#i want that in thk. PLEASE
williamrikers · 4 months
honestly, it doesn't surprise me that p'jojo is referencing mr & mrs smith in the heart killers trailer. for people my age, that was the hottest movie of our youth in terms of oozing sheer sexuality interwoven with violence. i don't think there's really another movie that blends those two things together so seamlessly, and if this is going to be the vibe for the heart killers, i'm going to eat it up
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salthien · 7 months
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bugs. gay ones, even
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napolean-but-cringe · 3 months
Im fine with waiting for Silksong but Ive wanted a Hollow Poster or Plushie forEVERRRRR PLEASEEEEEEEEE THEY ARE THE LITERAL NAMESAKE OF THE GAME TEAM CHERRY HAND THEM OVER
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des-fangirl · 1 year
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old hk sketches/memes <3
bonus: my very first @alecz-obssesionz 's modern au sketch I DIDNT WANT TO POST IT BUT WHY NOOOT ITS SO STUPID AND FUNNY AHWGEWH
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sunflowertoonz · 5 months
Im normal im normal im normal-
Its a jigglypuff in lingerie. What has my life gone to. I need a nap. I need bleach. I need to delete the canvas but im in too deep
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Im going to put a translucent shirt or robe over this i physically cannot handle it-
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arcadequeerz · 1 year
Today sucked.
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cryptfile · 2 months
᪇ꫭ dreamseeker, [ qimir x jedi!reader ]
summary — it all started when you find out he’s alive.
warnings — pure angst, violence, blood, mentions of injuries and tons of tension, sfw.
side notes — 4k+ // English's not my first language so please be kind! went slightly away with this one so would catalogue it as an alternative universe. Heard liking without reblogging makes you fall in an awful curse that breaks my heart in the process so let that sink in, anyway everything it's appreciated!,,, thought about making an +18 second part? dunno,,, thks also for the 110 followers! love you guys sooooo much *heart avalanche*
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The air's hot in the room when you woke up.
The sweat made the sheets stick to you body as you got out of bed for the third time that week, a terrible headache forming as you leave the dormitories in the middle of the dark. Coruscant suddenly feels unbearable. You've slept almost nothing through the course of the week, so you surely are in a bad mood when the cold wind of the night makes you shiver at the sudden change of temperature.
I'm searching for you. Even in my dreams.
The words are repeating in the back of you head, scratching a part of your brain while you keep on trying to remember who's voice you're dreaming so much lately.
It's all connected somehow, always is. You've learned to trust the force a while ago, learned that destiny's intertwined with an energy field that holds the galaxy together the hard way, so you know, deep down, that you have to trust your guts in this one, something that you know it concerns you but can't quite understand what really is in the first place.
Dreams. Dreams are a cruel thing that you tend to forgot sometimes, the reflection of the mind and soul projected like a high-class transmission in your head. Dreams talk, and they make you think about things you've let in the past, things you've certainly need to come back at some point.
That's why you can't sleep later, cause you know it means something. You know that dreaming the very same dream every single night for the past week means something more than just mere imagination playing around, far from an innocent scenario.
The temple is silent at night even when the city outside seems to be so wake in contrast of the inside, most of the lights out as you crossed the empty hallway hoping to avoid anyone, cause you know they'll ask questions you don't have an answer for.
In all truth, you don't have a clue why are you up so late, why this deep voice kept you awake when you should be deep in your sleep, dreaming about something more than superstitions. You don't have an answer to any superior, don't seem to have an answer for yourself either.
The Jedi trials ended long ago, yet, you don't think of yourself as someone as successful as Yord Fandar, your talent being far from what it should be expected. You never complain about anything and never would, they were the only family you ever knew and you refuse to lose everything you've been working so hard for just for questioning your bare existence.
"Can't sleep?" The male voice makes you stiff almost immediately, checking your surroundings to notice Master Sol approaching you from the left. The Jedi Master catches you by surprise, your hands already on the lightsaber that is hanging on your waist before you notice you're safe, even when you don't want to talk. "I'm sorry. Didn't mean to scare you."
There are things that are worth hiding, but with Sol? Master Sol seems to see through it all, the worries and the dreams that you don't know if you should call nightmares, even when you try to lock them away for a minute. That's the main reason the man stares at you, cause you expel that smell of desperation, the tension in your muscles as you don't sleep in what seems are ages.
"What's troubling you?" He asks, your own eyes betraying you as they can't hold the weight of his gaze. "I know it's not my place to ask, but are you sleeping well lately?"
"Not really, but nothing to worry about" you say almost afraid that it's going to get you in trouble, the lack of sleep making you think the most stupid things as you stop in the middle of the hallway, making sure there's no one around more than Master Sol and yourself.
Not sleeping is a dangerous thing when reality tends to become a feverish version of itself.
I'm searching for you. Even in my dreams.
You're unsure of telling him what's really going on, unsure of trusting the people you've been close your whole life out of nowhere. A sudden sixth sense that commands you to keep the dreams to yourself, the sound of the male voice you've been listening like the most important secret you've ever hold account of.
It's almost embarrassing to admit you don't trust a Jedi above your rank, that your sixth sense all of sudden makes you keep the truth when it can be something important, when Master Sol has been like a friend to you after all those years of training.
Things have been weird since your Jedi Master was found recently murdered in Ueda, a heavy weight in your shoulders as it saddened you more than you even expected. Master Indara was like close family, and you find yourself missing her, mostly in moments like that when you wish you have someone to talk to
“I was going to the dormitories” Sol explains soon after, walking by your side. “I needed to ask you for a favor my dear friend, and I’m afraid I cannot wait much longer for you to heal.”
Heal. Are you ever allowed to heal? It’s been less than a couple of days since you found out about Indara, let alone the dreams that were tormenting you the rest of the week and suffer the loss, so it seems funny when Master Sol tells you he cannot wait much longer: No Jedi ever has time to heal.
“What can I do to help?”
It’s all it takes to leave Coruscant after, trapped in space in a small ship with not only Master Sol, but Yord and Sol’s younger padawan Jecki Lon, strange enough, also with Verosha Aniseya, a former Jedi you keep an eye on through time passed.
Suddenly you’re traveling through the galaxy and there’s no time for any more tears. Suddenly you need to toughen up and act like this Jedi Knight you’re supposed to be, even when you keep questioning yourself more than ever.
Maybe it’s because of Indara’s death. Her decease came so out of nowhere it shocked you to the very heart — It’s clear that you’re sensitive, dreaming stuff you’ve been getting tired of deciphering, pure nonsense, but then, the ship lands in Khofar and Sol it’s convincing you to stay inside even you’re perfectly capable of taking Verosha’s twin and his alleged master.
It’s your own mind that plays tricks on you, making you believe you’re not good enough to help. Truth is you felt your training as a padawan was not enough, you’re an easy target now that you’re hurt and it seems to make sense when all of sudden the group of Jedis leave you to fucking rot between white walls and buttons that sparkled.
