#i need kpop keith in my life
AU where Keith is in a popular K-Pop group with 5 other members and Shiro is one of their security guards. The two become really close friends and fans of the super group end up shipping them together only to find out a year or so later that they've been seeing each other on the down low
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yozzers · 3 years
vexos hcs and random notes
ill update as i go, because yes i do update my masterlists every once in awhile, i should probably add them to my pinned... 
I sincerely hope they have a small living arrangement so I can inflict them with the pain of having to share almost everything with each other
I just want Shadow and Lync to share a bunk
Like to think that alongside Volt, Mylene and Lync were also recruited by Hydron
None of them officially joined until they were a bit older but probably trained to eventually join the Vexos; in the mean time they probably worked for Hydron or something like that
Volt recruited at 11; Lync a year later and Mylene following not long after (respectively 13, 8, 12 when they’re all gathered)
My reasoning to why Volt is patient with Lync’s antics and Mylene less so but doesn’t lash out as badly as you think she would around annoying little kids; grew up tgt moment
Spectra probably forced his way into the Vexos like “hiiii i see you dont have any Vexos members <3″ bcs obv he wasn’t using royal scientist dad privelages (i think, bcs Clay seems horrified abt Spectra being a Vexos and well, being Spectra) 
Shadow had an advantage of being a nobleman (in terms of him being accepted into the Vexos’ ranks)
the Vexos and their set of rules magent-ed on the fridge door or something and every time they go over a page they have to staple/tape a new page on
Joined in this order, Volt, Spectra, Shadow, Mylene, Lync, Gus 
Vexos being a “chance of death low but the chance is still there” type of job... they feel like idols girl help they are bakugan idol group who work for the government 
sorry the way the vestal kids talk about them... going to treat the Vexos like a kpop group now
Spectra Phantom / Keith Fermin 
[canon] son of a (royal?) scientist. definitely had it good and comfy
think it’d be REALLY funny if he already knew Shadow before he became Spectra, Shadow just doesn’t recognize him bcs of his stupid get up
throws childhood friends Shadow Spectra at you, just two weirdos 
Keith specifically keeps Shadow from ever meeting his sister which is why neither of them really recognize each other
Pre-Spectra; probably would’ve been really into bakugan biology and what not. Feels like the kind of person to talk w/ his dad about “do you think we could change their appearance if we messed w/ their mechanical ball form or would it not carry over to their released forms”
this mf looks like a biology major i feel it in my guts 
mom isn’t dead she just divorced Clay bcs he didn’t know how to balance family and work, good for her
probably lives in another city now, and it’s a bit more of a hassle to meet with her kids so they don’t see her as much but she is present in their lives (keep in contact in other ways) 
probably went a bit silent when Keith went missing
didn’t bleach his eyebrows bcs he didn’t want to harm the skin around there and he never thought he’d take the mask off around others, or about how stupid he’d look without the mask
please please please please draw him with his pink hair roots in his MS fit he should've grown out some of his bleached hair by then
daddy issues is truly the root of evil
Gus Grav
Just Some Gut background; middle class just living life
[canon?] was going on a route to being an “idol brawler”, because that’s kind of what their brawls felt like, since it was all purely for show with some competition. it felt less like a sport and more spectacle.
Gus wanting to be an idol brawler is actually such a funny string of words put together I’m making that a thing, if he didn’t join the Vexos he would’ve been an idol brawler
I like the Gus needs glasses hc (shoutout to @marmeladebois ‘s post on that) 
The hc of him being half human and Runo’s half brother is so good 
Cooks well but refuses to help cook fr the Vexos (unless Spectra specifically asks) --> that job is usually left to Volt
not related but reminds me heavily of yugioh vrain’s Spectre (or other way around... Gus was the blueprint) 
Shadow Prove
[handbook canon] a vestal nobleman 
has an older brother (oc; Lux- casual Haos brawler)
inferiority complex or whatever, the only thing he bested his brother in was Bakugan
the Prove family being typical prim proper noble family and forcing Shadow to be repressed is something, but the Proves having the same kind of wavelength as Shadow but in different variations is funnier. They’re just Like That.
Probably not a military family, does work closely with the government still; um im thinking somewhere under the Fermins but not by much
Considered running away from home several times 
Unwillingly has knowledge on Vestal classic literature/ music
hard clutching a wall whenever he wants to join in on discussions about it bcs he knows this stuff but no way is he going to make himself look like a nerd + hes not actually that interested
*debates you for fun and bcs i hate u <3* 
You know how he doesn’t take his job as a Vexos member super seriously, I wonder:
did his parents force him to be a Vexos since he wasn’t interested in the political side of his family and probably against taking up anything related to it, so they had him do something that’d still be beneficial to the family?  
joined to pursue a freedom he didn’t have as a nobleman and is now just taking it really easy?
has clowns > jesters debate with volt; obv he’s team clown, volt is team jester
incredibly irrelevant but if he was a human he’d be chinese, i’ve claimed him, prodigal son older brother and fail son dynamic is there 
Mylene Ferrow
While I like the idea of her being from a military family, I want to make her like Ling Wen (TGCF) in the sense she started from the bottom and climbed to the top... it fits her ambitious nature of grasping for more, she hasn’t reached what she considers the top just yet... 
