#i may or may not have cried when i saw the notif for this
disneyprincemuke · 8 months
of drunk regrets * fem!driver
the morning after vegas
what does one do when you have no recollection of getting married?
pairings: sebastian vettel x fem!driver, logan sargeant x fem!driver, max verstappen x fem!driver, oscar piastri x fem!driver, mick schumacher x fem!driver
notes: hi late update and that’s because i was crocheting the entire day lol
(series masterlist)
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she hums turning around, her arm landing on something solid instead of a soft pillow. she opens an eye, flinching back when her eyes land on someone’s clothed back, then groans when nausea slowly hits her.
“who the fuck is this?”
the person next to her hums. they left their head before dropping it back into the pillow. “mm.”
she looks around to the best of her ability, snorting when she realises that amidst all her drunken antics from the night before, they didn’t even end up on the bed. they’re sleeping on the carpeted floor of her hotel room.
she lifts her head, ignoring the nausea hitting her all at once. the bed is empty.
a hand comes up to nurse her head, looking down at the body lying next to her with the blanket draped over their shoulder loosely. she brought somebody back to her hotel room with her? now that’s just a tabloid rumour waiting to blow up in her face when she opens up her phone.
she leans forward, wobbling slightly, as she tries to get a glimpse of their face. her eyes widen, landing a smack on their shoulder with some force. "what the hell are you doing here?"
"don't hit me, i'm trying to sleep."
"mick! you're in my hotel room!"
"what?" blue eyes are exposed to the dim lights of the room, disappearing once more when mick shuts his eyes. "what am i doing here?"
"how would i know?" she sighs, slowly lying back down on the ground. "i don't remember anything."
"we didn't do anything... did we?"
she looks down at herself, surprisingly dressed in her pyjamas without any recollection of even making it back into her hotel room in the first place. "i hope not."
"you hope?" mick cries, shaking his head in dismay. "this is not good."
"give me a second. i need to think," she sighs, pressing the back of her hand to her forehead. "start thinking. do you remember anything from last night?"
mick also sighs, simply shaking his head. he pulls the blanket over his body and snuggles back into his pillow. "no, but wake me up when you've figured it out. i'm really hungover right now, mate."
"really? you don't think i am?"
"i'm sure you are, but– what the hell is this on my finger? when did i get a mood ring?"
"you have a mood ring?" there's a momentary pause. "oh, look. i've got one too. when did i–"
they both sit up hurriedly, hissing in pain as they point at each other with a loud gasp. "no! are you serious? did we really do that? when did we even have the time to do that?"
mick cries. "my mother is going to kill me."
"mine will kill me – i'm barely 21, mick!"
"i'm going to american jail! you're not even legal here!" he rubs his eyes. “i don’t wanna go to jail here!”
she scrambles around for her phone, eyes widening at her notifications.
SUPERMAX you and mick???
RATSELL what's ur ig post about m8?
LOWGAN when u wake up, there's a cup of water and an advil on the bedside for u also, check ur instagram
PASTRY you did the funniest thing last night.
LILLIES thanks for the free pizza wish i could've been there for the actual ceremony though? it's ok, maybe at your next wedding
ALBONO please tell me you didn't
LAW SON i think u may have sent logan over the edge cuz wtf is bro doing in my hotel room ranting to charlotte and i at 5am
MICKEY ur asleep rn i can't sleep when do u think we should renew our vows??? oh no we got married!??!??!
BLYTHE mate u got married without me in attendance??? not saying i'm offended but like seriously?
THE BETTER SARGEANT who u married to? if it's logan istg omg is it mick? i saw ur instagram
if i’d known sooner, i’d have bought you a wedding gift before landing in vegas
i’ll get one before the last race i promise
SEBASTIAN ur very funny, do u know that? text me when ur up, we should talk
MUMMY wowww let me know what wedding gift to get you you grow up so fast, my love
PAPA what is all this ruckus i'm hearing between mum and blythe about you getting married? call me.
KRISTEN (PR) team meeting asap. bring the schumacher.
she glances at mick. "my dad's going to kill you."
mick turns to her, shoulders slumped with his eyes widened in panic. "i really really hope my mother gets to me first." he shakes his head and pats around the ground for his phone. "you know what? i'll just tell her myself."
“don’t bother,” she scoffs, lying back down in the pillow sprawled on the floor. “i vividly remember you calling gina when we were getting pizza that you married me in vegas.”
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kristen chews on the inside of her cheek, scanning the group around her. "what is this? i only told you to bring mick."
the girl takes off the sunglasses on her face and sighs. "you think i didn't try telling them off? is this your first time meeting these losers? i– listen, i'm too hungover to tell them off, kristen."
"please let us stay?" max smiles, batting his eyelashes at the older woman. "i promise we'll be quiet. i'm just curious over the events of last night."
"so am i," kristen points out in a soft voice, moving her eyes over the pair seated on the couch on the other side of her table. at that point, they are the least of her concerns. "do you know the pr nightmare you just caused over a couple of drinks? do you have any idea the reckless thing you just did?"
"please don't shout," she says softly, eyes closing. "it was stupid, we know. in my defense–"
"they shouldn't have even let us in the chapel in the first place in that state," mick sighs, shaking his head disapprovingly. “so technically, whose fault is it, really?”
“both of yours for even coming up with the stupid idea in the first place!” logan screams, pointing at them in frustration. “you made a bad decision!”
kristen glances at logan, shooting him a side eye for disrupting her meeting. when logan shrugs, she simply looks back at the married pair her seats. “you’re not even 21! you did this in america too! god!”
“and they shouldn’t have permitted it knowing that i wasn’t 21!” the young girl shrieks, immediately defending herself. this is a hill she is willing to die on. “let’s focus more on the fact that they let two drunk idiots get married instead of the fact that i thought of it.”
“you came up with that idea?” max throws his head back, hissing softly as he shook his head. “why am i not surprised?”
“right? you have to tell her how stupid she is for this,” logan rambles in frustration. “seriously! you couldn’t go one year without making a stupid decision?
she rolls her eyes, glancing at mick from the side of her eyes. he flashes her an apologetic grin and she shrugs with another eye roll in response.
“i mean, you’re an adult. you can do whatever you want, but do you know how legally exhausting the entire process will be from here on out?” max continues, throwing his arms in the air. “knowing you, you won’t like it! there’s a lot of papers to sign!”
“and paper work to read!” logan adds on. “seriously!”
“god, (y/n), how could you be so stu–“
“i came up with the idea,” mick speaks out, turning to max and logan with a small smile. “it’s not her fault, you guys. come on. lay off her a little bit.”
she shoots him a questioning stare. “no, wait–“
mick laughs. “the deal at the pizza place just looked so good. i’m not excusing it because we were drunk, but cut us some slack.”
sebastian, sitting quietly in the corner of the room, finally stands up. he folds his arms over his chest. “it doesn’t matter who came up with the crazy idea to get married in vegas.”
“you’re still not mad?” logan raises an eyebrow. “there’s got to be some part of you that is.”
“how about let me conduct my meeting with my driver in peace? unless you want to take over my job of being her pr officer…” kristen speaks out, looking around the room to shut down any more forms of interruption. she looks back at her. “let me see the marriage certificate.”
“the what?”
“you signed one, didn’t you?“
she scrunches her nose and looks at mick. “did we sign one? i really can’t remember.”
“i don’t,” mick cuts himself off, looking just as clueless, “i literally blacked out last night. i don’t remember anything.”
sebastian beams, standing a little straighter. “i have it right here! look at it, kristen.”
he puts down a piece of paper on the table. the entire room watches the woman read over the paper, lips pressed together.
a small laugh bubbles from her, grabbing the certificate into her hands and bringing it closer to her face. her laugh gets a little louder, sebastian eventually joining her with a hand over his mouth.
“what is so funny?” she sighs, rolling her eyes. “all i can think about is the shopping spree i can’t have this month over the lawyer fees.”
“and the fact that i could end up in american jail for marrying a 20-year-old!”
kristen grins, slamming the certificate down onto the table. “it’s illegitimate.”
“surprising turn of events!”
a hand slams into the table, the youngest in the room jumping to her feet. “illegitimate? what about my free pizza? how is that illegitimate? i’m not a schumacher anymore?”
“you changed your name?” oscar pipes up, roaring in laughter, covering his face. this entire ordeal has been very amusing to him.
she turns around sheepishly with a small smile. “i was planning to. how cool would it be to be a schumacher?”
“what the fuck?” logan says to her, bewildered at the thought process. “you’re not married and you’re telling me that’s the only thing you’re concerned about? not being a schumacher in the eye of the law?”
mick giggles, looking up at her with an impressed expression. “schumacher does go along well with your name.”
“i know. should we get married for realsies after this weekend and legally change my name?”
“have you learned nothing from this?” kristen throws her hands into the air. she leans back into her seat, letting out the heaviest sigh of relief as she no longer has to engage with any legal teams. pr wise, it would be easy.
she shrugs, sitting back down into the cushioned seat. “don’t get drunk with mick in vegas.”
“first and last time i’m drinking that much with you,” mick adds on with a snort. though, there’s a small smile playing on his face as he looks at her.
they both know that won’t be the last time they’ll be sending their pr officers into a frenzy. they’re truly a force to be reckoned with.
and, it could have been worse.
“i paid for all the pizzas you ate and threw up last night,” sebastian sighs, shaking his head. “you owe me like $100.”
she nods. “okay, i’ll pay you. still no shopping spree for me this month, i guess.”
mick clicks his tongue, giving her a thumbs up. “i’ll pay him. consider it my wedding gift to you, wife.”
“she’s not your wife,” logan points out with an eye roll. “didn’t even get married in the first place, remember? illegitimate. not even a real certificate. never happened. literally no record of it.”
“i’m curious,” max furrows his eyebrows and lips pouted out. “how did you pull this off to make it seem real, seb?”
“i arrived to their ‘wedding’–“
“not real!”
“logan, cut it out.”
“–before them. i spoke to the receptionist before they arrived; they don’t let drunk people get married. i convinced her to give them the slot anyway just to teach these two a lesson.”
“impressive?” kristen smiles. “you just saved me a lot of paper work.”
“and mick the beating he’d get from her dad if it actually ever happened to go through.”
she smiles, leaning over the arm rest to whisper at mick. she taps him on the shoulder. “we should celebrate with ice cream.”
— bonus
they flood out of the office collectively, the young girl looking down at the mood ring around her ring finger. “we should keep the rings, shouldn’t we, mick? keepsake.”
“to remind you of your bad decision making?” logan questions.
“no, to piss you off.” she turns around and shoves him back gently. “of course, just to keep memory of the one time i was almost a schumacher!”
sebastian tilts his head. “you know you’ll still be you, right? even if you’re legally considered a schumacher? you won’t get his blue eyes.”
“i could,” she hums with a smile. “so, husband. watching the race from my garage tonight like a factory manufactured wag?”
“can’t, wife,” mick sighs. “i work for mercedes.”
“i could get you the second seat if you wanted.”
“you have the power to do that?” she nods. “that’s hot.”
“cut it out, you guys are making max uncomfortable!” oscar grunts, pushing the pair apart.
beside them, max has his fingers plugged into his ears and is humming softly to himself. “it’s not real, it’s not real. they’re not actually married,” he whispers to himself. “and it will never happen.”
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taglist: @wcnorris @treehouse-mouse @laura-naruto-fan1998 @mindless-rock @leilanixx @ironmaiden1313 @angsthology @cherry-piee @christianpulisic10 @elliegrey2803 @cashtons-wife @sadg3 @a10vely-yutazen @mellowarcadefun @glitterf1 @megatrilss1885 @peqch-pie @gentlyweeps-world @woozarts @darleneslane @meadhbhcavanagh @namgification @inejismywife @2bormaybenot @love4lando
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slayfics · 6 months
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Explosive Tendencies a slow burn fan fiction about the readers developing relationship with Katsuki Bakugo.
Chapter Twenty-Four: Katsuki gets his provisional licenses.
Chapter links
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You tossed and turned in bed, unable to get comfortable or fall asleep. You turned to your side and gazed at the stuffed bear Katsuki had given you- or more like shoved into your arms.
Your mind raced with regret. You should have spoken up and agreed with Eijiro that you wanted to say good night to Katsuki alone but- you couldn't help but feel nervous and overwhelmed.
Why didn't Katsuki say anything?
You let out an exhausted sigh and grabbed your phone. Unlocking your phone and staring at the text thread between you and Katsuki, you contemplated something to say. You typed out a sentence, decided it sounded stupid, and deleted it.
Then to your surprise as you were trying to think of something else to say, you saw three dots appear on the screen indicating Katsuki was typing as well. You set your phone down and decided to wait for his message before you sent one. 
You felt your eyes get heavy as you patiently waited- and before you knew it you had dozed off to sleep.
As soon as you came back to consciousness you reached for your phone to see if Katsuki ever sent a message but- your phone had no notifications from him.
Could it be that he was also struggling with what to say? Or maybe the three dots you saw were a mistake.
Either way, it was too late now. Katsuki was at his last supplemental class for his provisional licenses by now. You put your phone down disappointingly and got ready for the day.
Later in the common room, your classmates talked about Shoto and Katsuki taking their final class.
"They will pass, won't they?" Kyoka asked.
"Oh yeah- Bakugo may be a jerk, but he's been doing really good lately," Toru said.
"Maybe I'll make a cake while we're all waiting," Rikido suggested.
"Yeah, we could have a little surprise party for them," Momo encouraged.
The rest of your classmates agreed excitedly.
You shuffled uncomfortably on the couch, "I don't know- something tells me Bakugo would hate that," you spoke. While your classmates did have good intentions- you knew it would just be a reminder to Katsuki that he had fallen behind everyone.
"Bakugo is always a grouch no matter what! Besides they both worked hard and I'm sure Todoroki would appreciate it," Toru countered. 
Being outnumbered by your classmate's enthusiasm, you decided to go along with the plan.
When Shoto and Katsuki returned to the dorms, everyone turned off the lights in anticipation of surprising them.  
The two boys walked in confused by the vacant common room.
"Did we have a blackout or something? Katsuki asked.
"Maybe everyone else left the dorms?" Shoto suggested.
Your classmates then turned on the lights and popped some party streamers causing Shoto and Katsuki to jump in surprise.  
You stood timidly in the back of the group as you watched Rikido present the cake to the two boys.
"That thing is massive!" Katsuki barked his face in a scowl from surprise.
You rolled your eyes as multiple of your classmates fawned over Shoto. Then just as you had predicted Katsuki yelled in a rage at Izuku who attempted to praise him.
"Congrats! Now we can do hero work together! It'll be great, Kacchan!" Izuku sang.
"What do you think you're better than me 'cause you got your license first!?" Katsuki yelled.
"No no! That's not what I meant!" Izuku cried out as Katsuki continued to yell.
You made your way to get cake as the squabble continued. Eventually, Eijiro worked his way over to Katsuki and got him to relax. You eyed the situation as you kept to yourself. You knew Katsuki hated big crowds and too much attention- so you decided not to add to it.
Plus, with the awkward way things left off between you- you weren't sure what the right thing to say was.
It didn't take long for Katsuki to make a swift exit as soon as he could sneak away. You noticed him walk out the front door and shut it quickly behind him.
He must be super overwhelmed to go outside in the cold you realized. The cold was something he hated more than parties. Although he probably thought he couldn't sneak his way all the way to his dorm without someone noticing and trying to make him stay.
You took a deep breath and mustered up the courage to go outside and check on him.
You slipped out the door trying not to make a scene and avoid anyone following you.
Katsuki was sitting on the steps outside the door, "What do you want?" he barked before turning around, "Oh- it's you," he said glancing at you slightly and then resting his cheek back in his palm.
"You ok?" You asked.
"Hah!? Of course, I'm ok!" He yelled.
You sighed and sat next to him, "I just know you aren't a fan of parties and a lot of attention. I told them you would hate it," you spoke.
Katsuki let out a huff, "Yeah well- I get that they were trying to be nice. But... I'm just tired," he said.
"That's understandable, I'm sure it was a long day for you. It must be nice to be all done with those supplemental classes though," you said trying to lighten his mood.
Katsuki grunted in agreement his gaze still away from you, "Yeah glad to be done with that bull shit. It did have its moments thought," He spoke.
"Oh yeah? Like what?" You asked.
"Guess I never finished telling you," Katsuki said, a laugh escaping him. You smiled at his mood finally shifting. "During that test where we had to work with kids- the damn brats started calling Todoroki, Five Winnies," he said bursting out laughing.
"Those kids have better nicknames than you," You laughed with him until the short moment of laughter subsided and you both fell into an awkward silence once more.
"Hey um- I'm sorry about yesterday." You finally had the courage to say.
"Hu?" He murmured and looked at you for the first time of the night,
"After the festival when Kirishima tried to leave," You reminded him.
"Yeah, I know what you're talking about. But- what are you sorry about?" He asked, his eyes looking at you curiously.
"I uh- I just should have said something," You responded.
"Yeah? And what should you have said?" He questioned.
You felt yourself freeze. You hadn't expected him to pressure you into clarifying.
"I uh- I don't know-," You began to stammer. No matter how many times you replayed that scene in your head you couldn't bring yourself to tell Katsuki in-person what you would have liked to say.
You would have liked to thank Kirishima for giving you both privacy and then-
"Ugh," Katsuki grunted bringing you out of your thoughts, his face scrunching up back into his usual scowl. "Stop being such a damn coward and tell me how you feel already!" He barked.
Your face flushed at his words- had Katsuki noticed your crush on him this whole time??
"Come on, you think I'm stupid?! I always catch you watching me during training, you- snuck out to come find me when I was kidnapped, and you practically begged to come see me when I was on house arrest- and, at the summer camp... You were going to tell me you thought I was attractive, right? So just- ugh," he grunted in frustration again. "Look- I- I don't hate being around you like I do everyone else ok- and I know you feel whatever this is between us too, right?" 
You nodded shyly completely overwhelmed by his outburst of emotions.
"Good so just- let me kiss you yeah?" He proposed.
Your whole body trembled as your eyes scanned his for any sign that this was a joke. You had imagined scenarios like this playing out between you two so many times that it was hard to believe what was happening now was real.
"You- you do want that right?" he asked again, beginning to get impatient with your lack of response.
You nodded eagerly, unable to form any words.
"Tch- don't be so damn nervous, like I said- I... I like you too," he said, then awkwardly scooted closer to you.
You hadn't seen this expression on Katsuki's face before- was it nervousness? You never once saw him nervous in any sparring or training but- this seemed to be uncharted territory for him.
"Just- don't move ok," he said sternly as his hand shook, placing his finger under your chin and guiding your lips to his.
Katsuki rested his lips on yours, his touch shattered any doubts you had about this being real. The simple gesture transformed what was a friendship into something more meaningful and answered all your questions about how your classmate felt about you.
The blissful moment was over too soon, and your eyes locked on to his as he pulled away- the look on your face full of emotion.
"What?" Katsuki said, his face blushing as he looked away from you.
"Uh- nothing-... that was- that was nice..." you said looking away to hide your own blush.
"Tch- well... you better have enjoyed it because that's all you get," He barked.
"You're kidding right?" You said playfully scooting even closer to him.
"Hey careful brat," he said squirming at your closeness. "Look- I'm... not good at this stuff so... let me go at my own pace, alright?" He requested.
"Ok Bakugo," you agreed.
Katsuki winced, "I just kissed you- there's no need to be so formal with me anymore," He spoke.
"Oh- ok Katsuki," you said blushing once more.
"We should probably go back inside to that dumb party before someone comes looking for us," he said standing up.
You followed his lead standing up but as he was about to reach for the door you called out to him, "Hey Baku-... Katsuki?"
"What?" He asked, turning around.
You reached out and grabbed his hand interlacing your fingers with his.
Katsuki's face was taken over by another blush as he gazed at both your hands. Handholding was a small gesture- but walking back inside to the rest of your classmates like this was a big step. His nose scrunched up as he contemplated the consequences.  
You second-guessed yourself and tried to pull your hand away, "It's ok if that's too much," you said.
"No-," he said tightening his grip on your hand, refusing to let you pull away. "It's fine- I don't give a damn about any of those extras anyway. It doesn't make a difference to me if they... know about us- Come on let's just go- it's cold as fuck out here," he said swinging the door open with his other hand.
As if on some silent cue, the whole inside of the common room went silent as your classmate's heads turned to take in the sight of you and Katsuki holding hands.
"Ohhh~ does this mean it's official now~?" Mina sang, bringing her hands together with a huge grin on her face.
"YES FINALLY!" Eijiro yelled.
"WHAT?!" Denki exclaimed. "No way Kacchan gets a girlfriend before me!"
Your face flushed as you looked away from the prying eyes of your classmates.
"SHUT THE HELL UP!! ALL OF YOU! THE NEXT PERSON TO SAY A WORD GET'S THEIR FACE BLASTED YOU HEAR ME!?!" Katsuki yelled, the pupils disappearing from his eyes with rage.
Although your classmates were bursting at the seams trying to hold in laughter and comments, they respected Katsuki's wishes and said nothing else about your newfound relationship
Over time, with the privacy from your classmates, Katsuki slowly became more affectionate with you in his own way, and you both continued to learn how to navigate your relationship through all the stresses of working towards being pro heroes. Taking it one step at a time.
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Thank you to everyone who supported this series! I appreciate all of you and I hope you’ve enjoyed it!
Tags: @anon-mouse223 @unofficialmuilover @maddietries @sikuthealien @queenpiranhadon @melrs21 @poemzcheng @kazuumii @bakunianadecorazon @ur-crusty-uncle @reads-stuff-quietly @chixkadee @perfectsukii @faetoraa @fem-weeb @nagicats @lees-chaotic-brain @maelibo @zanarkandskylines @abadbitchblogs @deluluforcarlos55
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shattersstar · 2 years
pairing: vampire x reader
summary: He supposed this was his true home, not the house he had kept himself locked in, but the wooden box with your picture in it. Dutifully kept under his pillow, bringing you to the land of dreams with him—if he could dream. It was a bitter punishment for the life he lived, the transgression—sin—he supposed would be held against the two of you. For how he wanted you more than anything, how he would tear whole cities to shreds at your behest and let the hunters who lurked in your town meet his fangs if you so desired. It was gluttony, to take eternal life and still want more.
warning: horror-ish elements, blood mention., religious undertones (aka general vampire themes/concepts)
a/n: i have so much to say about this lil piece of writing omg okay, i wrote this back in May i believe around the time i was reading we have always lived in the castle and it Shows. its lowkey fantasy which is not like anything i write but the horror-ish vibes r pretty consistent with my original stuff. it is heavily inspired by a lot of the vampire media ive consumed too though even if its not based on one particular character. i have been thinking about it since i wrote it and while im a bit ehhh about posting something original i quite literally have nothing else to share and as i said before y’all keeping i’d still eat the fruit in my notifs is so :)))) so this is a thank you to y’all and a Step back into writing for me hopefully. ramble aside enjoy ! feedback and comments r always appreciated
It had rained, no—poured, stormed, hailed, cried, screamed. It had swept in during the day, white noise to him as he slept, while it greeted you during breakfast. The clouds wept over the lands in what felt like divine punishment. It was as if nature or something higher than that was against him, accosting or trying to stop him. As he stood at the edge of the great forest, rain pelting the top of his head he assumed there was nothing greater than nature. Not even him. There was nothing higher nor more humbling. God could spite someone, but nature enacted it. It flooded your sleepy town and even sleepier forest and he was on the other side. Confined to his home until the storm cleared and the sun rose.
He would not be graced with your presence yet again and he tried to ignore the call to change you, to have his fangs pierce your skin and his blood run across your tongue. He gritted his teeth, reminding himself of the hurt it brought and he would never cause that for his love. His dearest who lived on the other side of the forest he was unable to cross. His icy glare moved along the border, not even noticing the rain drenching his billowing black cloak anymore. Somewhere in the forest a branch snapped and animals chattered.
He would live for eternity, he could wait for you. It was his resolution before heading back to his home in the woods and trying not to be angry, to let fury run through his long dead veins and restart his stilled heart. If anything—anyone—could, he knew it was you.
He followed the path compacted over the years of those travelling to stare at his home, humans daring each other to go near it, but never following through when the windows shuddered and a figure moved past one of them like a ghost. Times had changed, but people were as superstitious as ever. They saw his decayed and rotted home and prescribed evil to it. It was overrun with vines, leaves would not grow on them. Even in spring. They stayed black, and gnarled, tightening their hold in his house each season. Thorns protruding from some of the thicker vines, protecting him it seemed. You had noted that, staring at his wondrous home with bright eyes.
It was in a clearing in the forest, grey stone withered away and swallowed by nature. It still stood strong, the outside a grotesque picture that did not reflect the inside. Oil lamps and lighting fixtures alike lit the space from the inside out. It warmed the walls, revealing the deep brown wood panelling that made up the older parts of the house. The stairs were still the original wood, a grand staircase that greeted no one, but him and you these days.
Many of the rooms upstairs had been closed off, sheets gently placed over the old furniture and doors closed forever. He had no need for such space, other vampires stopped visiting when hunters started lingering in your town. You had told him of your many encounters, most were smart enough to stay out the forest, but they still killed many of his kind. Finding them in their carriages amongst the cars rolling down the freshly paved roads. Horses killed along with whoever dwelled inside. They saw themselves as vigilantes, but you had told him most of your town considered them a nuisance. Urban men thinking they can save the more rural lands that bordered their great cities. Cities that forgot the magic that once thrived in places like the forest.
“Their thinking of building a highway through it, connecting us to other towns or one of the bigger cities.” You had explained one day, sitting in his lap and letting him hold you. He hummed, long fingers curling into the fabric of your sweater. You placed your warm hand over his and leaned further into his chest. He asked you to let him hold you and you had obliged like always.
He kept those memories in mind, the soft questions he would extend your way and how you listened so dutifully. May I hold you? Will you lay with me? Come walk through the cellar? Can I drink your—
His fist slammed against his dinning room table, nearly snapping it in two as a crack ran jagged through the centre of the chestnut coloured wood. His fangs were out, nails morphed into claws dug into his skin and blood dripped into the crack. He stared at it, muscles in his face twitching as he waited for it to end. Waited for the creature in him to return to laying dormant and his own clear, sound mind to return. Though he supposed it was never very clear or sound anymore, not when you had burrowed inside of him and promised to never leave. And as if his thoughts beckoned you themselves, the old telephone in his study rang. It’s shrill scream echoed through the quiet house, though the ring was discordant, snapping in two halfway through its loop and screeching a pitch higher. The noise made his pointed ears twitch and with a swoop of his cloak he was in his study. He answered it on the normal ring, cutting it off right before it went off tone.
He held the phone to his ear, but waited to speak. “Hello?” You asked, your voice soft and worried. You’d never called him before—truthfully he had no idea this phone even worked.
