#i will wake up with my top wrapped around my head; one sock on; one of my bears on the floor facedown; my duvet is sideways;
fingertipsmp3 · 4 months
I will really watch a video of someone’s ✨sleep routine✨ which is essentially them straightjacketing themself and be like “oh I should try that” as if I don’t lie awake seething if I don’t have full range of movement
#whenever i stayed at my grandma’s house as a kid she used to tuck me in so aggressively that i could not fucking move. that flat sheet#had me PINNED to the bed. i don’t know what she did. i could never sleep until i thrashed enough to pull the sheet loose#i’ve gotta be able to expose one foot. it’s essential to the process. i also have to roll over randomly#‘oh are you a side sleeper a back sleeper or a stomach sleeper’ I’M AT THE COMBINATION PIZZA HUT AND TACO BELLLLL#girl i will go to bed in a full pyjama set and fluffy socks with 2 stuffed animals; a duvet and a blanket#i will wake up with my top wrapped around my head; one sock on; one of my bears on the floor facedown; my duvet is sideways;#my bare foot is stuck in the duvet cover because one of the press studs came undone and i somehow shoved my foot in there;#my pillow is SCRONCHED despite being MEMORY FOAM so it should hold its shape; my blanket? GONE#and i’m out here like ‘maybe i’ll try an eye pillow and weighted blanket’ bitch shut uuuuuuup#i could fall asleep in it 100% but when i wake up one of my bears will be wearing the eye pillow and the weighted blanket will somehow#be under me#i might tape my mouth shut though. i’m a really bad mouth breather and i know it’s a problem#it’s especially bad when i’m at the dentist and just can’t remember how to breathe through my nose because i never do it when i’m lying down#okay so mouth tape. and. i might try one of those aromatherapy sprays#i’m not putting anything on my head though; it’ll never be seen again#personal#**IRT the lying awake seething thing: true story btw#recently i had to sleep on a half-deflated twin size air mattress because of reasons i just don’t want to go into. and i couldn’t roll over#on it without capsizing. i was awake until like 3am annoyed and with pins and needles#i want to TOSS AND TURN goddamnit
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luveline · 2 months
kbd —Steve helps an emotional you downstairs to sate some late night cravings. pregnant!reader, 1.3k
Steve stirs at the top of the bed to the sound of pinging springs. He rubs his eye, feels sleep free itself from his lashes as he pushes onto an elbow. 
“Honey?” he asks. 
You turn to him with a frown. “Sorry.” 
Steve doesn’t want you to be sorry, he was just figuring out which of his best girls it was moving around. He forces himself to sit up and turn on the lamp, unveiling the sight of you at the end of the bed in your maternity pyjamas, flowy blue fabric with white polka dots you’d bought to match Beth’s. 
“You need help?” he asks. 
You sound like you’re having a hard time breathing. “I’m trying to put my socks on.” 
“Yeah? You wanna go downstairs?” 
You always put your socks on before you go downstairs at night or in the early morning. The floors get cold no matter what you and he try to do to prevent it. He promises one day you’ll have enough money for heated floors. He’s not sure where he thinks that money is coming from. 
“I’m gonna go have some ice cream.” 
Your night time cravings lately are unstoppable. Steve pushes the sheets back and round the bed to the end, giving your face a short touch, and then getting down on his knees in front of you with his hands held out for your socks. He’d offer to go get it for you, but you’ll say no, he’s too tired. The only loophole he’s found for this is coming with you. 
You give him your socks and a sorry smile. “I didn’t mean to wake you up.” 
“It’s okay. I don’t mind. You know what I say.” 
“Can’t sleep without me.” 
He bunches your sock up and rolls it over your toes and up past your heel, your ankle. He does it gently like he’s rolling them onto one of the kids’ feet, he can’t really help himself. He likes being gentle with you. You can’t see your toes, so you might as well have him be kind to them. 
“Can’t sleep without you,” he agrees, again bunching up the fabric of your sock to roll over your toes and heel. 
He tugs it up straight on your calf and leaves his hand there for a selfish squeeze. “There, now you’re ready. Want your robe too?” 
You frown suddenly, a familiar twist of your mouth and nose, eyebrows pinching down as your eyes fill with tears. He shakes his head at you before you can talk, his hand moving to your knee for sympathetic rubbing. “Don’t cry.” 
“You’re so nice to me.” 
“I love you,” he says, pushing himself up to stand and hug you. “Please don’t cry, Y/N, it’s just socks. I love putting your socks on for you.” 
“You treat me like a princess,” you say with a sniff. 
“You deserve it,” he promises. He wraps his arms around your head and neck, kissing your forehead with a loving sigh. “You do. Please don’t cry.” 
Once you start you can’t stop. Steve doesn’t mind calming you down, it’s not like it isn’t exactly what he signed up for, but getting upset is never good for the baby or your extremely stressed body. “Please,” he murmurs, “let’s go downstairs, okay?” 
“Okay,” you say, voice thick with tears. 
Steve wraps you in a blanket and ushers you through the master bedroom door. Your pregnancy hormones are as off the charts as they’ve ever been, though last month you’d been quite snappy. This week you’re crying multiple times a day every day. Steve keeps waiting to run out of patience, but he has a good few kids, and you’re not doing anything wrong anyways. So what if you’re crying all the time? He can’t imagine how stressful it is to be that tired and heavy like this, or how many hormones are pumping through you at the moment. He got you pregnant. It’s his job to mitigate the symptoms to the best of his ability. 
You sit down at the table, knowing without asking that he’s going to get your ice cream. He grabs it from the freezer with your favourite spoon (not so big, not so little), and passes you both with a smile. 
“There, honey.” 
Before he met you, Steve wasn’t used to pet names. He’d say baby and babe, he was a player, then heartbroken, and they’d come out weird because he didn’t really mean them, or he didn’t get what they meant in the first place. He calls you honey and he feels at once like the husband he is but it’s more than that. You’re his honey. You deserve to know how much you mean to him with every sentence he says, and there’s no easier way to do that than to pester you with pet names. 
You use them just as much as he does. “Thanks, handsome.” 
“Do you want anything else?” 
Again, your frown, tears in your eyes as you peel the lid off of pint and pick up your spoon. “I’m fine,” you say tearily. 
Steve scoots a chair as close to yours as is physically possible and sits, his hand falling to your knee. He’d squeeze your thigh if it wasn’t impeded by the round hill of your bump, the biggest it’s ever been. From the start of next week onward you can expect to go into labour. Within the month, you’ll have had the baby. 
Steve can’t wait for it, and he’ll bet you can’t wait to be done. He says your name softly, giving the side of your leg a great massage, “Y/N, it’s okay.” 
“I know, I just love you,” you say through a mouthful of ice cream, the spoon still on your lips. 
“I love you too, honey, don’t worry about it.” 
“Do you want some?” 
He knows saying no won’t help. It’s probably four in the morning and he can’t imagine anything less appetising at the late hour, but he says, “Yeah. Just a little bit. I’m watching my figure.” 
You laugh, still full of tears, and scoop up some ice cream to feed him. When he’s had it, he presses forward for a kiss, to your delight. Steve doesn’t mean to brag, but he knows you well. Cheering you up is easy. He steals a second kiss just for him and beams at the reaction it invokes, breathless laughter that doesn’t fade as you scoop up another spoonful of ice cream. 
“How come the baby never wants something we can keep in the bedroom?” Steve asks. 
“She’s like her sisters.” 
“Yes she is,” Steve says, moving in for another squeeze of your leg. “Can’t wait to meet her.” 
You lean your head on his shoulder, ice cream dripping from your spoon. “She can’t wait to meet you, Steve. She’s kicking every time she hears your voice. I think she knows how good you are to me.” You clear your throat. “She can tell you’re the nicest guy ever.” 
He shushes you tenderly. “Come on, honey, no more crying. I’ll have to start being mean to you instead, nobody wants that, I don’t want that.” 
“Please don’t be mean to me.” 
Your hurt voice startles him. “I’m just kidding.” He kisses your temple. “You think I’d do that? I can’t do that to you, babe, I don’t want to.” 
He spends twenty minutes convincing you he was just kidding while you weep into his shoulder. 
Poor girl, he thinks sorrily.
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vanteguccir · 3 months
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Y/N was in her shared bedroom with Chris, lying on the bed above her favorite duvet while answering some emails from her work on her pink macbook. Her body was already showered and covered in her boyfriend's blue pajamas, comfortable enough to sleep as soon as possible.
At one point, her ears were filled with the sound of voices and loud laughter, which the girl was unable to recognize. Y/N lifted her head, frowning as she focused on the outside, trying to distinguish them.
When she was unsuccessful, she slowly got out of bed, leaving her macbook and phone on her pillow. Her hands turned the handle, pulling the door open and moving her body through the frame.
The girl climbed the stairs in slow, mute steps due to the socks that covered her feet, only tilting her head up when she reached the last one.
Y/N's eyes widened when she saw a group of nine people in her living room spread out across the sofa, puffs, and floor. The conversation flowed normally between them, some comfortably using their phones while nodding their heads to something others said.
Her eyes quickly met Larray's, who was facing the top of the stairs that led to her and Chris room. The boy's face automatically lit up when he realized it was her, a smile expanding across his cheeks.
An excited scream escaped his throat as he stood up from his seat in a puff, running towards Y/N.
That caught the attention of everyone, who raised their eyes and focused on Larray's figure and, consequently, on Y/N as well.
"Hey girl! I missed you so much today." Larray spoke excitedly, pulling the girl into his arms, hugging her tightly.
A laugh escaped Y/N's lips, who wrapped her own arms around Larray's waist, returning the gesture.
"Baby!" The sound of Chris's voice echoed through the four walls.
Y/N slowly moved away from Larray, dodging his body and walking towards her boyfriend, who was almost jumping in place in excitement at seeing her still awake.
A shy smile took over her features as she received so many looks at the same time, focusing her orbs on Chris.
Chris frowned when noticing her tired eyes and slumped shoulders.
"I'm sorry, pretty girl. Did we wake you? I didn't realize we were being so loud-"
"No, baby! No, I was answering some emails before going to sleep." The girl responded in a low tone, shaking her head and allowing Chris's arms to pull her into a tight hug, his lips sealing her forehead lightly, keeping his arms around her.
"Y/N, this is Tara, Jake, Johnnie, Sam, and Colby. Guys, this is Y/N, our confidant, best friend, and Chris's girlfriend." Nick quickly made introductions while still seating, momentarily pointing to each person as he said their names.
Y/N smiled, feeling her cheeks burn in shyness. She raised her right hand, waving briefly at the people there, a small "Hi" escaping her lips.
"Hi, girly! Oh my God, I saw you in several of the triplets' videos, and I was dying to meet you!" Tara quickly broke the ice, standing up from her seat and walking over to Y/N, bringing her in for a quick hug before pulling her to sit next to herself, ready to start gossiping.
The girl glanced at her boy, who was already looking at her with eyes full of love and joy at seeing his girlfriend socializing with his new friends, and people he knew would become important to him and his brothers.
It was just as important for him to have her approval than anyone else's.
༻✦༺  ༻✧༺ ༻✦༺
Just a really little blurb, I stopped for lunch and could finally see the triplets' new posts with the others, and I needed to write something!!
I did it in 20 minutes, so I'm sorry if it sucks 😚😚🩷🩷
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xxxdreamscapexxx · 8 months
Lessons learned
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Wanda Maximoff x Fem!Reader
Word count: 4.3k
Summary: One fateful day R decides that teasing Wanda is a good idea and she receives exactly what she deserves for it.
Warning: NSFW, 18+, lesbian relationship, teasing, oral to a strap, magic use, strap on sex, enchanted strap, cockwarming, a tiny bit of breeding kink, Mommy!Kink, top!Wanda, Bottom!Reader
Masterlist with all my works.
It started as a typical day in your household, you and Wanda waking from the sound of her alarm. It took her a moment to untangle herself from you, her arms and legs firmly wrapped around you, just as they had been throughout the night, and finally stopping the ungodly sound.
You groaned, unwilling to wake just yet, and if the way Wanda quickly took her previous spot behind you was any indication, she was just as happy to sleep in a little longer. Of course that bliss didn’t last long and the two of you started your normal routines. You, addicted to coffee, ran to the kitchen in nothing but Wanda’s t-shirt and panties, while she started getting ready for her day.
When you entered your shared bedroom again, coffee cups in both hands, she was just getting dressed and you hurried to leave the cups on the nightstand and you threw yourself on the soft mattress, watching her select her clothes for the day.
She put on a comfy bra and panties, nice, short socks, to keep her feet warm, she had a suit laid out already too, somewhere near your feet, but to your surprise she didn’t reach for it. Instead she reached in her drawer and pulled out a harness, securing it around her hips, while you looked at her with a raised brow. Then came the dildo, flexible and skin coloured, easily attached to her harness with a smirk as she turned to you.
“Don’t look at me like that.” She scolded, but her voice was giving away her amusement. “I’ve got 10 minutes. I have to get dressed.” She informed, looking at the watch already on her wrist.
“That’s so close to the perfect sentence.” You mused, turning on your tummy, your eyes following her hungrily.
“We’ll have fun when I get back.” She smirked, putting on her pants and tucking her shirt in.
“Tease.” You accused, your hand sneaking between your body and the bed, delicate fingers caressing your clit through your panties.
Wanda let you continue your little ministrations, perfectly aware of what you were doing, and happy to let you tease yourself some more, while she put on her blazer and picked out a few rings from her jewellery box, her eyes always darting towards you to keep an eye on your activities, but when you let out a little moan, signalling your pleasure, she was quick to crawl over the bed, turning you over and pinning both your hands above your head.
“What do you think you’re doing?” She asked, her gaze hardening as she looked in your lust filled eyes.
“Playing?” You responded with amusement. You knew Wanda always got worked up at the thought of anyone else bringing you pleasure, even if that someone was you.
“Not without me, you’re not.” She said sternly, leaning down to capture your lips in a deep kiss. “You better wait for me.”
“But you’re right here…” You said playfully, biting your lips, so you wouldn’t laugh at the dark way she was looking at you. God, you loved it when she got like that.
“I am leaving for work.” She emphasized. “And you’re not going to touch yourself. Is that clear?” She asked sternly.
“But you haven’t left yet…” You pouted.
“Don’t play dumb with me.” Wanda growled down at you. “We both know you’re not.” She reprimanded. “No touching. Am I clear?”
