#i mean this aint camren but
cashleybenson · 5 years
Ok but has anyone heard the lyrics to Camila’s current favourite love song bc
Well, I don't have many, and I don't have much In fact I don't have any, but I got enough Cause I know those eyes, and I know that touch I don't have many, and I don't have much
Well, I don't know where, and I don't when But I know we'll be lovers again I'll see you some day before the end I don't know where, and I don't know when
{Hearts on Fire - Passenger}
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Guys do you think it's true we are too strict with Camila. That we scrutinize everything about her? Do you think we are too opinioned and question everything and let out more anger on her. Compared to Lauren? Is it true we consider Lauren the baby but Camila not soo much. We might let Lauren get away but not Camila. I hope we all aint like this but there are more then enough Camren, Laurmila who are like this. Its always 80/20 with them and i hate it. Camren, Laurmila it should be 50/50 no? // i 💯 agree ! I’m a cs i love the girls equally and if i have to get upset it’s always for both, i’m here since 2016 and i feel like a good part of the fandom speacialy the latam and Twitter have double standard the are always ready to put camila under the bus and criticize all she do when i reality the both do fucked up shit when it’s come to pr and stunts but L can have a pass even if she keep denying camren 😂 but you know i want to see the day camila will deny camren to see how the gonne react if the gonna respect what she say or call her names ! Anyway camren mean camila and lauren not a fictional ship for wattpad or YouTube videos we have to respect both you can have preference and not be hypocrite 😏 that all i have to say sorry for the rumbling stuck but those toughts were stuck for years in my head 😂
Thanks for sharing your thoughts with us anon 😊
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scoobismybro · 4 years
ok so I was listening to Camila's leaked song Unforgettable yesterday and I already read the analysis to this one by @karlaswine and some others. but I think the lyrics are different in some parts... its not very clear since this song is a leaked song and the quality is not good but I wont write about the whole song just some lines that i think was misheard or forgot :) heres what I got,
"lets ride right now time is ticking we're *young* right now"
so all the lyric videos i've watched have the word "home" instead of "young" but I can clearly hear "young" instead of "home" I donno if its only me but even with the word changing we can clearly see Camila is talking about a young, teenage, carefree love. this song is kind of about a time when Camila felt much lighter and "free" about this relationship before we got songs like Consequences and Somethings gotta give.
"come right, right now spend life living with the windows down, sundown we aint going home right now"
I think some ppl missed this line cus "living with the windows down" hits quite hard cus we all know Camren have no choice but to hide their relationship. so maybe this one time Camila felt like they are not hiding anymore? MAYBE this was when they went out together without caring about other ppl *cough* management *cough* but you know what i mean. so in my opinion Camila basically said "fvck this. i wanna go out and live my life freely with the love of my life atleast for a day without thinking about management" Im sorry im not the best with words lol
"sin we'll find but its heaven the way it sounds"
well this is obvious. i think "sin we'll find" is more accurate than "sit/sin we're fine" cus the next line is talking about heaven. this shows how she knows its a "sin" to have feelings for a women but it feels right and like heaven at the same time. i dont think i have to explain it much further than this..
Finally the chorus. I'm gonna be honest and say the chorus doesnt make any sense lol cus I really cant understand what shes saying (english is not my first language). but heres what i got,
"we all trying to own it, every morning and we're on tommorow"
the first line makes sense but the "we're on tommorow" doesnt make any sense so if someone knows what that means OR the right lyric let me know :)
I think thats it. yeah im not very good at these things but hope u find this interesting. stay healthy, drink some water and KEEP THE BOAT AFLOAT
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camrensrealbish · 3 years
I don’t think it was posted on purpose at that time. I don’t think they care about Laurens song release that much, especially when it’s not camren. Album might be a different story.//have they tried to do that in the past? like no one not even camilas own fans care about the pr. ss who really aint that many and a lot of bots. showmila together don't even tread. btw twitter trends are carried by bots. and don't mean shit espicially when it comes to the end result. He trends but the outcome.