“Hello my love.” He returned, and you breathed out a happy sigh.
“Oh my god, hi! I found this number in some old directory—phone book thing,” You explained with an airy giddiness that he wished to share, “I wasn’t sure if it was going to work, but…” You trailed off and he was smiling fondly into the receiver.
“I have missed you.”
“I miss you too, I hate this weather I can never get through the forest when its so rainy.”
“I know.”
“Maybe they should build a highway through it, I could hitchhike my way to see you.” You laughed, but he turned somber. Industrialization finally touching the sacred land of the forest didn’t sit right within him. It may be the great divider that kept him away from you, but it was his home. A highway felt like you were asking to be swept away, to a new town or bigger city that he could not adventure too. He could ask you to stay—he knew you’d oblige—but it was not his place to keep you here. “Is your phone one of those spin, dial ones?” You asked suddenly, breaking through the tension he hadn’t meant to create.
“A rotary phone?” He corrected with a ghost of a grin, “Yes it is.”
“I want to see it when I come over again.”
“And so you will.” It was quiet again and he hadn’t noticed the tears running down his face. He didn’t know he was able to cry anymore.
“I love you.” You whispered, holding your cellphone close, likely curled up in bed and staring out your window at the rain and the forest beyond it.
“I love you dearest.” His voice did not betray the sadness building in him. “Sleep beloved, I will see you soon.”
“Yes, I’m gonna come see you and your rotary phone.” You laughed, forced and watery.
“Soon.” You repeated, and hung up. He kept the black phone, laced with intricate gold details, to his ear for a moment longer. He had heard your voice at least and could sleep. He moved through his home, snuffing out candles and flicking off switches before finding the one room without windows. A coffin laid on the floor, dark brown and glistening with the finish that had been applied centuries ago.
He supposed this was his true home, not the house he had kept himself locked in, but the wooden box with your picture in it. Dutifully kept under his pillow, bringing you to the land of dreams with him—if he could dream. It was a bitter punishment for the life he lived, the transgression—sin—he supposed would be held against the two of you. For how he wanted you more than anything, how he would tear whole cities to shreds at your behest and let the hunters who lurked in your town meet his fangs if you so desired.
It was gluttony, to take eternal life and still want more.
Though it was hard to think of such evil things when looking at your face, he had taken the photo while you were on the roof. Wind had wiped your clothes into a frenzy and you laughed as the night sky twinkled behind you. He had taken it and was surprised when you’d given it to him only a few days later. He had kept up with modern technology as well as he could, but there was always something so magical about photographs to him. He collected hundreds over his life time, faces he knew and others he didn’t. Organized neatly into a collection of books, which he’d let you look through on occasion. He showed you photos from the many lives he’s lived, something about them bringing warmth rushing to your face.
He was always so devastatingly beautiful, regal and hypnotic across all eras. Yet, he couldn’t focus on the kind words that bubbled from your lips as the rushing of the blood under your skin nearly shattered something inside of him. His fangs threatened to meet your skin, but with calculated focus he reigned in his hunger. It was hard at first—you were the only human he had been around in decades—but he did it for love.
Everything he did was for love, it was his reason for existence it seemed. You had other reasons for your claim to life, but to him? You were all he had, the only reason to not let the sun engulf him or let a hunter kill him. He could not break your heart until you broke his. He let that thought dwell in his mind as sleep overtook him just as the sun rose and the rain ended. Its incessant pitter patter had ceased and he somehow dreamt of you standing golden in the forest and beckoning him closer.
He woke up to your face—maybe it wasn’t a dream—as you crouched next to his coffin. Maybe he had finally died and you were welcoming him to where God decided to send him. If you were there it couldn’t be hell. Could it be?
“My love—“ Your hand pressed to his chest, keeping him still. “It’s still daytime, sleep okay?” You whispered, hand moving to his jaw and cradling his face in your palm for a moment. “I’ll be back in a sec okay, I just need to change.” He nodded against you, kissing your hand before you let him reside in darkness. He had caught a glimpse of your pants caked in mud and could smell the blood from your skinned palms. Despite the slick terrain it seemed you ventured through the forest to see him. It made his chest shudder and for a moment he thought you had actually restarted his heart.
It was only a few minutes later when you were carefully opening his coffin again, now dawning a loose fitting silk shirt that made his red eyes alight with something wild. You had cleaned your scrapes and mud off your skin, smelling faintly of rain water and the lavender soap you gifted him. You stepped over him, nestling against his side and letting him enclose the two of you. One of his arms wrapped around your shoulders as your head rested on his chest, knuckles grazing over your hair while you stretched an arm across his torso. Your legs intertwined with his long ones and you let out a breathy sigh.
“Are you hurt?” He asked, and while you likely couldn’t see as thing, he could see you perfectly. You shook your head no against his chest, yawning into the fabric of his shirt.
“I just wanted to see you.” You murmured, chin resting in his chest as you made hit best attempt at eye contact in the blackness. “I saw the dining room table, are you okay?” You asked, somehow staring through him in the darkness. He offered his hand instead of finding the words in his throat, slowly unravelling his fist to reveal a mark free palm. He wasn’t sure you understand what he meant or if your eyes adjusted enough yet, until you carefully closed it once again, kissing his knuckles and placed your hand over his. You both were silent for a moment, until you looked up at him again and breathed, “You’re all I want.”
“And you’re all I have.” He held you closer, watching a grin pull at the corner of your lips. He was sure it was that devotion, obsession even, with you that would bring about his downfall. Centuries old and all powerful, but reduced to nothing without you. His strength and knowledge meant nothing if he didn’t have you to share it with.
And you could not stand your stagnant life in a town full of people who wished his kind dead. You chose a trek through the forest during the twilight hours of the morning to see him, bringing him soft kisses and silk under his hands as you let your mouth meet his. You kissed him with all the exhaustion and lethargy wrapped up in the two of you, molasses slow kisses that were just as sweet. It was how you fell asleep, lips to his neck and head tucked under his chin before your warm breathed puffed across his pale skin. He fell asleep not long after, engulfing you in his embrace, his cloak draping over your frame as he decided home was where you asked him to be.
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forjongseong · 8 months
medialuna // jay (ENHYPEN)
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pairing: secretary!jay x CEO!fem!reader (part 12 of the series)
genre: office!au, fluff, smut (minors dni) // warning: older reader; Jay calls reader “Boss”; mentions of anxiety, pregnancy; oral sex (m. receiving, f. receiving); unprotected sex; profanity; semi-public sex? (jay uses a sex toy on y/n); mentions of death; CEO!yn has a health scare towards the end // wc: ~11k
previous (and upcoming) chapters:
(check the whole masterlist here!)
summary: married life with Jay turns out to be even better than you can ever imagine, but work-life seems to be wearing the two of you out, and sometimes certain things do come when you least expect them.
author’s notes: he's back! and I'm back! welcome back!
I cannot believe the last sec!Jay episode was posted literally IN MAY 2023!!! I am so sorry! I had it all planned out... I was going to celebrate this series' first anniversary and have it end in the same month... and I swear I already started writing part 12 even before I released the last two minisodes, but then I got stuck for the longest time, and also busy, but now I am back, so here is part 12.
if you check the lyrics to this song that I used as a title you'll see why I used it. as always, if you find any typos or grammatical errors please message me!!
taglist: @thots4hee @jayked @end-hyphen @nyanggk @yoursjaeyun @maggstar @bucketofhiros @dimplejaehyuncutie @excusememissiloveyou @shinkenprincess-oh @mochimchimo @jongseonglogy
(send an ask if you want to be added or removed)
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It was dark and cold when you opened your eyes. You blinked a couple of times before your gaze shifted to your right, and sure enough, you found his side empty. There was a lump in your throat, and somehow you felt parched. You touched your face only to feel dried tears staining your cheek.
After a couple more seconds, you started to panic, yanking the blanket away from your body and frantically searching for the only source of comfort that you had. The bathroom was empty, so you walked out of your bedroom and scanned the huge living room. You only found unpacked boxes and your sofa still wrapped in plastic, and even the lights in the kitchen were off.
Your hands began to tremble as you made your way to the center of the room. Your head began to spin, and your heartbeat gradually became faster as you tried and failed to gain enough consciousness so early in the morning. Your eyes flickered and you whispered to yourself.
You went back to your bedroom and immediately grabbed your phone that you had placed on the end table since the night before. You unlocked it and somehow managed to feel even more let down at the lack of notifications. Just as you were about to lose it, you heard the door unlocking and the familiar sound of footsteps entering the house.
Jay was trying his best to make as little noise as possible, but when he saw you walking out of the bedroom, his eyes lit up. Once he registered what was going on though, from the expression on your face, he became worried.
“Hey,” he said softly, just seconds before you threw yourself into his embrace.
You began sobbing on his chest, drenching his shirt in your tears. Your hands were grabbing on the back of his shirt, and with every breath you took your shoulders shook with you. Jay enveloped you in his arms and started making shushing noise.
“It’s okay,” he whispered, squeezing your shoulders. “I’m here. It’s okay.”
Your cries did not seem to be stopping soon, and the sound of your wails created a huge lump in Jay’s throat too. His eyebrows furrowed as he attempted to pull you closer, resting his chin on the top of your head. He did not stop rubbing your back in an attempt to soothe you, and once he heard you quieting down, he started speaking softly.
“Was it a bad dream?” he asked in the lowest voice he could muster.
You merely nodded your head, still burying it in the crook of his neck as you sniffled the tears.
“Were you looking for me?” Jay asked again. You nodded softer this time, and Jay felt horrible. “I’m sorry. I should have left a note or texted you. I didn’t think you would wake up so early. I think I spent way too much time at the gym too.”
You responded only with a sniffle, and you began to loosen the grip on his shirt. Jay immediately took one of your hands off his back and grabbed it tight.
“Here, let me look at you,” he said, trying to pry you away from his body.
You shook your head and hid your face on his chest again, refusing to make eye contact. Jay calmly opened your fist and made you palm his face.
“I’m right here,” he said, placing a hand over yours so you would stay cupping his face. “I’m sorry.”
You shook your head again, and Jay assumed that it meant he did not have to apologize. It was killing him the way you refused to look at him, though, but in reality, you were just embarrassed that you broke down over something so trivial.
Jay turned his face to kiss your palm, and the warmth surged through your whole body. You regained composure, and once you felt calmer, you tilted your face up, nudging your nose to his jawline. In an instant, Jay placed his hand on the back of your neck and pulled you into a kiss.
You kissed him desperately, like you had not seen him in years, and to him it felt like you were trying to breathe in the air inside his mouth. His lips gently danced with yours, stopping in between to let you breathe. His hand never left the back of your head, nor did his arm around your waist, and at that moment you were willing to give anything to make the time stop.
“I love you,” you said as you broke the kiss. Your voice came out as barely a whisper.
Jay nodded, brushing his nose with yours before kissing the corner of your lips softly. He trailed soft kisses from there up to your cheek before stopping on your earlobe. His hand moved up to stroke your hair, making you close your eyes as you listened to his raspy voice right in your ear.
“I love you more.”
Jake and Heeseung’s screams of frustration accompanied with Sunghoon’s victorious cackle made the whole room shake. You almost let a clean mug slip out of your hands from the shock, and Jay chuckled at the way you ever so slightly flinched. You looked over your shoulder and saw that the three guys were hunched together, while Isa and Yoon were sitting on the lounge chair across them, eyes glued to the TV.
“I’ll tell them to keep it down,” Jay said, closing in on you and pecking your cheek before he made his way to the living room.
Isa and Yoon’s eyes lit up the moment they saw the tray filled with cold drinks in Jay’s hand, and Sunghoon had to shout at Jake for almost knocking everything down from being so jumpy and chaotic. Heeseung cleared the table to help Jay set the tray down, and then each of them started asking questions about the drinks.
You joined them only after you replied to a couple of messages on your phone, and as you slipped your phone into your pocket you noticed that everyone was already holding their own beverages.
“An informal toast!” Yoon said, raising her glass of iced latte. “To the new house.”
“To the new couple, Mr. and Mrs. Park,” Jake joined in.
“And to Heeseung, for being one of the awardees of our company’s scholarship program,” you ended with a smile.
Heeseung’s jaw dropped, and his eyes widened. Jay was already chuckling, amused at the faces his friends were making.
“Are you serious?” Heeseung asked, looking at you. He then looked at Jay, then at you again.
“Congratulations, buddy,” Jay finally intercepted, nudging Heeseung’s arm with his elbow.
“Cheers!” Sunghoon shouted, surprisingly being the loudest of the group at that very moment.
Three people started talking at once, and you had to jump from one group to another to tend to all their questions.
“So, this housewarming is actually also like a mini wedding reception and like a congratulatory party too? Who is the main character of this party?” Isa asked you, genuinely confused.
“All of you guys, the invitees. And the house maybe,” you replied, smiling sweetly at Isa. “Thank you for coming, girls. I know that you don’t like it when I mix two different groups of friends.”
“That’s bulls, you always nail it when you intentionally introduce your friends to each other. Wasn’t that how we became a trio?” Yoon chimed in, not taking her eyes off her drink.
You continued to talk to the girls for a while until Jake interrupted, claiming that he needed to go to the bathroom, but Sunghoon was taking too long in the guest powder room. You calmly asked Jay to point out the bathroom in the main bedroom before you excused yourself to the kitchen to get a refill on the snacks and drinks.
Not long after, you heard the soft footsteps of Jake waddling towards you. You locked eyes with him, and he was making a concerned and rather uncomfortable face. You immediately started to frown before asking him.
“Is there a problem in the bathroom?” You asked, resting your hand on the counter.
Jake stood beside you and leaned in to be discreet. “You left your sex toy in the bathroom.”
“What?” You half-shouted, half-whispered. “What do you mean?”
“What’s going on here?”
Jay’s voice was calm, but he had it in that lower register that sort of just vibrated, and both you and Jake jumped a little in your places.
“Jake said there’s a sex toy in the bathroom,” you calmly reiterated.
“The fuck are you talking about?” Jay almost spat back in response. You snorted at his reply.
Jake looked at you apologetically before dragging Jay back into the bathroom. You made sure that the others were preoccupied before following the two of them. When you reached the bathroom, you heard Jay’s loud sigh.
“What?” Jake asked, holding up the ‘sex toy’ by its little handle.
Jay’s reaction immediately made sense. You started giggling softly, trying to suppress it from turning into a huge cackle.
“You think that’s a sex toy?” You asked. “That purple spiky-looking thing?”
“Yeah, what do you think we’re supposed to do with it?” Jay added.
Jake visibly cringed. “Ew? I don’t need to know what you two do behind closed doors. I’m just saying if you’re inviting people to your house maybe put away these types of stuff.”
You walked towards Jake, took the ‘sex toy’ from his hand and started pressing it onto his head.
“Noona!” Jake shrieked in horror.
“It’s a scalp massager, Jake! What, just because it’s made of silicone, you automatically assume it’s a sex toy?”
Jay was wheezing against the doorway, and you turned your head to him.
“Baby, don’t laugh like you didn’t think of the same thing when I first bought this.”
Jake’s initially embarrassed face was instantly replaced with relief. The two men then started laughing and yelling at each other while you shook your head and tidied up a little around the sink. When Jay brought up the idea of having a joint get-together of your friends and his, you did not expect it to be this chaotic, but you were glad that you agreed to it.
You walked out of your bedroom, one hand rubbing your eye as you tried to stifle back a yawn. The sound coming from the kitchen woke you up, since it was repetitive, and Jay did not seem like he was trying to be quiet. In his defense, he wanted you to know that he was there, so he made loud noises on purpose.
“There’s my beautiful wife,” Jay greeted you as soon as he caught you in his sight. He was doing the rest of last night’s dishes as he waited for breakfast to cook.
“Really?” You chuckled. “I have dried up drool on the corner of my mouth and my hair looks like a bird’s nest.”
“Signs of a good sleep then, that’s nice,” Jay replied nonchalantly. “That means last night I did tire you out, didn’t I?”
Holding back a smile would be useless as Jay was already looking at you with his signature smirk. A proud smirk, you thought. Last night was probably one of the best nights you had with Jay, if you could even list down your favorites.
You had been watching House of the Dragon for a while, and although Jay wasn’t the biggest fan of fantasy mixed with gore, he still sat with you through every episode. It melted your heart that every time a stomach-turning scene was about to come up, Jay would always lean into you and let you hide your face in the crook of his neck until the scene ends.
This time, though, the scene came on without warning and you both gasped loudly at the same time. Your mouth hung open and you knew Jay had the same face despite him rubbing his hand on your shoulder to console you. When the episode ended, you turned to look at him and he smiled apologetically.
“Sorry I wasn’t fast enough to catch that,” he said, pouting.
You quickly turned the TV off and moved to sit on his lap. You thanked him with your mouth, not with words but in a way that you were certain he would appreciate. After a hot minute of making out, you hopped off the sofa and kneeled in front of him, knowing how hard he had already become.
Jay grasped onto the throw pillows and blanket on the sofa as you gave him the suck of his life. He couldn’t stop moaning whenever his tip hit the back of your throat, and the view of him with his exposed and clenched jawline and his eyes rolled back just motivated you to go even harder. He thrusted his hips up and grabbed your arm, which you thought was a warning, so you calmly stroked his thigh until he came in your mouth.
You had to very carefully pull away to not let any of his cum drip to the floor. As you did so, a drop of it trickled down your chin and you swore Jay let out the shakiest breath ever. He sat up and wiped his thumb along your bottom lip, catching the remains and thrusting his thumb into your mouth, making you lick it dry. After that, he rested his hand behind your neck and pulled you into a deep kiss, tasting himself on your tongue.
“Bedroom?” He whispered after you pulled away to catch your breath.
You nodded enthusiastically and the next thing you remember was being naked with him on your new bed with brand new silk sheets. The feeling of the soft sheets contrasting with the way Jay was holding your hips made your heart beat a lot faster, and you desperately tried to slow things down as you took the lead, grinding your hips on his lap as he sat up with you, his cock twitching inside of you every time you clenched around him.
Your hands were touching him everywhere, his cheeks, his jaw, his neck, his shoulders, and as you mustered all the energy you had left to keep the pace, Jay kissed your chin before lifting you up and instantly switching your position. You were now lying on your back, and Jay held your legs spread open as he started to thrust into you faster than before. Your breath hitched and you grasped the sheets behind you, while Jay chased his own high and squeezed your boobs as he released his seed inside of you.
Your heavy breaths were now in sync, and you saw Jay panting, which was something that rarely happens. Usually, you were the only one out of breath, so you couldn’t help but form a small triumphant smile.
“How are we feeling?” you asked as Jay managed to maneuver you both, lying sideways and facing each other without him having to pull out of you.
Jay chuckled softly before kissing the tip of your nose. “I’m so beat right now, fuck.”
You laughed softly and started peppering kisses all over his face, loving the way his arms automatically wrapped around your waist.
“Wasn’t I the one that tired you out?” you said, snapping back to the present and trying to dismiss the image of last night. You did not need to get wet so early in the morning, not when Jay was making breakfast for you both.
“Alright,” Jay replied, wiping his hands on the apron he was wearing. “Let’s say we both did.”
You nodded once and let Jay get back to his thing. He had told you several times that he did not mind being the only one busy in the kitchen, and having you eat whatever he had prepped was rewarding enough.
For you, though, seeing him in the kitchen was a reward in itself, for Jay often cooked or cleaned with sleeveless shirts, or shirtless, or in a unique combination like right now.
“Is that apron really necessary when you’re shirtless like that?” You asked as you sat on the stool facing the counter. You placed your elbows on the counter and rested your chin on the back of your hands.
“I feel like you’re trying to tell me something so why don’t you get to the point?” Jay asked back, smirking at you before diverting his attention back to the meal he was prepping.
“You look very fuckable, husband.”
Jay let out a breathy chuckle before turning around and serving you a plate of omelet with mushrooms and a small portion of salad. You looked at his plate and he had the exact same thing except with cherry tomatoes.
“As much as I’d like to have you for breakfast,” Jay began, “we have a very important meeting this morning and I need you to not skip a meal.”
“Fair,” you replied, smiling when Jay pecked your cheek. He took his apron off before sitting on the stool beside you. “This looks amazing. Thank you, baby.”
“Anything for my queen.”
The computer screen in front of you was already set to a dimmer light, but despite that it still hurt your eyes. You had already taken a power nap, finished a cup of iced latte, yet the drowsiness remained. You heard a knock on the door and waited for Jay to let himself in.
“The last meeting of the day is in fifteen, Boss,” Jay said as he walked to you, spinning a pen in his hand and having his iPad secured in his arms. “Still sleepy?”
“You know me best,” you answered, leaning back on your seat and stretching your arms as much as you could. You yawned and Jay had to look away to not catch it too. “I’ll just get cold water.”
Jay looked like he was contemplating something as he watched you walk to the mini bar. After a couple of seconds, he rushed out of the office and before you could even say a word, he returned less than a minute later, holding a small package in his hands.
“I was gonna wait until we got home, but…”
You eyed the box in his hand. He was already smiling at you.
“What do you have there?” you asked, almost too scared to find out the answer.
Jay peeped his head out your door, making sure none of your employees were around. He reckoned that Hwiyoung was on a coffee break, so he calmly closed your door before he made his way back to you.
“Don’t get mad at me, but I ordered this for funsies,” Jay said, giving the box to you.
“You open it.”
Jay sighed and shook his head, thinking that it had been years at this point of him taking orders from you, but he would still do it for another thousand years. He grabbed a pen from your desk and used the tip to break the seal, and within seconds you were looking at a sleek box with a vague image on top of it.
“Is it like a massager? That would make me even sleepier, Jay,” you complained before you could even see the actual item.
“Stay with me,” Jay replied calmly, completely unboxing the item.
It was a two-piece device, one remote and the other…
“It’s magnetic,” Jay explained. “You can clip this to the inside of your panties, and I’ll hold the remote. Wear it during the meeting so you can be alert at all times. When I catch you zoning out, be ready for it to vibrate.”
“You’re fucking joking,” you said, chuckling to yourself. “Right?”
“Baby, I’m very serious,” he replied in his actual serious voice. “When naps and caffeine don’t work, I had to get creative to find a solution.”
“This sounds like more fun for you,” you sighed, taking the device from his hands and examining it up close.
“Well, yes, but you’ll feel the pleasure.”
As you were holding the main device, Jay pressed the remote and it vibrated in your hand. You almost jolted from the shock and you both laughed out loud from your reaction. Jay quickly turned the device off and took it out of your hand.
“I understand if you don’t want to try it now. We can always do it some other time,” Jay said, turning his back to you and already packing the device back into its box.
You licked your lips before you made your decision. You took a step closer to Jay and held his wrist, stopping him.
“I’ll do it.”
During most meetings, your presence is usually needed to review your team’s ideas and give necessary feedback. This means that you rarely had to speak, and around eighty percent of the time you would always be listening to other people speak. When you’re sleepy and losing focus, this easy task could be particularly hard to follow.
You and Jay were sitting at the end of the table, the farthest from the whiteboard and the chairs where the speakers were gathered. The meeting room was large enough to have everyone sit with ample space between each other, making them have to lean in if they wanted to whisper a thought. You had both your hands clasped in front of your face, your lips touching your thumbs as you were listening to Keeho’s presentation.
Jay caught you slow blinking several times before you shut your eyes for more than two seconds. He reached into his pocket and pressed a button on the remote. Your body jolted awake, and to quickly hide the reaction you faked a sneeze.
“Bless you, Miss,” Keeho said without missing a beat before continuing to talk.
You side-eyed Jay and he immediately mouthed ‘sorry’ to you. He winked and took his hands out of his pocket, and you relaxed for a moment. The meeting carried on and you started making notes on your journal while waiting for the next speaker to set up. Jay then noticed that the movement of your pen paused, so he slid his hand into his pocket again and pressed the remote.
The shock you expressed this time was in the form of a slam on the table. Your team thought you were losing patience and they apologized to you in an instant, almost in unison. Jay had to bite his lower lip to stop himself from laughing, and once Beomgyu started his presentation, you lightly slapped Jay on his thigh.
You were now paying close attention to Beomgyu and you even commented on a few things, earning more comments from the rest of the team. While Yeji was telling you about her thoughts on one of your remarks, Jay pressed the button on the remote. You couldn’t hold back from letting out a moan this time, but you were quick to put a hand over your stomach.
“Sorry,” you quickly muttered. “That time of the month,” you continued, faking a smile.
“Oh, I can talk to you about this some other time, Miss,” Yeji replied, smiling back with concern. “Maybe Beomgyu could wrap up.”
As your team refocused their attention back to Beomgyu, you shot daggers at Jay with your eyes and a look that said, ‘what the fuck was that for?’. Jay only threw a smug smile as a response.
The meeting was eventually adjourned since it was getting late, and you had always been against your team working overtime unless it was absolutely necessary. That, and the fact that Jay could not stop pressing the remote and driving you crazy.
“You seem to be having way too much fun,” you said to him as you stared at the elevator waiting for it to arrive.
Jay stood proudly beside you, both his hands in his pocket and his head tilted up slightly. You had never seen him this cocky. The elevator then dinged and as you entered, you were relieved to find it empty. However, you heard several people talking and before you knew it, Yeji, Beomgyu, and Keeho joined in the elevator.
“Miss,” Keeho greeted you with a smile. “Going down?”
Beomgyu was about to press the lobby, but you shook your head and Jay cleared his throat.
“Back to the office, actually,” Jay clarified. “You guys can go home though.”
Beomgyu nodded and pressed the number to your floor. The three of them stood in front of you, talking to each other in whispers. The elevator ride down felt like it took so long, and it did not help that Jay pressed the remote in his pocket, again.
“Shit,” you muttered, leaning into Jay and grabbing his arm for support.
Jay’s cocky smile quickly shifted into fake concern once he noticed everyone looking at you.
“Are you okay, Miss?” Beomgyu asked.
“Miss, I have painkillers but they’re at my desk. I can go get it for you,” Yeji chimed in, reaching to touch your arm.
You merely grabbed onto Jay and squeezed his arm unnecessarily hard. Jay winced and chuckled to defuse the tension.
“I got it from here, guys. Thanks,” Jay smiled at them, putting his hand over yours and caressing you gently.
You arrived at your floor and as you exited the elevator with Jay, your employees waved at you still with concerned looks on their faces. As soon as the elevator door closed, you yanked your hands off Jay’s arm, and he cackled as he followed you back to the office.
You had dismissed Hwiyoung earlier, so you did not have to worry about any employees lingering around your office. You swung the door open and pulled the hair clip off your hair, throwing it haphazardly on your desk. Jay followed you and closed the door behind him before taking the remote out of his pocket.
“Mission accomplished?” Jay asked, dangling the remote in front of your face.
“Shut up.”
