#i mean. you know that scene where beating each other up turned into foreplay and it was the sexiest thing i had ever seen???
williamrikers · 4 months
honestly, it doesn't surprise me that p'jojo is referencing mr & mrs smith in the heart killers trailer. for people my age, that was the hottest movie of our youth in terms of oozing sheer sexuality interwoven with violence. i don't think there's really another movie that blends those two things together so seamlessly, and if this is going to be the vibe for the heart killers, i'm going to eat it up
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ncssian · 3 years
A Favor: Bonus Scene Two (Gwynriel)
a/n: this picks up right after nesta leaves gwyn’s apartment in Part 24. warning for discussions of sex, obviously.
As soon as the apartment door shuts after Nesta, Gwyn releases a breath and turns to Azriel with a wide gaze. “Do I really have to teach you guitar?” she says.
“Of course not.” He rolls his eyes. It was a throwaway line meant to get Nesta off his back, and even she didn’t entirely believe it. He moves toward the kitchen to get a glass of water, still shaken from Nesta storming into Gwyn’s bedroom like that. Not that she interrupted much. Gwyn still has a long way to go before she can handle anyone touching her between her legs, Azriel thinks.
He never asked Gwyn what a twenty-seven year old woman was so afraid of sex for when she first suggested her proposal to him. She looked so scared that he would question her that he couldn’t bring himself to poke even a little bit. Not that he needs to poke. He’s not a fucking idiot, and Gwyn’s thighs had been trembling in involuntary fear under his hands earlier. She’s been hurt.
For her sake, he pretends to remain ignorant and incurious, but right now his grip on the glass in his hand is so tight it might shatter. His face remains cool as he pours himself water.
“Why didn’t you tell her the truth?” Gwyn hops up onto the kitchen counter and swings her freakishly long legs. “About what you get out of our deal?”
“I don’t expect you to teach me sex for free, obviously,” Gwyn blabbered the day after they got back from the ski lodge. “You can ask for something from me, too. Even money, if that’s your thing.”
Prostitution was not Azriel’s thing, though he wouldn’t knock it. The truth was that his brain had started turning as soon as Gwyn told him about her idea, and now it couldn’t stop. Oddly enough, this opportunity was perfect.
“Tell Nesta that I’m using you as a rebound?” Azriel nearly snorts on his water. “Did you miss the part where she almost cut my dick off and choked me with it?”
Gwyn hums noncommittally. “Being a distraction from your ex is better for me than it is for you. It’s insurance that you won’t get any funny ideas.” She narrows her teal eyes at him. “If you find yourself moving on from Nesta’s hot sister, you better tell me right away. I’ll end this whole thing quickly and cleanly.”
“Why?” He thought moving on from Elain was the goal, one he was unlikely to achieve.
“You know.” She crosses her arms in an X over her chest like she’s warding him off. “You might catch—feelings for me.”
This time Azriel really does snort on his water, hard. His laughter turns into coughing when it slips down the wrong pipe, and liquid dribbles onto his shirt. Gwyn just sits there and stares at him in vague disgust.
When he’s done choking, he wipes his mouth with the hem of his tee and gasps, “Even without Elain, you wouldn’t need to worry about that. Trust me.”
Gwyn wrinkles her freckled nose in distaste. “I would be offended if I wasn’t so relieved.”
He’s still chuckling when Gwyn says cautiously, “By the way…” She chews on the inside of her cheek. “Did you really ghost Elain?”
Azriel is no longer amused.
“When you said you broke up with her, I thought you actually broke up with her,” Gwyn continues. “I didn’t know you were one of those guys.”
Shame tinged with embarrassment floods Azriel, and he doesn’t have the slightest idea why. Why does it matter what Gwyn of all people thinks of him, especially when she doesn’t have all the details?
He thought he was making things easier for Elain by leaving without a word. He thought she would let him slip out of her mind after a couple of weeks just like he slipped out of her life, and that it would be better than having to hear him dump his insecurities on her.
He knows now that he was only making things easier for himself. Knows that if he had stayed and talked things out with Elain, she would have convinced him to stay. If he had called her at all in the past two months, he would have gone running back to Velaris like a sailor answering a siren’s song.
She’s always been a siren—which is why he can’t regret doing what would have happened eventually anyway. Even without that Vanserra bastard or some other man, Elain could never have been a permanent fixture in Azriel’s life. Little details sprinkled throughout their time together confirm that for him now.
That doesn’t mean Elain deserved it, or deserves it now. Azriel knows that.
But all he can think of to say to Gwyn is, “Yeah, maybe I am one of those guys.” He puts his glass in the sink. “You still want me as your teacher?”
Gwyn shrugs, looking away. “It’s not like I’ve got any other choice.”
Azriel would disagree. He says what he’s been thinking since they got back from Cassian’s birthday trip. “Wouldn’t you rather do this with someone you love and trust?”
“God no,” Gwyn snorts, providing no further explanation.
Azriel can understand being hesitant to admit sexual inexperience to a crush, but it doesn’t stop him from judging Gwyn’s new man. If this coworker of hers is so great, wouldn’t she be able to trust him unabashedly with her insecurities? Wouldn’t he readily accept her for all that she is?
Ugh, he’s been dipping into Nesta’s reading collection too much lately. “Alright, then.” He leans against the counter opposite Gwyn. “Let’s talk about learning. You clammed up in bed back there after ignoring my suggestions and shoving my head between your legs.”
“I clammed up because of my best friend barging into my room and catching us together,” Gwyn defends.
“Your pussy was dry as bread before that,” he retorts. Ooh, now he wants toast.
Gwyn turns a furious shade of red while Azriel starts looking around for bread. He finds it sitting by the toaster. “Can you not say that?” she hisses at him.
“What?” He looks up from dropping bread into the toaster.
“You know…” She glances around cautiously as if someone might overhear. “Pussy.”
“Pussy,” he says again, just to be annoying. Gwyn’s shoulders turn inward in embarrassment, and he has to hold back a grin. Yeah, she’s definitely not ready for oral.
He finds a butter knife and some peanut butter. “I told you to start easy and you ignored me. You tried jumping into the deep end without learning how to tread water.”
Gwyn scoffs. “And what does ‘treading water’ entail again?”
Azriel shrugs, plucking up his finished toast. “Making out, heavy petting, freshman-year-of-high-school kind of stuff.”
“I’ve done that before,” she mutters indignantly. “Maybe not in my freshman year, but I’ve done it.”
He wonders how long ago that was, or if it was before she was—hurt.
“Besides,” Gwyn goes on before he can push the matter further, “I’m not budging on kissing. I want to save that for the man I actually like.”
“You don’t like me?” Azriel raises a brow, slathering peanut butter over his toast. “You definitely don’t act the same with me as you do with other men.” Or at least that’s what he assumes. Up until a short while ago, he never would’ve been able to imagine timid Gwyn having the guts to ask anyone for sex ed. That’s got to make him special, right?
But then Gwyn waves him off and says, “That’s ‘cause you’re not a real man. I knew you before puberty.”
Azriel nearly drops his toast. “Wow, the nerve of this woman,” he mutters with wide eyes. If she keeps this up, he’s going to start regretting ever going to the same school as her. “That’s not what you said when you were going on about how attracted you are to me.”
“I said you were attractive, not that I was attracted.” Gwyn’s blush is more from irritation than shyness now. “You do the job, but you’re no Max.” She giggles at saying his name. Actually giggles. “I’ll only kiss Max.”
“What kind of stupid ass name is Max?” Azriel grumbles through a mouthful of peanut butter.
“It’s short for Maximillian.”
He chokes. “Jesus, that’s even worse.” He’s doing all this work for some guy named Maximillian. Maybe he should just go home and let Nesta give him the beating he deserves.
Except thinking about Nesta only reminds Azriel of what a coward he is, because he fears facing her again almost as much as he fears facing Elain. “By the way, could I…” he starts hesitantly.
Gwyn gives him a judgmental sneer. “You don’t want to go back to the cabin, do you?”
He shakes his head.
“You can’t stay here,” she responds, crushing his hopes. “I have plans tonight, but even if I didn’t, I wouldn’t let you be such a wimp.” She hops off the counter and comes over to him, surprising him by grabbing both of his shoulders. “Azriel,” she says somberly.
He swallows his toast roughly.
“You have to grow some balls,” she continues. “Not just for your sake, but for the sake of every poor woman in your life. Also, all this drama is personally a turn-off for me, which is detrimental to my sex education.” She wrinkles her nose. “Do better and all that, you know?”
Damn, okay.
Instead of standing there like an idiot, Azriel manages to say, “Fine, I’ll go.” He shoves the rest of his toast into his mouth and dusts off his hands, heading for the living room.
“Wait, you don’t have to leave right now—” Gwyn follows after him. Azriel is already on the couch, pulling a stray notepad and pen on the coffee table closer to himself.
He clicks the pen. “When’s that library guy planning to take you out?” he asks, starting to write.
Gwyn hovers near him, watching the notepad over his shoulder in confusion. “Um, this Saturday. Just a casual coffee shop thing.”
“Then I’ll see you on Friday.” He scribbles down some bullet points and labels the page LESSON PLAN. “Until then, think about a way to enjoy foreplay without kissing. Here are some suggestions so you can practice.” He tears the lined paper out of the notepad and hands it to Gwyn.
Her eyes skim over the page, brows rising with each point she reads. “Is all this really necessary?”
Azriel remembers how he barely brushed his lips against Gwyn’s core before having to pull away and kiss her quivering thigh instead. He can’t have sex with an unaroused woman, and he definitely can’t do it with a terrified woman. “Foreplay is absolutely necessary,” he says, getting up from the couch and stretching to his full height. Where Elain used to only reach his chest, Gwyn’s head almost reaches his nose. It amuses him for some reason.
“Do you like movies?” he adds. “I’ll take you to the movies on Friday.” Preferably something boring and played out, so the theater will be empty and she won’t be paying attention.
Gwyn’s eyes widen. “Is going on dates also part of foreplay?”
“It can be,” Azriel shrugs. It will be when he does it. He drops a hand onto Gwyn’s head and ruffles her hair. “I’d love to stay and help you study, but I have to go and grow some balls.” He mock-frowns at her as he heads for his shoes and keys. “See you later, Gwyneth.”
a/n: wait why do i wanna write the movie theater scene now… pls help me im just trying to finish this damn fic im getting too old for this
tagging: @hellasblessed @sjm-things @thewayshedreamed @drielecarla @valkyriewarriors @superspiritfestival @aliveahaahahafuck @cupcakey00 @sayosdreams @rainbowcheetah512 @claralady @thebluemartini @nessiantho @missing-merlin @duskandstarlight @lucy617 @sleeping-and-books @everything-that-i-love @cassianscool @swankii-art-teacher @wannawriteyouabook a favor: @awesomelena555 @julemmaes @wickedqueenoffantasy @poisonous-bloom @observationanxioustheorist @gisellefigue08 @courtofjurdan @theoverlyenthusiasticwriter @wolfiixxx @cass-nes @seashade @royaltykxx @illyrianundercover @queenestarcheron @monstrousloves-explodinggalaxies @humanexile @that-golden-lyre @agentsofsheilds @mercy-is-alive @cassiansbigwingspan @laylaameer01 @verypaleninja @maastrash @bow-dawn @perseusannabeth @dead-on-the-inside666 @jlinez @hungryreadingaddict @anidealiveson @planet-faerie @shallowhighwaters @ghostlyrose2 @chosenfamily-valkyriequeens @rarephloxes @readiajin @nessiantrashh @live-the-fangirl-life @ifinallygavein @xoblivisci @sjmships @jungtaekwoonie-is-life @lysandra-tiara @lanyjoy-13 @post-it-notes33 @loosingdreams @fromthelibraryofemilyj @18moneytoad @dontgetsalmonella @champanheandluxxury @togreblog @arinbelle @ladygabrielli1997 @meridainthedisneyland @moodymelanist @pixieelea @teagoddess99
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ficsex · 3 years
is there any way to write putting on a condom sexy? i always feel like it disrupts the flow of the smut
Absolutely, anything can be sexy!
Strategy # 1 - have it be just a small blip in the narration.
Just mention the condom briefly, so readers know that it exists in the fuck sesh, but don't focus on the act of putting it on. Short, sweet. existent
While Natasha shimmied her pants off, Steve rolled the condom on and knelt eagerly on the bed.
Newt applied a condom with shaking fingers while while Hermann continued to prepare himself, fingers dipping teasingly between his legs.
Strategy #2 - focus on the condom as a reminder that sex is coming, and that's sexy!
You know what's sexy? Sex! You know what often has to happen before sex can occur? Condom! You know what that means? Condom = Imminent Sexy Times!
Tim pulled the condom packet out of his pocket and held it between two fingers, raising one eyebrow suggestively. Sasha grinned dangerously. "I thought you'd never ask."
Grantaire got to the bottom of the shopping bag to find a new, plastic wrapped box of condoms, and an ambitiously sized bottle of lube. He swallowed, mouth suddenly dry, and flicked his gaze to Enjolras.
Strategy #3 - make it part of foreplay.
The characters can make the condom part of getting excited and turned on, and use it to interact with each other's bodies. You, the author, can use it to build tension and desire.
Dirk bit his lip in concentration, and Todd had a moment to consider how absurdly adorable it was before the sensation of Dirk's fingers and the cool latex sliding down his dick were all that he could think about.
Will shifted his hips impatiently. He could hear Hannibal ripping open the condom packet behind him, and he almost wanted to beg him for contact, just a bit, until he was ready to fuck him.
Strategy #4 - make it part of the action.
Sex is busy! It might involve position changes, a break to breathe, teasing, climaxing, more climaxing... having a condom be part of that action doesn't need to interrupt the flow - it can be a part of the flow!
Buffy gasped for breath as her heart rate returned to normal; Spike looked inordinately smug where he knelt between her legs. "It seems like you don't mind my mouth as much as you used to," he observed casually. "Shut up and fuck me," she said, a beat too late, and threw the erstwhile condom packet at his face.
Q sank his teeth into Bond's shoulder, and Bond hissed in irritation at the distraction, his hands fumbling on his own prick as he rolled the condom down. "You little minx," he said warningly. "Keep this up and you'll be fucking yourself."
Anything is sexy or keeps in the flow of the scene if you think of it an an opportunity instead of a chore!
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igotanna · 3 years
Is this a bet??
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Summary: Jinyoung takes your words seriously. And he loves proving his point. You should think twice before teasing him again.
Warnings: smut, sort of orgasm denial
Genre: fanfiction, smut
Pairing: reader x park jinyoung
Rating: 18+
A/N: pic is mine
"Please tell me you didn't just eat that popcorn that fell into your bra..." Jinyoung sighed as he heard you munch again after a long time. He sat in his favorite armchair and didn't bother to look at you. The movie was more interesting.
"Shut up I can’t hear it now."
One would say that after three years of dating and living together, you two would stop bickering. But that was the dynamics of your relationship, and you still kinda enjoyed it this way. But sometimes he got on your nerves with his lecturing.
The movie ended and Jinyoung got up to stretch and to put the dirty dishes in the sink.
"Y'know, it was really goo-"
"It was bullshit." you cut him off.
You scrolled through your phone and didn't really pay attention to him when he came back to look at you with his 'what did you just say?' face.
"Come again?"
"I said it was bullshit. It was absolutely unrealistic during the sex scenes," you explained and sighed like him.
He frowned and sat down, now actually interested to hear your thoughts "What do you mean?"
"I mean c'mon! One could never make woman cum without touching her clit - when they were together for such a short time! You couldn't do that and we’ve known each other for quite some time now!"
You were so serious, and didn't really see the shadow of deep shock that flew over his face. He blinked a few times in disbelief. "Do you really think that?"
Putting the phone down you looked at him "Yes, it's really hard - maybe even physically impossible for a woman to cum completely without touching her clit. It's the most ac-"
"Wait," he stopped you, picking up his words and thinking your statement through "is this a bet?" His eyes pinned at your face.
You had to laugh - this was more of a "scientific" discussion for you and here he was dirty minded as usual thinking you're teasing him.
"I'm just saying,-"
"Is this a bet?" he repeated, voice lower. Now it was you blinking quickly to adjust. When he said it out loud you were even more sure - it is impossible.
"What would be the prize for the winner?" you narrowed eyes suspiciously. You knew he was able to pull your leg all the time.
"Anything." he said deadly serious.
"Anything. Completely free options. If I don't make you cum without touching your clit you can make me do anything you want. One time. Make me go up on stage and do stand-up comedy, make me say something stupid in front of your mother. Whatever you say."
"And if you do make me cum?"
His expression darkened, a low-key sadistic smile flitting across his face. "Anything as well."
You laughed again, shaking your head "This is too.. too much you. I don't trust you."
"What? Whyy?" he looked at you like a surprised puppy with his big round eyes.
"Because!" you exclaimed and got up, almost shoving him off the couch. He followed you with his eyes and regained confident expression. He already knew you're in.
"Because games like these never end up in my favour!"
"Well, if it won’t end up in your favour now, I don't know when it will!" he laughed and left to take a shower. Jinyoung was well aware to give you some space to consider his proposal after presenting you a new idea or assumption.
While he was showering, you had a moment to consider your options - either way you were going to have some solid sex. And that was all you needed to head to the bathroom and lean on the shower door.
Jinyoung laughed and looked to where he heard your voice "So is this official?"
"Yes." you sighed, almost like he pushed you into doing it. Which he did. In his own way. "It is a bet. If you won't make me cum without touching my clit-"
"But I can be inside." he demanded
"Of course, that's not the point. Apart from touching my clit you can do whateve-"
"Careful with your words," he smirked.
"You can do almost whatever might help you make me cum." you finished strongly.
The water stopped. A muscular torso appeared next to your face and with it Jinyoung's fresh scent combined with the soap.
He looked at you, satisfaction written all over his face and dried his hair like nothing happened. Continuing to your bedroom he put the towel down and raised his voice as if he was looking for you "Are you coming?"
You walked to the room like if you were about to do a job interview, even your stomach was slightly squirming with excitement and partly with nervousness.
Jinyoung was busy adjusting the light and pulling down the curtains.
"So," his voice was low and muted, intimidating.
"I don't know what game are you playing...you simply cannot win this." you laughed and started to unbutton your shirt.
"Ah-," he stopped you before pointing at your hands – you were obviously stealing his job "Don't." his eyes found yours and he tilted his head a bit "But do repeat what you just said. C'mon."
You laughed as he got near you and slowly touched your arm with index finger sending a shiver down your spine "I said you won't make me cum."
"That's it." he whispered to himself.
You felt his body behind you, heard his breath, your hair swinging in its rhythm. By stopping you from undressing yourself he was showing you who’s in charge. You wanted to stay strong, not willing to submit to his methods you knew all too well. Something in Jinyoung’s demeanour changed, he’s going to outperform himself today you were sure of it. He's going to come up with something new, trying out stuff he always wanted to but never did. And most importantly - he’s going to take advantage of this.
His fingers moved inch by inch up to meet the inner elbow and to the hips.
"Say it again." he muttered through gritted teeth, daring you. As if searching for reasons to punish you. His warm hand roughly pushed the shirt fabric aside, forcing its way between the buttons by stealth.
"I said you can't make me cum." you said clearly, but it was undermined by the breathless gasp that escaped your mouth unwillingly. At that very moment, his hand undid the buttons and your shirt landed next to your ankles like snake's skin.
Despite the intensity he barely touched you yet.
His arm rested on your shoulder and with tips of his fingers he drew over your chest up to the collar bone. His face was so close to your ear you heard every breath and even movements of his tongue in his mouth.
The goosebumps raised across your skin excited him so much, but he kept his head clear. He knew exactly what to focus on. Having a mental list of your erogenous zones he needed to use, and saving few new ones to try out. He dug his face in your hair and kissed you below your ear. Your body reacted faster than you wanted. You crumbled into him as if he pushed some button, your knees bending a bit. But he didn't want it to be this fast.
He bit your earlobe in warning.
Surprised by his nip, your hand went up for revenge but his was quicker, smacking yours away like annoying insect.
Sliding his palms down to your panties he slowly pulled down. You felt a sudden gust of coldness as he kneeled down and your back were left unprotected. His heart started to beat faster as your panties revealed your bum. He couldn’t stop himself from pressing his lips on your left butt cheek. It took you by surprise – he never was this gentle. Still only with the tips of his fingers on your sides, he got up. Parting your hair and putting them on one side he uncovered his most favorite part of your body – the nape of your neck.
He pushed you to the bed.
Enough of warming up.
"However bad it's going to be..." his voice was dark, wild and almost aggressive because of the long silence "Rule is- you can't touch your clit either." he said locking eyes with you.
"It's either me making you cum," he continued and leaned on his elbows above you, only inches above your face, "or nothing." you opened your mouth to kiss back, but he pulled away. Pressing lips on your neck and going down, between your breasts, your belly.
You felt yourself getting wett, heat pooling in anticipation.
