#i might be slightly aggressive behind the wheel
brewed-pangolin · 9 months
What's the point?
Why are we here?
If I left, would it change anything?
Probably not.
Existential crisis?
Just me trying to figure out why some moron is driving slow in the left lane and steadily moving me towards vehicular madness and violence.
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xxkissesforchanniexx · 5 months
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𝐘𝐨𝐮 𝐆𝐨 𝐅𝐢𝐫𝐬𝐭
Pairing: Chan x fem!reader zombie au Word Count: 1.8k Warnings: Chan being a dick >.> (mostly to Seonghwa), threats, medical diseases I fail to describe besides what i googled up >.>, uhh kinda nice ending
A/N: slowly im getting stuff done >.> be patient with me please ;-;
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Chapter 2
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Jeongin had fallen asleep, leaning against the window, Seonghwa and Chan were having a very aggressive staring contest in the mirror, Felix on the other hand smiled at you.
"So y/n," Felix said, "What did you do before the apocalypse?"
You shrugged, "I was just starting medical school."
"So you might know how to help Minho."
You nodded. "What's wrong with him?"
"he's been really sleepy and he kept saying he had a headache then it got worse... and his neck got stiff... then he got the fever and he started feeling weak-"
"Meningitis?" Seonghwa asked, finally looking away from Chan.
"Maybe..." You said quietly.
"What do we do?" Chan said looking at you in the rearview mirror.
"I have to see when I get there." You made a face at him.
He sucked in a breath, "Fine."
You smiled slightly and began asking Felix about his life before the apocalypse. You found out from him that Chan liked singing.
"Chan used to sing every day... even the stupid jingles on TV-"
"That's enough." Chan said, squeezing the wheel.
Felix went quiet.
Chan turned into a tunnel and stopped the car.
Seonghwa looked around. "Where are we?"
"Home." Felix said and shook Jeongin awake.
"Yongbokkie, help me open the gate." Chan said as he got out of the car.
You got out and walked around the back of the car to Chan's side, Seonghwa looked up and down the tunnel before grabbing you and hissing in you ear. "I don't trust this place."
"Then sleep outside." Chan spat before going to a pile of melted metal and a rusted car.
He shifted the metal and after a few hard pulls, Felix got the car door to open. You saw a flashing light and stared at curiously as it turned green before Felix entered the car. Jeongin followed close behind. You stared at the dark inside of the car curiously.
"Go." Chan said. "It's not dangerous."
You made a face. "It looks dangerous."
Chan let go of the door and it closed, "Look, if we didn't need you to fix Minho you and your friend wouldn't be here. I don't like killing other people. You know where we stay. I either kill you here. Or you join us and get the fuck inside."
Seonghwa stepped between you and Chan, looking down at him, "Try and kill her."
Chan sucked in a breath turning around before reaching for something. The car door opened from the inside and someone stared at you. He had thin cat like eyes and long black hair, and plush lips.
"What's going on?" He stepped fully out of the car and looked from you and Seonghwa to Chan. "Who are these people?"
"They can help Minho." Chan said, "Since I'm so threatening talk to the face of our operations." He rolled his eyes and opened the car door before entering.
The man looked at you and Seonghwa, "When was the last time you showered." He waved his hand in front of his nose. "I'm Hyunjin. If I get this right I must know Chan so well. He scared you, you don't want to enter. But if you don't enter, he has to kill you."
You nodded.
Seonghwa huffed. "Look-"
"N-no I get it. It was the same way when I found these guys. But I promise, it's safe here." He smiled gently and opened the door.
You looked at Seonghwa who started shaking his head but you threw you bag in before entering yourself.
You slid past the seats realizing the car was slanted, and stumbled into a dark tunnel you saw a light at the end of the tunnel and followed it to a big well lit room, natural light poured in from a window in the ceiling.
"There she is." Felix smiled, "Guys, this is y/n. y/n, this is Jisung," he motioned to a man with dark hair and chubby chipmunk like cheeks, "Changbin," A muscular man with a scar on his face, "Seungmin," A boy with light brown hair and a calm face, "and Minho is probably sleeping."
You looked around their base, it was a wide area, probably formally used for tunnel maintenance. To the right was a living like area with a couch and table with trinkets decorating shelves several passages led somewhere, to the back was two passages, to the left was a big kitchen with a gas cooker and fridge.
Your brows furrowed. "You have power."
"Always." Felix smiled, "Perks of having two geniuses around," he motioned to Hyunjin and Seungmin. "If Hyunjin imagines it, Seungmin and find someway to throw it together."
You nodded, motioning to the two doors to the back.
Changbin perked up, "We aren't allowed back there. Even if Chan and I built this place together, I can't see what's to the right door. As for the left," He looked at Seonghwa, "We'll see when we trust you."
Seonghwa pursed his lips.
Jisung smiled at you slightly. "It's been so long since we had a girl here... alive anyway. I feel under dressed."
You laugh lightly and shrug, "Don't worry about it, I can't say I'm much better."
Jisung laughed slightly, "We have a shower, can't say if Hyunjin and Seungmin have figured out hot water yet but you can give it a try."
"Speaking of which," Felix grabbed your hand and dragged you down a hall to the right and down the left of a split in the hall before opening a door. "You can stay here." He looked at Seonghwa. "I can find you guys a bigger bed if you nee-"
"I'll sleep alone thanks." Seonghwa rolled his eyes.
You laughed and threw your bag onto the bed, looking around the small space. Unlike the other places you had stayed with Seonghwa and the outside, despite the heat, here it was cool. You sat on the bed and smiled at how soft it was, you looked at the small dresser for your clothes and hummed.
Felix poked his head in after a few minutes. "I can show you to the shower," he held out a towel.
You stood and took it, opening the door and following him out into the hall. The shower room was a very small space with carefully put together piping and tile flooring with a rubber mat.
Felix smiled and handed you soap and a wash cloth, "Uh, I don't know what else you girls use to bathe so... consult Hyunjin if you need anything extra."
You laughed. "This is enough, thanks."
"Okie dokie." Felix nodded, "As Sungie warned, the hot water might not always work so... good luck." He smiled sweetly and closed the door.
After questioning yourself in the shower about how you survived so long without warm water you finished your shower and allowed Seonghwa his turn.
You were sorting through your bag, looking at what you had and what you could put where when Changbin threw your door open.
"Minho is awake." His eyes were worried.
You stared at Minho, he was a very pretty man, about Chan's age, with small lips and observant eyes.
"Who is that?" he asked the moment you entered the room.
"She's going to help." Hyunjin said, looking at you.
"Help me how? She a doctor or something?" Minho sat up.
"You could say that." Chan exhaled slowly.
"Lay back." You said.
Minho stared at you for a moment before laying back.
You felt his head, "Hyunjin." You looked at him, "Get me my bag, it's on my bed."
Hyunjin ran off to get it.
"Relax, I'm going to test you for something." You put Minho's arms on his abdomen and took his pillow from under his head.
Chan stared at you with narrowed eyes as Hyunjin returned, Seonghwa following him, "I don't want that Pomeranian in here-"
"Chan who are these people?" Minho tried to sit up but you pushed him back down with a glare.
"Who are you calling a Pomeranian?" Seonghwa said, walking across the room.
Minho pushed you off and held his head as he sat up. "Stay away from Chan-"
Chan got in Seonghwa's face and then you lost it.
Seonghwa and Chan stared at you.
"Out." You said quietly.
"You can't order me around-" Chan started.
"Channie." Minho looked at him. "Go..."
Chan sucked in a breath and left.
Seonghwa looked at you before walking out after Chan.
You got Minho to take the acetaminophen from your bag and had him lie back again. You lifted his head and watched his lower half.
You sucked in a breath as his knees bent slightly.
"Hyunjin." You said quietly.
"Yeah?" He looked at you.
"How long has Minho been sick?"
"A little less than a week.."
"He's got meningitis..."
"Is it bad?" Hyunjin's face fell.
"I think he'll live if he's made it this far. We just have to keep the fever down." You sighed softly. "make sure you wash your hands."
You ended up watching Minho most of the late afternoon into the evening and even in the night to keep his fever down, switching every now and then with Hyunjin. Living with the boys you noticed how rare it was for Chan to be around and about the hideout.
"Does Chan always stay away from you guys?" You asked Jeongin one day.
"No, not really." Jeongin said, "You're just not out when he's out."
You nodded to yourself, determining based on those words, Chan must be active at night, compared to the other member who were loud and rowdy in the day.