You threw your body towards him and he caught you in his arms, also catching your lips in his. The remote dropped from his hand and you continued to move closer to him, making him take several steps backwards until he hit a wall. Your hands were firmly cupping his face so you could dominate the kiss, but his hands were roaming freely all over your body.
“You made me all wet,” you whispered, kissing his cheek. “That wasn’t the goal.”
Jay smiled, pushing your skirt up your thighs and reaching for your panties to detach the device. “But what if it is?” he asked as he got rid of it. “What if the goal is exactly to make you wet?”
“Then you’re gonna have to clean up,” you muttered, pulling him by his tie and switching positions, making him cage you with his arms. “Be a good boy, will you?”
You placed both your hands on his shoulders and started pushing him down to his knees. The moment he realized what was going on, Jay chuckled and ran his hands down your sides as he went down. He even dragged your panties with the hook of his fingers and carefully took them off your feet.
He looked up at you with his gorgeous, gorgeous eyes and you took a deep breath before you witnessed his face disappearing under your skirt. You let out a soft whimper when you felt his plush lips kiss your folds, and it did not take long for him to completely devour you, making your lewd moans escape your lips. His hands were parked on your ass firmly, and you began slowly grinding your hips while you placed the back of your arm against your mouth to conceal the noises you were letting out.
Your other hand snaked down to the back of his head, and you tugged on his hair. Jay moaned into your cunt and kept his pace until he noticed your legs tensing up. The grip on his head became stronger as you reached your high, and he was moaning softly along with you, his voice muffled by your own heat.
Jay lifted his head up to look at you, and he was proud that the look of your fucked out face was the one to greet him. You looked at him and saw that his face was a mess, his drool mixed with your cum stained all over his mouth, so you calmly wiped his lips with your thumb.
“Stand up,” you whispered, licking your lips.
Jay did as you said and you greeted him with the softest kiss, feeling him melt into your touch.
“Do you think we can do that again?” Jay asked, brushing his nose against yours.
“Yes, but not in front of my employees,” you answered.
Jay chuckled and you smiled at him. “Out in public, maybe?”
“Sure,” you replied. “But only if you fuck my brains out afterwards.”
“Deal,” Jay said in a split second. “That’s an even bigger win for me.”
You were sitting on an outdoor lounge chair by the porch, legs up and facing the beach that was walking distance from the villa. On the coffee table was your laptop, showing several windows open as well as a pile of documents to its side with your sunglasses case acting as a paperweight. As you were reading a chat from your phone and crosschecking it with a document on your screen, you felt a soft tap on your arm.
You turned your head and smiled as soon as you saw Ayun.
“Can you brush my hair?” she asked politely, holding up a hairbrush with one hand.
“Of course, darling,” you replied, setting your phone on the table and patting your thighs. Ayun immediately climbed to sit on your lap.
From inside, Jay was prepping the ingredients for an early dinner, and he could see the porch from the huge window on the side of the kitchen. He paused cutting up the potatoes to watch your interaction with Ayun, and soon after, Seungho entered with a couple of snacks and drinks in his hands.
“In case you need refreshments,” your brother said, setting the snacks on the table and heading over to the fridge to store the drinks. “Whatchu got there?”
“Oh, uhm,” Jay stuttered at the sudden appearance of your brother. “Just Japanese-style curry, if that’s okay?”
Seungho chuckled. “What do you mean ‘if that’s okay’? You’re the chef here, we’re definitely just gonna eat what you make. Oh, by the way, Byunghee can’t handle spice.”
“Noted,” Jay replied. “I’ll have the chili flakes separated and served on the table later.”
“Awesome.” Seungho smiled and took a few steps closer to where Jay was standing. “Are you sure there’s nothing I can help you with? I mean, I did hear from my sister that you’re very much a lone chef…”
Jay nodded. “And she is right. I’ve got it covered. Thank you, though. And thanks for inviting us to stay for the weekend.”
Seungho smiled and waved his hand. “It’s nothing. I really wanted to spend more time with family, and I figured the only way to make my sister come down here to Jeju is to forcefully book her tickets and let her stay in this beach house—oh, my God that is adorable!”
Jay blinked and quickly joined Seungho looking out the window. You were holding up your phone, having it on selfie mode, while letting Ayun sing whatever song she was trying to belt out. Ayun was giggling because of the cat filter you had put on.
“For someone who says she doesn’t like children, she really is good with them,” Seungho said, sounding a little solemn.
“She is,” Jay responded, almost a whisper. He then cleared his voice and continued with the meal prep.
“I’m actually glad that we decided to adopt Ayun. I don’t know if my sister had told you, but initially we wanted to be child-free. Some time along the way I think our views both changed.”
Jay had to stop chopping a carrot to gather his thoughts and process Seungho’s words. “I think you both made a great decision. Ayun seems to be happy having two great dads.”
Seungho chuckled softly and smiled to himself. “Thanks for saying that. I’ll get out of your hair now.”
Just as Seungho reached the doorway, Byunghee appeared.
“Go get our daughter and play with her for a bit. I wanna talk to my sister,” Seungho said, placing a hand on Byunghee’s shoulder.
You were drying your hair in the bathroom when Jay entered after knocking on the door softly. He gave you the warmest smile and you noticed the hint of fatigue on his face.
“Ayun doesn’t seem to get tired easily, does she?” you asked knowingly.
Jay pouted and nodded, and his adorable expression made you laugh. He stood next to you, and you made room for him, scooting to the side so he could use the sink.
“I had a long talk with Seungho earlier,” you said as you watched him reach for the toothpaste. “He seems to be very proud of Ayun and is having a blast raising her with Byunghee.”
“I can see that,” Jay replied, his voice muffled by the toothbrush in his mouth. “And Ayun is such a nice little girl. I’m sure they’re doing something right.”
You nodded and fell silent as you put away the dryer and began organizing the skincare by the sink. Jay noticed your unusual behavior and quickly wrapped up brushing his teeth.
“Penny for your thoughts?” he said after rinsing his mouth one last time.
You tilted your head and hesitated for a second. “I know that we haven’t really talked about it before we got married, and that’s on me, but what are your thoughts about having children?”
Jay smiled at you softly and turned to face you. He began rubbing both your shoulders with his hands. “Is this what you talked about with your brother?”
“Answer the question, Jay.”
“Alright, Boss,” Jay chuckled, leaning in to peck your cheek. “It’s your body. If you want children, then I will be happy to have them with you. If you don’t, I respect that.”
“Are you being honest?” you retorted, furrowing your eyebrows.
“When have I ever lied to you, Y/N?”
You were about to list all the excuses he had given you before, but you realized all of it was to keep the proposal a surprise. Every little white lie he told you was a cover up that led to him proposing to you, so you couldn’t really count those.
“Really? Playing with Ayun all day didn’t make you feel some sort of spark?” you asked again, this time crossing your elbows in front of your chest.
“How about you?” Jay asked back. “You spent a lot of time with her today. Did it awaken something in you?”
“You always ask me back my questions without answering,” you pouted, shoving his hands away and turning away from him.
Jay smiled and looked at you through the reflection in the mirror. “If I don’t Uno-reverse you, how will I ever know what you really think? I can’t read minds, my love.”
You pouted even more and began leaning into Jay, throwing all your body weight on him. He responded by circling his arms around your waist, pulling you into a hug. You continued to look at each other through the reflection.
“I don’t like kids in general, but maybe I’d like them if they were ours?” you asked, unsure.
“If we had a mini-me and mini-you that would literally be the most adorable thing,” Jay agreed. “But again, it’s your body. I know the thought of pregnancy isn’t that dreamy to you, so we can consider adopting if you really want us to raise a child? We can follow in your brother’s footsteps.”
Hearing Jay’s suggestion, a smile creeped up on your face. You closed your eyes and tightened your arms around his body, nuzzling your face to his neck.
“I married the right man,” you mumbled, taking in his scent.
Jay smiled and moved his head to kiss your temple. “Aren’t you glad?”
You pinched Jay’s waist as a response to his remark and he winced before letting out a hearty laugh. Your nose brushed against his chin as you attempted to kiss his jawline.
“So, ultimately I get to decide because it’s my body, right?”
Jay hummed as he squeezed you tighter, trailing his hands down from your hips to your ass.
“There’s a part of me that’s yours too, though,” you whispered, resting your head on his shoulder and looking at him through his reflection again.
“Your heart?” Jay replied.
You let out a breathy chuckle as you shook your head. “God, you’re such a romantic.”
Confused, Jay pulled away from you to look you in the eyes. You grabbed his hand from behind your waist and guided his palm to touch you between your legs.
“Oooh,” Jay reacted, nodding his head. “I get it now.”
“Idiot,” you muttered, pulling his face in for a deep kiss.
Jay kissed you passionately, pressing his body onto yours until you had to arch your back, feeling his hands squeezing your ass. You held his face firmly, moving your lips in sync with his and letting your tongues dance together. He bit your lower lip gently and you chuckled softly.
“Minty,” you commented.
Jay smiled and pecked your cheek three times. “Better than morning breath, right?”
You grinned and shook your head as you took his hand in yours and led him to the bed. You sat down on the edge, and he watched as you began to undress, leaving nothing on your body. You then wondered why he was just standing there doing nothing.
“Baby?” you called. “What’s wrong?”
Jay shook his head, never taking his eyes off your body. “You’re just so beautiful.”
You scoffed. “You’ve seen me naked a million times…”
“Take the compliment, Y/N.”
The tone in the way he said your name made you visibly blush. You brought your hands up to cover your mouth because you did not want to let Jay see your stupid grin.
“And you’re a professional panty-dropper, Jay, so please just get naked with me.”
Jay laughed at your ridiculous remark, and you laughed with him, waiting patiently until he got rid of all his clothes. When he was finally naked, he lifted you up by your waist and you shrieked as he moved you to the center of the bed.
“Sssh!” Jay said in a hurry, bringing one hand to cover your mouth. “I think your brother is still awake.”
“Jay, we’re adults, they are adults, they know what we’re doing anyway.”
“Yeah,” Jay replied, his hand moving to caress your face. “But if I had a sister, I wouldn’t love it if I could hear her getting railed.”
You groaned in disgust and Jay just laughed, burying his face in the crook of your neck. “Are we doing this or what?” you complained, lightly slapping his arm.
“Be quiet for me, okay?” Jay said as he began rubbing your waist.
“I thought you liked to hear me moan,” you complained, pouting.
Jay let out a moan of frustration and you chuckled before he silenced you by shutting your mouth with his. You both smiled into the kiss before you felt his hand squeezing your ass and moving down to spread your legs. The soft chuckles you let out turned into whimpers, and your body twitched whenever Jay put pressure on your folds with his fingers.
“Jay,” you called out breathlessly after minutes of him playing with your cunt. “I want you.”
He kissed your cheek and let his lips linger there for a moment before he whispered in your ear. “I know.”
Jay coated his fingers with your arousal and spread it all over his shaft. You licked your lips in anticipation as he aligned himself with you, and you took a deep breath as you felt him enter you. Your mouth hung open and your eyes closed, and as Jay began thrusting in and out of you, he intertwined his fingers with yours, placing your hand above your head.
He knew what he had to do to make you moan, he knew all the right buttons to push, so out of courtesy, tonight he took it agonizingly slow. Every deep and slow thrust he made only made your breath hitch, and the loudest sound you let out was a whimper. You felt his hand grab your thigh and you instantly wrapped your legs around his waist.
His chest was pressed onto yours, and the heat of his body was enveloping you and beginning to cloud your senses. You could feel his cock twitch inside of you whenever you clenched harder, and you were delighted to hear his soft little grunts by your ear when it happened. His arms flexed as he continued to hover on top of you, and you started to caress his shoulders to soothe him.
“I’m close, baby,” you whispered, grasping his shoulders.
“Cum for me first, love,” he replied, brushing your hair back.
Jay leaned into you and began sucking on your neck softly, knowing just the right thing to make you reach your high faster. He noticed your body tensing and he sucked harder, deciding not to worry about the mark that would be left on your skin. As you climaxed, you whined near his ear and he calmly shushed you, kissing your cheek.
“I love you,” he mumbled, lips brushing yours. “So much.”
You felt him release his seed inside of you and you hooked your feet together, pushing his body even closer to yours. His hips rutted and he groaned softly into your ear, so you brought your hands up and entangled your fingers in his hair. Jay licked his lips before he pushed himself up to get a look at your face.
“I love you,” you mouthed, smiling when he leaned in to kiss your lips.
Jay smiled and carefully pulled out of you. When he moved to the side, he placed one hand over your core, and as he felt his cum dripping out of you, he slid a finger over it and stuffed it back into your cunt. You almost hissed at the feeling, grabbing onto his shoulder again.
“Wouldn’t want to waste a single drop,” Jay whispered, kissing your chin. “Also, I don’t want to dirty these expensive looking sheets.”
You laughed but it came out as a snort, and Jay found it hilarious that his body began to shake with the silent laugh that he let out.
“Not too loud!” Jay half-whispered, half-shouted.
“At this point my brother is going to think we’re just watching Netflix in bed,” you whispered back.
“That might seem like a better option,” Jay replied, bringing his hand back to your waist and squeezing it softly. “Do you need another shower?”
You shook your head. “I kind of like the feeling of being sweaty after having sex with you.”
Jay smiled, proudly. “Good. Me too.”
The ride to the office was quiet since both you and Jay were busy with your own gadgets. Jay was reviewing a presentation that he had made, while you were checking unread messages on your phone. Your hand stopped scrolling once you read a status from an old friend, and you immediately set your phone gently on your lap and brought one hand to cover your mouth.
“Is something wrong?” Jay asked, noticing the shift in your gestures.
“An old friend from college passed away,” you muttered, moving your hand to massage your temple. “I knew that she was sick, but I haven’t checked on her over a month.”
Jay deemed that the situation was too delicate for him to even comment, so he set his iPad down and grabbed your hand. He held you tightly, intertwining your fingers and caressing your hand with his thumb. Once you adjusted your seat and took a deep breath, he looked at you carefully before he spoke.
“If you wish to visit her family, I can cover for you,” Jay said, looking at the road ahead.
“It’s all the way in Busan,” you replied, already sounding so defeated.
“I’ll book you a flight.” Jay squeezed your hand before letting go. “We’re here. I’ll ask Hwiyoung to sit in for the meeting while I handle the rest of it.”
“I’ll be on standby, Miss,” Mr. Lee chimed in, smiling at you through the rearview mirror.
You sat still in your seat as Jay grabbed his bag and opened the door. Mr. Lee even turned around slightly to look at you both.
“I got this, Y/N.” Jay leaned into you and kissed your cheek. “Mr. Lee, if you don’t mind would you kindly drive her back home so she can pack? I’ll text you the details of the flight later.”
Mr. Lee nodded and waited for Jay to close the door. He then rolled down the window for you and Jay bent over to look at you. You had tears welling up in your eyes and you could only mouth ‘thank you’ to him. He smiled at you and blew you a kiss before standing up straight and turning around.
The day went by in a flash. You arrived just in time for your friend’s funeral, and you were glad that you chose to wear all black when you were getting dressed earlier in the morning. After giving your condolences to the family, you had to stick around for a meal and ended up meeting other friends that you met back in college. The brief catch-up was quite pleasant, but you left with a heavy heart.
Jay decided to pick you up from the airport himself, since you insisted on flying back the same night instead of the next morning. You did not have to wait long until your car pulled up, and when you hopped in, Jay leaned over to place a soft kiss on your cheek. He let you both sit in silence, knowing that it wasn’t the right time to be asking you a bunch of questions. At almost every red light, when Jay’s hand was idle, you intertwined your fingers with his and he gave you a reassuring squeeze before the light turned green again.
When you arrived home, Jay quietly took your bag and your jacket and waited for you to walk ahead of him towards the house. He began tidying up a little as he let you unwind and do your own thing, and he turned on the jazz instrumental playlist that you had displayed on the TV. You checked on him once in a while as you took your make up off and undressed to get into the shower, and you saw him cozied up on the sofa with a book. You had no idea that the respectful silence he gave you would make you feel comforted and guilty at the same time.
You still had a towel wrapped around your head as you walked towards him in your new silk pajama set. He looked up from his book, and before he could say anything, you spoke first.
“Namjoon was there.”
You noticed the subtle shift of emotion in his eyes before he straightened his position and made room for you to sit.
“My friend,” you began, “may she rest in peace, was the one who introduced me to him, so it would be weird if he wasn’t there.”
Jay looked at you and found you staring blankly at the coffee table in front of you.
“Everyone else was there too. Some I haven’t seen in years, and they thought that Namjoon and I were still a thing.”
You could hear rustling beside you and you noticed that Jay was quietly putting his book away.
“We talked a lot, all of us. And just the two of us too. It was nothing important…”
You began to realize that Jay had been quiet for longer than usual, and it had never happened before, so you stopped mid-sentence.
“Please say something,” you whispered, almost to yourself.
Without a word, Jay moved closer to you and pulled you into his embrace. You cried, staining his shirt with your tears, and as you were shaking in his arms, he tried his best to console you with his warmth. He rubbed his hands along your arms and your back while he repeatedly whispered ‘it’s okay’ into your ear.
“You’ve had a long day,” he finally said, pulling away from you. “You need to get some rest.”
“You’re not mad?” You asked, eyes still teary yet beaming at him.
“Why would I be?” Jay replied, wiping his thumb along your cheek. “Go to bed, I’ll be with you in a minute.”
You nodded and let Jay help you stand up before you turned and headed towards the bedroom. After getting rid of your towel and sliding underneath the blanket, you realized that Jay was probably going to take some time to wash up, so you decided to go on your phone and backtrack the chats and interactions that you had with your friend.
First, you went to your phone’s gallery, but you could barely find any pictures of the two of you, so you went to your cloud storage to dig for pictures dating back to more than a decade ago. You found screenshots of your chats with her, and you made yourself laugh as you reread the chaotic conversations you used to have. Your weak smile was instantly replaced with faint sobs as you let the thought sink in—that you were never going to have a chat with your friend again.
You almost jumped from the bed when you felt Jay’s arms sneak around your waist. With one hand, he gently took your phone away from you, setting it on the end table. He then pulled you into his arms, caging you completely. You could not muster a word out of your mouth, so you brought one of his hands to your lips and kissed it, leaving a tear-stained mark on the back of his hand.
You woke up to complete silence. The sun was already shining brightly, and you did not have to squint since the curtains in your bedroom were left closed. It took you a couple of seconds to register the faint noise in the background, seemingly coming from the kitchen. As you turned to look at Jay’s side of the bed, you found it empty, and you saw a note sitting on top of his pillow.
“Be ready for breakfast once you wake up,” it said.
Smiling to yourself, you shoved your blanket away and went straight to the bathroom to wash up. All you did was brush your teeth and wash your face and put on the quick version of your morning skincare routine. You changed into a new crop tee but left your pajama pants on, thinking that you look pretty enough from your torso and up.
Your slippers made a muffled sound and as you reached the kitchen, Jay turned around to face you. He gave you a big smile before plating the pancakes he just made on a plate for the both of you. You chuckled when you saw your plate with perfectly stacked pancakes and garnish that was obviously carefully put, while Jay’s plate had three stacks of pancakes that almost looked like the leaning tower of Pisa with the fruits haphazardly spread around the edges.
“Perfect timing,” Jay said, wiping his hands with a tea towel before taking his apron off. “Good morning, my love.”
You walked towards the counter but completely ignored the breakfast. Instead, you took a couple more steps to reach your husband and threw yourself into his arms.
“It’s always a good morning if I wake up to the sound of you,” you murmured, lips touching his neck. You could hear him chuckle softly.
“I’ve trained myself to be only slightly noisy if I wake up before you,” Jay replied. “Now let’s dig in.”
You shook your head, bumping it with his shoulder. Jay had to take a step back to look at you with furrowed eyebrows.
“Have I told you lately that I love you?” You asked, tilting your head.
Jay smiled before pecking your lips. “Even if you don’t tell me, I already know.”
You hummed as you let him pepper soft kisses all over your face. “So can I still show you even if I don’t tell you?”
Now it was Jay who was tilting his head. “What do you mean?”
You sighed and shook your head gently. Then you placed a hand to cup Jay’s face and kissed him on the chin. “Take the hint, Jay.”
“Uhm,” Jay gulped. His eyes fluttered shut as he felt your lips trailing wet kisses along his jawline. “Okay.”
You both laughed at his awkward response but then Jay quickly silenced you with his lips. The way he kissed you with force made you arch your back, almost losing balance, but his arm was firmly wrapped around your waist. With every aggressive kiss that landed on your face, he took a step forward until he cornered you to the counter.
“Thank God our kitchen is huge,” Jay whispered, picking you up by your waist and making you sit on the counter.
You giggled and nodded, resting your arms on his shoulders. He stood between your legs and stared at you for a while, eventually making you blush and look away.
“My gorgeous, gorgeous wife,” he said, cupping your face and turning your head to face him again. “How did I get so lucky?”
“I could ask myself the same thing,” you replied. You did not blink as you grazed your lips along his.
When Jay latched his mouth onto yours, your hands immediately slid down his biceps and made their way to his abs, lingering for a second before you slipped one hand into his pants. He gasped slightly against your lips as he felt your fingers wrap around his hardened length.
“Good morning to you, Sir.”
Jay almost snorted at your remark, but he quickly set the mood again by resting the palms of his hands on your ass and squeezing them. You yelped at the gesture and buried your face in his neck to laugh wholeheartedly. Jay managed to find his way back to your lips, kissing you endlessly, passionately, like you were the only thing he needed to breathe in.
Everything else went by so fast but so slow at the same time, you felt. In mere seconds, Jay got rid of his pants and yours too, and the next thing you remember was him thrusting into you at a frustratingly slow pace. You wanted him to go fast, but you also wanted to savor every moment. You wanted him to go hard, but you also wanted to feel every part of your skin light up whenever he touched you, or whenever he twitched inside of you.
Jay kept the slow pace as he rested his forehead against yours. He was breathing through his mouth, and you could feel the air around you turn into his scent. His sweat trickled down his face, and you caressed his cheek and rested your hand there, closing your eyes while you bask in the feeling of being completely enveloped in his warmth.
Your moans were repetitive in his ear, but there was no sound that he wanted to hear more. The way you grabbed on his shirt and bunched the fabric in your fist just made him want to thrust into you more, to be deep inside you even more. He placed a hand on the small of your back, gently pushing you more towards him, and you wrapped your legs around his waist and latched your feet together, locking him in.
“Jay,” you whimpered, slowly losing your breath.
“I got you, baby,” Jay replied, kissing the back of your ear.
You wrapped your arms around his shoulders and felt him rut his hips into yours, and seconds later you felt the warmth of his cum coat your insides. Jay tilted his head to kiss your neck and suck your soft skin a little more intensely, sending you to your own high too.
You both stayed in the same position, panting almost in unison. When you felt him starting to pull away, you placed a hand on his back.
“Stay,” you whispered. “For a bit.”
Jay adjusted his position and placed his palms on the counter, lifting his head to look at you. His smile looked tired, so you gently caressed his face and brushed his hair back.
“Jay,” you began speaking in the softest voice you could muster. You saw his eyes lock with yours. “I need you to know that I’m yours. Heart, body, mind, and soul.”
Your statement was merely met with a blink of his eyes, so you decided to elaborate.
“I know I might not say it as much as you do, but I truly love you. And I might not show it in the same way as you do, and I don’t know why, but I try to, and…”
Your sentence was put to a halt because of your sealed lips. Jay pulled back from your lips with a smack.
“I know,” he said. “Believe me, I do. So don’t you worry.”
You had to fight back tears from streaming down your face again, so you pulled him into another hug. He took in your scent and breathed against your shoulder.
“I’m yours too,” he mumbled. “Completely.”
The next months, you swore, went by in the blink of an eye. The last quarter of the year was always the busiest period for almost any company, and it included yours. You were having back-to-back meetings, flights to cities you had never been before, and you also had to supervise a new group of interns that your staff had hired.
Jay was surely the most valuable person through it all. He always made sure you were taken care of, both at the office and at home. He also kept a close monitor of his own health, claiming that he could not take care of you if he was not in his best condition. He would forget small things occasionally, but you never gave him hell for it.
You found yourself more accommodating as well, saying yes to almost everything he suggests related to your best interest. You had been having fewer arguments, but more comfortable silences. All in all, the hustle and bustle of your daily lives somehow made your relationship even better.
Until that one fateful day, where you had to attend an important meeting that clashed with another scheduled meeting in your office. After a slight panic in rearranging things, you decided to delegate Jay to the meeting outside so you can handle the one in your building. Luckily, Yeji was right by your side to take over Jay’s usual position.
You were feeling off from the minute you woke up, but you tried your best to hide it because it was an important day. Jay had even more things to worry about too, so he wasn’t exactly as attentive as other days. In fact, you managed to breathe a sigh of relief the moment he told you he was leaving for the meeting.
The sharp stabbing feeling on top of your left eye did not wear off as you tried your best to focus on the presentation. Yeji glanced at you whenever you brought a hand to touch your forehead, and eventually you did it so many times that she just had to ask.
“Are you alright, Miss?” She leaned into you, trying to keep her voice low.
You nodded gently. “I think I need to use the restroom.”
The large meeting room was on the floor above your office, so it would take too long if you used your private bathroom. You turned your heels towards the women’s restroom, gently letting the door go and close behind you.
It took a while for Yeji to notice that you were taking a bit too long. She only noticed after the other attendees started getting restless because they expected to hear direct feedback from you. Yeji then quickly stood up and excused herself to go fetch you from the bathroom.
“Miss?” She called, pushing the door open.
You had your head down facing the sink, and your hands were grasping the edge of the counter so hard that your knuckles were turning white.
“Miss?” Yeji started to sound worried. “Miss, are you—”
Your hand slipped and you almost hit your head on the floor as you slowly slumped, but you could hear Yeji’s breath hitch as she desperately tried to reach you before you could hurt yourself.
You were losing your vision, but you felt your head resting on Yeji’s lap. You heard Yeji saying that your lips were so pale and your hands were cold as ice. In the midst of her panic, and feeling her body rustle under you as she reached for her phone in her pocket, you could feel your consciousness slipping away.
“Park, please,” Yeji said into the phone, almost breaking into a sob. “She’s about to faint.”
You could hear Jay’s faint sound through the phone, asking about your location, and the next thing you knew everything was black for a short moment. When you opened your eyes again, Yeji’s lap was replaced by Jay’s, and before you could register anything else, you threw up all over his chest.
“It’s okay,” Jay muttered despite being worried sick himself. “I’m here, just let it out.”
You blinked several times and saw Yeji holding her phone and furiously typing on it as she stood by the entrance, also holding the restroom door open with her body. You looked up at Jay and you had never seen the type of expression he was wearing on his face.
