#i might not play another class until reaper comes out tbh
ansu-gurleht · 3 years
so today in ffxiv i had to do the hard mode versions of ifrit, garuda, and titan. they all went really well! up until titan at least. ifrit and garuda i had really short queue times, and the fights went smoothly, no wipes, didn’t even die myself. titan on the other hand took forever to queue and i died twice. first time i died i got pushed off the edge of the arena like a fool ( :( ), but it wasn’t that bad since the whole party wiped anyway (neither tank was in tank stance lol). we got that sorted and beat him, but i did die at the very end, idr what killed me but it was something dumb i think, i just got hit by a mechanic like a fool :(
anyways. with that done i was able to start the 2.5 quests, and i got to the point where you do the keeper of the lake dungeon and stopped there, bc i didn’t feel like doing ANOTHER instance lol. i’m gonna wrap 2.5 up tomorrow and probably get started on the crystal tower nonsense, which i am. not looking forward to tbh. wish the game didn’t force me to do raid content to progress but it is what it is i guess
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ikenugs · 4 years
I saw you were taking asks! I was wondering if you could do like Beach Headcannons for the After L!Fe Reapers? Since 20 is a lot, I'll just name 5 characters for now. Cyrille, Aitachi, Kirr, Verine, and Nine. Love youu~~~💕💕🥰🥰
Of course, but I want to do all 20 of them, just I'll do it in parts so I can have a break in between them. Also love you too @yourfriendlyneighborhoodninja8 🥰🥰🥰
Beach Fun times w/ The Reapers Part 1.
So this sickly little bean is quite weak, especially to the sunlight and heat, so he just lays on a towel under an umbrella quite a ways away from the water
Cause if he went in the water, being like a fragile feather, he would probably float lol. Definitely be swept away by the current
Though he would probably benefit from the vitamin D lmao
He kinda just relaxes with Sian (secretly composing music), who hums a rhythm that softly lulls him to sleep
Let's be honest here, even after spending hours out on the beach, despite laying under an umbrella, there's no way he would get tan. He just always has this pale greenish tint that even the sun itself can't fix
Quincy kept pestering him about sunscreen, they bicker quite a lot but Verine is just the kind of person even a devil couldn't help but feel sympathy for. Despite Quincy claiming that, "I am not worried, I just simply don't want to stare at whatever monstrosity red and green combination his face would turn from a sunburn, when I wake tomorrow morning, " We all know he's just a worried sweetie and does care
Nine could catch the wistful stares of Verine as he gazed at everyone, it was impossible to ease the longing in his heart. I mean, how could he not wish to be like everyone else? To be able to do the things they all took for granted....
Ghilley with his silent footsteps scared the poor babies out of their wits
You see, the thing about Aitachi, is that he explicitly states that he fears water, swimming, and seafood, so this boi is gonna have a difficult time
He automatically just REFUSED to go near the sea, it scared the poor child so bad he stayed WAY far back from the shoreline.
One thing he did enjoy doing was building various different sand castles, which he did with his buddy Kirr. They had kinda formed a kinship because of their similar backgrounds. They had fun building fortresses with the sand and even brought a lobster over to defend his masterpiece
A little way through he felt that he was keeping Kirr from playing in the water and as a sorry brought him over to a small patch of grass and flowers. He taught him how to make a bead/plant weaved decoration that was a traditional piece his tribe made for hair, to put in Kirr's braid.
Kirr totally had an uwu moment for the precious child Ghilley sat watching everything behind the scenes with his familiar smile "so cute,"
Built mini empires in the sand with Aitachi, and really had no intention of getting in the water anyways.
As, as a huntsman he never really learned to enjoy the water. Since he lived in the freezing snowy mountains, he avoided water as much as possible as that meant a guaranteed death, by hypothermia.
Ok, ok, hear me out. So, Kirr rounding up all of the crabs, clams, and lobsters to protect them from the others that wanted to eat them (others = Ethan) for dinner, to capture them. So, he just owns his own colony of marine life.
He WILL fight you you if you even try to come near his sweet animals with I'll intent, he'll straight SLAY you
Btw he really hates seafood (not as much as Aitachi though, that boi straight slaps seafood out of your hands if you eat it around him, Verine learned that the hard way ;;) but his kind innocent heart makes him wanna protecc them.
They're friends not food, he's just a pure and soft baby
He wore the beads Aitachi made him WITH PRIDE, he didn't take it off until he HAD to, and that was when he took a shower. He still keeps it in his wardrobe.
This mans has a loner soul, so he would take a peaceful stroll along the shoreline, basking in his own solitude
He really enjoyed the breath taking views the beach portrayed, the way the baby blue of the sky merged with the dark ocean waves.