“Very clear.” You nodded, even if you made a show of pouting up at her. “But you better make it up to me when you get back.” You suggested, arching up under her, so you could press your body against the bulge in her pants.
“When have I not…” Wanda thought to herself, but chose to keep the comment to herself.
“That’s for me to decide.” She told you instead, pecking your lips one last time, before she pulled away entirely and made her way towards the door.
You only got up, when you heard the front door of your house close behind Wanda, her voice carrying as she said goodbye. You were feeling more than a little worked up by the whole situation, but decided that the best way to get over it is to go about your day. You just needed to distract yourself long enough for Wanda to come home. Unfortunately, you were feeling more than a little worked up and if you were going to suffer in your wet, ruined panties, so was Wanda.
The thing about her? She was masterful at teasing, prolonging your pleasure, edging, she was an expert at making you desperate and needy and she knew it damn well. She loved doing it too. But she couldn’t stand it when you teased her back. She was far more impatient than she liked to pretend and she hated having to wait for what she wanted. Which is why, on the days that you did, you often found yourself gloriously fucked out. And hopefully, today would be no exception.
When she checked in the first time, you were at the store, getting all the needed groceries, so instead of answering her text, you just opened your camera, pointing it towards yourself, pulling down your shirt, to make sure that it showed more cleavage than it did and you quickly snapped a photo, sending it to her.
“Is that what you’re wearing?” You quickly got a response, Wanda scanning the picture you sent her and seeing the expanse of your chest out on display for all to see. And sure enough, there was a man behind you, looking intently in your direction, something you might have seen, had you looked before sending it to Wanda.
She seethed, waiting for a response, but none came, since you preferred to ignore her, now that you had her attention. After all, she had done the same to you this morning. It was only fair.
None of it felt fair to Wanda though, as she watched the minutes tick by without a single response from you, and she was just about to send you another text, when you finally started to type.
“Sorry babe, I was in the car. I just got home.” You tell her, snapping another photo of yourself in your kitchen.
            “Fix that shirt, or I’ll rip it, when I get home.” Wanda responds, her hands squeezing her phone more than they should.
“I thought you liked that one.” You type in, playful smile on your lips.
            “Which is why I would feel terrible, having to rip it from your body, if you don’t fix it right this second.” She repeats, only to receive a third photo from you, this time, looking appropriate and she feels like she can finally breathe freely.
But the accidents continue, your photos getting more provocative and daring as the day goes by and Wanda finds it impossible to stay at work for much longer.
Taking one last look of the photo of you, sent an hour ago, with you naked under the covers of your shared bed, claiming that you’ll be taking a nap, Wanda had enough. She decided that you’ll be paying dearly for all your teasing tonight. Just as soon as she was done with her work, she would be heading back home and she’ll teach you what happens, when you provoke her.
By the time she steps inside your house, inhaling the scent of her favorite pasta cooking, she’s received 2 more pictures of you, one with you, prettily waiting on your knees with nothing but the thin sheet covering your breasts and a second, of you cooking in nothing but the t-shirt from this morning and a pair of panties covering your pussy.
Now, here you were, wearing exactly the same and looking even more ravishing in person, setting the table for her, a candle already lit. God, you looked beautiful. And despite your torturous teasing, it was hard for her to be mad at you, when you were being so thoughtful. Hard, but not impossible.
“Hi, baby.” You greet her, approaching her quickly and leaving a peck on her cheek. “Dinner’s ready.” You say as you take her bag and coat from her, feeling her eyes follow you intently. “And I’ve got some dessert for you too.” You winked at her and it seemed to be the last straw.
Wanda pulled you in a deep, heated kiss, her tongue invading your mouth quickly and her hands finding their way around your waist in seconds, getting you as close to her as she could, the feeling of her, her scent quickly taking over your senses and pulling small gasps of wanton pleasure from you.
Her hands roamed your body eagerly, exploring you and feeling you up, touching everywhere she could reach with fervour, hands easily sneaking under the t-shirt you were wearing and teasing your breasts. As soon as you moaned, she pinched your nipples, pulling on them slightly, only to have you gasping, but she was quick to soothe them soon after.
“You’ve been such a bad girl today.” She told you unceremoniously, pulling the t-shirt off entirely and attacking your nipples with her mouth.
“Wanda.” You squirmed, but she only sucked harder.
“Try again.” She told you, attaching her mouth to the other breast.
“Mommy!” You mewled, your hands gripping her shoulders, uncertain if you wanted to push her away, or pull her closer. Not that she gave you time to choose, because as soon as she could, she took them both and pinned them behind your back.
“What’s the matter, baby? Are those pretty nipples sensitive?” She asked with fake pity in her voice, her hands continuing to tweak the hardened buds, as she kissed you again.
“Yes!” You squirmed, your legs squeezing together in need.
“Well, you should have thought of that, before you decided to be such a tease!” Wanda countered, continuing her ministrations. “Luckily for you, I’m in a generous mood.” She decided, finally releasing you. “Take my pants off.” She instructed with a serious tone, pushing on your shoulders and guiding you to your knees in front of her.
You were more than a little eager to do as you’re told, dropping to your knees on the unforgiving floor and unzipping her pants, already knowing what you’ll find in them. It’s what you’ve been waiting for all day after all and you hastily pulled out the dildo.
“I said, take my pants off.” Wanda reminded you, swatting your hand away from the fake cock. “Have you forgotten how to listen to Mommy, hm?”
You were quick to shake your head, looking up at her from your position and starting to pull down her pants and helping her step out of them. Wanda finished the job of undressing herself, tossing her blazer and shirt off hurriedly, before unhooking her bra as well.
She made a show of taking hold of the dildo, stroking it up and down with a lazy smirk as she looked down at you.
“So fucking pretty!” She sighed. “Open your mouth for me.”
Doing as you’re told, you let your mouth hang open and your tongue to stick out, watching as your girlfriend made a show of dragging the dildo across your tongue a few times, before she took hold of your hair and pulled your face closer to her, pushing the cockhead past your lips and starting to move her hips.
“I hope you worked up an appetite!” She snarled at you, fucking your face eagerly, driving her hips deeper and hitting the back of your throat.
The way you gagged and struggled around her only made it sweeter for her and she held you firmly in place as she repeated the action, only stopping to give you small moments to breathe, before she started it all over again, watching the way your saliva wettened the toy.
It was only when you had started to squeeze your legs together and to moan around her dick that she stopped, looking down at your flushed face, wet eyes, full of unshed tears looking back at her with eager submission that she finally stopped and pulled you up to your feet.
“Get up, baby, you’ve made me such a lovely meal, it would be a shame if I let it get cold.” She stated bluntly, guiding you to the dining table with gentle hands, as you looked at her with a confused expression.
She took her usual seat and she patted her thighs, giving you room to sit on her erect cock.
“Come on, you’ve been so thoughtful, making Mommy a nice, warm meal. Now my cock needs warming too.”
Fuck, she looked both intimidating and hot, while her eyes fixed you with a stern look and you hesitated only a moment, before you followed her instructions.
You tried to take off your panties, so it would be more comfortable, but she didn’t let you. She pulled you towards her by your wrist and she bent you over the table, so she can move your panties to the side, teasing fingers probing your opening for a moment, finding you wet and throbbing for attention, before she pulled you to sit on her lap.
Taking her all the way inside you left you almost dizzy with arousal, but if she heard your needy whines and whimpers, she said nothing of it. She made sure you were comfortably settled, one of her hands firmly wrapped around your middle to keep you steady, while her legs kept yours from closing, leaving you fully on display.
“How does that feel, baby?” she asked, her husky voice next to your ear sending shivers down your spine.
“Feels so good, Mommy. I’m so full.” You gasped softly, your head turning so you could nuzzle into the side of her neck.
“It does, doesn’t it. I bet your pussy is throbbing around me so much right now. What do you think? Should we find out?”
You knew what she was implying right away and the idea of it excited you even more, making you nod in anticipation, yet you still gasped, when you saw the red tendrils of Wanda’s magic swirl in the air. When they were gone, you held your breath for her reaction and it didn’t disappoint.
Wanda canted up her hips, holding you firmly against her as she did it, driving the dildo even deeper inside you and you could hear a moan that matched your own, as she felt the way the toy moved within you and made your walls pulse with need.
“Fuck, you’re so good, baby!” She gasped, nuzzling into you for a moment so she could calm down. “Mommy can’t wait to fuck all her cum into you.” She smiled. “But first, we’ll have dinner.” She explained, her head turning to the plate in front of her and almost laughing at your disappointed whine. “You made all this wonderful food, honey, Mommy wants to show her appreciation.” She chastised you softly, picking up her fork and taking a bite out of her food, before she offered one to you.
You wanted to beg her to please fuck you, but she had already made her intentions clear, and with the way you’ve been teasing her, you knew that your best chance at earning an orgasm is by doing what she said, no matter how much she teased you. And even then, she could still leave you hanging and that made it all the more thrilling.
Yes, you wanted to cum, but you knew that you gave Wanda control for a reason, knew that you had earned this treatment from her, knew you could stop her at any moment and that she’ll give you anything you ask, but you didn’t want it that way. You wanted to earn it. Her control was intoxicating to you both and you wanted to see this through.
Having to sit in Wanda’s lap, being fed your food one bite at a time, while she was buried deep inside you, was a harder task than you ever imagined. Every shift, every little move she made, you would feel and it drove you up the wall with anticipation and need. God, you preferred edging over this. The promise of so much more was driving you crazy, yet you had to sit still and wait for her to finally take you.
Wanda felt the burn of desire and anticipation just as much as you did. She could feel you grind on her, you’re your inner muscles try to milk her, whenever your patience wore thin and she had to force herself to hold back and make you sit still, just to prove her point. And it was so damn hard. Your pussy was pulsing and throbbing, squeezing around her deliciously and tempting her to forget all about her plans and just fuck you, but she wasn’t going to give in that easily.
When dinner was finally over, she helped you to get off of her lap, something you were very reluctant to do and she bent you over the table once more, teasing fingers probing at your entrance and rubbing soft circles over your clit, while she inspected you. Fuck, you were desperate for her and she was loving it. Your wet hole was dripping with arousal and twitching at the smallest touch and she knew that only she could make it better. That was the ultimate aphrodisiac. That knowledge that only she could see you like this, only she could touch you this way, only she could make you such a mess… And only she could fix it.
For a moment Wanda considered giving in, instead of just teasing you and she had to remind herself why she was doing this in the first place, before her hands retracted, pulling your panties back to their spot. You whined so pitifully, knowing exactly what made her go feral for you, knowing that she could never resist fucking you when you got like this, but alas, you had to accept your fate as she instructed you to put on a movie while she cleaned up the table.
As soon as she joined you, Wanda patted her thighs, signalling for you to take your place on her lap, barely hiding her amusement at the cute pout you gave her.
“Oh, don’t give me that look now, baby. You started this.” She chastised you, her eyes growing hard as she took you in. “Come on, baby, don’t you want me inside you? I bet that pussy feels so empty without me filling it up, doesn’t it?”
You only gave her a nod, your breaths now shallow, as you pictured the feeling of her stretching out your little pussy again and it didn’t take long, before you were sliding down her length and feeling her arms keeping you down as you reached the base of the dildo.
“Mmm, I love the way you feel baby. So tight.” She murmured against your ear.
She was close to breaking and just fucking you, the way she’d been craving, but she knew you. You’d be begging for the same thing soon enough. And it was always so much more delicious, when she got to play with you, instead of just giving in.
Just as she expected, it only took you a few minutes, before you were already grinding in her lap, feeling the cock buried inside you move within you. It wasn’t enough in the slightest, it fuelled your desperation, rather than providing any relief, yet you couldn’t stop yourself. It felt so damn good.
Wanda tried to stop your slow grinding on her, her hands stopping your movements and keeping you still, but it never lasted very long. You’d start it up again, even more determined and more needy and eventually she broke. She grabbed you by the hips and she lifted you enough to slip her cock out, before she made you get off of her lap entirely.
“Get on your knees.” She demanded with a growl, bending you over the back of the couch in one smooth motion, leaving you open and on display for her, while she stood behind you with her cock in her hand. “Did I give you permission to ride me?” She asked sternly, landing a slap on your ass that startled you.
“No, Mommy.”
“No, I didn’t. You were only meant to warm my cock. But you’re such a desperate little slut, aren’t you? You can’t help yourself.” She stated with an icy tone. “Well, if you want to act like a mindless toy, I’ll treat you that way.” She promised, the head of her cock teasing your entrance once more.
She slid inside you easily, taking hold of a fistful of your hair and pulling your head back, helping your body lean against her as she started to fuck into you. She kissed your shoulders and neck, leaving small kisses and bites there that would have had you begging for more if you could form a single coherent word. But you had been so worked up, so deprived, that this felt like the first real stimulation you’d received in days and it was heavenly.
Wanda felt like she’s in heaven too. Your pussy was just begging her to be fucked, to be ruined by her cock and with each thrust, she was losing herself in the pleasure of it all.
“God, you have such a perfect pussy.” She gasped as she started to pick up her pace. “This pussy was made for me. To be fucked and worshipped and ruined by its owner.” She growled in your ear. “It was made for Mommy, right? For me to use it? For me to keep it all happy and satisfied?” She asked, her tone softening, while her thrusts grew harsher and more demanding, hitting deep inside you each time.
“Yes, Mommy, all for you. All yours.” You breathed, high pitched and shaking from the intensity of it all.
Her hands were gentle as she touched you through it all. She helped keep you upright with a hand around your middle, while the other cupped one of your breasts. She would tweak your nipple gently whenever she could, trying to focus all her energy on keeping her pace.
Desperate to feel her, you leaned into her as much as you could, her warmth providing comfort and security. You could feel yourself grow more submissive, your mind giving in to her control and letting her take over. She could feel it too. She could practically hear your thoughts quiet down and your body relaxing, turning more pliable in her hands.
“Yes, that’s my good girl.” She praised, leaning further into you, so she could kiss your neck and cheeks softly. “My sweet, good girl.” She removed a strand of hair from your face as she spoke. “You want my cum inside that needy pussy so bad, don’t you? Nice and deep, where it belongs.”
“Yes, Mommy, please.” You begged, trying to meet her thrusts as much as you could, feeling yourself getting closer.
“I shouldn’t be indulging you right now. You were a very bad girl earlier…” Wanda reminded, her movements never stopping. “But you can’t help yourself, can you? You’re so close, I can feel it. You’ll start coming as soon as I do.” She accused, smirking. “So I guess the question is… Do you deserve it?” She asked with a grin. “Do you think I should reward you, hm?”
