#i need all the Kai and Tala stuff
wyborg · 7 months
Wake up Babes! new Beyblade merch!
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aquariasmoon · 2 years
Tala/Tyson headcanons
I posted about this ship and was asked to talk about my headcanons! (sorry it took so long lmao) So just my usual FYI but yes I very much lean more into the manga personalities rather than the anime ones. This is very much the case for Tala who I have written about quite a few times before! Also sorry In advance I sometimes keep switching from Japanese to English names lmao.
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· .*How I could imagine them getting together*. · 
Tala wouldn't realise he was crushing on Tyson for a long time. He’s too caught up in his rivalry, not realising that his weird need for Tyson's focus and attention isn't purely about blading. Also he's dumb and bad at feelings.
Tyson being the disaster bi he is goes through a stage where he just crushes on everyone for a while. Most notably Kai but also every one of the bladebreakers at one point in time lol. But as Kai hangs out more with Neoborg in turn Tyson and the others end up spending more time with them too.
During this time finally interacting with Tyson without tournaments in the way and no need to be competitive outside of having fun is where Tala's jealousy streek starts to come into play. Tournaments are one thing but Kai getting all of Tyson's attention all the time outside of that? Nope, he's not having it. He still hasn't quite figured out he actually *likes* Tyson at this point though lol. He ends up purposefully initiating fights just for attention. 
Tyson always up for a challenge, plays along and this is where his own crush starts to develop. I mean Tala is HOT but completely unreachable before now, the attraction was there but feelings start to grow. Also like when does Tyson back down from a fight?
The other guys figure it out pretty quickly, Max is like a radar for this sorta stuff lol. He calls Tyson out on it who finally admits he very much humours Tala just to spend time with him, also that he finds battling Tala exciting and he wants to get to know the guy better.
On the flip side Bryan realises that Tala is acting weird even for Tala, he sorta sussed it out but does not tell Tala, boy needs to figure it out on his own. He's rooting for them tho lmao. Just a little nudge here and there. “Oh going to see your boyfriend again?" 😏
The next tournament happens and Max, being the best wingman is pretty much glued to Neoborg and drags Tyson along with the excuse that they all just wanna hang out with kai. This is where Kai is finally told about Tyson's crush (from Max) and he ends up figuring out about Tala’s side too. He thinks they're both stupid, especially Tala who STILL hasn't figured out he's now HARDCORE crushing on Tyson.
Cue Tala's jealousy streak hits hardcore when the tournament is in its late stages. Sorry Tala but Kai is Tyson's real rival you can't change that. He can't stand Kai being in the spotlight right now and he doesn't understand why because he never had a problem with it before. So screw it. This is where he goes to find Tyson after his and Kai's match, purely on autopilot he pushes him against a wall and just kisses him. Almost gives Tyson a heart attack in the process. And finally. FINALLY, this as he's kissing Tyson is where Tala finally is like: 'OH! I like Tyson😱 FUCK'
It would take a while for them to actually be like a “couple” and even then it would very much be on the down low, never public. I mean real-world problems aside (I simply do not really like writing or thinking about these anyway) I very much just feel like Tala is a very private person when it comes to feelings and would not want the public to know about his business. But here are some headcanons for them actually dating: 
· .*Relationship headcanons*. · 
Tala is very possessive, like to the EXTREME. Tyson actually likes this to a point. Thing is this boy has a dead mom and the rest of his family (other than his grandpa) are constantly leaving, this boy has abandonment issues. He hates the idea of people leaving him or becoming uninterested in him, so to have someone so aggressively want him he likes it…a lot. But it is a problem so they do try and work on this lol. Tala does eventually calm down but he has his own issues regarding this. He very much is unwilling to let things he considers important go, this is the main reason he sticks with his team. It's very much a “this is mine and you can't have it 😡 ” mentality.
Being with Tyson mellows out Tala a lot, I mean it's hard to be around someone like Tyson and not just learn to chill out a bit. I mean mellow for Tala is still really high-strung for most people but hey it’s progress! In turn, Tyson matures a bit more, because Tala won't ever let him talk his way out of something he learns to take responsibility better. They also bond over very brief and highly glossed over talks about their trauma, turns out they have a few points they can relate over. Tyson is relieved he can finally talk to someone about this sorta stuff and not feel judged and Tala is thankful that Tyson never pushes him to reveal more than he's comfortable with.
Tala is the one to bridge the language gap between them and learns Japanese. Dude is like a genius so it's not that hard for him. He doesn't even tell Tyson he’s learning it, he just busts it out one day just to style on Kai. Russian on the other hand Tyson can't wrap his head around, but not for lack of trying. He knows how to say a few words but that's it, he learns to listen for certain words when others are speaking around him tho. He ends up being able to pick out quite a lot of words for everyday things (and a lot of bad words lmao thank Bryan and Ian). Tyson really likes Tala's accent in both English and Japanese, he also loves hearing him speak in Russian. He gets Tala to read to him in Russian sometimes normally just whatever Tala happens to be studying at the time.
Tala is quite anti-touch with pretty much everyone other than Bryan or well, he is at first. They have to work on that and it's torture for Tyson to start with, guy is very touchy-feely and affectionate! Tyson gets it though, Tala needs time to come out of his shell and he lets him and gives him space, only initiating physical contact every now and then or so he thinks. From Tala's point of view, Tyson is attached to him 24/7, glued to his back like a little monkey and it's overwhelming. In the beginning he even has to distance himself a few times, he gets better at it as time goes on though. And I mean Tyson is so soft and nice to hug? What is this? Soft and casual physical affection. Disgusting, he wants more.
As the relationship goes on Tala gets more secure in it and it becomes familiar and normal, routine. He mellows out but one thing he can't put a damper on is his jealousy towards kai and at times the other BBA members, he just quietly seethes a little and it's probably the only time he ever gets physical around others. He very much will wrap a protective arm around Tyson if he thinks one of them is getting a bit too friendly, he wants Tyson's attention. The worst culprit of this is Kai who he very much feels he's competing with sometimes. He’s not insecure about himself or anything he just has a problem because he wants to completely monopolise Tyson when he has the free time to actually be around him.
This is very much a relationship that could turn really ugly real fast. You would think Tala's possessive and jealous behaviour and Tyson’s own insecurities sorta encouraging it would lead to something bad happening…but it never does despite them walking a very thin and dangerous line for quite a while. This is mainly because both of them acknowledge that they have these problems and are aware of when they are doing it. At the beginning of the relationship (when the problems were the worst), Tala hadn’t actually intended this to even be a relationship, thinking it was just something he needed to get out of his system. But the longer he spent with Tyson the more and more he caught real-ass feelings. It’s something that creeps up on him one night when he finally realises that he's actually trying to better himself for Tyson. Has a bit of a freak-out over that realization but gets over it LOL
When it comes to the other members of Neoborg all of them are a bit weirded out it's Tyson of all people but after they get over it they are happy Tala finally found someone, they really weren’t expecting that. Also, they are a bit relieved that it's actually someone nice XD The one who is the most worried about the relationship is actually Spencer who is worried he is going to hurt Tyson and in turn hurt himself in the backlash should that happen. Still, he feels he isn't one to question Tala's life choices. The borg boys are surprisingly nice to Tyson for fear of Tala's wrath only Tala is mean to Tyson Tyson and Ian even strike up an unlikely friendship because of this.
On Tyson's side, while a little unsure his friends are pretty supportive especially when it comes to Tyson dealing with Tala's uglier aspects. His grandfather is nervous about Tala too (I mean he saw what happened in s1 lol) but wants Tyson to be happy. He will warm up to the redhead once Tala proves he's not going to rip Tyson's heart out and stamp on it, takes a while tho (cuz at the beginning Tala thought he was going to do that himself lol). Tala on the flipside finds Tyson's grandfather real weird and also a little intimidating? XD Tala is also big on the Hiro hate train, both for his actions in Bega but also just cuz he's a shitty ass brother to Tyson. He however mostly keeps it to himself because it would be like if Tyson started randomly hating on Bryan or Spencer which he would hate. This does lead to some pretty awkward and interesting family dinners at the dojo.
Well that's it for now. If you've read all this well done! You should join the Tala/Tyson cult Ship! Go read my Mini fic Fire on Ao3 here lmao.  Art is from this doodle here. When it comes to ships I have way too many thoughts so yeah If your gonna ask me about my headcanons expect an essay back XD That being said if you want an essay feel free to ask my opinion lmao.
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kehkr · 2 years
ok i kinda ship rei and bryan because like IMAGINE bryan spends years feeling guilty about trying to kill rei so he starts doing stuff to make up for it and rei is kinda like wtf dude leave me alone because tbh hes kinda scared of bryan still but bryan doesn’t relent and eventually rei sees that bryan is sincere andhe’s like wait a second..... this hardcore vodka danger gremlin is actually nice? and then rei starts to appreciate all the shit bryan went through and that he’s actually just a very broken baby with an amazing sense of humor and big caring heart and rei’s just like oh no.. oh no oh no oh no i need to be around this man ALL THE TIME
and then theres bryan who thinks hes only doing all these nice things for rei to make up for what he did in the first tournament and once rei starts being nice back he INCREASES THE NICENESS thinking OH YAY ITS GOING WELL!! HE’S FORIGIVING ME!!! but really bryan is completely oblivious to the fact that he’s no longer doing the nice things to make up for what he did years ago and is now instead doing them because hes likes seeing rei happy and he doesn’t even REALISE they’re just there like woW WAIT WE ARE IN LOVE????? WAS ANYONE GONA TELL US???? 
meanwhile kai, tala and spencer started a group chat to dicuss the ongoing relationship about three weeks in because they all knew this would happen
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moonandblossoms · 3 years
For the shipping meme:
Ray/Mariah, Kai/Salima, Max/Mariam, Miguel/Mathilda, Kai/Julia, Tala/Queen.
There will be some ramblings and essays here. I really love this meme asks and can't help writing more for this stuff.
1. Ray/Mariah
vomit / don’t ship / ok / cute / adorable / sexy / perfect / beyond flawless / hot damn / screaming and crying / i will ship them in hell
I won't call them exactly perfect for each other, because I feel that there is more caring, affection and the fluffy-type cute-adorable besties more than understanding and relating with each other, because the latter two aspects are also important in a relationship. I think there needs to be a lot of maturity and understanding in their bond. It mostly continues to be like the "I care for you, and you care for me." I wanted to see more of Ray considering her as a badass and bold girl instead of just a caring friend. It's a bit cliched. I would want Ray to respect her more. However, I can't stop shipping them for marrying and having a daughter. I still find them cute and a bit sexy too hehe.
2. Kai/Salima
vomit / don’t ship / ok / cute / adorable / sexy / perfect / beyond flawless / hot damn / screaming and crying / i will ship them in hell
Well... I can't get my head around this pairing except when I consider people using them for roleplays and portraying them OOC. Salima isn't a very vocal person, so is Kai. Kai doesn't talk unless and until someone initiates it, and Salima is not the type to compliment his persona. So, I fear that there would be a lack of interactions from Kai. Kai needs more of a vocal and hot-headed woman who can make him speak his mind out.
3. Max/Mariam
vomit / don’t ship / ok / cute / adorable / sexy / perfect / beyond flawless / hot damn / screaming and crying / i will ship them in hell
Okay, this is for the most loved het-ship for Max and a ship most of them love it. Even though they both had a good dynamic in canon, they aren't the type of people I wanted to see in a relationship. I understand the appeal and why people would ship them, but they just aren't my cup of tea as a ship. I feel Mariam needs more of a head-straight boy (trust me, I am not putting Max into a sugar rush but in an obvious sense, he is a cinnamon roll lol). I find Mariam a bit dark for Max. Max might need a softer woman in my opinion. I feel Max would be better off with Emily (I like her persona almost by the last match of All Starz vs. Bladebreakers in G-Revolution and in the Russian tournament arc in Part-1) and Mariam with guys like Ozuma, Bryan, and Johnny (I ship Mariam with Ozuma). But yeah, Max and Mariam are cute though.
4. Miguel/Mathilda
vomit / don’t ship / ok / cute / adorable / sexy / perfect / beyond flawless / hot damn / screaming and crying / i will ship them in hell
So yes, I only ship Mathilda with Miguel. They were mostly like Ray and Mariah, as a very cute and adorable ship, but I think there was more understanding in them compared to Ray and Mariah. It is not too cliched though it's sweet and cute. They are a nice pairing, I have nothing else to tell. I wish they had their dynamic focused.
5. Kai/Julia
vomit / don’t ship / ok / cute / adorable / sexy / perfect / beyond flawless / hot damn / screaming and crying / i will ship them in hell
YES! I love them! Julia and Kai seem like a perfect match for me! Julia is a vocal woman and has the potential to make Kai speak his mind out. There is some trait in Julia that the other girls don't have or something distinguishing Julia from the other girls, and that's what makes her stand out. She is the only girl I whole-heartedly ship with Kai. Also, Fire and Lightning is a pretty OP combination. She totally seems like Kai's type. And what not, their costumes and dual-toned hairs... I just fucking love them.
