#i might tape my mouth shut though. i’m a really bad mouth breather and i know it’s a problem
fingertipsmp3 · 8 months
I will really watch a video of someone’s ✨sleep routine✨ which is essentially them straightjacketing themself and be like “oh I should try that” as if I don’t lie awake seething if I don’t have full range of movement
#whenever i stayed at my grandma’s house as a kid she used to tuck me in so aggressively that i could not fucking move. that flat sheet#had me PINNED to the bed. i don’t know what she did. i could never sleep until i thrashed enough to pull the sheet loose#i’ve gotta be able to expose one foot. it’s essential to the process. i also have to roll over randomly#‘oh are you a side sleeper a back sleeper or a stomach sleeper’ I’M AT THE COMBINATION PIZZA HUT AND TACO BELLLLL#girl i will go to bed in a full pyjama set and fluffy socks with 2 stuffed animals; a duvet and a blanket#i will wake up with my top wrapped around my head; one sock on; one of my bears on the floor facedown; my duvet is sideways;#my bare foot is stuck in the duvet cover because one of the press studs came undone and i somehow shoved my foot in there;#my pillow is SCRONCHED despite being MEMORY FOAM so it should hold its shape; my blanket? GONE#and i’m out here like ‘maybe i’ll try an eye pillow and weighted blanket’ bitch shut uuuuuuup#i could fall asleep in it 100% but when i wake up one of my bears will be wearing the eye pillow and the weighted blanket will somehow#be under me#i might tape my mouth shut though. i’m a really bad mouth breather and i know it’s a problem#it’s especially bad when i’m at the dentist and just can’t remember how to breathe through my nose because i never do it when i’m lying down#okay so mouth tape. and. i might try one of those aromatherapy sprays#i’m not putting anything on my head though; it’ll never be seen again#personal#**IRT the lying awake seething thing: true story btw#recently i had to sleep on a half-deflated twin size air mattress because of reasons i just don’t want to go into. and i couldn’t roll over#on it without capsizing. i was awake until like 3am annoyed and with pins and needles#i want to TOSS AND TURN goddamnit
0 notes
nyrandrea · 7 years
Hey guys guess what, it’s another chapter! After a whole month *cough* sorry
We left off with Henry and Bendy having a close encounter with the Angel herself, but luckily they got off with just a scratch. Now they’re on the search for Boris...
As always this story is inspired by the wonderful 2D Bendy AU by @shinyzango.
( Also just a small warning, there’s a slightly violent scene towards the end. It’s honestly not too bad but just saying for those squeamish folk out there! )
‘Demon…and Angel?’
Henry looked at the two signs with a somewhat dumbfounded expression, he knew there were many winding paths in the now enlarged studio, but this was just…strangely overboard. What even was this, some sort of riddle?  
‘Joey always did like to think he was a mysterious man.’ Henry bitterly recalled.
Or perhaps it was that disfigured woman from before, she did say something about him being…worthy. Maybe it was a test of sorts.
Either way, standing and staring wasn’t going to help.
“Well…suppose we should make a choice.” Henry stated with a small frown. “What do you think, bud?” He asked, hoping that Bendy would be a little more decisive than him. He wasn't exactly the best at making any kind of decisions and had always looked to his sister, June, for advice.
Henry cracked a small smile at the bittersweet thought. God, he missed her.
“Um…” The toon drawled out as he glanced between them both, rubbing his chin in deep thought, “How about....” After a few indecisive moments, he finally pointed with a grin.
“Demon?” Henry was surprised, to say the least. After his constant talking of Alice, he really thought ‘Angel’ was going to be his pick.
“Yeah. Feels like…there’s something important in there. Plus…I’m a demon too! Makes sense, right?” He asked with a cheery tone.
“You know what else is a demon...?” The older man nervously asked as he eyed the ink covered path.
“C’mon, we ain’t even seen that guy in a while.” Bendy said dismissively. “He’s probably wandering about somewhere on the upper floors.”  
...He had a fair point.
They hadn’t even encountered the other ‘Bendy’ for quite some time now, so surely it must have given up? Although in hindsight he wasn’t so sure. But he couldn’t afford to dwindle on the matter any longer, all he could do was hope and pray that it wouldn’t show up.
As Henry cautiously stepped into the ink filled room, a booming metal slam echoed from what sounded like the other path, jarring him from taking another step forward. He shared a slightly worried glance with his toon companion before stepping back to investigate, only to find that the shutters had now closed off the ‘Angel’ route completely.
“Well…looks like we have no other option now.” Henry bluntly commented before continuing forward.
The first thing he noticed was the immediate dip and the wet sensation of liquid soaking through the ankles of his trousers, the older man cringed slightly at the feeling, but at this point he couldn’t have cared less about his clothes anymore. 
His real fear was the fact that the entire room was absolutely oozing of ink, the floor was covered, the walls were leaking and a huge, bulging pillar of the ebony liquid connected itself from the ceiling to the ground.
He only hoped that there wasn’t anything lurking amongst the black fluids.
“Hey Henry, it’s another one a’ those machines!” Bendy pointed out, directing Henry’s attention to a nearby table which held a tape, the table itself seemed a little lopsided due to the uneven surface it was stuck in.
“Huh.” The human hummed as he slowly made his way over to it. “Wonder who this could belong to.”
‘Who would have even come into this room?’
His finger hovered over the play button in hesitation, he was almost afraid of what the answer could be.
Henry’s eyes widened ever so slightly as a loud, jolly and very familiar voice filled the room, confirming his fears. He felt numb.
