#i miss jae n sungjin
kwanisms · 2 years
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summary: Moon Byeoli lives in Busan with her best friend Jamie Park and works at the aquarium. Their next door neighbor is Park Sungjin. Growing up, Byeoli has never really believed in the supernatural always finding a logical explanation for things that go bump in the night. Her life is about to be thrown out of control when new neighbors move in across the hall. What will happen when Byeoli befriends them and learns they aren’t exactly… human.
ch 24 - jokes on you buddy
pairing: sungjin x oc x hyunjin
warnings: foul language
wc: 3.2k
updates every weekday @ 7PM CST
a/n: times and dates DO NOT matter!!
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taglist: @yoonguurt @x-woozi @lachinitaaaaa
Sungjin laughed, setting his phone aside and looking up across the table. Younghyun was currently talking to two girls who had come up to ask for his autograph. Regardless of how many times he got asked or recognized, he never made a big deal about it. Sungjin felt proud of his friends for moving to Seoul and actually making it in the music industry.
He often wondered what it would be like if he’d gone on to pursue music with them rather than following his own passion for food. Would he be in Seoul with Jae and Younghyun? Would he have been able to leave Byeoli behind? His smile faltered a bit as memories from the other night came flooding back.
From that kiss… The one he hadn’t meant to see and probably wasn’t supposed to see. He only took the stairs because he missed the elevator. Had he made it in time, maybe that kiss never would have happened. The look on Byeoli’s face as she looked up at Hyunjin made Sungjin’s stomach churn.
It wasn’t because seeing them together made him sick. More like he felt guilty.
Guilty for being jealous when he had no right to be. He looked down at the half eaten corn dog, his appetite long gone now. His thoughts wandered back to the other night. The night the four of them went out drinking and Jamie had to be cut off.
Byeoli tried shushing Jamie as they walked up the sidewalk from where the taxi had dropped them off. “Jams, you’re gonna wake the whole block,” she said, reaching forward to help her stumbling best friend. “Ah, let them wake up!” Jamie nearly shouted as she threw her head back. Sungjin hadn’t seen her this wasted in a long time. Younghyun trailed behind the two, walking side by side with Sungjin as the girls meandered ahead of them. Sungjin could tell by the way he walked that Younghyun wasn’t nearly as drunk as the rest of them.
“Did you somehow know this would happen?” He asked, looking slightly up at his friend. Younghyun turned to gaze at Sungjin. “What? That Jamie would get wasted and wake the whole city?” He asked, clarifying what Sungjin was getting at. Younghyun shook his head, a smile spreading across his face.
“No, I didn’t but I’m glad I held back so at least one of us is sober,” he added. Sungjin frowned, looking back up at his friend. “Hey, I’m not that drunk,” he argued which made Younghyun smile even wider. “Never said you were, Bob,” he said with a shake of his head, eyes looking back towards the girls who had stopped walking. Jamie was sitting on the steps of a building that certainly wasn’t theirs.
She was singing loudly, and badly, while Byeoli tried to cover her friends mouth in poor attempt to muffle her horrible and drunk singing. Byeoli looked up at the guys for help and Younghyun removed his hands from his jacket pockets and walked forward briskly. He reached down and grabbed Jamie’s arm and pulled her up.
“That’s enough out of you, ma’am,” he said as he gently but firmly steered her in the right direction, leaving Byeoli and Sungjin to walk behind them. “She’s gonna be so mad in the morning,” Byeoli said softly, walking beside Sungjin who nodded silently. “That bit in the taxi was pretty funny,” she added, looking up at him. “What bit? Where she pretended to slit my throat with that tiny pirate sword from her drink?” He asked, causing Byeoli to erupt into giggles.
Sungjin’s expression softened at the way her face lit up, cheeks pink from the alcohol and the cool night air around them. She brought her hand up to cover her mouth, but he could still see the smile. The way her lips pulled back as she laughed and her eyes turned into crescents. She looked so pretty. Of course, he always thought she was pretty. He had hoped after this time away from Jaebeom, the time she spent with him, had opened her eyes to the possibility of them.
He’d never gone into spending time with her and expecting something in return. He just wanted to be there for his friend when Younghyun and Jae left but he couldn’t stop himself falling for her along the way. He fell hard and fast for her and he always held onto a sliver of hope that she might finally see him the way he saw her. Younghyun was the only one he could confide in though he knew Jamie knew.
Younghyun had told him not to get his hopes up, reminding him that Byeoli always saw him as a brother figure. Sungjin hated that word. ‘Brother.’ He hated being associated with it. As if it was some dirty word though he knew it wasn’t. 
Before he knew it, they had reached their building and Younghyun was standing by the door, holding Jamie up as she leaned against him. “Do you need my help getting her upstairs?” He asked, looking at Sungjin who shook his head. “I think we’ll manage,” he said, moving to take Jamie from Younghyun.
“Bobby!” She said loudly, throwing her arms around him not noticing the way Sungjin’s nose wrinkled in disgust at the nickname. “Stop calling me that, Jamie,” he said in a grumpy tone. He glanced over at Byeoli who was looking up at Younghyun. They seemed to be deep in conversation and Sungjin quickly looked away, not wanting to interrupt what they were talking about.
When he’d first met Byeoli, it was when she was moving in across the hall with Jamie. He’d come home as they were moving boxes and he offered to help them without even introducing himself which he later found extremely odd but could now laugh about it.
He’d immediately found himself drawn to Byeoli. She was so tiny and cute. Her personality shone so brightly that she reminded him of a star which was how she got the nickname Tiny Star. He’d been so excited to tell his roommates about her. Even more excited when they all got to meet up but the moment he’d introduced them to Byeoli and Jamie, he’d regretted it.
They way Byeoli and Younghyun had gotten on so well so quickly made him more jealous than he cared to admit. He hated the way his friend had made her laugh and the way she touched his arm. His mood had soured the whole experience for himself but he didn’t know his friends noticed.
Younghyun asked him the next day about it and Sungjin came clean. Younghyun assured him that he wasn’t interested in Byeoli like that. He said she reminded him of a younger sister type. Hearing that had made Sungjin feel better but then… he showed up. Jaebeom was a reminder of everything that Sungjin wasn’t and couldn’t be. He remained respectful of her relationship with Jaebeom, often overhearing Byeoli’s conversations with Jamie about their problems.
When things had ended, he felt a small glimmer of hope that maybe this could be his chance but he didn’t want to pressure Byeoli so instead, he made himself available to be a shoulder for her to cry on, someone who would listen to her and he prided himself on it. He never expected anything in return, just held onto hope. But then that word, the one he hated so much came up.
He wasn’t even part of the conversation, he just happened to overhear it.
You and Jamie had been waiting for him to come down from his apartment and meet them in the lobby. He had taken the stairs, not wanting to wait for the elevator. He was overly excited to be spending time with his two favorite people, even if Jamie was often brash and constantly teasing him.
He had overheard a question Jamie asked and it made him freeze in his steps.
“Have you ever noticed the way Bob looks at you?” He could hear you sigh in response.
“Jamie, how many times do we have to tell you to stop calling him that. He doesn’t like it,” she replied.
His heart beat extra for that comment, happy that she cared enough to admonish her best friend.
“Whatever, but you notice it right?” Jamie asked, ignoring Byeoli’s remark.
“I do notice,” Byeoli replied, causing Sungjin’s heart rate to accelerate only the way she could.
“Do you like him?” His breath caught in his chest. This was it. This was the moment that would change everything forever for him. To find out whether you felt anything other than platonic feelings for him.
“Jamie, we’ve been over this,” Byeoli answered, she sounded exasperated. “I don’t have feelings for Sungjin.” Her voice was soft as if trying to let him down easily even if he wasn’t in front of her.
It still made his heart sink into the pits of his stomach, hearing that she didn’t feel anything for him.
And then she said it. That word.
“He’s like a brother to me.”
“Sungjinnie?” Byeoli’s voice brought him out of his thoughts. She had been looking up at him. Younghyun had already left and Sungjin was still supporting Jamie as she stood wobbly next to him. “Let’s get Jamie inside, she looks like she’s about to pass out,” Byeoli added. Sungjin nodded and followed Byeoli as she opened the door and held it for him.
Getting Jamie upstairs wasn’t as hard as he anticipated. Byeoli made sure she was safely in bed before shutting the door and returning to Sungjin in the living room. “She passed out as soon as her head hit the pillow,” Byeoli said with a relieved smile. Sungjin mirrored the expression. It was hard not to smile when she smiled at him like that.
“Well, I’ll get going, let you two get some sleep,” he said softly, turning to walk to the door. His hand was on the knob when Byeoli spoke up.
“Sungjin,” she said suddenly, causing him to turn to look at her. She stood in front of the couch, looking so small in that gray sweatshirt that almost swallowed her tiny frame. “I was actually wondering if we could talk for a second,” she said. Sungjin stared back at her, unblinking. He removed his hand from the doorknob and moved to sit next to her as she lowered herself onto the couch.
It was the most uncomfortable he’d seen her in a long time. Sungjin would be lying if he said it wasn’t awkward for him as well.
“You know I love you,” she added, looking at him as he sat staring at the same spot on the coffee table he’d focused on when she started talking. As if saying those words weren’t adding salt to the wound.
“You’re just not in love with me,” Sungjin mumbled. Byeoli looked as if Sungjin had been the one to turn her down. “I’m sorry,” she said quietly. Her voice sounded so sad and… almost heartbroken. Sungjin realized how pathetic he’d been. How selfish. He turned and took Byeoli’s hands in his. “Don’t apologize to me,” he said, his voice a little louder now.
“You can’t help how you feel,” he continued, giving her hands a gentle squeeze. “Just like I can’t control how I feel. I wish things were different,” he went on. Byeoli nodded. “Honestly,” she replied, looking up at him. “I did, too. If things had been different between us, I probably would have a very different life right now,” she added. “And things with Jaebeom never would have happened.”
Sungjin sighed. He hated how miserable she looked. “Hey,” he said, scooting closer. “Look at me, Byeol,” he added, forcing her to look up at him. “I’ll be okay,” he continued, bringing his hand up and taking her chin gently. “I’m a big tough boy,” he added, giving her chin a gentle shake, causing a smile to appear on her face. “The toughest,” she added. Sungjin pulled her into a hug. “The toughest.”
-end flashback-
“You gonna finish that?” A voice asked. Sungjin looked up at Younghyun who had returned to the table. Sungjin looked down at the half eaten corn dog and pushed it away. “Nah,” he said, shaking his head. “You can have it if you want,” he added. Younghyun gave him a quizzical look but Sungjin looked away quickly, eyes scanning the beach. It was a nice day today. Nicer than it had been the last week or so.
The temperatures were beginning to drop and people were still clinging onto the last of the summer weather. The beach was packed. Couples laying out in the sun together, families huddled under umbrellas as they ate their lunches. Sungjin’s eyes stopped when he saw four familiar faces.
In reality, he noticed Minho first. Wearing a black tee with black shorts, a black wide brimmed hat and dark sunglasses. He sat on a striped towel under a dark blue umbrella. Next to him, lying in the sun on another striped towel was Changbin, wearing black sunglasses, a blue and white rash guard and matching swim trunks. Sitting next to Minho, shirtless and wearing red swim trunks and dark brown shades that were currently holding his bangs out of his face was Jisung.
Lying next to Jisung, also in the sun was Hyunjin. He was wearing a white tee and blue and white striped shorts, laying on a solid blue towel. He had no sunglasses and seemed to just be enjoying the sunshine. Sungjin didn’t know why, but they looked so out of place. Maybe because they were new to the area or maybe because Minho looked like someone made the goth kid go on a family beach trip.
Sungjin watched as Hyunjin sat up quickly and looked out at the water. The dark haired man looked up at Jisung and said something Sungjin obviously couldn’t hear and Jisung nodded, saying something back. Hyunjin got up quickly and started walking away from his friends.
‘Now where the hell is he going?’ Sungjin wondered. He was pulled out of his thoughts as a group of young girls approached the table, giggling. The one Sungjin could only assume was their leader or just the bravest among them, smiled as she looked down at Younghyun. “Are you Brian Kang?” She asked, trying to contain either her giggles or excitement, Sungjin couldn’t tell nor did he care.
His attention was elsewhere.
“Uh, yeah,” Younghyun’s voice said behind him. “We were wondering if we could have a few pictures,” the girl asked. Sungjin turned to look at Younghyun who looked apologetically at his friend. Sungjin shook his head. “I’m gonna go for a walk, I’ll be right back,” he said standing up and not giving Younghyun a chance to respond before he walked away from the table and onto the sand, following the now familiar form of Hyunjin.
Sungjin weaved in between families and couples, dodging several running children as he tried to discreetly follow his neighbor. Hyunjin disappeared behind a rocky outcrop and Sungjin jogged to keep up. He hesitantly peered in and saw Hyunjin look around before disappearing into a small cave entrance. ‘What is he up to?’ Sungjin wondered, giving the younger man a head start before jogging to the cave entrance and peering in.
Sunlight filtered in, hitting the water inside the cave and breaking on the surface to shimmer around on the dark cave walls. Sungjin removed his shoes and socks, carrying them in his hand as carefully and quietly as he could, waded into the ankle deep sea water and walked forward, pressing further into the cave. A soft splashing reached his ears and he froze, straining to listen and decipher where the sounds were coming from. He followed the cave walls and came into a large cavern.
In the middle of the cave was a deep pool of water. The water was so clear, Sungjin could see to the bottom. He ducked behind a boulder near the entrance of the cave and peered over it. Hyunjin stood at the edge of the pool. He had removed his shirt and stood staring down at the water. It was not lost on Sungjin how bizarre the situation was as he watched Hyunjin set his shirt aside and took a deep breath before diving head first into the pool.
He sat up straighter and peered over the boulder, trying to see into the pool but all he could see was a dark shape under the water’s surface. He watched the shape move around quickly before the shape neared the surface and broke through. Hyunjin swam over to the side of the pool and Sungjin found the whole situation extremely strange. Why had he come in here to swim? ‘Why not just go in at the swim beach?’ He wondered as he watched Hyunjin.
He watched as the dark-haired man grabbed the side of the pool and pulled himself up and Sungjin nearly gave himself away as his jaw dropped. If he wasn’t seeing it for himself, he wouldn’t believe it.
From the waist up, Hyunjin was the same but from the waist down, his legs had changed. The tanned skin of his abdomen blending into a light almost translucent blue that got darker and more vibrant as he looked down. His legs had transformed into a… tail?
Sungjin watched, eyes wide as Hyunjin sat on the edge of the pool, his tail swishing slowly in the water. The sunlight that filtered in hit the scales on his tail revealing an iridescence to them, the blue shifting into various greens and purples as Hyunjin moved. Sungjin really couldn’t believe his eyes. He couldn’t believe his neighbor was a mermaid. Merman? What was the correct term? 
Sungjin shook his head. He couldn’t care about that right now. He didn’t care about that.
All he cared about was what else Hyunjin was hiding from them. From him. From Jamie… from Byeoli.
Did she even know? Sungjin watched as Hyunjin dove back into the pool and took the opportunity to race for the exit, running out of the cave, not caring about the splashing as he ran. He exited the cave and hurried back to the beach, bobbing and weaving between the other beach goers. He found Younghyun and sat down at the table. Younghyun looked up at him, his smile faltering when he saw Sungjin out of breath. “What’s wrong?” He asked but Sungjin shook his head.
“We have to go,” he said. “We have to go, now,” Sungjin said quickly, panting between words. “Okay,” Younghyun said as he grabbed his things. “Where are we going?” He asked as he stood up. Sungjin looked around quickly. “I have to talk to Jamie,” he said as quietly as he could. Younghyun nodded again. He didn’t understand what was going on but if it was important to Sungjin, he wouldn’t question it.
Sungjin glanced around once more and his eyes fell on Minho who was looking in his direction. Sungjin hadn’t given them a second thought after what he’d seen in the cave but when Minho reached up to lower his sunglasses, Sungjin felt the hairs on the back of his neck stand up and chill ran up his spine despite the warm weather. If what he’d seen in the cave wasn’t concerning enough, the dark red eyes that looked back at him from his neighbor were.
Just who the hell were his neighbors? And more importantly, what were they?
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yougnks · 4 years
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[ day6 through the eras ] - happy 5th anniversary, my loves.
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bangcakes · 4 years
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park bros!
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you-did-well-moon · 3 years
Day6 Reaction to s/o learning their instrument while they're away
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Type: Fluff, angst in Dowoon dont know what happened wasnt me
Word Count: 2.865
A/n: I took some creative freedom with why they were away but that is it. Keep in mind, I have no experience with instrument except for when I played the piano in 5th grade for like two weeks. Anyways, I hope you enjoy! - Moon
TW: small cuts, fight, second hand embarrassment
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Sungjin was absolutely and devastatingly exhausted. His own guitar case felt like it was weighing him down tremendously, and he had a huge headache. Jae and Wonpil arguing in the back of the car was not helping in any way. It has been going on since they left the airport. He rubbed at his temples tiredly pressing his head against the cool window from his place in the passenger seat next to their manager. 