6. Tala/Queen
vomit / don’t ship / ok / cute / adorable / sexy / perfect / beyond flawless / hot damn / screaming and crying / i will ship them in hell
Now, this might seem odd but I really love this ship. I see Queen as an alternative to Julia (I like Tala and Julia too but prefer Queen for Tala). I think they can relate with each other because they were once manipulated by adults for bad deeds, their costumes are so fucking SIMILAR, both almost have white-skin tones and I get these darkish-romance vibes from them. They are just so hot and seductive. Queen is probably the only girl who is above seventeen or eighteen and there are plenty of boys like that (Bryan, Spencer, Michael, Eddy, Steven, etc.). I can even imagine her with them. But, I like Tala more than them and saw some potential with him and Queen.
She also sounds like Julia's rival and it would be funny to see them fight for Tala lmao.
(I am just tagging the couples I gave positive views because I don't want this to be mistagged into other OTPs)
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zadien · 3 years
for the ask game: 💜, 👻, 😅, 💍, 😳, 👀, 🎲, 😢, 💬,☕️
Ah thank you so much! I haven’t been on tumblr in ages so this was lovely to come back to and lots of fun to go back through some of my writing.
💜- top 3 favorite lines
Oh that changes regularly. Right now, it’s from chapter three of the SLTS rewrite:
Rei had just won captaincy of the Varsity team after a huge struggle to be noticed and even then, his win was a cold comfort, given to him only because of Benjamin’s actions. And now she’d dropped the bombshell that Tala Valkov, the golden boy of the district hockey scene, was potentially returning to Preston for their final year? She might as well have yanked the rug out from under Rei and upended him into his own grave.
👻- 2 or 3 sentences from something you haven’t posted yet
From the next chapter of SLTS:
Tyson’s stomach dropped. No Hitoshi next year? Obviously, Tyson would be going to the Varsity team so Nicolai would take over coaching him, but it seemed wrong to not see Hitoshi in the rink, to hear his dry attempts at encouragement.
😅- a line that made you feel second hand embarrassment
The whole scene at the cabin when Amber was scared of heights and Kai had to carry her to the bottom. That whole scene. I can’t even reread it. And most of the start of SLTS with the full on melodrama of teenage hijinks, there’s a reason I’m rebooting the start.
💍- your most underrated story
Time After Time. A lot of effort went into that story. It didn’t really have much impact - BUT it’s my favourite and one I can go back to and reread so no effort was wasted.
😳- your scariest line
I dunno if I have any scary lines. Do I even write scary? Does everything with Maye count? Saving has some scary lines but I don’t know if they’re actually scary.
Amber turned and ran back to the cars, her feet pounding against the concrete. She could hear its growls, feel it gaining on her. There were no distortions of air, no heated breaths on her neck, no footsteps and yet her whole back was alive with an electric charge, little snapping bites against her nerves. He was behind her.
Make that in front of her.
👀- favorite response to one of your works
Anything from @krixel or my friend Sarah who reads a lot of my Hockey stuff to see if I’m on track. They have very good responses and just make writing worth while.
But like this whole piece from the last chapter of SLTS is so good because I was extremely concerned about the hockey game in that chapter. It’s a big game (it’s not pivotal, it doesn’t impact their rankings in the district but it’s emotionally pivotal, it will impact morale big time) so I wanted this chapter to work and seeing this was all I needed to know that it did its job:
And then, when the puck drops and we dive full tilt into the rush. The way you carried that lulling thread from the beginning, into the full blown ‘now we’re on the ice with the players, the stakes are set, and this is the absolute point of no return’ tension, just… I cannot wax poetic about it enough. The slow burn, building tension until we’re on the ice with Tala and it’s pulled taut, and we know it’s going to snap one way or another, I mean Jesus, it’s fantastic.
I’ll shut up about the Tala scene soon (This is probably a lie) but then the snarkiness with him an Miguel, and the ‘had he ever been that arrogant? Probably still was.’ Yes, Tala. Yes, you are that arrogant. Probably worse. Congrats on the tiniest sliver of self-awareness, bud.
And just the clock counting down, and the teams shouting at each other, the JV trying to clear it, and the Varsity scrambling to make the play – it’s all so visceral. Also, hello Maxie. He was a pleasant surprise of this chapter. I just really enjoyed almost every interaction with him. His chipper sass right back to Tala, but then his also genuine desire to work with him and improve. Loved Max here.
Also, the little canon callbacks with Tala and Daichi. The ‘show us something fancy’ and it’s Tala, so that’s exactly what he does. I loved the flare of that shot, because yes! Tala is 100% a showboat, and something that ridiculous and impractical is absolutely something he’d work to perfect. Also, I see you Mr. ‘your laces are untied your fly is further down than Australia.’ I just adore the little bits of not-canon-canon that still exist in this world, just the fun little nods.
Really the ‘Bryan hit his helmet hard enough to rattle his brain’ line just made me laugh.
And Kai’s little ‘Cutting it close, weren’t you?’
🎲- your favorite chapter/part from a multiparty series
The night of the Hunt that never got posted for Saving is phenomenal and it’s sitting quietly in my Scrivener and I never got the balls to post it. I need to get over that because this is my story and if it bombs, I don’t care, I love it. But I love the whole epicness of all the beybladers coming together and putting aside their team politics to save the world from faeries. And it’s such a friendship driven piece. Like there’s a scene where all the water bitbeast wielders step up to defend Max and it’s just… oh there’s much goodness.
Also the Time arc of SLTS with the fallout of the prank and Hilary saving the day and Mariam stepping up on her redemption arc, all good stuff too.
😢- a line that made you cry
Any time a character who’s usually strong and shows their vulnerable side will make me teary eyed. Amber getting repeatedly heartbroken over no one putting her first is rough. Arista’s vulnerability in SLTS is always rough too. Ian, being a fucking boss, is something that will make me teary eyed because he gets underrated quite a bit. Even by the cast, so him getting his moments - Saving again has a big scene at the end that I think about and my heart breaks a little.
💬- describe one of your completed works in three words
Time After Time: Half-naked Kai baking - I’m drawing a blank here.
☕️- favorite passage:
I have a few - the Kai and Amber hat conversation is definitely up there. But my faves are generally any time the boys from the hockey team get to have a conversation. They’re very fun and hockey focused.
“We played well today,” Tala finally said, plucking at the end of his shoe lace.
“We didn’t suck,” Bryan muttered.
Kai made a face, resting his cheek against his knee as he watched a lone ant fumble its way across the tarmac. “It could have gone worse. We still have a lot to work on though. Not just with Kane.”
“No kidding.”
“Rick was good though, he and Ian had chemistry.” He glanced at Bryan to get his assessment as a D-man, but Bryan simply grunted and offered no further insight. Kai sighed.
“I scored two goals. I was pretty much MVP.”
“That was Max.”
Kai nodded. “Definitely Max.”
“I scored past him. Twice. First star of the game.” Tala gestured to himself.
Kai sat up, tugging on the hem of his shorts. “Max is definitely first star. Then Kane as second, obviously.”
“What? He let in two goals.”
“Yeah two goals in two periods having not played goalie in a while. Second star.”
“He was good on defence too,” Bryan added soberly, but there was a smirk playing on his lips as Tala’s eyes flashed with frustration.
“Well then who’s third star?”
“Probably Tyson,” Kai said, scratching his cheek. The kid had been stuck to him like glue. The kind of defenceman no centre or winger wanted to deal with.
“If not Tyson, Mariah.”
“Mariah saved our hides.”
“I hate you both,” Tala snarled. “I was first star. Two goals. Fuck both of you on stilts.”
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ressyfaerie · 3 years
Request: I saw this tattoo programme where 2 lesbian friends went on and they got to pick the other's tattoo and they can't look till it's done. One picked "you mean everything" for the friend and she was so worried about her seeing in case she hated it. Then hers (from her friend) was "I love you". This had them all emotional and got them both to confess & get together. Anywaaaay, a similar idea for Tyka?
Sorry for the late response! I’m working again and still recovering! This is the LAST FIC REQUEST of this askbox being open!
Soooo likkee. Once upon a time I talked to someone about a tattoo shop AU? This gave me some serious inspiration sooooooo here we gooooo
Halfway through I remembered! I (mentally?) based a lot of this idea on @ishkajules tattoo tyka shop AU!
Oh, disclaimer, I want a tattoo but know NOTHING about them aaaahhhahaha
“You’re a great artist, but you’re scaring away your clients.”
“Why do you care, Tala?”
“I don’t. They come to me after you reject them, or make them so uncomfortable they sit in the next chair over.”
“So then, why are you telling me this?”
Kai cleaned his equipment. It was nearing the end of the day, he figured he wouldn’t have any more walk-in customers.
“I just thought I’d let you know. You’re losing us money. If you don’t fix it, I’ll change your pay to commission only.”
Kai scowled. Who did he think he was? Threatening his pay like that?
“Like I said. You’re a phenomenal artist. But you're lucky I hired you. No one else will with your personality.”
Kai gave him a glare, “I’ll try to do better, boss.”
“Good. Keep that mouth in check.” Tala gave him a ‘I’m watching you’ gesture.
As soon as he turned away Kai rolled his eyes.
The bell in the shop rang.
“Hello! Welcome, how can we help you?” Tala welcomed the new customer with his regular fake friendly greeting.
“Hey... I’m Tyson.”
The kid seemed nervous. He didn’t have any art on his body.
Blank canvas.
“Um. Is Kai here?”
“Kai? Are you looking for him specifically?”
“Yeah! I follow his stuff on instagram and I really want my first tattoo to be done by him!”
The boy’s face brightened the whole shop. Kai’s lip curled.
“Of course! Let me get him for you!”
Tala made his way to Kai in the corner, he got up in his face.
“Listen, this kid’s a newbie—”
Kai rolled his eyes, “you know I don’t ink tattoo virgins—”
“Think of it as a blank canvas. As artists we all like a good canvas, look at him! He’s perfect!”
Kai took a look at this Tyson character. He hated to admit Tala was right. He was a good blank canvas. But Kai hated working with newbie clients; always so nervous, worried about the pain. He would just rather work with a regular.
Tala got angrier, “you will tattoo him. You’ll do exactly what he wants, and above all, you will be nice.”
“Or else what?”
Tala shrugged his shoulders and smiled, “or else you’re fired.”
Kai didn’t want to admit that Tala's threat got to him. He sighed, played off as if he was slightly annoyed but obedient, “fine.”
“Good. Now go do your job.” Tala pointed to the front desk where the new client was waiting.
Kai shot Tala a glare, as he made his way to the desk. He put on his biggest fakest smile.
“Hey, I’m Kai.”
Tyson held a backpack around his shoulder, he grasped it firmly, while giving Kai the widest grin.
“I’ve been following you for a long time! I um… decided when I had enough money I wanted my first tattoo to be done by you…”
Awkward silence.
“Uh, what do you have in mind?” Kai learned how much it hurt when you kept smiling.
“I know you specialize in birds… I would love to have a red phoenix. Eventually I want a dragon. But I’d love to start with your strongest area!”
“Okay. Sounds like a plan.”
Tyson watched Kai like he was a celebrity. He had a popular art account, but that was about it. Kai just stared back at him.
“Um... I think I want it on my back…” Tyson trailed off as he grew more nervous.
“That’s a good choice. Do any designs come to mind?”
Tyson bit his lip, he looked up to the ceiling in thought, “oh!” He pulled out his phone.
He passed it to Kai showing him an old post of his. It wasn’t his best work, but he understood why he liked it.
“I can do that design easily.” Kai wondered why he was so worried—”
“I just… Don’t want it exactly like this.”
Ah right. Newbies.
“So what do you have in mind then?” Kai’s eyebrow twitched.
“I um.” Tyson rubbed the back of his head as his cheeks turned a bit red.
Kai sighed, “kid, I can’t work on you if I don’t know what I’m doing.”
Tala called to Kai, “Hey Kai! Don’t forget about your happy little tattoo gun over here!”
Kai reluctantly put on his big smile, “yeah boss, I haven't forgotten!”
He turned back to Tyson. “So what are your ideas?”
Tyson bit his lip.
“Do you have a reference I can make a design off of? Anything?”
“I… do.”
“Then show it to me.”
Tyson exhaled, then slid his backpack off his shoulder. He opened it and pulled out a sketchbook. He had it turned away from Kai making sure he wouldn’t see. He flipped through a few pages, and turned it towards Kai.
Kai grabbed it, and placed it down on the counter. He saw the sketch of the phoenix that was clearly an imitation of his style… with a twist.
Kai found himself impressed. It was a good design.
“I’ve worked on this for a few months… I’m pretty confident this is what I want… What do you think of it?”
Kai was trying to be extra nice, but he couldn't deny it was good. “It’s well done.”
“Thanks!” Tyson grinned.
The more Kai inspected the drawing the more detailed it became, it gave him new inspiration, a kind he never had before.
“Do you..” Kai cleared his throat and prodded the page with his finger. “Do you want this exact design or a design done by me?”
Tyson looked ecstatic, “would you be willing to make me an original design!?”
Kai thought for a moment. His original designs were usually reserved for regulars or people willing to drop more cash. But something about this design called to him…
He convinced himself he was inspired by his jealousy. He couldn't let this poor imitation see the world.
“I can make you a design based on this one.”
“Really!? Wow, thanks!”
“Can I borrow this sketch book?” Kai asked, while flipping the book closed.
“I need the design.”
“Could you take a picture?”
“I’d prefer to work with the original.” Kai’s lips hurt from smiling.