He brought up one hand to your face to wipe the vomit off your chin, but he was clearly trembling. “Yeji,” he said before clearing his throat. “Medic?”
“On their way,” Yeji replied in an instant. “Should I—”
“I’ll carry her down,” Jay said, carelessly wiping his shirt with a paper towel that Yeji gave him.
“I’ll come with you,” she said after she was done typing on her phone.
Jay was now rushing, seeing that you had closed your eyes again. “Stay back and notify the people at the meeting,” he said, grunting as he picked you up in his arms. “In both meetings, actually. I had to leave mine too. I’ll meet you in the hospital.”
Yeji nodded and held the door open as wide as possible to let Jay pass with you in his arms.
The consistent sound of the repetitive beep on your left was what made you wake up. You blinked and looked to your side, only to find Yeji’s eyes widening as she slowly stood up.
“Miss,” she said softly. “Stay here, I’ll go get a doctor and find Park, okay?”
You gave her a faint smile and then chuckled to yourself. It wasn’t like you could move anyway. You had an IV drip inserted into your hand and your body still felt heavy. You stared at the ceiling for a while and then noticed that the walls were painted a nice shade of ivory, and a moment later you heard the sound of footsteps rushing towards the door.
Jay entered first, locking eyes with you instantly as he made his way to your side. He took your free hand and made you cup his face. He still looked worried, and you couldn’t tell if the sparkle in his eyes were tears that he was holding back or the reflection of the lights.
You were so focused on Jay that you didn’t notice the doctor speaking to Yeji on the other side of the bed. Their muffled voices slowly became clearer to you, and you were able to make out the last part of her sentence.
“…at least until the baby comes,” you heard her say, clutching the stethoscope around her neck.
You turned to look at Yeji’s direction and you felt Jay’s hand squeeze yours gently. “What?” You asked, the only word you managed to let out.
Yeji covered her wide smile with both her hands and looked at both you and Jay. There was a brief exchange of glances before Yeji and the doctor excused themselves, leaving you and Jay alone.
“You knew?” You asked Jay, watching him get comfortable as he leaned on the bed closer to you.
“I did have a short conversation with the doctor before you woke up. Before that, I didn’t. I’m sorry I didn’t notice the signs, my love.”
Your eyebrows began to furrow, and the grip you had on Jay’s hand began to loosen. Jay quickly reached for your hand with both of his, stroking the back of your hand with his thumb.
“It’ll be okay,” Jay said. “We’ve got this.”
“It’s not what we planned,” you croaked. You could already feel the tears welling up again. In all honesty, you were not sure how to feel.
“We can adapt,” Jay replied. “It’s what we do best.”
You watched as Jay lifted your hand and gently brought it to his lips, kissing your hand and lingering for a while as he closed his eyes. You felt his breath on your skin, the warmth of his hands, and as he opened his eyes you knew he was happy, and that was why his eyes sparkled.
Trying your best, you reached out both arms towards him and he immediately scooted closer, helping you sit up to properly embrace you. You sobbed softly as you rested your head on his shoulder, and he calmly rubbed your back and your sides as he showered you with words of affirmation.
Once he was certain you had calmed down, he pulled away and kept his hands on your shoulders.
“Alright, love?” He asked, bringing his hand to your chin to tilt it up.
“Your shirt smells like vomit,” you replied weakly before turning your frown into a smile.
Jay chuckled silently and moved closer to leave a kiss on your forehead, and in that instant, you felt a thousand times better.
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© forjongseong 2024, all rights reserved
SECRETARY!JAY will return…
181 notes · View notes
absurdthirst · 11 months
Crashing the Party {Dieter Bravo x Plus Sized!F!Reader}
Rating: Explicit
Word Count: 13.2k
Warnings: Drug/alcohol use, dubious consent due to intoxication, flirting, Dieter being a menace, face sitting, begging, oral sex (male and female receiving), anal fingering, snorting coke off tits, apply coke to sex organs with sex organs, debauchery, vaginal sex, unprotected sex, hangovers, hurt feelings, drunken behavior, name calling, Dieter doesn't take advantage, hungover sex, make up sex
Comments: Deciding to crash your boss's party, you find that he doesn't recognize you in your sexy nurses costume. Leading you to a night you never expected to have, in your boss's bed.
Co-written with @storiesofthefandomlovers
**Follow @absurdthirst-writes and turn on notifications to stay up to date on all new fics.
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Click Keep Reading only if you have read the Rating and Warnings and understand the warnings may not be complete to avoid listing spoilers. As AO3 says 'creator chooses not to use warnings'. You also agree that you're the right age to be consuming anything here.
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“It has to be epic!” Dieter declared when he first told you about his idea to have the biggest and best Halloween party in the Hills. He had his party planner invite everyone he knows and he had his drug dealer drop off every drug known to man. He has spent a fortune on this party, even having you pick up his custom costume - a fortune teller - and you watch the party planner and her team scramble to decorate and finish setting up Dieter’s grand mansion. The security will arrive soon and you will leave thereafter. Not invited - not that you expected an invite from your boss but it would’ve been nice - you decide to head home and gorge on Halloween candy while watching horror movies. “This is fucking awesome!” Dieter cries out when he sees the finished set up before the party officially starts and he grabs the bottle of vodka, ready to get the night started. 
“You know…you should crash his party.” Your roommate tells you as she gets ready for her own party at her boyfriend's house. Her sexy corset makes you fluster as she adjusts her wig. “I got a few costume choices. You could go to the party you helped organize. You can go as a sexy nun…a sexy fairy…or a sexy nurse. There’s wigs too. No one would know it’s you. You should go crash it. Drink his booze.” She urges you, knowing how difficult your boss can be.
Dieter loves throwing parties. People fawn over him and gush about how good the party is. Making him feel useful and wanted. Feelings that he’s been trying to capture and been unable to hold onto over the past few years. His platinum credit card is used to cut a line of coke, giggling as he looks out over the people that are dancing and popping the pills that he has stationed around like candy bowls. A bowl of Molly, a bowl of Ice. There’s even some speedballs that are being passed around. Whatever someone wants, he’s got it here for them. His vodka glass is empty and he frowns dramatically, stumbling to his feet to move to the bar. He can’t do a line of coke without a vodka chaser. 
You manage to get past security, telling them you’re Dieter’s assistant and they saw you earlier so they know you. You get inside without issue and the party is already buzzing. Music playing and groups of people sitting around talking, making out or taking drugs. You step further into the house and see Dieter by the bar, pouring himself a shot. You don’t realize that his eyes have found you but he doesn’t know it’s you. He saunters over to you with a smirk, “well who are you and why aren’t you sitting on my face?” He asks and you wonder if he recognizes you at all. The wig and makeup have transformed you but you don’t think it was enough for Dieter to not know you. 
“Very funny, Bravo.” You scoff and walk past him, determined to have a good time so you locate the bowl of molly and take one. 
Dieter is confused, wondering why this beautiful woman walked past him without even acknowledging that he’s an fucking Oscar winning actor. He will find her again and make sure she knows who he is. Whose party she is attending. It’s kind of distracting, how he had just been ignored. Finding himself abandoning the line of coke to watch the mysterious woman as she pours herself a drink and moves over to the food tables. He hums, watching her hips sway under her costume and he imagines squeezing them as she rides his tongue or his cock, he’s not choosy right now. Hopefully both. Taking another shot of liquid courage, he moves towards the sexy woman and plasters on a cocky smile. “Got meat?” He asks teasingly, right as she is about to put a sausage in her mouth. “It’s good, right? I was told it was the best in L.A. But they hadn’t tried mine.” He jokes, winking at her. 
You stare at him, wondering if he recognizes you at all. You are made up in the sexy nurse costume, wig in place and makeup but you can’t believe your own boss doesn’t recognise your face. Maybe he really doesn’t give a shit about you. You pop the sausage into your mouth, chewing slowly as he stares at you, his eyes dipping down to your mouth. “I’d say this one is pretty damn hard to beat.” You smirk, reaching over the table to pick up some candy, chewing on it as he stands there watching you. 
“So…who are you here with?” He asks, leaning a little closer. 
“No one.” You hum, “heard there was a Sherman Oaks party and I couldn’t miss it.”
“Really?” His brows lift in surprise and he leans in even more. “Do you know who owns this house? Who’s throwing the party?” He asks, not bothering to wait for an answer. “Me. It’s my party, my house.” He smirks. “So….” He tilts his head towards the bar. “Let me buy you a drink and we can discuss how you’re going to ride my cock later on. I’m thinking slow and sensual, really taking your time. But I’m also open to being ridden hard and put up wet. Your call.” 
You nearly choke as your boss asks you to ride his cock. He really doesn’t know who you are because he never wanted you, never saw you as a person, let alone a woman in all your interactions working for him. “I’ll take the drink…and I’ll hold off on the cock.” You chuckle, enjoying seeing him not get what he wants all the damn time.
He pouts immediately but then shrugs it off and decides that he will convince you later on to fuck him. “Pick your poison.” He tells you, grabbing another one of those sausages for you before he guides you over to the bar. “I’ve got practically every liquor you could want. Or any pills.” He chuckles. “Here.” He hands this gorgeous creature the sausage before hopping behind the bar to grin at you. “What will it be?” 
You stare at him as he treats you like a conquest, something that you’ve never had directed at you but you’ve witnessed countless times as he tried to woo any man or woman that caught his eye. “Vodka and cranberry.” You tell him before popping the sausage into your mouth and you can’t resist teasing him but moaning as you chew. It’s gonna be fun to run Dieter ragged trying to seduce you.
His cock twitches at the sound of that sexy little moan and he swears he’s heard your voice before but he can’t place it. Critical thinking while high is never the best thing for him, and he’s popped a few pills before he hadn’t done that line of coke. “Vodka cranberry coming up.” He winks and grabs the bottle of Grey Goose. “Very easy drink.” he pauses as he pours the glass half full of vodka. “You want sprite in it too?”
Your eyes widen at the measure and you know you need to sip that to avoid embarrassing yourself by getting wasted. You nod so he puts the tiniest pour of sprite into the cup. “Thanks.” You thank him, fingers brushing his as you take the red solo cup. You take a sip, wincing at the strength of the vodka and you’re grateful it’s a higher end liquor. Only the best for Dieter Bravo. “You got any molly?” You ask, wanting to get a little high to enjoy the party - might as well since Dieter won’t surface until late afternoon tomorrow if this party goes until dawn. Dieter grins, grabbing the bowl of pills and you hesitate, knowing you shouldn’t get high but damn it, he does it all the time. You pick out a pill, popping it into your mouth and you stare at Dieter as he watches you like you’re the best thing since sliced bread.
He wonders why someone like you has escaped him, you must live nearby. “So, have you been to many Hollywood parties, baby?” He asks, wrapping his arm around you and guiding you towards one of the empty couches. Restraining himself from sliding his hand down to squeeze your generous ass. “What’s your name, by the way?” 
You snort, knowing he’s just drunk and high and you can feel your high creeping over you. “My name…is not necessary unless you want to call me Nurse.” You tease, “and I’m too busy to go to these parties. I got work to do.” You say, sipping your drink as you sit down on the sofa and he practically curls around you. You know he’s drunk and high otherwise he wouldn’t be interested in someone like you.
“Nurse.” He hums, leaning in and dragging his nose along your shoulder. “Are you a naughty nurse?” He asks, grinning at the idea. “I like naughty nurses. And you are a sexy, naughty nurse.” His fingers run along your arm. “How’s your drink, baby?” 
You roll your eyes playfully as he crowds you and it’s overwhelming to be on the receiving end of his flirtations. “Strong.” You answer his question and he smirks, “stiff.” He adds and you giggle, feeling the drug relax you. “You are?” You tease and he groans, leaning in to brush his lips against your ear. 
“I am.” He promises and you know you should tell him who you are to him but you’re enjoying feeling wanted. 
“You really like nurses, huh?”
“I like this nurse.” He promises, drawing a little heart symbol on your arm before he places his hand on your knee. “You smell good too, what are you wearing?” He swears he’s smelled it before, it’s almost comforting. “That perfume?” 
"It's, uh, Carolina Herrera. Good Girl. My mom gave it to me for my birthday." You explain, even though Dieter forgot your birthday...or maybe he didn't even know about it at all. 
"Are you a good girl?" He asks teasingly and you smirk, wanting to mess with him a little more. 
"Sometimes." You whisper, leaning a little closer. Dieter smirks, his hand sliding a little higher up your thigh and you are surprised his attention is on you when he has a plethora of models and actresses in his home. "Can you tell me my future?" You ask him, reaching up to touch his headscarf.
“You want your future told?” He hums, squeezing your ample thigh and groaning when his cock twitches again at your softness. “I see that you are going to go to bed with an Oscar winner.” He predicts with a chuckle. “Who makes you cum with his skilled tongue and big dick.” Leaning in, he bites your jaw playfully. “Licking coke off your tits and sucking Molly off your clit.”
You gasp in arousal at his words, imagining just that. You know he's gifted orally - both professionally and personally from experience and sexually from accounts you've heard from his partners. To have his attention on you has you practically vibrating and you place your hand over his on your thigh and you think he thinks you're pushing him away but you guide it higher. "Is there an Oscar winner nearby?" You play dumb, wanting to rile him up a little.
Dieter growls, both confused that you don’t know who he is and loving that fact. No expectations. No demands. His fingers turn when he twists his wrist and he dives under the stretched out skirt to press against your clit through what feels like lace panties. “You’re in luck, baby. I’m an Oscar winner. And I love coke and Molly.” He smirks, starting to rub a small circle on your clit. “Question is…do you want to have sex with me?” The drugs have taken full effect and he’s hornier than normal. You’re fucking voluptuous and thick, making his mouth water and his cock throb. You remind him of someone he wants, but can’t have.
You swallow, your mouth suddenly dry as he rubs you just right on the first move and you swear you could cum for him right then and there. You know it’s the booze and the drugs that makes him want you and the same for you. You have this one night to be with your boss and you won’t deny yourself when he clearly wants you. Tomorrow, you’ll likely kick yourself but he doesn’t know who you are and he never will. You lean in, placing your hand on his upper thigh. “I want to have sex with you. Are you…are you going to leave your party or wait until we are all alone. I gotta warn you…I’m a screamer.” You smirk, leaning in to bite down on his ear lobe with that stupid earring like you've always wanted to.
“Ohhhhh fuck.” Dieter moans. “The party….fuck, it can go on without us.” He pants, loving how eager you are. “We can have our own party. One where you sit on my face and I’ll dip my cock in coke for you to suck off.”
You moan, eager to see how he is in bed. The Molly has you relaxed and you nod, “let’s go, baby.” You order, knowing that at least for tonight, you have Dieter Bravo. He stands up and grabs your hand, scooping up a baggie of coke and a baggie of pills as he pulls you along to his suite. You giggle, the music blaring as people party and the music is muffled as Dieter shuts the door when you’re inside his bedroom.
“Fuck, you’re sexy.” He groans, turning towards you and pulling off the hat of his costume. “Are you wearing lace under there? I thought I felt lace. Who cares? You’re gonna be wearing my face. Or maybe my face will be wearing you? I don’t care, but I want to lick your pussy.”
You smirk, “you wanna find out?” You ask, working on the flimsy buttons of the dress and Dieter stands there, almost hypnotized as he watches you strip off the cheap costume, exposing the lace you are wearing underneath. You know he’s clean, having organized his health checks for filming, so you are comfortable with him touching you. Even though the drug haze, you consider him to be comfortable.
“Fuck.” Dieter groans, eyeing your breasts and your curves. Licking his lips and imaging all the fucking places he could snort or lick drugs off you. “Okay. Yeah. Get undressed.” He quickly yanks his costume shirt over his head and starts to kick off his crocs. “Fuck, you make my dick rock hard, baby.”
You clench around nothing, imagining him naked far too many times to be professional as his assistant but you’ve been curious. “Show me.” You order, slipping out of your heels and he nods, shoving his baggy pants down his legs to display the bulge in his briefs - a rare clothing item he wears but needed for the party. You are glad he likes what he sees and you reach behind you to unclasp your bra, letting him see your tits for the first time.
“Goddamn.” Dieter groans, twitching again at the sight of your breasts, nipples hard and begging for his lips wrapped around them. “I can’t wait to suck on those while you bounce on my cock.” He palms himself and then hooks his fingers into his briefs to strip them down, letting his cock spring free and start to curl up as he kicks them off. He reaches for the pills and pops one in his mouth to swallow and then smirks. “Come here, sexy. Wanna make you feel good.”
Your eyes widen at the sight of his cock. You've seen him naked before. Unavoidable when you are trying to wake him up for an early call time and he sleeps naked, but you have never seen him hard. Not like this. Your mouth drops and he chuckles, gesturing for you to come over to him and you do, "fuck Dieter. I didn't - you're so thick." You reach down to take him into your hand.
Dieter’s grin quickly slides into a moan. “You- fuck, that had is so soft around me.” He pants, moaning again when you squeeze him as if to prove him wrong. His hands reach up to cup your tits and he swipes his thumbs over your nipples.
You moan as he pinches your nipples and he surges forward to press his lips to yours. Your tongue slides against his and you squeeze his cock a little harder as his hands fondle your tits.
He’s never had someone that is so unabashedly sexy and isn’t even trying. You are naturally sexy and he slides his hands down to squeeze your hips. “Fuck baby, get on my face.” He pants, excited to taste you.
You pull back, biting your lip, “are you sure? I- I’m not light.” You feel the self consciousness creep in as Dieter asks you to sit on his face. Even the booze and the drugs can’t stop it. “You want me to suck your cock?” You offer, wanting him to be distracted by another option.
Dieter grunts, shaking his head. “Only if you suck my cock while those thick thighs frame my head.” He grins, reaching one hand down and slapping a thigh.
You nod, knowing that Dieter doesn’t do what he doesn’t want to do. You let go of his cock and he pulls you over to the bed, laying down and patting his cheeks. “Take a seat, baby girl.” He orders and you hesitate as you kneel on the bed but he doesn’t give you a chance to say no as he tugs you over to straddle his face. It’s a little awkward as you hover over him until his tongue darts out to flick your clit and you moan.
​​He moans at the first taste of your cunt. Immediately falling in love with the musky, tangy taste, he pulls you down onto his lips firmly and groans into you as he starts to eat you out. Dieter might be selfish in a lot of ways, but he wants to give you pleasure, make you shake above him and his cock spurts some pre-cum from how excited he is.
You see his cock leaking and you can’t resist bending over to take him into your hand and within seconds, into your mouth. You moan around him, unable to believe how thick he is as he twitches inside your mouth. His tongue slides into your cunt and you relax, letting your weight drop more onto his face.
He groans like you are giving him the best gift when you shift onto him more. Enjoying the weight of you, the feeling of being smothered by you. His hands hold onto your hips, licking desperately into your wet little hole and wishing he could see how fucking sexy this looks. Your mouth around his cock feels amazing, like you are sucking his soul out, making him gasp into your folds.
You grip the base of his cock, pumping what doesn’t fit into your mouth and you moan when he sucks on your clit. His fingers are digging into your hips and you know you could smother him but he seems to be enjoying it.
He rocks his hips up, pulling your own back onto him more as you pull off his cock. Groaning at how sexy this is. Your split slides down into the hair at the base of his cock and he curls his tongue and pushes deeper before pulling it out, starting to fuck you with it and burying it as deep as he can, his nose pressed against your puckered hole.
You rest your cheek on his thigh after letting his cock drop from your mouth and you moan his name, “fuck. You - you’re so good.” You pant, his mouth working you up as his nose presses into your flesh. “You’re gonna make me cum.” You tell him breathlessly, your fingers wrapping around his cock and you take him back into your mouth, moaning around him again and again until he sends you over the edge. His cock falling from your mouth again as you cum, your cry echoing off of the walls of his bedroom.
Groaning happily, Dieter lets your arousal coat his face, smothering himself in your juices and he wonders if it's been a long time since you've cum or if you always cum that much. The frantic tongue fucking turns to languid, indulgent licks until you pull away from his mouth and make him whine at the loss of his new favorite treat.
You lift your hips off of his face and he whines in protest. “Baby. Baby. Baby.” You whimper, shifting off of him and you move to lay down beside him, reaching for him to cup his cheek so you can press your lips to see, tasting yourself on his tongue. “God, I see why they say your tongue is magic now.” You confess, reaching down to take his cock in your hand again.
"You need to see on my cock and see why they call it magical." He whines, rocking his hips up into your grip. "Fuck me, my pretty nurse. Or let me fuck you, I just know I'm gonna die if I don't slide into that perfect pussy."
“Fuck. I- you wanna - you wanna fuck me from behind?” You ask him, curious how he wants you and you don’t want to ride him, knowing he’d see you in an unflattering angle. “Then you can do coke off of my tits.” You offer, the drugs making you chattier than you’d normally be during sex.
"Fuck, you're perfect." He groans, reaching up and grabbing the back of your neck to drag you to him for another kiss. "Get to watch my dick plow into your pussy and making your ass jiggled and I get to snort coke off your tits? You're the fucking best."
You kiss for a few moments before he’s pulling back to tell you to get onto your knees. You obey, shifting onto your hands and knees, ass jiggling as you wiggle your hips while he kneels behind you. “Fuck me. I- I have an IUD. You can cum inside me if you want. Or use a condom. I don’t care. Just fuck me.”
Dieter giggles, slapping your ass before he caresses it. "You want my cock, baby?" He coos as he wraps his hand around his cock and pumps it as he shuffles up to press the head against your entrance.
You grind back against him, trying to push him inside but he teases you, making you hiss in frustration. You whimper and he takes pity, pushing deep inside of you in one thrust and you cry out loud enough for anyone passing in the hall to hear you. “Fuck!” You shriek, loving how it feels as he pushes deep and your ass jiggles as he smacks it.
"Oh fuck, you naughty, naughty, nurse." He groans out, grinding his hips and throbbing inside you. His hands caress your ass as he waits for you to adjust to him. He knows he's thick, that it can be a lot, so he just strokes from your tits down to your thighs.
Your head hangs between your shoulders as he lets you adjust to him and fuck, he’s thick. It’s enough to make you want to tap out but you ain’t a quitter. You take a deep breath and relax, giving yourself a moment until the burn fades. “You can move.” You tell him, looking over your shoulder.
"Fuck, baby." Dieter grits his teeth and digs his fingers into your ample flesh. Loving how he can be rougher with you and it doesn't feel like he's grinding against your bones. "I'm going to enjoy this so much. Touch yourself. Rub your pretty clit while I fuck you."
"Okay. Okay." You can't disobey him, reaching down to rub your clit, and your walls flutter around his cock as he starts to move inside of you. "So good." You choke, feeling more than anything you've felt in years.
Starting to rock into you, Dieter loves how your cunt flutters around him. "Oh fuck baby, best cunt I've ever been inside." He grunts, eyes rolling back before looking down at the way your ass shakes and you take his cock. "Jesus, you feel so good."
"You - you're just pussy drunk." You snort playfully as he rocks into you and you moan his name as he punches deep enough to hit your cervix. 
"Drunk on the best pussy I've ever had." He pants and you chuckle breathlessly, "bet you say that to all the nurses."
He groans, thrusting into you harder as he feels like his entire body is on fire. Leaning over you, he cups your tits and bites your shoulder as he fills you again and again. "Tight and warm." He groans. "So fuckin' wet, baby. This pussy is so fuckin' wet. So good."
"And - and you're so thick. God, is it the drugs or does this - this is the best sex I've ever had and I haven't even cum yet." You confess, rocking back onto him and he pinches your nipples.
"The best sex you've ever had." Dieter grunts, huffing out an amused laugh that you would think of anything else. "Because it's sex with me. God, you're so goddamn pretty. I could fuck you all the time."
"Do it. Fu- fuck me every day." You moan, rubbing your clit a little harder. You always thought your boss got laid and had people fawning over him because he was an Oscar winning actor but it turns out it's because he's a fucking sex god.
"Fuck." He groans at the thought of it. "Get you other nurse outfits, have you wear them all the time and sit on my cock. Let me finger you. Tongue fuck you. Have you suck my cock."
“Yessss.” You hiss, rocking back onto him as you get closer to your orgasm. “I can - I can be your - your sex doll. Wanna - wanna just have you fuck me all day. Have you lick my clit all day making me cum over and over until - until I let you fuck me. You’d have to be a good boy.” You ramble, lost in the pleasure as you imagined dominating Dieter a little.
His cock twitches deep inside you, moaning at the thought of that. "I'll be a good boy." He promises. "Fuck, no one wants to take care of me. It's always getting fucked by the movie star. No one just wants to take charge and fuck me."
You moan, wanting to take charge of him, to have him putty in your hands. “I can take charge. Ride you. Keep you from cumming until I’m satisfied.” You tell him, clenching around him to make your point as he pushes deep. “I’d make you beg me to cum.” You promise him, “you want me to make you beg now?” You ask breathlessly, wanting to hear him beg you for once after he orders you around all day.
"Fuck yes." He pulls out of you and flops down onto the bed. "Ride me, make me beg, baby." He urges you, eyes wide with desire as he looks over at you. "Please."
You should feel self conscious but the drugs and booze have you feeling confident as you shift to straddle him. Reaching down to grip his cock, you position him at your entrance and slowly start to sink down on him, your eyes meeting his as his gaze flicks between your pussy and your face.
"Oh fuck, oh fuck baby." He whimpers, toes curling and his hands hold onto your hips like a lifeline. "Jesus." his eyes roll back. "You're so gorgeous. You are so sexy, so fucking thick and beautiful."
His words spur you on and you start to rock your hips, grabbing onto the headboard behind him for leverage. “You are gonna make me cum. You can’t cum until I tell you to. Do you understand?” You ask and he nods. You let go of the headboard to grip his chin, making his eyes meet yours, “do you understand? Use your words.”
"Yessss baby." Your eyes are so fucking familiar but he can't help to stare into them. Watching you start to take your pleasure from him. "Anything you want. I'll make you cum, I want to make you cum."
You let go of his chin, gripping the headboard again. You rock your hips, grinding on him and your clit rubs against his pelvis and you pant out. “So close.” You announce and Dieter looks at you in awe, “cum for me baby.” He orders and you rock faster, chest heaving until you shake above him, clamping down on his cock as you cum around him.
He groans, twitching in your walls as you soak him. Loving how you moan and shake for him. Watching every move you make as you cum. He whimpers, wanting to cum, but you had told him that he couldn't cum until you told him that he could.
You come to a stop, thighs shaking and you look at him once you open your eyes. “Don’t cum.” You remind him, staying still on top of him. “I want to cum again.” He whines and you gently slap his cheek, “don’t whine. You’re gonna wait to cum.” You demand, loving the look in his eyes as you take control.
His pupils are blown wide, nearly making his eyes black as he looks up at you. "Yes, n-nurse." He pants out, letting go of your hips to reach up and grab hold of the headboard. Needing it to ground himself so he doesn't cum. "I'll be good. Want you to cum."
