#i might try n book one more urgently w them as it could take 2 weeks to switch over
thelostboys87 · 8 months
my old doctors practice that i haven't officially left bombarding me with texts to do my blood test when they've told me they literally cannot take my blood if i don't live in the city anymore LIKE!!!!!!!!!!!! I WOULD LOVE TO GIVE YOU MY BLOOD
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georgemackayhey · 4 years
Worth Fighting For (Part: 3)
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summary: You're entirely certain George is the one. So he hasn't got to put up much of a fight... but in a way, that's all he knows to do.
a/n: I've been so busy!? But like I said, I'm commited to this story so here's part three! Gotta build up that drama..... Some true blue (probably poorly written) boxing content is about to be unleashed. So I've got a question.... would yall mind if the next chapter was written from Georg's point of view? Please let me know!
w/c: 3k
Part 2
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The end of another weekend like the one before was shifted by the excitement of a party. The kids had completed their run of the Peter Pan musical, and you made it out to see the last show. All the dances you'd thought up for the musical were made better by the kids who nailed each move, young and old. And when it was over you invited the lot to come to the studio to celebrate all their hard work. You bought sweets and streamers and played music and danced all night long.
And when the kids had packed up and headed home, little Louis was still lingering near the door, standing on his tiptoes to peer out of the glass. You stalled in the middle of your clean up to meet him.
"Your mom isn't here yet, huh?" You knelt to meet him. His big brown eyes looked up into yours as his bottom lip stuck out in a pout.
"Danny is supposed to come get me. He forgot." Louis whimpered, fighting tears. You commiserated and pulled the kid into a hug, assuring that his big brother couldn't have forgotten and was likely just running late. After a quick call to the kids mother, who assured she'd track Danny down and send for Louis, you kept the music playing and offered him an extra slice of left over cake. You even danced around a little more, and taught Louis a watered down fouette that he nailed in the first couple of tries.
But when you glanced up at the clock another hour had passed and the worry in your gut that you'd been trying to suppress was sprouting. As you thought of who to call, there was a knock on the door as it creaked open.
It was Geogre, who you were just as surprised to see as Louis.
"Figured you might want help cleaning up." George grinned, easing into the room. Since the night you spent with him, you stayed two more days in George's flat. When your power finally came back on, you didn't have an excuse to stay any longer, and Geogre let you leave without begging otherwise. The last thing he said to you was that he'd pop round the studio this weekend, to help clean up the party you were planning.
But you didn't take his word for it. You figured he was just offering a polite farewell. You figured you wouldn't hear from him for the rest of the week, and you hadn't. You knew George wasn't like the other people you'd been with. But you didn't expect him to be as good as your imagination made him out to be, either. Nothing ever was. So how, despite your other predictions coming true, did George keep surprising you?
But before you could smile back at the guy you hadn't stopped thinking of since you broke your bloody hand, a question flashed urgently to mind.
"Hey, do you have Danny's number?" You asked, when George's big blue eyes landed curiously on Louis, who stood clutching your bright yellow sweatpants despite having met the brooding blonde once before.
George pulled his phone from his pocket in a flash, after shooting you a sure look. The way you could read his eyes then sent a chill down your spine. You hadn't seen him since he'd made you feel at home in his very own bed. You weren't sure how to act, now.
But before George could raise his phone to his ear, Danny strolled in the door.
"Louis, I'm sorry." He seemed to pant, resting his hands on his knees as you felt the kid relax at your side.
"Nice of you to make it." You frowned, unable to greet him happily. Danny was a nice guy, but this wasn't like him. It cracked your heart to see little Louis so worried, even though he smiled as he ate his extra bit of cake.
"I lost track of time on my run. Cross my heart it won't happen again." Danny nodded to you, seemingly truly apologetic. The dark headed fellow ushered his kid brother to grab his shoes so they could hit the road. And after a polite farewell, Danny and Louis were gone. You and George were left alone.
"Danny started his run before I left the gym, today." George noted, turning his curious gaze from the empty doorway to you.
You didn't want to worry. But something wasn't right. You knew Danny well enough to know that. But not enough to gossip. So you nodded past your furrowed brow and moved to start cleaning up. George followed your lead.
"You didn't have to come and help. But it's nice you did." You noted. There wasn't much to do. Tear down the dozen streamers, toss the rubbish and turn the lights out. No sooner than you'd had the trash in the bin, George had yanked down the streamers, and left them to rest on a shelf in the far back corner.
"Well I left my bag in the gym, so I did have to come back round here anyway." He explained, walking toward you as you turned to listen, "And I did tell you I'd be by to help." George didn't quite smile, but you noticed the turn of his lip and recognized the way his bright blue eyes lit up. As he stalled a step away, you glanced down for a beat to hide your blush.
"Both excuses just to see you again, of course." Geogre's voice softened as his piercing blue eyes locked on yours. You bit your lip to stall from bursting into nervous laughter.
"Oh yeah?" You asked, a small chuckle escaping. George rose a brow, reached over to switch the lights out and nudged your toward the gym to collect his things. You shuffled along, perhaps too quickly, with your shoes in hand, and sat on the bench along the wall to slide them on.
You let out a sigh mentally cursing yourself for putting off buying cheap slide on sneakers, because tying these was a hassle in your current one handed state. George heard you grumbling, crouched without question, and reached for the laces of your shoes.
"Two more weeks in this thing, then I won't need you anymore." You chuckled, resting your nonfunctional hand in your lap. You got to take the brace off whenever you pleased, but your doctor recommended another 14 day's worth of support. That meant another 14 days of feeling terribly embarrassed for how long it took you to do most basic things single-handedly.
As he pulled your laces into a bow George said, "But I'll still be around, so you better get used to it." The sweet smile he gave you settled your soul and sent your heart into a frenzy all the same. Where did the two of you stand? Just then, the entry door jostled open.
"What are you two still doing here?" Barney asked, with a hand on his chest, startled to find folks in the gym at such odd hours, relieved it was only you two all the same. The older man let the door shut as he shuffled in for a chat, you presumed.
It was a treat to see him, as you hardly seemed to these days. It was like none had passed since your last chat with the owner of this place, your safe haven, as his crooked smile shone your way. Sure he was a little older and his beard was peppered with white patches, but he was still the brilliant supportive fellow who'd talked more than most of the gym and studio patrons to stick around and be their best selves.
"Just another late night." George shrugged, standing from his spot on the floor at your feet. You started reaching for your jacket as George grabbed the bag he'd forgotten.
Barney explained he'd stopped by to do some paperwork in his office. Apparently, some big annual event was coming up, where all kinds of fighters from nearby states worked toward winning the top title and a pretty penny. You listened to the old man's rambles and watched his eyes glisten as he spoke of the excitement of it all. You wondered what kind of boyhood dream he might have had of the event he spoke of so fondly.
George listened too, offering Barney small grins as he collected his things.
"I know you're weary these days... but don't you miss it?" Barney asked George in a cautious yet obviously hopeful tone.
"I've got nothing to fight for, mate." George let out a small laugh, sliding his bag over his shoulder.
"S'that so?" Barney asked. The room fell silent for a beat as you stood to leave, catching Barney's curious gaze set on you. But before you could leave, the old gym owner had more to say.
"I'm looking for someone to sponsor, George." Barney shifted in his place, glancing at the guy at your side.
"I'm a trainer. Why shouldn't I sponsor someone?" George countered. You stood watching the unexpected standoff, biting your tongue.
"Because you could win this whole thing. You nearly did before throwing in the towel." Barney grew passionate, the sparkle in his eye shining brighter. "Even after all this time, you're better than half the meatheads who've been working for this."