“Okay… You can borrow it.” It seemed Tyson was an extremely shy guy. “Be careful with it, okay?”
“I will.”
Kai stayed late in the shop. He worked in the studio.
“I’m locking up. Kai, I’m surprised you're still here?” Tala twirled the keys around his finger.
Kai was hunched over the small desk. He had already drawn out a few sketches. Tala inspected his work over his shoulder.
“Can you not?” Kai spat back.
“It’s a good design. I’m surprised you're putting so much effort into this kid's request. It’s not like you.”
Kai shrugged.
“He’s not loaded, you know? You’re not going to make up for it in tips.”
“I know.”
Tala felt a strange proud emotion emerge. “Alright,” he dropped the keys on the desk. “You can lock up. Have fun with your drawings.”
Kai watched the keys as they fell in front of him. He heard the door open, and close.
He sighed, then scrunched up the paper he was working with into a ball, and tossed it into the bin with the rest of the failed projects.
The sketchbook laid in front of him. He wanted to take a look at the design again. But he had lost the bookmark.
He had to look through the book to find the right page.
There better not be anything dirty in here…
He opened it to another design.
Oh, wow.
It was a dragon, scribbled with faint watercolour. Kai grew curious, what other masterpieces did this book hold?
He began to flip through, curiously studying each design.
There were tons of dragons. Kai was interested, as he had always wanted a dragon tattoo, but he hadn’t yet met an artist who could ink scales the way he wanted.
These designs were so close to what he wanted, until—
He turned to a page with a very detailed dragon design. It took up the whole page. The colours were perfect, mixes of blues and silver. He was immediately captivated by it. His mouth hung open slightly.
It had been a long time since an art piece caught his attention.
He ran his finger down the page, careful not to smudge the drawing.
Two days later Tyson came back to the shop, eagerly awaiting his tattoo.
Tala gestures to Kai from across the shop, pointing to the front desk where Tyson had just entered. He mouthed the words ‘be nice!’. Kai looked to the ceiling to stop himself from rolling his eyes.
Kai got up from his station. The night before he had pulled an all-nighter. Until finally—he came out with the perfect piece. He knew Tyson would love it. He was upset with himself for putting so much thought into it, after all, he was just a newbie.
Kai tossed a black file folder on the desk.
Tyson jumped a bit, then settled back in with his backpack on his shoulder, “good morning, Kai!”
Kai put on a smile, “good morning.”
Tyson tilted his head, it was kind of cute, “did you manage to come up with anything? I know it hasn’t been long—”
“I did, I think you’ll enjoy it.” Kai opened the folder and revealed a paper, he placed it on the desk and flipped it around to show the blue-haired boy.
“Woah! Holy shit that’s so cool!” Tyson placed both his hands on the corners, admired it with an open mouth.
“Is it what you wanted?” Kai accidentally let his smile drop as he awaited the response.
“It’s perfect!” Tyson was so happy you could see his dimples.
It made Kai perform… maybe… a real smile.
“I have a test here, do you want to see what it would look like?”
“Can I? Oh man that’s so fucking cool…”
Kai gestured behind the desk, Tyson happily pushed himself through the gate. Kai pointed to his station “that’s my chair, put your stuff anywhere out of my way. Take your shirt off.”
Tyson suddenly stopped smiling and froze, Kai almost ran into him.
“Hey!” Kai started to lose his temper, but saw Tala’s red hair in the corner of his eye, he took a deep breath. “You said you wanted it on your back didn’t you?”
“Yeah…” Tyson answered back nervously.
Kai dropped the folder on his desk near the chair, “then take off your shirt and lay on your stomach.”
Tyson swallowed a hard lump in his throat.
Kai just stared at him.
Newbies. It’s just some skin. So annoying.
Tyson let his bag slide to the floor, he kicked it to the corner of the room, then he folded his arms.
Kai turned around, ready to place the stencil, then he frowned, “why do you still have your shirt on?”
Tyson went to say something, but stopped.
Kai sighed, “it’s just bare skin. I’ve worked on way more intimate body parts. You have nothing to worry about.”
Tyson shrugged, he acted confident but Kai could tell he was nervous. He grasped the ends of his shirt and rolled it over his head, throwing it on top of his bag.
“Now lay down.” Kai gestured to the chair that was horizontal from the last client.
Tyon nodded, and laid down in front of Kai, “is it going to hurt!?”
Kai closed his eyes for a moment, it took everything in him to not retort with sass, “it’s just a sticker, so we can determine the placement. It won’t hurt.”
Tyson nodded.
Kai flicked his arm, “you need to have your arms near your sides… like this.”
Kai had grabbed his closest arm and manipulated it like a rag doll, Tyson hid his face, hoping his idol didn’t see him blush.
“Okay, I’m applying it now.”
Kai expertly placed the test paper exactly where Tyson had described he wanted it. Along his right shoulder. Tyson barely moved, but Kai wasn’t sure how he would react when the actual inking started.
“Done. Take a look in the mirror.”
Tyson jumped up, nearly running to the full length mirror in the shop, twirling his body so he could see it better.
“Wow! It’s so cool!” His voice rang through the whole shop, even Tala’s client looked up from his chair.
“Thank you, Kai!”
“No problem.” Kai sat down in his chair, he picked up his tattoo gun and started to tinker with it, he looked at Tyson. “So are you ready?”
Tyson’s eyes grew wide, “r—right now!?”
Kai gave him a genuine grin, “no better time than the present.”
Tyson made his way back to Kai’s station. He looked down at the chair, “is it going to take a while?”
Kai nodded, “I’ll do the outline today. Then you can come back tomorrow and we will ink as much as we can.”
Tyson sat on the chair, still too nervous to lay down.
“Hey kid!”
Tyson looked around the shop for the echoing voice.
It came from the client on Tala’s chair. He was covered in different tattoos, “don’t be worried! But remember it's addicting! Once you get one you can’t stop!”
Tyson laughed, “thanks man!”
The man gave Tyson a thumbs up, Tala smirked in Kai’s direction.
He must enjoy torturing me… asshole.
Tyson gave Kai a huge smile, “I’m ready!”
“Good.” Kai had reached over to his station, he placed a pair of glasses on his face.
“You wear glasses!?” Tyson was intrigued.
“Yeah? Why is that surprising?” Kai wondered why Tyson cared so much, they just met after all.
Tyson mumbled, “you just… never shared anything on your instagram I guess…”
“There’s more to me than my online persona. Get on your stomach.”
Tyson instantly obeyed. He curled in his fists.
Kai made the necessary procedures, he wiped his back with a sterile wipe, Tyson shivered.
Kai had to bite his tongue from sighing.
“Sorry… it was cold.” Tyson muttered.
“It’s fine, don’t worry.” Kai tried to reassure him but realized he had never really reassured anyone before.
Kai prepared the gun, Tyson turned his head to him, “how much… is it going to hurt?”
God damn it. Why do they always ask...
“Not as much as you’re going to love it.”
Kai impressed himself with his response.
Tyson nodded, and turned his head away from Kai.
“Alright, I’m starting.”
Kai had done it a million times before, but it was Tyson’s first. When the gun first ran along his skin he tensed up, he made a quiet high pitched noise. Kai kept going.
He kept tensing up, too much, it would ruin the work, and Kai’s concentration. Kai stopped for a moment, “you have to untense. It hurts now but it’ll go numb soon, then it won’t be so bad.”
Kai just saw the back of Tyson’s head as he nodded.
Kai grasped his shoulder, “good, now untense.”
Tyson tried to loosen up, but his muscles were still tight.
Kai wasn’t sure what to do, but he still had his hand on his shoulder, he gave Tyson a gentle rub with the edge of his thumb.
He heard Tyson exhale, and his whole body relaxed.
“Good job.” Kai readjusted his glasses, and continued. He was leaning over Tyson’s body.
Tyson was aware just how close his idol was, he could feel his breathing as he worked. His face turned red. Over the next hour he grew used to it. He was loving the closeness. He was excited to see what it looked like done.
Tala was surprised, usually Kai put his earbuds in and avoided talking to clients. But this time, Kai kept glancing at Tyson’s hair, as if he wanted to say something, but was stalling. At just over the hour mark, Kai made his move.
“I have to admit. I looked through your sketchbook.”
Tyson jumped, “what?”
“Don’t move—”
“Sorry, but why did you do that?”
“I lost the page the design was on. Then I just kept looking.”
Tyson went silent, clearly he was upset.
Kai stopped for a second, “they’re really good.” he immediately started again.
Tyson went stone cold.
Kai continued, “your dragons are insanely intricate. I’ve never seen scale work like yours. Are they all original?”
Tyson hesitated, “yes…”
“I’m quite fond of the silver-blue dragon, the one near the end.”
“I know which one you’re talking about. It’s one of my favourites too.”
“Mhm.” Kai trailed off, still not ready to ask the question he wanted to.
A few hours later, Kai stopped, “I think that’s good for today.”
Kai put his equipment down, and laid his glasses back on his desk.
Tyson went to get up, “ow…”
“Yeah, I’ve been in this position too long…”
Tyson slowly rose to a sitting position. Kai admired his shoulder.
It’s great work. I did well.
“I want to see it!” Tyson jumped to his feet making his way to the mirror. He looked in the mirror and gasped in awe.
Tala had approached, he observed the design and raised an eyebrow, “it’s really good, Kai.”
Kai crossed his arms, “come back tomorrow. I’ll colour it. But it will be a bit of work.”
Tala agreed, “it might be best to split the coloring into two appointments. Since it’s his first… How was it, Tyson?”
Tyson was still admiring his tattoo, “the pain? It was fine once I got used to it, Kai really helped.”
“Really!?” Tala looked at Kai in disbelief.
Kai shot him a glare.
Tyson put his shirt back on while Tala described how to take care of it. They made their way to the front desk and finished off some paperwork.
Tala had gone back to his desk, still within earshot.
“Thanks so much. Kai! It’s going to be awesome!” Tyson grinned, “but um… can I have my sketchbook back?”
Kai nodded, then went back to his station, and came back with the book, he slid it across the table, but held on to it when Tyson tried to take it.
Kai didn’t let go of the book, he looked into Tyson’s eyes, with his first genuine expression, “I have a question. About your design.”
“Huh?” Tyson looked up to Kai. He was positive there was nothing he could ask that he wouldn’t know himself.
“I want to buy it.”
“What?” Tyson’s voice rang with disbelief.
“Well, I don’t want to buy the rights. Just the design, so I can have it tattooed.”
“You want my design!?”
“Yes, is that a problem?”
Tala’s ear twitched, the situation tickled his interest, and he made his way back to the counter.
“I uh—um.” Tyson was lost for words.
“How much?” Kai badgered him.
Tala intervened, “Kai leave the poor kid alone, let him think on it.”
Kai looked at Tyson, Tyson stared back.
Tyson let go of the book, “keep the book till tomorrow… I’ll think about what you said…”
Tyson backed up towards the door, “b—bye! See you tomorrow!”
He had left the shop faster than either of them could say bye.
Kai still held the sketchbook, he looked down at it. Tala was immediately furious.
“Kai Hiwatari, what the hell!? Are you an ass or head over heels? You’re going to bully some rookie artist into stealing his design? What is wrong with you—”
Kai had opened the book to his favourite page. Tala’s voice changed right away.
Kai held the open book close to his chest, “I know. It’s well done.”
“You’re not kidding, here let me see—”
Kai handed him the book. Tala admired the drawing for a long time. Before flipping through the book. He let out a long high pitched whistle.
“Could you do it?” Kai asked.
“Do what?”
“Could you tattoo this for me? I want it on my right shoulder—”
Tala laughed, “no. My specialty lies in fangs and fur. I’ve never done a dragon, plus these scales… this could only be done by the original artist.”
Tala looked up from the book, “if you love this design, it has to be done by the original artist. Does he know how to use a gun?”
“I don’t think so.”
“Ah, shame.”
“How come?”
Tala went back to flipping through pages, “because I'd hire him on the spot.”
Kai was dumbfounded, “for real?”
Dude I have so many more ideas for this AU it’s INSANE. AAAH but this is all I have time for now <3 if there’s a demand for more I might write more!
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lotus-raine · 4 years
For the ship questions (I high key would love to know your answers on them all 😂) but we’ll just go with the Love section 💙❤️
thanks for the ask! I would gladly answer them all lol! perhaps I’ll make separate posts for the other ones hmm...
Who said “I love you” first?
Definitely Tala! Kai would be in shock and have no idea how to reply, he’d just freeze there and stare at Tala for a couple seconds, trying to figure out if he heard right XD 
What are their primary love languages?
For Kai it would be quality time I think, and that works out quite well because I imagine Tala is very good at making time for that and making it happen.
For Tala, I’d go with physical touch, this probably takes some time for Kai to figure out but he’ll get around to it eventually.
Who uses cheesy pick-up lines?
For sure Tala! he does it mostly to annoy Kai, it’s very effective XD
How often do they cuddle/engage in PDA?
Pretty often, Tala will usually engage most times and Kai enjoys it but not for too long, he needs his personal space still.
Who initiates kisses?
Again, usually Tala, especially early in their relationship but Kai comes around eventually.
Who’s the big and little spoon?
Tala is the big spoon and Kai is the little spoon most of the time, but they switch it up.