[very Ling Wen specific but Mylene being put in jail fr crimes unknown to me and being recruited  by Hydron bcs she kicked serious ass is an entertaining thought] 
I like to think she’s closest to Shadow due to the fact he kind of forces his presence onto her so... not her choice in that matter. “annoying” to “endearingly annoying, you still aren’t getting special treatment though”
Ofc Volt and Lync are on the same level, but I think they all know when to give each other space so they’re more of a “we hold each other at a distance, but we’re aware of out closeness which is enough for us”
Then its Spectra and then Gus in the “closest to Mylene” scale; she just straight up hates Gus and it’s mutual
whoever made the “Mylene and Spectra were exes” hc I think it’s really funny so I’m adding it here 
terrible fashion, she’s the one who chose the outfits when she and Shadow went to earth; her fashionable armor look she usually has was designed with Volt’s help, she just voiced what she generally wanted 
Her red lipstick look was bcs she thought it’d make her look more serious/ intimidating (Volt and Lync approved, it rlly does work on her)
Shadow matches w/ her (via his red nails) after they get teamed up tgt several times bcs he thinks they’re basically the go-to duo matchup whenever they’re assigned work n it’d be cool
Very forthcoming about the fact she used to be considered a criminal and was from same rundown area Volt and Lync come from
She’s grateful she got out of jail but she still has no respect for Hydron and despite how much she tries to hide it she does make it pretty clear to him she doesn’t really like him
I wish I had more to say about her... but It’s all relationship esque, i think in general she’s enjoyable and good so what I want more out of her is character dynamics
Lync Volan
[eng dub] he has grandparents; whether they’re still alive or not is...? 
was part of the same area Volt is from
probably aware of each other but didn’t really know each other
you sound like you have mommy issues 
came from the same area as Volt, but lived further out and closer to those areas where there were some bits of nature left 
ill expand on why he got picked up by Hydron another day lazy rn
Volt Luster
[canon] he’s from an area that just straight up looks like yugioh 5ds’ Satellite, and Hydron was the one who pulled him out of there  
He says Hydron pulled him out of there when he was a kid? I’d assume at youngest it’d be like Hydron (8) and Volt (11)
has a neat collection of handmade jester dolls 
lot more artistic than he seems 
Had his guardian bakugan with him the longest; had Brontes even before he met Hydron
Would the others consider him weird fr having a talking Bakugan that acted friendly with him n cracked jokes? 
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riskeith · 4 years
hi babe, hope you slept well.. ♥️
answering on the phone is just *takes screenshots* *opens tumblr app* *switch between screenshots and answering* do you also put on my messages on the laptop and answering with your phone usually, because that’s what i do lmao sjshdks. thank god for technology.
(I LOVE BEING CALLED BRO.. i believe that i would’ve been a dudebro in another life tbh..) there is? i’m not super immersed in the fandom actually so i had no idea, do you have any examples? ofc only if you wanna talk about it i know these topics can sometimes be annoying to think about. also you’re right! ‘don’t like don’t read’ is the law. follow it. i can’t believe how some people have the nerve to talk about what other people do creatively... yikes
you should if you ever find yourself not knowing what to read! i think their fics were some of my first in the fandom and they set the bar so high hehe. dude i love how oikawa just wants to see kageyama burn it’s so funny..... he’s so cocky about it while kageyama’s just his moody self. speaking of; one of my fave fics of yours is the swapping jerseys one!
WTF 😭 BABY POOLS AND POOL FLOATIES..... razor please come back to us please. sidenote but do you also think that his powers are 5 star level? hes soo powerful it’s so odd how he’s only 4 star haha... or maybe it’s just me being biased.
YEAH! THE SAVING SCENE IS SO AHHHHH. god especially if they have dialogue while person a is hurting and person b just spills all their feelings and becomes so erratic and scared and person a is like holy shit you love me.... and after everything is okay there’s still some awkwardness and tension and aaa.... 💢💔
OOO. sadly the ps5 is always out of stock it’s crazy how fast it sold out. but i mean it makes sense it’s arguably the most popular console so.. hopefully they restock soon. last of us is such a fun game! and the second part is ~gay~ which is always a plus. i’m not sure which memes you mean? tell me 👁 HAHA that makes sense actually omg... lumine and aether reunion won’t happen until like two years if the updates keep coming the way they are (STOP THAT WOULD ACTUALLY BE SO FUNNY.... like hello if you want to unlock the rest of the story you either gacha $pin for it or you imagine it yourself love ♥️😗) talking about this makes me wonder what the other worlds might look like....
your followers are just here to witness us planning our co-op date sjsjdkdjskz. speaking of,,, hehe. i have some fantastic news. i’m at ar level 11 right now and co-op unlocks at level 16... i might just reach that tomorrow (today for you) so i’m just saying hehehehehehehehehehehe.... 😏♥️
BOWL CUT. my cutie little baby. also mullet? sounds nice omg you will probably rock that look... 😳 i’m a non mullet supporter but if cluna has a mullet then call me a yeehaw mullet lover i suppose. can’t believe my wife is a cowboy. OMG YEAH IT MUST FEEL SO NICE your head went bzz bzz. how long did it take for them to accept it? and yeah god ikr some people take hair so seriously which is fair but also i’ve never understood it... like it grows out..? wow you really went from a ballet girl to punk rock style huh. i feel like you’re the both sides of the ‘she was a punk she did ballet’ meme.
