#i need him. carnally.
rougepancake · 11 months
Merman!Yoshikage who makes you feed him and licks your fingers clean between bites.
Merman!Yoshikage who keeps breaking into your house (through the window???) and you have NO idea how, but you keep waking up with him either hanging out in your sink or your bathtub.
Merman!Yoshikage who thinks he’s being slick when he grabs your hand and uses it to caress his face (you’re tired of his shit). Occasionally you do give him head pats, and he LOVES IT.
Merman!Yoshikage who doesn’t understand that the people in your village can’t know he’s been visiting you and leaves you big ass fish on your doorstep as a way of ‘courting you’.
Merman!Yoshikage who shows off his sharp teeth while kissing your hands, reminding you that he could tear them from your body if he really wanted to.
Merman!Yoshikage who enjoys bringing you swimming with him, and gets incredibly huffy with you when you have to come back up for air.
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wolvertooth · 7 months
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(Uncanny X-Men 1963, annual #11)
DRUNK LOGAN WEARING HEELS AND CUFFED JEANS!!!!!!! JUMPING FOR JOY RN!!!!!!!!!!!!!! put logan in more heels. he likes to feel tall.
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literatureandshit · 1 year
me sighing ruefully: i’m attracted to jason sudeikis
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wonderfulxhappiness · 8 months
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anotherwrld · 4 months
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lan ying ⟡ visuals.
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nosferatism · 5 months
I know I just watched knives out like a day ago but I miss benoit blanc so much
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dantelionwishes · 2 years
tsukishimaᴀᴀᴀᴀᴀ (lustfully)
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bonkingcat · 3 months
laios’ shirt fighting for it’s life
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Cannot stop thinking about Smallville Lex Luthor, I have been poisoned good god. I went into the show finding him goofy, and then a switch flipped and now he appears in dreams. Haunts my thoughts. I can hear his voice saying pretty much anything with full clarity. And its so embarrassing because my boyfriend doesn't see the vision and appeal so he doesn't understand. But like god. Fuck billionaires and all that, obviously, but Michael Rosenbaum's Lex is. The apple of Eden for me. A temptation I fear I could not fight were he real and in front of me.
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heavenbarnes · 2 months
need our simon to come home from deployment IMMEDIATELY 🫶🏼 | p1 p2 p3 p4
your older bf!simon comes home from deployment at dinner time on a tuesday.
herb alpert on the kitchen radio, knife tearing through a bunch of parsley, garlic and onion simmering on the stove behind you.
simon can hear it- smell it through the mail flap.
smells like home.
your ears prick at the sound of the door swinging open, the hinges alerting you to a secondary presence. back tensing for just a moment before you hear steps you could pick out in a lineup.
he sees your fluffy slippers first, then your little shorts, then his t-shirt. finally, he’s met with wide eyes and the kitchen light hits the curve of your face so nicely.
simon could cry.
you already were.
“oh my god, si”
he doesn’t really want to touch you with his outside clothes, tactical gear smelling like the back of a cargo plane and you’re so soft and lovely he’s afraid he might mess it all up.
but there’s nothing stopping the way you leap at him across the kitchen and swing your entire self around him and he’s forgetting what he’s wearing and he’s wrapping his arms around you like he knows you won’t break.
his tongue is immediately in your mouth and he’s taking one gasping breath and filling his nose with the scent that’s overwhelming him.
simon realises right then that the house smells like dinner but you smell like home. you are home. he’s home.
when he finally lets you let him go you’re telling him to leave all his gear by the washer and you’ll sort it all out tomorrow but right now he needs to sit down so you can feed him.
he’s back in the kitchen with a sweatshirt and shorts on and he’s never found his own clothes so comfortable. maybe it’s because he can smell you on the fabric.
you’d only been cooking enough for one but at this point, you’re so happy to have him home that you’re plating up the whole thing for him as he sits at the dining table.
his chair scrapes back along the floor and he’s patting his thigh, simon eats his tea with you curled up in his lap telling him everything he’d missed.
apparently, old-mate next door broke up with his missus and it was quite the scene.
apparently, they finally finished the roadworks on the junction at the end of your street and there was no longer a blur of orange cones on the drive to work.
apparently, there was going to be a barbecue at the house down the street and the two of you were invited. you might make a salad to take with.
you could’ve been reading him the phonebook and simon would be a happy man. his hand was holding under your thigh and your face was in the crook of his neck.
he was home.
dishes done (together) and tea steaming on the coffee table in front of him, simon isn’t sure this couch has ever been this plush. he could melt into it, as long as it was just like this.
bare feet up on the ottoman and one arm wrapped around your side as your head lay against his chest. you could hear his heartbeat and he could hear the football you’d recorded for him whilst he was away.
deployment was fucking rough, seen and done things he didn’t even want to think about. but this is what he comes home to.
you who curls up in his lap and idly twirls the drawstring of his shorts round your finger.
you who offered up all of your food to him to fill the pit that’d been growing in his stomach over the weeks.
you who couldn’t give less of a fuck about the football on tv but watches in quiet contentment for the sake of being closer to him.
you who doesn’t ask once about what happened while he was away but will always listen without judgement if he needs to get something off his chest.
ideally, simon would like to give you the world in return. then again, he doesn’t think even that’d be enough.
instead, he takes you up to your shared bed and, miraculously, he doesn’t fall asleep as soon as his back touches the mattress.
he could, very easily, but instead he pulls you down on top of him and gets his lips back on yours. the kiss when he came through the door had been passionate but it’d been fleeting.
simon had kept it like that, knowing if he spent a second longer with your tongue on his then he’d have you over the kitchen bench and that wasn’t what he wanted.