You were watching Minho, checking his temperature quickly before leaving to get water. It was dark out, from what you could see through the window in the center room. You got a bottle of water and looked around. How lucky did you have to be... You hadn't died in the initial wave... You found Seonghwa...you found Chan... You could drink water peacefully.
The sound of steps made you look up, Chan stood in the hall looking at you.
You looked back at him.
"Minho okay?" he asked as he grabbed a bottle from the top shelf above the stove. Alcohol.
"He's fine." You said sipping your water.
Chan poured himself a cup of the alcohol and looked at you. "Never thought you'd actually do it." he said before drinking.
"What?" You looked at him.
"When we left we were sure Minho would die before we got back," He said quietly, staring into his cup. "I owe it to you," He looked at you. "Thank you."
"I've been here a whole two days and this is the first thing you say to me." You laugh lightly.
"Wasn't like you were available to talk." He huffed.
"Well, Chan, you're welcome." You shrugged and finished your water, pushing away from the counter, you walked to the hall. "And... for everything," You motioned to the room. "For letting us stay, thank you..."
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helloporcelain · 1 year
Hot Blood
fandom: cyberpunk 2077  pairing: johnny silverhand/fem! v  rating: explicit (18+)  tags: pwp, piv, thigh riding, light choking, happy ending au where johnny has his body/v is not dying summary: car sex on an extremely hot summer day in a cramped car before a gig to shoot up some wraiths? bad idea, probably. ∘°∘♡∘°∘ READ ON AO3 ∘°∘♡∘°∘
based off a prompt from @seeingstarks
The heat was relentless out in the Badlands when September rolled around. 
The temperature easily pushed over 103°, and sun rays were beating down aggressively on top of Johnny and V through the top of his car. A Porsche wasn’t made to be driven around such rough, uneven terrain, but Johnny had insisted on it. He loved his retro car as if it was a long lost daughter he finally had been reunited with. A little whirring, mechanical child on wheels from 50 years past. 
V typically vetoed no to the Porsche for gigs, but it had been a while since Johnny had driven them both and the job didn’t seem like it would be too driving heavy, so she relented and let him take the wheels. He really wasn’t the best behind the steering wheel, at least not since he had gotten used to an actual body (not that Johnny would ever admit it) and V preferred that Johnny got some practice out in open land and not run over innocent jaywalkers in the city. 
It was, however, definitely not V’s car of preference.
For one thing, it was a small car. V wasn’t a large woman, so why did she feel suffocated in it, especially if she was packing heat? It felt as if there was barely room for her to stretch her legs out, nevermind hauling a bunch of gear, guns and grenades around in there without setting something off and blowing them both to sorry bits. 
But Johnny didn’t seem to mind – it was one of the few times the muscles in his shoulders relaxed, which made the decision to let him drive it worth it in the end for V. Johnny had carried around a tenseness in his body ever since he came back, always on edge. He did his best to hide it, and if V hadn’t shared a brain with him, she might not have noticed. Johnny hadn’t fully believed he was worthy of a second chance, but V had believed nothing else more intensely. 
Still, she regretfully contemplated the decision as sweat dripped down her forehead, onto her bare lashes. He rolled the front windows down to get some kind of breeze because the AC was weak. V had been bugging him to get it fixed for weeks but Johnny had stubbornly snapped that he didn’t “want some fucking Night City idiot fucking around with his car.” 
V wiped her damp forehead with the back of her palm and let out an annoyed huff, shifting uncomfortably in her seat. She had picked out some denim shorts that day, yet it was still too hot and now she had to experience the displeasure of her thighs sticking slick to the leather material. 
“Toughest solo in Night City,” Johnny drawled, looking at her over his sunglasses. “But she can’t handle a little heat.” V pulled a loose bra strap back up on her right shoulder and raised an eyebrow at him. 
“I get that you’re already going to hell Johnny and okay with this heat hellscape, but some of us would like to not be slowly cooked to death.” She paused, reading something on her holo and continued, “I already messaged Claire and she’s going to fix it and you’re going to let her do it without complaints.”
Johnny grunted in disapproval but didn’t put up much of a fight. Instead, he looked out the window and tapped his fingers on the steering wheel in rhythm to an old rock song she was not too familiar with. Everything that mattered to Johnny was rooted in nostalgia, and V was included in that now.
He pulled up to an abandoned gas station just outside of Rocky Ridge and parked the car behind the building just slightly so that they would still have a view of any cars coming down the road. The gig would have Johnny and V wait around 30 minutes before the targets – Wraiths – rolled in as sundown approached. 
Kill them all and make out with some equipment that Saul needed. Simple gig.
V groaned, tossed her seatbelt off and reached towards the dashboard of the car to tinker with the AC settings – with no luck. The little bursts of air coming through felt like pathetic little hiccups, and her entire body was dripping in sweat. Johnny leaned back and watched as V jabbed her fingers at the console for a solution.
“You wouldn’t have survived a day in Texas, princess,” he muses, shifting his seat back. “Get used to it, we’re going to be cooking here for a minute till those motherfuckers roll in.” 
V gave him a cranky scowl. “Your obsession with this car is concerning on a fundamental level.”
Johnny opened up all the windows and pulled out a cigarette to light up, and V took a deep breath in preparation for the smoke that was about to cloud her senses. After a deep drag he let his left arm hang out over the door and she continued on her rant. 
“You have the most advanced cars in the world at your fingertips, and yet you prefer…” her arms flung wildly around the little space available. “…this stupid broken car!”
V caught a glimpse of how she looked in the mirror and she definitely looked a little crazed. Her cheeks were flush with pink and her usually pin straight hair was turning frizzy. Johnny was right, she wouldn’t have lasted even an hour in the humid Southern summers. She looked back at him and took in his appearance. Sure, Johnny was sweating too, but he looked unbothered. He had chosen to wear his leather pants regardless of the weather that day and he didn’t even look like he was struggling with them. 
At that exact moment, she resented how good he looked.
“I take offense to that V. I’ll have you know…” Johnny took another puff of his cigarette before offering it over to V. “This was a fucking chick magnet.” She accepted it and begrudgingly started to smoke. He wasn’t a part of her anymore, but the cravings still hit her if she saw Johnny smoke first. It was exactly what she needed, and she felt herself relax slightly after the first exhale.  
“Oh boy, here we go. Gonna regale me with stories of your drug addled sexcapades?” She took another long hit, quickly put it out, then tossed it out the window on her side of the car. “I know they were desperate for some rockstar dick, but I highly doubt they actually enjoyed the cramped experience. Only teenagers fuck in cars.” 
Johnny gave a crooked smirk. “Au contraire, V. Au fuckin’ contraire.” His hands went to the sign of his seat to pull it down, taking up more of what little space was left in the backseat. He leaned back and put his arms above his head, and closed his eyes in a show of shush, I’m daydreaming now.
“Fucking preem experience having a chick bounce up and down on me in here. Such a compact space means you’re forced to fit all up against each other, and it’s tight. Doesn’t get old.” 
V fiddled around with her rifle, making sure the bullets were all loaded. She rolled her eyes at him, but her curiosity was piqued slightly. It was an automatic reaction, something she couldn’t control even when her mind signaled: not now ! The second Johnny started being suggestive at all – V couldn’t help it – her body would react without her brain’s explicit permission. 
They had already fucked twice that morning; sleepy, leisurely sex in bed, then he had come up behind her in the bathroom while she was drying her hair and had bent her over the sink. Not that V was complaining. Johnny had been insatiable ever since they had settled into “normal life”, but she never entertained anything during a job. She was a professional, after all.
“Sure,” she said, giving her gun a wipe down. “I bet they loved bumping their heads and getting thigh cramps.”
Johnny responded by taking the rifle out of her hands and pulling it out of her reach. She made a noise of surprise and tried to rustle it out of his arms but no luck, her arms were short and he was leaning back with it. “You won’t get it back from there,” he commented.
“Not funny Johnny,” she scolded. “The Wraiths could be here any second. Give it back.” 
“We know when they’re coming, V. Saul has their routes down to a fucking T.” 
His eyebrows wiggled annoyingly in the direction of his lap, signaling for V to climb on top of him  to retrieve her gun. Her lips went flat in disapproval for a beat, before she twisted her body around, scaled over the drink holder and gingerly into his lap. “You’re so pea-brained,” she said. 
The space was cramped, though it did help that his seat was leaned back a bit. She could feel the heat against the thick material of his pants permeating against her legs. Her brain paused on the sensation against her, before reminding her why she was on him in the first place and she leaned forward to grab her gun. V failed to grab it – Johnny quickly tossed it behind the back of his chair, too out of the way for her to retrieve it in the current position.