memo fic is a jealous fic? mmm smells good. I FIGURED jshdjdkhsjs slow songs are just not your forte, huh? rip. langst is the best yet worst thing ever tbh. and YEAH I DO we’re truly 🤝 ok literally mood sometimes it’s just nice to talk about how much you love a character through another character in a fic yk? so what if this 2k fic contains 1k words about how beautiful oikawa looks? it’s what iwa feels <3 (YOU’RE LEARNING!!!!!!! THATS SO EXCITING!! i guess you just have to drive me around, huh?)
oh i’m in love i’m with that fic my girl. and i knew about that spoiler it’s kind of hard to miss it since it’s everywhere skdhdkdhdk... god, that sounds so good thank you for sharing it. pining iwaizumi hajime >>>>>>>> the air i need to exist 🥺 
THE DAY IS SO SOON CLUNA, it’s literally here soooo soon holy shit i just can’t wait. i played for almost 6 hours today in a row like an idiot and now i never wanna see hilichurls again in my life but hey, one step closer to my baby. prepare yourself.. 😏
AWWW i had a feeling you’d be a tea person. but omg tea effects your sleep? how late is too late for you to drink it? what’s your favorite flavors? 👁 and i’m addicted to both shdkdhsks. i say addicted bc i literally have 6 cups of tea per day easily and like.. 1 or 2 coffee cups per day. it’s really bad but i can’t stop so.. 🙇🏽‍♀️
COLLEGE BOYFIES CLUNA. COLLEGE BOYFIES WITH DIP DYE HAIR. imagine them doing each other’s make up and nails before going to concerts together. imagine xiao in euphoria kind of make up. holy shit. here’s something for your overwhelmed heart jsdhjshska. xiaoven soulmates girl, no doubt about it. THE EDIT THE EDIT THE EDIT!!!! they just look so beautiful. we need scenes with them like Asap. the edit is based on a fic... notes down.
can’t wait to see your screenshots. super excited!!
xo, m.a. (i almost wrote my name down in a haste shshskdjdk... although you’ll find it out soon...)
hiya!! i slept alright~ ahaha
:o that’s smart! but no i don’t LOL whether i’m on my phone or my laptop i just continuously scroll up and down fhdskjfkhsdf i think that’s why i come close to missing some paragraphs some times oops. yay for the ~wonders of technology~
(AIGHT NICE AHAHHA fhsdkjfsh does that mean you’re a bit of a tomboy?) actually coincidentally i came across this thread: https://twitter.com/maxatsuomi/status/1350145589296685057 which gives you an idea lmao (also some things on there i wasn’t even aware of wtf) EXACTLY??? it’s even worse when non content creators try to come for content creators like?????????/ um you’re getting all this food for FREE and yet?????? lmfao the nerve of some people
i def will!! FKJSHFDSKJ yeah that do be their dynamic lolol. and thank you!! i too think i snapped on that one 😩😩 glad others agree ahahah
i actually haven’t really seen him in combat... and when we could trial him i was too busy trying to pass the quests to focus on how he fought fhdkfhsdkfjshf but i do think his abilities are cool!! he have wolf above head 🥺
YEAHHH BOYEEEEEEEEEEE god that reminds me of a scene from a drarry fic (What We Pretend We Can't See wink wonk)
oh damn!! hope they restock soon for your sake~ yissss ive watched a playthrough and omg lev.... my Son. i don’t think i can find the memes again but it was just about the bugs like how if you throw a grenade on the highway everyone will run out of their cars like a flashmob or something hfskfhsdjfkds. (LMAOOOOO) there’s actually a trailer with the other worlds! https://youtu.be/TAlKhARUcoY (it has spoilers tho supposedly lol. none we understand rn at least)
hdsfkhjs. omg you absolute legend!!!! but i also hope that you’re taking care of yourself and prioritising the important things too fhsfhdksdhf. but i am excited hehehehehe
AHHAAHKFHDSKJFSD pls... once i saw someone with an actual proper mullet on the bus and i was like “ew... keith would look like this irl?” FJSDHKFSAHKDASHDFSDJFKJFDSHFKJS. but what can i say i got influenced by all the kpop bois 😔 and hmmm idk? i think my dad didn’t care too much but ik my mum did/does fhsfskfsdfhkf so who knows lollllllllllllllllllllllllllllll. IT REALLY DOES GROW OUT LMAO LIKE. fhkshkfsdkj my cousin called me a rockstar when she saw it LOL so you’re prob right 🤪
yeah slow songs really just. aren’t LMAO ‘behind this mask of mine’ was based on a slow bts song and i put it in the playlist i had for it (bc obviously) but i wanted to skip it every time hfksjdhfskjdfhskfdkfhkslfhadksfjsdjhfkashkfjsdh. EXACTLY!!!!!!!!!! you are so correct. (hehehe i was gonna say that too that you don’t need to drive bc it’ll take you around 😏 LMAO)
fhkdsj thank!! legit pining iwa.......... more like pining ME mayhaps i just be self projecting 🤪🤪
lolol dw i can fight the hilichurls for you 😩 also who’s your fave enemy to fight! i used to like fighting the treasure hoarders most but the hilichurls are cute.. FHSKJDHFSDFKJSD plus i need their fucking masks my god why are their drop rates so shit hfsdhjfks
i’m not too sure actually? i’ve never been up early enough to test it but i like drinking tea like after dinner... which is the problem AHAHA. hmm well i like matcha a lot LOL but also chai? and then like black tea.... all the other ones too... i used to drink some fruity ones which were nice but we have a lot of the like basic chinese ones at home too and i enjoy those as well lol. wbu?? omg.... m.a........... dfhksdfkjhfkjshfksjd that’s a lot!!!!!!! do you even need to drink water then HKDSJFHKSDFHDKDSHFJKSDH
omg............. ive never seen euphoria LOL but ............. omg ...................... i cannot process thoughts rn.....
xoxo!! c.r. (you mean bc we’ll be playing co-op? you don’t have to if you’re uncomfy fhdskjf my genshin name was literally ‘aether’ up until yesterday FHDFHSDKFSDFJSHFKSDF)
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byeolbitsky · 5 years
Calling for You
Tumblr media
Genre/Warnings:  Fanfiction, Random, Apocalypse, Zombies etc. Contains blood, Gore, Violence, Character Death, Cursing, Mature Content, maybeee rape? or mention of it.
