#i miss that and dreamtalia
I miss heta-oni
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hermannsprecursors · 1 year
Has the Hetalia fandom conceptualized 2p Dreamtalia?
Like, hypothetically, everything would play out mostly the same. Same victims, the same chain of events, but differences in the dialogue, relationships, and how everyone, including Reve, probably, would act. I just think that it would be reaaaaal nifty. Like just imagine, Italy just thinking "Germany isn't being annoying? I must be in heaven". All of Russia's stabbing jokes suddenly becoming threats. America and Canada trying to punch everything. Japan trying to kill himself like several times probably. All of the fun DIFFERENCES in how the ARCANAS would look and act! It would be so silly!
... Yeah I acted on the concept. Still trying to figure things out but have some screenshot redraws I thought would be silly and hopefully get some concepts across.
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"Hermann your 2p designs aren't canon" well 2p isn't canon either!!! Let me die in peace with Germany's battle jacket and England having vitiligo and all the scar placements and--
Edit: Kyo saw it. Life has entered a weird new stage. This is very good. I think
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frischkasekuchen · 4 months
Timid Joys (Wonderland Ver.)
Dreamtalia and its characters by @/kyokyo866
Vanya by @/thriftlita
Alice's Adventures in Wonderland by Lewis Carroll
Hoarding corpses
Attempted Murder
Referenced Child Death
Reader as 'Alice'
Fauchereve as The Queen of Hearts
Vanya as the 'Last Alice'
@pearlsongfromstuff @shu-dzhoker IT'S TEATIME!
"Find the bright forest path, that's where the journey starts. A tea party with blue roses, that's where the forest parts. The invite from the Queen, it actually was- the trump card, the ace of hearts!"
-Alice Human Sacrifice by Yugami
As much as you loved Reve, you couldn’t stay in Wonderland forever. In similar novels you’ve read in your pastime, the protagonist woke up from the Dream or returned home safe and sound. The fact your story hadn’t revealed a clear exit or some final obstacle was beginning to worry you. You also felt bad about freeloading off of the Queen for the past…how long? Dear God- you didn’t know. Did time pass at a faster or slower speed in your reality? Oh no- logistics! Missed semesters! You just wanted a break! Not-
A delicate voice says, “Alice? Your tea’s getting cold.” 
Ah yes, you were having breakfast with Reve. 
“Sorry there, I was just…pondering.” you take a sip of the tea; it’s way too sweet.
“Would you like to talk about it?” the Queen looks at you with great concern in his eyes. Almost like a mother fretting over a miserable child. 
“No, no- just boring existential stuff. It makes the mind wander to…dark places.”
“Places that have dark colors, or places without light?”
“The latter.” you sigh.
Reve bites at his lip, looking down into his lap. Suddenly, a lightbulb goes off in his head.
“I could play a song on the piano! That always cheers me up.”
There he goes again, compensating for you. It feels horrible this time around, when you’re planning on leaving him.
“That’d be nice.”
Reve hops out of his seat, taking you by the hand and leading you out of the dining hall. “Any requests?”
“Anything will be fine.”
That morning Reve played “Waltz in A minor”. His talent does little to soothe your homesick heart.
That afternoon, you’re left by your lonesome. Reve is busy in the royal kitchen, preparing snacks for your afternoon teatime together. The Queen has to take control in the kitchen, lest his pastries be spoiled like his roses. He promised to lay off beheading people for your sake- but you know he still keeps It polished and sharpened. Never quenched, that bloodthirsty guillotine You’re shocked he hasn’t named it already.
But now is the perfect time to investigate the only hypothetical exit.
The Queen’s bedroom.
During your first evening in the Castle of Hearts, you were sobbing out on the balcony. You were always crybaby like that. Still distressed by nearly drowning in your own tears, being bullied by flowers, being condescended to by a caterpillar, and nearly being executed over flowers.
But your crying got you a crumb of advice at least. With the Cheshire Cat paying a visit.
“Why are you blubbering?” asked the cat.