Still, he couldn’t help the small smile that tugged at his lips as he thought about seeing you, probably curled up in the couch cheeks puffed from the snack you were inhaling. The pounding in his head lightened at the cute sight he would soon get to enjoy as he played with the loose threads of his old button up shirt. 
True to Sungjin’s imagination, your form was sitting on the couch. Not true to his imagination, you were actually bent over something in your lap, lightly humming and bopping your head to the rhythm being produced by your still clumsy fingers. The guitar in your lap had gotten lighter as the days went by without your boyfriend, and in replacement of his touch, leaving your fingertips warm and tingling, it was small cuts you hadn’t bothered to bandage as it disrupted you when playing.
 You missed Sungjin an abnormal amount. The cold spot in the bed or him making weird faces at you through the mirror in the mirror when brushing your teeth. You missed all of it. With a slight tremble in your chest you started playing the chorus to “You Were beautiful”.
You were so focused on trying to get it right you didn’t notice the door closing only to startle when you slightly looked up through your lidded eyes seeing the shadow looming over the coffee table. With a small yelp of surprise you jumped immediately looking up only to find your boyfriend staring at you with wide eyes. 
His surprised expression made you shrink into yourself. You threw your head into your hands in pure embarrassment letting the guitar gently slide off your lap, hitting the floor with a soft thump. “Can you just pretend you didn’t see that I can’t believe I even tried learning all that by myself I” you cut yourself off with an un-pleased sigh shaking your head and looking at him with pleading eyes. 
Your boyfriend continued in his frozen state for about five seconds before breaking out in the biggest smile rushing around the coffee table in which you panicked trying to get away from him with a squeal, but being too slow im the excitement that was usually in a much dormant state in Sungjin. The wrinkles near the corner of his eyes deepened adoringly, and his chest shook with soft laughter while he held you close. 
There was a fond twinkle in his eye as Sungjin forgot any tiredness that clung to his bones and kissed the tips of your fingertips while maintaining eye contact. He kept your hands encased in his when scolding you for having such low faith in yourself and softly encouraging you. He would probably put little stitch band-aids on your fingertips and continue teaching you, sitting you on his lap and scolding you when you lose focus with a sharp poke at your ribs smiling when you giggled. This man just fell impossibly more in love with you.
“You shouldn’t say those things, look at you love, learning all alone and doing so well. I'm so proud. Would you rather have the elmo band-aids or the stitch band-aids… I don’t know about you but Elmo kinda creeps me out. Just five more minutes little love then you can go mug Young k with Dowoon. Don’t look at me like that! You finally have a teacher and you take him for granted. The audacity-”
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Jae was a thin hair away from just ripping his hair out. He didn’t believe the kpop industry would take very kindly to him going bald, but he had come to a point where he didn’t really care about what people thought anymore. But thinking about you not being able to play with his hair anymore while he drifted off to sleep with his head on your chest severely upset him.
 Jae had gotten stuck in another limbo, stuck in the studio and in his own head desperately trying to finish any of the unfinished songs left in his computer files. He missed you so much, he eventually called it quits, deciding to go home to you, who he hadn’t seen in days.
Just the thought about seeing you energized his previously exhausted self. He never could get sick of you. Every day, every week was a new adventure, a new chapter, all with his favorite person in the world. The night sky, although beautiful, seemed to mock him, reminding him of how late it was, meaning you were most probably asleep. 
Opening the door to his apartment, he heard soft music. He briefly recognized “I Need Somebody”, and thought you were playing it from your phone. All his thoughts came to a halting stop when he saw you perched on the bed, in his shirt, playing the melody of the previously mentioned song.
You had hair falling into your eyes with your eyebrows slightly scrunched trying not to mess up and heavily focused. Jae had loudly yelled in surprise, causing you to flinch and look up shocked at the sudden surprise. When you saw it was just him, you had comically thrown your hands in the air yelling at him about how it was supposed to be a surprise. 
The irritated look on your face vanished as you went up to give him a light hug with a kiss, softly smiling at him. Meanwhile Jae, was completely out of it, lovestruck eyes while he instinctively returned your affection.
“Come Jae, you look like you haven’t slept in ages, your eyes are so sunken babe”, you had softly whispered to him, rubbing the soft skin under his eyes, the way you were always soft with him when he came back from the studio. You slept in the same bed for the first time in what had been days, Jae tightly clutching on to you.
 He may have not been completely there at the moment, but in the morning when he had time to process everything, he was a changed man. He wouldn’t stop laughing and giggling excitedly, eagerly wanting to hear everything you had learnt. He even poked fun at you when you made a mistake. But it was all lovingly as he also praised you non stop while looking at you with his messy hair and big smile next to you on the couch. He had so much inspiration now. To finish what had been left behind.
“Pop off queen who gave you this much talent, you couldn’t even tell me what bass was last time we talked, which was like a week ago. Might just make you play when I don’t feel like playing. Give you a wig and people won’t know the difference! Why are you booing me, I'm right?”
Young K
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Young K’s foot tapping on the floor of the car was the only sound that filled the car aside from the soft sound of the car’s engine and tires. He was absolutely spent, having to have stayed in a different city for a show he was invited to that was filmed far away from his home. 
Far away from you. Young K could tell his manager was starting to get irritated, but Young K was already massively annoyed and too far in his own world to really care. He missed the pine scent of his sheets, and he missed you.
It was not a good combination. When he got to his place he quietly thanked the manager,  getting his bag before trying to ignore every urge telling him to run into the building and fall into his soft bed with you in his arms. When he opened the door, your keys were there, so he knew you were in the building. That thought filled him with more relief than it should have. 
He did have to admit, hearing “I smile” this early in the day was odd as you usually saved the more mellow songs for later in the night. Young K told himself he had many euphoric moments in his life, but seeing you staring at a sheet of paper with so much determination and a bass guitar in your arms came pretty close to the top.
The absolute warmth that exploded in his chest was a feeling he would not forget in a long time. He could feel his lips slightly curl up in fondness as your hands shook while your eyes wavered unsurely between your hands on the strings and the video on your laptop sitting further on the edge of the bed. Your face scrunched up before you sighed and stared dejectedly at the instrument on your lap. 
“Why so sad love?" His voice made you instantly sit up, pushing the instrument gently off your lap. You crawled to the edge of the bed where Young K had already gotten closer where he met you tenderly running his hand through your hair, and he curved his hand around the back of your head bringing your forehead to his abdomen.
He brushed his thumb over where your hairline met the sensitive skin of the back of your neck immensely enjoying being back at your side. Your hands were clutching the back of his shirt, and your simple touch brought a warm feeling to his chest. You both leaned back as Young K’s chest started to rumble with laughter “You should have waited for me, it would have been easier if I could teach you”, he softly said, pushing your hair back from your face causing you to lightly laugh.
 “I wanted to surprise you, but I didn’t get that far anyways. Can’t become a prodigy in one day I guess”. Young K smiled again, promising to himself to help you as much as he could as he put his hand fondly on top of your head.
“You’re doing so good, just move your finger up a little, you’re plucking the c chord instead of the e chord during the chorus, don’t look at me like that i’m trying to help?! I wouldn’t put you on my level, but I think you’re doing really well. I’m hungry now, what do you want? No- What do you want? I am okay with anything just tell me-”
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Wonpil was trying his hardest not to think about you. From the way you got excited when you got to see the moon in the cloudy sky to the way you smiled when you saw the neighbor’s cat while getting the mail. 
He was happy to be on a trip with her sister, he hadn’t had much time to be with her in recent, well forever really. While you had been invited, you hadn’t been able to attend due to work. Wonpil did his best to keep his mind off you and enjoy the trip, he just hadn’t spent this long without you in a while. 
Even so, he still had a fun time with his sister and her boyfriend creating many memories. He didn’t regret it, but he was extremely happy to come back to you. Opening the door to your apartment, he dropped his suitcase by the door, an excited smile tugging at his lips as he traveled through the apartment with his arms spread knowing you would embrace him as soon as you saw him. He felt so giddy, he didn’t even notice the broken keyboard sounds ringing throughout the living space.
His smile fell in a comical way, his face morphing into one of confusion instead. He recognized a broken rendition of “Mary had a little Lamb”, and tilted his head as he opened the door to your room seeing you with really big headphones on your head staring down at the keyboard with the most offended look on your face.
 How dare this keyboard not give you its secrets! Wonpil couldn’t help the laugh that escaped his chest, not mocking you, but he just thought you were so cute. He lightly touched your shoulder causing you to jump, and the slight movement of your head caused the headphones to slide off your head. It didn’t matter much. You instantly dove into his arms, pressing the side of your face against his chest.
He felt warmth flood his chest as his hand encased the back of your head while he pressed his lips to the top, closing his eyes in bliss enjoying having you in his arms again. He leaned back from the brace as his eyes flashed with amusement and yours with slight embarrassment. He lightly laughed, eyes crinkling. He cradled your face in his hands, a teasing lilt to his voice, “What were you trying to do, hmm?” He could feel your face grow hot under his finger tips.
 “I was just trying to surprise you. I felt bad for not being able to go with you”. He shook his head, hands playfully pinching your cheeks as you whined. “You shouldn’t act that way, I understood from the beginning. It must have been hard for you. Here, come, your lovely boyfriend will make this easier for you”.
“Y/n the keys will not bite prEsS dOWn, no, no keyboards do not have to be oiled, this is a musical instrument not a mechanical vehicle. You are so cute. What am I gonna do with you? No, you can not play the keyboard with your forehead, DO NOT put your foot on the keys. I don’t care if it’s for the vine. 
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Dowoon was beating himself up. Looking back at what happened a few hours ago made his chest tight. He couldn’t help but wince at the words both of you had thrown at each other. You had been with each other for so long, and when his lovely mother asked him when he would propose, although with good intentions, it put pressure on him.
 He was still young. He had mentioned it to you in a joking manner, but there was a misunderstanding and you thought he was blowing it off as he didn’t see a future with you. 
Somehow feelings were hurt, and the fight escalated. And Dowoon decided he was a coward because it was when you had started stuttering through your words and avoiding eye contact, he knew. He knew he had pushed you across a line that might not be able to be crossed again. 
He panicked. He was really good at doing that wasn’t he? He left. He took a bus and went to the nearest hotel he could find. There he was sitting on the edge of the too perfectly made bed with his head in his hands.
Had he just ruined his precious relationship because he was scared of what the future could or could not hold? Why did he have to run away? Why couldn’t he just stay? Most importantly, how badly had he hurt you?
 With a sigh he stood up, and he got on the bus back to your apartment. Staring at the door, the fact you were just on the other side and hurting is what pushed him to open it with the key you had given him. Opening the door, he was met with silence and darkness. Have you already gone? He walked through the apartment, hope dwindling with every step. 
Then he heard a soft thump thump thump. His heart seemed to match with it, and as he walked to his studio which held his spare drum set, he thought of what he could say to make it better. Opening the door, he saw you softly hitting the drum with one stick, as if testing the waters and humming along to “When you Love Someone”. Dowoon couldn’t fight the sad smile that broke out on his face, and the absolute warmth that filled his chest. 
Why did he ever even doubt your future with him? There was no person more perfect for him than you. He stood next to you, softly taking your hand in his and guiding your hand to the right beat, although a bit broken. When your sad eyes looked up into his, forgiving in nature but still frustrated beyond belief, he knew he could still fix things. You were you, and Dowoon was Dowoon. You always somehow found your way back to each other.  
“No no, put your hands higher on the stick, no lower, now higher...a bit lower. No, Y/n drum sticks do not belong in my throat. What do you mean I have no room to talk, I thought we were over the fight. I would marry you in this life and the next! Why are you looking at me like that? I am not cute, I am handsome and overflowing with testosterone. Oooh are those gummies?
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blu-joons · 3 years
Longing For You ~ Jaehyung Park
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A loud groan came from Jae as he threw himself down on the sofa as the rehearsal came to an end, looking around the room as the rest of the boys all sat around with him in chairs.
As much as Jae loved the festivals that came with the end of the year, enjoying the festivities with so many of his friends, there was one thing that was missing from all of it, and that was you, stuck at home and all alone, watching on through the screen.
Straight away as he sighed, Youngkyun beside him knew exactly what the sigh was for. “I’m sure Y/N will be waiting for you, we’re on the schedule pretty early today, so we can head home.”
“It sucks,” Jae responded, glancing across at his friend next to him, “we might get to head home early today but then tomorrow it’ll be another festival or show that we have to do, and more of Christmas spent away from Y/N.”
Although the busy schedule that the boys all endured was a part of the job, it never made life easier for Jae. At the best of times, he hated spending long periods of time away from you, but especially so when that time was during the holidays.
“Why don’t we see if we can get her to one of the upcoming concerts?” Sungjin suggested, picking his phone out of his bag, “I’m sure we can organise something for you both.”
Jae smiled appreciatively back to his leader, nodding his head gently, with the idea appealing, Jae wasn’t confident that they would be able to make it happen.
Knowing that you were at home and by yourself was what hurt the most, with several of the boys feeling guilty that they had to leave you at the dorm too. They wanted you there, every single member, but that was never quite as easy as they hoped.
“We’ve just got to get through today and then we can take a look at the rest of the week,” Wonpil interjected, “I know that you want to be at home with Y/N, but you’ve got to focus on the stage that we’re doing today, once that’s done, then we can head straight home.”
If only you were with them all, Jae knew that he would be feeling the Christmas spirit that so many of the other artists were feeling. Since dating you, that was only something that he wanted to experience together however, experiencing it alone never quite felt the same.
“We don’t want you being miserable for the rest of the day,” Dowoon teased as he noticed the pout that was still on Jae’s face, “the last thing that Y/N would want is you sitting around here and feeling sorry for yourself too knowing that she’s not here.”
“I know that she’ll shout at me if I come across as moody when we film the broadcast later,” Jae acknowledged, knowing you all too well, “she says that you can always tell when I’m missing her whenever I perform.”
It was a habit of Jae’s that you had picked up on quite early on in your relationship. His eye always seemed to just miss the camera when you weren’t around, with Jae not wanting to hold eye contact with anyone.
“All I want is the chance to go home and spend just a little bit of Christmas with Y/N,” Jae suddenly spoke up once again, “is it really so harsh for me to ask just for one day.”
The rest of the boys remained silent as they struggled to find the words to comfort Jae. They could tell he was hurting, not just as a result of their busy schedule, but also as a result of the time that he was spending separated from you.
With no one responding, Jae quickly decided to speak up once again. “They always air these things and talk about Christmas is a time for family, and yet they never allow the artists that they’re hiring to spend their time with their families.”
“You know what broadcast stations are like,” Youngkyun reminded him, “remember last year when everyone was waiting outside in carparks in the cold.”
It never sat right with Jae that the artists that entertained the audiences were left to suffer, having you with him wasn’t going to get in the way of anything, if anything it was going to boost him and the group’s performance as a whole.
“I just want to spend some of my Christmas with Y/N, I don’t ask for much.”
The more he spoke, the more worked up the boys could sense Jae was getting, quickly encouraging him to calm down. Even though they knew he was right, they still had a job to do, even if they didn’t always want to do it.
“We’ll talk to management,” Sungjin assured him from across the room, “there’s got to be one of the shows that we can get Y/N too.”
“And if they say no, we’ll do it anyway,” Dowoon cheered, “they don’t get to control us anyway.”
As ever, Jae knew that he could rely on the four guys around him to pick him up, without you there, they were his biggest supports, and it was a role that they always managed to fulfil to the best of their abilities.
Whilst he knew he had a show to do, it was so tempting for him sometimes to just walk away. You loved the holidays, and he felt guilty knowing that you were having to spend so much of it alone, whenever you had something that you wanted to do, work just ended up pulling Jae away from his time with you.
That longing was something that everyone close to Jae could recognise, understanding that things were far from easy for him.
“The Christmas schedule will be done soon enough,” Wonpil smiled across to him.
“And you get to spend actual Christmas Day with Y/N this year too,” Sungjin chimed in, “that’s pretty exciting.”
“At least you can leave Y/N to do all the rubbish jobs for Christmas,” Dowoon laughed, “you can leave her to wrap up all your presents.”
“I guess that it is one good thing about being here.”
Jae loved Christmas, with the exception of all of the chores that came with it. There was very little that he disliked more than having to go Christmas shopping and wrap up all of the things that were bought, often finding himself in a mess with sticky tape all over his body.
Slowly the boys worked their magic in bringing a smile back to Jae’s face, reminding him of what he needed to focus on, the show, even if it wasn’t exactly what he wanted to think about.
“Imagine how excited Y/N will be to see you on the stage tonight,” Youngkyun reasoned, relaxing his hand against the top of Jae’s leg, “she’ll love watching you.”
