#i mean like. theres this one specific asian brand
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(image credit: tasteofhome.com)
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(recipe: https://www.allrecipes.com/recipe/13309/rich-and-simple-french-onion-soup/
image credit: poshjournal.com)
13 notes · View notes
wongpuppy · 5 years
ANGEL, wong yukhei
↳ Rating completely heart warming fluff
↳ Pairing singledad!Yukhei x Y/N
↳ Word count 10.8k [ one-shot ]
↳ Summary singledad!Yukhei couldn’t believe his luck, having two angels in his life
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  You read off of your shopping list, crossing off eggs and milk before looking back up the shelves for your favorite cereal. 
  “Excuse me, can you get cereal for me?” You look down to a soft pat on the back of your thigh. A little girl dressed in a gray shirt and short, denim overalls, pouting innocently up at you. “I can’t reach Froot Loops. I like your shirt color!” 
  She points up at your light pink cropped sweater. You giggle and crouch down to her height. “Thank you, pretty girl. I’m Y/N, whats your name?” 
“Xiaoli.” She plays with the frays on the bottom of your sweater. 
  “Thats a pretty name. Why are you alone, Xiaoli? Someone’s supposed to be watching you, right?” 
  The little girl opens her mouth to answer but only to get cut off by a deep, masculine sigh. “Xiaoli, angel, I told you to never let go of papa.” 
  A tall, dark haired man comes through the isle and catches you off guard big time. He was out of this world beautiful. Big, brown eyes were completely focused on the little girl in front of you. “Are you okay, baobei? Come here, let me see you.” 
  “Yes, papa, I���m okay.” The little girl walks towards him and you watch as he crouches down with strong, protective arms reaching out towards her, his concerned eyes scan across Xiaoli’s face and frame. You stand up with a gulp. 
  “She wanted me to get the, uh-” you turn and grab a box of Froot Loops, “- cereal she couldn’t reach.” 
  This was the first time the guy looks at you, and it really made your throat go dry. He stands up at his full height, towering over you and the little girl clutching his hand. Looking at him head on, he really was a sight you would never forget. You could already catching yourself get up in the warmth from his doe eyes. His tan skin almost glowed and damn, you thought to yourself, this really is the most gorgeous guy in the world. You watch his eyes widen slightly and the left side of his lip to flutter up. 
  “Yeah, Froot Loops’ her favorite.” He holds one of her hands and stands back up. He holds out his free hand towards you with a breathtaking smile. “I’m Yu-” 
  “My papa! This is my papa. Papa, this is Y/N!” Xiaoli cheers and dances a bit. He can’t help but blush lightly at Xiaoli and smile sheepishly at you. 
  “Sorry, she’s a pretty hyperactive kid, kinda took that from me, I’m afraid.” He licks his lip, and you mentally die at the sight. “My names Yukhei.”
  You can’t help but laugh a bit and shake his hand. “Don’t apologize, she’s the cutest girl I’ve ever met.” 
  When your hands meet, a shy smile falls on your face when Yukhei looks back at you with a warm smile that makes his eyes squint at the ends. Theres an unexplainable type of comfort that comes from his holding his hand, and it makes waves of electricity rush through your veins. Letting go was exactly the last thing you wanted to do. 
  “I like her papa. Her shirt is pink!” Xiaoli tugs on Yukhei’s free arm and smiles up at you. 
  Yukhei beams down at her with a loving look in his eyes that makes your heart melt at the sight. “And pinks’ her favorite color. Your names Y/N, right?” 
  “Yeah.” Your cheeks redden on their own at the scene in front of you. “Its nice to meet the both of you.” 
  Its just then that you notice the both of your hands were still enveloped and you blush even harder. Yukhei catches on and laughs a bit after pulling away with pink cheeks. “The pleasures ours.” 
  The two of you smile at each other for a second (or five) then look away when Xiaoli tugs on Yukhei’s arm and mutters ‘papa’. He looks down at her with a raised eyebrow then his lips form an ‘o’. 
  “We are kind of on a tight schedule, it’s almost her nap time.” 
You shake your head and sigh to yourself, thinking Yukhei was just going to be another beautiful memory. “That’s completely okay, it was nice meeting you-” 
  “I mean,” Yukhei scratches the back of his neck and motions for the shopping basket he left on the floor. “If you aren’t doing anything, do you mind helping us get the rest of our groceries?” 
  Xiaoli squeals in excitement and jumps around. You watch Yukhei’s grin slowly get wider when you nod. “Yeah, I’d love to! I’m not in a rush or anything.”
  “Great.” Yukhei’s teeth are straight and white, shining at you through a large grin. It feels as though golden hour sunlight was hitting you directly. “That’s great. We just need to get biscuits and pudding.”
  The three of you set off for the aisle, you letting him put his basket in your shopping cart, and him then requesting to push the cart. He puts Xiaoli in the grocery cart’s kiddie seat, and you smile seeing her dance in her seat. 
  “Do you go to Seoul University?” Yukhei grins at you as he asks, taking any and every chance he can to look at you.
  “Yeah, I’m a senior. What about you?” You blush when he’s still looking at you, never having anyones pure and unbothered attention as much as Yukhei was giving you.
  “Same. I’m an athletic training major, you?” Yukhei maneuvers the cart in the biscuits aisle and looks for a specific brand. But when you talk, he immediately turns to face you.
“I’m a linguistics major. What brand are you looking for?”
  You watch his eyes widen at your words before narrowing them with a smirk. “Are you messing with me? Linguistics major? Study of languages, right? That’s so cool!”
  He looks at you with a dumbfounded smile before shaking his head at himself, attempting to get rid of the rosiness on his cheeks. “Um, just any soft baked strawberry bar.” He looks back at you with that same wide smirk. “Do you know any Canto?”
“Yeah, I’m fluent.”
  Your cheeks get progressively more red the longer Yukhei grins at you with a slightly dazed look in his eyes. “Th-That’s insane. That’s the first language I learned properly, my most comfortable. Not a lot of people are fluent in it.” After a few seconds he scratches the back of his neck with a pinkish hue to his cheeks. “That’s really cool. What else do you know?”
  He quickly averts his eyes towards the shelves of cereal bars, cursing at himself for so obviously nervous just talking to you. 
  Yukhei was never like this around girls, and to be honest, he definitely knew his way around them. But hearing himself stutter and feeling the heat crawl up his neck to his cheeks was odd, new. And Yukhei knew entirely too well what that meant. 
  The both of you scan through the shelves and he picks out two different branded soft baked bars. Yukhei looks behind you and sighs in relief when pudding was on the same aisle.
  “Mandarin, Japanese, Korean, Thai, and English. I’m doing an Asian concentration.”
  “Holy shit.” Yukhei utters low enough so Xiaoli doesn’t hear, stopping in his tracks to look at you with his jaw very obviously slacked. “Y/N, that’s insane. You’re officially the most impressive person I’ve met in my life.”
  You know your cheeks were resembling cherries by now and you lightly nudge him. “Oh, stop it, Yukhei. You’re pretty impressive yourself, you know.” He raises his eyebrows at you after looking around the puddings.
“How so?”
  “Well, you know, raising Xiaoli, it must be hard on you and your girlfriend to be doing that in University-“
  “Oh.” Yukhei stops his movements and laughs a bit nervously. He looks at you with a little confusion in his eyes, wondering how you never heard any of the rumors about him. “I’m single, Y/N. It’s just Xiaoli and I.”
  Practically everyone knew about Yukhei and Xiaoli, as he was never shy about being a single parent at such a young age. After his high school girl friend at the time found out she was pregnant, she immediately freaked out and ended the relationship, leaving Yukhei to take care of a little girl on his own. He never regretted it once though, seeing Xiaoli as more of a gift than anything else. 
  “Oh, I’m sorry if I said something I shouldn’t have or anything, Yukhei.” You play with your fingers, a nervous habit, and sigh. But to your surprise, you feel Yukhei lightly put his left hand on your right shoulder.
“Don’t worry about it, Y/N, you didn’t do anything wrong.”
  He gives you a sunshine grin, something so bright and wonderful it made you feel warm on the inside. You smile back at him and giggle a little, unable to formulate a normal sentence while having this beautiful man look at you with his twinkling eyes. He bites his bottom lip in a big grin before giving your shoulder one last squeeze and letting go.