“Dick,” she grumbled. V tried to move over him to reach behind, but his hands found their way to her hips and he squeezed down firmly, keeping her pressed against his right thigh. 
“I think I might love summer,” he said. She squirmed against his hold but he just held her down tighter. Johnny’s cock hardened and strained against his pants. “Know why? Because you wear these hot little shorts like the fucking cocktease you are.”
V’s eyes glazed over briefly as she checked the clock out of nerves – they still had 20 minutes before any of the Raffen Shivs were due to show up, but she wouldn’t apologize for being too sure. She snapped out of the thought as Johnny groped at her tits, rolling his thumb over a hard nipple through her white tank top. “One hell of an outfit to wear to a possible shootout, V.”
He leaned forward to kiss her mouth, before trailing down to her jaw and neck. She looked down at him, her heart rate increasing quickly at the thought of fucking him. It would be stupid. It would be reckless. 
“I didn’t wear this to get your dick hard idiot,” she breathlessly replied in between his wet kisses. “Earth to Johnny. Normal humans dress appropriately for the weather.” 
“Then take it off,” he shrugged, tugging at the cotton material. V let him pull the top off over her head, tossing it over to her seat. Johnny didn’t have her take off her bra, instead opting to pull it down so that her tits popped out over the cups. He leaned forward to take a nipple in his mouth, sucking and twirling the nub in his mouth, all the while palming his cock through his pants.
If V was pink earlier, she was full on lobster red now between the heat of the car and the flush of the grind against his leather pants. She had opted out of underwear that morning, mostly due to having put off laundry for so long that she ran out of panties. And now that decision had come back to haunt her as every twitch against him ran a shock through her clit, begging her to roll against him harder.
Johnny let go of one breast and moved onto the neglected side, biting down on the nipple. She let out a whining sound of pleasure as she held her arms against his headrest and rocked against him faster. “Fuck. God damn it, Johnny.” Her clit was growing swollen against the denim fabric of her shorts and the clumsy pace of her fucking his thigh. 
He pulled away from her chest and a hand moved up to finger his old dogtags that she wore, which were now jingling in rhythm with her grinding. “That’s my girl.” 
His fingers wrapped around her throat and gently squeezed. “Yeah, that’s right, baby. Use me. Make yourself feel good.” She let out a choked moan when her clit passed over some kind of raised, ridged material in his pants. 
She rolled her hips against him, angling to make sure her clit continued to hit the same spot again and again. Johnny wanted to fuck her, badly, but wanted to watch her come apart like this even more. V’s body was slick with sweat, and he knew she would find it annoying in the aftermath, but Johnny loved how completely natural of a state she was in. 
Something organic, something real, and something only his to witness.
“So fucking sexy baby. Should see yourself right now. Making a mess on me. Could cum just looking at you V.” 
“Idiot,” she gasped. V worked herself at a frantic and shameless pace, and he pulled her face closer to his so he could kiss her. She could feel the pressure building in her soaked cunt, letting out moans that were muffled by Johnny’s mouth. The kiss was messy as he sucked on her tongue and their saliva dribbled down her chin. 
V lurched forward when her orgasm came crashing down like a lightning bolt, her climax shaking throughout her whole body. V’s hips bucked against his leg as she rode out the rest of the wave, completely engulfed in the embrace of his arms, face buried into the crook of his neck. Johnny was drenched in sweat too, smelling vaguely of soap, but mostly smoke. 
After a few seconds, Johnny chuckled and brushed V’s damp hair away from her forehead. She was distinctly aware of the painful erection he still had straining against his pants. “My stupid broken car still has women creaming their panties 50 years later.” She nipped at his neck and shifted her body up against him to press on his hardon. 
“That’s where you’re wrong, Johnny. I’m not wearing any panties.” 
Johnny let out a groan and his hands squeezed her shoulders, pushing her back down on him. One of his arms shot to her shorts and pulled at the zipper ungracefully. “Get these off,” he growled. V leaned back and looked beyond the car towards the road. Still empty, but her brain issued a huge red flag at the thought of rogue nomads popping up behind them and popping one in their heads…
She could picture the tombstone – RIP V, she died doing what she loved most: Johnny Silverhand. 
Ugh. Bad idea, V chided herself silently. 
Then she said it out loud too, still not entirely used to him not being able to hear everything she thought. “Bad idea, Johnny. We don’t have time.” 
Johnny went to work on his zipper, tugging his cock free from the restraints of his oppressive pants. He started slowly stroking and she couldn’t see his eyes through the lenses of his dark glasses. “V, you can either ride my cock now or I’ll jerk off and you can walk back to camp with cum on your shorts. Your choice.” He stroked faster and his eyebrow furrowed as she considered the decision with 15 minutes left on the clock in her head.
It was awkward to lift herself up from him to take her shorts off but she managed to peel them off and fling them to her seat. She wasn’t confident it was very sexy to watch her do this, but Johnny was still intently watching her as he masturbated, and she suddenly was very aware of the hot air on her naked lower half. 
V tried to look down between them as she lined his cock up with her entrance, letting the tip slide between her folds. Johnny was already leaking precum, and before V got the chance to lower herself, he grabbed her waist and yanked her down to sit on his cock. Her eyes popped wide as he sat her down all the way, no space, not an inch in between them. 
“Johnny,” she gasped. 
“Ride my cock V, need to feel every fucking inch of your pussy.” 
One of Johnny’s arms curled around her waist, the other one landed on her thigh as he slammed her down onto his dick. V readjusted the angle so her legs weren’t caught in any tight crevices, and when she was finally comfortable she started to move quickly against him. Johnny groaned when he felt the fullness of her weight, the tightness of her cunt fully engulfing him. 
“Love how needy you are for my cock V, fuckin anywhere, anytime, my fucking girl.”
Johnny was barely holding it together. His glasses were rocking about, threatening to fly off with each violent slam that V pushed down on. Her wetness was soaking through everywhere, mixing with their sweat, making the car smell like a hotbox of pure sex. 
“Fuck, Johnny, you know I can’t say no to you,” V panted, holding herself steady. “You’re– so fucking deep.” She spread her thighs a bit wider, as much as the space allowed, Johnny clutched her tight as he continued his rocking pace against her, so profoundly deep inside she thought she may have felt it in her stomach.
His hands were digging into her so hard it was going to leave a bruise after. V was so tight, Johnny groaned like a man who was in the process of losing his mind. “Fucking made for my cock. My fucking perfect cocksleeve.” 
V leaned in to capture his lips, biting down on them to make them bleed.  She had to admit: no matter how many times they fucked, she still got the same butterflies that lurched in her body with how they fit perfectly. As if it was proof that there was a God somewhere and he did actually craft their bodies with the intention of them finding each other, somehow, half a century apart.
She held him against her as she began to rock her body, her clit rubbing against his body with every roll of her hips. Johnny groaned as they kissed, and V knew he was close to coming. His hands wandered down to grip her ass tightly, impaling her down on him with more force than she could hope to do on her own. “Johnny,” she gasped. “Need your fucking cum in me.” 
Sweat rolled down their bodies like droplets of rain. The combined body heat was making it hard to breathe, but she let her hands wander to his throat anyway. V didn’t do the choking too often, but thought herself a giver sometimes. Johnny was close, his fingers were digging a death grip into her and his pace was becoming erratic. She closed both her hands around his throat and squeezed, holding her gaze on his face.  “What’s taking so long, you want them to see me riding your cock babe?”
A grunt of approval resounded deep in Johnny’s chest. V’s toes curled as she felt him impale into her once more, a sudden and violent rope of cum shooting into her core. She choked Johnny a bit harder as she slowly rocked against him, taking in the feeling of her pussy milking his cock for every drop. One hand left his neck and wandered down to feverishly rub at her very swollen clit, her orgasm crashing down quickly in sparks. Johnny and V clung to each other, skin sticking to skin; neither one wanted to be the first one to get up from the mess they’ve left. “Eight minutes,” she finally said, breaking the silence.
“Don’t think I didn’t notice you were constantly checking the clock the whole time, because I did, you little control freak.” Johnny replied, fidgeting with his glasses. She leaned back to put her tank top on and laughed. 
“One of us has to try and keep us alive,” she smiled. They both looked at each other with soft eyes until a loud sound in the distance caused them to stiffen up. “What the fuck was that?” They both whipped their heads around and craned their necks to see a gaggle of trucks looming back in the gas station. A couple of heads were pointed their way, some shouting and pulling out their guns. Johnny sheepishly watched as V frantically hopped over to her seat to pull on her shorts.
“Fuuuck me. What did I say, Johnny? What did I say!? Any second!”
V was in a fit of panic, and all Johnny could offer up was a shrug. "Saul was wrong." 