Characters: Seventeen & OC’s, Kpop Idols.
"All this time, I thought I had you figured out and I knew who you finally are, you show me a different side of you that even the closest Person to you didn't know about."
It would have happened sooner or later but for it to happen this soon was a Surprise for everyone. No one, not even the Goverment or the Scientists would have predicted that. The Virus had spread, way too early and for it to be able to spread meant that someone had freed it from its convines and that meant that someone from the Corporation had stolen it before they could test the Virus out and make a Cure for it, if needed.
"What is going on?" "Why are People attacking People?" "What are you doing?! Stop!"
Panic, Blood, Violence, Screams, Fear and Gun Shots are the haunting sounds of day and night everyone will have to encounter from that day onwards.
25th of June
Everything went like every single day, at least until that moment.
The Idols were all scathered around in the Halls, some recording themselves for their fans, some of them taking pictures together and then there were some that interacted with their Fans through the windows, waving at them with smiles on their faces.
Today would be the last day for Seventeen's Promotion and their Stage was planned to happen a little bit later on.
They saw some Fan's walking in and out of the Broadcasting station and probably waiting for their turn to cheer for their Idols.
Just like any other day... it seems, until the TV's showed the news.
Chapter One - Start and Explanations
25th, June
"I have nothing to say...?" Jihoon waved his hands infront of his face, trying to avoid the Camera Seungkwan was holding but the younger boy was persistent in filming the small boy infront of him.
"Woozi doesn't seem to be in the mood today, so moving on... HOSHI!" The Camera swung around and landed on the boy's surprised face which was stuffed with food. The snacks he had in his hands immediately laid down on the table infront of him, and pushed aside only to be devoured by the giant sitting next to him.
"We just caught Hoshi pigging out on the snacks we brought." Jeonghan snickered behind the Camera, Hoshi pouting at the elder one's remark. "He is going to gain those chubby cheeks back again, if he continues that is." Seungcheol walked over to Hoshi and Mingyu, only to snatch a few of the snacks away from the giant's grabby hands.
"We only have like 20 Minutes until we have to go out for a Rehearsal." Wonwoo informed everyone as soon as he walked into their waiting area. "The girls are ready too!"
They were paired with a new girlgroup which had debuted just at the beginning of that year. Everyone called them the Monster Rookies already, eventhough they came from a smaller and not so well know Agency, they made their group name big with their talents and Visuals. Their CEO's thought that it would give both groups big benefits if they collaborated and stuck together in a CO-ED Group Project.
"Hey! The girls are waiting in the grand hall." The Manager told them and the Stylists ushered all of the Members out after fixing their appearance.
"I like this dark theme today. Makes me look sexier than usual." Mingyu giggled. Seungkwan turns around and gave him a judging look. "You look like a failed tan Ken doll which had been repainted over and over again to fit a Certain Image only to end up with black clothes so the other paint jobs wouldn't be revealed." A voice said from behind Seungkwan and he immediately recognised the soft and raspy voice from one of the girls, Jade.
"Noona!" Seungkwan tried to hug her but one of the older girls just pushes him aside and hugged her instead. "You just didn't push me away from her?!" Seungkwan pointed an accusing finger at his elder and the girl just stuck her tongue out at him.
"Ya'll are so childish." Jade said and pushed her member away from her, not too hard of course. "I am totally not in for affection today, sorry." Jade walked past everyone and into the grand hall where the rest of her members were waiting for them to come. "I don't have such a good feeling today." She glanced to look at Jeonghan who was casually swinging an arm over her shoulder. The boy turned to look at her with a concerned expression.
"Are you getting sick?" Mingyu who was behind the both of them grabbed her and put the back of his hand against her forehead and shook his head, signalling Jeonghan that she was fine, no fever whatsoever.
"No. I don't feel sick. I just feel unwell, my gut feeling is telling me that something is not right." Jade pushed the doors open, making everyone's head turn towards the entrance. "I feel the same." Wonwoo chimed in and both of them exchanged looks with each other. Jade and Wonwoo are known by fans and their members to have a kind of twin connection. When one was feeling unwell, the other would too. Sometimes they would even say the same thing out loud and their birthdays are close to each other, thus making them into 'twins from other parents'.
Anju, one of Jade's members run up to her with a concerned face expression, pulling the girl to the Center of the room by force.
"You told me you had a bad feeling the whole day right?" Jade nodded and stared at her, already knowing that something weird is going on right now. "We might have a Reason why, now. Look!" Anju told her and pointed towards the Screen's around the room which normally had ads or previous performances on Display. But as of right now, they showed yellow and red screens with the bold black and white letters written on them and a small screen cut-out showing them a woman clad in a suit, talking to the camera.