  And you know that feeling of something warm and hot touching you for a while then letting go and that spot feels instantly freezing cold for a second before going back to normal? Thats what it felt like when his hand left your shoulder. You shiver.
  “Now, I just need to get a cake mix.” Xiaoli claps excitedly with a large grin, hearing the words cake.
“Vanilla cake! Vanilla cake!”
  Yukhei squeezes her cheeks lightly and coos at her. “Only the best vanilla cake for my princess.”
  You swoon at the sight. This man was definitely out of this world. “Is it someones birthday coming up?”
Xiaoli nods enthusiastically and throws her hands up. “I’m gonna be 5!”
  “Her birthday in four days.” Yukhei gives her a warm smile then turns back to you with a quieter voice. “And as excited as she is, today’s the first year I’m baking the cake, so I’m not even sure we’re going to have one.”
  You giggle as the three of you set off for the baking aisle. “I can help with that, if you want. I love baking.”
  “Really?” He has a dazzling smile on his face that leaves you breathless and you nod a little too dazed. “You’re honestly a lifesaver, Y/N, I was planning on baking the cake in three days so its still nice and fresh for her birthday.”
“I don’t mind at all.” You give Xiaoli a smile. “Anything for this little angel.”
  Xiaoli’s grin just gets wider and she pulls you in for a hug. She turns her face so she’s facing Yukhei, left cheek squished against your arm. “I like her, papa.”
  Yukhei feels his heart do something weird the more he looks at the sight in front of him. He knew his daughter always gave everyone she meets the benefit of the doubt, liking them all instantly. So he knew exactly when his daughter took a special liking to someone. Watching her tiny legs try to reach out beyond the kiddie seat and wrap around your hips, it was the first time Yukhei felt his heart flip. “I can see that, baobei.”
  This was all very foreign for a usually in control guy like Yukhei. He rarely put himself in a situation where he didn’t know what was going to happen, and right now, that’s exactly how he felt.
  “I think your papa’s a little jealous, honeybun.” He watched you say to the little girl with a smirk directed at him. Yukhei immediately felt his own smirk grow.
  “How did you know, Y/N?! Oh, no! My secrets out!” He playfully throws his hands up and groans exaggeratedly.
  Xiaoli, with all her innocence, falls for it and wiggles out of your touch and whines for the touch of her dad. 
Yukhei immediately feels warmth all over.
  It was crazy what Xiaoli’s birth did to him. Every year of his life since has been the best years and he’s never felt a love so deep, cemented, powerful.
He immediately takes her in for a hug and kisses the top of her head.
  You quickly turn away with your heart beating at the speed of light. You felt like you were watching something private; a surreal, different moment that you’ve never seen anything like before. With your strict, workaholic parents, you’re childhood was always spent in a big house all by yourself. They substituted feelings with gifts and many missed birthdays and graduations. 
  Seeing such a devoted parent and obvious moment of love struck something deep inside you. 
  You clear your throat and turn to all the different brands and flavors of cake mixes in front of you. Scanning the shelves, you pick out the vanilla Betty Crocker cake mix, a good amount of pink icing, as well as white and pink sprinkles.
  You turn back to Yukhei and Xiaoli with your hands full. “I picked out the best brands I know. And put the icing in the fridge when you get back home.”
  Yukhei grins at you and laughs a little seeing your hands all full. “You’re so cute, Y/N. Thank you, I appreciate this all a lot, really.”
  You giggle a little breathlessly watching him motion you over to your shopping cart. You blush and walk over, Yukhei immediately taking everything one by one out of you arms and into his basket.
“Its no problem, Yukhei. Anything I can do to help.” He grins at you and when he looks into your eyes, he feels his heart squeeze. He’s never fallen so hard, so fast for anyone before, it made him feel a little helpless.
  “I think we’re done now.” He quickly turns to Xiaoli and bops her nose lightly. “How’re you feeling, angel?”
  “A little sleepy but okay.” She gives him a cute toothy grin and wiggled her legs. “How are you, Y/N?”
  “I’m great, sweetheart. Thank you for asking!” She grins and reaches out towards the frays of your sweater again. You laugh and move closer to her so she could be able to play with them.
  “If you don’t mind,” you don’t even realize how close Yukhei and you are, your feet just inches away. “Can I have your number? To plan out when to bake the cake and everything.”
  You feel your heart beating at 200bpm. His eyes twinkled under the grocery store lights and your mind was permanently in dream state.
  “Yeah, Yukhei, of course.” A flush fills your cheeks. “Here, give me your phone.”
  He grins at you for a second before nodding and getting out his phone. You internally squeal when you see his background to be a baby picture of Xiaoli. The two of you exchange phones and put in each others numbers, with shy grins exchanged back and forth.
  “Do you want to walk to check out together?” You put your own phone in your pocket and Yukhei does the same. He grins at you and you nod with a shy smile.
“Y/N, whats your favorite color?”
You turn to Xiaoli with a smile. “I like the color blue, angel.”
“Papa likes blue, too!”
  Yukhei grins down at her while he pushes the cart. You walk beside them with a grin of your own. “That’s right, baobei, you remembered!”
“Of course, papa!” She gives him a toothy grin and you giggle at the sight. 
“She has the exact same smile as you.”
  Yukhei turns to you with a warm smile and pink cheeks. “You think? It looks much better on her, I think.”
  You shake your head and laugh, nudging him with your shoulder. “She really is adorable.”
  “I know.” He looks at her with so much warmth in his eyes, you thought you were going to melt on the spot. “She’s my guardian angel.”
  You feel your heart almost stop in that second, not even beginning to understand how much Yukhei really did love Xiaoli. It was so different than anything you’ve ever experience, in a parental figure and male figures in general. The sweetness in Yukhei’s voice every time he talked to her, the gentleness in his eyes; you were so caught up in awe. 
  “Registers 2 and 3 are free.” He turns to you with a side grin, taking small steps towards you. “It was really nice meeting you, Y/N.”
  You bite your lip and nod, giggling to yourself. “You too, Yukhei. I’ll text you today so we can plan out Xiaoli’s cake-“
  Yukhei takes you in for a hug and you’re frozen for a second until his warmth spreads everywhere through your body. You’re a little shellshocked at the moment, your heart beating so rapidly, you were certain he could feel it. You move your arms up around his neck after a few seconds. This felt good, way too comfortable for a first-time-encounter. His arms wrapped around your torso and yours around his neck felt like it was made to be there.
Everywhere he touched left goosebumps on your skin, and it was addicting. 
“I want a hug!”
  Yukhei pulls away quickly, looking at you with a shy grin. “Sorry, I didn’t really know what I was think-“
  “Don’t apologize, Yukhei.” Your arms are still resting on his shoulders and you smile up at him, ears very red. You pull away slightly and move closer to Xiaoli and take her in for a hug with Yukhei. “Big hug!”
  Yukhei’s chest rumbles in a deep laugh that makes your cheeks redden, and especially more when you realize the three of you were in a tight, tight embrace.
“The two of you are the cutest people I know.”
  You feel so complete at the moment, you couldn’t believe you just met this guy. It was like something internal, and it definitely made your insides tingle.
  You had just finished all your classes, opening the front door to your apartment when you feel your phone buzz from a call. When you take out your phone and see Yukhei’s name flash across the screen, you couldn’t help the butterflies that flew around your stomach. The two of you just met yesterday and the thought of him already made butterflies spring in your chest. 
  “Hey Y/N!” Yukhei sounded rushed on the other end of the call, like he was doing something else while talking to you. You grin to yourself as you listen to him. “What’re you up to in the next hour?”
  You shrug off your backpack and walk into the kitchen. “Yukhei, hey. I just got back to my apartment, finished all my classes. Why, whats up?”
 The boy on the other end sighs and clears his throat. “Well, I was hoping you could do me a huge favor. If you can’t, though, its totally fine. I just have an exam in, like, 20 minutes and my neighbor, Yuta, can’t look over Xiaoli last minute and none of my friends are free-“
 “Of course I’ll look after her.” You shake your head, giggling at his rambling. “Its no big deal.”