Lauren was trending yesterday, not the shitshow
I feel like shawmila and Lauren's music are in completely different areas of interest at this moment
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thespace-inmyhead · 7 years
Lauren and the ‘bitch drama’
There is literally nothing worse than people being fake offended by things, in my opinion it is one of the most annoying things about internet culture, pretending you get offended/deeply hurt by insignificant things. You ALL use/have used the word bitch all the time; to describe your teachers, mean friends, random strangers who are rude for no reason- it is just an adjective that means someone is irritating or unnecessarily rude to you, usually used for women. i don’t know what happened to a lot of people’s relationship with Lauren in this fandom the previous year, but you all search for ways to paint her as this negative, out of control person who you “don’t know what has happened to but she never used to be like this”. it was a lighthearted post about a PRESENT THAT SHE COULDNT ENJOY BECAUSE CLEARLY SECURITY HAD A STICK UP THEIR ASS. IT AINT THAT DEEP. literally keana commented her agreement, she was clearly being a bitch, the security lady probs didnt see that post and if she did she’s over it. It doesn’t link to being a feminist, women can be twats to you know lmao. you all sound like lame ass children when u comment things like “I miss the old lauren” when the old lauren also used the word bitch, she’s blunt, we been knew. I personally think those who have a problem with this tend to be camren shippers and that this fake offence links back to y'all not being able to deal with tyren. you are mad that lauren isn’t fitting your narrative and is dating a man, so you seek for reasons to back up your resentment towards her. its sad and obvious. grow up. (especially accounts like @camrenexposed- your page is literal death please delete it and get out of your delusions.) there. rant over. ik no one will read this but idc.
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delusionalass · 7 years
inspired to Camren - The Sun and The moon by @fellowhuman-being 🌹
Lauren laying in the couch with Camila's head on her chest
Camila: Are you tired?
Lauren: No baby i'm not. Are you?
Camila: No baby i mean protecting me? Always the one who speaks in front of everyone? the one that has drama? And everything ...
Lauren sits and turns to face Camila
Lauren: Baby you know that i'll do anything for our relationship, i'll always protect you no matter what and there aint no kind of situation where I wouldn't cross a line for you.I would get up there and lie for you. For us. So to answer your question I am not tired and I won't be. Remember that Camila, always. I love you.
Camila: I love You so much
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strippersrevenge · 7 years
The next morning after the company and the way longer then usual sex session, they got up like usual, showered together so she can make sure to wash his back like he liked, and dressed. 
“Well since you haven’t made breakfast this morning I guess i’ll grab something on the way in.”
“Sorry baby, I was going to make something, but you didn’t like the other outfit and…..”
“Of course I didn’t like that shit, I told you that you need to look put together at all time baby.” he said caressing my face lovingly before walking off.
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She originally had her hair up in a bun and a simple sundress on when he told her she looked like she a basic ass bitch and to put more effort into her outfit. She ended up  changing to something more fitting, while still trying to be comfortable since all she was doing was cleaning up and maybe grocery shopping that day. 
“Are you not listening to me baby?” he asked forcefully snatching her out her thoughts. 
“Oh uhm, Im sorry was trying to remind myself to make a grocery list.” she lied.
“Girl why the fuck you won’t just let someone else do that shit? You could be out meeting the wives instead!” he groaned turning around with two watches in his hand making her choose one. 
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“Because I like it baby, plus didn’t you say that all the other bosses don’t really get home cooked food forreal? Wouldn’t me being out grocery shopping for myself just make you look better?” she asked trying to appeal to his vanity.
“Hmmm….good point. Don’t forget to pick up more scotch, im running out.” he mumbled as he continued to get ready for his day.
“Hey baby, did I do good last night?” she asked trying to pave the way to her conversation.
Chuckling and yet never turning around to face her he mumbled a yea.
“Well uhm, baby, I have so much free time through out the day and I was wondering if maybe I can, maybe if its not to much of a hassle, probably start school?” she asked seeing his back straighten and him pause.
