#wanred to put stuff
audiovisualrecall · 4 months
Love how I can ruin something so easily
#actually id say love how depression can do so but i dont have to behave irritably just bc my brain feels unmoored and unhappy for no good#reason. i dont have to make it everyone elses problem#i wasnt trying to! but i cant communicate hey i feel like x and thats making me feel y and i dont know what to do about it#i just.. why dont they ask 'Why?' when i get like that. i want them to notice that I'm acting uncharacteristically and say something so that#i can go oh yeah thats dumb and idk why sorry yeah#but theyre reacting like its not obvious when i pointed out that this happens and that i want them to ask me 'why'#yeah is it fair to expect that if them? no. but idk what else to do abt it bc i am incapable of makingany other decision#im ANGRY#I'm disappointed i didnt get to be here for the yard sale and help them#I'm frustrated i had to be at work even though i was superfluous there today#I'm disappointed and frustrated that they dont want to try a yard sale again another week#like maybe a warmer and nicer weekend and puttinf more signs up will result in more traffic to the yard sale!#theyre giving up on it and i wanted to do a yard sale and didnt get to bc i had to be at work instead and now i wont gwt to again bc they#dont want to plan another yard sale bc theyre exhausted by it#i missed out and i wanted to do a yard sale so bad and didnt get to be here for it!#I'm frustrated that qe wont do another yard sale#and I'm unhappy that they didnf trust that i could clean up and brinf stuff inside at least like theyre tired so why are they doinf the work#let me help! i want to feel like i helped! I'm useless i dont do anything! but i was fold i cant do it on my own and wouldnt know where they#wanred to put stuff#like yeah i cant move the tables on my own into the shed. fine. but the boxes of stuff??? she could have come and directed me instead!#so like. fine i wont help. and then i got up and came to fuckinf help anyway even tjo apparently i wouldnt have done it right on my own#and shes like that attitude wasn't helpful like neither was what you said!#i know I'm not smart or helpful and just an annoying tag-alonf overgrown child but i wanted to do something#if it was my oldest sister insisting she could do it they wouldnt have protested!#whatever I'm stupid and reactive and i could have said like that makes me feel like u think i cant help and that feels shitty#whatever#I'm just. i hate existing its too frustrating and complicated and i havw no choice in the matter and i want to just curl up in bed and do#nothing and go nowhere and not talk to anyone and not do my medication bc i wont have insurance if i dont go to work bc i wont have the job#which means i can never do that bc unfortunately the result of not taking my medication scares me more than i hate having to be a person#i hate being a person but being sick is infinitely worse so
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lisxdumbr · 1 year
Ok I'm going to try to sleep despite the sun being fucking out again because I feel really terrible and ughhh but we'll see if that works
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nomairuins · 2 months
i am okay tho i just have momeys sometimrs . please do not ever worry abt me guys
#i rly rly rly appreciate any asks u guys send me truly i usually hold onto then bc i dont know how to respond and rheyre good to see#sometimes#but im not in any danger i rly am. safe. i have a lot of things keeping me from doing That so. i am safe. dw.#i just get sad a lot. and its my fault i need 2 judt stop it and suck it uo and Work on it all but its so. insurmountable. and it judt#doesnt get easier yk. it never does. whatsver.#but. anyways i am safe i am okif it got to the point i was like. fearful for my life thatd either be The delusion (which is actually good#for me i cant explain it but its good for me) or i coulf talk to my family abt it and theyd help#i just cant talk to them abt This. stuff. the like. the being broken stuff and just not being right#i cant talk to any of them abt that. but if i said hey im genuinely faarful i miggjt do something they would um. help. so its okay#idk. i hope the posts dont seem like i make them for pity i rly dont this blog is just my stream of consciousness#ik i just shouldnt post them and i should judtkeeo a diary but i dont um. how to explain thid#even if nobody sees it it feels better to make a tumblr post bc then it feels like. a performance i guess. its not its real but its like#if i put it somewhere other ppl can see it then that means i exist. thats not quite right but i dont know how to articulate like#i dont nexessarily want ppl to see them i find it embarassing i guess. but it feels dishonest to not post them#since i post everything else. bc i like being open online it makes me think im real. does that make sense#and there are timestamps so i know when things happen. thsts modtly how i remember things#is looking at my blog and checking dates and timestamps. and for older stuff i have to check my dms with ykw. which. is not good for.me at#all. but ihave no other way to remember dayes#i dont know. im rly sry i hate podting vents but i dont like deleting posts eithrr so j dont know oike. idk.#just idk know they arent like. They are serious they are how i feel and i usually make them ehen im in distress#but its not dangerous distress i judt get hopeless. yk? i dont wanr anybody to worry abt me ever im not supposed to be a burden#i dont knoe. i havent articulated anything well. basicallt i dont do rhem for attention i dont do them for like. guilttripping or pity#i dont rly do them for any reason other than irs pure word vomit. i suppose. and tumblr is my wordvomit website. i judt get on here and yap#and it makes me feel so much worse but i get better eventually so its fine.