Everyone in the Room went silent as soon as a shrill sound came on. It was kind of annoying since it lasted for a long time but it did got the attention from them all.
"Attention. This is not a Test. Here by I have to tell all Citizens to stay in their Buildings. If you are outside and hearing this, find a Building to stay inside and barricade yourself up. No one is allowed to go outside as of now. The Goverment will send help once they have figured out a solution to this chaos. Stay inside, stay safe. " The Woman's screen disappeared and the TV Screen's showed the Scenery outside.
"What is going on outside?" Anju shook Jade by her Shoulders as if demanding an answer from her.
"I don't really know, yet." Is all Jade could answer before one of their managers grabbed her and pulled her with him towards a more secluded area. "What is it?"
"Your Teammates called. They said they're in the building with us already preparing everything for the worst. Jade, it's time to tell your members about your past life. This seems to be a serious case outside and they don't know if you would even make it back." He looked at her with the most serious yet concerned look on his face.
She sighed and slit outside the room, already knowing where her team was located at.
She sprinted up the few flights of stairs and pulled the door to the right of her open, revealing shocked faces of her teammates. "Leader!" One of the males, Leon, screamed in surprise. "You are already here?!"
Gunho, the second in command handed her the bag with her gear in it. "We missed you. We also have two new members now, after you left, we were assigned to babysit them." He joked and nodded towards two very young looking boys. The two of then were clad in more gear than the other's, showing that they were newbies in the team. Both of them bowed to her.
"Nice to meet you two. Listen to us and you won't get killed. Also don't let yourself get killed by trying to play the hero. You have three rules. Listen to us. Don't play the Hero game and Don't die." Jade walked into the bathroom which was connected to the waiting room they were in at and quickly changed out of her stage clothes and got rid of her makeup, apologizing to her stylists in her head for ruining their hard work.
"Lou-ming and Sara, you two get on the roof. Be ready to snipe at anything that looks suspicious." They saluted and made their way to the rooftop. "The two newbies. Dom and Keith, wasn't it?" The both of them nodded. "I want you all to evacuate everyone in this building, no information leaking, no expression showing. Just evacuate. Make sure they all are shut into their rooms. Give them instructions on how to handle this situation and that's it. When you're done, come downstairs to the grand hall. " Jade looked towards the remaining members. They all started to head down to the grand hall, earning them some weird looks on the way.
"Jade, where were you and what are you wearing?!" Jihyun, one of her members, the leader asked her. All eyes were on them. The halls had gone quiet again after their entrance, yet again.
"Attention! We are a Team send by the Goverment. We specialise in evacuating, educating and securing the people. So if you would kindly listen to us for a moment and have a seat right here, we would appreciate it." Gunho screamed at the top of his lungs and everyone complied.
Jade gently pushed her member down to the floor to sit right infront of her. She gave her a slight smile before standing inbetween her team mates.
They started to tell them about the situation and how they should stay inside until the coast was clear. "You need to understand that this is a serious and very dangerous situation we are in right now. If you don't listen to what we have instructed you to do so, you might be losing your life if you don't." Chase, the third in command told them and patted Jade on the back, already putting his in-ears in.
Jade sat down in the circle of her friends, her managers also joining in.
"I haven't told you guys about the things I have done before I became a Trainee, right? No, I haven't, at least not to all of you." She glanced to the manager she had talked to.
"I had been doing many jobs before, some very normal ones and some more unique. This is the last job I did. A Man named 'Carter Johnson' someone from the Goverment was scouting young talented people with skills that have been unpolished. They teached us random stuff like those they teach at school, University even. Only that you don't major just in one field but in all of them. They also teached you unusual stuff, martial arts, close and far-off combat, Survival in odd lands and Army knowledge. They were planning for this a long time ago, I guess, seeing that many had been scouted. We were called the Elite of the Special Forces. They wanted us to know, if a Biohazard happens, we should know what to do." She let out a big sigh after that.
"I was the Captain of this team. I had approximately twenty men and women in my team. After a mission which we had attended to, five of them died. We were being sold out to the enemie beforehand and the guy that had sold us out died with the incident. I blamed myself for my carelessness and quit there even with if I had to force it. Then I decided to follow my dreams and I became a Trainee. That's how I met all of you guys." She patted on of her Members thigh, already seeing the sad look in her eyes.
"Our Teachers and the People that have been working with us, they were reluctant to let her go. She was the best out of the best. She was what you called a Genius in all the fields they needed her to be. So letting her go was very hard for all of us but Jade being Jade, she was too stubborn to give into the pleas of us. So she left without ever looking back at us. You know, when she turns her back at you and walks away without looking back again, this means she is over with you." Chase a Teammate told them and gave them a slight yet sad smile.
"We really did like her as our Captain. She way a born Leader for this. She was strict when she needed to, yet sweet and caring when she was around us on our free time. She had always put others before herself and even if she was injured badly, she would still make sure that we were treated first. She makes the people she treasures her first priority." Jade took a glance at Chase, a frown appearing on her face, ready to speak but the buzzing sound of their Intercom interrupted their deep talking session.
"Captain J. Sky from Team A.X1 here. What is it?" Jade took the intercom and pressed it close to her ear. The earpiece she was wearing wasn't connected yet, she noted.
"Captain Sky, nice talking to you after such a long time. I have to tell you that your Area had been conterminated with the Virus and I need you to secure every Civilian in your Building, make sure everyone stays in a room off the ground floor and every entrance should be barricaded. You have permission to shoot anything that seems dangerous to you. Further instructions will follow. Stay safe." The lady on the other side ended the call.