Jae’s head nodded in reply, knowing that Youngkyun had a point. Watching the group was never something that you got used to, especially seeing how happy it made Jae too.
His hands ran through his hair as Jae began to settle his frustrations to one side, “I love spending the build up to Christmas with all of you, but now with Y/N in my life, there always feels as if there’s one thing missing.”
“We all appreciate that it can’t be easy for you,” Sungjin smiled in reply.
“You’re right, the stations always talk about family and Christmas, but they never let us see ours,” Wonpil groaned, “maybe you can be the one to try and change that.”
Jae’s eyes lit up at Wonpil’s suggestion, he had been a voice for change before, and there certainly wasn’t anything stopping him from giving it another go, especially when it revolved around you.
“Maybe you’ve got a point there,” Jae hummed across at Wonpil, “why should we all sit back and be told how we’re going to spend our Christmas.”
“If you want to be with Y/N, then you should be with Y/N.”
Jae’s head nodded in agreement with Wonpil as the rest of the boys all voiced their support for Jae too. They knew how much it meant to him to have you there and knew that he wouldn’t stop until he got what he wanted too.
“Maybe save those discussions until after the concert though,” Sungjin suggested.
“Once the show is done, go home and see Y/N and see what she says,” Youngkyun added, “we all know that she’s the only person that you’ll listen to anyway.”
“That’s true,” Jae laughed in agreement, “I know that she’ll just tell me to focus on work though, she hates me worrying about her.”
Dowoon stood up from his chair, walking across to Jae, “so, take Y/N’s advice and make sure that you focus on the rest of the show for today.”
“Don’t worry, I won’t be miserable, I’ll keep smiling,” Jae assured the group, “I just can’t wait to get home to Y/N.”
“Trust me, we all know.”
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etherealyoungk · 3 years
May i request how young k(or all of day6) would react to them finding out theyre their s/o first kiss
hi! omg yes this sounds so cute! miss day6 so much and wonpil's gonna go soon too :'(
day6's reaction when they find out they are your first kiss:
✿ he won't really made a whole big deal out of it? when you told him you were his first kiss after he kissed you, he just looked at you and smiled softly. he might not say it or show it much but he was really grateful and happy that you trusted him enough for him to be your first kiss.
ʚ JAE ɞ
✿ is gonna brag about it for sure hshshshs. like "oh yeah i was y/n's first kiss", he'll tell the members and none of them are really interested, maybe expect wonpil or dowoon, they'd probably follow jae around for details and the whole story lol.
✿ is gonna be so so sweet about it with a huge grin plastered on his face once you told him you were his first kiss. after he kisses you he's just looking at you to see your reaction maybe and when you just don't say anything he kind of panics maybe but when you tell him you were his first kiss, a small smile slowly grows on his face. "really?", he asks.
✿ is gonna be so cute and giggly and uwu when he finds out he was your first kiss like "really? i was your first kiss?", he'll ask you a thousand times because he really can't believe it and he finds the whole situation so sweet and is so so happy that he got to be your first kiss <3
✿ is gonna be so proud of the fact that he was your first kiss and will be like "i'm your precious first kiss". will be in such a happy mood but also he's maybe nervous too and his ears are turning red 😭 he'll be happy and grateful that he was your first kiss.
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pollenat · 4 years
DAY6 and The missed call
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➛ Angst. This is my exercise for writing realistic human talk, so it’s not meant to be 100% coherent and all. It’s not good too.
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You have one unheard message from: JAE
“Sssoo-” *pause* “I’ve been- I’ve been thinking about- you, I meant, us. I meant us, of course. You’re included in us, but you know, us.” *pause* “What I mean is- We haven’t talked in a while. I don’t remember what your voice sounds like- Is that dramatic? Yeah, anyways. I really don’t. And I guess it’s weird to me. I’m not used to not hearing from you for so long. I saw something today and wanted to send you. I don’t know what’s going on.” *pause* “I don’t know how to get around this whole situation. What does it mean? Shit. When we first stopped talking I thought it would’ve been for a few hours- maybe a day. But it’s been a week now.” *something’s patting against a hard surface* “I have your things at my house, so we can’t be like- over, right? I mean, I never said we were, and neither did you, so- Shit.” *his voice breaks* “A week, huh?” *a long pause* “Fuck, it’s how things end. We’re not ending, right? You need to pick up your phone, or I don’t know, come here. Just tell me, what’s going on with us?” *silence for a long time, before the ending sound reaches your ears*
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You have one unheard message from: SUNGJIN
*Irritated sigh* “Is it recording?” *a pause, broken by two taps on the phone* “Ugh, I guess? Probably.” *another sigh, this time of someone tired* “So- Emm- I don’t know why you’re not picking up. I mean, whatever the reason is- doesn’t matter. Listen,” *pause* “you need to stop this. I mean, stop being so child- stop being immature about it. You do not resolve a conflict by being silent. You talk to the other person, you talk to me. I don’t-” *deep sigh* “I don’t kno- I have the right to be angry here- Ah, no. Fuck. Listen, I’m tired of this whole ordeal. I don’t even remember what started it. After all we’ve been through we should be better at talking things out, right? I was trying to give you some space, give myself some space, but- It’s too long. I’m tired of being kept in the- In the- Dark, or I don’t know. God, just answer your phone every once in a while. I won’t send you another message, I won’t call again. You’re either going to be mature and reach out, or we will- *pause* I mean. Just reach out. Yeah?” *one last deep sigh, cut off before it’s finished*
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You have one unheard message from: YOUNG K
“-of course.” *deep sigh* “Um- Ah yes. It’s me- You know, Younghyun?” *humorless laughter* “You know that, of course. I don’t- Why- Anyway, I just called to tell you that I’ve been thinking. Thinking about, you know, what you told me. I- I don’t think-” *a long pause, breathe is barely audible* “I don’t think you should be so worried about seeing me. It’s not like I’m in the right state to see you. So, you know, neither of us are ready.” *another pause* “Another thing that I thought of- You’re wrong about me being so ideal about us. I know that things don’t have to be perfect. I know that. And, to be honest- I don’t know how to say this. I just wanted us not to make the mistakes that everyone does. I guess that was somehow dumb of me.” *a smack of lips and heavy breath in* “That’s dumb, we should be talking in person. You need to stop avoiding me. And... Maybe I need to rearrange my thoughts, my fingers are shaking. So, if you hear this message, give me a call back. I know you’re avoiding confrontation. Um, I hope you also clear your thoughts so, like, call me when you do? I don’t know.” *pause* “Okay, bye, I guess.”
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You have one unheard message from: WONPIL
*the breathing is rapid, but there are no words said for quite a while* Why can’t you just pick up? Ah, I was- I mean, I’m trying to do the right thing here. It shouldn’t have blown up so much. That was a dumb fight. Let’s just resolve it. *pause* I can’t catch you. You never answer, what am I supposed to do to get you to talk to me? Will you even listen to this? I feel so dumb. I’m standing on the street talking to myself, and people are watching me. *humorless snort* Who can promise me you will answer this? I really want to figure things out. These thin- I meant, ah, fights- Fights just happen, right? That’s a normal thing. *quietly, to himself* Did I say that already? Well, doesn’t matter. (y/n), I want to talk to you. So, let’s talk. Even if you’re busy, find time for me. You used to drop everything as long as I was involved in the other thing. Remember when you bailed on your parents to go to the cinema with me? Yeah? So do this again. I’m worried you- I should stop talking. I’m getting ahead of myself. Too emotional. Please just- call back.” *a sniffle*
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You have one unheard message from: DOWOON
“(y/n)?” *pause* “Ah, idiot.” *deep sigh* Whatever, I just wanted to talk to you, but I guess you’re- You’re really set on the whole I can’t talk to you, right?” *silence* “I don’t know why I’m even calling you, or, you know, recording this whole stupid message. Like, that’s dumb and all-  I wanted to talk, even if you don’t, because I don’t care about that. Grown adults talk. you’ve had enough of your space. *pause* I’m angry at you. *another pause* I’m trying to get a hold on you, and nothing is working. I mean, I thought even of calling your parents- I still have their phone from some time ago- Anyways, that’d be even dumber than me standing under your building. Shit, you could just pick up your phone. I’m being an idiot, and you’re not- You’re not-” *frustrated sigh, a splash of water* “It’s raining and I’m standing here, so show me you care and just answer me. I’m going to be dumb, and I’m going to wait, so you have to do that. I’m done with sitting home and waiting. So- Just- Answer me, okay? Yeah. Bye.”
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➛ pollenat’s list of headcanons
➛ pollenat’s list of shorts
➛ pollenat’s list of scenarios
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prettywordsyouleft · 4 years
Band Sessions: Young K
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Pairing: Brian Kang x reader
Genre: band au / university au / fluff
Warnings: none
Word count: 2575
Index: Jae | Sungjin | Young K | Wonpil | Dowoon
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Looking over at you, Brian’s smile grew unchecked, tilting his head to the side as he watched you. “What did you just say?”
“Why are you asking me to repeat it when I know you heard me?” you wondered with a sigh, your lips failing to hold back your amusement. Even if he was annoying with his teasing, you couldn’t help but react and he knew this. You began to collect your laptop and lecture supplies, finally shooting him a quick look in the process. “Can I come to the studio today?”
Brian had started dating you just as the new semester began. All of last semester, you had been in several of his classes and flirty banter was easily established between you both. He knew you liked him and the feeling was mutual, but with his concentration on the band and getting into a routine with his studies, Brian had held off from asking you out until recently.
And since you had answered easily and fell into a routine with him that made for optimal band time, studying and dating life, he wondered why it had taken him so long to make you officially his girlfriend.
Just thinking about how you were now his made him smile all too happily.
“Brian,” you called and he blinked away from his thoughts, finding you standing beside him with your thumb hiked in the direction of the lecture hall’s exit. “Are you ready to go?”
Nodding, he collected his things hastily and slung his bag over his shoulder, following you out into the atrium of the small lecture block. Reaching for your hand, he grinned and recovered from his bout of thought.
“So, the studio huh?”
“Well, you’ve never taken me there before,” you pointed out and Brian hummed in acknowledgement.
It was the one place he had yet to show you. Although you had seen him perform a few times and met all the band members before, you hadn’t actually joined him for a session. Admittedly, that had been intentional. Band sessions were kind of messy, with a lot of stopping and starting and conversations over how things should be improved or changed. When he was performing, it was the end product and you would see him at his best. And since you had gushed more than once about how attractive he was when doing just that, Brian didn’t exactly want to remove that image from your mind.
He didn’t want to seem any less impressive when the stage lights weren’t shining brightly on him.
Still, he was equally ready. The band was a big part of his life, and he spent several evenings a week practising hard at his skills. You had been his girlfriend long enough now that it seemed foolish to separate the two worlds. Swinging your hand in his, Brian nodded softly. “Do you want to come?”
“Of course.”
“Really? I might look silly.”
“You couldn’t possibly look any less handsome than you do right now and you’re literally doing nothing,” you assured and his lips twitched with the compliment. Nudging him playfully, you looked at him with a bright expression. “Plus, I want to see you play just for me.”
“Oh, we’re hoping for a serenade?” Brian concluded as your expression turned bashful. Kissing your temples, he laughed lightly. “There was an ulterior motive all along huh?”
“Hey! My boyfriend is a talented singer and musician. Can you blame me for wanting to have a special moment to myself?”
“We better get a move on then. The rest of the guys will turn up in just a little over an hour. I’ll let you see what you want to before it gets more chaotic, how does that sound?”
Clinging onto his arm with your other hand, you nodded eagerly as you bit your bottom lip. “Today’s going to be the best!”
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Once at the studio, Brian felt shy. He had directed you to the couch against the wall, discarding his bag down beside you. And then he walked over to his bass setup, slinging the guitar strap over his head and plucked mindlessly at the strings on the instrument. Brian glanced at your expression, chuckling awkwardly a moment later.
“What should I do?”
“Pretend I’m not here and just warm up like usual,” you suggested and Brian rolled his eyes.
“How can I with you staring that intently at me?”
“Should I look away?”
He shook his head. “No, no, I can do it.”
“Of course you can, Mr. Musician,” you breathed and Brian grinned, nodding at your nickname. He looked down at his instrument and then took a seat in the chair in his area, running through some easy exercises to warm up his fingers. Boldness came forth with your encouragement and he started to play one of the songs that he had penned whilst thinking of you when you weren’t dating yet. You leaned forward when he started to sing, hanging off the edge of the seat by the end of his performance.
You clapped gleefully. “I knew I was missing out when I never came here.”
“Do you think so?” he mused and then took off his bass and stood up, coming over to your side. You reached for his lips softly and then looked back over at the other instruments. Brian caught your gaze and fuelled on by your positive reaction, he pointed to Wonpil’s keyboard. “I can play every instrument in here.”
“Can you?” you asked in amazement, your eyes round with your building anticipation. “Could you show me?”
“Sure!” Brian enthused, kissing your cheek before moving to the keyboard and turning it on. You got up from your seat to approach the area, watching on and ready for the next performance. Brian successfully played the bridge to one of their earlier songs on the keyboard. Then he moved to Jae’s guitar and attempted to pull off some of the most iconic sounds his friend had made whilst on stage lately, making you grin excitedly. He played a round of acoustic guitar and sung your favourite Day6 song and then sat down on the stool behind the drums.
“No way!” you cried, watching as Brian spun the drumsticks around his fingers. “Don’t tell me you can play the drums too.”
Shooting you a smug look, he then began to play, focusing on keeping the right rhythm before winking at you. You giggled and Brian felt content with his attempt to show off in front of you.
Once again, he was surprised with the regret he felt from not bringing you here earlier. Today had gone all too smoothly.
“Wahey, what’s this now?” a voice called and Jae came in through the studio’s front door, followed by the rest of Day6. Brian stopped banging on the drums and stood up. His older friend looked at you and grinned. “A private showing?”
“Brian was just showing me how he can play everything in here.”
“Ahhh,” Sungjin hummed before smirking. “He was being a show off.”
“I was just doing a little,” Brian piped up, chuckling sheepishly.
Wonpil moved towards his keyboard and flicked it back on, his fingers effortlessly playing a melody. You gasped and the man grinned. “I guess we should put on a show for Y/N since she’s here.”
Before Brian could object, you had dashed forward with Wonpil’s suggestion, nodding eagerly. “Would you?! I love how you play piano, Wonpil.”
His friend blushed and looked shyly at you before launching into one of their ballads. By this time, Jae had grabbed his guitar and starting to play an intricate piece overtop of Wonpil’s music. It fitted with the melody still and your jaw dropped, mesmerised when he started to hum incoherent lyrics along with the music. Sungjin picked up next, actually singing out a chorus to one of their songs and that prompted Dowoon to launch into playing the drums, the four members all performing with ease. Brian glanced between his friends and the evident adoration now upon your face, unable to stop the annoyance rising within him.
Had they purposely just upstaged him after all his efforts? He could hear their slight mistakes as a trained musician but looking in your direction showed you were none the wiser, just enjoying the performance. What was worse was he just stood there, not joining in and it sounded fine without him and his bass.
All his satisfaction from before had evaporated, and he began to feel foolish for showing off when the true masters of their instruments were here doing their thing. He had always felt like an equal partner in creating music with his friends. But right now, he was immature in his reaction.
Jae seemed to notice first, ceasing his guitar with a screech and looked in his direction. “Bro, where is your head at? We need you!”
“No, it sounds good without me,” he called over the top of Dowoon’s drumming and Sungjin held his hands up in sign to stop the music. The leader then turned to Brian and gave him a pointed look. Glancing back at you again watching on curiously, Brian sighed, picking up his bass and smiled forcibly. “Well, if you insist.”
“Should we practice now?” Sungjin asked and everyone nodded. You smiled and quietly slipped back over to the couch, picking up your phone and dropping your focus to it. Brian closed his eyes momentarily to clear his mind and then on Dowoon’s count, waited for his turn to play.
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This practice session had not been his best in a long time. Brian had moments where he had captured a good sound and looked to see if you were watching, only to turn dejected at finding you staring at your phone. And then, when he was making mistakes, you were attentive, shooting him commiserating smiles whenever he caught your eye. After two hours, Jae announced he had a date and Sungjin followed along quickly to see if his girlfriend was finished with work. You said your goodbyes to the remaining two members of Day6 as they stepped out of the studio and waited for Brian to pack up his equipment.
When he was ready to go, you held out your hand towards him. He sighed and took it, though he couldn’t stop brooding over how everything had gone today.
“Brian,” you said and he flicked his gaze towards yours as you walked down the hallway of the building together. “You’re really cute, you know?”
Chewing on your lip as you suppressed a grin, you stopped, tugging your boyfriend to face you. “You’re ridiculously adorable when frustrated.”
“You… you picked up on it?”