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dragonridernoobie · 3 months
Hello again my friend I've been getting really into BioShock it's a really old game that was released in like 2007 I think like a really long time ago and so there's these kind of mechanical semi-human things called a Big Daddy's basically either humans that were stripped away of all of their memories and stuff and basically is a protector to the little sisters that gather Adam which is basically stuff that gives you powers by the parasite implanted into the little girls basically it's a dystopian underwater city and I was wondering maybe some of the Autobots and possibly decepticons (you can choose either one but please have Optimus or Megatron ) and I was wondering if they could meet a reader who was basically a big daddy with the drill and everything and able to control all the plasmids and stuff (sorry if my ask is a little lengthy)
Ok 2 things. 1, I already wrote this but tumblr broke and now I have to do it all again and I wrote a long one to so FUCK YOU TUMBLR!!!! 2nd, there are no such thing as to long of a reqest. So, with this bioshock big daddy thing. I watched a video that explained them and I based off that and how I think it would act. Since I never played or seen the game before. So I hope you enjoy!!!!
TFP Autobots X Mutant Reader
Wanring: mention of experiments, death, and gore.
Optimus was stressed. He was stressed by everything. He was fighting the decpticons and MECH. He didn't know what to do but only to keep going forward. While he was in base, ratchet went up to him with a detapad.
"We have found a single in the ocean. We think it's a cybertronian artifact." "Very well, thank you, ratchet. Prepare the ground bridge." Optimus radios Bumblebee, bulkhead, and smokescreen. They arrive all ready to go
"aww ya! We are about to kick some decpticon pipe!" "Smokescreen, you are going to the bottom of the ocean. You need to be careful since one wrong thing, and you will be crushed by the force!" Ratchet was too quick to calm smokescreen down. Miko runs up to bulkhead but he quickly stops her "no, nuh uh, there's no oxygen in the ocean and we don't have oxygen tanks so you can't come." "Awwwwwwww" miko hangs her head low but nods. She goes back where jack and raph are at.
"Start the groundbridge ratchet." Ratchrt nods and pulls the lever. "Becarful, if one of you get crushed, there is no way of bringing you back." The team nods and runs through the groundbridge. Soon making it on the other side where they stand infront of empty ocean, only filled with rocks, sand, and more.
Optimus pushes his side of his helm to activate the voice channel. "Remmber, we can't speak underwater, so use these voice channels so we can speak through our helms." The teams nod and follow optimus very slowly through the water. After a while, the see lights ahead, though it was very murky. "Optimus, lights!" "I see bulkhead. It seems to be some underwater city." "Bzzzz oooooopppp?" (William Fowler never said they had underwater citys) "they don't Bumblebee, let's keep moving. That's where the single is at."
The team nods and continues to walk toward it. They soon get to the city and enter one of the many large city's. Once they were in a water free room, smokescreen spoke first. "WOW! This place is huge! I mean, look at this stuff! It's so old and rust!" "Pay attention smokescreen. We are on a mission." Bulkhead tells smokescreen with a stern voice.
The team walks further and further down the doors and hallways but soon stops in front of a huge window that looks towards the ocean. Right, but there, they see a weird creature. It had a drill but was repairing the building. "What is that?" Bulkhead says, clearly freaked out. "Ahould we say hi? I'm going to say hi!" Optimus puts hi hand on smokescreens shoulder "no, we do not know if it's friend or foe. We should continue our mission." Smokescreen sighs but nods. Everyone walked and soon entered a room where the single was.
"The artifact is in this room." "Optimus, look!" Bulkhead points to a bunch of dead humans near the edge of the room. They all seem to be killed in a brutal way. Some of them where gutted, some of them where missing limbs or heads, or are just cut in half. "Bzzzzzzz" (i don't want to be here any more....) "I agree with Bumblebee. Miko and I have seen enough horror movies to know somone is gonna die!" "Calm youreself. What humans make are not real." Optimus says and he continues to walk toward the edge of the room where the wall is.
"Bzzzzzzz" (the scanner says the artifact is on the other side) "The let's break it!" Bulkhead pulls out his wrecker ball. "No, we are surrounded by water. We do not want to cause more damage." Bulkhead sighs but puts his blasters away. When optimus was about to figure out how tingen the artifact, he hears guns being aimed. He and the autobots turn and find Silas there, with few of his men aiming at them.
"Well, well, well, dident know you autobots will he here." "Silas, why are you here." Optimus says while he aims his blaster at them. "Why do you think? I'm here to get that artifact of you'res." "You are not getting this artifact." "So be it, fire!" His squad fires at optimus and the autobots. The autobots take cover and watch as MECH shoot holes into the wall, causing water to spray in.
"Stop! You are gonna kill youreselfs!" "If it means taking you down, so be it." Silas says while he keeps shooting. Suddenly, everyone hears drilling and some MECH grunts further in the building screaming. "What the hell is going on out there?!?!" Silas yells at his men while he keeps shooting at the autobots. "There's a strange Mutant!" Before anyone could respawn, a MECH grunt get thrown through a wall and into the room.
There, in the hole in the wall, is a big daddy. He had a drill and a gun for hands, and his eyes were red. "Definitely foe, definitely Foe!!!" Smokescreen screams while looking at the Mutant in horror. The Mutant charges forward and attacks the MECH grunts who are shooting at it. Drilling and shooting them. The autobots watch in horror how this Mutant is killing them all. When the mutant looks toward the autobots way, the team asks their blaster at it, but optimus stops them. "Stop, it's only attacking people who are damaging the buildings or shooting at it." When the team hesitates, he nods his head. They lower their wepons and watch the Mutant change it's attention back on MECH, who was still shooting at it.
They watch it attack MECH going through them like nothing. Optimus singles them to get the artifact. They go up to the wall and find a lever. There, they open the wall and there is the artifact. When the team tries to flea, they are met with the mutant corning Silas who was shooting at it. They watch in horror as the Mutant drills into Silas, his screams echoing off the walls. Soon he dies. When the Mutant looks at them they freeze. It just stairs and it's eyes go back to normal. It then just walks away.