really, he wanted this. the full weight of you on top of him and your hips rolling messily against his as his hands went up underneath your his shirt.
he wanted to run his fingertips along your bare back and feel skin so soft he almost couldn’t remember the things his hands had done just last week.
he wanted to map out every spot, every freckle, every ridge across your shoulders and commit it to memory so the next time he had to up and leave he could trace you like a constellation in the night sky.
truthfully, simon didn’t want to leave next time. he wanted to get the call from price and tell him that he was sorry but he couldn’t do it any longer. he now had something- someone to live for and he just couldn’t gamble odds like he used to.
he wasn’t entirely sure he’d still hold the sentiment on the other side of blowing a load so simon put those thoughts in the back of his head and decided he’d work them out on tomorrow morning’s run.
right now, simon felt the soft skin of the inside of your cheeks and your spit tastes like the nectar those gods harped on about and he’s pulling hard on your hips as he rolled something hard between them.
you were moaning, whimpering, whinging into his mouth while you ground yourself into the hard line of his cock. raging erection didn’t even cover it and his head was tipping back as a-
yawn, deep and all consuming broke from his throat.
simon was fucking knackered.
exactly what he didn’t want to happen was happening in front of him, you were sitting up and cooing at him so fucking sweetly.
“si, you’re exhausted- we’ll go to sleep”
strong grip around your waist was anchoring you to the spot so you couldn’t climb out of his lap like you were currently trying.
you could hear it in his voice, he couldn’t even lift his head off the pillow. you conceded, however, letting him rub soft little circles into your hips.
“jus’ gimme’ one and then we’ll sleep”
laying back down against his chest, you felt the air woosh out of him as you relaxed your body on his. face fitting into the crook of his neck like you were made for him (you were) with a hand running along his collarbone.
“we’ve got tomorrow”
you knew it was futile, he was already slipping your shorts to the side. head tilting just a little to press a kiss to the top of your head.
“and i need you tonight”
you felt one large hand lift you up as his other freed his cock out his shorts. just enough, just enough to get the job done because any extra effort was going to render him unconscious.
bringing a hand to his mouth, he spit in his palm quickly before rubbing it along the head of his cock. deep groan rumbled beneath you as you felt him pressing against your entrance.
“lift y’top up, sweet’art- wanna’ feel y’on me”
you did him one better, leaning up enough to slip the shirt over your head and onto the floor. forcing him to hold his arms up for just a second, you pulled his sweatshirt off and discarded it in the pile.
bare chest to chest, you could feel simon shudder beneath you. snaking one arm under his armpit and the other around his ribs, you snuggled in tight as you felt him slip right in.
that’s all he wanted.
weeks of photos, videos, imagination to go off of. this was all he ever wanted. you so close to him that it was entirely possible to imagine the two of you as one. that there was no version of reality without you together in it.
lazily rolling his hips up into you as you met him halfway, rolling yours back down to share half of the load. simon’s arms wrapped around your back, keeping you close and keeping you moving against him.
“sorry love, s’not gonna’ be a long one”
you could only respond with a whimper, gently nodding your head into his neck as your lips press soft little kisses into the skin. you didn’t need a long time, you just needed him.
unable to help yourself from noticing the couple new scratches he’d come home with, your fingers idly traced along them as he sucked in a breath at the feeling.
what you wouldn’t give to keep him home and keep him safe.
a thought for another day as you felt yourself constricting around his cock, grinding yourself into his lap as firm muscle rubbed against your front.
tiny little gasps flitted from your mouth and into his ear, you could feel his body tensing up beneath you. it wasn’t just with sheer tiredness, you knew this man like the back of your hand.
left hand coming out from under where you’d buried it behind his back, you ran the tips of your fingernails down simon’s chest. you stopped at his nipple, gently scraping along the peaked flesh until you heard him.
“need y’to cum right now f’me please”
slipping your other hand between the two of you, you let your fingers wander against yourself until you could feel the tide breaking in the pit of your stomach.
body clenching involuntarily, your mouth dropping open against his skin. no doubt drool pooling against his collarbone as you came with a pathetic whimper. hips bucking a little crazy in his lap as his hand ran the length of your back.
“god that’s it, sweet’art”
simon went rigid, gripping you tight like you might go somewhere as the dams broke and he filled you up. hot and sticky and dripping out of you and onto the waistband of his shorts.
he fell so still the only way you’d know he was still alive was the rise and fall of his chest beneath you. his arms were already starting to fall limp around you.
coming back from the bathroom, slipping off the rest of your clothes and adding them to the pile. simon wasn’t asleep, there were no snores, but he had been rendered totally immobile.
pulling the remainder of his clothes off for him and settling in beside, you pulled the sheets up over the both of you as his arm began drawing you in.
draped across him, you could feel his lips pressing against the crown of your head.
“m’gonna’ rock y’world in the morning”
you snorted a little laugh, nuzzling in closer as his breathing starts to even out. no use in replying, snorings about the only answer you’re going to get.
not that you’d mind.
he was home.
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lunargrapejuice · 9 months
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art by @/eriimyon on twitter
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amber-laughs · 11 months
men: i never cheated on you please believe me!
ned stark: i cheated on you please believe that! i cheated on you so hard look here’s proof of my adultery doesn’t he look just like me? that’s definitely my love child tell everyone you know
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tennant · 5 months
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Alan Ritchson as Jack Reacher REACHER - Season 2 (2023)
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frankehstein · 4 months
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CEMETERY MAN (1994) dir. Michele Soavi
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Vincent Price and Carol Ohmart
The House on Haunted Hill (1959) dir. William Castle
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nctsworld · 2 months
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