#btw onion rings are SO good
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(image credit: tasteofhome.com)
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(recipe: https://www.allrecipes.com/recipe/13309/rich-and-simple-french-onion-soup/
image credit: poshjournal.com)
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winterrrnight · 1 year
could i request something with a fem reader that’s of another cast from a different show of your choice, & she meets drew through madelyn. maybe they hit it off on their first meet and start texting one another almost every night. basically a mutual pine and by the end they admit their feelings. make it real fluffy!!
love your writing btw 🖤
thank you for the request anon!! The idea sparked a huge inspiration in me and I loved writing this! I definitely got carried away while writing so this is longer than most of my stuff. I added a small twist of my own and made the reader gender neutral :)
love affair
PAIRING: drew starkey x actor!gn!reader
SUMMARY: the reader and madelyn cline are co stars on glass onion. on being invited to madelyn's birthday party, the reader meets a certain someone.
WARNINGS: small mentions of anxiety, alcohol consumption, getting sick
EDITH SPEAKS: my first request! this is LONG, and this is GOOD and I LOVE how it came out!! I hope you like it too! I wasn't able to come up with a title so I decided to go with a song based title, love affair is such a good song i definitely recommend listening to it :)
Please like and/or reblog if you enjoy it 💌 feedback is always appreciated!
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It's your co star Madelyn's birthday today, and she is throwing a massive party. She's invited her friends from all the shows or movies she's been casted in before, and it's safe to say you're excited yet nervous at the same time.
You haven't been in the film industry for as long as Madelyn, you did a few minor roles here and there before you landed your major role in Glass Onion alongside Madelyn. That's where you met her for the first time, and you both hit it off really well. Glass Onion is your first project which got you a lot of exposure, so before Glass Onion you hadn't been to many parties thrown by big celebrities. This is the first one you're going to, and you're determined to make it one of the best nights of your life.
You quickly get ready, wearing an outfit which looks absolutely gorgeous on you and gives you loads of self confidence. You prepare yourself to socialise with many new people and to try to make new friends. There are going to be so many other people in the film industry; who knows, you may land a deal in another blockbuster project.
Your cab pulls outside of your house and you get inside it. You direct the driver to Madelyn's house and he takes you there in under 20 minutes. Before you can even reach the party, you can hear the music a distance away from her house, which tends to overpower your nervousness over your excitement.
The cab driver drops you outside her house. You walk up to the closed door and take in a deep breathe before ringing the bell. You can hear the chattering of the people inside. The door opens and you see Madelyn on the other side. You grin widely upon her presence.
"Happy birthday beautiful!" You say ecstatically, hugging her and kissing both her cheeks.
"Thank you darling!" She says laughing. She beckons you to come inside. You walk in to see the biggest crowd of people you've seen together in a house.
You turn to Madelyn and hand her her gift. "Oh my god you didn't have to bring me one!" She says, taking it from you and hugging you again.
"Nonsense! It's your birthday, you definitely deserve to get one."
"Thank you so much. Come on, let's get you some drinks and I'll introduce you to some people." You follow her lead to the kitchen, where she gives you a drink. You thank her and take the cup from her.
"Hey Madison!" She yells out. Madison turns around and sees the both of you. She comes up to you rushing.
"Oh my god hi!" She says, smiling widely as you hug her. "It's so nice to finally meet you!"
"You too!" You say, smiling just as widely as her.
"You were so good in Glass Onion, like, come on. That's some Emmy level acting right there." You feel your cheeks slightly warm up at her compliments.
"Thank you girl, but let's talk about Kiara! She's amazing and you're so talented!"
"Oh stop it," Madison says, laughing. You take a sip of your drink as you make some more small talk with her.
"Look there's everyone else," Madelyn says suddenly, looking across the room. You see she's looking at the group of the cast of Outer Banks. You recognise all of them. Madelyn takes you by your hand and you three make your way to the bigger group.
"Hey guys!" says Madelyn, and everyone replies with a varied version of 'hello'. Madelyn introduces you to everyone, and you hug all of them one by one and make small talk with them.
You and Madelyn now walk to the only person in the group who you haven't met yet: Drew Starkey. You may or may not have found him attractive in the show.
"Hi Drew, it's so nice to meet you!" You smile, and give him a hug.
"You too! I finally got around watching Glass Onion some time ago and you were out of this world," Drew compliments. You feel flattered from all the compliments you've been receiving today.
"Oh my god, thank you! But you as Rafe is just something else. I really cannot imagine anyone else playing him. You embodied his character so well."
"Thank you so much," he smiles. You feel your heart flutter at the small motion. You both join the group, and watch everyone talk and laugh among themselves. You look on your side at Drew, and take in how pretty he looks in the suit he's wearing. You notice the earring dangling from his ear and the rings he's wearing. You feel yourself almost swooning.
Drew whips his head in your direction but before you both can make an eye contact you turn your head away. You feel your cheeks heat up when you hear him chuckle. He totally caught you staring. You down the entire drink in your cup.
"Do you need some more?" Drew asks you. "I've run out of mine too."
"Oh... yeah sure." You both excuse yourself from the group and walk to the kitchen. Drew fills both your cups and you thank him for it. You start to feel your head slightly throbbing from the loud music playing from the speakers which are right next to you and Drew.
"Hey uh Drew?" You call him out. He hums in response. "Would you like to go out in the garden?"
"Are you okay?" He asks, slightly worried.
"Yes, yes I'm fine, it's just, the music is too loud and I'm starting to get a little overwhelmed by the number of people here," you say honestly.
"Yes of course," he says. "You'll feel better if you get some fresh air." You both leave the house and go to the garden. There is a small fountain set up in the centre of the massive garden, so you and Drew sit next to each other on the edge of the fountain.
"Thank you for coming out with me," You say, feeling grateful there's someone with you to help you feel more relaxed.
"You don't have to thank me sweets, it's all fine. I'm guessing big crowds aren't your thing?"
"No, they really aren't. I haven't been around in the industry to be used to such a huge amount of people in one room. It does make me anxious."
"Don't worry about it," Drew says softly. "It takes time to get used to it all, the big crowds of people, the paparazzi on the streets, the overwhelming number of events to attend. Your mind will slowly start to feel relaxed as you spend more time in this industry. Becoming famous comes at a price." He laughs.
"Oh it definitely does," you giggle with him. You both sit in silence, the sound of the music muffled. You have already starting to feel more relaxed, and you think it's because of Drew's presence next to you.
You like this feeling.
↶ೃ✧˚. ❃ ↷ ˊˎ-
"Okay now I have to try this casserole, you've mentioned it atleast five times already." You laugh. Your and Drew's position has changed from the edge of the fountain to the grass on the ground. You both sit in the grass, your legs crossed as you play 20 questions.
"What can I do, it's just that good," He says proudly. To every food related question you asked him, Drew managed to give "my famous chicken casserole" as the answer.
What you both have not realised is that it's been over two hours since you both have been sitting out here and chatting. The party had started to die down in the last half hour. So many people had left, and the music was now playing at a low volume. You feel your phone vibrate, so you pull it out to see Madelyn calling you.
"Hello?" You say.
"Where are you? Did you leave?" You hear Madelyn on the other end. She sounds frantic.
"Oh no I'm outside with Drew, we're in the garden," You reply. There is a silence on the other end of the phone. In a few seconds you are met with the constant beeping, signalling Madelyn ended the call.
You hear the door open and watch Madelyn walk out to you both. "Way to go guys, you could've atleast told me you're here! I was worried when I couldn't find you inside. You aren't the kind of people who leave without saying goodbye so I knew you hadn't left for your homes, which made me a lot more nervous when I couldn't find you inside." She rambles, and then starts to breathe heavily after she finishes.
"We're so sorry Madelyn," you say, getting up from the ground. "Me and Drew got so lost in conversation that we didn't even realise where the time passed."
"Yeah, it's also getting late now, so I think we both will just leave now," adds Drew, as he stands from the ground too. You nod along his words.
"Unless you need any help inside?" You ask.
"Oh no, don't worry about that." Madelyn is quick to connect two and two together. She sees the spark between you two, and starts to feel all giddy upon the possibility of you both getting closer. "I hope you had a fun time." She smiles at you both.
You turn to look at Drew who looks at you back, both of you just softly staring into each other's eyes.
Oh you definitely had fun.
And so did he.
"We did," you say, turning back to look at Madelyn. "We'll just leave now. I'll book a cab."
"Oh no, I'll drop you," Drew pipes in.
"No it's okay, it'll be such a hassle for you. It'll only take me a few seconds to book one."
"No no, I insist. It can be unsafe to be alone with an unknown cab driver this late at night."
"He's right, he can drop you. It's best you don't go home alone." Madelyn adds.
You look at the both of them, and give in. "Okay, thank you Drew."
You both exchange your last goodbyes with Madelyn and wish her a happy birthday again before you leave her house together. Drew's car isn't parked that far from her house. You reach the passenger door but before you can open it for yourself, Drew opens it for you.
"Oh, why thank you kind sir," you say in a posh accent as you sit down. He just giggles at your reply and walks around the car to sit in the driver's seat. He starts the car and begins to drive.
You connect your phone to his Bluetooth speakers to put on some music. After searching around your playlist for a few seconds, you find your favorite song.
"Oh my god I love this one!" Drew says, bobbing his head to the beat.
"You do?" You say happily.
"Yes! Their recent album is just simply a work of art."
"Right! It's my all time favorite album! It's everything." On the drive to your house, you and Drew vibe to music and surprisingly, you both have a lot of common music taste.
Drew drives up to your house, but he just doesn't want you to leave. Not yet. This is too soon. He wants to spend more time with you, get to know you better.
But it's getting late at night. And as much as you don't want to leave either, you know you have to go.
"Drew, could we exchange numbers?" You ask, shyly. He just nods his head with a smile and gives you his phone. You put in your number and ask him to text you so you can get his.
"Thank you for the drive Drew," you say softly. You stare into his eyes yet again. There is so much you have to explore, so much more you need to know about him. He's lived a different life before you came in it, and you want to know about it all. You want to know every single thread that's been woven together to create this beautiful man in front of you.
"You're welcome," his voice just as soft as yours. You want him to stop you. You want him to tell you that he doesn't want you to leave. You want to stay with him and talk some more.
But he doesn't say anything.
You give him another smile and step out of the car and walk to your house.
Drew is controlling himself from calling your name out. Why are you getting distant from him by each passing second? Why aren't you staying? He doesn't want you to leave.
↶ೃ✧˚. ❃ ↷ ˊˎ-
You freshen up in your washroom and change in some comfortable clothes before lying in your bed. You hear your phone vibrate so you pick it up to see it's a text from an unknown number.
unknown number: hey it's Drew :)
You smile at the text. You quickly save his number and shoot him a text back.
you: hey :)
drew: oh you haven't slept yet?
you: nope, not sure if I'll be able to fall asleep tho, my insomnia keeps on kicking in
drew: ugh same, insomnia gets the best of me
And you both kick it off again. It's almost 3 am at night, but you're up texting Drew. You feel like you are 13 years old, and you are getting to text your first ever crush. The nerves, the skipping of your heartbeat each time Drew uses a heart in his texts all make you feel like a little teenager again.
