#i mite go see if i can find the pic he looked so out of proportion <3
lorenzosmicropp · 2 years
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Elena yr a star u understand me perfectly !!! That is exactly how I am feeling atm and I could not convey it better than you did <33
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3 notes · View notes
heymeowmao · 3 years
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2021.10.29 - https://weibo.com/l/wblive/p/show/1022:2321324697717908570439
I’m here, I’m here~!
- starts off singing his new OST “一生有多远” from the movie The Curious Tale of Mr. Guo
LYN: Some people came into the stream and are rude right from the start, telling me, “Take off your cap!” Please excuse me, everyone, I’m having a little... baldness. That is, only the sides have hair and the top is just bald. Ok? Leave me some face.
- he bought a whole outfit for a cosplay, but in the end only the tie fit him. he couldn’t return the items because it had already passed return date. (kaito kid/magic kaito) LYN: Let’s just say we’ve created our own character.
Comment: The background picture (in the comments) has changed. LYN: Oh, really? I can only say “Thank you” to weibo. They’re the real og fans. Thank you Weibo for changing my pic to a better looking one. Which is it? For the album? Thank you. And again, I want to remind you that normally when people stream, they don’t get that picture in the comments section. [Usually the streams with a bg pic are for weibo special events.]
--- Heroes
- started voice-overs for Heroes, already at the 20-something episode so there are still several more to go; but he’s the last one of the actors to do the voice-overs, so it’ll prob air soon- maybe March 2022. says the broadcast will be delayed because of him, because there’s still a lot of touching up to do, post-production. /starts discussing how things are filmed in 8k quality now, and normal households only have up to 4k, at best/
Comment: My home can view things in 5k. LYN: That��s amazing. Do you own a movie theater? /glances at the comments and flinches/ LYN: I’m talking to you about a serious professional topic, and you’re in the comments messing around. Be careful I don’t kick you out. Someone said they have 98k.
LYN: Oops. Why have I started talking back at people again? I shouldn’t. Because a lot of these friends are new, and if they see that I’m so aggressive to my fans they may feel uncomfortable. I used to be a lot worse. (sharper tongue) But my customer pool has grown. It used to be just people who were hardcore fans, so when I joked around with them they wouldn’t get angry with me. they knew my personality and knew I meant no ill-will. I was only trying to bring up the atmosphere. But now I have a wider audience and the problem with that is that each person has their own preference. /makes a metaphor about cooking/ So I’ve moved to a more middle ground, but if you see me talk back at people, please don’t find it strange.
LYN: But getting back on topic, I hope eventually we will have the capability to view things in 8k and then you can watch the drama all over again. See if you can spot any mites.
- worries about looking ugly as Bai Choufei bc at least in UN he had glasses to cover most of his face, and in CGX he had a little hat most of the time. In this role he has to work hard on his looks so that the hairstyle doesn’t overpower him. - begs his fans to, when the drama airs, take a picture of him with all the beauty settings on the camera set to high and THEN view the drama/send him pictures that way. XD
Comment: That’s uncalled for. LYN: ... Some of the camera angles REALLY need it though. Because Heroes was filmed in a more- not a “gu-ou” (guzhuang-ouxiang), it’s not an idol drama because- I’m in it. I don’t dare to be labeled an “idol.” But the filming style, set, clothing- they aren’t there for the ~aesthetic~, it’s a straight wuxia drama. Not purely AUTHENTIC but the most authentic of what I’ve filmed so far. The makeup, too, is very realistic. You won’t see thick powder, so things look more real and textured. Men are more like men. Women are... more like women? I don’t know what I was trying to say, but you get the drift.
LYN: What I consider to be a wuxia drama needs to have these things- in my opinion: sects, weapons, martial arts. [t/n: like those mysterious secret arts that each family has, those types of martial arts. the ones that have NAMES, you know?]
 - starts explaining with the hopes that people understand the difference between original novels and drama adaptations, and how certain changes have to be made in the transition between the two medias LYN: Bai Choufei doesn’t really have a weapon, his weapons are his hands. You know how he has small flying knives at his waist- someone said they’re clothes clips, they’re not. His fingers are skilled, and he can use them to take someone’s life. The weapons/fight coordinator explained to me, this character’s greatest weapon is his thumb. Before a big fight he will do this /thumbs up/. Isn’t this amazing, my friends? [t/n: this means I’m gonna get some hand action in Heroes? :D] Comment: Are you serious? LYN: I’m 80% serious, because I actually haven’t seen the original novel; but if it made it into the drama adaptation, you tell me. LYN: At first he fights with the thumb, but later, if he meets a highly skilled fighter, he’ll use his middle fingers. I can’t show you because that will create enough material to blacklist me for life. You can imagine. But he uses the middle finger- because it’s longer, you know? Imagine- he’s fighting with his thumbs, meets a more skilled fighter and switches a finger to fight with.  Comment: You’re making this up. LYN: Go look at the source material. I really don’t know, but that’s what I’ve heard. If you think what I’m saying is fake, go find a fan of the novel and discuss with them what’s up. I think it’s real, because that’s with the teacher in the crew told me. LYN: It might be interesting when reading, but in the drama I can’t just show my thumbs all the time, so they gave me weapons to work with. So I’m more of an assassin. Anyway, don’t be upset if things don’t turn out exactly as in the novel- it just can’t be helped.
LYN: Another thing I heard is that there’s a character called “Guan Qi” and he’s such a skilled fighter that all of us combined can’t defeat him. So what happened to this character, if no one can defeat him? He was abducted by aliens. Seriously. [t/n: Joking...???] LYN: This is what I’VE HEARD. I don’t know the actual details. I’m just saying this for entertainment. If you’re interested you can look at the source. In any case, please be understanding if the drama doesn’t exactly go as the novel says. The crew works really hard to adapt the novel and film a drama out of it.
[... gets off track a little but comes back around]
LYN: Some things can’t be adapted, and it’s all for a reason. Take my character for example. In the novel, he doesn’t like to wear clothes. No clothes, just going around *shirtless* not in the nude, ok? Imagine you’re watching the drama and the first shot you see of him he’s clothed and you just shake your head and sigh, disappointed. “Not sticking to the original source.” LYN: I want to respect the source material, but Bai Choufei doesn’t really respect me. People might see me and say, “LYN, have a little more respect.”
--- Zi Chuan
LYN: Di Lin? He doesn’t really have a lot of scenes, I don’t know what to say. It’s a great character. Honestly I- I don’t dare speak... I have my own understanding of the role. From a role  standpoint, I don’t think Di Lin is as good as Bai Choufei. Di Lin is a.. uh... that is...  I don’t know. From my standpoint, picking a role, I like the character. But which does LYN as an actor like more? I like them both but would say I like Bai Choufei more. I had more fun acting in that role. LYN: Di Lin is indifferent to everyone. He has a very outstanding line and it goes, “I can kill every person in this world.” He doesn’t have any reservations, and doesn’t care about anything. The only things he cares about are his two bros and his wife. He’s not afraid of anyone. LYN: If the reception for Zi Chuan goes well, we might get to film a second season. :)
Comment: Who plays the wife? LYN: It’s the same woman who played Aunt Wenjin, Chen Wenjin in UN (Tao Luoyi). In this drama she plays Di Lin’s wife. Comment: You call her “Aunt”? LYN: It’s because in UN she played Aunt Wenjun, you know. We’re not saying that because of her age! Don’t cause my trouble. All of us “younger” people called her “Aunt” since she counts as an immortal, after all. Comment: Does Shades count as a younger generation? LYN: No, her role was called Aunt Wenjin, so the crew just called her that. I guess Chen Wenjin and I (Shades) count as the same generation.