What are their favorite things to do together?
besides beyblade training lol? I imagine they like to watch tv series, some movies and documentaries. They actually really enjoy lounging around together from time to time, although it becomes a bit of a problem since they’re usually hard working. They like to play video games occasionally and they’re VERY competitive with each other. 
Who’s better at comforting the other?
Kai is actually better at it, he usually knows what to say to put bad situations in perspective which Tala finds helpful. When Kai is distressed Tala tends to over react because he can’t stand to see is boyfriend suffer in any way. Kai thinks it’s sweet but a little annoying too lol.
Who’s more protective?
For sure Tala XD he’s so overprotective of Kai it’s kind of ridiculous, Kai finds this annoying as well! but sometimes it comes in handy since Kai tends to be over confident and gets himself in trouble at times. 
Do they prefer verbal or physical affection?
Physical for sure, Kai finds verbal affection awkward, Tala likes both but he generally tones down the verbal stuff for Kai’s sake, unless he wants to tease him.
What are some songs that apply to their relationship, in-universe or otherwise?
Sorry I can’t really answer that, I don’t like to associate music with characters unfortunatly.
What kind of nicknames do they call each other?
Tala will sometimes uses super sweet pet names for Kai specifically to annoy like sweetheart or darling, it’s very effective XD
Kai will sometimes call him Tal, but usually just Tala.
Who remembers the little things?
Kai, he’s got a great memory and attention to detail so he picks on those. he won’t admit it be he cares a lot about those things!
And done! that was super fun to do, I hope the way I them resonates with some people and it isn’t just me lol
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t-khalynn-tales · 4 years
Meetings and Farewells, Part 4: Memories of Fire
Memories of Fire
“Can you tell us what happened, Mei? What you remember?”
Mei closed her eyes for a long moment, clearly hesitating. When she opened them again, mismatched eyes caught Tala’s.
~T is sure? Is hurtful,~ she conveyed silently.
The meaning was clear. Tala would be pained by the knowledge, possibly more than Mei herself.
But her blue eyes remained bright and resolute.
“Then we’ll share th’ pain, an’ th’ memory,” she replied firmly, grasping both of Mei’s hands in reassurance.
After a moment, the taller lala nodded reluctantly, mouth silently echoing her words.
~Ok, T. Ok.~
Mei was still little, so can’t remember everything. But Mei remembers a big house, with lotsa trees outside. Big kinda trees. But far away from other houses. An’ other peoples.
Mei doesn’t remember the up-top of the house. Mostly, only the bad peoples stayed up top.
Under-side was lotsa cages. Is where ‘speriments were. Like Mei, and T. But others too. Moon cats, an’ Sun cats, an’ elezen, an’ even some Bunny-people too. But Mei did not see them until the Fire. T knew they were there.
T was bigger. Kept there longer. Knew more stuffs about everything.
T said there was another lala, before Mei. One they did the same ‘speriments on, too. But that lala got sick, an’ died. So they got Mei. Needed two for their ‘speriments.
Always two.
Mei can’t remember how Mei was there. Lotsa ‘speriments. Pokings, an’ hurtings, an’ icky drinks. Mei has lotsa scars. But T had more.
Then one day was different.
The boss of the bad peoples came. The bad man that watched, always in shadows. An’ he had a box. It had two big metal sticks inside, with big metal circles. They came for T an’ Mei. They took ‘way tunics, made T an’ Mei take a bath. Then T an’ Mei were tied down ta different tables.
An’ some other bad peoples took the two sticks, an’ set them on fire. But, not like normal fire. Magical purple fire.
At first, both were in the same fire. A purple fire, inna glowy circle they drew onna floor. But then they pulled them apart, an’ they changed colors. One turned blue. An’ the other turned red.
An’ when the circles were different, they took the red one. Was all on fire still. An’ they pressed it to T’s back, ta T’s left shoulder. An’ the same time, they put the blue one on Mei’s right shoulder.
Mei remembers the fire. Was more than burning. Was a magic fire. Was alive. Was trying ta burn inside of Mei, and inside T. Ta change inside of both T an’ Mei.
Was working for T. T was changin, an’ T’s eyes were changin, from purple ta red. But wasn’t working for Mei. Mei wasn’t takin in the blue fire, wasn’t changin. Mei was burnin up.
T tried ta help, tried ta reach through an’ show Mei what ta do.
But the bad peoples were cursing. Saying was useless, an’ that was gonna kill both lalas. An’ how was all a waste of time. Just when Mei started ta understand it, the boss man tole them somethin. Somethin mean. An one of the big mean ones pulled out a big knife.
An’ then T got mad. Real mad.
Somehow, T grabbed at the fire, blue an’ red both. T pulled all the blue fire from the circle, through Mei. An’ took all the red fire too. But was not mixin back up, was all swirly red an’ blue. But T took it, all of it.
An’ then T’s eyes were all bright an’ glowly, an’ everything ‘xploded.
Everyone except T an’ Mei got blasted back. An’ then the bad people were on fire, an’ running around screaming. Fire everywhere. The chains on T melted away. An’ T set Mei free.
But was too much fire for T. Too much burnin. T was too full. Mei would feel it. The fire was leaking out, too much to hold. T was burnin up inside. T was dying.
So Mei tried to reach back in, ta take some of it away, like T did.
But T dien’t let go. Everythin in T’s mind was all mixed up an’ angry. Mei could see bits of T’s heart thoughts. The stuffs T didn’t share. Like pictures, of another burning house, an’ the bad people killing peoples. An’ another lala, a boy, with a face like Mei’s, like T’s, all grey an’ not breathing. An’ all the hurtings, an’ cuttings, an’ all the stuffs the bad people did.
An’ all of T’s mad feelings, burning ta make them all hurt. Just like they made everyone else hurt. Using the fire they put inside T.
T wooen’t let go of the fire, ‘cause of the hurting memories. Was hurting too much, an’ making T too mad to stop. An’ T woulda died.
So to save T, Mei took them.
When Mei took T’s memories, T was burning too much.Too much fire, inside an’ outside. Everything was burning. Mei had ta hurry. So Mei just grabbed at the fire an’ pulled. Was rushing, an’ not careful. Grabbed red, not blue. Grabbed too rough. Pulled too hard.
Something in T tore. T screamed an’ fell down.
But was already too late. Was no time.
The fire was spreading. Had ta get out. __________
Tala’s voice was raspy, both from repeating the story for Talin, and the emotions evoked by the tale itself.
“How did the two of you escape the fire?”
Mei shrugged. ~ Mei opened all the other cages. With other people. Mei didn’t know other peoples were there too. But was in Ts memory. Some of ‘em helped Mei an’ T up an’ out. But the fire made everything mixed up. An’ then outside moon cats came, an’ there was lotsa fighting. Was ‘lot of smoke. Too much. Mei fell ‘sleep, and when Mei work up, the house was burned up. An’ T was gone.~
“How didya get ta Ul’dah?”
The younger lala grimaced. ~Mei was picked up by some peoples headed ta Ul’dah. But got ‘way from them quick. They were not nice peoples. Not like the bad peoples, but not nice.~
“Okay, how ‘bout th’ bad people who did all this, are they still ‘round, d’ya know?”
Mei shook her head. ~Dunno. But Glassesman is dead. Mei saw.~
Blue eyes blinked. “Glasses-man?”
~Yes. Was who did needles, an’ icky drinks, an’ cuttings. Tole the big mean ones ta do hittings, an’ hurtings.~
“Kay, so the Glasses-man died. An’ th’ others, how bout th’ other bad ones? Did they get away?”
~Maybe? Too much fire, too much screaming. Running away.~ Mei’s expression darkened, eyes harsh. ~But maybe Watching-man. Sneaky. Hated most.~
“Why did you hate the ‘Watching Man’ the most?” Talin asked curiously.
Mei shook her head. ~Not Mei. T hated Watching-man most. Glasses ran ‘speriments, T said. But Watching-man was boss. Was bad, more bad than Glasses. T was bigger, knew more stuff. Saw more stuff. Tried to ‘splain. But Mei di'en understand.~  The younger lala touched the scar on her throat, looking uncomfortable. ~Mei’s crying made Watching-man mad, one time. So, this.~ *
Color drained from the older lala’s face.
Talin grit her teeth. With Mei’s permission, she’d taken a closer look at those silver scars. She’d even consulted with Kalen, hoping that perhaps his findings would be different than her own. But even Kalen agreed with her assessment -- the cuts were very precise, and very deliberate.
Someone with chirurgical training -- with healer’s training -- had intentionally stripped a young child of her voice. She’d suspected as such, but hearing it confirmed was sickening. And worse, it was done in such a way that the damage could not be healed, even with magical aid. All because someone found a terrified child’s cries annoying.
“Do ya remember anythin ‘bout him, the Watching-man?” Tala asked quietly.
Mei tilted her head to the side, thinking. ~A tall-folk. Not lala. Kinda thin. Always hidden. Covered face. Only heard. Spoke quiet. Deep, rumbly voice.~
“Covered? Covered how?”
~Wore a fancy mask.~ Mei covered her face with both hands, emulating a mask covering the top half of her face. ~An’ a weird thing on his chin.~ She used her thumb and forefinger to trace the shape of an odd, inverted goatee under her bottom lip -- one thin at the top, that widened at the bottom.
"If ya heard ’im talk again, could ya recognize his voice?"
~Dunno. Maybe? Been long time. Why?~
It wasn’t much to go on. Hardly anything at all. But it was something.
“ ‘Cause, Mei. If we find ‘im, I wanna be sure ya can tell is really him.”
Mei’s eyes widened. ~T is looking for Watching-man? Why?~
Tala nodded curtly. “Ta stop this from e’er happenin’ again.” __________
A.N. - sorry that it’s a little short.
*The incident of Mei having her voice silenced is actually posted as “Trapped by Forgotten Dreams”, and can be found here.
Tala can sometimes access her lost memories in her dreams. However, she doesn’t remember the dreams when she wakes. What’s more, when Tala has these nightmares, Mei usually shares the dream/memory at the same time, although neither of them realize this.
At least, not yet.
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beybladeimagines · 5 years
This is a question for the blitzkrieg boys (inc Kai plz), what's the dirtiest dream you've had? Was it about a crush, fan, celebrity or a fellow team member? We need details!
                        LEMONY CONTENT BELOW THE READ MORE.
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“Kinda foolish for you to assume that dreams simply stay dreams, but alright...” 
White wolf embraces a newfound confidence. On any other occasion, the question would leave him flustered, but the presence of his crew makes him feel like he has something to prove. A chuckle leaves his lips, one draped in amusement and, what sounds like, arousal? Eyes fall upon the asker. He doesn’t dare blink while he speaks.
“I don’t usually let faces stick, but this was one I couldn’t seem the shake. She had the most beautiful fuckin’ eyes... And all I could think about was how much better they’d be if they were lookin’ up at me. In that dream, I was stroking her jaw. I knew it wasn’t real, but I could still feel how soft her skin was. And then my thumb dragged it’s way across her lower lip, right before I-... Well, I can’t even tell you what happened next.”
Those same eyes half-lidded with lust now glared at his teammates. “Someone woke me up. Annoying...”
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“Ah, diving right into the good stuff, are we? I like you already... Unlike Tala, I actually get to finish.”
He grins like the devil, revealing fangs that can’t wait to sink right into the detail.
“I’m not picky - there’s an opportunity in just about everything. I remember having this intense dream with, like, three chicks and two dudes. I swear I’ve seen them somewhere before, but who cares? Instead of being background characters in my life, they were all on me. You’d think five lovers at once would be too much to handle, but I don’t quite mind a challenge. Everything became a lust filled blur. I can’t even begin to tell ya who I was inside, but I could practically feel hands rubbing against my chest, urging me to keep going, to go faster, to go harder. I always had my mouth on someone. I’ve never been so damn greedy for a kiss in my life, but those tongues seemed to taste every word I’ve ever said, and they validated those tossed-away statements too... God damn... It was always so warm. A pity it was just a dream. But a dream worth chasing.”
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Upon hearing the question, Spencer instantly motions palm to face. He tries to hide both his disappointment and embarrassment. He was certain his friends were having a field day with the inquiry, but he needed a few more minutes to answer. A defeated sigh leaves him - one that can’t believe the words that are about to leave his lips. But, if everyone else was doing it, why shouldn’t he have the chance to play along too?
“I had a dream I made love to a beautiful woman against the wall. We were running from something - can’t remember what - but I suddenly felt inclined to give her cover. It seems my mind was impatient... The moment I imagined myself as her protector, I quickly transitioned into being inside her. I’ve never felt a warmth like that before. I could barely discern her face from the amount of sweat that was pouring down my own. I remember finding a sanctuary in her shoulder. I used the space between her neck to muffle my moans, but they still managed to float into her ears. She was so eager... I remember the way her arms were wrapped around me as I held her up. Weight didn’t matter to me. As long as we stayed like that, I felt I could be there for days. 
And then I awoke... Quite disappointed, as you can probably imagine.”
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As everyone else answered, he was surprisingly silent. No annoyed huffs, no irritated sighs, no snarky comments - nothing. Kai wasn’t usually the type to entertain this stuff and yet, the invasive inquiry didn’t seem to bother him. They wanna know, right? And they wanna know bad-. . . Well, they’ve been so patient. Why shouldn’t daddy give them what they want?