The thing is - it was usually never this slow - Jinyoung was more of a rough, fierce sex type. He didn't need any time to prep and wasn't really a fan of foreplay. Lube was always there to fix everything.
But now- he was careful, sensual, paying attention to details - dancing with his fingers on the inner side of your knee. You almost forgot this place was so sensitive. He harmonized the feeling with his lips on your thigh, temptingly close to the clit.
Closing your eyes you didn't watch what he's doing - just bathed yourself in the feelings.
He was already almost rock hard, given the sight of you closing your eyes with pleasure. He had to focus on the edge of his limits. It was so tempting to imprison you in his arms, to thrust into you, deeply and fully.
But a bet is a bet, and he had his plan.
You felt like you were ready for him, so much so you unknowingly spread apart more. His hand moved your leg up to rest on his hips, facing you again. Still not opening your eyes, you turned your head a bit to make him space for more neck kisses.
As his hands pulled yours up above your head, his fingers intertwined with yours.
Jinyoung left the best for last – he finally pressed his body fully on you, and inch by inch dived in you. You heard him smirk as he found it amusing how easily he could slide in as you were already so wet and open for him.
He moved slowly. Not just because he knew it’s stimulating, but because he focused on your nipples. He knew you were sensitive, and it helped him on many occasions to make you cum. Kissing, licking and carefully biting them he took you on the edge of pain and pleasure. Your fingers found his hair and you wanted to pull it, to participate somehow. But he was the leader here and immediately put your hands back in place – above your head.
It was all so good.
His breath so close to your neck, the heat from his body. The precision he moved with, how much attention he paid to you. How he held your jaw like he needed it to breathe.
But something was missing, the tension just kept cumulating and piling up, peak nowhere in near sight. You could even feel yourself stretching your arm up, as if to grab the orgasm that was just inches away.
But apparently your other hand headed down again because Jinyoung smacked it angrily "Don't even try it." thrusting in over and over.
"Fuck the bet, I want-"
"Rules!" he hissed as his movements quickened. Placing hand on the concave of your neck and shoulders, he squeezed a bit as a warning.
You bit your lip in frustration and pleasure. He bend down and kissed your jaw, following with his mouth parting yours, being dominant even now. Leaving you only to wait for his next move. Pulse racing, he repeatedly broke the kiss to look at you, to burn this exact picture of you into his mind.
Feeling him inside, holding your hand up, your breasts on his chest... everything felt like a flash of a fire, but the flame didn't appear. You almost fell his heart beating in your own veins.
He was close, so close.
Face next to yours, his lips found the spot below your ear again, biting the earlobe.
Breathing faster you knew it was coming.
Was he right? Can he do that? C'mon just a bit more- it's so close.
But he suddenly stopped moving, head buried in your hair heavily breathing. You tried to keep up with the wave of pleasure that was inside of you, waiting to be released, you tried so hard to slide it on your own. But it was gone. He was gone, leaving you in the water searching for a way out.
As he rolled down from you letting you alone with the helplessness and frustration he propped on one hand and looked at you "You were right." he caught his breath and put away lock of hair from your neck.
"You did it on purpose! You knew I was close!" you cried out loudly, hands rubbing your face.
"Yes." he admitted, glad you revealed the truth.
Looking directly at you like a teacher wanting his answer he asked "Lesson?"
After the minute of silence you gave to spite him, you felt a quick, light smack on your thigh. "Never. Try me out again."
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a-edgar-allan-hoe · 3 years
The Last Chthonian
Part 17
Bucky x Reader, Sam x Reader, Zemo x Reader
A/N: It is here! So sorry for the late update lovelies! I’ve been having really bad writers block lately and my job keeps switching my hours up so now my sleep schedule is all fucked up. And after writing this part I want to go stargazing so bad but the light pollution kind of sucks where I live. 🥲 Also this is my first time writing a steamy scene so I’m sorry if it’s awkward. Feedback is much appreciated and let me know if you want to be added to the tag list. 😊
Summary: Imagine being Hekate, the Greek goddess of magic and witchcraft, the night and the moon, doorways and crossroads, creatures of the night, and ghosts and necromancy. You stumbled upon Earth many centuries ago and since then have resided on the foreign planet. During the recent years you created an alias for yourself to hide your true identity, and after the war against Thanos you chose to live out your days in the Scottish countryside, until a certain trio appears at your doorstep one day.
Warnings: language, angst, some foreplay and making out
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You had still been wrapped in Zemo’s arms, the two of you indulging in each other’s presence in a silence, which combined with the faint beating of his heart, you only found to be comforting. The meteors still swept by the earth’s atmosphere above you in flashes that lit up the sky, leaving behind trails of white that resembled the strokes of a brush, as if your mother Asteria had painted the celestial bodies using diamonds onto a canvas that was the night sky. You could only make out the few stars and constellations that were scarcely scattered across the vastness above you, caused by the light pollution that unfortunately managed to mantle the wonders and beauty that settled just beyond, separating humanity from the marvels of the universe. The stars flickered like the diminishing of the flame of a candle, a farewell to the billions of years lived by the remnants of those enormous spheres of hot plasma, thus leaving behind the birth of other stars to fulfill their legacy. However, there was a certain star that did not flicker like the ones around it, a certain spectacle distant in time and space that still managed to burn bright despite the innumerable amount of light-years that separated Earth from it. The remaining light of your planet Olympus. You stared at that particular star, your brows knit together and your face etched with this certain melancholy that one could not explain. How could one thing be so near, within the reach of your fingertips, and yet be entirely outside the capacity of reach.
“Draga.” You heard Zemo softly speak, his chest slightly wavering beneath your cheek from his words.
“Something troubles you.”
“What makes you say that?” You stared off, your eyes still fixated to the fading existence of your world.
“Your eyes draga.” Zemo looked down at you, his eyes scanning over the troubled creases that masked your features. “I have seen this shadow in your eyes that has seemed to occupy them as of recently. What troubles you?”
“…………You see that star there, right between those two constellations?” You pointed above you.
“Mhm.” Zemo nodded as he followed the line of your finger, his eyes now focused on the same exact star yours have not yet left.
“That’s my planet………Olympus.”
“You’re welcome to tell me about it if you’d like.”
“Well, when I was little, I used to live with my mother in this quaint cottage by the sea, similar to the one I live in now with my daughter. She used to bring me out most nights for stargazing. She had built this outdoor platform with bedding and blankets and we would have a small fire going to keep us warm as we watched the stars and constellations while she told me different tales and epic poetries. As silly as it sounds, she would make shooting stars appear in the sky for me knowing how much I loved them. Gods, I wish you could’ve seen my home back in its days, back when everything still remained. Everything was so…..beautiful, and the skies, gods the skies, you could see the different planets and galaxies as if they were only miles away. To this day, I have yet to see anything in my travels that compares.”
“I would have loved to seen it Schatzi. Your mother sounded like a wonderful person.”
“She was the kindest soul I knew.” You turned your body so that you could look up at him, resting your chin on your hand.
“You miss her.”
“There’s not a day that goes by that I don’t miss my family and planet.”
“I’m sorry about what happened to them Schatzi. I wish you never went through what you did.”
“If only I could bring them back. I’d do anything to be able to just see them again.”
Zemo was silent, believing that no amount of words could have provided you comfort, no matter how deep the meaning or how significant. He could not imagine what you went through. He had lost his country and his family, and you had lost your family as well, but you lost your world, your entire race, leaving you to be the last remaining entity of your people, the last Olympian and the last Chthonian. Words could not bring your family back, just as they could not with his. So he only did what he was able, making a silent unspoken promise within the abyss of his damaged heart to be there for you as he held you closer to him and pressed a kiss to your forehead.
A sudden feeling of guilt crawled up your spine like a venomous scorpion ready to sink its stinger in your skin with means to cause nothing but pain and suffering. You felt guilty for being here, lying next to Zemo wrapped in his arms like a pair of star-crossed lovers from the pages of a novel. A part of you felt selfish for what you did, undeserving of the affection that was bestowed upon you from a man who had suffered enough from the loss of his family. How much longer did you think you could give in to your mindless emotions without a single thought of the consequences it might bring about. Did you really think you could go on as if nothing is happening? As if you can conceal your true form from him forever. No. You could not. You did not have the heart to keep such knowledge from him. If you wanted to pursue what you had with him, you would have to tell him the truth when the time came.
“We should probably get back before Sam and Bucky notice.” You mumbled, blinking back the tears, your heart aching to go back to the way things used to be, wishing you could leave all of this and just be able to go back home. You didn’t belong here on earth, an immortal amongst mortals. At least on Olympus, if your titaness form had been revealed, many would not have bat an eye. They had already seen the likes of Titans before and the locals had become accustomed to you. But here on earth, you were nothing but a stranger, a drifter.
The two of you walked back to his place in silence, the only sounds being the whistling of the wind, the chirping of crickets, the voices of the few pedestrians and the humming of the cars that drove by. Your hands brushed against each other, craving to intertwine your fingers with his as you walked down the stone paved streets lit by the lamps that lined it, the two of you still withdrawn despite what occurred between you both. You felt it would have been silly, holding his hand like a couple of teenagers, though a century ago, you wouldn’t have gave it a second thought.
You arrived at his place, standing at the bottom of the steps in front of the double doors with Zemo opposite you, illuminated by the street lamp that stood just behind. Feelings of conflict washed over you, drowning you in waves of despair. As much as you wanted to be with him, a small part in the back of your mind kept telling you that it was wrong. Neither of you wanted to go through those doors just yet, wishing you could have spent the night under the stars. But life seems to have a way of working against your favor. The Wakandans would be here to collect him possibly tomorrow, and you would have to bid him farewell, separated from each other for what could be forever. As much as you did not look forward to that moment in having to turn him in and never see him again, you wouldn’t stop the Wakandans from what they were promised. And though you hadn’t said a word, Zemo had already knew what your decisions were regarding it, and he could not blame you for it. You were a woman of justice and you followed a code, and he respected that.
“Zemo.” A frown appeared on your face.
“Please,” Zemo whispered to you as he pushed a strand of your hair behind your ear, “Call me Helmut.”
You looked at Zemo once more, a look of longing hidden behind your eyes as you unconsciously swiped your tongue across your mouth, watching how his eyes followed the movement before lingering on the wetness of your lips that resembled the petals of a rose after the pouring of cold rain in the midst of spring. Oh how he wished to be the drops of rain that were gifted the pleasure of grazing upon the velvety petals that belonged to such beauty of a flower, a symbol of union between the two domains in which the heavens came down to declare its love for the earth. A pulling sensation filled within your core, drawing yourself to Zemo as if he were the sweet berries of deadly nightshade that have lured many unfortunate souls. Banishing the thoughts of doubt that clouded your mind, you grabbed him by the collar and pulled him to you, crashing your lips against his in a heated kiss. Zemo was initially shocked by your bold gesture and stiffened from the way your mouth moved against his, surprised you would pull something like this when just a wall away Sam and Bucky were awaiting your arrival, before loosing himself into your embrace.
Your fingers clenched the collar of his sweater and your fingers grazed across the exposed skin of his neck while his hands went to your waist in a desperate attempt, fumbling to grab at anything and bunching up the bottom fabric of your sweater as he pulled you against him. The tips of his fingers brushed against the skin of your waist that was exposed below the hem of your sweater, leaving behind goosebumps in its trail. You smiled into the kiss from the way he completely melted under your touch, a part of you amused from the affect you held over him as you managed to elicit a moan from deep within his throat. Zemo’s brows were furrowed in the passionate moment, something you have noticed when you first kissed him, a small crease in the muscles of his face that showed just how lost he was when encased in this moment with you, and it absolutely melted you. He was addicted from the warm numbness, the ecstasy he felt from kissing you. Your lips were like heroin to him, leaving him yearning for more, and it didn’t ameliorate the fact that his years spent in a German prison had left him somewhat inexperienced and filled with a chasmic longing for touch and intimacy from the lack thereof. Deep within him, masked by his ideas and objectives, Zemo wanted to be able to love someone again, a chance at a new life and a family, and perhaps, he saw that possibility with you. But, behind the passion of the kiss you shared with him, there was something else, a poison that laced your lips with feelings of despair and forbidding that consumed you as if you had tasted those sweet berries of nightshade, slowly loosing yourself to its malice. His lips which were at first warm to the touch, now felt cold like ice and sent shivers of dread through your veins, as if this would be the last kiss you shared with him.
You pulled away from the kiss to catch your breath, your teeth softly grazing against his bottom lip as you did so. Both of you were left breathless as you rested your foreheads against each other, panting as your breaths fanned each other’s face as if you had just been trapped in the depths of the ocean before breaking through the surface to allow oxygen to fill your lungs.
“If you keep doing that Draga.” Zemo rasped between breaths, “I won’t be able to compose myself.”
“Good. Maybe I don’t want you too.” You smirked before placing a playful kiss on the tip of his nose. “But I really should go back inside, and you should do the same. Just make sure you go unnoticed.” You slipped his coat off your shoulders, his cologne that lingered on his fur collar leaving your senses with discontent as you returned his coat to him before going over to the doors, stopping to turn back to him with a smile before stepping inside and closing the door behind you. Gods, what the hell did you do that for???? You felt your cheeks heat up in embarrassment as you wanted to slap yourself for pulling a move like that.
“Gods I’m stupid.” You muttered to yourself.
“Hey.” Bucky smiled once he spotted you, his voice soft as if he were afraid you would shatter at any moment from the discussion that took place earlier. “How was your walk?”
“It was nice, relaxing. I went to the park to stargaze.”
“That’s good. As long as you feel better.”
“I do, actually. Thanks Bucky.”
“You look flushed. You okay?” Sam noted as he stepped over to you.
“Huh?” You stopped short. “Oh yeah, I’m fine. I just had to kind of uh power walk back here so you guys wouldn’t get worried. But I’m fine, yeah. Anyways, I’m going to hit the sack since I’m feeling a bit tired. Goodnight you guys.” You waved them off before going to your assigned room, making Sam and Bucky give each other questioning looks before they both shrugged it off.
You shut the door behind you, letting out a breath of relief that they had not caught on to anything and praying that Zemo had managed to sneak in. You had just gotten off the phone with Maze and your daughter, catching up on their activities after cleaning yourself up and changing into your nightgown. You had pulled up a chair next to the window that was in your room, your feet tucked underneath you and a warm cup of rose and blackberry tea in your hands. Your robe hung loosely off your shoulders as your index finger twirled above the small silver spoon that swirled in your cup, mists of violet wrapping around the handle of the spoon as you used your powers to stir the contents of the tea. You stared out the window onto the old streets of Latvia before glancing down at the teacup that was nestled in your hands, the glow of your eyes reflected off the window pane along with the tiny stars that swirled through the small globe of your necklace your mother gave you. You hadn’t stopped thinking about the moments that passed and the ones that have yet to come.
There was a knock on your door, interrupting you from the thoughts that had resided in your mind. “Come in.” You spoke as you looked through the reflection of the window and saw a figure step in. “Zemo?” You stopped using your powers, the clinking of the spoon scraping against the sides of the porcelain cup coming to a stop. “You know, you gotta stop sneaking into my room.” You teased before frowning, seeing the expression that sat on his face. “What’s wrong?” You got up from the chair, setting your cup down on the table before walking over to him.
“The Wakandans will…….be here for me tomorrow.” His eyes were lowered to the floor, the browns of his irises which reminded you of the dunes of the Sahara desert were whirling in thought, resembling the dunes caught in the midst of the fury of a sandstorm, as if searching for an answer to his troubles.
“Ze-Helmut, I………” You sighed, your tongue and mind lacking the ability to compose any words that might have provided some solace. “I’m sorry………..I don’t know what to say.”
“Y/n, schatzi” Zemo grabbed your hand, tracing his thumb over the bumps of your knuckles. “You don’t have to say a word. My actions………must be accounted for.”
You were silent, your brows knit together and your lips sealed as if your voice was ripped from your throat. Your heart wanted to tear itself from your chest, begging to be released from its cage so that it could be free to lament, so that it may be able to express the words that held it captive. But your tongue was tied, held back between the prison that was your teeth as you clenched your jaw. Zemo’s hand still held yours, stroking the soft skin on the back of your hand which were a contrast to the small rough patches on your palm, before you heard him speak again. “Can I kiss you?”
You blinked at him, lips parted in surprise that he would even ask such a question when you were honestly willing to kiss him any time of the day. The Zemo you had come to know was far different than the one you had heard about, his cold demeanor seemed to completely fade when he was around you, like a fog that dissipated with the coming of daylight. A part of you pondered whether this was how he used to be, before the events that happened. Though he hadn’t had a chance to share such affection with anyone and lost practice, you still found him to be great kisser and it always managed to leave you breathless. “Yes, please.” You whispered, your voice barely audible before you felt his lips brush against yours. What was sweet at first became more feverish and filled with hunger as an unfamiliar spirit seemed to possess your body, darkening the amethysts and golds of your eyes that resembled the galaxies, into the blackness of the abyss that swallowed the outer edges of space where not even the slightest bit of light could reach, almost as if you were sinking your claws into your prey.
A heat pooled in the pit of your stomach, filling your body with an electrifying warmth as his mouth moved against yours more confidently this time, catching you utterly by surprise and leaving your knees weak, a feeling similar to the stillness in the air a mere second before lightning strikes the ground beneath your feet. His hands slipped down to grab the flesh of your waist, dehydrated, and filled with an intense thirst that could only be quenched by your body that was the ocean, your skin separated by the silk fabric of your nightgown. Your hands went up to grip his shoulders as a gasp escaped your lips upon feeling him move down to your jaw and neck. Gods, since when was the last time you were touched like that?
“Helmut.” You rasped, struggling to hold back a moan as his lips sucked on the skin where your collarbone met your neck, making you lean your head back to allow him better access. Your robe had fell to the floor, leaving your arms completely bare while Zemo’s hands caressed the skin that lined them before resting on the dorsal part of your upper arms, the combination of the frigid air and his fingertips that felt like the touch of fire sending shivers through your body. “What if they hear?”
“Let them.”
“Well if you’re that worried Draga.” Zemo stopped to look at you. “The walls are thick enough.”
Gods that completely sent you over the edge. It felt as if you were on a high, your mind was not even within this dimension as Zemo met your lips again. You had to throw your arms around his neck to keep yourself from collapsing as the two of you shifted in the room, Zemo guiding your body before the back of your knees came in contact with the side of your bed. You let yourself fall back into the soft mattress, bringing Zemo down with you. You both were a mess, your hair disarray, the thin straps of your nightgown fallen past your shoulders had almost left your breasts exposed, and the skirt of your nightgown had ridden up to your thighs as you wrapped your legs around his waist. Zemo squeezed at the soft flesh of your thigh before attacking your neck again. He didn’t know how to describe it but you tasted absolutely divine. Perhaps being a goddess made you taste of ambrosia; the golden, honey-flavored fruit that grew on the trees of Olympus. You were in absolute bliss and thanked the gods he wouldn’t be able to leave a mark, at least you hoped not.
“Helmut.” You moaned, your nails digging into his biceps as his warm lips made a trail down your collarbone and lower to where the lace trim of your nightgown met just above the curve of your breasts, lingering on the space between, filling your mind with thoughts of a certain region you desired those lips to be. “Fuck.” You hissed from the contact, your hand moving its way to his head as you ran your fingers through his soft hair, your nails raking across the back of his scalp as the heat between your thighs only grew. You unconsciously pressed your heel to the lower part of his back, beckoning him closer to that heat between your thighs as you bucked your hips up. Zemo growled at the movement, slightly nipping at the skin where your breast had started to form, causing you to gasp and your eyes to fly open from the sensation.
“Apologies draga.” You heard him mutter before tenderly kissing the spot where his teeth had been.
Seeing Zemo in a close proximity above you in such a position had you dazed, wanting him to take you right then and there and not caring if the others heard you or not. And as your eyes wandered lazily over the sight of him, they widened in horror once they glimpsed at the image of your hands. Your nails became sharp, claw-like, and that deathly color had returned once again, slowly making its way up your arm like the tendrils of a shadow belonging to a demonic spirit.
“Helmut.” You whispered, your voice becoming panicked as you loosened your grip on his arms, being careful not to pierce his skin. “Helmut wait.”
Zemo stopped, pushing himself up to meet your eyes as his concern grew from seeing the frightened look that filled them. “Schatzi, what’s wrong?” He brought his hand up to your face, brushing away the strands of your hair. “If you’re uncomfortable let me know.”
“No, gods no. If anything I don’t want you to stop.” You breathed out, trying to catch your breath. “It’s just that………….”
“What is it schatzi?” His voice was soft as his fingers caressed your cheek, afraid that he might have offended you in some way, afraid that he might have been too forward.
“I’m sorry Helmut. I want to, I really do, but not like this.” You shook your head as you got up, shifting over to where the dark shadows of the room fell on the bed to hide your arms, afraid to meet his eyes as if you had made a fool of yourself. “Not like this.”
