#i must have tried over 10 times with my current employer and no damn luck
fantastic-artemis · 1 year
Ok so I didn't get that job and I'd already made peace with it but holy hell do I need to be working more than 20 hours a week I need a side gig or something
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lofitojii · 4 years
PART [I] Guardian Angel
Summary: You are a new sidekick to the number two hero of Tokyo, Hawks. You team up with another sidekick, Bakugou, in an ongoing investigation on a serial killer. Unexpected interactions happen that flip the whole case around causing new, confusing feelings which alter your relationships in ways you never saw coming. 
Word Count: 4.6k
Warning: Minor Swearing 
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A/N: It’s HERE!!! The new series I’ve been working on for the last month is finally planned out and I’m super excited about it! Please let me know what you think, there will be posts made for discussions before the new part is released. 
NOTE: This is not following the current story at all. The League of Villains do not play any part in this at all, only Dabi. 
Guardian Angel Master List
The fall air was crisp, every inhaled breath chilling your body from the inside out. The leaves looked as if they were on fire, the deep crimson, the burnt orange, lighting up the grey world they resided in. This was your favorite time of year, when you could visibly see the seasons change. Despite the fact the darkest part of the year was right around the corner, you were looking forward to all of it. This year was going to be different, you could feel it ridden within you.
It was your first day at your new job, completely unaware and new to the area. You had moved in the weekend prior, receiving the job through a simple phone call interview. You had no idea who or what your new boss looked like. All you knew is that you were hand picked from a group of qualifying sidekicks to the number 2 hero, Hawks. Apparently he is a very busy man, and the only thing you knew about him was that his quirk was similar to yours. Except he can’t put his wings away. 
How can you not know who the number 2 hero is? Well, coming from a rather small town where you worked 7 days a week kind of took up most of your free time, and when you did get a moment to yourself, you were either reading or spending time with the locals. You didn’t care much for TV or the news or social media. You enjoyed quality time and company, something most people didn’t really understand. 
Your quirk was known as the ‘Angel Quirk’ meaning you had white wings that grew in size under your control, whenever you pleased. You also had a healing factor to your quirk, using your feathers as a type of medicine as well. You were a Pro Hero’s sidekick back in your home town but received an email one morning that read: 
Dear Y/N,
After doing intense research and speaking to your most recent employer and university teachers, you have been chosen to accompany Japan’s number 2 hero, Hawks, as his personal sidekick with the goal of becoming one of Japan’s very own perosnal Pro Heroes. According to your employer, he has said he feels you have greater potential that you can’t utilize in your small town. Please give us a call or email us back. Thank you!
-Hawks Agency
You had no idea your previous employer had reached out until you received that letter. You didn’t mind doing small hero work here and there in your small town but when your boss stressed to you that you could be and do more, you decided to reach out. You didn’t know what you were expecting but you had received the job within the first 10 minutes of your interviewl. 
So that’s where you are now, downtown Tokyo, trying your best to understand how the train systems worked. Yeah, you could’ve just flown there but you didn’t want to make a scene before debuting with your new boss. It was just something you had decided, thinking that maybe an article would be released about a new hero coming to town rather than being seen with Hawks himself first. You didn’t want to come off as rude or arrogant, even though you knew you were probably overthinking the situation. 
You just wanted to make a good impression, regardless of what your old boss had said about you. They already have this idea of you, and you wanted to live up to that idea. Your boss did speak highly of you, you didn’t want to let anyone down, mainly yourself. 
“Damn, this city is huge,” you cursed out loud, looking up from the city map you had picked up at the subway stop before you hopped on. “So if that’s the coffee shop, then I still have about a good mile or two before I get to the agency building. Maybe I should use my wings to get the- OOF!” you were hit in the back, causing you to choke on your words and stumble over onto the cement. 
“Sorry!” You looked up to see a man, his red wings casting a long shadow over you. “Didn’t see ya there! Sometimes I’m too fast for my own damn good.” He reached his hand out, letting you tightly grip it as he helped you up. 
“You’re good, I was the one standing there like a mindless idiot,” you joked, reaching down to pick up the things you had dropped due to your collision. When you stood up, you noticed that he was already gone. Wow, so much for being polite. He said sorry but what does that mean when he just flies off without saying anything else? Whatever, you had to get to work so you just decided to brush it off. 
You expanded your white wings, trying your best to fly higher than the city clouds in order to keep people from seeing you. You thought to yourself that maybe this was the best route to work, clear yet cold skys. Not to mention you would cut your full trip in half. You landed in front of the office building, retracting your wings back to its original, small size before entering the building. You approached the girl that was sitting behind a desk, tapping away at her keyboard. You cleared your throat before interrupting. “Hi, I’m the new sidekick Y/N. Just wondering where I need to go?” You asked the front receptionist you guided you towards the elevators. 
“It’s the top floor,” she smiled. “Good luck, Miss Y/N.” You let out a sigh of relief as you stood in the elevator alone. Your day had just barely started and yet you could feel yourself already growing tired of everything. Your temper was rather short today, that man setting something off in you when he left without saying anything. Thank god you didn’t have to worry about him anymore. Tokyo was a rather large city, what are the chances of running into him a second time? You tried your best to shake off the incident that took place this morning, not wanting it to ruin your full day ahead of you. 
You walked up to the giant wooden doors, knocking twice before opening them. You were greeted with a huge open window, a single desk sitting in the middle of the room with a beautiful view behind it. There were bookshelves lined with literature you had read or had planned to read. “Similar tastes,” you whispered as you traced along the backbone of the books. The room was empty, leaving you alone to examine the things you found interesting to you. 