"Ratchet, groundbridge... we got the artifact..." When ratchet opens it, they go through and tell ratchet and William Fowler everything. Fowler sends a team to get the Mutant and finds out it was created by the Russians who lost control of it and killed all of its scientists. It was taken back to the USA, and worked on. They made it where it could think but not speak. The autobots welcome it and it joins the team. They find out the name of there new Ally.
Hope you loved this!!! This is what a big daddy looks like for anyone who doesn't know what it looks like.
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just-antithings · 15 days
Im sorry its me here to ramble again with theories, im the anon from this post: https://www.tumblr.com/just-antithings/760668728332632064/i-have-a-theory-that-the-rise-of-antis-are-also
The more i think about it, I feel like the rise of products defining people alongside parasocial relationships is also part of the issue with the rise of antis. Specifically antis that sort of have a certain character as their aesthetic / account theme.
Products usually are advertised as a certain way to achieve certain results, for example a cologne for masculine wealthy men and as a result that tends to make some people believe "if i have that product and use then people will be perceived as more masculine and wealthy" and when it's advertised with a celebrity then some people will think "i will be more similar to the celebrity"
Which products make sense but with Internet leaning more and more about "Post stuff, gain followers and Get sponsors" now instead of tv advertiments its also anyone who's sponsored but the difference between online and TV.. you know when the advertiment starts and ends. It never really ends online.
So then people newer to the Internet that's constantly filled with advertisements will start making that association to random things like "If my favourite youtuber likes this then if i like this I'll be more like them".. "if my fav artist has this equipment i can draw like them" but this also means whatever their favourite youtuber hates some viewers will also hate it to be more like their fav youtuber. They can't separate advertisements and a non advertisement, its no longer clear because on TV you had "TV show, AD, Ad, Ad, Ad, Tv show and credits, Ad Ad Ad, New tv show..." where you knew where your entertainment started and the advertising began. Online its all blended together. A product is something that people are encouraged to want, the person using the product is what they wanr you to aspire to be a certain way but entertainment isn't meant to aspire you to be a certain way, its not promoting anything. Its just there to make you feel something.
Then with my previous theory of parasocial relationships and fictional characters well.. very easily some antis will let their interests and those they associate with define them as a person. Its not that far of a reach to assume that when they have a favourite character they also let it define them, How others view the character is important to them, like a form of projection. "This is my favourite character, I like this character and will talk about this character" then have their profile filled with images of that character.. just like how people perceive themselves or others while having or using certain products being 'better'or 'wealthy' the anti will now perceive themselves as "people like this character, I like this character and i have this character on my profile so people must also like me the same way i like this character" but then the issue is that unlike an advertisement where there's very specific push to certain ways to be seen.. characters are not perceived the same by everyone.
So when they see people writing fanfictions they do not see the character being like they perceive the character as... the character is 'different'so they are upset, to them it is personal and that they assume its bad faith because "Everyone i know sees character as this, why dont they see character as this. Why are they writing this character 'wrong'." And if they do let their favourite character define them and they project onto the character.. well then it can quickly turn to "They must see me like this, they must want to do this to me just like my fav character " and so forth.
Which is also why antis cant handle the existence of people who are proship. To them it can feel like so hurtful because they make such a loud point of having that character as their profile 'aesthetic', they put so much effort and thought about it.. now someone else just 'casually'fucks their hardwork up. they believe that anyone who perceives character differently is a danger to the them (at least to their digital existence they created) and to them its ' damaging'. The thing is, its like damaging a brand.. because they made the character their brand their digital self, without realising that their perception is not the only way of seeing the character. So when someone makes a character in a adult/ minor ship and they use their the adult or minor then they feel like their being told 'hey this is how your perceived by this fanfic writer' and with how easily antis call others pedos.. well its not surprising their upset (absolutely NO reason to target people over those emotions and indulge those emotions with harmful actions)
Fuck i ramble a lot I'm sorry I swear this is the last one, theories are something i love. Obviously both theories are about extremes antis and a specific small portion. This is very likely me overthinking and not a correlation = causation but it is interesting just to consider that with both parasocial relationships and how corporate online spaces are that antis may accidentally be making their accounts like brands as a way to make it easier to gain 'friends' (followers) so when they put so much work into promoting their account then they realise its all pointless when someone writes a fanfic so they throw a fit.
Or Maybe im deluded and trying to feel empathy for them, trying to find any sort of explanation as to why so many antis are hostile when it comes to artistic expression when there is no explanation.
Thank you for allowing to me to ramble into your ask box, this is the digital version of me putting a letter in an empty glass bottle and throwing it to sea.
