#i mean the score was fucking phenomenal anyway let's be real
apathyandmischief · 7 months
I thought all you fuckers were just calling it the Lokius theme because we're all so normal. YOU'RE TELLING ME I CAN TYPE "LOKIUS" INTO SPOTIFY RIGHT NOW AND IT WILL GIVE ME AN ACTUAL SONG THAT WAS USED IN THE SHOW
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bowtiesarecool123 · 1 year
yk what guys time to refute all of the hate all quiet has been getting bc i have nothing better to do
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ok so i am having a very hard time understanding how a film score without lyrics can be offensive. does it make fun of something that requires nuance? no??? this score is not satirical in any way nor does it appropriate cultural music so where the fuck did offensive come from??? also what is so bad about the score being anachronistic? in fact i think this is one of the best aspects of it, if a film score has to be strictly within whatever period the film is set in not only does it lead to one dimensional uninnovative film scores, it just doesnt make sense in some scenarios. does a prehistoric film have to feature sticks as its only instrument?? ok even if we take all of that at their best, i feel like we're being too severe a couch critic, like cmon, they won for a reason, we don't have to be this rude about it, just say it's mid and call it a day...
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yay lets generalize a very diverse fanbase bc it makes it easier to strawman and push my argument!! ok anyways i think a rlly big thing with sucessful adaptations is that ur gonna have to change some stuff. what works on paper might not necessarily work on the big screen. i get that a huge point of contention is the ending change and the cutting out of the returning home section. so about the ending first, i actually liked the changes bc while i get the poetic ending of the book, i think the movie ending does rlly well for character development and rlly goes all in to show the psychological changes paul experiences during the war. if we did keep what they were doing in the book, we might run into a lot of issues bc we're able to know what paul is feeling however that might be difficult to translate on film. also, we get interesting interpolation and final emphasis on the theme of how war is essentially just a puppet game. without the changes of the 11am armistice or the final orders from the evil general dude, we lose the new themes that the film brought in which would feel less complete than status quo. ok so the returning home argument, the novel is obviously more complex than the film but that doesn't make it better or worse. our film at hand already has a huge run time, if we tried to shoehorn in another whole theme, that might be too ambitious and we lose the focus the film has right now. i would definitely choose a world where they focus on one theme and do it really well, which is what's happening rn, over a line by line adaption that could feel messy and end up being too ambitious. again, a line by line adaptation has already been done and i wouldn't fault anyone for thinking the 1930 version is better, it just means it would be even worse and completely redundant to make another line by line adaptation rn. also again, these are completely all my opinions and its def valid to disagree on all of them but the real root of the issue i have with op's comment is how they chalk it all up to ppl not reading the books. it just comes off as rlly elitist and just not representative of what ppls actual opinions rlly are. also it's better to attack the media itself rather than ppl who enjoy the media 💀
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braindead bird app time, here we have the classic case of someone thinking it's cool to shit on the film that all their twt mutuals are shitting on rn without ever having seen it. sorry if this is a bit left field but next time maybe watch the film b4 commenting on it?????????
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this is honestly one of the least problematic opinions out of the all quiet haters so far but i am still responding to this bc the only category all quiet beat banshees in was original score (why is it always this) and the score doesn't have much to do with whether or not this film is a war film or if soldiers appeal to u or how many times this has been remade. and like i agree, banshees score, phenomenal, but if all quiet lost it still would go to babylon so i feel like the anger here is rlly misdirected.
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all quiet haters cannot seem to comprehend that this film is not a remake holy shit. and even if it is inferior, it would only be inferior storywise bc u cannot fucking argue the point that 1930s vfx and cinematography are better than the 2022 version. and the only sweeps all quiet got were technical category sweeps so the inferior remake point is entirely irrelevant. and i am willing to bet 5 bucks this person didnt watch the movie bc then they would understand that technical aspects and story aspects are different bc what it sounds like rn is they're repeating whatever they've heard without properly applying the criticism to its accurate category.
ok im done now very slay if you've read all of this im sleep deprived bc of babylon dickriders so ignore my gramatical mistakes ty.
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literaphobe · 2 years
Mcc all stars
might be my most rewatched mcc... im sorry i think complete n utter dominance is sexy and i love it when best friends win it all together
fuck like they won so many games. where do i even begin. like parkour tag. HOT. fact that dream team was on top was sexy. i still think the scoring rewards good running more than good hunting / rewards u more for not hunting as much but its ok george being first is deserved and so cute and maybe one day it will happen for real like george will be first individual
dream's sky battle round 2 was so SO fucking insane and hot like holy shit i CRAVE watching him randomly bridge up and shoot people from the sky and tnt kill an entire team like NO ONE DOES SKY BATTLE LIKE HIM. im sorry. when he really goes off he goes off. like talk to me when u've beaten his sky battle record. YOU WILL NEVER BE HIM. um who said that. im normal btw
ace race oh my fucking god space map my beloved,,,,,, he hit that skip TWICE like it was nothing he set the new course record idc its canon TO ME its an individual game anyway and like god he was just doing so good he was p much playing all by himself?? plus the fact that the others did good too... but i mean him doing the best is very important to me slurp slurp !
sandkeeper dream u r so hot... no better moment in mcc sot history than watching him do the sand job so flawlessly + make the switch with george to get the gold key and vault and emerge the game w the most coins on their team... why is that so sexy to me idgi i have issues
have u guys ever seen the spin the bottle edit of dream bridging in the new tgttosawaf lobby map. like holy shit his performance was truly phenomenal. he was first in like 4 of the games this mcc. like im truly crumbling
he didn't die even ONCE during dodgebolt. so hot oh my god my baby
grid runners stage 3: search the room can go die in a hole. i literally skip over it every time i rewatch like i really want to kms from how much they struggled finding that damn smoker. ik they came 3rd but that was srsly SO embarrassing
i did not give two shits that they were arguing and being 'toxic' with each other during battle box. but when that map was released for mcc17 i had it in my mind that the leaf blocks were gonna be revolutionary and awesome and in my head if they had played it in mcc17 dream wouldn't have lost mcc17 but now i have to spit and curse at the map because they got so fucked during it and that was embarrassing. i like skill and dominance and when i don't get that i want to die. i also skip over battle box when i rewatch
hm... idk. nothing else really. i think they should all be good and obedient and listen to dream more. like i think they are funny when they argue but also it gets in the way of perfection and it frustrates dream. random but i think sapnap should've like not tried to co-op bad's job in sot and looked for the green vault or something. like imagine if they had found all 4 vaults. aside from that he's a little better at taking orders. i also remembered wishing they had let george take a shot. like let him try having two arrows once. but they didn't and they still won so who cares
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puckngrind · 3 years
Leave Her Wild: Chapter 2 - N. MacKinnon
Summary: MacKenzie and her friends head to opening night for the Colorado Avalanche.
Warnings: swearing, alcohol
Word count: 2, 675
Series masterlist / Puck ‘n Grind’s masterlist
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"You are really gonna wear that?" Mosi looks her friend up and down.
"Yeah, why?" MacKenzie tugs at her jersey. Of course she was going to wear it. Opening night, only hockey jersey she owned. Was a Christmas gift from her parents last year. She did a little twirl to show it off to the group of unamused friends.
"Because..." Drew rolls his hands and she rolls her eyes.
"Laissez les bons temps rouler!" Remy waves his hands in the air.
"That means, Let..." MacKenzie starts.
"Let the good times roll! We know.” Drew and Mosi say in unison.
"Alright, Mac is going to be wearing that. Remy has clearly pre-gamed. Mosi should’ve. We have our tickets and I'm driving so let's go." Drew starts herding the friend group out of MacKenzie's condo.
Opening night at Pepsi Center was always an event. MacKenzie and Drew got tickets from their volunteer efforts so the group headed out for their first time ever. They had gone to a Rockies game after Remy moved to Denver but normally the friend group didn't really do sporting events as outings.
“Is someone gonna explain these rules?” Remy plopped down from his first beer run with Drew and handed MacKenzie one. Eyeing her for the answer.
“Yeah. Kinda like soccer. You know?” She started. Knowing she was the only one who knew anything about hockey. “You can yell, cheer, boo. Doesn't really matter because no one really pays attention to the crazy you say.” The group all nod and she knows they will just clap when those around them do.
“So pizza-Jeep boy is wearing what color?” Mosi whisper yells while leaning into MacKenzie’s side during warmups.
“He’s in the blue and maroon jersey. The white is the Flames.” MacKenzie doesn’t take her eyes off the ice looking for Nathan to point him out but feels Mosi’s eyes on her. “Yes, Mo?”
“But… um... never mind.” Mosi stutters strangely.
"There he is." Kenzie ignores and points to the screen where they have a close up of Nathan showing his stats from the previous season.
The game starts which quieted the group’s chatter while everyone but Kenzie tried following the puck and going from watching the ice to the screen and back.
“Let’s go boys!” MacKenzie stands and yells after a big play with everyone in her section turning to look at her.
“Mac!” Drew pulls her down to her seat. “Check your surroundings.”
“You know I don’t care, right?” MacKenzie starts clapping again with a little cheer.
“As always, you do you.” Drew slow claps along as the game progresses.
Even though MacKenzie warned her friends that there might be only a goal or two, the game was high scoring which the friends all enjoyed. Remy cheered when anyone scored regardless of team. Colorado winning made the home crowd pumped and buzzing about being the year.
"We realize the season has over 80 games, right?" Kenzie comments to no one in particular as they head down the stairs.
“Food! Real food and drinks that don’t cost a million bucks.” Mosi begs on the way out.
“Allons! Let’s go!” Remy points to the closest restaurant he can see. "That one! Onward." Remy leads the group over.
Drinks, food, laughter fill the table as they banter back and forth.
“Isn’t that her, Mac?” MacKenzie hears someone nearby. She turns to see Nathan, Cale and a few more guys at a table about ten feet away. Nathan nods. She raises her hand then quickly feels the blood rushing to her face.
“Kenzie Lou, why are you the same color as your jersey?” Remy looks her up and down.
“Oh.” Drew mumbles with his mouth full seeing the table MacKenzie just waved towards.
“Oh yeah, this is gonna be fun!” Mosi clapped and is greeted with a kick under the table. “Ouch. Well it is.”
MacKenzie huffs and stands to her feet. Inhales and walks right over to the table of what she assumed was full of professional hockey players.
“Nice game Nathan.” She stops right at the end of his table and knows her face is still bright red.
“Looks like you were rooting for the other team there. Sorry 'bout that.” One of the boys down the table barks out.
“Hi MacKenzie. Thanks. Were you there? At the game, I mean.” Nathan turns his body towards her.
“Yes. Got tickets because of the foundation thing so we all went.” She gestures towards her eager looking friends. They wave and Nathan waves back with a flick of his wrist.
“Oh cool. So you are a… a Calgary fan?” Nathan gulps hard taking in the home Flames jersey.
“Well, a Tkachuk fan, actually. Yeah.” MacKenzie looks over at the 19 on her shoulder. “He was phenomenal last… ya'll. Well. Yeah.” MacKenzie looks around the amused players and shuts up.
“Sorry, let me introduce you. Guys, this is the other Mac. MacKenzie. Uh. Shit. I never caught your last name.” Nathan looks at her searching for a name.
“Blackwood.” MacKenzie answers and the guy across from Nate spits out his drink. “Um.” She just looks at him.
Nate wipes his face and stares down his teammate. “Are you fucking serious, EJ?”
“Sorry man.” EJ hands him another napkin. “No teeth.” He flashes his massive gap which makes MacKenzie giggle softly and Nathan groan.
“Let me get this straight. You live in Cale and Tyson’s building, volunteer with youth, only seem to follow Tkachuk 'cause you don't seem to know Avs hockey.” He wipes his mouth to continue. MacKenzie recognizes him as the captain from the game. “Have the same name as a goalie in the league, and are giving my boy, Nate here a run for his money.” Gabe winks with a sinister smile.
“Wait what?” MacKenzie puts her fingers to the bridge of her nose.
“What he means is…” Nate starts and MacKenzie places a finger up to stop him.
“No the goalie thing. I’m choosing to ignore the last part for now.” She says which gets a reaction from the entire table.
“Mackenzie Blackwood is a goalie in New Jersey. You happen to have the same name.” Nate explains.
“Gotcha. I’ll be honest, I catch games when I can but it’s background noise.” MacKenzie still feels her cheeks on fire but doesn’t let it stop her. “I will go to a Flames games if I'm in town when they play ya'll then a Blues game when I’m home with my dad and brother. Most of my hockey following is checking stats or social media.” She takes a deep breath not wanting to look directly at the table that all seem mesmerized by her presence. “Anyway, just wanted to say hi, which I did. So…. Nice game gentleman. Enjoy your post game dinner. Good seeing you again Nate. Cale.” MacKenzie nods and turns on her heals to her friends who haven’t touched their food since she left.
"Kenzie Lou!" Remy softly squeals.
"Don't." MacKenzie grits her teeth.
"What the hell did you talk to an entire table of NHL players about?" Mosi ignores her friend's request.