"There's nothing wrong with dreaming. Wishing for the impossible is just human nature! That's how I got it started. Just a... pencil and a dream. We all want everything without even having to lift a finger. They say...you just have to believe.”
He could feel a lump lodge itself into his throat.
“Belief can make you succeed. Belief can make you rich. Belief can make you powerful.”
“…Henry?” Bendy’s voice called out in quiet concern.
“Why with enough belief, you can even cheat death itself! “
His slowly fist tightened.
“Now that... is a beautiful... and positively silly thought. "
As the tape rolled out, deafening silence followed as Henry stared at it with an unreadable expression. He knew that he should have felt…anger, hurt, hate, just…. something.  
But there was nothing.  
“H…Henry.” Bendy tried to prod again, this time with a little more volume. The demon was more than a little concerned at the human’s sudden mood drop.
 Although he couldn’t say he blamed the poor man. Joey had a lot to answer for…
The toon flinched slightly when he felt a strong surge of anger and… guilt, Henry’s face slowly and subtly twisted into a look of remorse. Bendy, with a nervous grin, tried his best to calm his friend down.
“It’s…It’s alright, Henry. You just gotta take a breather, yeah? We got time…” The demon softly said with a reassuring tone, which thankfully seemed to work as the older man closed his eyes and took the advice by breathing slowly and deeply, unclenching his fist as he did so. His knuckles had turned a deathly white due to how tight they were, Bendy frowned but decided not to remark on the matter.
Henry silently moved away from the tape recorder, and retreated to a nearby table to lean upon, not even bothering with the fact that he was right in the line of sight of a cardboard cut-out, it’s malicious grin seemed to grow wider as he solemnly stared into the pool of ink, his reflection stared back with a look of disapproval.  
“…Put me down.” Bendy gently demanded, Henry glanced at the paper and raised an eyebrow.
“...Please.” The toon corrected himself sheepishly.
The human smiled and shook his head slightly at the polite request and decided not to question it as he lightly set the paper down to float in the ink and watched as bubbles formed and popped around it, before a familiar shape formed and moulded itself out of the rising liquid.
Henry didn’t even bother looking at the demon, choosing instead to go back to blankly gazing back down to his own reflection. Maybe…if he hadn’t left when he did…none of this would have…none of those poor employees wouldn’t have…
Joey wouldn’t have…
A sudden heavy weight laid itself upon his shoulder, nearly setting him completely off balance. The ex-animator looked up in surprise at Bendy, who was giving him a firm look.
“Not…your fault…”  
Henry stared at him wordlessly for a moment before slowly setting his sight to the side with a furrowed brow, swallowing as his thoughts conflicted with each other. He would have liked to think that Bendy was right, but there was a part of him that just…felt incredibly guilty.
He tried to open his mouth to retort, “But…if I hadn’t- “
Bendy’s grip tensed up on his shoulder and upper back, forcing him to shut up as the demon gave him yet another firm gaze. Slowly, it melted into a sombre grin.
“Not…your…fault.” He said with much more emphasis to get his point across.
Henry let out a deep sigh but gave his friend a small look of gratitude, ‘You’re not gonna let this go until I agree, are you?’ He asked through the connection.
Bendy silently shook his head with a widening grin, his grip loosened slightly on the human’s shoulder, which he was grateful for. As much as Henry liked Bendy, that strength of his could still be damn terrifying sometimes.
“Alright, fine.” Henry conceded, he wasn’t about to about to start a long back and forth argument with the large demon, they were both as stubborn as each other and they couldn’t afford to waste that kind of time, not when they still had to find Boris.
Still didn’t mean he completely agreed though.
Bendy nodded and grinned proudly at what he had managed to achieve, before finally lowering his hand and backed away slightly to give Henry a little more space.
“Do you want to go back onto the page?” Henry asked as he looked around for the way forward, the demon shook his head once again, indicating that he wanted to stay out for a bit longer.
‘Might be danger ahead.’
“Fair enough. You watch my back then, yeah?” He said with a smile as he headed towards the door that lead to the next area. With a small nod, Bendy kept close behind as they traversed silently through the halls. Little droplets of ink fell from the ceiling, making Henry a little nervous that something might just drop down from above at any given moment.
Both human and demon made the unanimous decision to ignore the Miracle Station they passed along the way.
Their short trip was a silent one that lacked much of…anything really, and it actually unnerved Henry quite a bit. The corridors were unnaturally still, nothing jumped out to attack or moaned at them from a distance to catch their attention. The fact that he still had no weapon didn’t help either, but the constant looming presence of Bendy did put his mind a little more at ease.
That peace of mind didn’t last long however, as the ever familiar and mundane grin of a Bendy cut-out suddenly peeked around the corner, making the older man jumped back slightly, clutching his chest as he felt his heart falter slightly at the sudden scare.  
Bendy immediately took the initiative and moved himself in front, snarling lowly at the possible threat, the rising droplets from his back flared up in an attempt to fend it away.
The display seemed to work as the grinning cut-out disappeared back around the corner as quickly as it had come, earning confused looks from both of them. Everything in this place usually came charging at them, not away. Unless…
Henry slowly turned the corner himself with Bendy in tow, and both let out a sigh as a wave of relief washed over them. A familiar canine leaned the cut-out against the wall and turned to them with a sheepish look.
“Boris. Oh, you scared us to death…” Henry said with a half-hearted chuckle, Bendy simply narrowed his eye as he gave the wolf a less than amused look, said wolf rubbed the back of his neck and gave a small, nervous grin in return.