Her Friends all looked at her with a concerned look on their faces, her frown had deepened throughout the conversation and this made them worry more.
"This seems like a joke to some of us but a Virus broke out and this Area we are in is conterminated." The girl watched them all exchange some looks of disbelief and utter terror before one of her members stood up in a panic and pointed at the Entrance of the Hall.
"What is wrong with the Guard?!"
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gotproudparents · 6 years
Now It’s Time to Say Good-bye
Thank you for making @gotproudparents so fun! Thank you for your interaction, positive vibes, and for getting my silly sense of humor. I still enjoy Got7 and a few other kpop groups, but I’m losing my interest these days. I am so happy to end this on a positive note, with much gratitude to the new friends I’ve made. I’ll still be lurking around Tumblr on my main blog @deaddowntothebed (nothing exciting goes on there) so feel free to reach out to me if you’d like!
So, let’s wrap this up. How does the family end up? What lies in store for Esther, Keith, and their five fame bound sons? Here goes...
Esther continued to live fabulously as the royal icon that she is. She holds second seat chairwoman of the country club, which gives her the power, that she so deserves, to banish Tish, Trish, and a few other harpies that needed to get the boot years ago! #TRIUMPHANT QUEEN! Also, she finally got her cats after Preston left for college--5 cats to be specific.
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Keith retired early because all he really wanted to do was go on island cruises with Esther, enjoy artisan cheeses, and get the damn peace and quiet he so dearly deserved! Once Sydney and Quincy finally moved out, it was way too quiet for him. Even though it was slightly heartbreaking, he was reminded of all the possibilities he had being in a house alone, uninterrupted, with Queen Honey Thighs!
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Phillip’s star to celebrity shot up high! He’s been in several Broadway shows and has done a few big screen adaptations of major plays. He lives abroad with his family of three, none of which turned out to be the offspring of snakes or trollops, which made Esther so very happy!
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Beau reached the spot of top male international model. His face and body has graced the cover of countless magazines--including Better Homes and Gardens (no one knows why or how!). His cutie searched finally came to an end when he fell for a supreme cutie while in Milan. They now have two sons, a daughter, and three horses.
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Did Preston ever succeed in world domination? Not exactly, but he does own his own software company and has created several apps that are utilized worldwide. Preston was featured in Forbes 500 and is one of the world’s top business moguls. He still doesn’t subscribe to the concept of marriage, but Gina has been his partner for years and they are quite happy together with their menagerie of dogs.
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Sydney said he would be a fashion mogul, so he became a fashion mogul! His fashions are unprecedented and celebrities clamor to get an original Sydney design. Our boy Sydney is known worldwide for his unique and brilliant pieces. He’s living his dream life of international jet-setter and rubbing elbows with top musicians, actors, and models.  He didn’t give up on his rap star wish...it just didn’t pan out like he wanted it to.
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Quincy married his high school sweetheart, Lauryn, and together they own several international dance schools. They both teach dance and choreograph routines for some very famous artists. He never got over his sweet tooth and enjoys his chocolate treats as much as he ever did, but now it’s in moderation and the only person stealing his triple fudge brownies is Lauryn--and he never complains.
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                                    That’s it, that’s all! I love you, fam!
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30 songs (but I really did a lot more than that)
Tagged by @ephemeralsolitude
Rules: answer all questions then tag 3 people you follow and 3 people that follow you that you want to get to know better
[And since i have way too much time on my hands, every song is linked]
1. A song you like with a color in the title?➡️ colors- halsey (does that count?), yellow- coldplay, blue ain’t your color- keith urban
2. A song you like with a number in the title?➡️ 140503 at Dawn- agust d, summer 127- nct 127, 26- paramore
3. A song that reminds you of summer?➡️shut up and dance- walk the moon, ride- twenty one pilots, despacito- luis fonsi, let me love you- dj snake and jb
4. A song that reminds you of someone you’d rather forget?➡️ghost- halsey, awake and alive- skillet
5. A song that needs to be played out loud?➡️ sign of the times- harry styles, radiate- before you exit, new heroes- ten
6. A song that makes you want to dance?➡️ crazy sexy cool- astro, playing with fire- blackpink (cuz I know the dances)
7. A song to drive to?➡️ castle on the hill- ed sheeran, hometown- twenty one pilots
8. A random song you first think of?➡️ for some reason, the first song that popped in my head was blue- leann rimes, which is so random cuz i can’t even remember the last time I heard it
9. A song that makes you happy?➡️ touch- nct 127, last night- the vamps
10. A song that makes you sad?➡️ awake- bts, deception- christiina grimmie
11. A song you never get tired of?➡️ get out while you can- james bay, this is gospel- panic! at the disco, dance forever- allstar weekend
12. A song from your past?➡️ mr. james dean- hilary duff, going under- evanescence, hips don’t lie- shakira
13. A song that’s sexy?➡️ dance dance- fall out boy (is that just me????), baby don’t like it- nct 127
14. A song you’d love to be played at your wedding?➡️ always- bon jovi, god bless the broken road- rascal flatts, 
15. A song you’re currently obsessed with?➡️ lights down low- max, in my blood- shawn mendes, jealousy- monsta x
16. A song you used to love but now hate?➡️ shape of you- ed sheeran, call me maybe- carly rae jepsen