It’s clear you’re affected. How can you not be affected by it? You’re overcome by sadness and anger both mixed together, and that feeling by itself is a dangerous one when in history, makes people question things too much to the point of no return.
So when you find yourself close to the light of the hologram that you turned on being so bored in the ship, your fingers dim between the white and blue rays as you wondered: Is it honorable to seek for revenge? Is it true to a Jedi to feel this gut-wrecking wrath?
You know the answer deep inside. You know it’s wrong, yet your feet think otherwise, cause when you leave the ship in the middle of the night you still debate yourself if you should disobey, if you should do what you want instead, walking through the woods like you know which way to go.
You never disobey any command, so it’s a new thing to openly doubt about the judgement of your superiors, to walk in an unknown planet despite the orders you were told. The path seems to light by itself as you can sense it in the air, the force conducting you in silence as you walked in a fast pace. You know deep down, know everything went wrong.
The blue light of your sable is enough to light the way, the humidity in the air makes you sweat as concentrated in the sounds of the nature, you run, run until your lungs are burning and your heartbeats are so fast you’re afraid the organ itself is going to jump out of your chest. You run even when the long leaves of the plants hit you in the face, when your legs are getting cramps and you can feel the lack of oxygen: The pain is not enough to stop you.
You can hear it from far away, the heat of the fight. The sounds of the physical effort, the buzzing of the lightsables against the silent night. Adrenaline creeps across your blood flow, and even when you can't breathe properly at all you run to the chaos, driven like a moth to the flame. You let the force conduct you as you close your eyes, jumping and elevating from the floor enough to hold the sable from over your head — You attack.
I'm searching for you. Even in my dreams.
It’s coming again, the rough sound of your dreams when your blue sable hits the red out of nowhere, force colliding against each other as the impact is enough to send you directly to the floor. You know who the enemy is, the surprise in Jecki’s face and the disapproval moments after
The stranger is fast and he doesn’t hesitate when he strikes, it’s fast enough to hurt in a mortal way and you became aware of it when Jecki’s falling to the ground and the acid in your mouth is enough to make you look away — The anger comes moments after, the red stains blurring your vision as you let out a scream, gathering the force to dodge his deadly attack.
It’s for Indara, the young padawan, and the Jedi’s he just slayed like they were nothing: It stings in your soul yet you stop holding back, stop holding yourself to finally hit harder, to strike faster than he does, to hurt the stranger as much as he hurted you. And he responds, but not fast enough to beat you, cause you let the metallic back of your sable hit his head when he’s kneeled on the floor, and you smile to yourself cause you have no damn mercy when his helmet finally cracks and it’s enough to break apart revealing his face.
It’s all it takes then. All it takes to froze you in that very spot, holding the sable over your head, ready to end his life with no second thought.
You know that face. You know it when suddenly he’s smiling at you.
I'm searching for you. Even in my dreams.
It makes sense soon after, lowering the sable to the floor without fully believing it, a ghost in front of you as you feel the air leaving your lungs. Drinking the sight of him like he’s not real, like it’s a sick joke your mind made to break you down, to make you weaker.
You’re pulled by a sudden force, by the force. However, falling to the floor hurts way less than seeing him again, the words stuck in your throat unable to speak. It’s imminent, it’s devastating when the pain catches you by surprise, your back aching against the rough surface.
He’s going to kill you, isn’t he?
It makes sense to die by his hand. The memories you two share, the intimacy that was taken away so sudden, it only makes sense to die by the one you loved before, even if it's a surprise you'll never recover from.
The heat of his red lightsaber against your neck is not enough to scare you, but enough to finally look at his face, to encounter his eyes and reveal the truth that was hidden all along between lies. You experience the intensity of his gaze, how it softens when realizing you're looking at him with that same look you have been doing it years ago.
"You're alive" it slips away from you before even noticing, the sound of your voice wrapping him in a haze he didn't expect at first, to be so devastated by you even after all the time resenting the Jedi's and everything they represented "Qimir you're alive..."
He knows you're shocked, the sound of your voice piercing in his ears as he threatened with the weapon against your neck, any sudden movement would slice you in the second — "Hello to you too."
He's real, when he speaks out loud you know he's real, he's standing in front you erasing all the theories you made about not sleeping enough now making you delusional, he's there, standing ready to kill and take what he wants to feel like he won.
It's a personal vendetta, you know it as you expect any answer, any word at all until Sol's screaming as he's taken away from you once again.
He's not a friend, he's not the Qimir you once knew, and he's not someone you can trust again as he was ready to kill. He's not was he used to be, and you can tell by the way he moves, the way he goes against Master Sol hoping to leave the Jedi in the floor, his anger when he refers to his acolyte as a traitor.
He's the one responsible for Indara's death indirectly. He's not a lover. He's not a friend.
You think he died years ago, never really understanding what really happened to the bright man you met in Coruscant, a secret no one dared to bring up. He has the same fucking smile you know too well, the one that make you crumble completely in the sight, and it sadden you, it saddens you he take that path when you seem to woke up from whatever has you nailed to the floor and finally run to help Sol.
You believe you're in the right side, you've been taught about the light and the dark, and you put your heart out filling your mouth saying how you're doing good, how you're making things right.
It's kill or get killed. It’s clear that Qimir does not seem to care about any connection you shared before, hurting you no longer means whatever it meant before, and as the sable burnt your tight, no one cares when you're fainting in the floor, abandoning the fight when it approaches his end.
Sol's mad, but it's not enough to make the master stop to check if you're alive. So many lives were lost in Khofar, and the fight was so demanding you're soon forgot in a planet when the sun is finally rising.
You know you've always been alone, know the last time you saw your family you were too young to even remember, so it's not a surprise when you're left behind. Jedi's come and go, that's why they keep training them generation after generation — It's expected to lose some percentage in missions.
What's not expected, it's when Qimir is close to your cold body later in the early morning. Still deep induced in the fever of pain when he's betrayed by his own heart, his old feelings resurfacing even when he made sure to bury them in a hole in the back of his head.
He's weak it seems. And he should be ashamed of himself when he's the one carrying you back to his ship when everyone has left you behind.
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I'm searching for you. Even in my dreams.
Is that his voice? The rough sound that makes you wake up in a uncomfortable place with clothing you don't remember owning.
You're confused for a second before realizing you're in unknown place, a cold breeze shivering your skin: You're in someone's house, using someone's bed.
It's all it takes to make you stand up, leaving the warm sheets behind as your eyes scan the place looking for both a person or a way out. There's a saucepan in the fire cooking slowly, and a smell you can't describe at first.
You move carefully, theories in your mind about what happened that seemed so imposible. You're sure you're far from Coruscant where you should be, yet, you don't feel much danger when you discover you're left alone in what it seems to be a cave, one that lets a windy current enter through a slit between the rocks.
You're unsupervised: Does that mean you're not a prisoner?
You remember fainting in the cold surface of Khofar, the humidity in the air as the air leaves your lungs before entering a state of unconsciousness. You remember Qimir as a ghost in front of you, smiling like he's young again, trying to get to your room in the middle of the night as if it wasn't forbidden.