--- An Le Zhuan
LYN: Luo Mingxi? Are you going to start grilling me on the details of LMX now? What do you want me to say??? Comment: Is he a good person? LYN: A person... cannot completely be “good.” You, too. No one can be absolutely “good”; everyone has their own intentions. Of course, there are no completely “bad” people either.
Comment: When they’re first born, children are good people. LYN: ?? This is getting a little too deep. I just want to say one thing- when children are born. Think of yourself when you were little- if you liked something and wanted it but your family wouldn’t get it for you, what is your first reaction? Do you understand your family? No. You cry, fuss, because you still want it. But if your parents hit you, then you understand. Are children good or bad? There is no absolute.
- starts discussing the concept where if you see someone bettering themselves, it will make you want to better yourself, too. calls it “内卷” and gets corrected in the comments. LYN: See? All of you are my teachers! You learn things in my stream! Comments: /asking for money for teaching him/ LYN: How could you come and ask me for money? This society is broken because of people like you. We’re communicating here. This is a mutual exchange of information, right? I learned what “内卷” means, but I also taught you what “san ti’ is.
- starts getting “emotional” when people asked him about ZSX actually giving him 200RMB. Says he’ll give the money back to ZSX when his birthday rolls around. XD LYN: It was only natural that he sent me money that day, because he was stuck between a rock and a hard place. You all were watching and holding him accountable for sending me 200RMB. Ever since then our wechat has been devoid of any conversation. Think about how awkward this is. Comment: But you still accepted it. LYN: :x People, we are all working individuals. Say you’re working overtime, and your boss gives you an extra 200RMB for your work. Do you accept it or not? We just changed the setting a little. It’s not like you can refuse it. Comment: But you were still conflicted over it. LYN: I’m conflicted, but also you still have to accept the money. It’s like you’re going on a diet but at the end of the day you still ate three bowls of rice for dinner. Are you conflicted or not? You are, but you still ate the three bowls of rice.
- has started wanting to take voice acting jobs, to add to his repertoire (singing, acting, etc.); he can take the opportunity to practice his voice-acting and learn something, but also earn a little money XD - checks out some famous voice actors, and tries his hand at it - asks for ideas for a sect name and wuxia character name; sect name: Night Owl Sect - the character names got a little messy and hilarious; he likens it to people asking online forums what they should name their newborn baby- you should never do it bc you’re asking for trouble. lol
- bathroom break LYN: It’s alright. It turns out they’re actors and they were just practicing their lines. Comment: Which actor? LYN: What’s it to you?
LYN: Hey, what if I start adding bg music every time, after I say something? Comment: Did you wash your hands? LYN: Did you think I wouldn’t?? /cue bgm/ It’s addicting. Comment: The bgm’s too cheap. LYN: It’s on purpose. /cue bgm/ It’s on purpose. I know which songs are fitting. I believe I’m a bit more knowledgeable than you, at least on the musical perspective.
- advertises his new OST “一生有多远” from the movie The Curious Tale of Mr. Guo LYN: I sang this song about a year ago, and the movie is about to air. I’ve heard it’s a very touching/emotional movie, you can go watch it if you have the chance. I didn’t really use many techniques or pour my emotions into the song, I just used a very simple and pure method to sing with. The movie itself is very emotional- so there was no need for me to be as well. I was already afraid you’d be crying uncontrollably. So I used a very simple method, so that you can immerse yourself into the story.
LYN: Am I trending/on the hot search? Comment: I came because of it LYN: Oh, welcome. Let me find a happier song. - /lands on a song he voices over with a message like a train announcement/ LYN: Welcome to the Modern Brothers Station. Please take your baggage XD - /keeps going through the songs, makes up lyrics/ LYN: ♪ I don’t want to rent, I want to go home. Go home, see my mom. I don’t want to rent, I want to go home. Go home to spend time with my father and mother. I don’t want to rent, I want to check out. I’m leaving, here’s the room card. ♪ - /keeps going through songs, trying to find a “five star hotel” music - lands on a “beachy” one/ LYN: ???? Comment: What’s with the crow? LYN: That’s not a crow, it’s a seagull! - /finds a sax-y one, enjoys it - like a fine dining restaurant with a bar/
- gets back to his cosplay LYN: I have the hat, too. It doesn’t really fit, but I can put it on top. Comment: Don’t wear two hats, you won’t grow tall. LYN: Your parents told you not to wear two hats because you wouldn’t grow tall? Why didn’t you tell me sooner?? Now it’s too late. LYN: Let me go find the suit jacket. // The jacket’s too short and the hat doesn’t fit. I couldn’t even get into the pants. - puts on the gloves and spectacle for the “full” look Comment: Driver. LYN: Your family’s driver wears such a big hat?
LYN: I can’t return it, because the time period has passed. It’s fine, I’ll make the most out of it for a stream. It’s just for entertainment. So you can watch me like some monkey. At the zoo you have to pay an entrance fee to see monkeys, but in my stream you can watch one for free. You even praise me “hou hou ting.” [t/n: “hao hao ting” = sounds very good, he just changes the “hao” to a monkey’s “hou”]
- Jing Tian’s in the stream; LYN tries asking her if she has any upcoming dramas or if her friends do, so he can advertise it in his stream. Each time is a 200RMB commission. Like what he did to ZSX. XDD Comments say that he scared her off. :p
---- Reaction Videos :: Our Song S3E6
- Lv Fang & Zhai Xiaowen - Listen Carefully (Ni Gei Wo Ting Hao) LYN: Why is it lagging, don’t lag! Let’s change a song first.
- Bibi Zhou & Shan Yichun - Hello (Wei) LYN: You know why they do this before the song, this “feel”? A lot of singers do this as a means to get into the right mood and to also find the correct tone. LYN: You’ll find that a singer’s next moves will reveal something about them. For example, every singer has a habit of holding the mic- I use my right hand, Penny also uses her right. Who else? I don’t know. Of course, some singers use their left. There’s no way to tell for sure. This isn’t important. But as they are singing, if they hold the mic with two hands, it reveals the singer’s inner thought. That is- that the next line they sing is very important, and they need to focus so they put both hands on the mic. // Of course, only believe 20% of whatever I say in my streams. 80% is nonsense. But you can choose what to believe or not. LYN: Oh! You’ll see a lot of singers like to move their hands when they sing. I also do this. There are two reasons/uses for this: 1. It helps to follow the flow of the song, 2. It helps you relax. LYN: You’ll find that from the moment Bibi starts singing, she’s actually looking at the lyrics prompter. I don’t blame her, since this isn’t her song. I can’t even remember the lyrics to MY OWN songs. But she’s very relaxed! LYN: Yichun moves her fingers like this to help her find the beat, since she’s singing a few lyrics one after another. It’s not a bad thing. I’m just saying that I’ve seen she uses this method. LYN: I just want to say- this song is quite difficult to sing. But- the thing is- these two people are the exactly right people to sing this type of song. To me, this song is hard. But to them, this song is only too easy. You understand?
Comment: Baobei, what are you good at? (music genre) LYN: Don’t call me baobei. I’m about to write my own original song called “Don’t Call Me “Baby”.”