“Don’t suppose you’ve found anything to protect ourselves with?” Henry asked with a half desperate tone, the fact that he’d been attacked twice since they left the safehouse made him feel incredibly vulnerable and without a weapon, he wasn’t going to last much longer on the road ahead.
Thankfully Boris nodded his head vigorously and quietly held up what seemed to be some sort of broken pipe. It wasn’t the sort of thing he was hoping for, but at this point he was just grateful to have anything at all.
“This will do.” He said as he took the make-shift weapon from the toon, who looked pleased with himself, but the canine’s expression soon turned into one of concern as he silently pointed out Henry’s bandaged eye.
“Ah…we uh…” His hand automatically went to touch the ripped portion of the shirt that held his small wound, “…ran into some trouble, that’s all.” He said, not really wanting to explain the whole situation regarding the strange woman from before.
He couldn’t help but wince when the wolf’s ears drooped a little in an almost guilty way.
“Don’t worry!” Henry quickly added. “It’s nothing too serious, just a little cut above the eye, I’ll be fine.” To his relief, Boris seemed to perk up at this, even if only a little.  
“But are you alright? We were pretty worried back there, you just vanished on us.”  
Boris gestured to his body and gave a thumbs up, as if to say, “Still in one piece!”
A gravelled growl suddenly interrupted the duo and caught both of their attention, Bendy paused for a moment as he prepared to talk. Henry frowned at the sight of the demon scrunching up his eye in discomfort, he always had a tough time speaking, which made their mental connection all the more useful.
“We…stick together…now…” Bendy’s gurgled voice managed to get out, “…Safer…”  
“Yeah. Safety in numbers and all that. Who knows what’s waiting for us out there.” Henry stated as he nodded and made a move to open the door that would lead to the next area. “Just stay close to us, ok Boris?” The pooch nervously nodded and followed the instruction to the letter as he kept himself in between Henry and Bendy.
The door creaked open to reveal a room that could only be described as complete chaos.  
Splintered wooden cabinets with dislodged shelves crammed the small space, which looked as though it had been wrecked by a wave of ink as the black liquid was splattered all over the walls and floor. Begrudgingly, he also noticed a group of Bendy clocks that were lined along the wall, ticking loudly in unison, jarring the quiet atmosphere. But the most noticeable detail was the whole array of aged Alice dolls scattered about, covered with dust and silky cobwebs.  
‘That Shawn guy wasn’t kidding, Alice really wasn’t popular at all.’ Henry observed as he quickly passed them by.  
He felt a slight twinge.
‘Ah…sorry, bud.’  
Bendy simply replied with a small huff.
The group soon found themselves in front of a doorway that was blocked off by yet another pair of rusted metal shutters, Henry's face scrunched up into a frown as he examined it, before looking around for some way to get past it. He could have asked Bendy just to smash the wall to get through, but the noise would probably attract some less than desirable company.
He felt a tap on his shoulder and turned his head to see Boris pointing at a lever that was attached to a nearby wall.
"Ah, good work Boris." He said with a smile, but it soon disappeared when the toon attempted to push the lever down, only for nothing to happen.
"Look." Bendy nodded to the cables that ran along from door, through the narrow passageway and cut around a nearby corner, "There...must be another."
"Huh.." Henry mused. "Looks like to open this, we're going to need throw two levers at once"
'Go figure.' He bitterly thought, before looking to Boris.
"You get this one. I'll find the other."  
Bendy made a move to follow but Henry put his hand up to stop the demon in his tracks.
'Stay with Boris, I'll be back in a moment.'
Bendy frowned down at the human, 'But-'
'He's defenceless. I have this.' He gave the unsure looking demon a reassuring smile and nod as he held up his pipe. 'I'll just be around the corner.'
Henry could still feel Bendy's uncertainty of the situation, but he backed off nonetheless.
"Be... careful."
Satisfied, the older man followed the thick cables that snaked around the corner and led to the other lever, which sat at the end of a thin hallway, next to it was a poster illuminated by a flickering light from below.
"The Butcher Gang..." Henry mused. "Now that's a name I haven't heard in a while."
The poster was comprised of a trio of side characters that would pop up every now and then in the show to cause all sorts of mischief and trouble; There was Charley, a human-like toon with a bald head, side burns and beard, he was the tallest and most dapper of the bunch, wearing a tail-coat and vest. To the right of him was Barley, a pirate with a large white beard, a patch on his right eye, a small sailor hat and a corn-cob pipe between his clenched teeth.
"Heh...all I need is the hat and pipe and I'll look just like him." Henry joked to himself as he touched his own make-shift eye patch, wincing as the wound still stung a tad bit.
Lastly there was Edgar, who contrasted in design compared to the other two. With a spider-like appearance and large lips that held two pointed fangs, this toon stood on four legs instead of two. Although Henry always wondered why they didn't just give him eight like all normal arachnids had, maybe it was too frightening for the children?
Although due to their mean spirited looks and personalities, they weren't supposed to be kid-friendly.
Henry couldn't help but smile as a sense of nostalgia washed over him, it reminded him of the fun aspects of his old job. He and his colleagues could work for hours on end on the show, a lot of the time they would just...joke around and have a great time doing what they love.
There was even a time when Joey himself was the biggest joker. Laughter would fill the studio walls as he told the group of animators the latest gags that they would be working on. The old director really was passionate about his work.
Henry's smile faltered ever so slightly.
Getting back into the reality of the current situation, he made a move for the lever. As he rested his hand on the rusted contraption, he readied himself to call out for Boris.