And you love it.
↶ೃ✧˚. ❃ ↷ ˊˎ-
It's been almost three weeks since you met Drew, and all you have to say about this is that your life has changed for the better. He's there for you every single moment you need him; when you need someone to celebrate your small successes with, when you need a shoulder to rest your head on when you're sad, when you need someone to just listen about what's been bothering you.
In return, you love to be by Drew's side as much as you can. You try your best to reciprocate every little thing he does for you.
But one of the biggest things Drew has done for you is get in contact with one of the directors he has worked in the past, who now has casted you in his upcoming movie. The script impressed you a lot, and you're super excited to start working on it. And you just don't know how you can thank Drew for it.
"Sweets it's the fifth time today you've thanked me for it and it's only 9 am! I swear, I've done nothing, all I did was just call him up." He smiles at you, as he hands you a plate of the pancakes he made.
"But now I'm getting to act in this big movie Drew! You really don't know how grateful I am for that," you say, digging into the pancakes.
You were over at Drew's home last night to watch some Netflix together. You ended up falling asleep in between the show, so Drew carried you to his room carefully. When you woke up this morning, it took you a few seconds to realise where you are.
"I have to do something for you in return, otherwise I'll just feel guilty." You tell him.
"What? There is nothing to feel guilty about. No more talks about this okay? You and me, we're close friends, we do things for each other without expecting a thank you in return."
Friends. He didn't intend to say that, but what else can he do? He doesn't want to risk what you both have created so lovingly by admitting his feelings for you. What if you don't like him back?
Friends. Why do you feel a pang in your chest upon hearing this word? But, that's what you are right? You haven't told him how you feel about him, so that makes you friends, right?
An awkward silence falls over you two which only involves the sound of the forks and knives scratching against the plate and of you both chewing. Once you're done eating, Drew takes your plates and puts them in the dishwasher. Meanwhile you gather all your stuff and get ready to leave. You say nothing except a simple goodbye and leave his home.
↶ೃ✧˚. ❃ ↷ ˊˎ-
You're sitting in your room with your script in your hand as you read it and try to memorise your lines along with it. The sound of your phone ringing makes you lift your head up from your script. You see it's Drew calling you. You get slightly worried because he doesn't call you very often, you both usually prefer texting but when he does call you, it's something urgent.
"Hello?" You say after accepting the call.
"Uh... are you free?" You hear Drew's voice on the other end. Except, he doesn't sound the same. He sounds sick.
"Oh my god Drew are you okay?" You ask worriedly, getting up from your bed and finding your shoes and other things you'll need if you have to leave the house.
"Just a little sick," he then coughs, which definitely doesn't indicate to a 'little sickness'.
"I'm coming okay? Just give me a few minutes." You cut the call and quickly pop on your shoes, pick up all your stuff and leave your house.
You reach his place really quickly and rush inside. You realise you didn't ring the bell but then you remembered he's alone and sick so it's best to not disturb him from his bed.
You enter his room to see the lights switched off, the curtains drawn, and Drew's body lying under the covers. You walk up to him and carefully lift the duvet from his head. You softly gasp at how pale he looks. There are loads of scrunched up tissues lying around on his bed.
"Hey," he says, his voice hoarse as he tries to smile at you.
"Drew, bub," you say nothing else. You feel so bad for him, he must be feeling so sick. He notices your frown and lifts one of his hands up to your hand.
"Hey I'll be fine, now that you're here to take care of me," you softly chuckle at his words, as you caress the back of his palm. You lean in to press your forehead against his to see if he has a temperature. At that moment, Drew feels his cheeks heat up, and not only because of the high temperature he has.
When you feel his forehead scorching hot against yours, you quickly rush to his medicine cabinet and find the pills you need. You then get a glass of water for him. You carefully wrap your arms around his body and help him sit up in his bed. You hand him the water and a pill.
He takes the pill and you tell him you're going to make some vegetable soup for him. You go to his kitchen, find all the ingredients you need in his fridge and start to whip up the soup. You work quicker than usual, because you know you need to get this to him as quick as you can. When the soup is simmering away on the stove, you go back to his room. He's still sitting in the same position, his head leaned back against the headboard and his eyes closed.
You drag one of the chairs in Drew's room closer to him and sit down. He opens his eyes and looks at you.
"I'm so sorry for bothering you, I really didn't know who to call." He says.
"You don't have to apologise, I'm here for you always," you say softly, taking his hand in yours again and rubbing his skin just as you did before. He seems a lot more relaxed upon this gesture from you.
"You are sweets, you are always there for me. You're there for me when I need someone to talk to, you're there for me when I need someone to tell my dad jokes to."
"And you are always there for me Drew," you add. "You're there for me when I need someone to listen to my crazy theories about the movies I watch."
Drew gives you a soft smile, and you both look into each other's eyes just the way you always do, and you find yourself getting lost in them again. It's like you've found a home in those striking blue eyes.
"Sweets?" He calls you out. Your heart flutters each time he calls you that. "Can I tell you something?" Maybe it's the high temperature that he has that's making him do this, or maybe he's just tired of being just friends with you. Whatever it is, he is ready to tell it to you.
"Yes?" Your heart starting to beat faster. You have a small hunch of what he might say, but you don't want to get your hopes up just to get hurt.
"I think... I think I've fallen for you." He whispers. You look at him with your eyes wide, his hand still in yours.
You can't believe your ears. He said what you had the slightest hunch he'd say. But you didn't think you would have guessed right.
The person you fell for because he told you he will always be there for you no matter what has also fallen for you.
On the other end, Drew looks at you and tries his best to read your expression. Are you going to tell him the same, or are you about to reject him? He can't tell what's going on in your mind. He breathes deeply as he watches you look at him with wide eyes.
"I'd never thought I'd hear this but Drew, I fell for you too, so fast, so hard." You whisper back. He lets out a sigh of relief.
The person he fell for because they told him taking care of him is one of their topmost priorities has fallen for him.
You lean in and press a soft kiss on his forehead and another one on his cheek. "I'll give you a real one when you get well." You say, smiling so widely.
That night, you stay over at his place. You sleep next to Drew, his head resting on your chest as you rake your fingers softly through his hair and occasionally press a kiss to his forehead, his cheek, his temple, his chin, his nose.
He's yours, and you're his.
The world has finally fallen in place.
↶ೃ✧˚. ❃ ↷ ˊˎ-
TAGLIST: @runningfrom2am @ragingsammie
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cowcat-with-a-hat · 8 months
parappa the rapper characterz that i think they would do drugz :3 (thiz iz a joke btw)
joe chin and my proof iz: that he sold me drugz outside of the 711 last thursday nite and they weren't even drugz they were hiz branded "joe chin super drugz" AND THEY WERE PIXIE STIX still very tasty tho highly reccomend
prince fleaswallow my proof iz: he mentionz in hiz song that hez "on the run" 4 sumthing 4 what exactly im not sure but im gonna guess drug dealing i mean like he runz a flea market that soundz like a front 4 a drug ring also he lookz like sum1 who dressed themselvez while constantly stoned (trust me i would know) i just know he would smoke weed he soundz high out of hiz mind and also singz about how hez been working in the "flea market" since "hiz mama waz a baby" soundz like sumthing i'd write while high out of my mind oh and also while im on about hiz song
parappa: maybe not nesaserally DO drugz but he unknowingly sold drugz (allegedly) with prince fleaswallow 2 fix hiz dadz car altho mayb he would do weed idk XP
lammy my proof iz: thiz image (thx 2 lil mrs matter on discord 4 the proof XD)
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5. guru ant my proof iz: thiz iz just a hc i have that he and fleaswallow smoke weed 2gether and he smokez 2 calm hiz nervez now iz there a good reason that i have thiz hc nah not really am i what the kidz would say "delu lu" no and who the fuck sayz "delu lu" anywayz thatz stupid tiktok kidz r stupid 6. cathy piller, ma san and randum onion lady who waz in stage 2 in the 2nd parappa game my proof iz thiz image:
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7. pj berri my proof iz: ok now thiz iz another purely hc thing (actually thiz whole list iz XD) but hear me out the reason why that hez constantly eating and sleeping iz bcuz hez smoking that marijamige that mary jane that grass y'know weed makez people have the munchiez real bad and also makez u real sleepy so it makez total sense i don't c it being anyother way and if u disagree with me then letz go toe 2 toe by the slide @ the preskool i'll beet u up >:( 8. crash bandicoot my proof iz: ik ik that crash izn't TECHNICALLY a parappa character but shut up look @ this image
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c look they have met thiz countz anywayz crash iz def 1 of those flordia man typez who run around on bath saltz screaming no further comment
9. colonel noodlez my proof iz: what fucking moron would try 2 make noodlez the only food on earth a moron on drugz thatz who basically the whole plot of ptr2 iz that he goez on a drug binge and thinkz that all other foodz r evil and tryz 2 make everything noodlez but then parappa helpz him sober up and he realizez hez a fucking idiot and thatz why kidz u shouldn't do drugz (or do them i don't give a shit im not ur dad)
feel free 2 leave ur hcz in the commentz below <333 (btw if u didn't read the title thiz post iz satire so don't take offense 2 thiz or sumthing idk)
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5threquiem · 3 months
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where's the champagne!? happy opening gang! i'm gloss ( s/h, 25+ ) and i've brought kim seunghan with me to fill in for the 2019 white knight ( nxg1 ) canon! your muses will probably remember him as that solemn, cutthroat high achiever with severe mommy issues back during his initiate days, and i am sad to report that he has only gotten worse since his father's diagnosis! as usual, i've got a longform thesis of him under the cut because me and being concise is a mutually exclusive venn diagram, but please hit that LIKE button and i'll come 🏃‍♀️! btw to avoid the shadowban please add me on d*sc if you have it @/kkwngs!