“I’ve been dating you for some time now and was your friend longer than that. I’m pretty sure I can tell when you’re bothered by now.”
Pouting softly, Brian nodded. “I wanted today to go better.”
“Better? But it was amazing!”
“I know it was for you,” he pointed out a little bitterly, picking back up his step and walking with you towards the elevator. “But it wasn’t for me.”
“It sounds childish,” he pre-warned and you grinned, as if you expected it. Brian whined and you giggled at his annoyance. “Y/N, don’t!”
“I knew it! You felt upstaged.”
Brian gaped at your suspicions and then pouted again, scrunching up his face in the process. “Was I that obvious?”
“Just a little,” you mused with another giggle. Once inside the elevator, you immediately wrapped your arms around his waist and snuggled in. Brian sighed, holding you close even if he felt his frustrations still bubbling over. The doors sprung open to the ground floor but you moved just in time to hit the top floor, sending you both back upstairs.
“What are you doing?”
“Healing you,” you mumbled from back within the embrace and Brian frowned. Looking up at him, you grinned. “Your feelings are hurt and I don’t want you to leave here tonight feeling like that.”
“I just wanted to show my good side to you,” he muttered and you reached a hand up for his face, shaking your head at his statement.
“Do you know how many girls would swoon at having someone as amazing as you in their lives? You’re dedicated to all that you do, you’re ridiculously handsome, sing like the Gods blessed you themselves and can do so much as a musician. Not to mention all the times you’ve come to my aide to help me with any issue I have. You can even look good changing a light bulb, Brian. I’ve seen it firsthand. Must you be good at everything?”
“You know that’s not true,” he replied with a look in your direction but you tapped his nose and grumbled at him.
“It is too. The problem isn’t that they showed how good they were, Brian. It was that you don’t want to show me anything to make me like you any less. However, that’s bound to happen. We all have flaws and we all have bad days. I’m certain I’m not always enticing you to love me.”
“Love?” he echoed and you laughed.
“Is that all you heard from me right now?!”
“Well, no, I heard all the rest but-”
“Yes, Brian. I’m falling in love with you. So you need to relax. I’m going to be at your side, even if you have a bad day. And I’m not going to love your friends more just because Jae sings really-”
“Babe, I get it,” he intervened as the elevator door sprung open and Brian smiled. “I think I’m good to go back down to the ground level now.”
“Had enough of your heart soaring as the floors went up?” you teased and he laughed, leaning over to hit the button to go down before pulling you in close again. Staring at your lips, he shook his head.
“I’m pretty sure by the time we get back down there my heart rate will have skyrocketed.”
And as he kissed you passionately to prove his point, Brian relaxed. He hadn’t realised how high his expectations had become in trying to make everything between you both always good. Your reassurance did more than enough to remind him that he was only human. Knowing you would embrace him, even with all his flaws was enough for him to forget all about how he was feeling in the studio just before.
Well, almost.
When you stepped out of the building, Brian looked at you and swallowed. “So, you’re not saying Jae sings better than me right?”
“Well, I wonder if when Jae’s girlfriend says she loves him that he tells he loves her back immediately or not?” you responded with a shrug of your shoulders and Brian groaned.
“Couldn’t you tell from all those kisses just now?! I’m falling in love you too, Y/N!”
You laughed heartily and wrapped your arms around his waist as you walked along the sidewalk. “You can’t hold the number one spot in every situation, Brian.”
“Wait, so you’re saying his voice-”
“Sungjin’s is my favourite,” you announced proudly and then darted away from his side, squealing when he chased after you.
Brian caught you easily and reeled you back to his chest, panting to catch his breath. And then he nodded. “Okay, you’re right I can’t top the list in everything. As long as I have you though, I know that’s enough for me.”
Next: Wonpil
All rights reserved © prettywordsyouleft
[DAY6 Masterlist] | [Main Masterlist] | [Request Guidelines]
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lunnanunna · 4 years
Bad Parenting
DAY6 Extra Member AU
Summary: Parker gets left behind at the airport.
Warnings: swearing
Taglist: @hyunmijung​ @galacticstxrdust​ @kimonmars​ @soobinssmile​
A/N: Thanks for waiting! I’m back to my regular updates! Hope you enjoy!
Requests are open! Please let me know what you think.
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Parker stepped out of the bathroom stall, and walked over to the sink. She washed her hands then moved over to grab some paper towels to dry them. While doing all this she hummed to the song that was playing on the speakers in the bathroom.
Taking a look in the mirror, Parker ran her fingers through her hair– it had gotten messy while she slept on the plane– then readjusted her face mask. Once pleased with how she looked, the girl adjusted the straps of her backpack and walked out of the bathroom.
Day6 had just landed in Japan for some promotions, and were about to head to the hotel to relax for a few hours before they had to do a fan meet. To say Parker was excited was an understatement. She’d only ever been to Japan a handful of times, but she fell in love with the country more and more each time she visited.
Parker kept her head slightly bowed as she maneuvered through the crowds looking for the seating area where she had left the boys. As she neared though, she couldn’t find any of them. She looked around, eyes scanning each person that walked by, but no luck. They were gone.
A groan passed her lips as she shoved her hand into the pocket of her hoodie. Finding her phone she dialed Sungjin’s number. She huffed as it started to ring. This wasn’t the first time that they had forgotten her, but it was the first time it happened in an airport and overseas for that matter.
When the automated voice greeted her, Parker cursed. “Of-fucking-course,” she grumbled, scrolling through her contacts for Younghyun’s number. She ended up calling all five members plus their manager, Jaewon, and yet no answer.
Parker shot a quick text into their group chat, angrily typing “I hate you all! You idiots left me here! This is child abandonment! I’m reporting you all!!!” She added an angry face emoji then the swearing one, then shoved her phone back in her pocket.
Looking up, Parker searched for a sign that would lead her to an information desk. She could wait there until one of her bonehead members came for her. But after glancing at each sign, she realized that she was in Japan, and everything was in Japanese.
“Shit,” Parker whispered to herself as she looked around for anyone who looked like they worked here. Her eyes widened as she saw someone who looked like a cleaning staff. Hopefully she could make it through with her English. (It was the universal language, right?)
Parker walked over to the man who looked to be in his forties. She quickly racked her brain for the Japanese word for ‘excuse me’. (Thank God for anime.)
“S-sumimasen?” Parker began, calling the man’s attention. Said man stopped what he was doing and looked up at Parker. 
“Information desk?” She kept it simple, hoping that just those two words would be enough. The man squinted his eyes at her as if trying to understand what she was saying. 
Parker pulled her face mask down, resting it on her chin, then repeated herself. The man’s eyes widened in understanding, then pointed down the hallway towards a desk with a big sign that read “Information Desk.” Parker grunted. (Of course.)
Looking back at the man, she bowed. “Arigato Gozaimasu,” Parker said, smiling at the man. He smiled back and went back to doing his task.
Parker pulled her face mask back in place then walked over to the desk. She checked her phone again to see if anyone had called her, but her notifications were empty. (She’d kill them. All of them. Day6 would become a solo act.)
She got in line behind two other people, and waited for her turn. While she waited, Parker began to think through what she’d tell the woman at the desk exactly. Could they even help her? She could just wait nearby so it’d be easier for the boys to find her, that is, if they even realize she’s missing.
Her phone vibrated in her pocket, and Parker quickly reached for it. “Hallelujah,” she whispered in relief, as she saw Dowoon’s name flash on the screen. Parker pressed accept, and waited to hear his voice.
“Hello? Parker?” came his voice. He sounded worried, and rightfully so.
“Yah! You all left me, didn’t you?!” Parker shouted into the phone, then smiled sheepishly to the people around her. She bowed her head and apologized as she left the line and found a secluded area to properly yell.
“It was an accident, I swear!” Parker heard Sungjin say. Dowoon must have the phone on speaker. (Perfect, she could rip them all a new one.)
“How far did you get?” she asked, placing a hand on her hip, tapping her foot angrily.
“About ten minutes from the airport?” Younghyun said nervously, almost sounding like a question.
“Traffic?” Parker asked.
“No,” Wonpil had answered dejectedly. Parker smirked. (Good. they should feel ashamed.)
“Are you on your way back?”
“Obviously,” Jae answered this time, though he sounded slightly annoyed. Parker raised a brow at that.
“Soo, we’re really sorry. I swear we thought you were with us. We’re all so tired from this past week's schedule, that we honestly hadn’t noticed,” Sungjin said. 
Parker could hear the shame in his voice. She knew that the leader was beating himself up, and as much as she wanted to be annoyed with them for leaving her behind again, she hated hearing Sungjin like this.
“It’s fine. No worries,” she said, walking over to an empty seat. She sat her bag on the ground then pressed her knees to her chest.
“No it’s not. We left a member, our youngest member, alone in a foreign country,” Sungjin said in exasperation.  He was getting worked up.
“Seriously, Oppa. I’m good. I’m not even that mad. Just hungry,” Parker said, hoping to lighten the mood. She heard a chuckle that sounded like Dowoon.
“I’ll get you whatever you want,” Sungjin quickly said.
Parker laughed. “Sounds good,” she said looking out the window. From where she sat she could look out onto the street. “You almost here?” she asked.
“Pulling up right now.” That was Jaewon.
“I’m at the info desk on the first floor. I think it’s by the west entrance,” Parker supplied. She stood up, and slung her bag onto her shoulders.
“Perfect. Thank you,” Jaewon said. Parker imagined him pulling right up to the entrance.
“We’re coming in now,” Sungin stated.
Parker’s eyes widened. “Who’s ‘we’?” she asked. She’d be so embarrassed to have all of them swarm her and have everyone watch.
“Chill. Only Sungjin and Dowoon are going in,” Jae said. Parker could hear him smirking.
Parker nodded her head, then remembered that they could see her. “Okay,” she said. Then she moved to get a better view of the west entrance.
“Okay, we’re coming in now, Soo,” Sungjin said, just as Parker caught a glimpse of them walking through the revolving doors.
“I see you,” she said, then waved her hand in the air as the pair looked her way. Dowoon spotted her first, then grabbed Sungjin’s arm and pulled him towards her.
Parker hung up then put her phone in her pocket. She walked over to the two, shaking her head with a pout. “Bad parenting,” she said, but laughed as Sungjin crashed into her, arms wrapping around her.
“I’m so sorry, Soojin,” the older said, as he held her. Parker smiled into his chest and hugged him back.
“It’s okay, Oppa. Really.” Parker pulled out of the embrace and peeked up at him. She grinned and Sungjin couldn’t help grinning back.
“Okay, now that we know that you’re okay. Let’s get going. I’m pretty sure that Hyung is double parked,” Dowoon, chuckled as he waved towards the door.
“Were you not worried?” Parker quizzed the drummer as the three began to walk towards the exit.
“At first yeah, but let’s be honest. You’d have been able to find a way to the hotel on your own. Plus I was lowkey scared that if you did, you’d kill us,” Dowoon said, laughing.
“Yah!” Sungjin made to wack Dowoon on the arm, but the younger dodged. “But he’s right. To both,” Sungjin said to Parker, smiling.
“This is very true. I was actually on my way to kill you all when Oppa called,” Parker chuckled. She smiled smugly when she saw both of them falter in their step.
“Why did it take you guys so long to realize I was gone? Did you not notice how quiet the car ride was?” Parker joked as the three made their way to the van that they had rented.
“Actually, that’s what tipped us off. The car was way too quiet,” Dowoon said. Parker’s jaw dropped.
“Next time I’ll make sure to do a head count, instead of wondering why the constant chatter has stopped,”  Sungjin said, looking forward. Parker waited for him to chuckle or smile, but then she realized that he was being serious.
Parker shrugged her shoulders as she entered the van. “A head count would be more efficient, but I still can’t believe that my noise level is how you determine if I’m here or not,” Parker shook her head. She climbed in and sat next to Wonpil in the back row.
“We wouldn’t have to do that if you actually had a mute button,” Jae said from his place in the passenger seat. His seat was slightly reclined and his eyes were closed.
“Well if that were the case, then y’all would have very boring lives,” Parker said as the van began to move.
“The word you’re looking for is quiet. We’d have very quiet lives,” Jae corrected.
“Oppa! Jae’s picking on me again,” Parker whined. Her pout turned to a smirk when she saw Sungjin grimace. She was sure that he was regretting coming back for her.
Parker’s Masterlist
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malereaderoneshots · 4 years
Crush? ; Jae Park
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Requested?: Yes, “My request is Jae wants to confess his feels to the the reader only to accidentally think the readers is into Young K but really he's helping the reader to confess his feeling to Jae.” Pairing: Jae Park x male reader Word Count: 638
"Briannnn!" Y/N whined.
"Y/NNNN" Brain whined back not even looking up from his phone. Y/N huffed launching himself onto Brains bed and burying his face in his friends’ pillows. "He doesn't like me." Brian groaned and rolled his eyes, "for the last time, you haven't even asked him out so how could you possibly know he doesn't like you?" Y/N rolled into his side to face Brian with a pout he let out a sigh, Brian once again rolled his eyes. “Okay listen, why don't you pretend I'm Jae and just say whatever your heart wants. and don't give me that look.” he said while shoving Y/Ns shoulder and sitting up, “Okay...”
"Dear Jae…"
"What is this a love letter?"
"ALRIGHT. Anyway, so…Jae…"
"Don’t make this weird man-"
"Shut up, you're the one that suggested it!"
"Come on just talk!"
"…maybe tone down the dramatics"
"I can't stand you" Y/N groaned, resuming his position of burying his face in the soft pillows. "Listen, it wasn’t that bad"
"Stop talking."
Before the pair could do anything more there was a knock at the door. "Come in!" Brian yelled right by Y/Ns ear causing him to hit Brian's chest. "If I'm not interrupting Sungjin wants us all in the living room. That includes you Y/N." the two shared a confused look before following Dowoon. As everyone sat in the living room conversation started to flow, Y/N however was still confused has to why he had to be present until Sungjins gaze fell upon him. "I just want you all to know you're all accepted here no matter what. And because of this I want to congratulate Brian and Y/N, we hope you're happy together." Both Brian and Y/N sat there in stunned silence before Brian began screaming with laughter causing the other members to share looks. "me- me and HIM?!" Brian wheezed out. "Who on earth got that idea?" he said once he could breathe again. Y/N still sat there in shock and feeling a little sick at the idea of dating Brian.
"Don’t play around, I heard Y/N confess his love to you." Jae spat from next to Y/N, still in shock he turned his head towards Jae. "That wasn't a confession to him." Y/N said slowly finally coming back to his senses. Jae looked shocked before asking "Who was if for then?" Y/N swallowed thickly and dropped eye contact, becoming interested with his socks. On the other side of him he heard Brian swear under his breath. "If you won’t tell him I will." Y/Ns head shot up, "Don’t you dare!" He said through gritted teeth, but his friend was already opening his mouth to spill Y/Ns biggest secret. "I LIKE YOU JAE" Y/N shouted in a panic, even startling Brain who was even more shocked his friend actually did it.  
Y/N refused to open his eyes as the panic died down and the embarrassment set in. From beside him Jae unfroze and smiled before cautiously wrapping an arm around the smaller mans shoulders. "You're telling me I almost cried in my room thinking I completely missed my chance with my crush because you used Brian to try to confess?"
"It was Brian's idea" Y/N mumbled before lifting his head to meet Jaes gaze. "Crush?" Y/N asked his voice going and octave higher causing Jae to laugh and rest his forehead against the others, "Crush" he nodded. By the time both of them re-joined reality the rest of the boys had disappear leaving them two alone. "So," Jae started, "I guess now is a perfect time to ask you out for dinner?" Y/N smiled brightly standing up and pulling Jae to his feet and out the door. Brian softly smiled to himself as he watched the pair walk down the street hand in hand.
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xhaotixaesthetica · 5 years
Day6 Eating You Out
CS2001 Masterportal
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Author’s Note: I’m sorry this took so long. I got this request like four months ago and I got halfway finished and then my life started getting really shitty and hectic. I tried to make it a little longer in compensation for how long it took. Hope you enjoy!
Starlink Intergalactic Navigator 
You are in: Gaia, the dwarf planet. 
Word Count: 2.2K+
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Getting eaten out by Sungjin would be a whole ass experience, I feel like he would be the second-best at giving head, right behind Brian. Sungjin is a whole ass dom, you can fight me on that one, but instead of being the kind of dom that gets off on teasing and torturing his sub *cough*Brian*cough*, he loves overstimulation and pleasing you and taking you way past your pleasure threshold.
Sungjin’s probably only going to give head as a type of foreplay, most likely the D is coming right afterward.
It would most definitely happen if he caught you touching yourself.
It had been a long day with him at practice and you lying around the house feeling incredibly needy for your boyfriend. You weren’t much of a brat so you didn’t send him anything to tease and make him come home and instead decided to go ahead and take care of the problem for yourself.