“I, I mean cause I found a great cosmetology school close by, and the classes start in like a couple of weeks, I won’t let it interfere with anything I do already, and I’ll, I’ll…..Oh I’ll go have lunch with the wives and……” she rambled on scared as he turned on his heel with a look that could kill.
“Oh if I told you to go hang out with them group of cackling bitches that is what you would do, and why are you bringing this school shit back up again?” he asked walking up to her looking like he was about to explode.
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“I…I just thought that maybe since everything was going great in the firm for you and I have times through out the day when im not busy that…..”
“That what?! You was gonna go to some hair school? Learn some little trade and start that little hair shop you want?”
“I mean, but baby, we talked about how this is what I…..”
‘YEA! WHAT YOU WANTED! DID YOU EVER THINK OF ANYONE BUT YOURSELF?!” he screamed on her ass making her flinch and her heart clench.
Oh god, was she being selfish again?
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“So you don’t have time to make me breakfast this morning, so I can go to work and make sure you have all this to live in and live with, but you have time to go look up some silly ass school?!”
“Baby, i’m sorry I promise im not trying to make you mad, its just that its been years and I’ve done everything you ask……”
“No baby im not saying…..”
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“Baby please, I didn’t mean it like that I just…..its the one thing I really want to do and……”
“So you don’t want to live here? You don’t want to shop? You don’t want to be my wife?” he asked poking her in the chest with every question.
“No baby…wait….that not what im saying, baby wait listen im sorry its just…..”
“Nah! You think your going to go to this school, get some little shop, and your own money and leave me after everything i’ve done for you!” 
Feeling her chest tighten up in fear and trying to keep tears from forming in her eyes she tried to get closer to him.
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“Baby I would never do that to you, you know that I love you! Why would you……”
“Shut the fuck up Camren! The fucking answer is no! You have your fucking nerve trying to come for me as the provider of this house and worse to come for me as your fiance! So im not good enough for you now? You need some silly as fuck hair school to make you feel good about life cause im not enough? This isn’t enough?” he said dropping his hands to his side and giving her a look that finally made the tears fall, like he was truly disgusted with her.
“You know what Camren……its cool…..I’ll think about it. Since its the one thing in your life that you want, I will see if I can make that a reality for you since I aint shit to you.” he said walking over to the money he had sitting on the dresser and throwing it at her feet.
“You just do what you had planned, since this isn’t what you want anymore.”
“Baby! Thats not what im saying! Please don’t go! I take it back! Your all I want baby please!!!!” she begged trying to walk to him before he turned his back on her.
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“You know what Camren, I never knew you to be so selfish.” he threw in before walking to their bedroom door.
Feeling the tears falling full force she pressed her fist to her face to keep the sobs in. So it was true, she was being selfish, and now she was probably even in jeopardy of losing the love of her life over it. 
“Baby please…im sorry, I didn’t mean to be selfish I…..”
“Shut the fuck up Camren.” he said, hand on the door as he was bout to close the door behind him. 
“Don’t call me no fucking baby. Right now I don’t even know who you are and I don’t think I want to know.” he said slamming the door making her sobs escape.
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Was this conversation even worth it?? 
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legalmargamind · 7 years
Hello u ☺️ this whole Ty situation 4 me is that he is a very gud attention seeker. Showing Leo was just 2 piss off the fans bc of how they reacted to L's pic. Im sure they being extra bc of his new album Beach House 3 thats cuming&he helped with officially killin Camren (acc. 2 them ofc) so they are frends with benefits but more business beneficial (just my opinion) and Camz going out with that sun&moon top just confirms that it aint dead&she misses L&thats her way of tellin L she misses her.
Hallo! Well.. that is a theory bby girl. As much as I wanna be delusional rn I cannot. How would people explain the grinding in the clubs, The lap dances everytime. There was a chair but she chooses to sit on his lap. I mean you can do PR and still stay intact as a person but she is going all out.
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camrenstarrynight · 7 years
Okay what I'm about to say, I mean from the bottom of my heart.... CAMREN AINT DEAD MOTHERFUCKERS!!!!!! 
