#i mean mayne not as stupid sometimes
hopeless-herondale · 5 years
Leon Verlac is the shadowhunter version of Elliott .
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miioouu · 3 years
I would neeevvvvveeerrr be with someone else fishy love! I'm here with you! Right now! I can't leave your sight most of the time and now it's even worse after you saw that...uh… totally random dude with “me”.
Wait, so I have competition for my yandere 👀 this is need and I'm totally gonna lose because in that dream I was only supposed to spy on her to see which potions she was making, I was also a yandere hunter. Not a witch hunter!
Lets just say I will die if the witch confronts me.
F, we both can't find stories 😔
I can see boiboi living for it the most, that kinky bastard- fishy would love it the most like, after something bad happened, maybe a break down or after he saw “you” with boiboi, just to make sure you're real and you have a reflection like a normal person lmao
Man we should really expand on my god boi, we only have his looks but what abt personality, he seems pretty lax with sexual stuff and if it's not a real physical thing. He also doesn't understand shit about normal human things.
I'm cursed by two yanderes 😔 sad
You know, sometimes I do remember my dreams but they're so long I don't even bother trying to remember them so I end up forgetting, if it was juicy or interesting I will tell but if it's only mildly interesting I don't even bother, like I swear my dream today, people had enough time to move houses and there were like 5 plot points with different people at the same time, none was that interesting, there was one count that was most interesting but of course I forgot that part 😔
Rika, like, they went HARD with trying to redeem her. TOO hard. It was basically forced and it made me hate her more, just from the fact that Cheritz is trying this hard. It's stupid honestly and it shows how hard they try :/ it's so hard that I swear a wattpad story about baldi x reader had better redeeming qualities for baldi. Like bro. Stop.
I don't hate V as much because they don't try to redeem him as hard. It's like normal you know, you can choose whether you forgive him or not, it's not something like you have to forgive him or else some 5 year old guilt trip shit happens.
I also just like V more because he's actually nice. Like genuinely a nice person. He tries to help Rika, she refuses, they get into an argument, she go pokey pokey V’s eyes now brokey, he helped us escape (I vaguely know what happens in V’s route but I played Saeran’s route three times now, Jumin 4 (doing 5 rn), so I know what happens in saerans route a lot, and i also played his after ending twice.) but in saerans route he decided he can't live without Rika because of this soulmate shit they got going on and Rika in the end is like “i'm gonna turn my sun into ashes” or some shit like that. Emphasis on “my”.
I swear V’s after ending judge route. It's a mess. I could tell you if you want, you probably don't want to get that damn ending yourself anyway. It's worse than most wattpad guilt trip stories like skdbk please why???
Also i think yoosung just has a MAJOR hero worship for her, basically obsession where it can seem like he's in love, but he just looks up to her A LOT. Anyway Rika is adopted :0
Oh man, maybe he's like, a planner or something, like, that's where well get married, I'm thinking of names for our children, that's where we'll have a date-
You get the idea.
Our local horny and sometimes romantic loner boiboi.
Long hair can be smexy, I've only seen fictional characters and some select few (I've only seen markiplier and Keanu reeves, everyone else I've seen are kind of ugli, probably because most I've seen also have that ugly teenage moustache. Pls shave. I don't really see many celebrities, so yeah)
Anyway, the day Aizawa gets short hair is the day I gauge my eyes out, stab my eyeballs and eye sockets, pour bleach in the wounds and wait until I die of blood loss or the bleach.
Especially a nicely designed cape that fits the character somewhat and isn't just plastered on there because yes.
I actually wanted to get Zen’s route first but I got yoosung, didn't really flirt with Zen after that unless the other option was a mean one. Then ill flirt, though yoosung did become jealous at one point 👀
It seems common that people would get yoosung when going for Zen. You just can't be mean to yoosung, but you have to at least onceif you want Zen. It's too easy to get yoosung hearts.
Boiboi would totally jump on that.
-🐱nonny “you can decide if you want to take that literally or sexually”
Ok that's a beeg one! Let's start!!!
Fishy is just being stupid... If you think nommy is with someone else, maybe that's because you're not doing your job properly hmm?? Think about that 👀
Well... It's not really a competition. Ghost man wants to be with you, so you already know you're his. Though the witch, i feel like if he's been a ghost for waaaay too long, maybe she lost interest, lost hope. Mayne she could reverse the curse, but she's also sad and lonely... Maybe she'll curse you too👀
Your dreams are very complex and action filled. So yeah, remembering them must be so difficult. My dreams are very boring, so even if i tried to remember, it's basically just wasting my time.
I feel like that was chritz goal. They dont want us to like her, they want us to hate her. So they made her super duper annoying.
V is a nive person, a bit too nice to the point its annoying. He's naive. I understand that he tried helping her and all that. That's amazing. But after all the things she did to him, he still tried to help her?! Why bro! I understand you're in love, but that's obsession! Also, if i remember correctly, the way V talked, it didn't feel genuine. Like the "pick me guy". A bit too manipulative, yk? Like ooouh its ok if you dont forgive me, i understand uwu.... No shut up.
Yes! Yoosung was weird, a bit too baby like! It's not my fav type of characters (obv i love jumin, total opposites!) And same, i wanted to get zen but I got yoosung. And i also tried jaehee, but i got yoosung :(
Affection = sexy timez with boiboi sooo... Have fuuuun
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andrebeltis · 4 years
Once upon a time, there was a girl named kathryn, she is 17 years old, a senior high school student at Ateneo de Manila University. She is very famous in there campus, because of her angelic face, nice attitude and she has white skin. In short she is very an ideal type of girl. She is also one of the top students in there school, because of her high grades and extra curricular activities. She had a boy bestfriend named Daniel. He is tall, moreno and handsome. He is one of the famous boys in there campus. He is a varsity player in volleyball. He is very caring and humble person, he is very kind person and most importantly he is gentleman. In short he is an ideal type of boy. He is sometimes badboy. Because of her attitude and physical appearance, many girls in there campus has a crush on him. Daniel and kathryn are bestfriends since they were grade schools. Because they were neighbors,since then daniel and kathryn are classmates since grade school to senior high school. But secretly kathryn likes daniel. It’s starts when they were first year high school. Kathryn slowly liking daniel because they always see each other everyday. Because of the attitude of Daniel, kathryn admires him alot. When kathryn is sad, daniel is always right beside her to cheer her up. He is always right there for her to take care of her. But she didn’t want daniel to know that she likes him. Because shes scared on what things might gonna happen next or in the future, or what consequences will she faced if she will confessed her feelings towards daniel. That’s why she keep that secret.But her cousin Julia and her parents know about it. In her room,under her bed,there was a small box. Inside was her diary, letters about daniel and all of there pictures together are there. Eveytime she opened that box and write a letter about Daniel makes her blushed. (One afternoon on the hallway of their campus) While kathryn was walking with her friends. Daniel run fast towards them. And screams kathryn’s name, so that kathryn will notice him. Daniel: kaaaaaatthhhh! (He screamed) Kathryn: (she knows very well whos that voice is) (She turned around and saw daniel running and shouting towards her) Kathryn: Myghaaddd Dj why are you shouting?you seemed see a ghost?what’s the problem? Daniel: (sighs) well I have something to tell you (he smiled) Kathryn: Ohh I know that face sign is ookkkk. (Daniel holds her hand and run) Kathryn: Djjjjjj (scream) my hand it hurts (At the parking lot, in front of Daniel’s car) Kathryn: ok? So what are you gonna tell?hmmmm ( she stare to daniel) Daniel: hmmm. promise me you won’t shout or scream or don’t be surprise Kathryn: ok promise (smile) Daniel: I like someone and I want to court her. Kathryn: (laughs) omg I didn’t even knew that you know how to court a girl (Inside her, she expected that she is the one who will court by daniel but it turned out this) Kathryn: soo? Who’s that girl( inside her: I hope its me,that girl mayne the luckiest person in the world) Daniel: I like her for so long. I’m sorry kath cauz I didn’t tell you early about this. I like samantha Kathryn: (shocked) ohh yahh samantha (fake smile) Daniel holds kathryn’s hand and say “ kath! Im really hoping that you will help me to court her, if its ok to you my best friend?” Kathryn: if its for you and if your happy with it why not?im your bestfriend now and forever...even if there’s no forever( laughs) Daniel: there is forever for us right my bestfriend? Kathryn: ofcourse dj, just call my name and Im always right beside you ( smile and hugs Daniel) After that conversation they both went home and still kathryn cant move on, she still remembers the things daniel told her. Kathryn: why not me?(she cry)she get her diary from her box and she wrote all the things happened on that day. Afterwards she feel asleep because shes tired and sad. Samantha is there schoolmate since high school. She looks sweet girl but she has a bad attitude but everytime daniel is arround she just turned to pabebe. Many girls doesn’t like her because of her bad attitude. She is the cheercaptain of the cheerdance of there campus. So it means Daniel and samantha merely see each other everytime they have a practice on the covered court. (After 3 years) Many things had changed on there lives. Daniel and kathryn didn’t see much because they were busy on there study. They are now 2nd year college. Kathryn took up secondary education manor in english, while daniel took up a engineering. After a year of courting, samantha and daniel are now together. Because of being a charming and gentlemen of daniel, samantha fell in love to him. Kathryn helps daniel to court samantha , she is the one making the gifts, brainstorming the ideas on how will daniel courts samantha. Daniel doesn’t know that kathryn is hurt, she is in pain she cried every night, but still then he helped daniel court samantha. Until samantha said yes to daniel. The ideas that kathryn planned are the things the she hope daniel will do it to her. Everytime kathryn see daniel and samantha in the campus shes in pain but she just thinks that she should be happy because daniel is happy as a bestfriend. If daniel is happy then kathryn should be happy for him too. One day,Kathryn clean her room, because her cousin julia will come back home from USA. Kathryn and Julia are very closed cousins, since they were kids until now. Kathryn shared all her secrets, problems in life and also Julia knows all about Daniel. Julia is 1 year younger than her. It’s exactly 11:00 am that day. After kathryn cleaned her room, she decided to take a bath. She didn’t know that daniel will come to there house. When daniel is already outside there house, he rings the door bell, then Kathryn’s mom is the one who opened the gate becaue there maid’s is at a vacation. Daniel: Hi tita Goodmorning (with a big smile) he hugs kathryns mom Mom: Oh Dj Hello goodmorning also,you’re so gwapo and tall ha. Mom: Long time no see Dj. How are you now? Daniel: Well tita, Im still cute and handsome(laughs) just kidding tita, Im fine tita thankyou for asking. Daniel: Is kathryn inside tita? Mom: Yes, I think shes in her room Daniel: Can I go to her tita? i just need to see her, because we didn’t see and talk each other that much in school. Mom: Oh really?just go inside, I will just lock the gate, then I will cook for our lunch. Daniel: Ok tita Thanks! Daniel went to Kathryns room, when his already inside. Daniel: Kath?Kath? Are you there? (Inside the restroom) When kathryn is taking a bath, she heared a voice, kathryn knows whos that voice is. Kathryn: Dj? Is that you? Daniel: Yep yep, I’ll just wait here kath ok? Kathryn was surprised because Daniel went to their house to see her. It’s been a long time since Daniel go to kathryns house. While Daniel is waiting, he sit down to kathryns bed, while he looks around the room. He noticed a small box at the table. Because its very colorful and small he get it without even knows that all things inside the box is all about him. Kathryn is still at the restroom while daniel opened the box. When he gets the first letter he reads it. After be reads that, he then reads all the letter. Daniel: whattttt? (Confused) kathryn likes me?( whispered to him self) He then saw all the pictures of them with a description at the back.He is confused.Daniel asked him self Daniel: But why? Why didn’t she tell me? When kathryn already finished taking a bath.She went outside the restroom. She is shocked when she saw daniel was on the floor with the box. Kathryn: Dj? Why you opened that? She want to get the box but daniel stay away from her Daniel: what is this stupid things kath? Kathryn cant talk she is speechless, because her fear is that daniel will know her secret and now it is happening. Kathryn: Its just nothing Dj Daniel: nottthiinggg?!! I just reed all of it Kathryn: So what now Dj?are you happy? Daniel: Happy?for what?that you keep a secret? Kathryn: Why you cant just say it?sayy Itttt djj Daniel: what? That you like me?you like me?!! Kathryn: Yes Dj I like you, Im sorry that I fell in love with you, You don’t deserve me, Im stupid ,Im a stupid bestfriend (she cried) Daniel holds her hand and says Daniel: Kathh plss no don’t cry( he wipes her tears)you are oe of the greatest blessing and gift that God gave me, Im just scocked on what I saw, but Im sorry kath, I Love you as my bestfriend. After 4 weeks, Daniel and kathryn didn’t see each other since the day Daniel went to Kathryn house. At the hallway Daniel and Samantha are walking then suddenly Daniel saw Kathryn at the bench. Daniel: babe, I just need to get something at the library, you just go first to the library ok?I’ll just follow you at the court ok? Samantha: Ok babe see you Then Daniel runs toward kathryn Daniel: Kathh?Can we talk fo a while? Kathryn: Hi dj, for what? Daniel: about the things happen.... She covers daniel mouth Kathryn: blablabla, omg Dj judt forget that Daniel: No I will not Kathryn: Its up to you, I have something to get on the library byee Daniel: ok kath see you... Kathryn runs so fast, while Daniel is standing seeing kathryn run he whispered to himself Daniel: I miss you so much bestfriend (sad face) And then ge look back and go to the court, while kathryn runs she suddenly collided with a guy. Guy: Im sorry Kathryn: Im so sorry (they look at each other) Guy: be careful next time miss (then he smiled) Kathryn: yeah I will thanks ( smile) And she walk fast The guys wants to get the name of kathryn but smhe didn’t ask because kathryn walk so fast, he thinks kathryn is in a hurry. After 2 months Kathryn went to daniel house she calls daniel through phone Kathryn: Hello Dj, we need to talk Daniel: Hi kath, right now? Kathryn: Yes right now Daniel: Ok wait I will just change my clothes Kathryn: You dont have to Daniel: Why? Let me ask you where are you now? Kathryn: Im already outside in your house dj Daniel opened the curtains and saw kathryn. He fastly go down stairs and went outside. when daniel is already outside kathryn suddenly hugs him tight. Kathryn: I Love you so much dj(she cried) Do you love me too? Daniel noticed that kathryns was kinds drunk, he smelled kathryn Daniel: wait kath?, did you drink? He gets kath to his chest and hold her shoulders. Kathryn: No dj I didn’t drink(laughs) Then again kathryn hugs him tight Kathryn: Dj I love you so much please love me too Daniel: Are you crazy kath, Have a girlfriend Kathryn: Please break up to her for please Daniel: You are just drunk kath thats why you said that Kathryn kissed daniel, but daniel pushed away kath Daniel: Are you crazy kath?!! Kathryn: please love me dj Daniel: I told you last time, I love you as my bestfriend nothing more nothing less After that Daniel drive hone kathryn. Actually it’s kathryn first time to drink and be drunk.She is with someone. After 3 days kathryn apologizes to Daniel. Daniel forgive her,they become still bestfriend. Everything was doing well and ok now. Daniel and Samantha are getting stronger. While kathryn is till on the process of moving on and accepting the fact that she and daniel are only bestfriend. She is now focusing on her studies and to herself. (After 3 years) They graduated. Kathryn became a teacher in a university while daniel became an engineer in a private company. Last 3 years when they were at there 2nd year college. Kathryn and her parents decided to buy a new house and it simply means that kathryn will transfer from another. After they transfer from there new house. Kathryn and Daniel didn’t see each other, they have no phone calls at all because she threw away her sim card so daniel will no longer call her, she ended there communication.She had no hard feelings towards Daniel but She think it is better if they have no communication, she wants to move on to all those things happened in her life, and she wants to move on to daniel too. One day, Daniel was assigned near where kathryn was working. Daniel was new to that place because it is way too there house.The workplace of daniel was a bit near to where kathryn is working. Its lunch time, Daniel with his workmates decided to buy there lunch at the university near there workplace, it is where kathryn is working.Some of Daniels workmates told him that they always eat and but there lunch at the university since it is yummy and affordable.While entering the gate, They walk at the hallway, Daniel look around, when he suddenly saw a tarpaulin with the pictures of the new comers teachers.When he is looking the tarpaulin he suddenly noticed a girl, Daniel: is that kath?