 “I owe you so much, Y/N.” You hear a set of keys jingle on Yukhei’s end with a slight groan. “I have to leave now, please tell me you live close to campus?”
  You can’t contain your laughter at the sound of his rushing, telling him your apartment address.
  “Come on, angel, you’re gonna stay with Y/N for a bit.” You hear Xiaoli squeal in the background and you grin to yourself. “We’ll catch ya’ in a sec, Y/N. I’ll text you when I’m down.”
“I’ll be waiting! See you in a bit.”
  You clutch your phone to your chest with a dreamy sigh and a childlike squeal. Last night, the two of you texted like high school crushes all night, talking about random things and details about each other. When you learned that he had to wake up at 8am every morning to drop Xiaoli at her daycare, you immediately forced him to sleep (much to his discontent) when the clock hit 2am.
  You cleaned up the place and got as many of your toys into a basket in the living room for Xiaoli, which wasn’t a lot but would have to do. 
  Your phone goes off and you throw on an oversized jumper before grabbing your keys.
Yukhei: We’re out :) @4:22pm
Y/N: Coming!! @4:23pm
  You race down the hall and into the elevator, twiddling your fingers together all the way down. You blush once you see Yukhei and Xiaoli leaning against a car. Yukhei sees you and waves at you with the widest grin, making you feel like you were at the center of the universe. You walk over with rosy cheeks and face set in a permanent smile.
  “Y/N!” Xiaoli jumps when she sees you and immediately runs over, meeting you half way. You’re crouched down to her height when you take her in your arms and let her wrap around you, all the while grinning from ear to ear. 
“Hi sweet angel, I missed you!”
  “I missed you too, Y/N!” She takes your face in her small hands and kisses the center of your forehead. You coo at her, kissing her cheeks and muttering thank you a hundred times.
Yukhei dies at the sight. As if his day old crush couldn’t get any stronger. 
  He looks between the two of you with powerful emotions being sought out from inside him, watching his daughter and you getting along so well.
“I owe you, again, Y/N. I’ll only be an hour and a half, two hours max-“
  “Take your time, Yukhei, really. I’ve got this.” You wink playfully at him. “The only reason I’m talking to you is to see Xiaoli anyway.”
  Yukhei feels his heart do the thing again -- another flip. He wants to reach out hold you tightly against him, feeling so overwhelmingly grateful. As much as he wants to, Yukhei still felt the embarrassment of the giant hug he gave you yesterday and holds back the yearning. Get a grip, Yukhei, you’re so whipped.
  “You know, I actually really don’t mind that.” Yukhei smirks softly at you and the two of you are grinning at each other hopelessly until you remember the time.
  “You can come over and chill after you finish, if you want to.” You blush, was that too straightforward? “I have cookies upstairs.”
  You watch both Yukhei’s and Xiaoli’s identical eyes go identically wide and you feel a little speechless at the sight.
  “That’s the key to my heart, Y/N.” Yukhei grins at you and holds a hand against his chest with an exaggerated swoon. “I’ll definitely come over for a cookie or five.”
  Before he leaves, Yukhei takes a few steps closer to you and you feel your throat close up when he leans down towards you. He’s so close and he’s just getting closer, the air between the two of you almost electric.
  You snap out of it when all he does is kiss the top of Xiaoli’s head, who is still clung onto you. But before you could release the breath you were holding, Yukhei pulls away but only slightly so the two of you were face to face.
  Seeing him this close with the sunlight hitting him in all the right angles, God was definitely playing tricks on you. The way his eyes scanned across your face and stuck on your lips for a few seconds too long made your heart do batshit crazy and unexplainable things in your chest.
  “Your exam, Yukhei.” You wanted to smack yourself, sounding so breathless and out of it.
  He looks at you, with sparkles in his eyes and doesn’t move for a millisecond before he nods to himself with a small grin. “Right. My exam.”
  Yukhei shakes his head, embarrassed at how lost he got looking at you like that. He felt like he could look at you forever and never get bored. He rests a hand on your shoulder and squeezes it. “I’ll text you.”
  Then he’s off, sprinting to his car and waving at you and Xiaoli before driving to campus.
  You look down at Xiaoli with a sneaky grin. “Now, who wants some homemade cookies?”
She grins happily and claps her hands. “I do! I do!”
  “Lets go before the cookie monster gets them all!” You playfully speed walk towards the elevators, making the little girl in your arms giggle the whole way up.
  The two of you spend the next hour and forty-five minutes over episodes of Dora the Explorer, cookies, toys, and many bursts of laughter. Xiaoli and you talked a lot more than you thought you would, it was crazy how similar the little girl and her dad was. She was probably the funniest kid you’ve met, managing to make you laugh at even the smallest things. 
  Before you bumped into Yukhei and Xiaoli, having a kid was something you never saw for yourself. It wasn’t that you didn’t like them, you just never thought of yourself finding a partner and being able to really settle down to have kids. Maybe it was your cynicism or lonely childhood, you just never thought you would be a good enough parent to raise a child. But being around Xiaoli and a real father figure who loved his daughter so strongly woke up the most basic human desire in you.
For the first time in a while, you wanted a real, loving family for yourself.
  Your phone buzzes and you catch yourself smiling dumbly when Yukhei’s name pops up.
  “Hey Y/N, I just finished my exam!” You could hear the happiness in his voice and it made you feel all giddy and warm inside. You move ever so slightly on the couch to get a bit more comfortable while Xiaoli snoozed on your chest.
  “Hey Yukhei! That’s great, how do you feel about it?” Your whispered voice makes Yukhei laugh for a second on the other end.
  “It was hard as shit to be honest.” Yukhei whispers back, and you can hear him fumbling with his keys on the other end. “Why’re we whispering?”
“Xiaoli’s asleep, loser.” You chuckle when you hear him gasp on the other end.
“You’re so mean to someone who just went through a lot of ass-whooping.”
  “You curse a lot more on the phone.” Xiaoli gets more comfortable against you and you grin.
  “I don’t like cursing around Xiaoli, but I’m a young adult, I like to drop a shit or fuck here and there.”
  Hearing a guy curse never seemed like something insanely hot or anything to you, but suddenly hearing Yukhei utter such crude words made you blush heavily.
  “I can’t believe you’re graduating senior.” You whisper with barely held in laughter. “Hurry back soon, theres one last cookie left and I’m a little hungry.”
  “So mean.” You can feel his smirk through the phone. “I’ll be home soon, honey!”
  The phone call ends and just like that, you feel like you’re living in a different world, a world where you called Yukhei yours. With Xiaoli sleeping so peacefully on you and Yukhei’s playful flirting, you felt like this was all so unusually familiar to you, so strangely comfortable. You felt like this was something you could do for the rest of your life, being around Yukhei and Xiaoli. 
  You text him your floor and door number, along with where the second key was (under the cactus pot), stating that Xiaoli looked so cute and peaceful asleep, you didn’t want to wake her up. Yukhei didn’t mind at all obviously, happy his little angel got to sleep more.
  You’re so concentrated on Dora and Boots on the TV screen that you missed Yukhei’s text that he was outside and almost didn’t hear the front door open and close. That was until you see Yukhei in the corner of your eye, his casual black hoodie and sweats paired with a new backwards cap. His eyes scan your living room with a warm smile.
  “Nice place, Y/N, lots of light.” He looks at each and every piece in your living room, the sparse but organized furniture contrasting to the spread of toys on your couch. Eyes roaming around every nook and cranny, but when your hushed voice reaches his ears, his attention is all on you.
  “Thank you, decorated it all myself.” You go to give him a goofy smile but the way he looks at you and Xiaoli makes you freeze up, he looks at the both of you so warm and whole, you feel complete inside and out.
  “Planning to steal my daughter, Y/N?” The way he says it with his deep voice sent shivers down your spine. He looks at you with a playful and wholly content smile, you felt like you don’t even need the sun anymore.
  “That’s been my plan since I met you, Yukhei.” You drop your head against a pillow and smile up at him. “How was your exam?”
  Yukhei lets his backpack fall off his shoulder and sprawls out opposite of you on the sectional couch, careful not to wake Xiaoli up. He sighs and relaxes against the velvety pillows.