he's a cutthroat ( capricorn sun ) onion-layered dude ( cancer moon ) that is a lot more than meets the eye ( scorpio rising )
the way the story goes, his father left his previous wife and kid when his mother was pregnant with him out of wedlock! his mother's ability to secure that ring at all cost saves seunghan from a life as the bastard son and he's forever indebted to his mother for it
the way his mother tells the story, she did it all so that she could give him a better life! loves his mother to bits because she always has his best interest in heart 💞 ok jokes up the real tea is that seunghan is so deeply under his mother's hold and is so blinded that he doesn't realise she's using him as a tool to guarantee her primary goal in life: to get rich and stay rich
it's a recurring theme in his bio, but whenever seunghan starts gaining personhood ( no he doesn't want to go to night school when he's still 7. yes he wants to be a professional swimmer because he loves to swim ) his mom pulls out some plot twist and/or guilt trips him back into remaining firmly under her control and in the end, he always concedes that he's in the wrong or hasn't been mindful of his poor 'bad good mother' and relinquishes said personhood
she pushes him very hard to be a stellar well-rounded student and the most obvious thing she uses to motivate him is the threat of his older half-brother gaining his father's love again and him and his mom being thrown out on the streets basically! of course, being robbed of his personhood + being threatened to lose everything he ever loved is the same energy as pinning all the world's debt onto one guy and killing him if that gives you a glimpse of the ungodly levels of raw, unadulterated hate he holds for his brother
but moving on because no one asked! all the hard work paid off and he eventually got into snu post-military service and became vice capt of the swim team thanks to his reputation and talent in that realm, also got scouted for the club!? tbh bro already knew about the club because his mother is basically obsessed with his older half-brother and wants seunghan to one up him in literally every aspect of life, so when she heard he was in the club naturally she told seunghan that if his older half-brother makes it in and he doesn't they might as well pack up for the streets
which means that seunghan took his initiate days very seriously! very girl you're killing it! girl it's not moving anymore! girl you can stop biting! type vibe so i'm sure some of the initiates thought he was weird but his introverted ass doesn't care and was happy to be amongst the like-minded people like his trio
then of course hyungseo dies 😩 honestly seunghan was really close to hyungseo and held a deep respect and care for the kid, so when he died, something died in seunghan that day too... genuinely has some significant survivor's guilt and he became a lot more brooding / less playful! also quit swimming which was his one release and frankly lost the motivation to continue with the club but his body was basically dragged through the rest of the year by his mom, so!
nothing overly exciting since, bro just stopped living and entered full 'tool' mode, mother asks him to jump and he'll say how high! once he graduated, he got into a pretty solid position in his father's company for an entry level ( thank you nepotism ) and fast tracked his way up! also picked up a part-time mba last year!
despite his father being relatively absent in his life, seunghan was again pretty gutted when he learnt of his father's diagnosis, but the pressure of what's to come ( i.e. the battle for inheritance which he's essentially been gearing up for his entire life and the reason why his mom he pushed himself as hard as she did was for this exact moment ) kind of took his mind off his father's diagnosis! but really this entire process as thrown him back to his days as an initiate which was one of the most brutal moments of his life ( also why does someone always have to be dying??? )
got promoted to director of corporate strategy after his mother tries to curry favour with his dad but yeah! now he's here! emotionally constipated and severely overworked, but he's here!
this might be long to you but this is one of the only intros where i tried really hard to be concise and wildly enough it is shorter than most so ! give me my cookie! anyway rah rah rah stop yapping onto the plots!
honestly i feel like a lot of the plots i want are pretty canon dependent but i would definitely love to explore 2019 more! what happened when they were chessmasters? maybe a friends turned to enemies plotline because you guys got a little too competitive and neither wanted to budge
i also feel like seunghan definitely could have dated one of the chessmasters sometime between 2017-2019! maybe just based on being club members, they fooled around then things got more serious but seunghan's mom is very present in his life and dating a mama's boy is fr diabolical work so things ended naturally or maybe even having seunghan's competitiveness and ruthlessness in 2019 becoming the last straw?
less related to the club and more related to just uni life but i'd love for someone to be on pretty alright terms with seunghan, probably you could respect his drive and competitiveness and even found it funny because you weren't really at the receiving end, but then maybe you're doing the same degree or signed up for the same role in the same club and shit went haywire? or even the opposite where you didn't really know each other in the club but steered clear of each other, but after being forced to work together somehow you realised that he's not a bad dude? like he's got a couple of layers to him that aren't too bad once you peel them away! bro can smile? who woulda thunk it!
or maybe you were part of the same friend group but you didn't vibe with him particularly not that you ever said it aloud? could even date back to high school and maybe you're annoyed that bro is in the club now even though most saw it coming! would also be fun if there's some secret sabotage going on!
seunghan's the type that keeps like 1-2 friends and everyone else is considered networking but i'd love for him to have a few friends he can actually drop his shoulders and relax around! seunghan might look very prickly and unapproachable at first glance, but he's actually a really loyal friend if you peel him back a little!
he hasn't kept in contact with many people other than his 1-2 friends since graduating but maybe! you're someone he can't shake for whatever reason? either through work relations or even because of something else entirely!
also if you ever disliked hyungseo and were kind of callous with his death best believe seunghan would have treated you like public enemy no 1 so anyone whose muse is of this sentiment please hmu
sneakily sliding in the fwb here but i feel like seunghan would have had some throughout his entire time in the club! maybe things cooled after graduation but now that you're all tied together by hyungseo in 2024, memories of the good ol days have got you kicking things back up!
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slipknots · 11 months
today has been fun! started my morning off by watching the karate kid part 2 (so good btw), got a bunch of important things done, went on a loooong walk with my neighbors cat lmao i was just following him around anywhere he wanted to go, and now i’m about to go pick up some lunch :) i ordered some cheese sticks and onion rings
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jeanmarsha8 · 2 years
i went home with the server from raglans'
I made a friend getting off the Uber at ocean beach because i saw her with her with a small dog watching the sunset, as I was about to with dasher. we sat and talked for about half an hour, bonded over the fact that we both had small dogs. We also bonded over the fact that we’re both servers at bars and she told me she works at Raglans which was a New Zealand bar about a block from where we were. I took that as a sign to stop by since I needed a drink after having my dog throw up all over me like the demon child I thought I would be taking care of at this moment in life. So I did. I sat down and ordered a mule (choice of double shot of something w ginger beer, bitters and lime juice). Then I ordered onion rings. That’s when he brought them out and I exclaimed “that’s a small? That’s huge.” He replied, “yeah they’re really good though. I’m James, btw.” I sat there for a few mins nibbling on the onion rings and feeding my dog the breading when he came out with a second round. “This ones on the house.” He said with a smile and sparking blue eyes. Next thing you know, he brings out a mini dish of turkey crumbles for dasher and a double whiskey (makers?) for me. “Still doing ok?” My original waitress asks me. “Ya. Can I get the check?” I signed my name after being charged only one drink and a small order of onion rings and ordered my Uber. That’s when James came out and sat on my table and asked me what I was up to for the rest of the night. It’s Wednesday. I have work the next day. So I told him nothing, cancelled my Uber and he bought me another mule as I waited for him to get off. we went back to his place a few blocks away from raglans that smelled like pizza and dive bar where I sat and watched my dog sniff around as he played call of duty with his roommate and spoke to me without actually looking at me. “I’m going home” I said, around 10pm. “Wait, do you like. Wanna hangout or something this weekend? There’s a Halloween party in PB..” he said after he finally dropped his remote and his roommate exclaimed “wtf man?!” I grabbed my dog and walked the fuck out of there only to find my phone at 1% and die on me. I walked back in the frat house shack of call of duty free drinks at 10 something to bum some juice for my phone. Oh but none of these imbeciles has an iPhone. So James, the call of duty playing bartender fucktard orders me an Uber as I Venmo him back and now I owe him my life apparently. 
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jonathankatwhatever · 2 years
It’s my father’s birthday, 27 Mar 2023, which means mine is 8 days away. I was always taken by that: his middle name being Saul leads to Jonathan and the 8 days of the circumcision ritual in which the boy is ‘given’ to the world, with that enacting every year.
I’m thinking about finite and why I’m not happy with the definitions I see. They are correct as definitions, but they’re observational at core.
And I know an overall answer statement includes the idea that DC&R generates and defines objects within a field. And this same process acts at every scale, so when we talk about a grid square being fully crammed, up to the boundary of the physical, then we get levels of degrees of freedom that fit together - unless they don’t, in which case they fit together in that way.
I’m getting stronger with that descriptive level or sense, which I would describe as imposing from a distance, from along the Observer line because that is what tips focus, tips Pathways, so there are generated DE’s, bounded as described, which can be treated as holes in a larger surface, meaning each can be reduced to a projective D3 existence, meaning a y squared = a cube in the correct elliptic form. Don’t ask me to type that name.
I’m seeing this process occur at scale, like the way we treat sets and subsets, so the same operation runs, and the mechanics of that is the connection into D3, right? I mean at D3 we are filling a cube, a cubic space, a volume within D4. So the idea is that this fills a grid square not completely because a circle isn’t a square, etc., but to the level where the degrees of freedom within expectations are finite. This occurs because physical existence is finite, meaning it is composed of gs process reducing to a tangible Object.
Not quite there. Need a break to spend some time with you.
I am grasping the extent of the problem. Had a vision of alternation shifting Observer focus, then that became a single focus because the alternations were so fast that they developed a central focus with that related to it out to the boundary which thus forms because now there’s an actual motivation for alternation. And this is generally true, meaning that everything visible has these boundaries, tangible and intangible, for the simple reason, as it came to me, that where you are is where you are, that stationary is a form in grid squares where the potential is different than when you’re obviously moving, as opposed to being carried along or moving internally, like breathing, or in local movements, like shifting position while working.
BTW, the food the last few days has been incredibly good. Today I had a toasted bagel with cream cheese and smoked salmon, and it was wonderful. Then for lunch I made toast, added mustard and blue cheese and softened the cheese in the toaster. Made a chicken patty, added a slice of onion pulled apart into rings on top for the 2nd side, covered. Topped with iceberg lettuce. Perfect. The steamed onion adds so much.
Finite. I’ve somewhat taken it for granted because gs process makes irrationals by counting 2. It really is a pretty idea when you grasp the depth of it, that when you count around the sides 1 and 2, then you count the area 2 along the hypotenuse so the count of 2 is oriented szK. If I’m not mistaken, that would be because there are 4 of them, 2 for each, as well, so that maps to a grid square of area 2 in which the 1Segments make an infinite process which begins and ends with root2. That is, it rather obviously begins because process extends out past any root2 hypotenuse, but it’s also the end of the process which generates a grid square of area 1, divisible into 4 equal parts, etc. In other words, in that idealization of I(x) and I(y).
And each Irreducible is the result of the 3fD into 1, which thus extends to 6 and 1, etc.
I had a vision of 66 + 33 making forms of 18, of life.
So, the root2 represents the literal D3 into 1 of each Irreducible, that being D3-4.
Finite and infinite. I thought the problem was the latter but it’s finite, and the best description thus far has been Winding in Triangular, because that forms a D3, which is then connected into D3-4 as the fD forms which manifests I//I, meaning we can represent each Irreducible as half of a grid square along an hypotenuse. As in, there are 4 states in each pairing, making 8 states, and these reflect the 8 states of a grid square and its Irreducible. OK. So you’re saying finite is a Winding because that establishes a Register on which states are written so identification can occur by how this connects. As in, it has these relations at this level, of this type, as can be categorized because the Register contains the code to generate the necessary Pathways once it connects.