(he whispered) When she saw the picture of kathryn he seems very happy and excited to see her since their workplace and the university is very near. He can visit kathryn anytime he wants. But his problem now is to find kathryn in the university. After they buy there lunch they decided to go back to their office to eat their lunch while going out Daniel told himself Daniel: I hope we see each other again kath (smile) I will find a way to find you (After 1 week) He decided to visit the university since he has now the confidence to face kathryn again. He ask some of the students in the campus. Daniel: Hi goodmorning! Do you know Ms.Kathryn? Student 1: Oh hi sir Goodmorning also. Wait who?Ms.kathryn?(student1 look at student 2) Students2: Oh Ms. Kathryn Bernardo the new teacher of the campus. Student 1: oh I remembered Ms. Kathryn is the new teacher. Daniel: Oh great! Actually Im finding her, where is her room number or office by the way? Student 2: 3rd floor at SAC building near the cafeteria I think its room number 134 Daniel: Oh that building at the left?(he pointed the SAC building) Student 1: Yes sir Daniel: ok thanks guys God Bless Student 1&2: No problem sir have a great day! Daniel went to the building to find kathryn. When he is already at the first floor he whispered to himself. Daniel: Im here kath ( smile) The school is having a class since it is 10 am.When he is already at the front room 134 he peek out in the window to see if kathryn is there. When there is only the students he opened the door and go inside. He asked the students. Daniel: Hi guys Goodmorning!where is Ms.Kathryn Students: Goodmorning sir Student 1: He is at her office sir,she just get something then she will be back. Daniel: Oh really?Thankyou guys Students: Your welcome sir When daniel closed the door,he turned left and saw a girl walking towards him, since the girl was far,he can’t see clearly the face,when the girl is near towards him , that face is very familiar to him. Daniel: Kath? Kathryn: Dj?is that you? Daniel waits until the last class of Kathryn. It is already 3 pm (in the room where there is only the two of them) Daniel: how are you Maam Kathryn?(laughs) Daniel: Its been years since the last day we see each other. Kathryn: Yes its been so long since we see each other Dj, By the way what are you now? Daniel: Well Iam now a engineer at private company.Im really happy now that I see you again after a years. By the way where did you go?why didn’t you tell me kath? I worried a lot, I searched you on facebook but I cant see your account, Ive call you a lot of times but you didn’t answer. I ask many people but then they didn’t also know where did you go.Why did you leave without me knowing that your leaving? Kathryn: Theres so many things happened in the past years Dj,right? Kathryn: I just need some space to grow by my self and to find my own happiness. Kathryn: Im really also very happy that I see you again Dj Kathryn: So how are you now?How’S samantha by the way? Daniel: Well its been 2 years since we brake up kath Kathryn: Oh really?,Im sorry to hear that Dj. Daniel and Samantha broke up because daniel saw the true attitude of samantha, they have no time for each other, they already no spark, since then Samantha find her happiness to other guy, she had a secret relationship with other guy without daniel didn’t know. When the time Daniel knows the truth, he broke up to her. Since then daniel became single until now. Daniel: I realized that if could only bring back time I hope I choose you kath rather than samantha. Daniel: Kath Im sorry because I didn’t listen to you Daniel: I came back because I want you to be mine kath Kathryn was shocked on what daniel said. Daniel: I really missed you kath, can we bring back those good memories of us? Daniel: I want to make more memories with you kath (he holds her hands) Kathryn: Everything happened for a readon Dj, Im happy right now because I see you again but the things that you sa earlier is very complicated now Dj. Kathryn: now and the past are very different. Daniel: complicated?why is it complicated kath? Kathryn stands and walks towards the window Kathryn: Im getting married Dj (She shows her hand to Dj with an engagement ring) Daniel was shocked Daniel: but why? Kathryn: No dj, you should ask yourself why you didn’t choose me before, why you didn’t listen to me? Are you gonna still go and find me? If you and samantha didn’t broke up?Do you still gonna find me? Kathryn: Im sorry Dj , but I didn’t regret on what things happened in the past, because in that pain I became more braver, I learned a lot from that,I became a better version of myself. Kathryn: Im happy right now dj, I hope you will find your someone soon, someone that can love you, someone that can be your bestfriend, someone that will not leave you.We can still be bestfriends Dj,we can make memories together again. Daniel:Do you love me kath? Kathryn: (holds daniel face) I love you Dj as my bestfriend. Kathryn is getting married to James. James was that guy collided before by kath. Since the day James know the name of kath, he is always chats her, until they became close, he is the one who is always there for kath, he can make kath happy, he is the who cheers up kathryn everyday, he is the reason why kathryn moved ob from daniel, he always gave kathryn flowers and chocolates and gifts so that kathryn will be happy and so that she can fell that someone is loving her.After a year, they are now married and they live happily ever after. #creativewritingshortstory
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apicturewithasmile · 6 years
I am super fucking bored and want to procrastinate going grocery shopping so I decided to answer every fucking ask (that I liked) of that LGBT ladies ask list.
EDIT: I’m halfway through and I gotta say: If you wanna watch me lose my shit as the questions progress into more and more biphobic and misgynistic territory then you came to the right post on tumblr dot com.
1. How do you define your sexuality? ---- bisexual and queer 2. At what age did you first realize that you like girls? ---- pfff... 13? 5? 21? Who knows? 3. At what age did you first come out? ---- 13ish 4. Who was the first person you came out to? How did they take it? ---- I don’t know? Friends? I don’t think they reacted in any particular way because it was just an off-hand comment of mine and I hardly remember anything about it. 5. How out are you? ---- Very out. Could hardly be outer. 6. Has coming out lost you any friends? ---- Not sure about one friend who sorta stopped contacting me after I mentioned I’m bi. But we were growing apart anyway so maybe it’s a coincidence. 7. What is your current relationship status? ---- I have a boyfriend. 8. How many LGBT friends do you have? ---- Too many to count but still not enough. 9. Do you have any LGBT relatives? ---- Not to my knowledge but I don’t know many relatives of mine. 10. Have you ever cut your hair super short? ---- It is super short right now! (just had my pixie recut) 11. How often do you wear flannel? ---- Never. 12. How much do you like cats? ---- A LOT! 13. Do you wear skirts and dresses? If so, how often? ---- In summer I won’t be seen dead in pants! In winter I do wear pants more frequently but I consider dresses and skirts to be my natural form! 14. Do you wear high heels? If so, how often? ---- Rarely. Only for special occasions. 15. Do you have any tattoos? If so, what of and where? ---- Nope. 16. How accurate is your gaydar? ---- I think it’s okay. 17. Have you ever been to a gay bar or a gay club? ---- Yes. 18. How do you feel when platonic female friends refer to each other as girlfriends? ---- Let them do whatever they want. 19. Have you ever had a crush on a straight girl? ---- Unfortunately yes. 20. Ellen or Portia? ---- Neither. 21. Is your nose pierced? ---- No. 22. Would you ever want to get married, if not already? ---- Nopey nope! (unless it’s for financial/bureaucratic reasons) 23. Will you wear a dress for your wedding? 24. Would you ever want to give birth? ---- Meh. I like children and in a different timeline I definitly have some but... not in this one. 25. Have you ever watched The L Word? ---- No and I don’t plan to watch it since I’ve heard nothing but negative stuff (trans- and biphobia) from sources whose judgement I trust. 26. Have you ever dated a guy? ---- I am dating a guy right now. 27. How do you feel when someone uses the word gay to mean stupid, dumb, or boring? ---- it’s annoying and homophobic 28. How many rainbow items do you own? ---- Not that mayn actually but I do have some bi merch. 29. Have you ever been to a pride festival? ---- Yes, in Berlin and Brighton. 30. Have you ever celebrated National Coming Out Day (October 11)? ---- Not really celebrated but acknowledged its existence, I guess. 31. Have you ever participated in the National Day of Silence? ---- I have never heard of that. 32. Have you ever worn a woman’s suit? ---- I.... guess so? I don’t know. 33. Have you ever worn any men’s clothing? ---- Do my boyfriend’s shorts count? 34. Do you eat meat? ---- No. 35. Do you consider yourself a feminist? ---- Yes. 36. Who is your favorite LGBT celebrity? ---- Elton John 37. Are you religious at all? ---- No. 38. How often do you find yourself trying to sneak a peak or staring at a cute female woman? ---- probably more often than I even notice I do. 39. What is your ideal first date? ---- Coffee date! 40. Are you comfortable with terms such as lezzie, lesbo, dyke, or tranny? ---- I use neither of those for myself and also wouldn’t use them for anyone else unless they explicitly told me it was okay. 41. How outdoorsy are you? ---- Little. 42. In general, has being open about your sexuality affected your relationships with other females women (jesus fucking christ stop calling women “females”!!! we’re not cattle)? ---- I don’t know. Maybe it has intensified some friendships just because I started being more authentic. 43. How much makeup do you typically wear? ---- Usually none at all, sometimes lipstick and when I’m feeling very fancy some mascara and eye liner. 44. Have you ever attended a gay or lesbian wedding? ---- No. Well.... I was at a wedding of a bi women and a bi man but I know some fractions of the LGBTQIA+ community wouldn’t say this counts. 45. Are you more feminine or more masculine? ---- I’m... me? I guess others would say I’m more feminine. 46. How long is the longest relationship you’ve been in? Are you still with that person? ---- 1 1/2 years and counting :) 47. Have you and a girlfriend ever been mistaken for sisters? 48. Do you think it is possible for someone to truly be a 50/50 bisexual, or is the percentage always skewed in favor of one gender? ---- I think the person who wrote this question has a very wrong understanding of what bisexuality is; and the way this is phrased makes it really sound like “do you think bisexuality exists or is everyone really just gay or straight?” 49. Have you ever wished you were completely straight? ---- No. 50. Do you watch any LGBT YouTubers? ---- Alayna Fender, Ash Hardell, ContraPoints and Lindsey Ellis 51. Do you wear any combat boots, Doc Martins, or Timberlands? ---- I have a set of boots with floral print. 52. Have you ever been hit on by another female woman (djkbdnkmg)? ---- Yes. 53. How athletic are you? ---- Not at all. 54. What are your views on gender identity and bathroom use? ---- Let people be whatever gender they want to be and fucking let them pee!!! 55. What is your opinion of septum/bull nose piercings? ---- Not for me but looks good on some people. 56. What does equality mean to you? ---- It means equality. 57. If you are not a lesbian, about what percentage of the time do you find yourself attracted to other females women? ---- okay I’m starting to hate this list of questions more and more the further down I get. Has this person ever talked to a bisexual person before??? Has this person ever talked to another WOMAN before??? “If you’re not a 100% lesbian then.... how much percent lesbian are you?” 58. Have you ever shared clothes with a girlfriend? ---- Never had a girlfriend. 59. Have you ever liked or dated a girl with the same name as you? ---- No, but my name is rare in my country. 60. How flirty are you? ---- VERY! “Flirty” is my middle name. 61. Are you a virgin? ---- No but virginity is a shitty concept that should be abolished. 62. Do you listen to any LGBT musicians (i.e. Tegan & Sara, Melissa Ehteridge, Chely Wright, Elton John, Sam Smith, George Michael, Adam Lambert)? ---- ELTON JOHN!!!! Also Sia, David Bowie, Janelle Monáe... 63. Have you ever been told that you are too pretty to be gay? ---- No and I’m not gay anyway. 64. Have you ever been discriminated against because of your sexuality or gender identity? If so, please explain. ---- Not that I can remember but I did have to listen to some biphobic bullshit in my lifetime. 65. Have you ever driven an SUV, Jeep,  or a pickup truck? ---- I can’t drive. 66. Are you or have you ever been a tomboy? ---- No. 67. Agree or disagree: Everyone is at least a little bit gay. ---- Again, I think the person who wrote this is forgetting the existence of bisexuality and pansexuality and any other m-spec variation. And also... straight people exist. 68. What personality trait are you most attracted to? ---- Know that tumlr post that’s like “name a non-sexual act that turns you on” and someone responded “when they reply to your sarcasm with something even more sarcastic” 69. Boobs or butts? ---- Both. 70. Beer or wine? ---- Wine. 71. Do you have a favorite lesbian movie? ---- Don’t really watch “lesbian movies”. 72. From 1-10, how attractive are muscular women? 73. From 1-10, how attractive are women who wear glasses? 74. From 1-10, how attractive are women who are covered with tattoos? 75. From 1-10, how attractive are curvy/plus-size women? 76. From 1-10, how attractive are women with short hair? 77. From 1-10, how attractive are masculine butch women? 78. From 1-10, how attractive are highly intelligent women? 79. From 1-10, how attractive are tall women (i.e. around 6 feet or taller)? ---- If you think I’m gonna rate women on a scale like some misogynistic fuckboy then you are wrong! 80. Have you ever been on your period the same time as a girlfriend? 81. Has a girl ever dumped you for a guy? Have you? ---- “Has a girl ever perpetuated a bisexual stereotype that I want to confirm so I can continue distrusting bisexuals?” 82. Do you carry a purse? ---- Usually I have a little backpack but I also have purses for spexial occassions. 83. Do you wear any hats such as snapbacks or beanies? ---- I wear a bowler hat in fall/winter 84. Have you ever pretended to be completely straight? ---- What is it with that “completely” straight? As if someone can be half straight. Newsflash: Bisexual people aren’t Gay Lite or Straight with a dash of Gay. 85. Would you ever date a trans girl? ---- Yes, of course I would. 86. How well do you think LGBT women are portrayed on television? ---- Usually not that accurately. 87. Have you ever had a crush on a woman who’s much older than you? ---- Hmmm... usually the women I fall for are closer to my age. Men on the other hand... I like them old! 88. Do you have any celebrity crushes? ---- Yep, lots. 89. Do you have any opinions on LGBT people in the military? ---- Potential murderers, just like anyone else in the military. 90. Do you believe in love at first sight? ---- No. But I believe in attraction at first sight. 91. Have you ever been told that you look gay (i.e. like a lesbian)? ---- No. 92. Where do you think is the best place to meet a potential lover? ---- In your friend circle. 93. Is there such a thing as “good” lesbian porn? ---- Yes. 94. Have you ever had a one night stand? ---- Yes. 95. How often do you wear a bra? ---- Most days but in summer I sometimes go without one depending on my outfit and the temperature. 96. Have you ever been part of a softball team? ---- No. 97. If you could live your life all over again, would you still be attracted to other women? ---- Yes. 98. What stereotype about LGBT women do you disagree with the most? ---- I disagree with all stereotypes because the function that stereotypes are supposed to fulfill is to give people permission to single out a group of people and judge them. Some people fit a stereotype - so what? Doesn’t mean all other people from that group do the same. 99. What advice would you give a girl who is struggling to figure out her sexuality? ---- Take your time, be kind to yourself, talk to other queer people. 100. What advice would you give a girl who is struggling to come out?  ---- Put your own safety first. If someone doesn’t accept you then they don’t deserve being a part of your life.