She slapped his forehead (to which he simply responded: ow) and haphazardly threw out a grenade in the distance, hoping it would buy them another few seconds. 
“Pass me my rifle. Now.”
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A Glass of Wine Part 2 | Wanda Maximoff
Summary: Wanda and Y/N head back to his apartment what ends up being a very long night
Pairing: Wanda Maximoff x Male Reader
Warnings: Smut (MINORS DNI), language, mentions of alcohol
Word Count: 3.1K
A/N: You filthy-minded people asked for it, so here you go 🙃 This is my first try at smut, let me know what you think!  And PLEASE send any requests you might have my way!
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The drive back to Y/N's apartment was the longest ten minutes of his life.  He white-knuckled the steering wheel, worried that if he let go he wouldn't be able to keep his hands off the gorgeous woman sitting in the passenger seat.  They sat in silence, the tension almost unbearable.
Y/N unlocked the door to his apartment and pushed it open, holding it for Wanda as she entered behind him.  He waited until she turned to watch the door shut and immediately slammed her up against it.  As he pinned her to the door with his body, he reached his hand down to flip the lock shut.
They stared deep into each other's eyes, their faces mere inches apart.  Her eyes were intoxicating.  He felt his pulse quicken as her hot breath fell on his face.  Both of them anticipating the other would act first, they paused momentarily, the tension tempting both of them.  Before Wanda could say anything Y/N grabbed her hips and slammed his lips into hers.  He felt her gasp at the sudden contact before she melted into his arms.  Kissing her was ecstasy.  If he hadn't been slightly buzzed from the drinks at the bar he would've found himself getting drunk off of her taste.  He kissed her hungrily, swiping his tongue over her lower lip until she parted them ever so slightly, allowing his tongue to slide inside her mouth.  He moaned into her mouth as their tongues wrestled for dominance.  As he explored her mouth, he felt her hands slide up his arms to grip his biceps, her nails digging into the soft leather covering his muscles.
Take it off, she thought.
He broke away from the kiss abruptly, staring at her flushed face.
"I'm the one giving the orders tonight, sweetheart, not you," he growled in her ear.  Her breath hitched at his aggressive tone and stopped completely as he buried his face into her neck, biting the sensitive flesh.  "You'll do what I tell you to, understand?"
"Yes," Wanda gasped as he licked over the sensitive spot on her neck that he bit.
"Good," he breathed.  He worked his way around her neck, ravishing the supple skin.  He sucked against her skin, marking her so everyone would know that for at least one night she was all his.  The whines that erupted from her lips were like music to his ears.  As he nibbled her ear, he felt her hands trail up his back to grab the back of his neck, her body burning with arousal.
Bedroom. Now.  His voice shot through her mind.  She stared at him, her skin glistening and mouth open as she struggled to regain her breath.  He snaked one arm around her midsection and pulled her close.  Don't make me ask twice.
He grabbed her hand and pulled her toward the bedroom.  It didn't take much effort on his part.  She was blindly following him.  As they entered the bedroom she flicked her wrist to shut and lock the door.  He turned to look at her: she was smirking back at him.
"You're a fucking goddess," he said as he relished in the sight of her.  Her face grew redder as she blushed at his words.  "Now take off your clothes," he ordered.
Wanda fumbled as she pulled off her shirt and jeans.  He stood and stared at the gorgeous figure standing before him.  She was beautiful, ravishing, and tonight he was going to worship every inch of her.  She reached behind her to unclasp her bra, letting it simply fall off her breasts.  His mouth watered as she revealed herself to him.  As she moved her hands to tug down her underwear, he stepped forward and grabbed her wrist.
"No," he whispered.  "I'm tearing those off." He removed his hand from her wrist and moved it to cup her ass, a spark shooting through him as he gave the round cheek a gentle squeeze.  He used his hand to guide her toward him as he inched backward toward the bed.  Before his legs could touch the mattress, Y/N spun them around and pushed Wanda back onto the mattress.  He unzipped his jacket, taking it off and throwing it behind him as he reached down to the hem of his white t-shirt and did the same.  Wanda eyed his chest hungrily as he laid on top of her, kissing her swollen lips.  He shivered as she ran her nails up and down his spine, grinding his hips into hers.  She moaned as she felt him harden on top of her.
As Wanda moaned, Y/N grazed his hand up her stomach to her breast.  He squeezed it roughly as his mouth found her other one.  She arched her chest up as he swirled his tongue around her nipple, leaving a trail of saliva around the erect nub.  He smiled as she whined against his touch.
Needy little thing, aren't you? He smirked as she let out a soft groan, her nails digging into the flesh of his back.  He continued to fondle her one breast, moving his hand from the mound to twist her nipple.  She twitched under his ministrations.
"Please," she begged.  He stopped abruptly and she groaned at the sudden loss of sensation against her bosom.  "Please, stop teasing and-"
"And what?" Y/N spat.  "Look at you, I've barely even touched you and I've got you begging me to what, fuck you?  Shove my cock inside you and pound that nice pussy of yours until you're hoarse from screaming for me to stop?"  He grabbed her face and turned it so she was facing him.  "I decide when you've had enough, remember?" he whispered harshly.  Her eyes widened, dilated with sheer unadulterated lust.  It drove him wild.
As Wanda laid on the bed underneath him, he began to slink his way down her body with his mouth, kissing her from her face and neck to her breasts and down to her stomach, stopping when he reached the waistband of her panties.  He smiled as he inserted both thumbs into the lacy band.  "These really are lovely panties, Wanda.  It's a shame that I'm going to tear them off you."  With minimal effort, he ripped the delicate fabric in two.  "Oops," he apologized as he removed what was left of the black lace and dropped it off the side of her bed.  Y/N looked back up at her and grinned.
Tell me what you want.  He'd been rough with her up to that point, and he wanted to make sure she was still okay with it without breaking the mood.  And tell me if it's too much.
She lazily ran her hands through his hair, a gentle change of pace from the rough way he'd been handling her body thus far.  I want your mouth, she grinned as she rolled her hips against his clothed groin.  He was straining against the tight fabric, but he was more concerned with ravishing her most sensitive area.
Y/N pushed himself down her body, his head landing between his legs as he hooked his arms around her legs to push them to the side.  He inhaled deeply, taking in all of her scent.  "You smell amazing," he murmured against the inside of her thigh.  Wanda squirmed as he peppered butterfly kisses against the silky skin of her inner thighs.  He teased around her most sensitive area with his mouth before he ran his tongue up the length of her slick folds and landed on her clit.  She bucked her hips into his mouth, her hand finding his hair again and combing through it.
"Fuck," she moaned as he began to suck her hardening clit.  His tongue expertly flicked at it.  He could feel her arousal dripping from his chin.  Lowering his jaw, he slid his tongue inside her dripping pussy, eliciting a loud moan from her as she threw her head back on the bed.
You're so wet, baby.  So wet for me, aren't you?  He thrusted his tongue inside as deep as he could, drawing louder and louder moans from the witch.  As he tongued her walls, she started to grind herself against his mouth.
He slid his tongue out of her and back up to her clit, replacing it with two fingers inside her tight cunt instead.  Curling them against her most sensitive spot, he began to thrust his digits inside her.
"Oh fuck, I'm close," Wanda moaned as she pressed her head back into the mattress, the veins in her neck straining against the confines of her skin.  Y/N continued to suction her clit while pumping his fingers in and out of her with increasing speed, hitting her g-spot every time.  He continued to work through her moans and sighs, feeling her tighten around his fingers as they filled her up.  He knew she was teetering on the edge.
Cum for me, Wanda.
"Shit!" she cried as her orgasm overtook her, her walls spasming around his fingers.  Y/N stopped thrusting his fingers, letting her clench in time with the aftershocks of the orgasm that ripped through her body.  As he felt her breathing slow, he pulled his fingers out and brought them to her mouth.
"Suck," he commanded.  Y/N  pushed his fingers past her lips, watching as she sucked her own arousal from them.  He pulled them from her mouth and wiped them on his jeans.  Wanda pushed herself up against the headboard, eyeing the ever-growing bulge in his jeans.  He followed her gaze to his groin.
"See something you like?" he asked as he unbuttoned his jeans, sliding them and his boxer briefs down his legs and kicking them off.  His freed cock sprang to attention.  Wanda's mouth watered when she saw his member pointing straight towards her.  He crawled on top of her, kissing her furiously.  He could taste her juices on her lips.
She wrapped her arms around his back, pulling him close to her and bucking her hips up against him.  Y/N moaned as he felt her slick start to coat his shaft.