“I want to go home!” you moaned. “These- these people are mad, the Queen is mad- he was going to kill those men over an honest mistake! Not even giving them a proper trial! Complete nonsense!”
“Are you afraid of the Queen?”
“I’m grateful he took me in.” you sniffled. “But yes- very much so. I know my home though, things make sense there.”
The Cheshire Cat groomed itself, then stretched. Probably the most normal cat thing it’s done. “There may be a way.”
You perked up at that, scooching a little closer.
“The last Alice went into the Queen’s bedroom, but never came out.”
“So the exit’s there?”
“I do not know.”
“How so?” you huffed.
“No one else was in the room where it happened.” it said. “The Queen went in alone and came out alone- in a shock they say. He then gave a command ‘everyone near, far, above, below, this way and that way is to wear black. No one is to wear color until my Alice comes back.’”
Oh dear.
“Only the Queen wore red at this time. Just today the ban was lifted when he met you.” the cat began strutting off.
“But wait-” you said. “All exposition aside; what happened to Alice?”
“Anyone’s guess. But, if you’re ever feeling desperate to get home, the Queen’s bedroom is your best bet.”
It was 2:53, seven minutes to teatime. The castle layout always seemed to shift, walls looked like floors, halls had loops and doors would take you to random rooms. You were never shown the Queen’s quarters in the first place. All you can do now is use these precious seven minutes to follow the last Alice.
First, you checked the wardrobe. No exit, just clothes and axes laying hidden behind them. Next, you investigated the nightstand. The first drawer had a recipe sheet in a language you couldn’t understand, at first you thought it was shoddy handwriting. In the last drawer, you found a “key”. A jagged message carved at the bottom of the empty drawer read:
What you needed to look for was a loose wall.
Starting from the wall behind the nightstand, you traced the walls with your right hand, putting your weight on it. When you pressed the wall north from the bed, your hand sank into it. The room shook and the wall under your palm split. You nearly fell forward but you caught yourself.
After the quake, a room with a chessboard floor was revealed to you.
You think to yourself, This- this has to be it. 
Walking through the dark hallway is an unsettling experience. No twists, shrinking or growing, a normal hallway-
With a looking glass and a box at the end. The mirror is long and framed with gold and sapphires. The box lies in a corner, dressed like a present, velvet and wrapped with a black ribbon. Something tells you to throw yourself at the mirror and never look back. Your curiosity tells you to take a quick peek inside the box.
…One little peek couldn’t hurt. Maybe it’s a parting gift or message from the last Alice? You pick up the box and shake it. It’s heavy, and its contents make two small thuds. You open it-
Then drop it.
You fall on your ass and scurry back.
A head rolls out of the box, eyes glazed over in terror.
Please don’t be Alice. Please don’t be Alice. Please-
The stench of blood mixes with the scent of berries and flour- wait.
The last Alice looked at the Queen in solemn anger- no, betrayal. And that was so, so much worse.
“Reve, is this a way back?” Alice asked.
“Why didn’t you tell me?”
“Say: that is the exit,” the Queen said in a low voice. “Would you have left without a word?”
Alice looked away.
The Queen’s blood boiled. “Why?! What’s out there?! What can’t I provide for you?! I’m the Queen for God’s sake!”
Alice swallowed. “I know it is reprehensible for me to vanish without so much as a goodbye… But I have things- people care for out there.”
“Who dammit?!”
“My family.” Alice said, thumping his chest with a fist. “That day I fell down the rabbit hole- we were preparing for my youngest’s funeral. I did not want to bury my own child, I did not want to exist in that moment, I wanted to be anywhere else but there- then I saw your Rabbit. I chased after him to distract myself.” he swallowed. “My apologies for using you and your people for my personal entertainment. But, I truly consider you one of my friends, your majesty.” Alice bowed as ‘your majesty’ rolled off his tongue. 
The Queen stomped a foot in his frustration. Hot tears of rage and sympathy leaked out. “So what if you wanted an escape? I don’t care! What’s wrong with that-?!”