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funginerd · 6 years
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                             remember my thanksgiving list? this one is gonna be worse. yes you read right, im attempting this and i hope whoever sees this has a nice day and happy holidays. star tr.ek in more ways than i care to admit has shaped my life so to write paul and get back into the fandom felt like a fresh breeze while simultaneously it felt like coming home and i’m incredibly happy to be here again with such cool and kind folks like you all.                             basically, because german’s celebrate christmas on the 24th and we open our presents the same evening this might come as a pre-present to some of you but whatever. HAPPY HOLIDAYS, guys, under the cut is a long ass list from me to you to express just how grateful i am for you all to be here. i tried my best to include as many people as i could but of course, i sadly don't have the capacity to find kind words for all of my beauty followers but please be aware - and i might repeat myself but it doesn't make it less true - i love you all and im thankful you’re here with me.
in no particular order bc fuck me that's too much work (also wow jelly told me it was stupid to keep my conversations in tabs but tbh never really closing them really helped me here)
@infiinitepossibilities : im glad we started talking more. before i just knew you as this amazing multimuse writer who had all their muses down perfectly but now im getting to know you as an amazing person as well and that's just incredibly cool
@hcndlehim : adam, my dear boy adam. i love you. through many fandoms and over the course of many blogs we have stayed together and i can honestly say that is one of the best things that has ever happened to me. you’re such a delight to talk to and your writing has such a nice flow, so having you as my friend and writing partner for so long has just ?? made my a lot happier than you know
@culberr  / @disciipled : i have time and time again told you i love your writing and i have no idea if oyu think im kidding when i say i show it off but some of my friends can confirm i did actually send stuff to them and i do gush about our amazing writing because i cannot get enough of your style (and oyu bc i lub u). your way of telling things just has such a nice and easy flow that it makes me want to never stop reading your things and we’re lvl 5 friends so when i say i hate how much i love everything you do im not lying. you are amazing and talented and such a nice guy like im still stocked to be able to call you that and not weird you out with that. i just ?? adore you
@stamcts : some people say my aesthetic is on point but they obviously have never seen your blog bc arthur? i love every single post you make. i have seen your ic posts, they’re great and your writing is beyond amazing so ?? let it be known i adore you and im jealous of your skills to dig up cool things on the internet. and ur writing skill, fuck you for that.
@lifedeathpeacewar : leo my boi, my friend,i just cannot tell you how easily i fall in love with people who stan the same people i stan and lets be honest i think you love him more than i do but that's okay bc this way i can focus some of my love on you. im one of the people that say i love duplicates but then only follow two idk why im just that weird but i know you’re doing great with my son and i know you’re doing even  better with mark and lets be honest i already know you’re gonna be great with lucas as well bc you’re great with everything that you put your mind to and i envy you for that.
@orbinglight : i tried for your birthday already to express how much i love you but in no language the world has to offer there are enough words to really make it known just how much you really mean to me. im not as poetic as you are when it comes to praising and finding the right way to phrase things for you, so i just have to hope that you know - through all my clumsy attempts of telling you - just how near and dear to my heart you are. at this point you’re truly the person with the most beautiful soul i have ever met online or irl and i just cannot stand the thought of one day maybe not having you anymore because damn you’re gorgeous and amazing and talented and in so many ways the best thing that has happened to me on this blue hellsite
@selflessdoctor : i kinda wanna say see above bc for you too i feel all these things even though i dont always tell them as outright as i list them for artie but you’re important to me, having found you and somehow forced you into talking to me and becoming my friend was one of the best ideas i ever had and ? im so glad you let me - this odd girl you never met before - stick around and harras you. not really you know what i mean but like ?? i love you and i know i don't say that often enough but just let it be known you’re fucking perfect okay.
@turrissomnia  : three god damn blog changes and you know what ? i still love you, im still impressed by your TOS knowledge and im still absolutely adoring your portrayals. now its just even more muses you’re nailing its really cool to watch tbh.
@bellicaptivus : i honestly dont understand your fascination with strudel but im here for it and im here for your absolute magnificent portrayal of this boi so stay awesome, stay here with us and ?? don’t change bc i absolutely adore you
@adheretologic : i probably mentioned this before but you were the first disco blog i ever followed, like i think you came before adam and i still very much love seeing you on my dash
@kelpiencomplexities : i wish we knew each other better, i wish i would see your writing but man, i just love you in general idk you just are such a delight, like you introduced yourself with a pun thats always a plus in my book im just ?? very happy to have you around friend you’e really cool
@georgiov : im extremely thankful for your patience, you somehow have managed to explain the basics of SW to me without losing your mind and all that while running an amazing disco blog? you’re and im running out of positive words but like you’re the best and i love you okay
@starxbcrn : you are so iconic its unfair, like look at you having all of this creativity and talent and somehow you always come back to your golden boi, i just ?? cannot not tell you how much you inspire me and how much i love seeing you around without having to use the thesaurus
@astromed : you aesthetic: on point. your mccoy: on point. your writing: unfairly amazing. i’ll be honest i like looking at your posts, i like reading your posts, i like just having you on my dash and from the few interactions we had i know you’re a cute bean. i said it before you got recommended to me by a friend and i cannot ever regret following you
@neverarhyme : call me a nerd but i love you and im very grateful we’ve managed to stick together through me ignoring your messages and you being you for two years already but you’ve somehow become one of my best friends on this website and i don't hate you for it. in fact im time and time again amazed at how oyu handle things, at how developed ver is and how you still manage to surprise me even tho so much time ahas passed.
@theharricr : lizzie, lizzie, lizzie, you are my light sometimes, i just ? i just absolutely love you, no strings attached i love talking to you, i love watching things with you just ?? being able to call you a friend is honestly making me so happy time and time again
@jaylahofussfranklin : you’re one of the people who sometimes pop up and sometimes vanish without a trace and honestly every time you  come back to me im very happy about it. like - you’re cool, you’re one of my oldest friends here, probably the only german i want to talk to on this website and idk if i ever told you but your jaylah and your sarah are just fucking perfect.
@friendoftheood : honestly every time we talk you’re just the cutest bean and your grasp on rose is absolutely admirable. i have no idea why you think im worthy of having you follow me but im so grateful to have you around you can’t imagine
@cadetxtilly : you are honestly a bucket of sunshine and your tilly just absolutely makes me happy. she is very on point, she is very adorable and you convey every single aspect of her perfectly. your headcanons and ic posts about her just ?? make it really worth following you
@atomiism : would still 10/10 drop my man for you but real talk? when i rp’ed as ray and saw you and your blog and your writing i was ready to just completely give this boy over to you and what you have done with him since then is magical, i cannot believe someone as talented as you is here and likes me. even after so mayn months im still blown away by having met you, by knowing the face behind the brain that knows all these pretty words and can string them together like damn my darling dear you are perfect in every single way <3
@burnedlegend : you truly are a very special specimen. obv not in a bad way i mean i fucking love you but in a way that you’re so unique even though you’re sometimes a mess i can honestly say im looking forward to seeing you grow and be happy in your life bc already you have a fantastic personality and a kind soul and you’re so refreshing to talk to (when u fucking answer) idk if i have told you lately, probably not bc lets face it i suck as well, but i adore you and i value your friendship and i’ll always be here if you need me. you’re great no matter what anyone says, bc you’re you and i love that man that i have come to know over the course of this year bc he is such a passionate disaster and i wouldn’t want you to stop being you for anything in the world.
@revivedlegend : you’re an absolute dear, you have been there for me in tough times and you’ve given me so many great advice i honestly don't know what i would do without you. i know life is hard and i know people say it gets better but sometimes it doesn’t look that way? listen, you’re perfect and you deserve good things and im absolutely positive that you’ll reach great things, that life will be beautiful for you but until then im here for you and i love you with all of my heart and some that i borrowed from gabe. you are amazingly creative even if you dont see that right know but i have always loved your portrayals, your writing and your devotion to the things you love. christina you’re fantastic, okay. <3
@warsighted  : i love you, i hate your penname but i love everything else about you. listen, from the way you approach characters to the way your characterise them and the way you plot and the way you get excited about things. i love all of that. you’re incredible and so nice on top of being stupidly talented. its honestly unfair thank god you’re balancing that out with a weird penname xD
@outlawiism : how can i make this list and not say something nice about you? kinda not an option tbh bc you’re this amazing ball of positivity even when times are rough its just magical to see you on my dash and now that we talk again its just making me want to be the best version of myself so i can spread just as much positivity and make people happy and honestly? all that aside your love and devotion to peter is one of a kind, your writing is flawless and i just hope ?? one day you’re gonna archive your dreams and do the things you want and tbh you deserve cool things happening to you. so knock on wood for that!
@srenity & @courtesn : sorry im throwing you both together like this but liten, i’ve loved your inara before and im incredibly happy you’re back and now seeing the both of you play this otp out is something i hadn’t known i needed bc you’re not just beautifully on point but you’re both carrying the fandom with your fantastic writing its just making me love firefly so much more thanks to you two <3
@snowinabottle : you’re cute, your girl is cute, your blog is cute, your aesthetic is cute idk maybe you noticed, maybe you didn't but im not the best with words i just ? don't know how i should tell you but i like having you around and i like seeing you on my dash and i just like you in general okay? okay
@stellaexlacrima : im always weak for ocs even tho sometimes it takes me a while to get to know them and im sorry we didnt start talking sooner bc now that i know you i cannot believe i was so blind to your genius for so long. honestly? i love you, i loved plotting with you, i loved talking to you and im absolutely positive i will love writing with yoou no matter how slow i am. im absolutely excited for our thread, im excited for orange people and weird caves and wicked plant sutff bc i a excited to let paul have this adventure with anika
@multamusae : you are one of the people on this website who somehow manage to be very productive and as much as it sometimes makes me feel funny very often i look at your blog and im just astonished by the sheer amount of work and effort you put into everything. you are incredible, you’re so cool and your ocs give me all the life, i originally followed you for your mycroft and im still here it feels like years have passed and you’re still this amazingly talented writer from so long ago please don't ever change in that way.
@childzerozeronine : we don’t talk often enough and that is partially my fault and partially yours but let it be known im very happy that we did eventually started talking after so long of just loving artie together. nine is one of the best stranger thangs ocs i have ever seen and we both know for a while you couldn't look anywhere without them but she is amazing and i love her and i love you and im sorry im not the best chat partner
@derbefehl : we honestly have never talked but i feel very much drawn towards you for you have shown a great taste in muse, a great taste in ivan and you’re just all around ? really cool to have on my dash? i really like your writing like damn that's some good stuff you have right there
@chosemypain : i know we never talked but jelly is really loving your portrayal and honestly that’s good enough for me, you have shown great taste in show and muse and im all here for your brilliance tbh 
@espressovixen / @brokenspy : vicky my dear, im sorry im not on jayne so it might be confusing but it is i, your local disappointment: dottie. can i just take a moment and tell you: you’re probably one of my favourite writers? like idk if you can tell but i have seen so many people, i’ve seen so many different writings styles and yours is just ? outstanding to me. your love and passion for your girls is magical, your personality is so sweet and kind and i ? cannot believe how lucky i am to call you a friend, i’ve literally been in love with your writing like four blogs ago already.
@fasciinating : you are probably one of the first spocks i EVER found and honestly i can’t believe i got so lucky that you follow me back, i swear whenever i see you on my dash im just blown away by your talent and portrayal 
@methodcop : over different blogs and fandoms neither of us is in im very glad we seem to keep finding each other over and over again. you truly are one of these people that you just ?? don't feel right not having on the dash, skye you’re amazing and i love you okay? okay
@rendczvous : fish, im sorry you’re last on this list and i wasn’t sure if i should even say something but honestly i just kind of have to. you are so cute and jelly loves you so much i sorta have to be thankful that you put up with her when im not around and honestly that in itself is a feat already but then you write and its just like woah you’re not just cute but also talented and honestly i find that unfair and i would like to file a complaint
@newaldera / @sunworn / @noprodigalson (ur a cutie and i feel like i had to mention that here) / @selfsaving / @stellarumwomen / @monstrousmade / @resistancehistorian / @astradie / @chpls / @seeheroic / @livesinnarrative / @hopefired / @danversiism / @dancerdoc /  @acepilct / @starshipxcaptain / @starfleets1stmutineer / @pcrsonae / @spacemarincr / @saevio / @starjourney / @theholisticdetective / @paramounticebound / @ichorcrowncd / @abscntee / @boywonderish & @needanswers (im convinced you two are just the real deal and the hsow never ended like you two really are that good) / @boldlylogical / @aprettygooddetective / @amcrist / @enhanc / @mysticwiitch / @coneyislandcastaway / @daredbetter / @atlantisking / @164 / @zooomies / @xenobridge / @thistimefeelsnew / @chaxswalking / @hisgenius / @verycivilofyou / @five-guns-days / @interstel / @superiorambition / @thedestrcyer / @astrcphobia / @admiralsdontfly / @addsalsa / @sempitern / @heroheart / @thexjoinedxsurgeon / @xaedificare / @quietresistance / @falsepsychiic / @gcdlikc / @makeshistory / @positronicminds / @honoredsouls / @zherka / @samenkomen / @spaceforkirk / @definiibus / @captainussdiscovery / @mavxricks <3 / @ofstarrynights /  @1stofficerspock / @humanandvulcan / @nxtasidekick / @dutyandcompassion
wow. ehm happy holidays guys and im so sorry if i have missed anyone i truly tired my best.
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insecure-hbo-recaps · 7 years
hella questions
Previously on Insecure: A bunch of bad dates, missing Lawrence, trifling Lawrence, failed "get my ex back" party, Molly is way underpaid. And two minutes of ex sex.
"Y'all fucked?" is the incredulity that welcomes us to the second episode of the season. I can't decide if I love or hate that Issa has one of those old school ugly wooden entertainment center things that I'm sure we ALL had growing up.
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Issa is also wearing a hoodie with Harriet Tubman on it... though I can't figure out what the two pictures on her wall are. Molly wants to know who initiated the sex and whether they've spoken since. They aren't really in any better place, and Molly doesn't find this encouraging. Issa is grasping at straws. Molly asks whether it was a getting back together fuck or a "fuck you" fuck. Hmmm. As someone who recently had sex with her ex that she's still in love with... it was definitely neither lol. It was... well, actually, it was a “I put up this picture of me kissing another dude as my facebook profile pic so that everyone could stop feeling sorry for me for being single, but you think I moved on and am dating someone else and don't love your trifling ass anymore and you got the nerve to have a jealous streak" kind of a fuck. This fool asked me like four times "so what's new with you?" As if I would tell if it WAS true, lol. Anyway, the sex between Lawrence and Issa would fall in a similar category - dudes being in their insecure ass feelings but STILL not trying to give you the respect you deserve.
Issa calls the sex "nebulous." Nebulous: unclear, vague, or ill defined. Molly is wary of drawing any conclusions based on this murky outcome, but Issa brightly tries to convince herself the sex means something good. Idk, girl. I don't feel like that. I'm not even going to delude myself that way.
Lawrence is in the gym, because in case you haven't noticed, he ain't a capn crunch eating white socks scrub no more. He starts to text Issa that he made things weird and didn't plan for it to happen, but thinks better of it and deletes it.
Meanwhile, Molly did stick with her therapist and is at a second session. Far from how close mouthed she had been before, she is ranting energetically about her stronger work ethic and going above and beyond but still being underpaid. Honestly, this is why I just solve this issue by half assing everything at work. I'm never going above and beyond. I will ALWAYS be a solid 3/4 at annual performance review time. Fuck your five star review. This job don't give a fuck about me and I don't give a fuck about y'all. And when the pay stops being enough, my resume makes it easy for me to bounce and renegotiate a new salary. But Molly is not interested in conceding defeat and can't understand why she can't figure out a way to get into the all boy's club. The therapist points out that Molly is "shoulding" all over herself. And if you watch this show, you've seen Sex and the City, so we don't need to break down the logistics of this.
The therapist tries to tell Molly she's living in the reality she thinks she should have, not the one she does have. Molly, naturally, doesn't understand what she's saying. The therapist tells her that there are certain standards levied at black women - and let's take the time to point out the difference here... in the past, the standards of a black woman were to singlehandedly manage a household and all of its financial and functional needs, put yourself aside and be a supporting force for everyone else in your life, and maybe you might find a man but how can you expect that, and you shouldn't, because it's too hard, and well, if you can't find one, maybe nice Willie the janitor will be there for you and don't be thinking bout no law degree. That shit ain't the move no more. These days the perfect standards of being a black woman are all about getting your 2013 self titled album Beyonce on - fulfilled in yourself and your life choices and not subscribing to any ideology that says you can't be enough or what you have to offer isn't valuable... with a slice of "even if no one else can see my value, I know it far exceeds that of many of those around me." Later for settling. Later for accepting scraps. But now that opens the door to a battle that's twice as hard, choosing to except the ways in which you are exceptional, in a world that is not willing to agree with you purely because... you are a black woman.
The therapist asks Molly if she would be open to a life that doesn't look like the one she thinks she "should" have. Molly isn't ready to grapple with that idea, and demurs on scheduling the next session. See what I'm saying? Bitches afraid to look at themselves.