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You really are a tease ~ part 2
Hopper + female reader
Wanrings ~ Swearing, inappropriate thoughts and self love
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It’s been a few weeks since you moved into Hoppers cabin. Your mum dropped all of your stuff off, she didn’t even come in. You were lucky Hopper was home early that day as she just left it outside the door whilst you slept. You hadn’t heard from your parents at all and making things worse your boss fired you. He’d had enough of you too it seemed. Hopper had reassured you that you would find another job, you hadn’t yet thought. You’d flirted a bit more with Hopper but made no progress. You sigh as you sit on the sofa flicking through the television channels. Nothing good on. You get up and decide to wonder around. Even though you’d been here a few weeks you’d never really looked at the place. You see a bookcase with some books, games, a radio and puzzles. You had a brief look through the books. Nothing really for you. Your eyes turn to the closed curtain. Hoppers room. You know you shouldn’t but you can’t resist taking a peak. Hopper won’t be back just yet. You pull back the curtain and take a step in. You see a bed, night stand, mirror and wardrobe. You can’t help your curiosity as you open up his wardrobe and browse through his clothes. A few shirts, one very colourful one, his trousers, jeans and an extra police uniform. You stop at that. Your hands move before you mind catches up with what you are doing. You lift up your oversized pj top throwing it on the floor and put on Hoppers work shirt. You do up a few buttons and turn to yourself in the mirror. You can’t help but smile, your in his clothes and it feels good. They still have his scent. You can’t explain what it is but you love it
You close your eyes and start to imagine his real smell all over you. Picturing Hopper touching you in all the right places, making you feel so good, picturing his lips kissing you. His kisses running down your neck, slowly and teasingly. Giving you a little bite now and then. His lips moving lower down, kissing the top of your breasts. Sucking your one of your nipples whilst his big hand makes its way down to your hot core. You can hear the moans in your ear as he feels how wet you are. You’re not sure when or how it happened but you found yourself laying on Hoppers bed. His shirt still on. Your hand down your knickers rubbing yourself of the sweet thoughts. You can’t deny how good this feels but it’s just not enough. You need more relief. Not caring about consequences you quickly pull off your knickers and sit up with Hoppers pillow under you. You start to move slowly back and forth feeling the friction your pulsing clit. ‘Fuck’ you whimper as you pick the speed up. Your mind back to your thoughts but instead of you humping the pillow it’s Hoppers face. His tongue swirling around your pussy. Lapping up all your wetness, moaning into you praising your taste. Only a few seconds later your orgasm comes crashing over you and you cum all over his pillow. You catch your breath slowly coming down from your post state orgasm. You don’t have long to recover and you hear Hoppers truck outside. ‘Shit shit!’ You say scrambling off his bed. You put the pillow back but facing the other way praying he won’t turn it over as you see a large wet patch from you. You quickly take off his shirt hanging up as neat as you can and closing the wardrobe door not realising it fell off the hanger. You throw on your oversized pj top and make a swift bee line for the sofa closing his make shift door behind. As you sit down you hear the door unlocking as you pretend to look interested in whatever was on TV.
‘Hey kid, you okay?’ Hopper says shrugging off his coat and hanging it up. ‘Hey Hop, yeah good. You? Good day?’ You ask hoping you don’t sound breathless. He goes to the kitchen grabbing a beer. ‘Yeah good thanks’ he replies joining you on the sofa. He takes a sip of beer turning to you. ‘You feeling okay? You looking a little hot’ he says brining a hand up to your forehead. You flinch at his touch. Those are the hands you were just thinking about. God you wanted those fingers in you, fucking you, reaching places you coul- ‘Y/N?’ Hopper snaps you back into reality. ‘I’m okay, but tired’ you say which isn’t a lie. That orgasm really took it out of you. ’Go have a nap. I’ll make us some dinner. Sound good?’ He asks taking his hand off you. You miss his touch already. ‘I might do that actually. Thanks Hop.’ You say getting up, you walk to your room stretching up as you get up. As you reach your room you turn to Hopper who is just staring at you with a look you’ve not seen before. You ignore it, ‘see you soon Hop’ you say, he just nods. You close the door and crawl into your bed. ‘What was all the about?’ You think yourself.
Hopper can’t believe what he’s just seen. As you stretched up your pj top rose up. Showing your bare naked ass. You had completely forgotten about your knickers in a frantic escape of Hopper’s room. Hopper couldn’t help but look. You were nearly naked in front of him. He couldn’t deny his attraction to you. It’d been there a while but you were his best friends daughter. You were a lot younger. You were trouble. But god damn you looked good. This wasn’t the first time Hopper checked you out. Not that you’d know. He’d pictured many different things with you but always pushing them away, he didn’t wanna come across as a perv. But he saw your ass. The way it tensed as your stretched up. He could see you had a small dimple in your left cheek. His dick was instantly hard. As soon as your shut your door he left to deal with his problem. He went to his room. Quickly undoing his belt and pulling down his trousers and boxers. He didn’t even lay on his bed and just stood up over it. He needs to cum. He started to move his hand up and down his very hard cock. He pictures your ass bent down in front of him as his cock went in and out of your pussy. He imagined the sweet noises you’d make for him. The way your ass would shake as he fucked you so hard. He was close already. What brought him over the edge is remembering your words. ‘You’d be a great daddy’ the way you called him daddy did something to him. He quickly came all over his hand and pillow. Hopper reached for a tissue on his bed side and cleaned up his hand, pulling up his boxers but leaving his trousers off. He went to the wardrobe and grabbed a pair of sweats putting them on. He noticed his work shirt had fallen off the hanger, he picked it up and put it back on. He took off his other work shirt tossing it in the laundry basket. He made his way back to his bed to sort out his pillow. He used the remaining tissue to clean up some of his cum. He couldn’t be arsed to wash it so turned it over to sleep on that side. As he did he noticed a large wet patch on his. ‘What the hell?’ He was confused there’s no way his cum leaked through. He picked up his pillow and inspected it more closely. Fuck knows what it was. The curiosity got the better of him as he slowly lifted to his face and smelt it. Fuck. He dropped the pillow, it quickly falling to the bed. He knew that kinda smell. He’s been with enough women to know what a pussy smelt like. He stood there frozen for a minute unsure what to do. He started pacing the room back and forth when something caught his eye under his bed. Something that wasn’t his. He bent down and picked it up. Your missing knickers. Hopper had your bunched up knickers in his hand. His dick twitching in sweats again. ‘Well well well Y/N. You have been a very naughty girl’ he said with a smirk. ‘If you wanna play like that. Let the games begin’
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lastavenged · 4 months
Timelines are so messy. I did a revise for Karen's ncu. It's different. Very much so, w/ inspiration a more direct from the comics and messing around with that timeline. Also cause I did jusr geniunely forgot how ncu handles it when I started rewriting karen cause my Karen was original 616 back in the day and started before s3 came out ( so I had already been blending the canon and pulling from 616 canon events so this is just me re-including now that the karen saga with s3 and punisher are a thing )
As in like New York is not Karen's first time leaving Vermont, and it's not 2004 when the "Karen flashback episode" it's actually much closer to when the action in DD starts, partly since it is fresher in her mind (and cause ill be real I'm always a comics first and have been rewatching for the first time in like 4/5 years so I was screwing up some details and there is kind of this part of karen's arcs in the comics, and her regerets and internal conflicts while in hollywood and leaving, and adding like i just have ideas)
Additionally, wanting to put a larger emphasis on Karen the black sheep to her father, the page disappointment, as well as family secrets, and just play around with her character, and pull some her motivations and traits from her comic counterpart.