  “I think I did good, definitely passed it.” He rolls his eyes at you. “You’re lucky you don’t have to take advanced human biology.”
  You let out a breathy laugh then motion for the cookie plate on the coffee table. “Xiao and I left you congratulatory cookies.”
  Most of the time Yukhei would instantly look over at food, but he doesn’t move and stays looking at you. He smiles instead, caught up in the name you gave his daughter. “Xiao?”
“A nickname.” Your cheeks turn pink. “She wanted a nickname.”
  Yukhei’s eyes seem to soften more and more until he clears his throat and turns so that he was laying on his side and looking at you. “I want a nickname.”
  You rack your thoughts and try to set your focus on anything other than the way Yukhei was grinning and toying with his bottom lip at you. You groan lightly. “I don’t know you well enough, I can only give nicknames to people I’m close to.”
  “Oh?” The tall boys eyes twinkle, his smile never leaving. “So the two of you are besties now?”
  You nod and look down at her with a warm gaze. “I honestly feel like she knows me. I’ve never felt so much love from someone.”
  Yukhei’s brows furrow at how you look at Xiao like she was the most precious thing to you. “What about your parents?”
  He catches the way the corners of your lips dip slightly. His hands stutter in their movement as he holds them up. “I’m so sorry for asking such a personal question, you don’t have to answer that-”
  Your quiet laugh stops his sentence. Shaking your head, you offer him a small smile. “Its fine, Yukhei. They were good parents but not there... Emotionally.”
Yukhei’s silent for a second. “You don’t have any siblings?”
“Nope.” You shake your head and swallow thickly. “Just me.”
  The sprawled out boy stays quiet, watching how you would rock Xiaoli lightly, Yukhei couldn’t help but think to himself that you had a natural motherly instinct.
  He couldn’t begin to think about a family that wasn’t one filled with constant love and care. Yukhei grew up in a tight-knit family that showered him and his younger brother with endless love. Xiaoli often spent time with his parents, and was a kid filled with all the love he’s gotten from his family and not just him.
  But then he thinks of a younger you, picking up and putting together the little pieces of your childhood you told him about. A little you memorizing and teaching yourself foreign languages to fill up the silence left from your parents.
“We’re your family now.” 
  Yukhei’s eyes widen when he realizes he said that out loud. He knew your childhood was a bleak one, and most of the love you’ve received coming from your friends rather than your parents. He wanted to help you in any way he could, and if it was just spending time with you and Xiao, he would trade everything in the world for it. “I mean, looks like Xiao already thinks you are even if we just met yesterday.”
  You’re too caught up in your thoughts to really think about his words, lightly brushing strands of hair off of Xiaoli’s face. “I feel like I’ve known her forever.”
  Yukhei feels his breath get stuck in his throat, your voice dripping with sweetness, adoration, honey. He takes the time to really take in the both of you on the couch, wondering if he’s ever seen his daughter so smitten with anyone other than him. He laughs to himself, head shaking and voice deep.
  “I don’t think Xiao’s ever slept on anyone except me. She’s so comfortable with you already.”
  His laughter is what snaps you out of your thoughts, grinning from ear to ear at his words. You keep looking at her, unable to get enough of her cuteness. “Thats one of the nicest things anyones ever told me.”
  Yukhei’s grin grows to the size of yours as he keeps his gaze set on the two of you. He doesn’t look away the whole time, doesn’t even want to blink, cementing this part of his life forever. In that point, he’s never felt so full.
  “Papa?” Xiaoli’s hands are balled up in fists when she rubs her eyes to wake up.
  Yukhei’s eyes drag from you to the little girl in your arms. A dazzling, gentle smile set on his face. “Hello there sleeping beauty.” He pats his chest and opens his arms for her to come to him. “What did you dream about?”
  You watch Xiaoli stumble across the couch to get from you to Yukhei, collapsing onto his broad chest. Your heart rate picks up watching her sit criss-cross on him, and he doesn’t look uncomfortable in the slightest.
“Unicorns, papa! So many unicorns. And I was a queen!”
  Yukhei’s smile is tender as he looks up at Xiaoli. He pinches her cheeks. “Thats not a dream! You’re a queen here, too!”
  The little girl giggles and puts her hands on his baseball cap. “I don’t have a crown. Can I take yours?”
  “No no no.” Yukhei takes her hands from his hat and kisses them instead. “Papa messed up his hair. If Y/N sees, she won’t like me-“
  Sneakily, Xiaoli slips her tiny hands out of Yukhei’s and she takes the cap off his head, giggling like crazy the whole time. Yukhei gasps loudly and groans comically at how Xiaoli held his hat above her head. “Oh, no! You’re too tall for me!”
  Your apartment is filled up with Xiaoli’s bubbly laughter and so is your heart. Your apartment feels so foreign, it didn’t even feel like just yours anymore. The way Yukhei and Xiaoli play on your couch make you forget all the times you’ve cried in that same place. 
  The Wong’s managed to fill your apartment with so much love, you forget all about your loveless childhood and previously lonely, empty apartment.
  The next time you have the pleasure of seeing Yukhei and Xiaoli is two days later, when you were supposed to help with baking her birthday cake. That was precisely why you stood in front of their door with a nervous bounce to your step and your bottom lip being gnawed on since you woke up this morning. 
   Of course, Yukhei and you have been texting as much as the two of you could but with you having an exam today and him tending to Xiaoli, it was not much. But you didn’t mind at all, the only problem being your nerves about having to see the Wong’s similarly wide smiles and booming laughter. 
“Oh! Yukhei, someones at the door for you!” 
  You snapped out of your thoughts at the opening of Yukhei’s door and a guy around your age standing in the doorway. He gives you an apologetic smile, picking up the fact that he had completely caught you off guard. “I’m sorry about that, I’m Yuta! Yukhei’s neighbor, you must be Y/N.” 
  You’re about to open your mouth when the man of the hour appears behind the shorter, blonde boy with a wide and toothy grin. Your heart skips a beat, and you instantly feel your cheeks redden. 
  “Y/N, I didn’t hear you knock.” He nudges Yuta to allow you into the apartment and you chuckle shyly, fiddling with your fingers. 
  “I was just about to.” You force yourself to look away from Yukhei’s bright eyes and towards his neighbor with a friendly smile. “Yuta, Its nice to meet you. Seems like someones been talking about me, hm?” 
  Yukhei laughs lowly and a little nervously, making Yuta smirk at you. Before he says anything, the three of you turn to a familiar squeal of a little girl. 
  From around the corner, Xiaoli sees you with a larger than life smile that makes you instantly smile back, already crouching down with your arms open wide for her to run into. “Xiao, angel!” 
  When her small arms wrap around you, you hug back and immediately feel all your anxiety fade. “I missed you, Y/N.” 
“And I missed you, lai fa.” 
  Yukhei feels his all his breath leave him when he hears the tender beautiful flower fall from your lips, making him fall all together. His heart beats erratically and uncontrollably, as if adrenaline was pumped straight through his veins. It isn’t until Yuta pats his shoulder that his gaze snaps away from Xiaoli playing with your hair that he realizes the near heart-eyes his face took shape of. 
  “You, my friend, are done for.” Yuta mutters to the still shellshocked dad, snickering behind his hand. He clears his throat, getting your attention away from the little girl in your arms. “I’m afraid I have a date to get to, but it was nice finally putting a face to the stories, Y/N.”
  You get up with a side grin, Xiaoli clutching onto one of your hands. “Will I be seeing you for Xiao’s birthday party tomorrow?” 
  He nods immediately, beaming down at the little girl. “I wouldn’t miss it for the world!” 
  Taking for into a hug, you step away from them and stand beside Yukhei with a raised brow and a minuscule smirk. “So, been telling stories about me, Yukhei?”
  “Not me, Xiaoli.” He chuckles nervously again and avoids your gaze, “you know how she is. Loves to talk.” 
“Takes after her papa.” 
  Yukhei’s cheeks and ears are a crimson red, thankful for Yuta getting up and announcing his departure and having you look away with a smirk plastered on your face. ‘Yeah, definitely done for’ the taller boy thought to himself watching you wave bye to his neighbor. 