“At one point, it was a dream, but not anymore. And as for who it was - I think you should mind your own business in that regard.” A smirk floats onto his features, completely changing the mood in the room.
“She was a blank canvas in my mind, but I don’t like the idea of letting anything stay empty. I needed to see myself in her skin. It had to be fuckin’ mine. Dreams don’t have even transitions, so I remember finding my face buried in her neck, grazing against the skin, and leaving hickey’s the size of hail. How can someone stay so beautiful with all those purples and reds all along their neck? She looked good the more I made her mind. I guess I move through the details pretty fast, because the next thing I knew, I left the same prints along her ass. She thanked me. Good girls usually do. And I reward those that thank me for what I do. My hands don’t always have to make things hurt... I proved that the moment she spread herself.”
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I know this sucks but lemme explain!
Tyson is Iron Man becauuusee...
-Cash cow, a lovable jerk, passionate boi, makes a lot of mistakes but has a heart of gold.
Ray as Thor:
-Luscious locks yo, an honourable gent, needs the cape to match his bandanna, sensible lad.
Max as Cap:
-At least part American, blonde hair blue eyes yee haw, too pure for this world, voice of reason.
Kenny as Hawkeye: 
-Just wants the simple life, underrated af, “We’re fighting an army ... and I just have a bow and arrow laptop”
Hilary as Black Widow:
-Bros with Hawkenny, rocks any hairstyle, “boys are dumb, I’ll do it myself”, nobody listens even tho she knows what’s up.
Daichi as Hulk:
-Clothes already torn, deserves to be a big boi, would enjoy swinging around buildings, is a touch temperamental. 
Kai as Loki:
-Betrays everyone, then redeems himself, pale as a Victorian child, loved by the fandom even though he’s a douche 90% of the time.
Boris as Thanos:
-Purple stuffs, butt face, must locate all of the ‘sacred four’ bitbeasts for his Beyfinity Gauntlet, wants to throttle Lok(a)i.
Tala and Brooklyn as Gamora and Nebula:
-Issues with their father figure/mentor, were used as pawns by said mentor, Tala gets to have pink tips, I needed to fill space. 
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Saving Part of the World - Part Two - Chapter Sixteen
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Summary: Set after G-Rev, the World Championships have come to Belfast, Northern Ireland in the hopes of spreading the interest and drawing in tourists. In between all the teen angst and the team drama, something powerful and hungry lurks on the horizon and with the help of the beybladers, it may just destroy part of the world.
Rated: T for cursing and mild violence
Ships: Hints of Mariah/Rei, Hilary/Tyson, Enrique/Julia
Previous Chapters: One Two Three Four Five Six Seven EightNineTenEleven Twelve Thirteen Fourteen Fifteen
The conference room of the Odyssey was in chaos. Lights burned onto the canvas of the top wall, making shadows flee to the back. A machine gusted a strong breeze that did little to alleviate the rising temperature. Assistants scrambled, tilting reflective screens while a photographer ducked and dodged in front of the posing couple, calling out orders and coaxing smouldering looks. 
Ming-Ming paused to survey the scene. No amateur affair, she mused, but hardly something to rival the magazine photo shoots she frequented to promote her albums. Not to mention the lack of enthusiasm exhibited by the models gathered within the room. She eyed the cluster of bladers huddling together at the back of the room while she made a few more notes on her tablet. 
The photographer crouched down, camera up, and tried to cajole Julia — who'd been quite enjoying the camera's attention — closer to an equally unimpressed Enrique. Ming-Ming stifled a sigh. So that was her team Europe and where was Eoin? Nowhere to be seen, again. This was becoming a joke, a farce. She was half tempted to go to Dickinson and demand his expulsion from the team. The guy had less team spirit than Kai Hiwatari and Bryan Kuznetsov combined. 
At least Bryan had made an appearance and standing in the corner with his other two cronies. She couldn't wait to get Tala in front of the camera. With his cheekbones and jawline and that vivid colouring, oh he’d be popular with nonblading fans. The boy was billboard material and add in his disdainful attitude, he’d make the WBBA a lot of money. Which was fantastic, except for the team posters, the Blitzboys were lacking a certain important teammate. She scowled and made another note on her tablet. Hiwatari had promised to show and she believed that promise. He marched to his own beat, yes, but he wasn't a flake when it came to the sport, he just had no punctuality; Eoin, on the other hand, was a, what was the cute Irish term she’d heard, oh yes, a piss-taker.
"Hikaru can you please phone back this company" — she handed Hikaru the letter — "and tell them if they want to sponsor the tournament, they'll need to get their placard and posters into me before close of business tomorrow, otherwise they'll miss out. I can't wait all day for them, my media team is almost ready to go." 
She shoved up the frames of her nonprescription glasses — a trick she’d picked up from a famous actress who explained the genius of props in changing people’s perceptions — and frowned at the email on her screen. "Why am I being billed for a bench in the changing rooms?"
"The maintenance team say someone scratched it but I checked it and here are the photos.” 
Ming-Ming peered at the screen. “It looks like someone welded it together. Badly. There’s no finesse. They’re saying we did this?” 
She opened her mouth to put forth a denial, then slumped. There was nothing to suggest one of the bladers hadn’t contributed to this. For Venus's sake. "Right, no more blading in the changing rooms. Honestly, who does that? Get signs up for those idiots and..." 
Across the room, Julia muttered a loud curse and smacked Enrique’s hand. Ming-Ming figured he deserved it but she’d deal with that in a second. If Julia stormed off stage, well she’d worry about that then. “When would someone find the time to weld a bench together? I can believe they scratched it but welding? Puh-lease. Get someone down there to make sure it didn't happen before we took over that section. Maybe they’re trying to con money from us and we can’t afford to just pay — Where did the Blitzkreig Boys get alcohol from?!” she demanded, mouth dropping as the trio knocked back a shot from a hip flask. "Are you kidding me? Go take that off them, I'm not having a photo shoot with drunk Russians." 
And if Tala looked bleary-eyed in those photos, she'd lose money! Unless it made him look sleepy-eyed and sexy... No, definitely not. "What are you waiting for Hikaru?"
Hikaru wrung her hands but eventually spread them helplessly. ”You don't pay me enough to take a drink from the Blitzkrieg boys, I'm sorry Ming-Ming. I'll go do those other duties."
That was fair, Ming-Ming wasn’t sure that she, herself, was paid enough to take alcohol from the Blitzkrieg Boys, but it had to be done. Tapping on her screen, she glanced up when the photographer ordered Enrique and Julia closer only for Julia to snarl something in Spanish. Surprisingly Enrique seemed to understand enough to rattle something back at her until they were both nose to nose, simmering with fury. 
The photographer — Leon? It was probably Leon — sent Ming-Ming a questioning look. She flashed a thumbs up; of course, she wanted photos of them bickering, the more sexual tension she could create for them, the better her chances of selling merchandise. People loved a romance, even if it was fabricated. 
Realising they were now becoming the centre of attention for the wrong reasons, Enrique and Julia started to pose like consummate professionals. At least they liked the camera, which was more than she could hope for from the other teams. 
Was that another shot?!
Right, that was it, she had to do something about the Blitzkrieg Boys and their obvious alcoholic issues. 
Just as she mustered the courage to march over there — repeating over and over just what she would say to them — the door opened and the Russian midget barrelled into the room bringing a blessedly cool draft, followed by Hilary Tachibana and Kai Hiwatari. Thank god. 
“What is this? Who is that?” 
Ming-Ming veered off course, and caught Ian by the arm, cutting off his barrage of questions, as she began to lead him back to the door. 
“Kai, go next door and get ready. I want to get your team through this before they're too drunk.”
“What is this?” Kai repeated Ian's question, digging his hands deeper into his pockets as if he could burrow away. 
“Questions later, you need to — what did you do to your face?” she demanded, not even bothering with tact because who had time for that nonsense when Hilary was trying out for the role of Rudolph in a pantomime no one wanted to see!
“It’s not that bad,” Hilary muttered, hand rising to cover the neon flesh.
Bad was an understatement. “Go next door to the makeup guys and get ready.”
"Wait, am I being photographed?" 
"Yes, everyone's being photographed." Ming-Ming shoved them out of the door with a scowl. 
Ian planted his feet, his expression solidifying into mutinous. “Why?” 
“Because I want photos,” she explained, motioning to the setup. “They’re for posters and promotional material; for going on the website and other things.” Really, this is why Dickinson hired her. Bladers never thought of anything but the game. 
“Why do I have to go?”
“You’re a member of the Blitzkrieg Boys aren’t you?”
Hilary stroked her nose. “Is Kenny going to be in the Bladebreakers one?”
“Yes. Yes. Yes. Now hurry up. I’ve got a schedule to keep.” God, you’d think they didn’t understand how teams worked. Just because they might not have been in the arena didn’t mean they weren’t part of the team, didn’t mean the fans didn’t know who they were. 
She huffed out a breath, then scowled when she realised Ian hadn’t moved but was warily watching her. “What?! Why aren’t you in makeup? Do you know how long it’ll take them to transform you into a human?” She so did not have time for this. 
“But I’m not the team. I’m just computer guy.”
“You are part of the team so stop fighting with me,” she ordered and swiped at the screen of her tablet to jot down a reminder to get the Blitzkrieg Boys matching jackets. Team USA and the Bladebreakers had them, as did the new continental teams, but she couldn’t ever remember the Blitzkrieg Boys sporting a team jacket or even team colours. Tala for god knows what reason insisted on wearing orange jackets that clashed with his hair while the other two looked like lumberjacks about to venture into the great unknown. That would have to end. Uniformity was key and also great for merchandising. Team Europe would need ones too, blue with yellow perhaps? Something to get Hikaru working on. 
She stomped back into the room, bypassed the Australian Team who, with the help of Team Africa, were mocking the heat of the room and how certain teams couldn’t handle it, probably in reference to Michael who was fanning himself with a paper plate. 
Ming-Ming came to a halt in front of the Russians and nipped the flask from their grasp. 
“No,” she told them. “You’ll get this back at the end of the shoot. For the meantime, there is coffee over there and water. Sober up!”
Turning on her heel, she stalked back out of the room and headed for her office before the headache throbbing at her temples escalated to a full-on pound. Maybe she wasn’t cut out for this much stress. She was a performer which meant people told her where to stand, how to act, what to do. Now, here she was taking charge, conducting a global event on her own and she was terrified of messing it up. 
Her heels clicked over the tiles and then thudded when she reached the carpeted floor of her office. Tossing her stuff onto the leather couch, she crossed to the desk and shrugged off her jacket, rolling her shoulders and kicking off her heels. 
Better, so much better, she mused as she tiptoed over to the window and studied the city rising over the river, orange lights creating shadows in the fading blue sky. 
“So this is where you retreat to?”
Ming-Ming stiffened but plastered on a polite smile as she turned to greet her guest. “Miguel.” 
She moved to her desk and took her seat; petty but, as a performer, she was all about the illusions. 
“Ming-Ming,” he greeted. “Got some time to talk?”
“I spoke enough at the conference last night, as any other reporter knows. So why are you here and how did you get past security? You’re not a blader anymore.”
He flashed a reckless grin and she scowled. Miguel was a pain in her backside. The worst kind of journalist when it came to the BBA because he knew exactly what went on behind the scenes and had so many sources and contacts that it was almost impossible to stop him from getting the latest scoops. Ming-Ming liked controlling her leaks but Miguel tended to preempt her time and time again. Such as an exclusive with Mr Dickinson which had appeared in the morning paper. 
“Just curious about how this is going down? Thought I’d check in with the European team. Seems they’re having a bit of trouble, you know anything about this?”
“Such as?”
“They’ve only got three players and the Irish guy isn’t showing up to practice.”
“Not my problem Miguel, in fact, you’re partially to blame for that. Mathilda was supposed to join but, what was your response, oh yes, you don’t want Enrique near her.” She sent him a blade sharp smile. “I’m simply in charge of setting up the tournament and making sure it goes smoothly for the public. The teams are their own people and I cannot interfere with them. Four members were sent tickets for the tournament, I can’t be blamed if one of them wasn’t allowed to get on the plane.”
“Heard people were expecting me,” he said, seating himself down opposite her. He wore stonewashed jeans, faded and comfortable with a pale blue shirt rolled up at the sleeves. His blonde hair was a mess of tufts and his blue eyes were scrutinising the desk in a way that made her want to stand before him and spread her arms, protecting everything from his all-seeing gaze. 
She wished she still wore her jacket, at least that could have acted like a tiny bit of armour. Instead, she folded her arms and leaned back in her seat. It took all of her skill as a diplomat to deal with Miguel since he’d become a freelance reporter on all things Beyblade. “I gave no one the impression that you would be taking a place on the European team. As you have so often told me, you are an unbiased reporter of the truth in Beyblade.” Her tone was scoffing as her temper began to rise. 
“I’m an honest man, Ming-Ming.”
“Yes,” she placated, with a tight smile. Her fingers itched to grab for her tablet once more but she couldn’t while the snoopy journalist was around. He stuck his nose into everything. Ideally, he shouldn’t have been handsome, nor should he have looked like he belonged outdoors. That wasn’t how a journalist was supposed to look. But because he did, he charmed people into telling him their innermost secrets and spoiled all her surprises. How the hell had he gotten past security anyway? She was going to get Hikaru to write a strongly worded email — if she didn’t rip the staff a new one herself. 