"I guess I have the same name as a goalie in the league." She annoyingly answers.
Drew starts typing before anyone can respond. "Oh yes. Mackenzie Blackwood. K not capitalized. Canadian. 22. New Jersey rookie who started last year. Wait, how does that happen?" Drew looks at MacKenzie's face . "Later. I'll google it later."
"Could we eat please?" MacKenzie takes a drink of her water and starts to finish her meal. She feels a ping on her phone and turns it over to read the notification.
Nathan's i-phone wants to airdrop you. Accept?
MacKenzie looks over and he nods at the phone. She looks back to accept and sees a screenshot from his notes apologizing for being awkward and asking for her number. She seems confused.
"Kenz?" Mosi questions.
"He wants my number." MacKenzie whispers.
"I'm confused." Remy whispers back.
"Found my phone on airdrop. Smart at least." MacKenzie chuckles.
"So airdrop your digits back to him or I will." Mosi pulls her phone out. "I just need to turn on mine. Who keeps it on? You, of course you do Mac." Mosi looks at Kenzie amused.
"Should I?" MacKenzie pulls at her loose curl wrapping it around her finger and letting it bounce back.
"YES!" Drew almost yells. "What could it hurt? Have a new contact for work at the least." Drew knew exactly what would get MacKenzie to send her number. She looks down to see Remy had written down her number on his napkin. The man always had a pen on him.
"Snap this to 'em." Remy pushed it over so MacKenzie did just that. Almost throwing her phone down as soon as she did. It buzzed not even a minute later.
Maybe Nate: Hi Mackenzie. This is Nate.
MacKenzie: Hi Nate. You can call me Kenzie or Mac
Nate: Okay Kenzie.
She looks up at him and he smiles wide.
Kenzie: enjoy your dinner
Nate: Same. I’ll text you later
She didn’t expect to hear from Nate but the next morning while getting ready for work, MacKenzie hears her text notification.
Nate: good morning. We are off Sunday and a few of us are playing cards at Cale’s place. Would you and your friends want to come over? It’s not far for you.
She stares at the text and starts to pace. Then sends out a group text.
Kenzie: Nate and some of the Avs want us to come over Sunday. Thoughts?
MacKenzie got all three messages immediately in return.
Mosi: obviously yes
Drew: yes is the only answer
Remy: fuck ya!
MacKenzie sent a text to Nate saying yes and asked what they could bring. She wasn't surprised Nate said nothing just themselves.
Sunday rolled around. MacKenzie and her friends walked down to Cale’s condo. She stopped in front of the door and Drew reached over her to knock. Kenzie looked up at him.
"What, just making sure we don't have to stand here forever." The door swung open as Drew finishes his statement.
“Nate, they are here and at least she’s not in a Flames jersey today.” The curly haired guy MacKenzie knew was Tyson from a quick google search of the team over the weekend.
“Decided to leave that at home, Tyson, but I can go get it.” MacKenzie points while giving him a half smile.
“Oh, and she...” Tyson turns to see Nathan behind him. “And she knows my name.”
“Sorry, don’t mind him. He got checked a little too hard at practice this morning.” Nathan pulls Tyson back into the condo. “Come in please.” He gestured and they moved past Nathan into the condo that was the mirror image of MacKenzie’s just slightly larger.
"Make yourselves comfortable." Cale popped his head out from the kitchen. "I'm sure you know where everything is."
"Yeah, just backwards." MacKenzie looks down the hall to the rooms. "Two or three?"
"Three. You?" MacKenzie raises two fingers and realizes her friends have already made their way into the living room.
"Thanks for coming." Nate was still standing behind her and she jumped.
"Thanks for inviting us. My mother tells me I need to make more friends here." MacKenzie sighs.
"Same actually. Tells me the team isn't enough." Nathan looks over her at his friends that were also his coworkers.
"Work, travel, and such keep my circle small." MacKenzie admits. "Oddly, same. You travel for work?" Nathan pushes his hands into his pockets and leans against the wall.
"I do then try to do different things for fun, you know?" She leans against the other wall.
"That's cool. Where are you heading next?"
MacKenzie's mind normally would be racing. Thinking of all the reasons why she shouldn't tell this essential stranger her work schedule but something about him made her feel easy. Maybe how he had more to lose if he burnt her. He didn't know what she did for a living but she could make his life miserable. Maybe it was the simplicity of their conversation or the kindness in his eyes. She felt like she could talk to him.
"Colorado Springs then off to Washington D.C. for the rest of the week and into next week." She answered him.
"Oh, I think we are in D.C. next weekend or maybe the beginning of the week." He stares at his foot kicking the invisible dirt then looked back up at MacKenzie.
"We are. Now are you two just gonna talk in the hall or are you gonna play cards here?" Gabe leans around the corner. "We've already gotten to know Kenzie's friends... let's go!" He gives Nate a look that doesn't go unnoticed. The two walk into the living room.
“Do I need to make introductions?” Nate looks around the room at all the eyes on both of them.
“Well, I googled ya’ll in preparation for today… so… I think I’m good.” She scans the room and sees a few of the girlfriends or wives. “Well, I don’t know the ladies.”
Nate took a moment to identify the few sitting around the room and who they belonged to. Pulling out an empty chair for MacKenzie. “Here, you can play here.” She sat down and pulled her legs up criss crossed under her as Gabe explained the rules. The group played poker until there were four left. JT, Nathan, MacKenzie, and Mosi. Mosi kept saying she accidentally won her table which made the competitive men agitated but made MacKenzie amused. Eventually it was just Nathan and MacKenzie.
“Kenzie, I think you and Nate need a wager of some sort.” Drew drops a bottle of water next to her and she glares up at him.
“I’m game.” Nate pipes up.
“Okay, so what if I win?” Kenzie takes a sip of water.
“Glass seats at the game of your choice.” Gabe declares.
“Okay, and if Nate wins?” Kenzie directs her attention to the captain who now has his hands on Nathan’s shoulders.
“You go out to dinner with him.” Gabe squeezes Nathan’s shoulders and smiles at Kenzie.
“Uh…” Nathan tries to nervously interject.
“That’s fine.” Kenzie tries to control her blush by not directly looking at Nathan then overcomes it to look right into his soft eyes. "Let's play."
Cale starts to deal and everyone can feel the shift of all eyes on the table even though most had scattered once they were knocked out in individual conversations. After three hands, Nathan goes all in.
"I think he's bluffing." MacKenzie whispers and pushes all her chips to the center.
"Kenzie..." He breathes out and Gabe's hand returns to his shoulder.
They place their cards down and Nathan wins with a full house. The cheers start and Nathan just stares at Kenzie who gives him a small smile. She gets up and heads to the kitchen to grab a drink. Finding Cale's rum and starts pouring more than necessary into her diet coke. Takes a drink and feels someone behind her.
"Drew, I'm not that competitive." She doesn't even turn around.
"It's not Drew." Nate murmurs.
MacKenzie turns around slowly. "Sorry. Nice game." She raises her glass to him.
"We don't have to go out for dinner, you know." Nathan shifts his weight.
"Well, a deal is a deal, right?" Kenzie tries not to breath him in as he reaches around her for a water but he smells amazing. He shrugs his shoulders. "If I won, would I have glass seats?" She leans into the counter.
"Yes, you can still have them if you want." Nate fiddles with the bottle, flicking at the paper label.
"So, dinner. When we both get back in town, okay?" Kenzie takes a sip and looks up at Nathan.
"Yes, I'll have my people call your people then." Nathan laughs.
"So Gabe will call Mosi?" MacKenzie bites her cheek with her comeback.
"Oooorrrr... I'll just text you." Nathan replies.
MacKenzie takes a drink again and winces with the burn. "That works too."
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booksinsteadofdrugs · 3 years
thoughts on monday (2021) WARNING: SPOILERS
ah the classic "let's fuck and then tell each other our names in the morning" meeting
sebastian stan looks so good in this omg
oh shit they're like rabbits
i love how natural chloe is, i'd never be able to just shower and get out i need to at least wear concealer
okay they're giving me toxic energies tho like yes the chemistry is there but a lawyer and a dj doesn't seem like a good duo
sebastian carrying a couch wearing a tank top can be so personal
yeah okay i'm getting more toxic vibes
umm mickey your friends are disgusting honey
he literally sent his new girlfriend to meet his ex-girlfriend???? that's some charles and diana shit
awww she got an abortion and acted like nothing happened that's so sad
well you guys are fucking like rabbits lady what did you think that was gonna happen you could've used protection
the party scene... I HATE HIS FUCKING FRIENDS
i'd kick them all out his best friend just shit his pants
what the hell she just found out they were going to sign shit as a couple to get custody that's low mickey
he's annoying
(a few minutes later) she's even more annoying
''i want you to fuck me'' well don't we all
i'm honestly so fucking irritated
they're both idiots
and they got arrested again
and he's like oh baby i'm so happy you're home haha ASSHOLE
he literally called her ex to get him out of jail and then they left her i can't oh my gosh OH MY GOSH I WANNA KILL HIM
they still had to go and get the kid... good luck with these two idiots my friend
okay it was a good movie after all . the cinematography was great, the acting was great (they both played these extremely annoying characters amazingly) and it feels real. i mean they're both just out of their minds but it feels real because they're so fucking toxic for each other and they don't even know it. mickey is childish and irresponsible, chloe doesn't know what the fuck she's doing most of the time and even though she claims that she's the one who's fixing everything, she kinda fucks everything up in the end. also wish we could see more of mickey's backstory with the band and all since i couldn't really understand why he's ''only happy when failing''. the characters are annoying and they're supposed to be annoying so both seb and denise did a great job with that. the emotions are always there, their facial expressions are phenomenal. and i can't fucking believe those people who only focused on that one fucking scene and then talked shit about seb. FUCKING PERVERTS. IF YOU WATCH THIS MOVIE ONLY FOR THAT SCENE YOU'RE A PERVERT LET'S JUST PUT IT OUT THERE. AND EVEN HAVING THE AUDACITY TO TALK SHIT ABOUT SOMEONE ELSE'S BODY IS FUCKING DISGUSTING. HE WAS SO PROUD OF THIS MOVIE AND YOU GUYS RUINED IT FOR HIM. I'M SO FUCKING ANGRY.
anyways seb, you were great. your acting was really good and we're proud of you baby, we really are🖤
also denise was fantastic too, let's give her love as well. she's a beautiful woman who wore so little makeup in this movie and she still looked great. i don't know why but i think she was literally just acting with her eyes, i kept focusing on her eyes.
soo, watch it folks. i feel like the imdb score is good, i'd give it a 6.5 or 7. and stop talking shit about people's bodies just because you only see them on screen. they're real people and they deserve more than that. but don't watch it with your parents. just because it takes place in greece, doesn't mean it's mamma mia. trust me. enjoy it on your own.
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My Thoughts on Castlevania S3
So I cant sleep, I've binged this series twice now & I really need to get this out. For context on me as a person, I am an LGBT+ WOC (specifically Asian & bisexual). Castlevania is my favourite game series + the reason why I pursued Game Design as my career. The show means the world to me & I thoroughly enjoyed s3 for the most part. I acknowledge the flaws & these r just MY opinions, they do not reflect the other mods intentionally in anyway.
The art + animation was so CLEAN. There was not one scene that did not take my breath away. The attention to detail was phenomenal I have no words to describe it.
Some of the best fight scenes ever just ridiculous, it's like john wick. The action is upped every installment + its just so CLEAN
The entire team puts so much time + effort Into making Sypha such an enjoyable badass it's so amazing. I am never disappointed with her, never ever.
The lesbians. Striga & Morana, god I wish that were me.
Isaacs character arc was so good. Like the budget really went to Sypha + Issac this season LOL
Sumi + Takka, they meant so much to me. I love them, I really do. I cant say I'm not hurt seeing them at the end. I'm actually very hurt, my heart aches. I never thought I'd get to see representation like that in a series that I loved but felt idk invisible to. LGBT Asians in a historical setting outside of Asia, it was just...a dream for me. I fell in love w/ them instantly & I think that's why I tend to over look their faults a lot.
But when you see yourself on screen in something you've dedicated years to & you're just finally seen its...its so hard. The last time I felt this full was Shiro from V*ltr*n and we know how that shit went down. Idk I'm happy for what I recieved, grateful even, for however short it was. I loved their characters, i love sumi + takka i just wish they got a better ending. They all deserved better
More info on Cho I really oof I could not have asked for more. This bitch was so extra & I love her
That music score, the sound design. Bruh I can't even with all this TALENT
I call episode 9 the Fuckening
The Portals to different worlds really confuses me but I am here for it, I hope it's just like an Easter egg to their future projects or that the writers were all high around then
I see u w/ that jojo reference, I bet you think ur all so slick
Hector's entire story arc, wtf was that? My guy you can't be like "Oh humanity is evil and stupid and eats shit" and then be that gullible I-ooof u frustrate me u beautiful boy. Like s2 implies he burns his family alive & I'm sitting here deadass like how the fuck did u even pull that off
The forgemasters being called pretty + their reactions were priceless
I want Richter Armitage to read me a bed time story
Trevor, Isaac & Sypha r just so well done this season
Isaac rode a demonic purple unicorn around the world, he's my fucking hero
Alucard a confirmed bottom + bisexual thank u
The sex scenes were juxtaposed to the intense fighting but it felt awkward to watch but it was also very fitting in an odd way????