Gallery opening. Which, again, is a little too close to Sex and the City for me, but I don't know what y'all be doing in California or New York. Gallery openings ain't a thing in Chicago. The four of them are talking about Issa's party. Tiffany is being annoyingly bougie as usual, Kelli is only mildly extra. I don't... I don't know what to say about these outfits.
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I fully respect everything Insecure is doing. But I'd be a damn lie if I said... it was very... right, I suppose. It wouldn't be the route I'd take if it were my show, I guess is what I'd say. They are trying to decide plans for the weekend but Issa doesn't want to go out clubbing - she thinks sleeping with Lawrene means a reunion is imminent so she can't really be going out anymore. Tiffany decides to empathize and shares that her gay husband lived in a hotel for basically half a year while they were going through something. "The point is, even perfect couples have problems," Tiffany says, and I'm not looking forward to the season where they try to humanize Tiffany by showing she hides behind all this "perfect" bullshit to cover up the fact that she is miserably depressed and hates herself. I accidentally paused at a moment that captures this sentiment:
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Issa thinks she just needs to give Lawrence time to forgive her; he can't just walk away from five years like that. Every single time I've thought I offered something so incredibly unique to a man he'd be stupid to walk away from it, I was patently, 100% wrong. Kelli points out that for 2 of those years his bum ass mooched off on her couch and Issa should move on. Issa wants to work it out. But... really? Why would Issa want to still be with Lawrence? She wasn't happy with him, that's why she cheated in the first place. And I'm not buying that she saw the error of her ways and truly wants the life they had together in the end. More like being single is shit, especially when you've had someone as your counterpart for a significant chunk of time, and rather than adjusting to something new it's easier and more comfortable to want back what you had.
Kelli lets it slip that Lawrence is with someone knew, which Tiffany was also aware of. They know who she is and everything, but Issa claims she doesn't want to know. In the two seconds it takes to decry that claim, Molly finds Tasha's instagram profile. Tiffany offers some friendly shit-talking ("why does she only speak in emojis?") and Kelli says she looks like a stripper. Issa pretends like she doesn't want to know who she is.
Gallery bathroom. While Issa is doing her "go high or go low?" mirror freestyle, I am just mesmerized by her crown-mimicking braidout. Like. I wouldn't wear it because I couldn't pull it off, but it is fascinating on her. She decides going the high road is overrated, and when Molly comes to check on her, Issa snaps, "pull that bitch up!" The soundtrack that kicks in at that moment - bass heavy intoning "fuck that nigga" - pulls all of us back on the thrones we sometimes forget but need always to occupy.
The next day. For reasons that are unclear, Issa stops by Chad's apartment looking for Lawrence. Chad remarks on her glow up approvingly, which Issa awkwardly plays off. They have awkward small tight for a bit before Issa asks for Lawrence. Chad doesn't want to say where he really is, and if I had the skills/patience to make gifs, I'd insert one here now of the coy way he then slups on the straw of his beet juice. As it is, Issa concedes defeat and decides to leave.
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It turns out Lawrence is at Tasha's, watching Defamation. I know that's not the name of their in-series show, but I can't be bothered to find out what it was, so I'm just going to call it the same as DWP's. Tasha is into it while Lawrence is aloof, and the thing that makes *me* most uncomfortable about Tasha - as stated, I do not buy into the thotty because she is traditional narrative - is her liking Real Housewives-y television and occupying that "black women in Atlanta" sort of social space. I do fully approve of her around the way girl oversized gold hoops.
Lawrence says he has things on his mind and Tasha, again refreshingly casually, asks whether he wants to talk about it. She gets a text from her mom, informing her about a family barbecue. She takes a moment and hints about whether or not Lawrence would like to come. Rather than pretend to be oblivious, Lawrence actually makes a noise like he acknowledges this time that he knows this would mean something, and Tasha, sensing his hesitation, immediately walks the invitation back. Lawrence decides to just drop that he slept with his ex. He tries to explain why it happens and says he just wants to be honest, and doesn't know what it means. Hmm. I don't know at this point in their relationship how big a deal this should be, so Tasha's measured response of "I think you need to go" is about level and appropriate. Oh MAYNE, she got that black glass and gold accented vanity mirror that I'm sure was a pattern we ALL had in our moms' bedrooms at some point.
Dunes. Issa is getting ready for bed, trying to resist looking up Tasha. Of course she isn't able to manage it, and pulls up Tasha's instagram.
Law firm. Molly rolls up on the front desk lady and they exchange pleasantries and niceties. Molly wants to know about a hockey game the bosses are going to. She is planning to shoot her shot and try to ingratiate herself into the "boy's club." "I'm scared of you," the front desk lady says neutrally, grinning and turning back to her computer.
Issa's boring after school job. The principle is prejudiced against latinos, Frieda doesn't like it, Issa is tone deaf. Blah blah blah.
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So how do we feel about Chad's suit? Apparently he had to wait outside for Lawrence to express his disbelief that Lawrence told Tasha about Issa. Uh, how did he find out about that? lol. Lawrence says he couldn't lie about it because he's "not dirty like that." Chad, and all of us:
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Seriously, what's up with Lawrence? He is delusional about his capacity for being a good dude. Which, to be perfectly frank with you, is not very surprising to me for a guy who could mooch off his girlfriend for two years and then be totally blindsided with her being dissatisfied and unhappy in the relationship. Lawrence can't believe he slept with Issa, thinking he was once step out the door away. Chad is overall not surprised that Lawrence went back to being a "John Legend ass nigga."
Apparently they are going to check out a new apartment for Lawrence. Why does Chad need to be there for that? Chad mentions that Issa came by looking for him, acknowledging her glow up: "did she always look like that?"
The broker is a black woman in an off white pantsuit. You know how sometimes you'll be watching white tv and you never see any black people until you need a bus driver or a maid or a nurse or some other menial service person? Insecure does this in reverse where most of the roles of businesspeople in the community are held by black women, which is truer to life. Anyway, she's Patty from ABG. The apartment seems to have disturbingly pale sea green walls which I would not be happy with. I'd feel like my entire apartment is a bloody bathroom from a scary movie. That's the exact same shade of sea foam green blue.
They like the apartment. It's pretty big. I know nothing about Los Angeles real estate but I assume it's extremely expensive. Lawrence is hesitant to commit, possibly because he wants an invite back to the Dunes. Who knows, the scene doesn't elaborate.
High School. Frieda is mad about Principal Gaines not caring about the latino students. She calls it a "racist joke" he made. Issa doesn't care, and Frieda's Clueless White Person rambling doesn't help. They arrive to the after school program to find it full of students. Gaines hooked them up with kids. Issa is thrilled but Frieda is concerned about the lack of latino students.
Molly is riding an escalator somewhere. Where ya going, Molly? Ooooh... eeeee... she's making the bold but fairly ill considered decision to try to rub elbows with the boys club in the box seats for a hockey game.
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I don't begrudge Molly attempting to shoot her shot, but there have got to be more... shall we say organic ways for her to attempt it. We look like assholes popping up in entirely the wrong context like this. Now I'm having a flashback to an ill advised friendship with an overweight white woman who, time would reveal, primarily wanted to use me to get an in into black spaces where she could meet black men. But never fear, her black female friends were just as corny and thirsty: her black counterpart was this overweight chick who went out of her way to assure all of us how much she loved hockey and when she talked about basketball she made sure to only talk about the two or three white players on our home team. The thirst was real and it went in both directions, and that is tonight's anecdote on why I make very little effort to make female friends as an adult.
Back at the Dunes, Issa cannot resist the allure of her phone, holding the secrets as it does to Tasha's insta. Of course she eventually caves and we are treated to this snap filtered gem:
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Doing the most. But followed up by this:
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Loving the wig. Issa throws the phone down pretending she doesn't care, going back to her book.
Back at the hockey game, Molly's attempts to bond with middle aged white men is typically embarrassing. They're drinking shitty beer, Stella Artois as far as I can tell? Molly takes a moment then decides to shoot her shot, socially approaching her boss. He's wearing a ridiculous suit. They make small talk about lobster rolls, but Molly misses the timbre of the humor and her "women are clueless about sports" bit doesn't quite land. Which I'm going to go ahead and chalk up to a racial barrier because let's just admit it. It's not believable to pretend a black woman gives a fuck about hockey. I have sat around with white dudes and tried to watch hockey games. That shit is boring. They score once every fifteen minutes. Let us submit a blanket moratorium on black women appeasing whites by pretending to like hockey.
The next morning at work, Molly tries to maintain cordial commentary with her boss but it's awkward and they both wish it had never happened. She walks away from the break room while her boss and a random white man look awkwardly after her before going back to their conversation.
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Hey. Don't you fucking hate that we have to do this shit?
Chad's. Lawrence is on his air mattress, looking pensive. Dune's. Issa is on her mac still stalking. She has progressed to facebook. Then she swaps to Twitter. Then she swaps to the LinkedIn. I have amazing internet stalking skills. I once found posts from a message board someone posted on anonymously in high school. I knew an ex of mine had gotten married like six months after I dumped him and I wanted to know who the wife was - that took licensed private investigator levels of digging because he had zero online footprint and a super generic name. I once found someone's professional license, which listed their contact number, saved the number to my phone, and used it to find their instagram page. Fuck with me dog. No one has shit on my internet stalking game. I'm not crazy just nosy as fuck.
Letsmovealong... Tasha's social media is meant, I'm thinking, to paint her as slightly basic. She has Beyonce quotes in the Beyonce font, she's wearing an uncomfortable suit in her linkedin pic. She takes pics eating jalepeno poppers in ecstasy. And, to be fair, I think that's the characterization we are meant to take away from Tasha. She isn't quirky like Issa. She's just "regular black." And I know that's a thing that people have had negative reactions to, so I don't mind telling you I aggressively defend "regular black." I live on the northside of my city, which is white neighborhoods. Every man I date has no less than a college degree and often a graduate or professional degree, as, having one myself, this only makes sense for finding someone with compatible values. So my ability to occupy a quirky, upwardly mobile black space must take responsibility for blackness as a whole, in the sense that it would be shameful for me to shun "regular blackness." Whenever I'm wearing curly 30 inch remy in my sew in and I meet randoms who ALWAYS ask me whether I'm latina I make SURE to put them in their place. Asking me whether I'm mixed. That's not a compliment, y'all. Don't be on the okcupids and the tinders talking about you're "other" race. I used to block men on sight with bedebees talking about some "Mixed race, other." Don't side with the oppressors. Don't shun regular blackness. (I have seen many, many black people do this, both male and female, and it is incredibly disheartening and disappointing. It's not just men. Women do it too. All of y'all need to stop.)
Issa realizes that Tasha works at the bank Lawrence goes to. So the next morning she takes it upon herself to take a visit, taking note of the Best Buy right next door. Issa goes inside and gets in Tasha's line. "I'd like to make a deposit," she says, and then cold-cocks Tasha. This, of course, is yet another fantasy.
But in real life, Molly is having a cup of espresso on some campus somewhere. Lawrence spots her and decides he's not petty enough to not say hi. I'm loving the linen denim blue button up, less endeared by the flat hipster leather backpack, but I don't mind the attempt. They hug with Molly surprised to see him - she was there for some meeting or other. Lawrence says it's "Meridian" which I know as a health insurer, but probably means something different as it's where he works. Molly's wear a midi dress and heels which... I remember those cut out shoulder cut out things from a time far far in the past, guys.
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They make small talk about Lawrence's new job and how they're both "good." Lawrence makes to walk away but Molly, steeling herself, calls him back. She wants to talk about Issa, who she tells him is "still torn up." "And?" Lawrence says, rudely. Yeah, Lawrence has no concept of the fact that their relationship was garbage. Maybe it wasn't always, but where they were when we met them, their relationship was trash.
Molly champions Issa and asks whether he hates her. He says he doesn't, so Molly asks if he'd ever take her back. We don't get to see Lawrence's response as we swap to Issa in her car. She's still outside of the bank when Tasha walks past, talking to a friend. Issa drops the recline on her seat all the way back to hide. Molly calls at this moment, walking away from her conversation with Lawrence and carrying a fabulous pale tan attache case. She makes it clear to us that she was only there as a plant, to run into Lawrence so she could ask him about Issa. This is the new age adult version of the secret three way call.
Issa asks what Lawrence said about her. Molly apologizes, and breaks the bad news that Lawrence says he's done. He ended up taking the new apartment, so he's not coming back. Issa digests this in silence. Molly offers to come by but Issa tells her she's fine. She reclines in her car a bit longer into an annoying security guard comes by and tells her she can't sleep there.
Nighttime. Molly's still at work, skyping with Hannah, the lawyer who recently transferred to the Chicago office. They're both working late. My ambitions and skillset and also personal passions would seem to dictate that I should have been a lawyer. But even when I was much younger and just starting to think about what I wanted my life to look like, I never wanted to give more of a fuck about work than anything else in my life. Like, this being at the office at nighttime shit? No thank you. ....I kinda regret that now. You know? Maybe in the go-go 90s I took the trope of the serious businesswoman who doesn't have time for a man and a life and a family too seriously. I don't know.
Molly makes professional good with Hannah, offering to help with her workload - and this is kind of what I mean - in kind of like "I'm a workhorse, use me." Hannah is touched by the offer, and agrees to throw some work Molly's way, perhaps recognizing the ploy Molly is extending. So that one, at least, went over well.
Somewhere in LA. While Molly's in her office, Lawrence has stopped by Tasha's house. She comes out to meet him where he is waiting by his car. She's wearing ripped jeans and very clunky sneakers. When Lawrence says hi, she regards him coldly. He launches into an apology, telling Tasha she didn't deserve that. Tasha, still playing "cool girl" who doesn't make a big deal about the fucked up shit you're dealing, plays understanding, that she gets why he was still messing with his ex. She knows their relationship wasn't exclusive.
She's giving him an out. But Lawrence muddies this by saying his thing with Issa was over. Tasha tried to let him keep things casual, but his response signals that casual behavior isn't ok while they are seeing each other. Recognizing this, Tasha makes an excuse for why she has to go back inside.
But, at the last minute she just can't help it, and caves, asking him whether or not he wants to come in for dinner. Lawrence, who was walking away, stops and takes her up on it. Damnit, Tasha. You almost made it.
Dunes. Issa, in her hairscarf and tshirt again (this has been a dry week for Issa right?) is putting away her laundry. She is suddenly annoyed about hanging all of her clothes on one side of the closet. Lawrence's shit is gone. She angrily shelves her shit on the opposite side, and, in bed, pulls her pillow in the middle, grappling with the reality that Lawrence is really not coming back.
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Swiper more swiping helps blunt some of the pain as Issa pulls up Tinder again, trying, still trying.
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hella questions
Previously on Insecure: A bunch of bad dates, missing Lawrence, trifling Lawrence, failed “get my ex back” party, Molly is way underpaid. And two minutes of ex sex.
“Y'all fucked?” is the incredulity that welcomes us to the second episode of the season. I can’t decide if I love or hate that Issa has one of those old school ugly wooden entertainment center things that I’m sure we ALL had growing up.
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Issa is also wearing a hoodie with Harriet Tubman on it… though I can’t figure out what the two pictures on her wall are. Molly wants to know who initiated the sex and whether they’ve spoken since. They aren’t really in any better place, and Molly doesn’t find this encouraging. Issa is grasping at straws. Molly asks whether it was a getting back together fuck or a “fuck you” fuck. Hmmm. As someone who recently had sex with her ex that she’s still in love with… it was definitely neither lol. It was… well, actually, it was a “I put up this picture of me kissing another dude as my facebook profile pic so that everyone could stop feeling sorry for me for being single, but you think I moved on and am dating someone else and don’t love your trifling ass anymore and you got the nerve to have a jealous streak" kind of a fuck. This fool asked me like four times “so what’s new with you?” As if I would tell if it WAS true, lol. Anyway, the sex between Lawrence and Issa would fall in a similar category - dudes being in their insecure ass feelings but STILL not trying to give you the respect you deserve.
Issa calls the sex “nebulous.” Nebulous: unclear, vague, or ill defined. Molly is wary of drawing any conclusions based on this murky outcome, but Issa brightly tries to convince herself the sex means something good. Idk, girl. I don’t feel like that. I’m not even going to delude myself that way.