Do you want me to get a condom?  She nodded.  He rolled over to the other side of the bed and opened the nightstand, pulling out a half-full box of condoms.  He grabbed one and leaned back on his heels as he opened the package.  I'll keep these out.  I have a feeling we'll need more than one.  He rolled the condom over his throbbing cock as he struggled to keep his breathing steady.  Eating Wanda out ignited a fury of desire inside him.  As he rolled the latex sheath over his shaft he saw Wanda's hand sneak its way up to grasp the base of his shaft.
Please, let me touch you, she begged.  He smacked her hand away.
"Are you that much of a slut that you can't wait for me to fill you up?  Is that it?  Do you need me that badly?"
"Yes," she whispered breathlessly.  "Punish me for being such a slut."  She spread her legs and presented her pussy, still dripping from her first orgasm, to him, a look of desperation plastered on her face.
"Fuck, Wanda," Y/N moaned as he settled between her legs.  He took his cock in his hand and rubbed it around her clit and up and down her slit.  He was loving the way she was falling apart under him.  She bucked her hips, yearning for the intrusion of his member inside her.  Deciding she'd waited long enough, he pressed the tip of his cock to her entrance and slid himself in.
"Oh, God!" she moaned.  She wasn't used to being stretched so much.  Y/N lingered in place for a moment, allowing Wanda to adjust to his size.  It took all his self-restraint to do so.  As he felt her walls relax, he began to thrust into her.  He moved slowly at first, dragging his entire length out before burying himself to the hilt again.  But as her hips rolled against his and she brought her hands down to grab his ass, he began to thrust faster.
"Fuck, you feel so fucking good," he moaned as he leaned down to kiss her sloppily.  Y/N was snapping his hips into her, the bed shaking and hitting the wall with every thrust.  He was relentless, pounding her pussy at a frantic pace.  She groaned as she dug her nails into his ass.  "Damn it, Wanda," he hissed.  "You're going to ruin me, you horny little slut."
"Baby, don't stop, please don't stop," she begged as Y/N continued to slam his hips into hers.  He could feel her tightening around his cock.  She was coming close again.  "Please, please Y/N, I'm gonna cum."
"You don't get to cum until I say so, Wanda.  Your pussy belongs to me.  I own you," he growled, never slowing down.  She began to whimper as he fucked her harder, feeling like he was going to split her open.
"Please let me cum, please I can't take it," she begged, tears beginning to gather in the corners of her eyes.  The pleasure was too much for her to bear.
Y/N leaned down to capture her lips in a frantic kiss, biting her lower lip as he pulled away.  "You think I should let you cum now?"  She nodded frantically, her breathing wildly erratic.
"Oh god I'm cumming!" she gasped.
"Cum for me, Wanda.  Cum on my cock," he ordered as he plowed into her pussy.
She moaned as she came through his hard thrusts.  Her walls clenched his cock, making it almost impossible for him to move.
"Fuck, Wanda," he moaned.  He slowed his thrusts down as she rode out the aftershocks, eventually pulling out altogether.
Wanda laid in the bed, running her hand through her damp hair, trying to process what just happened to her.  "Wow," she breathed.  "That was...that was incredible."  She yelped as she felt her body get pulled to the edge of the bed.
We're done when I say we're done.  Face down, ass up, baby girl.  Wanda obliged, turning over on her hands and knees as she felt Y/N slide back into her.
"I'm going to make you beg me to stop, Wanda.  You'll be a desperate little whore by the time we're done tonight." He reached forward to grab a fistful of her red hair and pulled it back toward him.  "I already told you you wouldn't be able to walk after I was done with you, didn't I?" He threw her head back down and grabbed her hips, filling her with every harsh thrust.  The sounds of skin slapping skin and moaning and heavy breathing filled the bedroom.  Y/N closed his eyes and threw his head back, reveling in the pleasure of the moment.
Wanda clutched onto the bed sheets for dear life, her eyes rolling back in her head, as she felt herself come to a peak.  Groaning loudly, she felt herself let go into ecstasy.  As shockwaves of pleasure filled her body, Y/N continued thrusting her through her orgasm.
"Too much," she babbled.
"You can take it," he grunted as he gave her ass a sharp smack.  "Give me another."  He reached his hand around and started circling her clit.  He felt her walls start to pulsate again, her body betraying her want to stop.
She buried her face in the pillow as she screamed through her fourth consecutive orgasm.  Y/N chuckled at the way she was losing control of herself.  He slowed his thrusts for the second time that night.  He looked down and saw her chest heaving, her body convulsing from the shock.  Pulling out of her, he leaned down to her head, which was covered by her disheveled hair before whispering in her ear:
"One more, pretty girl," he coaxed as he flipped her over.  Her face was flushed, her eyes seemed permanently dilated.  She nodded weakly, exhausted from her first four orgasms.  "Good girl," he said as he kissed her forehead.
She spread her legs for him, placing her feet on the bed and bending her knees.  As Y/N entered her, he was anything but gentle.  He was desperate to cum and wanted to leave her screaming.  Her back arched off the bed as he slammed his cock in and out of her dripping pussy.  She bucked her hips against his, moaning at the intense pleasure that was overtaking her.
"Fuck, Wanda, I'm gonna cum," he moaned.  It hadn't taken him long to reach that point.  As he felt his orgasm fast approaching, he pounded into Wanda at an ungodly speed.  The headboard was slamming against the wall.  Tears were running down Wanda's face, ruining her makeup, as her hand came up to furiously circle her clit.
"Y/N!" she screamed as her fifth orgasm of the night consumed her body.  The sensation of her walls contracting around him finally sent Y/N over the edge.  He fell down and moaned into her neck as he felt hot spurts of cum shoot out of him.  They were both breathing hard, slowly coming down from their highs.
"Fuck," he whispered in her ear.  "Fuck, you're amazing.  You're so fucking amazing, Wanda." He kissed her neck before pushing himself up to be face to face with her.  Her makeup was ruined, her face was flushed, her hair was plastered to her forehead with sweat, but she still looked beautiful.  "Are you okay?" he asked.
"Yeah, I'm just...yeah, I'm okay," she smiled.
"It wasn't too rough, was it?"  He used his thumb to wipe up the mascara/tear mixture from her cheeks.
"It was rougher than what I'm used to.  But I liked it," she replied, lifting her hand up to his head to run her fingers through his hair.
"I'll go get you a washcloth," he said, placing a tender kiss on her lips before pulling out of her and walking to the bathroom to retrieve a washcloth for her.  When he returned, he carefully washed up the remnants of her arousal around her puffy pussy.  Throwing the washcloth to the floor, he climbed back into bed and pulled Wanda close to him.
"You can spend the night," Y/N offered.  "I'll make breakfast in the morning."  She flipped herself around to look at him.
"Breakfast sounds good," she giggled.
"And if you're not busy tomorrow, maybe dinner?" he asked.  "Normally I like to take women on a date before I sleep with them."
"Dinner sounds great," she responded, leaning forward to plant a kiss on his nose.  He smiled back at her.
"Get some rest," he encouraged, leaning back to turn off the lights.  She flipped back around, letting him spoon her as they both started to drift off.
Remind me to thank your friends for dragging you to the bar.
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Let's (re)Read The Eye of the World! Chapter 27: Shelter from the Storm
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It's that time to warn people about spoilers again! My reread has spoilers for the whole damn series and if you don't want to know all the cool secrets, you should go be somewhere else. I try to make this paragraph long enough to hide everything under the "expand this post" thing, but also hopefully you'll just block spoiler posts already jeez!
This chapter once again has the leaves on a vine icon, which as I said before just reflects the Tuatha'an among other things. Perrin and Egwene are traveling with them so this all checks out. Not much to discuss.
Any suggestion that they might go further, or more quickly, was met with laughter, or perhaps, “Ah, but would you make the poor horses work so hard?”
Werthead of the Atlas of Ice and Fire wordpress did a series on Wheel, and one thing he concluded that always stuck with me is that judging by the distances and the timeline, the caravan is actually traveling pretty damn fast! Perrin must just not be good at judging the distances covered on the Caralain Grass.
But Perrin had learned that hidden beneath the surface was the wariness of a half-tame deer. Something deep lay behind the smiles directed at the Emond’s Fielders, something that wondered if they were safe, something that faded only slightly over the days. With Elyas the wariness was strong, like deep summer heat shimmering in the air, and it did not fade.
Perrin seems to be gaining his empathetic powers of Wolfbrotherhood. He does describe the ways any person might notice, but based on the speed of his thoughts so far I'm going to assume he figured that stuff out after getting the supernatural push. Like Rand, he's got a lot of denial.