“I was shirking my duties to my family-”
“We can be your family- I can be your family! YOU CAN STAY HERE- RIGHT HERE!”
Silence. Breathing…hiccuping.
The Queen looked at Alice with an indiscernible expression. “If I leave now, will you disappear?”
Alice sighed. “I have to go home.”
From behind the Queen came a double headed axe.
Alice’s eyes widened in panic.
“Off with YOUR HEAD!”
The Queen of Hearts lunged forward-
And Alice-
Moved out of the way just in time. 
The blade nearly caught your cheek, and fell down beside your head with an ear-deafening TWANG! 
The Queen laughs, but there’s no joy in it. You put a hand around your throat and just breathe, relieved you weren’t butchered.
“You really think that’s a round trip to Kansas?” he muses. “Well, YOU’RE WRONG!” 
All you do is tremble and whimper under his shadow.
“But you weren’t thinking about coming back at all, were you?” he sneers. “Of course, selfish little Alice just wants to go home oh so badly- and leave me all alone to die.”
“It’s not- it’s not like that-!” you protest.
“SILENCE!” The Queen gets down on one foot to be closer to your face. His long, white hair cages you in. “Your majesty is speaking.”
“Yes, sorry, my grace.” you squeak.
“I like you, Alice, I really do.” He smiles kindly as he lifts your chin with a finger, and there’s a sort of rawness to his new tone. “I like having someone to spoil. The fact your head is still attached to your body says a lot, y’know.” He rises to a standing position, and situates himself in front of the looking glass. “Play one more game with me, won’t you?”
You shakily nod. “C-croquet?”
“Oh no.” he giggles as he lifts you to your feet and shoves you towards the hall’s entrance. “We’re going to play a game of tag.”
Adrenaline shoots through your body at those words.
“I’m it, Alice.”
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heehoothefool · 2 years
Ah fuck it, I need to hyperfixation rant first ask to pick one of the following is getting an in depth info dump because I am indecisive but need to talk
-The idea of competitve wrestling as a method through which to tell a story
-How much I deeply miss Silver the Hedgehog and how much he deserves more love
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asters-spam · 6 years
I just revisted Hetalia for kicks and shit and ??? The fuck went down since I left ??? I went through the tags for some of my old ships and it was all cool and I actually started enjoying again and then ,, I reached Giripan? Aka what I remember as a generally very peaceful, light hearted ship?? And OW. Dreamtalia is back. Dreamtalia is back and fucking coming for me holy shit
I tried to catch up and this fandom just legit scared me 😂😂 I was going through it all and ,, gosh this explains so much of middle school me jESUS.
I'm so confused but so interested and mildly ashamed and
Just help
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amberartzzz · 2 years
dreamtalia gereng bc im nostalgic and i missed them <3
dreamtalia belongs to @kyokyo866 !! go check her out! she's lovely <3
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hanaxiryo · 3 years
You guys know dreamtalia?
Was Moon always Italy’s dream self??? I swore another character was Moon? Did… Did I miss something? I legit haven’t kept up with Dreamtalia since like a year after the game was released??? I think. Like I legit haven’t kept up with Dreamtalia that I don’t even know when I first watched it…
I would ask the stream (that is ongoing at the time of the post), but my anxiety is like “yeah don’t. Everyone gonna laugh at you, you dumbass”.
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lazyflan · 3 years
Kyokyo was like my favourite creator back in the day omgggg, I do need to come back to the hetalia fandom with full force asdfghk
I miss those days of playing hetagames in the family computer when I was younger, I'm pretty sure half of the games I played where bc of Kyo's youtube channel-
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OC tag game time!!
Well, I haven’t done this in forever. I decided to join in on the fun, gonna tag @quentinbecks to let her know I am doing this tag game of tarot cards and I blame my Dreamtalia fixation for that. Here is the quiz: https://uquiz.com/quiz/u208eO/what-tarot-card-are-you
Marigold Shavanaugh (Far Cry 5/Hetalia)
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The World
Power is a heady thing. Do you have what it takes to control it? You thought you did for a long time as you gained more and more. Power only begets more power, after all. Mind your breaking point, mind your load, mind how high you’ve climbed up the ladder; it’s against regulation to stand on the top rung. You could hurt up there. You could fall. I’m not sure I could catch you, so high above the rest of us. Don’t look down. Mind the ceiling fan.