But the question was rhetorical, and you both knew it. You were so wound up that if she didn’t pull out, you’ll cum, regardless if she allowed it or not. You were on the edge and there was no going back from it now.
“Oh, there’s that edge…” Wanda remarked, feeling your walls squeeze her in even more. “Go on, baby, you can cum for me. Mommy wants her pretty girl to feel good.” She gasped behind you, getting breathless from the effort and feeling just as close as you were.
Hearing her give you permission came as a relief, but it still took you a few long seconds to process it, letting yourself to really feel her ministrations, before your orgasm finally hit you. It crashed over you, more powerful than you thought you could take, your legs shaking and threatening to give out from under you. It was a sweet release and you let yourself feel every little tremor of pleasure, your moans growing louder and the chants of her name becoming indistinguishable babbles.
You could hear her do the same, you could feel the spurts of her cum as she filled you up with her release. Her hold on you only tightening, arms wrapped around you possessively as she continued to fuck you through your orgasm and hers.
When she was done, happy and satiated and knowing that you felt the same, Wanda maneuverer you both, so she’d sit on the couch and she pulled you back down on her lap, wrapping her arms around you once more and kissing your neck softly.
“There.” She sighed. “That’s better, isn’t it?” She asked as she settled more comfortably, turning her attention to the forgotten movie. “Now we can finish our movie.”
“But, Mommy…” You tried to draw her attention. You were feeling full once again and the orgasm she gave you, as mind-blowing as it was, did very little to help the neediness you felt. In fact, with each second she held you on her lap and plugged in her cum, you grew more restless and desperate for her to fuck you again.
“What’s the matter, baby? Feeling full?” She chuckled knowingly, watching you nod. “It must feel so frustrating, feeling me stretch you out, without being able to do much about it…”
“Mhm.” You hummed, nodding your head.
“Good. Maybe next time you’re trying to tease me, you’ll remember that.”
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kimberly-spirits13 · 3 months
Jason Todd During Your Period
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Sweetest thing
Feels so bad that you feel bad and does anything humanly possible to alleviate the pain
He knows how to handle periods since he has all the batgirls and he had to take care of his mom when he was younger
He’s the kind of boyfriend where you can just be like “hey when is my next period?” And he’d know off the top of his head
Won’t blame you for any outbursts or anything and he tries his best to not annoy you
If you get nightmares or really funky dreams on your period that wake you up, he always wakes up to make sure you’re okay
Becomes a light sleeper during your period in anticipation that you wake up and need something or are basically dying
Specifically ordered you two of those massive heating pads and let’s you lay on top of him with them
One heating pad for the back and one stomach
It’s a miracle tool yall
It’s the kind of thing where you finally get settled and you cry because it’s so amazing
He’d feel so bad if that happened though because he’d realize how bad you really felt in the moment
He knew you were struggling but it always hurts him to see you in pain
Stocks up on pain killers
Makes you your favorite food and brings your favorite food home from patrol because let’s be honest
No girl is sleeping on her period without her comfort 🤚
He’ll take as many naps with you as you want and do a spa day
*face mask on and hair mask in* “no Dick I’m not on patrol tonight, I’m busy.” “
Knows exactly what to get at the store if you ask him since he had to get stuff for his mom
Will bring back chocolate or whatever your favorite snack is
Let’s be honest, chocolate gets boring after about a day
Holds you while you’re in pain
Makes sure to call you often when he’s on patrol go check in, especially if you’re benched from patrol for the week because of it
Is mostly calling for himself to make sure you’re not dying or anything
Gets medical advice from Alfred
Is genuinely afraid you’ll become anemic or something if he thinks you’re losing too much blood
You two are experts at getting blood out of things so don’t even worry about it
Let’s you wear all of his clothes and takes up doing the chores since you’re probably bloated and swelling
Kisses your cheek and forehead a lot if you’re not feeling well
Does anything you need to feel better
His guilty pleasure is when you’re on your period and are craving carbs because he really really loves carb loading but can’t do it often
Bagels, pasta, pizza, crackers, cinnamon rolls, anything carb
If you start running a fever he freaks out a bit but has enough experience to know you’re not dying
Puts an ice pack on your forehead and gets advil for you
Stocks up on ice cream if that’s your thing
Excuses himself and you from any galas and makes sure the paparazzi isn’t around
Probably threatens them or something who knows
Has one of his sisters come over to give you company if you need some girl time
If you want to you’ll 100% be welcomed to just sit in the bat cave during patrol and help monitor
The entire week or two is just Jason doting on you more than usual
He’d wrap you in a blanket burrito and carry you everywhere
Is very touchy when you don’t feel well so he latches himself onto you
Movie marathons
I watch Law and Order and lots of crime documentaries when I’m on my period for some reason and he’d 100% binge those
Has fuzzy socks for you
They’re probably funky colorful ones that he thought were funny and got them for you one day to cheer you up
Won’t let you talk bad about yourself
If you call yourself yuck or gross or fat or anything he’d smother you with his entire body
Not today Satan
Praises from him are the best let’s just keep it at that
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doctorstethoscope · 3 months
Summary: Marriage means sticking together in sickness and in health. Apparently, Aaron takes the ‘in sickness’ part pretty seriously. It’s a Hotchner family sick day, and he’s determined to take care of you and Jack.
Pairing: Hotch x blank slate Fem!Reader (no use of y/n)
Word Count: 2k
Warnings: Mild description of illness (mentions of fever, headaches, nausea, one reference to vomit). Otherwise it’s all tooth-rotting fluff
You wake yourself up mid-sneeze, which is arguably one of the worst ways to wake up. Aaron’s side of the bed is empty but warm, and you start to stand up to go find him when you’re hit with a woozy feeling and have to sink back into the pillows. “Aaron?” You call out, sniffling a couple of times as you take stock of how you’re feeling.
Honestly, you feel like trash. Your head has started to pound and your sinuses feel so pressurized that you have to stick your face into Aaron’s pillow in case your head explodes from being upright. You aren’t feeling nauseous, luckily, but that doesn’t mean you aren’t miserable when you realize that you’re sick.
Footsteps of socked feet pad down the hallway, and you hear the door crack open. “Hon? Jack is sick, he’s asking for you,” Aaron says.
He’s probably speaking at a normal volume, but every sound is so amplified to your aching head that you just whine, an unintelligible sound that kind of resembles, “Shut up.”
The door opens a little wider, and the creaking of it gives way to the creaking of the bed when Aaron sits down on the edge. “Are you okay?” His voice is softer and his hand finds the place between your shoulder blades, rubbing small soothing circles.
You try to shake your head, but it’s hurting too badly for that. “How’s Jack?” You croak out, just hoping that he feels better than you do.
“He’s running a fever and he threw up a little. I changed his bedsheets and cleaned him up, and I already called in to keep an eye on him today. I think you should call in too.” His hand moves to your cheek and then your forehead, presumably checking for the same fever Jack has.
“I’ll be fine. I’ll call in, though, if you insist.” Even though you’re speaking sarcastically, his answer is predictable.
“I do.” Aaron stands up and kisses the top of your head. “I’m going to go find some medicine. I’ll be right back with that and some water for you, alright?”
You hum, a noise of affirmation, but you’re fast asleep by the time he returns a minute later.
When you wake up, you’re alone. The curtains are half-open, exposing just enough light for you to be able to see, but still comfortably sleep. The nightstand is cleared off aside from a glass of water, a dish with three pills in it, and a silver handheld bell.
You wrinkle your nose, eyes adjusting to the light as you reach for the glass of water with one eye shut. The bell is knocked to the floor instead, a result of your poor coordination, and the door opens.
“You rang?” Aaron says softly, and you can hear the smile on his lips.
You groan in response, covering your ears with both hands. The ring of the bell echoes in your head for a long moment, and you take the time to wonder if divorce is still an option. “What were you thinking? A bell, seriously? My head hurts.” You’re all but whining, but Aaron doesn’t appear to take it personally.
“Sorry, my love. I thought it would be easier than shouting for me,” he apologizes, helping you sit up. You take the glass of water from him and use it to swallow the pills he hands you, and he kisses your forehead as he takes the glass back. “Is it just a headache?”
“I think I- I- achoo!” You cut yourself off with a loud sneeze that turns into a groan of pain. “No. What about Jack? Is he feeling any better?”
“He’s sleeping, but his fever is steady. I was thinking, if you’re up for it, I could set you up in the living room. We could close the curtains, turn on a movie, bundle you up on the couch. How does that sound?” Aaron suggests, one arm wrapped around you to rub soothingly at your upper arm.
It sounds nice, actually, so you manage to stand up with the duvet wrapped around you and shuffle out to the living room couch. Aaron knows you well; the couch has already been primed with your favourite throw blankets, a couple of pillows, and a bottle of Gatorade nestled against the arm.
There are Disney Movies queued up on the television, and you sit and let Aaron wrap you up in blankets as ‘Lion King’ starts to play.
For a few hours, you doze in and out of sleep while Aaron stays nearby, always with a hand on your back or an arm around you. You awaken to drink a bit more water, sneeze a few more head-splitting times, and eventually you find that you can’t fall back asleep.
The blanket is too hot now, and you push it off only to start shivering. That’s how you find yourself curled up against Aaron’s side, tucked under one large arm while you clear your throat to bring up what you’ve thought all day. “You shouldn’t have called in.”
“Don’t worry about that,” he whispers, stroking a thumb over your shoulder. “I want to be here. I promise.”
“You just had two whole weeks off for the honeymoon. Strauss won’t be mad?” You ask, and a knowing smirk splits Aaron’s face.
“You mean the third honeymoon? Because I got called to work on the days we were supposed to leave the first two times we tried?” He reminds you, holds you a little closer. “Strauss owes me a day off. And I want to spend the day making sure you’re being cuddled back to health.”
You can’t think of a rebuttal no matter how badly you want to, because your thoughts are interrupted by the sound of a door opening. “Daddy? Momma?”
Aaron squeezes your shoulder and then stands, making sure to tuck the blanket around you so that you don’t get too cold again. Confident steps carry him down the hall to where you can imagine Jack is standing in the doorway.
There’s murmured conversation, Aaron’s voice saying, “Are you sure?” and Jack’s insisting that he is. When Aaron returns, the boy is bundled up in his arms.
“Somebody wanted to join us for movie time and cuddling,” he explains to you, setting Jack in the big armchair. When his son starts to protest, Aaron defends himself. “Momma is sick, too, buddy. I don’t want you making each other worse.”
“Give him here. It’s okay, Jack, you can lie down with me,” you offer, holding out both arms. “I’ll try not to get you sick.”
“Too late for that,” Aaron grumbles under his breath, but he carries your son over all the same. When he tries to sit, you hold up a hand.
“Uh uh. You said you’d make sure I get cuddled back to health, right?” You rub Jack’s back, holding him against your chest as he curls up in your lap. The movement brings with it a wave of nausea that you ignore. “You’re in quarantine, Hotchner. We aren’t getting you sick, too.”
“That’s not what I meant, and you know it.” He moves into the kitchen, leaving you and Jack alone for a few minutes while he clanks pots and pans around.
You bring a hand up and lay the back of it against Jack’s cheek. “How are you feeling, little man?” You ask quietly.
“Tummy hurts,” he mumbles into your neck. “But it hurt more before.”
“Yeah? Do you want to take a nap and watch some movies with me?” You offer, and he snuggles in a little closer.
Finding Nemo is playing now, and you watch Jack as he watches the screen with increasingly droopy eyelids. He’s on the verge of falling asleep when Aaron returns, carefully balancing two soup bowls.
He places one on the coffee table for Jack, and sets the other in your free hand. “It’s turkey gnocchi. It shouldn’t be too hard on your stomach,” he explains in a whisper, turning the TV down.
“Thank you, baby.” You turn your head away when he leans down to kiss you. “Quarantine, remember? Go, be healthy somewhere else.”
Aaron’s eye roll is predictable but he stands up all the same, prepared to exit the room as per your demands. He’s almost over the threshold when he pauses and you start to ask what’s wrong, but before you can speak he lets out the loudest sneeze you’ve ever heard.
It’s so loud that Jack wakes up just in time to hear Aaron sneeze twice more in succession, and he pokes you to get your attention. “Is Daddy sick?”
You grin, holding him a little closer. “I think he might be, buddy. Aaron, are you okay?”
Aaron sniffles a couple times from the doorway, and you notice how congested he sounds when he says, “I’m fine.”
“You’re fine, really? So you’ll go spend the rest of the day in bed while Jack and I get to hang out?” Maybe baiting him with his son isn’t the nicest way to get your husband to admit to feeling ill, but it’s really the only way you can think of.
It works, if the growing frown on Aaron’s face is anything to go by. “Well, I didn’t say…”
“No, no. You’re fine, you’re healthy. So go on, don’t let our germs stop you.” Jack is giggling in your arms now, having caught on to the game. “Go, before we get you sick. ‘Cause that was just, what? Allergies?”
He’s moving back towards you now, pulling the bowl of soup out of your free hand; the other is still wrapped around Jack.
“Wait, wait. I can’t lie down with my husband, and now I can’t even eat soup?” You complain, and Aaron plops down next to you on the couch.
“It’s one or the other, sweetheart. And I don’t mind your germs all that much,” he murmurs, wrapping an arm around you. Jack crawls between the two of you, lying on top of the space where your bodies press together.
“Is that so?” You ask as he hands you back the bowl, beginning to eat it since your hands are both free now. It’s delicious, like everything Aaron cooks, and still warm enough that you can feel it in your belly. “I’m the luckiest newlywed in the world.”
Instead of responding, Aaron pulls a blanket up over the three of you and grabs the remote. ‘Ice Age’ starts to play as you swallow another spoonful, and Jack rolls over into his dad’s waiting arms.
The living room is quiet for a few minutes, save for the sounds coming from the TV. Jack is half asleep with his head on Aaron’s stomach and a hand resting on your knee when Aaron finally says, “You aren’t, you know.”
“Aren’t what?” You set the soup bowl aside and curl up, your temple pressed against his shoulder.
“The luckiest newlywed in the world.” His lips graze the top of your head, but he pulls away just in time for you to sneeze into your elbow. “I am.”
You wipe your nose with your sleeve- unnecessary, but it feels wrong not to- and laugh aloud at that. “You are, really? With a wife who’s eating up your personal days and getting the whole family sick, you’re the luckiest?”