Was that your dream about? A warning about the stranger being alive?
You don't dare to drink the water, you don't dare to touch any belonging more than the necessary when inspecting. Its more of a hiding than a home itself, so it lacks of belongings as you can't find anything else more than your clothes, protecting yourself from the cold air.
You're not treated as a prisoner, yet you don't feel any safe at all due to the recent events that seemed to say otherwise. You cannot seem to find your sable, and the silence it's making you lose patience.
The cave is a mess soon after, you're searching for your most important weapon, so now the lack of it seems to make you nervous. You search until you're no longer alone, a new presence in the cave as you adopt a pose of defense.
"Where's my sable?" you ask to what it seems the air, acting all tough before noticing who's the person that dragged you to a different planet, the responsable of healing your wounds with a unexpected speed. You know who it is from before, the change in the cave when he's around even when you don't receive any answer back "I'm talking to you, Qimir."
He doesn't talk when he's tossing it over the things he brought from outside, the orange details in the heavy metal shining against the dim lights of the cave. He knows you are not leaving without it, that you're too attached to it for your bad luck.
"Where am I?" you ask soon enough. At this point you lack of patience out of all, you're tired and your body is sore, you're still dreaming that very same thing, and you're not resting enough to keep your mind sane, so it's not a surprise when you're demanding answers, after all, you wanted to know what happened back in Khofar.
It hits you how much you miss him now that he is in front of you in full silence, not in the middle of violence like before, how much you wanted to hug him until he no longer breathes and spat something stupid as a not-very-funny joke. You miss him after all those years of believing he's death, that he disappeared out of sudden without telling nobody, not even you.
The silence makes you mad, and the stranger knows it, sense it in the force when the anger hits you, filling the air of the cave that feels small even when the spaces are big enough. He lied. That's all you can think of, he lied and never bothered to tell you he's alive after suffering his departing so whole heartedly.
Nights without sleeping as you let the insomnia carry you to a state you can't leave, overflowed by feeling you've learnt to deal with in the pass of time. Time heals it all they say, but it just makes things more bearable, help you live with it.
But now. Now it was cruel, it's a wound that opened by itself with the things you saw, the person he was now, embracing his dark side like it was something worth celebrating.
"Talk to me," you say, and you don't know why you're the one asking for answers when you shouldn't. "This is not fucking fair."
"Nothing's ever fair," he says, and the sound of his voice is enough to make you shiver. Now that you're surrounded only by the crashing sound of the waves hitting the rocks outside, you can hear him without the buzz of the fight. "Your people know that very well. You make the rules after all. You decide what's fair in the galaxy."
It's a knife in your heart. You don't want him to affect you like he does, but it's impossible when it stings like a burnt from the sable, the weight of his words, the hatred on his tone when he spits the words like they're acid in his tongue.
"I've never made nothing" it's a declaration of self-hatred at it most, how you've not been capable of doing much even when you pride on being called a Jedi Knight. "You know that."
There's no response. You're used to follow orders, not question, trust you're working with the correct side, so his look is something new, something that leaves goosebumps on your skin.
"You're alive," you still don't believe it at first, now studying his factions like they were still craved in stone back on your head. "After all these years, you couldn't tell me you were alive?"
It's a bad joke, one that makes you laugh leaving a bittersweet taste in your mouth — "You couldn't tell your best friend you were leaving? Nobody talked about you all of sudden, you became a dream. Almost making me sure you never existed at all."
"That's what they told you? That I leaved?" the way he's telling the information makes you furrow your brows in response, trying to make sense of what he was saying: Was he implying they lied to you?
"Please, explain me then" you're not in the mood of fighting, instead, you want information, crucial information to what you were choosing to be "Enlighten me. Tell me why you left me there without saying goodbye. Why it doesn't seem to affect you as much as it affected me."
The stranger has grown cold. He has now adapted beneath this rough amour that separated him from what he was before. So he doesn't give you any answers even when you question him, looking at you without saying a word.
You've changed too. You're not the little padawan that followed Indara around and look up at Torbin, you're not afraid of showing your force anymore, after all those years he has told you you're more than capable of defeating any enemy, you are starting to believe it more that ever. Even when he's not around to see that change happen in front of his eyes.
He's not going to answer, he's not talking nor giving you what you needed.
"Am I prisoner?" you ask again, another question added to the pile.
"Does it look like you're being held?" he asks back, squatting close to the stove in the fire to the stir his soup. "No. You're not my prisoner."
You resist the urge to roll your eyes. He always was a man full of pride, but now it seemed he thrive in it, in sharing his knowledge he was sure it was so powerful he needed to take a pupil, some kind of dark padawan he wanted to train.
"I don't know you anymore Qimir," you state out loud, hoping to talk to him as a long-time friend, as the person he was in love all those years but never acted on it too afraid of the rules at first. "I don't know who you've become, and i've been mourning you like it's only yesterday you vanished from my life, yet you've been alive, plotting against your family."
"Family?" he asks, hurted by the words you choose. "I've never had a family. You know that very well, it was always me against them, against anyone who questioned their power, their use and knowledge of the force."
"So is that how we are going to act now? Like pride is enough to make you leave and act like we were never a thing? That I wouldn’t die for you without even question?" you seem disappointed as you speak — “Why you didn’t kill me back there when you had the chance?”
He's taken back by your words, the sincerity as you admit what it seemed impossible to say back then. It’s known by him the feelings he had for you were enough to stop the whole galaxy, but he never had the courage to say something about it, to go against the rules and let alone admit to you anything at all.
So to know that you care for him, even when you talked about it like it was in the past, is enough to make him short-circuit, to make his face change in a new look.
“You already know why I didn’t kill you” he says it so casually while cooking, that even when you stand in the middle of the room trying to think about anything, anything more that him and his powerful gravity that made you spin around him, drawn by his pulling force — “Doesn’t matter who you stand with, i’d never do anything to you.”
You let that sink in. You let him say it cause maybe, deep down, it’s what you need. Your eyes are full of tears but you don’t want to let any single tear roll from your eyes the second you feel the sadness, you don’t want to show any weakness whatsoever, anything that will make you look less than what you really are.
“I could ask you the same” he says soon after, looking at you from over his shoulder in a low voice that sends shivers down your spine “Why did you let me live back there?”
It’s a bruise in your ego, to your sense of defense — Walls up, not letting any feeling show at all. His question is left out in the space as you look at him through narrowed eyes, reminding yourself he’s the enemy.
He cannot have the satisfaction. He’s the one behind Verosha’s twin sister after all, the one who send her to seek her own revenge. You know you should kill him with no second though, to cease with the leak, destroy the rebel cause that was so dark and powerful, so dangerous, but as before, you can’t hurt him by any chance, too attached to the enemy to even think about using the force against him.
Qimir. You don’t expect him to be alive, to be so angry at his lies. You don’t expect him to be the threat to peace and tranquility you’ve been so warned about.