“Are you going to read me good night?” 
  Yukhei instantly looks away from your dimpled smile and towards his daughter who directed the question to Y/N, with a pout and raised brow. “You don’t want me to read to you?” 
  She giggles and shakes her head, her long dark brown hair whipping around. “No, papa. Y/N tonight.” 
  “I seriously love her so much, Yukhei.” You say without looking at him, eyes and attention completely focused on the angel in front of the both of you. You reach down to fix her bangs with a hand resting on her cheek after. “Of course I’ll read to you, Xiao.” 
  After she grins and dances on the spot, she runs around the corner and presumably to her room. Before you can follow, a hand on yours makes you and your heart stop. 
  “If you don’t stop this immediately,” Yukhei utters with a soft voice and dangerously beautiful grin, “I’m afraid I would not be able to let you leave.” 
  He takes a few steps closer to you, closing the distance between the two of you to just a breath away, and it completely takes your breath away. Your mind is in shambles, unable to think about making any form of intelligent noise, instead being grounded on the spot with an awestruck look. 
“Y/N? Papa? I can’t find Tigger!” 
  Yukhei’s eyes that were previously trained on your lips move up to your eyes with a barely audible tsk. He drops your hand to tuck a strand of your hair behind your ear, his palm rest resting on the side of your neck for just a second, making you question how you were still breathing at that point. “I’m coming, angel!” 
He steps away from you with a playful glint in his eye. “You good there, Y/N?”
  You have to blink a couple times to regain any normal human motor function before you nod with a bashful chuckle. “You’re a very dangerous man, Wong Yukhei.” 
  All he does is shrug, nodding to where Xiaoli called for them with a small smirk. “I can’t help it, Xiaoli is almost as smitten with you as I am.” 
  He leaves without another word, making you stay grounded on the spot, playing his words and voice and everything in your head before a disbelieving laugh comes from you. You follow where Yukhei goes through the hallway and into a little girls room, very obviously Xiaoli’s due to the pink walls adorned with flowers decorated here and there. She’s laying in her pink bed with a pout and crossed arms. 
  “What happened to sleeping with Snoopy?” Yukhei asks, rummaging through a pile of toys beside a miniature table and chair set. 
“Tigger was lonely.” 
  You hold back a coo, watching Yukhei hide the tiger toy behind his back as he approached Xiaoli’s bed with an exaggerated frown. You lean against the doorframe, not wanting to interrupt the scene in front of you at all. 
“I can’t seem to find him, baobei.” 
  The sweet girl’s pout only deepens and when her eyes nearly whelm up, Yukhei immediately pulls the Tigger toy from his back and in her line of sight. He crouches down to her bed and pats her head, combing his hands through her hair. “Don’t cry, angel, he was just hiding behind me. He’s here now, see?” 
  When her face lights up, his does as well and it brought back that same yearning you felt deep in your chest when you realized that you wanted a family of your own. It pulled at your heart strings, the way Yukhei gazed at his daughter with so much affection. 
“I want Rainbow Fish tonight, Y/N!” 
  You are brought away from your thoughts with a warm smile as you nod at Xiaoli, coming into the room and kneeling beside Yukhei beside her bed. “Is that your favorite story, lai fa?” 
  She nods a bit tiredly, a small smile still on her face as she cuddles the toy and nestles into her pillows. Yukhei chuckles breathlessly, reaching over you to get the book from her bedside table, handing it to you with an affectionate gaze. He sits beside the small bed, being big enough to lean against it with his head resting on his palm. 
  “A long way out in the deep blue sea there lived a fish...” You started to read softly, turning the page here and there, making sure to follow along with your finger for Xiaoli’s benefit. 
  Pointing the pictures when necessary, you were too focused on the story itself to catch the way Yukhei watched you with all the softness in the world. His chest thumped every time you would look back at Xiaoli, even going as far as quietening your voice when you noticed her eye lids getting heavier. Yukhei could not stop looking at you, feeling so entranced by the gentleness of your tone, the quirk of your lips as you read the children’s book, the love in your eyes whenever you looked at Xiao. 
“Yukhei? She’s asleep now.” 
  Blinking, Yukhei’s daze was cut off by your whispers and raised eyebrow. His cheeks flare up as he quickly leans over to the figure of his daughter peacefully asleep. “Sweet dreams, baobei.” 
  You watch him kiss her cheeks, eyelids, and forehead with a racing heart and clammy palms. The act leaving such an impact on you, you felt your eyes whelm up and you look away once you catch the softest ‘i love you forever’ from the tall, beautiful man in front of you. Getting up, you turn the lights off, leaving her bedside nightlight on after you remember Yukhei telling you she couldn’t stay asleep without it. 
  The two of you carefully walk out her room, Yukhei leaving the door partly open before motioning to follow him. “You didn’t have to do that, Y/N. I appreciate it, really.” 
  You just smile and giggle, nudging the beautiful man as you walk beside him. “Stop thanking me for the smallest things, Yukhei. I’d do anything for her.” 
  His reply doesn’t come in the form of words, instead stopping his tracks and turning to you. Theres a rosy hue to his cheeks that instantly makes you blush too, the look forcing all the butterflies in your stomach to go crazy. Yukhei slowly raises his hands over your cheeks and holds them gently. His smile is almost shy, eyes squinting at the corners as he looked down at you with nothing but adoration. 
“Can I kiss you then? Will you accept that as a thank you?”
  Your throat goes dry and you know your face was fire hydrant red, never feeling your cheeks as hot as they did as that moment. You nod dumbly, not trusting yourself to speak and break the way Yukhei gazed at you like everything you’ve ever wanted in life. 
  His face inches forward ever so slightly and just when his lips brush against yours, theres a phone ringing that makes you jump and Yukhei sigh loudly. Keeping one hand on your cheek, he uses the other to reach in his pocket and pull out his phone, answering without taking his eyes off of you. He gives you an apologetic but cheeky smile. 
“Can I help you, Sicheng?”
  You chuckle quietly when Yukhei sighs and a deep voice talks on the other end, making him roll his eyes. Dropping his hand from your cheek, he looks down at you with a pout, his socked left foot nudging yours from where the two of you stood. Your cheek instantly feels ice cold and you wish that you could feel his warm, big hands on you for as long as possible. “Yeah, it’s tomorrow at 2pm. Isn’t Yuta with you? Why couldn’t you ask him yourself?” 
  You couldn’t help but eavesdrop on the conversation, as Yukhei switched to speaking in Cantonese and it was probably the most attractive thing your ears where blessed with; hearing him speak in his mother tongue. 
“Assholes, both of you. Good bye!” 
  The boy in front of you shakes his head before looking at you with a roll of his eyes and a sheepish smile. “Sorry about that. You ready to bake this cake?” 
  You watch him tread to the kitchen that was at the end of the hall, a skip to his step and whistling lowly under his breath. You tried and tried to push back the whirlwind of thoughts and feelings that arose from the near Earth-shattering moment but it just kept coming at you, making you flustered all over again. 
  You’ve had a couple boyfriends in your 21 years of life, but none of them standing out or erupting waves of adrenaline and adoration to come from you. And before you bumped into the Wong’s, you’ve been feeling a slow hole of loneliness grow in your chest. Countless nights spent crying yourself to sleep over the thought of being so emotionally unfulfilled was immediately swept away the moment Yukhei looked at you the way he did with his hands on your cheeks. 
  Yukhei always had a smile on his face around you, but not such a loving and caring twinkle that left you breathless every time you thought about it. 
“Are you okay, Y/N?”
  You look up to warm hot chocolate brown eyes and your lips impulsively perk up on their own. Nodding, you make your way to him and ignore the feeling of completeness you felt being around Yukhei, putting all your focus on the cake mix that sat on top of the kitchen tables. 
“I may or may not have eaten a few spoons of the frosting.”
  Laughter flows out of you easily and carelessly, the innocence in the tall man’s voice making you shake your head but endlessly thankful for having the chance to meet a guy like Wong Yukhei. Without thinking about it, you lean up on the tips of your toes and place a quick but mind numbing kiss on his soft cheek, the action making him freeze instantly and you turn red all over. “If this cake turns out bad then, I’m putting all the blame on you.” 