The dolls were hilarious
I learned a lot about toilet paper
The Judge being like "no kids run around in my village" is the equivalent to Mr. Mosby from Suit Life of Zack & Cpdy being like "dont u run in my lobby" AND I CALLED IT OUT AND AND WAS RIGHT
This show has taught me to never trust bald, old white men w/ interesting voices
Carmilla was just a hot ball of anger for the most Part & got annoying real fast, but that night robe tho. That was everything
I liked Lenore's character trope. Being that sweet innocent looking one, but shes really just this cruel evil bitch. Like everyone complains about Carmilla but at least shes evil to ur face until this fake bitch over here
Takka doesn't do mornings? Niether do I
Alucards wardrobe upgraded from deep Vs to fluffy Victorian Lestat cosplay
I really really want an empire run by 4 vampire sisters. Like I know they're all evil, cruel bitches but the sisterhood they showed for each other is such a goal. Women supporting women is amazing I just wish they weren't the fucking villains
A lot of my gripe is that all the rep I want & thirst for all falls into a negative category in some way/shape/form
This whole season feels more like a bridge to season 4. Kinda like a season full of fillers.
The ending hurts me I'm several ways, but objectively it is a haunting image and it really invokes so much on it's own w/o context backing it. W/ it tho, even more mindblowing and heartbreaking
Thank you so much for pronouncing Kolkata properly
I'm always blown away by character designs ur doing great sweety
The angel has the juiciest ass
Where the fuck is Cezar?
Aight I think that's all for now. If you got issues then come to me about it, not the other mods. But I'll let u know I will not tolerate racist shit (which I've gotten on IG already). I really needed to dump these feelings out. I stan Sumi & Takka, I love them and I'll carry all that on my own if I have to.
- Sincerely Mod Wall Chicken
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rainybookshop · 4 years
Of Slytherins and Friendly Drinks
Fandom: Harry Potter
Pairing: Marcus Flint x Oliver Wood
Words: 3,408
Read it on AO3 here: https://archiveofourown.org/works/21554488?view_adult=true
He should have known going out for drinks with Terence and Adrian was a mistake.
It’s a mistake because Adrian’s right in the middle of a case that’s been plaguing the Auror department for weeks and of course he gets called away just as their second pint is set down in front of them. It’s a mistake because Terence, who’s dealing with an exceptionally complicated incidence of spell damage and looks like he hasn’t slept in 3 days, turns pale when his wand vibrates and has to rush back to St Mungo’s not fifteen minutes later. And it’s a mistake because, just as Marcus resolves to finish his last drink and find some friends with less ridiculous jobs, the entire Puddlemere Quidditch team bursts into the bar, bringing with them a smiling, exalted, windswept-looking Oliver Wood.  
They’re fresh off a win, of course - they’d have to be, with the amount of jovial hugging going on - but Puddlemere is enjoying their best season in decades, currently at the top of the League by a margin of 683 points. This success is due, in part, to consistently impressive goal-keeping by Keeper Oliver Wood, but is mainly attributed to  Puddlemere’s recent acquisition of famed Bulgarian Seeker Viktor Krum, whose reasons for relocation have never been confirmed. (Popular rumours, however, hint at Krum’s desire to be closer to the object of his affections, reputedly either Ron Weasley or Hermione Granger - or both, if the more salacious gossip columns are to be believed).
Marcus has no desire to fly with a team that takes part in the frankly mortifying levels of affection currently on display from Puddlemere, but he can’t deny the envy he feels at getting to share the field with a player as phenomenally talented as Krum. He’d gone over Bulgaria's plays for weeks after the Quidditch World Cup, memorizing the chaser formations and flight patterns and reading every half-decent review article he could find in the stressful months leading up to tryouts for the League - Marcus is almost disappointed he can’t see Krum among the crowd of exuberant players tonight, but it’s just as well, really - his night’s clearly not salvageable anyway.  
He's just about to finish the rest of his ale and Floo home when he glances up to find Oliver Wood walking towards his table, smiling and carrying 2 fresh pints.
He is, Marcus thinks resentfully, even better-looking than he remembers.
“Fancy a drink with me?” Wood asks when he gets closer, easy as anything, and Marcus freezes.
What the fuck.
He and Wood have hardly spoken in the 6 years since they’ve graduated from Hogwarts - aside from brusquely acknowledging one another on the pitch or at Quidditch functions, they haven’t interacted at all. They’re certainly not at a level of familiarity to warrant having drinks together on a Saturday night, especially when it could be misconstrued by one of the vapid twats at Witch Weekly as a date. Wood probably doesn’t even realize how it might look - two men sitting close together in a crowded pub, leaning close to hear one another over the buzz of conversation - although they’d probably never start those rumours about golden boy Oliver Wood anyway, Marcus figures bitterly.
Because despite being the sole heir to a rather considerable fortune, Marcus has known for a very long time that he can’t have everything he wants.
He’d been lucky to get a reserve spot with the Falcons once he’d graduated Hogwarts after being dropped by the Wasps when he’d failed his seventh year, and he knows the only reason he didn’t lose that spot when news of his father’s arrest broke was that he’d just played the best season of his career. He plays too dirty to be considered for captaincy and he’s too surly with reporters, and while he gets along fine with his team, he’s certainly never developed the kind of nauseating camaraderie that's clearly commonplace with Puddlemere.
So it really doesn’t matter if handsome Quidditch players flash Marcus a smile that lasts just a second too long, or if a good-looking man eyes him speculatively when he’s out for drinks with his mates. Because for all the wizarding world is changing, despite the new laws and the rampant, gleeful speculation in Witch Weekly about which male Quidditch players and star Aurors might secretly be dating each other, there’s too much at stake for him to risk tarnishing his reputation any further.
So Oliver Wood – stupid, idealistic, gorgeous Oliver Wood – can keep his friendly drinks to himself, Marcus thinks.
Marcus reaches forward and downs the rest of his ale, swallowing roughly and avoiding Wood’s eyes.
“Look, Wood, I was just leaving,” he mumbles, turning around to reach for his cloak.
“But it’s not even ten!” Wood exclaims. “You’ve got to at least have one more drink,” he tells Marcus earnestly.  
“No, I, uh... I can’t stay,” Marcus mutters, glancing up at Wood, and he sees the moment he gets it, bright smile faltering slightly before he nods once, briefly.
Except then Wood looks a little crestfallen, and Marcus feels a pang of something that feels horribly like regret.
Before either of them can say anything more, someone calls out, “Vood! There you are,” and fucking Viktor Krum appears at Wood’s elbow, holding an enormous tankard of beer and glancing between them with a furrow between his formidable dark eyebrows.
“Ve are doing shots,” Krum explains to Wood, who groans good-naturedly, before turning to Marcus and adding, “Flint, yes? Your goal against Yarrow last veek vas very impressive.”
And then Viktor Krum is shaking his fucking hand and adding, “Come, sit vith us,” and it’s not like Marcus can say no.
He follows Krum and Wood to a large wooden table near the back of the bar, where Krum introduces him to the rest of the team, who are passing out creamy-looking shots from an enormous tray in the centre, and then Krum gestures for Marcus to take a seat next to him at the end of the table. This leaves the only remaining seat - directly opposite Marcus - for Wood, who sets down one pint and immediately downs a third of the other. After one tense, awkward moment where Marcus feels the horrible urge to start making small, the team starts in on a rousing rendition of the Puddlemere chant and Marcus takes the second pint with a muttered, “thanks”.
He and Wood both return to their drinks, resolutely avoiding one another’s eyes as the other players sing about fair play and fairer lasses, and Marcus blinks in surprise when the first drops hit his tongue. Wood brought him his favourite ale, an old Irish blend that’s almost never stocked in pubs like this. He glances up at Wood, absent-mindedly taking the shot glass Krum hands him, and he’d swear Wood’s cheeks have taken on a faint pink flush, but that’s probably just from the beer.
They all toast - to Puddlemere, of course, Jesus - and then Marcus takes the shot along with the rest of them - it’s sweet, with just enough of a hint of vodka underneath that he knows he’ll be feeling it soon. Krum offers his own tankard up cheers and Marcus taps his glass against his, and then one of the other players calls out, “Can’t start off our evening without doing a Krum shot, eh, Viktor?”and Marcus nearly chokes on his beer.
Krum just rolls his eyes while the raucous laughter dies down - this is clearly not the first time he’s heard that joke - and then the player to Wood’s left asks, “Hey Flint, what d’you think your chances are against the Warriors on Thursday?”
"Pretty good," Marcus tells him honestly, thinking back to the match he'd seen a few weeks ago. "Our biggest concern will be Fitzroy - his aim's even better this year."
The rest of the Puddlemere team murmurs in agreement,  and the one who'd asked him - Adams, Marcus thinks - shakes his head in amazement, adding, "I think his last Bludger landed on target from fucking halfway across the pitch."
"They say Corving's nose vill never be the same," Krum states matter-of-factly, and they all wince in sympathy at that.
"The Warriors' Keeper isn't doing too badly this year though," Adams continues, and Marcus scoffs.
"Their Keeper can't guard his left hoop for shit," he responds dismissively, and the table immediately breaks into collective groans.
"Wood ranted to us about Marchand leaving his left hoop open for forty-five minutes yesterday," a hulking player named Anderson tells him.
"He's mentioned it at least three times this week," adds Ingram, a thin, weedy-looking man who's clearly Puddlemere's Seeker, fixing Wood with a look of fond exasperation.
"It's a beginner's mistake, any Keeper worth his Galleons knows better than to drift in the goal!" Wood protests emphatically, cheeks flushed an embarrassed red that somehow manages to look flattering on him, and his teammates all chime in with good-natured jibes, laughing as Adams ruffles Wood's hair.
Then Anderson unfolds his enormous form from the bench as he stands to get them their next round, and the Puddlemere players leave off teasing Wood as they call out a host of drink suggestions Marcus thinks can't possibly be real.
"You're right, you know," he tells Wood quietly while Krum informs his team that he'll make them all run laps around the pitch if they order the Krum shot again. "I dunno why Marchand hasn't fixed his fucking form already."
Wood's eyes light up, and after a brief hesitation, he adds, "He's fast, I'll give him that."
When Marcus nods, Wood adds, "He never would have made it this far if his reflexes weren't so damn good."
"Do you know how he holds up in close range?" Marcus ventures after a moment.
"You mean if you fly straight at him and try to intimidate him into letting you score?" Wood asks wryly, and just like that the lingering tension between them dissipates.
They're halfway through a heated discussion about whether the Warriors' star chaser is really back in top form following a recent injury (how she managed to sprain every muscle in her hand catching the Quaffle, Marcus will never understand) when Anderson returns holding a tray of elegant-looking yellow cocktails.
"Dirty Snitches, gents!" He booms, and honestly.
“They like Quidditch-themed drinks,” Wood offers, shrugging good-naturedly when he catches sight of Marcus's expression. Their fingers brush for a moment as Wood passes a glass across the table to Marcus, and he absolutely refuses to examine the way the touch sends sparks zinging up his arm. He leans forward slightly in his seat, sipping on a deceptively sweet cocktail as he listens to Wood recount the risks of serious hand and wrist injuries in rookie Chasers, trying not to feel charmed in spite of himself at the emphatic way Wood gestures with his hands.
They've mercifully returned to ale when Ingram looks over at them and asks, "You two were Captains at Hogwarts at the same time, yeah?"
"Yeah. We er, had a bit of a rivalry, really," Wood admits ruefully, and Marcus snorts at the understatement. Ingram catches it and grins, looking at them expectantly.
"I uh, may have booked the pitch during Gryffindor's practices a couple times," Marcus admits, and Wood scoffs indignantly.
"A couple of times, he says," Wood mutters, shaking his head and looking equal parts incredulous and amused. "You lot must have taken the pitch at least a dozen times for 'Seeker training' just to reschedule a game two weeks later because that Seeker was injured, even though the git barely had a scratch!"
Ingram bursts out laughing and Marcus shrugs, unrepentant.
“It was just so easy to piss you off,” Marcus grins, and Wood just shakes his head, huffing out an exasperated laugh and fixing him with a look that looks almost fond. A moment later, Wood's knee comes to rest against Marcus's underneath the table, and Marcus has to take a hasty sip of his ale to hide the way the touch makes his heart stutter almost painfully in his chest.
"Besides, you got Potter, we needed to give ourselves an advantage," Marcus shoots back.
"Your entire team had Nimbus two thousand and ones!" Wood protests immediately, and Marcus grins as they get caught up in reviewing old strategies and Hogwarts matches and what he's well-aware was some rather blatant cheating on his part, all while Wood's knee remains pressed up against his own.