“You like what you see?” Wait a second… That voice... “You must be the new sidekick. How’s it going? I’m Hawks.” You turned around and were faced with the man that had knocked you over earlier. For some reason, dread took over, your actions visible to the man standing in front of you. “Why the long face?” 
“You’re kidding me, right?” you scoffed, the man giving you a blank look. “You literally knocked me off my feet earlier? I dropped everything?” He was still giving you that stupid blank look. “You’re joking…” 
“OH! I remember now. Yeah sorry about that,” he scratched the back of his head nervously. “I was in a hurry.” Wow...
“Obviously.” You rolled your eyes at his comment, unimpressed with the lack of remorse that came through his tone. You felt as if this relationship would be decided here, right now, just based on the way you were feeling as he stood there, a stupid grin plastard on his face. You let out a deep sigh, trying to regulate your breathing so you wouldn’t lash out on your new boss who was standing inches away from you. “I guess I’ll introduce myself since we’ll be working together. My name is Y/N L/N, I’m from a small town about 4 hours out of Tokyo. My quirk is known as the ‘Angel Quirk’ meaning I can do anything you can but better.” 
“Woah, woah,” he stopped you, waving his hands in the air. “That’s a pretty bold statement, newby. What do you mean ‘better’?” 
“I mean I can hide my wings if I want to, and also can expand them when I choose. They regenerate within the hour, I can use them to heal both internal and external wounds depending on how severe the injury is. I can also use them as weapons, hardening them as I please.” 
“Okay but can you use them to listen to things? Do you have the ability to use them as an extension of you? As in, can you use them to listen or to track?” He was grilling you with questions, almost as if you struck a nerve with him. It was quite amusing to see him all flustered like this.
“I can use them to track things within a certain radius, the further away from the feather, the harder it is for me to make things out.” He furrowed his brows, crossing his arms over his chest with a huff. 
“Okay yeah, your quirk is better in some parts but that doesn’t make you better than me.” 
“I never said I was better than you, I only said my quirk was better. You’re the number 2 hero for a reason, I have no doubt in your skill at all.” He really got his feelings hurt that bad by your comment? Talk about a fragile ego. 
He let out a sigh, sounding a little grumpy in his words as he went through the paperwork with you. “Oh and take this,” He handed you a bag, his cheeks flushed red. “I don’t know what it looks like but the design team came up with it since we do have similar quirks.” 
“A new costume?” You raised an eyebrow, looking at the fabric with the paper bag. It was a body suit, like an actual teddy style body suit, a pair of sheer tights, and some knee high boots. There was also a pair of yellow goggles, matching the ones Hawks were wearing. “What if people think we’re dating?” You didn’t really think about it much until Hawks gave you your new costume that was almost identical in color to his. It was balck and gold, just like his shirt, the cropped jacket being a deeper shade of brown, just like his jacket. 
“And? So what if they do? I wouldn’t mind faking it,” he smirked, winking directly at you. He began to laugh as you reached your hand to hide your crimson cheeks. They were warm, you knew his comment made you blush, and so did he.
“Shut the hell up,” you responded, biting your lip. “I’m going to request a new jacket at least. I’m sorry but this color is hideous with the black.” 
“You really think so?” he asked, looking at his own jacket. “Well in that case, I’ll ask for them to give us black ones.” 
“White,” you stopped him. “I want a white one.” 
“White it is, m’lady,” he bowed, getting up from his seat. He leaned over his desk, transitioning from his bowed state, coming face to face with you. He was so close you could smell the lingering fragrance of mint coming from his breath. “I’m excited to work with you.” You quickly got up, bowing in response all in one quick motion, knocking your head with his. It was loud, painful, and embarrassing all within the 30 seconds that it took place. “Ow ow ow ow ow,” he rubbed his forehead, exposing the red bump that was getting ready to form. 
You were quick to pluck two white feathers from the right side of your back, leaning over the desk and pressing it to his forehead. “Hold still,” you struggled to get out as Hawks winced in pain. You let out a deep breath, focusing on the feather in your hand. It was quick to dissolve, leaving Hawks in awe with what had just happened. He sat back down, watching you apply the same treatment to yourself. 
“Wow,” he breathed, still in shock from what just took place. “Your quirk really is cool.” 
“The only downside to my healing is that it’s only possible with the right side of my wings. The left side doesn’t have the same ability,” you admitted while sitting back down, your wings returning to their smaller size so you were able to sit more comfortably. Hawks just sat there, gobsmacked with the events that just occurred. “To be honest, we gotta get this whole bumping into each other thing under control.” 
“You’re telling me,” he whispered, leaning back in his own seat. He finally snapped back into reality after being lost within himself. “Go change into your new costume and I’ll put the order in for the white coat. You’re going on patrol today with one of my other sidekicks. He’s newer to the team so it will be good for you two to get comfortable with each other. I will warn you though, he’s a bit of a hot head. Short temper, super egotistical. Great guy though, you’ll love him.” 
“He sounds wonderful,” you noted sarcastically. You were soon interrupted by the sound of the door opening, being greeted with a blonde haired man with quite the aggressive scowl. 
“What the hell did you say, you damn bird?” You turned your head, taking notice to his rather large grenade equipment covering his forearms. Those have to be super heavy, the look like they weigh more than the man himself. 
“There you are! Bakugou, I’d like you to meet your new partner, Y/N! You guys are going to be working together from here on out. You’re still my sidekicks, so we’re still a team here but when it comes to the more lowkey stuff, like investigations and patrolling, you guys will be working together.” Did he really just say ‘lowkey’? How old is this guy? He’s got to be older than you, having started his own agency, right? 