This isn’t clear enough. I’m getting the idea of Winding generating a D3. Or perhaps representing a D3 as it exists, as stuff happens. And then, applying the lesson just learned, that it has its own existence, this spawns new existences at each step and thus chains, and those chains need to have finite qualities because that’s counting along the szK.
That repeats the old and powerful image of a grid square sheet in which each szK(n) has a pole at its Bip because that represents the chains of Winding in layers and thus all the SBE and fCM within each grid square, which meets SBE and fCM over grid squares. This depicts the different clock speed images I see all the time, like in a watch but not so like that. As in, how many people want to be you? Things fit together. Because things fit together, there is no way to optimize the fit as it changes because that constrains how it changes. I’m speaking of the ideal. You can, however, generate fits according to plans. As long as you understand those have limits and will go wrong. That’s what we were dealing with yesterday: localizing failure, localizing doubt, because the doubt must be local given how well the structure has performed. If it had been performing worse, my reaction would be different, but it was on a massive run of productive work. So, localizing misunderstanding, exploring a localized flipped bit or choice into an area of negativity, meaning I have to identify what needs to be flipped to convert this into positive, to find not only a positive perspective but the idealized positive.
Think about a gs made of the 2 Triangulars, so one side of the three is a 1-0Segment which now extends into the infinite as gs process roots the count of 2. It is literally the root of the count of 2 as area, with that process being the gs process which generates irrationality in the root. It’s analytic process to value and back. You can now see SBE2: count of 6 either Winds the same altered Triangle or both. And each side takes a turn as the 1-0Segment, which can also be described as the grid square formed if that side were chosen, meaning 1 of the 3 states at each turn. So now we’re at SBE3 and that this may be represented by 3 Windings. So, we’ve just seen up to 9 gs generate out of 2 Triangular Windings combining to make grid square. And that’s half of the pair, so 18. Again.
Lots of stuff opens up. Like half of each half is from each Irreducible. The number of states goes up.
We did this before but the shift from 3 pair to 2 is now handled.
None of this stuff is new. I’ve been here before. We discussed those 13’s, those f1-3’s before. We mapped those to a grid so each of the choices is a grid square and these become, in standard to me form, lower left gs generates these 3 as IC and 9 as SBE3. So along the szK, the next count is the one which repeats the process so it is the choice of the 3 others, so the pair inverts f3-1. We’ve done that 10 million times. And the Irreducibles can line up within each gs in different ways.
The point I’m trying to get out in an even half-convincing manner is that this Winding is the identification which makes something finite in that identification. And that D3 existence is, in that way, finite in identification.
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deathmaiidens · 2 years
[text from Victor] XD Well, you ARE
[text from Victor] The Hershey’s sundae pie sounds good
[text from Victor] Probably a burger for the main course – been a while since I’ve seen their menu, so I’ll decide on the specific one when I get there
[text from Lily] Btw i'm riding shotgun
[text from Lily] Pls let everyone know that because that's very important information
[text from Lily] Anywho you haaave to try the onion rings
[text from Lily] Mummy says they're awful and I don't wanna say she's crazy cus I love her so but she's crazy
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ichigomis · 3 years
im here to request again !! aahhmm can i request how will hq boys react if their s/o called them 'their husband' while ordering through a drive thru?? again i like to say i love your writing ❤️❤️
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with: timeskip! suna, ushijima, oikawa, akaashi
notes: fluff! ❤️❤️ anon i love u so much!!!! also, i added a few other scenarios here but put the drive-thru one for suna~ ur prompts are so cute btw ;;
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❊ SUNA scans the menu from your side of the window thinking of what to get. it's way past dinnertime and nothing about fast food in the middle of the night screams healthy but these spontaneous little drive-thru trips with you are just too precious to pass up.
a voice from the intercom suddenly shakes him from his thoughts, "welcome to wackdonald's, what can i get for ya?"
you turn the car radio down and move your head closer to the window, "um, i'll just get the fries and..." you trail off turning to your boyfriend, "rin what are you getting?"
suna squints at the menu again and hums, "just the cheeseburger and some coke." he says before slumping back down on his seat and busying himself with his phone. you glance at him and smirk, a silly little idea popping into your head.
you clear your throat making sure that he'll hear you, "uh-hu, and my husband will get the cheeseburger happy meal." and as you expected, his head shoots up from his phone in surprise. you choose to ignore him, suppressing your giggles, and continue to drive to collect and pay for your order.
you thank the crew with a smile as they give you the bag with your food and hand suna his happy meal, "what's wrong, rin?"
he looks away almost instantly and mumbles, "nothing." you bite your lip, his little frown and pout is making it impossible for you to keep your act up, "why'd ya get me a happy meal?" he asks.
you shrug as you drive off the restaurant, "just because..." finally you give in, letting a chuckle slip your lips, "...my husband deserves it." suna's head whips to you, and as soon as he sees that little smirk on your face he rolls his eyes, a flustered blush creeping on his cheeks.
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❊ USHIJIMA takes a handful of onions from a stall and chirpily places it in your basket. he's lost in his own little world, inspecting vegetables and thinking of what to cook for you tonight. "look at this y/n," he reaches for a fresh cabbage and shows you, "it's newly harvested." your eyes dart from the cabbage and at your smiling boyfriend, your weekly rendezvous to the farmer's market never fails to put him in the best mood.
you take the cabbage from his hand and grin, "something with this for dinner later then?" he nods his head and continues his shopping.
you walk up to the lady minding the stall and pay for your goods and she gives you a big smile, "your husband sure knows his vegetables." she chuckles as she eyes ushijima, who suddenly finds himself listening in your little conversation.
a smile tugs at your lips, "ah, yes. my husband loves coming here." the words slip from your mouth and ring just right in your ear.
you thank the lady and get ready to leave when ushijima suddenly takes a set of carrots and puts them in your basket, "we'll also be taking these," he points to the carrots and passes the lady his payment.
"ooh, looks like dinner will be good!" the lady chirps as she returns his change.
ushijima nods, a pleased grin on his face, "yes, i will be making vegetable stir fry for my wife later."
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❊ OIKAWA nervously clears his throat and fixes his hair for the hundredth time in the past hour. you suppress a small laugh and snake your hands up to his hair, fixing it yourself. "you'll do fine, tooru. don't worry."
he lets out an anxious sigh but grins at your touch, "well i am meeting the rest of your family for the first time today-"
"-y/n!" a kid calls for you, waving their little hands excitedly.
you shoot them a smile and wave back, "that's my nephew/niece," you tell oikawa and take his hand, leading him up the front door.
your nephew/niece stares up at your boyfriend with this little sparkle of wonder in their eyes as they gasp, "whoa!" they giddily look him up and down then shoot you a grin, "your husband is really tall!"
you snort out a laugh, "right? my husband's a volleyball player!" you beam.
your nephew/niece gasps again and you feel oikawa's shoulder tense up, "cool! can you teach me?" they ask him with anticipation and he gives them a big grin nodding his head, "of course!"
you couldn't help but smile and wonder why he was ever nervous about meeting your family when he's such a natural, "why don't we go inside? everyone's probably waiting." the kid nods and runs inside the house.
just as the two of you head inside, he pulls you in and whispers, "you didn't correct them..." he clears his throat, "about the husband thing..."
you tilt your head playfully, "hm? did you want me to?"
oikawa's features suddenly light up and his usual smirk finds its way back on his lips, "hmmm..." he trails off teasingly and confidently takes your hand in his, "nope, i'd rather you not."
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❊ AKAASHI silently stands beside you with his hands clasped together behind his back, patiently waiting for you to finish your little conversation with an old friend.
"oh! i don't think we've met yet," your friend extends a hand to him and they shake, exchanging small smiles.
"oh! this is my..." you trail off, glancing at akaashi who wears his usual friendly grin. you bite your tongue, the urge to tease him just for fun crosses your mind. and without thinking much, you decide to do just that.
you carefully watch his expression before beaming, "...husband, keiji!"
there are two akaashi's you love: a smiling akaashi and a very very flustered akaashi.
and like on cue, his cheeks flush the deepest hue of red and you couldn't help but giggle, smitten like a kitten.
you exchange more small talk with your friend before you part ways. and when the both of you were far away enough, he pokes your arm and pouts, "what was that for?"
you hum in pretend thought, "i don't know..." you look up at him and flash him that smirk he can never resist, "just felt like it?"
he sighs running his fingers through his hair then adjusts his glasses, a lovable habit, "this is troublesome, y/n."
"hm?" you stop walking, confused by his sudden remark.
he turns to you, it was his turn to flash you a smirk, one he knows you can never resist, "i have to marry you now to keep up with your little act."
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p.s.: aaaaa i love doing prompts sm,, so don't be shy send them in! also im so sorry these took so long uni is killing me ;;
» m. list
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gashinabts · 3 years
peculiar taste| (m)
Words: 2.8k 
Pairing: Taehyung x Reader
Genre: Smut, Fluff, pwp
Summary: Unknowingly, you find out that your feet pics are roaming around twitter just to find out that your room mate runs the page. 
Warnings: FOOT STUFF, foot job ( idk if thats a thing), foot fetish
a/n:  There’s a lot of foot stuff so if that makes you uncomfortable then don’t read it. Btw if there’s other weird kinks/fetishes that you think a member would like just comment or message me. 
Twitter is a scary place, you never had it until your friend from work told you to download it because there’s funny memes. So when you downloaded it you were not surprised that there were weird foot pictures. See you were not one to shame someone who has weird fetishes but this was different. Oddly enough the picture had the same pedicure as you and the same tattoo on your ankle. Deciding to go on the page you notice there were pictures of your feet, the black heels you owned were there too. 
Is someone spying on you? There is a sudden noise from the kitchen and you jolt in fear, holding the phone close to you as you walk towards the noise. The fear disappears when you see your roommate slash friend Taehyung eating pickles from the jar. “ Hey, wanna go to the park? We can have a little picnic,” Taehyung munches the last part before putting it back in the fridge. “ What’s wrong?” He notices your worried face.
Shaking your head, not sure if you should tell him your worries. Taehyung would probably freak out more than you, he’ll probably call the FBI to install high tech cameras around the apartment. “ Nothing,” you smile. “ I’m down but I’m making the food. Last time you just packed onions and capri suns,” you move him aside to pull out bread to make sandwiches. 
He gives you his signature boxy smile, “ Sorry you don’t have an acquired taste,” he shrugs. 
When you guys get back from the park you immediately lay in your bed tired from all the running that Taehyung made you do. It was supposed to be a relaxing picnic, however Taehyung forced you to play tag with the children in the park. When you first met Taehyung you thought he was a quiet and stuck up person because of his emotionless face whenever he was sitting with people. But that all changed when you got to know him better, he was just a funny and weird person but in a good way. Needless to say you don’t ever want him to move out because he is just a fun person to have around.