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Do y'all think I me Camilas biggest weakness is Lauren? We all know Lauren won her back. And after soo many breakups they ended up together again. I hope stronger. Also Lauren defiantly got her ways if Camila left this mystery woman for Lauren. She has a hold on Camila right she siad it herself. I mean Lauren is beautiful I am sure there aint less women who have told her thay want to be with her. So what was it about Camila that not only made her come to terms with her ih but also give us camren
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I just read what an anon asked and what you replied and i must say I'm actually disappointed in ur reply.
- Does that person not have a point when they stated about the refusal to answer their asks?
- "lack reading comprehension" why would u wanna insult someone just bc they had an opinion? Nobody told you to get on that high horse and spread insults. You frustrated bc people keep ask u why u don't answer them, imagine how tired they are when their asks aint getting replied 2.
- Ur ego is big on u, stop this behavior thinking u are God's gift to tumblr.
- Yes it's ur blog but without all those people following u, what would ur blog be? Stop being rude to to those who doesn't have the courage to be outspoken and share their own opinions.
- And ur reply is totally full of that circus shit.
- Stay humble and if someone upsets u don't post that on ur page, there are so many people following u who sees this and goes back into their shell bc they don't want to be belittled like the way u did.
- I don't know u but I've been following since u were a nice human being and whose English was so poor but hey i see u have improved so much and i know how much u hated it when ur words don't come across as it should have but we "stuck" with u and then u wanna be rude to a simple ask u could have avoided lol damn
Really, I do not know what you do complaining when you already know my opinions, what I think and what I say. What my blog means. And I will repeat it again. My problem is not the different opinions of other anons, my problem is that they believe that they can use my platform to continue spreading information about the circus and thus give it more notoriety. I hate Shawn Mendes, Showmila and their brainless fans and this fandom knows it very well and the anons know it too. The times I talk about the subject on my blog are counted because once again. This is a personal blog, Camren shipper who hates to talk about what bothers him. Everything you have told me makes me laugh because you don't know me at all, anon. Absolutely. And when I get angry I do it only when the continuous discomfort that responding to the same old shit causes me overcomes me. There is a reason why I don't ship Camren on social media and all the anons who insist on bringing me topics that I have already said that I don't like to talk about come from there. From Twitter. I don't like Twitter either, and I've made that clear in many ways. I am nobody to like everyone and people who know me know it. My personal blog is for people to entertain themselves but mainly because it is mine and yes, in that part I can be egotistical perhaps. IT'S MY BLOG and I DO WHAT I WANT with it. I'm not going to apologize for that to someone who doesn't really know me and if they think I'm rude, then so be it. If the next morning I decide that I want to delete this blog, I will, anon. And I'll open another one and change the fandom and stop following things and people that I followed before, because I will not always like the same thing every day. I am here for those fans and anons that I love very much, those who know me well and know what I like and what I don't like and that when I get angry sometimes they still let me get angry and come back when I'm not angry anymore, which does not always happen. So sorry, sorry you think I'm not good enough for your standards, anon. But the truth is that I'm not here neither to please you, nor to please anyone. I'm here to have fun, to support those who need my support and get on with my life.
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Stuck you won't believe this yesterday we found out that a person who's ot4. Who gets soo many viral hate tweets about Camila. Who can't keep her name out of their mouth. Tweets about her like everyday is an ex camren stand. And another one who called us disgusting for shipping Camren tweeted they don't mind if Lauren/Justin had a thing together. This one has a lot of followers and Lauren has retweeted this person a lot. Now I found out a few people L tweeted now. Said they aint C fans anymore?
Well, that’s an interesting story. I don’t what you mean with your last question but we all know that these suddenly Camila’s haters are obsessed with her because they loved her in the past until they believed in the shitty feud.
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26 is coming uppppp you exited to see loca do somethinggggg is they insider of what??? // i dont wanna dissapoint u anon but loca aint an insider🤷🏻‍♀️ // yeah i agree with u too anon, just because says a date and is a camren shipper doesnt mean he is an insider. I could come up with a date too and say y'all pay attention for example 29 June lol
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