#i may have lost almost 100 stuffed animals and knick knacks
on the bright side, i don't have many of those anymore since ive stopped talking to my grandma
ive also noticed that my depression (and anxiety in general) pretty much went away.
and ive gotten healthier
and that's on 💫trauma💫
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wallstoothin · 4 years
momma’s boy united (pt 1?)
I need to go soon but I wanted to post this as soon as I’m done, I’ll fix it up later. Ryuji was on his knees as the little girl continued to cry in front of him. He really didn’t mean for all of this to happen. It was an accident, he swears ! He was just jogging in the park when a little girl bump into him at full speed. The girl was fine at first after she fell into the ground with a small ‘oof’. She was staring at Ryuji in surprise and it was all fine until her gaze fell to the little stuffed hamster in her hands. 
‘It looked expensive too.’ Ryuji thought as he and the girl both stare at the large gash on its stomach it’s mouth as left wide open as if it was screaming silently before  its death. With the way the stuffings falls down to the floor and the girl’s mournful look it really looked like Ryuji commited accidental murder then and there. It was the first sniffle that dragged Ryuji out of his thoughts. He lightly touched the girl’s shoulder and gently coaxed her to look at him or at least have her look away from the corpse. 
“Mii-tan is dead!” The little girl screamed out. “Mii-tan is broken!” 
Geez, he feels really bad now. Where’s the kid’s mother? The girl was still crying from the top of her lungs, while people from young mothers to bored elders walked around the two each showing their distaste on the two for making a racket. 
Incidents like these have been happening more often lately. People ignoring others in need in order to satisfy their own happiness because of that Tokyo has been seeing a rise in crimes in the past two years. It’s like everyone has been hit by a magic spell that made them assholes are something (Ryuji was sure he saw that plot in a movie long ago). Back to the kid, she was still crying and Ryuji still has no idea of what to do. 
What would his friends do? How would they help the girl out? The best solution is to help the girl fix her stuffed animal right? But Ryuji has zero skills in sewing and he doesn’t want to bother his ma over his mistake especially since she’s been taking later shifts for the past few weeks.
“We should take Mii-tan to the hospital.” He blurted out. The girl looked up her eyes wide and hopeful. “The hospital?”
He nodded. “Yeah, that’s where we take sick and injured people yeah? There’s a special hospital just for uh- Mii-tan.”
It was something that Ann has mentioned during lunch a few weeks ago. When she was younger she used to bring a stuffed cat everywhere has one day lost it’s ears because of her constant tugging. Her caretaker at the time send her broken doll to a “doll hospital”. A few weeks later she received her fixed doll along with pictures of the doll’s “stay” at the hospital. His mom also mentioned something about it too. How there was a stuffed animal hospital inside the fabric store run by an old lady. It shouldn’t be far from his place. He picked up the kid and place her on his shoulder, adjusting his grip so he doesn’t accidentally drop her. 
Kids like these types of things, Right? He remembered wanting his father to do the same when he was younger. So here he was jogging with a little girl on his shoulder while making ‘wee-woo’ sounds. The girl was laughing now as the wind picked up and a light breeze blew in his hair.
Twenty minutes later and they arrived. It was an old fabric store surrounded by a 100 yen shop and a convenience store. It looked very out of place between two modern shops but who was he to say anything about it. The apartment he lives in was about thirty years old which is pretty old compare to all the other buildings in Tokyo. He carefully place the younger girl on the ground,the young girl- Meika was grabbing his ring finger with her little hands tightly as Ryuji slides the door open.
“Welcome, how may I help ‘ya.” 
What he expected to be an old and withered lady turns out to be a broad shoulder young man with slick black hair and sharp eyes staring at the two. Meika immediately hid between his legs leaving Ryuji to fend for himself.
“We uh- we heard this place is an uh- hospital for stuffed animals.”
The young man’s eyes soften at the sight of the girl. “Yeah bring the patient here.”
Meika gently pushed the back of Ryuji’s knees as the two approached the front desk and Mii-tan was lying on the cold counter. The man carefully lifted the doll up to assess the damage. He pointed at the chairs by the door. 
“Take a seat, this little guy won’t take long.” 
The two awkwardly shuffled to the chair and sat down. Ryuji spend his time looking around the store. Little dolls and knick-knacks litter the shelves. Picture frames of old newspaper clipping and print out of some news article. Most were about twenty year old. There are nothing recently. 
There were also sign up sheets of classes offering to teach how to make some knitted dolls, run by someone of the name Tatsumi Kanji. His eyes went back to the dolls on the shelves. His mother’s birthday is coming soon, with all the phantom thieves stuff going on and with his mother increasing shifts as of late they barely have time to sit and chat with each other. It would be nice to give her something that he put effort in-something to remember him by. He doesn’t have a lot of money to buy a ring or a necklace but maybe he can make her a good luck charm. He dug into his pocket and surprisingly found a pen, he clicked it open and drew a little lightning bolt on his wrist to see if it works-it does. He stood up and head over to the sign up sheet and write down his name and number. The class is scheduled for tomorrow afternoon. From the other two names already written on the sheet Ryuji can tell that the class will be filled with girls and as exciting as it is to be stuck in a room with him and the teacher being the only guy. The idea of it also sounds a bit awkward. 
 Free tomorrow afterschool?
Cool wanna join this class with me
What kind of class?
Ryuji send a picture of the poster.
Ryuji knows that his friend likes these sort of things, no matter how much he tries to deny it, the growing collection of gatcha and stuffed dolls in the attic speaks for themselves. He made sure to put Akira's name and number on the poster as well. 
Mii-tan came back healthy. It had white cloth around it’s head and was wearing a hospital gown and it even had a little band around it’s wrist. It was like the doll really went to a hospital. Meika was happy as she carefully carried the doll trying her hardest to not ruin the “bandages”. 
The girl then carefully looked between the man and Ryuji. “Thank you very much for helping Mii-tan.” She said. “It’s almost dinner time, I have to go home now.” 
The man grin and gently pat the girl’s head. “Hurry on home then. Make sure ‘ta look both way when crossing.” 
The two men happily waved goodbye at the girl as she left the shop, once she was gone Ryuji took out his wallet. “Thanks for everything man, how much do I owe ya?”
“A thousand.”
A thousand? It was much cheaper than he thought. He decided he should introduce himself since he’s coming back the next day. “I’m Sakamoto Ryuji, thanks for helping us out.”
“Tatsumi Kanji, I’m helping out my ma’s friend who owns this place. “
Tatsumi Kanji, that’s the name of the guy doing the class tomorrow isn’t it? He voiced his question to the other man.
Kanji nodded. “Yeah, you got a problem with that or something?”
He shook his head. “Nah, I’m just askin’ since my friend and I are going to join tomorrow. My mom’s birthday is next week and I wanted to make her a present.”
“Is that so?”
Before Ryuji could say anything else the man roughly placed his hand on his shoulder. “It’s getting late, you should head home. I’ll see you later, you better not be late.”
As if Akira would let him be late in the first place. “Gotcha.” 
And as Ryuji walked back towards his house he can’t help but to feel the captain somewhere in his head buzzing the same way he would feel whenever he’s around his friends. ‘It’s probably nothing,’ he told himself as he continue on his way back.
Is this the start of a new friendship? I just wanted the two blond momma boys to play nice. Also the image of a little kid on ryuji’s shoulder as he shouts ‘wee-woo’ won’t leave my head. If I do decide to make a part two it would be the class. 
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