“You’re pouting Ming-Ming. Do you not like it when I question you?”
She released a deep breath, deciding that she really should be magnanimous for the sake of the tournament. “Miguel, I don’t know what you’re insinuating or what you really believe, but I desperately want this tournament to be the best tournament ever. I have no intention of letting it become a hell on earth spectacle. I want people to watch this and become enthusiastic about the sport. This will be amazing and there are no secrets for you to unearth.”
“Then why have you banned all major news networks from filming and insisting that the only commentators be Brad Best and AJ Topper?”
“Because those contracts may bring money in, in the short run, but they cost us loyalty. I want fans to be able to see the sport anywhere without restrictions. Those cable networks demand payment to see the sport but it can be easily watched on our site for free or on any of the screens around the arena; people can even come down and fill the empty seats. I want this arena to be packed with people. Besides, who better than Brad and AJ to understand the nuances of the sport? And they’re subtitled for foreign channels. I’m trying to keep it real, not to make it bigger than it needs to be. We’re still building the WBBA up.”
There that sounded satisfactorily clear. He couldn’t possibly pick on… She watched as he wrote something in his notebook, waving it slightly. She knew that mannerism; that was his ‘I-have-something-to-say-but-I’m-unsure-how-to-broach-it’ move. 
“What about the sightings of Brooklyn and Mystel in the city?”
She blinked. “Excuse me?”
Brooklyn and Mystel were in here, in the city? Why hadn’t they told her? Neither of them had replied to her last email but she just thought they were incommunicado, out in some mountainous area so remote that it still used pigeon express (she’d been tempted to get a pigeon but Garland talked her out of that). If they were coming to the tournament, they would have told her. 
She strained to keep her expression politely interested as Miguel watched her quietly. 
“I imagine that this was a publicity stunt or someone simply imagined it. If not, then they are merely visiting the city and there is no reason why they cannot come to the tournament as fans of the sport themselves. If you’re asking me if they’re registered to participate in the tournament, I can tell you now that they are not. Miguel, you are simply trying to find something wrong, and everything here is good. I made sure of it. I will not allow anything or anyone to jeopardise this tournament. It will be amazing.”
“And Boris?”
“Boris?” she queried, then her expression crumpled and she dropped her forehead to her open palm. “Boris isn’t here, Miguel,” she groaned, lifting her gaze to beseech his. “Boris has nothing to do with WBBA. He’s in prison.”
“He’s missing.”
“Are you certain?” Stupid question. Of course, he was; he wouldn’t say it unless he knew for sure. 
“According to my sources, he was being transferred between two facilities when there was an accident and he went missing. Am I to believe that is merely a coincidence? Boris goes missing, and Brooklyn and Mystel show up here to a tournament you’re running. Sounds like a nice BEGA reunion.”
She blew out a breath and clenched her fists, barely maintaining control. “Well, here’s an idea Miguel. You go to the airport and you stake it out and if you see him, you report him immediately to the police and get him rearrested as a fugitive because I’m telling you now, Boris has nothing, and I mean absolutely nothing, to do with this tournament.” She rose to her feet. “Now, if you’re finished interviewing me, I have somewhere to be and things to be doing. Good evening, Miguel.” 
She shot to her feet and grabbing her jacket and tablet from the couch, she stalked out of her office and headed in the direction of the conference room. 
“Did you see how pissed off Ming-Ming was when she came back? I thought she was going to bite Enrique,” Michael said with a smirk aimed at the blonde Italian. 
“He would have enjoyed it,” Julia muttered, muffling a yawn. The evening had dragged on and on as the photographer circulated through the teams, taking individual shots, group shots, rival shots, and so many shots of Tyson and Kai that he must have filled up rolls of film on those two alone. Now Julia was exhausted and all she wanted was her bed, but the idea of getting up and dragging herself to her room seemed like an untenable task. 
She groaned as Enrique’s shoulder jolted under her cheek but she was too tired to even move, never mind scald him with a look. It was his own fault anyway. She’d called dibs on the couch and he’d thrown himself on to it, sending her a shit-eating grin, so she sat on him. Eventually, after many elbows to the stomach, they’d arranged themselves in a more comfortable, almost companionable, seated tangle on the couch. 
“Not everyone is into your brand of kink, Julia. Though if you wanted me to play—”
She made a halfhearted attempt to punch him but the angle was wrong and her arms felt like lead. All the hours she spent launching blades and posing had turned her muscles to jelly. She was so pathetic, though she took comfort in knowing the rest of her competitors were feeling the same. In the corner of the lounge, Ian slouched in an armchair, watching the DVD player propped on his knees. Hilary had retreated to bed with Emily quickly following, claiming she had some aloe vera gel. Rei and Mariah were out on a date, taking advantage of another night of delays in the tournament while Tyson and Max were huddled around Kenny looking at blade porn. Daichi occupied the other couch snoring loudly much to the amusement of Team Australia, though the fact that one of them was fiddling with a black marker concerned her a little. If they moved an inch towards Daichi, she’d say something. Daichi may have been a loud mouth chaotic whirlwind, but she kind of enjoyed his presence. 
Michael shifted in his seat and finally stopped staring down her top long enough to make eye contact. “So where’s your brother, Ralph? I thought he’d be here to battle.”
“Raul. He got a job offer before the tournament was announced, so he’s following his dream and performing magic shows for children on a cruise boat.” That still stung. It was weird being at a tournament without her brother, but he wanted to pursue a dream that didn’t involve blading competitively. She couldn’t even imagine a life that didn’t involve her blade. Oh she knew he used it in his tricks and that working with children satisfied him on a level she couldn’t understand, but still, she felt lonely without him. Especially when she was stuck on a team with a no-show and Enrique of the roaming hands. When she was more energetic and when the tournament was over, she’d consider breaking his thumb. 
"Ian, go to bed."
Julia startled at the sudden appearance of Spencer. For such a large man, he was surprisingly silent. He leaned down and shook Ian's shoulder, catching the boy's hands when the midget came up swinging. Amused, Julia glanced at Enrique with a grin but it died when she saw the sober expression he wore as he watched. Right, the Blitzkrieg Boys had one of those child horror backstories.
"What the hell Spencer?"
"You were falling asleep. It's probably time for you to go up to your room."
Ian's expression turned petulant when he looked to the bar and saw Bryan and Tala still standing beside it. "Are you going to bed?"
"Yes, Ian, very soon. Bryan wants to finish his drink."
Ian nodded, then covered his mouth as he yawned widely. Over his head, Spencer and Tala exchanged a look that lured the lanky redhead from the bar. Julia admired his approach and smiled faintly as he and Spencer exchanged another silent conversation. Maybe they had terrible childhoods and torments no one could truly understand, but from that they'd formed bonds, become brothers. It didn't make their experiences okay by any means, but it was always uplifting to see something good and true come from the wrecks of despair. 
Tala bent over and Julia tilted her head, jerking when Enrique elbowed her and sent her a smug look. She rolled her eyes. So what?! Tala had a nice backside. Most Beybladers did and she wasn't going to not look, especially when he bent over in front of her wearing really tight trousers. 
Scooping up the tablet, Tala frowned at the screen. "Hey, what's this? Are you spying on your girlfriend?" 
As he angled it so Spencer could look, pushing Ian back onto the chair when he lunged for the tablet, Julia caught sight of a video playing of a girl curled up on a couch sipping from a mug. So Ian was some kind of voyeur? 
"She was supposed to gloat. She's not gloating," Ian muttered, snatching the tablet back and allowing Spencer to escort him to the stairs, clearly ignoring the lecture about stalking he was receiving from his older brother. 
“Oi, Granger, where’s Hiwatari?” 
Tyson glanced up from Kenny’s laptop and jerked a shoulder, as he straightened with a stretch. “No clue. Probably practicing somewhere.”
“Typical, he’ll not practice with us but instead he’ll go out at night to practice. Bryan! Come on. I need sleep.”
“You need Kuznetsov to hold your hand?” Michael baited. 
“No,” Tala replied, eyes cool. “Making sure Bryan goes to bed means you don’t end up dead or at least in hospital.”
Michael sent him a dark look, but when Tala’s blood red brow rose in challenge, Michael glanced at the bar and paled. Julia followed to see Bryan’s wicked sharp grin fade into a malicious smirk before he set the glass down and headed to the elevator. Tala bowed low and mocking, then followed. 
Michael shot to his feet and stalked to the bar, as others drifted upstairs, leaving only the vaguest smattering of bladers and a group of visitors who occupied the tall table near the fire exit. A while later, Enrique finally untangled himself to go to the bathroom, leaving Julia sprawled out on the couch. She snuggled down into the cushioned surface and breathed in the sweet chemical scented fragrance - obviously some kind of fabric freshener - and closed her eyes.
She probably would have dropped off, if not for the squeak of springs and the something that nudged her foot. She pried open an eye and blearily frowned at Michael, sprawled in the chair across from her again, nursing a coke - possibly with an addition. 
“So what’s the deal with you and Enrique then?”
Her and Enrique? Ha, bar Ming-Ming’s audacious and frankly obvious plan to make them her Romeo and Juliet playthings? 
“Yeah, I’ve seen the articles speculating about you two.” He leaned forward, eager for news. 
Flinging a hand over her eyes to shield them from the harsh glare as she flopped onto her back, she groaned. “Don’t be such an American Stereotype Michael, falling in with your peers, gasping for gossip and believing the hype the media sells you.” 
“You sure looked cosy on that couch together.”
She wrinkled her nose. “Because I was too tired to move, and now if you’ll excuse me, I’m going to my room to sleep.”
Not giving Michael time to respond, she grabbed her jacket and headed for the stairs, fiddling in her pocket for her key card and giving her phone another glance. 
“Raul not responding to your texts?”
She glanced up as Enrique fell into step with her, eyes heavy, blond curls flattened, with a bottle of water in one hand and the other stuck in the pocket of his jacket. He should have looked tired and worn, but instead, he just looked rumpled and handsome. It was a curse of his genes, she decided. “Hmm?”
He motioned with the bottle to her phone. “You keep checking it.”
“Oh, no, it’s not Raul.” She jerked a shoulder. “I sent a message to Eoin, I figured he could at least show his face for the photos but no response.”
Enrique heaved a sigh, expression bitterly resigned. “Of course he didn’t.”
“Yeah,” she muttered, slipping her phone into the back pocket of her jeans. “So I was thinking—” she ducked under his arm as he held the door open for her and they began to ascend the stairs “— maybe we should pay him a visit, let him know we’re not taking this attitude from him anymore. He’s part of this team, he needs to commit. We’re not going to carry him anymore, so we track him down and drag him to practice or we kick him off the team.”
Enrique curved his hand around the newel post and raked his free hand through his hair and making a small moue when he found it to not be perfectly tousled. “You’re right. I initially considered talking to Dickinson, but going to him about it feels a lot like telling tales.”
“Exactly.” She pressed her hands against the cool wall, leaning back against them as she studied the ceiling, a simple distraction from looking at the boy beside her. Not that she could hide from his cologne, warm, spicy with just a hint of heat. Expensive. Enrique smelled expensive. Another tick in the con column. “Raul suggested the same thing but if the media hears about it, it’ll be twisted, like we’re the divas who don’t want to play with the amateur, and it’s not that, we were all amateurs once.”
Enrique snorted and quirked a brow. “I was never an amateur.”
She refused to be charmed by his cockiness. “No, you came out of the womb using your umbilical cord to launch your blade. But not all of us are as special as you. We give Eoin his chance, if he squanders it…” Well, she didn’t know what they could do. While a two-man team was perfectly fine during the previous tournament where most teams relied on two players for the match, a two-man team in a tournament where three players were the very least a team could comfortably compete with would just be exhausting. Even if they managed to take down one team, they would be too wrecked to even consider another full-on match. No, whatever they did, they could not kick Eoin off the team.  
“We’ll sort that out if that happens. Worst case scenario, I force Miguel to play. He owes us,” Enrique added darkly. 
Right, the cheating incident that caused both Robert and Johnny to rage quit Beyblade. She couldn’t imagine that happening. There was a bad history there. “No, let’s find a way to make him work for us.” She tapped her fingers against the wall. “The media pays him a lot of attention. What if his diva attitude got released to the papers? That might teach him a lesson. After all, he’s an amateur, he’s not going to be used to dealing with the media the way we are.”
Enrique flashed a grin, blue eyes bright. “You’re quite devious, Julia. I like that.”
She met his grin with a subtle curve of her lips, reluctantly amused by his pleasure in her vindictiveness. Still, she pushed away from the wall and made her way up the stairs, pausing when she reached the landing to look down at him. He propped himself against bannister, expression mockingly subservient. 
“I’m going to bed. Make sure you’re up early tomorrow so we can go issue our ultimatum to our wayward teammate.”
“But of course, captain.”
She flicked him a dark look over her shoulder as she flipped her hair and stepped into the hushed silence of the corridor. 
Kai woke suddenly, mind alert, eyes opened and his heart beating so fast it would have escaped but for his ribs keeping it hostage. For a moment he lay in the dark, struggling to figure out where he was. Not at home in the quiet, hollow mansion with only servants and a butler for company, and there was no breathing or long sawing snores from the corner of the room, so he wasn’t at school. He reached up and rubbed his eyes, frowning at the faint glow of light from… the bathroom. He was in the hotel. Of course. The tournament, and Rei had moved into a room with Mariah, leaving him with a room to himself. 