- Rates the song 110/100 points
- Lv Fang & Zhai Xiaowen - Listen Carefully (Ni Gei Wo Ting Hao) LYN: See? It’s not lagging anymore. LYN: When I heard the first notes of the song I found it very familiar! The piano melody. I think it was from some game’s introduction/transition music. LYN: This song is hard. I think it’s hard. LYN: Someone told me to stop commenting. Are you afraid I’ll get yelled at? Even though I’m praising them??? I think this part right here is difficult to sing, it’s difficult for me, but I think Xiaowen handled it very well. I do think he could have done the transition into the chorus a little better though. If Lv Fang-laoshi sang the previous line, Xiaowen would have had more time to prepare to get into the chorus part. It was just a little rushed. LYN: I think it was a nice cover, and it’s a song that you can listen to on repeat. It’s a very comfortable listen.
- Da Zhangwei & Wang Sulong - That Year (Na Yi Nian) LYN: Look at him- white piano, white clothing- just like a White Prince (白马王子) LYN: When I sing, I don’t usually have the mic so close to my face. I very rarely do it, because I don’t dare to. But it gives you a very close feeling- like he’s singing/speaking only to you.
Comment: I'm gonna switch to being Wang Sulong’s fan. LYN: Don’t be like this again! We already discussed this topic, change it up! Say you’re gonna switch to Da Zhangwei!
/gets to the interim/ LYN: Let me tell you, this part is missing an instrument. /gets the kazoo/ Let me try it. - rates the song 99/100 points, but if LYN’s kazoo was added it would be 199/100 points
- Da Zhangwei & Wang Sulong - When I Lightly Cover Your Eyes (Dang Wo Qiao Qiao Meng Zhu Ni De Yan Jing) LYN: I think this one is missing a kazoo too. Let me see if there will be a part I can jump in. Let me tell you friends, sooner or later I’ll get to debut the kazoo on an Our Song stage. I’ll make it happen. I just have to find the right opportunity.
- Penny Tai & Liu Yuning - I Came to Beat You Up (Wo Shi Lai Zou Ni De) LYN: Idk why, but I really don’t like seeing this LYN. I’ll try to be nicer to him this time. How disrespectful “I Came to Beat You Up,” how can you sing a song named as such? LYN: Oh hey, it seems like I can add KaKa (kazoo) into the intro of this song. LYN: It’s nice. I used to really dislike this LYN, but after watching this performance, you can say... I’m an anti turned passerby. 
LYN: I had this outfit made for a different stage performance. I was supposed to sing a wuxia-type song- as for which song you can go guess yourself. I thought I would wear it and look cool, but because of the pandemic situation, the stage got cancelled. I took Our Song as a chance to find a use for the outfit. Most people find outfits for a song. I flipped it to find a song for my outfit.
---- Q&As
Comment: Don’t bring the kazoo to the Our Song stage. LYN: I’m gonna. The sound of this kazoo... can replace that of the suona. Let me find a song to demonstrate. LYN: It’s just a matter of time before I debut the kazoo on a stage. Just like how I’m looking for a chance to debut Dai Mi. You know how there are characters that always pet cats? I’ll be one of those with my dog.
Comment: Why won't you show us Dai Mi? LYN: I really like small dogs, but most of the time I don’t really hold or pet her. It’s probably just how I was raised, but I don’t think a grown man should spend most of his day playing with his pet dog/cat. But I do really love her. Another thing is, she counts as my family. I’m the “tool” and you can see me as you please, but I want her to have more privacy.  Comment: Are you afraid she’ll be more popular than you? LYN: You’re saying I bring out my dog, and she becomes more famous than me? I’ll just.. expire? The fact that you have this thought means that you’re not normal. Have I reached the point where I have to compete with my dog now?
Comment: Are you confirmed for an 11/11 event? LYN: An invitation did come, but I can’t go- none of the ALZ cast can go because that’s the day of our wrap. Comment: What happens after ALZ wrap? LYN: Our Song hasn’t finished yet. I’ll be doing that, and POSSIBLY one other variety show. I have a few OSTs to record, including a couple for Heroes. I'll also be working on album stuff.
- RE: Concert; he’s really happy that people are interested in wanting to go to his concert. As a singer, that’s a big goal for him. But, he’ll let us know when it’s gonna happen.
Comment: When does your next drama start? LYN: I’ll have to ask the crew. I think- from what I’ve heard- in December, but I’m not clear on the details.
Comment: When are you cutting your hair? LYN: I’ll cut it when I get back to Beijing. It has been getting a little long, I do need to take care of it.
Comment: When’s the Disney stream? LYN: Not sure. We’ll be filming for the drama wrap soon, so time is tight. All of MY important scenes are already done; since I don’t have many scenes to begin with. But my character still needs to be around.
Comment: Does spitting blood count as an important scene? LYN: Yes? What, do you only think losing an arm counts? Of course spitting blood counts as well. /pretends he’s dying/ “L...li..live... on... for.... m...me....”  Comment: Wow, his breath is so long. LYN: Have you died before? I’ve played a dying person three times already, and there’s a process, alright? If there’s just a gunshot to the head or a decapitation then I have nothing else to say, but normally we can drag on a death for at least 15 minutes. / starts explaining the scenario / 
Comment: How many takes does it take to complete a scene? LYN: You’ve asked a professional question. The problem is... I don’t have enough courage to say. It might implicate other actors and I’ll get yelled at. JK. I’m just like you- I started off in the customer service industry, and I’m taking you along with me as I become an actor. For me- personally- I don’t need more than three takes. I can’t do a one-take. I CAN but that doesn’t necessarily mean I acted well in it. The thing is, and even the directors know, no matter how hard you try sometimes there’s no more improvement an actor can show. (They’ve reached the limit of their abilities and even an infinite amount of takes won’t change a thing.) It’s enough to pass and that’s the end of the take.  LYN: Some very talented actors CAN do a one-take perfectly. But directors know when they can push it and when they can’t. Each take will always be different, and it’s all up to the director.
/it’s all a matter of opinion/
Comment: What does it sound like in the in-ear? LYN: It sounds like this /clicking/. This is a “click.” Singers can choose to have it or not. Saying simply, it’s a metronome and it helps you with the beat. You can choose which part of the arrangement you’d like to hear. (drums, bass, guitar, piano, etc.) Comment: Which do you choose? LYN: I want them all. I’m not like professional singers who have specifics. My own request is that the arrangement is louder than my own voice. I hate hearing myself sing. XD Basically, I’ll use anything you give me. Just think about when I used to sing in the alley! That mic was a few hundred and the mics I use now are- much more expensive. >.> - /explaining the difference between headphones and in-ears/
Comment: Does wearing the in-ear for very long hurt? LYN: Not really, because they’re custom made to fit your ear. /explaining how it’s made/
- someone asks if in-ears are expensive; LYN does not like pricing things, because that opens the conversation to what he considers “expensive” and from there people can infer how much money he has. LYN would rather quantify something by its worth/value (in use). LYN: You consider things expensive if you can’t come to terms with the value (in your mind) of an object vs the cost (material) of an object. If you can’t come to terms with it, it’s expensive. If you can, it’s not expensive.
Comment: Can you hear the director (through the in-ear)? LYN: That depends on if they want you to hear them or not. There’s a sound technician, and they’ll send you whatever you want to hear.