Twila Hopkino (Far Cry New Dawn/Hetalia)
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The Fool
There is only so fast a car can go before it flips. You would do well to memorize that speed, though whether that is to reach it or avoid it is not my concern. Your life cannot be made only of beginnings; you forget that for every new life, there is one you had to smother. Adventure beckons, must you rise to meet it? Have you spoken to a loved one from a past life? I’m sure someone, somewhere misses you.
Additional note: I realized that what Marigold and Twila starts to make sense…also my need to draw them in a Dreamtalia-like fashion. Twila is the host to Reve (sorry, refined chaos maker) and Marigold is what Reve fears lol.
Tagging: @kikiack and @sailor-brunette plus anyone else who wants to do this too!!
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pumkinet · 3 years
Bro I miss them too ;-; not enough to bring me back into the fandom, but I still browse the sufin or nordics tag here... also dreamtalia uwu
I’m not in the fandom either.... but I can still dream.......
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kyokyo866 · 5 years
Do you remember the Dreamtalia Roleswap au? That was so cute.
oh i always do
and im always down for talking about it if anyone shoots an ask my way
im usually that way about most things blz i want interactive asks i miss those-
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frischkasekuchen · 2 months
Dreamtalia IT AU (IT!Reve x Seamstress!Reader(Concept))
It by Stephen KIng
Dreamtalia + Reve by @/kyokyo866
Lyrics by Oktavia for The Tailor of Enbizaka (!!FLASH WARNING FOR PV!!)
Child death
Body Horror
Fauchereve as IT/Pennywise
Reader as The Unfortunate Seamstress
(Author's Note: I felt obligated to write something for the IT AU because it's summer, so I put together an outline I daydreamed about at 4am while listening to a Vocaloid cover. I might want to revisit this story, but I feel like it should be a comic rather than a written piece. If I do write this properly, I still want it to be illustration heavy. With that said, please enjoy the products of my sleepy daydreams.)
The Tailor of Derry, Maine
The year is 2016, Halloween is coming soon, with it being late September. A starving artist young seamstress has moved to Derry, Maine and opened a one-room tailor shop. With the spooky season coming around, they’ve been working on costumes (including their own) for Halloween. 
By October, children begin to disappear (Word is last night a crime occurred, wonder what it was?), and the seamstress gains a loyal patron in the form of IT!Reve. He visits their shop on a near-daily basis, having them mend and wash putrid smelling children’s clothes.The seamstress begins to worry when they recognize some of the missing children’s clothing…and really bloody clothing (I seat the kimono and sew freshly fixed clothes.) . Reve always seems to be around kids before they go missing (Who might she be, the lady I see standing at your side?)… They don’t confront Reve, with him being cordial and being their cash-cow (But as always, “Concentrate” I say and stay working/Scissors clutched tightly as I cut deep into the deed.). 
On Halloween, things get fucked.
The seamstress tailored Utena’s uniform, but couldn’t find the time to put together the princely decor (shoulder pads, brooch thingy). Reve has them close their eyes and he does some Anthy-magic to get ‘em dripped out. When they ask him how he did that, he brushes off his eldritch powers  talents with “A magician never reveals his secrets.”  Reve offhandedly mentions that he seems to have a ‘thing’ for artistic types.
After participating in a Halloween event at Derry Elementary, the seamstress bore witness to Reve…feeding in the form of the Kuchisake-onna (AREN’T I BEAUTIFUL?), using a familiar set of heavy-duty fabric scissors to finish them off (Sharpen them well and they’ll sweep cleaner to your needs.). Reve stares down the seamstress, and places a finger on its slit mouth as if to say “hush” , but it’s more like “I’m not in the mood to put down a witness.” The seamstress goes home quietly, in a daze.