His voice was drowned out by a sickening crack as something suddenly tore itself through the wall and ripped through the poster, Henry didn't even get the chance to react as the small figure collided into his side, sending him tumbling to the ground.
The older man's limited vision blurred for a bit, but he could feel something loosely grab onto his upper torso before a blunt object whacked into his hip, hard.
Henry gritted his teeth in response to the searing pain, and kicked out at his surprise attacker, with a successful hit, the assailant hit the ground with a thud, and moaned as it attempted to get back up.  
'Fuck...what the hell was...?'
As he managed to scrape himself up from the ground, he leaned his body against the wall for support, and as his vision slowly returned to normal, he could finally see the creature that still struggled to get itself up. It was smaller than the other monsters that resided in the studio, but that didn't make it any less terrifying.
In fact, it almost looked like...
"...C-Charley?" Henry barely managed to whisper the name out before the monster finally managed to get up and stumble around, looking as though it was completely lost.  
Which wasn't surprising, seeing as it lacked any eyes.
Rough gargling came from the mis-matched toon's open maw, which was stretched to a horrific length, almost taking up its entire face. It's right arm and left leg seemed to be the only normal parts of the creature, as the other two limbs were merely a wooden stick for it's left arm and a plunger for it's right leg. Henry wasn't even sure how this thing was even still functional.
But the more pressing issue was the weapon it held.  
Henry's hand immediately went to his probably bruised side as he eyed the monster's wrench, it didn't seem to notice as it wildly gazed around with it's empty eye socket.  
'Henry? I felt pain. Are you alright?' Henry didn't even get a chance to answer. 'I'm coming over, hold on...'
'No! Just...stay where you are.' The older man mentally communicated back as he kept deathly still, 'I'm alright, just dealing with something.'
'You're in danger.' He could feel a pang of fear start to trickle through. 'Let me help you.'
'This thing's blind, it can't see me.' Henry mentioned to put Bendy more at ease. 'But you'll make noise if you come over, let me handle it. Alright?'
There was a beat of silence.
'If you get hurt again, I'm coming over.'  
With a mental sigh of relief, Henry kept a close eye on Charley as he swung his wrench in a poor attempt to hit his target. Despite being attacked, he felt sorry for the toon.  
He frowned slightly as he was hit with a dilemma. He could just sneak around him, hit the lever and sneak back, but there was no doubt he was probably going to be in for some kind of fight regardless. Besides, it was probably best just...to put him out of his misery from a doomed life of endless bloodlust and blind wandering.
With slow, steady steps, Henry snuck up behind the still grunting monster and, with a grimace, raised his pipe.
Before the toon could even react, the pipe smashed into his head, resulting in a sickening crack. With a few well aimed hits, his body hit the floor and went limp. Ink oozed from the open wound, creating a small pool beneath his head.  
Henry took a shuddering breath as he stepped over the body and leaned a heavy hand against the lever.
'Tell Boris to push in 3, 2, 1...'
A sharp click sounded out through the halls, indicating that the shutters had lifted.
With a sigh, Henry made his way back to the two toons that awaited him, both perked up immediately upon seeing him.  Bendy was the first to eagerly approach him with a wide grin.
"Henry!" The demon's grin quickly dropped to a frown. "Are you ok? What happened?"
"Ah...just run into something, I'm alright." Henry tried to wave the concern off, but to no avail.
"You're still hurting." Bendy stated as he checked the human over, his single eye scrunched up a tad as he gave Henry a sombre look. "...You're always getting hurt."
"It's just a bruise, honestly-"
"W-we should go back, I can take us-."
The sharp tone of Henry's voice stopped Bendy in his tracks, the toon looked perturbed but kept silent. The older man reached up and gave the large monster a small pat on the cheek, and with a smile, he said,  
"We can't."
Henry didn't elaborate but Bendy knew exactly what he meant, and didn't argue. Instead he simply closed his eye and leaned into the touch before pulling away in silent agreement. They had come too far just to go back now, and he knew that.
Boris timidly came up from behind Bendy and twiddled his thumbs with a guilt-ridden expression, Henry gave the wolf a sympathetic smile before ruffling the top of the toon's furred head, resulting in a surprised reaction.
"You don't have to fight to be useful, Boris. See this?" He held up the now ink-stained pipe. "You just saved my life with this. So, thank you."  
Boris's flattened ears immediately pricked up before the tall canine practically flung himself at the man, happily embracing him.
"A-alright..." Henry stuttered with a small but pained laugh. "I know I said I was fine but you're kinda hugging my sore side..."  
Boris quickly let go and made sure to check on him, making sure he didn't hurt him too much.
After taking a moment to recover, Henry turned to Bendy and gave him a small nod. The demon silently nodded back with a knowing grin before dissolving into a black puddle, the liquid pooled around them, carrying a small white page to Henry's feet. Once he retrieved it, he led the way through the shutters, Boris following close behind.
A large room with a staircase opened up to them, leading down to what seemed to be...an elevator?
'Oh...Oh my God.' Henry stared at the rusty contraption with a raised eyebrow. 'When...when did...How big is this place?'  
'Too big.' Bendy mentally replied.  
"Well...guess we should just... go in." Henry said while sharing a nervous look with Boris.  
Once inside, Henry squinted at the panel of buttons that were presented in quite an unusual way. There was five overall, which must have meant there were five floors, but he had no idea which one was which.  
All he knew was that he wanted to go up.
His finger hovered over a button, deciding to choose at random, "Guess we'll pick-"
Henry was cut off by a sudden vibration as the elevator's gates slowly closed with an ear deafening screech. He felt something grab his arm and glanced to his left to see Boris clutching on for dear life, the poor pup looked deathly scared. A pang of distress came through from Bendy's end of the connection as well, which mixed in with his own panic.