Comment: Will the in-ear leak electricity? LYN: ??? Only if there’s water in your head? They plug in to the mic pack, so there’s little to no electricity flowing through them. You probably wont get electrocuted. I don’t know. I’ve never experienced it.
Comment: Is it the “bee”? LYN: The “bee” is something different. [t/n: the wind muff on a lapel mic] One is a mic (receiver), the other is a speaker. They’re two different things.
Comment: Why do some people take out the in-ear as they sing? LYN: To look cool. JK. There’s are reasons. For example, on stage there are a lot of signals, and sometimes they get crossed or the signal gets lost. If the in-ear loses signal, you can’t hear anything, no matter how loud the stage/audience is. You can only hear the white noise. Why do they only take out one side? So they can use their natural hearing to listen to what’s being played on stage. They only take out one side because they’re waiting for the sound technicians to save them and get the signal back online. Usually it doesn’t happen.
- Happy New Year! (it’s past 12a) LYN: I didn’t really want to spend the new year, but I got caught up in all the professional questions and I couldn’t stop myself. LYN: I’ll stay for a little bit longer because I think I actually did make it into the hot search. It would be rude of me to leave and end the stream right when people are coming in. It’s like if a guest just came to your house but you say “Oh, I’m sorry. I’ve got to step out.”
LYN: We were talking about the in-ears earlier. If the signal is lost, most people wait for a miracle. If the miracle doesn’t come, you can only give up and take out the other side too. Because only one side is not enough to listen to the music. Then later you can take it up with the sound technicians. [..] I’m not saying you get off stage and yell at them! Don’t misunderstand me. LYN: Usually it’s a live-stream situation and what’s happened has happened and has already been broadcast. There’s no need to retaliate and yell at the technicians. They’ll feel bad and you yourself wont get any satisfaction. It wasn’t their fault that the equipment experienced a problem. There’s no need to retaliate. I just go to them and let them know what happened so they can avoid problems in the future.
LYN: You know what, though? For a singer, if your in-ear really does stop working, it’s an opportunity for you. If it happens to you and you take out the in-ear and go on singing and it’s no different from if you DID have an in-ear. 1. You’ll probably end up on the hot search. 2. It will make your fans have that much more confidence in you. 3. Your fans can take this as a chance to spread the word about you. 
Comment: What happens if you sing it badly. LYN: If there’s no signal, and you take out the in-ear and end up off key. You can’t find the beat. Then you’ll... let’s just say you’ll still end up in the hot search. Of the two “OOO lost signal, Sings off-key” and “OOO lost signal, Sings Normally” I think the former is more likely to become a big topic. Don’t you think so? [Would you rather watch a train-wreck or not? We all know. :)]
Comment: Ning-ge, you’re not tired? Have you got any work tomorrow? LYN: I’m filming tomorrow, and then after that I’ll be doing the voice-acting. I was thinking to stream tomorrow (Saturday) but I looked at my watch and thought that “It’s Friday, you probably get a break tomorrow.” So people can relax and watch my stream and not have to worry about work or school in the morning.
Comment: How do you stay up so late but still function normally the next day? LYN: I got used to it. Staying up all night IS bad for your health, I know. But I just can’t help it. I just got used to it. Of course, every person has their own limits and as long as you stay within those limits I think there’s no problem.
LYN: I’m the Night Owl Sect leader, Liu Xia Lai*. Welcome. [* t/n: he’s using this as a name, but “liu xia lai” (留下来) means “to stay”]
LYN: I’m seeing a lot of comments that are saying that you can’t hold up any longer, that you’re sleepy and about to drop your phone on your face. Are you young?? Come on. I’m so old and I can stay up and talk to you for five hours. I’m not tired, but you are?? Around this time is right when young people are the most active.
LYN: Let me play you a song that’ll make you perk right up.
Comment: I’m on the night shift, can you tell a story? My daughter really likes it. LYN: ? You’re working on the night shift and you left a phone at home so I can lull your kid to sleep? Is that the situation?
Comment: Tell a ghost story. LYN: Don’t scare me. My stream is not like it was before. Do you think an artist alone in their stream can rely on ghost stories? Do you think it’s dependable? I can see the headlines now “Singer LYN tells ghost stories in his stream.” Comment: You can get into the hot search. LYN: Just because I can doesn’t mean I should. LYN: Don’t joke around, I’ll kick you out. I’m serious. XD 
LYN: It’s about time friends. I still have to eat a little something and go to class and go over my lines for tomorrow. Thank you for coming; even Jing Tian-laoshi came to see me, so I’m happy. There are a lot of new friends, subscribe to my weibo, and it’ll tell you when I stream next. You may not want to see it, but at some point you might even like watching. Thanks for coming and I hope my boring stream could accompany you for a short five hours. I hope to have brought you even a little bit of happiness. See you next time!
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popatochisssp · 4 years
It seems like a lot of the headcanons we get for Nemo are kinda sad. I know it’s because he’s super anxious and scared. Do you have any happy headcanons for him? I really love your headcanons for all of the skeles and your fics are amazing!
Tell you what, I’ll give you three happy things about him! Nemo (Horrorswapfell Papyrus) deserves to have a little happiness on display!
He doodles on himself a lot! Usually with nontoxic markers (he doesn’t actually know if toxic ones would do anything harmful to him--he’s a monster, and a skeleton, so...???--but better safe than sorry, right?), or sometimes even with paint.
He’ll do it idly pretty often, just when he’s spacing out and has a utensil near, but other times he’ll sit down on purpose, roll up his sleeves and just spill all kinds of intricate patterns and designs out across his bones. It’s a little thing and it makes him smile when he spies a splash of color on himself hours or days later after he’s forgotten about it, so he sees no reason not to keep doing it.
He’s also very into crafting! You gotta do something when you can’t leave the house, something that isn’t just chores and sleeping and watching TV, and back Underground, he probably would’ve been sketching up a storm but... excepting his easy little bone-canvas doodles, the ol’ muse has been a mite uncooperative lately.
It got him to start looking up art ideas, cool projects, inspiration boards... Yes, he found Pinterest and he’s a fiend for all the cute, kitschy craft stuff he finds with it. His room and even the house at large are positively lousy with bowls made out of buttons, pipe cleaner bouquets, painted mason jars, just about anything you can think of, he’s tried it out.
(You will know whenever some kind of holiday is coming up, he likes to get in the spirit of whatever season or day it happens to be and the crafting will only multiply exponentially.)
He’s pretty private online, but for awhile, his projects are his one exception, he can’t resist putting up the pictures he takes of them with his super fancy, expensive camera...
But it won’t be his only exception forever, and eventually, he’s going to have even more interesting things to take pics of with that camera-- because he’s destined to do a lot of traveling!
It’s a ways away, he’s obviously working through his phobia, and mending his relationship with his brother, and just generally coming to terms with a lot of bad stuff and trauma, but fast-forward a couple years on that and he’s gonna be going everywhere.
The Surface is beautiful once he can get outside to really enjoy it, and there’s so much of it to see and explore, and that’s exactly what he’s going to do. He starts up a travel blog at some point to show off the cool photos he takes of waterfalls and beaches and forests and much, much more and it’s got a decent cult-following who still remember when all he posted was melted-crayon rainbows and popsicle-stick picture frames.
It’s also worth noting that Pitch (Horrorswapfell Sans) is a significant background presence in Nemo’s photos. Going pro on the boxing circuit was an idea, sure, but regularly traveling the globe, exotic food and drink, interesting new people and cultures to learn about... now that’s living the life!
