#i missed out and i wanted to do a yard sale so bad and didnt get to be here for it!
audiovisualrecall · 1 month
Love how I can ruin something so easily
#actually id say love how depression can do so but i dont have to behave irritably just bc my brain feels unmoored and unhappy for no good#reason. i dont have to make it everyone elses problem#i wasnt trying to! but i cant communicate hey i feel like x and thats making me feel y and i dont know what to do about it#i just.. why dont they ask 'Why?' when i get like that. i want them to notice that I'm acting uncharacteristically and say something so that#i can go oh yeah thats dumb and idk why sorry yeah#but theyre reacting like its not obvious when i pointed out that this happens and that i want them to ask me 'why'#yeah is it fair to expect that if them? no. but idk what else to do abt it bc i am incapable of makingany other decision#im ANGRY#I'm disappointed i didnt get to be here for the yard sale and help them#I'm frustrated i had to be at work even though i was superfluous there today#I'm disappointed and frustrated that they dont want to try a yard sale again another week#like maybe a warmer and nicer weekend and puttinf more signs up will result in more traffic to the yard sale!#theyre giving up on it and i wanted to do a yard sale and didnt get to bc i had to be at work instead and now i wont gwt to again bc they#dont want to plan another yard sale bc theyre exhausted by it#i missed out and i wanted to do a yard sale so bad and didnt get to be here for it!#I'm frustrated that qe wont do another yard sale#and I'm unhappy that they didnf trust that i could clean up and brinf stuff inside at least like theyre tired so why are they doinf the work#let me help! i want to feel like i helped! I'm useless i dont do anything! but i was fold i cant do it on my own and wouldnt know where they#wanred to put stuff#like yeah i cant move the tables on my own into the shed. fine. but the boxes of stuff??? she could have come and directed me instead!#so like. fine i wont help. and then i got up and came to fuckinf help anyway even tjo apparently i wouldnt have done it right on my own#and shes like that attitude wasn't helpful like neither was what you said!#i know I'm not smart or helpful and just an annoying tag-alonf overgrown child but i wanted to do something#if it was my oldest sister insisting she could do it they wouldnt have protested!#whatever I'm stupid and reactive and i could have said like that makes me feel like u think i cant help and that feels shitty#whatever#I'm just. i hate existing its too frustrating and complicated and i havw no choice in the matter and i want to just curl up in bed and do#nothing and go nowhere and not talk to anyone and not do my medication bc i wont have insurance if i dont go to work bc i wont have the job#which means i can never do that bc unfortunately the result of not taking my medication scares me more than i hate having to be a person#i hate being a person but being sick is infinitely worse so
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squeakadeeks · 2 months
hello, here to pester you with a question >:3!
where do you get the money to make your cosplays?? i'm in the middle of crafting a bunch of stuff for a plant convention and gyatt damn everythings so pricey
along with the storage ive been getting this one a bunch too haha
to tell true, this is no fault on your part so no frets here at all !!! BUT i'm not comfortable discussing my personal finances online. because on a wide scale, anything in regards to money gets incredibly niche to a person's circumstances and will make people get upset/can leave you vulnerable to a lot of bad things. My pay scale and spending habits are not something i'm hip to sharing online since its really private and opens a lot of dangerous doors. (also my spending habits are not exactly healthy or generalizable either.) I'm not saying this to like...dodge being a secret billionaire or anything, but even if i say "i work a STEM job" I've had people get weird about even just that information.