The ping rings loudly on your phone, you get a message from your mom. You quickly text her back and then go on twitter to the foot fetish page to inspect it more. Maybe DM the person to see where they get these pics. Your eyes widen when you see a new picture that was uploaded a few minutes ago, your feet in your sandals that you just bought last week. Along with the picnic blanket that you use when you go to the park with Taehyung.
Jumping out of your bed you run to Taehyung’s room to demand answers from him, but he is currently playing Uno by himself. “ I’m trying to practice so I can win next time we play with Jungkook and Namjoon,” he places the green card down.
“ It’s Uno. The easiest game in the world, it was literally made for children,” you groan in frustration. Taehyung shrugs then goes back to his game and places the reverse card to the pile. “ That’s why I’m not here,” you shake your head. “ Why are my feet on a fetish page on twitter?”
His sharp eyes widen, you can’t tell if it’s due to shock or confusion. The brows are covered from his wavy black hair, lips parted in an ‘oh’ shape. “ Okay, don’t get mad. I have been posting you foot pics in exchange for money,” he puts his hands up when you throw his pillow at him. 
“ Taehyung! I can’t believe you,” you sigh. You became a renowned foot fetish star without any acknowledgment. What if people start to recognize you on the streets? Now you can never wear sandals.
“ I should’ve told you but I knew you were going to be against it,” Taehyung gets, ignoring the Uno cards and going up to you. His large hands come together holding them in front. “ If you want to take me to the police I understand. But make sure you feed the racoon that’s been secretly hiding in the garden shed,” he gives his puppy eyes. You can’t ever get mad at Taehyung, no matter what. It’s like he has this power that doesn’t make anyone upset.
Sighing, you gently push his hands down to his sides, “ I’m not turning you in,” you say. His remorse features immediately vanish, now becoming gleeful, as he engulfs you in a bear hug. If he’s getting paid you wonder how much he is making off of your feet. “ So how much money have you made so far?” The bed sinks as you sit down on it.
Taehyung's finger scratches his head, trying to remember how much the thirsty people on Twitter paid. “ Hmm, like a couple hundred. I’m saving the money so we can get a new tv.” 
The TV you guys had was found by Taehyung who was riding his bike around the neighborhood. An old man was giving it out and Taehyung called you excitedly asking you to bring your car so you can bring it back home. Upon your arrival you see an old blocky Sony tv that doesn’t even have an HDMI port. Taehyung convinced you that it was vintage and it would match the interior design of the apartment. “ Do people actually like that stuff ?” You ask while looking at your feet. What a weird thing to fetishize you think to yourself. 
Taehyung's hair floofs as he jumps back on the bed grabbing his phone that’s beside you. “ Yes. A lot of people,” he quickly unlocks his phone. “ Look, this man was willing to pay sixty dollars for you to have a foot massage,” you look at the DM. “ There’s also other requests. Like you wearing heels, stockings, and other weird things,” he shrugs putting his phone away.
People pay money for this, and you guys do need some money. It wouldn’t hurt to have a little extra cash for stuff. No one is ever gonna find out that it’s your feet. “ Let’s keep doing it,” you look at Taehyung, whose eyes widen at your words. 
“ Really?” Taehyung asked in a serious tone. Wanting to make sure that you actually want to do it not because of his stupid mistake.
“ Yeah, it would be nice to have extra cash,” you nod your head.
“ This feels really weird,” you flinch at the stickiness of the honey pouring on your feet. Taehyung makes a hand motion for you to keep pouring it as he films it on his phone. Your face is not in view so no one can see the weird faces you're making as the stickiness goes in between your toes. Just another weird request from a person. This guy is paying sixty dollars for this, so who cares that you are pouring honey on your feet.
Taehyung nods and gives the okay sign, ending the video. “ I feel bad that the bees are dying and we are wasting their precious honey on your feet,” he pouts before leaving to retrieve a wet towel. He tosses it to you so you can wipe the honey off before walking on the floor. 
The wet towel doesn’t help much so you decide to wash it. “ Yeah, we should visit the bee sanctuary to give our condolences,” you joke as you run to the bathtub to wash your feet with soap. 
“ That would be nice,” Taehyung smiles watching you wash your feet. He hears you laugh, “ Oh you were kidding,” he laughs along with you. The phone pings and he grabs it from his back pocket, looking at the DM’s. ***800 dollar request *** Taehyung reads loudly, eyes widening at the words. He reads the request to himself, heart beating fast because this is actually a sexual request. Also because this is the most someone is willing to spend on a video. For the past month it's only been under the hundreds that people spent on your feet.
Your voice startles him, “ What are they asking for you?” Turning off the faucet you give your undivided attention to him. 
Taehyung gulps then scratches the back of his neck, “ Uh- he wants you to use your feet to fondle someone’s dick,” he coughs at the end. There’s a silence that washes over you guys. “ Yeah,  I can just decline-”
“ Would I be fondling you?,” you ask. Taehyung tucks his phone back in his pocket then sits next to you. 
Taehyung puts his hand on your shoulder, his eyes are looking at you seriously. “ We don't have to do this.” 
 It’s 800 hundred dollars that you guys would be missing out on.“ I want to do it. Our faces won’t be showing, right?”  You really don’t mind just as long as Taehyung is comfortable doing it with you.
Taehyung exhales, nodding his head, “ Yeah no faces.” His heart beats faster as he looks at your feet.
“ Let me wash my feet one more time,” you go get up to use the bathroom one more time. Taehyung tugs you back down the bed. 
“ You already did it twice before you came to my room,” he lets out a chuckle. “ Don’t be nervous,” he sits on his chair. He grabs your foot gently placing it on his thigh. Large hands rubbing your ankle to calm you down. “ I’ll give you a foot massage and we’ll go from there,” he says softly. There’s a different mood between the two of you. It’s not like the usual playful mood that you guys have. It's heavier, if that makes sense.
Nodding your head, his big hands rub your feet. Rolling out any tension on the center of your foot, you sigh not used to this kind of attention in that area. His hands are like magic making all the stress on your foot disappear. At one point you close your eyes in relaxation feeling your body get lighter. Immediately your eyes open when you feel lips kissing your ankle, his soft lips leave a few more kisses as your eyes meet his dark eyes. Looking down you see a hard on “ Taehyung,” you whisper. He puts your foot back on his thigh, “ Should I start recording?,” you ask. Your hands shake, bringing his phone into your hands. 
Taehyung lets out a quiet hum, indicating for you to do so. You hold the phone tightly, pressing the record button. Last night you did some research looking at feet groping and you feel kind of confident. Hopefully, you don’t embarrass yourself or make Taehyung immediately walk out of the room. Your right foot teasingly goes up and down his thigh, looking carefully at Taehyung’s reaction. He lets out a groan when you get close to his bulge but goes to the other thigh doing the same action as before.
“ Baby please,” Taehyung's voice is hoarse. The pet name surprises you in a good way but you quickly remind yourself that he is only calling you that so your name won’t be exposed. His hand goes to your leg, running his fingers against your calf. Listening to his request you trail your foot to his bulge, lightly brushing the tip of your toes. He lets out a breathy exhale, looking down at your foot taunting him. 
You never thought you’d be into this, maybe it is the position. There’s some kind of power you hold as you get to dictate whether you should make him feel pleasure by the pressure of your foot. The way Taehyung’s breath quickens when you apply more pressure, his eyes giving you a sultry look. Your foot applies more pressure, toes spreading feeling the outline of his bulge. Doing slow circles, trying to feel more of him. His hand tightens on your leg, “ Fuck, right there,” Taehyung closes his eyes for a quick second. The hardness of his cock turns you on, you feel the thickness of it beneath your foot and you know he probably has a big cock. 
“ Does my foot feel good, baby?” You condescendly ask. His eyes look into yours surprise of your tone and question. His jaw clenching, looking hot and bothered, a new look that you want to store in your memory. “ Look at you getting turned on just by my foot,” you tsk in disappointment. Applying more pressure you arch your eyebrow still expecting an answer from him.
Taehyung hisses in pleasure, “ Yeah, your foot feels good,” he tosses his head when you rub your foot harder up and down his clothed cock. “ It feels to fucking good,” he whispers more to himself.
“ Take your cock for me baby,” you command him. Taehyung gives you a face of relief immediately taking his cock out of his pants and briefs. And you were right about his cock being thick and big. Now you just want to feel it in your hands and your mouth, actually everywhere. The precum is leaking, begging to be touched. The heel of your foot meets his hard cock, and he flinches but then immediately going back to your touch. “ Spit on it,” you look down, indicating Taehyung to spit on his cock.
He groans loud at your assertion, not used to this. Taehyung never sees this side of you, having a higher authority. You're usually compliant and listen to whatever he wants to do. He follows your words, spitting on his cock, as he watches your two feet come together cupping the thickness of his cock. Jerking him up and down.“ Shit shit,” he curses at himself for wanting to come right now.
“ It’s not even my pussy and you're already a moaning mess,” you chuckle to yourself. His eyes are downcast to the slow movement of your feet. The small breathy moans are getting louder, and you love the sound of it. 
If your feet are this good he can’t imagine what your pussy would feel like. He wants to desperately ask if he can fuck it later but he puts his thoughts away trying not to moan your name loudly. The movements get faster and he thinks this is the fastest time he has ever come. “ I’m going to come baby. Can I come please?”  He looks up at your face, and notices a dark gaze, and he wants to kiss the evil smirk off your face.
You wouldn’t be surprised if you creamed your pants right now at the sight of his begging and climaxing. “ Mmm, so soon?” You teasingly ask. Taehyung shamelessly nods, his hands clenching at nothing. “ Come all over my feet dirty boy,” your eyes watch carefully at his pretty bottom lip getting bitten by his teeth.
Before you know it Taehyung is tossing his head back, “ Fuck,” he lets out a loud drawl. His head Adam apple is bobbing and his pretty collar bones are getting more exposed. White spurts all over your feet and you keep fondling him until he holds your ankle in place. He finally looks down at the mess he made, surprised at how much he come.
You stop recording, placing the phone down the bed. There’s a towel next to you, you pull your feet towards you wiping the come off your feet. “ Can you kiss me?” Your head snaps to Taehyung’s question. His eyes don’t have the same lustful gaze but some hint of fondness. 
Nodding your head, you are about to kiss him until you realize that you ate sushi about an hour ago. Fearing that he probably can taste it from your mouth you pull back shaking your head. “ Let me brush my teeth real quick,” you try to walk to the bathroom. Until Taehyung laughs brightly pulling you back and pecking your lips softly.
The kiss makes you swoon and want to kiss him more but he pulls away too soon. “ Why did you want to kiss me?” You ask him not wanting to get your hopes high. But your heart is already beating hard because it’s Taehyung who kissed you.
“ I like you,” Taehyung shrugs nonchalantly. “ Why did you agree to kiss me?” He asks you while holding your hand.
“ I like you,” you do the same gesture as him. Taehyung smiles and leans towards your lips and you clothes your eyes expecting a kiss until you feel him push you back. Opening your eyes you see him pull his shirt over his head, and you're surprised to his slightly defined chest and v line. 