He stretched his arm over to the bedside table and grabbed his phone. As it lit up, he squinted and read the time. 03:46. 
Better than most nights, he mused, lying back and drawing the covers up over his shoulders, protecting the bared skin from the cold. 
 A door slammed somewhere down the corridor and he jolted, then rolled his eyes as he heard Hilary’s frantic whispers and Tyson’s barely muted scolding. Then Daichi said something, the words blocked by the walls and the door slammed once again. With a shake of his head, Kai sat up and reached for Dranzer, nestled safely under his pillow and he ran a hand over his face, hoping to chase away the exhaustion threatening to crush him but he was awake and he wouldn’t sleep now. 
Rolling his neck to ease the crick, he kicked off his covers and searched the floor for a pair of socks. Tugging them on, he grabbed a vest and his bomber jacket, and shrugging them on, he headed for the door. A few seconds later, shoes on and key card in hand, with Dranzer tucked into the inside pocket of his jacket, he left his room to go get some practice and didn’t notice the strange shade of moonlight seeping through the blinds casting green lines onto the white duvet. 
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softarchieves · 5 years
12/12/12 tag game
Thanks to Iivywriters for tagging me in this :-)
Rules: Answer 12 questions in character as an OC, ask 12 questions, and tag 12 people :-)
My answers:
(Answering as Millie from Hellhounds)
1) What teachings from your parents still affect you to this day? Do you wish they didn’t?
“Never met my mom, my dad was never the parental-kind of a father, so I never really learned anything fro them. But I guess Lady Marlowee counts, though most of her teachings flew right over my head. But one thing that did stick, was to plan things out, to not just do thins impulsively. I’m both grateful for that and pissed about it too. It feels like a restricting cage, but sometimes that’s what I need,”
2) Who is the person who made the greatest impact (good OR bad) on you, and who you are today?
“Rose and Castor are two other hellhounds that live on the run, and I really don’t know them all that well. But they made a huge impact on me that one time I met them. It had never occurred to me that I could live outside of a safety zone like the one Lady Marlowee had created,”
3) If you could do anything, without strings or consequences attached, what would you do?
“Okay, here’s the thing: It doesn’t matter what I would do, because there are consequences for your actions in real life, and you can’t just do things anyway, ignoring all the red flags, letting yourself believe that everything bad will work itself out. That’s not how it works, because if it did, I would have gone to the Underworld long ago, and brought my brother with me!”
4) A genie gives you three wishes. What would you wish for?
“When a genie gives you a wish, you have to be pretty careful about what you wish for. It’s not just jins who are tricky. Though genie’s do have your best intentions at heart when they grant a wish, they too have to obey the laws of magic: Nothing comes out of nothing. So I just stay away from wish-granting all together,”
5) When you go and pack for something- whether it be as simple as tucking items in your pocket for a normal day, or an overnight trip- what are three or so items that you couldn’t live without?
“Kay makes some amazing cinnamon buns, so I would have to take those with me. And probably a picture I took in the 50′s, with Tala and Phyrra. The last thing would depend on the situation,”
6) Is there someone in your life you can’t live without? Who are they, and what is your relationship like?
“My brother, but I already live without him, and I obviously survived it,”
7) What do you think your childhood self would think of you now? How is your life different from what you pictured then?
“I don’t know. I was so young and lost and hopeless, and now I’m here, in the Upperworld, and trying to have a life. I honestly think, she would have dismissed me as a dream. Nice, but not real,”
8) How do you feel about where you are now? About the person, you are now? What, if anything, would you change about yourself?
“I’m stronger and smarter than I was as a kid, and better than when I thought everything would be fine. I’ve survived this far, and sometimes I can even appreciate it, have moments of joy, which is more than I had back then,”
9) What do you do to de-stress, and take your mind off of things?
“Smoke something. It’s not like the smoke will kill me, I grew up in literal Hell. Tala used to say, that I should get a hobby, like her obsession with crystals. But nothing ever really sticks...”
10) What is the most ridiculous thing that you recall doing? Do you remember why you did it?
“Stupid things don’t really happen to me, just bad things if anything. But after I met Tala, stupid things became the norm, because they seemed to follow her everywhere, and I just got dragged with her into it, way to often to name anything specific. But it was always because Tala didn’t know when to stop anything,”
11) If someone were to record what was happening to you, the story of your life, how would you want to be portrayed?
“Why would anyone do that? My story is not interesting, I’m not the first hellhound to leave the Underworld, I’m not even the first to leave without their sibling. The things that happened to me afterward with Elaine and how everything went to hell, it had nothing to do with me. I was the side-character, who had to live with the consequences, and I am,”
12) What is your ideal future like? When all is said and done, what does peace look like to you?
“Peace and quiet, I guess. It is pretty peaceful right now, have been for a while, and I really just want it to continue on like that,”
My questions: (Dunno if I’m supposed to come up with new questions or not, haven’t tried this before, so I’m just making new ones up!)
1) What color do you really just hate? You get mad just by thinking of the color and want to punch the color far away.
2) Do you have any siblings? If yes, what are they like, how was your childhood together, in which order were you born? If no, would you like to have had them?
3) What would both be your worst nightmare, and greatest dream, if those two were the same thing?
4) If you could apologize to one person in your life, for something bad you did to them, what would the apologize be? 
5) If you could transform into an animal, what would the animal be, and how long would you stay in the shape, if you could only do it once?
6) Who would you sacrifice everything for?
7) If auras were real, what would yours look like?
8) Do you have a childhood memory that you are especially fond of?
9) Greatest fear?
10) Biggest insecurity? 
11) What do you want to accomplish most in the world? 
12) What would you leave behind to be remembered by?
@writernights @pens-swords-stuff @astroswords @artofkace @astams @heyabella @svnshinewrites @honeywharf I would love to tag more people, but I don’t know that many in the writeblr community... Most of the people on this list, I just found by searching around Tumblr, I don’t even know them... Sorry if the tag inconveniences you! 
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fueledbyapplepi · 3 years
HAHAHAHAHAHAHA hinde! Wala ako sakanila. 😂 Pero nasan na nga ba sila, di ko na sila nakikita. 😢
Ako yung kinilig kina Senju at Takemichi. 🙈 Sana maalala mo HAHAHAHAHA. Saka ako rin yung nakaramdam na may mangyayaring masama kay Draken. Hmmm ano pa ba... basta ako rin yung nag-anon bout sa Drakegg yung swerte ba o curse (HANGGANG NGAYON TAWANG TAWA AKO 😭😭😭), ako rin yung nagalit kasi di umandar ambulance niya, yung "I'll stay sexy for you, for the tokrev boys..." na anon LOL, saka yung nangamusta sayo kasi ang aga mong mag-ol ditey (yung na-hospital ka), yung depression blank stare na anon at nagsuggest nung chocolates at spicy foods. Yung willing na mag-message if need mo ng kausap. Yung nag-anon din ng "hinay-hinay lang kayo ni Ran sa pakikipagbakbakan" nung pagkabalik mo, naalala ko pa may sinabi akong sundin prescription ng doctor? Uminom ng tubig if pwede ganern. Yung naalala ang i'll never go sa I'm Not Your Best, yung kumukulit sayo na ituloy yung Loves Me, Loves Me Not ba title? 😅 Ang naalala kong inanon ko pa, yung may amnesia (di ko na maalala title), some smaus? May naalala ako, ako rin yung nanghuhula na magpinsan si draken at mikey. 😂 yung nag-comment pa na "patsunde-tsundere pa kasi ayan namatay tuloy." And yung nag-comment tungkol kay Haganezuka na kamuka ni Baji. 🤤
HAHAHAHAHAHAHA ganun pa rin mare ang sasabihin ko, kay Baji lang ako nagpapa-expose. 🤭😪 Saka pang-read ko lang talaga tong acct ko, no writings or anything special. 😂 Basta username ko with S and R. (Laking tulong eh noh HAHAHAHAHAHAHA pero pano nga kung nagkataon na ako lang. 😨)
Yan some na naaalala ko HAHAHAHA. Sabihin ko sayo pag may naalala pa ako. 😂😂
Ps. Ang habaaaaa. 😆 Thank you for listening to my ted talk lol.
HALA GRABE ANG TALAS NG MEMORY MAREH (sana all talaga) pero okay naaalala ko na HAHAHAHAHAH <333 GRABE ILYSM IKAW PALA LAHAT YUN (halo halo kasi anons minsan sa inbox sorry na)
wholesome stuff ahead: lagi ka pala nasa inbox ko mare <33 thank u for being one of the people who keeps Tumblr a little more fun for me. sana lagi kang happy hehehe ily<33
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ressyfaerie · 3 years
I always had Yuriy/Takao as a small (but mighty) ship. I also have a guilty pleasure of Kai being jealous of said ship. Unable express his own feelings and say what he wants to say. Only for Yuriy, who he always surpassed in terms of skill, be able to do all those things and more. All I ask is some sugar on the lips, and some salt in a wound.
I LOVE THIS, because, I’ve actually done this AU before (Takao being intimate with yuriy (And also Alt. AU where he is intimate with all the majestics(yes, the whole team, fight me))) and Kai becomes suuuuper jealous. I’m a bit confused if “Only for Yuriy, who he always surpassed in terms of skill, be able to do all those things and more” means he is jealous for yuriy, or if he is jealous of yuriy for being able to do these things with Takao- it sounds more to me to be the latter (Kai is jealous of yuriy for being able to do these things with takao even though he’s always surpassed him in terms of skill), which would make this tyka, and I am a BIG fan. If you were off anon, I’d be able to message you about it to clarify, but I’m going to go ahead and proceed with a tyka version, I hope that is alright! :D I’m going to have fuuuun with this. (Some NSFW content, but it’s not too bad)
His red hair was still wet, most likely from a shower recently.
“Why are you here?” Yuriy demanded. 
The four-time world champion fidgeted, a lack of confidence didn’t look good on him, “sorry for coming so late…” 
“Yes, but why are you *here*?” 
“You have this hotel room alone right? Your teammates aren’t staying with you?” Takao shuffled his feet. 
“Yes, I’m alone, why do you care?” 
“I don’t-” 
“Takao, are you going to tell me why you are here, or not?” Tala glared at him, it was a bit scary. 
Takao sensed his anger, he turned around, “forget it- I’ll talk to someone else.” He grabbed the doorknob and tried to open it.
Yuriy had leaped off from where he was sitting on the bed and shoved the door closed strongly with the side of his body, blocking it, so Takao had no way out. 
“What’s your issue world champion? Are you here to steal information about my team? What are you getting at-” 
Takao raised his voice, “No! It’s nothing like that!” 
“So, spit it out.” 
Takao could feel heat waves roll off his skin. 
“I won’t let you leave without telling me,” Yuriy locked the door, still maintaining his position. 
Takao’s lip curled, in a low voice, he asked, “You like boys right?” 
“Excuse me?” Yuriy was taken back, did he hear the rumours? 
Takao yelled this time, not realizing how loud he was, “You like boys right!?” 
“Geez, keep it down would you?” 
Tala’s expression challenged him, but Takao knew he was too far ahead to go back now. 
“So, do you?” He asked, this time calmly. 
Yuriy sighed, “it depends who’s asking.” 
Yuriy tilted his head side to side in deep thought before answering, “I’ve been with men before. I’m twenty after all, I’ve had experiences.”
Takao nodded, happy with the answer. 
“Why do you care?” Yuriy made sure to come off threatening, he couldn’t have him telling everyone. 
Takao sat on the edge of the bed, “how did you know? Like- When did you learn?” 
Yuriy pushed himself away from the door, sitting in a chair across from him, “that’s a tough question… I guess years ago, why?” 
Takao had his hands folded, he had his thumbs in a battle of thumb war, “Can I tell you something?” 
“Spit it out, blue-haired freak.” 
“Ha!” Tyson laughed, then turned serious again. 
“I’ve never really felt anything serious for girls- I mean I’ve tried… I don’t know, no one has- really… Stuck out to me?” Takao’s persona changed, “I’m almost nineteen and I’ve never had a girlfriend because I’ve never wanted to.” 
Yuriy was surprised, by his tone it sounded like he had been holding this in for a long time. “Have you told anyone else?” 
“No one.” Takao admitted glumly. 
“Why me? Why not the Euro team, or anyone else?” 
“I’m not sure- I guess because if you told anyone, no one would believe you.” 
Yuriy had to admit, it was a smart play. His history would make it so no fan would believe him, and any competitor would seriously doubt him, but he knew Takao trusted him, but he understood the security to have a failsafe in place. 
“The most important question to ask yourself… You say you don’t like girls because you’ve had no feelings for them, what about boys?” 
He saw Tyson’s face go beet red right away. 
“So, that’s a yes then?” Yuriy grinned, it was actually entertaining to tease the bluenette that was usually so put together. 
“Maybe- for a few people. Maybe not- I don’t know.” Takao shook his head, “what’s wrong with me Yuriy?” 
Takao started to get upset, Yuriy scanned the room not knowing what to do with this. 
Yuriy decided to get off the chair and head towards the bed, sitting beside Takao. Takao was leaning on his knees with his head in his hands. Yuriy placed his hand on his shoulder. 