Fuck that. You can’t deal with him again.
Maybe you are a coward after all, not worthy of being called a Jedi Knight. Always too unsure, questioning if you’re doing things the right way.
It’s not your fight. It’s not your place to be, you’re not his prisoner so you reach your lightsaber quick enough to leave his side, holding the weapon against your bare hands as you leave the cave, facing the daylight and the ocean in front of you.
You're not his prisoner, so you quickly leave as soon as you can leave, unable to hold his gaze anymore, to answer a question you shouldn't be asked. Even if it's cold outside, the sun still shines and you are sure you're going to find a ship that will take you out of there, as far as possible — Maybe, even leave him there.
But when you walk, you're followed close by in silence. Not a prisoner, but not free enough to leave free whiningly.
Even when you pace fasten enough to try to leave him behind, it seems like it's not a physical effort to follow you near by, to follow the same footsteps you give in order to look for a way to get out.
What's his plan anyway? Follow you forever? He's going to get tired soon enough, the problem is you don't have the patience enough to wait for it, you can't wait for Qimir to be enlightened by mercy, to be rational, to let you leave so you can be as far away from him as possible.
So at any sudden sound, you happen to snap, to turn on the sable in one swift movement, quick enough to pull it against his neck, almost touching his skin, the blue light reflecting in his pupils as he seemed pleased by your attention.
That's what he wants in the end. Even if it's anger, he wants to get any reaction out for him.
"Stop following me around" it's a knot on your throat, a sting in the heart as you threat him, the sound of your voice almost mixing with the loud crashing of the ocean. "You said yourself, i'm no prisoner."
He can sense your anger yet he's devastated by what you've become, devastated by finally being in front of you. Even when you're hesitating to spare his life once again, he's driven by the smell he was so caught on before, the memories you brought, attacked by the lonely life he was forced to live, the perks he enjoyed embracing his dark side.
It seems like forever, an eternity while the energy just flows, while the tension consume you both.
You're caught in a spiderweb you cannot get out, cause when he opens his mouth to speak again, you don't expect to make your world tremble that way.
"I was searching for you."
You know what's coming next, the sound of his voice like a recorder playing over and over in your head, the vibrations of his tone matching the ones you've been dreaming about lately.
"I was searching for you. Even in my dreams."
It's enough to make you lower your sable.
To make the stranger smile.
my masterlist
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naturesapphic · 10 months
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I need you
Olivia benson x fem!reader
(Warnings): hurt/comfort, mentions of murder, cussing, Olivia being a simp and a softie
“Benson.” Olivia rasped our tiredly and you smiled at the sound of her voice. “Hey liv.” You said and you heard her sigh “what’s wrong y/n?” Olivia questioned you and you knew something was wrong, you just didn’t know what. “Nothing. I’m just really hungry and was hoping on your way home you could get me a cheese burger with extra extra pickles?” You asked her and she sighed once again making you frown.
“Maybe I don’t know. I’m really busy right now hon. I’m having a tough case and we really need to catch this guy.” She said while you were trying to understand why she can’t be home right now. “Please come home liv…please I miss you so much.” You said getting choked up and she felt her heart break at the sound of your voice but she had to catch this guy.
“I’m sorry baby. I’ll check in on you later okay?” She said and you whimpered back in response and hung up causing Olivia to run her hands through her hair angrily and sigh loudly. She feels terrible. All you wanted was a cheese burger and your wife. She understood that but she needed this guy to be caught and out of the streets for everyone’s safety, especially yours.
~ a couple hours later ~
Olivia went by McDonald’s on her way home to get you your cheese burger. It was around 11 o’clock when she finally got off of work. Fin came into her office a few moments after the phone call she had with you and filled her in about how they caught the guy and he’s in the station being processed. She couldn’t be more happy and grateful that he was finally Caught. But it dawned on her how she treated you and she felt awful.
So, Before she went home with your bag of food, she decided to go to the store to get you some of your favorite flowers, chocolates, snacks, and candy. She feels awful and she wanted to make it up to you. She headed back to y’all’s house and opened the door with her keys. The jingling sound made you startled and you jumped up and got a knife from the kitchen. You slowly walked to the door and was about to attack when someone grabbed your arm and turned on the light. “Liv?! What the fuck! You scared the shit out of me!” You said breathlessly and handed her the knife. “Well at least you weren’t almost stabbed by your own wife.” She chuckled and you rolled your eyes at her with a small smile on your face.
“I thought you were supposed to call to check in on me? But seeing you is much better.” You mumbled out and she sighed. She took you into her arms carefully, trying not to hit your bump as she held you in her muscular arms. “Well…we caught the bastard and decided to get you “im sorry for being a jerk of a wife” gift.” You looked at her confused until she held up some bags filled with your favorite things and your cheese burger. You immediately snatched the McDonald’s bag from her and started eating it. “Thk y-u..” you mumbled out with your mouth filled with food. She chuckled and kissed your forehead softly. “Anytime sweetheart. Here, let’s have you sit and I’ll give you a foot massage as I tell you what happened.” She explained and you nodded. She guided you to the couch with your food in hand and she sat you down as she placed your feet in her lap. She started massaging your feet and you moaned loudly which caused her to smirk.
“Oh get that smirk off your face you horn dog.” You grumbled out and she laughed which made you smile. You continued eating as Olivia told you a brief summary about the case since she can’t share all of the details to you. She told you that this guy was killing pregnant women and how she wanted to catch this son of a bitch in case he went after you. Olivia wouldn’t ever let anything happen to you, she will protect you with her life. You finished your meal as she finished her story and you gave her a soft smile. “I wish you would have told me…I honestly thought you were being distant with me…” you confessed to her and she gave you a sad look. “No sweetheart…im so sorry that I made you feel like that…I just really wanted to catch this bastard and I wanted him off the streets as soon as possible.” She explained to you and you leaned up to her and kissed her softly on her lips.
She kissed you back gently and held your face in her hands. The both of you pulled back and gave each other big smiles. “So…what else did you get me to eat.” You smirked and she laughed. “I got you your favorite chocolates, snacks, and candy.” She replied and you gasped excitedly making grabby hands at the bags on the floor near Olivia. She chuckled as she handed you the bags and you stared munching on them while Olivia watched you with a adoring look on her face. “Do you forgive me babygirl?” She asked you and you smiled at her. “Of course I do silly. I couldn’t stay mad at you. You were just doing your job I know that. I was just a little insecure I guess.” You said and she gave your forehead another kiss “I understand baby…but just know that I don’t distance myself from you on purpose. I just get so caught up in my work that sometimes Im distant. But just know that I love you so much darling.” She explained to you and you gave her a loving smile.
“I love you most liv.” “And I love you too little bean-son.” She joked and you giggled at the nickname she kept calling y’all’s unborn child. You felt the baby kick in response and you quickly laid Olivia’s hand on your bump and the baby kicked again which made Olivia break out a huge smile. She leaned down and gave your bump a gentle kiss. Olivia started talking to the baby as you ran your fingers through her short hair and she kept giving your stomach loving kisses.