“Yeah, whatever,” Bakugou growled. Hawks wasn’t kidding when he said this guy was a hot head, the vibe he was giving off really intimidated you. But then again, you weren’t one to take shit, not even from some punk coworker with a short temper. “I’m leaving in 10. Better hurry you noob.” 
“Noob?” You questioned, grabbing your things and following Bakugou out the room. You stopped before you reached the door, turning around and bowing towards Hawks. “Thank you!” 
“Good luck, kid!” He waved back, his smile sweet and reassuring. You had experienced something rather unpleasant that morning with Hawks, only to find out he was your new boss. He seemed to be quite the air head, or at least spacey in some aspect. He was interesting to you, and for some reason you wanted to know more about him. The fact he had asked for you specifically out of all the other applicants was even more interesting to you. Did he choose you for another reason? Was it because you had a similar quirk to his? As time goes on, you can only hope that you’ll uncover these hidden secrets you were so focused on. He didn’t need to tell you he was hiding anything, you could just feel something in his aura. 
You followed Bakugou who led you to the women's locker room, telling you he would wait outside the door for you to be finished. He actually told you to ‘hurry the fuck up’ but you just rolled your eyes at his demand. You thought to yourself that if anyone else would have been paired up with this guy, you were sure they would resign due to his attitude. You weren’t one to give up, though. You were here for a reason, having a set goal that wasn’t about to be ruined due to some smart asses comments. Not to mention, the children in the foster home you grew up in were mean as hell. 
When you put on the outfit, you were flustered by how revealing it was. You did mention that you needed flexibility in your costume but you didn’t think it was going to be some kind of lingerie set. Hopefully the coat you requested is available soon, thinking that maybe it would help cover up some of the more revealing parts. 
You exited the locker room, only things on you being your Hero License and your outfit. Bakugou handed you an ear piece, letting you know it’s used for the both of you, two other side kicks and Hawks himself. “So what exactly are we doing today?” You asked, exiting the building with Bakugou by your side. 
“We’ve been asked to investigate the west side of town. Rumor has it that some dick head guy has been spotted frequently in the area who has been linked to a chain of murdered victims. All the bodies have similar burn marks, as if it’s this guys sick way of marking his work. Our job is to try and see if we can narrow down his exact location.” You had read over the file prior to moving to the city, being asked by the agency so that way you weren’t too behind on what was going on. 
Description: Black hair, scars covering majority of his body, black coat, black shoes, distressed jeans. Last known location: West Tokyo. Number of bodies linked to crime: 12. 
“Well then,” you started, letting your wings grow to their full capability. You reached your hand out towards Bakugou, signaling for him to grab on. 
“What the hell? What are you doing? I don’t need your fucking help.” 
“I get that but if you let me carry you, we could cut our trip time in half and with it being fall, almost winter, it’s going to get dark soon. I have no doubt that you can get there by yourself but if we want to play it smart and more efficient,” you sang, reaching your hand out again for him to take, letting your actions finish your statment. He wasn’t happy about the idea but he knew you were right, making it obvious by his aggressive huff. 
You wrapped Bakugou up in your arms, taking off the second you knew you had a secure grip on him. With flying to the west side of town, it really did cut the travel time in half, leaving you an extra hour or so to investigate, much longer than what the estimated time stated. “Land there!” Bakugou yelled, pointing at the roof of a mini mart that was placed in between two rather tall buildings. You released your grip on him, his immediate reaction being annoyed and bothered by the ‘wind’ and you ‘flying too damn fast’. You just ignored his remarks, letting him take the lead on the investigation so he would stop complaining. 
“How long have you worked for Hawks?” You asked, taking a seat next to Bakugou. He lowered his glasses that matched both yours and Hawks’, using them to enhance his sight towards the ground below. 
“Why do you care?” He growled, avoiding any sort of eye contact with you. 
“Well I don’t but if we’re going to be working together, I think it’s important that we have a bearable relationship, don’t you agree?” 
“No I don’t. I don’t care who you are or where you come from. We’re co workers, that’s it.” You didn’t expect Bakugou’s words to hurt as much as they did. You barely met the guy and he’s already made his decision on how the relationship was going to be. A part of you wanted to just let it go, to just accept the fact that he didn’t care for personal relationships, but the other part, the part of you that always got you into trouble, wanted to know and be more with him. 
“Well I care,” you finally blurted out, causing Bakugou to finally look over at you. “I’m not saying that we have to be friends but if we want to be a strong team, we have to get to know each other on a more personal level. I can see you’re very strong and I also know that we could be really good together. So ignore me all you want but I’m not going to stop asking.” He looked puzzled, as if no one had ever bothered to speak to him like this. It was as if he was thrown into foreign territory and had to figure out how to navigate to the sudden outburst. 
“3 months,” he answered, immitadly turning away from you. You couldn’t help but smile at the small achievement you had accomplished. It wasn’t something drastic or something to celebrate, but you took it as a win regardless.  
After sitting on the roof for a good half hour, you had decided to take street view, letting Bakugou keep the high ground. You were told that the suspect wore a black coat, had dark features, but the main identifier being his scars. He wore the black coat to hide his arms and body and wore a face mask to hide the scars that are suspected to be on his face. 
After mindlessly walking for what felt like forever, Bakugou finally came through the ear piece. “Angel, there’s a man fitting our description on the other side of the street, walking towards your direction.” You were quick to react, trying to spot any signs of a man in a dark coat. You thought you were going to lose him in the crowd, having to make your way through groups of people walking in your opposite direction. 