(And all that brotherly bonding time they both get out of it, well... that’s a pretty nice perk, too.)
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darkangel0410 · 3 years
First Lines of Last 20
Saw this going around and it looks like fun so: List the first lines of your last 20 stories (if you have less than 20,  just list them all.) Choose your favorite opening line, tag some friends!
i just wanna be (a part of you), Brady/Matt (a/b/o, sibling incest, Neckz 'N Throatz au): Matt doesn’t tell anyone before the fact.
He knows a lot of people are going to see it: Neckz 'N Throatz is a porn mag, sure, but it's also an institution in a lot of ways and everyone he knows has seen at least one issue of it.
take my hand, Brendan Lemieux, background Brady/Matt (bdsm au, background sibling incest): Brendan knows that look, understands the glint in Tkachuk's eye; he's played against Matthew before, knows he's a sub and that he's been collared since he was a rookie, but Brendan's never given much thought to the kind of sub Matthew was, how alike they might be in some things.
But now playing against his younger brother and seeing a familiar smirk twist his lips, Brendan thinks they might be more like each other than not.
hold me tight, Dylan Cozens/Ryan Johnson (getting together, wjc shenanigans): Dylan opens the door in a faded pair of sweats, barefoot and shirtless, and it takes Ryan a few seconds to get his brain back online; he knows Dylan's huge, knows how tall and built he is, but it's like his brain forgets that Dylan is exactly his type and every time he sees him in person it's like a fresh jolt to his system.
“Ryan,” Dylan says with a bright smile and pulls him in for a hug; Ryan hugs him back and absolutely doesn't think about the fact that Dylan could probably manhandle him any time - any way - he wants to.
just to feel you, Brady/Matt (sibling incest, a/b/o, heat fic): Brady knows it’s going to be him and Matt.
They still fight like cats and dogs, as eager to use their fists on each other now as when they were kids, but there's an edge to it recently that wasn't there before, something that makes Brady want to pin Matt to the floor and take him apart, bite by bite.
just like oxygen, Jack/Connor (werewolf au, graphic violence, courting rituals): Jack's fourteen the first time he meets Connor.
It's at the U16s, both of them the youngest players on their respective teams and both convinced they were the best players on the ice.
i love the way you hurt me, Brady/Matt (sibling incest, werewolf au, graphic depictions of violence, courting rituals): Courting probably wouldn't have been such a big deal for any of the wolves Matt played with growing up if it wasn't for Eichs and Davo.
From the first time Davo laid a dead bear on the patio of Eichs billet's in Detroit until he presented Eichs with Murray's head at center ice during the final game of the world cup, every wolf Matt knows had paid rapt attention, endlessly fascinated by the story unfolding in front of them.
nobody loves you (like i do), Brady/Matt (sibling incest, bdsm au, sadism, masochism): The thing is Matt doesn’t consider himself romantic or anything like that. He loves Brady: as his dom, as his brother, as his boyfriend, and yeah, he needs him in the same ways, but those are just facts to him.
They’re feelings, too, of course they are, but Matt is as sure of them as he is the sky’s blue and hockey is the best sport: irrefutable facts that shape every day of his life.
beginnings in death, Jack/Connor (in death au, first meeting, pre-relationship): The first time he sees Connor is at a funeral.
Jack's there mostly for Noah's sake; they go back a long way, just two street rats who somehow dragged themselves from the back streets of Boston to New York City and become successful along the way. He would rather spend his time finding who did this, but Noah needed the closure and he needed support so Jack stayed.
charlie, Charlie/Brandon (godlings au, alternate universe - Greek mythology): Charlie doesn't remember anyone ever explaining what death, or the afterlife was to him.
He's pretty sure he was born with the knowledge in his bones.
got you under my skin, Jack Hughes/Quinn Hughes (sibling incest, a/b/o): Everyone in their immediate family are betas, even their cousins, so it's something of a shock when Jack finds out Quinn's an alpha.
They're playing ball hockey in Chucky's driveway and Matty's back from Calgary for the summer so they're playing two-on-two; it's not a particularly intense game, just some friendly chirping and half-hearted shooting.
in between, Jack/Connor (godlings au, homophobic language): The locker room afterwards is quiet in spite of winning and Connor knows part of it is his own bad mood bleeding over to the rest of the team, but he can't bring himself to care as much as he should.
not a day goes by, Brock Boesar/Elias Pettersson (a/b/o, non-traditional a/b/o dynamics, frottage): Brock is just so pretty, it's hard for Elias to concentrate when he's around.
He wants to buy Brock new suits, ones with some color and a good cut that would make him look even better than he already does. Take him out to dinner, spoil him so he knows how much Elias wants him.
He's never looked at an alpha and thought mine. Never wondered how one would look with his collar around their neck.
all your fevered dreams, Brady/Matt (sibling incest, hellhounds, sirens): Most preternaturals don’t recognize Matt’s scent right away.
The ocean part of it is simple: all sirens smell like saltwater, even if they’re not born at sea the way their ancestors were. It’s the brimstone that makes wolves and other shifters wrinkle their noses in confusion and lean in closer to get a stronger smell, like their noses lied to them the first time.
eyes closed, fingers crossed (i swear), Sam Girard/Erik Johnson, background relationship (bdsm au, spanking, kneeling): It’s just a quiet moment between the two of them, after a bad game. Sam pulls him closer, makes sure he’s surrounded so all Erik can see is Sam, makes sure Erik is only focused on him before he tells him that the loss isn’t his fault.
Erik knows he wasn’t playing his best hockey, but he breathes in Sam’s scent, listens to his voice and lets go of the loss faster than he normally would.
those words, that kiss, Patrik Laine/Nik Ehlers (werewolf au, a/b/o, heat fic): The first thing Patrik notices about Nik is his scent: it’s light and airy, almost, the bright scent of oranges and some kind of flower scent that drives Patrik crazy because he can’t place it; it’s not until halfway through his rookie year, when they’re in Florida for a roadie, that he catches it in the middle of a store and has to follow it until they’re in the middle of the gardening department and he’s asking a bemused worker what flower is in the trays by the register.
feel good (on my lips), Dylan Strome/Ryan Strome (sibling incest, a/b/o, heat fic): Ryan knows his parents aren't getting back together, they split when he was still in mites and considering how badly they used to fight, it was a decision that was met with relief on his part, so he's never secretly hoped for a reunion or anything like that.
It's still a surprise when his dad tells him that he's dating someone new, a female beta from his company who is also divorced and with a son a couple years younger than Ryan is; he's happy for his dad, though, and agrees to stay at his place during winter break to meet them.
just swimming in our sins, Brady/Matt (sibling incest, accodental dick pics, panty kink): Matt gets the snapchat notification as he's getting ready for bed and his phone goes off almost immediately after.
"Don't open that," Brady tells him in a loud whisper, his voice weirdly echoey; Matt goes over Brady's schedule in his head and remembers he's in Florida this weekend. "I sent it to you by accident because I can't see shit in this fucking bathroom."
sweat drips (love sticks), Brady/Matt (bdsm au, sibling incest, masochism, sadism): Matt knows the kind of sub he is and he's always been ok with it.