“ Even when I annoy you and cause nothing but trouble for you?” Taehyung looks down at you biting his bottom lip, a nervous tick he has.
You smile bringing his large hand down, pecking it lightly, “ That’s the best part though,” then pulling him down to kiss him. 
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tothemeadow · 3 years
Hi 💕the format is so cuteee! Is it okay if i place an order for a hotdog with tomato, hot sauce and a side of onion rings to share with Genya? You’re one of my fav KNY authored btw!
Aww, I'm so glad you like it! And thank you, that truly means a lot 🥰🥰🥰
Summer Feelings Event
'making more than sand castles' / Shinazugawa G. x Reader
warnings: NSFW, public sex
It's such a lovely day at the beach! You know what that means - sand castles! Genya's really not that skilled when it comes to building them, but he definitely puts in the effort! Whether you're good at making them or not, Genya loves the time you spend together.
Anyway, everything starts off innocent until it isn't. Genya merely went to fetch a drink from the cooler the two of you brought, but when he turned around, he got a full on view of your pert ass sticking up. Now, you were too busy focusing on carving out the little details in the sand castle, so you didn't take notice of the compromising position you were in.
Genya gets flustered very easily. He's positively shocked, practically frozen in place while his jaw drops and his face turns a dark red. Uh oh, now THIS is a problem.
He sputters whenever you turn to him, face slightly sweaty from the heat. You look too damn good like this, kneeling in the sand with your cleavage perfectly accessible from how he towers over you. The urge to stick his face between your breasts is almost too strong to resist, but he somehow manages to pull through.
However, it's only when you point it out that he notices he's half hard. Genya's blush darkens - if that's even possible - and he feels like he's going to pass out on the spot. It does take a quite of convincing on your part, but you manage to drag him into the water. You told him it was to "cool him off," but then there goes your hand, making its way into the front of his trunks and wrapping it around his cock.
Poor little baby almost whimpers when you jerk him off; on the other hand, you keep your expression light and playful so it seems like nothing wrong is happening. You coo at him, tell him how cute he is, maybe even throw in a you dirty pervert just to tease him. And shit, your hand is so fucking warm and soft, almost a bit too small to fully wrap itself around his girth.
You make him cum right then and there, singing your praises as he clings to you in a desperate hug. All he can think of now is how badly he wants to fuck you, to have you sit on his face because you helped him out so nicely.
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if I sent this ask twice just ignore it something fucky happened with my phone. But yeah Stannis is the guy with the onion knight yes! But I digress, Tyrion was an interesting parallel with Mohg for me, because unlike Morgott, Tyrion clearly, and openly has a lot of contempt for his birth family, which I think is something he shares with Mohg. As much as Tyrion Wants his families love, it's pretty clear by the first book that he knows it's futile so Tyrion doesn't even act the part of the good son. He has a reputation as a drunk and a womanizer because Tyrion is so desperate for affection, and love that he seeks it in self validating places that actively harm him (his drinking) or don't care about him (Shae, who is absolutely a prostitute doing her job that Tyrion has convinced himself is genuinely in love to him much to that future tragedy.) There's also his spiral in Dance, particularly after his patricide, and trial, where he comes to believe that since people will always view him as a monster it's fine for him to act as one, which feels very Mohgian (Mohglike?) to me. I think Morgott, and Mohg probably each got a bit of Tyrion, but his contempt for his family, and his quest for love struck me as very Mohg over Morgott. Thanks for listening btw! I love Elden Ring and ASOIAF so it's really fun to talk of both!
Ohhh, yeah that sounds a lot like Mohg! It also gives a bit more context to what Mohg's POV might be like, if GRRM used Tyrion as a base for both him and Morgott- we know that Miquella wants nothing to do with him, yet Mohg treats him very tenderly, so maybe he's so desperate for attention that he's fine with playacting it, just like Tyrion was with Shae, and ofc we know that Mohg went to the opposite extreme of Morgott in fully embracing all the qualities that the Golden Order despised in him. It makes him a lot more of an interesting character than the boring villain caricature the fandom makes him out to be
I also like hearing about the parallels between the two- I'm a writer myself, so I find it to be a lot of fun to be able to pick out the archetypes that authors like to use for their characters, as it makes me feel a little better about my own ocs not having as much variation as I'd like them to have. Also, I genuinely did enjoy chunks of ASOIAF, so even if overall it ended up not being my thing, Elden Ring being way more in my ballpark allows me to enjoy bits of it that I didn't before
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five-miles-over · 4 years
Joaquin Phoenix Characters - Sleepover Headcanons
Hi everyone! Hope you’re all doing well - staying healthy, safe and sane. This is just a fun little listicle about what some of our favorite characters would be like during a sleepover - what they’d like to eat, what they’d like to do, etc. The characters in this listicle are: 
• Arthur Fleck/Joker (”Joker”), Merrill Hess (”Signs”), Doug Holt (”Inventing the Abbotts”), Max California (”8 mm”), Jimmy Emmett (”To Die For”)  Johnny Cash (”Walk the Line”), Doc Sportello (”Inherent Vice”), Abbé de Coulmier (”Quills”), and Emperor Commodus (”Gladiator)
This is just a fun listicle, not designed to offend anyone. As always, please feel free to leave comments and/or constructive criticism below. Thank you, and without any further ado, please enjoy!
Arthur Fleck
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• Favorite Snack: Frosted sugar cookies, snickerdoodles, just cookies in general (and don’t forget a glass of milk)
• Really likes doing arts and crafts (making necklaces, charm bracelets, slime, frames, you name it, he’s in)
• Very polite guest, will always say ‘please’ and ‘thank you’
• Enjoys watching “The Wizard of Oz” (and we cannot skip any songs)
• Surprisingly very good at charades
With the other characters: Arthur would be very happy to make friendship bracelets with Abbé, and indulge in a harmless pillow fight with Merrill.
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• Favorite Snack: Popcorn, lightly salted
• Usually the first one to start a game of “Truth or Dare”
• Also, loves to take every challenge to the next level (Prank call someone? Nah, he’ll say to prank call the police, which btw you should never, ever do.)
• Gently needs to be told to put away his weapons.
• Seriously, do not teach him or invite him for a round of Russian Roulette
With the other characters: He could probably teach a very eager Commodus how to fire a gun, so...watch out? 
Also, he’d be having some pretty intense conversations with Max, Doc, and Jimmy about the kind of things they’ve all seen women able to do.
Merrill Hess
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• Favorite Snack: S’mores and M&M’s
• Enjoys board games as well as outdoor activities (baseball, catching fireflies, tag)
• His favorite game to play at sleepovers though, is pictionary
• Tells a few too many stories about aliens
• Likes pillow fights
• Enjoys watching “Toy Story” and any of the “Indiana Jones” movies (because of the adventure)
With the other characters: When he’s not playing catch with Doug outside, he might be having a pillow fight with Arthur or watching whatever just happens to be playing. Also, his stories about extra-terrestrial beings may be the reason Arthur will need some more milk to fall asleep.
Doug Holt
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• Favorite Snack: Ice Cream Sandwiches
• Usually is a very nice guest - he’ll bring over some store-bought snacks (chips/crisps, pretzels, onion rings) if not some meatloaf from home
• Actually has some great stories from his childhood about him and his brother
With the other characters: He would definitely make Johnny Cash laugh with his story about drawing fake sideburns to look like Elvis Presley. Also, don’t be surprised to find those two having a wrestling match or fist-fighting just for fun.
Max California
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• Favorite Snacks: Beer and Pretzels
• Brings his own six pack of beer, the latest Playboy, Playgirl (every dirty magazine he has in stock), a few toys, and even some pornographic movies 
• He is the life of the party - he gets everyone laughing and whistling raucously
•  Brace yourself for some vulgar jokes and unrestrained swearing
With other characters: One time he brought a tattoo gun and gave Jimmy a tattoo of a skull and crossbones on the kid’s bicep. 
Much to the Abbé’s chagrin, Max is more than happy to read some of the stuff he brings to the party out loud.
Jimmy Emmett
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• Favorite Snacks: Cheese Puffs and Candy Bars
• Kind of sloppy, and makes a mess when he eats
• The lightweight of the bunch- he gets buzzed after two glasses of wine. 
• He’s still great because he’ll laugh at almost any joke you tell him
• Also, Jimmy gives good hugs when he’s drunk or stoned (no one knows why)
With the other characters: Laughing over something weird while smoking pot with Doc. 
He’s also quite hooked on the magazines Max brings over, studying the photographs of women quite intensely.
Johnny Cash
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• Favorite Snack: Not really a snack (more of a meal), but chili and cornbread
• Wouldn’t be a fan of karaoke, but definitely enjoys watching other people perform
With the other characters: Trying to be mature, Johnny would prefer to talk about Jesus with Abbé, or just watch the others try their hand at singing.
If all else bores him, he might just sweet-talk Commodus into saying, “They tell me your son squealed like a girl when they nailed him to the cross, and that your wife moaned like a whore when they ravaged her again and again.”
Doc Sportello
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• Favorite Snack: Fruit (he seems to be someone who likes healthy, all-natural food)
• Brings his own stash of pot and paper for rolling joints
• LIVES for the karaoke -he’ll sing anything without any fear
With the other characters: Honestly, he’ll be lighting up a smoke and just having a great time in general. Will he sleep? Yeah, he will, but he’ll also enjoy hanging out with the other guys.
Abbé de Coulmier
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• Favorite snack: Chamomile tea (because it’s calming) with biscuits
• The first to fall asleep at a sleepover (”Early to bed, and early to rise, makes a man healthy, wealthy, and wise.”)
• If your prankster friend is around, Abbé might also be the first to wake up with an ink mustache
• Might insist on leading a group prayer before everyone “sleeps”
• Would enjoy watching either “The Ten Commandments” or a sweet, vintage film like “Roman Holiday” or “Sabrina”
With the other characters: After an obligatory drink with the host, the Abbé would enjoy speaking about the Lord with Johnny Cash. And of course, he would keep his rosary handy for when Max comes with...lewd party favors.
Emperor Commodus
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• Favorite snacks: Charcuterie boards (cured meats, various pungent cheeses, olives) and Gelato
• Usually enjoys hosting sleepovers more than being invited to sleepovers
(mainly because it’s safer for him and he gets to be in charge of everything)
• Still, he is a very good host.
• Unlike the others, he’s surprisingly okay with hot oil massages, cooling facials, and even manicures 
• Wine tasting while gazing at the stars
• When it comes to Truth or Dare, he’ll choose some of the most extravagant dares to prove he’s not afraid of anything (even though he really doesn’t want to do any of them)
• Very, very very fussy about cleanliness - he does not like the idea of his silk sheets being stained with orange cheese dust or melted chocolate (looking at you, Jimmy...), or his tidy rooms smelling of pot
With the other characters: He once tried to host a private gladiatorial show for his guests...let’s just say there’s a reason lions are not supposed to be inside the palace. Other than that incident, him and the Abbé were actually able to have a nice few moments together for once, bonding over experiences with wine.