So like Karen is catholic, now she's non-praciting, but was raised. She does leave Vermont for college, and goes as far away as possible. California, she does not last in college long, but stays away and that kind of when tension with her and father arise (but already tension had been there)
since in the comics, Paxton Page is an ex-gov agent who invented a bomb; and I decided I am keeping that, and that Fagans Corner Vermont and Page Place later renamed Penny's Place, is his retirement as well as kind of his try to get away from the shame and guilt of you know inventing a mass weapon for the government; which is something he does keep secret from his children and everything, which you can bet is one of those things that causes Karen to have tension with her father, cause he keeps this thing from her (which gives an additional to why karen has such a loaded reaction to secrets and lies from others)
But she kind of already in her addiction being a problem, in California, and when she drops out which expect phone call with Paxton, and disappointment. And then Karen's mom gets sick, and Kevin calls Karen and asks her to come home, and she does. Cause she loves her brother and mother, wanrs to be there, and things in California are not going well either.
So then come back, now something later than the ncu canon of the 2004 flashbacks year not quite known, or something and then you have karen back in Vermont, and seeking out fixes and that's how she gets involved with "drug dealer boyfriend" and not always being the most "present" while mother is dying, and then her brother actually trying to help her and finding out the california stuff and trying tk get her to do college again or something. And just you know, most if the flashback events kept, and then things with her brother and drug dealer, and being crossfaded and the crash, and death.. and all of that. Paxton wanting Karen gone because there's all these stacked between them, Karen's early childhood feeling of betrayal that her father just never told her the truth about what he use to do before decided a failing diner was his life now, and then her own lying about California, and then coming back and /being this daughter he doesn't know/ and then Kevin's death, and just basically the metaphorical idea that his daughter is dead to him, and it's better than she just leave and never come back, but at least she's been kept out jail and the trouble she's always causing
And that's Karen's bottom and she doesn't hit new york right away, but you can figure she kind of figures out getting clean, moderation with alcohol, and then end up in New York, only really a year before nelson and Murdock happens, and 3 months at union Allied which is 3 months before the show starts.
So you kind of have this karen, who much like her comic counterpart, had gone through a lot, and is on this kind of repair of herself and reinvention, wanting to help people and not let others end up like her. Which will add to the Wesley stuff and just, incorporates the kind of themes of these exerts from comics & novels to ncu karen more clearly in my portrayal
It may seem like a lot, but it gives a lot more on why Karen's as reckless, as need to be involved and getting the truth, helping people I'm new york and why she's so certain she knows bad guys and dark corners, that this has been a long life like this and why new york, was suppose to be her own reinvention and desire to change herself, and live life better than she had for the first thirty of her life. As well as, incorporate her origins, and let me have a reason for setting up season 3 or post season 3 Karen, inventing Paige Angel ( I have ideas )
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I just think that they could have maybe done something with this, instead of "dark lois lane" and again I actually do love her and the Netflix series a lot
I just wanted to jam packed, pad out her history and move up some of the timeline and events.
And litersllt these 10 images are some of the largest moments to me as well as inspiration for my Karen as well as I think the ncu karen
"What I did to me." - such an important little thing to note there
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flockofdoves · 1 year
me and my gf have been rearranging stuff in our room this week and it looks so much nicer and has a logical flow of stuff that makes getting things for day to day tasks so much more seamless
and its like on one hand i want to get out of this apartment if at all possible (maybe not possible nothing is affordable around here and if id wanted to find something id basically have had to start applying for stuff almost a whole year ahead of time) i cannot fucking stand livinf with my roommate and in these unhygienic conditions any longer
but like god!!!! look!!! we put so much effort into this room!!! i want that effort to pay off and last longer!!! and even the disrepair in this apartment not directly related to my roommate like idk maybe if could be fixed if i ever felt comfortable calling maintenance (which i dont bc of how horrific our roommate leaves everything)
so like. this place is actually pretty roomy (although her stuff takes up a disproportionate amount of room and i cant use the living room bc it smells so bad and is so gross) and relatively affordable. it could actually be pretty good if she just moved out i dont wanr to throw that all away but obviously thats ridiculous to bank on and potentially have to live through another year of this situation because of inaction in hoping for that
but like my fucking god. her job is literally like 40 minutes way in an area thats wayyyyy more affordable than here and she never does anything around this area at all like get fucking outttttt of here just move there itd be best for the both of us. my god
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noro-noro-noro · 2 months
had really annoying and frustrating dreams
- first I was going home from a new place & went to a really trashy grocery store. it was somehow both sparse, cramped, and also had second floor walkways with more things. outside I was walking to my car when this somewhat attractive couple came up to me & started trying to sell me on buying their merch bc the guy needed money for something or other. a lotnof the merch consisted of gold fabric embroidered with something on it as like shirts or wristbands ir maybe a keychain etc , but I didn't want these or to pay for these so I said thanks and put their stuff theykept heaping into my hands on the ground and drove away. I didn't want any part in their scam. apparently I still had a little gold drawstring bag, which I gave to my.mom when I got home. the guy's gf kept aggressively texting me threats until I blocked her , but it turns out those people weren't a scam after all. I felt a lottle bad but still didn't want to buy any of their shit.