“Something tells me it’s important to wait. A few more days. I don’t get feelings like this often, but when I do, I’ve learned to trust them. They’ve saved my life in the past. This time it’s different, somehow, but it’s important. That’s clear. You want to run on, then run on. Not me.”
Perrin wants to leave, but his own ta'veren-ness won't let him. It's good that Jordan was planting the seeds for this, since we'll be getting to it in a few more chapters.
“Three Girls in the Meadow,” for instance, the Tinkers named “Pretty Maids Dancing,” and they said “The Wind From the North” was called “Hard Rain Falling” in some lands and “Berin’s Retreat” in others. When he asked, not thinking, for “The Tinker Has My Pots,” they fell all over themselves laughing. They knew it, but as “Toss the Feathers.”
I absolutely love this particular bit of worldbuilding and will probably quote it every time it happens even though I have absolutely nothing to add to it.
“I have to thank you,” Elyas told him, his tone sober and solemn. “It’s different with you young fellows, but at my age it takes more than a fire to warm my bones.” Perrin scowled. There was something about Elyas’s back as he walked away that said even if nothing showed, he was laughing inside.
Perrin really hates sexuality. If he weren't trapped in a narrative where all men coming of age had to get married as quickly as possible, he'd be aggressively asexual. It makes the whole "becoming a werewolf" thing mesh all the more poorly with his character, since raw instinct and wild abandon are things that he never, ever becomes comfortable with.
Then Aram held out his hand to her, and she darted to him, already laughing again. As they ran away to where fiddles sang, Aram flashed a triumphant grin over his shoulder at Perrin as if to say, she is not yours, but she will be mine.
Honestly, as much as I despised the bizarre love triangle angle the show brought in to things, between this and the fact that Perrin's fight with Egwene never mentions her sort-of relationship with Rand, it may not be as entirely out of left field as I thought. Perrin is just extra shitty this chapter.
Sometimes he wanted to shout at them. There were Trollocs in the world, and Fades. There were those who would cut down every leaf. The Dark One was out there, and the Way of the Leaf would burn in Ba’alzamon’s eyes.
I mean, if you talked to them about it, you might either convince some of them or at least hear about the justifications their culture, which is nearly as old as the Trollocs, has come up with? Surely there's answers you could find? Especially without shouting? Come on bro.
Hopper was a scarred and grizzled fighter, impassive with the knowledge of years, with guile that more than made up for anything of which age might have robbed him. For humans he cared nothing, but Dapple wished this thing done, and Hopper would wait as she waited and run as she ran.
And he's going to spend his afterlife being Perrin's babysitter. Not gonna lie, I refuse to believe he's gone-gone as of the end of the series, just because bro deserves something better.
He crooked a finger, and the wolf howled as fire burst out of its eyes and ears and mouth, out of its skin. The stench of burning meat and hair filled the kitchen. Alsbet Luhhan lifted the lid on a pot and stirred with a wooden spoon.
Props to Ish for managing to make Perrin's absolutely normal dream seem so much more terrifying. Just absolutely terrifying.
Beyond the trees where the wagons lay, the wolves howled, one sharp cry from three throats. He shared their sensations. Fire. Pain. Fire. Hate. Hate! Kill!
It's interesting to me that Ish's dream raven seems to have accelerated Perrin's powers developing. Obviously he didn't mean to do that at all, but the stress probably helped open his mind even more. And here Ish thinks he's done this a trillion trillion times before but he's still making rookie villain mistakes.
Egwene did not notice the regretful, sidelong looks Ila gave her. She asked what was going on, and Perrin prepared himself for her to say she wanted to stay with the Tuatha’an, but when Elyas explained she only nodded thoughtfully and hurried back into the wagon to gather her things.
Perrin has absolutely no idea what's going on in Egwene's head, Wolfbrother powers or no. Of course she doesn't wanna stay forever, dummy! She's just been enjoying not spending every other night being chased by demons. If it's time to go, it's time to go so she can get to Tar Valon, the thing she actually gives a fuck about.
Why the hell is Perrin the people person ta'veren when the other two could be dead and Perrin would still be the least socially aware? Rand displays martial and political aptitude from the beginning. Mat's got martial and trickster qualities from the start too, he just gets a bit screwed up by the dagger. But while Perrin is a good fighter, he has absolutely no qualities that explain why people might follow him without reality literally rewriting their minds. I think this is why his arc is the worst of the three boys: he doesn't follow their structure so he wouldn't have had anywhere to go even if Jordan did have content for him.
“Peace be on you always,” Elyas replied, “and on all the People.” He hesitated, then added, “I will find the song, or another will find the song, but the song will be sung, this year or in a year to come. As it once was, so shall it be again, world without end.”
And here's Perrin's ta'veren again, making Elyas be more socially aware (again: Perrin is the people ta'veren even though he's the worst at this stuff) and kind. It's clearly pretty out of character since Elyas bitches about it once they're out of earshot, but it's a kindness that helps bind him more to the group, which would be nice if he ever saw them again. Sadly, I don't think he does, though I feel that if Jordan had lived to write the ending that Perrin would have folded at least some of the Tuatha'an into his group in a better way than what he pulled with Aram.
Perrin did not want to think about his dream. He had thought that the wolves made them safe. Not complete. Accept. Full heart. Full mind. You still struggle. Only complete when you accept. He forced the wolves out of his head, and blinked in surprise. He had not known he could do that. He determined not to let them back in again.
It's also very difficult to accept that Perrin is supposed to be the smart one when upon hearing, "Your dreams could be safe if you were more comfortable with this," is to go, "Fuck no get the hell out!" It's just... Damn. If it were specifically some psychic side effect of the dream raven or something, that might be one thing, but Ishamael never mentions any such thing and the reasons to avoid wolfiness just multiply. The character arc that has the most potential for Perrin is the one where Jordan makes damn sure he never tries and apparently I'm just going to be frustrated as all hell about it this whole reread. Alas.
“Ila was giving me advice on being a woman,” Egwene replied absently. He began laughing, and she gave him a hooded, dangerous look that he failed to see. “Advice! Nobody tells us how to be men. We just are.” “That,” Egwene said, “is probably why you make such a bad job of it.” Up ahead, Elyas cackled loudly.
On the plus side, while my love of Perrin POVs has diminished since middle school, I can safely say that this exchange is just as funny now as it was then. See y'all next time!
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mahindramotoringmagic · 10 months
New Mahindra Pik-Up Double Cab Reviewed
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Early October 2017, Mahindra launched the updated version of its next-generation Pik-Up in Gauteng. Women on Wheels was there to experience what Mahindra promises will make competitors sit up and pay heed.
In South Africa, bakkie fans have various reasons for their product preferences, whether it be for work, play, or simply the pure joy of owning a bakkie (or simply their love of the model). Apart from its affordability in South Africa’s tough current economic climate, bakkie owners most likely value its combination of comfort and capability.
It appears that Mahindra has tapped into this. The new double cab Mahindra hosts a variety of features to satisfy these desires, with a price tag that should appeal to a broader range of consumers. It now comes with a six-speed manual transmission, increased turbodiesel power with 103 kW, a much more attractive interior than its predecessor and a towing capacity of 2 500 kg.
Robust and rugged, a real outdoorsy adventurer
On the outside, it might look somewhat outdated when compared to some of the other new bakkie brands launched this year, but I like that it’s got that hint of old-school originality quirk to it. As much as I love the look of the latest bakkies out there, the new Mahindra Pik-Up gives the impression of a real off-road, outdoorsy adventurer, perfectly suited to South Africa’s diverse and often harsh road terrains.
The upgrade does, however, give the new Pik-Up a slightly more aggressive and modern look, with emphasis on the front-end styling. The most significant changes to the exterior include a new grille, headlights, bonnet and foglamps.  Headlights on either side of the grille are also completely new with a new curved LED daytime running light signature, or “eyebrow” as Mahindra names it, for the top-of-the-range S10 derivative.
Convenience and comfort 
I had quite a lot of time inside Mahindra’s new Pik-Up while driving from Lanseria International Airport to Magaliesberg. While we usually pair up or have at least one driving ‘buddy’ on launches, I was assigned to my vehicle without a driving partner. At first, I was somewhat apprehensive about having to navigate myself in a car I’d never driven before, but it didn’t take long for me to feel comfortable and confident. In fact, I rather enjoyed having the cabin to myself as I could take in all that it had to offer, without any distractions. I was also grateful for the S10’s built-in Navigation system that directed me through every town and highway road, very precisely and timely.