His favorite guest to invite is Max. Seeing as how the Abbé will not bring any of the Marquis’s books, Max is the one bringing the most entertainment and comedy.
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blackmissfrizzle · 5 years
City Boy and His Country Girl
Characters: Erik x black!reader
Summary: Erik promises to help the reader navigate New York.
Request: "Country Girl goes to New York and meets a tough guy New Yorker who teaches her the ropes and then they get together"
Requested by @nervouspetsonanime​
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With a lot on your mind, you set your purse down on the table and went to refill your drink. The stress of the workday was getting to you and you were only midway through it. Before you went back to work you had to figure out a way to deal with some of your shady coworkers.
Making your way back to your booth, you saw two men standing there arguing. You were hesitant to go back and was about to find a new seat to avoid the scene but then you remembered your purse.
“Man, I’m telling you put that shit back or we gonna have a real problem here,” you heard, getting closer to the two.
“How about you mind your business?” The other guy asked, moving his arm behind his back. That’s when you noticed he had your purse in his hand. The dread head was trying to get this thief to put down your purse.
Noticing movement near him, your savior turned to you. Pointing to your bag, he asked, “Aye, lil mama is that your bag?”
Your mind short-circuited for a moment because of this man. He was so damn sexy. Tall, dark, and thick just like you liked em. He sorta reminded you of the guys back home except for the Oakland accent.
Finally, gathering your bearings you answered the man. “Yeah, that’s my bag and I don’t know why it’s in his hand.”
The Good Samaritan stared down the potential thief and pulled up his shirt to reveal his gun and v-cut you couldn’t keep your eyes off of. “You got 10 seconds to figure out if that purse is worth a hospital bill.”
Dropping your purse like a hot potato, the thief handed you your purse and ran out the restaurant. He wasn’t as tough as he thought.
“Next time don’t be leaving your shit hanging around.” The asshole told you before leaving.
Even though he was a little rude, you didn’t want him to leave. To stop him, you tried wrapping your hand around his bicep, but you were only able to cuff half of it. “At least let me buy you lunch as a thank you.”
He looked down at your hand and back to you. Quickly, you removed it, sensing he didn’t like being touched. “All right lil mama.”
His big body slid into the booth and you followed his suit. Stretching his hand across he introduced himself. “I’m Erik.”
“Y/N.” You took his hand to shake and his grip was tight, and you were thoroughly impressed. Your daddy always said you could tell a lot about a man by his handshake, especially when it was with a woman. A firm handshake with a woman said the man respected you, saw you as his equal.
“So, Y/N why you leaving your stuff where just any ole body can steal yo shit?” Erik took a sip of his drink and eyed you curiously.
Erik’s gaze made you hot and nervous. You had to train your eyes to look anywhere but him just to speak. “Well it wouldn’t have happened back at home and also my mind was elsewhere.”
The waitress brought both of your meals and y’all laughed at the identical plates, bacon cheeseburger with a side of onion rings.
“Ok then, what had you all messed up that almost got you robbed?”
Deciding you’ll probably never see this man again, you told Erik your office drama. “Basically, I’m the boss’ new favorite and my coworkers can’t stand it. God, sometimes I wish Tony Stark never found out about me.”
“Word? You work for Stark?” Erik raised an eyebrow, beginning to become more intrigued with this southern belle. He met Stark plenty of times before and respected his work as a scientist but couldn’t understand how someone could put up with him for hours on end.
“Yes sir,” you replied, making Erik shift in his seat at the mention of you using such a formal name for him. “My mentor who’s an old college buddy of Mr. Stark’s, sent my business management assignment to him and then the next morning, Mr. Stark was on my daddy’s porch offering me a job.”
Erik chuckled and stretched his fist out for you to dap him. He was proud of you, a black woman seemingly from a small town, working for the most renowned business mogul. “Oh, shit! That’s how you do it. Lemme guess your co-workers lack melanin?”
“Yes! And I really tried to work with them, but they hate my guts for whatever reason. But they have no problem taking credit for my ideas.” That’s why you were in a frenzy now. Cody (which btw was such a typical douchebag white boy name) pitched your idea of throwing a big gala to impress a fellow businessman for a potential partnership as his own to Mr. Stark and Ms. Potts. Then guess who he expected to do all the work? You, of course!
Finally getting the chance to vent felt good, so poor Erik had to hear all your frustrations. “And then don’t get me started on this stupid city. First off, people are rude! No one knows how to say excuse me and when I call someone ma’am, they look at me like I just called her a bitch. Second, rent is expensive! Thank you to sweet baby Jesus, for Mr. Stark hiring me, because I wouldn’t be able to afford living here. Do you know what kind of house I could buy back in Texas?”
Erik was amused at your rant. He enjoyed seeing you get all this passionate despite only knowing you for half an hour, so he decided to entertain you. “No, what kind?”
“A big ass house! Probably a ranch with all the damn animals already on it. And then this city has no good bbq. How is a girl suppose to live without some brisket!?”
Done with your rant, you took a bite on your burger and realized you just dumped your whole life story on a man who was basically a stranger. “I’m sorry, you had to hear all that. It just whenever I vent to my friends back home, they tell me I’m not appreciating this opportunity and I can’t tell my mama and daddy, because I’m paying their bills and I don’t want them to feel guilty.” Catching yourself offering up more information, you slapped your forehead. “Oh, there I go again oversharing. I’m sorry.”
Erik somewhat understood your situation. Adjusting to life in Wakanda was a culture shock and he had to figure out how to navigate in his father’s homeland. Grabbing the hand that hit your forehead, Erik massage it, focusing on the knuckles and the spaces between the fingers. “Nah, you good ma. But I do know what you need to do.”
“And what’s that,” you asked, leaned back amused.
“You need to toughen up, Texas.” Erik advised you.
Leaning on your elbows, you teased Erik with your own nickname. “Oh, really now? And how’s that gonna happen, Oakland?”
Immediately on the defense, scared that you were someone from his past, Erik asked, “How do you know I’m from Oakland?”
“Calm down, cowboy,” you patted his forearm to soothe him. “Your accent is a dead giveaway. You sound just like Marshawn Lynch.”
Erik kissed his teeth and crossed his arms. He liked Marshawn, even respected him, but when you mentioned him with practically heart eyes Marshawn became public enemy number 1. “That nigga a’ight. Anyway, imma toughen you up. Teach you how to survive these mean streets of New York and how to deal with these colonizers.”
Your eyebrows furrowed and you repeated Erik, “Colonizers?”
“White people,” he said as if he should understand his lingo.
“Oh okay, what a weird insult, but when do we start?” you asked anxiously, you were excited at the chance to spend more time with this diamond in the rough man.
“This weekend?” Erik tried his best to keep his cool, but he was so excited to see this country girl as soon as possible. He would’ve asked for tomorrow, but he didn’t want to come off clingy and he had too much work to do at the Outreach and Y/N would’ve been a major distraction.
Making yourself be still and hide your excitement, you replied, “That’s perfect. I had no plans but to do my laundry and catch up on some Netflix.”
Erik bit back a smile. “Cool. I gotta get back to the office, lil mama. Give me your number and you’ll hear from me very soon.”
You and Erik exchanged numbers. While you were putting your number in his phone, you didn’t notice Erik slyly pay the waitress for your meals. When you both were done exchanging numbers, you said your goodbyes and then Erik left, making you already crave his presence.
“Excuse me, miss, can I get the check?” You flagged down the waitress, digging into your purse for your wallet.
“Oh, your friend paid for it already. He said you had enough troubles today and that you didn’t need to worry about paying for him.” The young lady walked away and started cleaning your table as you stood there dumbfounded. Erik was a man full of surprises and you couldn’t wait to find out more.
Tagging: @twistedcharismaaa @marvelmaree @ladydragonpurplefire @l-auteuse @thehomierobbstark @titty-teetee @nerd-lovely @nervouspetsonanime @soufcakmistress @chaneajoyyy
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pettyrevenge-base · 4 years
Went to fast for customer so I slowed down just for her! ;)
So this actually happened last night, I have recently had a shit storm of a week and I was on edge and I get into work, I work at a certain generic mexican restaurant where you walk down lines and create your burrito or bowl as you go.
I'm on line, which means that I'm the person you go to and I make your food for you and then ring you up unless someone takes register. Were broken up into two areas.
We have the wells, which are where we have rice and beans, meat, quesos, and soup with some grilled veggies. Then we have sauces which has all kinds of hot sauces you can put on, corn salsa, pico, lettuce the gist basically.
Now, when you get this job it becomes mind numbingly easy after about a month and you get it all figured out and I can get someone through the line within 5 minutes, cashier taking the longest part. It's not hard to get through quickly and to make sure I have the customers order right if they actually pay attention.
So, obviously. Covid. We aren't allowed to serve anyone who doesn't have a mask on. So this woman comes in on the phone, which fuck customers who do this btw. And she's got her mask pulled below her chin.
I ask her to put it on, she rolls her eyes and does so. I also want to preface that I am hard of hearing, if you speak up and pronounce your words I'm good. So she starts with mumbling her order to me and then loudly talking to her husband on the phone.
I ask her to speak up, she wants two nacho bowls. Alright, I put in the cheese, get her rice and beans done, then we move to the meat. Like I said, I've had a real shit week at this point and my ability to cover up this and be a polite sugary sweet server is fading quickly.
And she yells into the phone "oh, you want ground beef?" And turns to me and says "put on some ground beef and then steak on that one I guess" I do so, and get them all the way to the next area, I'm actually going slow today because of her behavior and at this point I probably would have had at least two people out and could have started cleaning line. I'm naturally fast and I'm trying to get her out quickly cause it's 8:30 PM and I want to clean.
She tries to talk into her phone and just looks at me and says "God I can't breath in this" and takes! Off her mask!! Again!!! I tell her she has to wear them, I'm not allowed to serve her without one. She AGAIN, rolls her eyes as hard as she can and puts it on and grumbles to her husband about stupid regulations.
So, she's taking forever, this is going the pace of a snail and she won't even talk to me or speak up except to yell into her phone. And I'm asking her what sauces she wants when she interrupts me to yell into her phone "Oh you don't want ground beef? Well she already put it on, this girl is going to fast!!!"
And she says it in the most sarcastic voice I've ever had a customer use, so I fucking snapped. I immediately dropped the spoon, and decided I was having trouble with her bowl!!! It was stuck to the counter, oh boo!
She asked for pico, I kept dropping the ladle and would dig through the bin to find the most perfect scoop, she wanted lettuce? Well I might as well arrange it leaf by leaf on each of her bowls. Onions? Let's just be safe and not spill anything!