17. A song you’d sing a duet with at karaoke?➡️ lucky- jason mraz and colbie calliat, meant to be- bebe rexha and florida georgia line
18. A song from the year you were born?➡️ bye bye bye- nsync, kryptonite- 3 doors down, oops! i did it again- brittney spears, beautiful day- u2
19. A song that makes you think about life?➡️ car radio- twenty one pilots, heavydirtysoul- twenty one pilots, raza humana- mario m el rockero
20. A song that has many meanings to you?➡️ stressed out- twenty one pilots, heaven in hiding- halsey, airplanes- bob ft hayley williams
21. A song you think everyone should listen to?➡️ i think everyone should listen to and watch a kpop video sometime in their life with an open mind because it really is an amazing genre
22. A song by a group you still wish was together?➡️ bumper cars- alex and sierra, love me love me- big time rush (don’t judge me)
23. A song that makes you want to fall in love?➡️ thinking out loud- ed sheeran, serendipity- bts, from the ground up- dan + shay
24. A song that breaks your heart?➡️ i won’t let you go- switchfoot, tonight I wanna cry- keith urban
25. A song with amazing vocals?➡️ lost in the dream- monsta x, praying- kesha
26. A song with amazing rap?➡️ the last- agust d, calm down- monsta x, cant hold us- macklemore and ryan lewis
27. A song that makes you smile?➡️ what can i do- day6, new rules- dua lipa, im yours- jason mraz
28. A song that makes you feel good about yourself?➡️ cover girl- big time rush (DO NOT JUDGE ME), model- before you exit
29. A song that you would dedicate to you and your best friend/mutual/someone close to you?➡️ long live- taylor swift, im there- hey violet
30. A song that reminds you of yourself?➡️ forget me now- against the current, last hope- paramore, whatever it takes- imagine dragons, magnifying glass- daphne jo
@crossfit-princess-sethie-boo @karadavers @squishablelii
@whitewolfswidow @iconic-wwe-fangirl @abandoned-as-mustard
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kpop-melody · 6 years
Fuck It #: 1, 4, 72 ^^ I try to be less curious this time
Be as curious as you want😊
1: 6 of the songs you listen to most?
According to my phone:
1 ) Lil xan - Betrayed
2) Keith Ape x Ski Mask The Slump God - Achoo
3) xxxtenatcion x Keith Ape x Rich Brian - Gospel
4) Rich Brian - Crisis
5) Machine Gun Kelly - Habits
6) “18” Kris Wu x Rich Brian x Trippie Redd x Joji x Baauer
My most listened to kpop song is Block B - Shall We Dance
4: What do you think about most?
The future I guess….I’m at a place in my life where I need to focus on myself, what I want in life and how I’m going to get it
72: You are at the doctor’s office and she has just informed you that you have approximately one month to live. a) Do you tell anyone/everyone you are going to die? b) What do you do with your remaining days? c) Would you be afraid?
I’ll tell everyone I’m close to for sure. I feel like I’d want some time to myself to do want I’ve always wanted to and to just go outside the box in some foreign country.
I don’t think I’d be afraid, I had an experience once where I had to save someone from drowning and they pushed me down, I wasn’t afraid at all, I was just content with it, to me it was just normal. The possibility of death rolled into my mind at the time and I was fine with it
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dazais-coat · 7 years
Favorite Fandoms
I’ve been waiting to do this for a very long time and now I can! Just for a disclaimer, I am not talking about the fandom community. Now the reason I’m not gonna talk about the fandom community for each of these because most of the time they're not really shown to be very good. I hope you enjoy my fangirling because I sure do!
Bungou Stray Dogs
By now it’s evident that I love this show. I am such a fan of supernatural anime that can blend comedy with action or make it so serious but also very light-hearted. I have learned that one of my favorite genres is shounen/seinen, Bungou Stray Dogs falls into this category and it was one of my first animes that fell into this category. I really love how the characters are based on real-life authors/poets and how their abilities are centered around a title of their book. I really love the storyline and the various character dynamics. One of my favorites is the relationship between Dazai and Atsushi, just the reason why Dazai took in Atsushi and how much he cares for him is the softest thing. All in all, this is a very good anime if you like action, mystery, and supernatural!
Favorite Character(s): Dazai Osamu and Oda Sakunosuke
Favorite Ship: Soukoku (Dazai x Chuuya)
My Rating: 8.5/10
This show is one that really inspired me in a way that’s semi-complicated. The writing is very well done and it clearly shows because of how well received it is. Now I must point out that some people call Voltron an anime when it really isn’t, it’s an American animation like Adventure Time and Steven Universe. I hate to be overly biased but I must say, the writing for this show is so well done and the plot has turns that are sometimes unpredictable. I can talk on and on about how good the writing is and why I love it but I’ll put it simply; this show has so many theories and the show writers give us so much information about the timeline and the series is barely halfway done! I just praise the writers I commend them for their hard work on this show.
Favorite Character(s): Matt Holt, Pidge Gunderson/Katie Holt, Keith Kogane.
Favorite: Ship(s): Klance (Keith x Lance), Shatt (Shiro x Matt)
My Rating: 9/10
This anime gives me so many fond memories and was one of my first animes. I started watching this anime a little after I started playing volleyball and it somewhat helped me understand the game better and why playing as a team is so important. I personally loved how the main team of the show really had so many trial and errors and you can see their growth throughout the story. What really made this show hit my heart is how the writers made you feel the emotions for all the teams and how you would catch yourself cheering for both sides and end up very conflicted of who you wanted to win. All in all this show was one that I’m glad was one of my first introductions to anime and how intense sports anime can get.