George nodded, but not in agreeance, only in understanding. In a flash, you recalled all the things he'd told you about boxing, so far. Why he loved it. Why he hated it. What it all meant to him. You had no idea what might have been running through his mind now, though.
"It would be a shame for all your talent to go to waste in your prime." Barney challenged. "And winning... it's a lot of money. You could by your future and call this whole scene off for good; leave this moldy gym behind and paint all day, or press your own books or whatever hobby retirees pretend to like."
Barney started to back away as his speech came to an end, reaching for the door to the hall. George reached for your hand, all the same. The only one he could hold. He'd never done that, before.
"Just think about it, yeah?" Barney finished, opening the door, raising his brow and locking eyes with George before shuffling away. "And turn the lights out, you hooligans."
You let a small laugh escape your lips as you were left alone in the gym once more. You bit your lip and glanced up to George who was stood, already looking to you.
"What are you thinking?" You asked in a hush, curling your fingers around his a little tighter.
"I think it's time we head home," George spoke with a shy grin. He stepped toward the door that hadn't shut all the way, and turned the lights out. You floated along in a love-struck haze, glancing at the glowing light from the end of the hall where lied Barney's office, and wondered what the morning would bring.
You stayed with George that night, and spent it like the ones before. You woke up and weren't afraid to scurry about the kitchen and make some morning meal. Sadie wove between your feet, meowing in response to some of your questions about where on earth the salt and pepper might be hiding. George awoke to the sound of the kettle whistling and padded in to find you'd set out an impressive spread of things Geogre hadn't even realized he'd had the stock to create with.
He poured your tea, saying something about how he wanted to feel like he was helping, and the two of you ate in a comfortable quiet. He asked about your week ahead, and you asked about his, and then you decided to see yourself out. Because you wanted nothing more than to stay right where you were, but you couldn't overstay your welcome.
George let you go without much more than a pleasant goodbye, and you wondered what the hell was going on. He obviously liked you enough to bring you home, more than once. And your own feelings were seriously sickening.
You tried not to worry much. In fact as you went about your usual routine, you felt glad that you'd gotten the chance to know George as well as you had. If nothing more came of your knowing him, you could only feel elated that you had, in some very lucky ways.
You tidied up your home, called your landlord to send for an electrician, and headed out to the studio. You taught kids to dance, and went to the local college to help the newly established cheerleading squad stick to a certain rhythm. You were talked into thinking up a program for the local nursing home, by one of the mothers who stuck around to watch you teach her child one on one. All the while, you tried not to worry when Louis wasn't showing up as often, and took his mother's word that his schooling was becoming more intense. And then you went home at the end of every day to something falling apart, much like usual. You'd come to treasure the bus ride to your place; the calm before the storm of stepping foot into the dingy old flat.
When the weekend came and ended, George was at the end of the hall, waiting for you. A routine you'd grown fond, and a little tired of. Would you be stuck in this loop with him, forever? You accepted his offer to DeAngelos with a grin, and felt bad that you couldn't invite him over to your place, in turn. Not if he enjoyed staying warm and didn't mind the sound of melting snow dripping from at least one place in every room.
"It's the holidays. What do you normally do for them?" George asked on another drive to your beloved weekend restaurant, at the end of another mundane week. Only this time, the town square was setting up fairy lights and plastic snowmen as Geogre drove by.
"Not much, these days." You shrugged, already dreading the coming week your landlord would be an ocean away, with his family, leaving you quite literally, in the dark.
"Good." George said. It made you laugh. He invited you to come and stay on Christmas eve. You tried to pretend it wasn't a big deal, but agreed in a hurried manner, in case too much silence set in and changed his mind to take back the offer.
So you stayed with him that night.
And then the next.
And the next.
And one morning you woke up and realized a whole week had passed, and you'd been totally unaware of anything besides George. Besides the way he'd taken to holding you close as you fell asleep. The way he'd wake earlier than you to make breakfast, even when you tried to beat him to it. Even the way he kept to himself, as you watched films or sat in the quiet of the same rooms. He'd shoot you a look with those crystal blue eyes and you'd feel dangerously right at home.
So one night, when the threat of another average work week was one sleep away, you got the guts to say something.
"I could tell you that my shower stopped working. And my ceiling is leaking. Or, I could just tell you I really like staying with you, anyway." You grinned, lingering in the kitchen doorway. George looked up from whatever he was so concentrated on making and said,
It made you giggle.
"I wouldn't like to see you go." He added, before waving you over to try the recipe he'd been working on.
So you stayed with him that month. And you shared his bed. But nothing else had much changed. You went about your separate jobs and duties. You met up for dinner, and chatted over things you always used too. And then you'd go to sleep.
It perplexed you, but you knew better than to question what was going on between the two of you. And you were too scared of ruining a good thing by pushing to make it better so you didn't curl into his side unless he pulled you in first. And you didn't ask any of the millions of questions you had unless he'd approach the topic himself, and those times were more rare than anything.
And in between it all, there was the hell hole of a place you called your own apartment. On trips over to collect a new set of nightclothes or switch out the buckets that caught the numerous leaks, you didn't know what to do. This place was only worth it, because it's all you could afford. You still needed to save up for another year to even dream of moving. Even though it was a mess, it was all you had.
As you sat going through bills and junk mail, a knock came on your door. You rushed over to answer it, ready to give your landlord an earful. But your slimey, frail landlord wasn't looming in the doorway. Instead, you found George with a worried expression on his pretty sculpted face.
"I've been trying to call you for ages." He spoke, batting the hood of his jacket away and stepping past you, inside. He'd been around a couple times, but only to help you shut the broken window, and another to bring you back to his place. You hated to let him in, though you kept the place clean and in order, it felt as if you were living in a damp cardboard box.
"My phone died," You sniffled, wrapping your sweater a little tighter around your frame to beat the cold. You could have charged it, but sure enough as you plugged something into an outlet your power would have gone out. So you didn't.
You followed George's lead toward the kitchen where you'd only just come from. He took in a seat in the chair you'd been sat in sorting through the mail, and before you could pull out the other seat, George latched onto you. He pulled you to his lap without a word, and ran his strong hands along your arms in an effort to stop you from freezing. You dared not question it. You only settled against his chest and lost yourself in the feeling of George's embrace.
"What did you need?" You wondered after a while, keeping your head tucked against his shoulder. George kept his hands traveling against your arms, slower than before, but still. You could feel the rumble of his gentle response when he spoke.
"I wanted to ask you something."
You meekly encouraged George to go on, and stayed glued to his side. He stilled his movements to loosely wrap his arm around your middle.
"I've been thinking of what Bareny said." George spoke softly. You rose a brow and waited. After a beat of silence George asked,
"If I do it... if I say yes," George chose his words with great care, and you felt his fingers curl around the fabric of your sweater. "Would you be there?"
You had to peel yourself from him now. You had to see his piercing blue eyes lock onto yours.
"Of course I'd be there." You said, searching his face and the barely unchanged furrow of his brow.
"Why would you ask that?" You wondered through a small grin. Hadn't you made it obvious you were well attached to George by now? That you'd go any place he so much as nodded you toward following along?
He searched your face now too, keeping one of his fists balled around the fabric of your top, and the other of his hands wrapped around you.
"No one ever used to come." George shrugged. "Well, my dad just the once." You thought back to the photo framed in the hall of George's home, as he spoke to the tune of the drip of your ceiling. "But then he passed and... well there was no one. And that's why I stopped."
George explained that coming home to an empty house night after night seemed to make his aches and pains from all the fights seem even harder to handle. He said it wasn't worth it, hurting all the time. He said he wasn't sure if it was worth even thinking about now, but that he couldn't get Bareny's offer off his mind.