You smirk, “such a good boy for me.” You coo, caressing his cheek and you start to move again. You feel powerful and in control, something you’ve never felt when dealing with Dieter. “You’re - you’re so good.” You moan, starting to move a little faster and you bounce in his cock, spurred on by the power over him as he lays beneath you.
“All for you, baby.” He groans, closing his eyes for a moment so he doesn’t blow. Especially because your tits are in his face. “God, you ride my dick so well. It’s - fuck- you’re a dick riding artist.”
You moan, loving the praise, and you rock a little faster, your clit rubbing against his pelvis and you’re getting closer to another orgasm. “Shit. I- It’s - Shit. Shit. Cum with me. Cum for me.” You plead, wanting him to fall over the edge with you.
Dieter shudders, whining and immediately rocking his hips up to thrust up into you. “Yes baby, fuck, yes.” He moans, feeling his toes curling and his body starting to shake as he gets close to cumming. “Gonna cum.” He cries, thrusting up to bury his cock deep in your pussy as he paints your walls with his cum.
You cry out, shaking above him again and you love how it feels to have him fill you up, his cock twitching inside of you. You bounce on him until you come to a stop and his hips thrust up to ride his high as you clamp down on him. “Oh my God.” You pant, collapsing forward to rest on his chest. “Such - so good for me.” You exhale shakily.
“Ohhh that was so good.” He preens under the praise, his arms wrapping around you and he kisses whatever part of you he can reach, “so good. Don’t, fuck- we need another drink, right?” He asks, thirsty after the sex and he knows you have to be.
“Another drink.” You agree and he kisses along your neck as he rolls you onto your side, his softening cock slipping out of you. “You want - I can get your drink.” You slip into old habits as you look at your boss while he relaxes on his expensive sheets.
“That was good.” He shoves his hand behind his head and watches you. Frowning slightly when you seem to know exactly how the bar is laid out.
You work fast to prepare his favorite drink…tequila and soda with a lime and a salted rim. He loves to order it. You set it down on the nightstand and pick up your own vodka and cran, shifting awkwardly after you wiped his cum from between your legs with some cocktail napkins.
“Do you want to go back to the party or have our own party up here for the rest of the night?” Dieter asks, rolling over slightly to grab his drink and grinning lecherously at you. Normally he would be itching to join the party, but not tonight. He’s being greedy, wanting more time with you.
You know you should leave but you’ll only have Dieter for tonight before he passes out and likely forgets you even existed. Especially since he doesn’t recognize you. You sip your drink and smirk, “I thought you were gonna snort coke off of my tits first?”
"Oooooh yeah, that's right." He lights up and sets the tequila down to open the drawer of the nightstand to pull a small baggie out. "Can I? Maybe off your pussy too?" He groans. "The fucking taste of your cum, my cum and coke would be amazing, baby."
You nod, wanting to see this unhinged side of Dieter you’ve heard so much about and the drugs you’ve taken have made you loose and relaxed enough to enjoy yourself. “Whatever you want. I’m yours for tonight.”
"My little cum doll." He trills in delight and then grins, opening the packet and standing up to dip the tip of his cock in the cocaine. "Lay down and spread those gorgeously thick thighs, nurse. I have to apply the medicine to your pussy lips."
You inhale sharply at the way he kneels between your thighs and you spread them, watching as his eyes darken when he sees the remnants of his cum on your folds. "Dieter." You whimper when the head of his cock traces your cunt.
"It's okay, pretty nurse." He teases, knowing that he's switched to be more dominant right now. He goes that frequently. "Dieter’s gonna take care of you.” While he's tracing his coke laced cock through your folds, he uses his other hand to pour a line of the white powder out over your soft tits. "Fuck, you look like a fucking meal."
Your chest heaves as you watch him, almost animalistic in his gaze, and you whimper when he lets go of his cock to grab your tit, lifting it up so he can lean down to snort some coke off of your skin.
Your skin is damp with sweat and it makes him groan at the smell of you and the powder. Snorting up the line quickly, and following it up with his tongue to make sure he gets every spec of the coke off your body before he drags his tongue over to your nipple to start sucking on it hungrily again. You are letting him indulge and he wants to make sure he does everything he can think of to make this fun.
You whimper, running your fingers through his hair as he sucks on your nipple. “That - that feel good, baby?” You ask him, wondering if he feels as good as you do. “Fuck. I- I want you to suck it off my pussy.” You tell him, wanting to feel his tongue again.
“Fuck yes.” Dieter groans, popping off your nipple and immediately diving down below. “Look at that.” He huffs, pulling your lips apart to see his cum gathered in your folds and specks of the Coke mixed with it and your own juices. “Like a perfect, creamy dessert.” He dives in eagerly, burying his tongue into your cunt, headless of his own taste.
“Oh shit!” You gasp as he laps at your cunt, cocaine intermingled with your combined cum and he is ravenous, lapping at you like a man starved. You tangle your fingers in his hair and moan, your thighs pressed against his cheeks.
Dieter moans, continuously lapping at your clit and making sure that he cleans up every flake of the cocaine off your pussy. Addicted to this filth of the action and how much you are enjoying it as well. He groans, sliding his hands up to squeeze your breasts as he tries to drown himself in your cunt.
“Holy shit.” You moan loud and proud as his tongue works magic again. Your hands cover his over your tits and you rock your hips up to meet his mouth. “Fuck baby. Your mouth- so good. Not just for acting.” You tease breathlessly.
He looks up at you and winks, lifting his mouth up off your clit for a split second. "Knew you recognized me." He crows before he descends on your cunt again. Eager to make you cum.
You chuckle, “everyone knows you. I just liked pulling your leg.” You lift your leg onto his shoulder so he can push his tongue deeper inside of your pussy, “fuckkk. That’s - right there.” You pant as he sucks on your clit like it’s a hard candy.
He huffs into your folds, squeezing your tits again and if he's offended, he doesn't show it. Determine to prove that he can make you cum harder than before.
Your thighs shake as he works you up until you are squealing as you cum again. Your thighs threaten to smother him and your walls clamp down around nothing as he makes you cum harder than before. “Oh God.” You pant, your fingers tugging on his hair to keep him there.
He chuckles, lightening up on the pressure of his tongue and he slowly laps on your clit. Enjoying the feeling of your fingers tugging on his hair. He loves when he makes someone feel good so they lavish praises on him.
You try to catch your breath as he laps at your skin, trailing from your belly to your tits. “God. Are you - are you hard?” You ask, reaching down to wrap your fingers around him when you get your answer. “You want to fuck me again? Or me to suck you off?”
Dieter groans, rocking his hips up into your hand. "Fuck baby, I want whatever you want." He starts to babble. "I just want you to touch me. Be with me."
“Let me suck you off.” You order and push on his chest. He lays down and you shuffle down his body, taking his cock into your mouth without hesitation, wanting to taste him. To hear him whine.
"Oh fuck, oh shit baby." Dieter's moans are loud, his eyes clenching tight. "Your mouth is so fucking good. Oh God, holy shit.' He pants out, reaching down to cup your cheek. "You're so good to me."
He’s thick but you won’t quit as you take him deeper, pushing him down your throat and you breathe harshly through your nose as you try to stop gagging. Your eyes meet his and you slide your hand up to fondle his balls.
“Oh fuck, yess.” He moans. “Okay, with my balls, just like that.” He’s falling in love. A filthy girl who loves sex and drugs? Absolutely in love. “You’re perfect, so fucking perfect, baby.”
His praises spur you on and you roll his balls between your fingers until you slide your hand lower to caress the skin between his balls and his ass. His cock twitches inside of you and you move your finger further back, caressing his puckered hole until you gently push your finger inside, his cock still down your throat.
“Oh shiiiiiiiiiit.” Dieter chokes out, surprised by the finger but clamping down around it as you press against his prostate. “Gonna cum!” He whines, the combination of your mouth and fingering his ass has him over the edge quicker than before.
You swallow around him, his cum spurting down your throat and you work him through it, enjoying the wrecked look on his face and the way he sounds like you’ve just swallowed his soul.
“Oh god. Oh fuck. You’re so- I fuckin’ love your mouth.” Dieter pulls you up, wanting to kiss you, snuggle into you. “You’re gonna stay, right?” He asks, suddenly exhausted from the sex.
You nod, the high fading along with the pleasure and you shift to lay down on his pillows after gently withdrawing from his body. His arms wrap around you and you can’t resist curling into his chest, kissing the space above his heart. “I’ll stay.”
Dieter always wakes up slowly. Especially after a night of partying. He snorts, coughing and starts to peel his eyes open. Wrapped around a pillow, he turns over and expects to see the goddess that had graced his bed, changed his fucking world last night. Frowning when he sees empty, rumpled sheets. “Nurse?” He calls out, sitting up and looking towards the bathroom. It’s crazy he didn’t get a name, but he’s going to change that this morning. “Baby? Are you taking a piss?”
You freak out when you get home, not even bothering to shower at Dieter’s and you can’t believe you slept with your boss. Your head aches from the hangover and you just want to get in the shower and pass out for a few hours. Thankfully, Dieter likely won’t surface until noon so you have some time before you have to be at his house with his post party McDonald’s that he always denies. You get in the shower, washing him off you and you pray he doesn’t recognize you in the light of day.
Walking through the house reveals plenty of people who passed out, a lamp that’s been destroyed, but no nurse. He’s upset, confused as to why she didn’t stay when she promised she would and trudges back upstairs to climb back in the bed again. Depressed that the woman who had made him feel amazing had just left without a word. He knows how Cinderella's prince feels now.
You make your way over to Dieter’s to find the normal clean up crew sorting out his home and you carry his McDonalds meal through the house to see what he is up to. You find him sitting in bed with his glasses on, looking through his notebook. “How are you feeling, boss?” You ask him, wondering if he will realize it’s you and praying he doesn’t. Dieter might’ve wanted you last night but you know he’d hate to find out it’s you in the cold light of day.
“Do you have a list of all the guests invited?” Dieter asks you, frowning as he looks up at you. He almost asks if you had come, but then he realizes that would be ridiculous, you hate spending time with him unless it’s to do your job. “No, she said she was party crashing.” He sighs. “Do we have cameras here? I don’t know.” It’s crazy, but he doesn’t know what his security system entails. 
“Who- who are you looking for?” You ask after clearing your throat and you set the food down on the nightstand as he sits there, naked under the sheets most likely with his glasses perched on his nose.
"I met someone." Dieter tells you. "She's perfect and I need to find her, find out why she left this morning and convince her to - to date me." He huffs. "She's my Cinderella and I have wig that's her glass slipper." He reaches over and holds up the wig that she had worn for you to see. "Except I think that's a ‘one size fits all’ kind of thing."
You are shocked he wants to see "you/her" again after you figured he'd move on to his next conquest. The mystery nurse might be the topic of conversation for today but you know Dieter will forget come tomorrow. "Yeah. Those are one size fits all." You confirm, biting your lip as he checks the wig for any clues. "What was so special about this one?"
“She was amazing.” Dieter gushes, sighing and smiling as he remembers the night. “Sexy, bold enough to keep me on my toes.” His cock twitches under the sheets. “Sat on my face and rode my cock like a fucking goddess. I’ve got to find her. Wanted to take her out.”
You are shocked at the lovestruck look on his face but you know he’s just pussy drunk. “Oh, uh, wow. She was that good?” You can’t deny that you’re a little pleased that you’ve gotten Dieter in this state. You snort when he nods rapidly. “Wow. You can’t have a lot of people finger your ass.” You murmur.
"What did you say?" Dieter eyes widen drastically and he lurches forward to grab your hand. "Do you know her? Did she say something? You have to give me her number." The only way you know about that detail is if she told you.
You curse your slip up, letting him squeeze your hand. “I- I don’t know her. I haven’t spoken to anyone. I don’t have her number.” You answer his questions, “besides, I thought you were in love with that model you fucked a couple of weeks ago.”
"I didn't fuck her." Dieter admits, letting go of your hand and shaking his head. 
"Bullshit Dee, I was there when you two were getting out of bed." 
He winces and groans. "I- I was too fucked up. I couldn't- it doesn't matter. I don't give a shit about her. I want the woman from last night." He huffs.
You huff, “doesn’t matter. I’m gonna have to get tested now. Fucking drugs making me forget to be serious and I - i shouldn’t have come to the party last night. Not when you want someone like that model. You want an actress or a model. Someone who can understand your job and who is gorgeous and thin and perfect.”
Dieter frowns, trying to understand and then it hits him. "You?" He gasps out, his jaw dropping. "It was you? Why would you- why didn't you?" He frowns again. "You lied to me." Dieter murmurs. "Why would you lie to me?"
You wince, stepping away from him. “I had to. I- I crashed your party because you didn’t invite me. You’re just- you want your models and your actors here to party with you and I wanted a night off to pretend to be someone else and I ended up being myself with you…just in costume. I’m sorry I lied. I- I’ll hand my resignation in to your manager this afternoon.”
You turn around to start walking out of his bedroom and Dieter jumps out of the bed. Not giving a damn if he's still naked, he rushes forward to stop you. "No! Don't, you can't resign. Please." He begs, grabbing your hand and tugging you to a stop.
You turn to look at him in shock. “I- I don’t understand. You slept with me last night. Me. The woman who gets your coffee. That sees the worst parts of you when you’re high and you still want me here after you fucked me? Are you sure? I- I’m surprised you’re not grossed out.”
"What the fuck are you talking about?" He frowns, angry that someone would say something like that about you. "Who would be grossed out? You're my sexy, naughty nurse? I can't- it's amazing. I've never felt as good as I have with you. Last night was - you let me snort and lick coke off your body. You- you made me cum so fucking hard that I swear I saw stars. Why wouldn't I want you here? I wanted you here when I woke up."
“You say that now but I know you’ll get tired of me. You’ll move on to the next best thing when they come along and I- shit - I know you will get bored of me. I’m the new shiny toy. The shine will wear it off and you’ll fire me.” You sigh, “let’s just skip to the firing part, okay? I misled you. I- I tricked you. You should be mad at me.”
"Why? Why would I get bored of you?" Dieter feels like you are rejecting him and he doesn't like it. "Was it- was it just bragging rights?" He asks quietly. "To say you fucked your boss? A conquest?"
Your eyes widen, “no. No. I- trust me, Dieter. The last thing I expected when I came to the party was to sleep with you. I thought you were messing with me at first when you told me to sit on your face. When you didn’t recognize me…I guess I just wanted to be on the receiving end of your flirting…to feel wanted for once.” You confess softly, avoiding his gaze. “I know I was a one time thing. We had a good time and now…well, my fate is in your hands.”
Dieter frowns, trying to understand why you hadn’t stayed. Why you had run away and left him wondering what the hell he had done wrong. “Why is it a one time thing?” He asks, confused. 
You snort and toss up your hands. “You hit on everyone. Anyone with a pulse. Anyone but me. I know I’m not your type. I’m too- too not a model.” 
Dieter stares at you for a moment before he starts to laugh. “Not my type! You think you’re not my type?” He doubles over laughing and you huff. 
“You’ve never once even looked my way.” You remind him. 
“That’s because Tina threaten to cut my dick off if I hit on you and drove you away!” He tells you, having run off too many assistants before he had found you. “Threatened my dick!”
You chuckle, knowing Tina has been a massive part of controlling him when he threatens to go off the rails. “I must admit I’ve thought about doing that a lot too.” You reveal, “let’s just - just call this what it is. A mistake. You want me now because I’m unattainable but as soon as you take me out and we sleep together a few times, you’ll get bored and move on to the next pretty thing. That’s what you do. I don’t want to risk my job…our working relationship.”
Dieter sighs, knowing he can’t convince you to give him a chance. “That’s not what I want, but okay.” He turns around and walks back to the bed slowly. Wanting to crawl in and just pretend he had never woken up. “Just- I don’t care, I guess I had an amazing dream last night.”
You nod, knowing this is for the best, so you clear your throat. “I’ll - I’ll head home. Your food is getting cold. Text me if you need anything else.” You tell him and shuffle awkwardly when he doesn’t respond so you exit his bedroom and make your way out of his house, tears in your eyes because your boss will never feel the same way you do, even if he doesn’t know how you feel.
Dieter considers getting high. He considers calling up someone to come over and fuck him. Ignoring the food you had left, he wallows in bed, listening to the cleaning service the party planner had hired to clean up today. Wondering why he had not recognized you when it’s so fucking obvious now. Feeling alone and miserable and hating that his hopeful plans had been crushed. You don’t want him and it’s killing him because you should be throwing yourself at him.
You head home, not sure how you even get there as you grip the steering wheel and wonder how he didn’t recognize you. You wish you could turn around, go and see him, but you can’t. He’d just break your heart. When you get home, your roommate is lounging on the sofa and she says she’s heading out tonight too, going to this new bar if you wanna join her. Usually, you’d have to say no in case you need to be sober and on call for Dieter but you decide to say fuck it and tell her you’ll go. You get ready, dressing in a cute dress to try and make yourself feel better and you head out to the bar. “What’s got you down?” Your roommate asks as she leans against her boyfriend and you shake your head, picking up your drink to down it. 
“I don’t wanna talk about it.” You confess and she scoffs, “is it your asshole boss again? Seriously, he’s a fucking jackass. I don’t know why you don’t quit.” She says and you shake your head, needing another drink. 
“You don’t know what it’s like…I- I can’t quit because I - shit. It doesn’t matter.” You huff and stand up to get another drink. You’re set on getting drunk tonight to try and forget all about your boss. You need to forget about him.
Dieter sighs as he flips through the channels. Hating how he has the biggest cable package and there isn’t shit to watch. He is bored and the idea of partying just sours on his stomach, so he’s sitting at home like an asshole, pining over his assistant. His phone buzzes and he almost ignores it, but he looks over and sees that it’s you. Scrambling to answer it. “Hello? Hello? I’m here. Hey.”
You lean against the bar, "you - you bastard." You slur slightly and Dieter pulls back to look at the phone in shock. 
"Excuse me?" He asks and you chuckle. 
"You he-heard me. You fucking bastard. You sexy...funny...talented, asshole. So - so fucking handsome and God, now I know how good you are in bed and I - you bastard." You repeat, the phone pressed against your ear.
“You’re drunk.” He chuckles, realizing that you have apparently had a little too much to drink after leaving here. 
“And? What of it?” You huff. “I’m a -a adult. I can drink if I want to.” 
Dieter grins, enjoying the slightly belligerent attitude and the sass. “Yes you can, and you licked Coke off my dick if I remember right.” He hums, leaning back against the pillows. “Where are you?”
You ramble off the bar name without thinking, lost in your thoughts, and you continue, "yes. Yes I did. And you fucking loved it. I can't - I can't get your face out of my mind. You looked - God, so sexy. Wish I could've taken a photo. Only chance I'm gonna have to see it."
“That’s not true.” Dieter decides he’s going to get you, getting out of the bed and putting pants on. They are sweats, in better condition than his normal outfits. “You saw my face today.” You huff, blowing a raspberry through the phone. “You know what I mean.” That makes Dieter chuckle as he bounds down the stairs and grabs his car keys. “You looked sexy on my face.” He tells you. “Fucking tasted even better.”
You groan, “see? It’s shit like that that has me in this trouble. You can’t - you can’t just say that and not expect people to fall in love with you.” You rub your eye, smudging your mascara. “You - you’re a horny bastard and you will fuck anyone. I’m not special. Just the flavor of the week.”
Dieter knows you won’t believe him if he says that’s not true. He would have to prove it to you. “So you fell in love with me?” He hones in on that line as he speeds down the road towards the bar you named. It’s one he knows pretty damn well and he wonders if you chose it for that reason. “Because I fucked you? Because of the tongue thing?”
“Nooooo.” You whine, “it’s not - I mean, the tongue thing was fucking amazing but no. It’s - it’s you. I see a side of you that no one else sees and you are a good man. You don’t think you are because you think you have to have this fucking persona, but you’re sweet and kind when you want to be. God, you just - you need someone to ground you.” You sigh, leaning against the bar. “And that person- you need someone incredible.”
“I found someone incredible.” In that, Dieter is completely honest. He realized he doesn’t care about how famous his partner is or what drugs they take. He wants someone who makes him feel like you did last night. “Someone I want to be with.” He hopes you realize he’s talking about you. You should. “I’m going to pick her up right now.”
You don’t pick up what he’s saying too busy moping as you nurse your drink and you sigh down the phone. “Of course you are. I bet she’s perfect for you.” You huff and he chuckles as he pulls into the parking lot. 
“She is.” He says and you groan, “of course. Fuck. I- I hope she makes you happy.” You say and you don’t see him standing in the doorway to the bar.
“She does.” He answers and your roommate’s eyes widen when she sees Dieter walking towards you. “I - I want you to be happy. You deserve it.”
“Just have to convince her to go home with me.” He tells you, walking up and pulling his phone away from his ear. “Hey baby.” He grins when your head snaps up and you stare at him with a shocked expression. “What are you doing- I’m here?” You ask and he snorts. 
“I’m trying to convince the woman I love to come home with me. She’s drunk right now, so I’m hoping she’s crazy enough to believe me when I tell her I want to be with her. Spend all my nights with her. Pleasure her. Because I love her.”
You stare at him in shock, glancing behind you to make sure he wasn’t talking to someone else. “Me?” You ask, pointing to yourself and he nods, chuckling at you. You stumble as you surge forward, cupping his cheeks as you lean in to kiss him.
Dieter laughs as you kiss him, wrapping his arms around you and holds you close. “I love you, baby.” He promises, pressing his lips to yours again and again while your roommate watches on in shock.
“Take me home.” You plead, suddenly desperate for him and your roommate stands up to come over and ask if you’re okay. “Okay? I’m - I’m on top of the world.” You promise her, slurring slightly. “Dieter is gonna take me home.”
She frowns and turns to Dieter. “She’s drunk.” She huffs, poking him in the chest. “She can’t do anything.” Dieter rolls his eyes and grabs your roommate's hand and pats it, “I’m going to take her home and put her to bed.” He promises her quietly. “I don’t want to take advantage of her. I just want to sleep beside her and wake up with her like I should have this morning.”
Your roommates eyes widen, “wait - you- you slept together last night?” She asks and you answer before Dieter does. “Yesss and he was incredible. Made me cum so many times and his tongue…talented for more than just acting, I’ll tell you that.”
He smirks proudly and looks back at your roommate. “I’m going to take her home with me. But don’t worry.” He tells her seriously. “I’m not that kind of man. I like complete and enthusiastic consent and if she’s drunk and I’m sober? That shit doesn’t work for me.”
You lean against him, kissing his neck. “You better look after her.” Your roommate narrows her eyes at him. “I will.” He promises her, wrapping his arm around your waist to steady you. “Come on baby, let’s get you home to bed. To sleep.” He adds and you pout, saying goodbye to your roommate with “bye babe. I’m gonna go ride this gorgeous face.” You say, squeezing Dieter’s chin as he guides you to his car.
Dieter chuckles as he opens the door for you and you don’t want to let him go. It’s strange to be the one taking care of you, but he kind of likes it. “The sooner we get home, the sooner you can climb into bed with me.” He tells you, using the same tactics you use on him. Bribery.
You get in his car and when he’s inside and driving to your place, you reach over to squeeze his cock through his pants. “God. Your cock is so beautiful. Should’ve been a porn star. You would’ve made double the money you’ve made.” You giggle, wanting to suck his cock again.
“Fuck, you’re so horny when you’re drunk.” He groans, hating that you’re drunk and he’s sober. He reaches for your hand and takes it off his cock, squeezing it and putting it on his thigh so he can back out of the parking space. “What changed your mind baby?” He asks. “You were convinced I wouldn’t want you.”
You sigh, lifting your hand off of his thigh to lean your head against the cool glass of the passenger window. “I just want you to fuck me one last time before you lose interest and get distracted to go with someone else.”
“Why do you think I’ll lose interest?” He asks seriously. “Have I ever run after someone? Chased them?”
You close your eyes, suddenly exhausted, “no. You - you never chase. You want people to come to you. To make you feel special. You want validation and - and you get it. From whoever you want. I’m not enough for you.” You confess, knowing you’re spilling your guts again.
“Didn’t I just come to you?” He asks, reaching over and taking your hand. “I just chased you down and I’m dragging you back to my bed.” He snorts. “And I’m not even going to fuck you tonight. I just want to wrap my arms around you and sleep. Give you water and aspirin so you aren’t hung over. Hold your hair if you need to puke.”
He is soon putting the car in park and you are nearly asleep against the window, enjoying the coolness of the glass and you smile against it. “Just tonight. Let me have tonight.” You plead softly.
“You’ll have tonight.” He promises, getting out of the car to walk around and help you out. Not rushing you into the house to fuck you, he grins as you nearly stumble. “You’re so fucking cute.”
You lean against him, desperately wanting to strip off and get into bed, and his arm wraps around your waist. “I got you, baby.” He promises, “gonna get you some water and aspirin.” He assures you and you turn your head to kiss his neck, “thank you.”
He hums, enjoying the kiss but he can’t kiss you, not when you are like this. He guides you into the house and upstairs. “Let me get that water, baby.” He murmurs softly. “You get in the bed.”
You don’t argue, stripping down to your underwear and you slide under the covers. “Come here baby. I want you to fuck me.” You order, wanting him to touch you while you know he still wants you.
Dieter grabs a water and the aspirin, thankful for the little fridge you keep stocked for him. “I can’t fuck you, baby.” He groans, walking over to the bed. “You’re drunk.”
You huff, pulling the covers over your head and you close your eyes. “Knew it was too good to be true.” You murmur, feeling yourself starting to drift off to sleep even though you want Dieter.
Dieter sighs, setting the water down on the nightstand next to you and shuts off the light. He strips back down and climbs under the covers next to you, cuddling against your huddled body. “It’s not too good to be true.” He murmurs, sliding his arm around you. “I’ll show you when you wake up sober.”
When you wake up, your head is throbbing. Worse than your hangover from the day before, and you wince as the sunlight peaks through the blinds. A warm body is pressed against you and you gasp, remembering that you called Dieter last night. “Fuck.” You curse yourself for giving in to your damn feelings.
Dieter tightens his hold on you and grunts when he feels you shift. “Gonna throw up, baby?” He mumbles, lifting his head and cracking one eye open to look over at you. “Trash can is right by the table.”
You weren’t but now that he’s mentioned it, you scramble to grab the trash can, just barely making it before you throw up. Two nights of drinking when you rarely drink has fucked you up and you gag as you throw up the bile and booze from your stomach.
“’s okay.” He pets your hair and holds it back, rubbing your back sympathetically just like you always do for him. Wanting to take care of you, “water and aspirin is on the table.” He reminds you.