You were getting a bit loud so you failed to register the sound of the front door opening and closing with Sungjin’s arrival.
Practice had been let out a bit early and he was eager to have his little prince/ss back in his arms again.
It was only once he’d taken his shoes off that the sound of your sweet keening whimpers reached his ears. He could hear your breathy cries for him and his touch interspersed between your wanton moans and the sound only caused him to harden in his sweatpants.
Who was he to deny his baby what they craved?
You jumped slightly upon feeling your boyfriend’s fingers, deliciously rough and textured and calloused for years of playing guitar, gently run up and down your core, touch feather-light.
His eyes were soft but devious as he gave you a sickly sweet smile. “Did you miss me while I was at work, prince/ss?”
You could barely focus, his fingers were fucking you slowly now but you still managed to nod, hips rolling as you fucked yourself on his hand.
“You’re so cute when you’re desperate for me, little one.” he cooed, face between your legs now, smirking at the whine that escaped when his fingers pulled you away.
But before you had time to complain at the empty feeling, his mouth was on your core.
Sungjin didn’t waste time easing you into it, he didn’t want to tease, he wanted to have you overwhelmed, shaking, sobbing, cumming over and over again as you screamed the name of the man you loved.
“Fuck, Sung, slow down,” you cried, hips bucking against his face, your fingers needing to grip his hair to try and expend the electric energy that seemed to flow through your body from the pleasure he gave you, “Too much — please — I can’t.”
“You can take it, baby. Won’t you be a good little one for me?”
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I don’t think Jae’s necessarily a dom or switch, I don’t think he really cares for power play when it comes to sex and he probably likes it pretty vanilla. Really, he kind of strikes me as a lazy lover as well, so you’ll mostly get eaten out if he doesn’t feel like having sex. Doesn’t expect even really think about a blow job in return but he’d probably die if you gave it to him.
“Jaeee,” you whined as soon as you stepped into your bedroom, making Jae groan from his spot on the bed, lying face down and looking like he was ten seconds away from hibernation.
“Baaaabe,” he called back in the same tone.He knew exactly what that voice meant and he did not have the energy right now.
“I wanna fuck.” you stated bluntly, throwing yourself down on the bed next to him, giving what you hoped was a cute pout.
Jae groaned.“I’m tired from practice, though.”
You were never one to harass your significant other for sex after they’ve said no, so you just nodded and got up to head to the bathroom and sort it out yourself until an idea struck Jae.
“Y/N, wait!”
You turned back to look at him, eyebrow raising in curiosity when you saw the cocky smirk on his face.
Didn’t he just say he was too tired for sex?
“I think my body would kill me if I tried to have sex right now, but there’s no reason you can’t sit on my face.”
You wanted to ask him where in the hell this was coming from since you two had never done anything like this before, but at the same time, your insanely hot boyfriend was offering to let you ride his face. Who were you to say no?
Jae’s smirk didn’t leave his face as you lowered your core down to his mouth with your knees on either side of his head.
Even though he was tired, he couldn’t help bringing his hands up to knead your ass, running his hands up the supple skin of your thighs as you moaned when his tongue made contact with the part where you needed him most.
“Jae,” you breathed out in relief as his tongue licked long, lazy strokes up and down your slit. It was almost relaxing, the warm feeling of his mouth on your body caressing you. Despite all his jokes and teasing words, even when Jae was bone-tired, he was more intimate with you than all your past lovers combines.
As your pleasure mounted, you began to want more, not even realizing that you’d started grinding onto his mouth as you chased your high.
But Jae had certainly noticed if the boner in his sweats was anything to go by.
He would most definitely be giving you the fucking you wanted once he woke up.
Young K
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Brian is a sadistic daddy dom, I’m sorry but I don’t make the rules. He doesn’t hurt you or anything (he’ll engage in choking and spanking if you let him but that’s for another post), but he will tease you until you cry. The only time Brian will let you cum from his tongue is when he’s jealous or been away for a while. You’ll be begging to stop coming then. But other times, Brian will draw sex out, bringing you to the brink of orgasm in at least three different ways before he fucks you.
You fucked up.
You had good intentions at first, just trying to be a supportive MyDay as you binged Day6 performances on Youtube on your day off. Somehow that turned into binging on videos of your boyfriend specifically, which inevitably made you horny.
It wasn’t your fault he was so hot.
What was your fault was sending a video of you touching yourself to Dowoon instead of Brian. Sure, it was an accident, but it was one that could have been avoided entirely if you’d just decided not to be a brat and wait until he got home.
You’d been planning on getting teased tonight, not overstimulated to the point of sobbing, but you knew exactly what was going to happen once your boyfriend got home.
Brian normally sent you a text once he left work, letting you know he’d be home soon. But there was no text today and his radio silence let you know that Dowoon snitched (even though you’d texted immediately after and said the video wasn’t meant for him.)
Ten minutes ago marked the normal time that Brian would leave JYP and you had about twenty minutes before he would be home.
At least that was what you thought before the door banged open and your boyfriend swaggered in, not looking at you yet as he leisurely peeled off his shoes, hoodie, and shirt in that order.
You were silent, eyes downcast as the anticipation mounted inside you with every step he took.
You lifted your eyes to look at him when you felt him push your thighs apart, kneeling between them and sliding your hips closer to his face before abruptly ripping your underwear.
You couldn’t help but blush under his hungry gaze, whimpering as he slides a long, calloused finger up and down your warmth. “You’re already so wet for me, baby.”
“Only for you, daddy,” you moaned.
“I know,” he said before burying his face in your heat, eating out like you were a meal and he’d been starved for years.
You came six times that night, once for each minute of the video.
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Wonpil loves to please you. He will literally get hard as a rock just seeing you feel good, whether he’s being touched or not. While I don’t think that Wonpil is as much of a sub as he seems, and definitely not all the time, I do think he’s a pretty sub leaning switch and likes for you to rough him up just a little. He wants you to take control while he’s eating you out, he wants dirty talk, and he wants to be praised and told how much of a good boy he is. In exchange, he’ll use his mouth to make you feel better than you ever have.
“C’mere, love. I need you, need to feel your pretty mouth on me.” you moaned, looking at him with sultry eyes as you spread your legs to give him a glorious view of his favorite thing.
Wonpil was on his knees in an instant, whining as he kitten-kicks your core, letting out a long moan at your amazing taste.
You watched him through hooded eyes, biting your lips as you decide that his tongue is too good and you’re too needy, so you waste no time in tangling your fingers into his hair and shoving his face into your core.
Wonpil moans at the way you take control, but he doesn’t speed his tongue up, not yet.“Be a good boy for me, baby. Lick me harder and suck my clit,” you hiss.
Wonpil smirks a little as he follows your instructions, lapping up your juices and sucking on your bundle of nerves like it was the sweetest lollipop he’d ever had.
You moaned at the pleasure, back arching as you pushed his face deeper and ground on his tongue like he was your own personal toy. You could see one of his hands trail down to his bulge, rubbing at the hard-on that had formed.
He loved being used and ordered around by you.
“God, baby, your mouth is so good. You make me feel so good love,” you moaned breathily.
Wonpil groaned. In between your legs like this was the best place to be for him.
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Dowoon absolutely loves eating you out. He might do it more than you actually have sex. Dowoon lives for all the foreplay and touching before actual sex. To him, it’s the main course and sex is the really explosive desert. He loves your taste and he loves being able to run his hands along your body and know that he’s the one making you feel so good. Eye contact while either one of you is receiving oral is also a big thing for him. Moan his name when you cum, tell him you love him and he’ll be gone.
It was one in a series of days that both you and Dowoon had a day off and you fully planned on taking advantage of it.
You were in nothing but a pair of underwear and one of Dowoon’s oversized t-shirts as you laid haphazardly on the couch, remote in hand, and channel-surfing for something good to watch. 
You were waiting on Dowoon to get out of the shower so you could cuddle, but when you saw your boyfriend emerge from the hallway, half-dressed and hair half-dry with water still dripping from his torso and a predatory look in his eye, you knew that cuddling was the last thing on his mind right now.
“I want to taste you,” he rasped, chuckling darkly at the eager nod you gave.
Dowoon bit his lip, a small smirk threatening to emerge at the way you whimpered when he licked a long stipe up your slit.
“You’re already getting so wet for me, love. Do I make you feel good?” he asked, his adoration for your practically written on his forehead as his dark, sultry eyes bore into your already-frazzled ones.
You nodded, not even aware of how your hands were gripping his hair. “Yes, Dowoon. You feel so good, so good to me,” you babbled as he licked his tongue in your entrance a few times before paying attention to your clit.
The shy boy that was usually your boyfriend was nowhere to be found. The way he licked and sucked at your clit, the way he kissed between your thighs, the way he moved his tongue in and out of you. It was all romantic, deep, sensual, like he was using his mouth to make love to you.
“Tell me you love me,” Dowoon mumbled as you were about to cum, one of his hands coming up to lace their fingers with yours.
“I love you! Fuck, I love you so much,” you moaned, arching into his mouth as your high came down on you. 
Gaia, the dwarf planet 
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kpopblurbs · 5 years
Pairing: Jae/Wonpil Word Count: 3.8k Tags: Porn With Plot, Sex Shop AU, Sex Toys, Anal Sex, Anal Plug, Hair-pulling, Vibrator, Slight sub!Jae, Sungjin is there for banter A/N: owo whats this? a sex shop au written by someone who actually works at a sex shop?? Real talk tho what wonpil does is exactly what every creep that comes into the shop i work at wishes i would do Smutmas Masterlist AO3 Link
Wonpil sighed as he paced around the store, fixing the items that customers had messed up and making sure that everything was as it should be before returning to the front counter. "Morning shift sucks," he said as he propped an arm up on the counter to rest his chin on.
"Yeah well, better this than dealing with the drunks." Sungjin responded without looking up from his book.
"I dunno I think that's fun, they at least laugh at my jokes," Wonpil pouted.
"They're drunk, their judgment is impaired."
"You're crabby in the morning."
"And you have too much energy."
Wonpil opened his mouth to respond when the door chime rang out indicating the arrival of a customer. Immediately the smaller boy walked in the direction of the door spouting his usual, "Hi, welcome, looking for anything specific today?" upon seeing the boy who had entered. He was much taller than Wonpil, a bit thinner too but above all else he seemed very nervous.
"No, I uh, I'm just looking," the boy said and Wonpil smiled.
"First time in a sex shop?" Wonpil asked.
"Uh- yeah," the boy said, refusing to make eye contact with Wonpil.
"Well if you have any questions at all don't hesitate to ask, this is a judgment free zone I promise," Wonpil said in his best reassuring voice.
The boy nodded, mumbling a "Thanks,'" before wandering off into the store. Wonpil let out a sigh, he had been hoping for something to do but it seemed like the boy was going to be one of those customers that wanted to be left alone and likely didn't buy anything.
"Why don't people want help?" Wonpil asked with a pout as he returned to the counter.
"Sex is an awkward topic for most people," Sungjin responded, still not looking up from his book.
"Whatcha readin'?" Wonpil asked, peering over the counter to make his best attempt at reading the words on the page though it was upside down for him.
Sungjin sighed, "A very interesting book that I would love to read in peace."
"But what else am I supposed to do if not continue to bother you?"
"Go clean something," Sungjin said, grabbing a rag from behind the counter and tossing it to Wonpil, "Preferably near the guy who came in, make sure he's not stealing."
Wonpil sighed overdramatically but grabbed the rag and headed off in the direction of the boy. He picked a section where he could keep an eye on the boy before beginning to dust all the merchandise in that section.
It wasn't long until he was interrupted by the sound of someone clearing their throat. He looked up to see the boy standing next to him, "Can you, uh, help me?" he asked and Wonpil smiled.
"Of course!" he said, stuffing the rag into the pocket of his apron, "What can I help you with?"
"Well, I was, uh, looking for something to help me, yknow..." the boy trailed off awkwardly before making an awkward jerking motion with his fist.
"Oh we have a ton of stuff for masturbation," Wonpil said, his straightforward tone making the boy blush slightly. He led the boy to a wall stocked full of various fleshlights and masturbators and began to explain the differences between all of them.
Wonpil could tell the boy was getting a little overwhelmed and stopped himself from continuing to overexplain the wall, opting instead to grab a smaller off-brand fleshlight and hand it to the boy. "I know you're new to this so trust me when I say that's the one you want to start with, if you like it you can invest in a better one, if not, throw it out like nothing happened," Wonpil explained.
"Do you, uh, do you have one that doesn't look like a..." the boy started, trailing off and allowing Wonpil to cut him off.
"Vagina? Of course, do you want ass or mouth?"
The boy blinked slowly, "The first one," he said and Wonpil nodded, grabbing the toy out of the boys hand and replacing it with the correct one. 
"Anything else I can help you with?"
“No, I think that’s it,” the boy said, giving Wonpil a small smile that made his heart flutter.
“Alright, well feel free to wander around for as long as you want but if you’re done then Sungjin up at the counter can help you check out,” Wonpil said with a smile, waiting for the boy to nod before turning around and going back to his cleaning.
He watched as the boy headed up to the counter and waited for the sound of the door chime indicating he had left before making his way back to the counter. “He was cute,” he said with a pout as he leaned on the glass countertop.
“Why do you insist on leaning on the counter when you know that means I’ll have to clean it?” Sungjin asked exasperatedly, finally looking at the smaller boy since helping the customer meant he had to close his book.
“I’ll clean it later, didn’t you think he was cute?” Wonpil asked.
“I mean yeah but he’s much more your type,” Sungjin responded with a shrug.
“You think?”
“Yeah, I mean you being all heart eyes over him is proof enough,”
“Fair point,” Wonpil sighed, “You think he’ll come back in?”
“He seemed happy when he left.”
Wonpil smiled, “Good.”
It was about a week later when the boy returned, once again stopping Wonpil from continuing to harass Sungjin out of boredom. This time he headed straight for the counter, surprising Sungjin and Wonpil who had missed the sound of the door due to their bickering. “Hi,” the boy said, catching both boys’ attention before settling his gaze on Wonpil, “I don’t know if you remember me but I was in here about a week ago?” the boy said asked.
Wonpil nodded, “Yeah, I remember, how’d that masturbator work for you?” 
The boy cleared his throat awkwardly, “That’s uh, actually what I was hoping to talk to you about, can we maybe uh..” the boy trailed off, tilting his head in a direction away from the front counter.
“Yeah of course,” Wonpil pushed himself away from the counter and lead the boy to the other side of the store, “What’s up?” he asked.
“Okay so,” the boy started, “I don’t even know if this is something you can help me with but I used the thing and it was like... disappointing?”
“Disappointing?” Wonpil asked, tilting his head curiously.
“Yeah, I dunno, it’s like I was expecting something but it just felt like..” he sighed, “It kindof just felt like using my hand but maybe like a little different?”
“Maybe you just need to get more comfortable with it?” Wonpil suggested.
“Like just use it more?”
“Yeah, like try again but, and I don’t know how you did it the first time but, try making like an experience out of it.”
“Like... how?”
“Well, yknow, drag it out, don’t just make it like a few strokes and you’re good, tease yourself with it.”
“I’ve, uh, I’ve never done that before,” the boy rubbed the back of his neck awkwardly, “I’m sure you have a lot more experience than I do,” he mumbled.
Wonpil was trying his hardest to keep himself from potentially making the boy uncomfortable by offering up some assistance but that task was proving incredibly difficult the more this cute boy talked. "I mean, I had to learn this knowledge too, though I will say it helped having my boyfriend at the time walk me through it," Wonpil said with a shrug.
"Oh so you're, uhm, you're gay?" the boy asked
"Yup," Wonpil responded with a smile.
"Oh, I uh, that's cool, uh, same," the boy mumbled awkwardly.
There was that little devil on Wonpil's shoulder again, pushing him to offer up his services, this time it was shouting at him too loud to ignore so he decided to test the waters. "Yknow, toys like this can definitely be more fun with a little help," Wonpil said, putting on his best customer service voice just in case the boy was less than receptive.
"I-I mean I don't really have anyone to help me so.." the boy trailed off with a shrug.
"Do you want someone to help you?"
"I mean, that'd be nice but finding someone is easier said than done," the boy responded, clearly not picking up on what Wonpil was implying.
"I dunno, help could be closer than you think."
"What's that supposed to mean?"
"You're dense," Wonpil said with a sigh, "Lucky you're cute."
"Hey!" the boy said before actually registering what Wonpil was saying, "Wait you think I'm cute?"
"What's your name?" Wonpil asked, preparing to make his offer perfectly clear.
"Oh, uh, it's Jae."
"Well, Jae, I’m Wonpil and I'm offering up my services and knowledge to help you figure out your new toy," Wonpil explained, enjoying the way Jae's cheeks turned pink as he talked.
"Feel free to say no, but you're very cute, and I'm very gay, and I'm really good with my hands," Wonpil said, punctuating his last statement with a wink.