Lawrence is in the gym, because in case you haven’t noticed, he ain’t a capn crunch eating white socks scrub no more. He starts to text Issa that he made things weird and didn’t plan for it to happen, but thinks better of it and deletes it.
Meanwhile, Molly did stick with her therapist and is at a second session. Far from how close mouthed she had been before, she is ranting energetically about her stronger work ethic and going above and beyond but still being underpaid. Honestly, this is why I just solve this issue by half assing everything at work. I’m never going above and beyond. I will ALWAYS be a solid ¾ at annual performance review time. Fuck your five star review. This job don’t give a fuck about me and I don’t give a fuck about y'all. And when the pay stops being enough, my resume makes it easy for me to bounce and renegotiate a new salary. But Molly is not interested in conceding defeat and can’t understand why she can’t figure out a way to get into the all boy’s club. The therapist points out that Molly is “shoulding” all over herself. And if you watch this show, you’ve seen Sex and the City, so we don’t need to break down the logistics of this.
The therapist tries to tell Molly she’s living in the reality she thinks she should have, not the one she does have. Molly, naturally, doesn’t understand what she’s saying. The therapist tells her that there are certain standards levied at black women - and let’s take the time to point out the difference here… in the past, the standards of a black woman were to singlehandedly manage a household and all of its financial and functional needs, put yourself aside and be a supporting force for everyone else in your life, and maybe you might find a man but how can you expect that, and you shouldn’t, because it’s too hard, and well, if you can’t find one, maybe nice Willie the janitor will be there for you and don’t be thinking bout no law degree. That shit ain’t the move no more. These days the perfect standards of being a black woman are all about getting your 2013 self titled album Beyonce on - fulfilled in yourself and your life choices and not subscribing to any ideology that says you can’t be enough or what you have to offer isn’t valuable… with a slice of “even if no one else can see my value, I know it far exceeds that of many of those around me.” Later for settling. Later for accepting scraps. But now that opens the door to a battle that’s twice as hard, choosing to except the ways in which you are exceptional, in a world that is not willing to agree with you purely because… you are a black woman.
The therapist asks Molly if she would be open to a life that doesn’t look like the one she thinks she “should” have. Molly isn’t ready to grapple with that idea, and demurs on scheduling the next session. See what I’m saying? Bitches afraid to look at themselves.
Gallery opening. Which, again, is a little too close to Sex and the City for me, but I don’t know what y'all be doing in California or New York. Gallery openings ain’t a thing in Chicago. The four of them are talking about Issa’s party. Tiffany is being annoyingly bougie as usual, Kelli is only mildly extra. I don’t… I don’t know what to say about these outfits.
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I fully respect everything Insecure is doing. But I’d be a damn lie if I said… it was very… right, I suppose. It wouldn’t be the route I’d take if it were my show, I guess is what I’d say. They are trying to decide plans for the weekend but Issa doesn’t want to go out clubbing - she thinks sleeping with Lawrene means a reunion is imminent so she can’t really be going out anymore. Tiffany decides to empathize and shares that her gay husband lived in a hotel for basically half a year while they were going through something. “The point is, even perfect couples have problems,” Tiffany says, and I’m not looking forward to the season where they try to humanize Tiffany by showing she hides behind all this “perfect” bullshit to cover up the fact that she is miserably depressed and hates herself. I accidentally paused at a moment that captures this sentiment:
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Issa thinks she just needs to give Lawrence time to forgive her; he can’t just walk away from five years like that. Every single time I’ve thought I offered something so incredibly unique to a man he’d be stupid to walk away from it, I was patently, 100% wrong. Kelli points out that for 2 of those years his bum ass mooched off on her couch and Issa should move on. Issa wants to work it out. But… really? Why would Issa want to still be with Lawrence? She wasn’t happy with him, that’s why she cheated in the first place. And I’m not buying that she saw the error of her ways and truly wants the life they had together in the end. More like being single is shit, especially when you’ve had someone as your counterpart for a significant chunk of time, and rather than adjusting to something new it’s easier and more comfortable to want back what you had.
Kelli lets it slip that Lawrence is with someone knew, which Tiffany was also aware of. They know who she is and everything, but Issa claims she doesn’t want to know. In the two seconds it takes to decry that claim, Molly finds Tasha’s instagram profile. Tiffany offers some friendly shit-talking (“why does she only speak in emojis?”) and Kelli says she looks like a stripper. Issa pretends like she doesn’t want to know who she is.
Gallery bathroom. While Issa is doing her “go high or go low?” mirror freestyle, I am just mesmerized by her crown-mimicking braidout. Like. I wouldn’t wear it because I couldn’t pull it off, but it is fascinating on her. She decides going the high road is overrated, and when Molly comes to check on her, Issa snaps, “pull that bitch up!” The soundtrack that kicks in at that moment - bass heavy intoning “fuck that nigga” - pulls all of us back on the thrones we sometimes forget but need always to occupy.
The next day. For reasons that are unclear, Issa stops by Chad’s apartment looking for Lawrence. Chad remarks on her glow up approvingly, which Issa awkwardly plays off. They have awkward small tight for a bit before Issa asks for Lawrence. Chad doesn’t want to say where he really is, and if I had the skills/patience to make gifs, I’d insert one here now of the coy way he then slups on the straw of his beet juice. As it is, Issa concedes defeat and decides to leave.
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It turns out Lawrence is at Tasha’s, watching Defamation. I know that’s not the name of their in-series show, but I can’t be bothered to find out what it was, so I’m just going to call it the same as DWP’s. Tasha is into it while Lawrence is aloof, and the thing that makes *me* most uncomfortable about Tasha - as stated, I do not buy into the thotty because she is traditional narrative - is her liking Real Housewives-y television and occupying that “black women in Atlanta” sort of social space. I do fully approve of her around the way girl oversized gold hoops.
Lawrence says he has things on his mind and Tasha, again refreshingly casually, asks whether he wants to talk about it. She gets a text from her mom, informing her about a family barbecue. She takes a moment and hints about whether or not Lawrence would like to come. Rather than pretend to be oblivious, Lawrence actually makes a noise like he acknowledges this time that he knows this would mean something, and Tasha, sensing his hesitation, immediately walks the invitation back. Lawrence decides to just drop that he slept with his ex. He tries to explain why it happens and says he just wants to be honest, and doesn’t know what it means. Hmm. I don’t know at this point in their relationship how big a deal this should be, so Tasha’s measured response of “I think you need to go” is about level and appropriate. Oh MAYNE, she got that black glass and gold accented vanity mirror that I’m sure was a pattern we ALL had in our moms’ bedrooms at some point.
Dunes. Issa is getting ready for bed, trying to resist looking up Tasha. Of course she isn’t able to manage it, and pulls up Tasha’s instagram.
Law firm. Molly rolls up on the front desk lady and they exchange pleasantries and niceties. Molly wants to know about a hockey game the bosses are going to. She is planning to shoot her shot and try to ingratiate herself into the “boy’s club.” “I’m scared of you,” the front desk lady says neutrally, grinning and turning back to her computer.
Issa’s boring after school job. The principle is prejudiced against latinos, Frieda doesn’t like it, Issa is tone deaf. Blah blah blah.
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So how do we feel about Chad’s suit? Apparently he had to wait outside for Lawrence to express his disbelief that Lawrence told Tasha about Issa. Uh, how did he find out about that? lol. Lawrence says he couldn’t lie about it because he’s “not dirty like that.” Chad, and all of us:
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Seriously, what’s up with Lawrence? He is delusional about his capacity for being a good dude. Which, to be perfectly frank with you, is not very surprising to me for a guy who could mooch off his girlfriend for two years and then be totally blindsided with her being dissatisfied and unhappy in the relationship. Lawrence can’t believe he slept with Issa, thinking he was once step out the door away. Chad is overall not surprised that Lawrence went back to being a “John Legend ass nigga.”
Apparently they are going to check out a new apartment for Lawrence. Why does Chad need to be there for that? Chad mentions that Issa came by looking for him, acknowledging her glow up: “did she always look like that?”
The broker is a black woman in an off white pantsuit. You know how sometimes you’ll be watching white tv and you never see any black people until you need a bus driver or a maid or a nurse or some other menial service person? Insecure does this in reverse where most of the roles of businesspeople in the community are held by black women, which is truer to life. Anyway, she’s Patty from ABG. The apartment seems to have disturbingly pale sea green walls which I would not be happy with. I’d feel like my entire apartment is a bloody bathroom from a scary movie. That’s the exact same shade of sea foam green blue.
They like the apartment. It’s pretty big. I know nothing about Los Angeles real estate but I assume it’s extremely expensive. Lawrence is hesitant to commit, possibly because he wants an invite back to the Dunes. Who knows, the scene doesn’t elaborate.
High School. Frieda is mad about Principal Gaines not caring about the latino students. She calls it a “racist joke” he made. Issa doesn’t care, and Frieda’s Clueless White Person rambling doesn’t help. They arrive to the after school program to find it full of students. Gaines hooked them up with kids. Issa is thrilled but Frieda is concerned about the lack of latino students.
Molly is riding an escalator somewhere. Where ya going, Molly? Ooooh… eeeee… she’s making the bold but fairly ill considered decision to try to rub elbows with the boys club in the box seats for a hockey game.
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I don’t begrudge Molly attempting to shoot her shot, but there have got to be more… shall we say organic ways for her to attempt it. We look like assholes popping up in entirely the wrong context like this. Now I’m having a flashback to an ill advised friendship with an overweight white woman who, time would reveal, primarily wanted to use me to get an in into black spaces where she could meet black men. But never fear, her black female friends were just as corny and thirsty: her black counterpart was this overweight chick who went out of her way to assure all of us how much she loved hockey and when she talked about basketball she made sure to only talk about the two or three white players on our home team. The thirst was real and it went in both directions, and that is tonight’s anecdote on why I make very little effort to make female friends as an adult.
Back at the Dunes, Issa cannot resist the allure of her phone, holding the secrets as it does to Tasha’s insta. Of course she eventually caves and we are treated to this snap filtered gem:
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Doing the most. But followed up by this:
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Loving the wig. Issa throws the phone down pretending she doesn’t care, going back to her book.
Back at the hockey game, Molly’s attempts to bond with middle aged white men is typically embarrassing. They’re drinking shitty beer, Stella Artois as far as I can tell? Molly takes a moment then decides to shoot her shot, socially approaching her boss. He’s wearing a ridiculous suit. They make small talk about lobster rolls, but Molly misses the timbre of the humor and her “women are clueless about sports” bit doesn’t quite land. Which I’m going to go ahead and chalk up to a racial barrier because let’s just admit it. It’s not believable to pretend a black woman gives a fuck about hockey. I have sat around with white dudes and tried to watch hockey games. That shit is boring. They score once every fifteen minutes. Let us submit a blanket moratorium on black women appeasing whites by pretending to like hockey.
The next morning at work, Molly tries to maintain cordial commentary with her boss but it’s awkward and they both wish it had never happened. She walks away from the break room while her boss and a random white man look awkwardly after her before going back to their conversation.
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Hey. Don’t you fucking hate that we have to do this shit?
Chad’s. Lawrence is on his air mattress, looking pensive. Dune’s. Issa is on her mac still stalking. She has progressed to facebook. Then she swaps to Twitter. Then she swaps to the LinkedIn. I have amazing internet stalking skills. I once found posts from a message board someone posted on anonymously in high school. I knew an ex of mine had gotten married like six months after I dumped him and I wanted to know who the wife was - that took licensed private investigator levels of digging because he had zero online footprint and a super generic name. I once found someone’s professional license, which listed their contact number, saved the number to my phone, and used it to find their instagram page. Fuck with me dog. No one has shit on my internet stalking game. I’m not crazy just nosy as fuck.
Letsmovealong… Tasha’s social media is meant, I’m thinking, to paint her as slightly basic. She has Beyonce quotes in the Beyonce font, she’s wearing an uncomfortable suit in her linkedin pic. She takes pics eating jalepeno poppers in ecstasy. And, to be fair, I think that’s the characterization we are meant to take away from Tasha. She isn’t quirky like Issa. She’s just “regular black.” And I know that’s a thing that people have had negative reactions to, so I don’t mind telling you I aggressively defend “regular black.” I live on the northside of my city, which is white neighborhoods. Every man I date has no less than a college degree and often a graduate or professional degree, as, having one myself, this only makes sense for finding someone with compatible values. So my ability to occupy a quirky, upwardly mobile black space must take responsibility for blackness as a whole, in the sense that it would be shameful for me to shun “regular blackness.” Whenever I’m wearing curly 30 inch remy in my sew in and I meet randoms who ALWAYS ask me whether I’m latina I make SURE to put them in their place. Asking me whether I’m mixed. That’s not a compliment, y'all. Don’t be on the okcupids and the tinders talking about you’re “other” race. I used to block men on sight with bedebees talking about some “Mixed race, other.” Don’t side with the oppressors. Don’t shun regular blackness. (I have seen many, many black people do this, both male and female, and it is incredibly disheartening and disappointing. It’s not just men. Women do it too. All of y'all need to stop.)
Issa realizes that Tasha works at the bank Lawrence goes to. So the next morning she takes it upon herself to take a visit, taking note of the Best Buy right next door. Issa goes inside and gets in Tasha’s line. “I’d like to make a deposit,” she says, and then cold-cocks Tasha. This, of course, is yet another fantasy.
But in real life, Molly is having a cup of espresso on some campus somewhere. Lawrence spots her and decides he’s not petty enough to not say hi. I’m loving the linen denim blue button up, less endeared by the flat hipster leather backpack, but I don’t mind the attempt. They hug with Molly surprised to see him - she was there for some meeting or other. Lawrence says it’s “Meridian” which I know as a health insurer, but probably means something different as it’s where he works. Molly’s wear a midi dress and heels which… I remember those cut out shoulder cut out things from a time far far in the past, guys.
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They make small talk about Lawrence’s new job and how they’re both “good.” Lawrence makes to walk away but Molly, steeling herself, calls him back. She wants to talk about Issa, who she tells him is “still torn up.” “And?” Lawrence says, rudely. Yeah, Lawrence has no concept of the fact that their relationship was garbage. Maybe it wasn’t always, but where they were when we met them, their relationship was trash.
Molly champions Issa and asks whether he hates her. He says he doesn’t, so Molly asks if he’d ever take her back. We don’t get to see Lawrence’s response as we swap to Issa in her car. She’s still outside of the bank when Tasha walks past, talking to a friend. Issa drops the recline on her seat all the way back to hide. Molly calls at this moment, walking away from her conversation with Lawrence and carrying a fabulous pale tan attache case. She makes it clear to us that she was only there as a plant, to run into Lawrence so she could ask him about Issa. This is the new age adult version of the secret three way call.
Issa asks what Lawrence said about her. Molly apologizes, and breaks the bad news that Lawrence says he’s done. He ended up taking the new apartment, so he’s not coming back. Issa digests this in silence. Molly offers to come by but Issa tells her she’s fine. She reclines in her car a bit longer into an annoying security guard comes by and tells her she can’t sleep there.
Nighttime. Molly’s still at work, skyping with Hannah, the lawyer who recently transferred to the Chicago office. They’re both working late. My ambitions and skillset and also personal passions would seem to dictate that I should have been a lawyer. But even when I was much younger and just starting to think about what I wanted my life to look like, I never wanted to give more of a fuck about work than anything else in my life. Like, this being at the office at nighttime shit? No thank you. ….I kinda regret that now. You know? Maybe in the go-go 90s I took the trope of the serious businesswoman who doesn’t have time for a man and a life and a family too seriously. I don’t know.
Molly makes professional good with Hannah, offering to help with her workload - and this is kind of what I mean - in kind of like “I’m a workhorse, use me.” Hannah is touched by the offer, and agrees to throw some work Molly’s way, perhaps recognizing the ploy Molly is extending. So that one, at least, went over well.
Somewhere in LA. While Molly’s in her office, Lawrence has stopped by Tasha’s house. She comes out to meet him where he is waiting by his car. She’s wearing ripped jeans and very clunky sneakers. When Lawrence says hi, she regards him coldly. He launches into an apology, telling Tasha she didn’t deserve that. Tasha, still playing “cool girl” who doesn’t make a big deal about the fucked up shit you’re dealing, plays understanding, that she gets why he was still messing with his ex. She knows their relationship wasn’t exclusive.