“You don’t have to apologize to me y/n.” Zemo smiled at you. “If you’re not ready, than I’m not ready.”
“Thank you Helmut.” You smiled back before giving him a delicate kiss. “I’d………uh like to think some things through.” You prayed that he didn’t see your hands, hoping that the darkness of the room managed to disguise it.
“Of course draga.” Zemo placed a lingering kiss on your forehead before leaving your room, stopping at the door to give you a comforting smile as he carefully shut it behind him.
Your eyes still lingered on the door, waiting to make sure he didn’t come back before turning on the bedside lamp and staring down at your hands. You had managed to stop the color from spreading up your arm, yet it strangely still remained, stopping halfway up your forearm. This wasn’t good.
“What the hell?” You scrunched your nose, trying to use your powers once again to remove it but to no avail. Fear coursed through your veins as you attempted to remove the color, spell after spell, hoping those vine like tendrils would crawl back down your hands and disappear. You cursed under your breath as each attempt proved to be as futile as the one before. What the hell was going on? Why were your spells not working? It vanished before from your magic, why wasn’t it doing so now? You were struck with a sudden realization that perhaps this change would become permanent, that maybe suppressing your true form for all those years had caused it to spiral out of control and in turn try to overpower you as if it had a mind of its own. You growled through gritted teeth, the furniture around you shaking as your fists were clenched in frustration, the violet mists of your powers encompassing your hands and sparking with small bolts that corresponded with the vexation that overwhelmed you.
You closed your eyes and took a deep breath, the mist around your hands disappearing and the shaking of the furniture coming to a stop. You had to work something out. You were left no choice but to keep your hands covered from now on until you found a solution. If any of them questioned it, you had to have a damn good lie. Getting up from the bed, you walked over to the double doors that led to the small balcony and opened them, your hands gripping the cold iron rail as you stared out at the view of the Latvian streets and buildings before you. Oh how you wished your sister Athena were here. She knew everything.
“Oh Athena.” You stifled a sob as you stared up at the stars, focusing on the light of your planet as if she could have heard you, a tear cascading down your cheek and dropping to the streets below. “Gods I wish you were here. I really need your help.”
Despite your pleas, you knew she wasn’t there, her existence only an artifact of the past. You were praying to nothing but a memory. It was extremely urgent that you got information on this matter of your form and the words of the prophecy that still threatened and echoed within the depths of your mind. And since you couldn’t obtain such knowledge from another Olympian, you would have to gather it from the old texts. Muttering a few words in Ancient Greek, you waited, searching, until a small white moth came into view, fluttering in your direction. You held out your finger, letting the tiny creature come to rest upon it.
“Hello little one.” You smiled at the moth as you gently stroked it in greeting, bringing it closer to your face so that you could speak to it in your language. “Please send word to my familiar and tell him to gather as much information he can on Titans and the prophecy. And tell him to come find me when he is done. Thank you.” The moth looked at you with understanding behind his tiny black eyes, it’s antennaes twitching before fluttering away into the moon. You sighed, watching it disappear into the night before giving your distant planet one last glance before shutting the doors and going back over to the bed. You laid down under the covers, your hands rested on your stomach as you stared up at the ceiling, dreading the day to come. How could you face Zemo? And however were you going to keep your hands a secret? Surely the three are bound to find out sooner or later? You just prayed that the message you sent would be returned in a short time. You needed to fix this before it would be considered too late. And the sooner you found Karli the better. Your mind was racing with thoughts, but you closed your eyes, desperate to get some rest and forcing those thoughts away. Gods help you from this moment on.
Tag List: @girl-obsessed-with-things @aerynchromie @sunshinepower17 @viviace @kakimakiloh @thehornyles @awhorewithissues @gambitsqueen @spookycereal-s @lulu-yuming @mochminnie @Gabitanaka47 @s00nhi @vanteguccir @tomhollandsslilslut @dracoxxyoflam @suchababie @uhhhcrypticbastard @on-my-way-to-erebor @thewinterrbucky @mylifeispainandiloveit @fillechatoyante @padmoonyfeorge @montypythonsholysnail @pollynx @aziraslowlylosestheirshit @roundbrownlover @awesomeowlbook @bookloverfilmoholic @hargreevesd @death-is-beautiful @ilovespideyyy @peakyrogers
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americachavez · 4 years
did cas really tell dean to kneel before their new god? did that actually happen? i thought him beating the shit out of dean in that alley was the most unrestrainedly horny thing this show had ever done ACTUALLY you know what scratch that new question: top horny moments from the cw's supernatural (2005 - 2020)
getting this ask feels like my sins of the last week have been weighed against the Trials I Have Gone Through since the premier of supernatural on the wb in september of 2005 and I’m not sure if it is a punishment or reward
some notes before we begin:
the ep with dean’s male siren was like, conceptually horny but not actually that horny because the dude was uglie. I’m sorry to this man
all you sam girls out there. I respect you but I do not respect jared padalecki who is JUST tall and has zero sex appeal. but those eps where he’s like, drinking ruby’s blood and then eating her pussy are. you know. I’ll give you that
I am ONLY UP TO SEASON 10 so fair warning this is not comprehensive but the horniness does seem to drop off sharply after the mark of cain is no longer in play lol gotta love a good demon murder tattoo plot
this is easily the most insane thing I’ve ever done, including the destiel manifesto
S1 EP12: the scene where dean gets healed by the faith healer, on his knees with a hand in his hair and looking somewhere between religious ecstasy, brain death and an orgasm. starting this list off great
S1 EP22: azazel possessing john winchester. no I will not explain further if u know u know <3
S3 EP10: dean being taunted by a dream version of himself, this is where we first got the daddy’s blunt little instrument line. still burned in my hippocampus a good 13 years later thank yew
S4 EP1: dean crawling out of his own grave covered in grave dirt. hot. the HANDPRINT. HOT. also tangent but this reveal after the s3 finale was WILD back in 2008 I hollered in my dorm room after canvassing for obama. simpler times man
S4 EP 1: cas’ intro scene. the barn. the shadow wings. the hair??? getting stabbed in the chest by the man you just pulled out of hell. getting aaaallll up in that personal space. his little eyebrow. “you don’t think you deserve to be saved.” OUTRAGEOUSLY FLAMING
S4 EP02: “I dragged you out of hell I can throw you back in.” <<< this angel tops. mark dean down as scared and horny etc
S4 EP16: this ENTIRE EPISODE but specifically the part where dean tortures alastair as some kind of foreplay and then alastair kicks his ass. carved you into a new animal. jesus.
S4 EP16: wait I forgot about the part where cas also gets his ass kicked and looks all....hm. dazed and covered in blood while he’s on his knees and about to die. yeah.
S5 EP4: I mean this entire ep is unfairly horny considering everyone is dying of a zombie plague and hasn’t showered in like, 4 years but if I had to pick one hmmm. the dean/dean interrogation scene with the panty kink yeah I know it’s not original but hm. it happened. also misha collins just being able to convey that CAS IS A FLEXIBLE SLUT with a single roll of his shoulders. who SAYS this man can’t act!!!!!
S5 EP18: when cas locks dean in the panic room to stop him from saying yes to michael and “well cas not for nothing but the last person who looked at me like that I got laid” I hate this show. wait I think the blow me cas line is in this episode too what the fuck were they on here
S6 EP5: the scene where dean gets turned into a vampire. between the old dude who I think calls dean a pretty boy (??) and soulless sam....watching??? no ******* but there were just some absolutely foul energies in that scene and I still do not understand WHAT they were thinking
S6 EP20: cas doing a double smite on two demons by slamming them to the ground and then shoving another demon back in its vessel and then smiting him in the same motion. TOP. ENERGY.
S6 EP22: season 6 is possibly cas’ horniest season because he’s like, going through angel puberty after getting his first boner for dean, but the final cas eps are. whoof. cas eats a bunch of souls and proclaims himself to be a new god in order to handle said boner, and then the season ends with cas telling them to bow down and profess their love to him, their new lord, or he will destroy them. note: the way this is framed makes it look like cas is only staring at dean while he says this, even though sam and bobby are also there. the season ends with dramatic zooms on both cas and dean’s faces respectively. this made me actively regret ditching this show after s5 lol
S8 EP??: literally EVERY SINGLE PURGATORY FLASHBACK. cas dean and benny are all purgatory hot in the “pop 10 cranberry pills and risk the UTI” kind of way but also. dean being the hot girl bottom between two tops who hate each other. I really. whew. I need to go take a shower.
S8 EP17: if I get canceled for including the crypt scene on this list I blame you bud. but dean on his knees begging a brainwashed cas to stop killing him WAS sexy. how many times has dean been on his knees in this list wait there’s another one coming up next jsldjfsldkjf
S9 EP2: abaddon getting dean on his knees (YEAH) and pulling his hair and praising him for always coming when called HELLO???? the only thing that ruins this is dean says “I can’t tell if we’re gonna fight or make out” because this is the CW and they won’t let him say fuck
S9 EP6: ah. this entire episode is Emotionally Horny but the horny horny part is when they’re in the car and dean is telling cas to unbutton his shirt and. watches. I know this was on my destiel manifesto but I need it here too
S9 EP9: cas, covered in blood, slitting another angel’s throat and eating his grace after getting tortured. that shot alone made me understand why this website was so goddamn horny for misha collins for nearly a damn decade
S9 EP11: MARK OF CAIN BABEY. cain watching dean beat up a bunch of demons as an audition for taking on the mark, while crowley also is a fucking voyeur to the whole thing. cain is also a hot silver fox with daddy energies. I said what I said
S9 EP 16: dean getting the first blade. he’s chained to a pillar and being menaced by a foppish dandy who wants to add him to his “collection” (WOW). dean then kills him with the blade and whew. murder is sexy sometimes
S9 EP21: dean being pinned against a wall by abaddon’s power, then using the mark of cain to break her hold, calling the first blade to him psychically and then killing her. god the mark of cain is hot
S9 EP23: dean waking up with the demon eyes NUT
S10 EP2: demon dean beating up that dude with the boring backstory and kicking his ass. really was a go on baby I got your flower moment because I hated that dude and I love demon dean
S10 EP3: demon dean being chained up and taunting sam about how his brother is gone, then hunting sam through the bunker. demon dean in general was VERY fun for me, someone who loves trash
S10 EP9: dean going berserk and killing a bunch of pedophile rapists/child abusers. I’m sorry I know this show is trying to preach morality at me about monsters and unnecessary murder and humanity or whatever but we blew past that like 8 SEASONS AGO. also the mark of cain is sexy
S10 EP14: the rest of this list is really gonna be mark of cain stuff isn’t it look I’m here to have fun. cain and dean’s fight. cain continuously tossing his mane of hair back and taunting dean with the picture of what he’s going to become, who he’s going to kill. dean begging cain to tell him that he can stop, and then ultimately killing him. rip daddy.
S11 EP4: again I have not watched this however. every shot of this episode is PRESTIGE TELEVISION because driving a muscle car is sexy. and especially the shot of dean all beat to hell and begging his car to start and giving her a little kiss from his fingers to her dash. ugh. masculinity.
S12 EP10: the bearded salt-and-pepper daddy look returns, only it’s an angel this time and he’s wearing a vest and shirtsleeves and he swordfights with a hot redheaded lady in a suit and an eyepatch. this show is good sometimes!!! and oh fuck lol I just realized this is the same guy who played krissy’s hot hunter dad in s7 probably the first guy who’s hotter as an angel than a hunter. huh.
S12 EP 11: dean riding larry the mechanical bull to “broomstick cowboy.” I have no idea where this factors into the ep but I have seen. the youtube clip
S13 EP23: from what I can tell s13 is way more emotionally horny than boner horny, although dean burning cas’ body was sexy. but the horniest part was dean saying yes to michael and then michael taking over and saying “thanks for the suit.” we are going to ignore the silliest fight scene in existence as well as the final shot ending on a FREEZE FRAME like a goddamn tiktok
S14: not gonna pick a specific moment because I have not watched yet!!! but michael dean is hot. idk why michael is weirdly hot and I cannot stand any iteration of lucifer on this television programme. it should be the reverse but I’m forever an older sibling stan apparently. someone who is catholic could probably explain this better.
S15 EP13: genevieve padalecki and danneel ackles fight flirting as ruby and anael I CANNOT BELIEVE THEY HELD OUT ON THIS TILL THE LAST SEASON
I know I am missing things but this is already an absolutely incomprehensible screed. I know I’m missing shit from the latter seasons but give me time I’m pacing myself
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honey-makki · 4 years
Hey Kristen babie! If you fancy it how about the nsfw alphabet for Daichi (cause you know i’m a hoe for him and him only) ily💛
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congrats for requesting my first full alphabet request! i word vomited and this is what happened! enjoy baby!!
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warnings: impact play, breeding kink, creampie
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A = Aftercare (What they’re like after sex)
This depends. He loves morning sex and after that he is refreshed, cooks breakfast and loves on you a bit before he goes into the station. If it's the weekend or at night? Honestly, he's probably a little lazy. He will give you what you need, if that's a shwoer or food or comfort, but he really just wants a quick shower and to lay up in bed with you and take a nap. That being said, if y’all have a hard scene/session he ensures you are ok before addressing his own needs.
B = Body part (Their favourite body part of theirs and also their partner’s)
You thought I’d say thighs, which yes they are are up there but mostly because of how much you love them, but his favorite part of him is his shoulders. He is just so wide and imposing and he loves the way your hands feel so small against his back. I think he loves hips/thighs. I don’t know if that is his breeding kink popping out or what, but he loves to grip the soft flesh any chance he gets. His hand is always resting on your thigh, and if it's bare, it's even better. 
C = Cum (Anything to do with cum basically… I’m a disgusting person)
He got that thicc cum. It’s barely runny and honestly, he has massive loads. It's hard to swallow it all if he cums in your mouth, but his eyes light up with a lustful glint when he sees you choke it down while his cock is still in your mouth. He loves to watch it ooze out of any of your holes and then push it back in. Whether that means he’s fucking it back into you or just shoving it in with his fingers. Hates using a condom just because he loves watching it come out, but will if you want him to. 
D = Dirty Secret (Pretty self explanatory, a dirty secret of theirs)
He wants to plug you full of his cum. He wants to see you round and plump with his kid. He wants to fuck into you over and over and over again, angling your hips up so none of his seed is lost, and when you’re done, he’s either gonna sheath himself back in you or stuff you full with a pretty little plug. It doesn’t matter if you are on the pill or not, because at least for a minute, he can imagine that you aren’t, imagine how much he wants to mark you as his in the strongest way he can.
E = Experience (How experienced are they? Do they know what they’re doing?)
I think he got laid when he was younger, and then like, didn’t for a long time. He’s probably had one or two long term relationships where they experimented to some degree but I don’t think he has a tone of past sexual partners. He’s very much a giver though, so he is experienced in figuring out exactly what his partners love and how to make them tick.
F = Favourite Position (This goes without saying. Will probably include a visual)
Loves fucking you while you’re both on your side. He just gets to hold onto your thigh thrown over his hip and it’s perfect for lazy slow sex. When you are feeling a little needier he loves missionary, because he wants to see you cry just a few tears from being fucked so good. He does love the opportunity to watch your cunt suck him in with every thrust that isn’t awarded in the other. 
G = Goofy (Are they more serious in the moment, or are they humorous, etc)
Tbh i don’t think this man laughs during sex unless something goes wrong or makes a really funny noise. It’s not that he’s serious and more that he is focused. He’s determined to make both of you feel good and be satisfied. He’s taking in every reaction of yours constantly so he knows what he needs to give you. Faster? Harder? Deeper? Praise? He’s gonna figure it out. Sometimes he gets lost in his own head trying to please you that he forgets himself and pulls himself out of the scene but he’s trying to get better at that
H = Hair (How well groomed are they, does the carpet match the drapes, etc.)
I think he trims once a week or so. He’s always had good hygiene, but now that someone else has to deal with it, he would be super embarrassed if it was an unpleasant experience. If you have a preference he will probably default to that and include it in his routine. He has a thick lil happy trail that he also trims but not as short as the rest. 
I = Intimacy (How are they during the moment, romantic aspect…) 
Again, very focused on making sure you are happy and feeling good. If you are cognizant and coherent at the end, then he didn’t do a good enough job. Likes to kiss you wherever he can reach. Isn’t the most vocal but will remind you how good you are doing every once in a while and how happy he is that you are with him. Is the type of dude to light candles or do something soft and sweet as foreplay just because he loves you.
J = Jack Off (Masturbation headcanon)
Used to jack off before every game. It got out any residual stress or anxiety and cleared his head. If he doesn’t fuck you in the morning he is for sure jacking off in the shower. He doesn’t have to, but it leaves him in a better mood and more focused which is pretty important for his job. I think he’s louder during this than sex because it’s the only time he’s focused solely on him and his pleasure and he can’t help it. Also, imma say it, I think he loves to feel himself up and play with his nipples or ass while he jacks off. 
K = Kink (One or more of their kinks)
Breeding kink- I’m sorry he gives off such daddy dom energy he has to have a breeding kink. I don’t think he would be as forward about it as others but if you bring it up or beg him to cum inside something in him snaps
Mutual/Guided Masturbation- I think he finds it so lewd to watch you play with your cunt or be directed on how to finger yourself. There’s something that just feels so taboo and enticing. He also probably likes it when you are both masturbating together and you’re instructing him. It's one of the only times he lets you give him commands, but only because of the way you cream and fall apart on your fingers watching him get lost in the pleasure
Impact play- He isn’t into brats but he does love to give you a good slap on the ass or thigh. Especially when you get distracted or don’t answer his question. If he’s fucked you a little too hard and you feel a little dumb, he might lightly slap your cheek a bit teasing you about how glossy your eyes are and how messy you look drooling. 
L = Location (Favourite places to do the do)
He has a reputation to uphold. He almost exclusively does it at home. He wants you to be comfortable, and he wants to make sure he can give you the aftercare you deserve. He does love it when you give him head in his car and secretly dreams about getting road head but never would bring it up. 
M = Motivation (What turns them on, gets them going)
He wants to hear you moan (or scream) out his name. The way his ego is boosted when you can’t say anything but his name is unmatched. Bur at the base of it he just loves you and knowing he can make you feel that good has his heart beating a little fast.
N = NO (Something they wouldn’t do, turn offs)
NOT into threesomes. He doesn’t want to share you, call him possessive but you are his and that’s that. He’s a little traditional. I think if you really wanted to you could convince him to let someone watch, but it would be a hard argument and it would need to be someone he both trusts and wouldn’t make it awkward after. 
O = Oral (Preference in giving or receiving, skill, etc)
He is passable. But the longer you are with him the better he gets at teasing you just the way you want. He could stay down there for hours because you sound so pretty and taste delicious, but you would rather get fucked, and who is he to say no? He loves receiving as much as giving, If you let him fuck your face he will fall even harder for you but also is super turned on by you working so hard bobbing up and down to give him a mindblowing orgasm, desperate just to bring him pleasure. 
P = Pace (Are they fast and rough? Slow and sensual? etc.)
He’s fairly medium. His stroke game is pretty consistent for each session. He prefers deep and slower strokes but has no problems fucking you hard into the mattress if that’s what either of you needs. I don’t think he has a thing for marking you up so he’s a little less rough than you would expect. 
Q = Quickie (Their opinions on quickies rather than proper sex, how often, etc.)
No. You deserve more than a quick fuck. If you beg he’ll take you around the corner and finger you roughly until you cum or if he has the opportunity to fall to his knees and slip under your skirt. But he won’t fuck you. He will find a reason to leave an event early or show up later before a full-blown quickie. `
R = Risk (Are they game to experiment, do they take risks, etc.)
He is not into public sex, but he is absolutely down for experimenting in the bedroom, but only if you bring it up. He wants to make you feel good and if you want to be choked, or manhandled, or edged he will comply. Will only bring up things he wants to try like breeding kinks or anal play if you directly ask him.  
S = Stamina (How many rounds can they go for, how long do they last…)
He can do a solid two rounds but has good control over not letting himself cum until you are satisfied or begging for it. Has a super long refractory period but will eat you out if you want more He also loves to lightly tease you until he can go again with light lingering touches or a gruff voice in your ear that leaves you squeezing your thighs together. 
T = Toy (Do they own toys? Do they use them? On a partner or themselves?)
He didn’t own toys until he got together with you. He has a few different vibrators he likes to use, especially when you are being a brat. Partial to the one with a remote and loves leaving you full under his control and unaware of when he’s gonna change it up
U = Unfair (how much they like to tease)
He doesn’t tease often. Mostly when he wants to build up your neediness between sessions. You are thankful he doesn’t do it often because he is way too good at it and would be a problem if he did it frequently. He knows exactly how to press into your back, or play with a strand of your hair that leaves you needing more
V = Volume (How loud they are, what sounds they make)
Ok so he isn’t very vocal but he can’t help the grunts and heavy breathes that fall from his lips. When you squeeze around him sometimes he laughs a little or gives a tidbit of praise. He knows that it will make you squeeze again if he does and shit, it does feel good, and you deserve every bit of praise he gives.