"I-I-" the boy started to talk before stopping to take a breath and collect himself, "I think that sounds nice."
Wonpil beamed, "Good!" he said happily, "Just wait right there for a second."
The boy nodded and Wonpil scurried off to the counter, "Gimme a pen and a sticky note, I'm trying to get a cute boy to dick me down, " he said to Sungjin as he slammed his hands down on the counter.
"Too much information," Sungjin said with a sigh before passing the requested items to the smaller boy. Wonpil scribbled down his phone number and grabbed the sticky note, tossing a "Thanks!" over his shoulder as he rushed back to Jae.
"Text me when you're free," Wonpil said as he handed the paper to Jae.
"Thanks, yeah, I will, is there, uh, anything I should buy, yknow while I'm here?" Jae asked.
"I can bring options, we'll experiment before I make you buy anything," Wonpil responded with a wink.
"Sounds good, I'll uh, I'll text you then," Jae said and Wonpil nodded, smiling brightly as Jae turned to leave. 
Wonpil waited until he had left the store before scurrying back to the counter, "Mission get cute boy to dick me down is a success,” he said happily.
“Congrats, buddy,” Sungjin said before reaching behind the counter and grabbing a basket full of items, “Now go put all this back out on the shelves.”
Wonpil sighed as he grabbed the basket, “You’re no fun,” he pouted before heading off to do what he was told.
Jae wound up texting Wonpil that day, the both of them settling on a night that week to meet up at Jae’s house. Wonpil was perfectly punctual, knocking on Jae’s door exactly when they had agreed to meet. The door swung open a few moments later, revealing Jae in casual clothes, his hair still wet from the shower he had to have just taken. “Oh, Wonpil, sorry I totally lost track of time, please come in,” Jae said, stepping aside and allowing the smaller boy to walk inside.
“You’re fine, I mean if all goes well we’re only gonna get messy right?” Wonpil said with a wink as he slipped past Jae.
Jae chuckled as he closed the door, “Fair point,” he said before taking a breath, “So, I’ve never done this before so like.. Bear with me.”
“No worries, we’ll move at your pace,” Wonpil said as he stepped closer to Jae, “That just means you’ll have to be the first to kiss me,” he continued lowly, looking up at the taller boy.
Jae gulped, “Can I kiss you?” he asked at a near whisper.
Wonpil nodded, “Please do.”
Jae closed the distance between them, bringing his hand to Wonpil’s cheek as he leaned down and pressed his lips gently to Wonpils. Jae was about to pull away when Wonpil reached up and grabbed him by the back of the neck, keeping him there to deepen the kiss. Jae squeaked in surprise but recovered quickly, falling into rhythm with Wonpil and even opening his mouth slightly and allowing the smaller boy to slip his tongue into Jae’s mouth. 
Wonpil moved his hand up from the back of Jae’s neck and into his hair, tangling his fingers into the strands and tugging gently. Jae let out a soft moan into the kiss before breaking it off, pulling back just barely enough to speak though their noses were almost touching. “What happened to moving at my pace?” Jae asked with a slight chuckle.
“I’m a very impatient person,” Wonpil responded with a shrug.
“Well maybe we should move at your pace, then,” Jae suggested.
Wonpil smiled, “In that case we should move this to your bedroom,” he said with a wink. Wonpil loosened his grip on Jae’s hair, allowing him to pull away and lead Wonpil to the bedroom.
As soon as they entered the room Wonpil dropped the bag that he had brought to the ground and pushed Jae onto the bed before climbing on top of him to reconnect their kiss. He brought one hand back to Jae’s hair to tug on it gently, Jae put his hands on Wonpil’s hips, squeezing gently as he tried to hold back the whine that bubbled up in his throat. This time it was Wonpil who broke the kiss, “Where’d you put the toy?” he asked as he sat up still straddling Jae.
“Drawer,” Jae said, gesturing to the bedside table. Wonpil crawled off of Jae, moving across the room to grab his bag and pull out a couple of items before returning to the bedside table and pulling Jae’s toy out of the drawer.
He tossed the items down on the bed next to Jae, “Yknow, in order for this to continue you’re gonna need to not be wearing pants,” Wonpil said with a wink. Jae was quick to react, shimmying out of his sweatpants and tossing them to the ground. He paused for a second before realizing that he hadn’t been wearing any underwear and bringing a hand up to cover himself shyly. Wonpil chuckled, “You’re cute, here, I’ll make it fair,” he said before shedding himself of his clothes. He reached down to pull Jae’s shirt up, the older boy lifting himself up to allow Wonpil to tug the fabric up over his head.
Wonpil tossed the shirt to the ground before crawling back up on the bed and sitting himself next to Jae. He brought a hand to Jae’s chest, using a finger to trace gentle patterns across his skin while his other hand went back to Jae’s hair. Jae squirmed awkwardly like he was unsure of what to do with himself, Wonpil decided to take mercy on the boy and moved his hand down. Jae gasped as Wonpil wrapped his hand around his dick, he stroked him a couple of times before realizing what he had forgotten and pulling away. Jae looked up at him with hurt in his eyes, “I brought some things,” Wonpil said.
Jae looked at him curiously, “Should I be nervous?” he asked.
“Only if you’re afraid of feeling good,” Wonpil said with a wink. He reached for the items on the bed, picking up the bottle of warming lube he brought and showing it to Jae, “Step one of my genius three step plan.”
Jae watched as Wonpil cracked open the lube and drizzled some over his hand before moving back to wrap his hand around Jae’s dick. Jae hissed at the cold sensation of the lube as Wonpil stroked him before he felt it start to warm up. Wonpil continued to stroke him slowly, his clean hand still tugging on Jae’s hair gently. With a particularly strong tug on his hair, Jae couldn’t hold back the low moan as his hips bucked up into Wonpil’s hand. Wonpil smiled, “So you like having your hair pulled,” he hummed, “We’ll play with that another time,” he said with a wink.
Wonpil pulled his hand away from Jae’s hair to grab the soft silicone fleshlight, “Let’s see if I can make you fall in love with this,” he said. He held it up for Jae to see before positioning it over Jae’s dick, using the hand that was already there to line Jae up with the opening before lowering the toy onto his dick. Jae let out a moan as Wonpil began to move the toy up and down, his pace quickening until he had Jae squirming beneath him.
“Pil -ah- please,” Jae gasped.
“What do you need?” Wonpil asked softly, not slowing down the pace of the toy.
“I need to cum, please,” Jae begged.
“Aw, do you need my permission? That’s so cute,” Wonpil cooed before pulling the toy completely off of Jae, “But I can’t let you cum so soon.”
Jae let out a whimper as his hips bucked desperately, “Please, no, please I-” he whined, cut off by Wonpil hushing him.
“Shh, baby, you’ll get to cum just not yet,” Wonpil soothed, waiting until Jae calmed down before sinking the toy back down on his dick. This time he picked up the other toy he had brought, a small vibrator that he promptly switched on and pressed to the outside of the fleshlight. Jae moaned loudly as the vibrations traveled through the silicone surrounding his dick, his hips bucked wildly as he tried to get more stimulation.
Eventually, Wonpil just held the toy still, letting Jae fuck up into it at his own pace, enjoying the way the older boy was falling apart in front of him. It didn’t take much longer for Jae to reach the edge again, he wasn’t subtle about it in the least, the movement of his hips was getting sloppier and his moans were louder and more desperate. Wonpil waited just a few more moments before turning off the vibrator and pulling the toy away.
“Come on,” Jae whined desperately, “Please, Piri, I need to cum please.”
“Wouldn’t you rather have the real thing, though?” Wonpil asked.
“Fuck, wait, seriously?”
Wonpil laughed, “You didn’t think you were gonna have all the fun did you?”
“I-I don’t know what I thought,” Jae responded.
“Cute,” Wonpil hummed before setting the toys down and moving back to straddle Jae. He grabbed Jae’s hand and moved it to his ass, “I try my best to think ahead,” he said as Jae felt the jewel on the end of the plug Wonpil had put in before he had arrived.
“Holy shit, Wonpil,” Jae muttered softly, “Can I?”
“Go for it,” Wonpil responded with a smile. Jae grabbed the end of the plug gently, pulling on it slowly and watching the way Wonpil’s brow furrowed as the plug moved. Jae experimented a bit, pulling it out just enough for Wonpil to feel the stretch before pushing it back in. “Now who’s a tease?” Wonpil said cheekily, trying to maintain his composure though there was a slight tremble to his voice.
“Karma’s a bitch,” Jae responded, wiggling the plug around gently so it brushed against Wonpil’s prostate making him let out a moan.
“If you -ah- if you don’t quit teasing I’ll never let you cum,” Wonpil said between gasps as Jae continued to wiggle the plug around.
Immediately Jae relented, pulling the plug out of Wonpil’s ass slowly and setting it to the side, “Not even gonna risk that,” he said making Wonpil let out a chuckle.
“Good boy,” he hummed, not missing the way Jae bit his lip, a hint of a blush ghosting his cheeks, “God, you’re like an endless list of kinks to explore,” Wonpil said with a smile.
“S-Shut up,” Jae responded quickly.
“Oh don’t worry we’ll experiment with that later,” Wonpil winked at Jae before reaching behind him and grabbing Jae’s dick gently. He lined Jae up with his hole before sinking down, letting out a low moan as he lowered himself down fully. He paused to let himself adjust to the intrusion, the plug had helped to prep him but the stretch still burned slightly.
Jae brought his hands to Wonpils hips, “Fuck, that toy sucks,” he gasped out.
“Hey, that’s not fair to the toy, I’m incomparable,” Wonpil said with a giggle.
“Yeah, you really are,” Jae responded. Wonpil winked before lifting himself up slowly until just the tip of Jae’s cock was still in him before sinking back down. Both boys let out a moan as Wonpil continued to ride Jae, he set a quick pace from the start. Having not gotten any attention yet, Wonpil was feeling particularly needy, his pace was sloppy from the start, paying no heed to accuracy as he chased his own high. Jae’s grip was tight on Wonpils hips, “Wonpil, please I’m close,” he whined desperately.
“Hold it back,” Wonpil instructed, stopping his movements to grind himself on Jae’s lap, maneuvering himself until he felt Jae’s dick brush against his prostate. Wonpil cried out as he kept that angle, going back to lifting himself up and sinking back down quickly so that Jae’s dick brushed his prostate every time.
“Fuck, shit, Wonpil please I can’t,” Jae gasped.
“Just -shit ah- just a little longer Jae,” Wonpil managed to get out between moans. Jae bit his lip, his face scrunched up as he did everything in his power to hold back his orgasm. Wonpil brought his hand up to wrap it around his own dick, jerking himself quickly until he felt his orgasm rapidly approaching. “Okay, I’m close, you can cum,” Wonpil gasped quickly. Almost immediately Jae was letting out a broken moan as he came, Wonpil following close behind, his release landing on Jae’s stomach as he worked himself through his orgasm. 
Wonpil waited until they both caught their breaths before lifting himself off of Jae, biting his lip at the feeling of Jae’s cum leaking out of his hole. “Shower?” he asked hopefully.
“Definitely,” Jae responded, waiting for Wonpil to get up before following suit and leading the way to the bathroom. Jae turned on the shower and they waited for the water to get warm before hopping in. Both boys helped each other get clean, Wonpil giggling occasionally as Jae ghosted his hands across the smaller boys body.
Once they were clean they hopped out of the shower, drying off quickly before heading back to the bedroom. “Tired or hungry?” Jae asked as they both collapsed back in bed.
“Hmmm, both,” Wonpil said with a smile.
“How about we order take out and then you can stay here tonight?” Jae offered.
“That sounds great,” Wonpil responded happily, snuggling into Jae’s side as the older boy grabbed his phone so they could pick a place to order from.
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kbandtrash · 3 years
Surrounded (Mafia Crossover AU)(Part 16)
Day6/N.Flying/The Rose/Like any other kband honestly x Reader
Warnings: Violence, self-harm
Word Count: 1k Part 1
“There’s not much we can do,” Dongsung said nonchalantly, “except get rid of Y/N.”
Hun dropped the bottle of pills he held, spinning faster than ever to glare at his member. “Dongsung, I swear, shut up! Get over the past! Your attitude now is worse than before!”
“We have a chance to save people, and this is what you do? You let this little girl here kill us all? You put her in the spotlight, and let her attract all of the little rats out there, and then say there was nothing you could’ve done to protect everyone else?”
“Shut up or I’ll make you quiet myself!” Hun stomped over to Dongsung, who had straightened and placed a hand back over his gun.
The younger man held Hun’s eyes for a second before turning to you. You flinched.
“Y/N, you can’t let them destroy all of our hope of a better chance to stop The Rose.”
“You have no right to speak to Y/N!” shouted Jaehyun, grabbing Dongsung by his arm harshly and pulling him toward the door.
“Y/N’s manipulating you all!” Dongsung yelled, a wild look in his eyes. “She’ll be the cause of the destruction of N.Flying, DAY6 -- all of us!”
The door slammed shut.
“Y/N,” Hun said, looking at you nervously, “I’m sorry about him…”
You had been feeling bad when you woke up, but it had gotten worse. The medication helped numb your hip, however it did nothing to stop the thoughts in your head from pounding against you like raindrops.
You’ll kill them all.
You started it all.
You have to end it all.
End it with your life.
Give up.
“Hey, kid, wanna hand me that pillow you’re not using?” Dowoon called out, pulling you out of your head like lightning. You nodded quickly, grabbing it from beside you and throwing at him. You watched him move around and settle in with his third pillow. He was laying on his stomach facing you, eyes closed. “You’ve been thinking about what Dongsung said, right?”
Looking away and pulling your knees up to your chest, you shook your head slowly. “No, not at all…”
He opened his eyes into slits, scowling at you. “Don’t think I can’t see right through you.”
Your eyes wandered to his, shrinking at his words.
“Promise me, we’re not inhumane. We would never sacrifice you.”
“But I’ve hurt you guys so much already!”
“And you think mafias aren’t supposed to suffer?”
“You shouldn’t be suffering so much in so little time!”
He went quiet, only giving you a sigh. The room was entirely silent for a moment, with Hun and Wonpil gone, apparently to search for everyone else. He seemed to give up on talking to you, because he turned over on his back, so you could only see the top of his head and his fluttering eyelashes.
“Y/N, I wanna teach you a little life lesson.”
You didn’t say anything.
“Life’s awful.”
“Yeah, no kidding.”
“It has its ups, I know from experience. But it also has its downs. And those downs have ups. They go hand in hand.”
“I don’t understand.” Your fingers began to habitually pick at your legs.
He shifted a bit. “Not too long ago, I was in a slump. Everything I did never worked out. Sungjin had to replace my position as assassin for a little bit.
“But thanks to having freetime, I could enjoy things a little more. I started to see things through a new lense, you could say. Not everything was black, white, and red. I was more than a killing machine. Suddenly, I appreciated other things.
“This didn’t mean I was done with my job. I think it made my job a little easier.
“What I mean is… blessings are hidden in trials. You learn a little, grow a little -- become more than you used to be.”
“Nothing good comes out of me ruining your chances of beating The Rose.”
“You’re not ruining our chances -- not completely. I might even say we’re thankful you’re here.”
“I just keep hurting you guys, and getting hurt, and you won’t give up on me.”
“There’s more to this business than that.”
Ignoring him, you continued, “I hurt you, Dowoon. How can you talk to me like I’m normal?”
“Y/N.” His voice commanded attention, so you shut your mouth. “There are a lot of people out there that have hurt me. There are a lot of people out there that hurt others on purpose. They think it’s the right thing.
“They’re the real bad guys, kid. Sure, you hurt others. But is it really you doing it?”
You couldn’t really think of anything to say.
“I’m genuinely curious. Is it really you? Do you think your own head is the one doing it?”
“No…” you said. “No, it’s not me. I’m being controlled or something.”
“I believe that, Y/N. I can tell you are different from The Rose. You are a better person now.”
“Then why am I so useless to you guys?”
“You are a big part of our plan.”
“I remember when we first found you.” He chuckled. “You were destroying things left and right, no sense of mercy in you. Start a fire here, stab a guy there -- nothing else. But let me tell you; we spotted you, dead, and knew we could save you.”
“It didn’t work out that way…”
“Because we had to keep you locked up for so long, you lost who you used to be. You started becoming more human. I’d say we had done a great job. But in order to really help you, we had to let you grow.”
“By letting me free, you were giving me a chance to destroy things again.”
“By letting you free, we were giving you a chance to use your own brain. Your own conscience. We let you go through trials so you could really grow.”
The door opened and Hun came in alongside Wonpil. They glanced at each other, as if speaking telepathically. Hun cleared his throat uncomfortably. “Jae isn’t the only one missing. And you’re not the only one that got shot.”