When he'd finished saying the most at once than he ever really had, you placed both hands, even the bandaged one, on either side of his face and felt George's arm tighten around your middle.
"Whatever you decide, I'll support you. I'll be there if you go. And I'll be here if you stay."
You watched George watch you with those brilliant eyes of his, and felt his calloused hands pull you ever closer toward him. You could tell, somehow, that George had already made up his mind. And you realized that even though you couldn't tell what was running through his head, that you'd managed to learn how to read him, and a wave of some kind of contentment washed over you.
And after stamping an assured kiss to his lips, George moved to stand, nudging you to do the same. Then he said,
"Get your things. Let's go home."
───※ ·❆· ※───
taglist: @haileymorelikestupid​​  @maria-josefin​​​ @imaginesandyeah​​​ @queen-bunnyears​ @okaymackay​
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dabble-writes · 5 years
Death’s Bride--(5)
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| Prologue | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 |
You are a Seer. What is a Seer? A Seer is someone whose sixth sense is stronger than most people’s and can see Death. You did not want to be one, you just want to be normal—yet what happens when Death comes for you? No, not for you to die—for you to be his bride.
*Based on a novel I wrote before in Wattpad by the same title*
Romance, Fantasy, Angst
Very graphic violence, death, and suicide
“Y/N! Y/N!” Jisoo burst into the room and you looked up from your book at her.
“What happened, Jisoo? Is there a fire or something? You know this is technically Hell so it’s a regular occurrence—”
Jisoo frowned, “Y/N, this isn’t the time to be joking around.”
You marked your page and put the book to the side, “Okay then, don’t get your panties in a twist—what happened?”
“Yes, I know that Jin existing is a bad thing to society but that’s not exactly new…”
Jisoo glared at you in frustration, “No! Well yes, that’s right, but that’s not what I came here for. It’s about his new plan.”
You perked up, “New plan? What is it?”
Jisoo bit her lip, “It’s…It’s awful. I can’t bring myself to say it.”
“C’mon, Jisoo,” you pleaded, “you gotta tell me, quick.”
“Death…Jin is planning to kill Death.”
You gave her a strange look, “Jisoo, not to burst your bubble…but he’s Death. He can’t really die.”
“I’m serious.” Jisoo insisted.
“Okay…say he’s planning on killing Namjoon. How exactly is he planning on doing that?”
“Well, there are rumors of one thing that can kill Death: The Holy Dagger.”
“A Holy Dagger? That sounds like some cheesy Indiana Jones knock-off.”
You raised your hands defensively, “Okay, okay, I’ll be more focused. Are you sure?”
When you saw her solemn face, you felt a sense of dread. Jisoo isn’t the type to make jokes or play pranks of people. Is it possible to kill Namjoon? That just seems so surreal…
“I found out when I went through the papers on his desk,” Jisoo answered.
You gotta hand it to Jisoo, that’s some good espionage skills. Still, this is very disturbing news…
“When will he…?”
“I don’t know.”
“Oh god, what do we do? We don’t really have any evidence that this is true, how am I supposed to warn Namjoon?”
Jisoo smiled, “I thought you’d never ask.”
She reached inside her apron pocket and took out a scrap of paper.
“What? Seriously? You’re amazing, Jisoo!” You took the paper and read the handwritten note.
The Dagger has been located, Master. Soon we can take down his Lordship and you can step into your rightful place.
You covered your mouth with your hand, in shock, “Oh my god, this is for real.”
“What, you thought I was lying?”
“No, no, but now I can finally speak with Namjoon. Do you know where he is?”
“He should be in his office now, I’ll take you there.”
You then gave Jisoo a huge hug, “Thanks, Jisoo, I don’t know what I’d do without you.”
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“Namjoon, you have to listen to me!” You exclaimed as you burst into his office.
Namjoon sat behind his desk and when you burst in he studied you over his reading glasses. Glasses? Namjoon has glasses? Wow he looks hot in glasses…wait, never mind, focus!
“Why are you making such a ruckus?” He asked, “Sit down and calm down.”
You didn’t think this was a matter you should be calm about, but decided he wouldn’t listen to you if you were hysterical. You took a deep breath and sat in the chair in front of him.
“How did you found my office, by the way? This is pretty far from your room.”, Namjoon asked as he pushed a few papers out the way so he can rest his hands on top of the desk.
“Jisoo told me the directions. I know that you’re busy and all, but I need to talk to you about an urgent matter.” 
He lifted a brow, “Jisoo?”
“The maid.” 
“Ah yes. So what is this ‘urgent matter’ you need to discuss with me?”
You pulled the paper from your pocket and handed it to him, “This.”
Namjoon gave you a confused look, but took the note and read it. His eyes widened and he looked at you in alarm.
“Y/N…where did you found this note?”
You took a deep breath, it’s now or never.
“I found it in Jin’s office.”
For the first time since you’ve met him, Namjoon looked like he was caught off guard. 
“You see,” you continued, “I sort of lied when I said I didn’t see my captor’s face—I did. It was Jin, he was the one who kidnapped me.”
Namjoon didn’t look to happy with that tidbit of information, “Why didn’t you tell me this sooner?”
“Would you have believed me?”He gave no answer, “Would you? I thought so. I decided I would gather evidence before I told you—and I did.”
Namjoon looked at the note in his hand, “You got this from Jin’s office?”
“Why do I hear disbelief in your tone?”, you gave him a hard look, “You aren’t doubting me, are you?”
He didn’t seem to hear you, lost in his thoughts, “No one else knows of this, right?” He waved the note.
You bit your lip, debating whether to mention Jisoo or not. But she might get in trouble and Namjoon will make her sentence here longer…
“Not even that maid?”
You shook your head, “I only enlisted her help to find your office.”
Namjoon looked back at the note in his hands, “Good, don’t say this to anyone else. I’ll take care of this. You may go.”
Wait, that’s it?, you thought, he doesn’t seem concerned for his life at all. He didn’t even thank me, just dismissed me!
“What do you mean by ‘you’ll take care of this’?” You asked, a little irritated. 
Namjoon gave you a leveled stare, “As in I’ll investigate on my own. This problem doesn’t concern you.”
What? That’s it!
“Concern me? Concern me? Of course it concerns me!” , you felt anger boil inside you as you stood up, “I am your bride, whether you like it or not. The moment you kidnapped me, your problem became mine and vice versa.”
“Don’t get too excited, Y/N, sit down. If memory serves me correctly, I didn’t kidnap you—you came willingly.” Namjoon said calmly, but something sparked in his eyes and you knew you couldn’t let this go.
You slammed your hands on the desk, very frustrated, “No! For once tell me what’s going on—aren’t you worried you may lose your life?”
“Since when did you care so much about my well-being?” Namjoon asked and you froze. 
“Um, well, you know, you did save me from Jungkook and I should return the favor.”, you stammered as you leaned away from the desk. 
Namjoon leaned forward, “Somehow I don’t buy that. You’ve been acting different these past few weeks and I can’t quite place it.”
You bit your lip, you didn’t like where this conversation was heading, “Maybe I realized that you weren’t so evil after all and don’t know how to act around you anymore. Either way, don’t distract me from the conversation—why aren’t you concerned that Jin, who is supposedly your best friend and adviser, is trying to kill you?”
Namjoon narrowed his eyes, “I said I’ll deal with the situation. I’ll talk to Jin.”
It then hit you that Namjoon didn’t believe you and didn’t really think that Jin is a traitor.
“Talk to Jin? Are you serious? He’s obviously going to lie to you! How can you be so trusting?” You never pegged Namjoon as the naïve type. He simply studied you.
“Are you in love with me?” He asked suddenly and your jaw dropped.