When they open up shop the next day, they check their sewing kit for tampering.
They find their fabric scissors covered in fresh blood, fresh enough to wipe off with a tissue. Reve arrives at the shop, but the way he looks at them tells them that last night happened. The seamstress demands Reve to leave, as it is no longer welcome. When It refuses to leave, the seamstress charges at Reve with the scissors. Reve catches their armed hand by the wrist and shows them a sliver of the Deadlights. It counters that being nosy in Derry won’t end well, and that those bloody scissors don’t look too innocent. It insists that it would be best for everyone if the (mentally) scarred seamstress just carried on working as usual, and it promises to leave them off the buffet menu, so long as it’s allowed to continue its dealings with them. The seamstress relents after being shown what It ‘looks like’ and turns a blind-eye to disappearances after this encounter (How odd, were my scissors always covered in this color?/No concern, I must return to my hard work.)
There are alternate endings to this last encounter, but that’s either death or something worse.
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slimelee · 7 years
(This is how I let them act, I'm so sorry it's just funny and I felt something missing because there's not really Dreamtalia.)
Germany: I MUST
Japan: I'm emo 🙂🙃🙃🙃🙂🙂
America: no shit Russia
Russia: no shit America
China: hey Japan everything will be alright
England: I know everything and I must do everything
Canada: jAPAN STOP BEING EMO AND- *blablabla*
Hungary: mUST *picks up ketchup bottle* GET *opens cap* MY ENEMIES *turns over the bottle * B L O O D *pours ketchup on her head*
Ukraine: oh hey sorry if my boobs suffocate you
Belarus: I will kill everyone who hurt you
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amberartzzz · 2 years
yet another thing i made bc im obsessed and i wont apologize for it <3
as always dreamtalia belongs to @kyokyo866 ! ive just been nostalgic and missing these two sm <3
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Favorite hetalia ship Favorite bad god ship Favorite dreamtalia ship Favorite hetaoni ship Favorite 2P ship Otp of any hetalia AU
holyshit let me see if I’m reading this correctly.Favorite Hetalia Ship.Favorite Bad God Ship? I don’t know what that means.Favorite Dreamtalia ShipFavorite Hetaoni ShipFavorite 2p ShipOTP of any Hetalia AU
Favorite Hetalia Ship: Either CuCan or RusAmeFavorite Bad God Ship: ?? Am I missing something?Favorite Dreamtalia Ship and Hetaoni: Idunno?Favorite 2p Ship: 2p FrUkOTP of any Hetalia AU: ANY AU??? OHHHHH BOY I LOVE MY OWN COLLEGE AU VERSIONS OF DENNOR AND CUCAN
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hitandrunduorp-a · 7 years
Dreamtalia : Lengend of the lost gideons bible : The True Story
                                                                  by Mattie
(Made with http://fanficmaker.com/) i’m so sorry this now exists xD
@kyokyo866 @lambofthelions
A/N: Hope you like it :~Everyone who looked could see there was a undeniably, ravenous animal attraction between World and Vanya. No one could deny it. No one except Vanya and World, that is.They seemed blissfully unaware of their attraction to each-other. Unaware of their boundless uncontrollable lust.Every time they met they didn't show it, but everyone knew. Everyone knew what was really going on between them. A war of naughty thoughts.And everyone knew that it was a unsuitable situation. No one wanted to be dragged into that war. Something had to be done.Our story starts in DreamWorld, a normal town where nothing much happens.... In the middle of all this, finally,Reve Smurf could stand it no longer. He found World, and pulled them to one side "Thats it! its ruining the team. Its clear you cant function while Vanya is around!""What no! I am fine." "No. Its very clear. You need to have some 'special adult time' with them"Everyone else in the room nodded at this."But having some 'special adult time' with Vanya...isn't that..umm...wrong?""Oh, sure, its wrong. Very very wrong.But just because somethings wrong doesn't mean it shouldn't happen does it?""No, I suppose not"World wondered off thinking of the 'special adult times'....how will he introduce the idea to Vanya? and would they accept it?Summary:I suck at writing summaries. Bsides the 'fic isn't that long!World Smurf was sitting