She’s giving him an out. But Lawrence muddies this by saying his thing with Issa was over. Tasha tried to let him keep things casual, but his response signals that casual behavior isn’t ok while they are seeing each other. Recognizing this, Tasha makes an excuse for why she has to go back inside.
But, at the last minute she just can’t help it, and caves, asking him whether or not he wants to come in for dinner. Lawrence, who was walking away, stops and takes her up on it. Damnit, Tasha. You almost made it.
Dunes. Issa, in her hairscarf and tshirt again (this has been a dry week for Issa right?) is putting away her laundry. She is suddenly annoyed about hanging all of her clothes on one side of the closet. Lawrence’s shit is gone. She angrily shelves her shit on the opposite side, and, in bed, pulls her pillow in the middle, grappling with the reality that Lawrence is really not coming back.
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Swiper more swiping helps blunt some of the pain as Issa pulls up Tinder again, trying, still trying.
0 notes
andrebeltis · 4 years
Once upon a time, there was a girl named kathryn, she is 17 years old, a senior high school student at Ateneo de Manila University. She is very famous in there campus, because of her angelic face, nice attitude and she has white skin. In short she is very an ideal type of girl. She is also one of the top students in there school, because of her high grades and extra curricular activities. She had a boy bestfriend named Daniel. He is tall, moreno and handsome. He is one of the famous boys in there campus. He is a varsity player in volleyball. He is very caring and humble person, he is very kind person and most importantly he is gentleman. In short he is an ideal type of boy. He is sometimes badboy. Because of her attitude and physical appearance, many girls in there campus has a crush on him. Daniel and kathryn are bestfriends since they were grade schools. Because they were neighbors,since then daniel and kathryn are classmates since grade school to senior high school. But secretly kathryn likes daniel. It’s starts when they were first year high school. Kathryn slowly liking daniel because they always see each other everyday. Because of the attitude of Daniel, kathryn admires him alot. When kathryn is sad, daniel is always right beside her to cheer her up. He is always right there for her to take care of her. But she didn’t want daniel to know that she likes him. Because shes scared on what things might gonna happen next or in the future, or what consequences will she faced if she will confessed her feelings towards daniel. That’s why she keep that secret.But her cousin Julia and her parents know about it. In her room,under her bed,there was a small box. Inside was her diary, letters about daniel and all of there pictures together are there. Eveytime she opened that box and write a letter about Daniel makes her blushed. (One afternoon on the hallway of their campus) While kathryn was walking with her friends. Daniel run fast towards them. And screams kathryn’s name, so that kathryn will notice him. Daniel: kaaaaaatthhhh! (He screamed) Kathryn: (she knows very well whos that voice is) (She turned around and saw daniel running and shouting towards her) Kathryn: Myghaaddd Dj why are you shouting?you seemed see a ghost?what’s the problem? Daniel: (sighs) well I have something to tell you (he smiled) Kathryn: Ohh I know that face sign is ookkkk. (Daniel holds her hand and run) Kathryn: Djjjjjj (scream) my hand it hurts (At the parking lot, in front of Daniel’s car) Kathryn: ok? So what are you gonna tell?hmmmm ( she stare to daniel) Daniel: hmmm. promise me you won’t shout or scream or don’t be surprise Kathryn: ok promise (smile) Daniel: I like someone and I want to court her. Kathryn: (laughs) omg I didn’t even knew that you know how to court a girl (Inside her, she expected that she is the one who will court by daniel but it turned out this) Kathryn: soo? Who’s that girl( inside her: I hope its me,that girl mayne the luckiest person in the world) Daniel: I like her for so long. I’m sorry kath cauz I didn’t tell you early about this. I like samantha Kathryn: (shocked) ohh yahh samantha (fake smile) Daniel holds kathryn’s hand and say “ kath! Im really hoping that you will help me to court her, if its ok to you my best friend?” Kathryn: if its for you and if your happy with it why not?im your bestfriend now and forever...even if there’s no forever( laughs) Daniel: there is forever for us right my bestfriend? Kathryn: ofcourse dj, just call my name and Im always right beside you ( smile and hugs Daniel) After that conversation they both went home and still kathryn cant move on, she still remembers the things daniel told her. Kathryn: why not me?(she cry)she get her diary from her box and she wrote all the things happened on that day. Afterwards she feel asleep because shes tired and sad. Samantha is there schoolmate since high school. She looks sweet girl but she has a bad attitude but everytime daniel is arround she just turned to pabebe. Many girls doesn’t like her because of her bad attitude. She is the cheercaptain of the cheerdance of there campus. So it means Daniel and samantha merely see each other everytime they have a practice on the covered court. (After 3 years) Many things had changed on there lives. Daniel and kathryn didn’t see much because they were busy on there study. They are now 2nd year college. Kathryn took up secondary education manor in english, while daniel took up a engineering. After a year of courting, samantha and daniel are now together. Because of being a charming and gentlemen of daniel, samantha fell in love to him. Kathryn helps daniel to court samantha , she is the one making the gifts, brainstorming the ideas on how will daniel courts samantha. Daniel doesn’t know that kathryn is hurt, she is in pain she cried every night, but still then he helped daniel court samantha. Until samantha said yes to daniel. The ideas that kathryn planned are the things the she hope daniel will do it to her. Everytime kathryn see daniel and samantha in the campus shes in pain but she just thinks that she should be happy because daniel is happy as a bestfriend. If daniel is happy then kathryn should be happy for him too. One day,Kathryn clean her room, because her cousin julia will come back home from USA. Kathryn and Julia are very closed cousins, since they were kids until now. Kathryn shared all her secrets, problems in life and also Julia knows all about Daniel. Julia is 1 year younger than her. It’s exactly 11:00 am that day. After kathryn cleaned her room, she decided to take a bath. She didn’t know that daniel will come to there house. When daniel is already outside there house, he rings the door bell, then Kathryn’s mom is the one who opened the gate becaue there maid’s is at a vacation. Daniel: Hi tita Goodmorning (with a big smile) he hugs kathryns mom Mom: Oh Dj Hello goodmorning also,you’re so gwapo and tall ha. Mom: Long time no see Dj. How are you now? Daniel: Well tita, Im still cute and handsome(laughs) just kidding tita, Im fine tita thankyou for asking. Daniel: Is kathryn inside tita? Mom: Yes, I think shes in her room Daniel: Can I go to her tita? i just need to see her, because we didn’t see and talk each other that much in school. Mom: Oh really?just go inside, I will just lock the gate, then I will cook for our lunch. Daniel: Ok tita Thanks! Daniel went to Kathryns room, when his already inside. Daniel: Kath?Kath? Are you there? (Inside the restroom) When kathryn is taking a bath, she heared a voice, kathryn knows whos that voice is. Kathryn: Dj? Is that you? Daniel: Yep yep, I’ll just wait here kath ok? Kathryn was surprised because Daniel went to their house to see her. It’s been a long time since Daniel go to kathryns house. While Daniel is waiting, he sit down to kathryns bed, while he looks around the room. He noticed a small box at the table. Because its very colorful and small he get it without even knows that all things inside the box is all about him. Kathryn is still at the restroom while daniel opened the box. When he gets the first letter he reads it. After be reads that, he then reads all the letter. Daniel: whattttt? (Confused) kathryn likes me?( whispered to him self) He then saw all the pictures of them with a description at the back.He is confused.Daniel asked him self Daniel: But why? Why didn’t she tell me? When kathryn already finished taking a bath.She went outside the restroom. She is shocked when she saw daniel was on the floor with the box. Kathryn: Dj? Why you opened that? She want to get the box but daniel stay away from her Daniel: what is this stupid things kath? Kathryn cant talk she is speechless, because her fear is that daniel will know her secret and now it is happening. Kathryn: Its just nothing Dj Daniel: nottthiinggg?!! I just reed all of it Kathryn: So what now Dj?are you happy? Daniel: Happy?for what?that you keep a secret? Kathryn: Why you cant just say it?sayy Itttt djj Daniel: what? That you like me?you like me?!! Kathryn: Yes Dj I like you, Im sorry that I fell in love with you, You don’t deserve me, Im stupid ,Im a stupid bestfriend (she cried) Daniel holds her hand and says Daniel: Kathh plss no don’t cry( he wipes her tears)you are oe of the greatest blessing and gift that God gave me, Im just scocked on what I saw, but Im sorry kath, I Love you as my bestfriend. After 4 weeks, Daniel and kathryn didn’t see each other since the day Daniel went to Kathryn house. At the hallway Daniel and Samantha are walking then suddenly Daniel saw Kathryn at the bench. Daniel: babe, I just need to get something at the library, you just go first to the library ok?I’ll just follow you at the court ok? Samantha: Ok babe see you Then Daniel runs toward kathryn Daniel: Kathh?Can we talk fo a while? Kathryn: Hi dj, for what? Daniel: about the things happen.... She covers daniel mouth Kathryn: blablabla, omg Dj judt forget that Daniel: No I will not Kathryn: Its up to you, I have something to get on the library byee Daniel: ok kath see you... Kathryn runs so fast, while Daniel is standing seeing kathryn run he whispered to himself Daniel: I miss you so much bestfriend (sad face) And then ge look back and go to the court, while kathryn runs she suddenly collided with a guy. Guy: Im sorry Kathryn: Im so sorry (they look at each other) Guy: be careful next time miss (then he smiled) Kathryn: yeah I will thanks ( smile) And she walk fast The guys wants to get the name of kathryn but smhe didn’t ask because kathryn walk so fast, he thinks kathryn is in a hurry. After 2 months Kathryn went to daniel house she calls daniel through phone Kathryn: Hello Dj, we need to talk Daniel: Hi kath, right now? Kathryn: Yes right now Daniel: Ok wait I will just change my clothes Kathryn: You dont have to Daniel: Why? Let me ask you where are you now? Kathryn: Im already outside in your house dj Daniel opened the curtains and saw kathryn. He fastly go down stairs and went outside. when daniel is already outside kathryn suddenly hugs him tight. Kathryn: I Love you so much dj(she cried) Do you love me too? Daniel noticed that kathryns was kinds drunk, he smelled kathryn Daniel: wait kath?, did you drink? He gets kath to his chest and hold her shoulders. Kathryn: No dj I didn’t drink(laughs) Then again kathryn hugs him tight Kathryn: Dj I love you so much please love me too Daniel: Are you crazy kath, Have a girlfriend Kathryn: Please break up to her for please Daniel: You are just drunk kath thats why you said that Kathryn kissed daniel, but daniel pushed away kath Daniel: Are you crazy kath?!! Kathryn: please love me dj Daniel: I told you last time, I love you as my bestfriend nothing more nothing less After that Daniel drive hone kathryn. Actually it’s kathryn first time to drink and be drunk.She is with someone. After 3 days kathryn apologizes to Daniel. Daniel forgive her,they become still bestfriend. Everything was doing well and ok now. Daniel and Samantha are getting stronger. While kathryn is till on the process of moving on and accepting the fact that she and daniel are only bestfriend. She is now focusing on her studies and to herself. (After 3 years) They graduated. Kathryn became a teacher in a university while daniel became an engineer in a private company. Last 3 years when they were at there 2nd year college. Kathryn and her parents decided to buy a new house and it simply means that kathryn will transfer from another. After they transfer from there new house. Kathryn and Daniel didn’t see each other, they have no phone calls at all because she threw away her sim card so daniel will no longer call her, she ended there communication.She had no hard feelings towards Daniel but She think it is better if they have no communication, she wants to move on to all those things happened in her life, and she wants to move on to daniel too. One day, Daniel was assigned near where kathryn was working. Daniel was new to that place because it is way too there house.The workplace of daniel was a bit near to where kathryn is working. Its lunch time, Daniel with his workmates decided to buy there lunch at the university near there workplace, it is where kathryn is working.Some of Daniels workmates told him that they always eat and but there lunch at the university since it is yummy and affordable.While entering the gate, They walk at the hallway, Daniel look around, when he suddenly saw a tarpaulin with the pictures of the new comers teachers.When he is looking the tarpaulin he suddenly noticed a girl, Daniel: is that kath?(he whispered) When she saw the picture of kathryn he seems very happy and excited to see her since their workplace and the university is very near. He can visit kathryn anytime he wants. But his problem now is to find kathryn in the university. After they buy there lunch they decided to go back to their office to eat their lunch while going out Daniel told himself Daniel: I hope we see each other again kath (smile) I will find a way to find you (After 1 week) He decided to visit the university since he has now the confidence to face kathryn again. He ask some of the students in the campus. Daniel: Hi goodmorning! Do you know Ms.Kathryn? Student 1: Oh hi sir Goodmorning also. Wait who?Ms.kathryn?(student1 look at student 2) Students2: Oh Ms. Kathryn Bernardo the new teacher of the campus. Student 1: oh I remembered Ms. Kathryn is the new teacher. Daniel: Oh great! Actually Im finding her, where is her room number or office by the way? Student 2: 3rd floor at SAC building near the cafeteria I think its room number 134 Daniel: Oh that building at the left?(he pointed the SAC building) Student 1: Yes sir Daniel: ok thanks guys God Bless Student 1&2: No problem sir have a great day! Daniel went to the building to find kathryn. When he is already at the first floor he whispered to himself. Daniel: Im here kath ( smile) The school is having a class since it is 10 am.When he is already at the front room 134 he peek out in the window to see if kathryn is there. When there is only the students he opened the door and go inside. He asked the students. Daniel: Hi guys Goodmorning!where is Ms.Kathryn Students: Goodmorning sir Student 1: He is at her office sir,she just get something then she will be back. Daniel: Oh really?Thankyou guys Students: Your welcome sir When daniel closed the door,he turned left and saw a girl walking towards him, since the girl was far,he can’t see clearly the face,when the girl is near towards him , that face is very familiar to him. Daniel: Kath? Kathryn: Dj?is that you? Daniel waits until the last class of Kathryn. It is already 3 pm (in the room where there is only the two of them) Daniel: how are you Maam Kathryn?(laughs) Daniel: Its been years since the last day we see each other. Kathryn: Yes its been so long since we see each other Dj, By the way what are you now? Daniel: Well Iam now a engineer at private company.Im really happy now that I see you again after a years. By the way where did you go?why didn’t you tell me kath? I worried a lot, I searched you on facebook but I cant see your account, Ive call you a lot of times but you didn’t answer. I ask many people but then they didn’t also know where did you go.Why did you leave without me knowing that your leaving? Kathryn: Theres so many things happened in the past years Dj,right? Kathryn: I just need some space to grow by my self and to find my own happiness. Kathryn: Im really also very happy that I see you again Dj Kathryn: So how are you now?How’S samantha by the way? Daniel: Well its been 2 years since we brake up kath Kathryn: Oh really?,Im sorry to hear that Dj. Daniel and Samantha broke up because daniel saw the true attitude of samantha, they have no time for each other, they already no spark, since then Samantha find her happiness to other guy, she had a secret relationship with other guy without daniel didn’t know. When the time Daniel knows the truth, he broke up to her. Since then daniel became single until now. Daniel: I realized that if could only bring back time I hope I choose you kath rather than samantha. Daniel: Kath Im sorry because I didn’t listen to you Daniel: I came back because I want you to be mine kath Kathryn was shocked on what daniel said. Daniel: I really missed you kath, can we bring back those good memories of us? Daniel: I want to make more memories with you kath (he holds her hands) Kathryn: Everything happened for a readon Dj, Im happy right now because I see you again but the things that you sa earlier is very complicated now Dj. Kathryn: now and the past are very different. Daniel: complicated?why is it complicated kath? Kathryn stands and walks towards the window Kathryn: Im getting married Dj (She shows her hand to Dj with an engagement ring) Daniel was shocked Daniel: but why? Kathryn: No dj, you should ask yourself why you didn’t choose me before, why you didn’t listen to me? Are you gonna still go and find me? If you and samantha didn’t broke up?Do you still gonna find me? Kathryn: Im sorry Dj , but I didn’t regret on what things happened in the past, because in that pain I became more braver, I learned a lot from that,I became a better version of myself. Kathryn: Im happy right now dj, I hope you will find your someone soon, someone that can love you, someone that can be your bestfriend, someone that will not leave you.We can still be bestfriends Dj,we can make memories together again. Daniel:Do you love me kath? Kathryn: (holds daniel face) I love you Dj as my bestfriend. Kathryn is getting married to James. James was that guy collided before by kath. Since the day James know the name of kath, he is always chats her, until they became close, he is the one who is always there for kath, he can make kath happy, he is the who cheers up kathryn everyday, he is the reason why kathryn moved ob from daniel, he always gave kathryn flowers and chocolates and gifts so that kathryn will be happy and so that she can fell that someone is loving her.After a year, they are now married and they live happily ever after.