“Yeah.” He speaks quietly, confidently, voice not wavering. “Yeah, I really think I am. Come here.”
You can’t get much closer but you try, cuddling up as close as possible to your husband and son while Aaron eats some of the soup Jack didn’t end up tasting before passing out. The movie plays on, and you hardly pay attention; you’re too busy thinking about exactly how happy- and lucky- you really are.
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sparklingchim · 1 year
pretty in pink; m | jjk
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pairing: jungkook x reader
word count: 2.6k
rating: 18+
genre: dilf!jungkook, f2l, established relationship
warnings: 69, marking, dirty talk, bewb obsessed jaykay, sum spanks, multiple orgasms, clit play, fucking in a cute lingerie set <3, creampie, breeding kink, kinda strength kink i dunno, he gifts her a necklace w his INITIAL m actually sick 😐, overstimulation, no condoms must nut inside my gf's pussy then😁, two (2) nipple pinches, they're saur in love i hate them <3
summary: your first valentine's day with your boyfriend.
a/n: happy valentine's day my friends !!!! <3 our fav couple is back !!! w their first smut drabble 🤭 read their entire story here though it's not necessary to understand this drabble cos this is just plain pwp 😋
“You gotta be quiet.”
“You’re telling me that?”
Jungkook’s scoff is laced with incredulity.
“You’re the one who hasn’t stopped groaning and moaning since we got in the bedroom!” you fire back in a whisper.
Jungkook is momentarily speechless. He eyes you up and down, open-mouthed. “Have you looked at yourself?”
Warmth spreads on your face. Okay, your body might be clad in nothing but a dainty, soft pink lingerie set, adorned with tiny pink and red roses everywhere, accentuating your curves, but that still doesn’t give him a free pass to be loud and possibly wake up Nabi.
“Why didn’t you tell me you were wearing this?” Jungkook’s palm smooths over the expanse of your ass, his eyes trained on your boobs. “Would’ve spent the whole day with you in bed.” His lips are absentmindedly shaped in a pout, fingers exploring your body as he thinks about all the ways he’s gonna have you.
“That’s not the point of a surprise.” Your palms are against his chest, the white t-shirt warm on your skin. While Jungkook made sure to undress you – awed gasps and ardent moans escaping his throat with each piece that he discarded on the floor, your pretty skirt and top he complimented you the entire day for, suddenly no longer worthy of his attention – he remained in his clothes.
The gold necklace with his initial on a little pendant around your neck shimmers in the dim light of the room.
It’s a tiny present from Jungkook. Your rule for today was clear, or so you thought – no presents. You should have known that Jungkook wouldn’t stick to it. You’re not complaining per se, you love the chain, but you feel a glimmer of regret that you didn’t get him anything.
“You look so pretty.” Jungkook’s eyes travel up to your face, briefly stopping at the necklace before the faintest hint of a smile settles on his face. He’s so soft. “My pretty baby.” His fingers are on your waist, drawing you closer.
You tug at the flannel shirt he’s wearing over the plain white t-shirt. “Take it off,” you mumble.
His flannel shirt hits the floor within a second. Your teeth sink in your bottom lip when Jungkook pulls his white tee over his head.
You swallow involuntarily at the sight of Jungkook’s chiselled chest. “Better like this.” Jungkook laughs at your hushed comment, but you ignore him and press light kisses along his broad chest.
Your hands move on their own, brushing past his abs, finding the taut muscles on his back.
He sighs above you, hands anchored in your ass. Your kisses lead you to his face, small, lingering smooches pressed on his sharp jawline, the corner of his lips, and then on his mouth. His lips are still plump from making out earlier. His tongue darts out, dancing around yours as he delivers a spank to your ass.
With a moan you pull off, nuzzling your face in the crook of Jungkook’s neck. Your fingers work on his belt, pulling down his pants and boxers once you’ve managed to unbuckle it. He steps out of his clothes, getting rid of his socks as well.
You slowly sink down to your knees.
“Fuck,” Jungkook curses at the view of you. In that pretty, innocent outfit, looking up at him beneath those guileless lashes. You wrap your hand around his already rock-hard cock, his veiny flesh twitches at your grasp and a breathless groan falls from Jungkook’s lips. “Spit on it.”
You gather saliva in your mouth before you let it hit his dick. A hiss follows. Your pump his cock, your mouth wraps around his tip and you begin to swivel your tongue around it.
“So good, baby.” Jungkook tucks a loose piece of hair behind your ear.
His praise makes you take more of his cock and you swallow him deeper. Your eyes sting at Jungkook’s size, but through slow bobs of your head your throat gets accustomed to it.
“Just like that.” His fingers comb through his long locks, falling back like dominos. It’s a pretty picture, animating you to go faster. Jungkook grabs your hand at the base of his cock. “Think you can take it deeper?”
You rest both hands against his thighs and relax your jaw as you push his cock further down your throat. A restrained moan echoes through the room as you stay like that. His heavy palm lies against the back of your head, but he doesn’t force you down on his dick. It’s just there, weighty, possessive.
When you pull his cock from your mouth, your chest is heaving deeply. A thin string of saliva connects you to his dick. You stroke his cock, wet and sloppy sounds filling the air again. He pats your hair, his eyes pools of fulfilled satisfaction.
“Come here.” Jungkook drags you up by your elbow. “Your knees will hurt.”
You’re barely on your feet when Jungkook hauls you onto the bed. A tiny squeal flies past your mouth as Jungkook straddles you. His face is pressed into the soft mounds of your boobs, little kisses skittered across the swell of your tits peeking out from the bra.
You giggle at Jungkook’s sudden shift in demeanour, his palm kneading your boob roughly.
“I love your tits.” His voice is muffled. He doesn’t bother to lift his head to talk.
“I know.” You run your fingers through the fluffy chaos on his head.
You gasp when you feel his other hand sneak in between your thighs. His pad runs up and down your clothed pussy.
“You’re soaked, baby.” He sucks on your skin as he continues to play with your pussy. You can’t stop the little whimpers escaping you. Jungkook’s finger teases your clit and your hips uncontrollably buck into his hand. “Gonna make you feel so good.” His bunny teeth graze over his freshly made mark on the swell of your tit.
“Jungkook,” you mewl. You can’t endure his teasing. You need more.
“Sit on my face.”
His face looms over yours. “Want you to sit on my face with that pretty pussy of yours.”
He rolls onto his back next to you.
“Come here, baby.” He gently coaxes you to sit up.
“Jungkook, I dunno if-”
“Shh.” His hand reassuringly brushes over your thigh. “The only sound I wanna hear is you cumming on my face.”
His soft, gentle fingers are a stark contrast from Jungkook’s dirty words. But that’s what pulls you to him. You throw a leg over his body, pussy just above Jungkook’s face like he wanted.
“That’s it.” His breath fans over your skin and shivers rise, a trembling and anticipating moan leaving your chest.
Cold air hits your pussy when Jungkook flicks your panties to the side. But only for a second because Jungkook doesn’t let much time pass before his tongue dives between your folds.
You cover your mouth with your hand to suppress the moans that were about to elicit from you.
One hand is on your ass to spread you open as his wet muscle explores the depths of your aching pussy.
“So sweet,” Jungkook murmurs, voice low, desperate even. “Always so fucking sweet.”
He circles your clit, shocks of pleasure spark everywhere. Your head hangs low, lips tightly pressed shut to keep the moans away. You wanna scream his name, tell him how good he makes you feel, but all you can do is reach for his cock and stuff your mouth with his dick to keep you quiet.
The startled moan against your pussy sends you closer to the edge. His cock is heavy on your tongue as you suck him, his precum a familiar taste that fills your mouth. The noises ricocheting off the walls are utterly obscene and filthy, they make you fall into a haze of absolute lust and need for more, please more.
“I’m gonna cum,” you whimper against his cock. You suck on his angry red, mushroom tip to hinder more sounds coming from you.
Jungkook hums, his devious tongue lapping against your clit. He smacks your ass, a throaty rasp bubbling between his lips. It has you pinching your eyebrows together, your body teetering on the brink of the abyss, right before bliss is going to engulf you altogether.
With another sweep across your pulsating nub, your legs begin to shake. You nuzzle your head in Jungkook’s thigh, emitting uncontrollable breathy whines as every part of you gets swamped by excruciating glee.
“That’s my baby.” Jungkook plants a kiss on your ass, his hand roaming over your back.
You catch your breath, slowly rising again. Your breath shudders when Jungkook’s finger skips over your wet folds. “Sensitive,” you whine. You turn around to straddle him.
His rosy cheeks are tinged in a darker shade, lips and chin glistening with your juice. Jungkook’s hands naturally fall on your waist. He shifts a little so is back is flush against the headboard.
“You’re a little messy.” A shy smile plays on your lips. Jungkook grins knowingly.
His tongue peeks out to gather the remnants of your taste. You lean down to give him a chaste kiss, pussy brushing over his cock in the process.
You’re still sensitive because of the intense climax Jungkook pulled from you, but the feeling of his hard length rubbing against your folds has you grinding your hips.
“Oh, fuck, baby,” Jungkook curses at your wet pussy on his cock. His dick is prettily lying against his abdomen and you gently rock your pussy against it, his mushroom tip leaking with precum.
Jungkook leans toward the bedside table and opens the drawer. He comes up empty handed.
“There are no condoms left.” You’re on the pill, but sometimes Jungkook likes to be extra careful.
Habitually, Jungkook grabs a pillow from beside him and stuffs it between the headboard and the wall. It wouldn’t be the first time that you woke little Nabi up with the inconvenient sound of the headboard banging against the wall.
“As if you would mind.” You lift your hips to point his cock at your entrance, panties pushed to the side.
“I shouldn’t nut in you every time we fuck.” He helps to align his cock.
“I mean, you don’t have to.”
Jungkook remains silent. You giggle when no words leave his mouth. He loves to cum inside your pussy. Can’t help himself when your warm walls wrap around him in a tight hug.
You take his cock inch for inch. No sounds leave both of you, but the blistering pleasure contorts your faces. His entire length vanishes inside you. Your palms are on his broad chest, hips gingerly starting to sway back and forth.
“Jungkook,” you mewl in a small voice.
“Pussy so good,” he mumbles dreamily, eyes attached to the gold necklace around your neck.
It bounces with every move, the little initial on it sparking something in Jungkook that makes him want to have you like this forever. It’s a tiny twinkling J between your collar bones, but it unravels possessiveness across his chest, something fierce and stormy that forces him to dig his fingers into your skin.
You grind your hips faster, clit rubbing against him in desperate attempts to cum again. His cock is nestled deep inside you, stretching your little pussy wide open.
Jungkook’s eyes travel to your tits bounce within the confines of your bra. His hand reaches forward to tug one cup down, thumb tweaking at your pebbled nub, drawing a sharp hiss from you.
You teasingly flick at his nipple in return, making Jungkook twitch beneath you. With a smile on his face, he catches your wrist before you can repeat it.
A silly giggle flies past your lips. But it quickly fades when Jungkook’s finger rubs circles on your clit. “Oh!” Your brows knit. “That’s not fair,” you utter through a pout.
A wicked smirk tugs at his mouth. “Want you to cum around my cock.” His filthy words spur you own. “You can do that, right?”
“Yes,” you immediately say in a breathy tone, eyes fluttering close when Jungkook latches his mouth on your nipple, tongue wet and warm as he swirls it around.
With one hand he guides you along, your fingers grasping for his shoulders as you go faster.
“You look so fucking pretty.” The way he looks up to you beneath his eyelashes, face pressed between your tits, pulls a prolonged, desperate whine from you.
“So close.” It’s barely intelligible, a mumble of high-pitched words.
Everything’s too much and you come undone on Jungkook’s cock, walls clenching around him as your high overtakes you wholly. Your forehead falls against his shoulder, hands diving into his raven hair as you try to keep your moans at a low volume.
His palms grab handfuls of your ass. “That felt so good, didn’t it, baby?”
You nod against his shoulder, the aftershocks of it clouding your mind. You feel so weak but
Jungkook’s sweet nothings are like a fuzzy blanket comforting you.
Jungkook rolls the both of you around. You’re on your back, the soft duvet an inviting comfort.
Jungkook hovers above you, cock still buried deep inside you. Having his sweaty, ripped body dangling in front of you makes you salivate.
While he gently cups your head in his palm, he thrusts inside you harshly. His thumb strokes your bottom lip. Instinctually, you wrap your mouth around it, gently sucking on the pad of his thumb.
“Gonna fill you up,” Jungkook says, a restrained groan following. “Gonna fill you up so good, baby. Want your pussy full of my cum.”
“Please,” you whisper. “Want it so bad.” Jungkook’s hair sticks to his face. You tuck his wispy flyaway behind his ear.
Mindlessly, your fingers reach for the small pendant on your chest. You play with it, legs wrapping around Jungkook’s body.
A breathless rasp leaves Jungkook as he watches you toy with his golden initial. “All mine.”
Jungkook’s eyes are pools of determination and love. “You’re all mine.”
A crazy, lovesick, smile appears on your face.
Jungkook crashes his mouth on yours. It’s messy and uncoordinated, but your heart flutters.
“Cum with me.”
“Jungkook, I can’t.”
“Yes, you can.”
His finger is back on your overly sensitive clit. You shake, nails digging into his back.
“You’re gonna cum with me.” His pushes are relentless, driving his cock into you in fast paces. He puts pressure on your clit just the way you like it, drawing little circles on it.
Jungkook sneaks one hand on the back of your thigh and pushes your leg up. His dick reaches deeper and you’re sure you’re actually seeing stars.
Your high comes crashing down on you with full force, it’s unexpected and pulls a loud moan from you. Jungkook’s hips stutter as he spills inside you. He forces a few more deep pumps before he stills.
“Fuck.” Jungkook pulls his cock out of you. With one finger he keeps your panties to the side to see his cum stuffed in your pussy. “Love you with my cum inside you.”
You nudge his shoulder with your foot. “Go away.”
“I love you.” It’s a gentle whisper, sparks shining in his doe eyes as he watches you.
“Love you too.” You lift your head to give him a sweet kiss. Jungkook gives your boob a kiss in return, tugging the cup back up he had greedily lowered earlier.
Jungkook plops down beside you on the bed. He softly kisses your forehead.
“You should pee.”
“ ‘m sleepy.”
“Baby.” His voice is stern.
“Mhmm,” you sulk, but nonetheless, you stand up.