Part 17 (coming soon)
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kpopboysreact · 5 years
Day6 Reaction - Their Crush Asks Them Out Before They Can
Requested by the loveliest soul @makna3kooki3 I think this is a sweet little reaction to come back with BTW guys my Day6 bias has changed Brian bby I’m so sorry I love you
The only reason Sungjin hadn’t confessed yet was due to his own insecurities. You’re his angel, his light, his life. And he was...Bob the Builder? Yet he joked around with you anyway, your laughter oddly mending the wounds in his heart caused by his lack of bravery. It was because of this, he thought you were joking when you told him your feelings. “You do? “Yeah...I’ve liked you for a while.” He smiled. “It’s...it’s mutual.”
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You and Jae had been best friends for a while, and we all know how Jae is with his friends... “Y/NNNNN~” Jae called for you. “Whaaaaat?” “I was thinking today, and I realized something serious.” “What is it?” You approached Jae at his seated position on the couch, wondering if he felt the same way. Wondering if maybe he’d- “I’m SO attractive.” You rolled your eyes, deciding to push him in his arrogance. “Oh, yeah? Then maybe we should go on a date? We’d be the best looking couple around.” Did he hear you right? “I-I mean, if you insist...” You never heard him stutter before.
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You look so good with him. Brian watched you enter the dorm, your new ‘friend’ following close behind. Shit... You saw him. “Brian!” Your eyebrows shot up. “Brian?” Your friend asked. “Oh, I didn't know I’d be meeting your boyfriend today.” “Boyfriend?” Brian asked, smirking. “Wh-” You shot a glare back at your friend. “Yeah, I mean you were gushing about him the whole way here, so I just figured...” “Ugh...” You sunk to the floor, covering your face in embarrassment as Brian laughed. Ever confident, he walked over to you and sat down next to you. “You know, Y/N, you aren't half bad yourself.” You looked up at him, a slight blush dusting your cheeks. “So, do you want to maybe get coffee with Geumhyuk and his girlfriend?” You gestured to your friend and Brian chuckled to himself as another girl entered as if on cue. “A double date? Yeah...I’d like that.”
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The only thing he couldn't stand was to see you cry. He’d been through a lot as a young man, as an idol in a heartless industry. But the constant thing that kept him going was you. So when your tears fell, so did his resolve. You sniffled. “I just feel so embarrassed.” You dropped the rejection letter to the floor. “Don’t feel embarrassed, Y/N...” Wonpil pulled you into a tight hug, squeezing his eyes shut as he melted into your presence. “In the long run, this rejection means nothing. Besides, they don't know what they're missing. I thi-” You pulled your head back slightly and cut Wonpil off with a faint kiss, so delicate and gentle that it barely ghosted Wonpil’s lips. Yet he felt the whole word crash into him. “I love you, Wonpil.” You buried your head into his chest. “I love you, too.” He whispered, mind spinning.
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I know I overuse this gif but I mean COME ON HE’S ADORABLE
You found your palm whacking your face yet again. Another missed signal, another missed opportunity. How did he not get it by now?? Okay, that does it. You’re going to need to be direct. “Dowoon.” “Mhm?” “I like you.” “Well yeah, I’d hope my best friend would like me.” You inhaled sharply, lips forming a thin line. “No, I mean I really like you.” “Yeah...that’s where the term best in best friends comes in.” “DO YOU WANT TO GO ON A DATE?” “Like...a...playdate?” “DOWOON”
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Sorry he’s a baby boy I don't make the rules
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you-did-well-moon · 4 years
The Warmth Provided (3)
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Type: Fluff, Angst, Crack, College Au, Friends to lovers Au
A/N: Aaand the third and final part is here yayyyy. Did you guys enjoy this mini series?? I really hope you did. Small disclaimer, not all requests I receive will be as big as this! It’s not a real fic if Jackson isn’t in it (i’m kidding) but dang Sungjin really went for it. As my friend Bun said, someone bring a mop bc we need to clean up the mess Sungjin made. Don’t be afraid to talk to me!!
TW: Awkward situations, cussing, toxicity and unrealistic depiction of Sungjin
Part 1| Part 2| Part 3
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You got to sleep in since it was a Saturday, and you had no classes on Saturdays. You woke up a little past noon feeling as energized as you had in a while. For the first time in a long time, you didn’t feel tired even upon just having woken up. There was no soreness or exhaustion plaguing you. Just placidity in the wake of starting the day and anticipation for what the day bought you.
With the weekend, you finally had time to actually make yourself breakfast instead of eating cereal or nothing at all. You cooked yourself something simple with  eggs, bacon, and a pancake since you very well deserved it. You hummed happily to yourself having turned on the Tv for some background noise which paired with the sizzling of the pan on the stove and the sun’s light filtered through the curtains in front of the window. 
You ate your breakfast calmly scrolling through the social media apps on your phone not at all in a hurry since the party didn’t start until 8. Even if you didn’t feel as tired as you did other days, it still felt good to stay at home comfortable and wrapped up in your favorite blankets catching up on your favorite show. You weren’t running all around campus and town trying to balance your school and personal life. 
You eventually got in the shower staying under the warm water for longer than you had to enjoying it as the tension left your body relaxing when the drops of water traveled down the slopes of your body. 
You couldn’t stop yourself from thinking about what you would say to Sungjin once you got there. Demand for him to tell you why he was acting so weird? Ease into it? Guilt him into it? You groaned squeezing the shampoo out of your hair and reaching for a towel. Having Jae there would probably distract you. No matter what, you had to avoid Jae as much as you could.
Even if he was the one that invited you, you needed to fix whatever was burdening your friendship with Sungjin. You could deal with your lovesick self later. When your brother wasn’t acting like such a stranger. An annoying stranger at that. 
You stayed in your towel drying yourself off and rubbing lotion on your body. You cleaned your face letting your cleanser dry off before beginning to apply your makeup on. You went for a very light look. You were never one for heavy makeup. You did get a little creative with the eyeshadow, but you didn’t want to mess with the rest of your face afraid of smudging something. 
You didn’t really do anything special to your hair. Letting the soft strands down and making it look nice enough for a party. You started getting ready a bit early since you knew you’d get stuck when it came to picking an outfit. Standing there with your closet door open in a towel with your hair and makeup done, you bit your lip cursing yourself for not going shopping earlier in the month. 
Eventually you picked some leather high waisted leather shorts, a very short crop top you would never go near your father or mother with, and fishnets with black combat boots to finish the look. Looking outside your window at the trees slightly swaying you knew you’d get cold. Looking around your room you saw Jae’s jean jacket hanging off your chair. 
You stared at it for what felt like an eternity hesitation pooling in your stomach, but you eventually aggressively shrugged it on, figuring you could give it back to Jae and stick it out if you got too cold. Checking the time, and you realized you had half an hour before the party started.
Shrugging your shoulders you dug through your jewelry for what might go with your look not really caring if you got there on time. You couldn’t shake off the fantasy that maybe, just maybe Jae  was waiting for you. You smacked your forehead. Today you had to focus on Sungjin before things were damaged to an extent that you could not fix. 
You treasured your best friend too much to let things go that far. The JYP frat wasn’t that far from your apartment. It was around a twelve minute walk. Making sure you had pepper spray in your purse you set right off feeling your phone buzz in your pocket just as you locked your door. 
Bawk Bawk: You didn’t get kidnapped did you?
You: we’re gonna need at least 50k to give her back
Bawk Bawk: Haha very funny
Bawk Bawk: the real y/n would say shes worth 100 chicken nuggets
You : lol you got me there 
You: im already on my way. I need to pay attention to where im walking or else im gonna end up on the opposite side of campus in the sm frat
Bawk Bawk: oh no what a tragedy. Ill miss you asking me where the food is every five seconds. Really how sad.
You: wow Baekhyun wouldn’t treat me like this.
You didn’t get to see his answer instead opening up another contact.
You: Hey Sung, im on my way to the party
Bob: ok
You stared at the little text bubble a little hurt at the indifference, but you had to remind yourself that it was just a text message. Maybe he was busy helping out with the party, even if he really didn’t like the parties, he still helped out. He was just that kind of person. 
A small part of you knew that wasn’t the reason.The party had started around 30 minutes ago which meant they were past the point of setting up for the event. You were about to turn off the device when the sound of a notification broke through the silence surrounding you. 
You felt the weight on your heart slight ease up, a relieved but bittersweet smile breaking on the slope of your mouth. 
Bob: Be careful
Even if he was irked with you for whatever reason, he still worried for you. The short text message gave you hope. It was silly, but the two words were enough to bring a little bounce in your step, deciding that as soon as you got to that party you would seek him out, and you would do whatever you could to get to the bottom of what had put distance between you and your best friend. 
You halted your stride finally standing in front of the JYP frat building. You took a deep breath shaking off the nerves and tugging the jacket tighter around you. You went up the steps knees slightly shaking. Sungjin’s message did bring some ease, but the guy could be stubborn when he wanted to. You just hoped he wasn’t stubborn when it came to your friendship. Pursing your lips you shakily pressed the button to the doorbell.
It didn’t take much for the door to swing open startling you and almost making you fall back. A hand reached out to steady you, and you looked up meeting Wonpil’s warm eyes. You smiled easily consoled by his sweet smile missing the mischievous twinkle in his eyes. 
“Wonpil hi, how are you?” He softly laughed, shaking his head.
“I’m pretty sure i’m not supposed to hear colors, but i’ll get through it”
You opened your mouth cackling in disbelief as his hands probed you inside. 
“Have fun, break something and you’ll pay for it and- Jackson! What did I tell you about hanging from the ceiling lights what kind of budget do you think we have man,'' you watched the small man’s frame ambling away and squinted your eyes in amusement, smiling softly. You turned to the rest of the room craning your head to look past all the swaying bodies and flashing lights for the awkward introverted man that was one of your closest friends.
Instead you caught sight of the tall fluffy haired man with glasses sliding down the bend of his narrow nose. You squeaked quickly ducking behind the frame of a stranger as Jae’s head whipped in your direction. You clenched your jaw at the almost slip up. You frowned. You wanted nothing more than to bound up to Jae and see his eyes light up at the sight of you, but you were on a mission. 
You made sure you were out of Jae’s sight as you wracked your brain for where Sungjin might be. He wouldn’t be in where the crowd was bigger and packed. That immediately eliminated the living room, gaming room, and kitchen. That left outside in the patio, the restroom, or his own room. You bit your lip figuring you might as well check outside then head upstairs where both the restroom and his room were. You knew because of the many movie nights you had with Dowoon and Sungjin. 
The many nights of fighting with Sungjin and him scolding you for getting crumbs on his bed only to whine when you moved to Dowoon’s bed. At the end, you always ended up on the floor in a tangled mess probably getting woken up by Dowoon snoring. You set your shoulders making your way to the kitchen since that’s where the doors to get outside were located mumbling apologies to people you bumped into.
You kept your head low mumbling under your breath about how stupid this was that you even had to do this, because for some reason, Sungjin was acting odd and detached. You entered the kitchen eyes raking over everyone's faces just in case Sungjin was there. You didn’t see him, but you saw the other part from your trio. Dowoon was talking to Bang Chan with a relaxed smile on his face and a drink in his hands.
Maybe he knew where Sungjin was saving you the trouble of looking for him. You started walking in his direction, “Hey Woon,  I wish I could stay and talk, but do you know where Sungjin is?” Dowoon narrowed his eyes at you, as you smiled in greeting at Chan. 
“Not even a hi wow, i thought you were better than this. I thought we had a special bond” he clicked his tongue acting annoyed but still reaching out to you pulling you into him for a side hug. You huffed poking harshly at his side, snickering when he whined and recoiled. 
“Fine you brat, he just went upstairs to get something from his room. Here, I'll come with you. I need to go to the restroom anyways. Sorry to cut this short, but i have to make sure she doesn’t do anything stupid” he put his drink on the kitchen island, and you and Chan looked at each other shaking your heads both knowing who was making sure who didn’t do something stupid. You shrugged your shoulders wincing as Chan’s shoulders shook slightly with laughter. 
You swiveled around to follow Dowoon who had already begun walking towards the stairs near the entrance of the kitchen when you abruptly came to a stop. Heading down the steps was the exact person you were looking for. Even in the shifting lighting you recognized him.
You called your best friend’s name already striding towards him and reaching out towards his frozen frame. He looked shocked to see you, his eyes troubled and eyebrows pulled together looking distressed. His body shifted back as if he was contemplating running back up the stairs.
Your hand managed to grasp the end of his shirt. “Sungjin-” you were interrupted by a wobbly yell from the living room. “Seven minutes in heaven time ladies and gents. Don’t be shy, half of you won’t even remember this ever happened,” the awfully cheerful voice that sounded suspiciously like Younghyun  somehow managed to be louder than the talking and blaring music.
You turned back to Sungjin but both of you were suddenly being pulled to the living room by Dowoon who simply said “This should be funny. Let’s go watch” you tried resisting and talking to Sungjin but he was also too busy trying to fight Dowoon’s hold on him. 
You were sat down on one side of the circle in between Dowoon and Sungjin. It all happened so fast you looked at Sungjin and tried getting his attention but was stopped by someone looking at you from the corner of your eye. 
You swallowed feeling your heart sink slightly being able to distinguish Jae’s form even from your limited sight. You slowly turned your head in his direction offering him a quivering smile wondering just how everything had managed to get messed up in such a short amount of time. He titled his head obviously confused at why you hadn’t told him you had arrived but still managed to grin back at you causing you to feel slightly bad. 
Even after the small greeting, his gaze didn’t leave you, but you were the one to break eye contact first turning to the man on your right. You gently grabbed his arm pulling at his sleeve to get his attention. He gradually turned his head to look at you, sad dull eyes looking into yours. 
“I need to talk-” you were once again interrupted by Younghyun’s voice calling the turn of the first player. 
You felt yourself halt all movement, air leaving your lungs. You whipped your head around in his direction watching him roll his eyes at Wonpil’s light teasing. You could only focus on Jae as he slightly leaned to get closer to the bottle reaching out for it with a focused expression. 
His eyes briefly flickered to your wide ones before going back to the bottle hesitating slightly before spinning it. You had completely forgotten about Sungjin who was also watching the bottle spin with baited breath gaze landing on your form to take in your reactions.
Your heart skipped a beat everytime the bottle pointed it’s devilish finger at you while on the move. Of course, you wanted it to be you, but there was so many people in the circle the chance of the stupid bottle landing on you was close to none. Suddenly Younghyun pushed Wonpil into the circle making the smaller man stumble and put his foot in the bottle’s path while trying to regain his balance. 
Wonpil’s interference made the bottle come to an abrupt stop pointing solely at one person. 
You felt your entire body go cold taking in a shaky breath and meeting Jae’s own wide eyes behind the rims of his glasses. You felt your face grow hot seeing Wonpil and Younghyun high fiving each other in the background. You wanted to laugh at the clicheness of it. It seemed everybody had known you and Jae were in love before you and Jae. 
You looked at Dowoon and Sungjin unsure of your next actions. Dowoon simply smirked at you wiggling his eyebrows and giggling under his breath while Sungjin’s face became hard to read eyes flashing with unknown emotions. So much for the help of your best friends.
You heard a clearing of a throat gaining your attention and making you jump at seeing Jae had already stood up brushing himself off. He playfully smiled at you shaking the messy blonde hair out of his shining eyes and holding a unsteady hand out to you.
You slowly stood up on trembling knees not being able to concentrate on the shouting from the people in the circle. Your vision felt hazy not really being able to believe what was happening. You put a hesitant hand on his, feeling his hand wrap around yours warmth instantly seeping in from his touch traveling up your arm through your whole body. 
You couldn’t lie to yourself. You were terrified of what would happen in that closet. What if he just told you he didn’t want anything of that sort to do with you and you had to sit in awkward silence for several more minutes holding in your tears and rejected by the very person you had fallen in love with at a dumb party game. 
He took in the fear and worry swimming in your eyes gripping your hand tighter. His head tilted, smiling softly at you and opening his mouth to say something, but his words were robbed from his throat when his eyes took in something behind you. You felt your hand get taken in an uncomfortably tight grip, the hand tugging you backwards making your hand slip from Jae’s loose warm one. 
You swiveled around getting met with the sight of your best friend. His eyes were narrowed and his jaw was set.
“You can’t play this stupid game with her. You won’t be taking her into that closet, not while i’m here” his tone was bitter and harsh. You tried shaking your hand out of his grip, but his clutch on you grew tighter making you cry out and start slapping your hands on Sungjin’s chest. 
Jae instantly reached out for your thrashing figure only for Sungjin to pull you out of his reach. Jae scoffed anger staining his once bright brown eyes a darker shade. “Sungjin, what do you think you’re doing man. Let her go before and we can solve whatever is going on without throwing her around like this. Who are you to-”
Sungjin cut him off with a growl. 