It's almost an hour later when Anderson sets a deep violet drink in front of him that appears to be smoking, and Marcus realizes how closely he and Wood have drifted to one another, leaning forward in their seats with their hands close together on the table where they’d been holding their half-forgotten drinks.
"Dodgy Bludgers," Anderson tells them, his eyes sparkling with delight, and Marcus eyes the shot glass with suspicion.
"The ingredients change every week," Wood explains, looking at his own drink a little apprehensively. "Usually it's not half bad, as long as they don't try mixing Firewhiskey and raspberry Butterbeer again."
Marcus feels even more dubious, but he's not about to be shown up by the likes of Puddlemere, so he clinks his glass and takes the shot with the rest of them, wincing at the way the sweet taste can't hide the burn of what's clearly a copious amount of alcohol. He's wiping a few stray drops from the corner of his lip when he looks up and catches Wood staring at his mouth. Wood holds his gaze for a moment and Marcus wants to shiver at the intent, dark look in his eyes, before he forces himself to look away, feigning interest in whatever story Adams is currently telling.
Because he’s never heard so much as a whisper of anything about Oliver Wood, Quidditch darling and fan-favourite, especially among young, pretty witches. Marcus would never let himself be so reckless, but the last shot is still lingering on his tongue and he can't help looking over at Wood again. He's staring down at his lap, biting his lip distractedly, but he looks back up through his lashes when he feels Marcus's gaze on him, and suddenly Marcus feels like he can’t breathe.
He’s almost grateful for the interruption when the rest of the team begins to stand and gather their things, wishing them goodnight and looking almost shepherded out the door by Viktor Krum, who bids them farewell with a final nod and a "it vas good to meet you Flint," one corner of his mouth quirked up just slightly.
He and Wood are left alone at the table, where they bundle into their cloaks and make their way out to the dark, empty streets in silence. There's a chilly bite in the spring wind but Marcus hardly feels it, warm from the alcohol and the weight of Wood's gaze as his eyes flick down to Marcus's mouth again.
Fuck, it’s not like he hasn’t thought about it - about what Wood’s Quidditch-calloused hands would feel like on his skin, and if his cheeks would take on the same flush he’s gotten from the alcohol. It’s not like he hasn’t appreciated toned muscles and raw determination and the obvious intelligence that’s clear in the sometimes brilliant way Wood strategizes. He allows his gaze to fall to Wood’s mouth, at the slight indentation in his lip from biting it earlier, and Marcus lets himself want for a second.
Wood's expression shifts to one can’t quite decipher, and the air around them feels stretched taut, thick with anticipation and -
“Well, goodnight then.” Wood tells him with finality, turning to leave.
Marcus blinks.
“Goodnight,” he replies a second too late, cursing himself for his hesitation as Wood turns back towards him and fixes him with a scrutinizing look. Marcus realizes, with a sobering sort of horror, that there’s a very strong possibility he’s read this wrong, in which case he needs to get the fuck out now.
Fuck . This is exactly why he doesn’t get involved with Quidditch players. He feels a nauseating sense of dread creep up his spine, and he's casting around desperately for a way to explain himself when he’s caught off guard again as Wood starts to smile, looking both relieved and just a little bit smug.
“Had to be sure, didn’t I?” Wood asks him with a shrug, taking a step closer. “You were so reluctant to have a pint with me I wasn’t sure if I was imagining things.”
Marcus has to fight not to let his mouth drop open. He can’t believe he’s been outmaneuvered by Oliver Wood, of all people. He feels an sort of anger bubbling up that's reminiscent of trying to score on Gryffindor and being brought up short, of seeing clever Chaser formations that left his Beaters outflown, of a sense of defeat after matches that he would never admit was tinged with admiration. He’s suddenly furious, and he’s itching for a fight, cutting remark on his tongue –
And then Wood is shoving him up against the wall and kissing him so enthusiastically that for perhaps the first time in his life, Marcus forgets to be angry.
The kiss is intoxicating, sure and aggressive and a little bit messy, and before he knows it Marcus is tangling his fingers in Wood’s hair and slipping his tongue in his mouth and tugging him closer. Wood moans a little at that, kissing Marcus thoroughly again before leaning down to suck harshly on his neck. Marcus has to close his eyes at that, letting out a rough, shaky exhale before tugging Wood’s head up so he can kiss him again, and he can’t quite bite down on a groan.
And then Marcus is fumbling for his wand and they’re stumbling into his bedroom after a hasty apparition – honestly, it’s a miracle neither of them got Splinched – and then he’s tugging Wood’s jumper over his head while Wood clumsily unfastens the button on his jeans. Wood’s mumbling something about how he’s always wanted to do this, and Marcus thinks he says something in agreement that’s absolutely mortifying, but it doesn’t matter because they’re falling on his bed in a tangled heap and he doesn’t think he’s been more desperate in his life.
It’s - intense. Electric. Maybe more intimate than Marcus would normally allow, but it’s so good he can’t bring himself to care - not when Wood kisses with the same enthusiasm he normally saves for Quidditch, not when the sight of Wood’s blown pupils and kiss-bruised lips makes Marcus feel like he’s burning up, and definitely not when Marcus’s name spills out of Wood’s mouth like he just can’t help himself.
Then Wood leans closer and  bites down hard on Marcus’s lower lip, and Marcus is lost - to everything but the grip of Wood’s fingers on his hip, and Wood’s weight pressing him into the mattress and the feeling like they just can’t get close enough.
Later, Wood sprawls out inelegantly next to Marcus when they collapse onto the pillows, chests heaving as they fight to get their breath back. Marcus feels exhilarated and exhausted and lot like he’s just been hit by a particularly nasty Bludger, and judging from the expression on Wood’s face, he’s not the only one. He stares at Wood a moment longer, and he has to close his eyes when Wood leans in and kisses him softly, leaving him feeling exposed and raw in a way he's never felt before.
"Goodnight," Wood says quietly before settling deeper into the pillows and sighing contentedly. Marcus blinks in surprise, watching the way Wood's eyelashes flutter as his breathing deepens and slows, before he hurriedly rolls away  from him so he can't be accused of doing something that seemed horribly like watching Wood sleep.  
Marcus doesn't think he'll be able to sleep with the unfamiliar presence of someone else in his bed, but before long he feels the late hour catching up with him and his eyelids threaten to close. He’ll let Wood stay here a little longer, he decides. He’s just - comfortable, and tired, and feeling a little more generous than usual. And if Marcus doesn’t protest when Wood curls a little closer to him and drapes an arm around his waist - well, that doesn’t mean anything at all.
Besides, he figures, sighing contentedly and (maybe) inching a little farther into Wood’s embrace, Wood will probably be long gone by tomorrow morning.  
Author’s Note
The Quidditch Drinks: 
Krum Shot: -equal parts vodka, almond Bailey's, and almond milk (or creamy liqueur and milk of choice) in a shot glass
Dirty Snitch -2 oz pineapple juice,1 oz vodka, and a sprinkle of edible gold flakes
Dodgy Bludger -equal parts moonshine and crème de violette in a shot glass, topped with liquid smoke
Part 1 of “2 Quidditch Captains Walk into a Bar”
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vroenis · 4 years
The 2019 Charlie’s Angels Reboot Was A Good Project & Deserved More Respect From Hollywood
We’ve just finished watching the film and there was a lot both J and I really enjoyed about it. We’re critical of media and art in different ways and I certainly don’t speak for them, as for me, oddly I’m lenient in ways that they probably aren’t when it comes to production and culture. I don’t have to dive too deeply into the cultural response to this picture to know how it went down, I’ve come into contact with just enough of it to have a clear understanding of the popular digest. The response is not at all unexpected, it’s just uninformed.
I feel that the 2019 (year of publishing) Charlie’s Angels reboot was a good project with a wonderful spirit. Elizabeth Banks’ aims were clearly evident in the final product, however it may have been shaped along the way, and that it was under-served in the production process likely from the very beginning.
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This casting is fantastic.
I do wish there were better cast-ensemble promos for me to lift from the internet and wonder whether that’s another telltale sign of production or whether the heat has just faded since release and they’ve just dropped out of the archives but I struggled to find well composed images.
The first short sizzle-teaser I ever saw for the film, I thought was quite good. Neckbeards and mouthbreathers won’t have paused for a second thought before launching hate for the project - anything in the most vague proximity of feminism or empowerment of women, or even simply just not being centred around men - will be enough to bring snide internet snark by the truckload. It remains interesting that men continue to struggle to live in a world where there can be things that also exist that are not for them, they cannot simply let these other things also exist without contributing in some way. As it were, the project looked good. Sharp, clever, playful, and a timely reboot reclaimed in the most contemporary way. When I looked up the production details and found out Banks was championing it herself, I really took an interest in it. As the first full trailers released, the casting looked great - genuinely diverse and with real chemistry, I hoped it would find the audience it was looking for.
J and I have had a lot going on in our lives over the last two years and still do. We’ve gone to theatres I think twice in that whole time, maybe three times and I think two of those were gift certificates generously paid for by family. So tonight we finally got around to watching Charlie’s Angels. If we’d seen this in theatres, I’d have still be satisfied and had the same evaluation.
A production budget of $55 million is low-balling a project of this scope; 
There seems to have been a bit of pre-production shuffling and Banks did a lot of wrangling herself early on. 
The whole shoot front to back was just over two months and I assume three countries, US/or studio inclusive. 
CGI is noticeably subpar but not exactly cheap either, so it still would have cost a significant portion of that prod. budget. When I say subpar, the CG in this film isn’t bad, please don’t take that criticism as overly negative of the CG artists’ work - remember that people do the best they can with the time and money they’re afforded. If you want to understand what that’s all about, I encourage you to watch Corridor Crew’s channel on YouTube.
Combat choreography with principle actors isn’t great, there’s far too much editing but again, I’m betting there wasn’t a whole lot of money and thus time for training and rehearsing for them, so combat is noticeably slow. 
2nd Unit photography looked very good because this kind of thing is very old-school Hollywood in that it contributes to what makes an action/spy movie look like one. Unfortunately, that means it was also expensive. We’re really running out of money here...
There is a lot of licensed music in this feature which isn’t cheap at all. Again this feels super old-school Hollywood and definitely demographic targeting, but it firmly timestamps the feature - any film, really - and unless your film is about capturing the essence of the time IT WAS THE 80′s! or FOLK FESTIVALS JUST BEFORE COVID BROKE OUT as an example of not necessarily wanting to capture the past, I really think trying to nail down pop songs of the hot present ultimately does your film a disservice.
And I’ll address that one first because I feel like it may have been one of the easiest changes to make to lift the overall quality of the picture. Instead of burning thru an immense amount of budget on a pile of pop licenses, I think a calculated risk could have been taken in getting a young contemporary musician to create a slick electronic score in its entirety to back it along side the generic orchestral action fare, no disrespect to Brian Tyler. To be honest, Tyler probably could have done it all himself but was also probably just writing to spec. BUT HEY... WHY NOT SCOUT FOR ANY NUMBER OF AMAZING WOMEN OUT THERE WHO ARE PHENOMENAL ELECTRONIC MUSICIANS AND PRODUCERS what am I talking about it’s Hollywood...
This is what I mean by the project deserving more respect and being under-served. Hollywood doesn’t believe in projects like this, they don’t realise what the project is and why it needs frontier, sincere, good faith hiring and instead under-funds but funds it nevertheless SEE? WE FUNDED IT, WE DID THE GOOD THING, SEE US SUPPORTING THE WIMMINS? WE’RE NOT  SEXISTS YOU CAN’T SAY WE’RE SEXISTS YOU CAN HAVE YOUR FILM oh it didn’t do very well except we didn’t let you make it the way you wanted to make it, we still shackled you to 
ahem where was I
Trent Reznor and Atticus Ross provided the entire soundtrack for The Social Network and it’s both fantastic and timeless. OK oranges and refrigerators, but the principle still stands - I get the intent of Charlie’s Angels was a summer blockbuster but it would have still been elevated by being all the more slick having its own identity in music, having its own sound. You want that soundtrack by that amazing young woman because it sounds fucken awesome.
Charlie’s Angels still needed a few passes by a dialogue editor. I say that a lot. I know my standards are high and it’s a Hollywood film. There’s no problem at all with the vernacular, idioms and the casual language, that was all fine. It’s always just the little details - again, it’s always time and money which - really is just money. A good dialogue editor or script supervisor might have been able to just elevate this whole thing to that super-smooth level of flowing just right. Or perhaps if the actors had spent more time in training and combat rehearsal together, they’d have riffed better and improvised more. They still have good on-screen chemistry but again, more time - more money for time - and things improve.