Your legs shake when you stand on your feet. Jungkook’s arm stretches to catch your hips.
“You good?”
A timid smile crosses your face. “Yeah.”
With wobbly legs you throw his flannel shirt over your skimpy clothed body on your way out.
“I can’t believe we were quiet enough for Nabi not to wake-”
A high-pitched scream reaches the bedroom.
“Nevermind,” Jungkook mumbles, rising to his feet.
You giggle as you watch him fetch his briefs.
Some things might never change.
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wileys-russo · 8 months
personal photographer II l.freigang x reader
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she’s so incredibly girlfriend coded - based on this request here. personal photographer II l.freigang x reader
your eyes slowly fluttered awake as you heard a click near your ear, "baby please no." you mumbled tiredly, covering your face with your hands as your girlfriend towered over you, her dreaded camera held to her eye.
"you look so pretty in the morning." laura cooed, moving to straddle you on top of the covers as she continued to take photos with a grin, holding your wrists in her hand as you glared up sleepily at the camera, hearing one final click.
"good morning schatz." the german whispered, moving to pin your hands softly to the mattress as she attacked your face with kisses, your own lips unable not to curl up into a soft smile as your cheeks flushed pink.
with one final smooch laura hopped off you and out of bed, meaning you winced at the bright sunlight that flooded the room as your girlfriend suddenly yanked open the curtains.
"laura!" you moaned out as she held her camera up again, snapping another photo of you half asleep bathed in the gentle morning sunshine, causing you to roll over and bury your face in the pillow.
"time to wake please my beloved!" the blonde sang out as you felt her weight settle on top of your back. you relaxed as her lips trailed their way up your bare back, gently kissing along the warm tanned skin.
"hello." her head flopped down on the pillow beside you as your head turned, cracking one eye open to meet her lopsided grin. "let's go get breakfast. up!" her hand playfully smacked your bum, stealing another quick kiss and moving off you.
with a sigh you rolled onto your back, rubbing your eyes tiredly and shuffling back into a sitting position, pulling the duvet up to your shoulders with a shiver and a yawn.
"laura!" you scowled at her as the taller girl snapped yet another photo of you, only blowing you a kiss and skipping out of the room, swinging the camera around as she went. "too early for that stupid thing." you grumbled, wiping the sleep from the corner of your eyes with your thumb.
knowing your girlfriend was hardly patient you hurried yourself into the shower and sure enough a few moments later she joined you in the bathroom, pulling herself up to sit by the sink, already dressed and ready.
"where should we go to eat lau?" you called out, rinsing the soap off your body and turning the tap off, the blonde handing you your towel as your arm shot out expectantly.
"the one on the corner? with all the plants and the benches outside?" laura suggested, head buried in her phone as you hummed in agreement, stepping out of the shower and wrapping your towel around you.
"hello sexy!" the blonde looked up and whistled cheekily, snapping a few photos of you on your phone as you flipped her off, disappearing into the bedroom to change.
"i already laid out clothes for you liebling." your girlfriend called out as you noticed the outfit sat neatly on your bed, shaking your head with a small smile at the gesture.
"like it?" laura asked, hugging you from behind and softly kissing your neck as you finished changing. "i look like you." you teased, your socks the only item of clothing currently on your body which didn't belong to the blonde.
"so then what is not to like?" laura grinned, peppering your face with kisses again and grabbing your hand, tugging you out with her toward the front door.
with it being such a sunny day you both took your time strolling hand in hand down the street to the cafe, swinging your intertwined fingers back and forth and chattering away to one another, the two of you seemingly never running out of things to talk about.
"oh! liebchen stand there please." your girlfriends hands moved to your shoulders, pushing you gently and gesturing for you to pose as she took a few steps back and brought her camera up to her face.
"smile!" she ordered making you roll your eyes and crack a smile, squinting slightly from the sun as you heard a click and the two of you continued on your walk. you stole your girlfriends sunglasses from where they sat on top of her head, dropping them down onto your nose as you arrived.
"thank you." you both chimed in unison after the young girl working had come over and taken your order, settling back into your chairs conversing. "why?" you whined as your coffees arrived and once again the girl held her camera up to her face.
"because you are my muse baby, obviously." the german smiled charmingly in her adorable accent once she'd taken her photos, the camera hanging slack around her neck again as she sipped on her coffee.
"i will be back liebling." your girlfriend stood and pecked your lips a few times sweetly once she'd finished her food, as always finishing much faster than you. you were always teasing the blonde for inhaling her food instead of tasting it.
you assumed she'd gone to use the bathroom as you continued to eat, soaking up the gloriously warm weather and looking forward to the rest of the afternoon to be spent with your girlfriend who also had the day off.
speaking of, as she took her time you grew a little concerned, it had easily almost been twenty minutes and there was no sign of her. you tried calling her however it rang out which caused your frown to deepen. she loved to mess around but surely she wouldn't have ditched you?
but as soon as you started to spiral, overthinking all the reasons your girlfriend would have left you for, you caught sight of her mop of blonde hair making her way back over from inside and you let out a prolonged sigh of relief.
"lau where the hell did you-" "tada!" the words dried up in your mouth as the grinning striker held out a bunch of gloriously bright colored poppies wrapped up in brown paper.
"for you, my beautiful girl." laura bent down with a soft smile, your lips pressed against one anothers as you grabbed her face tenderly stroking her jaw with your thumbs, pulling away and melting at the sight of her as she kissed you a few more times and sat back down across from you.
"how did you even..." you trailed off as you very carefully placed the boquet of flowers on the table, your girlfriend quite sweaty and her face flushed red. you smiled as she held up a finger signalling you to wait as she chugged a glass of water.
"i ran to the markets." she exhaled, pouring another glass and chugging that before glancing at you and to your leftovers with a raised eyebrow. you nodded and slid the plate to her as her face lit up, eagerly tucking into the last of your meal.
"you do know we could have just gone to the markets together after we eat?" you teased with a shake of your head as she shrugged, mumbling something about already having plans for the two of you with a mouthful of food.
your gaze drifted back to the poppies, which she of course had remembered were your favourite flower, touching them fondly as your lips curled into a grateful smile.
though that dropped when you heard yet another click, laura's face hidden behind her camera as it clicked again and you couldn't help but laugh. the taller girl sent you a wink and a cheeky grin, announcing she'd paid already and standing up, offering you her hand as you picked up your flowers.
"babe!" you laughed again as you began to walk back to your apartment, the girl behind you as you heard another few clicks. "what? i am just documenting how good your bum looks in my shorts, for science." she caught up to you, stealing a kiss and smacking you on the behind, sprinting off and calling over her shoulder that last one home was a loser.
your own personal photographer.
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bl0odyh3art · 3 months
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I got you.
warnings: incest, older brother Leon, reader gets easily scared, real brother Leon, re2r Leon in mind for this fic, p in v, unprotected, virgin reader
this is dead dove/dark content. if are uncomfortable with this kind of content or don't like it, then do not interact.
a/n: ummm first full fic? 😭 but older brother re2r Leon!!! not my best work tbh. I think this sucks
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The loud lightning and thunder, making you shake and all stirred up in your bed, the constant flashing of the lightning.
Even at your age, it was still scary and loud to you... Leon was finally back from college and just wanted to relax before moving out fully. Obviously, you'll miss him. He's your older brother. He's always stood up for you and helped you....maybe he wouldn't mind his little sister coming in to get him to help you to relax…
You tiptoed to his room, holding tightly onto your pajamas and your feet that were covered with little ruffled socks shuffling against the floorboards as you made your way to his room. He's asleep, of course, he's always sleepy. You walk up to him and lightly shake his shoulders.
"Leon....wake up.... I'm scared.....please..." you almost cried. He woke up a couple of seconds later.
"Hm?...hey, what's up?" His voice was groggy and a bit raspy. You looked away from him and sighed. You always thought liking your brother was weird, but he's fit.... I mean he was only in his underwear. His fit body and cute face...he stared at you, waiting for an answer, or he'd just go back to bed without a care.
"All the thunder and lightning is scaring me…." you looked down, honestly embarrassed and ashamed of yourself, but Leon sighed and looked at you, making space for you on the bed and moving over, so you could tuck yourself in next to him.
"Come on…such a baby." he softly chuckles as you get into bed, and he presses a kiss on your forehead, groaning like an old man as he lays back down. His warm back against yours and just the fact that he's almost naked makes your face flush a bit. You turn your head to look at him.
"Leon….can-.....can you umm….comfort me?" he didn't answer for a bit, but you heard his sigh and nod, he turned around, so he could hug you, cuddle you. He's chin resting on the top of your head and his arms wrapped around your body, softly rubbing your back with his thumbs as you hear his heartbeat. 
"I got you." he whispered softly. "But there's no way you're still scared of the weather like this", he grinned.
"Yes, I am…. It's stupid… I know" you muttered against his shoulder and thought for a while. Looking at his face as he looked down at you, he was so fucking handsome it made you sick to your core. His stupid blue eyes and jawline, those cheeks and body. fuck. Mindlessly, you grabbed his face and kissed his lips, which made him pull away quickly.
"What the hell was that?" he looked at you as if you were some disgusting creature. 
"I- um…look…. fuck, Leon…. I really like you, and it's not my fault you're so handsome," you mumbled quickly. 
"You're my sister. I'm your brother….we can't ... .we can't do that shit! That's gross!....you know what mom and dad told us when we were little." he wiped his mouth as your hands squeezed his biceps.
"Leon, come on…just one time?...just a kiss." you look at him, your head tilted slightly to get a better look at him in the moonlight. 
He sighs and closes his eyes, sucking in a sharp breath. 
"Then will you do it for me?" his eyes trailed up your body and face.
"I can… I can…suck you off when you need it." you shrugged.
"No…not-...you know what, fine. fuck." he grabbed your face and gave you a sloppy, wet kiss which made you fall on your back on the bed. He grabbed at your hair and moaned at the kiss, his hands trailing up your body and underneath your pajamas. 
"fucking stupid, sister." he groaned as he ripped open his shirt, the buttons flying across the room. 
You gasped and grabbed at his shoulders. "Not my fucking shirt!" slapping his arm slightly. 
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He had you on the bottom, getting his dick wet with his spit, his eyes flickering back and forth at you and his dick. He lined himself up at your entrance. 
"Tell me once it hurts" he muttered against your cheek and his, up just the tip in, making you squirm and dig your nails in his shoulders. 
"Stop, stop, stop." you breathed out, and he waited for a while.
"Okay…umm, I guess you can keep going…" 
He slowly rocks his hips, his dick pushing more and more into your pussy, your hole fluttering around him every time he pushes inside you. 
your legs were shaking a bit already and he groaned. "So fucking tight….going to chop my dick off", he laughed dryly. He really didn't know what to say while fucking his own sister and neither did you. 
He rubbed your clit to ease the pain a bit and your hips jumped up, letting out a moan and gasping. He picked up the speed a bit and his moans started coming out. You swore it was the most beautiful thing you'd ever heard.
"Ahh…fuck, taking your brother's dick so good, huh? Waiting just for me?" he slapped your clit, making you squirm and whine a bit. 
You nodded as he pounded into you, you were so close already, your legs shaking and moving your hands to his giant ass man tits. 
"Close already?" he cooed, his other hand gripping your tit and sucking the nipple, rubbing your clit faster as he felt himself get closer, feeling the tip of his dick reach that spongy spot in your pussy. Your mouth hanging open and gasping.
"I'm gonna-....ahh!" your hole fluttering around his dick and he railed you through your orgasm, panting and strangled moans left Leon's mouth as he got closer, grabbing your hair to kiss you as he filled you up.
"Oh…fuck, aha…..you did good…" he panted and flopped over on the bed. You had already forgotten about the storm outside and had focused more on Leon. He was pretty much on the verge of passing out close he held you close and kissed the crown of your head.
"I got you, sweetheart."
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cjrights · 1 month
Ight so somehow people wanted more of these? Y’all asked and tbh I’m still obsessed so here we gooooooooooooooooo. Sidenote mostly just fluff, but def some angst on the third one. Read at your own risk pls and thx. Hope you enjoy!
Paige Bueckers x Softball player reader hcs! (Part 2)
Consistently takes advantage of whenever you get dressed.
Luckily for Paige softball players needed to layer a lot, meaning it took a very long time to get dressed. Tall socks first, then sliding shorts, then undershirt or jersey depending on weather, then pants, and finally a belt. Needless to say, it took a good few minutes and your clingy blonde girlfriend positively loved it.
Today started like most game days, waking up with all four of Paige’s limbs wrapped around you, her whining at you for trying to get up without waking her (something about needing her morning kisses), and then eating breakfast together at the table.
Now you were sitting on the edge of your bed, clad in just a sports bra and sliding shorts, pulling on your socks, thankful you were about to be done with the long process. Until Paige decided to interfere.
“Babbbbbe,” she called as she walked in, blue eyes lighting up immediately when she spotted you half undressed.
“Don’t give me that look. You know I’ll be late.”
Blatantly ignoring you she all but leapt on top of you, crushing your figure down in the most gently powerful way someone who was 6’ could’ve. You groan and immediately go flat on your back. Your girlfriend seemed to forget she was basically six feet of muscle and seven inches taller than you.
“Paige!” You yelp irritated, looking down at your girlfriend. Who was now cuddled up against your bare skin, pressing into you as tight as humanely possible. “I’ve got to get dressed, coach will kill me if I’m late! You know I have to warm up the pitchers!”
“Well first warm me up! I’ve been freezing all morning and instead of cuddling with me, my girlfriend has been neglecting me!” she whines, burying her face into your boobs, tightening her hold.
You roll your eyes, “you sure we’re not just in a relationship because you love my boobs?”
“That’s part of the reason…but back to the point! I’ve been neglected so let me snuggle you!” she demands, pressing you back  down as you try to pry her off.
You scoff lightly, “yeah right because us showering together last night, spooning all night after that, and then eating breakfast together this morning is real neglectful, isn’t it?” You question sarcastically, biting back the urge to smile as she looks up at you with puppy dog eyes for a moment, then nuzzling back into your boobs in an effort to make you forget about it. “No Paigey, its time for me to get ready.”
“But I never got my good morning kisses. Just some stupid alarm.”
You blink slowly. Shit, you had forgotten her morning kisses. Each morning you woke her up with a flurry of soft kisses on her cheeks, nose, and forehead. Anywhere but her lips, that was only for when she was fully awake. “I’m sorry love,” you murmur, pressing kisses around her forehead, seeing a smile flutter on her lips, as she closes her eyes, falling into ‘sleep’.  You moved onto her cheeks, this time fully feeling the smile on her face. finally her nose, which scrunched up slightly and she finally opened her ice blue eyes, pressing her lips to yours which you eagerly accepted.