A/n: my first Olivia benson imagine! I hope y’all enjoy and know that winter/Christmas requests are open for all the people that I write! Remember to stay hydrated and rest! I love y’all! :)
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gynnnicsworld · 7 months
Hellooo! i was wondering what your all-time favorite hurt/comfort fics are? also I love your account, I scrolled through not too long ago and immediately was like yes, I've found my people
*screams internally* oOH GOD, thank you for asking that, I've been waiting for someone to ask that and I'm so glad this is happening! OK.
From what I can see in your profile picture, do u like spn too? Do u have any favorite couples there? cause I have a long list of fics in that fandom too *wink wink*....
Please ask me questions to recommend fics, because I have been trying for weeks to organize a part 2 of rec list but I haven't been able to, I have too many fics and I have no idea how to start organizing them. So by asking questions like these you help me recommend some fics and get organized. thks u <3ily
Life's (Kate's) a bitch and then you (she) dies
by: Littleredridinghunter
While everyone is busy saving Jackson, Stiles is taking a beating in the Argent's basement. When his dad gets hurt, he leaves a note for Scott that he is getting away from everything and to never contact him again.
Too bad Scott and the pack take him at his word....
One year later and they finally see Stiles again but it isn't a happy reunion. Can they repair all the damage that has been caused in their time apart?
(This is one of the most recent fics I've read and it left me completely destroyed and in love at the same time, the author of this fic is the same author of most of my favorite fics. Anyway, all the fics I've read by this author will appear here. (oh by the way you would like to know that spn characters appear here.))
by: TheTypewriterGirl
God, this fic is BEAUTIFUL, it's glorious, this fic can basically be described with any adjective that refers to beauty and perfection. But there is pain, a lot of pain, this fic must be praised.
There are illustrations that complete the beauty of this fic. Like this↓
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Yes, you guys definitely have to read this fanfic.
You haven't read it??? WHAT ARE YOU EXPECTING?? RUN TO READ IT.
I downloaded the fic because I don't want to lose it, I would cry if one day this fic is deleted.
It's all part of the master plan - Sterek version
by: Littleredridinghunter
every fic that I put here you must read it, truly and seriously, you HAVE to read it, you can't not do it.
Sense of Home
by: siny
Home can be a place, but it can also be a person.
After the events with the Nemeton, Stiles starts suffering the consequences of their sacrifice. A journey he attempts to make on his own, but only becomes worse with every step he takes. In the process he seeks comfort in an unexpected place and it draws him toward an unexpected person.
(This fic explains one of the theories quite well, maybe you know this theory x if that theory caught your attention, you will love this fic).
hold me tight (you'll be alright)
by: orphan_account
Stiles is captured by the alpha pack for over a month before escaping. Derek finds him in the woods and takes him home.
"And if you bleed for Beacon Hills once, you can be sure you'll bleed for it again."
(Tthis is a fix fic, but it's really good. I actually have many VERY good ones of this type.
God, I actually have a colossal mountain of fics to recommend and I have no idea how to start organizing them.)
It's where my demons hide
by: Littleredridinghunter
Stiles was used to his life going to hell. He'd just never expected it to be quite so literal.
When Rafael McCall returns to Beacon Hills after a five year absence it brings back lots of unhappy memories for Stiles, he'll do whatever he can to keep his secrets buried in order to protect those closest to him.
With Rafael's return Stiles discovers that secrets are always revealed, even if this particular time it's because of supernatural interference.
(By the way, I don't have an order, because all the fics that I'm putting here are really good and all of them are my favorites. BUT this fic right here is probably my favorite among favorites, this fic has a way of destroying your soul and putting it back together that you will love and hate at the same time and leave you wanting to read more.)
A Melody That Climbs And Then Falls
BY: siny
They won the fight against the alpha pack; the nightmare was apparently over.
That was until Stiles fell on the ground with blood coming out of his mouth when Derek reached him.
Or the fic where Stiles gets an internal bleeding for saving Derek, only a tragedy like this would make Derek realize his true feelings.
Peter betrayed them all and is currently missing. Allison and Stiles are buddies, as much as Derek and Erica.
Can't rely on me
By; Littleredridinghunter
Set at the end of season 2, Gerard beats Stiles up, but it's a lot worse than anyone knows.
The pack let him down, that's not really a surprise lately.
When Danny finds Stiles nearly bleeding to death the next day it's the start of a beautiful friendship.
Can the pack make amends before it's too late? Will Stiles ever forgive them for not being there for him when he needed them the most?
by: jjmash
Stiles' magic accidentally creates a lifelike echo of Derek's baby sister who died in the Hale fire. Between games of tag and trips to the zoo, Derek helps Stiles pick up the pieces of himself post-Nogitsune possession.
(This one is short but sweet and sad.)
Finding His Home
by: OKDeanna
Derek Hale was a lot of things, and none of them very good. Yet, the one thing he couldn't shake was the one thing he knew he shouldn't want. But when an unexpected late night call reveals Stiles Stilinski has been injured, he will stop at nothing to get to him. Even if it means opening himself up in ways he never has before...
(I love that in the sterek fandom we have these unspoken truths, like the fact that we all know that no matter what, Derek is always going to believe and care about Stiles whether he's in Mexico or on the other side of the world, if Stiles calls, he'll go to Stiles.)
Wait For Me
by: Hedwig221b
“Stiles, we know about your Spark,” Scott looked at Stiles with desperate eyes, trying to convey something. “He is the Werewolf who's been chasing you. You must run. We’ll help you…”
Stiles stared at his friend, genuinely concerned for his sanity, because the nonsense he was sputtering was really fucking confusing.
This one is really good but fucking confusing or something, it really made me hate certain characters here and scream in frustration but I always trusted stiles/derek.
The Moon's Gonna Follow Me Home
Derek doesn’t want to call the window repair guy. He doesn’t want to sweep up the glass. He’ll inevitably miss a few shards and pull them out of the bottom of his bare feet for weeks.
He doesn’t want to try to make this place feel like home when it isn’t.
Derek stayed in Beacon Hills and tried to make it work because he wanted pack, wanted purpose. He gave his best effort and found himself back where he started: alone, with a few begrudging allies. He’s tired, and even though his werewolf body heals quickly, he feels the weary ache down to his center.
He packs his car with the few things he cares about enough to drag them from place to place. He locks the loft and calls a realtor about listing the building he’d bought in a misguided attempt to secure a future.
And then he leaves.
(This fic will always be in my favorite fic recommendations, because I read it at a difficult time for me and it helped me a lot emotionally to move forward, so yes, this fic is one of my favorites among favorites, and I will always mention it at every opportunity. Plus we have Derek healing and that's beautiful because Derek deserves nice things just like Stiles.)
okay, I'm going to stop here because I have some things to do, but actually I have more favorite hurt/comfort fics. But I won't be able to put them all here right now, apologies for that, but please send me another question for a second part, but I think at the moment you have several fics to read.