With a shudder, the cage slowly started to move down.
Henry could feel his blood go cold as a familiar, silky smooth voice sounded out over the speakers, echoing throughout the entire studio.
"You're so interesting...so.... different."
Looks like things are about take quite the turn, eh? ;)
Let me know what y’all think!
Chapter 1 - Friend - https://nyrandrea.tumblr.com/post/160888670286/friend
Chapter 2 - Rest - https://nyrandrea.tumblr.com/post/160888769001/rest
Chapter 3 - Enemy - https://nyrandrea.tumblr.com/post/160963746341/enemy
Chapter 4 - Family - https://nyrandrea.tumblr.com/post/161237849016/family
Chapter 5 - Nightmare - https://nyrandrea.tumblr.com/post/161560167591/nightmare
Chapter 6 - Bond - https://nyrandrea.tumblr.com/post/161937236941/bond
Chapter 7 - https://nyrandrea.tumblr.com/post/162340494396/breakdown
Chapter 8 - Communication - https://nyrandrea.tumblr.com/post/162871280071/communication
Chapter 9 - Crimson - https://nyrandrea.tumblr.com/post/163606028971/crimson
Chapter 10 - Power - https://nyrandrea.tumblr.com/post/163998136526/power
Chapter 11 - Sanctuary - https://nyrandrea.tumblr.com/post/166585429386/sanctuary
Chapter 12 - Angel - https://nyrandrea.tumblr.com/post/167452014776/angel
241 notes · View notes
just-jordie-things · 7 years
Like She’s Mine (part eight) - Stiles Stilinski
warnings: swearing
Eight months later (one year after Madi’s birth)
“No.. no no no no no they spelled her name wrong how hard is it to spell Madison!?” I was screaming my head off as I glared down at the birthday cake made out to Maddison.  “One d! Come on! I made a whole separate note!”
“Alright tiger take it down a notch” Allison rushed over to me, putting her hands on my shoulders.
“No! Lydia is bringing Madi over here in an hour and a half and this cake is ruined!” My hands flew to my hair, running stressfully through it.
“Hey, hey take a breather” I nearly glared at Stiles, but his expression was so soft that I couldn’t keep the anger in my eyes.  “Come on, I’ll drive you back to the bakery, we’ll order a new cake, and then boom.  One cake for the party, one cake for just us to eat.  That’s two cakes!” I laughed slightly, feeling the fury in my in veins begin to dissipate.
“Okay… okay this is manageable” I said, taking in deep breaths as he moved his hands in sync with me.
“Alright, come on then let’s go down to the bakery” He said, and I made my way to the door.
“I’ll stick around here and finish making lunch for the party” Allison called.
“And I’m still on decorations!” I looked over to see Scott with streamers wrapped all over him, three party hats stacked on his head, and maybe ten balloons in his mouth, none of them blown up yet.  I smiled at his ridiculous mess of my decoration box.
“Thanks guys, we’ll come back in a bit” I said as Stiles was shrugging on his red hoodie.
“Ready?” He asked, and I nodded.  His hand was on the small of my back as he lead me out of the apartment.  I took a deep breath, and Stiles chuckled.  “It’s gonna be fine, I already told you”
“I know it’s just.. It’s her first birthday I want it to be special” But he gave me a reassuring smile as we walked out of the building.
“And it will be, I promise you it’ll go great” He told me.  “She’s gonna have so much fun. Get so much attention and presents, and we are going to eat a shit ton of cake” I laughed a little, which seemed to make him relieved.
“Alright we gotta get to the bakery fast I don’t know how quickly they can make a custom cake”
back at the apartment
“Do you think that the balloons should be separated? Like all over the apartment or should we keep them all together?” Scott asked.  Allison looked over and shrugged her shoulders.
“I like it either way” She answered, then went back to her cooking.
“How about we put streamers along both sides of all the doorway-”
“Do you think they’ll ever tell each other?”  Allison asked abruptly, and Scott spun around.
“Who- what?”
“Stiles and y/n.  Duh” He chuckled at her response, but didn’t know how to answer.  “They can’t hide it from each other forever, right?” He thought for a moment, but still couldn’t find the words.  “Honestly, he was in deep before they even met, and it didn’t take her long either”
“Yeah actually he uh… he’s told me it started back in like.. The sixth grade” Allison’s brows rose as she stirred whatever batter she was making up.
“y/n hasn’t been able to admit it for a while, but I know it’s at least been since they met” Scott was smiling as he continued taping streamers everywhere.
“I hope for them that they get over this irrational fear of rejection and just-just pour it all out” Allison giggled at him, giving him a glance over her shoulder.
“I don’t think she knows anymore”
“Knows what?” Scott asked.
“Well… I think she used to tell.  I think she used to get the feeling that he liked her”
“He wasn’t the most discreet person in the world” Allison chuckled.
“But I think since… since Madi she doesn’t… doesn’t see it anymore” Scott nodded, hanging his head down.
“Should we do something about it?” He asked.
“What do you mean?”
“You know like.. Should we set them up? Get them to realize how in love with each other they are?” Allison seemed to ponder the idea.  “It could work you know”
“I don’t know Scott… I think y/n’s maybe got her hands full?”
“But that’s why he’s there, he’s there to help her with all of it” Scott said.
“Since when did you become a romantic novelist?” Allison muttered.
“Look Allison I just think they could use each other”
“I do too but…”
“I mean, he took off a year of school for her.”