“W-what? What does that have to do with anything? The nerve—”
He is so arrogant, you thought. 
“I don’t see any other explanation for your behavior besides that.”
“Really? Well I’ve got news for you: I don’t love you—”
Namjoon sighed, took off his glasses and set them down, “Y/N, there’s something important I need to tell you.”
Your arms were crossed, “I’m telling you, I don’t—”
“I cannot love.” He said solemnly. You heart dropped as you looked into his eyes to see if he was lying. Of course, it was hard to read his emotions.
“What did you say?”
“I cannot love,” he repeated, “So please do not form any sort of attachment to me.”
You frowned, “I think you’re lying.”
“I’m lying? I think not. I have lost my ability to love a long time ago so I am just telling you for your own good, so you won’t get hurt.”
“See I find that part hard to believe, that you ‘lost’ your ability to feel any emotions. I call bullshit on that.”
“You just don’t understand.” Namjoon said as he looked away; he seemed as if he were a million miles away.
“Then make me understand,” you pleaded, very tired that he keeps pushing you away, “tell me.”
Grimly, he turned back to you and said, “To do that, I’ll have to tell you a bit of my life before I was Death—the time when I was only referred to as Namjoon.”
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“Namjoon, can you help me carry this pot?”
Namjoon smiled as he walked towards his mother and pulled the heavy pot from her hands.
“Mother, you know you should not be carrying heavy objects—it’s not good for the baby.”
She chuckled as she placed her hand on her round belly, “That is why I ask you to carry it, my strong young boy.”
He shook his head with a smile as he carried the pot to the cottage. His mother followed him, laughing silently to herself.
“Just set it one top of the fire.” She ordered and Namjoon followed her orders.
“Mother, where’s father?” He asked curiously, usually he is here by this time.
“Namjoon, you know your father is trying to get a job.” She replied tiredly. 
He turned to her, “I can help—”
She would not hear of it, “You are too young, plus I need you to help me.”
“I am not young,” Namjoon insisted, “I am two and ten years!”
“You will not get a job and that is final.” Her eyes were hard.
“But mother—“, He pleaded.
“Not one more word.” God help me, Namjoon thought, there was not one more stubborn than my mother.
“Go gather some firewood, since you seem to have time to argue.” She ordered as she stopped several potatoes in the pot.
“Fine, mother.” Namjoon scowled and went to the forest to do what she asked. 
Once he gathered as much firewood as he could carry, Namjoon walked back to the cottage. 
“What do you mean a week?”  
He heard his mother exclaim as Namjoon was about to open the door.Curious, he stood by the door and listened to their conversation. 
“I’m sorry, love, I am trying—”
“Trying is not good enough! How are we going to get all the money within one week?”
There was a silence and Namjoon decided to enter.
“Namjoon! What are you doing here?”, mother asked in panic.
“You told me to bring you firewood, mother.” He answered and set the wood by the fire.
“Oh right.” She was seated and had her head on her hand; she looked like she was in a great amount of stress.
“Have you found a job yet, father?” Namjoon asked.
His father made a pained expression, “That is none of your business, son.”
“Please father, let me help, I know I can—”
He gently placed his hand on Namjoon’s shoulder, which made him stop talking, “That is out of the question. You have to take care of your mother, remember?”
Namjoon huffed, “Okay.”
“Good lad, I will be going now—”
“But what about your supper?” His mother said as she started to get up.His father was immediately by her side. 
“Love, do not exert yourself, it is not good for the baby. Namjoon, serve the supper.”
As the week progressed, Namjoon’s father still could not find a job and his mother became more and more anxious. 
“Oh sorry, Namjoon.” His mother apologized as she went to clean up the water she had spilled.
“I will do it, mother.”Namjoon said as he grabbed her arm and helped her unto a chair.
“Just because I am pregnant does not mean I cannot do any labor!” She snapped at him, then winced, “Sorry, Namjoon.”
He gave her a tight hug, he sensed she needed it, “It is okay, mother, you are just very nervous.”
“Namjoon, Lord Jaehwan is not very nice when it comes to owing money.”
Namjoon froze and stepped away to see her face, “Lord Jawhwan? We are indebted to him? I heard a lot of horrible rumors and him and his men.”
His mother winced, “Yes, your father was desperate and stupid at that rime.”
“What can we do?”, Namjoon felt a sense of dread.
For once, she could not answer.
“Do you want me to get more water?” Namjoon asked and she nodded.
He grabbed the overturned bucket and went to the river that was a couple of miles from their cottage.
“Indebted to Lord Jaehwan,” Namjoon muttered as he filled the bucket with water, “it just had to be our luck.”
Lord Jaehwan, he heard, is a cruel lord. Namjoon hoped the rumors were an exaggeration and maybe he would spare them, or extend the time in which they could pay the debt until his father got a job.
The way back to the cottage was harder and it took Namjoon longer because the bucket was filled with water and it felt like it got heavier with ever step he took. When he saw the cottage from a distance, he saw some horsemen ride away.
That’s strange, who would visited mother at this time of day?, Namjoon wondered, normally she does not have visitors at this hour.
Namjoon set the bucket down by the doorstep and walked in, “Mother?”
There was no answer.
The house smelled like death, Namjoon could not quite explain it--it just did. He walked on and, to his horror, saw a trail of blood. He followed the copper stain to his parent’s bedroom where he saw a gruesome sight.
On the dirt floor laid his beautiful, beloved mother, her eyes still open but Namjoon could tell her soul was long gone from her body. Her expression was of pure horror and blood kept dripping out from the huge wound in her belly. Her belly way cut open an he saw the bloody fetus of his sibling was thrown callously a few feet from his mother. Blood was splattered all over the place and Namjoon started to feel dizzy from the overwhelming smell of blood.
“No.” He said softly as he stepped closer and knelt beside her. Namjoon’s hand shook violently as he touched her soft, still-warm cheek.
This cannot be happening, Namjoon thought, I am having a nightmare.
“Mother, wake up.” He pleaded in anguish, “Please wake up.”
Namjoon wanted to scream. He wanted to throw everything. He wanted to cry, But, most of all, he wanted his mother back. 
He let out a horrible sound that was not even meant for a demon’s ears and closed his eyes; he could not bear to watch this scene anymore. He stood up and backed away, a burning sensation bubbling up in his chest.
I’m sorry mother, he thought as he ran out of the door and into the forest.
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“Hey, are you alive?”
Namjoon opened his eyes to find a girl about his age poking at him with a stick.
“My name is Hani, nice to meet you. How did you end up here? What’s your name? Did you run away from home? Are you hungry...?”
She kept rambling lots of other questions as Namjoon groaned and sat up.
“Can you just be quiet already?” Namjoon snapped, his mind still trying to process everything.
That made made her shut up and she looked at him with wide eyes, “Sorry, my granny says I am talkative, I guess she is right. I just cannot help it, there is a lot I--”
“Okay, I get it.”, Namjoon said as he got up and wiped the dirt and leaves from his clothes.
“So did you run away from home? What will your parents say--?”
“My parents, well at least my mom, is dead.” Namjoon said bluntly, he pushed the images of his mother from his mind, “I ran because I had nowhere else to go.”
“Oh I see. I am sorry about your mother. Wait here.”
She ran, leaving Namjoon alone.
He tried to recall what happened yesterday. It seemed he just kept running until he became extremely exhausted and feel asleep here in the forest. It was a miracle he was not eaten by an animal.
Namjoon clenched his fists, not liking the pain he was feeling in his chest. He knew it was Lord Jaehwan who ordered the death of his mother and sibling; it seemed he was as cruel as the rumors said. 