If you don’t know my taste in film, you could see if you recognise anything in the Film Notes page of this journal, but it’s totally OK if you don’t. Basically most of them are long and boring, with super long takes of people not saying or doing much. I still love Hollywood films tho - I love all cinema and I’ll repeat like a broken record, I should either add a section to Film Notes of my favourite blockbusters or create a page for them. Anyway - Charlie’s Angels still has too much editing mostly due to the aforementioned combat, but also because of that good old Hollywood formulaic style-guide. It’s easy to look up the production credits and pluck out names but on a project like this, it’s difficult to pin the end result on the roles themselves. In these cases, personnel like editors are more like daily jobs rather than creative contributors which again is an immense shame. I catch myself before saying “It doesn’t have to be a Malick/Shortland/Lynch project...” but why not? Why can’t a summer blockbuster have its own fantastic identity? General audiences can identify Michael Bay and Christopher Nolan - sure, one or perhaps both of these people take themselves far too seriously, but why not let a project have its own identity?
We run back into the conversation of protecting investments and style guides.
The easy answer to Bay and Nolan is they’re men, but they’ve also had time to prove their worth over time with previous work and track record. Because they’ve had the privilege to do so. Because they’re men. And most of the people making decisions and letting them experiment and sometimes fail to recover investment on their projects and hey, don’t worry, just try again, are men - and they were permitted to try again because they were themselves men.
Whether individual men do or don’t deserve whatever they did or didn’t get, I’m not here to discuss. Many of them definitely didn’t and I can’t change it.
What we should be changing is how we finance, how we empower and how we hand over autonomy of projects to women in cinema, in the arts - in professional life, in any industry.
So. Fucking. What.
I can make educated guesses and I can support as much as possible as fair and equitable an arts industry wherever I engage with it.
I really liked Charlie’s Angels. It had a lot of heart. It had a wonderful sense of play and sass and smarts. Yes, a few too many “why didn’t they just shoot the bad guy” moments etc. - again - script reviews, better writers, more time...
More money.
More respect from an industry that doesn’t respect women and women’s autonomy; social, professional, in all aspects.
I hope Elizabeth Banks wants to make another one, can raise the finances for it and has even more control of the next project. More power to her.
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lululawrence · 6 years
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lululawrence’s April 2018 Fic List
Click here for previous months’ fic lists
It’s the 28th of another month and time for more fan fic writer and fan artist appreciation! This list is a long one this month since I went on vacation and was able to do more reading than usual, so let’s get going with the list of fics I was lucky enough to be able to read!
Everything Comes Back To You by @jaerie / jaerie This was so soft! Hurt/comfort going both ways and Marcel and soft Louis and just so many things I love in a fic. It was lovely and I adored it.
Saw It In Your Eyes by @taggiecb / taggiecb You know that post about the totally straight guy that has a freakout because he saw his (openly gay) roommate with another dude and he’s afraid he’s homophobic but it turns out he was just jealous and not as straight as he thought? THIS FIC IS BASED ON THAT POST AND IT’S GLORIOUS I TELL YOU!!!
peppermint by ihavetoomuchfreetime Okay listen. I rarely read pairings other than Larry, but when I do it’s usually Tomlinshaw or Ziam, and this Ziam fic was fab. It was recced to me to help me while I was dealing with some of the worst spring allergies I’ve had in years and it made me giggle through my itchy eyes and scratchy throat. I defo recommend it.
Friend of the Devil by @taggiecb / taggiecb This is more of the Satan/Santa series Lacey has going and it’s PHENOMENAL OKAY! all of them need read so just. Please make sure you do. They’re the fluffiest shit I think we will ever have Lacey give us. lol
No Easy Love (Could Make Me Feel This Way) by @allwaswell16 / allwaswell16 Alpha Louis/Alpha Harry exes to lovers fluffy smutty shit? YES PLEASE! And in true Anitra fashion, they were both adorable while also being hysterical in parts with a side of emotions, so there’s that too.  A defo must read.
I’d Still Dance With You by @flamboyantommo / kikikryslee Gosh I love age difference fics and I don’t even know why. I’d been looking forward to this one and it defo didn’t disappoint. It was so sweet and lovely and so good, even if I did want to bash people’s heads in every once in awhile. lolll
Don’t Be Scared Pretty Kitty by ttomlinstyles Okay listen. I’m a sucker for hybrid fics and this was one of the first ones I ever read, back before I understood how to use ao3 and bookmarks and such so when it was linked to me again I about died. Please be careful of the tags, but I did thoroughly enjoy the reread!
For the Love of Biscuits by Snowy38 Another hybrid fic cause I loooove them haha This one was so sweet and lovely! It was everything I love about hybrid fics hehe
Cling to Me by Snowy38 Koala!Harry!!!!!! Seriously, this fic was SOOOO SWEET and adorable and I want all the koala fics now. it was so so so cute.
Don’t Talk Dirty To Me by @miafi / miadotfi This had me laughing so hard while also being somewhat mortified hahaha It was such a great little pick me up for a bad day! I loved it.
Saving Symphony Hall by @helloamhere / helloamhere I’m sure everyone’s already heard the praises being sung for this fic by now, but honestlyyyyyyy! It was glorious and I loved the delving into the a/b/o world while still having so much more be a part of it than just that and the various plot points and everything and it was just. So good. 
Simply Irresistable by @all-these-larrythings / rearviewdreamer This fic was so lovely. I kept waiting for the other shoe to drop, but it was one of those where the characters do just what you want them to (or they did just what I wanted them to anyway lol) and it makes for such a great, happy, soft read. 
If You Want More, Then Here I Am by @2tiedships2 / 2tiedships2 Mel scored once again! She just keeps blessing us with the a/b/o goodness and soulmates and just. This one was once again filled with her awesome humor and pining silly boys. It was a great vacation read :D
Always Darkest before the Sunrise by @londonfoginacup / LadyLondonderry Despite the fact the title always makes me start singing Florence (and I know, the lyrics aren’t even the same! I can’t help it!), I really do love this fic. There was such a mystical and almost chaotic feel to it until things started piecing together, and I loved how it was truly a mystery from the beginning as to how everything would come together. 
Cosmic Love by @smittenwithlouis / smittenwithlouis Guys. This fic. I’ve got a few alien fics this month, but I just loved this one! It seemed so real for how everyone would react to the given situation and I can’t stop laughing over Aerosmith, tbh. Anyway. A great fic!
Wild at Heart Ain’t Hard to Find by @becomeawendybird / QuickedWeen Girl Larry with besties Boy Niam?? In a historical town in the Wild West? Gosh yes. It was so hot and fun and sassy and I adored it. 
I Didn’t Fall For You (You Fucking Tripped Me) by @allwaswell16 / allwaswell16 Okay listen. lollllll More fab a/b/o, more fab humor, and MONITOR LIZARDS. lollll okay so only one monitor lizard. But still. It was a fab read that I fully enjoyed every minute of.
Let Me Touch You Where Your Heart Is by @fakedeepplantjerker / kassio Okay. As soon as I read Caught My Attention, I immediately begged that we not be left wondering and was glad to hear the wonderful kassio/fakedeepplantjerker was planning a sequel. I HAD NO IDEA IT WOULD BE SUCH A GLORIOUS SEQUEL. I loved the first part, but the second was just as amazing, if not more so. Defo read the first part, absolutely 100% read this sequel!
Introduction to Dynamics by @juliusschmidt / juliusschmidt This fic was AMAZING. The structure of it, the issues brought about regarding late presentation and the transition during that time as well as just everything regarding Louis being a male omega and all the craziness with that was just. AMAZING. As should be expected from all fics Alex touches, really. But yeah, I loved this one very much a lot.
Convalescent Boy (With a Heart of Gold) by Anonymous Okay the Gryles friendship in this fic made me cackle and made me think of me with some of my friends so I absolutely loved it, but the way that Marcel was with Louis and vice versa was so lovely! So sweet! So tender! I adored it.
Linger by @yourpricelessadvice / yourpricelessadvice Who else adores slow burn? And people trying to ignore the fact they should totally date and kinda are dating but are pretending they are just friends? Cause I know I do and this fic was fab for that. Plus we got to know the side characters so well and get good insight to other relationships in there and it was just glorious. I really enjoyed this one!
Don’t Let the Tide Come and Take Me by @icanhazzalou / kiwikero Mermaid Harru! With a twist! Gosh I adored this. I was freaking out, trying to figure out how it would all work out the entire time but then I was like WHAAAAAA and it was incredible. Defo give this one a read!
Lead Butterfly by @londonfoginacup / LadyLondonderry Pirates! Nobles! Poor Harry and Captain Louis! Tattoos! Hurt/Comfort! Awesome Niall and Liam! There is seriously so much in this fic to love and I’ve barely touched on it. 
Both Sides by @louiesunshine / louiesunshine GOSH I am a sucker for friends to lovers and this was the epitome of that. Pining out of the gills, the inevitability of it all, you know? It just was glorious and lovely and pure and I really enjoyed it!
Ain’t That a Kick in the Head! by @lesbianharrie and @maybetheyrefireproof/ lesbianharrie and wreckingtomlinson This might be the funniest fic I’ve ever read. I loved it for about 17 million reasons and was crying laughing/wheezing/trying not to pee cause it was just all sorts of amazing. Disaster gay Harry was a gift I didn’t know I needed until I had it and I’m so happy I do now. 
Before I Fall Too Fast by @goodmorningtoyouuniverse / xxSterre All the pining. All of it. Friends that are always pining and loving each other from afar is just everything I adore in a fic and that’s what we were gifted with here. What a lovely read.
Wearing Nothing But Your Kiss by @catfishau / dinosaursmate KK is the queen of Friends AUs and this one of course is as amazing as the others. It made me giggle and laugh and hope for them to figure their shit out. A classic KK read, which obvs means you wanna be sure not to miss it.
The Balcony by @maggieisalarrie / maggieisalarrie (ls2k14) This was exactly what I needed on a horrible mental health day where I couldn’t focus on anything. It was short but entertaining and silly and a fun read. I was so happy it was there for when I needed it!
SPHERICAL by @velvetnoodle / velvetnoodle (goldfishsunglasses)  This was also exactly what I needed on that same horrible day and this also made me giggle and helped me get out of myself. It was just so damn pure and I honestly wanted more hahaha It was fab and a gift.
Alien Roadtrip! by @helloamhere / helloamhere Area 61. That’s all I’m saying about that, but I’m still giggling days later over that. Once again, another alien Harry fic! Can you tell this is also a weakness of mine? I love it. This was so emotional and lovely and so much more than a road trip fic, even though I love those too. It was just...I can’t even find words for it. Just read it please.
Peace So Sweet by @shyshyserious / shyserious Another amazing a/b/o fic, but this one featuring NESTING!!! I love omega nesting instincts and had forgotten how much so until I read this fic. What a fab fic and again, protective alpha Louis and nesting omega Harry? Like, if that’s not you’re thing then fine, but you should defo give it a chance because it was lovely.
Whew. And that’s it friends! It was long this month, but I really loved all of these fics and thank you so much to the amazing authors who put so much time and effort into giving me these hours of entertainment! I adore all of you for it. Until May, Happy Reading!
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nautiscarader · 6 years
Kim Possible season 3 recap
And here is part 3 of my KP marathon notes. Obligatory thanks to @fereality-indy for encouraging me to watch this awesome show. 
So, what will happen this this time? Will Kim Possible save another kitten from a tree? Will Ron discover something better than nachos? Will Doctor Drakken release the Krakken? Will Shego puncture her ego? Will Lord Monkeyfist buy Club Banana just because he is bonkers? Will Duff Killigan finally score?
So, let’s see what’s the first big problem KP has to deal with!
Kim being alone on a Friday evening. Okay.
Also, amusingly, everyone is doing something on a Friday evening, including the villians. 
Motorhead turns out to be Drakken’s cousin. okay.
And people know the address of Draken’s lair bc of mailing list
See, it’s the little touches like those that make this show a very accurate portrayal of superheroes and villians. 
KP gets jealous of Ron’s friend in wheelchair because they spend too much time together playing video games, so she has to find a way to “fit in”.
Okay, so they can approach it in a sensible and subtle, or so-cringe-worthy-and-painful-the-skip-button-presses-itself way.
So, which did they choose?
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painful it is
Few stupid scenes later, Draken STEALs THE WHEELCHAIR FROM A DISABLED KID
shego: what’s next, stealing lolipop from a baby?
and there is a brilliant running joke about it
is it ableist to say that a joke about disabled person is “running”? Well, this is tumblr you gotta be carfeul
Anyway, turns out that Drakken and Jake the Dog make an actual competent combo, even though they end up in prison. And momma Lipski is still clueless about her son’s profession
Next ep: KIM CHANGED HER HAIR! and she looks cute
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Ron is a pickle, but that’s normal
Draken and shego steal moodulators (get it?) from random scientist #464
Shego: if you are so smart why do you always steal instead of inventing things yourself
Draken: it’s called outsourcing, shego
God d amit, that is a smart show. 
And of course moodultaors accidentally fall on KP and SHego, so they act random throughout the day. And boy it is weird when it’s set to loveskick
Shego: steals lolipop from a baby for Drakken because she luvs him
KP turns into  a proper stalker mode for her Ronnie
And Monique is completely fine with it. 
and then kim KISSED him!!!
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And then poor Ron has no idea what to do with dating KP so suddenly, and the whole scene where he debates what to do is absolute gold with a punchline that defies expectations. 