W = Wild Card (Get a random headcanon for the character of your choice)
The most public sex you’ve ever had was a day he was practicing in the college gym and when his teammate left you watched him clean up. But god the sweat rolling down his bare back was about to drive you wild. The energy he had spent practicing didn’t hold a candle to his need to bend you over the bench and pull your skirt up. Both of you were happy he took the initiative and pulled you into the shower with him. You didn’t get caught per se, but you do think his teammate heard you screaming out his name when he came back for something because the next time you saw him he couldn’t make eye contact.
X = X-Ray (Let’s see what’s going on in those pants, picture or words)
Captain of the coke can cock club. That shit is THICK. It’s not super long, just under 6 inches, but that’s honestly a blessing because you can barely take him as is. Your lips stretch an obscene amount, hurting almost instantly when you take him in your mouth and you can tell that he loves watching you struggle. He is a veiny mf tho and you can feel every single one because of how full you always are. Also, sorry he has big breeder balls that are so heavy when he’s close. If he’s fucking you from behind it almost hurts when they slap into your clit. 
Y = Yearning (How high is their sex drive?)
I think his sex drive is moderately high but he’s just as satisfied to jerk off in the shower. It’s less about the sex and more about the levelheadedness he’s left with after. Don’t get me wrong, he will take the opportunity to bury his face or cock between your legs, but if that doesn’t happen too often that’s ok with him
Z = ZZZ (… how quickly they fall asleep afterwards)
Daichi makes me think of a bear. After taking care of his responsibilities (you) he’s gonna hibernate. Clinging onto you while he takes a FAT nap. If it’s the morning he’s left fully recharged but literally any other time of day, even lunchtime, he’s gonna be super sleepy after.
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Prompt: “what happened to your clothes?”  “I think i’m falling in love with you.” “I think ive always known, deep down, i think i’ve always loved you.” 
Dean x Reader
Warnings: Swearing, somewhat detailed sex scene, iunno not much really. 
A/N: Sorry it’s so long, i had this idea and thought it’d be a fun read. Enjoy :)
Dean sat on your bed, mindlessly watching and waiting as you hid in your closet, dress after dress, skirt after skirt flying out, one almost hitting him in the face. He caught it mid air before tossing it down next to him. 
“I don’t know why you’re getting so worked up, its just a few drinks at the bar, Max already knows you, you dont need to impress him, he already likes you.” Dean spoke, watching as you popped out from your closet, three different shirts in your hands.
Dean was your best friend, you had met him and Sam as a child, your fathers had been hunting partners for a few years, always leaving you and the boys at bobby’s to cause trouble for the old man. You could still hear bobby’s voice sometimes, demanding Dean stop influencing you with his schemes. 
His buddy Max had run into him at the bar last week while you guys had stopped in during a hunt and they had caught up for hours, you had connected with Max off the bat, and when he’d asked you out, you were skeptical, see deep down you always knew Dean was your guy, your never ending crush on him had turned into deeper feelings years ago, you tried to deny it for years, and definitely never told him, but when Dean had convinced you to give it a shot, go out on ONE date with a guy he knew and liked, you gave in, never being able to say no to him, i mean, to be fair you hadn’t been with a man in over 2 years and you could use a night out, maybe even some quality time in bed with a good looking guy, plus, Dean trusted him, and that was enough.
“Dean, i haven’t been out with a guy in 2 years, i’m not going out with a guy looking like a swamp monster, first dates are everything, and looking your best can make or break the date.” You huffed, holding out a shirt to him for an opinion, he shook his head, grimacing. 
“First, you never look like a swamp monster, you’re stunning no matter what, you hardly have to work at that, secondly, that’s an old ratty tshirt you stole from me, really?” He pointed at it, now realizing he was right, why the hell you were even suggesting this. It was time to pull out the big guns. You sighed, hiding back into your closet, you had to have something date worthy. 
Dean had popped away, grabbing himself a beer, giving himself a break from outfit advice. You were his best friend and he wanted nothing more than to see you happy, even if it meant trusting Max to take you out on a date. It was one date, it’s not like he was stealing you away forever. He had always had a soft spot for you, you were his first kiss as a kid and he’d looked out for you ever since, and even though he trusted Max, seeing you get all worked up over a guy that wasn’t him still didn’t settle well with him, but he shoved his feelings down and tried to be as supportive as he could. 
He walked back into your room, realizing you were finally working on your makeup, you were slightly bent over your bathroom sink, reaching closer to the mirror as you did your eyeliner, truth be told, he loved when you did that black wing thing, it enhanced your big E/C eyes and drove him nuts everytime. He looked you over, realizing what you finally had chosen to put on, a shorter than he’d like black leather mini skirt, a matching leather shirt thing that looked similar to a bra more than anything. He cleared his throat. 
“What happened to your clothes?” He asked, raising an eyebrow at you.
You finish your eyeliner before walking past him, fetching lipstick out of your little makeup bag before making your way back to your bathroom, “What do you mean? Theyre fine.” You spoke, applying your lipstick as he piped up.
“I mean like, where’s the rest of it?” he sassed and you rolled your eyes as you walked back into the room. “It’s not that bad is it? It’s literally all i can find that isn’t covered in holes, old blood or stained monster guts.” You looked down at yourself, smoothing out your skirt. Dean cleared his throat as he eyed you properly, trying hard to calm his way out of a boner. 
“Uh, no, no i’m just teasing, you look incredible.” He smiled, nodding, you shoot him a innocent smile, “Better, Winchester. Much better, right answer.” You shoot him a small wink and he chuckles. He had come a long way on talking to women because of her, she helped him realize as a teenager and a young man that he didn’t need to be vulgar or gross to pick up women and he’d learned a long time ago thanks to her that chivarly was key.
He watched as she put on her coat, Max waiting by the door to take her out, she gave him a little wave as she told him not to wait up, she’d be fine. 
“Be safe, have fun.” He smiled as she walked out the door, his internal groan coming out of his mouth and he kicked himself for being too scared to ever make a move himself. He’d liked her since they were teenagers, but he was too stubborn to do anything, his fathers voice telling him hunter relationships never worked. 
The night had been a blast so far, you and Max were having a great time chatting, dancing and enjoying each others company at the bar, he was sweet, nice and had a good view on life and hunting. He told you entertaning stories, some even involved moments he and Dean shared as young teenagers hunting together, being boys and trying to get girls, Max pranking Dean. They had a good friendship and you were happy Dean had someone besides you and Sam he could pal around with. 
You had moved to his truck a while ago, the mix of alcohol and pure need affecting you both as you made out like teenagers, the windows began steaming up, it was an unusually warm evening in lebanon and you were thankful you wore this outfit or would have soaked right through it from the heat. 
His hand moved freely on your thigh and you straddled him, his back against the backseat of his pick up with you on his lap, dry humping him like some silly teenage girl who hadn’t had sex yet, you made the first move, desperate to feel a mans touch, it had been so long. 
You yank your top off, nothing but some nipple covers to cover your exposed breasts, Max lets out a soft moan, “Beautiful,” he mumbles while he kisses softly around your skin, he slowly peels off the covers off you and his mouth lands on your nipple and you let out a louder Moan than you want to but it doesn’t seem to bother him. 
Before you know it, your both down to nothing but your underwear, you reach down and pull down his boxers, reaching a hand in and grabbing him and placing him at your entrance, you’re already so turned on you don’t need foreplay tonight, not when you’re this sexually frustrated. 
You sink down on him slowly, and you both moan out, yours comes out as more of a shout, and you begin to move, slowly at first before changing into a soft but faster bounce, he’s making sounds, you know that for fact but you’re so distracted by the feeling of pure pleasure you haven’t felt in so long you aren’t even fully aware of what’s happening, you let out a shout, and before you know what’s happening, it all suddenly just stops.
You come back to reality and notice Max has pushed you off, he’s pulling his pants back on and avoiding your eye. Oh for fuck sakes, you haven’t even came close to your release and Dean set you up with a 2 minute one pump chump. You were going to kick his ass. 
“What’s wrong? are you done already?” you ask, his looks at you, letting out an exasperated huff before licking his lips and shaking his head. “I’m sorry Y/n, i don’t think this is going to work out, besides, you shouldn’t really sleep with a guy if you’re not going to rememember his name.” He scolds, glaring at you before he shoves his shirt on and climbs out the back, you put your skirt and shirt back on, deciding to skip the panties all together.
“Hey! I do remember your name, it’s Max, i’m not stupid!” You yell at him, angry now that he would even suggest that. Max turns to you, glaring, “Oh yeah, then next time maybe you should try screaming my name out and not Dean’s, jesus christ y/n, if you want him that bad just go fuck him, i doubt he’ll say no!” He shouts and you stand frozen. 
“What? Dean?, i didn’t...I don’t-” you stutter, he cuts you off. “It’s kind of obvious y/n, you screamed his name for a reason, you obviously have lingering feelings for him, and im not going to be your pitty fuck.” He sighs, he ushers you into the passenger seat, offering to drive you home in what is the most uncomfortabe, quiet, embrassing drive home ever. 
You slam the bunker door closed, worst date ever. You make your way past Dean and Sam in the library as you try your hardest to avoid them, especially Dean, you were embarassed enough, you didn’t need to face him right now, and you sure as hell hoped Max kept his mouth shut about it too.
“Y/N? That you? “ You hear Dean call out but you avoid answering, flying past them to your room before slamming the door shut. 
Dean’s eyebrows furrow.
“I guess the date didn’t go well then.” Sam speaks out, looking over at Dean. He shrugs, before getting up and walking towards your room
He knocks on the door softly, “Y/n, you okay? did Max do something cause if he did i’ll beat the living crap outta him.” He calls out, he can hear your sniffle, he sighs, before softly opening your door. You’re cuddled up in bed, watching your favorite episode of golden girls as you cry softly. He sighs and heads over, sitting on your bed. 
“Bad date?” He asks and you shrug, “Something like that.” He gives you a soft smile. “Want to talk about it?” He asks and you shake your head. “No, i just wanna forget it.” You speak, he notices you never meet his eye. He nods and agrees to leave it alone, he joins you quietly, watching tv with you but giving you your space. When you finally fall asleep, he goes to bed himself, but not before shooting Max a text. 
“Whatever the fuck you did man, she’s upset, and if i find out you hurt her, i’ll kill you.” 
It’s two weeks later when things finally come out, you haven’t spoken to Max since that night of your date. The bar is busier than usual, a few more college kids then there usually is but it is spring break, most of them are probably home for the much needed time away from school work. 
Dean is at the pool tables, hussling some airhead jock out of pool money. You watch and laugh when he heads over to you, cash in hand. 
“Ha ha, stupid brainless jocks. Always so much fun seeing how much of daddy’s money i can get out of them.” He chuckles, setting the money back in his pocket. You roll your eyes but smile. Why did you put up with this dork. 
Before you know it, someone is calling out for Dean. “Yo, Dean!” You both turn to spot Max, waving Dean over for a game. You swallow, nervous that the details of your date will come out, you still weren’t fully over it, and you dreaded Dean ever finding out, he’d never let you live it down and he really didn’t need a bigger ego. Luckily Max hadn’t noticed you yet. 
Dean motions he’ll play one round and be right back and you try to give him a smile, dreading this inside. Just don’t ask him about the date, you interally tell him, even though he’s long gone and can’t hear it. 
You sip your drink, asking for another one and you try to keep your cool at those two being in the same room all of a sudden. 
One game had turned into 4 and before you knew it, the two guys had captured a crowd, some betting on Max and some on Dean. It was becoming a friendly competition between the two boys. 
“Aw come on Max, don’t be a sore loser, i’m sure you can come back from that.” Dean teases, watching as Max lines up his next shot. 
“Easy for you to say Winchester, tell me, do you ever get sick of being a pompous prick?” Max winks at him and Dean smiles, “Eh, Sometimes, but then i remember how fun it is to watch you lose and its all worth it.” Dean chuckles, Max suddenly isn’t in a joking mood and he shoots, it goes in, he gets a few more and Dean’s actually surprised. 
“Not bad, man. You’re getting better.” Dean smirks, “Still no match for me though, i always win.” Dean leans in, takes a shot and gets his last three balls in, He lines up with the 8 ball, looks up at Max, and smirks, then his eyes find you, sitting behind Max a few tables down and he shoots you a wink, before sinking in his ball. Game over. 
Max turns around, realizing who Dean winked at, he turns back around, slamming his pool stick down. “Good game, I’m done, guess you won Dean, you got the money, and the one girl i’ve liked in a really long time, guess you always do win, huh?” He spits out, a bitter tinge to his voice. He scoffs and walks away.
Dean’s suddenly confused, what the hell was he talking about. He looks over at you, you’re watching the television over the bar, no clue what had just happened, he follows Max outside catching him before he reaches his truck.
“Hey! I didn’t get anything, if this is about y/n, you screwed that up on your own, okay? I had nothing to do with that!” Dean shouts. Max laughs and turns to face him. “Oh bullshit Dee, you have everything to do with it!” He sneers, “I really liked her man, she was cool, but like always, Dean Winchester always gets the girl!” He scoffs, making Dean frown, confused. 
“Y/n isn’t mine! she’s my friend, whatever you did to piss her off on your date was your problem, she didn’t tell me what you did but if you wanted her that bad, you had the chance to fix it!”
“REALLY DEE? Tell me, how the fuck would you fix the girl you like screaming your best friends name in bed when shes with you? Huh? How the fuck do i fix her thinkng about you while she’s fucking me?” He swallows, “Man, forget it, you wouldn’t understand, god forbid that ever happened to you.” He spits, before he’s in his truck, driving away. Dean’s still standing there, more confused than ever.
He finally makes it back inside, his eyes roaming around for you. He finds you in the same spot, the female bar tender chatting with you and making you laugh. Your eyes find him, beckoning him over and he moves.
He finally reaches you and you smile, “I got you another beer. How did the game go? You disappeared.” You ask, and he stares at you, he finally pipes up, and your heart sinks. Oh no. Please no.
“Max seemed very upset when he saw you, what happened on your date again? Why didn’t you ever go out with him again?” He asks, you take a sip of your beer and shrug. “I dunno, he wasn’t my type, just didn’t work out.” You bite your lip, hoping to god he lets this go, you don’t need to relive that embarassing moment. 
He nods, taking a drink of his own beer, “Okay, so he just wasn’t your type, that’s all? It had nothing to do with you screaming my name in the middle of sex?” He calmly points out and you nearly choke on your beer, spitting beer across the bar table, everyone close by stares at you, you turn red, apologizing and grabbing napkins to clean up your mess. 
You turn and face Dean, “He fucking told you!” Dean raises an eyebrow, “In a not so nice way, so it’s true? You really did?” He smirks and you bury your face in your hands, “Oh god...” You call out and when you look back up Dean’s cheesy grin is staring back at you, “Actually, apparently it’s Oh Dean.”
You throw a nice solid punch into his shoulder before you run out of the bar, “Y/n...y/n wait!” Dean calls out but you’re already half way across the bar and out the door. He throws down some cash and chases after you, catching you half way down the road.
“Y/n...” He calls out, “Just leave me alone Dean, i knew you would use this against me, i knew it. You’re a jerk.” You wipe away a tear, he finally reaches you and grabs your arm, turning you to face him. 
“Hey, i didn’t mean to upset you, i’m sorry, i just, i was surprised, that’s all.” He sighs, “Why didn’t you just tell me? I thought Max was the one who hurt you or something.” He speaks softly and you sniffle. 
“it’s embarassing, i didn’t even know i did it, i was so into it and then he just stopped, for a second i thought he’d already, you know, i was disappointed then we got into an argument about it and he took me home.” You shrugged. 
Dean nodded, he was quiet for a while, and then he spoke, revealing something that made even you question if you were drunk.
“I uh, i guess i wasn’t expecting to hear that, and i guess i got a little excited cause iunno i just, i think i’m falling in love with you, and when Max told me i just uh, i guess i was hopeful that maybe it meant you felt the same.” He swallows before going quiet, watching your reaction carefully. 
You nodded, frowning as you realised you weren’t dreaming, Dean loved you, Dean Winchester loved you.
“I think i’ve always known, Deep down, i think i’ve always loved you.” You shrug, “Every since we shared our first kiss, i think part of me has loved you ever since.” You smile, finally meeting Dean’s eyes, the grin on his face tells you all you need to know, this man is crazy about you, always has been.
“oh yeah?” He smiles, reaching out to grab you, you chuckle, leaning up and placing a slow, deep kiss on his lips.
“Yeah, what can i say, you’re just my type.” You smirk and Dean laughs. 
“Well then, why don’t we get back home and i’ll give you a real reason to scream my name.” He smirks, leaning down quite a bit to place wet warm kisses along your exposed neck. 
“You’re never going to let me live that down are you?” You roll your eyes, he meets them and a sexy grin appears on his face. 
“Not a chance.” 
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goblinconceivable · 4 years
braindump: betty/daniel
I’ve been living with them for a while, notes taken, a few stories significantly started but there’s a gelling issue, which I’m hoping is at least partially down to a lack of proper braindumping.  So, in no particular order and certainly not comprehensive:
Frankly I also got too hooked on the last 2 eps, which is likely where I’m blocked.  It’s an abrupt emotional twist for them (esp Daniel), and in trying to make sense of that I’m losing focus on the 4 previous years.
- I’m a little bit obsessed in the scene where Betty tries to convince Matt she’s fearless by pointing out her bang-less-ness.  And then runs into Daniel, who is at that moment half brain-washed, but yet when she asks about her fearless quotient his response is immediate and natural and entirely lacking in irony: “no bangs.”  It’s a tiny little moment that shows how well he not only knows her, but understands her.  Without judgment, without fanfare.  Were I to have a husband, this is the sort of response that would confirm I’d married the absolute perfect guy for me.
- They’re too close for mirroring to be an important indicator, but there are two scenes that stand out in this vein: the first is when Betty thinks he may have pushed Christina down the stares and steals the video.  She’s backing out the door, and he follows, matching her step for step.  I love the direction choices because from her perspective there’s a sense of menace, Daniel as potential villain is stalking her.  But from his guileless perspective he’s talking to her and if she’s moving, so is he.  The second is from the penultimate, talking about Trista, where Betty’s rolling back and forth and he moves with her, rather than simply turning his head.  It signals his full engagement in the conversation, seeking her attention, and is why the scene plays as flirting rather than their normal banter.
- That bulletpoint was getting a bit long, so second point on the flirting is that it plays against Betty shutting down the conversation “none of my business,” leading to the fight over involvement in each other’s personal lives, leading to the revelation that they know each other at that deep personal level so very, very well.  Which was a very clumsy leadup to Daniel’s revelation during Hilda’s wedding speech, that could have been handled so much more deftly but those last two eps were quite rushed, I don’t know when they found out about the shortened season but it feels like they’d planned for more space and had to jab in exposition.
- Becaaaaause: they narratively broke his ‘aha’ moment onto “know you better than you do” while the strength of the message is really in the “do anything to protect them.”  Which is, I believe, where they cut to his softened expression.  Not coincidentally, this is precisely what a lot of fan-readings of the characters focus on: Daniel will do anything to protect Betty.  Bobby might have said he’d throw himself under a bus for Hilda, but Daniel HAS done that for Betty- in fact literally doing so would probably have been easier than publicly shouldering the blame for the Tornado cover and giving away the profits.  Due to the fact that he had time to consider the consequences and did it anyway.
- Which is tidy segue into an admission that I’m flying mostly blind on the Molly arc because I basically skipped all her scenes, but it’s my understanding that Daniel doing this was a pivotal moment for them.  Ie, she was impressed that he did this thing.  I mean, I really appreciate that he spent the whole press conference scene looking for Betty, so the show in no way undercut their relationship.  But then they very clearly built the Molly relationship on the foundation of not only the man Daniel had become due to Betty, but choices he was making in large measure for Betty: it’s not that he saw Betty beaten down and resolved the situation: he was upset but lost, she yelled at him, and THEN he resolved the situation by taking the bullet.  Did I break grammar by ending up with two colon’d clauses in the same sentence?  It’s a braindump, ain’t gotta be pretty.  XP
- Quick sidebar that the same thing happens with Alexis.  She was expecting to come back to one brother, but then listens in on his pep talk with Betty and finds she’s returned to a different brother.  This may be where I got the “an assistant” phrasing, if so, my bad.  But basically, she was impressed with Daniel’s actions, not understanding that it was Betty specifically inspiring his actions.
- Follow that a step further and did Molly ever acknowledge how important Betty is to him?  Legit question.  I think her line here was about him doing it “for an assistant” (?) rather than even “his assistant,” establishing Betty as a non-entity for her.  (Quoting a summary but I think I’m in the ballpark.)  And I’m sure I’d have read about it somewhere if she brought Betty up during their discussion on who he’d date when she was dead.