“I am back!” Hani called in a sing-song voice, she carried basket, “I asked Gran if you can stay, she says you can. Come on!” She tried to grab Namjoon’s arm but he pulled away. 
“Do not touch me.” He snapped and she shrugged.
“Fine, if you say so.” She skipped away and Namjoon followed her.
The forest had a clearing in which a cottage rested. Hani opened the door.
“Gran, I brought the boy! Wait, what is your name?” She asked him.
“His name is Namjoon.”
An old woman appeared and studied Namjoon, “Why were you alone in the forest, Namjoon?”
“Because I can be.” Namjoon answered coldly, willing himself to not think of his mother.
“He lost his mother and I think he also lost his father. He ran because he was alone.” Hani answered and Gran gave her a look.
“Hani, what did I tell you about answering for other people? Namjoon, you have to forgive my granddaughter, she can be quite talkative.”
“I have noticed.” Namjoon said and Hani put her hands on her hips.
“No fair! Why does everyone have to be against me?”
Her grandmother laughed and looked at Namjoon, “Come, child, you look hungry.”
“And those were the kind people that brought me out of my misery and became my second family.” Namjoon continued.
You opened your mouth to ask him something, but he said, “Don’t say anything, let me finish.
“As the years passed, I grew quite fond of Hani. When I was eighteen years old, much to Gran’s happiness, we admitted that we loved each other and became engaged.
“Shortly afterward was when things became complicated.”
“Gran, I am going to the forest now!” Namjoon called and Hani ran up to him.
Hani grew into a beautiful woman, yet she never outgrew being a bit too talkative.
“Where are you going? Are you collecting firewood? Because I already did that and--”
“Hani, dear, I am going to hunt so that we can have dinner.” Namjoon cut in and pointed at his bow and arrow.
“Oh,” She said and blushed, “Just be safe then.”
“You know I am.” Namjoon answered and gave her a kiss in the cheek.
“Come back before sunset.” She called as he started to walk.
“I will.”
“Watch out for dangerous creatures!”
He was by the edge of the forest by now and she was yelling.
“Goodbye, Hani!”
“And do not forget--” 
Namjoon saw Gran come up to her and drag her back to the house and Namjoon just had to chuckle. Hani and Gran had a love/hate relationship that was very amusing. He then turned his attention to the task at hand.
After a few failed attempts, Namjoon spotted a doe. He silently took out an arrow, placed it on the bow, and aimed the arrow at the doe. 
Startled, Namjoon missed the doe and the doe scampered away. Annoyed, Namjoon turned to the person who said his name.
The voice belonged to a figure who was a man, but was different from any man that he has ever seen before; the man seemed to radiate a powerful and otherworldly aura.
Namjoon stared at him, “How do you know my name?”
“God is very pleased with you, Namjoon.”
“God? How do you know what God feels?”, He asked, very confused, “Who are you?”
“I am a messenger from God, my name is Gabriel.”
A messenger from God? Namjoon suddenly remembered the worn book Gran has that has mentioned a holy messenger named Gabriel.
“Oh, so you are an angel then?”
He smiled warmly, “Yes, I am.”
“What would God want with me? I am no one important and I am definitely no holy man.”
Namjoon painfully remembered how he left his mother, definitely not an act of a holy man.
“That may be because you are not a man.”
“You jest, of course I am a man. What else would I be? A doe? A bird? An angel?”
Gabriel just continued to smile, not riled by Namjoon’s anger, “You are neither of those things nor are you a man. You are Death.”
Namjoon laughed at that, “Death? That is the most ridiculous thing you could ever say. I definitely must be going crazy.”
“You are Death. The human race became great in numbers and God needs a being to regulate and guide lost souls, hence he made you. He decided you would be raised by humans so you would develop compassion and empathy for them.”
Namjoon thought that maybe he finally lost his mind.
“Sorry, but even if what you say is true, I cannot do that. I am going to get married and lead a normal life.”, Namjoon started to walk away.
“We will see. Go, tell your fiancee who you are. You do not have to make your decision right now, not that you have much of a choice. God created you solely for this purpose; this is your reason for being. I will be expecting you.”
Namjoon turned around to tell him off, but Gabriel vanished.
Dazed, Namjoon ran back to the cottage and walked into Hani.
“Namjoon! What happened? You were not lucky, were you? That is okay, Gran already made some--”
Namjoon gathered Hani into his arms, “Hani, the strangest thing happened to me in the forest--an angel appeared.”
“What? What do you mean? An angel? So that means--”
Frustrated with her interruption, Namjoon placed his hand over her mouth, “Hani, hear me for once! He said that I am not a man, but that I am Death.”
She frowned and forced herself out of your grasp so that she can speak, “Death? Like in taking away souls? Do you cause death? Does this mean you are not a man? Have you been lying to us all along--?”
“Hani.” He warned her and she quiet down.
“Sorry,” She said and looked at the floor, “It is just very sudden.”
“You do not think I feel that way too? This is all very new to me too.”
They heard a crash in the kitchen and Namjoon ran over to the source of the noise. Gran laid on the floor and he rushed over to her and checked for her heart beat. He did not hear one. Then, a string of light went out of her chest and unto his hand.
“What did you do?”
Namjoon turend to see Hani at the doorway, tears in her eyes.
“I did not do--”
“How could you? After all these years? We took you in and this is how you repay us? You should be ashamed of yourself, you monster! That is my grandmother and you---”
“Hani.”, Namjoon pleaded as he walked towards her to comfort her. 
She backed away, “Do not come near me! Get out.”
“Leave!” Hani pushed Namjoon away and collapsed by her grandma’s side. She burst into tears.
“Hani, I love you.” Namjoon whispered, full of anguish.
“Go away and ruin someone else’s life!”, she spat as she cradled her grandmother into her arms.
Namjoon stood there, shocked. Once again, he felt that burning sensation in his chest. He left the cottage quietly, the last thing he heard was Hani’s sobs. 
Namjoon then called for Gabriel, the angel, and solemnly accepted the job. There was nothing left in this world for him anyway. He started to collect the souls and lead them to a place God recently made for souls who just died.
A few days later, Namjoon went back to the cottage. He felt a strange pull and knew he had to go back there. When he entered, he saw Hani on the floor with a bottle not too far from her. She had poisoned herself, her breaths becoming heavy as she looked at Namjoon with dilated eyes.
“So...so you came for my s-soul....”
Namjoon’s heart broke but he kept his face neutral as he saw her struggle to breathe. The poison was by now all over her body and she heaved her last breath. The pain in Namjoon’s chest stopped and instead he felt a gaping hole inside.
He is numb. 
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“That is why I cannot love.” Namjoon concluded as he stood up and turned his back away from you, “Please leave now, I promise I will look into the matter with Jin.”
You wiped the tears from your eyes as you realized how horrible his life was. For some reason, you couldn’t stop the tears as you listened to his story; you couldn’t understand how he could tell his tale with such a dull tone. Yet, he held a haunted expression in his eyes.
He’s keeping it all in, you thought, he forced himself to stop feeling anything. This just proves that he does have emotions.
Without a word, you went to him and pulled him into a tight hug.
“I’m sorry.” You mumbled unto his back.
He was stiff at first, but slowly relaxed unto your embrace. You were like that for a few moments, in a comfortable silence.
“Thank you.” He said very softly. 
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Even numbers. Fuck you 💙
:’) 🖕💙
Under the cut… oh my god… lord give me strength… if any of y’all wanna get to know me… read this monster X’D
2. Are you outgoing or shy?
I think a bit of both?? I’m the type of person who’d willingly get lost in a strange city but also suddenly develop a stutter when I try to communicate with my fellow humans. :)
4. Are you easy to get along with?
lmao no.