  Yukhei, in all his dazed glory, can only nod at you with wide eyes and a slack jaw, not prepared for the flash of confidence that came out of nowhere. You can’t help but chuckle shyly at his state, never leaving a boy speechless, especially leaving a man like Wong Yukhei without the ability to think properly. 
  The next four hours was dedicated to baking and decorating the vanilla cake, taking almost twice as long due to the presence that was Yukhei and all his laughter and wide-smiled glory. The two of you talked and joked around as if you’ve known each other for years and not a mere few days. It was easy, the way conversation never seemed to seise and moments of silence feeling anything but awkward. 
  From childhood stories and embarrassing teenage phases to revealing hidden talents and the reasons behind visible scars, the two of you were far too engrossed in each other to notice the worsening weather outside until the finished cake sat proudly on a large golden platter. 
“Oh shit, was that lightning?” 
  Yukhei’s words make your eyes go from the amateurly decorated pink and white cake to windows that showcased heavy rain, thunder, and lightning. You look down to your phone that read 11:45pm and muttered a curse. “I completely forgot a storm was coming tonight, and how is it nearly midnight already?” 
  Walking over to his large living room windows, you see the roads below nearly flooding, with cars having to drive extra slowly but still making it look ever daunting. You pout at the sight. 
“Are you going to be able to drive back in this weather?” 
  Yukhei’s deep voice comes from behind you and you jump at the sound, blushing at how close he was to you. Shrugging and looking at the both of your light green socks, the car keys in your back pocket feeling like a 100 lbs. “Probably, I just never have driven in weather this bad.” 
  Theres a moment of silence between the two of you, only filled up by the loud booming of thunder and constant heavy rainfall. 
  “You can stay the night, if you’d like. I would prefer if you did.” Yukhei looks anywhere but your eyes, feeling heat crawl up his neck. “Just to be safe, I mean. I can sleep on the couch and you can take my bed, and I have extra clothes that are small enough and could fit you. I just need to get them for you-”
  His rambling is cut off by your low chuckle and equally as rosy cheeks. You nod without another thought, making the tall man beam at you bashfully. “Your nervous rambling is adorable, by the way.” 
  “I’m not adorable.” He mutters with a pout and blush still heavily evident on his face. Yukhei coughs a little, rubbing the back of his neck. “Let me get you some clothes and check on Xiao, she isn’t scared of storms but I just want to make sure she’s still asleep.” 
  During the time spent baking and decorating the cake, the two of you would take turns checking up on the sleeping little girl. She slept soundly the whole time, but you couldn’t blame Yukhei for wanting to make sure she was still asleep and okay. When he excuses himself from the living room, you can’t help but look around the space, taking it all in for the first time. 
  The moderately furnished room was decorated here and there with framed pictures and occasional polaroids of Xiaoli, Yukhei, his family, and friends. Spotting Yuta in a few of them, you smiled as you picked up a particular selfie Yuta took with Yukhei holding and looking down at a younger Xiaoli with the fondest of smiles on his face. With missing teeth and messy bangs, Xiao beamed at the camera and you wanted to combust on the spot, catching each of the similarities the younger girl shared with her dad. 
  “Do you want to watch a movie and order out some food? I’ve only got leftover Mexican in the fridge and I honestly don’t know how long it’s been there.” You set the frame down and turn to the sound of Yukhei’s voice, where he held out a pair of boxer shorts and a large hoodie. He has a sheepish grin when you meet his eyes. “I like sleeping in freezing temperatures. And I didn’t have any smaller shorts or pants, but if you aren’t comfortable in this I can look deeper in my closet for something else-”
  “Yukhei.” Your smile is wide and made your cheeks hurt, finding him so fucking adorable when he nervously rambles, you couldn’t handle it. You take the clothes from his outreached hands. “These work just fine, thank you. And you choose the food, I pick the movie?” 
  He nods excitedly, twisting the rings on his fingers (another habit you found so absurdly cute). “You can change in my room, it’s right beside Xiao’s. Do you prefer Chinese or Vietnamese?” 
  Your stomach makes an audible noise at the sound of Vietnamese and you give him a meek grin. “If you want pho as much as I do right now, I’ll probably cry.” 
  Yukhei bites down on his bottom lip hard, not wanting to smile as freakishly big as he felt like he would. “You’re so cute, Y/N. I’ll order that then.” 
  Nodding and listing what you preferred in the pho, you go down the hall and into his room, laughing at how Yukhei it was. Everything was clean and organized, no clothes on the floor or a single object out of place. Different sports memorabilia and space-related posters were up on the walls and sprawled across his desk. With a picture of a baby Xiaoli on his bedside, your cheeks kept getting progressively redder the more you spent investigating his room. 
  Quickly changing and laughing at your reflection in his mirror, the hoodie long enough to be a dress, with the shorts barely peaking at the bottom, Yukhei’s clothes basically ate you whole. You pitter-patter through the halls, your leggings and shirt clutched against your chest when you reemerge into the living room. 
“I kind of feel like watching a horror movie, do you mind if we do?” 
  Yukhei is chilling on his couch and looks up from his phone once he hears your voice. He does a double take seeing you drowned in his hoodie, nearly choking on air and feeling super flustered. “Um, yeah, I don’t mind.” 
  You raise an eyebrow at his stutter, and grin playfully scooting next to him on the couch. “Like my outfit? It’s new.” 
  “You look adorable.” He stutters out, shaking his head when he just feels his face going crimson all over again. When he chuckles, its deep and makes your legs go numb. “Fuck, keep the whole thing. You look so damn cute, Y/N.” 
  Your cheeks flush and when he doesn’t stop looking at you with that damned side smile, a giggle falls from your lips. “Stop looking at me like that, Yukhei.” 
  Yukhei just shakes his head, inching closer to you with a coy smile. “I can’t help it honestly.”
  With the softness of his voice, his twinkling eyes, and the way he licked his lips once he looked down at yours. You couldn’t hold yourself back anymore, all conscious thoughts flying out of your head the second you leaned forward and closed the distance between the two of you. 
  And fuck, the millisecond your lips met his velvety soft ones, it felt like it was just the two of you, somewhere far out of this world. You pull away for a moment, and when his eyes that were previously closed flutter open, the butterflies erupt in your chest all over again and you don’t hesitate before kissing him again. 
  Kissing Wong Yukhei was like being wrapped in a fluffy blanket straight from the dryer, the warmth spreading like wildfire throughout your whole body and making the tips of your toes tingle. One of his hands are at the back of your neck, tangling itself around your hair as if he wanted to only get closer to you. The other arm engulfing you so tightly onto him, you could feel his heart beating rapidly through the hoodies the both of you wore. Your heart raced at the same pace, the two organs almost syncing up. 
  His lips felt like magic and you were in awe, every crash of your lips feeling just as explosive as the last. Your arms are wrapped so tightly around his neck, you thought there might be marks. 
  Yukhei kissed you so passionately you couldn’t believe kissing could ever feel like this, and how you’ve never experienced anything like it before. It felt invaluable, caught up in the whirlwind of this beautiful mans arms and lips. 
  When the two of you pull away, its all heavy breathing, swollen lips, and glossy eyes. And just when you thought kissing Yukhei couldn’t be any more surreal, you were by far unprepared for what came after. 
  The way his glassy, twinkling eyes scan your face with a slack jaw of pure unadulterated awe. The two of you too caught up in a daze to realize how tightly you still held onto each other. 
  You’ve kissed and been with a good number of men before, but none of them were Wong Yukhei. 
  Yukhei kisses you again and again, before you catch his adam’s apple bob and a slow, captivating smile stretches across his lips. 
Lips you wanted to kiss over and over again. 
“You’re a very dangerous woman, Y/N.” 
  Your throat feels dry, breathless when you laugh. The hand on the back of your head slides to your cheek and your own play with his soft, brown locks. “I couldn’t help it, Yukhei.” 
  A doorbell bursts the bubble around Yukhei and you, bringing you back to Seoul and back to his apartment. He groans under his breath, hands still never leaving you. “That’s our food.” 
  When he still doesn’t move and doesn’t look away from your ever increasing rosy cheeks, you nudge him with a chuckle. “You should probably go get that then.” 