I hope you like them, and please do not hesitate to send me messages to talk about all these incredible fanfics, I will be waiting for your comments. (and thanks again for the question)
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hillerskalibrary · 1 year
do you have any rec for smuttiest fic with plot and also a lot of feeling in there, like beautiful but dirty. lol, thks
Ha! That is a *great question* - that I unfortunately do not really have a good answer to myself because. well. I don't- eh. I don't read smut, currently? 🙈 Don't ask me why! I mean, I used to read smut (so much smut. like. so. much. we had a whole kink meme thread on LJ. there was A LOT.), I even wrote smut ffs. But for some reason it currently doesn't appeal to me.
Idk why y'all trust me with running a YR fic blog tbh I am NOT qualified
However my better half lives and breathes fic, including the smutty variety (if not necessarily pure pwp), and she recommends these:
In Another Life (68132 words) by embracedthevoid (this is literally tagged as "filth with feelings" idk what more you want :D - it is a wip, though)
We exist in each other's memories (11389 words) by cupofteainme
one hundred and seventeen (14832 words) by thatgayprince (this one doesn't necessarily fit the bill but my wife loves it cause the smut is great and she claims (I quote) "it needs more love" ;) )
Dear followers, please reblog or reply with your recommendations (and to the writers: self promo is ABSOLUTELY encouraged!!).
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some-pers0n · 1 year
Dragon Business
Fandom: WoF
Characters: Glory, Deathrbringer
CW: None, really (unless you consider Glorybringer/Deathbringer to be a content warning)
Summary: Oh, great! Out of all of the dragons for Glory to ambush, she just so happened to pick the most annoying dragon on this entire blasted continent.
Word Count: 1.8k
A/N: I know I am God's strongest Glorybringer hater, but I wanted to try and rewrite this scene in THK. Add some more cheesy banter and gently tweak it a little bit. I'll first and foremost add that now Deathbringer is Glory's age. Not older or anything. Same age. I also tried to keep Glory as in character as one possibly can with this scene (very hard, she's very OOC).
Glory took a deep breath, letting it sink in what she was about to do, then pounced. She landed beside the NightWing. "If you value your life, leave this kingdom."
"Moons above-" He recoiled. Even when startled, he jumped with finesse and grace. Compared to Starflight, this dragonet seemed to have some skills when it came to being stealthy. "Where did you come from?"
"I'm not here to answer questions," she snapped. "You strayed too close to the Ice Kingdom."
"By all means, this is still technically the Sand Kingdom," he rebutted. "Look, that big wall over there? I'm not behind it. Still here. Shouldn't you of all dragons know that?"
Glory's eye twitched, but her menacing expression never faltered. "You're close enough. Besides, when Blaze wins the war, it'll be ours. So, you're stepping on soon-to-be IceWing territory."
"Wow, bit cocky aren't you frost-face?" He grinned confidently. "Or maybe you're dealing with losing the war in a different way than most."
"I'm the cocky one?" she scoffed, pointing the spear right at him. "You have a lot of guts to say that to the one with the spear."
"Oh please, I'm not scared of your frostbreath, much less your little spear here..." He ran his talon along the tip of the spear.
For a moment, panic shot through Glory. It was only now that she just realized she was talking to a NightWing. This dragon could've been reading her mind this entire time. He could've found out she was a RainWing. He may know she was just doing this to scare him off and was playing around. That'd explain his demeanour. It would be idiotic to be this bold.
But, she pressed on. She repressed those thoughts to the best of her ability. She was an IceWing. She should be thinking IceWing thoughts, like how this NightWing was in her tribe's territory.
"What are you doing here? Rather suspicious of you to be spying on Princess Blaze's fortress. Long ways from...wherever you come from, isn't it?"
"Just a little bit of sightseeing, that's all."
"There's nothing here to really look at though."
"Mhh, I'd beg to differ. You're quite the sight yourself." He shot her a look, one that she was unfamiliar with. Never in her life did she see a dragon stare at her in that way. Glory was used to glares and scowls, but also the kind and thoughtful eyes of her fellow Dragonets of Destiny.
This was different. It showed spirit and tenacity, but also respect and genuine meaning. It was playful and bubbly. The more she thought about it, the more confused she was. A feeling rose within her, one that was just as perplexing as this dragon before her.
She shook her head. "Answer the question, or I'm afraid I'll have to bring you to Queen Glacier."
"Afraid? Why would you be afraid? Are you perhaps enjoying our little conversation?"
"N- no?!" she barked at him. "What? Do you want to be locked up in some dungeon until you rot away?"
"Not particularly, no. Doesn't sound all too pleasant. It's already pretty chilly just being here." He dramatically shivered.
"So then tell me why you're here. You give me a quick answer and we can both go on with our lives. What a bargain, mh?"
"Except it's about whether I live or you taking a couple minutes out of your night to drag me to my death. Doesn't sound all too balanced."
"Do you want to die? Yes or no?" she said bluntly.
"Not really, no."
"Then answer the question. Why are you here?"
The NightWing shrugged. "Fine. I'm here to meet someone. Well...maybe a few someones."
"And who would these 'someones' be, exactly?" Glory asked.
"Can't say. It's a bit secretive. NightWing business and all."
"I didn't know NightWings had 'business'," she said. "I was led to believe your entire tribe just sat around in the dark, whispering and conspiring with one another about the current events, doing nothing to warn the other tribes and stop them. Very time-consuming, I'm sure."
The other dragon snickered. "Is that what you think of us? The NightWings? Where's your sense of fear? That tone of respect for our grand powers? Honestly, do you really believe that I'm not this heroic prophet that history will repeat the name of for eons to come?" He raised his wings to the moons, but his eyes held only sarcastic teasing.
"No. Not really," Glory said harshly.
"Oh. That's a shame then." He folded his wings back in.
"If your tribe was so 'grand', you'd do something about the war, would you not? Instead of spewing some dumb prophecy, couldn't you, oh I don't know, tell the tribes which princess would be the best? Or simply which one is going to win?"
"Do you not have faith in the prophecy?" he snorted. "That'd explain why you're so grumpy."
"I'm not grumpy. I'm trying to do my job here," she growled. "I'm the one with the freezing death breath over here anyways. Watch your tongue if you want to live."
"Three moons, you just love to flaunt how you can breathe snow, don't you?" He titled his head. "Either way, prophecies don't work that way. We can't just get a straight answer. It has to be through the most convoluted and contrived way possible."
"And that would explain why you can't seem to give me a short answer for why you're here."
"That's my line!" he said.
"And now it's mine." Glory smirked back. "Still, that's a lot of blood on your tribe's talons. Could've ended the war YEARS ago had it not been for your little prophecy. Now every dragon on this blasted continent is hoping that five dragonets who've lived in a cave their whole lives are ready enough to say which one of these terrible candidates is good enough to rule as queen." She spat, her voice becoming more strained.