behind his desk. He felt the tears well up in his eyes . After their last adventure, World Smurf found out just exactly how cruel people could be. How nasty and inconsiderate real humans actually were. World Smurf stared at a picture of a polar bear. A magnificent beast who would not hesitate to kill him ripping him limb from limb, but at least it would be quick. Not a overlong conspiracy of many years, just to be unleashed on him when he was at his weakest and darkest moment. When he needed his friends the most.But there had been one tiny ray of light in this whole . World Smurf remembered fondly the day he discovered it. It was a tuesday morning he rememberanced. The memories surfaced before his mind's eye and took the most wonderful shapes. Before World Smurf well knew it, a single tear welled up in his eyes and trickled down his cheek.Because even when all his 'friends' betrayed him, there was one consistant factor in his life: Reve Smurf.And World Smurf knew that the rising aspirations between them could never become true, the feelings World Smurf had for Reve Smurf were the only thing in this world that still felt true to him. No lies, just that single, pure sense and feeling for Reve Smurf.Alas, World Smurf thought to himself hopelessly. Why must they battle? Why must World Smurf be destined to destroy Reve Smurf? Can he ever tell Reve Smurf how much Reve Smurf means to World Smurf?If only he could. Then all his pain would be over. No more betrayal. No more suffering under the laughter from Smurf (who told him she loved him, only to stab him right inti the heart at valentines day!). No, only Reve Smurf and World Smurf's true feelings for Him. A/N Lol this has all been so depressive lol! My next bit will be less dark!A/N I got bord of writing the fanfic as it was so I decided to change things around. I hope u guys like it!!She was as of yet the most beautifyl thingy in the whole of Dream Scape, World Smurf believed her to be. As she faigjt the great villianness Reve Smurf, her hair bobbed up and down consistently like a rubber duck in a bathtub. She swipped at the Reve Smurf and was more than anything World Smurf had seen before. Her beatiful feistful pressure shocked Reve Smurf's henchmen into copulating before her. Anirana Halfelven Smurf, take my sword! said World Smurf, and give it to the greatness before us. She will need our legendary sword in order to defeat the great uber-Reve SmurfAnd lo! Anirana Halfelven Smurf did so and the maginificent great mysterious woman took the sword and stabbed Reve Smurf.He was defeated. But was Reve Smurf? Because as World Smurf ran towards the mysterious strange beauty of his draems and was about to share the greatest kiss he had ever given to someomne in the history of mankind, Reve Smurf rose up and fled!World finally found a moment to pull Vanya away from the others, to have a private moment."World we have to do it""I know, my team told me as well. Apparently our feelings are causing problems for everyone else.""So we are agreed? We finally let our feelings out of their cages of repression they have been caged in all this time?""Yes. For the team""No...for us"World leapt on Vanya at that moment.and......''special adult times'' happened. A lot. At least 12 times.Nearby the others occasionally heard screams. But politely ignored it. This had been coming far too long to ruin it now - and this team bonding was very much needed.And this is where the story ends...It has come... to my attention... that some readers... don't like my art. They say that it's...it's all anti-semetic (sxuz me, but jews are like that!) and racist (I had a black classmate in my class once and he was really stupid lol) horrible violent (this is MATURE, DID"T U READ THE DISCLAIMER?!). That hurts me a lot. Really... a lot.Do u know how long it takes me to write my stories? Do u think I like it being stuck at home with nothing to do but writing my soul into my art? My favourite show just ended and I was on team Jacob!Writing is the only thing that makes me happy, but if that isn't good enough for u people, then I'm going to call it quits!Yes, that's righr! I won't finish this story! You forced me into this :( HAPPY NOW?!!!!I want to thank PrettySnape5 and Tinkersnuggums for beta reading, but I... I... I... just can't take it anymore.So long internet. I WON"T MISS U!!
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