That being said, there are ways i make cosplay more affordable.
usually in-store fabric shopping at say joanns, is just about as expensive as it gets. if you have to shop only at joanns, michaels, etc the bill racks up fast. There are some in-store fabric shops that are cheaper, especially if they are wholesalers or general fabric warehouses, but those are not easy to find outside of cities most often. Joanns does have good coupons, and i can only shop at joanns these days if i have a coupon or there's a sale on that fabric type i'm interested in!
online wholesale fabric shops are a good way to find fabrics that are at lower prices, but then it does incur extra shipping costs. because of that i try to limit the number of orders I make (more orders, more extra shipping). this looks like grouping orders between projects, or even compromising on fabric types based on the stock of one website so i dont have to split an order between two sites.
sometimes you really do have to sacrifice material type. theres been a number of projects this year that i wanted to make out of a nicer type of fabric, even Thistle for example i considered making out of a dupioni, but it was just too dang expensive. dupioni would be around $25 a yard...vs poly suede which is $6. or even a cheaper satin at $3 a yard is a common sub i use as well. I also very frequently have to throw out entire cosplay ideas just based on cost since its just not feasible no matter how many compromises i make.
reduce the burden by extending your timeline. unfortunately theres no way around it, most projects i make are $200-300, and thats....fairly low in the grand scheme of things for crafting-focused cosplayers on mid sized projects. but either way, dropping all of that at once in one place is a huge blow to the wallet. but if you break up that whole $200 cost into say...$20 chunks from one week to the next, its softer. if you cant or dont want to reduce your budget, expanding your timeline is a good solution. now granted, that does cause a problem with the whole "less orders means less shipping costs" but the weighing of those two scenarios has to be done person to person/project to project.
STOCKING UP....when there are sales or other things, building a horde can be a great move. like silverbell didnt actually show up much on my finances this month because all the fabric i used on his suit was storage fabric. so it was ""free"" to me this month, because i already bought it.....3 years ago...and that money isnt real anymore haha.
this is really regional and depends on where you are, but thrift stores can have material sections that have good fabrics as well as sheets/blankets/base garments etc. ive been weirdly lucky with finding great fabrics at thrift stores...like literal joanns fabric for half the cost there, but thats super SUPER hit or miss and not something i rely on, but i do check that section whenever i'm there
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wanna1things · 6 years
Mafia AU! Park Woojin
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yall i love park woojin
Genre;; kinda fluff + friends to lovers AGAIN WHAT IS IT WITH ME AND THIS and angsty themes?? + mafia AU
Warnings;;  yes there’s def some violence here
Pairing;; Park Woojin x reader
Requested;; yes by anon here and also here
Summary;; You’re reunited with your old best friend in the strangest of ways….
Style;; bullet point
Word Count;; 2204
Others in the series;; Daniel | Jihoon | Minhyun | Seongwoo
masterlist • request rules • request something
me? posting before midnight? interesting...
you never forgot park woojin
you two were neighbours ever since you were born, you were best friends from the very start
you were literally inseparable even in school
woojin once cried so hard they had to call his parents in because he wasn't put in the same class as you so he had to change class HDKKF
but really,, you two were more like the same person than anything else
you'd spend all of your time together, always going to each other's houses and sleeping over I mean you were neighbours
when woojin got a trampoline you were there almost every day to play on it
and when you got a game console he was always over at yours to play on it
but one day he disappeared suddenly with no word said to you
it was the middle of high school, you two had stopped being in the same classes all the time and although you each had your own group of friends you two were ,,, the closest
still spending most of your time together and doing homework together for the classes you shared
but then woojin missed a day of school
and then another
and another
until it was a whole week
you immediately thought the worst, that he was sick
so after you got home from school that day you ran straight to his house only to see a 'for sale' sign in the yard and the house completely empty
when you got back to your house you asked your parents about it and they just mumbled something about the mafia
and just like that you never saw him again
you got on with your life, but it was difficult
you hadn't got a friend to say everything to anymore
nobody as close to you
and it made you feel very,, alone
and if what your parents had said about the mafia was true then
for all you know woojin could be a gangster or worse, dead
you'd just never know now
but you poured yourself into your work
you studied as hard as possible, partially because it was a distraction but also because something in you made you think that maybe, just maybe, if you did well woojin would be proud of you
wherever he was, that is
and you really did do well
you went to one of the top colleges in the country with a high gpa
but even though you'd succeeded it didn't feel right
you didn't have woojin there to celebrate with you
you didn't have woojin going to college with you
it was... different
but you got on with it
you found a small apartment in the suburbs to live in while you attended uni, and although it was kind of cramped it was homey and also very cheap
your friends at college said it was ,, in a kind of dodgy area,,, but you ignored them because well
you'd never seen anything bad happened and your neighbours were a crazy cat lady and a photographer how dodgy could it be???