"Holy mother of lava," he said. "Sounds like you've been keeping that in you for a while."
Glory bobbed her head a bit. "Yeah, pretty much."
"You feel sorry for them though, that's a surprise."
"The dragonets. I've been all across Pyrrhia and I've seen a lot of reactions to the prophecy. Some are hopeful that it's going to bring peace. Others believe it's nonsense and an excuse to drag out the war for longer than it needs to. Yet, I often see dragons show sympathy for them. It is a lot for a dragon my age, I'd say."
"Mh-hm. Imagine like...just barely being an adult and having to do that. You've been living under a rock for quite literally your entire life up to this point and you're expected to...know everything."
He laughed, but then quieted down. "Yeah..." He looked thoughtful for a moment before then yawning. "Speaking of those dragonets, you've seen them around?"
She paused. "No, why?"
"Rumor has it they're coming to visit Princess Blaze. I would've thought they'd be here already." He looked over at her. "You didn't hear of them being captured, have you?"
"No. Not a word." She tried her absolute hardest to think like an IceWing. This dragon could be probing around in her mind as she spoke. Pretty obviously too, as he was ogling right at her. She thought of blizzards and fields of ice, something rather difficult considering she never once seen either.
"Right..." he eventually said. "Well, I suppose that's not all too unbelievable. It's quite a journey from the Sea Kingdom, no?"
"How did you know they were there?" Glory asked. "Oh wait, is it because you're all-knowing and have infinite power?"
"Well, that and how the Summer Palace exploded because of Burn wanting to kill them. Word travels fast when it comes to literal palaces burning to the ground in attacks."
"Oh. Right." She bit her lip. "That still doesn't answer my question. You're here to meet a couple 'someones', correct?"
"Mh-hm. Though, they don't seem to be here right now. Guess I've got all night to sit and do nothing." He glanced at her. "Say, you seem like an alright dragon. Well, aside from the whole threatening to murder me repeatedly part, that is. You know any good IceWing taverns I can stop by?"
Glory squinted. "Aren't you a little young for that? Why are you asking me either?"
"I thought you dragons didn't care about age when it came to that."
"No?! We most certainly do." She shook her head. "And besides, you really think I'm going to let you into the Ice Kingdom? A NightWing who won't even give me a simple answer? Come on..."
"I mean, you got to give me some points. Besides, what if I buy you a drink? It's all good then, right?"
"Ah yes, I'm sure Queen Glacier will be completely understanding then. She hates when other dragons are in her kingdom except when it's about buying her fellow guards a drink."
The NightWing giggled. "You do have a point there." He sighed. "Well then, sad to hear that's a bit of a bust. Can't say it wasn't worth a try." He spread his wings once more.
"Wh- where are you going?" she inquired.
"Oh, just somewhere."
"You're going somewhere to meet your someones, mh?"
"Pretty much, yes," he answered. "But, if you ever get bored, you could probably find me. Been a pleasure talking with you, RainWing."
Glory froze up. "What? What are you saying?"
"Did you really think I couldn't see through your disguise?" he asked. "Come on. I'm pretty sure not too many IceWings have that weird looking of horns and spikes. You're too lean, too smooth. You don't give off a cold feeling either. It's quite warm if I do say."
She couldn't help but feel her scales shift in colour at this revelation. She tried her hardest to keep them that pale white, but it was obvious that she was slipping. "And you didn't say a word?"
"And you didn't question why I'm here?"
"Not really, no." He shrugged. "I'm here for a reason and you're probably here for another reason as well. I didn't think I needed to know anyways."
She was dumbfounded. It made sense, of course. It was a stupid idea to begin with. It's mind-boggling how she even thought that her disguise was even remotely close to what an IceWing actually looked like. But, still. This NightWing talked to her and treated her like...a normal dragon. No talking down to her. No treating her like she's some brainless lizard.
It was new. It was nice.
"Oh, and I didn't get your name," he said as he took a step back. "I'd love to know."
"Afraid I can't, it's RainWing business." She mocked him.
He grinned back. "Well, will you tell yours if I say mine?"
"Nope. Not interested in knowing."
"Well, fine. I'll still say my name then since that seems to bother you." He smiled at her. "You can call me Deathbringer."
With that, he took to the skies, becoming one with the night.
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nonuggetshere · 1 year
Okay Spooky, PLEASE tell us about the Broken Shell AU lore (when you have the time of course). We've been seeing little bits of it for so long!
It must be I think the first or second AU I ever made for this game some years ago. It's the classic post-embrace the void ending AU.
Hornet, although reluctant and wary at first, helps The Hollow Knight and nurses them back to health in a little make-shift but in the Greenbath area, close to the Forgotten Crossroads for easy access to the hot springs which they used to heal. Why there? Idk, I think I just liked the greenery.
THK passes out for a good few days while Hornet takes care of them and when they finally wake up, despite being in an extreme amount of pain, unable to see and afraid, they still insisted on acting hollow. Slowly though, they recover, at least physically, and all the while she's taking care of them Hornet's also running all around the kingdom looking for Ghost and taking care of other things now that people are recovering and the dreamers are awake.
Once they've recovered just a little more though, something starts pulling on THK to go deeper into the kingdom, and when they can move finally they decide to follow that calling. Hornet of course tries to drag them back, but they're surprisingly strong even when injured and eventually, they end up at the junk pit. It starts with a little skirmish as both THK and Ghost are startled before they calm the hell down and realise who the other is. Hornet steps in, happy to see Ghost again even though they appear to be a shade now, and attempts to break the awkwardness by introducing them to THK - only for Ghost to float over and hug them, much to THK's surprise too as they had expected it to hate them or at the very least be angry.
So, long story short, the three siblings end up living together, eventually Ghost gets their shell fixed up by the mask maker, and they choose a name for The Hollow Knight - which was Shelly (because at this point I felt too mean calling them Hollow, so Shelly it is). They also bullshit about THK dying because Shelly does NOT want to deal with the emotional turmoil of meeting the Dreamers or Ogrim or literally anybody they know, at least while they're still recovering.
Eventually, though, they learn the truth, and much to Shelly's surprise and relief aren't angry with them.
Much later on, the question of who the next monarch should be arises and they eventually end up with Shelly being the only legitimate candidate (Hornet couldn't be thanks to some political mess between Deeonest and Hallownest, and Ghost would rather go through the Path of Pain 1000 times over than be a ruler of anything). At first, Shelly is terrified about the prospect and refuses, but after getting a ton of reassurance and with the promise of getting help from the Dreamers, they agree.
They couldn't bring the palace back from the dream realm so they just built a new one, a much smaller one in the City of Tears.
But it's mostly a classic healing arc AU for the three siblings tbh, mostly THK.
Also, it's worth noting that Shelly is disabled. They're completely blind in their right eye and can see some blurred shapes and light in the left one, which is the result of living with the fuckin sun in their head for god knows how long. They also suffer from chronic pain and back problems, and at their worst, they cannot take care of themself or even get up from their bed without assistance. They obviously don't have an arm either but eventually get a prosthetic one made for them. They still can hold up on their own in a fight - they're a god, after all - and even learned to fight by relying on their hearing rather than sight, but they're still not as strong or agile as they once were.