Draken and Shego go on a date and boy it is weird. SHE CATWALKS TO HIM
I can already see Disney censors thinking when it’s going to be too much for The Mouse
and kim’s dad threatens to send ron to a black hole when he takes her on a date
Also the random professor wants to sell his no-longer-existent moodulaTors on auction and he thinks about blaming it on the mail. You know, i’ve seen some approaches how to handle a world where superheroes/villians/geniuses live in our society (like in BNHA, for example), but KP so far makes it the best approach, because it makes them so relatable. 
And boy the finale is satisfying because everything completely backfires
Shego and KP got stuck in an anGry mode, and chase their boys. Ron tries to hide in the same place as drakken
Drakken: Dibs!
Ron: Double dibs!
Drakken: all right, you won with your superior dib-calling (ACTUAL QUOTE)
And the day is saved thanks to the power of friendship and not that Kp and ron are definitely in love with each other
KP, Ron, Drakken and Shego somehow manage to get into Tv, where they visit parodies of famous shows
Honestly, meh. I remember a similar episode of Teen Titans, that one was funny as heck.
and then we find out who’s the real villian of the middleton high: THE SCARY LIBRARIAN!
And turns out Ron accidentally put a book Kim rented in his backpack, causing her to get into trouble doing library duties. 
So he goes on a mission to revisit all of the bad guys they fought to see where he might have left it
Okay: calling it now, it’s still in his backpack
Shego: Where’s Possible?
Ron: She’s not my girlfriend!
Shego: Never said she was. 
And Ron accidentally saves the world on that book hunt
Lord Monkey:Ron Stoppable!
Ron: You’re the only one, who remembers my name, I respect that
Okay, so Wade can make stuff invisible. Like, how?
And there we go: the book it was in his backpack all the time. 
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Oh, and Ron takes a book from Lord Monkeymonkey contaning a spirit of a monkey demon.
And he returns to the library, saving Kim from being bored to death by retunring the book. 
Oh, it was another half-episode. Weird. 
And the next one is about giant bugs. Interesting how Kim tells Ron not to be afraid of bugs, and next moment she’s all squirmish while Ron befriends a giant roach and calls him Roachie. 
KP: Ron, did you start working on the project? it was supposed to be autobiographical
ron: No, I’m waiting for it to write itself.
Oh, and Drakken tried to take over the world with shampoo. Honestly, it’s funny as heck
he tries smarty mart to sell it
he even makes loreal-style ad, but it doesn’t sell
so he tries product placement in a hip hop song, and the artists is like “Aw, hell no”
And then 
and then
turns out that Shego and Drakken are having karaoke night every friday.
God dammit, i don’t know why but that is beyond funny
and turns out that Drakken can sing. 
and shego points out that he could sing about the shampoo
so he goes to an american idol
And I think I realise what really makes it funny: Kp is barely in this episode, helping ron with homework. No evil-doing is actually done, we only get to see, for the most part what goes behind the scenes of an evil plan that is so insanely and unnecessary convoluted it is beyond belief. 
people hypnotised by the shampoo so far: one (1) random henchman
one (1) old TV producer in a sauna 
one (1) Simon Cowell
And...holy shit, his song is actually good. 
And instead of KP, who is busy fighting the mean lean green machine, Ron sings about Rufus. The song is titled “Naked Mole Rap”. And it is FREAKING PHENOMENAL.
Oh, add one (1) Shego to the list. 
Okay, so far that is the most crazy episode. Like, seriously, the quality was through the roof.
So, the Team Impossible, which we have learned about in the movie, is angry at KP for saving the world for free, whereas they actually charge people for it. 
And they try to cut Kim from all of her world-traveling assets and knock her out of competition.
And they hack Wade
aaand TI is defeated the same way they would have been defeated had they answered the call. 
Pretty funny, and it does go into the details of how on Earth superheroes work in this world. 
And we have another episode about the secret ninja high school Ron was sent to 
And Yori travels to US for Ron 
And Kim is super jelaus
Wade: Kim, you are jelly
Kim: So not
Monique: You are jelly 
Kim: So not
Kim: *is jelly*
So she pretty much stalks Ron all the way to the school, and nearly fails the mission of trying to save the levitating magical jedi principal. Seriously, he’s OP as fuck.
And he’s escaping from a huge monkey. turns out it’s crazy dna lady who turned herself  into monkey for Lord Britishmonkey. 
Next episode is bascially one huge satire on the movie industry, down to the title (”and The mole rat will be CGI”). KIm and Ron accidentally crash a movie set, after Senior Senior Junior crashes it first since he accidentally applied for a role of a henchman in said movie. 
It was supposed to be set in Britian, but the movie set was in New Zealand, since “it was cheaper”
And I was like 
Is that a “Lord of The rings” joke? Someone tell me if I’m right.
Oh, and we have another long episode WHAT DO YOU MEAN THERE IS ANOTHER MOVIE?
And it looks like it’s a three-part episode again, I wonder if the formula’s gonna work again. 
The beginning feels like a short promo scene for people who might not know what KP is about, and I’m not gonna lie, this sums it up perfectly. Action, drama, explosions, more drama, goofy ron, naked mole rat kicking ass and more drama. By the way, what;s the title? 
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I guess the intro is an homage to the James Bond ones, with lots of colourful, surreal visuals floating in the background to the soothing, slow music. Love it, too bad it’s short, but again, it had to fit an episode’s running time.
 wait so the Nakasumi president CAN speak English? Even the movie calls him wacky for whispering all the time as if he couldn’t. 
Okay, now the movie just fucks with us. 
mr and mrs possible almost switch their cloaks with important documents, but she switches them back just at the last moment
mr posible ALMOST deletes his work file worth three billion dollars but undos it at the last moment.
it’s like the plot TRIES to start itself
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And I bet the key is under the doormat
So the dating drama IS going to be the theme of the movie, huh. 
Wade: Drakken has been spotted in the Bermuda triangle
Bermuda triangle: *turns out to be a hotel*
And Ron just happened to have his suit under the scuba diving gear.
Shego proves to be once again, way more competent than Drakken.
and we have obligatory fight between two kickass ladies in dresses and high heels. This IS a James Bond movie. 
So, the prom drama continues, and it is sadly kinda goes into the cringe territory, with some new dude falling in love with Kim and Kim falling for him, Ron feeling sad, they both being conflicted, yep, seen it. 
But for once Drakken helps the cause and moves the plot forward, stealing some super project from dr Possible.
he deletes the file like he did in the opening, but GASP drakken has some mind reading machine
I do wonder if the coat switcheroo is going to be part of the plot. 
Holy shit
Drakken’s plan is so crazy that it actually makes sense. Take over the buneo nachos and put kiddy meals in it with robot toys that take over the world. And neither kim nor Shego could have forseen it. 
And more prom drama. Ugh. 
I always like when Possible family work together to stop the evil-doers.
So Drakken’s plan was brilliant, minus the part when the entire army of robots shuts down when the signal goes off-line. Kinda a major fuck-up. 
And they kindapped Kim’s boyfriend to lure her.  
I genuinely didn’t see that coming. 
Drakken learns Ron’s name, yeah! And it’s shot like Drakken’s yelling a curse to the skies, love it. 
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Also, HOLY SHIT, Kim kicks Shego into the tower so hard it looks like she was about to kill her. Like, that was genuinely chilling moment, especially with an ominous, lightning-filled close-up onto her later.
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Spoiler: she didn’t die. 
Okay, colour me confused: I didn’t think that Kim and Ron were going to kiss and start dating now, I thought this movie was going to be one huge prequel to a movie by the end of S4. Or more precisely, it feels weird NOW, knowing that there is a whole season ahead of me. Cos that felt like a pretty good end of a series, something akin to the Last Airbender one, so I’m slightly concerned how it’s going to be played into season 4, cos this can go haywire pretty easily. 
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Uh, not going to lie, I’ve got mixed feelings about the movie. On one hand, it gave us a proper evil plan from Drakken, one that attacks Kim psychologically, showing that for once, he DID his homework and actually studied Kim’s behaviour. On the other, the prom/dating drama is kinda painful to watch, but fortunately gets resolved in the end. Maybe it’s just me, but I had the same expression as Rufus when he and Ron said that guys don’t talk about feelings. It felt kinda clumsy and not subtle at all, and what’s worse, the show itself did way better job of portraying romance in previous episodes, most notably the moodulator one. But as I said, those last few scenes with Ron and Kim fighting together does make up for it. 
also, Rufus once again is the unspoken hero. He did so freaking much, including, but not limited to: saving ron from the tentacle monster, freeing kim and ron, defeating the synth boyfriend, pushing Kim and Ron together... He really is a badass.    
So, not a bad one, though I preferred the first movie. Also, on the whole Season 3 was significantly shorter than second. Wonder what’s gonna happen in the next season.  
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deepfriedtwinkie · 7 years
Kingsman: A Trainee’s Mission (Pt. VI)
PREQUEL FIC, this section ~2kw
note: this is the only part without any Merlin in it BUT IT’S IMPORTANT FOR LATER OKAY (don’t cry, Harry will think you don’t like him)
pt. I  | pt. II  | pt. III  | pt. IV  | pt. V
By now, the compound has been home for so long that Harry is almost enamored to see London again. It’s easy to forget how much he loves these streets, the shops, the throngs of people going about their days. Easy to forget, but easier to remember.
He walks primly at the elbow of his proposing agent, a man named Martin Turner. The same who’d first met him as a ten-year-old, enthralling him with images of the world of gentleman spies. A world he’d never known to be real, until then, even with what his mother did for a living. Gentlemen were a much rarer breed in her work, after all. Some of her stories could turn a woman to the nunnery.
As Agent Lamorak, Martin has been kept away for nearly the whole of Harry’s training so far, busy with some mission or other, always jet-setting this way or that. They’ve spoken only a couple of times, but it’s no bother. Obviously, it’s more than understandable. All the more reason to take him up on his sudden invitation, delivered in person this morning in the training room, clear out of the blue.
They enter the tailor shop, Martin holding the door. Harry smiles, hands in his pockets, taking in the atmosphere for the first time through a proper candidate’s eyes. His last visit here felt like a new world. This time, it feels like coming home. He’s quite ready to get used to that feeling.
“’Morning, Simons,” Martin greets the headtailor.
“Good morning to you, sir.” The old man’s only movement seems to be the quiver of his mustache. “May I be of assistance to you gentlemen?”
“Yes, in fact, you may, Simons.” Martin’s head tips toward him. “I’d like for you to meet Harry Hart, my proposal for one of the open positions.”
As he was raised to do, Harry gives his hand, and the headtailor accepts. They shake. “How do you do, sir,” Harry says with a smile.
“Very well, thank you.”
“Simons here is nothing less than the best this business has got, Harry,” Martin boasts. “You’ll be taken good care of with him.”
“Oh, I have no doubt, sir.”
Then he blinks so rapidly he may have to blame the mothballs.
“Wait, sir… ‘Taken care of?’”
Simons politely withdraws his hand, which is fine, because it leaves Harry’s free to drop to his side like the dead weight it is. The way Martin is looking at him makes him wonder if perhaps there’s a television camera hidden somewhere, and his own expression will be plastered on newsstands and billboards by morning.
“You didn’t think I’d let you finish out the program without your own Kingsman souvenir, did you?” Martin grins. “The hell with that. It’s time you were fitted for your first proper bespoke. Unless you object, of course.”
“No sir!” Well, that could have been less of a yelp. He swallows, tempers himself, and tries again, managing formality despite his whole face splitting ear-to-ear. “I mean…no, sir. Thank you, sir. I’d be quite honored.”
“Mmhm. That’s what I thought.” The agent points to a heavy door of oak, off to Harry’s left. Simons comes out from behind the counter, a cloth tape measure hung over his shoulder, and Martin claps him on the back. “Give him the works now. This young man is our honored guest.”
“Of course, sir.” Simons does his best impersonation of a five-star doorman, motioning Harry into the room. “This way, please, Mr. Hart. Fitting room one.”
It’s the last thing on earth he’d have to be asked twice. He hustles forward, grateful it doesn’t turn into a cartwheel.
“I’ll be out here when you’re through,” Martin calls.
The fitting room is one of the plainest cubicles of space ever knocked together by man, little more than patterned wallpaper, brass hooks, and varnished wainscoting, but it takes Harry all of four seconds to decide that he loves it every bit as much as the rest of the place. He’s patient with Simons’s meticulous taking of his measurements, lifting arms on command, turning this way and that, holding various swatches of fabric to his chest for God knows how long. That’s the difference between the Kingsman Tailors and anywhere else. When he works here, he’s going to have to do something kind for Simons. A thank-you note, perhaps, with something for his trouble inside. Cinema tickets or something. It’s terribly kind of him to go out of his way for this.
In good time, the tailor excuses himself, returning moments later with a garment bag draping both tabled arms. “Try this, sir,” he bids, hanging the bag on one of the hooks. “It should give you a fair idea. If you find it’s to your liking, then we will proceed with alterations.”