  Yukhei pouts, eyes lingering on your lips before he can’t help but kiss them again. It was terrifying how addictive the softness of his lips were and how well they fit against yours, but you were thankful knowing he was just as obsessed with it as you were. 
  The rest of the night is a blur. Both of you wrapped against each other, arms and legs entangled as if to make up for the years the two of you never met. A random but forgotten horror movie playing in the background and two large bowls of pho between you, it felt like looking away from each other would be committing a sin.
  For the first time that night in many years spent sleeping alone, you fall asleep on a guy’s chest. But as you quickly learned in the mere four days you’ve known Yukhei, he was by far no ordinary guy. 
  You wake up to the smell of coffee and pancakes, Yukhei’s couch feeling just as comfortable as a bed with the amount of comforters and blankets the two of you nestled yourselves in the night before. 
  You sit up to stretch and immediately burrow back into the thick blankets, the living room nearly freezing. 
“Morning angel, how many sugars do you want in your coffee again?” 
  Yukhei’s voice makes you a double take, the morning blessing him with extra deep vocals that made you flush a crimson red. “Uh,” your croaky throat makes you cringe slightly, “just two please. Morning Yuki, how was your sleep?”
  His head pops out from the kitchen with a bright, surprised smile. “Did you just call me Yuki?” 
Your eyes widen and you laugh nervously. “Maybe. What about it?”
  Walking into the living room stirring a mug of coffee, Yukhei looked like he walked straight out from the gates of heavens. His dark hair fell over his forehead in a messy, curly fashion that instantly brought you back to the events of last night. 
  “I like it, you finally gave me a nickname.” He sits beside you, handing the mug with a slow smile. He leans back on the couch, looking at you fondly as you sipped on the coffee, surprised he made it perfectly like you wanted. “I slept perfectly. What’d you dream about?” 
  Your mind goes crazy, remembering the same question he asked Xiaoli after she napped in your house. You take the mug with both hands, relishing its warmth. “I don’t remember, really. Last night was a dream on its own.” 
  Yukhei’s laugh is as deep as the Mariana’s Trench, holding up a hand to cradle and rub your cheek with his thumb. His cold rings complementing the heat of your cheek and the warmth of his palm. “So cute. I’m glad you stayed last night.” 
  A small yawn breaks the contact between Yukhei and you, both your eyes going to Xiaoli’s small frame in one of Yukhei’s old high school track and field shirts. She rubs her eyes with one fist, the other still holding onto the same Tigger toy from last night. “Good morning.” 
  Yukhei instantly coos, opening his arms wide for the little girl to come into. “Look who’s awake! Its my baobei’s birthday!”
  She hops on his lap, sitting criss-cross with a tired but excited smile, holding her toy to her chest. You pinch her cheeks when she turns to you. “You’re 5 now, thats so exciting, lai fa!” 
  Grinning, she drops the tiger to hold onto your cheeks and gives you a big kiss on your forehead. “I’m happy you’re here, Y/N!” 
  “See, its not just me.” Yukhei says with a gentle, soothing voice that makes your heart flutter. He rubs Xiao’s back with one hand and rests the other on your knee, squeezing it every now and then. “What do you want for breakfast, angel?” 
  “Cake! Birthday cake!” She squeals, clapping wildly. Yukhei laughs, letting go of your knee to fix and comb through her messy bangs and hair, pulling it up to a ponytail. “Did you get a cake?” 
  “Y/N and I baked one just for you, baobei. Its extra special because its your 5th birthday!” 
  When you turn away from Yukhei’s dashing smile to Xiaoli and your facial expression drops when her eyes whelm up. You instantly move closer to the two of them, holding onto her hands. “Why are you crying, Xiao? Do you want a different cake?”
  She pouts and shakes her head, tears slipping from her eyes. “No, I’m happy, Y/N. So happy. This is the best birthday ever.” 
  Yukhei quickly wipes her tears, shushing her from tearing up more with a wispy look of his own. Kissing each cheek, he pulls in the both of you for a hug, rocking back and forth ever so slightly. The previously freezing living room feels almost too warm now, feeling Xiaoli’s arms wrap around the both of you. She giggles when you pinch her cheeks again, leaning more into your chest. 
  He looks down at you with a larger than life smile that makes you want to stay with the Wong’s for as long as you could. Kissing the top of your head, Yukhei mutters under his breath my angels, my angels over and over again, as if trying to cement the complete fulfillment he felt at the moment. 
  You’ve never felt so whole as you did being in the arms of Wong Yukhei and surrounded by the giggling of Wong Xiaoli. 
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viralhottopics · 8 years
7 Famous White Feminists Im So Over
The Urban Dictionary
White Feminism is nowa popular term owing to the abundance of white celebs taking advantage of the movement to further their own interestand career, usually without extending female solidarity or tackling relevant social issues such as trans-womens rights, Hollywoods whitewashing, invisibility of the disabled, police brutality, cultural appropriation, or institutional racism.
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While this type of feminism raises a certain level of awareness to SOME feminist issues, it is harmful in that it paints a negative picture of the overall movement and thusgives dumb, ignorant boys an excuse to create sexist memes so they can call anyone who gets offended as Do not misunderstand me, I do not blame White Feminism as the sole reason why people, especially on the internet, immediately reject the importance and essence of feminism (sad online gnomes who are super bored with their lives and are desperate to be edgy should be held accountable for their own short-sightedness). My point is I would be very unglad if young women were led to believe by their idols that womens rights, solidarity, and empowerment are purely about #squadgoals, #actlikeaman, and #fuckdiets.
Rebecca Vorick, Feminism 101: What Is White Feminism?
Whether as individuals or celebrities, I dont hate the women that I will listbelow, but I do loathe their rejection of intersectional feminism, their habit of whining towards critics, and their collective willfulinabilityto acknowledge andlearn from their white privileged ways.
So here I present to you the role models for White Feminism and why they hella suck:
The Holy Trinity
1. Amy Schumer
Meghan Demaria
The first time I discovered Amy was from her movie after it got rave reviews from critics despite her character being obnoxiousas hell. Hollywood was abuzz with this funny, feminist, body-positive woman. Then I came across this article on her racist antics specifically about her controversial video parody of Beyoncs pro-black . I googled more and found out shes said a ton of racially insensitive things such as that time she joked Mexican men are rapists;or when she was bummed because no lesbians hit on her at a lesbian bar (was she thinking or what?); or when she implied men of color cat-call women more than white men do.
– If your career is built at the expense of minorities whom you mock and dehumanize, then your comedy is probably lazy, gross, and stale tbh. To quote Nathan Robinson but Amys jokes, as the Guardian explains,
If people pointout repeatedly you are racist and you can only respond along the lines of MAYBE you should self-reflectand make an effort to see WHY youre constantly criticized for your tasteless words instead of issuing another hollow Amys PR apologies, like many forced White Feminist apologies, count for nothing until she stops making feebleminded jokes that cater exclusively to a white American audience. Contrary to what Amy has claimed, she doesnt take responsibility for her words and doesnt use criticism against her in order to evolve as an artist and person. Instead she firmly stands her ground, proceeds to produce the same tired material, and shouts
TLDR, Amy, making and being slightly chubby does not a feminist make. No volume of laughter can drown out the fact youre a racist.
2. Lena Dunham
Lena, Lena, Lena. Oh, god, where do I begin?
Rebecca Carroll
If White Feminism were a video game, Lena Dunham would be that aggravating, seemingly unbeatable self-entitled boss villain at the end of the game that suddenly comes alive after you defeat it, cackling at you as it escapes into Video Game Part 2. Without her, the other mini-bosses might not have been enabled. She is the head of the White Feminist hydra whose foot-in-the-mouth diseasereaches far and wide.
"White Feminism" BINGO card. I have experienced ALL of these. Ugh. (From feministbingocards on Tumblr) http://pic.twitter.com/rUo4JubVeO
— Trudy (@thetrudz) February 6, 2015
Which brings me to why shes tied with Amy and why she is THE poster child for White Feminism (I only placed Amy first because I personally find her more unbearable). Because Lena, Amy, and friends are praised as feminist heroines, they and their careers get away virtually unscathed ifthey carelessly make racist, homophobic, or transphobic remarks. While Amy is guilty of proudly creating insipid humor, Lenas affronts are more unsettling.