that was until you were walking home one day, later than usual
you'd been doing work in the library for an essay that was due in a few weeks time
when you came across something odd - dodgy
3 men stood with their guns pointed towards another man on his own, with his own gun
all the men had your backs to you but
one of them seemed familiar
you approached further, making sure they didn't notice you because haha you didn't want to be shot
he... reminded you of someone
or was he the someone he was reminding you of?
it was only a whisper but
the man closest to you, turned around, his gun pointing to the floor
and as he looked you in the eye you knew
it was definitely woojin
as much as you wanted to run to him and hug him for 2991934 hours to make up for the years you'd missed together
there was a dangerous situation
just as one of the other men tutted and turned to woojin
the person they were all facing ran away into the night
the tallest man fired in the mans disappearing shadow before walking off, followed by the other man
"Woojin? Are you coming with us?"
"I'm just going to stay here for a bit. See if he comes back."
the tallest hummed in approval before turning to walk away
"You shouldn't have lost focus."
as soon as they were out of sight woojin ran over to you and hugged you tighter than you've ever been hugged before
"I've missed you so much, I'm sorry! I'm so sorry!"
you smiled into his shoulder and took a deep breath
"It's okay, as long as you're okay it's all okay."
he pulled back from the hug and looked at your face properly, lit up by the streetlights
"You've gotten prettier, I'm sure!"
you rolled your eyes at him and smacked his shoulder
"Shut up, if anything you've got... handsome.... er???"
he laughed at your attempt at a compliment and stepped back
"It's dark, do you want to come to mine? I live nearby!"
and he did
he lived closer to your college than you did which made you jealous,,, but his apartment was also way bigger than yours with 2 bedrooms which made you even moRE JEALOUS
he went to make you some tea and when he returned you two sat on the sofa, watching tv
to be honest,, neither of you were focused on the tv,, more on how good it felt to be back together again
"I really missed you woojin, I thought you were dead."
you sighed and breathed slowly, your chest heavy
"I wouldn't die on you, you know that."
his tone was serious but he looked at you next to him with a smile
and you felt your heart jump a bit
it hasn't been long since you last saw him but you were sure he'd gotten even more handsome
in fact he was really,,, good looking ,,,
he explained that when he left it wasn't really,,, his fault
his dad was Kang Daniel's dad's, the head of the mafia, old friend, and he'd called in a favour which meant he needed woojin's dad's help
and the area you lived in wasn't really ideal,,,
so woojin moved away and then with all that happened
he managed to get involved in the mafia himself
but he wasn't really heavily involved
not as much as his friends minhyun and jihoon, who were with him earlier
minhyun was higher up,, and jihoon was as good as a trained assassin who watched over newbies like a hawk in case they tried to stray
but woojin wasn't nearly as involved as them
he just did small jobs, jobs that didn't need a lot of work or violence because although he was good with a gun they said he had ""too much of a heart""
and he was totally fine with that,,, he didn't really want to go around doing bank robberies or hits
before long you got talking about yourself, your uni life
when you mentioned your grades you noticed the proud look on woojins face and it made it all worth it
because not only did you make him proud but the grades brought you here where you saw him again
when you mentioned where you live you noticed woojin started to look like he was
,,, in thought ,,,
and he suddenly spoke up before you'd even finished your sentence
"Do you want to live with me? I'm closer and you don't have to pay me rent!"