“For us Scott-”
“Bullshit” They both laughed.  “You and I both know that he’s here for y/n” Allison turned around, discarding her brownies and wiping her hands with a rag.
“Yes… yes but I think…” Allison paused for a moment, wanting to be very careful about what she said next.  “Don’t you think that she should be able to choose something for herself?” She asked the question slowly.
“You think she wouldn’t choose him?” Scott replied, cocking his head to the side.
“No I think she would I just think it’s a decision that she needs to make for herself, you know?” Scott’s mouth opened as he realized what she meant.  “I think that she needs to be independent for a while… and I think that that’s what’s good for her right now” Scott nodded his head.
“Yeah, yeah that makes sense” Allison turned back to her brownie batter, picking up the bowl and pouring it into a glass pan.
“But have you seen the way he is with Madi?” She chuckled.
“Yeah, the kid loves him” Scott said with a smile as he went back to taping streamers.  Well, he was trying to.  The guy didn’t know the first thing about decorations or decorating styles.  The apartment looked like a funhouse, multi colored streamers taped to the most random spots on the ceiling.  (Allison hadn’t left the kitchen, she didn’t know her boyfriend was out there making the place look like Party City exploded inside y/n’s living room).
(back to the reader’s pov)
When I opened the door to the apartment, I gawked at the circus my living room had become.
“Do you like it!?” Scott asked hopefully.  He was tying a balloon to the handles on the tv cabinets.
“Wow” Stiles said under his breath.  “Allison didn’t help you, huh buddy?” Scott shook his head, still bearing a big proud smile.
“Nope!” He said, and walked over to us.  “I did it all on my own!”
“Yeah… yeah I see that” I said, laughing slightly.
“Is it okay?” Scott’s features fell, and I gave him a bright and reassuring smile.
“It’s amazing Scott, thanks for the help” He pretended to tip his hat at me, and went back to work ting balloons on anything he could.  Stiles gave me a look, and I just smiled and head into the kitchen.
“Hey sweetie!” Allison greeted.  She was putting chocolate frosting on a pan of brownies.  The smell was all over the kitchen and it made my mouth water.  “No!” She must’ve read my mind cause she smacked my hand and scolded me.
“Fine fine” I rolled my eyes.  “But seriously, you didn’t have to make all of this”
“I don’t mind” She shrugged.  “How’d the bakery go?”
“They couldn’t do the writing on it” Stiles said, sitting down at the table.  Allison raised an eyebrow, and I set the box on the counter to show her.  I opened it up, revealing the white frosted cake with a border of pink and blue flowers.  The whole middle was empty.
“Oh that’s an easy fix” Allison said, waving a hand in the air and opening up a cabinet.  “We’ve got these bags and all you gotta do is put some frosting in there and you can write any message you want”
“Really? I have those?” I asked, not knowing that we owned any.
“Well, I do.  I brought over everything this morning” Allison said.
“Thanks Alli”
“Not yet, I haven’t given you my extra batch of pink frosting” SHe handed me the bowl.  “Okay, now you can thank me” I giggled as she went back to her brownies.
“Thank you Allison.  I don’t know what’d I do without ya” I kissed her cheek quickly and got to work scooping frosting into the decorating tube.
“Still glad you’re spending the year here Stilinski” Allison asked as I began writing as neatly as I could.
“Yeah I am, Beacon Hills has always been much more thrilling” He answered.
“Yeah but community college can’t be that fun” She said.  I gave her a look, unsure of why she chose right now to have this conversation.  “What?” Allison asked innocently.  “I’m making conversation”
“It’s not bad.  It’s easier than GWU” Stiles said, ignoring our small side conversation.
“Oh I’m sure it is.  Besides your favorite pers- people- are here” Stiles chuckled, and I caught a hint of pink on his cheeks but he quickly looked down to his phone.  I ignored it.
“Yeah” Was all he said.
“Should I say ‘Madison Rose’ or just ‘Madi’?” I asked, trying to direct the topic of conversation somewhere else.
“Madison Rose” Stiles said.
“Wow way to make it easy on her” Allison said, and I could tell that she rolled her eyes, even though I couldn’t see her.  I just knew by her tone.  When she used it, she couldn’t help the sassy.  It was just Allison.
“Well at least I didn’t let my boyfriend turn this place into  madhouse” Stiles retorted.  I sighed, this little banter thing they had would never go away. “What are you talking about you hoe”
“Allison” I scolded slightly, but she could hear my slight laugh so she didn’t listen.
“I’m just saying Scott might be like a were-clown or something.  Place looks like a circus”
“Stiles shut up before this spoon goes so far up your ass you’re choking on it-”
“I swear to God I’ll be at my wedding saying my vows, and you two will start fighting cause you thought one kicked the other’s seat” I said, shaking my head.
“Wrong” Allison sing songed pointing to me.  “One, I won’t be sitting in the boring crowd.  I’m your maid of honor don’t deny it” I giggled.  SHe came over to me, pretending to inspect my handiwork.  “And two, I wouldn’t want to pick a fight with the groom” I nudged her said, not so secretly checking to see if Stiles heard her.  But he was looking at his phone.  Allison giggled, walking back to her spot across the kitchen again.
“Why don’t you go see what Scott did to my living room?” I told her.  Allison shrugged a shoulder.
“Maybe I will” She walked towards the room.  “I’m sure he did wonder- SCOTT WHAT THE HELL!?” I slapped a hand over my mouth but Stiles didn’t even try to hide his laughter.