Seating positioning in the new Pik-Up is raised and you sit pretty high up, while visibility through the windows is unobstructed. Seating is further made comfortable thanks to improved upholstery and the flagship S10 derivative adds driver convenience with a multi-functional steering wheel, as well as remote central locking and cruise control.
Driving impressions
Mahindra’s new Pik-Up’s six-speed manual gearbox driving rear wheels is what I enjoyed the most during my test drive. Gear-changing is efficient and smooth, while its in-gear acceleration and pulling power are sufficient. It has an updated 2,2-litre four-cylinder mHawk turbodiesel engine with an impressive torque of 320 N.m which is reached at 1 600 r/min.
The entire range of the new Mahindra DC bakkies is fitted with an electronic Locking Differential as standard, so there’s no need to sit and fiddle with buttons or to wait for activation lights during your off-roading excursions. We had a quick go at some off-roading with the new Pik-Up once we reached Magaliesberg and although the terrain going uphill was extremely uneven and rocky, I remained pretty comfortable and solid behind the wheel.
Safety conscious
Mahindra’s done a good job at providing enough safety features as standard on some models, to give someone like myself, a somewhat neurotic and safety-consciously minded driver, peace of mind. These include ABS, EBD, Dual airbags, Crash protection crumple zones and a Collapsible steering column.
They’ve also added three headrests for backseat passengers, three-point seatbelts, as well as two ISOFIX anchor-points at the back of the Double Cab S10 models.
The new Mahindra Pik-Up might not be as refined as bakkies like the Ford Ranger or the Volkswagen Amarok, for example, but it’s certainly a great alternative to the bigger players and for customers looking for a more affordable bakkie capable of heavy loads and off-roading adventures.
The Mahindra double cab pricing includes a 4 Year /120 000 km Warranty and roadside assistance, and a 5 Year / 90 000 km Service Plan. Services are at 20,000 km intervals or every 12 months, whichever comes first.
Review shared from https://mahindramadness.postach.io/post/new-mahindra-pik-up-double-cab-reviewed
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funkymbtifiction · 2 years
Hello, I have a question regarding type 4. It is always emphasized that 4s do not repress their feelings, at the same time it is also said that 4s tend to only express a small range of emotions and reject those that do not fit their self-image. Isn’t that technically a repression of feelings as well? If a 4 chooses to only express certain negative emotions because only those fit their image then don’t they kind of repress all those emotions that do not fit their image? Or is it that they are fully aware of all their emotions and experience them fully but may not express it like that to the outside? Like they may experience happy feelings (obviously 4s can be happy, it is just a simplified example) but decide not to show that too much on the outside and rather focus on the negative? 
I just wondered since “not repressing ones feelings” and only “showing a small range of emotions” appears to be slightly contradictory?! Could you maybe elaborate on that a little, if possible? (Or does not repressing ones feelings would be more accurate as “not repressing ones NEGATIVE feelings”, since that seems something that is more common in most people. They tend to repress negativity for all sorts of reason…they are happier with that/negativity makes them uncomfortable, they feel like it is wrong and they “should” be positive etc.)
Well, this is what a 4 says about it:
Heart types are gifted in emotions, yet they all have lost touch to their hearts. This conundrum is being tackled by the ego through creating an image of a heart instead of accessing the vulnerable, beating one hiding behind it. How can we be heartless if we are dictated by emotion, connection, value, significance and meaning? Shame is the dreadful, crippling, agonizing response to this from which all heart types hide. 2 overdoes the heart part by narrowly expressing their good side, their dutiful, warm, penetrating, healing energy and neglecting the self underneath, neglecting the real need of the person they’re serving. 3s are cut off from their hearts entirely, their false heart creation is that of a pristine, successful, desirable one that is hollow and one-dimensional and out of touch with the severed, authentic heart of the 3. 4s are under-doing the expression of the heart center, stabbing their own hearts violently, aggressively, repeatedly in the same spots they deem the most pain- or meaningful. Both 2s and 4s allow themselves to only express one side of the emotional wheel. Image needs to be sustained, after all, and by broadening their range they feel they’d become inauthentic. You’re not allowed to see the darkness of 2 or the light of 4 - because they’re convinced they are barren from it. Deep down they fear this might not be true, that there might be more to them, more they would never allow themselves to be polluted with, and the shame needs to be funneled into an image. There is no such thing as a sunny 4. There is no such thing as #allthefeels. 4s don’t feel everything. 4’s don’t see beauty in everything. 4’s don’t want to be an ocean of emotion. [...] Due to their line to 1, 4s will chisel themselves into the kind of person they want to be. They will rip themselves open to become their self-image.
All the image centers are “false” in a sense that they are pruning their feelings and only showing you the ones they want you to see and/or that fit their self-image.
Source: https://sites.google.com/larissathomas.com/goblinsofdiscord/types/type-4
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m80495 · 2 years
|| OutOfCombat ;;
Every day I think about how bad Mercury is at expressing his emotions. Even when he tries so hard. Readmore bc it got a little long sorry he’s running on a hamster wheel in my brain folds
Obviously with his upbringing he's NEVER had a good outlet for it, but he's just so goddamn emotionally constipated it's insane.
The moment that immediately comes to mind is the Battle of Haven in V5 (everyone’s favorite scene in everyone’s favorite volume :eyeroll:), specifically after it’s over and the Heroes Have Saved The Day or whatever and Emerald is about to have a meltdown on the floor. And Mercury just goes “Emerald, get up, we need to go. Emerald...” and like he’s whispering and his voice is still a little aggressive but you can tell he’s trying to be soft and gentle with her because he knows that’s what she responds better to and it gets me eeeeevery time. He cares for her so much in his stupid little repressed Mercury way. He just wants her to get out of there and be safe. 
ANNNNDDDDD. He defends her from Tyrian later in V6E4(I think). But before he even does his little “Back off, freak.” thing he’s trying to get her away from him before the confrontation starts. “Emerald, come on.” because he knows Tyrian is just gonna get in her head and make her upset (because it is evidently not that hard to upset her). When Emerald turns and does her “I will cut off more than just your tail.” line, Mercury behind her is like O_O cause he’s like ahh great now I gotta make sure she doesn’t kill herself trying to fight Tyrian. (Tyrian meanwhile is unfazed because he is Tyrian. That shot of him cutting his face against her weapon and Emerald’s little OnO face lives in my head rent-free.) AND MERCURY’S HAND ON HER SHOULDER IS SO GENTLE. And he doesn’t take his hand off her shoulder until they turn around!!!!!!!!!! UGH oh my GOD. (Also, just as a little note, Emerald leans just the slightest bit against Mercury’s hand and turns so slightly towards him, but when Salem touches her on that same shoulder minutes later, she tenses up something fierce. I’m just mentioning that for me.)
This has nothing to do with the rest of the post, but I’m mentioning it anyway because it came to mind. Mercury is the first person to realize how enraged Salem is when Hazel tells her that rwbyjnr&qrow are being led by Oz. He’s the first to realize the atmosphere completely changes, the camera focuses on him when the windows start shattering. Tyrian and Watts start talking while Mercury is like uh ohhhhhh. He knows rage when he sees it. My poor boy. He’s the first person to be OUT of that goddamn door.
And then there’s That Scene in V6E9(lol 69). I fully believe Emerald is the only person he’s ever, ever opened up to about ANYTHING in his past. That scene is SO emotionally charged. Actually wait before I talk about it I need to point something else out. Mercury doesn’t ever really talk to anyone else in the show except for Emerald. And when he does he’s threatening/intimidating them. (The scene where they visit the Branwen tribe comes to mind. “Hey, ugly!”/”I was hoping you’d say that.” (irt cinder “Make him [cooperate].”)/“We’re the guys you should be afraid of.” etc.) (Or the scene with him and Ruby in V3, “polarity vs metal, that might be bad”/ “let’s just keep this between us friends” etc.) But every time he talks to Emerald, he’s much more casual. And he talks to her less when there’s other people around (V3, the scene in the ambulance, the scene where he’s repairing his legs.) but she’s still the main person he talks to. It’s evident in V6E9 too where he casually calls Cinder “a pain” and the tone of his voice with his “Just made sense.” and his subsequent explanation. He’s talking about how he was raised from birth to kill people, and how he killed his dad, but he’s using the cadence you’d use to talk about the weather. 
This is neither here nor there but I think it’s very sweet and cute that Emerald is just kind of hanging out while Mercury works out or trains or whatever the hell he is doing in that scene. Yarrgh! Hiyaa! Grunt noises! And Emerald’s just sitting there. They feel comfort in each other’s presence, your honor! (Remember in V3 when he was doing pushups on the floor and she was playing on her scroll laying on the floor beside him? UGH THEY’RE SO SPECIAL TO ME.)