There's worse things for a hockey player who happens to also be a sub to be than a masochist; at the very least he always has a bruise to press when he's jerking off, aches and pains that he can pretend someone put on his skin during a scene if he wants to. Usually he doesn't.
strike us like a match, Brady/Matt (sibling incest, sentinel and guides are known, canon typical violence): They've always been close, closer than most siblings Matt knows: Brady's always been protective of him, even when they were younger and Brady was smaller than him; he's selfish about Matt's attention, always wanting Matt to pay attention to him and only him.
There's never been a time where Matt hasn't wanted Brady with him, even when they fight Brady's always the one Matt wants to be around.
So now, my fave 🤔🤔🤔 I think probably it's love the way you hurt me because it's a good intro for the entire series as well as the fic itself.
Tagging: @007waffles007 @adamsgirl42 @candy-belle @caixxa @colubrina and anyone else who wants to do it!
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nodesiretogrowup · 5 years
ok, time for a semi-thought out review-spoilers below
I knew that the captain badge thingy Lunaris gave Penny (I shall use this nickname because her name is too damn long) was some type of control device. That scene reminded me too much of Mark giving Gizmoduck that Waddle badge for it to just be a coincidence.
I am LIVING for Lunaris’ dramatic, theatrical voice! He is 100% THAT BITCH
You know you’re in for a good time when Dewey and Webby team up. I guess old men in Disney shows CAN’T have models in bottles. 
The different family members that Scrooge has pictures of all over are super sweet. No matter what he claims, Scrooge is a family man. 
It’s super cute that Huey was sending postcards. He’s a good boi.
I wonder if Donald’s head is that hard or if the cell walls are really soft.
I bet those visors on the helmets that go over the Moonlander’s eyes are some kind of mind-control devices
I think Lunaris WANTED Donald and Penny to find his secret war room. He sensed her hesitation. Plus if Donald was SO IMPORTANT TO him, Lunaris probably would have taken Donald to the mines personally.
You like Della don’t you, Penny? *smug Spongebob face*
Dewey is 110% THAT BITCH. He and Drake need to hangout sometime.
“We’re both the bad cop.” Webby, sweetie...
Dew-tective. Dewey is pun-sexual
Donald/Cheesy Postcards is otp. But who is he sending those cheesy postcards to? Or does he just collect them?
 The lighting in the noir scene was AMAZING.
Oh Webby, you were so close
“He’s your uncle too.” “WHAT CASE?!” I love my red son.
Poor Donald. It’s not his fault he’s so squishy. We can’t all be Darkwing Duck tough.
Gibbous is lucky to have Zenith. I want more of the two of them. They are adorable
“Almost pleasurable to hit” ...no comment. Also Donald makes the same sound as Spongebob when he’s hit. Therefor Donald must be part sponge and that is how he can take so much damage.
“Inflicting pain is fun!”-Frank’s motto
“This is your moment, Gibbous.”
Penny’s directions are HORRIBLE. I hope she never has to lead anyone else anywhere.
Their plan was SUCH a kid logic plan. I LOVE IT.
The mailwoman is GORGEOUS AND I LOVE HER.
“Bill, bill, bill. Man, being an adult is not fun.” I feel personally attacked
I think Mr. Jones could have worded his letter better. Also, I keep getting bills from my therapist even though I already paid them so that hit close to home as well.
Donald is too thicc for the vent system.
The moon scorpion is ADORABLE and I LOVE IT. I bet that little guy is gonna give Donald his superpowers. It followed Donald and helped him out when he was (sometimes literally) in a tight spot.
“Oooo, seedy.” Webby, hon, we need to talk. Dewey in the background freaking out over the roach was great.
Dewey, darling, you do not have spy skills. We still love you anyway.
Webby is 200% THAT BITCH. I feel like the fake backstory was probably a reference to something but I’m not sure what. The locket thing made me think of Anne. Webby is COMMITTED to her backstories.
DO NOT TOUCH! (DEWEY!!) What has Dewey done with that uniform to warrant such a warning?
Dewey, there is a time and place for your own theme song. This was neither.
Webby, please never change.
Donald’s file is as dummy thicc as he is. I hate myself.
Donald has entered DAD MODE (™)
I wish Donald would gently rock me to sleep. And tuck me in. And give me a kiss on the cheek.
“Aw, phooey”-because you can’t say “Fuck me” on the Disney Channel
Would beds made of gold be comfortable?
“Help me look for them. But DON’T TOUCH ANYTHING.” Penny, you need to work on your leadership skills.
I wish we could get a closer look at Lunaris’ “Most Dangerous” list. The man is thorough. Organization goals. 
I didn’t see Beakley, Webby, or Launchpad on there. Darkwing isn’t on there either, but he’s brand new so that one makes sense.
It made me very happy to see Lunaris continue to get beat up. Not as tough as you act, ya bastard. And he’s a dumbass for not using the dummy first, then testing on one of the moon mites, and ENDING with himself. Do you even science, bro?
The pic of Donald with the eggs warmed my heart. :’)
It’s adorable that Dewey thinks that he’s a detective/spy and that he could get the jump on anyone, much less Webby.
“Great victory comes with great sacrifice.” I do NOT like the sound of that.
I really feel like Donald is the best fighter in the show. Even when he’s in pretty bad shape, Donald can take a punch without getting KO’d. He’s good at evading hits. Jim and Drake may be able to take more damage, but Donald can avoid getting hurt in the first place. Well, at least in a fight.
Lunaris is what Magica and Glomgold think they are. He’s cold, calculating, and organized. He can get inside someone’s head to find out how they work. He knows a person’s emotional weakness and will dig into it. I think Donald might end up throwing off his game because Donald reacts much differently to emotional stress than most. Others breakdown and are at their most vulnerable. But Donald channels the emotions into energy and is arguably at his most powerful.
I think Webby may have a problem remembering what is real and what she made up.
Dewey might have the same problem.
Scrooge, you need to accept the you are old. OLD AS BALLS.
The #1 therapist mug is great. I also like that they once again took a character from the comics and gave them an upgrade. Though Mr. Jones seems like he should be in anger management as well.
If we needed anymore proof that Donald is a FUCKING FORCE OF NATURE, Mr. Jones’ office gives us a pretty good idea of what Donald is capable of. Little guy can pack a punch.
That speech, man. That PERFECTLY explains who Donald is and why he does what he does. I cried when Mr. Jones was explain how much Donald loves his family overlayed with Donald himself backing up those words. POETIC CINEMA! T_T
Donald out-maneuvering Lunaris shows what Donald is best at-reading a situation and adjusting his tracticts/plan. He’s pretty good at thinking on his feet and unlike the majority of the other characters, Donald knows when he’s out-matched. That’s why he and Della were such a good team. Della was the brawn while Donald was the brains.
DONALD IS TOO STUBBORN TO DIE. And Moony is soooo in there with him.
“There goes the bravest man on two worlds.” Truer words have never been spoken. He might be the most stubborn as well. 
“Because he loves us.” I’M NOT CRYING, YOU’RE CRYING!
Y’all were SO CLOSE!
The look Scrooge gets when he’s listening to Donald’s message, he KNOWS something is up.
Donald is off to Canada (old SU meme is old.
Seriously though, Scrooge is kind of a prick in this episode. He brushes off a lot of stuff about Donald, like the therapy. I hope this is leading to something like Grunkle Stan and Dipper, that Scrooge is hard on Donald because he sees a lot of himself in his nephew. Both have anger issues and both have unique speech pattern. I’m sure Scrooge has dealt with people not being understand him due to his accent many times.