He’s never stared so reverently at a bag before. “Thank you… Thank you kindly.”
“My pleasure, sir.”
This is it. This is the moment he’s imagined since he was a ten-year-old boy, pinning horrible drawings of suits between the butterflies on his walls. The concrete start of his new life.
The garment bag is shed to the floor before Simons is even fully gone. His brain suggests some analogy to a chrysalis, but he can’t be bothered to spare a thought to connect it. He strips to briefs and socks, dressing quickly, his back turned staunchly to the mirror. Stealing a glance too soon will ruin something about this. He isn’t sure what, but it matters.
In a moment, it’s done. He feels the places that need taking in—cuffs at his knuckles, rumpled elbows, puddles at his feet—but he doesn’t care. It’s the most comfortable thing in the world.
He turns around.
The suit is blue, he notices properly. A very, very dark navy blue. Fine pinstripes crawl the length of it. Simons has picked him a tie to match. Navy, with a slim white stripe, centered with a slimmer note of red. He takes in the two rows of handmade buttons. The press of the lapel.
Harry blinks the blur from his eyes. It is the most exquisite thing he’s ever worn.
We’ve done it, Mother. I wish you could see your boy now.
He’s making a mental note to phone her as soon as possible when another tap comes on the door. “Pardon me, sir. Agent Lamorak requests to have a look, if you’ll oblige coming out for a moment.”
He’s absolutely bursting to show someone, anyway. Lamorak will do wonderfully for now. Harry turns the heavy knob, consciously matching his stride to the elegance a suit like this commands. His expression, on the other hand, is under no such control.
Martin stands from the couch, letting out a long whistle. “You’ve outdone yourself, Simons. A few tucks and it’s a work of art.”
“Very kind of you to say, sir.”
“And this comes in the lot, yes?”
“Already ordered to your specifications, sir.”
“You’re a fucking gem.” Martin smiles Harry’s way, holding out a finger with each next word. “Bulletproof, water-resistant, flame-resistant, and conceals up to thirteen highly-classified armaments. There’ll be nothing you can’t do in this, believe you me.”
He believed it already. In front of the showroom mirror, Harry gives a crisp tug to the jacket, straightening his posture even further than it was to begin with. “I really don’t know what to say, sir. I can’t possibly thank you enough; I know this isn’t typical for only a candidate…”
“Nonsense. You’ve earned it.” His mentor takes a pull from a rock glass he’s been holding. Gin, it looks like. “Your weapons and written test scores were absolutely phenomenal.”
Yes, they were, weren’t they? He can’t help it. He’s had a feeling.
“And I’m not permitted to tell you specifics, but I can say that you’ve earned Arthur’s attention on almost every one of your practical tasks.”
That reminds him to ask. He makes eye contact through the mirror, rather than twist round in the suit. “If I may, sir, what was in those parcels we retrieved on the mountain, anyway?”
“In the envelopes? Those were floppy disks.” Swallowing another sip, Martin makes quotations with his hands. “‘Encrypted files of critical importance to international security.’ That’s this year’s bullshit for ‘Arthur’s Doctor Who fan club mailing list.’ Gives him an excuse for missing the last fifteen meetings.”
“You’re kidding.” Of course he isn’t.
“Of course I’m not.”
Why did I ask?
He’s basking in the jovial moment until Martin’s demeanor goes stony, his gaze laser-focused through the window. His tone changes in the drop of a hat.
“Harry, do as I say. Whatever you do, don’t counteract or seem suspicious,” he mutters levelly. “Time to prove your place in the family business.”
The miniature bell above the door jingles. In comes a portly man in an expensive windbreaker, lighting directly on Lamorak. Harry watches, indifferent neutrality on his face, as the newcomer ignores Simons entirely, no acknowledgment—sorry, Simons, he’d do well to remember you’re a person, too—and instead, steps up to grasp Lamorak’s hand.
They shake cordially. “Mr. Kuznetsov,” Lamorak’s far brighter with his greeting than he might’ve been. “On schedule as always.”
“Mr. Evansbee.” An alias; his name is Turner. And this man’s accent is Russian. “How could I miss one of our treasured conversations?” Lamorak set this meeting. Not the first, or the tenth, either. What kind of conversations?
“Please, allow me to introduce a star pupil of mine from the university. I’m helping him to look his finest when he represents us at St. Hugh’s next month. Oliver Greene, this is Mr. Kuznetsov, one of my trustworthiest colleagues.”
Harry doesn’t need a cue. Seamlessly he adopts his new self, shaking the hand he’s offered. “How do you do, sir.”
“I get by.”
He sends Lamorak the most innocuous look he’s got. “Shall I leave you to it, Professor? You’ve been more than enough help already.”
It’s the right decision. Nothing he gets in return suggests a forthcoming reprimand. “Yes, good lad, Oliver. You can go and get your things. I’ll see you in lecture on Monday.”
“Very good, sir. Lovely to meet you, Mr. Kuznetsov.”
“The pleasure is all mine, of course.”
Whatever you do, don’t counteract. His only move is to beeline for the fitting room, then, the outing finished just as quick as it began. The last he sees of Martin, he’s hooked an arm around the Russian’s shoulders, leading the way to the sofas, carrying on a lively discussion in whispers.
So this trip was no coincidence. Harry is implicitly careful as he removes each piece of his suit, hanging one at a time for Simons to collect. He isn’t disappointed. It should have occurred to him from this morning. Whatever Lamorak’s working on must be drawing to a close.
Besides. He could have met the contact here alone. No part of that required having a custom suit made.
Be grateful you were invited in the first place, and don’t ask why it’s over.
Well. He can’t make promises about the second part.
“Good-bye, Simons,” he says aloud near the exit, after saying a silent one to the suit in the fitting room. “I’ve left everything sorted for you.”
“Wonderful, sir. Good-bye.” It’s almost their last exchange, until the tailor catches himself. “Oh, and one more thing, sir?” He’s scribbling in a leather folder.
Harry stops, halfway through the door jamb, hoping it doesn’t count as counteraction. “Yes?”
Simons looks up, beaming friendliness. “I’ve located your file with us to store your measurements. Isn’t today your birthday, sir?”
Yes, it is. He’s all but forgotten that for the past ten minutes.
Harry smiles back. “Twenty-first,” he confirms.
“Happy birthday, sir.”
It’s certainly shaping up to be.
pt. VII  | pt. VIII  | pt. IX
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spotlightsaga · 7 years
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Kevin Cage of @spotlightsaga reviews... Riverdale /S01\/E10\ Chapter 10: The Lost Weekend Airdate: April 13, 2017 @cwnetwork Ratings: 0.872 Million :: 0.32 18-49 Demo Share Score: 8.5/10 @riverdaleseries @archiecomics TVTime/FB/Twitter/IG/Tumblr/Path/Pin: @SpotlightSaga **********SPOILERS BELOW********** Four Months late isn't too bad, right? See, in Miami, it's never cute to be the first person at the party, and really the party never ends until someone actually says it does... And clearly the Riverdale Party is still very much in full swing. So consider this 10th Entry 'Riverdale Revisit'; the after party to end all after parties. Of course, we're going to be set up for S2 when it goes live. This is definitely not one of the tv shows that Spotlight Saga will be dropping in the coming, world famous, 'fall tv' season frenzy. But don't get it twisted, there are many on the chopping block... OUR chopping block. We're looking at what gets our blood pumping and our thoughts racing, giving us something more to talk about than "Last Night on ___insert uninspired show number #45 here___." 'Riverdale' has made a massive stir across social media and of course on The CW & their worldwide dominating partner, Netflix, as well. I love that due to streaming, the new large amounts of cash pouring in from its subsequent deals, and actually several generations full of 'cord cutters', there are no longer rules to watching and writing about television series and films... Get to them when you can, some will watch them live, some will stream them later, some will wait until they can binge them all at once like a Weekend Warrior with a pocket full of Ecstasy and a head full of hallucinogens. It's our world now, and CBS, NBC, ABC, FOX, and more (or less) importantly 'Nielsen Holdings', no longer control what, when, where, why, and how much. Smell that? That's the sweet smell of change... And the remnants of murder and sticky maple syrup, obvi. Ive been extremely careful not to overpraise 'Riverdale' in the past. Similar series have only led to frustration or feelings of complete frustration. Its hard to know what to expect from a show like this in the near future... We all saw the demise of similar series like 'Pretty Little Liars' and other shows that run through the same type of vein... Kind of like many of the other ones attempted over at the now defunct ABC Family where PLL first started. Like The WB, UPN, and now The CW, ABC Family has also gone through a newly rebranding process that didn't do much to help the sinking ship they now call Freeform TV... A network that only 'The Fosters' and its cheesy sister show 'Shadowhunters' seem to be keeping afloat. We aren't being negative, we're being real... And when you're at a party, or in this case, 'After Party', you've got to be real. You just gotta... Even if no one ever wanted the party in the first place. If you don't know what I mean, let me spell it out for you. Ready? Set? Spell! Ah fuck it, we'll just spill the tea... 'Let's have a Kiki! Lock the doors tight!' I sometimes wonder if my obscure pop culture references I often sneak into these articles ever actually connect. They probably don't, but to that one person that got it, FUCK YEAH! It's the birthday of Jughead (Cole Sprouse)... And much like the very similar, fellow female counterpart, Sheila the She-Wolf, another introverted style character from 'Riverdale's sister show on Netflix, 'GLOW'... Jughead is not really into parties and/or making a big fuss about a birthday or bringing any unnecessary & unwanted attention to his person. Unfortunately for Betty (Lili Reinhart), Jughead isn't really big on camaraderie, most definitely not in the spirit equivalent to the 'Gorgeous Ladies of Wrestling'! The reasons behind throwing these two characters' each their own impromptu birthday bashes on their respective tv shows are done for totally different reasons. With 'GLOW', it was slightly annoying at first (for Sheila, anyway), but eventually it turned from an apprehensive & anxiety filled event to a touching, sweet moment, where a closed off character had a major breakthrough that was captured in the perfect beam of light, allowing a significant development and enabling an insight into another character's backstory, bringing the whole cast together for the most part. In a great juxtaposition, on 'Riverdale', the psychology behind this one is actually much, much different... It's still got the 'trepidatious yet possible potential for a surprise moment of gratification' aspect down to a certain degree, but it doesn't go down the path of the balmy & charming. The reasoning behind Betty's sudden obsession to give Jughead the party that he never wanted, and the background as to why he's so against the idea in the first place certainly doesn't inspire camaraderie or any kind of 'feel good' moments, especially at the party itself. If anything, the intent is slightly bordering on the side of creepy. Riverdale?! Creepy?!? Yup! Keep up! It's only getting creepier. You see... We've been up on 'Riverdale' and then back down, and then back up and down again... And I think everyone here will openly admit that it's mostly due to a shaky CW track record, as well as similar networks just like it, though there has been a few inconsistencies outside of this oddball tone & beautiful color scheme we're always raving about. However, when the show fully embraces its complete and total anomalous, almost freakish eccentricities, we all just fall right back in love with the show again. It's episodes like 'Chapter 10: The Lost Weekend' that completely make us forget about past network follies and shows like PLL completely losing their way after gaining our trust and enthusiasm in its beginning stages. Reinhart is effortlessly serving up 'Bizarre, Bilateral, Betty Bananas' like a full-on, award ready, seasoned vet. Seriously, I don't want to blow too much smoke up the kid's ass, but I'm pretty sure her breakthrough performance here would even make the likes of decorated actress such as Nicole Kidman proud. Betty Cooper has a duality that Reinhart not only highlights with strong, hearty performances... But it's also the efforts of Director Dawn Williamson, a phenomenal Art Department (you guys KICK MAJOR ASS), Cinematographer Stephen Jackson (this guy was award-worthy in this episode), and Costume & Wardrobe (hell, everyone involved in the smallest, minute details) framed from shot to shot... The absurdity of how tight & perfectly situated her ponytail is, how hard she clenches her hands (leaving scratch marks on her palms), even the way she holds the cake & dawns the signature 'Jughead Crown', to whoever made the call of having those weirdo party goers in horse masks in the background - Good call, guys! That was freaking CRAZY! It's all those little things that make the picture such a pleasure to watch... Turning what seems like a normal teen drama at first glance, to a finely tuned, surprisingly compelling theatrical spectacle. The crazy is in full on abundance, though... It's not just Betty. Suddenly after a string of a few disappointing episodes, I come back after a break and either see things in a totally different light, or it could be that this was just slowly building right under our noses the whole time, or *the most plausible of all three options* is that the ironically lowest rated episode of the series, according to the great analysts over at Nielsen, is actually the most technically sound, character driven, insanely atmospheric entry of the entire 1st Season. Veronica Lodge (Camila Mendes) finally lets go of some deep resentments she's been bottling up and goes after Cheryl Blossom (Madelaine Petsch). This is a task that I wouldn't suggest to any person of sound or capable mind to attempt in any way, shape, fashion, or form. The act is crazy in and of itself, and pissing off the 'Ravishing Redhead' that literally wears the letters 'HBIC' on the back of her cheerleading uniform, that's 'Head Bitch in Charge' for anyone too young or too old to remember Tiffany Pollard of VH1's 'I Love New York', is obviously going to lead to a backlash that Veronica won't likely forget. Sure she might get her big 'W' now, but we must remind you... There's no 'W' in 'HBIC'. Meanwhile, Cole Sprouse & Skeet Ulrich, who plays Serpent Gangster FP Jones & Jughead's father on the show, are literally close to actually convincing me that they are really father and son in real life. The little ticks and nuances that they share are out of this fn' world insane. Either these two have spent a week in a trailer together mirroring their every move or we seriously need to ring in Maury Povich for a DNA Test! Oh, and apparently there's some guy on the show named Archie Andrews (KJ Apa)... The only drawback is that they've failed to make the main protagonist (is he tho?) even remotely interesting. He's good looking, but he's not a convincing redhead, and I'm still not hooked into his arc. Hey, that's ok... Enter Mary Andrews (Molly Ringwald - ChaChing!), Archie's long lost mother. So nice of you to finally drop in, Molly! Fred Andrews (Luke Perry) is ready to finalize the divorce, but we're just biting on all the possibly juicy dramatic scenarios! Who is Archie again? Back at the party, that burgeoning rivalry between Veronica and Cheryl hits its boiling point when Veronica gets a bit too carried away and accuses Cheryl and her deceased brother Jason (Trevor Stines) of having an incestious affair. Ah, gotta love seedy underbelly of the United States! The more money, the crazier the family!!! Oh but there's more! Good ol' All-American Chuck (Jordan Calloway), who actually WAS almost boiled alive, attempts to out Betty on her 'Dr. Jeckyl/Ms. Hyde' issue that surfaced when a hot tub prank got a bit too out of hand earlier in the season. To our surprise, and viewer delight, Jughead and his Dad actually had a moment, which was completely unexpected, yet felt completely real. Like I said before, Ulrich & Sprouse have stellar chemistry, and the writers seem to know this and obviously derive great pleasure in giving us this moment where the two aren't at total odds and Jughead not only carefully considers, but actually takes his biological father's advice... Providing solid proof that the series isn't trying to meander or stretch out any unnecessary storylines at all. No disrespect to fans of other series broadcast on The CW, but clearly this isn't 'The Flash'. These storylines seem to be heading into important territory at a reasonable pace, and not just hanging around to fulfill an episode number requested by an executive to make sure ad-space quotas are filled... Although I have considered that this could be an issue that the show could run into in its expanded 22-Episode Run that it's been greenlit for S2. There's plenty of juicy drama to go around, but when we see that drama making moves instead of being drawn out, then you know you've got a potentially good show on your hands. For now, 'Riverdale' is back on a solid trajectory, delivering what appears to be a set-up episode for the impending S1 finale... A set-up episode that was easily the most consistent entry to date from start to finish. The impression that an episode as good as this exists to move its characters like chess pieces, seemingly just to put everyone in place for the final three episodes is an exciting notion for the last 3 hours of S1 of 'Riverdale' to come!