You set the trash can down, wiping your face with the back of your hand as you reach for the water, downing half of the bottle before you swallow the aspirin. “Sorry. I know you hate people being gross around you.” You murmur, swallowing some more water.
“You were drunk.” He hums, rubbing your back. “It happens. Fuck knows I’ve been sick enough around you.” He chuckles quietly. “Do you want to go back to sleep?”
You shake your head, “I need to go to the bathroom and I need to brush my teeth.” You smack your lips, hating the feeling after throwing up and you know Dieter keeps new brushes in there for his guests. He nods and you make your way into the bathroom to pee and wash your face before you brush your teeth. You come back into his room to find him still in bed and you sit on the edge. “I, uh, I’m sorry about last night. Calling you while I was drunk…wasn’t very professional of me.”
Dieter shakes his head, sitting up. “I’m glad you called me. Come lay back down.” He urges, holding up the covers but you shake your head and he sighs. “Great.” He huffs. “You’re going to leave again. Because you don’t think that I want you.” He frowns, upset that you continuously think he’s lying. “Fine, go, fuck.” He spits, lurching out of the bed to stomp into the bathroom. “For someone who claims that I would get bored and find someone else, all you’re fucking doing is driving me away.”
“Because I’m trying to protect myself. You aren’t exactly Mr. Commitment and I know - I fucking know that you will want someone who won’t embarrass you at events…pap photos…the life you lead means someone like you shouldn’t be with someone like me. I’m trying to protect myself and you- you’re just - fuck. I wish I was still drunk and believe that you could feel the same way I do.”
“What a fucking bunch of horseshit.” Dieter pokes his head out from the bathroom and shoots you a glare. “I don’t give a goddamn what people think of me. And I would never be embarrassed that a sexy woman want me. Who gives a fuck if you’re not everyone’s ideal woman? You’re mine. But that doesn’t fucking matter because you’ve got it stuck in your head that I’m some kind of monster.” He growls, slapping his hand against the frame. “I am trying to - fuck it, it doesn’t matter. Just get out.” He demands. “Get out if you don’t believe me.” He repeats quietly, closing his eyes. “I’m tired of being rejected by the woman I love.” He disappears back into the bathroom and sighs.
“Wait…” You stand up on shaky legs, “you- you love me? Like in love or just love me as a person or a friend?” You ask for clarity, confused and hopeful as your heart flutters in your chest, the bathroom door still open so you walk towards it.
Dieter is naked, standing in front of the mirror and loading up his tooth brush to clean his teeth when you walk in and stand in the doorway, watching him with an almost hopeful look on your face. “Like in love with a gorgeous, sexy, kind, wonderful woman who I had the most amazing fucking night with, even if I didn’t know it was her, and I want to repeat it. Every night, for as long as she’s not tired of my shit. And, you know, take you out and shit. Show you off on the red carpet.”
You stand frozen, watching him brush his teeth, and you see yourself in the mirror and you feel his words settle over you. He loves you. He’s in love with you. You walk over to the counter, standing next to him. “When did you - when did you fall in love with me?” You wonder if it was that night or if he’s felt like this for a while.
Spitting out the tooth paste, he looks at you and sighs, turning back to the mirror. “Year and a half ago?” He admits. “After …. After the Anika thing went south and you stayed over and let me be a pathetic asshole and mope around.” He shrugs. “I thought it was rebound shit, but I wasn’t fucking you and the feelings never went away.”
You’re surprised. He’s never indicated that he felt that way. He had been nicer after that time, more considerate to you. Didn’t call you randomly at 3 am for you to grab a script or some stupid shit like that. “I, uh, I’ve been in love with you since before we went to England for you to fall in love with Anika. You, uh, you were doing a script read for that movie and you looked so into your work, so passionate. I saw you in a new light and uh, yeah. It wasn’t fun to watch you wanna be with Anika but I never imagined you’d want me. So, uh, yeah…I’m in love with you too.” You confess, keeping your gaze on his in the mirror.
"Why wouldn't I want you?" That is what keeps upsetting him. "You don't think you're beautiful? You're not sexy?" He asks you seriously. "Since when does your size, your weight, make you unattractive?" He asks seriously. "You've got a gorgeous face, a wonderful personality. Amazing tits, killer ass, thick- luscious thighs and a pussy that had me jerking off like four times today." He huffs. "So don't tell me that you can't believe that I'm not wanting you."
You sigh, “honestly? My mom - she put me on a diet when I was ten. I went to weight watchers by thirteen. She told me I’d never get a boyfriend if I didn’t lose weight. No one would want to marry a fat girl. I never got asked out in high school or college. Never got asked to prom. I was always the funny one…the friend…never the one that guys wanted. My friends? They’d ask them out but never me. I’ve never seen myself as - as a leading lady so to speak and that’s why I’m like this. I’m sorry. I’m sorry I keep pushing my insecurities on you but you’re so handsome and funny and I hear my mother’s voice telling me this is too good to be true. That I’m not good enough for this.”
"Fuck your mom." Dieter huffs, pushing away from the sink and tossing his tooth brush down on the counter before he reaches for your hand. "You're hungover, just threw up and you're doing this to me." He takes your hand and pulls it to his hard cock. "I'm a jerk. I'm shallow, I'm fucking horny and you think I will fuck anything with a pulse. That used to be true. But I don't want to fuck just anyone. I want to fuck you. I want that sexy fucking girl who sat on my face and rode my dick like she was a cowgirl and let me just - fuck baby." He twitches in your hand at the thought. "You don't judge me for being myself. I love that and I love you."
You stare at him, processing his words and your fingers flex around his cock. “God, Dee.” You murmur, stepping closer to him and you let go of his cock to wrap your arms around his neck. “I love you. I love you. Please don’t hurt me.” You plead softly, clinging to him.
Dieter turns his head, kissing you gently despite you getting sick earlier. “I don’t want to, baby.” He promises. “I want- I want to take care of you.” It’s surprising, since he’s the one who is normally cared for, but he wants to try something different with you. “You want to go back to bed?” He offers quietly, “to rest. I know you have a killer headache. You drank a lot apparently.”
You nod, ready to lay down again. “Come on. I want to cuddle, Bravo.” You smile as he nods and you slide under his covers again, sighing in relief as you get to close your eyes and you feel him behind you, wrapping his arms around you. “You maybe want to fuck the hangover away?” You ask, tracing the freckles on his forearm.
“Do you want to?” Dieter asks, smirking as he presses his face into the back of your neck. His cock is poking against your ass. “I can keep it slow. Not jar you too much.” He hums. “Fuck you just like this while I rub your clit? Or you want to lay under me?”
“Like this. Want you to fuck me like this. Lazy and slow. We aren’t in a rush.” You grind back against him, “I just want to feel connected to you. I want to feel you.” You murmur, reaching back to run your fingers through his hair.
Dieter hums and closes his eyes at the feeling of your fingers through his hair. Sliding his hand between you so he can grip his cock and shuffles forward. “I can do that. I can make it good for you, baby.”
You pull your panties aside for him and he notches himself at your entrance and pushes into you. “Shit.” You moan, eyes closing as he slowly stretches you out. “God, I love you.” You murmur, leaning against his body as his hand slides up to cup your breast.
“Fuck, I love you.” He hums. “I can’t believe that was you and I didn’t recognize you.” He admits breathlessly. “I should have. I think about you all the time.”
You chuckle breathily, “to be fair…I was wearing a wig and I- I was dressed in something I would never wear except it was one of the costumes my roommate has.” You tell him with a smirk as he rocks into you and you squeeze over his hand on your breast.
“Love your roommate.” He grunts. “Need her to give you more outfits to wear.” He jokes. “But you need to, fuck, tell her that I didn’t touch you last night.” He pants out. “Think she might cut my balls off.”
You snort as his hips press against your ass. “I’ll tell her. She - she isn’t your biggest fan because she’s been there during all the 3am calls and late night runs to get you what you want.” You confess, grabbing his hand and sliding it down into your panties until his fingers find your clit.
Dieter groans when you clench down around him, rubbing your clit just to hear you moan his name quietly. “Yeah but I’m good.” He protests. “I’m gonna make you feel so good baby.”
Whimpering, you relax against him and let him rut into you, his fingers on your clit and he rubs a little faster as you get closer to your orgasm, spurred on by the feelings shared between you. “Dee. I’m - I’m gonna cum.” You warn him, your head on his shoulder.
“That’s good, baby, you cum on my fingers and my cock.” He groans, kissing along your shoulder. “Want you to soak me like you did last night. Fuck, you were so sweet.”
You gasp, clamping down on his cock as he pushes into you while rubbing your clit. The orgasm flows through you slowly and your mouth opens in a silent cry as you soak him, your nails digging into his forearm.
“God that’s it. Soak me, baby. Fuck you’re so pretty when you cum.” He groans in your ear. Rubbing your clit to work you through it.
Panting, your walls flutter around him and you reach back to pull on his hair, "cum for me, Dee. Cum. Wanna feel it." You plead, feeling his thrusts get sloppy.
Dieter groans out your name, hisses at the flash of pain from having his hair pulled. “Oh fuck baby.” He groans, kissing along your neck, “gonna cum. Gonna fill you up.”
His hips push against your ass, his cock twitching and you moan when he starts to cum, filling you up with his hot seed and you turn your head to kiss his jaw. “I love you. I love you. I love you.” You ramble, loving how he feels, how he sounds, how he makes you feel.
His eyes slip closed and he whines your name again, holding you tight. Fucking blown away and amazed that you love him. That you want to be with him. He doesn’t want to fuck this up, doesn’t want to lose you. “I love you baby.” He groans. “Want to snort Coke off your tits forever.”
You giggle as he relaxes behind you, still inside of you, and you close your eyes. “You can. As long as you want me, I’m yours. We just gotta talk about me being your assistant and finding the balance between work and personal. We can talk about that later when you’re not inside of me.” You tease him.
“I don’t know if I can.” Dieter grunts. “I’m gonna be inside you all the time. You can be my ‘on the cock’ assistant.” He jokes, kissing your shoulder. “I want this to work. I know you have to be professional. I don’t want anyone talking bad about you.”
You hum, squeezing his hand as he kisses your shoulder again. “We will figure it out baby. We will. As long as we communicate and we love each other, we can face it all.” You promise and he smiles against your skin, “and you’ll get those costumes from your roommate?” He asks, “and the wigs.” You tease and he hisses in victory. “Fuck yes.” You giggle and snuggle into his expensive mattress, exhausted but excited. Crashing Dieter’s Halloween party turned out to be the best decision you’ve ever made.
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sanjoongie · 7 months
𝔻𝕒𝕪 ℕ𝕚𝕟𝕖: 𝕃𝕠𝕟𝕘 𝔻𝕚𝕤𝕥𝕒𝕟𝕔𝕖 𝕊𝕖𝕩/ ℙ𝕣𝕒𝕚𝕤𝕖
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🥀Pairing: Jeong Yunho x Reader (f)
🥀Genre: Smut
🥀Rating: 18+, Minors Do not Interact 
🥀Au: sci fi au, space station au
🥀Trope: long distance relationship, ex to lovers
🥀Summary: when Yunho calls you one day, drunk and missing you, you let him guide you through some stress releasing phone sex
🥀Kinks: long distance sex, verbal instruction, dom! yunho, sub! reader, joint masturbation, video call sex, usage of toys
🥀Word Count: 1,515
🥀Betas: @mejuii
🥀Day Eight: Experimental/ Nipple play 🥀Mini Masterlist 🥀Day Ten: Hate Sex
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You were about to go for your afternoon run through the park that was built on the grav-wheel of your space station when you got a notification on your watch that you had an incoming call from your ex. You sighed, well aware that he would not stop calling you unless you at least answered.
“Yunho,” You answered blandly.
“Babe,” Yunho chirped at you in hello.
You looked at the planet timezones on your watch and it was way too late on earth for Yunho to be calling you about something reasonable. “Are you drunk?”
“Nooooooo,” Yunho replied.
“Yunho, you can’t be calling me like this,” You said, taking a seat back on the bunk of your room. “I broke up with you before I left on this mission, remember?”
“I know,” Yunho admitted, “But I missed you.”
“Goodbye, Yunho,” You proclaimed.
“No no, wait!” Yunho attempted to stop you.
“Yunho, you’re not making this easy!” You cried out in frustration.
“Did you find someone up there to fuck yet?” Yunho shot low. “I know how your libido is. And you don’t fuck randoms.”
“No, Yunho, I did not find someone up here to fuck,” You sighed heavily. “Not that that’s any of your business.”
Suddenly, Yunho turned the camera on on his side, and his face flashed on the screen before you. By the look of his rosy complexion, he had absolutely been drinking. “Let me fuck you then.”
You laughed bitterly. “I hate to break it to you, Yunho, but we’re a couple of lightyears away from each other right now. This isn’t a normal booty call.”
“Please turn your camera on,” Yunho pleaded, “I want to see you.”
You don’t know what’s worse, Yunho still having the hots for you or Yunho sounding like he still loved you. You might as well let this play out. If you hung up on him, he was just going to be calling again and again. So you pulled out the small camera that would hover and take in your form and turned it on.
“There’s my girl,” Yunho said softly, moving over your face as if he was attempting to memorize it again.
“I’m not your girl anymore, Yunho,” You gently remind him.
“You are,” Yunho insisted, “Watch.”
Yunho sat back, the camera taking in more of his form. You groaned when you saw he was wearing your favorite shirt on him. Then he said, “Pretty girl, won’t you open your mouth for me?”
Your jaw went slack, muscle memory from a time before. Then you clenched your jaw tight, in both anger and rebellion. “Really?”
Yunho had a tiny smile of confidence on his face. “See? Your body still knows who you belong to even though you refuse to acknowledge it.”
You turned your face away from the camera, feeling your throat go tight and hot tears prick the corners of your eyes. “What’s the point of this call, Yunho?”
“No, Babe, don’t cry!” Yunho lamented. “I wanted to hear your voice and see your face, even if you were pissed off at me.”
“I’m not pissed off at you, Yunho, I just don’t want to be pining after a man who is so far away from me that it would distract me from my mission.”
“Look at me,” Yunho commanded in a rough voice.
You brought your eyes upwards and saw Yunho had moved closer to the camera. “When was the last time you released some stress?”
You laughed bitterly. “Yunho!”
“I may not be your dom anymore. I may not be in charge of your wellbeing. But I still care. I can help you.”
“This is ridiculous,” You muttered. And yet your body found itself assuming the position in front of your bunk: feet tucked under you and your hands folded on your lap. You knew you needed the help and the release. The closer you got to the planet that your mission was on, the more tightly wound your body got.
“Close your eyes for me,” Yunho crooned. “Imagine that you’re sitting on my lap. You’ve been good today and I’m treating you.”
You didn’t like the way your body instantly tightened at that sentence but you had spent way too many years with Yunho for it to forget something so quickly. “Yu…Sir?”
“My hands are wandering all over your body,” Yunho’s even voice continued to paint the picture. “I’m running them down your arms, up your ribs, over your hips, just appreciating all your curves.”
You whimpered at the imagine of his large hands over your body. There was nothing you used to enjoy more than Yunho manhandling you. You used to be a ragdoll for him. And he used to fulfill you in ways that always made you sleep soundly at night. 
“Were you a good girl for me?” Yunho’s deep voice permeated your eardrums.
“Yes, sir, I was good,” You replied.
“Then take your clothes off for me, pretty girl, I won’t tease you tonight,” He cooed.
You discarded your work out clothes and moved back to your previous stance. “Can we use the rose toy?” You asked.
“Wanna feel my tongue on your pretty pussy?” Yunho wondered.
“Wanna feel good,” You hummed. 
“Go on,” Yunho gave you permission. “Spread your legs so I can eat you out.”
You prepared yourself and the chosen toy, lubing up everything. Yunho had always been a messy eater, an enthusiastic one, but a messy eater nonetheless. Anything to make sure his sub came and came hard.
You pushed down the tiny floating camera to the level of your cunt and Yunho groaned on the screen. “I miss your taste,” he admitted.
You missed the way Yunho would press your thighs down, effectively spreading your legs to max capacity. The way he would pepper your inner thighs with kisses, eyes looking up at you, waiting for you to beg for him. For Yunho, when he dommed you, you were his entire world and nothing else existed. 
“Let me hear all the cute noises you make when I eat you out, pretty girl.” Yunho gave you the go ahead to use the toy on yourself.
You let out a muffled moan as the toy laps at your folds on a low setting. 
“Poor baby,” Yunho sympathized, “You really needed me, huh?”
“Need you so bad, sir,” You whimpered back.
“You’re doing so good for me,” Yunho praised you, “Taking all my love like the good girl you are.”
“I’m always good for you, Yunnie,” You can’t help but say, bucking up into the toy, “Can we go faster, sir?”
“You like my tongue on your clit that much, huh?” Yunho asked.
“Feels so good,” You slurred, half drunk on Yunho’s praise and the other half on the pleasure you were pretending he was giving you. 
“Wanna come for your Sir?” Yunho prompted you. He cursed and you blinked wearily to see that he had his legs spread and was lazily rubbing one out while ordering what to do.
“Please, Yunho, please. Come with me. Nothing makes me happier than listening to your groans.”
Yunho smiled quite happily but shook his head. “This is all about you, Babe.”
You turned up the speed on the toy and then cast your head back onto the bunk behind you. “Fuck, Sir, your tongue, so good, hhhhhnn, I wanna come for you, please, please, please.”
“Go on, pretty girl, let my tongue take you away, come for me, let me taste your cum, give your sir exactly what he wants,” Yunho instructed.
Your hips stuttered forward, riding out your high, pushing the toy further into your folds, mimicking as Yunho used to do, dipping his tongue into your hole to scoop all your cum into his mouth. 
There were no noises in your room for a moment, your toy turned off and discarded, before Yunho said, “Fuck, I missed you.”
“Yu--” Your voice cracked and you cleared your throat. “Yunho--!”
“I know,” Yunho sighed rather glumly. “I just wanted to help you.”
“I--” You swallowed down some emotions. “I needed it.”
“You were so good for me, Babe,” Yunho couldn't help but push. “You did good.”
There was still a part of you that preened at Yunho’s praise. “Th-thank you, Sir.”
“You should go clean yourself up,” Yunho suggested, sounding wistful. 
You gathered your clothing, finding yourself suddenly not willing to end the call.
“Mmm?” He hummed back at you.
“Do you think you could help me again?”
A pause, palpable and raw. And then, “If you let me order a toy for us, then yes.”
That made your proverbial ears perk up. “What kind of toy?
“The one where you get a scan of your pussy so I can fuck it and you get a scan of my dick so it can fuck you, and when i’m fucking your toy pussy, my toy dick moves as my dick is moving,” Yunho chuckled.
“Oh,” You said quietly, letting those words sink in.
“Yeah,” Yunho grinned, “So? You want to become my pretty girl again? Officially?”
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🥀Day Eight: Experimental/ Nipple play 🥀Mini Masterlist 🥀Day Ten: Hate Sex
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huramuna · 8 months
wine red, tears gold - chapter 6.
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king aegon II x baratheon ofc
previous chapter | next
a bit of a slower chapter. there should be about 2 more after this & we are at the end (':
word count: 2.7k
please follow & turn on notifs for @huramuna-fics for my fic postings
content: smut, canon typical misogyny, canon typical violence, angst, fluff, arranged marriage, touch-staved aegon, aegon isn't a r*pist in this au but he is still a bad person and has his vices, ofc and aegon need to go to therapy together, justice for jaehaera, awkward sex, kind of a slow burn, infidelity, child loss, vomiting
cloudbursting - kate bush • playdate - melanie martinez
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Alicent had thought she saw the last of death for a while. She had seen her grandson killed before her very eyes, seen her daughter’s skewered body upon the ground, a grisly tale of her son skewered through his eye, her other son burnt and suffocated. 
She had seen enough death for a lifetime and then some. 
When she had been awoken in the wee hours of the morn, it was still dark outside. Her handmaiden roused her from sleep with a panicked plea— the queen was in her labors. 
Labors? Lyanna wasn’t pregnant, was she? Surely Alicent would’ve noticed, as they spent every morning together since the girl’s arrival over half a year ago. 
She slipped on a housecoat and was escorted to the maester’s offices, where the robed man swept her aside immediately. 
“What is going on? Her grace cannot be pregnant, surely?” Alicent questioned, eyes narrowed. She didn’t dare look over at the pale figure in the cot, knowing it to be Lyanna. She wasn’t ready yet to see such pain once more. 
“The Queen is… was… roughly five moons along,” he explained softly, “Her chamber maids found her semi-conscious in a pool of her own blood, the room a mess— she… is fighting, surely. But the babe won’t be viable.” 
Alicent blinked profusely, searching the healer’s face for any sign of a farce. “You say she was pregnant?” 
“A matter of speaking, your grace. She is… laboring as we speak. The babe is stuck, however— at an odd angle.” 
“… what does that mean for Lyanna?” she asked, leaning forward. Alicent knew what it meant, of course— death was in the room with them, waiting. 
The maester gave the queen mother a hard look and shook his head. “Keep her in your prayers. The King… should be notified.” 
Alicent sat by Lyanna’s bed, hand in bloody hand with her. The poor girl’s beautiful face was so pale, the blue veins in her half-drawn eyelids were visible. 
The labors weren’t much of a ruckus as they usually would be— Lyanna was severely numbed by milk of the poppy, and the maesters pulled out the babe. Alicent caught sight of it— its skin was gray and scaly, with a ridged tail and little budding horns, as well as a pair of perfectly miniature wings. It didn’t breathe, nor cry. 
“A son, your grace,” the maester announced solemnly.
The sight made Alicent want to vomit, but she swallowed it back, focusing on Lyanna. “You did so well, my love,” she cooed, dabbing her forehead with a damp cloth, “You did so well.” 
“See… may I… see the… the babe?” Lyanna asked, her voice so quiet that only Alicent could hear. 
Alicent’s heart clenched, brow furrowed. “Not yet, sweetling. They’re wiping him off now. Do you have a name in mind for him?” 
“Aeron,” Lyanna breathed, “For… Aemond… and Daeron…” 
A tear rolled down Alicent’s face as she leaned close to Lyanna, pressing their foreheads together. “Oh, my sweet girl,” she whispered, “My sweet, sweet girl. You’re the purest of us all, my love.” she cried fully now, eyes closed. She cared so deeply for the Queen, as if she were her own, or mayhaps more, and seeing the girl in pain agonized Alicent. 
Alicent Hightower wept for Lyanna, Aemond, Daeron, and Aeron. 
Aegon did not arrive until hours later, after he’d been found. He bursted into the room like an ignited dragon. “Where’s my wife? My son?” he demanded. Otto followed behind him. 
Alicent stood up, her white nightgown stained in a bit of blood. She stared at her son, eyes narrowed with a fury she hadn’t felt in so long. “Out, Aegon— she’s asleep, finally, out, out!” she hissed, turning the King around and shoving him out of the chamber, closing the door behind them. 
Alicent laid a firm slap across Aegon’s face. “What took you so long?! Your wife was bleeding out, laboring your babe into the world much too early! And I saw the marks on her— she isn’t one of your whores, Aegon! What in the Gods’ names are you doing to her?” 
Aegon’s eyes immediately watered and he was the very image of a pathetic little puppy. He sniffed. “I didn’t— ‘twas part of our game, mother, I swear!” he simpered. “I never meant it… in a bad way.”
“Your game? Your game? Marriage isn’t a game, Aegon. Sex isn’t a game. You’re the only one she’s ever laid with and that is how you treat her?” Alicent was beyond fuming, not only for her good-daughter, but something within herself that has been long locked away. “Like some toy? She doesn’t know that it’s supposed to be gentle and loving— she must think that it’s normal to be treated in such a way.” 
The king shifted uneasily back and forth, looking down at his feet. 
“You never learn, do you? You’re just like your father.” she finally spat, eye to eye with her son. Her brown eyes were eclipsed with rage, lip curled before she descended back into the room to sit by Lyanna once more. 
Aegon didn’t follow— but he didn’t leave the Keep, either. Later that eve, the outside of his chambers was littered with discarded wine bottles, broken glass strewn about. 
It was a week before Lyanna finally came back to herself— she was mostly coherent, eyes flitting about the room. A chair, now empty, was set next to her cot. 
There was another chair on the other side of the bed, which was filled. A tiny blonde head bobbed up and down behind a book. 
She was reading, outloud, from a children’s book, legs kicking softly as she read. “It’s said that beyond the wall… there are dragons made of ice. They do not breathe fire, but blow frost from their gullets. Giants with feet as large as…” she paused, squinting, “wheelhouses, are said to ride the ice dragons to battle.” 
“Do you believe that, princess?” Lyanna murmured, her voice hoarse from disuse. “Ice dragons and giants?” 
Jaehaera blinked, her eyes going wide as she realized that her audience was awake. She ducked behind the book, crossing and uncrossing her legs. 
Lyanna hadn’t spent much time with Jaehaera, to be truthful. She didn’t wish to force herself upon the melancholic girl and wished for her to take her time to open up. The young princess had attended breakfast with Lyanna and Alicent a number of times, but usually didn’t speak, unless whispering something to Alicent. 
Jaehaera peeked over the book, her violet eyes looking at Lyanna cautiously. “… yes. I believe in ice dragons. Grandmother says…” she giggled softly, pulling the book down further to reveal a small smile, “that they aren’t real n’ the book is made up. But I know the truth.” 
“And what is the truth? You must tell,” Lyanna hummed, shifting herself in the cot so she was facing Jaehaera, giving the young girl her full attention. “I must know.” 
“They’re real n’ just sleeping beneath the snow, and they lay their eggs in the giant wall in the North. But… they take two… hundred years to hatch!” 
“Two hundred years? That’s quite a long time to wait for a baby dragon.” 
“Yup. I’m patient, though. Grandmother says it's my best… quar-lity.” 
“Quality, sweetling.” 
“Qual-ity.” Jaehaera repeated. 
Lyanna gave a reassuring smile. “You look quite deep into the book— how long have you been reading for?” 
“I came with grandmother… five days ago n’ started reading this to you… four days ago. I thought it might be nice to listen, even if you were sleeping…” she nods to herself, slowly coming out of her shell. “Sometimes, when I sleep, I hear stuff around me and it enters my dreams.” 
“Thank you for reading to me, sweet girl. I thought I recalled hearing about ice dragons in my dreams,” Lyanna chuckled. “Will you keep reading to me? Even if I’m not asleep?” 
Jaehaera looked down at the book, swinging her legs again. Her cheeks puffed slightly and she looked a bit bashful. “Uhmmm… maybe. Did… you still want to hear it?” she peered at the queen, head tilted. “… I don’t get to do much with friends anymore… they’ve all gone. Grandmother likes my reading but… sometimes she starts crying n’ I have to stop. Father is… too busy.” 