something in your mind was thinking about,,, living with a mafia member would be dangerous,,, but he was low down so you assumed it would be totally okay
also he claimed that you ‘might be recognised by that guy!!!’ and it was protection lmao nice one
and so you moved in together
it was ;; real fun being together all the time again
it was exactly like nothing had change
you'd order takeout like every night and just eat it and watch tv
I mean of course you'd do your work for college too but
it was like the 2+ years without him never happened
but there was one difference
somewhere in your heart, feelings were starting to grow for woojin
not bad ones lol
he had gotten so handsome,,, and so caring ,,, and the way he looked at you sometimes gave you butterflies
but he was in the mafia...????!!!!!
that ain't safe
one day you were home earlier than usual, one of your classes were cancelled
when you heard woojin come in,, accompanied by who you assumed were minhyun and jihoon
so you went and hid out in the bathroom
as you hid,,, you could hear some of their talking
they were just talking about Daniel,,,, really ,,, and his cool penthouse suite in the hq and how jealous they were of it lmAO
as you got bored of their conversing you looked to the side and noticed
boy had literally used up all of the toilet paper
completely forgetting about keeping quiet you sighed loudly and mumbled "every damn time"
uh oh
bad idea
them mafia guys got MAD good hearing
"What the hell was that??"
"It sounded like a person..."
"Uh.... it's the ghost that haunts this apartment??"
nice lie woojin
"It sounded like it came from the bathroom, I'm going to check-"
before anyone could barge in on you, you stepped out from the bathroom and were greeted by the shocked faces of ,,, minhyun and jihoon,,, and woojin facepalming
"Really y/n? You couldn't keep quiet?"
"Why is there a GIRL in your bathroom? I thought you lived alone"
the taller, older one - you guessed he must be minhyun- seemed more shocked and confused than angry
but as for jihoon...
"She isn't one of us. Who is she?"
"She's my friend from before, she goes to uni nearby so she lives in the spare bedroom is that so bad?"
minhyun shrugged and wandered off back to the living room but jihoon looked at you suspiciously
"You know what you're getting her involved in?"
and then jihoon was gone too
and I guess that was how you met woojins friends
straight away minhyun started to come over every evening to teach you some self defence
nothing with a gun,,, because that's too much for someone who isn't even part of the mafia,,, but just how to protect yourself from attacks just in case
and every time you'd successfully do something, woojin would have that proud look on his face again
which gave you butterflies
before long you were pretty much perfect at defending yourself
if someone even tapped your shoulder,,, you could have them on the floor in 0.2 seconds
even minhyun was impressed by how quickly you caught on
and so your self defence classes finished
in celebration of your completion, you text woojin as soon as minhyun left to ask him what takeout he wanted
he responded quickly with
"Pizza! I'll be back soon!!!"
and so you got to ordering it
it came quickly, before woojin even got home
and so you went to unpack it, leaving the front door unlocked so woojin could get in easily
as you started to unpack the pizza you heard a faint knock at the door
assuming it was woojin, you shouted to him that the door was unlocked, he could come straight in
you heard the squeak of the door opening and closing, still not turning around from the pizza
and that was when you felt it
a cold knife was pressed against your neck from behind, a gloved hand pressing it close to your throat
before you even had time to process the situation your training had kicked in
you couldn't do much in the way of beating the guy up, but you managed to disarm him and chuck his knife out of the window
as you stood face to face with him, your own kitchen knife in your hand the door swung open and there was woojin
you looked over at him and noticed the complete shock as he pulled the gun from his pocket and the intruder backed away
"Get out!!! Do you hear me?? Get out of here!!"
he waved the gun in the direction of the door and within  seconds the intruder was gone
an odd silence fell in the apartment, with the only noise being the wind through the open door
Woojin looked up at you, a strange look in his eyes
he walked straight up to you, holding your face in his hands for a few seconds saying nothing at all
and then his lips were on yours
all you could think about was how much you loved him,, not even what had just happened
he pulled back slightly, resting his forehead against yours
"I really need to stop letting the one I love get hurt."
aha i love writing these
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