“Baby you like it?” I walked out to Allison, and Stiles followed.  Scott was currently upside down on the couch, legs sticking out wildly in the air as he was taping balloons all around the coffee table.  It was a cage of rainbow ribbons.
“Wow babe… I didn't know you were so skilled at decorating”
“RIght? Me neither” I giggled slightly, shooting a glance to Stiles.  He had the same look on his face.
“You did great” Allison said, patting Scott’s shoulders and giving him a quick peck on the lips.
“Yeah Scott, you could’ve had a future career in this” Stiles said, and again I had to cough to hide my laughter.
“Thanks but I think I’m gonna stick to being a veterinarian” Scott said, and I went into the kitchen to secretly laugh.
“All good choices” Stiles said, more sarcasm in his tone.
“H-hey was he being sarcastic?” I head Scott ask Allison.
“No sweetie, he’s probably just jealous”
Oh poor Scott.
“Surprise we’re here-! WHAT IN THE FUCK!?”
And that’s how Scott realized we were all making fun of him.
By the end of the night, most of the streamers had been ripped down by Lydia, who claimed you just couldn’t walk through his place without getting it in your hair.  There was wrapping paper and tissue paper everywhere, and Madi’s face still had cake and frosting all over her face.  Thank God I snapped that picture in time.
“Are we gonna go over there and break that up?” Scott asked as he pointed to the corner of the room where Allison and Stiles were screaming their heads off.
“Nah.. I wanna see where this goes” Lydia said, and took a picture on her phone of Allison mid scream.
“Besides, he neighbors haven’t complained.  Why close up the entertainment now?” I said, taking a stack of plates to the kitchen.
“Here, let me” Scott said, taking them from my hands before I could set them in the sink.
“Thanks Scott” I smiled, and went to Madi instead.  “Alright time for a little bath you are messy” I said with a wide smile.
“Bath!? I’ve got just the toy!” Allison ran over, a pink mermaid doll in hand.  Stiles tripped her.
“Why don’t you let me take her?” Lydia chuckled, and I let her take Madi from my arms.
“Okay thanks” I said.  “I’m gonna go outside and get some air, but I’ll be back in a bit” I told her, and she nodded.
“I’ll hold down the fort for ya” I chuckled as I slipped on flats and grabbed my coat before walking out to the hallway.  I made my way outside.  This February has been a pretty chilly one for Beacon Hills, but at least tonight it wasn’t cold enough that I could see my breath.
It was a pretty night, the sky was pretty dark, and there were no clouds so all of the stars were visible.  It was the kind of scenery that you see photographs of and people use as wallpaper on their phones.  I was almost tempted to pull out my phone and take a picture, but it was much more beautiful in person.  I sat down on the curb of the sidewalk, clasping my hands together as my fingers got colder.  It was getting pretty late, so not many cars drove past me.  It was just me and the stars.  How poetic.
“There you are” I turned to see Stiles walking over to me.  I offered him a small smile as he grew closer.  “What’re you doing out here?”
“Catching a break from the craziness” I answered, and he nodded slightly.
“Mind if I sit?”
“Go right ahead, it’s a beautiful view tonight” I said.
“Yeah it is” He smiled, staring intently at me.
“Shut up” I mumbled, hoping my face wasn’t as red as I felt.  He didn’t say anything, but at least he looked away from me and at the sky.
“I think Scott’s is going to cry once he’s alone tonight.  Lydia laid it on quite thick on how her has striped streamers with the polka dot streamers” I giggled and brushed my hands through my hair.
“Yeah, he better stick with UC Davis, the guy’s got no sense of decor” I said, and Stiles laughed too.  I shivered and shuffled over closer to him.  “Thanks for taking me over to the bakery last minute today by the way” I said, and he nodded.
“No problem.  It was funny watching you scramble around anyways” I laughed nervously, looking down at my lap for a moment.  “But it was great, and Alli told me you took tons of pictures”
“I did, I was thinking of making a scrapbook or something” I said.  “I’ve been looking on pinterest and stuff for all those ‘baby’s first birthday’ and stuff, and a lot of people kept a scrapbook for the first year or so” Stiles smiled and nodded.
“Yeah I can see you liking that.  Especially later on in life when she’s older you know?” I grinned and nodded.
“Right! I think it could be really cute” I said, rubbing my hands together.
“Are you cold?”
“Sort of.  I didn’t think I’d need more than my coat but I guess-”
“Well that’s an easy fix, here” Stiles reached over, wrapping his hands around mine and holding them on his leg.  I looked over at him, studying his features while he was looking down at our hands.  There was a small and soft smile on his face, honey brown eyes looking as warm as his skin felt on mine.  His thumbs were brushing gently over the backs of my hands.  I think he caught my stare, because his head turned and his eyes were staring into mine.  And as cliche as it sounds, I’m pretty sure my heart stopped.  Our noses were only centimeters from bumping together.  My breath hitched and I swallowed tightly.
“Thanks” I said weakly, and dared a glance down to his lips.  God I wanted to kiss them.  Were they as soft as they looked?
“No problem” He responded, smiling just slightly.  I caught him when his lashes flicked down, and my heart sped up so fast he had to have heard it.  He leaned forward just barely, but enough for me to see and mimic his actions.
“Stiles! Tell Scott that drinking three bottles of Mountain Dew does not make you a badass!” We sprung apart the moment Allison came outside yelling.  She immediately looked guilty, but covered up the second I shook my head.  A small action, only noticed by her.  It was my secret message saying not to mention anything.
“What?” Stiles asked, standing and rubbing the back of his neck as he came over to Scott and Allison.