“Bakugou, I don’t-” You were suddenly cut off, being pushed back by the force of colliding with another person. You lost your balance, falling straight onto the concrete sidewalk below you. “Ouch…” You winced in pain, the collision of your bum hitting the hard concrete rattling you a bit. You looked up to see what it was that you had bumped into, Bakugou screaming in your ear before you could put the pieces together. 
“THAT’S HIM!” You made eye contact, complete shock written across your facial features as you stared directly at the man you had been looking for. 
“Here,” he reached his hand out, offering to help you up from your fall. “Sorry about that. It’s easy to get caught up in these crowds.” You were hesitant to take his hand but did it anyways, knowing that you had to diminish any sort of suspicion. His hand was rough to the touch, as if it was scared more so than dry skin. You noticed his stitches that held his scars together, slightly grazing over them as you released. “Oh uhh.. I got these cause my quirk is too strong for me to really handle.” The man seemed to be around your age, his whole appearance matching the description you were given. 
What do I do? 
“Oh I wasn’t meaning to stare,” you hesitantly assured him, trying to awkwardly laugh off the situation. 
“I haven’t seen you around here before,” he finally changed the subject, the new topic being just as stressful as the last. 
“Oh yeah I’m new to town! Just doing an internship so I’m still kind of new to all of this. I’m just out patrolling the area, making sure nothing bad happens. Ya know, the normal hero stuff.” You awkwardly scratched the back of your head, avoiding eye contact as best as you could. In all honesty, you wanted to cut this conversation short and let Bakugou track him to wherever he was planning on going, but your mind had gone blank. You were unable to think of an out so instead, you had to let the conversation carry on until you found an opening. 
“Well I bet people will feel better having such a pretty hero like you around to keep them safe.” Woah woah woah… Did he really just call you pretty? And are you actually blushing right now at his comment?? Get it together Y/N! 
“Eh- haha. I mean I’m just doing my job, just like any other hero.” Please leave. Please go away. Please give me an opening to get out of here.
“I guess I’ll be seeing a lot more of you then?” His smile was everything but welcoming. You could see that this man wasn’t someone who found heroes pleasant to begin with. The uneasy feeling you had when you made eye contact the first time started to grow, causing you to internally panic. “Cute wings. Reminds me of another Pro Hero I see flying around here sometimes.”
“Uh… Who?” You asked, trying your best to play dumb. He furrowed his brows, your response coming off more suspicious than before. “I’m sorry. Like I said, I’m new here and I don’t even know who I work for. I was just sent here as soon as I got there so I haven’t really met anyone.” 
“Huh. Well I’m sure you’ll meet him soon. Especially if you have wings like that,” he said, pointing to your enlarged wings. “He’s a pretty big fan of people who have similar quirks to his.” 
“I’ll definitely have to keep an eye out then. Sounds like we’d get along.” 
“The names Dabi, by the way. And you are?” Did he really just tell you his name? Was the whole ‘play dumb’ act really working? Could this be some kind of message that he wants to send to Hawks since he was the one who mentioned him? 
“You can call me Angel,” you responded, knowing it was better to offer your hero name rather than your real one. You chose the hero name ‘Angel’ because it could be taken as either a hero name or even a birth given name. 
“Angel,” he repeated, barely above a whisper. “Fitting.” You didn’t respond this time, wanting to let the conversation end there which Dabi caught onto. “Well I’ll let you get back to work Angel. I hope I see you again.” And with that, he was gone, disappearing from your view into the crowd of people.
You were quick to make your way around the block so that way you could communicate with Bakugou without having to worry about Dabi overhearing anything if he had happened to still be in ear shot distance. “Angel what happened!? Did you get anything?” 
“I’ll come find you! Just keep tracking him! I’m on my way!” you told Bakugou before lifting off above the city. You were quick to spot Bakugou who was jumping from rooftop to rooftop, keeping a steady pace and decent distance between him and the suspect. Once Bakugou stopped, you took that as a sign to land on the closest building and follow Bakugou’s actions so that way you could keep a low profile since the suspect now knew who you were. You mentally kicked yourself in the butt, knowing that you should’ve just left after he helped you up. 
“What did he say?” Bakugou barked, his vision focused on the cluster of buildings in front of him. 
“Well I got his name.” 
“And?” He looked over at you, his expression completely unreadable. Were you going to get in trouble for making contact? And on the first day too? 
“Dabi.” Bakugou’s face went white, his expression telling you that maybe they knew more about the suspect than they were telling you. “Bakugou, who’s Dabi?” 
“I pinpointed the location. Let’s get back to the agency and report to Hawks what we found.” 
“I’m not taking us anywhere until you tell me who this Dabi guy is!” 
“Suit yourself you dumb bird.” He was quick to blast off, making his way back in the direction of the agency. You were in shock by his sudden outburst, creating quite the distance between you two. What is going on? You were so confused, only being left more in the dark as Bakugou ignored your multiple questions. 
Snap out of it Y/N! Follow him! 
“What- Bakugou!!”
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happywitch416 · 4 years
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Chapter 10
Elena sent off the raven with a hasty note to Odara, the bird had appeared one day like a puff of smoke with a letter from her sister stating this was the best way to keep in touch. Always a short whistle away, Elena, just like when we were kids. She hadn’t quite believed Odara’s claim until the day she tried it. One short whistle, the one they had used to keep track of each other when they adventured all those years ago, and a twist of smoke turned into a raven with keen eyes. She may not entirely approve of her sister’s choice of employment, but she had to admit it was the greatest source of information which was worth its weight in gold. It helped that Keir loved the girls and they him. What she hadn’t planned on was the banging on her door at the crack of dawn. She made her way to the door, with a heated glare towards Jordis’s room, if she was going to insist on so many things for the safety of her Thane, she could save her from early morning suffering.