I like that they didn’t make a joke out of Donald receiving therapy. If this were an “adult” show, the show/characters would probably mock Donald for going. But here it’s presented as a good thing and that Donald is mature and a good person for reaching out for help. The fact that he did it to be a better parent...SO PURE AND WHOLESOME. DONALD IS BEST DAD! 
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tessatechaitea · 5 years
Inferior 5 #1
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Hopefully this will be like when Giffen made the Legion of Super-heroes super fucking dark.
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How many dicks can you find, kids?!
"How many dicks can you find, kids" is the least quotable line I've ever written. The Kamandi just out of surgery cosplayer winds up getting exploded by the kid in the canvas sack face mask. You know the kid is bad news because he can make people explode with his mind. Although if you ran into him in the desert, you wouldn't know that immediately so I should have stated the other ways you can tell he's bad news so as to maybe avoid exploding. First off, he's a kid out in the desert alone. Kids by themselves are creepy. Plus he's wearing a canvas bag on his head. Canvas is always a warning sign that you might be dealing with cannibal hillbillies, especially when it's covering an almost certainly mutilated face. Also, the kid's canvas bag mask has a big red X on it. Anybody who's been through the American educational system has a strong aversion to red X's. Also spooky: the kid recites nursery rhymes. When you hear one of those, you know you're either about to die or laugh hysterically because did you hear how the Diceman said "cock" instead of "clock"?! How did we never stop laughing in the Eighties?! Oh, one more clue that not all is right with this kid: he lives in Dangerfield, Arizona. That's almost as big a red flag as some sweaty, long-haired kid in overalls from Back Swamp, North Carolina. The story picks up with some nerdy kid (probably Merrymaker since he's the big virgin of the group) whining about how his dad died in The Invasion of Metropolis (what was that? Is that a reference to the beginning of The New 52 when Darkseid attacked Earth? Or is this a reference to the Invasion by the Dominators which was compiled in three way-too-long comics?). After the Invasion, he and his mom moved to Dangerfield, Arizona. Because who wouldn't feel safer in a place with a name that causes constant anxiety over a place where the greatest hero in the world lives?
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According to the date on this calendar, the Invasion mentioned was the Dominator one which created the Meta-Gene explanation of superpowers which we recently learned was a computer jargon shortening of the term "metal-gene."
The calendar isn't the only proof that this invasion was by Dominators and not Parademons! By turning the page instead of trying to ferret out what's going on by examining every panel carefully and spending an inordinate amount of my short lifespan trying to guess what's about to happen instead of just fucking turning the Goddamned page and letting the writers explain it to me, I discover the Dominators are leading an invasion of Earth Number This Is Fucked Up. At least I think it's Earth Number This Is Fucked Up because the invasion seems to have worked. Superman is dead and most of the other heroes have been placed in a space gulag. Plus that kid in the canvas bag marking X's on houses seems to play an important role in the Dominator's invasion force.
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Unless this is all just a comic book on Earth Number Main Earth?
Maybe I should turn some more pages! But first, I just need to Google "Lisa Loeb's boobs." The kid complaining about the Invasion comic book is named Lisa (no relation to Lisa Loeb's boobs) and she points out to the suspiciously bloody comic book seller with a light sensitivity named Vlad that the Invasion really happened. So I guess DC is simply profiting on everybody's pain and misery. I bet just to make the series even more painful and miserable, DC hired Scott Lobdell to write it. Justin, the whiny kid from Metropolis, is being observed by some outside observers (as opposed to inside observers which would be, I guess, parasites?). He heads downtown where he's about to make contact with Dumb Bunny and Awkwardman! Except he doesn't. Man, I should probably read more than two panels at a time before writing anything. It would save everybody a lot of wasted effort, me with writing sloppy synopses of comics and the three people reading this having to fucking read this. But then I don't have any responsibility to anybody to make these "reviews" shorter. It's not my fault if somebody wanted to Google "Lisa Loeb's boobs" but found they didn't have enough time because they were reading this shit. That's their own fault for not prioritizing their desires! Googling "Lisa Loeb's boobs" was so important to me that I did it in the middle of this review! Come on, people. It's the modern age! You can view Lisa Loeb's boobs any time you want (through clothing, that is. I'm not advocating for searching for nude pics of Lisa Loeb's boobs which probably don't exist anyway and if you think they do, it was probably just Lisa Loeb's head photoshopped onto a naked torso). Lisa has been uncovering clues to the weirdness of Dangerfield, Arizona because she dresses like Velma. Unless she dresses like Velma because she searches for clues the way her hero, Velma, searches for clues. I don't know enough about Lisa's backstory to say. It's possible Lisa isn't even aware of Velma and it's just Giffen spending some easy pop culture capital so readers associate Lisa with Velma and understand her more simply by looking at her image.
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Here are a bunch of the clues she's uncovered that I didn't want to try to parse through my digressions and fascination with Lisa Loeb.
Billy Shanker, the kid with the canvas bag who says things like, "Oh! The three little kittens! They fucked their mittens! Oh! Look at the way I hold my cigarette! Boom!", murders Justin's mom and takes her corpse to some guy in a hazmat suit that might be a Dominator but also might be, seeing as how Giffen is writing this, Ambush Bug. Man I hope it's Ambush Bug! Justin returns home to find his mother gone and the interior (five?) of his house covered in red X's. Oh no. That's a really bad sign! Not one black check mark in the bunch! Some people might think Keith Giffen isn't the best artist in town because he's a writer and his art isn't for everybody. Plus he never puts any thought into his panel layout and just goes the same size boxes every time (sometimes in the six variety, sometimes in the nine). I happen to love his art so I'm not one of those people. But in keeping with a guy whose art isn't what people would call great (although those people usually love mainstream great garbage art like John Romita Jr or David Finch or Tony S. Daniel), Jeff Lemire draws the back-up story. I don't think that was an insult at Lemire's expense. If it was, I'm sorry because I was really just trying to insult John Romita, Jr and David Finch and Tony S. Daniel. The back-up story features Peacemaker whom I only remember by look. According to the Who's Who, Peacemaker is a guy who loved peace so much that he realized sometimes he'd have to use extreme violence to ensure it. Also he suffered a head injury during Crisis on Infinite Earths which seems like a weird thing to mention in the Who's Who. "Trillions of lives were extinguished during the multiversal extermination event! Billions and billions of worlds destroyed! People's pasts erased in the blink of an eye! Supergirl and Flash and some other people nobody remembers killed! And Peacemaker suffered some head trauma." I suppose it's important to the character. Maybe it was meant to make him more extreme so he'd be relevant in the post-Crisis era. Peacemaker is on a mission for Amanda Waller to find some super weapon that the Russians want. His search leads him to a bunker with a dead Dominator, a mysterious capsule, and a map leading him to Dangerfield, Arizona! Inferior 5 #1 Rating: B+. I'm a sucker for Giffen stories and Giffen art. And Giffen stories backed up by Lemire's writing are probably even better. This one was pretty good so consider it evidence that my previous statement is almost certainly correct. One thing I like about Giffen is that he doesn't mind writing things that can be confusing on their first (or even second!) read through. He tells the story, makes the jokes, slowly unveils the plot, and to hell with anybody who doesn't want to invest a little time in making it all out. Seems to me, a lot of modern comic book readers could learn to love ambiguity. But they're all so desperate for the interior monologue of the main characters so they know exactly what to think after reading something. They're so coddled that they think subtlety is when a story explicitly shows them what's happening without the main character also explaining it in a monologue as they experience it. They wouldn't recognize subtlety if it...well, I mean, it's subtlety. It should be hard to recognize so I don't know how to finish that statement. Now go read Inferior 5 and hate me for recommending it when you're finished.