“There is nothing wrong with you.” 
Takao broke out of his trance and brought his head back up, looking right into Yuriy’s eyes.
“Thanks…” He stared into his blue eyes, it was dead quiet in the room, “hey, Yuriy can I try something?” 
 Yuriy knew what he was asking, it was a bit much, but he could do it. Plus, he was loving his look tonight. He wondered if he got dressed up just to come to his shitty hotel room. 
“Sure, but it doesn’t leave this room-” 
Takao immediately pushed himself forward, pressing his lips against his. Yuriy felt a tear roll down his cheek, wetting their lips slightly. It was Takao that initiated everything, even if Yuriy wanted to, he wouldn’t have got the chance. 
Yuriy unconsciously reached for the back of his neck to go further, he pulled away, noticing it was too much. 
“Hah…” Takao let his hot breath roll over Yuriy’s mouth as he pulled away. 
Yuriy didn’t expect his breath to smell like strawberries. 
Takao pulled himself closer to him, their thighs against each other. 
“What do you think?” Takao whispered, “am I?”
Yuriy spoke the truth, “probably, it sure seems like it. We can’t really know for sure- but you sure were eager.” 
“Sleep with me.” 
“Excuse me?” Yuriy was in shock, this little gayby was almost too confident. 
“You don’t have to. I thought you liked it…” Takao smiled, he used his hand to touch Yuriy’s chest through his shirt, “I want to go further, I want to know.” 
Yuriy blinked in astonishment, Takao ran his hand through his soft red hair. 
“We’d have to keep it a secret…” Yuriy closed his eyes as the hand in his hair threw him into a trance. “Mmmm… No one can know-” 
Takao grasped his shirt and reached behind his neck pulling him towards himself, he was leaning on the bed with Yuriy over top of him. 
“Is this your first time? You’re so confident.” 
“It is, but I’ve been thinking about this a lot.” Takao admitted his deepest darkest secret, “I’ll need your help to guide me.” 
“I think I can do that…” 
Kai was worried. Takao was so distant lately. He had the option to join the Demolition boys again or join the Bladebreakers, he chose the Bladebreakers since his friendship with Takao was growing stronger, but now he was disappointed. Takao never seemed to be ‘all there’. Even when he was practicing, he was simply going through the motions, but his mind was somewhere else. 
Kai, being the good team captain and maternal figure of the group, decided following him would be the best way to figure out what was wrong with him. 
 He could have just tried asking him, like a regular person, but he had the feeling whatever was going on with Takao, he wouldn’t share with him. He wasn’t confiding in his team, or family, Kai worried it was serious, and he was determined to help his friend, because- in Kai’s mind, this could break his winning streak. 
He lost him last night after he left the dojo. He stayed out all night. He came back early in the morning so the rest of the team didn’t know he even left. Kai cursed himself for losing track of him, but he definitely wouldn’t today. 
The next championships were too close for Kai’s comfort. If Takao didn’t get his shit together soon, they could easily lose the championships. 
Today, everyone trained in the BBA building with some other teams, getting reacquainted and registering for the tournament. 
He cautiously followed Takao around, on the surface he looked normal. He greeted all his old friends, shook hands, hugged, all regular Takao stuff. Kai shuddered, knowing under that cheeky smile was an inner turmoil he couldn’t decipher. 
Takao continued talking, Kai was tired. All this socializing was too much for him, he went to the locker rooms to grab his stuff, Takao wasn’t leaving anytime soon, and the place seemed to be clearing out. He wouldn't leave him long, he would be right back. 
The locker room had aisles of lockers, he had stuck his bag in a corner compartment. He opened a locker and sighed, closing it gently. He rested his forehead against the cold metal. He stayed there for a few moments. 
He heard the door fly open. 
“Takao?” A voice echoed through the empty room. 
He recognized the voice as Yuriys, he didn’t walk out of the aisle to greet him, he stayed for a moment in silence. Kai wondered why he was looking for Takao, of all people. 
He heard Yuriy’s heavy footsteps in the locker room, looking around before the door opened again. 
“Yuriy? I heard you were looking for me?” 
Unmistakably Takao’s voice. 
Yuriy’s voice grew in anger, “did you tell!?” 
“No? Of course not? Why would I do that-” 
“I heard someone talking-” 
Kai couldn’t make out the rest of what Yuriy was saying, but he was clearly upset. He heard Takao’s soothing voice reassuring him, and he slowly began to calm down. 
“I’m sorry, I misunderstood.” 
“It’s okay Yuriy, we are just both on edge, as long as neither of us mentions anything, no one will know.” 
Kai could hear the smile in Tyson’s voice. He sounded so genuine, it was the old Takao he knew so well, he wanted him to use that voice with himself again. 
“I want to talk to you about last night.” Takao started a different subject naturally. 
Kai focused on their conversation. 
“We can’t talk about-” 
“There’s no one in here right?” Takao spoke with his honeyed words again. 
“Was it okay?” Takao’s voice turned worried. 
Kai felt a tingle on his skin, he felt overprotective, what was going on between them? 
“You were amazing actually- I wasn’t expecting you to be that good. You did well.” 
Kai begged mentally, ‘please be talking about a bey-battle…’
Then, Takao giggled, a giggle Kai had never heard before, it was foreign, cute, it felt like he was… Teasing. 
Kai heard a thud against a locker, he heard sounds he had only heard in movies. He was positive they were kissing. 
He didn’t know what to do, stay? Go? They couldn’t find out he was here the whole time- There was another exit behind him, he could leave without them noticing. 
Kai slowly slid his feet on the ground, leaving without a sound, letting the door close silently behind him. 
He started walking down the hall, picking up speed, until he was running at full pace, out of the building and into the street. 
He stopped in an area he didn’t recognize and propped himself against a wall in an abandoned alleyway. 
“What the fuck-” He hid his eyes from the world with his forearm, “why Yuriy? Why him? It’s not fair- I’m far superior to that guy- I’m stronger, I’m more intelligent, I’m even more attractive- Why Yuriy?” 
His eyes widened when his brain finally formed the thought he had been struggling with for years: 
“Why not me?” 
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zadien · 3 years
WIP Excerpt Game:
❤️ - dealer’s choice
🗣 - SLTS
🤝 - volleyball fic
❤️ - Share one of your favourite lines (Saving and it's more of a scene) The fae’s eyes flicked to Kai and his blood turned to ice. That look was hungry and old, filled with a desire that oozed over his skin like cold oil. “I’ll take him instead. A much finer companion.”
His lungs clogged, his skin tightened over his bones. He was shaking, he realised. The tension pressed down on his shoulders and he felt like he was drowning. Always drowning.
A hand clamped around his and he jolted. He glanced down to see it was attached to Amber and the water dropped away. Dranzer buzzed against his fingers, fury and fire.
“No, he’s a kid and you’re old. Besides, he’s mine too. Everyone's mine.”
🗣 - Share your favorite dialogue exchange (SLTS)
This is cheating because I already published this piece of dialogue but SLTS is my never-ending WIP so it still counts. - Tala's head dropped and he sighed. “You’re right. I shouldn’t have said it there, should have found a better way to say it maybe. I owe her an apology. I owe a lot of people apologies, including you.”
“Me?” Ian shifted uncomfortably. “Why do you need to say sorry to me?”
“I left.”
“Yeah. So what?”
“I didn’t tell you guys or give you a say in it, not that anything you said would have convinced me. It was never about the team but Coach Dan, he never pushed me the way I wanted to be pushed. The way I needed it. I could see people like Kai and Brooklyn getting better every time we clashed. I needed to get stronger, faster. I figured going to Clonmel was the way to do it. I don’t…” He took a breath and released it slowly. “I don’t regret going, even though Balkof was a dictatorial bastard—”
Ian snorted and earned a faintly amused look from Tala but that didn’t stop him from feeling that weird fuzzy sensation in his stomach. He didn’t need an apology nor was he owed one.
“—but I do regret the way I left and the way I returned assuming you’d all welcome me back with open arms. I didn’t say sorry. So I’m saying it now.”
Ian stared at him. “Why? Why now? Not that I need one. I don’t. I didn’t even notice you were gone. I had my own shit going on, you know. And just because we didn’t go to Clonmel doesn’t mean we didn’t improve as players either. We did. Even if Coach is replacing us.”
“He’s not replacing you guys. He’s—”
“Don’t care,” Ian muttered, gesturing to the door. “We gotta go get him before that idiot girl gets herself kicked out. Not that it wouldn’t be a huge improvement if she did but, you know, I’ll have to go out of my way to get a new nemesis and stuff. That kind of thing is time-consuming. That’s all. So stop looking at me like that.”
Tala sighed and then Ian felt a hand on his head, messing with his hair and he growled, swiping for the offending limb.
🤝 Share a line that introduces a character. (Cloti Volleyball fic)
Edging the door open, Tifa peered inside the richly scented room. It didn’t much look like an office, painted in warm colours and decorated by majestic paintings and vases containing fronds of greenery. Her coach, known only as Madam M, sat at the desk, carefully painting her nails while a video of a facial played on the computer. She looked up and irritation crossed a beautiful face enhanced with perfectly applied makeup. Madam M looked more like a glamour model than a coach. “Tifa? Shouldn’t you be at practice?”
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ressyfaerie · 2 years
Last one!
I would've liked to have see Tyson meeting Angel/Claire in Tattoos since Kai met Brooklyn (and beat his ass, that was amazing btw). Could you possibly do a scene where she comes to the shop or something & Tyson serves her then realises who she is cause she's shittalking Kai. Bonus points if it's before they're a couple & Angel assumes they're together?
Thank you in advance!!
Okay so I don’t know how much people like author talks but i GOTTA.
In the original draft of Tattoos, Kai never actually beat up Brooklyn. The last you see of Brooklyn was actually the night Tyson ran away from him. I just thought Brooklyn needed to be punished somehow, and it gave me an opportunity to expand on what they were taught in the abbey. It worked out, but thats also why after Kai beats him up the plotline for Brooklyn “drops”. There was also an alternative ending planned, but I couldn’t comfortably add it into the plot, so I sprinkled it in hoping people would pick up on it, but I don’t think anyone did, so I’m just sitting over here like OKAY FINE.
But anyways, about Claire/Angel.
Ironically in my original draft, there was supposed to be a plotline that mirrored Tyson’s with Brooklyn. However, I deemed it to be too time consuming and essentially the same “thing”. It would have been Angel coming into the tattoo shop, also asking for a little tattoo to get Kai’s attention, but I decided there were too many plotholes (Bryan/Tala would kick her out of the shop), and Kai was also done with her, he probably wouldn’t let her 5 feet near her. It also seemed that fans actually didn’t have much of an interest in Angel given that she was an OC. Besides, Tyson’s backstory with Brooklyn was more entertaining, and it got way more screen time. There was a lot of things i never had time to expand on in Kai and Angel’s relationship that I thought might have been important. At one point during the KaixMing scene Kai mentions how careful he was being with girls, that’s because one of the MANY abusive things that Angel did to Kai, was to briefly fake a pregnancy, but I figured that would be too much to expand on, and eventually scrapped it from the plot.
One of the many ideas I had, was Tyson talking to Claire/Angel. Tyson would have her as a client instead of Kai, that still brought up plothole issues, and I inevitably decided that the flashback scene, (which included more info about Kai’s car accident and the last time he saw his Grandfather etc.) ended up being a perfect way to summarize the relationship, and move on with the action.
This novel (yes its A NOVEL. 203,000 WORDS! That's longer that Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows btw) had a LOT of thought put into it. So you understand why I LOVE THIS REQUEST but first I have to word vomit to explain myself!
SO. TO CLARIFY. The timeline doesn’t fit before Tyson and Kai were together, but you know what we could do?
“A butterfly flash? That’s easy.”
Tyson had a new client who just managed to squeeze herself into his schedule. At the front desk, he booked her in, scribbling into the book.
“What’s your name?”
“Awesome… cool.” he asked the usual questions, “allergies?”
“Not to latex,” she winked.
Tyson had to hold back the cringy face he wanted to make, “we don’t use latex gloves anyway, only nitrile.”
He brought her to his station upstairs. Tala was in his office doing paperwork, and Bryan was on a coffee run.
She wanted it on her forearm, so Tyson got her all cleaned up and shaved. She was the one to initiate conversation.
“I heard this place was new and really good. So I wanted to come as soon as I could.”
Tyson agreed with her with a big smile, “we love it! We’ve been open for a few years here now, so I wouldn’t say it’s new…”
She wore a flirty expression when Tyson applied the stencil.
“You know, I used to date a tattoo artist…”
Tyson tried to avoid looking at her. He could tell she was one of those clients that made conversation difficult.
“What a coincidence, I’m also dating a tattoo artist.”
“But you’re part of the scene.” she rolled her eyes, “it’s way easier for you. Is she hot?”
Tyson has just turned on the gun, he lowered it to her skin, “he’s super hot.” he gave her a smirk right when the gun punctured her skin.
Normally, Tyson would have given her some warning right before he started. But something about her face screamed ‘I’m a huge homophobe’, and he didn’t feel like giving her the privilege.
read the rest on archive!
May 13th, 2022 Tumblr Asks! -Tattoos-Tyka-Angel Visits - Ressyfaerie - Beyblade [Archive of Our Own]
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