He’s nonchalant about it at first but we see pretty quickly he has a short temper. “Hey, what’s your problem?” He opened up (in his own Mercury way) and Emerald didn’t respond the way he thought she would, so he’s immediately on the defensive. But she isn’t aggressive (yet) so he backs off again. “Salem’s promised us everything.” and subsequent lines are again said casually. And then Emerald calls Cinder ‘family’. For someone like Mercury, who has likely only had bad experiences with ‘family’ (and there is NO way Cinder treated Mercury the same way she treated Emerald, like there’s no way, from the way he talks about her, he does not give two shits about that woman) he does not respond well to it. “Wake up already.” He sees through Cinder’s act of ‘caring’ about Emerald when she’s really using the two of them to further her own goals. I don’t think he’s fine with it, but he puts up with it because his ultimate goal is to be “top dog” in “Salem’s new world”. Cinder just also happens to be part of that. I’m also not convinced that’s the first time Mercury has tried to have the “Cinder doesn’t care about you/us” conversation with Emerald, it is way too emotionally charged on both sides. They’ve talked about this before I KNOW it.
I think it’s also important to note that Mercury is not the one who starts their dinky little slapfight, Emerald throws the first blow and nearly every other attack. She doesn’t even land any of her hits, Mercury effortlessly blocks and dodges his way out of all of them. “I’m sorry you didn’t have a mommy that loved you! But I had a father who hated me.” He physically stops the fight so he can say that. I do think he really is sorry that Emerald didn’t have a loving family, but I think he’s also, like, hey, I didn’t either, so tough fucking shit. It’s the difference between having no family at all vs a family that was actively abusive. I think Mercury would’ve rather had nothing at all than Marcus Black for a father, and Emerald would rather keep clinging to Cinder (who literally has hit her before and actively manipulated her) than have nothing at all. He’s trying to help her recognize that her circumstances are, uh, bad, but he’s so aggressive and frustrated that she’s not getting it, that it just turns into him being, um, not-gentle about it, because that is the only way he knows how to do it. He doesn’t know how to be soft and gentle about it, especially when it’s something that hits so closely to home. He’s been through this cycle before, and he can see both himself and Emerald trapped in it, and it frustrates and probably enrages him to no end. 
Regardless of his frustration, he barely even tries to fight back. He knows he doesn’t have to, because he knows he can beat her in a fight. “Every day of training was a beating.” He’s literally just walking forward, hands at his sides. He’s doing nothing but intimidate her because he doesn’t want to fight her. He wants her to back down. He doesn’t start ‘fighting back’ until “This is a crutch.” with an extremely telegraphed punch, and “This makes you weak.” with a telegraphed high kick that barely even gets close enough to Emerald for her to even need to dodge from it. And those are the only two ‘attacks’ he throws out that entire time, and they are telegraphed, and easy for Em to block/dodge. He spends the rest of his little speech just circling Emerald with his hands up. Mercury spilled his guts out to Emerald, probably the first time he’s ever opened up about what happened to him in his LIFE. And that’s something that can be so personal........
And that’s why he’s so frustrated when Tyrian interrupts them. Because he’s an extremely private person, and someone he hates just overheard him unlock his Tragic Backstory to Emerald. And then get his ass handed to him both verbally and physically by Tyrian, he’s humiliated! He just tried to open up, and for what? I don’t think Tyrian was making fun of him, per se, but he did absolutely nail all of his insecurities right to his face. To be honest? I think Mercury sees a lot of Marcus in Tyrian. Marcus the assassin and Tyrian the serial killer. Kind of a tangent but I think it’s interesting how he doesn’t even try to fight back against Tyrian. He sees pretty quickly they’re unevenly matched and he just... stays there underneath him, staring at his stinger. Mercury doesn’t pick fights he can’t win...
I want to say something about Emeralds “Mercury, I wanted to...” thing because she definitely was coming to follow up on their fight, but Mercury is literally paralyzed with fear watching Salem create the winged monkey grimm (Beringel?? I cant remember what theyre called off the top of my head rn). We could’ve had them try that conversation again in private in V7 but CRWBY hates me specifically.
We didn’t see Em and Merc for the entirety of V7, and I can’t help but wonder what on earth went on between them during all of that. I feel like, from what we know from V8, with Mercury leaving Cinder to work under Salem directly, he had to have told Emerald before he did it. I think he made one last-ditch attempt to get through to her about Cinder not truly caring for who she is as a person, only caring about what Emerald can do for her, but again couldn’t reach her. So he decided to just leave, to prove it to her that Cinder never cared. And the thing is, too, Mercury outlived his use for Cinder. He had that fake leg trick at the Fall of Beacon, but aside from that, Cinder just uses him as muscle. And she could just as easily find anyone else with that ability, someone who has a semblance, too. I think Mercury actually might’ve been a little worried he’d get left behind (even if he didn’t quite realize it) when he decided to work under Salem directly. I dunno. Wait I’m going on a tangent again okay focus Combat focus we are talking about Mercury’s soft side. Okay maybe not soft just less rough than the rest of him. ANYWAY
As far as V8 goes, I don’t think Mercury has completely given up trying to get it through Emerald’s head that Cinder is bad for her. But I do think he tries a little less cuz it kills him inside to see that cycle happen and feel powerless to prevent it but he at least has to try. In V8E6. After Emerald brings Cinder back to the whale. She was just trying to help. “I think she’s had enough help.” Mercury is now bold enough to shittalk Cinder to her face, why’s that, I wonder, hmmmm??????? “Would you stop trying to protect her, already? She doesn’t care about you.” Where’s all this coming from? Huh? Oh, Cinder’s mad. So she tries to kick them out. And Mercury’s like SURPRISE BITCH I don’t work for you anymore. When he says that. Emerald doesn’t even look surprised at all. I just knowwww Mercury told her beforehand!! Like I said! She’s just like :(... meanwhile Cinder is like !?!?!?. I might just be brainrotted but Emerald leaves without waiting for Cinder to leave first, she follows Mercury instead, and I think that’s a nice little detail. Later in that same episode, when they’re all gathered, Mercury looks over to where Emerald is kneeling, just to check on her. I think that is also a sweet little detail.
And Then Volume Eight Episode Seven: War Happens. “He’s a prisoner, Em, he’ll say what he thinks will get him out.” I’m sure you know all about saying what you think will get you out of a little pain and punishment, don’t you, Mr. Black. Also I screamed when he called her Em. And I want to mention. Emerald did not go to Cinder with this. Emerald went to Mercury with it first. Emerald did not tell Cinder a single thing about the lamp and Jinn, she told MERCURY. MERCURY!!! I think, even if it’s just the slightest, smallest bit, he did get through to her just a little bit by telling her Cinder doesn’t care. “I know better than to disobey Salem.” I think that might’ve been a dig at Cinder actually. But also he knows the price of disobedience. So.
His voice drops so much between “Look, even if what he said was true, we can’t stop Salem.” Mercury is just as afraid of Salem as everyone else is, he just puts on airs to seem like a detached cool tough guy. “Big guy’s not gonna pick fights he can’t win. Neither should we.” Mercury knows that well, and it’s showed in so many aspects of him. He stops the fight with Pyrrha when he gets what he needs. He almost singlehandedly defeats Coco and Yatsu at Vytal. He loses on purpose to Yang at Vytal. And he kinda does kick ass during the battle of Haven. He intimidates Emerald into not fighting in V6. He doesn’t fight Tyrian back. And he takes whatever orders are given to him by Salem. He knows what it’s like to lose a fight and he does not like it. 
Tyrian coming up to retrieve Mercury to take him to Vacuo... that scene is so... ough. Mercury tenses up SO much when Tyrian grabs his shoulder I can feel the tension in my own muscles. Mercury has so many second thoughts in that one short moment where Tyrian talks about Salem ending the world, and you can see it all over his face! I want to cry. “Come along, Mr. Black.” I just know Mercury hates being called that more than anything. I knowwww that’s what people In The Know called Marcus. I mean, hell, he probably had to call Marcus ‘Mr. Black’ on occasion. When Tyrian shoves him forward, he looks back at Emerald. But Tyrian keeps him going.
And then, finally, the last time we saw Mercury Black, literally almost two fucking whole years ago now, was him in the manta about to fly out to Vacuo. And he exchanged that LOOK with Emerald. (That Look is still my phone lockscreen to this day.) So many silent thoughts are communicated just through his nod. You’ve got this. You’re gonna be okay. I’m gonna be okay. We’re gonna be okay.
Reader, they are not going to be okay.
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