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hellogreenergrass · 8 years
Signy Island - Week Seven
22nd Jan – Sunday
Lie ins are lush. I feel renewed. This last week Ive been firing on ½ my cylinders I think. Not sure why, but after a month of full speed, I think I needed to take my foot off the peddle. I’ve been effectively part time this week, with days out to help Stacey not counting as work. But today I will end an easy week with a flourish. I will have A WHOLE DAY OFF. No lab, no thinking of work, no field treks. Just cooking, some rowing, writing and photography. Stacey took my early this morning as she had to get up early anyway to sort out some krill samples (she does this so the rest of us dont have to endure the stench that seeps out from her lab!). I owe her bigly. Oh yes, and Donald Trump was sworn in on Friday. I feel like we are entering a dystopian novel. He was greeted by ½ million people marching in protest through Washington DC. It will be an interesting presidency. A few weeks ago, we all made wishes as we threw wood into a fire and collectively decided that we wished a rapid and ultimately dooming impeachment upon him…
I’ve been drawing most days, but on the whiteboard in the living room as well as my sketch book.  It started as a small pic of something for whoever was on earlies that day. Then Stacey asked for a woodland as she missed trees, and I drew a landscape of a birch stand next to a river that wound down from some hills in the distance. On the other side of the river stands an old oak tree with branches that reach out over a waterfall. Since then, each day I add something else at the request of whoever is on earlies. We now have bluebells and harebells, sheep, a wolf, a peacock, a monkey, highland cows, a llama, a rabbit, and a bear. Iain & Stacey drew me a small hedgehog and some butterflies last night. Looking at it one night, Matt said he’d like me to do something for the new base they are building in the next few years. He will give some thought to what. Nice to think my work would be here even if I am not!
Meowntains  - new word combining two of my loves, cats and mountains. If there is a heaven …
24th Jan
This month is flying by! Cant believe its almost February. And Im almost 34. Jeez. Have been a bit slack at writing in this lately. I put my diary in a drawer in my room and whenever I have the presence of mind to remember it, I either couldn’t be bothered or get distracted en route. So now Im making an effort over brekkie.
The last few days have largely been lab/office based. I spent Monday trying to update my field plan for the coming month and reworking some experiments. The grid plan has had a reboot, less elegant now, but also less work. I hope.  I’ve been reading the work of a chap called Smith (we don’t do first names in scientific literature!) who has been working on Marion Island in the sub-Antarctic Indian Ocean area. His work spans 30 years from a word mapped food web to today, actual raw data on the energy and nutrient flow on the island. I’d love to do something like that here on Signy. He compiled data on all the input from major wildlife contributors and how the plants use it or lose it. Where it runs off the Island or gets blown back in, and the likely fate of it in the oceans. Science like that makes me heart all a flutter!
Aqlima and I went out to look for adult midge on Monday, to no avail. Although she really enjoys looking for them as she works with essentially invisible bacteria, so bugs are massive and remarkably charismatic for her! I think the adults are finished now. Where they go to die I couldn’t tell you as I’ve stopped seeing them in my soil samples too. Add that to the bank of mysteries and unanswerable questions I am accruing this season. I’ve also started going out to collect a species of mite for Scott (my boss back in Brum). He wants to do some population genetics on them. But whilst Ive started collections, Im not sure we can amend my permit again to take them off the island. Can but ask though.
Iain and I spent a few hours out yesterday getting in the last of the soil cores. Sun shone, the wind blew and the innuendo flowed! Down at the site in the unfortunately named Gash Cove, we went down onto the rocks and stood in the sun watching the huge swell roll up a slope of glistening rock the colour of titanium and almost iridescent.  It was a slab of mica-schist, mica being the mineral that gives the glitter to eye shadow. It had been buffered smooth by the waves who slid up the slope many meters and then recoiled back to the ocean excessively exposing an area of rocks and shore rarely seen, like the draw back of a tidal wave, or the curled snarl of lip. It was hypnotic. No furries around here, which is odd. In fact numbers have dropped off again, which Im told is unusual.
Im off to Gourlay today. Day out on my todd. The sun is shining, but its still blowing a hooley. I’ll collect that mite (Alaskozetes antarcticus) and spot sample the route for my midge along the way. Have lunch at the huts out there and see the penguins, then pop down to Cemetery Flats on my way home for more samples. Just me myself and I. Should be a nice day out J
26th Jan
I twisted my ankle!! Not even a little bit, but a proper sprain with swellings and everything! I’d been to Gourlay, hiked back and collected all the samples. Then as I stood at the top of the Stonechute, the final rock and scree descent to base, I recalled Stacey’s recent tale of her twisting her ankle just meters from base whilst carrying a heavy load. It was just a 2cm drop off a rock, but put her off her feet for weeks. I pondered this as I heaved my loaded rucksack on, weighed down by kilos of soil samples, decided not to withdraw my second walking pole and dove down the chute. Despite being just a few hundred meters from home and the first and last part of everyone’s day out, it is one of the riskiest bits. Not least because as well as being steep and loose, it is often full of fur seals. And it was furries that I was checking for as I misplaced my footing and went over on the side of my foot.
I knew immediately that it was not good as I sat trying to catch my breath that had just been dragged from me by the rushing and unweilding pain. Not again I thought. Just last July, I’d gone over on my left leg and torn any remaining shreds of ligament and cartilagein my knee whilst up in the mountains of Norway and out on my own. At least this time I had VHF radio and base in sight. I realised I was going to need help. No way was I carrying that bag across the boulders of the high-tide route. I called in and Alex and Stacey came out to help me back down. I slowly and carefully negotiated my way back, and an hour of ice and elevation followed by a shower seem to have eased it a bit. As have the painkillers. And the 2 glasses of gin I just had. So now I feel just fine!
27th Jan
Woke to stiffness and a substantial amount of pain this morning, but thankfully this eased as the day went on. Although the swelling has peaked and there is some bruising coming through now. I’ll be a few shades of purple soon. At least I actually did something, hate to think Im being melodramatic! I have to try and go out to do some field work tomorrow though, not sure how likely that is, I can’t walk properly. I’ve prepped the ion-exchange membranes already and they have a limited amount of time to be used you see. I did the last of the work whilst watching Seven Years in Tibet tonight in anticipation of being able to at least stagger along in the field with some back-up tomorrow. Great movie, and by God that man. I swear Brad Pitt must have hovered up all the good-looking genes in his family for the best part of a century. The mind boggles. Speaking of good looking men, I spoke to K today. He’s been offered a new job! Interview was at 11am, with two others to follow him and by 2pm they’d made up their mind and called to offer him the position.  I’m not surprised, he has that effect on people ;-)
Wind is still blowing hard and finding its way into the cracks and gaps in the seams of the cabin. Makes the whole place scream and whistle all the time. Some flights from Punto Arenas in Chile to Rothera on the Peninsular have been delayed. I wonder if they have the same weather system. Few thousand km away though. Its been quite unstable the last few weeks, but we are about to enter the warmest month of the year soon, so at least it may stop snowing even the wind keeps up its run of 20+ knots!
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