Odara stood on her doorstep with a wide grin and bouncing on the soles of her feet. The man behind her watched her with a soft smile that made Elena want to shove him down the stairs. Their breath clouded the morning’s crisp air and Elena stood back opening the door wide to let them in. Odara stepped in, spinning in a circle before planting a kiss on her sister’s cheek. “You have done so much with the place.”
Elena snorted, slamming the door shut. “The moth-eaten drapes Ma had left up were difficult to replace.” Jordis’s door opened a bit and Elena waved off her questioning look, the door closing softly again. Elena knew that although the door was shut, Jordis was undoubtedly listening to every word in case she was needed. 
Odara wrapped herself around the man’s waist and beamed up at him. “Elena, this is Brynjolf, my business associate.” Elena raised her brows at that and Brynjolf shook his head. “Dear heart, this is my older sister and blight upon the land.” 
Elena rolled her eyes but stuck her hand out to shake his. “Good to meet you.” She cast a glance at her sister who was now rummaging through the cabinets. “Any chance the raven didn’t pass you?”
Odara’s eyes twinkled above her grin. “Keir never misses.” Elena shook her head, let the damned bird keep its secrets then.
“You are in luck, lass. A Moth priest had stopped in Riften” Brynjolf offered.” But he’s not there.” Her happy sigh quickly dissolved.
“Any idea where to?” Elena jumped, she had never heard Serana on the stairs and the way the other two were grinning they decided to say nothing.
Brynjolf laughed. “What use would we be if we didn’t ask questions? He said he was headed for Dragon’s Bridge.”
Odara was eyeing Serana suspiciously, causing heat to rise on Elena’s cheeks. She settled against the table edge; arms crossed. “He was an odd fellow, cheerful enough. If I had known you needed him, I would have kept him there.” She stared at Elena expectantly. “Are you going to introduce us or keep standing there like you're stuck to a hot iron?”
Elena took a deep breath, refusing the urge to pick up the closest thing and lob at her head. “Serana, meet my younger sister, Odara, and her partner, Brynjolf.” She smirked at Odara when it was her cheeks that flushed red this time. Serana shook both their hands as Elena spread hers with a welcoming gesture. “You are welcome to stay as long as you like, I’ll be making breakfast soon.” She caught Serana’s eye and she gave a slight nod. “We will head out not long after I think, but Odara knows where everything is.”
Odara shook her head, her features becoming stony. “We are here on business that needs tending.” Elena decided she was going to light a candle at the temple for the poor bastard, he was going to need it judging by the look Odara and Brynjolf shared. Odara’s cheerfulness returned quickly. “I will however let us back in so I can see my darling nieces.” At Odara’s pointed look she continued. “And I will stop in to see Ma at the temple.”
Elena chuckled. “Pa and Da are there too.” Odara groaned good naturedly and the pair made their way out the door.
Elena gave Serana a soft smile as Jordis and Illia appeared in the kitchen. Illia must have come up the stairs earlier and she hadn’t noticed, probably to discuss something with Jordis based on how closely they stood together. “I hope you don’t mind some breakfast before we go.”
Serana grinned, as the staircase began to rumble. “And miss saying goodbye to the girls?”
They headed away from Proudspire, the girls still shouting and waving from the doorstep. Elena cast a glance towards Dour and adjusted the strap on her shoulder. “I need to stop at the temple before we go.” She cast Serana a questioning look when her expression soured. “You are not obligated to go in with me. I am just speaking to my mother, I have nowhere in Proudspire for a Moth Priest.” She kicked a loose pebble. “Nor do I want the girls getting into.” She paused searching for a safe word. “Things they shouldn’t read.”
Serana nodded, hand reaching back to graze the bottom of the old quiver Elena had hastily altered to carry the scroll a bit more conspicuously. “I am not a fan of temples.”
Elena chuckled. “That is reasonable.” She showed Serana to the garden just outside of Dour’s walls. The priests and priestesses used it for quiet contemplation and for growing the medical herbs they needed amongst the more ornamental beds. “I will be back soon.”
As they made their way down the hill, Elena relayed her mother’s agreement to housing the Moth Priest at the temple. She had felt a slight unease as she told her mother she couldn’t tell her why she needed to speak to a Moth Priest for an unknown amount of time. Or why she was traveling again, other than to reassure her that she had not taken another job with the Legion. “Why is she concerned with that?” Serana stared at her quizzically.
Elena let a long sigh, forcing the air out hard at the end. “I am supposed to be retired.” She closed her eyes, inhaling the sea breeze as it started to mix the pines around them. “My last few years in the Legion were hard on my soul. The White Gold Concordat was signed when I was a child and I joined not long after the Second Treaty of Stros M'kai.” She gave a mirthless laugh. “I had a fire in my heart, to rebuild the Empire, one brick at a time if I needed to, anything to keep the Dominion out of Skyrim. I spent most of it routing worshippers of Talos and crushing rebellions.” She shook her head, willing the past to ease its grasp on her heart. “Here.” She led the way into the farmyard, cutting the conversation off. “We’ll get the horses, and we’ll make Dragon’s Bridge in no time.” 
After three fumbling attempts to get in the saddle Elena gave the reins back to the quietly laughing stable master. With Serana’s arms around her waist as they rode down the road to Dragon’s Bridge, the icy grip of unpleasant memories faded like smoke in the breeze.
Chapter 11
“Let's find a cave or something.”