“Good mornin,” she mumbles, suddenly much peppier. “How’d you sleep?”
You smack her lightly on the back of the head. “Oh, shut it Bueckers.” Fully nudging her off you pull your jersey over your head, not missing her pout once your boobs went away. “Simmer down woman, you can cuddle them later,” you roll your eyes.
“You know if doing this every time you have a game works, I’m going to keep doing it. rig up that alarm to go off a few minutes before you wake up, so that way you have to rush and can’t give me kisses till now, definitely worth being a few minutes late.”
She’ll pretend like she knows what she’s doing- she doesn’t and your coach forces you to educate her.
Paige growls slightly under her breath seeing you come up to bat again. It was a game against Florida State University. Not that the other team was the problem- no it was the umpire. In her eyes he was giving you a hard time, you and your teammates. Quite honestly he wasn’t just had a larger strike zone than usual. There had been a few calls that had been at your knees and should’ve been balls that weren’t. Not the worst call you’d seen made but definitely not an amazing one.
It was the bottom of the forth inning and your third time at the plate. Uconn was up by two runs and you’d been up twice, only go out on a dicy, but definitely a strike pitch that you’d had no choice but to swing at. Now you went up again and did the same thing, going out swinging on a 1-2 count.
And that had been enough to set off your girlfriend. She tried to keep her cool, she really had. Tried listening to the massive group of softball dads who’d somehow befriended her after two games into the season, tried the deep breathing exercises, tried to reassure herself you wouldn’t be upset. But nope.
“That was a bullshit call blue!” you almost do a double take at hearing the voice that no doubt belonged to your overprotective girlfriend. What in the hell was she doing?! The ump had made the right call, it just wasn’t apparent to someone who hadn’t played.
“Jesus Christ, has your girlfriend never watched softball?” questions one of your teammates as you head back into the dugout, popping off your batters helmet, and exchanging it for your catchers.
“Look she’s good at basketball I’m good at softball,” you mutter, feeling your cheeks tinge pink as you buckle the straps on your white shin guards.
“Excuses, excuses,” she teases lightly, before going off to talk with someone else in the dugout.
As you pull your chest piece over your head a sudden shadow overtakes you. Looking up you see your coach looking down at you, facial expression mixed with annoyance and amusement. “Uh hey coach, can I help you?” you ask cautiously, not knowing if he was upset with your last at bat or something, and feeling nervousness grow as you tested the waters.
“look I aint mad at you. What I am mad at is how your girlfriend talks about all this shit she thinks she knows. She doesn’t play softball and quite honestly it makes some of us look bad. Get it under control.” He finishes.
“yes coach,” you mumble, knowing paige would insist she didn’t need help and make this whole thing ten times more difficult.
He smiles and slaps you on the back, “that’s a girl! Now, go out there and make sure nothing gets by you.”
“So why are we driving to some random park?” paige questions, for what feels like the hundredth time in the past ten minutes, not taking her eyes off the road.
You sigh, “I told you before, we’re going to watch some softball and teach you some of the basics.”
“But I know the basics! And I know that ump wasn’t calling strikes well!” she pouts slightly.
Rolling your eye at her delusion you pat her thigh lightly. “no baby, no you don’t. Now come on!” you state hopping out of the car once she’d pulled into a spot. You’d been lucky to know about the local youth ballpark. They hosted plenty of rec league tournaments for baseball and softball alike, perfect for when you had to teach your girlfriend.
“A youth park?” she questions, slightly mystified.
“Yup. You want to learn softball? You start from the littlest level. Which in this case is our ten U team!”
You gesture at all of the girls, each one dressed in black pants a bright pink jersey sporting a panthers logo on it. they were quite cute to watch, all of them throwing grounders and pop-flys to their partners, then giglging madly when it went between their legs.
Paige felt herself smile as well, “well at least their kind of cute…” she mumbles, letting you lead her over to a set of metal bleachers, where you watch the girls warmup and explain some basics to her.
“So first, strike range, where is that to you?”
“Erm I don’t know, maybe here?” she makes a vague gesture at her torso and puts out her arms to show home base borders.
“Not quite,” you tighten her square up, narrowing down the plate significantly, then pushing her zone from her shoulders to her knees.
Her jaw drops. “How the hell can you hit it there?!” she demands.
You shrug, “just the way games work baby, the umpire says the strike zone and we adjust to it. course it varies slightly to each ump, but this is the general zone.”
As you explain realization slowly dawns on her face, eyes widening, “so when I yelled at that ump for his calls…”
You nod sympathetically, “you were yelling at him for something that was my fault.”
“And now, your going to see it in action. Because these ten year olds somehow know the basics better than my twenty-one year old girlfriend,” you mutter, rolling your eyes.
“Is this really necessary? I mean it wasn’t that bad…”
“Yes Paigey, it was that bad. Now let the little ones show you how to do it.”
She grumbles softly but watches none the less. Thankfully, she seemed to learn rather quickly. Not that it was hard, in tenU most pitches either went right down the middle, straight in the dirt, or right over the catchers head.  “Well obviously its easier to tell now when the pitchings this bad.” She huffs grumpily, failing to realize the pitcher was walking directly in front of her, and heard the comment.
“My pitchings bad?” whimpered the little girl, seeming close to tears.
Paige’s eyes widened and she shakes her head rapidly. “What! No no! your doing great im just used to seeing it at a higher level and I just I-“ she goes on rambling, as the girl tears up even harder before bolting away from the crowd. “Wait hold on- hold this for me!” she shoves something into your arms then proceeds to take off across the ball ground at full pelt after the little girl.
As you sit, you see the parents giving you a dirty look, and slowly want to crawl inside your skin and never see the light of day again. It felt like hours you’d been sitting there when Paige finally returned, surprisingly with the pitcher, who was holding a bomb pop and chatting it up with your girlfriend. Happily, she scrambled back to her mom, as your frazzled girlfriend returned to your side, burying her face into your shoulder.
You giggle, “what happened to my big tough girlfriend?”
“She made a kid feel bad and didn’t know what else to do besides buy her the biggest popsicle at the concession stand and swear up and down she didn’t mean what she meant,” she mumbled into your shoulder, looking red as a beet, as the little girl talked to her mom and sucked at her slightly dripping bomb pop. “And offering to get her lots of autographs, hope your teammates don’t mind signing a ball.”
You roll your eyes, as idiotic as she was your girlfriend was quite sweet.
“If we ever have kids, please help me not be an idiot.”
“You got it Paigey, you got it.”
Post game routine after a loss.
You walk into the apartment all but chucking your coat down onto the floor and forcefully ripping your keys of your neck. Uconn had been defeated in a 9-7 loss against North Carolina State. You hadn’t played bad either; hell you’d an amazing game. Only one ball managed to get through you and you’d been quick enough to nab it before the runner of third seized her chance to advance. You hadn’t had a bad day at the plate either going 3-1, you’d gotten a dead ball to the back the first time, which now hurt like a motherfucker and didn’t let you lean against anything without hissing. Second time around you’d buried a base hit into right field, making it to first without problem. Easily after you’d stolen second and then third, where your teammate managed to snag a double and bring you in for the third run of the game. The last at bat had been similar, except instead of a grounder it was a line drive that smashed into the pitcher so hard she dropped it, giving you just enough time to bolt into first base, nearly taking out the baseman as you did so.
So you had done well. Why were you so pissy about the game? Probably because your teammates just gave up. You didn’t know what the hell had gotten into them in the dugout, you got down by one run and all of a sudden it was like a giant raincloud was over the dugout. They didn’t get back up either, they lost the battle the second NC State was. It had been horrendous, and when you went out to take the field you knew everyone could tell. Obviously, you couldn’t carry the entire team on your shoulders (although you certainly had tried). And so you lost.
“Babe?” Paige called cautiously. She hadn’t been able to go the game, NC was a long driver and she’d had exams that week. She’d watched the entire game on tv and knew that after a game like that and more than twelve hours on a bus, you’d either be sobbing or ready to kill anything that moved or both when you walked in the door.
Paige appeared around the corner, blonde hair pulled into a loose pony tail, clad in Uconn sweats and her matching sweatshirt.
When you saw her you felt all of your anger start melting off, slowly turning into a giant pool of stress and sadness that seemed to weigh down your entire body. “Hey,” you rasped, exhaustion hitting like a brick.
Crossing the room in a few short strides, her arms were around you, pulling you against her chest and nose nuzzling against my hair. “You did so good baby, even if you lost. You were so amazing, I mean those blocks and the base running,” she mumbles softly.
You don’t reply for a moment, just grip her sweatshirt and sniffle into it.
“I know baby, I know it hurts, let it out.”
Finally your walls crash down on top of you, and Paige feels the first tears wetting the fabric. “I don’t understand it. I don’t know why they all just stopped caring,” you whimper confusedly. “We came to play at Uconn because we loved softball and wanted to win. But then they all just give up and look at me like I’m supposed to be some superhero who can save them all! And I can’t!” you fully break into sobs at this point, feeling every ounce of pent of feelings come crashing straight into the hoodie.
“I know sweet girl, I know,” Paige mumbles, pressing kisses to the top of your head, swaying slightly back in forth in a soothing rhythm. “You do so much for all of them.” truthfully she knew exactly where you were coming from, it was a feeling any sports team would meet regardless of how good or bad they were. “I’ve got you baby, I’ve got you,” she murmurs soothingly, not letting go of you as you clutch her sweatshirt like it’s a damn lifeline.
By the time your done crying, your eyes have puffed out and Paiges are reddened from crying right along with you. She hated seeing you like this, and honestly it reminded her of herself during basketball, on how badly she would take the fault for the error of the team. Your eye black had been ruined, tear tracks dripping through the cross shaped marks on each cheek. And your game hair was mess. Instead of two neat Dutch braids it had turned into a tangled rats nest both from playing softball and then tugging at it out of stresson the bus ride home, an old habit from when you were a child that you were certain you’d never break. “How about a shower yeah?” Paige suggests gently, “get cleaned up and get some food before bed, yeah?” she questions soflty. You had all the control in the situation right now, she would do anything to ease your feelings.
“Y-yeah a shower sounds good.” You agree, inwardly cringing at the way you stutter. You were a captain, you were supposed to be the strong and brave one of the team, the catcher everyone could always count on, not some cowardly girl who stuttered and balwed her eyes out after a loss.
Paige helped you get undressed and into the shower, turning it on to almost scalding hot, the way you liked it. Gently she began working the shampoo into your hair.
“Sorry about that…” you mumble under your breath. “Its been a long day I guess,” a lame excuse but whatever.
“Hey, no, no, no, no, no, no.” she states, putting more emphasis on each no as she goes. Lightly she grabs your chin tilting it up to look at her. “Baby, I know you hold yourself to a high standard but you are a human being, not a superhero. Quite frankly, your teammates are dicks if they can’t recognize the problem.”
You open your mouth to say something but she doesn’t let you get a word out.
“And before you start some big speech about how its not my problem and how I don’t need to do this I want to. So shush up and let me take care of you.”
You smile, a good real smile for the first time in the last two hours. “I love you Paigey, so much.”
“I love you too.”
The water sprays down your back, Paige’s hand blocking whatever shampoo suds threatened to get into your eyes. She grabs you both a towel, stepping out first and quickly wrapping you up. Then, not giving you a chance to protest, your scooped up bridal style and carried to your bed. She flops down next to you, smiling as you nuzzle into her.
“So, my girl feeling a little bit better?” Paige asks, pressing a kiss against your damp collar bone. She’d helped you change into pajamas, just one of her old hoodies then carefully detangled your hair, which had been a little messed up from its braids. Needless to say, a bit of one on one time and pampering had definitely helped.
You pressed closer to her, burying her face into her chest before mumbling a reply. “I’m always ok with you by my side.”
-This is sea otter anon, i just can't get to my emoji cause I'm on a laptop, but i swear im still sea otter (pls don't take me emoji i love it)
WOWWW you just get it every time babeee
this is beautiful i need more if you got it in you 🙌🏻🙌🏻🙌🏻
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reneeluv154 · 6 months
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Hope you enjoy🤍🤍🤍
In this imagine Newt finds out you have frostbite and takes care of you.
(More on my profile if you like this.)🫶🏼🫶🏼
I was cold, so cold but I wouldn’t let the others know, we had been walking in the scorch for weeks, although I wouldn’t call it the scorch anymore. It was cold, cold enough to make your lips blue and your skin crack and bleed. Newt tried to offer me his gloves when it first started getting cold two days ago but I denied them, instead wrapping them up in my sock’s.
Now the sock’s were just to hide my gruesome frostbite rather than keep them warm. “Guys, let’s stop here, we’ve been waking for far too long.” I couldn’t agree with Minho more, the blisters on the back of my heels and my toes making it to where I could barely walk.
“Y/n are you okay?” Thomas asked wearily before watching me stumble to the ground. “Woah hey.” Thomas tried to catch me but I hit the ground with him and Newt on either side of me. I began to weep which then turned into sob’s of anger. I punched the ground, “I’m fucking done! Do you hear me!” I screamed out as loud as I could, causing a vicious pain to shoot through my head. Everyone was crouched down forming a circle around me, fear and worry plastered on their faces.
“Hey, take a breath Y/n.” Newt was calm with a comforting hand on my back, the other on the sand, trying to keep from slipping. I violently sucked in air never fully finishing a breath. I truly couldn’t breathe. I looked at him with panic in my eyes as I tried to breathe, tears still rolling down my cheeks. “Okay, everyone back up.” His voice was stern enough so they understood but calm enough to not scare me. He gently grabbed my face.
“You’re gonna be okay. Focus on my heartbeat alright?” He grabbed my hand, placing it on his chest gently, leaving me to feel the calm, steady beating of his heart. After a few minutes, my breathing slowed, and my tears were gently wiped by his simple calloused hands. “You're okay.” He whispered, bringing me into a tight hug. I believe more for him than for me. He knew I never liked hugs. Although I had always wanted one from him, I hugged him back knowing that’s what he needed at the moment. I didn’t want to let go but loosened my grip leaving him to let go.