6. What kind of people are you attracted to?
Kind ones. Who can tolerate me.
8. Who from the opposite gender is on your mind?
An ex friend/abuser atm. :))))
10. Who was the last person you had a deep conversation with?
What qualifies as deep?? I guess, my Dad?? Maybe??
12. What are your 5 favorite songs right now?
Dodie Clark - Monster
Easy Life - Pockets
Lorde - Buzzcut Season
Zack Hemsey - The Way
Fits and the Tantrums - Roll Up
14. Do you believe in luck and miracles?
Yeah, I think so?
16. Would you kiss the last person you kissed again?
I kissed my Mum on the top of her head. So, yes. XD
18. Do you still talk to your first crush?
That would be Jesse. So, yes. Hope he doesn’t find this blog yikes. X’D
20. Do you like your neighbors?
Yes on one side. No on the other side.
22. Where would you like to travel?
America firstly. Then all over the place to visit other friends. I promised my Mum I’d take her to San Francisco one day, so I gotta keep that promise.
24. Favorite part of your daily routine?
26. What do you do when you wake up?
Try my best not to murder anyone while I get my cup of tea liquid life ready. XD Say hi to doggos and beep babies. Check to see if any of my friends need me urgently. Then eat toast.
28. Who are you most comfortable around?
My pets. My parents. My friends.
30. Do you ever want to get married?
I really don’t mind getting married or living in sin. XD It would depend entirely on what my partner wanted, I’d do whatever would make them happy.
32. Which celebrities would you have a threesome with?
No one. Guess you could say I’m demisexual.
34. Do you play sports? What sports?
Does horseback riding count?? I’ve dabbled in a bit of cricket. But my lungs don’t like intensive exercising, especially cardio stuff.
36. Have you ever liked someone and never told them?
Story of my life, every single time. I’ve never told anyone I liked them. I’d rather die than make them feel bad or uncomfortable bc I know they don’t feel the same way.
38. Describe your dream girl/guy?
At the moment all I can think of is my crush lmao. :’)
40. What do you want to do after high school?
Absolutely nothing bc I’m a dropout. XD Be a completely self-taught author, hopefully.
42. If your being extremely quiet what does it mean?
Online, I’m probably just really tired and don’t have the energy to be upbeat and/or talk to people. In real life, it’s nothing abnormal; I hate my voice so I don’t talk much and I like quiet. If I’m not using a bunch of emojis (you know how I normally do) when I’m talking, you know I’m either being super serious, or I’m pissed off, or both.
44. Trip to outer space or bottom of the ocean?
46. What are you paranoid about?
Being annoying.
48. Have you ever been drunk?
Nope. Not really planning on it, either. I’m kind of curious as to how I’d be, though. Like I have deep-rooted buried anger issues so I might be angry, but I’m also depressed so I might be a puddle of tears and sadness, BUT my personality is v energetic and happy so… who knows, dude. X’D
50. What was the colour of the last hoodie you wore?
Blue and grey. It has “yo” on the hood. :D
52. One thing you wish you could change about yourself?
Biologically male. please.
54. Favourite store?
?? don’t have one. 
56. Favourite colour?
Navy or a kind of dark aqua-navy kind of colour, like a bit of a green tinge as well? I’m also really fond of yellow too.
58. Last thing you ate?
60. Ever won a competition? For what?
Yeah, dog training competition with our German Shepherd when I was 11.
62. Been arrested? For what?
No yet lmao.
64. Tell us the story of your first kiss?
I’ll be sure to tell you about it when it happens. XD
66. Do you like your tumblr friends more than your real friends?
I don’t have any irl friends so… HELL YEAH!!
68. Twitter or Tumblr?
Tumblr. Obviously.
70. Names of your bestfriends?
I could literally just list all my Tumblr friends here. I’ve learnt not to get specifically close to any one or two persons. So… all my beans!!! Love you!!
72. What colour are your towels?
Blue! :D I was forced to use the pink towels in the set when I was little and not out as trans so now I surround myself in all the gendered blue bullshit X’D
74. Do you sleep with stuffed animals?
….. maaayyyybbbeee.
76. Favourite animal?
78:Chocolate or Vanilla?
80. What colour shirt are you wearing?
It’s my very yellow button down!! :D
82. Favourite tv show?
S E N S E 8
84. Mean Girls or Mean Girls 2?
Never seen either oops.
86. Favourite character from Mean Girls?
88. First person you talked to today?
Enna aka Cinnamonpuff aka steverogershield
90. Name a person you hate?
My brother, Mackenzie. :)
92. Is there anyone you want to punch in the face right now?
Anyone who mistreats animals.
94.How many sweatpants do you have?
I rarely wear anything but sweatpants, so I have 8. THEY’RE COMFY OKAY. And since it’s usually cold or hot here with no real warm in between, I’m either wearing shorts or sweatpants. It’s only in the rare in-between weather (like now) that I wear my jeans.
96. Last movie you watched?
Can’t remember. I watched the first season of Jessica Jones tho, so… show instead of movie. XD
98.Favourite actor?
100. Have any pets?
YES!!! 3 dogs (one German Shepherd named Ria, a Whippet named Granger, and a mutt named Maude), 3 chickens (Haymitch the black one, Cinna the dark brown one, Effie the pale brown one) and 2 ducks (Peeta and Katniss.) THEY’RE MY BABIES AND I’D DIE FOR THEM!!! :’D
102. Do you type fast?
LMAO APPARENTLY I DO??? My Dad thinks I must type gibberish and makes me type out what he says because he doesn’t think I can type that fast. I only type with 2 fingers normally too. X’D
104. Can you spell well?
w e l l (idk. maybe.)
106. Ever been to a bonfire party?
108. Have you ever been on a horse? 
Many times. I LOVE them SO MUCH.
110. Is something irritating you right now?
112. Do you have trust issues?
No. *insert canned audience laughter here* Yes, I do. Big time. Just bc I’m friendly doesn’t mean I trust anyone.
114. What was your childhood nickname?
Matt, actually!! :D
116. Do you play the Wii?
Used to, now I don’t have one anymore and it wasn’t my favourite console.
118.Do you like chicken noodle soup?
Y E S. GIMME!!!!!! :D
120.Favourite book?
Bird by Crystal Chan.
122.Are you mean?
I think I definitely can be very cutting when I lose my temper. But I haven’t done that in years now and I try very hard to be a good person. Luckily my first reaction is normally hurt, so by the time the anger kicks in I normally try and get out of the situation before I can say something harsh.
124.Can you keep white shoes clean?
NOPE. I can never keep anything clean, probably why I like dark colours so much. I literally do not own any white clothes anymore because they always get stained within a few hours of me wearing them asdfghjkl. 😅
126.Do you believe in true love?
Kind of. I believe that no relationship is ever perfect, but if people gel well and COMMUNICATE OFTEN AND HONESTLY the relationship can be amazing. I guess it’s its own kind of perfect relationship. I definitely think there’s people you get along brilliantly with, better than anyone else. There’s somebody in the world for everyone! :D
128.What makes you happy?
Animals. My friends. My OCs. :’)
130.What your zodiac sign?
Pisces!! I definitely think I’ve grown into it over time. X’D
132. Your bestfriend of the opposite sex likes you, what do you do?
??? depends on whether I like them back or not, obviously. If I do, I’ll probably scream for a solid week and then decide if I want to drag them into my mountain of bullshit with a relationship, or leave it be. If I don’t, let them down as gently as I can. Also I’m a raging bi, so gender wouldn’t matter. :P
134.Favourite lyrics right now?