Along his walk he stopped to collect the crystalline sea shells on the sand, he would keep a few for memories sake, but give the majority of them to the Manager as a gift.
Another one of his favorite things to do is people watch, he observed the others playfully enjoying their time. He noticed that the activities they chose to spend their time doing reflected their personalities
Whenever anyone complained about over heating, Nine would just mysteriously appear armed and ready with his fan what a queen he's just straight up a portable ac
Also partook in the meditation session held by the farmer boi Jamie, probably one of his favorite parts
Warning: You might ACTUALLY learn things from Cyrille's hahah, feel free to skip his. But tbh I learned more researching for this headcannon then I learned in all my years of science class lol.
Cyrille wandered off shortly after they arrived, he noticed a form of algae growing on the waters surface, and "captured it" in one of the petri dishes he always has on hand.
He observed it closely to find the similarities between the algae and bacteria, his specialty.
Let's check in to see a sample of what he's mumbling to himself!
"Frankly speaking, they both appear in water, though algae appears exclusively in marine environments, whilst bacteria can grow in just about anywhere" (Bacteria he's talking about is oxygenic photosynthetic bacteria :)))
"Both do go through the process of photosynthesis, despite that neither are truly plants, as bacteria and algae are both only one-celled prokaryotic organisms, meaning the unicellular beings don't contain the necessary organelle to completely function as a.... --"
We don't know what he's studying either 😅😅 We need it in stupid terms lol. Maybe now he's stopped.......??
"Another key difference is that algae is the base of a food chain, while bacteria completes a food chain (decomposing) --"
Never mind......let's just leave his intelligent studies to himself. He finds these studies much more fun than swimming anyways.
I realize now that maybe I should have done the reapers in their teams, but it's too late now. But Aitachi and Kirr make such a good pair.
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fantroll-purgatory · 6 years
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I hope you don’t mind how long this is!! I’ve been working on her for a long time!
Don’t worry, we always appreciate well developed trolls!
The left is before the game and during the beginning phases, the right is after some self-reflection.
Alternia or Beforus or some type of AU?: Alternia
Maroux- Partially from Marcel Marceau, a famous mime. the -oux is from another famous mime, Etienne Decroux.
Raurbe- I don’t exactly remember, I think it was from another famous Mime? I’m not too fond of this last name tbh
Oh I have a friend who absolutely loves mimes, he’d be very excited about this character. I love her a lot! I think pantomime performance in general is a good place to seek names for her… So I think I’m going to replace Raurbe with Pierot. The Pierrot is sort of the origin of the sad clown and was originally regarded as a fool, and typically played a servile background role, but evenutally developed into an everyman image fondly regarded by post-revolutionary people and misunderstood artists. I think it sort of echoes Maroux’s role enough to be an effective surname. 
Maroux Pierot. 
Age: 6.9 sweeps
Weapon, since I don’t use specibi: Jack in the box weaponry, where she pulls out a jack in the box and when it unwinds a random weapon or joke pops out. These can range from anything as useful as a gun or sword, or as useless as a bag of confetti.
That is SO cute and definitely applicable within canon. I hope all the weapons get fun punny names, like if a staff comes out calling it The SlapStick.
Inventory: CIRCUS, where there is a constantly spinning wheel that her items are spinning on. She has to wait for the rotation to reveal the item she wants. It also displays her joviality, whereas most inventory systems in my story show health (like HP).
Maybe you could add a Wheel of Death element to this. Place each item on a target and she has to use a knife to hit the target without damaging the item if she wants to extract it.
Blood color: Purple (she isn’t a mutant or anything, her color scheme is just bright. shes meant to stand out but maybe she stands out a bit too much??)
To keep her canon compliant I’ll have to bring her blood color down, but don’t worry, I’ll make sure she still pops! 
Symbol and meaning: Her symbol is in the shape of a smile, almost. The loop in the center is supposed to be sort of reminiscent of her tricky nature, while the two lines on the side show her silence. I sort of came up with it on the spot, though.
A really cute symbol, but with regards to our newer rule I’m going to go ahead and replace it with. 
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Capripia. It has a nice similarly loopy design and it represents the dream planet and class assignment that you gave her- which I totally agree with! The symbol’s name is ‘the Brusque,’ which fits her actions more than her speaking habits (since her speaking habits are None).
Trolltag: silentComedian [SC]
I think corporealComedian [CC] communicates what you’re going for in a much subtler way. Corporeal Pantomime was a sculptural pantomiming artform that focused a Lot of attention on the art and evocation of emotion through gesture. Like Advanced Miming. It fits in well with her general theme and interests.