The queen felt her heart clench. Out of all of the victims of the Dance— Jaehaera, in her mind, had suffered the most. She lost nearly everyone. “Of course, I’d love to hear you read more. I’m quite interested in what else is beyond the wall, and I simply won’t believe what anyone else has to say about it, it must be you, dear princess.” 
The little princess gave a little giggle before she continued to read. 
The queen and the princess were inseparable for the next moon– as they had found some sort of comfort in one another. Lyanna would stop to Jaehaera’s chambers and escort the young girl to Alicent where all three of them broke their fast together.
It was certainly an odd feeling for Lyanna, as she never had been really good with children, so to speak. But after Aeron, she felt something was lost from within her. She only remembered glimpses of her son before they took him away. The sight of him, so tiny and riddled with golden and red scales like a little lizard, with a tail and leathery wings. The sight of him had sickened a few of the attending maids, causing them to vomit and clutch their proverbial pearls. 
She thought him a beautiful little boy and wished to know if he had his father’s violet eyes, or her brown. 
In her dreams, he had a curly mop of white blonde hair and brown eyes with flecks of violet, like wisteria petals upon a pond, shaded by a tree. He would speak to her in hushed tones, holding and tugging on her hand, babbling all sorts of nonsense like children do. She never saw beyond the confines of the small garden they would be in, the outskirts of her vision creeping in lilting black and hazy purple. 
But, nevertheless, it was an oasis, bright and sprightly like the first warmth of spring’s sun, warming their skin as Lyanna held Aeron to her hip, peppering him with kisses and love, while they watched ducks swim around in the petal speckled water. Dipping their toes into the chilled pool, a figure would approach. Another crop of blonde hair, somehow so familiar to Lyanna. The shape and gait of the shadow would liken itself to Aegon, but Lyanna could never see his face. He was dressed in black and green, with the crown of the Conqueror upon his brow, the indent of a smile perked upon his silhouette as he sat beside them. 
Aeron would be between them, speaking a language that Lyanna didn’t understand, but it sounded similar to High Valyrian. Aegon’s shadow would converse back, but his voice sounded so far away and disjointed, like a distant memory. The specter of the king would take off his crown, and hang it upon Aeron’s curled mop, flashing a toothy white smile and singing praises. A smile Lyanna longed to see. 
But it wasn’t real.
None of it was.
Aeron would never grow to be that sprightly little boy, and Aegon… the version that she’d concocted in her head of him didn’t exist. 
It likely never would.
These dreams, ever repeating ever since she lost Aeron, would make her wake in a cold sweat, already crying, her nightgown clinging to her like a second skin, sticky and itching. She would get up and pace, trying her best not to wake Jaehaera, who had snuck into her rooms more than once when she had a nightmare, a frequent plague for the young princess.
Some might consider Lyanna’s dreams something of joy– but they seemed like a nightmare to her, an illusion that made her feel like she was going mad. It felt so real, that when she awoke, she could feel her fingers grazing through Aeron’s curls, the soft smell of him was alive and well in her room. Until a gust of wind would dissipate it. 
And she would be alone with her thoughts, her longings and her dreams once again. She would crawl back into bed and wrap her arms around Jaehaera.
One eve, late into the night, Lyanna felt the indent of weight upon her bed. She didn’t open her eyes, as she was still flitting between consciousness and sleep– but her hand wandered over, expecting to feel Jaehaera. “... bad dreams, Haera?” she mumbled, her hand searching for the little princess’ own.
“... ‘tis not Jaehaera.” a voice murmured. Aegon.
Lyanna’s eyes snapped open, turning towards her husband, whom she hadn’t spoken to or really seen since Aeron’s passing. “Aegon?”
“... yes.” he whispered. He sounded small, like his vocal chords were stuck in a shell, echoing and far-flung from his usual cocksure smugness. 
“Are you… alright?” she asked then. She should be angry, she really should– but she had just had her dream again, where he had been so alive, so lovely and right that she couldn’t be mad at him in the moment. Her mind was still swimming with the illusion she’d created of him.
“No,” he breathed, shifting closer to her slightly. “Something is wrong with me.”
“Are you ill? Shall… I get up and call a maester?”
“No–” he pressed, his hand reaching out to grasp Lyanna’s wrist. It wasn’t harsh or forceful, but urgent, like a plea. “Stay. I… I need to explain myself.”
Her muscles tensed for a moment as she felt his hand upon her. It was warm and slightly calloused, but familiar nonetheless. “... okay.”
“I haven’t… picked up a bottle in near a moon, nor… touched a whore. I-I’ve been good,” Aegon whimpered. “I’m so sorry, Lyanna. For everything– Gods, I’m a fucking monster. I-I don’t know why I’ve done the things I did or said. It’s eating me from the inside like a sickness,” he took a shaky breath, sniffling all the while. He was crying. “I-I… I wanted to push you away. The moment I saw you with your… big brown eyes, so close to tears– I felt sorry for you, to be paired with me. You were good and pure and innocent– you didn’t deserve any of this– if I hadn’t been such a fucking coward, you… might still be carrying our son.” 
Lyanna didn’t say anything, but her breath hitched slightly at his words. They were clear and concise– tear laden and full of sorrow but it was the most sober she’d ever seen him, the most lucid.
“I can’t feel that it's my fault. Because I was too weak to say no to them, to put my foot down and refuse. I basically killed them all,” he continued. “I’m just a Godsdamned coward and I should be put down like a dog for what I’ve done, for what I allowed to happen– my entire family save for three people who don’t see me as anything more than a disappointment are all dead, Lyanna– I could’ve… I should’ve… I should’ve kicked and fought against it, told them to fucking stick the crown where the sun doesn’t shine. What kind of brother usurps his sister’s throne? What… why did I let that happen?” his hand was shaking against her wrist now, his voice breaking into small blubbers. “I’m a fucking Kinslayer, Lyanna.”
She didn’t know what to say, truly. But the sheer ache she felt in the depth of her chest caused her to reach out her free hand and thread her fingers into his hair, pulling him closer to her as he cried, his entire body violently wracked with his sorrow. 
It all suddenly made sense to her– the drinking, the whoring, the violence, the barbed words. He was punishing himself, his damnation pushing away everything that may even be a little good in his life. He was sentencing himself to a life of ruination until it consumed him completely, leaving nothing left behind but a husk; all because he thought he deserved it. Because he thought he killed everyone he’d ever loved.
It made sense. 
Lyanna held him close to her chest, hushing and soothing his sobs. He had let go of her wrist to wrap his arms around her in turn. “I know,” she breathed, holding him like she had wished to in her dreams, tightly as so he wouldn’t disappear. “You only tried to… please… them– didn’t you?”
He nodded slowly.
“You just wanted to be loved.”
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magicalbuttertarts · 1 month
May I request female reader miss her last flight back home and she stays the weekend at Jay White’s house, the kind handsome stranger she met at the airport?
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Jay White x f/Reader
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AEW Masterlist
Just like all my other stories, this has not been proofread, but please enjoy.
Warnings: Some Voyeurism swearing, maturation (m & f). Protected sex. Cum swallowing
Requested by Anonymous. Hope you like it. I didn't know if you wanted smut. Sorry if you didn't.
WC: 1288
©️ magicalbuttertarts 2024: do not repost or translate my work. This is the only place I post my work.
I followed behind the man who I met at the airport.
I just met him, and I fully believe he is the reason why I missed my plane.
I got to the airport nice and early and did what I had to do, and waited for the announcement for my flight.
I was sitting there, scrolling through my phone when someone sat down next to me.
I looked up just to see if they had enough space and it felt like the air was knocked out of me.
This man was gorgeous, and he just knew it.
"Didn't mean to shock you there." I almost turned into a pile of goo when I heard him speak.
"It's okay." I told the stranger and went back to scrolling through my notifications.
"On holiday or busines?" He asked me, and I looked over at him and told him holiday.
"Oh forgot to introduce myself. My name is Jay."
I told him my name and then he continued to talk to me.
I learned he was on the same plane as me and that he was flying due to business.
As time ticked on, it became easier and easier to talk to him until we became wrapped up in one another and we both missed our flight.
I almost cried when I was told I missed my flight. This was the first holiday I was taking in ages, and I missed the flight.
"Look, I don't live far. Let me make it up to you. Stay in my guest room. The hotel rooms fill up fast around here."
He suggested, and after talking to the local hotels, I had no other choice but to follow this man, Jay, back to his place.
I was expecting to be murdered, but so far, I have a room all to myself, with my own washroom.
Jay even ordered in my favourite food after apologising for not having any food here. "I was also to be gone, so I didn't buy any food."
I almost felt bad as I also distracted him from our flight, but then it came back to me that he didn't have to talk to me.
After dinner, I went to my room and decided to take a bath.
As I laid there, enjoy the hot, soothing water on my body, I noticed that the other door the washroom was cracked open.
I could see into what I assume is Jay's room and realized that I didn't have my own washroom, but was sharing one with the owner of this house.
I was going to say something when he walked into his bedroom, closing the door gently behind him.
He pushed his pants down and I all but gasped at the size of him.
He cock hit his stomach as he wrapped his fist around his cock. His head was flung against the door as he quickly started to jerk himself off.
I could hear him muttering to himself, but could not make out the words.
I show have turned me head, closed my eyes.
I should have done something besides watch this very private moment unfold, but I started to play with myself.
I was so wet after watching him, that I just couldn't help myself.
But then Jay bit his lip, as he came. His cum splattering all over his chest and stomach, and dripping on his hand.
He jerked his cock a few more times, and I was just about to cum when I heard him say my name.
I stopped, thinking I was caught, but he was staring down at the mess he made.
Fuck, he just jerked off thinking about me.
I couldn't sleep.
Every time I closed my eyes I saw Jay cum and could hear him grunting my name. I finally fell asleep just before the sun rose for the day.
I heard a knock on the bedroom door, and it was Jay telling me that he made breakfast.
Tag list: @lghockey @nicoleveno14 @madhatterbri @legit9thlunaticwarrior @hooks-martin @wwenhlimagines @melissahausen @faerieofthenightcourt @tahiri-veyla @crowleysqueenofhell
I tiredly told him I would be down soon, as I covered my face with a pillow and screamed into it.
I couldn't look at Jay as he sat across from me.
"How did you sleep?" He asked me, trying to draw me into a conversation.
"I slept okay. Thank you."
Silence once more.
He didn't try again, and I knew I couldn't stay here any longer, as it is just going to get more and more awkward.
"I think I should try a motel or something." I told him, and he almost looked hurt.
"Did I do something wrong? Did I make you comfortable in anyway shape or form? If so, I am sorry, I." I cut him off.
"I saw you last night."
"I was taking a bath, and the door to your room was left open a crack and I saw you."
"I see." Was all he said.
"I should have said something, or looked away."
"Did you like it?" He casually asked me.
"Yes." I said before I even realized what I said.
"You don't have to leave. I will make sure to be more aware of my surroundings, unless," Jay trailed off.
"Unless?" I was curious.
"You wish to help." The cocky bastard actually gave me a smirk, and I wanted to tell him to fuck off, but the way how my thighs clenched at the thought, I figured what is the harm?
My throat was sore from my screams and moans as Jay fucked me into his mattress, his face buried in my neck as my nails left welts up and down his back.
My pussy was stretched to the limit as he thrust in and out of me at a fast pace.
Even with all his prep earlier, I still felt a slight sting as he nestled fully inside of me.
His cock sliding along that spot inside of me that had me crying out his name.
I have lost count at how many times I have cum already. I know the first three times were with his mouth and fingers, but since he started to fuck me, shit, I have lost count.
I have become so lost in the pleasure that I couldn't think straight.
All I can think about is his cock pistoning in and out of my pussy. Him groaning my name above me, his hands upon my skin.
I reached above me, grasping the bars of his headboard, as he leaned back on his hunches, grasping my hips as he fucked me even harder.
"Jay, oh fuck." I kept crying out.
Tears streaming down my face at what is happening to my body.
My back arched off the bed as I came for the final time, my eyes squeezing shut as my body trembled as Jay fucked me through my orgasm.
I collapsed on the bed just as Jay pulled out of me, pulling the condom off of his cock as he jerked himself off above me.
I opened my mouth, wanting him to take the hint, which he thankfully did.
He placed the head of his cock on my tongue just as the first rope of cum left his cock and landed in my mouth.
I kept my mouth open as he came, his eyes never leaving my mouth as it filled with his cum.
He slapped his softening cock against my tongue and I swallowed his cum and opened my mouth to show that it was gone.
"Still want to leave?" Jay asked me as he sat on the edge of his bed.
"No." I told him, patting the spot next to me, wanting to go around round.
"Bloody hell." Was all Jay said before kissing me hard on the lips.
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navybrat817 · 2 years
A Phone Call Away
Pairing: Motocross!Ari Levinson x Female Reader Summary: No matter what, Ari is just a phone call away. Word Count: Almost 1.1k Warnings: Pining, slight angst and hurt/comfort, fluff and feels, reference to cheating (not by Ari), motocross!Ari Levinson (he’s a warning, okay? A/N: Fourth day of my Naughty & Nice Nonsense belongs to Beast and Sweetart! I can't wait to share more of them. ❤️ Not beta read and written on my phone, so any and all mistakes are my own. Banner and moodboard by yours truly. Please follow @navybrat817-sideblog for new fics and notifications. Comments, reblogs, feedback are loved and appreciated!
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You sat on the floor as you unpacked your last box and took a moment to glance around your bedroom. You didn't realize how little you had at Carter's place until you went to get your things. True to his word, Ari got your phone back and helped you get everything out of there not long after. A couple of his friends showed up and were nice enough, but didn't say much to you. They made sure your ex wouldn't bother you or interfere. You only saw him for a split second and took great satisfaction when you noticed his black eye.
You didn't think you hit Carter hard enough to do any damage and Ari didn't mention punching him when he retrieved your phone. He only said that you wouldn't have to worry about your ex bothering you again. If he had hit him, you hoped he didn't get in any sort of trouble. You weren't worth it.
"You call me if you need anything," Ari said after he helped drop everything off. "Even if it's just to vent."
He saved his number as "Beast" under your contacts.
Thinking of that made you smile before you pulled a hand painted picture frame out of the box, staring at the photo of you and Carter inside. Most didn't know you well enough to spot that your smile in the picture was a bit forced. You may have pushed the red flags to the back of your mind, but your smile couldn't lie.
You glanced at your bed as flashes of Carter whirled through your mind. The physical part never seemed to be an issue, but it wasn't enough for him. Your stomach turned and you fought down bile that threatened to rise in your throat. You hadn't told your parents yet. They would find a way to blame you for him cheating.
But it isn't my fault, right?
You sniffled as you grabbed your phone and scrolled until you got to Ari's number. He had done more than enough for you and you didn't want to bother him, but the thought of talking to him comforted you. Was it because he looked like he could break you, but showed you a softer side?
You still couldn't believe you cried in his arms the way you did, but it was freeing in a sense to be vulnerable. Ari didn't seem like the type to judge either. A gentle giant.
He said he wants me to go to his next race, so maybe he wouldn't mind hearing from me.
Pressing on his name, you sniffled again as you waited in anticipation for him to answer. Your heart sank as three rings went by and he didn't pick up. He was probably busy between work, practice, and his friends. Or maybe there was someone else.
If there is, I can't be upset. I just got out of a relationship and he doesn't owe me a single thing.
"Hey, Sweetart," he answered on the fourth ring.
"Hey, Beast," you smiled, blood rushing to your cheeks as the nickname rolled off your tongue. "This isn't a bad time, is it?"
"I was just about to take a shower."
"Oh," you said, wondering if he was still dressed or if he was naked.
His massive body probably looked glorious under a spray of water.
Now that image is in my mind.
"I'm sorry I bothered you. I can talk to you later."
"No, no. It can wait," he assured you. "And you aren't bothering me. Told you to call me if you need anything."
"Thanks," you said softly.
You weren't sure what to say next and wondered if it was a mistake to call.
"Is everything okay?" he asked, breaking the silence. “Is he bothering you?”
So protective.
"No, he isn’t, but I don't know if I’m okay. My mind wandered a bit once I finished unpacking and I could feel that I was starting to get upset, so I called you," you explained, wiping at your eyes as you took a deep breath. "And since you aren't here to hug me, I wanted to talk to you. Hearing your voice is making me feel better."
This is the part where he tells me I'm crazy and to lose his number.
"I make you feel better?" he asked after a moment.
"Yeah, you do," you said truthfully.
You almost giggled at the admission. It probably sounded like you had a silly crush on him. Maybe you did. Beyond the physical attraction and intimidating aura was a protective and thoughtful man. He didn't strike you as the type to cheat or hurt anyone without good reason.
So if there was a positive in being hurt by Carter, it was meeting Ari.
"I thought I scared most people," he said quietly.
"You don't scare me," you said above a whisper.
Beast or not, you weren't afraid of him.
"You're just saying that because you want one of my amazing hugs."
"I could definitely use a hug," you smiled, imagining his arms around you. "You really have done a lot to help me recently and I can't thank you enough."
"You have nothing to thank me for. I wanted to help you."
Ari's voice soothed you as you tucked your knees under your chin. "I owe you and the guys pizza and beer, at least."
They took time out of their day to deal with your mess and refused to let you pay them for helping you get your things. You wanted to do something. It was the least you could do.
"Don't tell Barnes and Rogers that because they'll take advantage of your generosity," he chuckled, making you smile. "But if you really want to, I can set something up after the next race. You're still going, right?"
Does he sound nervous or am I imagining that?
"I'll be there," you promised. You wouldn't break your word. "Why do I have a feeling I won't end up paying a cent?"
"Because your money's no good here."
"That isn't fair," you giggled.
"Maybe not, but it made you laugh," he pointed out.
"Yeah, it did," you said.
"So, what's your favorite kind of pizza?"
You spent the next hour talking to Ari, eventually moving from the floor to your bed so you could get comfortable. He kept the conversation light, like he knew you didn't have the energy to discuss anything too heavy. By the time you wrapped up the call, your ex and the unpleasant feelings from earlier were far from your mind.
All thanks to Beast.
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Slow(ish) burn of sorts? He'll be so good to you. Love and thanks for reading! ❤️
Masterlist ⚓ Misc. Chris Evans Characters Masterlist ⚓ Ko-Fi
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saintobio · 3 months
Sainttt I hope youre not annoyed with my consistent asks 😆
But, I was wondering during the lake scene on the last sy chapter. What was Toru’s reaction when he saw the necklace he gave MC? Did MC wore it during the ceremony or was it on that particular night only? What were his thoughts when he saw that she threw it? Bc I was rooting for her girl boss moment ‘til i read the “splash” and him looking for it (I CRIED, he’s such a simp).
AND THEY DID IT TWICE? i screeched so loud and everyone thought I had gone mad lmao 😭. They’re so needy for each other. Cant believe Gojo was still hard after that first round. He misses Mc 🐱 so much Skskskks Thank you sm for clearing that out bc now I know they still wanna fuck each other despite giving each other heartbreaking pain also.
The vibe is really giving the last Chapters of SN with Gojo groveling since I’ve been rereading it since last night (going thru some heartbreak too and I needed to feel things). I still wanna see Gojo grovel more tbh.
I hope you have a great 2 weeks of wfh! I am so so happy to see you on my notifications. Your SY updates comforts my bleeding heart atm 🤍🤍🤍 I hope you are doing good and doing well 🤍
ALSO, BC!Satoru and MC together?? I thought he’d be stuck in the friendzone department 😭 but hey, I cant help but get charmed with Satoru in Saint’s universe. May he be the main lead or side lead, your Gojo will always have my heart bc he is my favorite 🤍. I cant wait for your other works!!
Much Love,
milan 🤍
omg no i’m not annoyed at all !! and to answer your question, during the lake scene, gojo didn’t even notice she was wearing the necklace until she held onto it, and what he felt when she threw it across the lake is exactly the same way yn felt when he threw his wedding ring across the ocean back in sn. oh how the tables have turned :))) she only wore it that night bcos she specifically wanted to get rid of it.
also yeah, i think we all know how much gojo missed her (and has been wanting her since that pool scene / shower scene) so it shouldn’t be surprising he’d ask to do it again 😹
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AITA for blackmailing my sister for her own good?
My (20F) sister (25F) was always the golden child, straight A student but she was very nice to me when we were kids and I never minded it. We went through a rough patch when she left for college but now we're back to something more stable.
When the two of us were home alone yesterday, she left the room and I saw a notification pop up on her phone and it scaredme the fuck out : a guy was describing how he would r*pe her. I rushed over and told her, extremely worried for her safety. Her usual calm and helpful air about her disappeared and she was panicking, stuttering like she hasn't done since she was a kid. When I told her she needs to contact the authorities or something, she cried that she asked for it and calling herself a failure.
Apparently, she's been reaching out to shady individuals to ask them how they would assault her and break her spirit. She assured me she was actually safe and never gave enough info for those guys to find her but I was scared shitless. I know that she was assaulted quite a few times as a preteen but to re-open the wound like that... She may be bigger but I had to do something. I told her I would tell our parents if she didn't stop and seek help. I said that in the heat of the moment and I really don't want to say it to our parents but even right now, I can't think of any better ultimatums to get her some mental help. After that technically blackmail threat, she's been skittish around me and has not let us have a single conversation about this. I think she believes I'm bluffing but is still scared regardless.
What are these acronyms?
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a-chlolix-blog · 1 year
Scarabée and Kitty Claws AU
The Bubbler. The birthday boy's benevolent bestie.
It's been a whole week since the whole Stormy Weather situation happened.
Not only was it announced that Aurore was the true new weather girl, but Adrien's birthday was pointed online.
Of course his MANY FANS went crazy over getting this information.
Some even found out ways to directly message him, which obviously creeped him out.
Adri&Me112: Happy birthday, my Prince!
AdriensPrincess: I wish I could be your present!
Adrien didn't really like waking up to these notifications on his PRIVATE Instagram.
But he did wanna celebrate his birthday for the first time with his classmates.
Though he knew his father would NEVER agree to letting him throw a party at their home.
Everyone in class found out it was Adrien's birthday through Instagram, but Chloé was only reminded that she forgot.
Plagg, jokingly: Well, you were quite busy drooling over Scarabée's pictures on the ScaraBlog.
Chloé managed to come up with the perfect gift before being drove to pick up Sabrina and then taken school.
Even Marinette, Alya, and Alix were talking about Adrien's birthday.
Alya, annoyed: I don't see the big deal about today. Thanks to those Fangirls, I can't even promote my ScaraBlog without one of them commenting "Is there Adrien content tho?" Agh!
Marinette: I don't know much about Adrien, but what I do know is the actions of his fans aren't his fault.
Alix: Some of those chicks sound unhinged too! Aurore's been following Adrien since she became the rightful Weather Girl. Look at the stuff they sent her just from him following her! *shows Marinette and Alya her phone*
Marinette and Alya, shocked: WOW!
As they looked at the screenshots of the unhinged messages, Adrien's limo pulled up in front of the school.
Nino then quickly ran up to him and put his arm around his shoulder.
Nino: Happy Birthday, Dude!
Adrien: Thanks Nino.
Chloé then runs outside with Sabrina right behind her and hugs Adrien.
Chloé: Happy Birthday, Adrien!
Adrien, whispering: Chloé, it's okay if you forgot. I know how you are with birthdays-
Chloé: And I promise to change that starting now!
Nino: ???
Alix, shouts over to them: Hey Adrien!
Adrien, quickly turns to her: Yeah?
Alix: Happy Birthday!
Adrien, caught off guard: T-thanks!
When Alix starts walking into the school, Marinette and Alya quickly follow her.
Marinette: That was sweet of you Alix.
Alix: If I had fangirls as crazy as his, I'd want to be reassured that SOME people are sane.
Alya, jokingly: Let's hope none of his fangirls saw you talking to him!
Marinette and Alix: *laughs*
~~~~~~Back outside~~~~~~~
Nino: That was cool of Alix.
Adrien: I know right? I haven't talked to her since later last week when we ran into each other after the fencing tryouts. So I was abit caught off guard.
Sabrina: Alix may be quite intimidating, but she's also quite the softie once you get to know her.
Chloé: Yeah... *faintly blushes*
Sabrina: *smirks*
Nino: So Adrien, what are you doing for your birthday?
Adrien, abit upset: Not much... but I'm use to it.
Nino: I'm sorry... WHAT?!
Chloé: Mr. Agreste has always been against Adrien having fun like a normal kid. It was always just me, him, Sabrina and his utterly annoying cousin. We weren't allowed to do much on his birthday despite being so excited to celebrate.
Nino: It's Adrien's birthday! He deserves so much for doing EVERYTHING his old name says! Which should include an actual birthday party!
Adrien: *cries tears of joy* I always wanted a big party...
While in school, Chloé and Sabrina were planning on what to do for Adrien's party while Nino mentally prepared himself to ask Gabriel to let Adrien have a party at the Agreste home.
Sabrina: If we can't have the party at Adrien's place, we can ask Alix-
Chloé: NO! I sure Mr. Agreste will let us have the party at his place if he'd agree to it. Gotta keep him close.
Sabrina: *sighs* We both know you don't believe that... one of these days you and Alix HAVE to talk about this.
After school, Nino gets to the Agreste home before Adrien does and begins his talk with Gabriel.
Nathalie: One of Adrien's classmates are here.
Gabriel: Adrien's not home yet.
Nino: I'm actually here to see you, Sir!
Gabriel: Explain.
Nino: That's right! I heard from Adrien that he really wants a party and I'm hear to ask on his behalf!
Gabriel: No. That's final.
Nino, getting angry: That's messed up! He does EVERYTHING you tell him to do and you can't give him this one day to have fun?!
Adrien, walking through the door: Nino? You're actually here?!
Nino, turns to Adrien: Of course! Anything for a friend! *turns back to Gabriel* shows some awesomeness, Sir!
Gabriel: *glares at Nino*
Adrien: Forget it, Nino. It's fine.
Gabriel: Young man, I decided what's best for my son. And I've decided that you're a negative influence on him and aren't welcomed in my house ever again. Leave now!
Adrien, getting very upset: Father please! He was just trying to do something cool for me!
Nathalie: Goodbye Mr. Lahiffe.
Nino: *angrily leaves*
Adrien: Nino wait! I'm sorry about my father, he’s always such a stubborn-
Nino: It's not fair, Adrien! You don't have to apologize for how awful you're dad is!
Adrien: Thanks anyway...
Chloé and Sabrina were waiting for Nino to call to tell him about their party plans, but he didn't.
Sabrina: I hope we get the call soon...
Chloé: I should've gone with him, but my present's almost done! Let's now worry, we gotta believe in him.
Sabrina: Nino? Or Mr. Agreste?
Chloé: Obviously Nino!
Little did they know, the next time they'd see Nino, he would not be himself.
Nino: Why can't the awful parents just go away?!