“Thomas, help me walk her over to that building.” He nodded over to what was more like a small shack a few feet away. So with Thomas on my left and Newt on my right we carefully walked over to the shack, taking a few minutes to settle down. I sat on a small crate while the others cleared spots to sit and sleep for the night. I was staring at the ground when Newt came, sitting down beside me, offering me a cup with something in it. Not bothering to zone back in, I shook my head.
“It’ll warm you up.” He said, setting it by my foot on the ground and kneeling in front of me. “Can you take these off for me?” He asked gently, laying a hand on top of mine. I finally zoned back in still not looking directly at him but carefully taking the socks off my hands trying not to let the fabric pull on the cracked skin.
His eyes widened when he saw the purple and blue, bloody knuckles and fingertips. ‘Fry, can you make a fire real quick?” He asked, not taking his focus off of my hands. “Already on it, Newt.”
“Why didn’t you tell someone Y/n?” He asked gently, trying to warm my hands with his own as well as blowing on them.”I don’t know.” I was quiet, barely even audible. “My feet are pretty bad too.” The look he gave me was the sweetest yet saddest thing I had ever seen. “They don’t have frostbite, just lots of blisters.” He nodded. “Go ahead and take your shoes off, the cold should make them feel a little better.”
I nodded, taking my shoes off while he went and grabbed a thin blanket we had stolen from W.I.C.K.E.D. wrapping it around my shoulders. He was right, the cold felt good on my hot blistered feet. “Here, let’s go sit by the fire.” He handed me the hot cup making my hands sting but I knew that meant it was helping. I was caught slightly off guard when he picked me up and carried me to another crate, this one close by the fire, my feet still being cooled off by the patch of cement underneath me.
I decided to sit on the ground closer to the fire. Newt came and sat on the crate behind me, his legs on either side of me. “Newt?” I asked and received a small hum while he set down his cup which I learned was just hot water, and started to play with some strands of my hair. “Is it okay if I just give up?”
“Give up?” He questioned. “Yeah, If I just quit trying to make it out alive.” I was ashamed of asking such a question but I knew he wouldn’t judge me. He grabbed both my shoulders leaning in close to my ear. “Y/n you can not give up, I won’t for one second let you believe that you can give up because I would never let you do such a thing.” And for the first time in a long time, a small smile made its way onto my lips. It felt so good to smile, especially with someone like Newt.
Around an hour later he had braided my hair and wrapped up my hands now everyone was getting ready for sleep. “Where are you sleeping, love?” He hadn’t called me that since the first time I came to the glade but it made me feel special.
“Can I…sleep next to you tonight?” He nodded, “Of course, c’mon.” He laid out some clothes on the ground and used a jacket as a pillow. “Go on, I'll tuck you in.” He smiled, so I laid down letting him lay two blankets overtop of me, given that was all we could spare. He then laid down, a small bit of space between us. “Goodnight Y/n.”
“Goodnight Blondie.”
I woke up a tad bit cold and a bit scared. There was thunder and rain all around us. The small shack was the only thing keeping us safe and that wasn’t promising. I moved over to where Newt was lying and rested my head on his shoulder, he wrapped an arm around me and pulled me closer. “Are you okay?” He whispered, his voice still sleepy making me blush. “Yeah, I’m a little cold but more scared than anything.” Just then lightning struck close making me jump. “Shhh it’s okay. I’m here, I’ll keep you safe I promise.” He rubbed my back and gave me a small kiss on the head now wrapping both arms tightly around me. Humming a small song, which soon put me to sleep.
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roosterbruiser · 1 year
𝐀𝐦𝐞𝐫𝐢𝐜𝐚𝐧 𝐆𝐢𝐫𝐥
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The sandy stone patio outside The Hard Deck is quiet. 
Well, it’s quieter than it was inside. Rowdy Navymen and their rowdy friends a few too many draft beers deep jamming out with the jukebox on high, Penny overwhelmed by the amount of men in Uncle Sam beards and patriotic paper top-hats, peanut shells on the floor, ice clinking in whiskey glasses, fireworks going off every few minutes. 
It’s all a bit overwhelming for you, which is why you slid out and quietly settled in one of the metal bistro chairs, breathing in the sweet ocean and sulfuric air. It’s foggy outside from the fireworks, which are bursting into the night sky in fantastic sparks of yellow and pink and red and blue. 
Finally--you can take a deep breath, inflate your lungs, tune in with your daughter just beneath the taut skin of your swollen belly. She’s fluttering around like she always is when you’re finally still. Sometimes, you like to imagine that she’s mimicking you: taking a deep breath, tilting her head towards the sky, lashes fluttering as she watches the fireworks. 
Bradley is still sitting at the piano, playing a jaunty version of Born in the USA on the piano, a little tipsy and the kind of happy that makes his cheeks bright pink. The usual crowd is around him, much drunker and much blearier, sloshing their drinks and mussing each other’s faux beards. 
“Where’s that wife of mine?” Bradley asks suddenly--he scans the crowd around the piano and doesn’t find you in the sea of red, white, and blue. “Jake, did you scare her off?” 
“She wakes up to you every morning, Bradshaw,” Jake retorts, grinning. “How could I scare her off?” 
Bradley stills--everyone groans when the live music stops. 
“Yeah, yeah, cry me a river!” Bradley says as everyone boo’s him. He stands up, stretches, glances around the bar again. He doesn't see you still. “Respect your countryman!” 
And then he’s fielding pats on the backs as he navigates the bar, heading for the patio doors. He’s sure you’re out there--you like to sneak away when you can get away with it to dip your toes in the water or sit in the patio chairs. 
He’s right--you’re right where he knew you would be: sitting in the patio chair, head tilted back as you watch the smoke drift across the star-dotted sky, shoes thrown aside and feet buried in the sand, eyes shining as you stroke your belly with both hands. 
“Hey, mama,” he greets softly. 
You turn, a soft smile on your face. All the noise of the bar fades whenever Rooster closes the door behind him, grinning at you something fierce.
“Hey, daddy,” you respond, face warm with love.  
He stalls right where he is, hands on the hips of his true-blue Levi’s. Pink sprouts across the exposed part of his chest, his Hawaiian shirt long unbuttoned after his fourth drink and second song on the piano. He just beholds you, a lip tucked between his teeth, his smile growing wider when you wrinkle your nose at him. 
“What?” You ask, but you have a feeling that you already know. 
“You’re a fucking vision,” he sighs, earnest and yearning. “How’d I land a bombshell like you?” 
“Trapped me,” you tease, gesturing to your bump. “Remember?” 
He grins, laughing. He starts to toe his Chuck Taylors off, peeling his socks off while you rest your cheek on your shoulder to gaze at him. 
“It’s quiet out here,” he says softly, sauntering over to you and wrapping his arms around your neck. He peppers your sweet-smelling hair with a few kisses before tucking his nose into your neck. “Didn’t realize my ears were ringing in there.” 
You smile. 
“Poor baby,” you mutter mockingly, curling your fingers in his sandy locks. “You alright?”
“Respect your countryman,” Bradley insists softly, muffled from the silky skin of your neck. “And the father of your daughter.” 
He moves his hand to your belly and your daughter kicks softly, stretching and turning. You can feel his grin when it spreads across his face. He’s so delighted in the thought of becoming a father that his joy is genuinely palpable. You can feel it at all times like the sun on your cheeks or the wind in your hair. 
His hand is warm, covering the front of your rounded belly. Bradley sighs softly, eyes fluttering shut as he feels your daughter move inside of you, imagining what she’ll be like. 
But then a firework goes off--pops right beside the both of you. And you both feel it: your daughter jolting in your belly, startled. 
Before Bradley can respond, you’re laughing. Laughing a big and loud laugh with your mouth wide open and your eyes teary.
“Oh,” you giggle, grinning at Bradley. “Our poor baby!” 
Bradley, frowning good-naturedly, tuts and moves so he’s kneeling before you. You’re still fighting your laughter, biting your lip and stroking your belly. But Bradley’s tucking himself between your legs, moving your shirt up until the curve of your belly is exposed to the cool night air. 
“Poor thing,” Bradley said, pressing a few kisses to your skin. “S’okay, bird. Just some fireworks, huh? You’re gonna have to get used to ‘em, aren’t you? Fourth of July is…big in this family, to say the least.” 
You nod as if she can see you, combing your fingers through his hair as he peppers your belly in affection. You can almost see it now: Bradley holding your tiny daughter, pressing his nose into her little shoulder, making her shudder when his mustache tickles her delicate skin. 
“We’ll get her some headphones,” you tell him, biting a grin. “That oughta do the trick, huh?” Another firework pops and she jolts again, more than before. Your belly flutters, tenses. “She really doesn’t like those,” you tell Bradley, gasping softly. 
With his brows furrowed, Bradley peers over his shoulder at the small group of mens setting them off on the beach. 
“I’m gonna go give ‘em a piece of my mind,” he mutters. 
“Bradley,” you laugh. “What’re you gonna say? You’re scaring my unborn daughter?”
He pauses--glares at you. 
“And if that is what I’m gonna say?” 
Grinning, feeling like you’re about to burst with all this love for this goofy man on his knees before you, you shake your head. 
“Oh, boy, do I love you,” you say softly. “And so does our daughter.” 
He grins. 
“Our American girl,” he laughs. “Who doesn’t like fireworks.”
You hope, with everything in your heart, that she has his laugh. Big, loud, hearty. You want people to hear her laugh and know who her father is. Oh, that’s gotta be a Bradshaw. 
“She’ll learn,” you tell him, stroking your belly. “Her daddy’s a Navyman.” 
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𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐩𝐲 𝐟𝐨𝐮𝐫𝐟 𝐨𝐟 𝐉𝐮𝐥𝐲 𝐀𝐦𝐞𝐫𝐢𝐜𝐚 𝐢𝐬 𝐚 𝐬𝐡𝐢𝐭𝐬𝐡𝐨𝐰 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐈 𝐨𝐧𝐥𝐲 𝐜𝐞𝐥𝐞𝐛𝐫𝐚𝐭𝐞 𝐭𝐡𝐢𝐬 𝐝𝐚𝐲 𝐭𝐨 𝐞𝐚𝐭 𝐜𝐡𝐞𝐞𝐬𝐞𝐛𝐨𝐫𝐠𝐨𝐫𝐬 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐩𝐥𝐚𝐲 𝐰𝐢𝐭𝐡 𝐬𝐩𝐚𝐫𝐤𝐥𝐞𝐫𝐬 <𝟑
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munsonkitten · 11 months
Morning comes, and Eddie finds Steve sitting on the edge of the bed. He’s pulling his underwear on, slowly sliding them up his legs like he’s trying not to jostle the mattress too much. Eddie watches him for a second while he wakes up more, eyes threatening to shut again. 
Steve turns and sees Eddie looking at him, and he looks surprised, like he’s been caught in some kind of act. 
“Hey,” Eddie murmurs. He rolls onto his back and looks up at the ceiling. 
“Morning,” Steve whispers back. He’s pulling on his socks now. 
Like he’s going to leave. 
“Where are you going?” Eddie asks. 
Steve sighs. “Dustin missed the bus. I’ll come back after I drive him, okay? I’ll make it up to you.”
Eddie nods, pulls the blanket up to his chest. “Did he call here?”
“Walkie-Talkie,” Steve answers, picking up the device from beside him on the floor. “Surprised it didn’t wake you.”
Eddie shrugs and turns over onto his side again, curling up beneath his blankets. “Tell him to start setting his alarms an hour early if he’s going to do the ten-step Steve Harrington hair routine every morning.”
“He doesn’t,” Steve protests. “He said he couldn’t find the cat and panicked. You know, the last one got eaten so he’s worried about that shit.”
“That’s what he wants you to think!” Eddie says. “I bet you twenty bucks and a gram of weed he smells like your Farrah Fawcett hairspray and has his hair piled ten feet high when he gets in your car.”
“Okay first of all, Farah Fawcett hairspray has been discontinued for, like, two years. I don’t even have any of my own stock left. Can’t find it anywhere, no way Dustin’s got any left. And second, how do you know about that?”
“Oh, Stevie, baby,” Eddie croons. “I didn’t, not until now. You just confirmed it, though.”
Steve rolls his eyes and huffs. He stands and finds his jeans from last night, and then picks up a sweatshirt off Eddie’s floor. 
“I’m borrowing this,” Steve says as he pulls it over his head. His head comes out of the hole. “But seriously, man, how’d you know about the hair spray?”
“Okay, fine,” Eddie says. “Nancy told me.”
“She was sworn to secrecy!”
Eddie laughs. “You better go drive him before he’s late for school, man. Wake me when you get back.”
He wakes up again to Steve coming in through the bedroom door. He has his wallet in his hand when Eddie opens his eyes, sees Steve opening it to pull something out, and then a twenty dollar bill is being tossed toward Eddie. 
“I don’t have a gram of weed,” Steve says, petulantly. “But, to be clear, it wasn’t the Steve Harrington hair routine.”
“No?” Eddie asks, taking the money and dropping it on the nightstand. He slides his rings on top of it to keep it weighed down. 
“No,” Steve says, kicking off his jeans. He throws himself into Eddie’s bed and burrows himself under the blankets. “He’s doing the Eddie hair routine now.”
“What, get out of the shower and rub it with a towel until it’s dry?” Eddie jokes. 
Steve wraps his arms around Eddie’s waist and drags him in. 
“Fuck you, man,” Steve huffs. “I know you take care of your hair. I love your fucking hair.”
Eddie smiles a bit sadly and buries his face in Steve’s throat. Hair has always been a thing for him. Complicated at best. He likes where he’s at now, but it’s always been complicated, trying to get where he is. 
A discussion for another time, maybe, because Steve is pressing kisses to his head and letting his hands wander a bit. 
The hands wander a bit too much for eight in the morning, but Eddie finds himself not really caring at all. Not when it feels this good. Not when Steve can make him forget all the thoughts that creep back up on him when he starts to think about those complicated things.
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milf-harrington · 1 year
i dont really know what this is, it was entirely unplanned and written on my phone, but i offer you some light angst inspired by the one second of panic i experienced this morning before realising my brother in law just had his headphones in <3
Steve hated sleeping in, especially when it meant waking up alone.
It was already 8:20am, and the air in his room was brisk, worming its way under the covers to send goosebumps shivering across sleep-warm skin. He groaned quietly to himself, mentally bitching at Eddie for leaving him to brave the winter chill alone, before taking a breath to brace himself.
The covers flew off and took their warmth with them, while Steve reached over the bed to scoop up the dressing gown left on the floor. It was a gift from Robin on the anniversary of their soulmateship and it was a godsend on cold mornings.