Elena shook her head before gently teasing. “Don't like the outside, don't like caves. What would make you happy?”
“Finding the Moth Priest and stopping my father.” Came the tart reply from behind her followed by a half kick against the back of her boot.
Elena let out a huff of laughter. “Fair enough. I know a place; we'll stop at it until nightfall.”
“Thank you.” Serana said with all the sincerity she could muster under the hot sun.
Elena set the horse off at a gallop, ignoring the tightening arms around her waist that made her cheeks warm. She veered off the road and cleared a low fence, smiling when Serana laughed. She brought the horse back to a walk when they neared the old hut. She had seen better stables, better chicken houses even, but if you needed a place for a quiet rest it was perfect. Odara had shown it to her a few years ago and it was regularly used by Guild members, and she hoped none would be needing it currently. It would not end badly, but it would be awkward. Serana slid off the side of the horse and briskly moved indoors, pausing briefly to look at the symbol etched into the wood. Elena removed the saddlebags before setting the horse loose to roll in the grass and drink from the creek.  
“What is it like being a vampire?” Elena asked, lowering herself to the ground beside the saddlebags, she lounged in the early afternoon sun letting it soak into her bones. “The few I have ran into seem ruled by hunger and rage. Yet you seem so in control.” She watched Serana intently, it wasn’t control that sparked her interest as much as the grace that seemed to be the only way she was capable of moving. Elena’s lips quirked up in a soft smile at the small wind that joined them, swirling gently.
Serana nodded joining her on the ground, further back into the hut. Elena wondered how her eyes glowed so bright even in the half-light she sat in. “It can be that way, especially if you are turned by a common vampire. It’s like the power and control dilutes the further it gets from the source.”
“Like blood in a stream.” Serana nodded. Elena leaned back against the wall and let her eyes fall shut. “I am going to take a chance to catch some sleep. Wake me when the sun begins to set?”
“Will do.” All the time home at Proudspire had left her road weary in no time. And right before sleep claimed her, she felt the softness of her cloak settle against her, a gentle touch against her forehead. “Sleep well.”
Chapter 12
Elena leaned out over the Dragon Bridge before turning her grin on Serana. “Best views in Skyrim.”
Serana shook her head. “You are going to fall over the side.” Her grin only widened, and she hopped up on the narrow ledge, shading her eyes against the sun. Serana’s heart felt ready to explode from her chest and before she could hiss at her, Elena’s hand steadied herself on the bridge.
“There’s a cart just the other side.” It was toppled over; she could almost make out a fallen horse and it filled her with icy dread and irritation.
Forgetting her fear, Serana joined Elena, peering around her knee to follow her point. “The Moth Priest?”
With a nimble hop backward Elena was back on the bridge beside her. “I hope not, it looked like a bandit attack.”
The ruined cart and corpses were quick enough to sort through, easier still to tell the guards that had been accompanying the moth priest from the vampires that had been sent to retrieve him. Elena led them, following the path of blood across the land to a cave. Serana settled into Elena’s silent shadow as they traversed it, coming finally to the circular chamber where the moth priest was being kept in a barrier.
“Malkus.” Serana hissed as the vampire began to speak. Elena felt a brow rise at the venom in her tone, but kept her gaze and arrow focused.
“The more you fight me, the more you will suffer, mortal.” The amusement in his voice begged for the priest to continue.
“I will resist you, monster. I must!”
Malkus laughed. “How much longer can you keep this up, Moth Priest? Your mind was strong, but you're exhausted from the struggle.”
“Must... resist...” Elena could hear his weakness from their hiding point and settled into breathing, waiting for a clear shot. A wounded target was more dangerous than a whole one if she didn’t strike true.
“Yes, I can feel your defenses crumbling. You want it to end. You want to give in to me. Now, acknowledge me as your master!” Her arrow caught him between the shoulder blades as the moth priest fell to his knees and Malkus fell scrabbling to the ground before another pierced his skull. His minions were easy enough to send off to oblivion while Serana released the moth priest from the barrier.
Elena approached him, ready to offer aid and reassurance but he launched himself, snarling at her. “I serve my master's will. But my master is dead, and his enemies will pay!” She swung, slamming her bow into the side of his head and he dropped back to his knees. He threw up his hands when she went to swing again. “Wait, stop! I yield!” She still held herself at ready, distrust in every taut muscle. “That...that wasn't me you were fighting. I could see through my eyes, but I could not control my actions. Thank you for breaking that foul vampire's hold over me.”
She nodded and extended a hand to help him to his feet. “You alright?”
“I'm quite alright, thanks to you.” He said with a relieved sigh. “Dexion Evicus is my name. I'm a Moth Priest of the White Gold Tower. These vampires claimed they had some purpose in store for me, but they wouldn't say what.” He shook his head and muttered. “Probably holding me for ransom, the fools.”
Elena shuffled a moment. “I know why they needed you, because I think we need you for the same purpose.”
“You do?” He eyed her a bit warily, Serana more so as she joined them. “Alright then, enough mysteries.”
“We,” she gestured to herself and Serana. “We need you to read an Elder Scroll, whatever is in it has to do with the vampires.”
“You have an Elder Scroll? Remarkable!” His face creased with joy. “I will be happy to assist you with your Elder Scroll. Just tell me where I need to go.”
Elena let out a relieved sigh. “Solitude.”
“Very well. I'll hurry on my way there before more of those vampires turn up.”
Elena chuckled. “We will meet you outside and travel together.” Dexion hurried from the cave without a backwards glance and she turned to Serana. “Are you alright?”