- Just one last note on Molly, (okay it’s a multi-part though it veers off her as a character) but a possibly incorrect beef is that I hate the Daniel/Molly relationship because there’s no interesting or even real conflict?  It’s perfect?  I’m supposed to think this is magical “true love”?  Molly has apparently been engaged for years to a man she doesn’t really love (and um... that’s lazy not strong), and helps inspire a vengeance filled betrayal by her ex because she’s so awesome everyone loves her?  But she comes out squeaky clean because any emotional cheating on her part is balanced and thus “justified” by Connor falling for Wilhemina.  And then the only “conflict” is that she’s dying, and is perfect throughout it?  That’s...  weak.
-That poem thing WOULD have been an interesting point of conflict but it was resolved by Betty’s intervention, rather than within the relationship.  Which actually is an incredibly interesting beat.  The problem with that being it’s so entirely consistent with the role Betty plays in Daniel’s life that it’s treated as just another beat, as if it doesn’t MATTER that a fundamental moment of intimacy and growth of vulnerability in Daniel’s very important romantic relationship is a door opened by a third party.  There’s a strong argument to be made for something but I broke off to write the next point and now can’t remember what that strong argument is.  I might remember later.  It may have had something to do with Molly being a stepping stone in Daniel’s arc, but the cult-thing was so long and dominating that it didn’t work, it tied him too tightly for too long and coinciding with a loosening of his relationship with Betty there was flailing.
- Quick one: Daniel’s fast-forwarded and time-bounded relationship with Molly is the analog to Betty’s time-limited relationship with Henry.  Which is a discussion I would like Daniel and Betty to have.  Esp. noting that Betty and Henry had issues they worked through together (ice cream foreplay being one.)
- Player!  So going back to a happy place, when Betty’s on the phone trying to fix the apartment situation and the camera pans onto Daniel just leaning against the doorway: this may be a legitimate little moment of “squee!”  There’s so much denial in his laid back attitude at Player, but I still love watching how the informality of the environment reflects in the informality with Betty.  He gives her free reign, and there’s many answers to “why,” and I (almost) don’t want to go into them because I totally adore how this Daniel is basically a College!Daniel only he’s latched onto Betty, who, meanwhile, is just being Betty.  OMG how different his life would have been if he’d met Betty in college...
- Okay I actually don’t feel like going into whys, it’s just an arc to enjoy.  With a small mention of how he TOTALLY was playing with the MODE book and handed it to Betty knowing she’d understand and use it to get them back in.  Such a crazy subtle manipulation, to the point where I’m not sure it wasn’t almost entirely subconscious on Daniel’s part.
- The YETI recommendation letter.  What I love is that this is another time when Daniel fvcks up, but fixes it, and more importantly displays competence and ingenuity alongside authentic caring and effort.  Here’s the thing: YETI wanted Betty, even if it was just a quota thing (which it wasn’t entirely, at least one of the board was generally enthused.)  So all that was necessary was to have them re-label her as from Player.  Daniel knew this and did this.  And told Betty that.  BUUUUT that point was purposefully (by script and character) overshadowed by the gesture of the lengthy rec letter he put significant time into.  Whose real audience was... wait for it...  Betty.  He even did a second draft!  Which is more time and effort and a cleaner product.
-  Also flaking on her practice run.  I also enjoy how he (finally...) bounced back into the office clearly having forgotten her schedule, but having mentally shifted from Molly-space into Betty-space.  He’s enthused, he’s engaged, he’s sort of bantering and I’d like to see where that scene would have gone if she hadn’t immediately gotten the acceptance call.
- So there’s this moment somewhat early on, pretty sure when Betty’s taking the writing class, and wants Daniel to give her feedback.  And he’s all “why?,” coming from his “I don’t actually know what I’m doing” place.  She responds that he’s her friend and wants to know what he thinks.  And he does a little double-take at that word.  Because until that point Daniel totally sees Betty as HIS Friend, and they’ve referred to each other as friends, with a little “f,” and he believes that.  But it wasn’t until this moment that he even considered that HE might be HER Friend.  Presumably because he doesn’t believe he has anything to offer her, beyond the power he holds as EIC and her boss - ie, “here run this show” and other such responsibilities.
- Which is a recurring theme.  Pronounced on relationship stuff especially.  When she asks him for input on the Henry vs Gio situation, when she’s trying to date the playwright.  His response is always “I’m in no position to offer relationship advice/judgment on relationships.”  He sorta dodges the first and is permissive on the second.  I don’t know where to go with that so I’ll leave it (for now).
- When  he was supposed to be in Rio, Betty wasn’t even at MODE, she was working for the “enemy,” and he was sending her regular postcards?  First, they’d have been postmarked in New York and presumably with local stamps, so I’m not 100% on Betty not cottoning on.  But it’s super cute that he was thinking of her when he was incommunicado with literally everyone else.  Did he want her to figure it out (subconsciously)?  It’s an act of reaching out, but also of convincing: he’s created a fictional narrative of being in Rio, fed and embellished by the media and swallowed by coworkers, but it’s through Betty that he’s establishing the fiction in a definitive way.  He wants HER to believe it, because if SHE believes he’s there and having a good time, then he can believe it too, with a small piece of his imagination.
- Same convincing as in Player.  BTW, how did all those messages on her phone work?  He was 99% totally hiding the situation from her.  a) why wouldn’t he just call her from his phone, as he always did in the past?  b) he was creating another fictional space.  Where her “number” was literally on a post-it on his temporary assistant’s monitor.  It’s all play: “call Betty” happens many times, and every one is the act of doing it while knowing that he’s not really doing it.  c) Betty does not point out that he should have been confused he never heard back, or more to the point, that he never heard her voicemail message.  d) he was in a state of limbo waiting for her to come back, nothing is real until she does.  At which point there’s lovely dramatic tension since he both wants her to fix it and get them out of there, and wants to draw her into this new reality and thus make it feel viable.
- 100th Anniversary edition.  I love the idea that he’s hep on her writing his bio because he needs her name, at least, to be next to his.  His identity as EIC is predicated on her being his partner, and needs that shown, even if it’s functionally an “in joke” because it’s not like she can be featured.  In musing over his thoughts while flipping through the book right before deciding to quit, I usually come back to a realization of the transience of the role, but I want it to be a gutpunch of how he assumed, without being aware, that Betty would be next to him in picture, and that’s what they were heading for.
- I’ve actually got through most of my notes, so just a couple more.  Daniel is super impressionable.  He did what Becks told him to in the pilot.  He did what Natalie told him in the cult-situation.  Both against his better judgment - his look after Betty when he kicked her out for being “drama he didn’t need” - that’s the same look when he told her to clock out and was dragged off by the not-16-year-old.  I’m too tired to go check the pilot, but assuming similar look there.  He does what he’s told by anyone telling him to do something, but he WANTS to be rescued from the bad influences, who are so often so forceful.
- Final scene: okay so it turns out quick a lot of my thoughts are trying to understand Daniel.  His growth is blatant and deep.  So a second round will be more Betty-focused.  ‘Cuz I identify strongly with her and don’t have a lot of surface questions about her motivations, but I’m LOST on side of the romantic coin.  And plus she deserves a close look regarding how she grows during the series.
- I watched at least part of the reunion and very much like how AF answered the question of the final scene versus what EM says.  Because I think they each, as actors, see it from the perspective of their characters, which means it was played authentically and grants insight.  AF basically says that she saw it as Daniel coming to say thank you, and how it came down to Betty teaching him that he was good enough.  Which came across a little funny because her phrasing implied they’d never talk or see each other again or something and that’s an alarming finality.  But also implies that Betty really did see moving to London as a significant parting of ways, something that started as soon as she became an editor and their relationship changed.  Probably before.
- She then challenged EM as to why Daniel didn’t say goodbye (as if she didn’t know and hadn’t thought about it?  I’m guessing this was panel performance: asking the question “in character” and throwing the question to the other relevant actor.)  But anyway, EM’s answer was “Because things were just starting.”  Which is blatantly a shippy answer, and he even explains Daniel’s “revelation” as when he “really saw Betty for the first time through and through.”
- At some point in these things you’re like: oh but I thought of something else, and only stop when your brain falls asleep.
- I thought of something else.  And then I forgot it.  My brain is failing!  But not yet failed.
- After Betty gets her braces off there’s this scene near the end, at the shoot.  Daniel sees her and crosses quite purposefully to talk with her.  He wants to banter and share this exciting moment with her.  And the scene goes a little strange when Betty kinda goes “yeah, going now bye.”  I expected more eye contact, a big smile, more conversation.  That’s Betty.  That’s them.  But instead it’s a little awkward so Something Is Happening Here.  Is she self-conscious?  Did she see and hear something in Daniel’s look and comment right after she was detached from the bra and isn’t at this moment comfortable with him?  Is this all fallout from her dream in which she and Daniel slept together/he thought she was a bad person/rejected her only they chose not to explicate this/cut a useful scene/thought I’d get that right away but I’m obtuse?  I don’t think it’s the last one because while I can be horribly obtuse, I don’t think it was coded.  But that’s what the obtuse would say.
- At any rate they don’t pick up on it again, next scene (next ep) they’re back to normal.
- But Daniel does immediately chase after Amanda and let go of her.  Which is payoff for his convo with Betty earlier where she sort of disdainfully asks if he WANTS a more serious relationship with Amanda.  I did sort of wonder if he actually does, but Betty’s judgmentalness is what convinces him he doesn’t.  Usually I’d say Betty understands him so well she knows he doesn’t, but they’re not as close at this point, Betty is living her own life much more, so I dunno.
- But I don’t actually think Daniel was falling for Amanda, or that the show wanted us to think that was ultimately a viable path.  Because of that moment when he’s in a car, calls Amanda, says “I really need to see  you” and she turns him down.  It parallels his text to Betty when Molly died.  One text and Betty came over.  This was an actual distressed voice convo and Amanda doesn’t care enough about him to be there, which is really great development for Amanda even though we don’t see her!  She previously went after Matt when he was in jail, she’s interested in Tyler here, she’s not totally pining for Daniel!
- Daniel of course was using Amanda and their earned if mild emotional intimacy as a crutch, trying to fill the space Betty left.  Also note when Amanda turned him down for sex and he stayed to “hang out,” - this is not supposed to be an analysis of Amanda but I wanna note I like that moment because it felt like she was pleased to think she wasn’t just sex to him, while still being over him romantically. Because she does care about him.
- Or for pete’s...  I have this bad habit of writing notes which I later look at and am like... “huh?”  This is a fic idea, from Daniel’s POV: “Betty had moulded him, often by sheer force of her iron will, into being a man who almost deserved Molly.  And he'd turned right around and become a man who would never deserve Betty.”  And I DON’T REMEMBER WHAT THE SECOND HALF MEANS.  Specifically.
- Wedding dancing.  Happens twice.  Hilda’s wedding, we know what that is.  But at Daniel’s wedding.  I like that he wasn’t 100% Molly focused, ‘cuz, shipper.  And I know why the show had Matt cut in, because gotta keep things moving.  But isn’t it a thing that you don’t cut in on the groom/bride?  It’s their day.  Daniel just sort of nonverbally asks Betty if it’s okay (to leave her with Matt), but can’t help a) thinking he was a bit put out and b) want Molly to see his expression looking at Betty and have some sort of “aha” moment where she - do Molly and Betty have any scenes together?  I don’t remember seeing any and I think I did skim through all the eps, but I need to do that again.
- Ooh, one of the things I forgot en route!  I like that Betty has revolving love interests, because that’s textual argument for Betty never having feelings (romantic) for Daniel.  Which is super, super important in this iteration of the story.  There’s a couple moments - pilot and the first bridge scene - where she arguably has a momentary crush, which quickly settles into a developing platonic relationship.  
- Jump back to Daniel finally seeing Betty as a true equal = romantic feelings.  It’s a thing.  Look my brain is deteriorting and wording is hard!  So there’s two sided imbalance throughout.  Daniel always saw Betty with this veneer of youth, and a great deal of his use for her is helping her “grow into the woman she’ll be.”  And that’s the roadblock in him seeing her as a romantic possibility.  Which was initially quite awesome because he was sleeping with people younger than her, even the “she’s actually 20″ girl was younger than Betty.  And yet always saw her as in many ways more mature and competent than her.  And double-yet he still saw how much further she could, and would, grow.  His belief in her knows no bounds.
- Meanwhile Betty sees him as...  someone who’s also becoming.  Who has great potential.  Bullying him into it if necessary.  And because he’s guided by her, she can’t crush on him, he’s like her pet.  Were she to have a crush, much less fall for him, it would have been horrifying.  She needs to have a moment when she sees him as a true equal, someone who - look, everyone is always still growing so it’s not like he needs to be fully formed, and it’s a little murkier what the moment would look like when she finally sees Daniel “for the first time.”
- ‘cuz as noted, Betty has been there for pretty much every important moment of growth and crossroads in every facet of Daniel’s life.  Whereas Betty consistently had many things and relationships in her life Daniel was not involved in.  She’s always been way more self-reliant (not the word I wanted, is there one that starts with c?)  It’s why they did sort of need to peel away through a chunk of S4, because Daniel needed to learn to cope without Betty propping him up, because it’s like a Miranda-thing:
- “I don’t need Gary.  But I want him.”
- Daniel has to be able to be find without Betty before Betty can see him as a viable romantic partner.  She has to see something she never has before.  Daniel saw that the seedling he’d been protecting was not only strong enough to survive on its own had grown up and bloomed (process begun early in the season when he was being overprotective and she shut that down).  For Betty...  I guess Daniel...  ...  .....  it didn’t happen in the show.  As EM noted, for Daniel, the ending was the beginning.  Because his moment isn’t leaving MODE, that’s just the corresponding moment to Betty shaking him off.  His moment is further down the road when he puts into practice everything he’s learned and ...  something answered in fanfic because it’s spec and I’m tuckered.
47 notes · View notes
abaikgirl · 4 years
Send me a number and a ship for a Friendly Fighting drabble
Ok this one kind of got away from me and I think it’s probably going to be the official sequel to “Lovers at Sunrise, Enemies at Nightfall”, so thank you so much for sending the prompt!
The relationship between Toshinori and Mirai had been complicated for a while. With one of them devoting their life to saving people through vigilante heroics and the other convinced killing was far more effective, it was inevitable that they would implode. 
At first the arguments weren't so bad. Sure, Toshinori was naive and idealistic and Mirai was stubborn and cynical and they would shout and argue for hours, but the make up sex was amazing enough that even those disagreements seemed worth it.
After several months of this, the rosy haze of the new relationship wore off and the arguments had stopped being foreplay and just became arguments. 
It was unclear who was the most foolish that night; Toshinori for asking what Mirai intended to do to his latest target or Mirai for telling him.
"You don't have any right to act as judge, jury, and executioner," Toshinori said.
"Well all three of those have failed this woman, but if you want me to sit back and let her husband beat her to death, I'll be more than happy to comply."
"That's not what I mean. You could report him or arrest him or hell, just scare him a bit."
"All of those routes have been exhausted, Toshi. How do you think I even knew about the case?" 
They were in Toshinori’s apartment and the remnants of their dinner were growing cold on the table. Mirai pushed the food around his plate, anxious to have something else to focus on rather than his rising frustration. 
"I can't let you keep going out there and killing people just because you've decided that's what they deserve. There are laws for a reason."
Mirai scoffed. "Laws? Really? The ones you break every day with your vigilante escapades? Or the ones that ruled a quirkless could never be a hero? Are those the just and fair rules you're referring to?"
Toshinori’s cheeks were red with rage and embarrassment. Mirai knew he would regret the low blow of bringing up his quirklessness and lost dreams, but in the moment he didn’t care.
"You know what I mean," Toshinori began.
"Yes I do. You mean your idealistic bullshit that dictates that if we just believe in people they'll do the right thing." He stood slamming his hands on the table. "Well wake up Toshinori, and stop acting like the people you save wouldn’t turn on you the second they learned of your quirk status--"
"Get out!" Toshinori shouted, standing up so fast he almost knocked the table over. The sound of it scraping on the floor was enough to make Mirai recoil from him. "Out, now!”
So, Mirai had left and for a few weeks they didn't speak to each other. Mirai knew he had crossed a line bringing up his quirk status and Toshinori knew he shouldn’t have yelled at him, but neither of them broke the silence.
Nightfall had been steering clear of the areas All Might patrolled, trying to avoid running into his probably-ex-boyfriend while he was working. Tonight however he found himself on top of an apartment building right around the area All Might was usually patrolling. As much as he didn’t want to admit it, he was lonely. He was tired waking up in the night and reaching for Toshinori only to find empty sheets and even if it was from afar, he wanted to see him again. 
It didn’t take long for All Might to appear. His apprentice Midoriya trailed after him, the little tails on the top of his mask waving in the wind. The mask was clearly meant to imitate the way All Might styled his bangs up into a V, but it only made him look like an enthusiastic bunny. 
Midoriya knew they were fighting. He had even gone as far as showing up at Mirai’s apartment, determined to talk him into resolving. Usually, Mirai enjoyed Midoriya’s company. Occasionally, when he was rambling on about his quirk analysis or recounting one of Toshinori’s many heroic acts, Mirai would muse that if he had Toshinori were able to have a child, he would probably be like Midoriya. He was idealistic, quirkless, and noble like Toshinori, but with Mirai’s green hair and sharp eye for detail.
The day that he had turned up on Mirai’s doorstep, he had felt a rush of sadness at the sight of him. He had missed him, even if it had only been a few weeks. His pride made him force the emotion down and cover it with a cold glare. 
Midoriya had stammered and stuttered his way through what was clearly a pre-prepared statement, telling Mirai that he and All Might missed him and he knew they disagreed on a lot of things but relationships were about compromise and if Mirai would just talk to All Might he was sure that everything would work out. 
Mirai had waited for him to finish before declaring he’d had enough of quirkless vigilantes to last a lifetime and slammed the door. 
Watching Midoriya bound after All Might like an eager bunny made Nightfall feel guilty for being so harsh with him. Maybe he could make it up to him somehow when he and All Might resolved. 
If they resolved. 
Down on the street, All Might was oblivious of Nightfall’s watchful eye and continued his patrol. Midoriya stayed close, scribbling in his notebook as they walked. They had stopped a purse snatcher a few blocks back with a highly unusual mutation quirk and Midoriya was rushing to document it. He was so absorbed in his writing, All Might had to steer him to the right to keep him from walking into a trashcan. 
“Make sure you’re paying attention to your surroundings,” he chided him. 
“Right! Sorry All Might,” Midoriya replied. 
There was an explosion and they both jumped, looking towards the smoking building. “Let’s go!” 
All Might and Midoriya ran towards the explosion. All Might didn’t have a quirk, but even with his average strength, he was able to move the rubble aside, clearing a path inside. Midoriya squeezed through first, his small stature making him perfect for getting in without disturbing the rubble. 
“Look for survivors,” All Might ordered. “And be careful moving anyone that looks like they might be in shock!”
“I’m on it.” 
All Might moved another large slab of concrete to make room for him to be able to get in as well. Just as he put it down, someone punched him in the face. All Might stumbled, tasting blood. He looked up and saw a man with a shaved head glaring at him. 
“You stay out of this,” he barked. “These people deserve to die.”
All Might grabbed him, throwing him into the remaining wall. The man swung at him, making All Might back away. 
“All Might!”
The struggling men paused and turned to see Midoriya. He stood there with a woman leaning against him, her face bloody. 
“Get out of here,” All Might yelled.
The man growled and put his hand to the wall. There was a slight glow from his palm and then it exploded.
The dust was still settling when All Might regained his bearings. He cast around. “Midoriya?” he called. “Midoriya! Where are you?”
There was a weak cough and he saw a tuft of green hair peeking out from the rubble. Running to him, he started to frantically dig him out. He whined in pain. “All...Might?”
“I’m here. It’s going to be ok. Just stay awake.”
“The lady...is she alright?”
Toshinori wanted to laugh and sob at the same time. Of course Midoriya was worried about everyone except himself. He cast around and saw the woman lying on the ground not too far from them. Midoriya must have thrown her out of the way before the building fell on them. 
“She’s fine, thanks to you.”
“Not for long.” 
All Might looked up and saw the man standing over them. He extended his palm towards All Might, that faint glow lighting up his palm again. “I’ll kill you both and then her.”
There was a flash of metal and his hand was cut off with one swipe. Screaming in pain he turned around to face his new attacker. 
Nightfall scowled behind his helmet. “Takahiro Tanimoto, quirk Explosion Touch. You were evicted from this apartment three months ago, I believe?” Nightfall had seen the eviction and harassment reports at work. He never forgot a face, especially not when the person wearing that face was attempting to kill two of the most important people in his life.
He raised his katana, the blade still dripping with Tanimoto’s blood. “You stay away from them or you’re going to lose more than your hand.”
Tanimoto grabbed at him with his remaining hand and Nightfall easily dodged. While they fought, All Might continued to dig Midoriya out. He was limp in his arms, blood splattered across his face. 
Head wounds bleed more than other cuts, he told himself. He’ll probably be fine. I just need to get him out of here.