also my upper left molar was extremely loose and just floating around on a thread so i just ripped it out. I looked at my mouth in the mirror. fucked up and missing teeth again as usual. I qas missing the molar under the one I'd just taken out too so there was a funny hole. other teeth were somehow growing back, but in such a way thatit was splitting my gums so all the meat on the bottom of my mouth was growing unnaturally thick and then folding back on itself to make a lot of wavy choking hazards that coud unfold pitnof my mouth, bleed everywhere, and trigger my gag reflex, which means I'd cough and bite down on all the extra flesh growing out of my mouth, which means it'd bleed and then the amount of blood wpuld make me gag and cough. negative cycle. I hope that doesn't keep happening in dreams. that's worse than the teeth bc at least i can still breathe when my teeth rot out
- I feel like there was a secons part. whatever don't remember. actually wait no .. my dad in the dream (different person( had borrowed $4k of money from some random people. they wanred their money back so they were trying to come in the house, but my dream dad stood in the doorway and told me to close the door which I couldn't. because he was in the fucking doorway.so they came inside . I was like well not my problem and went to ny room, but this tall bearded guy followed me up there and made me really uncomfortable. I wanted to kill him with a heavy object but most of them were on the shelf next to my bed, which he was lying on while mocking me. didn't like him so I woke up.
- third part was about infiltrating some summrr camp vibe area. during evening we parked outside a small collection of those shitty little tiny stotes and had to crawl through a hole in tree roots to get to abother dimly lit building area. with me was a guy and a girl that were frustrated by when I do things it doesn't turn out right but we were assigned teams. at thisbpoijt we had to do some kinf of tetris thing in a sky area and again it wasbt working, but also I get taken over by the character I'm piloting during intense competition scenes and my character is incompetebt and stupid. after losing the tetris game we went to find this old lady to troubleshoot. she had rpund cheeks and didnt talk much, but she started working on things. several minutes passed. it turned out she had no clue what my issue was and she was just making a burger and fries and going to charge me $17 for them. that really pisses me off so ibwoke up
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sepptember · 3 months
𝐡𝐞𝐚𝐝 𝐨𝐯𝐞𝐫 𝐡𝐞𝐞𝐥𝐬 — send some stuff about you + a fandom and I'll ship you with a character the same gender as you!
RAHHHH okay monster high for fandom. AND u already know a lot abt me but i’ll drop random facts anyway!! as of rn i’m bi but questioning possibly being a lesbian (but prob not i think i jjsy havw a massive fem leaning) and i’m rlly hyperfixated on classic literature and stephen king books! also i’ve been hyperfixated on vampires for like almost my entire life 💀 it’s been going on for at LEAST 11 years or so! but after vampires my favourite book and musical is phantom of the opera and i was the phantom in 8th grade for halloween (i looked twrrible) and cause of mr juno madwickedawesome im also rlly into classical music (specifically tchaikovsky and opera! i bought an opera cassette tape two days ago) and one day i rlly wanna be a writer and if i can an opera singer (realistically alto but my goal is soprano) and i rlly love going to vintage stores and wearing vintage clothes and if it was socially acceptable id walk down the street in a dress from literally any time period between the medieval ages and 1950 🙏 and i play electric guitar! also btw i use any pronouns (or mirror ones literally just refer to me what u call urself but idgaf ppl seem to lean to using fem pronouns for me) so rlly u can put whoever u wanr :3 love ya
I adore the idea of you with operetta!! I think you two would compliment one another really well!!
she would find you interesting, especially with your diverse fashion! I definitely headcanon her as someone who likes history and learning about different norms in certain time eras. plus she definitely seems like she dabbles in some reading! she also enjoys classics and the two of you could bond over them. (she is 100% someone who annotates.)
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cinhomi · 3 months
Oh I’m def fine now! I just kinda panicked and got that like whole body feels lighter not in a good way feeling and then I moved on bc it’s something I’ve been working through for a v v long time.
Honestly I was more worried you’d get upset w me for saying anything :( I know it was highly unlikely but I was v scared of making you upset, wether that be angry or upset bc you forgot. I’m v appreciative that you responded positively tho, you’d be surprised (I hope) by how many writers (not necessarily on stayblr) don’t take TW/CW tag addition/recommendations well.
I did enjoy what I was able to read it it tho! Thank you for asking if I was better and being understanding and adding the tag!!! 💖
sorry for the late reply, the ask got buried under a lot of other notifications!
I too have a particular view on the whole tagging thing tho- don't get me wrong.