Hawkmoth: Such a good friend, desperately trying to help his friend, but feels powerless? How frustrating. Let's turn that frustration into anger. Fly away my little Akuma and evilize him!
*After the akuma enters the bubbles*
Hawkmoth: Hawkmoth is my name and Bubbler is now yours! I'll give you the power to get rid of all of horrid parents and other bad adults out in the world. All you have to do is bring me Scarabée and Kitty Claws' miraculous!
Nino: I'm gonna need an extra power, Hawk-Dude.
After awhile, Chloé and Sabrina finally got the text from Nino, telling them to meet him in front of the Agreste home.
Sabrina: I got the party supplies and my gift for Adrien. Chloé, is your gift done yet?
Chloé: Yeah, let's go!
After being quickly and safely getting to Adrien's place by limo, Chloé and Sabrina go inside.
But instead of seeing Nino or Adrien, they see the Bubbler.
Chloé, internally: Oh SHIT!
Sabrina: NINO?!
Bubbler: I'm Bubbler now! And I need your help, my party planning Dudettes!
Nino then uses his added ability to trap Chloé and Sabrina in fogged up bubbles.
But instead of the two flooding away, he pops the bubbles, revealing the two to now be dressed up in pretty party dresses that have the same color scheme as the Bubbler.
Bubbler: You two get the party ready, I'll go give out the invites. And don't tell Adrien, it's a surprise! *flies off*
Chloé and Sabrina: ...
Alix was finishing touching up her hair dye when a knock on the door was heard.
Alim goes to open the door and is very surprised at what he sees.
Bubbler: Mr. Kubdel! What's up?
Alim: ... NINO?!
Bubbler: It's Bubbler now. Is Alix home?
Alim: What do you want with-
Alix, runs between Alim and Bubbler: WHAT'S GOING ON?!
Bubbler: I'm invited you to Adrien's epic birthday party!
Alim, pulls Alix back: Do you think I'd allow-
Alix: Yeah, I'll be there.
Alim: WHAT?!
Bubbler: Awesome! Make sure to dress nice and bring a nice gift! *leaves*
Once Bubbler was gone, Alim let out his angry coated fear.
Alix, quickly hugs him: Dad, it's gonna be okay. He most likely invited the other kids from class as well. Scarabée and Kitty Claws will show up, save the day, and then we'll leave.
Alim: Okay, but I'm driving you and your friends there though.
Right after Alim says this, Alix hears her text notifications from the bathroom.
She goes in, picks up her phone, and reads each message quickly.
❤Best Blogger📱: I know! This is insane!!
📽Mylegend♻️: Are we really gonna go?!
🥇Alix💥: Of course we are!
🎨Nate🖌: We are?!
While the group texted each other, Alix quickly got ready for the power and left with Alim.
Alix: Tells stop by my favorite sports store really quick, dad.
After he leaves the Louvre, Bubbler sees Nathalie walking up to a store and quickly bubbles her.
After Alix bought what she needed, Alim drove her to Marinette, Alya, Mylène, and Nathaniel's homes to pick them up and drive them to the Agreste home.
Thanks to Alix's text notifications, she found out the rest of her classmates were already there before they all got out of the car and got their presents out of the trunk.
Alix: See ya later, Dad!
Alim: Please be careful Alix... *drives off*
Once Alim was out of sight, the Bubbler appears before the five.
Bubbler: Hey dudes! So happy you made it! The party's in the back! Adrien should be done with all those "Father-Approved" activities for the day and will be here soon, so hurry up and go.
Once the five of them got to the back, they saw that almost all of their classmates were there in their own very unique and nice outfits.
The only two that stood out were Chloé and Sabrina, who were wearing dresses with colors similar to Bubbler.
Nathaniel: Do you think they were akumatized too?
Alix: If they were, they'd probably have the same powers as Nino...
Mylène: What do we do now?
Alya: I guess we act like nothing's wrong until Scarabée and Kitty Claws get here.
Marinette: I bet they'll be here in no time.
Alix takes this time to walk up to Chloé and Sabrina and ask the two of them a few questions.
Alix: Why are you two dressed like that?
Sabrina: We were made into Bubbler's Party Planners. He used foggy bubbles to give us these outfits.
Alix: You're not under some sorta mind control, are you?
Sabrina: Nope, just Bubbler colored dresses.
Alix: What got Nino upset upset enough to be akumatized?
Chloé: *sighs* He asked Mr. Agreste if Adrien could have a party. Given how we didn't see or hear of him until after he's been akumatized, he obviously said no. Mr. Agreste knows I'm friends with Adrien, so I should've went with Nino!
Seeing how upset Chloé is, Alix decides to comfort her.
Alix: It probably couldn't be helped. From what I heard about Mr. Agreste from my dad, he'd probably say no if Scarabée and Kitty Claws themselves asked him.
Chloé, giggling: Yeah...
Sabrina, looking at the two: *thinks to herself* Am I witnessing ACTUAL progress?!
Bubbler then appears and tells everyone that Adrien's coming.
Once he makes his way to the back, everyone shouts out "Happy Birthday, Adrien!"
While Adrien is happy to see his classmates throwing him a party, he’s also obviously quite concerned by the fact that his new friend has indeed been akumatized.
Bubbler: Enjoy you party, Birthday Boy!
Since Bubbler was now quite distracted with the party, Alix decides to go transform.
Chloé figured that she should do the same, but needed an even bigger distraction so Bubbler would worry about her being gone.
Chloé: Hey Bubbler! Why don't we get the party games ready? I got a list of Adrien's favorites! *quickly gives him the list*
Bubbler: Awesome idea, dudette!
While Bubbler was getting the party games ready, he noticed Chloé walking towards the door.
Bubbler: Where are you going?
Chloé: Alix has been gone for quite awhile. I'm just gonna make sure she's okay!
Bubbler: Just make sure you're both back before the next game!
When Chloé runs inside, she literally runs into Scarabée and lands on top of her.
Chloé, blushing hard: SCARABÉE?!
Scarabée: Keep it down please. Bubbler doesn't know I'm here.
Chloé: Right! *realizes she's still on top of her and gets up* Well, I'm gonna go hide now! *runs off*
Chloé quickly finds her way to one of the bathrooms, goes inside, and locks the door.
Plagg then flies out of her ponytail, wearing the same dress as her.
Plagg: Please transforms so I can get outta this dress.
Chloé: Plagg, Claws Out!
While Chloé transformed into Kitty Claws, Scarabée was getting ready to sneak up on Bubbler.
Once the time is right, Scarabée makes herself know to Bubbler.
Scarabée: Party's over, Nino!
Bubbler: For the last time, it's THE BUBBLER!
Kitty Claws, running up to Scarabée: Did I miss the party, Itty-Bitty?
Scarabée: I'd say it's just getting started, Kitty.
Bubbler: Let's take this somewhere else, so the birthday boy can enjoy his party. Like the sky!
Scarabée and Kitty Claws popped every bubble he sent their way with ease, when caused their classmates to cheer loudly.
Instead of trapping the others in multiple bubbles, Bubbler manages to get the drop on the two heroines & traps them in a giant bubble before kick it into the air.
Scarabée was kicking at the bubble while Kitty Claws was quite stunned by how close they were in the bubble.
Scarabée: Damnit, this isn't working! KC, use your cataclysm!
Kitty, quickly composing herself: RIGHT!
Kitty Claws then uses her cataclysm on the bubble, which causes the bubble to pop and for the two of them to fall towards the ground.
As if the heroine knew what the other was thinking, Kitty Claws throws her baton into the Eiffel Tower, Scarabée grabs her hand before she hooks the yo-yo to the baton and swings them to safety.
Scarabée, pulls Kitty Claws' baton back to her: We gotta get too the Bubbler!
Kitty Claws, hears her ring beeping: Unless you wanna see how hot I am, we gotta hurry.
The two then race back to the Agreste Mansion.
Once they get there, everyone (including Adrien) happily and loudly cheers for the two heroines.
Scarabée: Sounds like everyone wants this party to over!
Bubbler: Come on, Adrien! We don't need to deal with these haters!
Adrien: Wait, what?
Bubbler then traps Adrien in a bubble and flies away with him.
Not only did they have to stop the Bubbler, but they had to save Adrien as well.
They chased the Bubbler all the way to the Eiffel Tower.
Once they got close enough, Bubbler starts launching exploding bubbles at the two, which they quickly dodged.
Kitty Claws: I'm almost out of time, Itty-Bitty!
Scarabée: Don't worry, KC! I got this!
Scarabée then uses her summons her Lucky Charm and gets a large wrench.
Kitty Claws: I didn't know you were good with tools. I'm learning more and more about you every week!
Examining the area around her, Scarabée spots an HVAC and takes it apart.
She sends a pipe with air spewing out of it to Kitty Claws, who uses it to deflect the bubbles.
Adrien was absolutely impressed as he watched.
Adrien: AWESOME!
Bubbler raises his bubble wand, about to take another swing, when Scarabée catches it with her yo-yo and wrenches it out of his grasp.
Breaking it in two, she captures the akuma and cleanses the city, bringing back the parents he bubbled and freeing Adrien from the bubble. and returning Nino back to normal.
After Kitty Claws takes another after battle selfie, Adrien walks up to the two of them.
Adrien: Thanks for saving me and Nino.
Scarabée: No need to thank us.
Kitty Claws: I'm about to transform back. Make sure Adrien gets home safe.
Scarabée: No problem, KC.
Defeated, Hawk Moth vows to capture and crush Scarabée and Kitty Claws as his window closes.
Once Nathalie returned from being bubbled, she had the party guests leave immediately.
Just as the final guest left, Scarabée lands in front of the Agreste Mansion with Adrien in her arms.
Adrien: Thanks for the lift, Scarabée!
When Adrien goes to back, he’s disappointed to see that everyone left, but became quite happy when he realizes how big the pile of presents is.
Nathalie smiles as Adrien eagerly and carefully took his gifts upstairs.
Gabriel, over the phone: Did you get my gift for Adrien?
Nathalie: It's been handled, Mr. Agreste.
He didn't need to know the details. As long as Adrien was happy.
The next day, Adrien shows up to school wearing a light blue scarf (Marinette's gift) and showing off a new case for his phone (Alya's gift).
Chloé Sabrina and Nino quickly ran up to him.
Nino: Dude! I'm so sorry about yesterday!
Adrien: You don't have to apologize, Nino. That was Hawkmoth's fault.
Chloé: You managed to have more tact and grace than his rapid fangirls though!
Sabrina, noticing Adrien's scarf and phone case: I see you chose a couple of gifts to show off.
Adrien: Unfortunately I couldn't bring everything I got to school, or else I'd probably get sent home.
Chloé: What did you think of my gift!
Adrien: I love it, Chlo! *hugs her* Thank you...
Chloé, hugging him back: Anything for you, Adrien.
In Adrien's room, a photo collage of him and Chloé over the years was now hanging on his wall.
Inspired by: @emdoddles @princess-of-the-corner @muggle-born-princess @dcschart @justanotherpersonsuniverse @symphonic-scream
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whatsk-poppinhomies · 2 years
Not really an important post or like notification, it's more so an appreciation to everyone who reads my stuff, and kind of a little shout out to some pretty special people who make writing fun for me and make it worth it.
As some of you may have read, I haven't been able to really get on a write often because my work schedule is wack which means my sleeping schedule can not be wack and I actually have to sleep :P But I really will try to get some stuff out, I'm doing my best, I'm just so tired :'(
But anywho!!!
Here's some great people who make writing amazing! (Please be sure to comment and/or reblog peoples any artist/writers posts, it means so much more than a like :'))) )
@sunflwryu @readeryu <3 You make the struggle of trying to stay awake and write fics worth it because your tags when you reblog my fics are honestly so special to me, I love reading them, and I read them over and over. It's also so nice just being able to talk to someone every day, even though I complain a good bit about how crappy work is, you listen and you're always there for me, and I'll always be there for you. Thank you for being the coolest yondongsaeng. ALSO, PLEASE CHECK OUT THEIR FICS ON THEIR MAIN BLOG! SO GOOD! SO SO SO GOOD! <3
@jcngh0-hq <3 My favorite fan of Company Policy, I love hearing about your mutual hatred of Niko! I try to make sure that I'm able to get on my phone and tag you in updates as soon as I possibly can just because I hope that you enjoy every next chapter and I really really hope to hear from you when the series is over (On the 29th this month :( ). Thank you so much for reading, it means the world to me <3
@rachagen <3 I remember you first came to my blog when I posted the Jealousy Is series, and you're still here for the Spin The Wheel! If you're waiting for Goodnight Moon, I promise, I'll get to it, it's coming! I'm gonna get there! Thank you for being here though and reading my angst at this point, I hope that it in some way brings you happiness. Thank you so much <3
@laylasbunbunny <3 You absolutely blew up my phone with notifications and I cannot thank you enough for how kind you were and what you said and your reblogs, oh my gosh, I just, I was so so so happy when I saw all the notifications. Especially since you read some of my fics that even I forgot I wrote because they don't get enough recognition, but you recognized them and that is just, so amazing, and I cried a little bit, so thank you so so so so so much! <3
@whatudowhennooneseesyou <3 I remember you first became my moot when I started the Jealousy Is... series, and you sent me some of my favorite requests (some of my only requests that I feel comfortable and confident enough to write for) And you put out an absolute masterpiece for my request for your Mommytober2022 that I hope everyone read and was able to keep up on because even though I wasn't able to keep up on it, I know that since it came from you, it's amazing. I need to find some time to read all of the fics you put out. Thank you for being here and thank you for reading my stuff, and I promise that when I get the time, I will definitely read your entire Mommytober2022 collection. <3
@goodnightlittleme <3 You also first started following me when I started my Jealousy Is... series, and I do believe that you were one of the first to ask to get tagged in it, which made me feel so cool, not a lot of people ask to get tagged in my stuff, so, it was just really nice to know that people looked forward to my fics enough to want to be tagged in them. And then the comments you'd write in the tags or when you'd reblog, it made my heart happy, and it's really nice reading what you have to say about the fics and what you think. Thank you so much <3
@kim-jvnkyu <3 Sometimes your notes get buried in a sea of likes, but I notice all the reblogs that you give for Company Policy, and it's so appreciated. I hope that you're still enjoying it, and thank you so much <3
@mybabywearschanel <3 Yeonjunie lover, the one singular person that wanted to be tagged in Theater Baby, I appreciate you, and everything that you'd send to my inbox whenever there was an update on the fic. I will always remember the one inbox thingy you sent when Hyejin got what was coming for her, and you put a meme with it, and that made me smile all fricking day, just to know that you liked it enough to not only message me, but to put the cutest meme in with it. Thank you a million times over, so much <3
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the night we met - Ch. 3
When Gendry's world starts to break apart, shattering all the dreams he'd only recently dared to hope for, he turns to Sansa, who offers sisterly advice and her delicious grilled cheese sandwiches. It's been weeks since he last talked to Arya, and it's time to confront the truth.
Read Ch. 1-2 on Tumblr
Tumblr media Tumblr media
SONG: "The Night We Met" by Lord Huron
PAIRING: Arya/Gendry
LENGTH: 1.5k words
WARNINGS: Fic is 18+ (minors DNI)
All that time I’d been saving up for a ring, planning our whole lives together, she had already been slipping away, and I’d never noticed a thing. Arya had always called me stupid. She’d meant it as an endearment, but gods, she was right. I was stupid.
“Please,” I whispered to any gods that may be listening. “Please take me back. Let me change this. I’ll do anything.”
They were the cries of a broken man who had nothing left to believe in. Because what was the point in loving something so much that losing it hurt this bad? It’s not like it would have ever worked out for us. I understood that now. Arya had needed something more, something that was just hers, not tainted by the flashing lights or a family name. She’d spent her whole life living up to how others saw her. To her dad, she’d been the favorite child, and when he died she became the rebellious daughter of the late Ned Stark. I had watched her get lost in it all, and I’d let her get lost in me, too. I was just a reminder of some of the worst moments in her life, but Braavos? Braavos was freedom.
The now-familiar pull tugged at me, sending me backward again. This time to Sansa's old apartment in the capitol. I'd driven for hours just to see her that day. The wound of my disinheritance had stung so deeply, I'd spent weeks hiding away, ignoring Arya's calls. Resigning myself once more to the bleak future I had seen for myself growing up, interrupted only by the daydream that was Arya Stark and Riverlands U.
One day, I woke up to a kitchen full of mostly empty pizza boxes, milk spoiled on the counter, and nothing but half eaten takeaway in the fridge. My overdue rent bill had glared at me from the spot where it fell through the mail slot. I couldn't go on like this anymore. But how could I face Arya after all the days I'd spent pushing her away? She deserved so much better than me. And so I had turned to the smartest person I knew – her sister.
"Who was that guy you were working for when we met?" She'd asked while flipping the grilled cheese sandwich on the stove. "Tommen? Toby?"
"Tobho," I said, leaning over the kitchen island.
"That's right. You should give him a call. See if he needs any workers. Arya said you were a really good mechanic."
She flipped her auburn hair behind her head as she turned to plate the sandwich, putting it in front of me.
"Go ahead, eat, and we'll work out the plan, OK?"
There was a reason I had turned to Sansa when my life turned to shit. She was the closest thing to a sister I'd ever had, and I loved her for it. We talked as I ate, with the occasional notification popping up on Sansa's phone. I hadn't thought anything of it at the time, but now I knew just who Sansa had been talking to.
When the brunette ball of fury stormed through the door, I let out the breath I had been holding, but the Gendry I was watching stumbled off his stool and fell to the ground in shock.
"What are you doing here," I'd asked, weakly.
"What am I doing here? What are you doing here?" The anger in her voice had rattled me to my core, and I did my best to keep looking into her cold, gray eyes.
Sansa reached a hand down to help pull me to my feet, and I had stared at her, as if begging her to save me from this misery of my own making.
"This was for the best, Gendry," she said, squeezing my shoulder and giving Arya a nod before leaving the room.
There was silence for a long painful moment, to the point where I couldn't take the void that was settling between us.
"Do you want any?" I finally asked, picking up the second grilled cheese sandwich Sansa had just set down for me.
My casual words seemed to break her and suddenly, she was up in my face. She may have been a good head-and-a-half shorter than me, but she still seemed dangerous when she was mad, and I had almost dropped the plate instead of setting it down safely.
"You could drive halfway across the country, but you couldn't even show up at my door?" She said, like it had taken everything in her to just get the words out. Tears slid down her face, staining her cheeks with the sadness that had tried to hide behind the anger.
"I didn't feel like I had the right," I admitted, collapsing onto the nearby sofa that had already been pulled out into a bed. My head hid in my hands. "At first, I just needed a few days to process everything, and then I spent the next week too embarrassed to tell you, and then it felt too late. I'd kept it from you too long. You deserve better."
"Maybe that's true, but I want you. We have a few hours to spend together in a car to get home. You can tell me then or you can tell me now, but you will tell me."
I nodded, scooting over so she had a place to sit.
Once the words started coming out, I could stop them. I listened for what felt like hours as the past me explained it all. The letter I'd gotten in the mail. The end of the once seemingly endless cash flow that I, a poor boy from Flea Bottom, had grown accustomed to. How all the dreams I had never hoped to dream fell to the ground like dust. No more becoming an architect or an engineer. No more corner house on a good street with enough room for a pack of dogs to run around. No more the kind of man who could marry into one of the most important families in the realm.
After a while, I got up to grab a glass of water, but the silence didn't last long.
"That's why you haven't talked to me in nearly a month? I thought you were dead in a ditch somewhere until Hot Pie said you texted him."
"It felt like I was," I said, taking a sip in the quiet that followed her words. It was true. When I was younger, I'd been called gutter trash all the time, and gutter trash I'd become once more.
She was still angry with me, I could tell, but her expression softened, and she held my back to her chest all night long. And when we returned to my small flat, she didn't even make a face at the stench coming from the kitchen.
I watched as slowly, my dear, sweet Arya put all the pieces back together. Without knowing it, she was the glue that had held me together all those years.
She dished both of us up a plate of spaghetti and sat down beside me, idly twirling the strands with her fork.
"I don't know if I can trust you now, Gendry. I was really hurt," she admitted.
"I know," I said, putting down my fork. "I won't do that again. I promise. From now on, you'll have all of me. Every piece."
After everything I'd put her through, though, and everything she was dealing with too, after that day, she only had most of her to give. And I took every morsel I could.
This time when I felt the pull of the magic dragging me farther into the past, I fought it as hard as I could. "I can't. I can't," I muttered to the unyielding force gripping me ever tighter. "I can't," but I knew I had to.
Suddenly, I was back on campus, laying flat on my back with clouds drifting through the endless blue sea of the sky above.
Arya's laugh filtered through everything else, and I closed my eyes to hear it better. It was even more beautiful than the sunny sky. Better than the feel of the soft grass under my fingers.
For a moment, I let myself pretend I was laying with her there again, as if for the first time, blocking out my past self who was also lying on the sun-warmed lawn.
"This is nice," I said, my words an echo of the past.
"The sun is nice," Arya said, and I let her voice surround me in a way the grass under my back never could.
"No," I said, in perfect tune. "I meant this, lying here with you."
"Oh!" I could hear her smile. "You're right. I could do this forever."
A tear dropped down my face, one that hadn't been there before, my broken voice joining that of a green boy of 24.
"I could too."
Opening my eyes to the bright light, I watched Arya and my old self stroll down the hillside on paths I could no longer follow, leaving me broken with the sky open above.
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I'm so glad you're back
A little present for my friend Jade. @made-by-jade-222 For those of you who know, SHE'S BACK!!!! And I wanted to do this for a very long time. I hope you like it Jade.
I'm currently in my dorm room typing my way through my second book I intend to publish in the future. It's going well so far. Not too bad. Well, sorta. I've been trying so hard to get these scenes right. God, how do these authors do this? Anyway, it's all going well until I get a notification from an anon.
Well, it was more of an ask.
I figured it was an ask to another one of my ACOTAR (A Court of Thorns and Roses) fanfics. I hoped it was for a Nessian one. Those two are the best. Either way, I looked at the anon and I was received some shocking news.
It was about Jade.
She's back. She came back. After over a year (I think) she returned.
When I first met her, she was writing the best tickle stories I've ever seen. I loved them so much and was even inspired by her to write a few of my own (I'm currently thinking about writing a Snow White with the red hair one myself soon). If it weren't for her, I never would've even had the confidence to write my own Tumblr fanfics. It may be hard to find them because they're all old and clouded by my recent fanfics so you're gonna have to REALLY look.
Anyway, it was a surprise to hear that she was back. When she left she told everyone she needed some time. We all the gave her the time she needed and me and everyone else who followed her had all missed her. She was (and still very much is) beloved by the tickle community. And she always will be.
So when I heard that she was back, my heart melted and I almost cried. These were all the emotions that I felt when I first saw that anon.
Anyway, that's all I have to say. I hope I expressed my feelings enough. Alright I'm gonna go relax now. Bye bye.
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yuanvei · 13 days
Long message 💌 Hello Yuan! This is 🍋 anon! I woke up this morning and saw that you finally posted xo lvl 2 right when I fell asleep lol seeing the 23k wc, I knew I was in for a long ride so I rushed to do my chores in order to read it right away!
Damn, this fic was darker than I thought it was gonna be. The intro got me so hooked, it was so so good. I can’t help but feel pity for the protagonist :( I’m so invested in this story and I really felt like crying whenever she struggled.
Minji is so kind, I’m worried what will happen to her. I have a theory about Minji but I could be wrong and just overthinking it. Also, I love Hee’s character! His conversation with the protagonist was kinda funny to me. When he stayed behind after Minji and Jungwon left, I already guessed what the poll was going to be about and DREADED it. This is so hard! What if we choose the wrong thing?? Also, I loved the song references you sneaked in there 👀
Iirc, you said back then you wouldn’t write for Enha anymore (maybe excluding Jungwon), but seeing your recent posts, I guess you changed your mind. You’re my fave writer fr. I love Jungwon so much and I’m thankful he’s your muse (⁠╥⁠﹏⁠╥⁠) Have you seen En-Drama? It’s how I imagined the members throughout the whole time reading. XO (and your works in general) would be a huge hit if it was a drama, you’re THAT good.
I also wanna say that your layout is immaculate. And please don’t ever doubt or downplay your writing because it’s beyond just amazing. Trust me. It’s so immersive and really draws you in. Magnetic, if I may say. I aspire and strive to be a writer as good as you are. You’re definitely gonna be a successful mangaka someday.
I’m already excited (and nervous!) for the upcoming levels even though we have to wait for a while. I know this fic took a long time to create and you said you’ll do your other film projects so I hope you get some good rest and good luck with your studies as well! Keep safe always, and we love you 💓
🍋 nonnie !! :(( i cried lol- u have no idea how my heart dropped when i saw this ask from my notifs cuz like i was rlly sad bc there's barely any anon ask beside yours, so i thought ys;xo flops bc no one is interested enough to talk about it.. but your ask RLLY MADE MY DAYY THANK YOUUU SM FOR THIS SWEET MESSAGE<33 im vv grateful for u for taking your time to write this 🫶🫶
i'm so glad you love the intro as much as i do!! and the fact that u feel sm for the protagonist too, she is prob one of my complex protagonists as of now. and it's only going to get rlly rlly dark w the upcoming levels.
you can tell me more bout your theories hehe but i won't be able to tell more bc no spoilers 🤫🤫 im glad hee's character was lovable bc i keep giggling as well while writing his scene w mc >< ALSO IM HAPPY U NOTICE THE SONG REFERENCES
oh about enha, yep tbh I've kind of lose interest in them n and jungwon was the only reason why im still around but i have to say this comeback w xo and brought the heat back is def my fav !! not to mention that jake is looking too good recently—very much influenced by a cantonese film i've watched recently. 🤭
and about en-drama — i don't rlly catch up w enha's updates apart from their mvs & comebacks, I've seen en-drama many times on my yt but it doesn't rlly catch my interest, however i might watch it one of these days to get an inspo for ys;xo :D BUT YOU'RE SO GOOD TO ME THANK YOUU ,, i'm very happy that u think so :((
i'm glad u like my layout btw !! 😭 and once again thank you thank you VERY MUCHHH for all these encouraging words, i appreciate it from the bottom of my heart 🫠🫶 it's so sweet of u to spend sm of your time writing this and it's making me emotional lol ,, and yes you're going to become an amazing writer too, maybe even more better than me ! >:)) it's going to be a journey, but fighting and ik u can do it !! 🫶 and the mangaka part PLS ill keep these words forever in my heart I WILL ALWAYS COME BACK TO THIS THANK UUU
you're very kind 😭😭 im so happy you're around 🍋 anonnie,, i'll make to sure deliver a more better story thru xo level 3 !! have a good rest too !! stay safe, and take care 🥹🫶
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