His head swum lazily for a second when he stood up, body filled with a vague sense of unwell. He grimaced to himself, another reason he hated sleeping in.
Dressing gown wrapped tight around his torso and socks on his feet, Steve tucked his hands in his pockets and shuffled out of his room. The heating was on in the rest of the house, wafting from downstairs and Steve shivered happily.
The socks muffled his footfalls as he lazily plodded down the stairs, jumping the bottom one like a little kid and rounding the bannister to head down the hallway to the kitchen.
The blinds in the sunroom were pulled open, letting the light spill in through the trees and dance in dappled patterns over the carpet. He swallowed, avoiding looking at the pool, and slipped into the kitchen.
Eddie was there, leaned over the counter in one of Steve's sweaters with a newspaper open in front of him. He was yawning, nose scrunched up and half his teeth showing, and jotted down a couple letters in the crossword through squinted eyes.
A cup of coffee covered in various trout was next to his forearm, no steam becauze he'd probably forgotten it was there. Steve smiled, squeezing his hands happily inside his dressing gown pockets.
"Good morning," He greeted, brushing past to get to the overhead cabinet where they kept the mugs. "I didn't mean to sleep in."
His hands prickled with cold when they were freed from the warmth of his pockets, and he wrinkled his nose. Eddie didn't reply, too wrapped up in his crossword.
Steve yawned, tucking his hands back in, while he waited for the coffee machine to start. It spluttered and coughed its way through the whole process, the way it had since Lucas had accidentally thrown a plastic bowl at it. Steve swayed back and forth while he waited.
Behind him, Eddie sighed through his nose, paper rustling and Steve looked over his shoulder to watch as he closed the newspaper and shoved it across the counter.
"Morning." He tried again, deflating slightly when Eddie still didn't reply. He felt sick again, like he'd turned into one of those weird 3D movies the kids had dragged him to, multiple outlines all layered on top of each other.
The coffee machine went quiet, and he looked back to find it empty. He paused, frowning at the spot where his cup should have been.
He did grab one right? If he hadn't there would be coffee all over the place but- cautiously he reached out to brush his fingers along the side of the machine and frowned at the room-temperature feel. Like it hadn't even been on in the first place.
"Oh shit, I forgot you were there."
Steve spun around, weirdly hopeful, to find that Eddie was apparently talking to his coffee. He sipped it, and immediately spat it back out into the cup, a habit that shouldn't be anywhere close to endearing. And yet.
"Jesus Christ." He muttered, glaring down at it before taking a second tentative sip and spitting that one out too. Steve rolled his eyes on impulse, even as his heart started to pace in his chest. "Nope, can't do it, Buckley is an outlier."
His stomach lurched at the sound of his best friends name, and he opened his mouth to say- something, but then Eddie turned to face him.
"Are you done ignoring me?" Steve tried, hunched in his dressing gown like it could hide him from the panic simmering in his blood. When Eddie didn't react, he wasn't surprised, but he was briefly devastated.
"Eds." He tried again, blinking rapidly when his boyfriend pushed past him like he wasn't even there. "Eddie."
He was humming, tipping his coffee down the sink and putting the mug under the machine. It coughed to life, like it had for Steve, and Eddie stretched his arms over his head.
Checked his watch and wrinkled his nose.
Turned slightly to look down the hallway at the stairs.
"He should be up by now..." He murmured to himself, and Steve went cold.
Cold and panicked like he'd just been pushed into the pool with the heater off.
He couldn't move, worried that his body would just collapse in on itself and watched Eddie reach into the overhead cabinet. Watched him pull out the mug Steve had just grabbed for himself.
He tried again, to get Eddie's attention, growing more frantic when his attempts did nothing. He even tried pulling his hair, but it was like he hadn't even felt it.
"Okay clearly something is really wrong here, we need to call- someone, anyone." Steve decided, backing away as Eddie put the milk back in the fridge and picked up the cup for Steve. His own coffee had been left, abandoned, on the counter again.
"I'm going to call Robin," he said. "And we're going to figure out what's wrong with you, because this is- this is not fun."
It was actually kind of in Steve's top three worst fears, but that wasn't something he was willing to admit to anyone. Instead he took the phone off the hook and dialled for the Buckley house, watching Eddie disappear into the hallway.
It didn't ring. The dial tone droned quietly from a bed of static.
He closed his eyes tightly, and clenched his fist, eyes flying back open when he felt his nails dig into his palm. His hand was empty, the phone back on the hook like he'd never picked it up.
"Eddie..." He started, eyes still on the phone as he followed into the hallway. His boyfriend was already heading up the stairs, tongue poking his top lip as he balanced the probably-too-full cup in his hand.
"Eddie I don't think you should go up there."
Obviously, he didn't listen, whispering a quiet fuck to himself when he spilled coffee over his fingers and stopped to lick it off.
Steve jogged up the stairs behind him, trying to ignore the way his feet weren't making any sound.
"Baby I really don't think-" He froze at the top of the stairs. There was a mirror built into the wall at the end of the hallway, an empty side-table underneath it. Once upon a time it might have held flowers or books but that was years ago. And not what he was focused on.
He could see Eddie's reflection, hair frizzy with post-sleep tangles because he always forgot to plait it before bed. He could see dark eyes and a pale fingers wrapped around a steaming coffee mug.
He could see the rest of the hallway stretch out behind him until it hit the opposite end, where the spare bed and bath were.
He couldn't see himself. He waved a hand, heart sinking when nothing appeared in the mirror.
Eddie opened the door to his bedroom, wrinkling his nose immediately. "Jesus, it's cold in here."
Steve couldn't move again, still staring at the empty spaces he should've been taking up. He could hear Eddie talking.
"Hey sleepyhead, time to get up."
A soft thunk, like he was setting the mug down on the bedside table. A huffed laugh.
"Sorry sweetheart, but if you sleep any later you're gonna be all sore and grumpy."
Steve felt sick. He couldn't bring himself to move.
Eddie swore and a second later came flying out of the bedroom, running down the stairs. Steve swallowed, and stayed on the landing, listening to him fumble with the phone and punch in three numbers.
"Hi, I need an ambulance- the Harrington residence. Yes. Eddie Munson- Steve Harrington. Ye- no, I did not drug him. Look he's got a history of head trauma and he's not waking up. Of course I checked for a fucking pulse! Sorry, I'm just- yeah. Thank you, how long? Okay, okay, thank you. No I have- I have to call his family. Yes. Thank you, bye."
By the end of the call Steve had lowered himself yo the floor, leggs crossed underneath him with his back against the balcony railing. He could hear Eddies shaky breathing, the rough sniffle before he dialled a longer number.
"Good morning Mrs Buckley, can I please talk to Robin? Thank you." He sniffled again and Steve's chest ached, throat tight and burning.
"Robin-" Eddie's voice broke and Steve could picture her so clearly, the white of her knuckles gripping the phone, the steel in her eyes in the face of Eddie's fear. The bob of her throat, swallowing around the lump of her own fear.
She'd know immediately, he knew. Had probably woken up feeling queasy, stomach dropping every time the phone rang like she knew bad news was coming.
"Yeah, he-" a shuddery inhale, wet and nasally. "He's not waking up. I don't know if it's, if it's permanent or- he just wouldnt wake up, Rob."
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omwife · 9 months
Sanji Vinsmoke
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woooo okay we back at it again with this lil series read part one on my blog (this is part two!)
summary: another moment you have with sanji, only building your connection with him.
notes: the translation for any french words will b at the bottom from now on to prevent spoilers lmao.
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it was late. too late for shit thoughts like these. you got up, immediately feeling the breeze on your bare arms. you were wearing long and warm pajama pants you'd taken from ussop, with black fluffy socks, and a stolen top from nami to top it off.
"fuckin' stupid sea weather." you muttered as you wandered your way through the ship, careful to keep your steps light to not wake the light sleepers, or just nami, up.
coming up onto the deck you looked over the ships railing to see the water passing by slightly, rocking your boat hut not moving it due to the anchor. you stopped for a moment to feel the wind blow past your body, cooling you down from the drowning heat that came with your late night thoughts, before you continued to walk into the kitchen and over to the pantry.
"mmmm." you hummed in question to yourself as you looked between your two options of tea, honey or green?
"i find honey is more soothing on a sleepless night." his smooth voice whispers into your ear, causing you to jump from the unexpectedness.
"sanji!" you jumped back, hitting him in the chest with your elbow in the process, but he didn't move at all and only smiled at you.
"sit, i'll make us some cups." he said as he lightly pushed you towards the bar stools from just between your shoulder bones.
you smiled at him before you sat down, while he pulled out two mugs, putting water on the stove to boil.
"so what's keeping your pretty mind up maddam?" he said as he his eyes flickered down to your bare collarbones before returning to your eyes.
"i could ask you the same, cook." you slightly raised an eyebrow in question, while a small grin formed on your lips.
"c'mon mon amor, speak your mind." he smiled at you sweetly, before turning around and pouring the tea into their mugs and handing you one.
you wrapped your hands around the mug, debating on saying the truth or continuing the lie.
"nothing, just felt a little restless today." you smiled, as he raised his eyebrow in question to this, not believing you.
"well what's on your mind now sanji?"
hearing his name come from your smiling lips makes him melt even more for you. "couldn't stop thinking about a pretty lady." he grinned.
you snickered at this, "really, does she go by the name of nami?"
"mm i think it was something more like y/n." he smiled as he reached his hand over and grabbed at your chin lightly with a couple of fingers.
tilting your head more upwards, to face him because of the height difference, the teas between the two of you forgotten as he stared down at your lips and then back up to your eyes.
he watched as you blinked, your eyelashes fluttering with every movement. you stared back into his blue eyes as they seemingly battled between grey and blue, his pupils turned slightly in at the middle making a subtle heart shape.
you smiled at him before standing, and leaning forward into his hand and pursing your lips as you approached his face. he closed his eyes, expecting a kiss, only to get a peck on his cheek.
"thank you for the tea sanji, have a great sleep." you winked at him as you skipped out of the room earning a "that damn woman." in response to the stunt you had just pulled.
he laughed to himself lightly before turning to tidy up the pot he made the tea in thinking about the calm and peaceful sle-
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unique-high · 9 months
Hi love 💕 I would like to request a fic where y/n gets pregnant and Mark from NCT is just so soft and loving and just completely takes care of her. Btw thank you for writing all genres for us black girls and making us feel loved and seen 🥺🤍
My baby is having a baby | Mark Lee x blk fem reader
word count: 847
sorry for any mistakes.
Note: Omg I love this! Thank you so much for requesting. And awe you're welcome. 😭 I just want black girls to have nice things too. 🥹
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Mark: He loves your little round belly. He couldn’t keep his hands off you, always touching your belly and caressing it. One of the things Mark loves to do is lay his head on your belly and talk to the baby. He was amazed at how you and he created another human being and how it was growing inside you each day. “I want another baby,” Mark says one night in bed as he’s rubbing cocoa butter onto your stretch marks. You laughed at him saying, “We haven’t had the first baby yet, Mark.”   Your boyfriend smiles a little saying, “I mean after this little one.”
Mark: Ever since becoming pregnant, you hadn’t felt your prettiest with the stretch marks and the gained weight and how your body was changing. But Mark loves your body even more now that you're carrying his child. One morning you cried because you couldn’t fit into your favorite pair of jeans anymore saying how fat you had gotten. Mark pulls you into a hug, kissing the top of your head, his hands gently running up and down your sides as he speaks to you in the softest voice ever. “Hey.” Mark says, “When can get you another pair of jeans.”   You shake your head pouting into his chest. “I want these jeans!”      Mark's hands were still moving up and down your sides. “Okay, love we can get another pair of jeans like those.” 
Mark: Before your stomach got bigger and rounder. You would wear Mark's hoodies all the time because they smelt like him. But now the hoodies wouldn’t go past your belly. You cried to Mark about it. So one day he went to the store and bought some larger hoodies. He wore them first leaving his scent and favourite cologne behind. He gives them to you. “You do too much for me.”  You say as you put on one of the hoodies.   Mark cups your face, he's smiling. “You deserve it, baby.” 
Mark: Being pregnant, you ate a lot and craved the strangest of things in the middle of the night. Like tonight, you craved pickles and chocolate sauce again. You wake up Mark, feeling a little bad about it. But he doesn't mind at all. “What is it, Y/n?” he asks you, voice groggy, as he rubs sleep from his eyes.     “I'm hungry.”   You pout. Mark nods, gets out of bed, slips on his slippers, and grabs his car keys and wallet. “Prickles and Chocolate sauce, right?” He asks with a yawn.
Mark: Today you and Mark were going to the autumn festival. It's been hard for you to put on your own shoes and tie them since your belly was in the way. You sat on the little stool near the front door. Mark was kneeling down at your feet, slipping your socks on you, and then putting your shoes on you and tying them nicely. “Mark~ I don't deserve you.”  You say.     “But you do deserve me,” Mark says as he reaches up, bopping your cute nose, making you giggle.
Mark: He's in love with every version of you. But his two favorite versions of you are when you're sleeping and when you're smiling and dancing around. Now you're pregnant. This version of you was going to be just as special. On the days when you worry about being a bad mommy.  Mark gently scolds you saying, “Ah, don't say something that's not true. You're going to be an amazing mother. Don't think that way.” He then wraps you in a comforting hug, pecking your face with sweet little kisses and telling you how much he loves you with each kiss. 
Mark: Sometimes you're exhausted because of your pregnancy so you can’t do things you wanted to like during your hair. And Mark knew how you liked keeping your hair done. He’d watch a bunch of YouTube videos and even took classes on how to do black hair so he could help make things easy for you. It’s raining outside. The soft flow of Neo Soul plays from a Bluetooth speaker, you sat between Mark’s legs as he did your hair into two strand twist. “You really didn’t have to do this for me.” You say.   Mark puts some product on your hair. “But I wanted to, Y/n.”    You couldn’t help but smile and feel warm all over. Mark was the best guy you ever had been with and you were so grateful to be having a child with him.
Mark: He couldn't wait to see who the baby would resemble. “I really hope the baby has your nose and eyes. I really love your nose and eyes.” Mark says as he's helping you with nesting.   “I hope our little one has your smile! Like that would be the cutest thing ever.” You said gushing. You loved Mark's smile a lot. You will never forget that big excited smile on his face when you told him you were pregnant.  He picked you up and twirled you around the bedroom, saying, “My baby is having a baby!” 
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