0 notes
andrebeltis · 4 years
Once upon a time, there was a girl named kathryn, she is 17 years old, a senior high school student at Ateneo de Manila University. She is very famous in there campus, because of her angelic face, nice attitude and she has white skin. In short she is very an ideal type of girl. She is also one of the top students in there school, because of her high grades and extra curricular activities. She had a boy bestfriend named Daniel. He is tall, moreno and handsome. He is one of the famous boys in there campus. He is a varsity player in volleyball. He is very caring and humble person, he is very kind person and most importantly he is gentleman. In short he is an ideal type of boy. He is sometimes badboy. Because of her attitude and physical appearance, many girls in there campus has a crush on him. Daniel and kathryn are bestfriends since they were grade schools. Because they were neighbors,since then daniel and kathryn are classmates since grade school to senior high school. But secretly kathryn likes daniel. It’s starts when they were first year high school. Kathryn slowly liking daniel because they always see each other everyday. Because of the attitude of Daniel, kathryn admires him alot. When kathryn is sad, daniel is always right beside her to cheer her up. He is always right there for her to take care of her. But she didn’t want daniel to know that she likes him. Because shes scared on what things might gonna happen next or in the future, or what consequences will she faced if she will confessed her feelings towards daniel. That’s why she keep that secret.But her cousin Julia and her parents know about it. In her room,under her bed,there was a small box. Inside was her diary, letters about daniel and all of there pictures together are there. Eveytime she opened that box and write a letter about Daniel makes her blushed. (One afternoon on the hallway of their campus) While kathryn was walking with her friends. Daniel run fast towards them. And screams kathryn’s name, so that kathryn will notice him. Daniel: kaaaaaatthhhh! (He screamed) Kathryn: (she knows very well whos that voice is) (She turned around and saw daniel running and shouting towards her) Kathryn: Myghaaddd Dj why are you shouting?you seemed see a ghost?what’s the problem? Daniel: (sighs) well I have something to tell you (he smiled) Kathryn: Ohh I know that face sign is ookkkk. (Daniel holds her hand and run) Kathryn: Djjjjjj (scream) my hand it hurts (At the parking lot, in front of Daniel’s car) Kathryn: ok? So what are you gonna tell?hmmmm ( she stare to daniel) Daniel: hmmm. promise me you won’t shout or scream or don’t be surprise Kathryn: ok promise (smile) Daniel: I like someone and I want to court her. Kathryn: (laughs) omg I didn’t even knew that you know how to court a girl (Inside her, she expected that she is the one who will court by daniel but it turned out this) Kathryn: soo? Who’s that girl( inside her: I hope its me,that girl mayne the luckiest person in the world) Daniel: I like her for so long. I’m sorry kath cauz I didn’t tell you early about this. I like samantha Kathryn: (shocked) ohh yahh samantha (fake smile) Daniel holds kathryn’s hand and say “ kath! Im really hoping that you will help me to court her, if its ok to you my best friend?” Kathryn: if its for you and if your happy with it why not?im your bestfriend now and forever...even if there’s no forever( laughs) Daniel: there is forever for us right my bestfriend? Kathryn: ofcourse dj, just call my name and Im always right beside you ( smile and hugs Daniel) After that conversation they both went home and still kathryn cant move on, she still remembers the things daniel told her. Kathryn: why not me?(she cry)she get her diary from her box and she wrote all the things happened on that day. Afterwards she feel asleep because shes tired and sad. Samantha is there schoolmate since high school. She looks sweet girl but she has a bad attitude but everytime daniel is arround she just turned to pabebe. Many girls doesn’t like her because of her bad attitude. She is the cheercaptain of the cheerdance of there campus. So it means Daniel and samantha merely see each other everytime they have a practice on the covered court. (After 3 years) Many things had changed on there lives. Daniel and kathryn didn’t see much because they were busy on there study. They are now 2nd year college. Kathryn took up secondary education manor in english, while daniel took up a engineering. After a year of courting, samantha and daniel are now together. Because of being a charming and gentlemen of daniel, samantha fell in love to him. Kathryn helps daniel to court samantha , she is the one making the gifts, brainstorming the ideas on how will daniel courts samantha. Daniel doesn’t know that kathryn is hurt, she is in pain she cried every night, but still then he helped daniel court samantha. Until samantha said yes to daniel. The ideas that kathryn planned are the things the she hope daniel will do it to her. Everytime kathryn see daniel and samantha in the campus shes in pain but she just thinks that she should be happy because daniel is happy as a bestfriend. If daniel is happy then kathryn should be happy for him too. One day,Kathryn clean her room, because her cousin julia will come back home from USA. Kathryn and Julia are very closed cousins, since they were kids until now. Kathryn shared all her secrets, problems in life and also Julia knows all about Daniel. Julia is 1 year younger than her. It’s exactly 11:00 am that day. After kathryn cleaned her room, she decided to take a bath. She didn’t know that daniel will come to there house. When daniel is already outside there house, he rings the door bell, then Kathryn’s mom is the one who opened the gate becaue there maid’s is at a vacation. Daniel: Hi tita Goodmorning (with a big smile) he hugs kathryns mom Mom: Oh Dj Hello goodmorning also,you’re so gwapo and tall ha. Mom: Long time no see Dj. How are you now? Daniel: Well tita, Im still cute and handsome(laughs) just kidding tita, Im fine tita thankyou for asking. Daniel: Is kathryn inside tita? Mom: Yes, I think shes in her room Daniel: Can I go to her tita? i just need to see her, because we didn’t see and talk each other that much in school. Mom: Oh really?just go inside, I will just lock the gate, then I will cook for our lunch. Daniel: Ok tita Thanks! Daniel went to Kathryns room, when his already inside. Daniel: Kath?Kath? Are you there? (Inside the restroom) When kathryn is taking a bath, she heared a voice, kathryn knows whos that voice is. Kathryn: Dj? Is that you? Daniel: Yep yep, I’ll just wait here kath ok? Kathryn was surprised because Daniel went to their house to see her. It’s been a long time since Daniel go to kathryns house. While Daniel is waiting, he sit down to kathryns bed, while he looks around the room. He noticed a small box at the table. Because its very colorful and small he get it without even knows that all things inside the box is all about him. Kathryn is still at the restroom while daniel opened the box. When he gets the first letter he reads it. After be reads that, he then reads all the letter. Daniel: whattttt? (Confused) kathryn likes me?( whispered to him self) He then saw all the pictures of them with a description at the back.He is confused.Daniel asked him self Daniel: But why? Why didn’t she tell me? When kathryn already finished taking a bath.She went outside the restroom. She is shocked when she saw daniel was on the floor with the box. Kathryn: Dj? Why you opened that? She want to get the box but daniel stay away from her Daniel: what is this stupid things kath? Kathryn cant talk she is speechless, because her fear is that daniel will know her secret and now it is happening. Kathryn: Its just nothing Dj Daniel: nottthiinggg?!! I just reed all of it Kathryn: So what now Dj?are you happy? Daniel: Happy?for what?that you keep a secret? Kathryn: Why you cant just say it?sayy Itttt djj Daniel: what? That you like me?you like me?!! Kathryn: Yes Dj I like you, Im sorry that I fell in love with you, You don’t deserve me, Im stupid ,Im a stupid bestfriend (she cried) Daniel holds her hand and says Daniel: Kathh plss no don’t cry( he wipes her tears)you are oe of the greatest blessing and gift that God gave me, Im just scocked on what I saw, but Im sorry kath, I Love you as my bestfriend. After 4 weeks, Daniel and kathryn didn’t see each other since the day Daniel went to Kathryn house. At the hallway Daniel and Samantha are walking then suddenly Daniel saw Kathryn at the bench. Daniel: babe, I just need to get something at the library, you just go first to the library ok?I’ll just follow you at the court ok? Samantha: Ok babe see you Then Daniel runs toward kathryn Daniel: Kathh?Can we talk fo a while? Kathryn: Hi dj, for what? Daniel: about the things happen.... She covers daniel mouth Kathryn: blablabla, omg Dj judt forget that Daniel: No I will not Kathryn: Its up to you, I have something to get on the library byee Daniel: ok kath see you... Kathryn runs so fast, while Daniel is standing seeing kathryn run he whispered to himself Daniel: I miss you so much bestfriend (sad face) And then ge look back and go to the court, while kathryn runs she suddenly collided with a guy. Guy: Im sorry Kathryn: Im so sorry (they look at each other) Guy: be careful next time miss (then he smiled) Kathryn: yeah I will thanks ( smile) And she walk fast The guys wants to get the name of kathryn but smhe didn’t ask because kathryn walk so fast, he thinks kathryn is in a hurry. After 2 months Kathryn went to daniel house she calls daniel through phone Kathryn: Hello Dj, we need to talk Daniel: Hi kath, right now? Kathryn: Yes right now Daniel: Ok wait I will just change my clothes Kathryn: You dont have to Daniel: Why? Let me ask you where are you now? Kathryn: Im already outside in your house dj Daniel opened the curtains and saw kathryn. He fastly go down stairs and went outside. when daniel is already outside kathryn suddenly hugs him tight. Kathryn: I Love you so much dj(she cried) Do you love me too? Daniel noticed that kathryns was kinds drunk, he smelled kathryn Daniel: wait kath?, did you drink? He gets kath to his chest and hold her shoulders. Kathryn: No dj I didn’t drink(laughs) Then again kathryn hugs him tight Kathryn: Dj I love you so much please love me too Daniel: Are you crazy kath, Have a girlfriend Kathryn: Please break up to her for please Daniel: You are just drunk kath thats why you said that Kathryn kissed daniel, but daniel pushed away kath Daniel: Are you crazy kath?!! Kathryn: please love me dj Daniel: I told you last time, I love you as my bestfriend nothing more nothing less After that Daniel drive hone kathryn. Actually it’s kathryn first time to drink and be drunk.She is with someone. After 3 days kathryn apologizes to Daniel. Daniel forgive her,they become still bestfriend. Everything was doing well and ok now. Daniel and Samantha are getting stronger. While kathryn is till on the process of moving on and accepting the fact that she and daniel are only bestfriend. She is now focusing on her studies and to herself. (After 3 years) They graduated. Kathryn became a teacher in a university while daniel became an engineer in a private company. Last 3 years when they were at there 2nd year college. Kathryn and her parents decided to buy a new house and it simply means that kathryn will transfer from another. After they transfer from there new house. Kathryn and Daniel didn’t see each other, they have no phone calls at all because she threw away her sim card so daniel will no longer call her, she ended there communication.She had no hard feelings towards Daniel but She think it is better if they have no communication, she wants to move on to all those things happened in her life, and she wants to move on to daniel too. One day, Daniel was assigned near where kathryn was working. Daniel was new to that place because it is way too there house.The workplace of daniel was a bit near to where kathryn is working. Its lunch time, Daniel with his workmates decided to buy there lunch at the university near there workplace, it is where kathryn is working.Some of Daniels workmates told him that they always eat and but there lunch at the university since it is yummy and affordable.While entering the gate, They walk at the hallway, Daniel look around, when he suddenly saw a tarpaulin with the pictures of the new comers teachers.When he is looking the tarpaulin he suddenly noticed a girl, Daniel: is that kath?(he whispered) When she saw the picture of kathryn he seems very happy and excited to see her since their workplace and the university is very near. He can visit kathryn anytime he wants. But his problem now is to find kathryn in the university. After they buy there lunch they decided to go back to their office to eat their lunch while going out Daniel told himself Daniel: I hope we see each other again kath (smile) I will find a way to find you (After 1 week) He decided to visit the university since he has now the confidence to face kathryn again. He ask some of the students in the campus. Daniel: Hi goodmorning! Do you know Ms.Kathryn? Student 1: Oh hi sir Goodmorning also. Wait who?Ms.kathryn?(student1 look at student 2) Students2: Oh Ms. Kathryn Bernardo the new teacher of the campus. Student 1: oh I remembered Ms. Kathryn is the new teacher. Daniel: Oh great! Actually Im finding her, where is her room number or office by the way? Student 2: 3rd floor at SAC building near the cafeteria I think its room number 134 Daniel: Oh that building at the left?(he pointed the SAC building) Student 1: Yes sir Daniel: ok thanks guys God Bless Student 1&2: No problem sir have a great day! Daniel went to the building to find kathryn. When he is already at the first floor he whispered to himself. Daniel: Im here kath ( smile) The school is having a class since it is 10 am.When he is already at the front room 134 he peek out in the window to see if kathryn is there. When there is only the students he opened the door and go inside. He asked the students. Daniel: Hi guys Goodmorning!where is Ms.Kathryn Students: Goodmorning sir Student 1: He is at her office sir,she just get something then she will be back. Daniel: Oh really?Thankyou guys Students: Your welcome sir When daniel closed the door,he turned left and saw a girl walking towards him, since the girl was far,he can’t see clearly the face,when the girl is near towards him , that face is very familiar to him. Daniel: Kath? Kathryn: Dj?is that you? Daniel waits until the last class of Kathryn. It is already 3 pm (in the room where there is only the two of them) Daniel: how are you Maam Kathryn?(laughs) Daniel: Its been years since the last day we see each other. Kathryn: Yes its been so long since we see each other Dj, By the way what are you now? Daniel: Well Iam now a engineer at private company.Im really happy now that I see you again after a years. By the way where did you go?why didn’t you tell me kath? I worried a lot, I searched you on facebook but I cant see your account, Ive call you a lot of times but you didn’t answer. I ask many people but then they didn’t also know where did you go.Why did you leave without me knowing that your leaving? Kathryn: Theres so many things happened in the past years Dj,right? Kathryn: I just need some space to grow by my self and to find my own happiness. Kathryn: Im really also very happy that I see you again Dj Kathryn: So how are you now?How’S samantha by the way? Daniel: Well its been 2 years since we brake up kath Kathryn: Oh really?,Im sorry to hear that Dj. Daniel and Samantha broke up because daniel saw the true attitude of samantha, they have no time for each other, they already no spark, since then Samantha find her happiness to other guy, she had a secret relationship with other guy without daniel didn’t know. When the time Daniel knows the truth, he broke up to her. Since then daniel became single until now. Daniel: I realized that if could only bring back time I hope I choose you kath rather than samantha. Daniel: Kath Im sorry because I didn’t listen to you Daniel: I came back because I want you to be mine kath Kathryn was shocked on what daniel said. Daniel: I really missed you kath, can we bring back those good memories of us? Daniel: I want to make more memories with you kath (he holds her hands) Kathryn: Everything happened for a readon Dj, Im happy right now because I see you again but the things that you sa earlier is very complicated now Dj. Kathryn: now and the past are very different. Daniel: complicated?why is it complicated kath? Kathryn stands and walks towards the window Kathryn: Im getting married Dj (She shows her hand to Dj with an engagement ring) Daniel was shocked Daniel: but why? Kathryn: No dj, you should ask yourself why you didn’t choose me before, why you didn’t listen to me? Are you gonna still go and find me? If you and samantha didn’t broke up?Do you still gonna find me? Kathryn: Im sorry Dj , but I didn’t regret on what things happened in the past, because in that pain I became more braver, I learned a lot from that,I became a better version of myself. Kathryn: Im happy right now dj, I hope you will find your someone soon, someone that can love you, someone that can be your bestfriend, someone that will not leave you.We can still be bestfriends Dj,we can make memories together again. Daniel:Do you love me kath? Kathryn: (holds daniel face) I love you Dj as my bestfriend. Kathryn is getting married to James. James was that guy collided before by kath. Since the day James know the name of kath, he is always chats her, until they became close, he is the one who is always there for kath, he can make kath happy, he is the who cheers up kathryn everyday, he is the reason why kathryn moved ob from daniel, he always gave kathryn flowers and chocolates and gifts so that kathryn will be happy and so that she can fell that someone is loving her.After a year, they are now married and they live happily ever after.