My all-time favourite lyrics are from The Judge by Twenty one Pilots:
“When the leader of the bad guys sangSomething soft and soaked in painI heard the echo from his secret hideawayHe must’ve forgot to close his doorAs he cranked out those dismal chordsAnd his four walls declared him insane”
136.Dumbest lie you ever told?
“Did you let Haymitch jump on your back again?”
“Uh… noooo.”
“Then why do you have massive scratches in the clear shape of chicken feet on your back?”
128.How tall are you?
I’m not.
140.Brunette or Blonde?
Like, people I’m attracted to, or for me? I honestly don’t care attraction wise. For me, I guess brunette bc I think I look really weird with pale hair lmao.
142.Night or Day?
NIGHT. Dear god, night.
144.Are you a vegetarian?
NOPE. Honestly think I’d go insane if I didn’t eat meat. XD I mean, I would if I had to, but I’d really prefer not to.
146.Tea or Coffee?
TEA. I hate coffee, I’ll leave that to other people. XD
148.Mars or Snickers?
SNICKERS. Mars are good but… Snickers!!!!
150. Do you believe in ghosts?
Hell fucking yes you bet I do pal!!!!!!
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xmoonlightjasminex · 6 years
Take Center Stage
Chapter 1
: Testing.....Testing....1-2-3Chapter Text
It was a beautiful day in the city of Paris, The City of Lights and Love and Fashion. People were bustling around, each with their own business in mind. Teachers were teaching, bakers were baking, and in a darkened room stood a costumed man. He wore a dark purple suit and a mask that hid his face. In his hands was a cane and a very interesting brooch in the shape of a butterfly.
Yes, even Hawkmoth the city's resident villain was having a nice day so far. He was just about to scour the air for a new victim to be akumatized. To offer them powers beyond their wildest imagination, for the price of them acquiring the miraculouses of the two town heroes Ladybug and Chat Noir.
Now, if this was a normal day a potential akuma could be found at any time, but try and search as he might Hawkmoth just couldn`t find one. After a full hour of searching he growled before spitting out the words. “Fluther off!” Which was lucky that no one was around to laugh at the sheer ridiculousness as the adult man spat those words as if they had personally offended him.
A tiny lavender creature emerged from the brooch gem, looking at the man in front of him in wariness.
“C..can I help you master?” the Butterfly creature, named Nooroo was still wary of the stone faced man standing in front, no matter how many times he had spoken to him he was still shy.
“Nooroo...Why is no one akumatized yet?” The silhouette of the man spoke, in the dark room illuminated only by the window.
“W..well Master, it seems that no one is angry today?” Nooroo`s statement ended more as a question.
“....I see. And tell me Nooroo. Does one have to be angry to become an akuma?” The man questioned.
“N..not really.” The tiny creature mumbled, looking at his tiny nubs for hands.
“T..they just have to feel a strong enough emotion.” He was going to continue explaining, but was cut off.
“A strong enough emotion? One that does not have to be negative?” The man asked as a completely new idea formed into his mind. “W..well yes but…” poor Nooroo was cut off from speaking as he was sucked into the brooch by his wielders next words. “Fluther on!” The newly masked Hawkmoth began to search with renewed vigor for an akuma. And not five minutes later he found his next champion.
A girl in a state of ennui, wanting and wishing to be special. And he could make her special, give her a gift to differentiate her from all the others. And all she had to do was, obey him. Just as he summoned a butterfly to rest on his hand and to corrupt before sending it to his new victim, there was a knock from the other side of the door.
“Mister Agreste? I am sorry to bother you, but there is an urgent matter concerning the newest production line….” A female voice spoke from the other side.
As he had turned to the door, Hawkmoth didn't notice a the small butterfly with a tiny black dot on its pristine white wings fluther away. No, but the tiny god currently residing in the brooch did, and it didn't plan on saying anything. “I will be out in a moment Natalie.” The man spoke, before hastily de-transforming, showing renown Fashion mogul Gabriel Agreste to be hiding behind the Butterfly mask.
Completely forgetting about the planned akumatization, the man took off said brooch and left it and the tiny creature in the room. Soon he would be so swamped with paperwork and business associated stress, that he will completely forget the new discovery he learned from Nooroo.
Unlike him, once he was left alone, Nooroo flew towards the window and if he squinted he could see the tiny butterfly flying away to its new champion. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Edelweiss Amarante was bored. The German-French brunette blue-green-eyed girl had just arrived to Paris with her mother and father a month ago, and already the young teenager was bored. And she had been so excited to finally get to do something unusual. She loved the moving, and she loved the townhouse her parents had gotten from a very distant relative who wanted to move to the Alps, for whatever reason. She loved her room, which was at the top floor of the huge house, an entire floor to herself. Granted it had been the attic before, but it had such a rustic charm to it.
Heck ,she even loved the tenants her parents had taken under their wings when they arrived. She loved family dinners where she met a bunch of people from all different kinds. The only downside to that was that none of the tenants had any kids, either they were too young in college or still trying their luck in finding work, or too old with their children and grandchildren all grown up. Or not married.
She was the only child at the entire house. Of course by default that meant she was babied and had a bunch of big sisters, brothers, aunts, uncles and elderly who looked after her and greeted her. And she loved that, she loved greeting Madame Beauchamp as she left for school and the older woman was watering her beautiful gardenia bush in the enclosed garden. She loved visiting Natasha, Katya and Mila the three Russian students that studied at the Royal Academy of Dance. They would fuss over her, teaching her tips and tricks and words in Russian.
She liked talking about books with Lucas, a British gentleman who lived to read. And his complete opposite of a partner Mark who was a boisterous and loud. And their poor roommate who had to be a witness to their couple moments the jokester Enric who would crack a joke anytime to make the two blush.
She liked to greet the resident mystic Madame Dorina, as she liked to be called. She had transformed her living room into a fortune tellers parlor, and had regular visitors. She would often usher Edelweiss in and make her a cup of tea to tell her fortune, her beloved white Persian Cat Leila mingling under the table begging for a scratch or a treat. Her other cat Hades, a pitch black Shorthair stood a ways away, always watching like a silent protector. He had the arrogance his name gave him, Madame Dorina had once told her, that she never let anyone in whom he didn't like.
Monsieur and Madame Hawa were an Arabic couple that had emigrated to France in the 80`s, they were a delight in the dinner table. Madame always knew a brand new recipe and a way to change a dish flavor by using a tiny amount of spice, and Monsieur Hawa could spin the best of stories, like a magician speaking magic.
For Edelweiss it was beautiful, there was never a dull moment. But compared to all those people who were there, even her own parents she was completely ordinary. Even her schoolmates weren`t excluded. She heard there were many talented and even a famous model at her school. She had yet to meet them or learn their names, but compared to them what did Edelweiss had?
A tiny passion for singing? What a joke.
The brunette girl sighed as she had looked out the window to the sky. It was a lovely day, that she had spent helping Madame Beauchamp with her prized flowers, and a small bouquet of fragrant blossoms sat on her desk.
So deep in thought was Edel, that she didn't notice when a beautiful white butterfly fluttered into her room, and after a moment of flitting around the space before finally resting on her chest and disappearing in a glow of white.
The moment that happened Edelweiss felt a drowsy slumber overtake her, so closing her eyes she dreamed a dream filled with wonder and beauty. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
The next day rose bright and early, and Edel was already bustling through her room. She was up and couldn't make herself go down stairs yet. Her parents Eric and Christine, yes she knew how ironic those names were, she had watched Phantom of the Opera. It didn't help that her folks had quite the pipes on them, or were avid music lovers.
She had the idea to try and sing a song, maybe it would make her feel better.
I want to be extraordinary Not just extra-ordinary She began singing, before shrugging her shoulder, sitting down on her bed.