Serana smiled, it reached her eyes crinkling the corners and warming her whole face. Elena let out the breath she had been holding, only to find herself breathless. “We found our moth priest.”
Chapter 13
The basement of Proudspire manor was conspicuously clean, the alchemy table even lacked its customary bubbling brews. The girls had been herded to the Temple to stay with her parents, there had been whining complaints until Nana told them there were cookies in the kitchen. Elena looked about, eyes resting on Serana a moment longer than necessary and grinning when she caught her eye. “Is everything ready?”
“Oh, most certainly! Let's find out what secrets the scroll can tell.” Dexion gleefully replied. Serana handed it to him and Elena noticed how pale she had become, the slight tremor in her hands. Elena clenched her fists at her sides, leaving crescent moons in her palms as she fought the urge to reach out and take Serana’s hand before shrugging and reaching out anyway. Serana squeezed her fingers in return. 
“Now, if everyone will please be quiet, I must concentrate.” Dexion gave her a smile and opened the scroll and Elena felt the power in the room shift, the light was different, warmer and tangible. She was a bit surprised to find his voice unchanged when he began to speak again. “I see a vision before me, an image of a great bow. I know this weapon! It is Auriel's Bow! Now a voice whispers, saying "Among the night's children, a dread lord will rise. In an age of strife, when dragons return to the realm of men, darkness will mingle with light and the night and day will be as one." The voice fades and the words begin to shimmer and distort. But wait, there is more here. The secret of the bow's power is written elsewhere. I think there is more to the prophecy, recorded in other scrolls. Yes, I see them now... One contains the ancient secrets of the dragons, and the other speaks of the potency of ancient blood. My vision darkens, and I see no more.” He let the scroll close, handing it back to Serana, and a hand went to his head.  To know the complete prophecy, we must have the other two scrolls. I must rest now. The reading has made me weary.”
Elena stepped forward, wrapping an arm around him. “Come on, we’ve got a spot made up for you here, with more spacious accommodations at the temple.”
After getting Dexion settled in the guest quarters next to the alchemy room, Serana gently touched Elena’s arm. “Do you have a moment to talk?”
Elena nodded before pulling them into an alcove by the stairs, the gleam of the blades and axes on the wall flickering gently in the candlelight. “What is it?”
“He said we needed two other Elder Scrolls.” She was silent for a moment, chewing the inside of her lip in such a way Elena had to drag her eyes from them to stare at the wall over her shoulder. “I think I know where we can start looking.”
Elena gave her a wary look, brows furrowing enough to make her ears move. “Not with your father I am guessing. I don’t think you would have trusted him enough to go back if he did.”
Serana smiled a little. “Ever since he decided to make that prophecy his calling, we kind of drifted apart.”
Elena nodded solemnly, cupping an elbow with her palm. “Can you trust him at all?”
“It's not a question of trust, he's just obsessed with the prophecy.” Elena wanted to argue that point but was unsure if it was personal bias influenced by her dislike of him, or the protectiveness Serana inspired in her. She promptly pushed that thought away. “And from what I can tell, a thousand extra years of obsession haven't made him any better. He’s not going to be pleased that we know this, and I can only imagine how he will react if we find more of the Elder Scrolls.” Her voice dropped, half muttering to herself. “We should have found him a hobby.”
Elena bit back a snort before sobering again. She stuttered a moment when meeting Serana’s eyes. The color of topaz she decided but lit by the sun, she swallowed hard before speaking. “Do you think he cares for you anymore? Or is he too far gone into this prophecy to see anything else?”
She saw the grief and anger flash through Serana’s eyes. “You know, I've asked myself the same thing. I thought, I hoped that if he saw me, he might feel something again. But I guess I don't really factor in at this point.” She shrugged, staring at the floor now.
Elena’s hand fell gently on to Serana’s arm giving it a gentle squeeze. “I am sorry, Serana.” She nodded and Elena’s hand fell back to her sides before she did anything foolish. After a few silent heartbeats, Elena perked up forcefully. “So where is this Elder Scroll?”
“We need to find my mother, Valerica. She'll definitely know where it is, and if we're lucky, she actually has it herself.”
Elena stared at her quizzically. “You said you didn't know where she went.”
Serana nodded. “The last time I saw her, she said that she'd go somewhere safe, somewhere that my father would never search. Other than that, she wouldn't tell me anything. But the way she said it "someplace he'd never search." It was cryptic, yet she called attention to it.”
“Sounds like she was being cautious. I don’t blame her.”
 Serana shrugged, gaze focusing on Elena’s thumb that she drug across her lip repeatedly as she thought as she stared far and away. It was distracting. “Maybe. What I can't figure out is why she said it that way.” She let out a long sigh, before settling her back against the wall behind her, arms tightly crossed even as she purposefully settled against the roughest jut in the stonework. “Besides, I can't imagine a single place my father would avoid looking. And he's had all this time, too. Any ideas?”
Elena tapped her boot on the stone floor, she had stopped with her lip but now was rubbing a tense spot in her neck, neck arching into a long line, the steady flutter of her pulse all too loud in Serana’s ears. “Could she have locked herself away, like she did you?”
“I don't think so.” She said with a firm shake of her head. “She said she wanted to stay awake in case the situation was resolved. It had to be one of us, and, well, she's so much more powerful than I am.” She shrugged at the bemused look Elena shot her. “It just made sense for her to be out there.”
Elena pondered a moment, before an idea so absurd it would work popped into her head, straightening from where she was lounged against the wall. Serana’s breath caught a moment, Elena was tall, board shouldered, and very warm. “Castle Volkihar?”