I don't like adding too many tags. I feel like they "ruin" the reading experience by spoiling the story a little bit, but if the piece involves certain activities, sexual or not, or certain topics, it is right to add warnings. I am very sensitive to sa and I wouldn't want to find it in a fic by surprise, for example. if there are graphical images described particularly well, I become nauseous and my head starts spinning- but if I'm wanred beforehand I can at least decide if I can go through it or if I should totally avoid that content.
I don't have a problem tagging stuff on my shorter pieces (like I did from the start until now) but when I'll post long fics, with chapters I mean, I'll put a general disclaimer in the masterlist and then address specific tags and warnings if needed.
I can give an outline of what you should expect to find in the story and then since I assume every person reading my content is an adult or close to that, able to take decision for themselves, I shouldn't worry about your own safety and have faith in your judging ability.
however, what you asked was completely reasonable. I would've refused to tag the mention of food for example. that really IS ridiculous, since eating is an activity that humans do and you see it on a regular basis. but yes, talks about death etc. may go a bit deeper into our minds and cause certain feelings, I understand.
thank you for enjoying my lil piece with Sungie. I'm glad that it wasn't nothing too bad, and sorry for using your ask to clarify some stuff to whoever reads it hahsjabxh have nice day~ ♡
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naalamuse · 1 year
The Problem With My Father
okay. so i want to write this out and dump it somewhere but honestly ik i cant dump but atleast i need to tell this out without letting people know but for my mental peace. my father is a jerk. i have no emotional connection with him i dont feel anything for him and the honest truth is he have just hurt me and he is enjoying it. he is a sick person, a sadist and a fake.
what are the things that he wronmged me?
first and foremost, he was never there in the first place. he never helped me financially never reaklly. he did some stuff. and he lost akll the money. but the thing is that he put all the responsibility on my elder sibling.
at first i believed hje was just financioally unsatble. but thern he made me understand one thing; he was a lier and a shithuman. he is a prime example for a prime reeason. ok no whst happened that mademe realize everything.
okay i had debts because of the fees asnd stuff. i iused to go [part time i still go fdor that. but what he said was the meagre income i get should be given tyo him. its like he wanrs moey. and then what . he got loan a nd now is heb ricjh. he promised me before that he wpuld pay for my fees and nowh eis a fucker. i hate him. he is not my father anymore. therew are a lot of reasons but injust want to promise myswlf thats all/
i am my best self from nowon. io strive tobe that and i quit whining about my parents my issues. now its nio more. i dont want him in my life. ever./ nothing hwe does can change the way things are and i dont really care about him anymore.
this is a reminder to myself to mkae my life better.
i want to take ocare of others. i want to be a good person not just a lier like that. its courage that matters and the skills i need, i need to learn.
no more blaming a-anyone. its just vme.
i can write and label my issues but why
the skills i need;
legal, communication, confidence.
the msain skill i need, confidence. thats what matters.
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bambi-marquez · 3 years
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galariangengar · 4 years
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seresinhangmanjake · 2 years
Wants and Needs: Part 2
Jake “Hangman” Seresin x Y/N
Summary: Jake “Hangman” Seresin sets his sights on you, Rooster’s best friend, but it doesn’t take long for you to understand what type of man the cocky, blond pilot is. Unfortunately for Hangman, you have no interest in a womanizer. 
Wanrings/Notes: This is very similar to my other fic because that one was basically a wip of what this turned out to be. 
Also: Hangman’s ego, fluff, flirting, eventual smut, protective angry Rooster. 
Words: 1128
All parts in Masterlist
Part 2: Temptations
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You thought Rooster had the strongest hugs, which could crush your lungs and snap your rib like a giant snapping a toothpick, but it was nothing compared to those of your shared honorary uncle.
“I’m so glad you came. I can’t believe I haven’t seen you in a year,” Maverick said as he finally released you. His smile rivaled the brightness of the sun as he looked between you and Rooster. “Brad’s going to show you around?”
“That’s the plan. Just two wildlings on the loose around millions of dollars of vehicles and equipment,” Rooster replied as he wrapped an arm around your shoulders. As kids you were destructive, and that was putting it nicely. Neither of your families could have expensive things in the home, and when the two of you were put together, it was like the apocalypse had come to town in the form of two tiny monsters. “We should get a move on,” he continued. “Lots to do. Lots to see. Lots to destroy.”
“Alright, alright,” Mav laughed, lightly patting Rooster on the bicep. “But I want the both of you to come to dinner tonight at Pen’s.”
“I think that’s doable,” you said.
Maverick clapped once. “Great! That’s great! You guys go, and come over around seven, yea?”
“Alright, Brad, give her full tour. Don’t skip a thing.”
“Will do, Mav.”
You both watched as Maverick slipped his arms through the sleeves of his leather jacket and threw a leg over the seat of his bike. The engine echoed in the space and when he rounded the corner, he tossed you a wave which you happily returned.
“He seems to be doing well.”
Rooster laughed, “He’s just excited for you to be here. Wants to move up the wedding I think, as well,” he said, then started towards the door that led back into the main building, which he held open for you. “Ok, so what do you want to see first?”
“So, what do you think?”
Rooster had his eyebrows raised and arms out as he motioned to the rows of planes, one of which he usually flew during missions. “Brad, it’s all amazing. Seriously, I love it. I haven’t seen this stuff up close since dad brought me when I was five.”
With a snort, he said, “Anything you would’ve seen then is now ancient,” but then his smile fell and he cleared his throat. “How are you doing with all of that?”
Rooster sighed your name.