OuO? UnU hEhEhE!!! DuD (At first she only giggles or uses emoticons. Later on she speaks more. She capitalized Es and uses rhyme.)
Adorable quirk and very fitting for a mime character. I like the capitalized E because it feels like it provides a good creepy emphasis on that laugh.
Lusus: A dove, unnamed because it died extremely early in her life. A dove… hm. I can see why you’d pick that. But purples have a tendency towards aquatic mammal lusii, at least from what we’ve seen so far. I don’t think it’s impossible for the dove, so you can keep it if you want- especially because they’re associated with magical acts and all! But I might recommend a Hooded Seal. If only because their inflating nose is very clowny and very, very funny. 
Personality: She’s super sweet, always smiling. She is extremely creepy, coming off that way intentionally. She thinks that her creepy attitude mixed with her odd interests and persona makes her comedy better, which it sort of does.
Extremely curious, she will read almost anything put in front of her. She enjoys books about or involving comedy the most, but she won’t say no to a good mystery or romance if it happens to pass by. She secretly loves them, but don’t tell anyone! Her curiosity leads her to have some extremely odd and sometimes nonsensical pieces of information in her mind, most of which is inconsequential because she can’t recite them. This leads to her knowing how to do things that others don’t, though, and that only adds to others interpretation of her as a mysterious and off-putting figure.
She has a vow of silence due to her involvement in the religion of the Subjuggulators. She was never really given much of a choice about her decision, mostly because she was sort of… born into it? Her lusus was murdered very early on, and she was taken in by them to become a sort of charity case. Their violent tendencies rubbed off on her, though, so she is incredibly strong and versitile in battle. She was an active member, seeing them all as her family, and would kill anyone they wished. She was essentially the reaper among them, the silent mime made to do dirty work. She had doubts, mostly because she reads a lot and learns about the trolls her group is bigoted against, but never had the guts to leave them. She also has some inherently bigoted ideals, despite her research into the lower castes. Even as the trolls she murdered would beg for life, she would offer them no mercy.
She does change later, though! Especially before she goes god tier.
I ADORE her personality and the detail and thought you’ve put into it. Her being in a role where she feels she has to listen to the cult and is influenced by them despite her research, and how she has to learn to be better… very compelling and a lot of development potential! 
I do have to remind that purpleblooded trolls are known for being biologically predisposed to violent and unpredictable behavior, so you might want to scheme up a way to avoid such tendencies? Maybe her clowning around helps soothe her… Or maybe she just takes a good sopor nap.
All so cute and good! Does she like interpretive dance, too? You should maybe give her a little interest in slapstick. But the whole abstract comedy thing is wonderful. 
Title: Knight of Light
Her being overwhelmed with information makes this a very fitting title imo. She needs to learn to exploit and utilize all the information she has in her mind and how to filter out the lies and unnecessary bits and get things down to a functional core. She’ll be very powerful once she reaches her potential! Her inverse is Rogue of Void, which means she can passively redistribute mystery and secrets, too! 
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She is...an adorable clown KnightLight. That is all I came here to say thank you.
Ooo, so a whole planet full of mansions? I wonder how that’ll work. Pursuit makes sense because her title implies a pursuit of truth and information… 
Dream Planet: Derse
Sorry that that was so long! The personality segment especially. She’s one of my favorite fantrolls, and I really want to do her justice;; 
Don’t apologize, you provided the perfect amount of information! I adore her! Now on to design stuff!
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Hat/Horns: I loved the hat so much that I had to keep it around. I made it a darker purple stolen right from the pants and changed the outline, and then added a little stripe to add some extra visual interest. Her horns I changed to match the bend of her symbol, but also to fit perfectly inside her hat! 
Hair: On her mime side, I felt like she felt a little bare without visible bangs. I still kept them pretty sparse, but I put a few more peeking out. On the right, I just gave her a few more flippy bits to fill out the body of her hair. 
Eyebrows/Eyes: On the clown side, I liked the eyebrows really high because it looked silly and clowny, but I wanted to bring them down to a more reasonable height on the right. For the eyes, I wanted to add eyelashes to match the traditional girl troll rule. On the mime side, I also added a little mimey makeup!
Collar: I gave her ruffly collar an outline. 
Shirt: Changed the symbol on both sides to reflect her new symbol! 
Skirt: I wanted to give her mime side a mimey kind of overalls with gold snaps and some light stripes. Cute and fun. 
Pants: I kept them the same on the right side to keep that pop of light color that she really needs, but on the mime side I recolored them to be blood colored with light spots. 
Thank you so much for sharing her. She’s so cute and I love her to death! 
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