Serana’s eyes widened, jolting her back into her brain. “Wait, that almost makes sense!” She began to pace, and Elena flattened herself against the wall to give her room. “There's a courtyard in the castle.” She shook her head, it made so much sense. “I used to help her tend a garden there. All of the ingredients for our potions came from there. She used to say that my father couldn't stand the place. Too peaceful.”
Elena huffed; she was not surprised. “The only problem is Harkon won’t just let us in and.” She grinned. “I am rather partial to living.”
Serana clapped her hands before halting in front of Elena, close enough she could hear the woman’s steady pulse perfectly clear and the brief hitch in her breath. “There's an unused inlet on the northern side of the island that was used by the previous owners to bring supplies into the castle. An old escape tunnel from the castle exits there.” Elena’s eyes watched her lips a moment before she drug them back up and both of them let out a ruffling breath. Serana took a half step back. “I think that's our way in.”
Elena gave her a bright grin that didn’t quite reach her now blanketed eyes. “Then let’s get going.” Yes, outside, the sooner the better.
A Warrior’s Heart Master List
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thewordonmainstreet · 7 years
Well This Day/Life Was A Total Waste Of Makeup
It’s a typical day.  I’m in my pajamas and its’ 12:46 p.m., I haven’t eaten breakfast and I’m still sipping on coffee and I don’t even know why as it just doesn’t have any effect on me. I haven’t showered.  Time loses meaning when you’re severely depressed and your life is going nowhere but falling so quickly into pieces.  I wonder about my medication when it says “take 1 pill every morning”.  Well what if my morning is 1:21 p.m.?  Stepping into the shower takes everything I have.  I’m not doing this story for the likes or to get people to feel sorry for me like those on the Gram do, I’m writing this because I have nothing else to write about and no friends to tell this to. 
My life is a disaster and my antidepressants have lost their power.  I have no Netflix and I have no chill.  There’s nothing for me and nothing seems to ever change.  I don’t want to run away because there’s nothing on the other side for me. I tried that twice before and it didn’t work. When you’re falling through the cracks of life, no one gives a shit anyway about anyone they don’t know and the loneliness is ever the more painful.  I don’t eat properly and I’m far too tired to cook.  I myself am done by 5 p.m. and that’s bedtime most days.  I’m just some sort of permanently exhausted pigeon. I have gotten bloodwork done to see what is off but I really think life passing me by is making me want to recluse and wear pajamas all day, use facial wipes instead of properly washing my face and use dry shampoo instead of real shampoo.  And then when I wash my hair I get that dirty hair smell that most kids have because they always have to be reminded to wash their hair and I have to use more shampoo because my hair is such an oil slick that it renders two pumps of shampoo useless.  When I shave my legs I think to myself, I just shaved my legs for this? To scroll though job postings all day and never see one that I can apply to with my credentials, read a book that I want to escape into and buy more toilet paper and paper towels.  My career never launched, I cannot even get a pet store to call me for an interview.  I don’t have current references and the longest job I held was six months.  I have many barriers to finding work yet no employment agency or service will help me.  I try so hard to get published but I never do and the newspapers and magazines won’t reply to when I ask politely why my material never makes it.
It’s beyond hard to live on a social assistance income.  I skip meals so many times and the shelves at the food bank are more barren each time I go in.  I wake up without hope and go to bed with a heavy heart. The only joy I have are my birds.  The only luck I have is finding great finds at the thrift store and that’s the only social interaction I ever have.  But my closets only become fuller and fuller, and my soul more empty and those people I talk to there don’t become my friends. When blasting Crazy On You by Heart as you drive to Dollar Tree is the most fun you’ll have in a day, you’re really fucking up. 
I say this day/life was a total waste of makeup because I imagine the thousands of dollars that I have put on my face over the years (you should see my stockpile of products) only to be washed away after attracting nothing into my life, not even a conversation that lasts longer than 10 minutes.  Every day makeup is my ardent hope that something good may happen to me.  I put on a perfect face that starts with primer and usually includes an alluring red lip and marvel that I can still look good after all the hardships life has thrown at me.  It’s a way of feeling somewhat normal in a world that keeps telling me to just give up and die.  But nothing, nothing ever.  Men are so hard to meet because it’s bro code or social code or whatever code not to talk to a lady in public.  We are so screwed up as a society, it enrages me.  No wonder so many people are depressed and then you hear that your neighbour killed herself.  I belong in a different city and culture.  My bubbly, kind nature doesn’t truly belong in a city that stifles any semblance of socialization.  I tried religion but that didn’t work because of the people.  They sucked me in with love and invitations to coffee, lunch, promises of prayer and unending friendship, etc. and then betrayed me with gossip, exclusion, shunning, social media fights, etc.  I lost my best years to those people and I can never get them back.  Was I ever stupid.
The job listings are few and the interviews are even fewer and far between in the last few months...damn you summer.  Last year I must have attended 50 interviews, winning none of them.  This year, I can count less than 20.  This is fear and loathing in Ottawa town.  With a minimum wage raise on the horizon, things will only get worse. I have nowhere to run to as bad luck follows me wherever I go and I can’t afford to move all my junk, the junk that is my drug of choice from many a thrift store trips.  That and family is keeping me here.  All I’ve ever wanted in life was a job that I could excel in and to belong but it’s safe to say at this point in the game that the writing is on the wall and it’s not going to happen.  They say that you haven’t lived if you haven’t lived your best life or something like that and every night I feel the ache from a life that is so empty and devoid of the success that I crave almost as much as water and it is as vital as water.  We all need to have our potential realized.  I want to feel something, anything again.  I was meant for so much more than this.
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