a must do in any town there is one!), i walked out with a couple of blind bag key chains - inuyasha and dr stone. (Ill make a seperate post with my pulls).
After browsing a little we managed to get a booking for angus steakhouse, we were starving! The steak was beaut and we ordered a couple of the alcoholic bubble teas ... the pineapple/mango on the right was alot nicer than the raspberry!
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After stuffing ourselves we took a walk back to the hotel, played pokemon go on the route and took out a few raids and gyms 🤭
Saturday -
Comic con day!
We didnt cosplay as it was our first experience, we just wanted to head in and see what all the fuss was about. We checked out the stalls, did the treasure hunt although there were no prizes left, bought some shit, ate some food and left 4 hours later 😅 .... this is where we both realise how much we have in common and that the both of us are undiagnosed autistic. It was way too peopley in there, so so busy, i was getting fed up of people walking in front of me and getting too close, i wanted to check out some of the panels but there was so much background noise i couldnt focus on what they were saying. My sister was struggling with the crowds too and stimming with her hands all the way around. We took 10 minutes out to eat food, ran through the remaining stalls and ran for the exits 😂 we have no chill and i am not social enough to sit and play the games they had set up, my social anxiety could never. I ended up buying a nintendo blind bad that had a few cool bits in and i bought myself a new pin bag which is adorable! (Seperate post once ive sorted my pins).
Anime restaurant - uzumaki
After we escaped the hustle of comic con we had a reservation for uzumaki, what an experience! The menu is all anime themed, all the walls are covered in hand drawn anime characters, they had bubble tea, the lights were dimmed which gave it an awesome atmosphere and they had a DJ playing some cool music, we had some anime osts, a pokemon remix and he threw some blackpink in there.
I ordered the chainsaw curry udon (chainsaw man) which was beaut!
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Sunday we headed out to the natural history museum, my sister loves dinosaurs so i took her to see the latest exhibit, it was pretty cool! Ended up being her most expensive day with the dino merch she bought 😂
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Sunday evening we had a reservation at Callooh Calley .. a cocktail place serving pokemon cocktails! They also had the lights dimmed which we love! They also had a spin the wheel thing on where when you order a drink you spin for a chance at lowering the price, 3 cocktails each later and we were a little tispy! Check out the awesome cocktails! ...
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If you made it this far congrats! Heres a medal 🏅
Ill end it here and make a few seperate posts with other details.
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