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andrebeltis · 4 years
Once upon a time, there was a girl named kathryn, she is 17 years old, a senior high school student at Ateneo de Manila University. She is very famous in there campus, because of her angelic face, nice attitude and she has white skin. In short she is very an ideal type of girl. She is also one of the top students in there school, because of her high grades and extra curricular activities. She had a boy bestfriend named Daniel. He is tall, moreno and handsome. He is one of the famous boys in there campus. He is a varsity player in volleyball. He is very caring and humble person, he is very kind person and most importantly he is gentleman. In short he is an ideal type of boy. He is sometimes badboy. Because of her attitude and physical appearance, many girls in there campus has a crush on him. Daniel and kathryn are bestfriends since they were grade schools. Because they were neighbors,since then daniel and kathryn are classmates since grade school to senior high school. But secretly kathryn likes daniel. It’s starts when they were first year high school. Kathryn slowly liking daniel because they always see each other everyday. Because of the attitude of Daniel, kathryn admires him alot. When kathryn is sad, daniel is always right beside her to cheer her up. He is always right there for her to take care of her. But she didn’t want daniel to know that she likes him. Because shes scared on what things might gonna happen next or in the future, or what consequences will she faced if she will confessed her feelings towards daniel. That’s why she keep that secret.But her cousin Julia and her parents know about it. In her room,under her bed,there was a small box. Inside was her diary, letters about daniel and all of there pictures together are there. Eveytime she opened that box and write a letter about Daniel makes her blushed. (One afternoon on the hallway of their campus) While kathryn was walking with her friends. Daniel run fast towards them. And screams kathryn’s name, so that kathryn will notice him. Daniel: kaaaaaatthhhh! (He screamed) Kathryn: (she knows very well whos that voice is) (She turned around and saw daniel running and shouting towards her) Kathryn: Myghaaddd Dj why are you shouting?you seemed see a ghost?what’s the problem? Daniel: (sighs) well I have something to tell you (he smiled) Kathryn: Ohh I know that face sign is ookkkk. (Daniel holds her hand and run) Kathryn: Djjjjjj (scream) my hand it hurts (At the parking lot, in front of Daniel’s car) Kathryn: ok? So what are you gonna tell?hmmmm ( she stare to daniel) Daniel: hmmm. promise me you won’t shout or scream or don’t be surprise Kathryn: ok promise (smile) Daniel: I like someone and I want to court her. Kathryn: (laughs) omg I didn’t even knew that you know how to court a girl (Inside her, she expected that she is the one who will court by daniel but it turned out this) Kathryn: soo? Who’s that girl( inside her: I hope its me,that girl mayne the luckiest person in the world) Daniel: I like her for so long. I’m sorry kath cauz I didn’t tell you early about this. I like samantha Kathryn: (shocked) ohh yahh samantha (fake smile) Daniel holds kathryn’s hand and say “ kath! Im really hoping that you will help me to court her, if its ok to you my best friend?” Kathryn: if its for you and if your happy with it why not?im your bestfriend now and forever...even if there’s no forever( laughs) Daniel: there is forever for us right my bestfriend? Kathryn: ofcourse dj, just call my name and Im always right beside you ( smile and hugs Daniel) After that conversation they both went home and still kathryn cant move on, she still remembers the things daniel told her. Kathryn: why not me?(she cry)she get her diary from her box and she wrote all the things happened on that day. Afterwards she feel asleep because shes tired and sad. Samantha is there schoolmate since high school. She looks sweet girl but she has a bad attitude but everytime daniel is arround she just turned to pabebe. Many girls doesn’t like her because of her bad attitude. She is the cheercaptain of the cheerdance of there campus. So it means Daniel and samantha merely see each other everytime they have a practice on the covered court. (After 3 years) Many things had changed on there lives. Daniel and kathryn didn’t see much because they were busy on there study. They are now 2nd year college. Kathryn took up secondary education manor in english, while daniel took up a engineering. After a year of courting, samantha and daniel are now together. Because of being a charming and gentlemen of daniel, samantha fell in love to him. Kathryn helps daniel to court samantha , she is the one making the gifts, brainstorming the ideas on how will daniel courts samantha. Daniel doesn’t know that kathryn is hurt, she is in pain she cried every night, but still then he helped daniel court samantha. Until samantha said yes to daniel. The ideas that kathryn planned are the things the she hope daniel will do it to her. Everytime kathryn see daniel and samantha in the campus shes in pain but she just thinks that she should be happy because daniel is happy as a bestfriend. If daniel is happy then kathryn should be happy for him too. One day,Kathryn clean her room, because her cousin julia will come back home from USA. Kathryn and Julia are very closed cousins, since they were kids until now. Kathryn shared all her secrets, problems in life and also Julia knows all about Daniel. Julia is 1 year younger than her. It’s exactly 11:00 am that day. After kathryn cleaned her room, she decided to take a bath. She didn’t know that daniel will come to there house. When daniel is already outside there house, he rings the door bell, then Kathryn’s mom is the one who opened the gate becaue there maid’s is at a vacation. Daniel: Hi tita Goodmorning (with a big smile) he hugs kathryns mom Mom: Oh Dj Hello goodmorning also,you’re so gwapo and tall ha. Mom: Long time no see Dj. How are you now? Daniel: Well tita, Im still cute and handsome(laughs) just kidding tita, Im fine tita thankyou for asking. Daniel: Is kathryn inside tita? Mom: Yes, I think shes in her room Daniel: Can I go to her tita? i just need to see her, because we didn’t see and talk each other that much in school. Mom: Oh really?just go inside, I will just lock the gate, then I will cook for our lunch. Daniel: Ok tita Thanks! Daniel went to Kathryns room, when his already inside. Daniel: Kath?Kath? Are you there? (Inside the restroom) When kathryn is taking a bath, she heared a voice, kathryn knows whos that voice is. Kathryn: Dj? Is that you? Daniel: Yep yep, I’ll just wait here kath ok? Kathryn was surprised because Daniel went to their house to see her. It’s been a long time since Daniel go to kathryns house. While Daniel is waiting, he sit down to kathryns bed, while he looks around the room. He noticed a small box at the table. Because its very colorful and small he get it without even knows that all things inside the box is all about him. Kathryn is still at the restroom while daniel opened the box. When he gets the first letter he reads it. After be reads that, he then reads all the letter. Daniel: whattttt? (Confused) kathryn likes me?( whispered to him self) He then saw all the pictures of them with a description at the back.He is confused.Daniel asked him self Daniel: But why? Why didn’t she tell me? When kathryn already finished taking a bath.She went outside the restroom. She is shocked when she saw daniel was on the floor with the box. Kathryn: Dj? Why you opened that? She want to get the box but daniel stay away from her Daniel: what is this stupid things kath? Kathryn cant talk she is speechless, because her fear is that daniel will know her secret and now it is happening. Kathryn: Its just nothing Dj Daniel: nottthiinggg?!! I just reed all of it Kathryn: So what now Dj?are you happy? Daniel: Happy?for what?that you keep a secret? Kathryn: Why you cant just say it?sayy Itttt djj Daniel: what? That you like me?you like me?!! Kathryn: Yes Dj I like you, Im sorry that I fell in love with you, You don’t deserve me, Im stupid ,Im a stupid bestfriend (she cried) Daniel holds her hand and says Daniel: Kathh plss no don’t cry( he wipes her tears)you are oe of the greatest blessing and gift that God gave me, Im just scocked on what I saw, but Im sorry kath, I Love you as my bestfriend. After 4 weeks, Daniel and kathryn didn’t see each other since the day Daniel went to Kathryn house. At the hallway Daniel and Samantha are walking then suddenly Daniel saw Kathryn at the bench. Daniel: babe, I just need to get something at the library, you just go first to the library ok?I’ll just follow you at the court ok? Samantha: Ok babe see you Then Daniel runs toward kathryn Daniel: Kathh?Can we talk fo a while? Kathryn: Hi dj, for what? Daniel: about the things happen.... She covers daniel mouth Kathryn: blablabla, omg Dj judt forget that Daniel: No I will not Kathryn: Its up to you, I have something to get on the library byee Daniel: ok kath see you... Kathryn runs so fast, while Daniel is standing seeing kathryn run he whispered to himself Daniel: I miss you so much bestfriend (sad face) And then ge look back and go to the court, while kathryn runs she suddenly collided with a guy. Guy: Im sorry Kathryn: Im so sorry (they look at each other) Guy: be careful next time miss (then he smiled) Kathryn: yeah I will thanks ( smile) And she walk fast The guys wants to get the name of kathryn but smhe didn’t ask because kathryn walk so fast, he thinks kathryn is in a hurry. After 2 months Kathryn went to daniel house she calls daniel through phone Kathryn: Hello Dj, we need to talk Daniel: Hi kath, right now? Kathryn: Yes right now Daniel: Ok wait I will just change my clothes Kathryn: You dont have to Daniel: Why? Let me ask you where are you now? Kathryn: Im already outside in your house dj Daniel opened the curtains and saw kathryn. He fastly go down stairs and went outside. when daniel is already outside kathryn suddenly hugs him tight. Kathryn: I Love you so much dj(she cried) Do you love me too? Daniel noticed that kathryns was kinds drunk, he smelled kathryn Daniel: wait kath?, did you drink? He gets kath to his chest and hold her shoulders. Kathryn: No dj I didn’t drink(laughs) Then again kathryn hugs him tight Kathryn: Dj I love you so much please love me too Daniel: Are you crazy kath, Have a girlfriend Kathryn: Please break up to her for please Daniel: You are just drunk kath thats why you said that Kathryn kissed daniel, but daniel pushed away kath Daniel: Are you crazy kath?!! Kathryn: please love me dj Daniel: I told you last time, I love you as my bestfriend nothing more nothing less After that Daniel drive hone kathryn. Actually it’s kathryn first time to drink and be drunk.She is with someone. After 3 days kathryn apologizes to Daniel. Daniel forgive her,they become still bestfriend. Everything was doing well and ok now. Daniel and Samantha are getting stronger. While kathryn is till on the process of moving on and accepting the fact that she and daniel are only bestfriend. She is now focusing on her studies and to herself. (After 3 years) They graduated. Kathryn became a teacher in a university while daniel became an engineer in a private company. Last 3 years when they were at there 2nd year college. Kathryn and her parents decided to buy a new house and it simply means that kathryn will transfer from another. After they transfer from there new house. Kathryn and Daniel didn’t see each other, they have no phone calls at all because she threw away her sim card so daniel will no longer call her, she ended there communication.She had no hard feelings towards Daniel but She think it is better if they have no communication, she wants to move on to all those things happened in her life, and she wants to move on to daniel too. One day, Daniel was assigned near where kathryn was working. Daniel was new to that place because it is way too there house.The workplace of daniel was a bit near to where kathryn is working. Its lunch time, Daniel with his workmates decided to buy there lunch at the university near there workplace, it is where kathryn is working.Some of Daniels workmates told him that they always eat and but there lunch at the university since it is yummy and affordable.While entering the gate, They walk at the hallway, Daniel look around, when he suddenly saw a tarpaulin with the pictures of the new comers teachers.When he is looking the tarpaulin he suddenly noticed a girl, Daniel: is that kath?(he whispered) When she saw the picture of kathryn he seems very happy and excited to see her since their workplace and the university is very near. He can visit kathryn anytime he wants. But his problem now is to find kathryn in the university. After they buy there lunch they decided to go back to their office to eat their lunch while going out Daniel told himself Daniel: I hope we see each other again kath (smile) I will find a way to find you (After 1 week) He decided to visit the university since he has now the confidence to face kathryn again. He ask some of the students in the campus. Daniel: Hi goodmorning! Do you know Ms.Kathryn? Student 1: Oh hi sir Goodmorning also. Wait who?Ms.kathryn?(student1 look at student 2) Students2: Oh Ms. Kathryn Bernardo the new teacher of the campus. Student 1: oh I remembered Ms. Kathryn is the new teacher. Daniel: Oh great! Actually Im finding her, where is her room number or office by the way? Student 2: 3rd floor at SAC building near the cafeteria I think its room number 134 Daniel: Oh that building at the left?(he pointed the SAC building) Student 1: Yes sir Daniel: ok thanks guys God Bless Student 1&2: No problem sir have a great day! Daniel went to the building to find kathryn. When he is already at the first floor he whispered to himself. Daniel: Im here kath ( smile) The school is having a class since it is 10 am.When he is already at the front room 134 he peek out in the window to see if kathryn is there. When there is only the students he opened the door and go inside. He asked the students. Daniel: Hi guys Goodmorning!where is Ms.Kathryn Students: Goodmorning sir Student 1: He is at her office sir,she just get something then she will be back. Daniel: Oh really?Thankyou guys Students: Your welcome sir When daniel closed the door,he turned left and saw a girl walking towards him, since the girl was far,he can’t see clearly the face,when the girl is near towards him , that face is very familiar to him. Daniel: Kath? Kathryn: Dj?is that you? Daniel waits until the last class of Kathryn. It is already 3 pm (in the room where there is only the two of them) Daniel: how are you Maam Kathryn?(laughs) Daniel: Its been years since the last day we see each other. Kathryn: Yes its been so long since we see each other Dj, By the way what are you now? Daniel: Well Iam now a engineer at private company.Im really happy now that I see you again after a years. By the way where did you go?why didn’t you tell me kath? I worried a lot, I searched you on facebook but I cant see your account, Ive call you a lot of times but you didn’t answer. I ask many people but then they didn’t also know where did you go.Why did you leave without me knowing that your leaving? Kathryn: Theres so many things happened in the past years Dj,right? Kathryn: I just need some space to grow by my self and to find my own happiness. Kathryn: Im really also very happy that I see you again Dj Kathryn: So how are you now?How’S samantha by the way? Daniel: Well its been 2 years since we brake up kath Kathryn: Oh really?,Im sorry to hear that Dj. Daniel and Samantha broke up because daniel saw the true attitude of samantha, they have no time for each other, they already no spark, since then Samantha find her happiness to other guy, she had a secret relationship with other guy without daniel didn’t know. When the time Daniel knows the truth, he broke up to her. Since then daniel became single until now. Daniel: I realized that if could only bring back time I hope I choose you kath rather than samantha. Daniel: Kath Im sorry because I didn’t listen to you Daniel: I came back because I want you to be mine kath Kathryn was shocked on what daniel said. Daniel: I really missed you kath, can we bring back those good memories of us? Daniel: I want to make more memories with you kath (he holds her hands) Kathryn: Everything happened for a readon Dj, Im happy right now because I see you again but the things that you sa earlier is very complicated now Dj. Kathryn: now and the past are very different. Daniel: complicated?why is it complicated kath? Kathryn stands and walks towards the window Kathryn: Im getting married Dj (She shows her hand to Dj with an engagement ring) Daniel was shocked Daniel: but why? Kathryn: No dj, you should ask yourself why you didn’t choose me before, why you didn’t listen to me? Are you gonna still go and find me? If you and samantha didn’t broke up?Do you still gonna find me? Kathryn: Im sorry Dj , but I didn’t regret on what things happened in the past, because in that pain I became more braver, I learned a lot from that,I became a better version of myself. Kathryn: Im happy right now dj, I hope you will find your someone soon, someone that can love you, someone that can be your bestfriend, someone that will not leave you.We can still be bestfriends Dj,we can make memories together again. Daniel:Do you love me kath? Kathryn: (holds daniel face) I love you Dj as my bestfriend. Kathryn is getting married to James. James was that guy collided before by kath. Since the day James know the name of kath, he is always chats her, until they became close, he is the one who is always there for kath, he can make kath happy, he is the who cheers up kathryn everyday, he is the reason why kathryn moved ob from daniel, he always gave kathryn flowers and chocolates and gifts so that kathryn will be happy and so that she can fell that someone is loving her.After a year, they are now married and they live happily ever after. #creativewritingshortstory
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