“Her boyfriend” 
You felt an icy feeling expand from your core to your fingertips having stopped moving in Sungjin’s hold. “What the hell Sungjin what are you talking about you asshole-” you turned around and seeing the look on Jae’s face you trashed around harder having to slap at Sungjin’s hands to break free of his clasp. 
His eyes went from Sungjin’s guilty face to your own angry confused one. The crease between his eyebrows deepened, mouth letting out a disbelieving exhale and shoulders slumping in disappointment. He started backing away shaking his head and looking at you in a way he had never looked at you. 
In anger.
You tried reaching out towards him voice shaky when you called out to him. “Jae no, you have to listen to me I have no idea-” the rest of your words didn’t get to reach him, Wonpil and Younghyun both blocking you from getting any closer to his retreating figure. Both looked at you with cold expressions and you remembered other people had also just witnessed you going into an intimate space with a man when you already had a supposed boyfriend. 
You felt embarrassment and shame flood your chest twisting uglily around your lungs and squeezing. Now you were only aware of the whispers and glares circling around your lone figure. You swiftly turned around to face Sunjin, head bent not being able to meet your heated gaze. 
You briefly looked at Dowoon who was as equally shocked as you were. 
You hissed Sungjin’s name huffing when he still didn’t look up tightly wrapping your arm around his wrist and dragging him up the stairs to his room blinking away the tears from the sheer humiliation coursing through your system. 
Sungjin tried sputtering out your name, but you paid no attention not stopping in your stride until you reached his room on the second floor and pushed his body out into the balcony connected to his room. 
You instantly exploded, voices coming out in rapid angry waves. 
“What the fuck was that Sungjin what did you just- Do you know what you just did” your voice was desperate frustrated tears making your eyes watery. 
“I’m so sorry-”
“No! No Sungjin, you don’t get to apologize until i know what you’re apologizing for” you set your teary eyes on Sungjin who finally looked up, for once, face open and  flooded with guilt and regret. 
“I panicked, and I know there is no excuse for what i just did, i just- I don’t know these past few days…”
You let out a thwarted groan. “That’s exactly the problem idiot, I have no idea what’s been going on with you these past few days. You never told me anything”
He closed his eyes as if physically pained turning around to lean on the railing of the balcony and burying his head in his hands. You also felt all energy seep out of your body, slumping dejectedly next to him. You looked at him resting your arms on your arms which were resting on the railing. 
“Please tell me, what made my best friend and brother suddenly claim he’s my boyfriend right in front of my crush of years” 
You saw his facial expressions twist in a wince, finally taking in the consequences of his panicked words. 
He looked at you, mouth pulling into a guilty smile. 
“Your brother fucked up pretty bad didn’t he peaches?” You nodded at him. 
“Why Sungjin, why did you do that?”
He looked up at the sky taking in the ugly clouds blocking the stars. You simply looked at your hands, sadness making your limbs feel heavy. 
“I felt like I was losing you, that’s why” You pouted in confusion. “Why would you ever think that? You know I depend on you a lot Sungjin, this doesn’t-” you stopped at his defeated sigh. 
“It has always been you, Dowoon, and I, but out of nowhere you started hanging out with Jae. I don’t know why, but i felt threatened by that. I mean, you even lied to me about where you really were when you hung out with him at that noodle place” 
Your jaw dropped. “How did you-”
“I saw you guys on my way to buy Dowoon a new game controller” he chuckled and shrugged. “I didn’t say anything. It’s not my place to, but then I found out he liked you too, and to me, the chances of you completely forgetting about me for him skyrocketed” Your knees buckled and you had to grip the railing to remain standing as you gasped and sputtered. “He what-”
Sungjin paid you no attention simply nodding like the fact the person you had feelings for returning said feelings was no big deal. You whined and stomped  your feet because what did it matter now. Any chance with him was blown. Sungjin continued. 
“You wouldn’t need me anymore if you had him. You wouldn’t need your big brother anymore if you had him. You would forget all about me. I mean, why wouldn’t you? You’ve liked him for so long, and i’m just...me” 
You inhaled a large breath, hand resting on your fast beating heart at all the newfound information. “Can I talk now?” He waved his hand in a way that said “go on”.
“First of all Sungjin, you’re the one who’s always told me to come out of my shell and to talk to more people. Ever since high school, you’ve been telling me to spread out and get more friends. Why are you being like this when I actually did what you said and started talking to others. Will you behave this way every time I grow close to someone else? It was wrong of you to tell me something and act this way when I listened to your advice. It was especially wrong of you to just stand there and declare you’re my boyfriend, you had no right to do that” He hung his head seeing the truth in my words. “Well?”
He set his mouth in a straight line nodding. “I- You’re right, you’re completely right. How could I be such a hypocrite” He scoffed at himself chuckling lowly at his own stupidity. “I guess I just got scared.”
You narrowed your eyes at him still not being able to believe he would actually think you would up and leave him. “There comes my second point. Sungjin, how could you ever believe I would just forget you. Do you doubt me that much?  Doubt our friendship that much? Our friendship of literal years” 
He stayed silent. “Do you hear how stupid it is now?” He nodded his head once hands fiddling nervously. 
“You are someone I value very much, but that doesn't mean you’ll be the only person to hold so much importance to me. It doesn’t put you in any position to be able to act like you own all my attention and friendship.” He once again nodded silently guilt swimming in his irises. 
“I was in the wrong and for that I’m sorry peaches. I realize now that you will continue to grow and gain new people who you will bond with. You will get hurt, but that’s not something I can control nor that I can stop and unfortunately, neither can you. I can only be there to bring a smile back on your face, and i’m perfectly fine with that” he acknowledged, the corners of his lips slightly pulling up in a melancholy smile.
You felt all tension leave your body finally feeling like you had your brother back. The same one you had always confided on. You no longer felt like the air around you was pressing in on you, slowly stealing the remaining oxygen from your lungs. 
He turned towards you and looked up before looking at you and opening his arms. “I’m sorry.” You didn’t really hesitate stepping into his embrace. “I’m still mad at you” you grumbled into his chest. “I know peaches, I understand. It’s okay” He laughed softly against your hair. “I’ll make it up to you. I promise. I’ll be better” You believed, of course you did. He was your brother, your closest friend. An irreplaceable part of your life who had made a little slip up, well maybe a big slip up, but you still forgave him. 
“We should have done this a long time ago” you muttered against his jacket. 
“What?” he questioned. “Talked. So much could have been avoided if we had just talked” Sungjin hummed in reply both of you knowing you each had some fault in that.  
You remembered Jae’s disappointed stare, his lips pressed together in a tight line as he got farther and farther away from you. You played with one of the threads from the jean jacket you were wearing feeling helpless in the answer of what to do to gain Jae’s forgiveness. At this point, you didn’t think there was a chance of being anything more than friends with him. You didn’t feel like you deserved him just wanting to explain to him that what happened wasn’t his fault. 
You just wanted him to smile again. You wanted him to be happy. You would feel lucky just being his friend again. You expected nothing more if you were honest with yourself. 
You lightly hit Sungjin’s shoulder exaggeratedly groaning. “How am I gonna explain this to Jae” your voice was muffled by his jacket but he simply laughed again, “I don’t think you have to”
“What are you talking about you-” Shock hit you like a truck when you remembered him looking up while he was apologizing. Something told you he wasn’t just apologizing to you. You looked up at the balcony above the one you were standing on seeing a head of fluffy blonde hair blown all over the place from the wind and a grin aimed at you. 
“Jae! Did you- Did you hear everything?” You couldn’t help but to smile at the loud laugh that rang throughout the night air. “I don’t know, why don’t you come up and find out?” You breathlessly looked at Sungjin who smiled softly at you pushing you back into his room. 
You didn’t look back as you exited his room walking back up the stairs with a trembling but hopeful heart. You came across what you knew was Jae’s room after having to drag him to it from when he got a really bad stomach ache. You knocked on the door mentally preparing yourself for whatever you were about to hear.
A soft stifled “come in” was heard from inside the room. You opened the door, eyes immediately landing on the figure that was on the balcony leaning on the railing and looking up at the sky. You walked towards the balcony, your breath rattling in your throat. You opened the door that led out to the balcony shakily calling his name. 
He stayed silent as you came up next to him, also tilting your head up and getting taken aback by the twinkling stars appearing at the parting of the clouds. The quiet preserved, and your mind was only really able to focus on his arm brushing against yours and your heart pounding in your ears. You fiddled with your hands picking at your nails jumping at the sound of Jae suddenly laughing. 
“A few minutes ago I thought I was the stupidest man on earth” You didn’t really know what to say in reply to that just turning your head to look at him as a sign you were listening. 
“I mean imagine the feeling of finding out you had been writing cheesy love songs about a person only to find out they were with someone else the whole time” you opened your mouth to retaliate, but he turned his head to look at you with a soft knowing smile. “I know, I know now, you’re just friends” He turned to look back at the night sky, the smile still not leaving his face. 
You were still shocked at the fact that some of the songs you had seen him diligently working on next to you in class could have been about you. Words of love and admiration from him written right next to you, and you were none the wiser. 
You felt like all the words you could say in that moment, just weren’t enough. Instead, you reached out to fix his glasses which had gone askew only to gasp silently when he grabbed your wrist looking at you once more. “You know, there were times where I felt lesser than him. He had known you since you were around the height of my knee, and had grown up with you. Who was I to him” He admitted wearily smiling at you. 
You leaned in slightly letting your hand move to firmly grip his maintaining eye contact as you got ready to speak. “You? You are Jae Park. The stupid, goofy, lovely, hard-working song writer who has never failed to make me happy and take care of me. Who always bought me food thinking of me, and who never hesitated to be self-less at the expense of myself.” You faltered, licking your lips anxiously for what you were about to say feeling your whole body grow hot. 
“You are Jae Park, the person I'm hopelessly in love with,” you confessed breathily watching him lean closer to you, lips pressing to your forehead while he laughed happily against your skin, hands traveling up your arms to gently cradle your face.
 “What were we doing all this time? I guess the starbursts really did a number of us if we’re both so in love with each other and didn’t notice” he murmured lips traveling down the space between your eyebrows to the slope of your nose forehead now resting against yours. His glasses were pressing uncomfortably against the bridge of your nose, but you didn’t really mind too caught up in the feeling of his body pressed against your as your hands moved to clutch at his shirt. 
We’re together now” you whispered lips slightly brushing against his. He smiled adoringly at you before leaning in to close the gap lips softly slanting his lips against yours as if testing the waters before growing more eager and tilting his head to grow impossibly closer to you still softly parting your mouth with his. The kiss remained soft and innocent, unspoken words after months of pining, and delicate confessions of love expressed. The warmth from one simple kiss traveled all the way to your heels spreading in a tender but passionate manner. 
You separated, catching your breath, his hands still cradling your face before he leaned in stealing a peck and chuckling when he pulled back. 
The wind grew stronger whipping at your hair and clothes making a small shiver travel down the spine and forcing you to snuggle his jacket tighter around you clearing your throat and smiling like an idiot. One of his hands left your face to tickle you, smile getting bigger at your loud laugh.
“Nice Jacket”
“Thanks, I wanted to give it back to it’s handsome owner” He bought you closer wrapping his arms around your form, hair tickling your temple and his nose pressing into the crook of your neck.
“The handsome owner thinks you look 100 times better in it than he ever did, Kim Kardashian could never” 
You laughed into his shoulder thinking you would be fine without the jacket believing the warmth provided from his simple touch was enough to keep you warm in the coldest of nights.
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blu-joons · 3 years
Ready For Forever ~ Park Jaehyung
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The smiles of the members all grew as Jae watched you closely as you left the studio. As soon as the door closed behind you, his smile dropped as he looked around at the rest of the boys.
“You’re obsessed with her,” Wonpil laughed, staring across at Jae. “Every little thing she does has your attention these days, you can’t get enough of her.”
The members had always joked with Jae that the love he felt for you was the honeymoon phase of your relationship, but after three years, that phase never went away. He was still completely in love with you and falling more for you every single day.
Whilst he too had expected the two of you to settle after some time, it never seemed to come about. There was always a spark between the two of you, always something new you learnt about each other or something exciting that you wanted to try out.
“She just makes my heart happy,” Jae admitted, ignoring the groans of the boys that were sat around him, “I don’t’ think there’s anyone else in the world as special as Y/N for me.”
Although the boys loved to tease, the fondness of which he spoke about you made them all incredibly happy too. All they’d ever wanted was for him to be happy, and nothing made him happier than time that he got to share with you.
It was obvious to everyone that the two of you were meant to be, nobody could imagine one of you being without the other.
“You’ve been together for a while now,” Younghyun reminded him, “surely you’ve got to be thinking about the future too, do you plan on making things official with Y/N one day.”
“I’ve been thinking about the future quite a lot recently,” Jae replied, taking the four of them by surprise, “I’ve just been trying to find the right time to talk about it.”
Several thoughts were closed off in his mind as he tried to figure out everything that he wanted, with only one constant being there. You.
“I think I’m ready to start thinking about marrying Y/N,” he then confessed, unable to stop his smile from turning upwards, “making things official.”
“About time,” Dowoon jokingly called out, throwing his head back in relief. The other boys all nodded in agreement with him whilst Jae looked suspiciously across the room. “I was going to propose to Y/N if you didn’t hurry up and get it done.”
“What Dowoon is trying to say is that we’d all be by your side if you wanted to propose to Y/N,” Sungjin clarified, the calmest of the four of them, “have you thought about it for long?”
“A little while, the time has just never felt quite right yet to do anything about it.”
“You’ll know in your heart when the right time is,” Younghyun assured him, “you can’t rush things like this, no matter how in love the two of you are.”
There was no doubt in Jae’s mind that you were his forever, but that didn’t mean he wanted to not give you the perfect proposal that you deserved. You both could tell from the other that your futures were going to be together, it wasn’t something that you needed to discuss, you both just knew that it was a fact in your hearts.
“We could help you out if you’ve got an idea in mind,” Wonpil suggested excitedly, “or maybe we could help you plan a proposal, there’s some paper lying about somewhere.”
“I’ve not thought that much into it just yet,” Jae laughed, calming them all down, “I’ve only just realised that I’m ready to marry Y/N without worrying too much about anything else.”
Before he met you, the boys all loved to joke about how Jae was likely to be the last of them all to settle down. They never imagined Jae as the type to think about settling down, he was too busy with work and enjoying being young to think about finding love, until he met you.
“Do you think Y/N is ready to marry you?” Dowoon suddenly asked, “has she given you any signs?”
Jae’s head shook back at Dowoon, as he tried to think about if you had dropped any clues. Whilst you hadn’t said anything aloud to Jae, there were plenty of moments where the two of you just had to exchange a look to know that you were in it together.
“Its obvious Y/N would want to marry him,” Younghyun interrupted, stopping Jae’s mind from running away with him, “she looks at him with the same puppy eyes that he looks at her with.”
Sungjin nodded in agreement, “you should hear the way she talks about you when she comes and watches rehearsals, she’s so in love with you.”
“The two of you are forever, that’s all you need to know.”
Watching the two of you at times was chaotic for the four men that sat around Jae, but for all the second-hand embarrassment that they often felt, they knew it was only because the two of you were so in love. You were perfect for each other, not even they could deny that, despite how cringy you could often be.
“It’s a big step deciding that you’re ready to get married,” Wonpil assured Jae, throwing his arm across his broad shoulders, “that alone says how you feel about Y/N, everything else will just fall into place for you both.”
“It has to fall into place perfectly though.”
“And it will,” Sungjin smiled too, moving closer in towards Jae. “We’re all here to help you whenever you need us too. The only thing you have to look forward to is knowing that you’re about to ask Y/N to spend the rest of her life with you.”
Jae’s head nodded in agreement, nothing else mattered as long as he had you forever, just being with each other was perfect enough for you both.
“To be honest, the two of you act enough as a married couple as it is that you don’t have to worry about a wedding too much anyway,” Dowoon continued to tease, giggling away to himself, “the only thing missing is a bit of paperwork.”
“Y/N’ has always talked about how much she wants to get married,” Jae sighed, “it’s much more than just a bit of paper to her.”
He’d made sure to pay close attention for several months whenever you talked about things that you like, making note for when your wedding came. Jae wanted the day to be perfect for you, as he did his proposal too.
Although in his heart he already knew that ‘yes’ was the only answer that you were ever going to give him, he still wanted to give you the moment that you’d watched so many of your friends go through over recent years too.
“The two of you are meant to be,” Younghyun spoke up as the room fell silent, “being ready for forever is the final thing that you need to be complete.”
“You’ve got everything you could ever need in Y/N,” Wonpil added, “everyone knows that she’s not going anywhere, even if you choose not to rush into things.”
“And we’ll all be here for you both too,” Dowoon too spoke, finally allowing himself to be serious, “and I promise that I won’t propose to Y/N too.”
“The only guy she’ll ever want is Jae,” Sungjin replied, shutting Dowoon down.
“Thanks guys, I couldn’t do this without you.”
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