It seems like everywhere I see People far more interesting than me I know the changes kinda scary But maybe I should try to vary She remembered the tenants and all their talents and hobbies, all so very different and new and interesting.
Some minor details A small degree A slightly different version of me Looking out her window, she began to imagine the possibilities.
Well I could learn to cook vegetarian Or take fashion workshop Meditate, calculate Learn to knit a tank top She did notice that her imagined scenes were far more realistic looking than usual, like she was actually trying these thing, albeit for a brief few seconds. The cooking, the fashion, meditating, calculating and knitting. All of them, but she still continued to sing.
Yoga, hula Clogging, jogging Walking on a tightrope Take a correspondence course And learn to make my own soap Even more activities she cycled through.What was going on??
Jumping on a pogo stick Standing in a wheat field Going on a snipe hunt Gonna keeps my eyes peeled Take a little time to really decorate my door And change my hair to black and then I'll dye it even orange She could feel the texture of her hair changing, she wansn`t imagining these places she was making them appear. How was she doing this?!
Underwater taxidermy Shopping for a suitcase Peeling tangerines while placing second in a sack race
Lion taming, online gaming Try'n to win a prize fight Appear in a talk show Dress-up like a water sprite She really started to go into the song, liking her scenery changing after her voice.
Yeah! I'm gonna be extraordinary I'm gonna stand out from the crowd And shout out loud You'll see That it's a brand new me!! Finally she finished her song,going through several other hobbies before she was back in her room, breathing slightly hard. Looking around she couldn`t understand what happened, how did she do that? The burst of confidence that song and that experience gave her was so good!
‘I`m glad you like it.’ A voice whispered and she shrieked in surprise looking around for the source.
‘Wh-what the!! Who, who said that?!” She asked aloud, but no one was up there.
Here it is if you wanna read it: https://archiveofourown.org/works/13883553/chapters/31944003
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coffeekeyboardsss · 7 years
(Loki x reader) Can't sleep pt.4
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A/N: ANGST TIME! (rip readers)
Words: 1,194
(Tag list below)
Warnings: Swearing, angst 
Part 1
Part 2 
Part 3
Loki sat on the couch in the avengers headquarters, reading a book as per usual whilst some of the other avengers sat around and discussed the current mission that was afoot. There were suspicions that a group of terrorists were planning a massive attack in the name of anti-vigilante protests. Whilst this was usually the government's job to take care of this kind of thing, you, Natasha, Clint, Thor, Sam, and Steve were asked to take care of the suspected area that was under threat.
“I don’t know why Tony would send you on this mission. It’s far too dangerous” Loki had said earlier. Holding your hand gently, hoping he would never have to let go. 
“I’ll be fine Loki, You know I can take care of myself” you had replied with your beautiful sweet voice.
“I know, I just worry about you” Loki responded, kissing you on your forehead before you had left him alone to wait for your return.
Loki tried to hide his concern for you by taking his mind off the problem at hand and focusing on the latest book you had given him called ‘Looking for Alaska’. It wasn’t as grand or spectacular as the other books you had given him, but he didn’t mind. It reminded him of you without making him fret. The other avengers still didn’t know about the two of you, only Thor knew that Loki had feelings for you. However, he didn’t know that he had confessed them to you.
“You should have let me go, I could have done so much more to help!” Wanda’s thick Russian accent caught Loki’s attention, as he could sense her magic deep in her soul. Loki could always sense her magic. It had a presence within her that he could always feel. However, when she was upset or emotional like this it was much stronger to detect than usual.
“Wanda, you know why you can’t go” Tony said calmly, worrying about treading on eggshells around Wanda. Her emotional stability wasn’t the best when it came to her powers or her brother.
“Why? Because I’m a threat?” she responded. She had become more accustomed to speaking her mind as the months went by. Loki knew that she’d learned that from you considering the two of you were quite close.
“That’s not true, but not everyone knows the truth” he said, feeling sorry for her. He knew that she should have gone with them, but it was too dangerous for Wanda. One slip up and she would be most likely blamed for it. He couldn’t let that happen to her. Not again.
“Tony I have to stop sitting on my ass all day hoping that they’re going to be alright. I can’t do that over and over again. It’s too painful” she said, starting to work herself up. Loki felt her powers and it’s source becoming more and more violent. It reminded him of when he was a child and the same thing would happen to him. His mother told him how to control it. His heart panged when he thought about his mother.
“Wanda I-” Tony stopped mid sentence when he received a text and moved like lightning to his phone to check it.
“What is it?” Bruce said as he sat up off the couch and everyone else looked up anxiously, Loki included.
Tony stared at the screen for a while, standing dead still and panicking to himself when he found out what had happened.
“What’s wrong?!” Wanda said urgently, walking towards Tony.
“T-They’re at the hospital. We have to go” he said, panic being in his usually calm voice as he walked towards the door like the speed of light, almost tripping over his own feet.
“What’s wrong! Dammit Tony, tell us!” Wanda exclaimed, Loki sat up and stared at Tony. He was incredibly worried about you, and Wanda’s yelling linked with her powers almost having a heartbeat and pulse due to her emotional state didn’t help his pending anxiety. He couldn’t imagine how he’d feel if anything had happened to you. A small part of him also knew his brother would most likely be alright, but he still worried.
“It didn’t say exactly. Steve doesn’t understand how to send a detailed text to save his own fucking life” he exclaimed, his voice breaking a little.
“He wants us to meet him there. That’s all he said. Let’s go” he added as he opened the door and grabbed his car keys.
Wanda, Bruce, Vision, walked towards him closely whilst Loki trailed comfortably behind. Tony eyed him cautiously which caused Loki to sigh and gesture to Wanda.
‘Her power’s stronger than mine if you’re worried about me trying anything. I just want to make sure my brother’s alright” he said, a calm tone but he was panicking beneath his relaxed exterior.
Tony hesitated for a moment. He didn’t want to have to argue when they needed to leave as quickly as possible. He points his finger at Loki threateningly and exhales.
“Don’t try anything” he says sternly as he opens the door and walks out. Everyone else follows before Loki, except for Bruce. Bruce stands at the door for a few seconds before speaking to Loki, his voice quiet and dead serious.
“I hope for your sake you’ve changed” he says, before walking out the door leaving Loki to follow.
Loki followed Tony through the crisp, clean, never ending hallways in the hospital. He was looking around into rooms and identifying everyone, hoping to see your face. Hoping that you were okay.
“Rogers!” Loki’s head whipped forward when he heard Tony call out to Steve. He saw Steve and Thor standing at the end of the hall, walking quickly towards them. Loki was relieved to discover Thor was okay (although he’d never admit it) but immediately panicked when it registered to him that you weren’t there. Thor had little injuries whilst Steve had scars on his face and dark purple bruising under his left eye. Both of them looked incredibly worried.
“What the hell happened out there!?” Tony said once they moved closer. Thor immediately moved towards his brother, surprised that he came with everyone else.
Tony and the others talked to Steve whilst Loki focused his attention on Thor.
“What happened? W-Where’s Y/N?” he said, trying to act calmer than he was. Thor exhaled deeply, bringing himself to tell his brother what happened.
“Clint, Natasha, Sam, and...Y/N were injured badly during our mission. They’re being tended to now. W-We don’t know if they’re going to be alright or not”
Loki’s breath was caught in his throat. His lungs and heart felt like they were being crushed and it was becoming harder for him to breathe. His hands started to shake and it felt like the world around him was melting away. The only thing he could focus on was his pain. He’d only felt like this once before, back in the prison on Asgard, and he’d hoped he’d never have to endure pain like that again. It was all because might never see you; his shining beacon of light, his angel, ever again.
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