“Really, Bradley, I’m fine,” you said as casually as you could. “I wasn’t, so I ended up spending a year alone, and now I am, so I moved here to be as close as possible to the people I have left.” It was a smart choice, you knew. Perhaps, the best choice you could have made. When your father died you weren’t sure how to cope but being around Rooster and Mav now gave you the comfort you hadn’t even realized you had been craving for a year. “I’m happy here. I know I’ve only been back a week, but,” you took a breath, “I don’t know, it’s something in the air. I feel like this is where I am supposed to be.”
Rooster beamed as he linked your arm with his and started to stroll along one of the concrete pathways. “Something in the air, huh?  I think—”
“Hold on,” you paused, jerking him backwards. “Where is that coming from?”
He waited a second in silence with you, but the moment he heard the harsh bark of the number one-sixty-two, he knew exactly from where it was originating. He snorted. “This way.”
“Come on. I’ll show you.” He pulled you along, around the corner to a long stretch of black pavement. “Drills,” Rooster said, bringing you closer to the two men ahead of you, one barking out numbers, the other doing push-ups in time with the barks. “When uncle Mav started training us, he made up this game where one plane tries to ‘shoot down’ the other and whoever loses has to do two-hundred push-ups when they get back to base. It keeps us on our toes.”
“Damn, that’s—”
“A beating,” Rooster chuckled. “Looks like it’s Hangman today. He’ll be a peach but try to ignore him. I’ll introduce you to Cyclone.”
The cold look of the older handsome man before you morphed into a smile the moment he took his eyes off Jake and put them on you. “You must be Y/N,” he said.
“Yep,” Rooster replied, popping the P, then turned to you while motioning to the man. “Y/N, this is Cyclone.”
“It’s nice to meet you, Sir.”
“Oh, don’t bother with the formalities,” Cyclone waved a hand. “Right now, the only one who needs to worry about that is Hangman here,” he said, slapping the now-standing blond on his naked back.
You had tried your best, truly, not to look at him—though you could feel the heat of his stare on you—because you knew for a fact that if you looked at him your knees would wobble. And so you steeled yourself the best you could before you let your gaze wander from one man to the other.
A whimper nearly escaped past your lips that you struggled to tamp down. The sight of him, shirtless and practically glistening from the sunsets light shining on his sweaty torso, was almost enough to make you surrender yourself to him right then and there. His chest was still heaving from the intensity of the workout as droplets of perspiration forged rivers over and around the muscles of his abdomen. When your eyes traveled up to his face, his own were glued to your mouth; and it was only then that you realized you had one half of your bottom lip trapped between your teeth.
When you released it and darted your tongue out to wet the dryness of that lip, his eyes finally met yours. He swallowed hard, adam’s apple bombing harshly, and you thanked God that Rooster found whatever Cyclone was saying to be so interesting, because if he saw the way you were looking at the blond pilot, he would surely lock you up and throw away the key.
“Are you going to the bar tonight,” Cyclone asked, “to help set up for the new class?”
“Can’t,” Rooster said. “We’ve got dinner with Mav and Pen. But we’ll be there for the Fresh Meat Party tomorrow.”
Jake looked away from you then, but you didn’t miss the tiny quirk of his lips. Regardless of what might happen at the recruits’ party tomorrow night, for the sake of your sanity you just hoped he would have the common decency to wear a shirt.
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gooopy · 2 years
Okay god i have massive brainworms with a hyperfixation on cards AND bugsnax and id always been like 'oh neat' at befficas playing cards. I ripped the texture earlier and i was lookin at em and heres my conclusions going from most coherent to red string connecting dots that mean nothing
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So heres the cards, and my first order of business was to figure out which symbol represented each suit. They havnt always been clubs and spades and such, so it was easy to make a few assumptions. Leaves have represented spades in other decks of cards so thats easy, circular shapes have been associated with diamonds (often called coins and with pentacles in tarot equating to diamonds that works) and while at first i thought the other red suit was a fire, i think it may be a flower? Which has represented hearts in the past. The only one i couldnt find any basis in was the teardrop shape, which represents clubs. My best guess is they wanted to keep with the nature theme? Or maybe they used a sorta 'club' shape (seen here) and simplified it? Plus the king here most closely resembles the clubs king.
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So thats the basic nerd stuff which i want to know just because ive been working on a bugsnax tarot deck/card deck (as im more interested in playing cards personally)
Now, id like to direct you to the texture of the back of the card, and this is where i go full conspiracy bullshit while also not having a great understanding of anything ever. But i did always find it strange that it shows a sorta venn diagram of three suits, the drop, the tulip, and the leaf, with the spiral in the sorta venn diagram spaces. Thats a weird design! They could have just pulled out some silly generic thing but i feel that, with the emphasis on the number three, this may have some significance.
Now, spoilers from here on out, so be wanred. Ill even put a big warning
Warning! Spoilers for bigsnax!
Okay, so sorry that theres no read more i have no clue, but a lot of people posit that liz and egg are the third queen of bugsnax mentioned in the triplicate space. I think that may be wrong. If we consider the continuity, we dont know if Alegander would know that thats whats happened so far, especially considering theres decades old recorders lying around (specifically says decades if you scan em) so i think liz and egg may be the FOURTH queens. I think maybe these cards foreshadowed that? I think that the first three are the leaf, tulip, and, drop. Again wanna say this may be wrong liz may be confirmed the third. But what if liz and egg are the spiral? Some combination of all three past queens? Again maybe its some silly scribbles on the back of the card but i do think that a) the design on the back was deliberate and b) young horses should sell bugsnax tarot and/or playing cards
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