He picked up him and the woman, carrying them towards the street. The wail of an ambulance could be heard in the distance. 
Seeing his prey getting away, Tanimoto kicked Nightfall in the gut and ran after them. Nightfall had been trying to avoid killing him, but seeing him lunge for All Might and Midoriya, he threw that precaution out the window. 
He stabbed him through his back, slicing right through his heart.
“I warned you,” Nightfall growled, watching Tanimoto crumple to the ground with a twinge of satisfaction. 
The moment Nightfall heard the explosion he called an ambulance. Thanks to his recaution, one arrived on scene before Tanimoto’s blood had even cooled. 
All Might hovered at the edge of the scene, trying to get in the ambulance with Midoriya when they loaded him up. “I’m sorry, sir,” the paramedic said. “Family only.”
“But he’s...of course.”
They told him which hospital he would be at and sped off. All Might felt his knees go weak as he watched the lights fade. Would he be alright? This was all his fault. If he died because of his carelessness…
His legs gave out and strong arms wrapped around him, holding him steady. “Don’t go passing out on me, Toshi.”
He turned and saw Mirai looking up at him. He’d discarded his helmet and katana, stashing them behind a dumpster before the authorities arrived to avoid suspicion. His green hair was ruffled and a few strands of it clung to the sweat on his forehead. 
Toshinori had never been so happy to see him. His eyes stung with tears and he struggled to find his voice. Mirai didn’t wait for a response. “Come on, let’s get you home.”
He leaned against Mirai while he retrieved his weapon and helmet and they walked back to Toshinori’s apartment together. He collapsed on the couch as soon as they entered. 
Mirai remained standing. “I’m sure he’ll be alright,” he said at last. 
His words broke the emotional dam Toshinori had built up and he began to cry. “He was only there because he’s trying to be like me. He’s so strong and kind and he should have never been there in the first place. What if he doesn’t...what if he…”
His words failed him and he sobbed helplessly into his hands. 
It was startling to see him like this. In all their time together, Mirai had never seen him break down. Toshinori was always strong, always smiling, no matter how bad things got. 
Mirai pulled a handkerchief from his pocket and pressed it into Toshinori’s hands. 
“Look, I know things are… complicated between us right now, but I really don’t want to leave you crying alone. Do you want me to sit with you?”
Toshinori sniffed. “…. Please.”
Mirai sat next to him, looping his long arm around Toshinori’s broad shoulders. His large body shook as he cried, Mirai’s handkerchief quickly becoming soaked with tears and snot. Mirai rested his head on Toshinori’s shoulder, listening to his choked crying for a long moment. 
“You shouldn’t blame yourself,” Mirai said at last. “Midoriya is the kind of boy that would have been running into danger with or without your influence. He was lucky you were there today.”
Toshinori blew his nose with a loud honk. “We were both lucky you were there too.” He reached for Mirai’s other hand that was resting on his thigh. 
Mirai relaxed into him, breathing in his familiar scent. “Tanimoto wasn’t.”
“No, he wasn’t.”
“Aren’t you mad that I killed him?”
“It was self defense. He would have killed all three of us if you hadn’t stopped him.”
“Probably.” He rubbed Toshinori’s back, his hand tracing firm, comforting circles into his skin. “I’m sure Midoriya will be alright. His injuries didn’t look fatal. You can trust me on that, since I am an expert on fatal injuries.”
His joke drew a laugh out of Toshinori. “Right, I guess you are.” He lifted their intertwined hands and kissed his palm. “Sorry for throwing you out.”
“I deserved it.”
“I mean it…”
“So do I. I shouldn’t have said those things.” He pulled his hand from Toshinori’s grip to wipe the last of his tears. Toshinori leaned into his hand. He’d missed his touch, his soothing voice in his ear to ease him to sleep. 
“You should get some rest,” Mirai said. “Visiting hours aren’t for another few hours.”
He stood and Toshinori grabbed his sleeve. “Stay?”
“I don’t want to impose.”
“You won’t. Stay and come with me to see Midoriya tomorrow.” He gave him a tearful smile. “Someone needs to protect me from his mother. She’s going to kill me when she finds out I was involved.”
Mirai felt warmth bloom in his chest. “Alright. I’ll stay. After all, I need to apologize to Midoriya.”
“For what?”
“I’ll tell you later.”
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badsext · 4 years
I wish you would write a Leon fic.. that's it. That's the message 😅
Scene Partners: Leon X Reader
Thank you for the request @misskittysmagicportal.  I love Leon.  I hope I’m doing him justice.
Summary: After Leon’s ill fated role as Neil Armstrong in the fake moon landing, he decided that fancy acting classes would be just the thing to launch (pun intended) his career as a serious actor.
Warning: Very irresponsible and spontaneous smut (Please use protection IRL) 18+ and suggested assault of a character within a play.  I hid the smut under the ‘read more’. These warnings make it sound heavier than it is...it’s actually super light and fun.
Johnny looked at Leon incredulously. “Where are you going at 10:00 AM on a Thursday morning?”
Leon looked his best mate in the eye and lied. “The pub, of course.”
In fact, this was the first day in months he wasn’t drunk or high...Alright, maybe just a toke or two to take the edge off. He even washed his hair and put on a turtleneck because that is what serious actors wore. Leon had lied and stumbled his way into a local university Theatre School, financing his tuition with a fraudulent cheque.
It was only an introductory scene workshop for beginners, but after watching the real Neil Armstrong walk on the Moon, Leon aspired to do great things. He arrived at the theatre more or less on time and with an inflated sense of purpose. It smelled like dust and leather and old wood. Framed photographs of former students lined the hallowed halls. Nervousness began to set in. He felt like an imposter, just like he did when Johnny had asked him to impersonate Stanley Kubrick some months ago. Accept this time, the only thing he had to impersonate was a man with confidence. After a brief internal struggle, Leon decided that he would go to the pub after all. There was always next Thursday.
As he reached for the door, a young woman had just entered, shaking the rain off her umbrella. Seeing how cute she was, Leon immediately changed course.
“Are you here for the workshop?,” she asked politely.
“Yes, I am,” he replied with a bashful smile. “I’m Leon.”
When she took off her coat, he saw how she wore a very similar black turtleneck.
“Y/N. Pleasure to meet you, Leon.” She paused, looking up from her cat eye glasses. “I think we might be late!,” she added urgently.  He followed her onto the workshop, sitting beside her in the back row of chairs. His interest in y/n distracted him from the enormity of the theatre and his growing stage fright.
The professor explained the warm up exercises, but Leon learned nothing. He was watching y/n chew on her fountain pen. They started with a series of vocalizations and deep breathing. Leon watched y/n’s chest and diaphragm expand and contract with each concentrated breath. Once she caught him staring, he would look up to the rafters or down at his shoes, thoughtfully scratching his beard. She smiled at his lack of subtlety.
The professor distributed scenes to the students at random. Leon looked down at his script. His stage fright resurfaced as he read the words at the top of the page. ‘Macbeth: Act 4, Scene 1.’ The ‘Second Witch’ part had been highlighted.
The students were given fifteen minutes to rehearse their scenes wherein Leon mumbled and stumbled through his lines. The actresses playing the other witches were good-natured about it, but everyone knew the scene would be shit.
He broke into a sweat as the actors were called to the stage.  His mind was nothing but static at that point.  He watched the actresses move their lips, hunched in crone-like fashion and wiggling their fingers over an imaginary cauldron.  They chanted in unison:
“Double, double toil and trouble;
Fire burn and cauldron bubble.”
When they stopped, everyone looked at Leon.  This was his line.  The last ‘bubble’ just hung in the air while the silence took over.  He gave it his best effort, though his voice was weak and his hands were shaking.
“Fillet of a fanny snake,
In the cauldron boil and bake;
Eye of newt and toe of frog,
Wool of twat and tongue of hog.”
His hands shook with such force that he dropped the script.
“Oh, bollocks - It’s gone in the soup!”  He improvised rolling up his sleeve and fishing it out of the hot cauldron.
“Leon...Leon!”  It took the professor several tries to rouse him from his panic.  “That’s enough, Leon. We mustn't paraphrase Shakespeare.”  The students giggled.   The professor pinched the bridge of his nose and sighed.  “Let’s try something else, shall we?”  
He turned and pulled two scripts from his briefcase, handing one to Leon.  “We need something to build your confidence.  You will play Stanley Kawalski.  He’s a proud, domineering brute.” He beat his chest for emphasis.  “And you...y/n, you will play Blanche, the jealous, simmering sexpot,” he said, casually handing her the other script.
“A Streetcar Named Desire?  Wasn’t that a film with Marlon Brando?,” Leon muttered nervously.
The professor put a hand on each of their backs.  “I’ll read the stage directions.  Don’t think, just use your instincts.”
Leon read the lines with as much bravado as he could muster. “I've been on to you from the start! Not once did you pull any wool over this boy's eyes! You come in here and sprinkle the place with powder and spray perfume and cover the light bulb with a paper lantern, and lo and behold the place has turned into Egypt and you are the Queen of the Nile! Sitting on your throne and swilling down my liquor! I say--Ha!--Ha! Do you hear me? Ha--Ha--ha!”
“Okay, now he walks into the bedroom.”
Y/N cried out a warning as Blanche, “Don't come in here!” 
“That was quite good,” Leon whispered, eliciting a small smile.
“Stanley goes into the bathroom and Blanche picks up the phone.”
Blanche: “Operator, operator! Give me long-distance, please.... I want to get in touch with Mr. Shep Huntleigh of Dallas. He's so well-known he doesn't require any address. Just ask anybody who--Wait! I--No, I couldn't find it right now.... Please understand, I--No! No, wait! ... One moment! Someone is--Nothing! Hold on, please!”  
Leon grinned out of character, so impressed by y/n’s acting.
“Blanch is going mad now, pacing back and forth.”
Blanche: “Operator! Operator! Never mind long-distance. Get Western Union. There isn't time to be--Western--Western Union!  Western Union? Yes! I--want to--Take down this message! "In desperate, desperate circumstances! Help me! Caught in a trap. Caught in--" Oh!
Stanley: “You left th' phone off th' hook.”
“Now he blocks her from the door.”
Blanche: “Let me--let me get by you!”
Stanley: “Get by me! Sure. Go ahead”
“But he only gives her an inch.”
Blanche: “You--you stand over there!”
Stanley: “You got plenty of room to walk by me now.”
Blanche: “Not with you there! But I've got to get out somehow!”
Stanley: “You think I'll interfere with you? Ha-ha!”
Blanche: “I warn you, don't, I'm in danger!”
“He takes another step and she smashes the bottle breaking it.”
Stanley: “What did you do that for?”
Blanche: “So I could twist the broken end in your face!”
Stanley: “I bet you would do that!”
Blanch: “I would! I will if you--”
Leon’s reading becomes increasingly stilted and awkward.  “Oh! So you want some rough-house! All right, let's have some rough-house!”
“He springs out at her.  She swipes the bottle at him, but he captures her wrist and overpowers her.”
The professor read the stage directions, but Leon wouldn’t move, delivering the next bit of dialogue with a sigh of regret.  “Tiger--tiger! Drop the bottle top! Drop it! We've had this date with each other from the beginning!”
“Overpower her, Leon.”
“Oh, I wouldn’t like to do that, Professor.”
“It’s acting, Leon...It’s pretend.”
“I don’t even want to pretend.  Stanley is horrid and I hate him.”
The professor rolled his eyes, disregarding Leon’s protest. Then he clapped his hands together addressing the other students.  “Okay, everybody, that’s it for today.  I want you off book by next week.”
The students started getting up from their chairs and shuffling their things.  Y/N approached Leon who was staring down at the stage with his arms folded.  He looked up anxiously as she leaned in to whisper in his ear.  Meet me in the ladies room in five minutes.
Leon was at first confused, then his eyes widened with surprise when he realized what she meant.  She laughed and swaggered away.
Y/N spotted Leon lurking by the door.  “Leon, that was three minutes, at most.  Luckily everybody left after class.  At least I think so,” she added with a cheeky grin.  “Come here.”  She grabbed his hand and pulled him inside the cubicle.  Do you want to shag?
Leon nodded his head. “Y-yes.”
“I liked what you did today,” she said, removing her knickers.  “It was very chivalrous of you.”
Y/N tilted her head and kissed him.  He inhaled at the contact of her lips.
She pulled back and looked him in his glistening green eyes.  “Go on then.”
“What ‘d ya mean?
“Fuck me, Leon.”
“Shouldn’t I, you know...foreplay?”
“Leon, I’m already soaked.  Get your cock out and fuck me.”
Leon quickly unbuckled his belt and let his trousers fall down around his ankles.  She turned with her back against the partition wall and one foot on the toilet seat.  He lifted her tartan skirt and drove up inside her, groaning at the tight wet sensation. She inhaled through her teeth, clutching  at his shoulders, then wrapping her arms around his neck.  Leon closed the gap between them, his pelvic bone at the base of his cock creating a throbbing pressure on her clit as he thrust.  The hard bouncing rhythm made her glasses fall askew.  She whimpered and moaned as the orgasm pulsed through her, overwhelming her senses.  
“Was that?...Did you?”
Her eyelids drooped peacefully.  “Um hm.”
He smiled, encouraged and continued thrusting.  His eyes shined like Christmas trees. She pet his curls, watching the pleasure wash over his face.
“I’m gonna…”
“Don’t stop, sweetie.”
He plowed into her, releasing his warm seed with a hearty grunt.
“Bravo, Leon,” she smirked.
@bubblyani @elliethesuperfruitlover @super-unpredictable98 @salvador-daley @helena-way07 @chipster-21 @punknatch @slutforrobbiebro
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c-mxian · 4 years
Shangri La no Tori Ch 9
Phi receives a message on his phone. It’s a photo of the lower half of a man’s body (with clothes on) on the ground. Phi seems surprised to see this photo and continues to stare at his phone until Apollo calls him so they can leave to get something to eat.
 They drive around the island with the other guys from Shangri La and hang out at the beach. Apollo is reading a newspaper by himself until Phi appears from behind and asks him what he’s reading. The article that Apollo is reading is about the IT industry (“Speculations of the IT Industry 20 Years From Now, What Lies Ahead of a Market Expansion Is the Lack of Human Resources and Ideas”). Phi says he doesn’t understand a thing and asks Apollo why he’s reading something like this even though they came all the way out to the beach. There’s an article Apollo wanted to read, but Phi snatches the newspaper away from him and tries to drag him away from his seat. The others see this and join in the fun.
 Meanwhile, Marco notices a car in the distance that belongs to the owner of Shangri La. The owner, Jean, is in the car with another man. He receives a call from Patrick, who tries to bring his attention to where the guys are on the beach.
The man accompanying Jean is a man named Lloyd. The others already seem to know him except Apollo. Jean introduces Lloyd to Apollo. He also invites them all to join him and Lloyd for lobster.
 While they are at the restaurant, Apollo glances over at Lloyd, whose eyes eventually meet his. Lloyd asks Apollo how he’s doing at Shangri La and comments that Jean is a troublesome man for making a straight man be a stud (foreplay man). Jean retorts that Apollo is a special intellectual beauty that he found so he treats him with the utmost consideration.
 Apollo asks Marco, who is sitting next to him, about Lloyd. Marco tells him that Jean and Lloyd are a couple who have been together for over 20 years. Apollo is surprised and recalls hearing that same-sex relationships don’t last as long as heterosexual relationships. Marco agrees that what Apollo heard is not entirely wrong, but comments that he feels people in society are slowly starting to be more accepting of same-sex relationships and that just looking at Jean and Lloyd can make one become envious. Apollo agrees as he stares at the sight of the two.
 Skip to the next scene where Phi is in the middle of servicing two customers, Raymond and Donny (I’m just going to go with this romanization). Carna isn’t there so Phi is playing with Donny’s hole to make up for Carna’s absence. Donny is feeling it and Phi tells Raymond that he should use Donny’s hole since it’s already being prepared. Raymond says that he would feel too bad for Donny so he won’t, adding that the reason the reason he came all the way to Shangri La and paid so much money is to see Phi. Finally, it’s Raymond’s turn with Phi. While they are doing it, Raymond tells Phi that Phi’s body is like an addictive; if Phi were to leave Shangri La, he wouldn’t know what to do. Phi assures him that he won’t go anywhere since Shangri La is his home.
 Apollo is waiting for Phi in their living quarters. After Phi returns, Apollo helps him wash up, dry his hair, and put his clothes on. Afterwards, they say their goodbyes and part for the night. Apollo stares at Phi’s retreating figure and thinks back to what happened yesterday. Phi might seem fine on the outside, but Apollo can tell that something bad that happened in the past with Hassan (the name Phi mentioned in the last chapter when he was telling Apollo about his past) is probably still haunting him. He recalls Phi’s words “I might have killed someone” (from chapter 2).
 It’s morning and Apollo is reading a book while Phi is still sound asleep and hugging onto him. Apollo thinks to himself that Phi probably snuck into his room sometime early in the morning and wonders what is going on with Phi since it seems that Phi can’t seem to sleep alone. Apollo strokes Phi’s hair and face, thinking that Phi’s sleeping face is very innocent. Phi finally opens his eyes and Apollo apologizes if he woke up him up. Phi tells Apollo to continue stroking his hair. Apollo eventually asks Phi if something happened, noticing that Phi is biting his thumb again. Phi evades the question and tells Apollo that whenever he sneaks into Apollo’s bed, Apollo would open his eyes for a brief instant and embrace him by becoming his arm pillow and then go right back to sleep. Apollo is at a loss for words. Phi teases that Apollo must have gotten this habit from sleeping with a woman on the same bed and that he’s such a sweetheart.
 (I’m going to type out the following dialogue for this scene because it’s a very important conversation that’s kind of hard to just summarize.)
 “When did you get married?”
 “Why do you want to know?”
 “Last time, I shared my story with you, right? Now it’s your turn.”
 “...We got married 6 years ago.”
 “How did you two meet? How did you two break up?”
 “...You’re very blunt. I hate to break it to you, but none of it is interesting.”
 “It’s fine even if it’s boring. I just want to know more about you.”
 “...I worked as a salesman at an electronics corporation. There was an employee there I often ran into. We dated for two years and got married soon after. One day, I went back home in the afternoon to retrieve some important documents I left there. In the living room, there was a man’s jacket that didn’t belong to me… You can imagine the rest, right?”
 “Ah I see. So you beat him up and got charged with inflicting bodily injury.”
 “Ever since that day, we would continue arguing and hurting each other with our words. There were many things I didn’t need to say that I ended up saying. She also said many horrible things. The argument would end whenever I found myself at a loss for words. This would continue every day for many months… Eventually, even though she had been someone special to me, I came to lose the feelings I once had for her. So I took off my wedding ring. Even when we were to sign the divorce papers, she still refused to do so.”
 “Why do you want to get a divorce?”
 “I mean, your wife only slept with him, right? He probably means nothing to her since she’s refusing to get a divorce, right? You seem to really place a huge importance on sex. You don’t like it when the other person sleeps with another guy?”
 “I...can’t think the same way as you. I was betrayed by her…”
 “It’s betrayal because you’re fine with just one person?”
 “...Of course. I mean, isn’t that how it is?”
 Phi thinks back to what Douglas (Apollo’s friend who visited him in an earlier chapter) told him before: Apollo is exhausted and escaping from reality. It’s like...a big hole has opened in his heart.
 Phi touches Apollo’s chest, where his heart is located, and says, “...there’s no one here right now, right? Losing someone important to you so that a big hole opens in your heart… But here, it means that there’s room for another person now, doesn’t it?”
Apollo is at a loss for words. The two of them continue to stare at each other until Apollo breaks the silence, saying he’s going to go wash his face.
 The chapter ends with Apollo thinking to himself while washing his face.
I will try to finish the summary for chapter 10 before the release of chapter 11 in Canna 74 and the second volume on October 28th. You can buy the currently released chapters on cmoa, ebookjapan and renta.
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katefiction · 4 years
Highgrove Tides (smut)
by katefiction (Maria) / 2012
Disclaimer from Maria: I never wanted my adult stories to see the light of day again! But I’ve been told some people want to read them. I want to make clear that I’m absolutely mortified with embarrassment at these adult fictions. They make me cringe into the depths of my soul and I think the sex scenes and dirty talk are awful. But there we go. Enjoy!
The beat of the music bounced off every room in Highgrove house. Inside the cellar, at ‘Club H’; a selection of hip hop, classic pop and African drum beats entertained the fifty guests, who were attending William’s ‘Out of Africa post-party’.  The night before, 300 guests had attended William’s official 21st birthday party at Windsor Castle, but tonight, Will had just invited his closest friends for a night of unadulterated drinking and fun.
It was 2am as Kate walked bare foot through the garden with a towel wrapped around her. Once round a corner, the large swimming pool came into view. William’s father had told Kate about the pool the night before at Windsor. Citing it as a good hangover cure, he welcomed Kate to use it tonight if two nights of drinking became too much.