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powerranks · 7 years
Power Rankings, Week 7
I’m back, I have a few hours to kill since I get a late start at work tomorrow. I really am gonna try to be consistent, but Beshoy, Anthony, Dyl, and anyone who I’ve ever forgotten that has contributed to these can attest to how strangely long it takes. Anyways, the NFL is weird this year. Are the fucking Eagles the best team in the league? How weird is that to think about? There’s so much parity and we don’t know shit about most teams on a week to week basis, making fantasy all that much harder. It seems a new random player explodes for a shitload of points every week, players who weren’t previously consistent are all of a sudden consistent but we still don’t fully trust them because of their reputations (examples: Agholor, Hogan, Alex Smith). Five years ago, you had an extremely firm grasp on who was good and who wasn’t, and this year nobody has any idea. Not even....
1. Scott’s Balls 12-4-16 (Anthony “all your players could die spontaneously, and whoever you play’s players will fumble one time then all die spontaneously” Mendola) (7-0) (LW: 1)
It’s just getting ridiculous. The only thing that’s cool for us is that two of the last three weeks, you’ve looked shockingly vulnerable. Last week you really only won because Amari Cooper turned into 2007 Randy Moss and because Bailey got hurt. I think some of the consistents on your team are strangely slowing down, even if it’s just slightly. Hunt has been 10 a week for quite some time now instead of the 30 point a game guy he was earlier in the year. Cam has looked absolutely awful for two straight weeks (even though he got 21 two weeks ago, you KNOW he didnt play anywhere near deserving that amount of points), Hogan is quite clearly touchdown dependent, you know you can’t trust cooper yet, and Ingram is at the very least losing some carries to Kamara. I’m not suggesting your team is bad, let’s just face the fact that you can’t possibly be as confident in your team as you were three weeks ago. I still think you win this week, because you yet again catch another break since this happens to be the fucking week you play...
2. Fournette About It (Jack “your team looks like this is a 4 man league” Cleek) (5-2) (LW: 2)
This is like if the Warriors and the Cavaliers played each other and Durant and Curry just decided to take the day off. It’s a damn shame that your ACTUAL two best players and the #2 kicker aren’t playing against that fucking piece of shit. But wow, if I were to bet on anyone winning the league right now, it’d be this team. You have absolutely zero holes. Nobody can even touch your RBs, even without Zeke. Brown-Diggs is the best duo of receivers anyone has, and I’m kicking myself for dropping Wentz. Dude is a fucking stud. This is by far and away the best team in the league, were it not for two close losses Anthony would be the clear second fiddle. Anthony literally agreed with this.
The “6 of us were within 9 points of each other this weekend and honestly I am real close to not assigning numbers and just writing shit about each team” Tier
fuck it, im making more tiers within the tier just to make it even more frustrating for myself
The “playing a slumping Chris and tony back to back really masks/is going to mask how much our teams are bad” Tier + beshoy
3. Scott’s Penis (David “I have never been less scared of a 4-3 team” Chinchilla) (LW: 4)
The only reason I’m here is because of upside? I’m currently texting Beshoy and he said I was a poor man’s Anthony and Jack. I think I’m more of a homeless man’s Anthony (not Jack, Jack is better) I have three (in theory) good RB’s, a good (can he keep it up?) QB, and serviceable but wildly under-performing WR’s. Other than two weeks where my team took a total shit, my team’s actually been pretty decent? It’s insane that that’s enough to put me at 3. It all comes with the caveat of the tier though, I’m smack dab in the middle of the least tough part of my schedule (No offense Scott/Chris/Tony this week). Probably gonna lose to Tony now for talking shit tbh. But hey, I have two straight weeks over 100 and that’s something to be proud of considering that nobody fucking scores in this league. 
Also pictured: Me, after trading AP for the number one Fantasy QB
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4. Green Evans and Kam (Beshoy “I can’t stress how much I hate your team name because it’s an Alex team name” Halim) (3-4) (LW: 6)
Second unluckiest loser last week behind Scott imo but you have an argument to be first. So many things had to go wrong. But honestly, look at your starting lineup! It’s SO much better than I think you or anyone perceives it to be. Gordon-Kamara would start for pretty much any team outside of Jack, Anthony, and maybe me. AJ Green and Evans will combine for 35+ far more frequently than they combine for less than 20. ASJ is apparently Hunter Henry from last year. Your QB and flex spots are the only things that aren’t great, which is a huge bummer considering you should have Aaron Rodgers on your team. If you can stream properly and just figure out someone who can get you 8 a week in the flex, this team is WAY better than I thought it was until I looked into it. The way you sulk IRL made me think your team sucked but it really doesn’t.
5. 420 Blountz (Alex “I have never been less scared of a 5-2 team” Ahn) (5-2) (LW:10)
I mean...Beshoy was downright disrespectful for making you 10 but I also totally get his argument. Your team hasn’t played bad but like...this is a boom or bust team that thinks 95 is a boom. (my team is the same way tbh) Again, I wanna stress that your team hasn’t played that bad but you just went through the really soft part of your schedule (again no offense Tony/Chris/Scott) and the teams coming up are slightly tougher outs. You have better WR’s, but the difference between my team and yours here is that you have no RB’s. I don’t trust Jones yet, Blount has been meh for three straight weeks, Marshawn is honestly awful, and don’t @ me about literally any of your other rbs lol. I consider RB’s more consistent than WR’s and my RB’s are better than yours and that’s the difference here. But really we kinda have the exact same team, idk man someone just gift wrap the trophy to Jack or Anthony already it’s wild I can’t find consistently good things to say about the god damn 5th ranked team in my ranks.
Also pictured: Alex after getting Aaron Jones for the Matt Ryan regression year
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The “this might be flipped if Gordon scored on one of his 4 chances from the 1 or if Elliott had made that FG” Tier
6. Anthony’s Golden Taint (Dylan “Legally change your name to Dyl already” Jessop) (4-3) (LW:5)
Jordan Reed’s creamy, chunky nut and Elliott reverse nutting into his own body saved your life Monday night. Let’s be real, you got super lucky. Anyways, I can’t really tell you where you’re good outside of Cousins and your WR’s. Your RB’s are wildly inconsistent (I really think Gilislee is droppable, and CJ is losing touches on a bad offense). You’re in bye week hell, but is it weird that I don’t think you got that much worse because of it? Nelson has to still figure it out with Hundley and Murray hasn’t been phenomenal anyways. Not having Engram REALLY hurts this team, which is honestly all I have to type to show how much you depend on a few dudes. 
7. Mixon It Up (Alec “Trading to make his team worse since 2kforever” Bernstein) (2-5) (LW:3)
I told Beshoy last week that I’d rank you super high as long as the points kept coming. I unfortunately was too busy to write rankings during your good weeks, but don’t think I didn’t notice the really nice run you had for about 4 weeks. Losing OBJ was a bummer, but giving Beshoy AJ Green and Kamara for peanuts was a really bad move. Fantasy Football is a stars game, not a depth game. Depth is nice, but who cares if your bench players do well if your starters aren’t being maximized? Green and Kamara would both start on your team RIGHT FUCKIN NOW. Obviously the trade would look a lot better if Rodgers hadn’t gotten hurt, but even with good Davante I think you lost the trade by a long shot. Martin has been slightly worse than Kamara, and nobody’s ever taking good Davante over AJ Green. I like your RB’s, I like your tight end, and I like Wilson as much as the next guy, but imagine the same team with AJ Green...
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8. Scott’s Jizz (Scott “I am so sorry” Felgenhauer) (3-4) (LW:7)
You were so close. You were supposed to be the chosen one. But Anthony called in another favor to the league office and injured Dan Bailey. Either way though, your team isn’t scary even a little bit, but it has some sort of retard strength. It’s like a poor man’s version of Dylan’s team, Good QB, good receivers. Unfortunately, there is zero semblance of a flex and your RB’s are somehow worse than his. I’ve doubted you most of the year, and you usually pull out a win after I doubt you, but I can’t have faith in a team starting Powell and James White on a weekly basis. I just can’t. You need to trade Kelce or Ertz and make sure you get a RB back somehow. 
The Unlucky Bottom Bois
9. Hammer (Tony “I still think he’ll be back somehow” Mendola) (1-6) (LW:9)
It’s just been the year from hell, Tony. You’ve outscored most of us this year but you can’t seem to catch a break. Your team isn’t bad, it just has consistently underperformed. Brady is good, Freeman is good, Jarvis Landry will be better with Matt Moore, but Hilton is good when Luck is in, and Luck may not play. McCaffrey has underwhelmed. Fitz is only good with Palmer, not Stanton. Tight end is a mess on this team. I think you’re more than capable of winning most of your games from here on out, but it may not be enough. I hope it does turn around, you cheering out at the bar is one of the more fun things to watch. Just start doing it next week. 
10. Smallerwood (Chris “Matt Bryant was a microcosm like Beshoy said” Gatzow) (1-6) (LW:9)
Much like Tony, this team is good it just underperforms almost every week. Brees-Howard-Julio-Baldwin is a KILLER top 4. Delanie Walker is a great TE. Only Brees and Howard have lived up to their name. The falcons are singlehandedly killing Julio, I really don’t get why he’s not doing better than he is. The Matt Ryan regression tour bus has apparently picked up Julio. Baldwin is historically a second half player, so he could turn around, but it may all be too late. It doesn’t help that you have no flex. Coleman should be startable weekly, but there’s nobody else serviceable here. I hope Montgomery comes back and outperforms Jones for your sake. I really thought your team was the best team before the season and after Week 1, it’s just been the worst possible scenario.
Hammer (Tony) over Scott’s Penis (David)[upset special on my own dam self bb]
Scott’s Balls 12-4-16 (Anthony) over Fournette About It (Jack)
Smallerwood (Chris) over Scott’s Jizz (Scott)
Anthony’s Golden Taint (Dyl) over Mixon It Up (Alec)
Green Evans and Ham (Shoy) over 420 Blountz (Alex)
Last Week: 3-2
Season: not even sure anymore
0 notes