“I think drinking sugar in one day is pretty badass” Scott shrugged, putting his hands into his jacket pockets.  I shook my head, smiling sadly down to the ground as I stood up.
“Good for you Scott” I said, patting his shoulder as I walked past them.  “I’m gonna head inside and check on Lydia and Madi”
I went inside without any other words shared with my friends.  I stuffed my hands into my pockets in fists.  They were pushing against the fabric so hard I was worried they’d rip right through.  My head was buzzing with thoughts so fast it was beginning to hurt, and all I wanted was to see my daughter and Lydia.
Entering the apartment I kicked my shoes off randomly and dropped my coat to the floor.
“Lyd?” I called.
“Mama!” I smiled softly and went into the nursery.  Which I’m not sure could really be called that anymore…
“Hey y/n” Lydia was in the rocking chair, Madi on her lap.  She was in her pajamas, and her hair was dry and soft looking.
“Hi there sweetheart” I sat on the small rocking stool in front of them, facing Lydia and Madi.
“You okay hon?” Lydia asked, and I rose my brows, letting out  long sigh.  “Uh oh, what happened?”
“I think I just had an almost kiss with Stiles” I said, eyes wide as I stared at her.  Her lips pulled into a big grin.
“y/n that’s great” She said quietly but happily.
“No, no it’s not great”
“What?” Her happiness instantly turned to shock.
“I mean what would’ve happened if I kissed him Lydia?”
“For one you’d confess your love for one another get married and ride off into the sunset on a rainbow pony” I rolled my eyes, but it seemed to make Madi smile.  She probably thought it was a story.
“Mama” Her hands reached out for me, and Lydia lifted into my lap.  I bounced her on my knee and continued with Lydia.
“And what would happen even if we did like each other? We date?”
“Well that’s what most people who like each other do” Lydia said sarcastically with a giggle.  I sighed again.
“And what would happen if we stopped liking each other? Or we broke up? We’d never be friends again Lyd.  I don’t want that”
“If you’re going to look at all the what ifs of life, then what’s the point of doing anything?” Lydia told me.  I wasn’t sure how to reply to that.  Because I knew she was right, of course she was she was Lydia Martin for Christ’s sake.  But I still had the nagging feeling of worry in my stomach.  I didn’t want to lose Stiles.  “Just keep that in mind no matter what you choose to do, alright?” I nodded, and Madi leaned her head back until she hit my chest.
“Baby are you tired?” I asked, and she gave me a nod, recognize the word.  “Alright, let’s get you tucked in alright?” She nodded again, and lifted her arms for me to lift her.  I walked her over to her worn crib, setting her down and pulling the blankets over her.  She clutched onto her pink stuffed elephant, holding it close to her chest and nuzzling her face into it’s soft fuzz.  “Goodnight sweetheart, happy birthday” I said in a whisper before kissing her head.  Lydia followed me out of her room.  We found Allison Scott and Lydia back in the living room.  Allison and Scott in their coats and shoes.
“When’s your flight tomorrow?” Allison asked as she came over to hug Lydia goodbye.
“Early” The strawberry blonde sighed before pulling away.  “But I’m glad I could come here for the weekend for her birthday” She said, giving Scott a quick side hug.  “And see you guys” She hugged Stiles next.
“Yeah we’re glad we got to see you too” Stiles said.  Lydia turned and came over to me.  She hugged me tightly, rubbing back and resting her chin on my shoulder.
“I’m gonna miss you guys” She said, pulling away after what felt like a long time.
“We’ll miss you too” I told her.  “I’ll make sure to FaceTime you”
“Good.  With Madi too.  I might miss her more than the rest of you losers” I laughed softly and nodded.
“I’ll make sure of it” I said as she opened the door.
“Bye guys, see you in the summer” We waved and called goodbye.  Allison and Scott put on their shoes next, both hugging Stiles and I and saying their goodbyes.  I thanked them again for all of their help.
“And then there were two” Stiles said, and I laughed slightly.
“You staying here tonight?” I asked, and he shrugged, already cleaning off the couch.  I took that as an answer of yes.  So I went back to my room to get extra blankets.  When I came back he was already laying on the sofa, scrolling through his phone.  “You know” I said, pulling blankets over top of him.  “I could always get one of those couches that pull out into a bed.  Then you’d have something comfortable to sleep on” He looked up at me, and set his phone down, turning it off.
“Yeah but those are expensive, and I don’t think I’m here often enough to need a whole bed-”
“You’re here five days out of the week” I said with a chuckle, straightening the blankets out.
“Are you tucking me in?” He asked, and I flushed.
“I’m sorry! I’m sorry I totally just mommed you it’s habit” He was laughing, and my blush stayed present.
“You’re fine, I like the special treatment” I beckoned for him to lift his head up, and slid a pillow under him.  “You gonna tell me sweet dreams and kiss me goodnight too?” I giggled, setting my hands on his chest and leaning over to press a featherlight kiss to his forehead.
“Sweet dreams Stiles” I said softly when I pulled back.
“Sweet dreams y/n” He whispered back to me.  I smiled slightly, and walked out of the room, flicking off the lights, and going to my own bed.
If you’re going to look at all the what ifs of life, then what’s the point of doing anything?
me: *skipping an singing* you almost kissed you almost kissed!
tagged: @morganschiebel @bunnyboo10154 @imissyoualittlemoreeveryday @peter-andhislostgirls @johnsonxstilinski @spinjitsu-percy-horan @dreamshapedpeter and @kindfloweroflove
xoxo ~ jordie
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