I tell my coworker that I'll ring her up and I slowly pick out the most perfect bowl lid, make sure it's securely on her nacho bowls, cause we only want perfection for her. And then rang her up for every single thing she has on her bowls. Usually, if customers are nice we only charge by meat. But she was charged for every single thing on her bowls.
Then she randomly yells to me while I'm slowly typing in everything that she wants some sides of sour creams!! I tell my coworker I've got it, just clean up. And I make her the most perfect sides of sour cream I possibly could and took my time with it. Then she asked for guac, so I made sure, as to not make a mess, to grab half scoops at a time.
Finally, she's paid for close to 25 dollars worth of food because she kept asking for sides, I managed to slowly get her receipt and THEN bagged all of her items, making sure I had only the best napkins and forks for her of course.
Then smiled at her and said have a nice night. She scowled and left.
You'd think after me dragging my feet and grinning like a maniac from behind my mask she'd be sick of our shit and just leave, but nope.
See we had run out of all of our fried products that night, meaning no tortilla bowls, no tortilla strips, and most importantly. No Chips. My manager said don't give chips out to anyone in person, we need them for our online orders  and I had told this lady that I can't give her chips when we started her order but she seemed to have not noticed.
So she angrily calls my manager and demands we bring her chips and that we forgot half her order. My manager had seen this whole thing and had been laughing the whole time, but now he's sick of dealing with her.
Finally this woman comes back and she walks in, shocker!!! Without a mask! And she yells at us from the door to bring her the chips! My manager just tells her to leave and she can grab them if she has a mask on.
She yells at us, asking if we really are gonna make her go all the way back to her car? He just says "yup."
She is livid at this point, and she stomps back to her car, obviously yelling obscenities, and comes back about 2 minutes later.
So when she came back in and was standing at the counter asking (yelling) for her chips I decided to make her chips. I made sure her chips were perfect for her and scooped her chips in, and then packaged them, just. So.
Before I walked it to her around the cash register, and handed it to her and smiled. Telling her I hope she enjoyed our service and have a wonderful night. :)
TLDR; don't be a bitch to the people who make your food and have free time with no other customers.
Source: reddit.com/r/pettyrevenge
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thewidowsghost · 4 years
Fox - Chapter 20
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Previously on Fox:
"What am I supposed to say?" Natasha asks. "That sucked and your powers suck and you suck? Nope, because none of that is true," Nat adds and (Y/n)'s eyes widen slightly. Realizing that the rain was ruining the mood, (Y/n) snaps her fingers again and the rain stops, the clouds dissipating.
(Y/n) summons another chair and sits down beside Natasha. "Hey, so, we're supposed to leave tomorrow night," (Y/n) begins. "What do you say we go on that date on Saturday?" Natasha looks up from her lap and smiles.
"That sound's nice," Natasha says, a soft smile spreading across her face.
The two sit there for a while before (Y/n)'s phone rings. She pulls it out to answer, "Hello?"
(Y/n)'s POV
"Captain," Fury's voice comes from out of the phone. "Are you still with Romanoff?"
"Yes sir," I put the phone on speaker so Nat could listen too.
"Good, we need you and Romanoff to come in, ASAP," Fury orders.
"Yes sir," Natasha responds.
"Where do you need us? Back at base?" I ask, the two of us standing up, and I wave the chairs away.
"Yes Captain, you have four hours," Fury says, ending the call.
"Guess we're not going on that date anytime soon," Natasha says as the two of us sprint towards the house and up the front porch stairs. I grab my sketchbook, tear a piece of paper out.
"Go pack our stuff," I order, and Nat nods, darting inside.
I scribble something to the Bartons'. It says:
Dear Clint & Laura,
Fury called us in for a mission. Hopefully, we'll be back soon. We love you, see you soon. Tell the kids we said bye. Love, (Y/n) and Nat
I take the note and set it on the dining room table before darting upstairs to help Nat.
"Leave the guitar," I tell Natasha as she goes to grab it.
"Are you sure?" she asks and I nod.
"Just grab the bare minimum," I say, throwing my sketchbook and pencils haphazardly into my suitcase and zipping it up.
"Let's go," Natasha says and I nod, grabbing each of our suitcases.
The two of us jog down the stairs and sprint out to the field where we had landed the Quinjet a few days previously.
We get in and throw our suitcases into the storage area before heading for the pilot and co-pilot's seats. We sit down and I pull the Quinjet into the air.
3rd Person POV
"We're never going to get there in time at this rate," (Y/n) mutters, staring at the time till destination: 5 hours. "Only one way," (Y/n) says and Natasha looks at her.
"What?" Nat asks.
"You'll have to see," (Y/n) answers, closing her eyes. She summons a jet of wind and the Quinjet speeds up. She opens her eyes to see that the time has gone down by half an hour. "Jeez," (Y/n) mutters. She grabs the stick and begins to pull the Quinjet up to an elevation of about 20,000 feet. Once at the elevation, she pulls the stick gently back down so the Quinjet is flying level. (Y/n) relaxes when she sees that the time has gone down to three and a half hours. "That's a lot better," she murmurs.
"Nice job," Natasha says and (Y/n) smiles.
"Hey, since we can't do that date Saturday, how 'bout we do it now?" (Y/n) offers.
"Sounds interesting, I'm in," Natasha says and (Y/n) stands up from her seat.
"Sounds good, I'll be right back," (Y/n) darts back to where she keeps the coffee maker and opens a cabinet. From the cabinet, she pulls out a few bags of chips. "This is all we've got now, but here," (Y/n) says, setting the chips on the middle console before running over and grabbing some sour cream and onion dip.
"It works," Nat says, opening a bag of plain Ruffles.
"So, Miss Romanoff," (Y/n) says, opening the dip, setting it on the middle console then sitting back down. "Tell me a little about yourself."
Natasha takes some of the dip and eats a chip before starting. "I was born on November 22nd, 1984 in Russia. I wasn't a great human being until a few weeks ago," Natasha continues and (Y/n) frowns slightly. "What about you?" she asks.
"My birthday is October 5th, 1985. I was born in Malibu," (Y/n) begins. "My mother died when I was 17 then I went to live with my dad until I was old enough to join the Air Force. During my time in the Air Force, I went on a couple missions for the US government. While I was in Sokovia, one of my partners died, I still keep in touch with the the other though. After that, Clint and Fury recruited me to work for SHIELD," (Y/n) pauses and Natasha nods encouragingly for her to continue. "Clint brought me to the farm to meet Laura and the kids, then about a week later I left and Clint flew me home. That evening Fury called me for an urgent mission," (Y/n) smiles at Nat, "you, of course," Natasha rolls her eyes playfully. "Clint and I spend a couple of weeks trying to find you, and well, you know the rest." (Y/n) meets Natasha's emerald gaze, "And you're not a bad person. From what I can tell, you're smart and brave and it seems like you are willing to do the right thing at whatever the cost." At (Y/n)'s words, Natasha looks down.
"How can you be so sure?" Natasha asks softly.
"Well, it's the fact that you decided so quickly to leave for a fresh start. The fact that you and Clint came to help me with those evil dudes that attacked me back in Belarus. The fact that you're here, on this jet right now, ready to go on a mission to help change what happened in the past," (Y/n) finishes and Natasha looks up, seeing the serious look in (Y/n)'s (E/C) eyes. "And like I said, I don't judge people on their past mistakes, but what they do in the present. Whatever you did in the past doesn't matter to me, it's what you do now that counts."
"Thanks, (Y/n)," Natasha says. "That means a lot. Since I was little, I was told that I had no place in the world," sensing that (Y/n) was about to speak, Natasha holds up her hand to keep her from interrupting. "But since I met you, I realized that you helped me find a place in the world, and I will always be thankful to you for that."
"You don't have to thank me for anything," (Y/n) says, and Natasha meets her gaze.
"Yes, I do. If not for you, I might still be in Russia -" (Y/n) cuts Natasha off by grabbing her hand.
"Don't, don't do that to yourself," (Y/n) says.
"But-" (Y/n) cuts her off again.
"Don't," Natasha meets (Y/n)'s gaze and relaxes a little.
"Okay," the redhead murmurs. "I won't," she vows.
"Good," (Y/n) says, still holding Natasha's hand.
"You can let go of my hand now," Natasha says, not really wanting (Y/n) to let go.
"I'm trying to figure out if I want to let go," (Y/n) says and Natasha smiles. "I'm leaning towards no," Natasha entwines her fingers with (Y/n)'s.
"Good," Natasha says and (Y/n) smiles.
The two sit there for a while, talking about random things until they hear someone from SHIELD radio into the jet. (Y/n) gently removes her hand from Natasha's and pulls on her headphones.
"Captain Stark? Agent Romanoff? Come in," A man says.
"This is Stark," (Y/n) answers. Go change into your uniform, she tells Natasha and the redhead nods.
"Good, we thought it was you two. You have clearance to land," the man says.
"Right," (Y/n) pulls back on the stick, the Quinjet hovering in the air for a moment. She gently makes it so the Quinjet will auto-park and she jumps up from her seat. She runs over to the storage area, opens her suitcase and pulling out her SHIELD uniform before quickly pulling it on. Natasha walks in from the bathroom in her jet black uniform as (Y/n) is tying up her combat boots.
"Let's go," Natasha says and (Y/n) nods. The two jog back to the front of the Quinjet and (Y/n) presses a button as the Quinjet lands on the ground. (Y/n) nods to Natasha and the two jog off the Quinjet, matching each others' steps.
"Stark, Romanoff," the two stop in front of Agent Coulson.
"Agent Coulson," (Y/n) and Natasha say in unison.
"Follow me," Coulson says and (Y/n) and Natasha exchange a look before following the brown haired man into the SHIELD facility. "Enjoy your break?" Coulson asks as he leads the two women to the briefing room.
"Yes actually," (Y/n) answers for her and Natasha.
"Good, because you might be gone for a while," Coulson says and (Y/n) and Natasha exchange a look before walking into the briefing room.
"Stark, Romanoff," Maria Hill says.
"Agent Hill," Natasha answers, and Hill signals for the two to sit down.
They settle down in chairs across from each other.
"We need you two to escort a nuclear engineer out of Iran. It will need to be an undercover mission. Leave the Quinjet about a hundred miles from the facility, and drive the engineer back to the Quinjet," (Y/n) nods. "You need to get there as soon as possible, but tonight if you can," Hill says. "Try to have him here by Sunday."
"Yes, ma'am," Natasha and (Y/n) say in unison, standing up.
"Good luck," Hill says, nodding to dismiss the two women.
With a nod from (Y/n), her and Natasha run back outside to their Quinjet and pull it into the air.
Word Count: 1630 words
This chapter is a little shorter then the past few chapters, but if y'all have seen Captain America: The Winter Soldier, you should know what happens. BTW the next chapter will have violence in it, but not extreme, rivers of blood kind of things.
Anyway, Nat and (Y/n) are still so cute!!!! I love it!!!
See y'all!
Kaitlynn 😍❤
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