The pool was large and almost rectangular, apart from at the shallow end where it curved. Kate stood at the deep end, which was closest to the house. Looking up, she gazed at the large arch structure covering the pool. It made it appear like a tunnel, open at each end. Covering the inside of the arch were dark blue and red tiles, with accents of gold running through them. ‘What a way to swim’, Kate thought.
She dipped her toe in the pool, and immediately shrieked at the cold temperature, sending echoes of her squeal all around the pool’s arch.  Hoping no-one had heard, she pulled her hair up into a bun, and dropped her towel, revealing her while bikini and toned physique. Sitting on the edge of the pool, she slid in, shuddering, but was determined to get used to the temperature. After doing a couple of laps, she was warm enough and lay on her back, kicking her legs gently to keep her afloat.
As she admired the design above her, she realised how grateful she was to Charles for allowing her to use the pool. It really was relaxing, with minimal, soft lighting, and gave her time to reflect on last night.
William and her had slept together just a handful of times. They were still getting to know each other, but Kate was starting to wonder whether he was really that interested. In short, the sex was standard, but not mind blowing.
Last night, Jecca had been the guest of honour at Windsor Castle, and after watching the way William attended to her all night, Kate was inclined to believe that she just wasn’t exciting enough compared to the mysterious girl from Africa.
She liked Will, more than she cared to admit, but she was still nervous around him and especially so when they got intimate, despite the fact she wanted to show him everything she had.
‘Kate? Kate!’ Kate was certain she could hear hear name being called, despite the water making it muffled. She felt a splash of water hit her face, and she bolted to attention, standing back upright.
‘You scared me half to death!’ She gasped, as she saw William crouching next to the pool, drinking a bottle of beer, and grinning.
‘Well, you wouldn’t open your eyes’, he said, laughing. ‘What are you doing in here anyway?’
Kate blushed. ‘Just taking a break. Char… um, His Royal Highness gave me permission, I promise’
‘His royal highness?’, William raised his eyebrow sarcastically, ‘you mean my father?’
‘Well, yes, I…’ She was embarrassed. She still wasn’t sure what to call Charles in front of William.
‘Alright goody two shoes, “your dad” would do just fine’, he teased. Kate smiled. She was glad he had broken the ice.
‘What’s the water like?’ he asked.
‘Freezing when you first get in, but lovely now- what are you doing?’
William had got up and began removing his clothes. ‘You said it was lovely’. With all of his clothes off now, apart from his boxers, he bombed feet first into the pool, causing an enormous splash to soak Kate’s head.
She screamed, and as he emerged said, ‘should you really be jumping in a pool when you’ve been drinking?’
‘Calm down goody two shoes! Don’t you ever do anything reckless?’ He said, swimming around her in a wide circle.
‘Yes, of course’ She said, trying to appear relaxed.
‘Prove it’, he said ‘Streak around the garden.’
‘Absolutely not! Try something less humiliating’ she laughed.
‘Alright’ he said, getting closer to her. ‘How about you get naked in the pool then?’
The was a painful pause between them, until Kate finally broke the silence, ‘don’t be stupid’ she said turning away. She was suddenly all too aware that she was wearing a bikini.
‘Have it your way’,  William smirked as he swam past her, brushing his leg against hers. The hairs on her body stood up as she felt a spark shoot through them.
A mixture of adrenalin and two days worth of alcohol buzzed through Kate’s head. She couldn’t deny William’s body was quite something, toned and strong from polo playing, plus he was tall with it. As she watched him swim laps of the pool, his muscular arms and legs sweeping through the water, she felt a flush of desire as she imagined the rest of his body, something that was usually confined to under the sheets in a darkened bedroom.  
William kept an eye on Kate as he swam. She was leaning against the edge of the pool watching him swim. He was horny, and that white bikini wasn’t helping. He swam underwater to the centre of pool and emerged looking out onto the house’s vast grounds.
He’d just forget about it, he decided, Kate wasn’t the type to do something like that, when he heard Kate swim up behind him. From behind, she wrapped her arm around his stomach under water, her fingers bent, she caressed his torso with her knuckles, ‘don’t call me goody two shoes’, she said close to his ear.
William span around to face her. Kate leant up and brushed her lips against his, kissing him once.
‘Well that was a surprise’,  William  grinned, Kate was never usually this forward in public.
She kissed him again once on the lips, and he responded by returning a kiss. Their eyes were locked together.  William placed his hands firmly on her waist, and pulled her in for another kiss. But she was in the mood to tease him, pulling her head back each time as he only managed to brush her lips with his.
‘Stop it’ he growled.
‘Make me’ she teased.
William let go of her waist and lifted her up from under her thighs, placing her legs around his waist with ease. She wrapped her arms around his neck, and he held her up under the water. There in the middle of the pool, with her legs wrapped around him, Kate let William kiss her. It was gentle at first, but as he slid his tongue in, it became harder and more intense. Kate pushed her crotch into his, and soon they were kissing deeply for what felt like ten minutes, bodies entwined under the water.  
‘God, I want to do so many things to you’ William  whispered, releasing himself from her mouth and moving on to her neck, licking and kissing at it.
‘Like what?’ she asked, her eyes closed enjoying William ’s tongue on her neck ‘just for arguments sake’.
Will set her down on the pool floor and cupped both of his hands around her breasts. ‘Well I’d start here’, he said stroking them slowly. ‘And then I’d…well you don’t need to know that, you’re far too well behaved to hear it…’
Kate smiled innocently, but the desire in her eyes gave her away. She reached her hand under the water and rubbed his cock over his boxers.  William’s jaw twitched. Not wanting to lose this game they had going or show her just how turned on he was, he said ‘is that the best you can do?’
‘You’re a twat’ she said pouting her lips, and William let out a dirty laugh.
Reaching behind her neck, she undid her bikini straps and they fell over her front.  Will licked his lips. She reached behind her back and undid the clasp with a snap, letting the top fall away, and revealing her round breasts bobbing on the water’s surface.
‘Is that good enough?’ she asked.
William cleared his throat ‘ugh…it’s a start’. Kate’s nipples were large and hard with arousal.
‘I like them being licked’ she said, biting her lip. Foreplay had been limited in their few past sexual encounters, but the truth was Kate loved it.
He crouched down immediately, his head still above the water and clasped his mouth around her breast. His tongue worked in circles, licking and sucking at her tight nipples.
‘Oh, that’s good’, she moaned as he moved on to the other one. Despite being in water, Kate could feel the warm rush of her cum throbbing out of her.
‘Will, let me make you hard’, she whispered and he stood up. Taking his hand, she led him to the side of the pool, where it was shallow enough to stand, but deep enough so the water reached their chests. William backed against the wall and she closed in on him. Pulling down his boxers, she grabbed his cock and began to rub his shaft up and down.
‘Oh fuck..’ he groaned, his cock growing hard in her hand. He pulled her head in to kiss her, as her hand rubbed at his penis and played with his balls.
‘Are you going to admit you were wrong about me now?’ Kate asked, releasing his cock. Despite being hard, William still managed to tease her, ‘never’, he said.
‘Fine’ Kate huffed. She took a breath and slid under the water.
Beneath the water, his cock looked even bigger than it was. It was long, thick and strong, just like the rest of his body. With a skill  William had never experienced, Kate held on to his penis, and keeping her breath, swirled her tongue around the tip, sending shockwaves up his body.
Kate broke back out of the water ‘I guess if you still refuse to admit you were wrong…’ She turned and began to swim away, but William grabbed her from behind, his cock hard in her back.
‘Ok, I admit it’, he said licking under her earlobes. ‘Now suck me properly.’
William pulled himself up so he was sitting at the edge of the pool. Kate took his cock and wrapped her tongue around the length of it, running it lightly up and down. Knowing he was close already, she flicked at the slit of his tip, while she looked him in the eyes. Will clenched his jaw as he felt himself about to explode, ‘bloody hell…’ he moaned, and with a final pull using her hand, he came into her mouth.
William slid back into the water, breathless. He wanted nothing more now than to tease Kate until she screamed. Reaching down, he pulled her bikini bottoms to one side and began stroking her. Her warm cum covered his fingers and he said ‘you really want it don’t you?’
‘Mmm hmm’, she replied, unable to form proper words as William caressed her wet lips. He grinned, pleased at how receptive she was to his touch. Kissing her on the lips, he slid his tongue inside her mouth and simultaneously slid both fingers inside her pussy.
‘Uhhh’, Kate cried out as his fingers entered her. He curved his fingers inside her, stimulating the walls of her pussy, and making her respond ‘right there, keep it there…’
‘I’ve got a better idea’ he said. She was all his now.
‘Don’t stop!’ she pleaded as he removed his fingers, rubbing her cum on his cock. He knew he’d have no problem getting hard again after this. He peeled off her bikini bottoms, and they floated away across the pool.
‘Over here’ he said directing her to the shallow end, furthest away from the house. A ramp, rather than steps formed the beginning of the shallow end. Kate lay down on it, on her back, letting the water lap over her naked body.
‘Haven’t you teased me enough?’ she asked.
‘Not quite’ Will growled back, pulling her legs open. His tongue lapped up her cum, pushing it up to her clit, making Kate groan.
‘You like that?’ he asked, feeling his cock stiffening again. He ran his tongue over her clit, gently at first, then harder.
‘Will please!’ Kate moaned
‘Please what?’ he said, reaching up to pinch her nipple.
‘Fuck me!’
She gasped as his tongue thrust inside her. It was wet but rock hard, an experience new to Kate. She had never been fucked with a tongue. Grabbing his hair, she screamed out, sending echoes all over the pool. As William thrust his tongue in and out of her pussy, he felt it tighten and knew he needed and wanted his cock in her before she came. Pulling his tongue out, he sat up and watched Kate’s body quivering with pleasure.
Her pussy was tingling. ‘I need to come’ she said desperately, sitting up on the ramp now too. She pulled him towards her and kissed him hard on the mouth, caressing his body with her hands. Every touch of her bare skin on his cock made it grow harder.
‘Come with me’ Will said, fully erect.
‘Where are we going?’ Kate replied as he moved away.
‘I’m going to fuck you’ he said with dead seriousness in his expression. They moved to the centre of the pool again, Kate backing against the edge.
‘I’m gonna do you hard, are you prepared for that?’ he asked, stroking her nipple with the back of her hand.
‘I want that’ Kate replied as his penis nudged at her thighs.
‘Yeh?’ He said, brushing his lips over her neck. ‘Tell me how you want it.’
‘Hard’ She said, so wet, her pussy practically begging for him.
‘No, Kate, tell me EXACTLY what you want me to do to you’. William was ready, but he loved hearing how much she wanted him.
‘I want you…I want your cock to…I want you to fuck me hard against this wall…I want to cum all over you…please Will…’ Kate pleaded.
William couldn’t take it any longer. As she spoke, he pulled her legs apart, plunging his cock deep into her.
‘Ohhh!’ Kate moaned loudly, wrapping her legs around his waist. He drilled her with military precision as the water lapped over her pounding clit sensually.
‘Tell me again…’ Will groaned, pushing hard into her.
‘Fuck me! Fuck me Will!’ she screamed.
He increased his pace, holding her arms down to the edge of the pool, so he could get as deep as possible.
Kate continued to hold on to the edge of the pool as William leaned slightly back where he stood and held the back of her thighs for more leverage. Rather than doing all the thrusting, he stood still in this position and pulled Kate to him, then pushed her away again, letting the water’s natural movement aid him. Kate’s body was stretched our and her pussy slid easily over his rigid dick.
‘I want your cum all. Over. My. Cock.’ Will said, using every pause to pound into her, seemingly pounding to the drums beats coming from the house.
‘More!’ Kate cried leaning her head back on the edge of the pool.
‘More?’ Will asked dirtily, leaning over and biting her nipple. ‘You’re so fucking horny’
‘Faster… ohh…my pussy’s so wet for you…fuck me faster…’ She groaned.
William obliged, grabbing her butt under water and fucking her in short, sharp, fast thrusts. Kate felt her pussy buzz with the speed.
His cock rubbed against her walls.
Every part of her body stood to attention as the pleasure broke over her.
‘I’m gonna come, yes…oh…fuck…’
Her toes curled over, as the orgasm burst over her body.
‘Fuck me! Oh fuck…. fuck me..YES..YES! She screamed as she came, her cum flowing all over his cock.
‘Jesus, Kate!’ William was close behind, and as he felt her fresh cum spill over his tip, he came hard once again, sending bursts of cum into her.
As William set her feet back on the floor, Kate whispered ‘that was…’
‘I know’ Will finished the sentence. ‘You’re full of surprises aren’t you?’
Kate smiled feebly, too weak and still coming down from the orgasm. Will jumped out of the pool, and scooped up his belongings from where he left them, leaving Kate naked in the pool.
‘Will!’ she called out, her voice hoarse from the screams. She realised she didn’t know what to say.
‘Until next time, goody two shoes’ Will winked.
‘Next time?’
‘Now I know your mind is just as filthy as mine, we can’t possibly go back to lights off, under the sheets. Trust me, there’s more where that came from.’ He said, walking away from her and back to the house.
He had said with so much confidence that Kate was inclined to believe him.
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black-syndicate · 3 years
Tumblr media
* ・ 。 *  OTP ASKS MEME * ・ 。 * ☆
1. What are things they both find funny? They lose it when they watch those EPIC FAIL videos. Anything involving the pain and suffering of others stitched together with the comedic timing of sound effects lifts their spirits.
2. If they could each describe each other in one sentence, what would it be? “He is my angel.” Short and simple, meant to encompass every meaning of the word. “Mercilessly vengeful, cruel, and radiant, she is my pride and joy.”
3. If they complimented each other, what would they say? Soulay’s compliments usually focus on Elliot’s achievements and various accolades. She’s also known to comment on his host body from time to time because well... woof. Elliot is the romantic of the two, ascribing beauty to all Soulay does.
4. What would be their ship name? Spellbound. To hold the complete attention of (someone) as though by magic; fascinate.
5. What activities do they enjoy together? While they enjoy doing most anything together, staying in different hotels around the world is their guilty pleasure. Elliot goes nuts over the smallest things “Look, beloved, they garnished our pillows with mints.” and Soulay is always happy to be away from the Sulo Estate.
6. What is/are their love language(s)? Elliot thrives off of words of affirmation and physical touch. He returns those acts ten fold onto the ones he holds dearest to him, accompanied by frequent gifts. Soulay enjoys receiving gifts and physical touch but she often shows her love through acts of service.
7. Write a ~300 word love scene for them. “Something Old” can be found on ao3
8. What were their first impressions of each other? Uhhh... Their initial encounter was brief and unyielding of any strong sentiments. Elliot eventually became infatuated with her and Soulay saw it as an opportunity to overthrow the Sulo family. 
9. Have they made each other cry? Not intentionally. They’ve been together for over 100 years, so of course they’ve had their rough patches, said some things they shouldn’t have and through miscommunication and stubborn pride caused the other grief.
10. Write a ~300 word argument scene for them. “Something Blue” can be found on ao3
11. What causes them to fight? The Order of the Renew is a constant source of tension between them. Soulay loathes the organization and Elliot has devoted his life to it. As Elliot’s visions are grandeur start becoming a reality, Soulay begins to show more resentment towards him and his followers.
12. Do they have differing political opinions? Not really? Being top dog of a cult means they both are able to set the policies they want and neither of them are too caught up in the human rights violations of other nations. 
13. Name something they would never do for the other person. Neither one would give up their magic, even if the other’s life depended on it. Honestly, it stems for childhood trauma on both their parts and not wanting to feeling powerless again + if one of them dies then at least the other can try to revive them with magic.
14. What would be a dealbreaker? Their relationship relies heavily on codependency so nothing is really off the table. 
15. What are traits they dislike in one another? He’s stubborn, overworked, and a wet blanket in private. She talks while she eats and doesn’t recycle.
16. If they broke up, what would be their opinions of each other? They’d sooner kill each other than break up. Elliot couldn’t handle knowing that Soulay no longer loves him and Soulay rather see Elliot dead than happy with someone else.
17. What senses (sights, smells, feelings, etc). remind them of each other? Fairgrounds bring about nostalgia in both of them. That was their first date, after all. Elliot has a deep obsession with the sea, so similar items along that vein always remind Soulay of him.
18. What would be their love motto? I am my beloved’s and my beloved is mine.
19. If they could each write a single line in their marriage vows, what would they be? They don’t do vows. Words are cheap and when you’re as old as them you know you’re gonna be breaking a lot of stuff you said in your youth. 
20. What is a promise they have made to each other? To always have the other’s best interest at heart.
21. How have they changed each other for the better/for the worse? Soulay’s habits and vices rub off more on Elliot than vice versa, just because she is more worldly than him and when you both grow up in the same environment, it’s the one who leaves that will more likely change. Elliot has influenced Soulay’s taste in men, as he’s now the gold standard most cannot compete against.
22. If their lives were what was originally intended at birth, would they have still fallen in love? They’d both be dead. Different periods of times but same result.
23. Write a ~300 scene between them with no dialogue, only body language. “Something New” can be found on ao3
24. What is something they have each had to forgive the other for? They don’t really ask for forgiveness...so I don’t know how it would work. But Elliot gets hurt every time Soulay leaves the Order for extended periods of time, and had to make peace with it. 
25. What moves do they know work on the other? Elliot freakin’ loses it when Soulay gives him a massage. He knows exactly what’s about to happen next when she starters kneading his shoulders. It’s a Pavlovian response and royalty screws him over when he goes to a masseuse.
Soulay is by far the easiest person to get in the mood and it does help that Elliot usually inhabits the bodies of people he knows to be her type. Running a hand through his hair and asking for sex is all it really takes, tho he’s far too much of a gentleman to be so brazen...most days.
26. What are their favorite parts about physical affection/sex? The concept of being wanted and admired. They’re both such lonely people and their need for love manifests itself in different ways but during sex they share a lot of the same fetishes and kinks, even if Elliot doesn’t fully want to admit it.
27. Do they have any kinks/fetishes that they share? Body worship and roleplay are the biggest ones. And by roleplay I mean they have been known to possess the bodies of strangers to spice up their sex life. Voyeurisms and swinging also seems to come with the Sulo family package.
28. Write a ~300 fantasy one of them has about the other. “Something Borrowed” can be found on ao3
29. What are each of their signature foreplay moves? Soulay likes to strip tease. Sometimes she’ll start where he’s working and slowly leave a trail of her clothes as she makes her way somewhere more private. Her panties are always the last to come off. While Elliot is an avid believer in marking his territory with slow sensual kisses that turn into be suckling bites.
30. Write a short exchange of dirty talk between them. lmao no.
31. What do they love to do after sex? Sleep. Nothing beats a night of rest after being satisfied by your spouse.
32. Do they enjoy morning or night sex? Night because of the activity mentioned above.
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cilliansaccent · 5 years
The Peaky Designer - Cillian Fanfic, Chapter 6
Hello, welcome back. Below is the next instalment of my fanfiction!
Leave a like or a comment if you liked it, or if I can do anything better! Please, it would mean the world and to understand if anyone is enjoying my writing. Also, sharing/reblogging would be even better.
I will not be including Cillian’s family as it’s kinda weird since he has children lmao. Just a mention of his parents and a previous lover.
I will indicate in a chapter if there is smut in the beginning and before the actual scene!!
I will add trigger warnings if there is any!!
There is a variety of levels of swearing during a chapter, I will not hold back, everyone swears.
The timestamp for the Fic is now 2016 and onwards!! 
——- ——- ——- ——- ——- ——- ——- ——- ——- ——- ——- ——- ——-
Background: Gabrijela Babic is a Croatian girl from Sydney, Australia. She is born in the year 1991 on the 24th of December. She studies a Fashion degree in a University with a major in Game Design as well. Her teacher in the fashion designer class managed to nail an Internship on the set of Peaky Blinders with the shows very own Costume Designer, Allison McCosh. There, she travels to London for under a year to learn how to be one, working alongside the actors as well the man she admires, Cillian Murphy. But, her platonic feelings for the man begins to grow into something more, and she wonders whether she should pursue them or let him go for fear of her strict parents and her three older brothers…
Swantje Paulina as Gabrijela Babic (swalina on Instagram)
Cillian Murphy
Word Count: 2,507
!!Warnings!!: Smut at the end. 
Date: March 2016
Chapter Name: It’s Only a One Night Thing
Brief Chapter Outline: Gabrijela heads out for a birthday party with Logan before it ends on a very pleasurable note... 
——- ——- ——- ——- ——- ——- ——- ——- ——- ——- ——- ——- ——-
From Wednesday onwards, it was crazy. She had never worked so fast nor so busy. Her work back at home she was a full-time sales assistant in a lingerie store, and it wasn't as busy like how she worked here. 
To be honest, she wasn't sure if she was cut out for this type of stressful work. She was exhausted by the afternoon, and she hadn't been able to meet with Cillian much as filming became more intense and scenes had to be adjusted or changed. 