Shes incredibly narcissistic as shown when she ranted (as in seriously, as in not a joke) about being offended by a black man not flirting with her and when she confessed shed never had an abortion but wished she had one (gurl, there are other ways to drawawareness on an issue without making it about yourself); her tv show supposedly represents feminism but only casts white girls and downplays sexual assault;she repeatedly objectifies black male bodies;she stated unbelievably ignorant gibberish about India and penned a sexist essay on Japan;she tweeted a racist joke about Asians; her view towards Rihannas abusive relationshipis perplexing; she doesnt acknowledge her success was heavily influenced by her wealthy familys connections; and she may have outed her sister to their parents without consent.
Theres also the questionable incident with said sister that Lena wrote of in her book I mean kids do weird crap and girls should be allowed to discover and explore their bodies and do naive stuff, but IDK what to sayabout this one so Ill just quote this anonymous comment on Jezebels article:
And this one by redditor scdi:
Plus this one by Victoria Brownworth:
While Im all for women being shameless in their self-love, theres nothing really new or groundbreaking with Lenas capitalist-centric feminism. Her work has indisputably raisedthe spotlight on important womens issues such as abortion and sexual autonomy, but is that enough given the harm shes done to feminism, to people of color, to LGBTQ+? She invites women to support her and her show because girl power, but hasnt bothered to address intersectionality and diversity, much less internalize any negative comments towards her regarding the above-mentioned stunts.
Lena Dunhams feminism is tone deaf. Theres nothing empowering about a classist, rich, privileged white girl who, like her counterpart Amy, contributes nothing profound or of actual substance for womens issues and is averse to improving her advocacy. I just I cant anymore. Lena, please ssssh.
If youre like me and youre done with Lena DONEham, check out some of the silly things shes saidhere.
3. Taylor Swift
My problematic fave! Who knew she was trouble when she walked in? T-Swizzles damsel-in-distress feminism may not be as toxic as Lena Dunhams, but its still clear as dishwater.
Taylor primarily rose as a status symbol for geeky shy girls, but even then people were already dissing Americas sweetheart. Somewhere along the way it became uncool to hate on Tay-Tay (whether legitimately or not), especially after Kanye stole her moment during the 2009 VMA.
Alas, regardless how polished and sweet your public persona is, if theres dirtunder all that sugar itll inevitably seep through bit by bit.Besides,any person who learns his/her feminism from Lena Dunham should not be trusted.
Ill sayTaylor is a hypocrite. Once upon a time she asserted she was not a feminist until one day she realized feminism is prettyradand helps her brandas an artist(plus it can be handy to dismiss your critics as). Of course its perfectly fine to change your opinion as you mature and learn from your initially confused view of feminism, but weve yet to see Taylor own up her missteps and strive for change.
She built an empire by portraying an angelic female whose biggest enemy is the sexualother female who steals her mans attention, and she exemplified this when she shit on Camille Belles career because Camille dated Taylors ex. She called her clique of BFFs to film a music video to drag Katy Perry after a feud. She accused Nicki Minaj of thereby overshadowingNickis discussion on her legitimate struggles as a black female artist and yet its Taylors character thats being assassinated? K.
Additionally, Taylor seems to be unaware of her privilege as a white woman; she culturally appropriates POC and uses them as props in her videos; her #squad is not inclusive; and her latest drama with Kanye contributes to the stereotypeof the angry black man vsthe innocent, faultless white woman. She also contendsthat if you are female and you do not support her, then there is aspecial place in hellfor you. Her self-serving feminism needs work because her white privilege is showing (and probably stressing out her PR team) and her constantly being marketed as a modern feminist despite her problematic-ness may detrimentally impact her young, impressionable fans.
For more examples of Taylor Swifts misguided feminism, I compiled a page of quotes on Quote Catalog which you can view by clicking here.
Honorable Mentions
4. Tina Fey
Jamie Peck
Tina, while undoubtedly very talented and funny, has stated in a 2009 Vanity Fair interview that (after her husband visited a strip club) she disapproves of strippers because “we need to be better than that”.Meanwhile she has no qualms about slamming sex workers as the punch line to her jokes. Self-worth does not equate to modesty, Tina!
Besides these, shewas complicit in a cast members terminationfrombecausethe actresswas not conventionally attractive. Then there was that episode from her other show that bordered on racist and the other one that parodied a famous doctors appearance which may or may not haveaddedto the doctors depression.
Ill sum this up with a post from blacklamb:
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5. Jennifer Lawrence
I wouldnt have included J. Law here but thenshe wrote that patronizing open letter about the US Presidential elections expressing that loving your neighbors was the answer to ending racial violence.
While were here, Ill point out she says a lot of dumb shitbelievingshes being quirky (like that time she roasted a foreign reporter for using his phones translator) when shes actually being an asshole. Recently she alsodesecrated and destroyed a sacred Hawaiian relic by scratching her butt on it because, again, she thought it was funny even after guides specifically asked herNOT to touch said relics. Ha. Ha. Ha. I guess?
Hopefully Hollywood realizes feminism isnt mainly about women eating pizzaandnot being a size zero.
6. Miley Cyrus
White Feminism, whats good?
Like every other proper White Feminist, Miley Cyrus uses the movement for her own agenda, exploits people of color, and remains mum on important topics such as Black Lives Matter. She is kind of an expert in perpetuating misogynoir and appropriating black culture. Like shes so good at profiting from black people and reformulating black culture into her own style (then whitesplaining about it) that Nicki Minaj called her out on the 2015 VMA stage.
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Thankfully, Mileys antics seems to have simmered down recently. Lets hope other White Feministstake heed.
7. Meryl Streep / Caitlyn Jenner / Tilda Swinton
This last one was confusing. Thereare just too many White Feminists to choose from! So I mergedthree instead.
Remember that time Meryl Streep erased black peoples struggles by saying or when Caitlyn Jenner (as important as her visibility is) transitioned butdenied that same right forother trans-people?; or when Tilda Swinton broke my GOT-fan-girl heart by playing the asian-friend card with Margaret Choto make herself feel better about accepting a role as a whitewashed character?
Hollywood is flocking with White Feminists who range from annoying to problematic to downright toxic. As much as Western Media tries to shove them down my throat as exceptional feminist figures, they do not successfully represent my generation, my gender or genders issues, or my feminism.
If you want some examples of non-White Feminists, see: Zendaya, Angela Davis, Ariana Grande, Laverne Cox, Mia Mingus, bell hooks, Malala Yousafzai, Matt McGorry (yes, males can be good feminists, too),Amandla Stenberg, Carrie Fisher, etc.
Some of you may complain but pleaseread the sources. I encourage everyone, especially dissenters, to first click the links above if you have questions regarding the incidents, people, or statements written. The thought pieces/web pages the links lead to will likely be able to address your queries and offer more context and in-depth analysis regarding specific issues.
We need to become responsible for actively educating ourselves rather thanjeering should a feminist raise a concern. On the other hand, although its easy to call out White Feminists and leave it at that, this by itself will not help advance the feminist movement or strengthen solidarity. So if you spot a White Feminist, do not just call them out – call them in, too. Encourageothers to practiceintersectionalityand inclusiveness just in case they have not been schooled on the broader philosophies of feminism.
Last notes: critiquing White Feminist celebs does not diminish whatever kindnessthese ladies have done for othersor commendable work theyve accomplished in their fields or in charities (such as Meryls inspirational Golden Globes speech or Taylors altruism for her fans). You can simultaneously be a good celebrity and generous person, and still be a White Feminist.
Iacknowledge the celebrities mentioned may have already offered apologies or addressed certain matters.Thats fine– everybodys activism is messy or imperfect, and it is understandable that a public figures learning process can be more challenging. As long as one isvisibly trying to make an effort to do better it should be okay. Unfortunately most of the people I mentioned dont seem to care much.
Having well-meaning intentions that falter in execution is simply not good enough anymore.
Read more: http://ift.tt/2jHHF9Q
from 7 Famous White Feminists Im So Over
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