The bow covering their eye was from Hornet. When they were recovering she tied their bandages into a bow to cheer them up and they liked it so much they decided to do that with silk after their shell/eye healed. They also have a good relationship with the dreamers and even develop a fatherly relationship with Lurien, because they deserve a good father figure god damn it.
Oh, Ghost also eventually becomes Shelly's knight when they grow up. Hornet obviously takes over as the queen of Deepnest eventually and ever since then Hallownest's and Deeonest's relationship couldn't have been better, considering their rulers are siblings and get along swimmingly.
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rreskk · 2 years
Thks you a lot for all the headcanons you made I love all of them ! :D
Can you make a Trevor x Reader where Reader was aggressed Reader was assaulted by some guys (randoms or an ex), she managed to escape and doesn't want Trevor to intervene so she doesn't tell him but he noticed because of a bruise she tried to hide. Trevor leaves and comes back the next day. Reader has been waiting for him and he lies down right next to her and tells her it's over
A/N: I was unsure of what you meant by 'it's over'. I hope you didn't mind if I transformed this into a hurt with comfort type fanfiction. This was a wonderful idea though. Trevor is definitely the type of guy to find himself in this situation.
Summary: You knew he was dangerous but you underestimated the amount of people after him... So much so, that you found yourself being beaten by his enemies.
TW: Angst with happy ending, violence.
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He had always warned you about the possible aggressors that are after him. He had never told you they’d be after anyone associated with him…
Now you were cowering in a dark corner as unknown men were kicking you and beating you to the ground. Your nose had blood rushing out- tainting the floor while the puddle builds bigger and bigger. You cried out for them to stop but they demanded Trevor to show up… He never did. Of course he didn’t. You were on your way back from work, he’s at home; unknowing of this situation where you are being brutally attacked.
“Please!” You sobbed in external pain, pinching your nose to avoid the stains. Although you were being presently harmed, you couldn’t help but ponder the future and how Trevor would react to this. You were stupid to hide it from him.
It took them 30 minutes to realise he wasn’t coming and left you to limp back home. Your shirt was drenched in crimson liquid. It glued to your skin that held blue bruises all over; some turning a deep purple.
You silently opened the trailer door and Trevor came out from the bedroom, shirtless and chatty. He began ranting on about his days, updating you on business when noticing how vacant and slow you were to proceed his gossip.
Trevor stepped closer and identified an oddly red nose.
“You had a nose bleed?” He inquired. His eyes were stern and heavy on your face.
You chuckled sadly. “It weirdly happened on my way back.”
He dismissed your concerns and hummed out of interest. Trevor stuttered to the sofa and he slumped down to watch TV. A heavy tone of tension filled the trailer and he immediately caught onto it.
“What is wrong?” His voice portrayed no mercy. He was desperate to know what was on your mind.
“Nothing.” You played off with a toothy grin. Inside his home was warm and you had your coat wrapped around you like a life jacket. Everything you’ve done, it was building up his curiosity more. The way you walked in… the way you smiled, the way you listened to him.
Trevor knows, but he needs to see for himself.
He sat up straight. “Tell me the fucking truth, Y/N! You are worrying me.”
You tried to gulp but ended up swallowing the wrong way. A cough escaped your chest and suddenly your coat unwrapped itself to reveal your blood stained shirt.
Trevor’s eyes turned from worry to deadly furious. His intuition was strong, his gut feeling was wrenching. He felt sick to his stomach.
“Them fucking PIGS!” He screeched in agony. He turned from tanned to pale, to blood red. His eyes growing blood-shot and manic.  
How protective he got, the man shoved you out of the way and jumped into his truck. Your reaction time was slow ever since the incident that he sped off without telling you anything. Your body was crying for help and rest. It wasn’t like you could stop him… He was already gone.
After a hot shower, you wobbled to his bed and lied there; staring at the ceiling, wishing he’d open the door and tell you everything is perfect. You processed your emotions vividly during this time. You were angry at him for putting you in this danger, but it was your fault for signing up to it. You couldn’t report this to the police as it is gang related violence- you couldn’t risk getting Trevor locked up.
It took a few hours for the front door to open again. It was dark. You had the covers protecting you from sight and vision. You depressingly lied there and felt a dip beside you. Trevor held a deep breath.
“It’s all over.” He blunted that his core voice grew raw and he sounded high on anger.
With all the bodily pain, you hadn’t responded. Trevor’s arm cradled your bruised body and he unwrapped you from the bed sheets. You were freezing at the exposure to his now cold trailer.
“I promise there will be no more of this shit.” He announced again.
You softly nodded.
“I’d rather lose a limb than have you hurt again.”
You noticed his tone growing more fragile. He was gradually growing vulnerable in his emotions.
“No one is gonna touch you again.”
His hand grazed over the purple bruises on your stomach lovingly. Trevor will make it his life-long goal to let no one hurt you.
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finnlongman · 4 months
@alchemicallyxcadh, I haven't answered your asks about THK publicly because I don't want to share spoilers for those who haven't read it yet, but please know that I have read them, and I am delighted by them, and this is everything I want from reader reactions, frankly.
(And if I answer them privately I will no longer be able to see them and reread them whenever I feel sad, so I can't do that either. But I didn't want you to think I was ignoring you.)
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leiflitter · 6 months
Congrats on 150 chapters, Leif! With YAH asks; could we have wedding spoilers/preview please? X
Absolutely! I am nowhere NEAR writing the wedding (Harry’s birthday party first! Aah! YAH!Sonas will be involved!) but we may have some time skips when life is less eventful for the lads so...
They aren't having a traditional wedding party (as in, bridesmaids etc)- instead it'll be Farls, the kids, and some of Oliver’s nieces.
Connor is invited, but he needs to apologise properly to Rufus and the girls. Even then, Felix has a staff member... Keeping an eye on him. Subtly.
They're going to get ready together, enter the chapel together, leave together. Felix doesn't believe in bad luck and he will absolutely want to be holding Ollie's hand because he will be nervous.
The reception is going to be the party of the century. Seriously. Lucia has outdone herself with Felix actually cooperating.
They will be having two honeymoons- a quiet one in the countryside, and then Reading Festival so Felix can demonstrate the joys of Gross Sweaty Tent Sex to Oliver.
For visuals, I made a pinterest! It includes outfits for the lads and the kids!
Paula will be crying so much. Felix knows thks and so Lucia has assigned a member of staff to bring her tissues and water at regular intervals.
Jeff is also going to cry, properly, and probably very loudly, but the reason they are doing the actual ceremony family-only is precisely so they can be very emotional and not give a shit.
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nasuversekinkmeme · 1 year
Can I have some furries? Can I PLEASE get some furries? Werewolf aus or dragon saber or anything you want just furry these bitches up pls thks
But of course!
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