Lunchtime began to be whenever you had the chance to stop and eat, so she had alway's prepared herself the morning coming in. Though Logan managed to catch her during her breaks and they hung out a lot, even after when the day was over she had invited him into her apartment and started on watching Supernatural. 
It was quite nice, being with Logan. They watched well into the night, and both had fallen asleep on the couch with empty bowls from the chips or popcorn she had made for them. Gabrijela felt comfortable around the man, and they didn't shy away from talking about their desires and their life achievements. 
They both had the same issues of trying to impress their strict as hell parents and their decisions on what to do with their life would be a forever damnation, according to Logan's mother and father. 
She giggled at that, and he as well. 
Came Friday evening, Gabrijela was allowed to go home early. But she wanted to find Cillian before she left to see how he was going. 
He was walking off set and she caught his arm gently, "Hi!" She smiled. 
"Hey, Gab. Long-time no sees," They moved out of the way. 
"Indeed." She laughed softly, "I wanted to see how you were going." She asked. 
"Good! Good, never better. But a tad little tired but I'm used to this." He said, pulling off his cap and tucking it into his coat's pocket. 
Another reason why she hadn't seen him much was that they had moved to another city at some point during the week, and then it wasn't any time to talk to him. 
"I see. But you're doing a fantastic job, Cillian." She nodded, eyes shining with admiration. 
"Thank you. You seem like you are going somewhere?" He asked noticing the bag. Cillian had also felt sad he hadn't been able to catch up with her much nor see her, her presence always made him feel good and happy. 
"Yeah. Allison let me off early today, said I deserved a bit of an early mark." She giggled. "I wanted to tell you that in case you got worried if I wasn't around later." 
"Oh thank you for telling me that. Appreciate it." He also appreciated her kindness and her genuine self. She had always brought him coffee in the morning, or his favourite sandwich for later in the day. It was the little things she did for him that made him like her even more. 
"But call me later, okay?" She gripped his gloved hand. 
"Always. Hey, before you go, did you want to go to dinner tomorrow maybe? Or we could go to a gig or..." He offered as he trailed off. 
She pouted, "I'd love to but I'm going to Logan's birthday tomorrow night. How about Sunday?" She asked. 
"Party? Huh, okay. Yeah, we can do Sunday then. I'll call you tomorrow again for the details." He said, "Where are you going for the party?" 
"Uh, it's somewhere near Trafalgar Square it seems. I forgot the exact place." She shrugged. 
"You be safe, hm? Don't want you getting into any trouble." He pulled her into a hug and she wrapped her arms around him. 
He was so warm and smelled so fucking good. She couldn't help but bury her face into his neck a little. "I will, I promise." She murmured, he squeezed her gently. 
They pulled away and she kissed his cheek lightly and turned to walk away. 
Cillian placed a hand on his cheek, his smile growing. This girl was rubbing off on him and he couldn't help but become worried about her. He remembered what happened last time he took her out and he wasn't to close with the Logan boy she talked about. Or did he know about his circle. 
But Cillian couldn't fret over her too much or it would seem like he was overpowering her. But he would keep an eye out on her. 
Cillian headed off to get ready for the next scene. 
Saturday Night...
Gabrijela had her hair in a high ponytail. Her chosen outfit for tonight was a black mini skirt with a black long sleeve mesh top with golden stars. She had a simple bra for it. 
She was putting make-up on when her phone rang, she pressed the answer button without looking, "Hello?" 
"Hey Gabrijela," Cillian replied. 
"Oh hi, Cilly." She felt her heart jump. It always did when she talked to him. 
"How are you?" He asked it sounded like he was driving somewhere. 
"I'm alright. Getting ready." She said as she applied her eyeliner on. 
"Oh that's right, you're going out tonight." He mused. "Excited?" 
"I guess so. It's not my first time clubbing, but a first in London." She smiled as she concentrated on putting on her fake eyelashes. 
"You sure you don't want me to come?" He kidded. 
She let out a heavy sigh, "Cillian, I'm gonna punch you when I see you next." 
"Joking! God, don't get so antsy." He mocked, but she could hear the smile in his voice. 
"It's up to you if you want to come, it doesn't bother me. But I don't know about Logan." She said casually. She kinda hoped he would come. 
"Nah. I'm gonna have a night into myself, have some red wine, listen to music and have some cheese." He said with relief. "Been a long week." 
"It has. And you deserve it. Besides, we'll have tomorrow together. I can't wait to see Bath." She said with clear enthusiasm. 
"Good. It's a beautiful town." He said, "You'll definitely love it." 
She saw a message said that Logan was walking down, "Hey I gotta go. I have to get dressed." She said as she added finishing touches to her face. 
"Okay. I'll see you tomorrow, have fun." He said and hung up. 
Gabrijela changed into her outfit, sprayed on her favourite Tommy Girl perfume and pulled up her thigh high heeled boots. 
She grabbed her jacket and her sparkly bag and headed down when Logan called her he was here. 
Logan was dressed in a casual but nice outfit, black jeans and a tucked-in blue with a mixture of a green, red and white floral patterned shirt. His black hair was combed back and curled at the nape of his neck. 
He whistled when he saw Gabrijela, "Wow." He said as they embraced, "You are so fucking gorgeous." 
She laughed, "Thanks man, you look dashing as well." She nodded as she checked him out as he did a little turn with wide arms. 
"One sexy Scottish boy on the menu. Ready to mingle." He flashed a perfect smile. 
She blushed and he called an Uber, a couple of minutes later they piled in and off they went to the club. 
The club was underground and the music was electric, pumping a hard beat. People danced, some grinding against each other no matter who it was. 
Just like home, she thought with a slight shake of her head. She was used to this type of things, as the majority of the young people in clubs, they're looking for a quick fuck. 
Gabrijela had never had a 'quick fuck' with anyone, guy or girl. Just foreplay and that was where she drew the line. She couldn't think of someone being buried within her, especially when she had thoughts that drifted back to her ex. 
Her parents still to this day didn't know the mental abuse she endured through the prick, not even her best friend nor her friends knew about it. Gab worked her way through the pain after the messy break-up, she took counsel on her own and in secret. It helped to ease off the shit of her shoulders, but still, she would remember the dark nights. 
Silence was not the key but she didn't want to dwell on it now, or ever. She was a free girl and she would find someone who would love her as she was, appreciate her body and her emotions. 
Sitting with the group of friends Logan had invited, the drinks began to slide through. She chatted and laughed with the ones around and even danced with the girls. 
Tonight was good, she agreed, no one seemed to brush up against her or pester her. Everyone was in their own world and in their own groups, having the time of their life. 
More drinks, shots, anything. 
Then it was time to move on, the rules here were not as strict as in Australia so by midnight they had gone to four different pubs. Gabrijela had taken easy on the drinks but she could feel the alcohol messing with her head a little. 
Logan had watched her all night and wouldn't leave her side. In their last pub of the night, they were all over each other. Their lips in a heated lock of tongue and teeth. 
Cillian had been in the same club with a few of his mates, drinking and chatting about home. He had seen Gabrijela enter with the group, and had to watch her suck face with the damn Set Designer. He couldn't help but feel a pang of jealously wash through him. He thought back to when he had his fingers inside her, the way her lips felt on his and the sounds he managed to drag out. 
Now Logan would have to hear those very sounds, and Cillian did not like that. 
But what could he do about it? He wasn't going to go there and break them up, for what? Because he was annoyed that Gabrijela may end up in bed with the boy and not him? 
Logan's hand went up her skirt, and Cillian picked up that thrust of her chest. He knew the boy found her treasure. 
Gabrijela pulled back and whispered something to him and his smirk grew as they got up. Logan parted ways with his group and left the pub with an arm around his- around Gabrijela. Cillian's heart squeezed. 
She was young, and she was to be with someone her age. Someone who wasn't going to be an old man in a few years, who wouldn't be able to keep up with her needs. 
But he couldn't help but feel jealous. 
Back in the Apartment...
They laid on the bed, Logan above her and holding her close as he touched her breasts and played with her pink, hard nipples. 
Her soft moans filled the air and he kissed her neck, "Gabe." He murmured and helped her pull off his shirt. 
Gabrijela admired the hard planes of his stomach, letting her fingers brush down his chiselled chest and to his belt buckle. 
Was Logan going to be the one to break her drought of proper sex? She hoped so, he was like a Greek God of some sort.
Well, Scottish God. 
She giggled, "Fuck you're so hot." She moaned as she undid his belt. 
"And so are you." He murmured, his long fingers yanked off her top, and then her bra. Better access now. 
"I want you." She moaned as his fingers flicked her nipples. 
"I'm all yours, beautiful." He said as his jeans joined the clothing on the floor. 
They helped each other undress whatever remaining clothing they had, and she was now laid on the bed, bare. 
His dark blue eyes roved over her body, Gabrijela was not entirely skinny. She had some curve and thickness to her body. But it made her all the most beautiful. 
Gab looked down his god-like body and the huge, thick cock that wanted some attention. "Lay on your back." She said to him. 
He nodded and did so as she moved between his legs. With a hand, she gripped him, with her other she began to touch herself. 
"Oh... Gab..." He sucked in a breath as she began to pump him slowly. She gripped him tight enough that it felt like he was inside something. His eyes shot to what she was doing between her legs and he let out a loud groan. 
She moved her hand faster, "Logan, you are so big. Holy fuck." She pushed two fingers in herself and moaned. 
"Mhm. I hope I can fit in ya." He chuckled breathlessly. 
She smiled, "Of course you will." She said, "But I want you to cum first when I do this." She leaned down and took him into her mouth. 
She sucked lightly on his head and she saw his fingers curl into her bedsheets. She began to take him right to the base. He was deep in her throat. 
"Holy fuck." He gasped, "No one- Oh fuck!" He couldn't talk as she bobbed her head. 
Her mouth was warm and tight, and she took him like a pro. Logan was close already, he was sensitive when he was drunk. 
Gabrijela fingered herself fast, moaning loudly around his shaft. She only pulled back to breathe before she went back to sucking him off. She went faster, eyes shut and for some reason she imagined Cillian. 
Logan let out a cry, his hand in her hair as he came inside her mouth. His load was thick and heavy before she gagged and came as well. 
She pulled back hastily, a bit of his cum leaking down her chin. "Logan." She pulled out her fingers and brought them to his lips so he could taste. 
"I want to ride you now." She said, moving to straddle his hips. 
"Ride me all night long." He said and held her hips. 
But she had paused above him, his cock in her hand and poised to go in. Her heart hammered in her chest, she suddenly felt... Unsure. The whole situation wasn't right despite how clouded her mind was. 
"Gabrijela?" Logan's gruff voice brought her back to reality, "You alright?" 
She looked at him, concern was in his eyes. She could see he was not going to hurt her, there was no malice in his eyes. She could do this. She was going to do this. She can. Screw that fucker. 
"Perfectly fine." She said with a dazzling smile and pushed him into her. 
They both let out a moan as he sat up and wrapped his arms around her. 
She did what she wanted to do and rode him all night with him finishing it off with him on top. 
They both fell asleep in a tangle of arms and legs well into the early mornings. 
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willowdrabbles · 6 years
A million dreams part 2
Yutaka Tennoji x MC
Post wedding
Part 1 here 
Word count: 2009
Rated :M for language and intense situations.
Here is part 2 already! Only mention of Tennoji in this part, but there will be almost all him in the third part! (Which is already in the works yay!) I’m gonna tag @rubycomments since you enjoyed the first part so much! Comments and likes mean so much to me, reminds me that someone out there actually likes this crap I spew lol.
“I’m. An. Id.i.ot.” She muttered, banging her head on the elevator wall with every enunciation. A dull thud echoing every word. Eiki gently slid his hand in between her skull and the metal and chuckled as she was not phased to stop.
“I don’t think so. Just as hot tempered as your husband up there. Have you adapted his ways? Or is that some sort of new foreplay you guys do?”
“Help. Pervert alert. We’ve got a new Kyobashi.” Ellina said monotone, finally stopping her head banging when the elevator came to a halt.
“Now that is uncalled for.” Eiki said, feigning hurt as they exited the elevator and heading for the door. “You realize what he’s thinking right?”
“I’m not sure anymore!” Ellina wailed, shrugging in desperation. “I get the whole worrying about me, I haven’t seen my husband it weeks! I worry about him too but I thought.... I thought...” the pain in her chest pinged again, demanding she take a deep breath before tears welled up. “I thought we were over this after last time.”
“That’s why you brought up Yuuka’s case.” Eiki said it more as a statement than a question. “Because your brother was involved he made that jab out of concern and you lashed back thinking he really believed you would put personal feelings before the case.” He finished, glancing at her from the corner of his eye as they got into the car.
“I’m not sure what to think. I shouldn’t have gotten angry and said that. It was a low blow.” She sighed and rested her arm on the window sill, palming her chin and watching the traffic speed by.
“If you didn’t he probably would have kept pushing. He’s worried is all. I’ll bet anything he’s kicking himself as we speak for letting his worry get in between you and your work.” Eiki smiled reassuringly but Ellina only groaned.
“Oh no I hope not... No one is to blame here.” She murmured, slightly jumping when Eiki patted her hand. It was still a little hard to get used to his overly friendly and touchy demeanor.
“Well, even if he is, you guys will work it out. Now let’s get you some food and your change of clothes and get to it!” Eiki drummed on the steering wheel and grinned stepping on the gas. 
Many hours later after their undercover shift, once she had finished changing back into her normal clothes instead of her ‘struggling woman’ clothes, Ellina hopped into the car with Eiki. Eiki put a bag of buns in between them and handed her a coffee cup.“Thank’s Eiki.” Ellina said, taking the steaming cup from his hands. He nodded back at her. 
“No problem! Man I’m beat but you did great work out there I’m so proud!” Eiki cheered, pulling away from the nearby small station they usually changed at. “You got a meeting set up, half of a confession, and with that who know’s what else will be linked to the other case! You’re amazing Ellina!”
“Don’t you think your praise is a little over the top?” Ellina said, taking a long sip and letting the warmth spread through her. “I would have botched it if not for your suggestions on things to say.”
“Look at you picking up some slang from Yutaka!” Eiki laughed, earning him a glare. “No waaaayyyy, you’re awesome at what you do! I wouldn’t be able to pull off the innocent, absent, girly stare enough to convince him to open up to me.”
“Just because you said girly I’ll let that one slide.” Ellina grumbled at him, earning another laugh from Eiki as they pulled up to the precinct. 
“But really good job. Let’s get this information to boss and finish up for the night, you’re gonna need some sleep for tomorrow’s big finale!” Eiki cheered, thrusting a fist up in the air. Ellina laughed.
“Getting a bit ahead of yourself aren’t you?” She giggled, enjoying his antics the whole way up to the 7th floor. 
“Welcome back you two.” Kirisawa said as they walked in, the office dead silent besides the sound of him shuffling papers. “You guys are pretty late, everyone else has gone home.”
“We just wanted to debrief you then head out. If we stay too late we might not make our meet up tomorrow.” Eiki grinned, dropping off his radio and earpiece on his desk as Ellina did the same.
“Oh, did you guys catch a break?” Kirisawa put his papers down and looked at them expectantly. Quickly they both broke down the information they gathered, the meeting tomorrow, and the supplies and backup they thought would work best. 
“Perfect. We’ve got a lock down on where the ship for the human trafficking is at, but if we don’t time it right we may not catch everyone involved. With your information we’ll probably be able to catch them all at once. Good work you two, go get some sleep and we’ll get all the paperwork done all at once.” Kirisawa dismissed them with a wave. 
“Thanks boss.” They both nodded at the praise, gathering what few personal belongings they left in the office and headed out. 
With the thought of heading home plaguing her, Ellina felt her shoulder’s slump and worry begin to eat at her again. How would she face Tennoji after exploding on him earlier? She was so tired she wasn’t quite walking straight, She started to get more worried that in her exhausted state she would only make things worse. Tripping over a crack in the sidewalk, Eiki grabbed her arm and steadied her. She offered him a mumbled thanks as he let her go. Suddenly his hand clamped down on her shoulder, keeping her from walking.
“Your brother is staying just down the street isnt he?” Eiki asked quickly, tilting his head and staring into her face. Ellina nodded quickly, not sure what he was getting at. 
“Do you think he’ll mind us crashing there tonight? I for sure missed the last train and I don’t want to head all the way home and feel like I’m just turning around to come back.” Eiki whined, giving her a pleading stare. “He’s got a big place right? being a big shot doctor and all that?”
“Well y-yeah but....” 
“Please! I’ll crash on the couch! Or the floor wherever you deem fit!” Eiki begged, eventually she caved into his soft golden gaze and sighed.
“Yeah, I’ve got a spare key and he’s working nights still under surveillance. We’ll be out of there before he gets there.” She turned around and headed the opposite direction of home, feeling an odd mix of guilt and relief. Man she was a coward. 
“Don’t worry! Tomorrow after we get all this settled I’ll buy you both food!” Eiki flashed her his biggest most grateful grin. 
“Extra large pork cutlet bowl!” Ellina smiled softly back at him, but it didn’t last as her shoulder’s drooped once more, her thought’s going back to Tennoji and how he would be home alone. 
An arm dropped on top of her head. “H-Hey!” She yelped, pushing up on his elbow that refused to budge. “Eiki!” She complained, resorting to poking him in the ribs, making him laugh and dance out of her reach. 
“No frowns! Tomorrow we’re gonna get this closed up and you’ll have that hot spring trip to look forward to!” 
Ellina paused to look at him, struggling with the surge of emotions filling her. The things she wanted, the things she had to say to Tennoji. With a sigh she looked up at the moon above. A million dreams would be keeping her up tonight. 
“So you’re sure this is what you want?” 
For what felt like the millionth time Ellina nodded frantically. It was easy to keep up the desperate act, to make her hands shake as though she was in withdrawl, though it was nerves and fear making them shimmer. The girl with her gasped and nodded as well. She was just a poor victim in this, but she had no quarrel’s with helping place bombs for her next fix. 
The three perps in front of her were perfectly average men. Maybe a little dirty and skittish, but if she was not a trained detective, she would have never looked at them twice. Their planning was interesting, offering a drug deal in exchange for some ‘grunt work’ right in front of the rehab center was different. Who would look for someone so blatantly breaking the law in broad daylight? The arrogance made ehr unsettled, feeling like she was missing something. Her gun hidden in her boot felt like a hot iron pressed into her leg, the wire on her stomach as well. 
The courtyard was pretty strategically placed in their favor, filled with plants and trees. Their meeting spot was between a few trees, making vision undoubtedly difficult. She knew somewhere across the street, listening and watching would be two officers, waiting for the perps to lead her and the other girl to ‘the stash.’ They would follow and when the time was right, they would have backup units on scene. Eiki was just inside the facility, most likely watching from the windows. “So when-” She began, when an overly familiar voice called her name.
Instinctively she turned, time and sound seeming to freeze as she did so. Even before she fully turned around her eyes widened as she realized her mistake.  An entirely rookie mistake. Stomach dropping through the ground, Ellina wanted to cry at what she had just done. Across the street was Yuuka, waving at her as she moved to cross towards them. 
“Who- Hey you said your name was Ryoko!” The perp that had been doing the most talking took a step back, his eyes narrowing at her. Yuuka called her name again. 
“Wait no-” Ellina started, turning back towards the four around her. Fear clogging up her throat as they all shifted away from her, each of them tensing up as they all realized what was happening. To her everything seemed to slow then move in hyper speed.
“Damnit this was a set up!” The second perp grabbed the other girl, dialing the phone in his hand. 
“Ellina what-” Eiki’s voice cut into her ear, before he was cut off by the sound of a grunt. His voice continued to fill her earpiece, but it was mostly incoherent cursing. 
“Move!” The head perp yelled, all three of them turnign and bolting, the main perp firmly dragging the unnamed girl with him, she seemed confused for a moment before being willing to side with the drug dealers over the cops. 
“Damnit!” Ellina yelled, dashing after them. Yuuka called her name once more and Ellina paused to yell over her shoulder. “Get out of here Yuuka! Get away!” She yelled as loud as possible, her feet pounding across the pavement after the perps.
“Waita-” Eiki’s voice cut into her ear once more just as she tackled two of the perps to the ground. One hit his head on a cement planter on the way down. Out cold, Ellina grabbed her gun from her boot and bashed it into the back of the other perp’s neck, grimacing as he went limp under her.
“Freeze now!” Ellina snarled, pointing her gun at the third perp who still had a grip on the arm of the poor girl. 
He stopped all the same, almost at the edge of the courtyard, turning slowly, keeping the shaking girl in front of him. Ellina glared at him, her gun not wavering. 
“Ellina get out of there!” Eiki’s sudden scream filled not only her ear but the courtyard as well, right before the entrance to the rehab facility exploded. 
“Eiki!” Ellina gasped, ducking from the explosion. Looking back up towards the perp and the girl, he shot her a sadistic grin, his eyes wild and unsane right before more explosions filled her ears and the courtyard was engulfed in flames.
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