Favorite Character(s): Akaashi Keiji, Oikawa Tooru, Nishinoya Yuu.
Favorite Ship(s): Bokuaka (Bokuto x Akaashi), Kagehina (Kageyama x Hinata), Kuroken (Kuroo x Kenma)
My Rating: 8.5/10
So I just got into the group a few weeks ago and I love their music so much! I’ve never really got fully into an artist or band but recently my cup of tea has been kpop. Their music ranges, it can go from being very lit to soft tunes. I love how their songs have a lot of meaning and how much they love the ARMY because really our support clearly means so much to them. I somewhat knew about them back in 2015 but I was kinda too scared to try it out, but now I’m a huge stan and I do wish I listened to them sooner. I’m also such a big softie for just all of them; J-hope is just such an angel, Suga deserves so much love, Jin’s dad jokes make me laugh so hard, RM is so dorky sometimes, Jimin just needs to be protected, V is so cute and deserves hugs, and Jungkook is such an adorable baby! They deserve all the credit and recognition they get, I am just so proud that they’ve made it so far and I’m sure they’ll keep going farther.
Favorite(s): All of them
Favorite Ship(s): I’ll ship anything, to be honest
Would I Recommend?: Yes!
I grew up watching this show and I always loved watching it with my parents. This show started my obsession with crime documentaries and basically my love for solving mysteries. I always loved trying to figure out who the murder was before they would and it was always fun for me if I ever guessed right. I always loved how each episode was a new case and there was another underlying plot next to it. The dynamic set of characters and how they worked together gave me so much enjoyment. This show had its long run and when I saw that it was ending I was sad of course but I just was glad that I saw it grow and grew up with it.
Favorite Character: Angela Montenegro
Favorite Couple: Angela and Jack
My Rating: 8/10
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meihino · 7 years
. –– ⩓⩔⩓ TASK ⋮ mun report
Name/Nickname/Alias: Tally (it’s an alias; a variation of my real name, actually. no, it’s not tallulah.)
Timezone: GMT+4
Gender/Pronouns: cis female, she/her
Age: 21 (going on 22 on january 10th rip)
Personal Introduction:
i’m not good at introductions (who is, tho??) but uh . i’m a university student in my fourth year, studying graphic design. i’ve got two semesters to go, god when will it end?? i’ve been rping for ... say , six or seven years give or take ? and my english used to be so bad back then it’s embarrassing. but i think rping is one of the reasons i’ve became fluent in english. still not fluent enough. actually, learning english made me lowkey forget formal arabic (my first language) because no one uses it in daily life (we use dialects) and all my classes are in english, so im Fucked lmao. i do want to learn either japanese or korean just because they’re such beautiful languages, so hopefully sometime in the future
Who is your favorite Greek/Roman God/Goddess?: it’s a tie between hades and persephone. power couple am i right
If you had to meet any mythological God or being, who would you most like to meet?: persephone. she’s someone i always wanted to know more about, plus that she’s someone powerful but soft which is a fact that i like about her
Favorite movie(s) and TV-show(s)? i don’t really watch movies or shows, bc i just . can’t keep up. i do love detective conan, though. it’s a childhood anime as old as i am and i still haven’t managed to keep up with it :’) 
Favorite books?: pjo were the first series i got into and finished. after that, i got into harry potter (i was 19 and p late on the bandwagon smh)
Favorite music?: i like listening to rock bands, indie music and alternative. i also love me some kpop, recently more into bts and loona the most. i used to avoid jpop but i got into keyakizaka46 just a few months ago and i love them so much, my babies. basically, i prefer music with 1) good and unique sound, and 2) meaningful and deep lyrics that aren’t your typical cliche ones
Favorite color?(yes, ikr, important question): black or white :’) hoWever. everyone is convinced that i like green because almost everything i own in my room is green, but i actually don’t... like it. i just find it pleasing to the eye lmao i dont make sense
What are your hobbies and what you enjoy doing besides RP here?: as sad as it’s going to sound, i’m not sure. i do love spending time on photoshop, but it’s usually for school or rping. i find rping to be relaxing for me and a way to escape to another world if that makes sense. it became a big part of my daily life that i barely have any hobbies, which doesn’t sound healthy at all, i know
Random fun fact(s): anxiety tw! i used to be golden, straight A’s student in primary school and that put expectations of me for everyone that that slowly changed me into my lazy and slow self today. i get anxious when i’m not achieving something, but i also don’t care if i don’t. it’s a cycle and a mess and i keep having to deal with it with every class and every project, and every semester that i have to pass and not repeat
What is/are your character(s)?: mei hino of hades, penelope jeon of triton and keith nam of hecate
Which of your characters do you most identify with (if any)?: in this rp, i don’t think i identify much with any of my characters. they’re versions of people i somewhat want to be like. 
If you have multiple characters, which is the most fun to play? Which is the hardest to play?: i love playing mei the most, i don’t know why, actually. the hardest would be penelope. i’m so used to her interacting with other characters in 1x1, so she’s kind of different there. keith is somewhere in the middle. he’s fun to play but a little hard because he’s happy-go-lucky and a ray of sunshine who wants to protect but needs to be protected, and i’m still not used to that kind of character. 
How and why did you decide to join the RP?: i was bored one time and Needed to play mei somewhere? like i had So Much muse for her, it was crazy. so i was looking through the rp tags and was like ... u know what, i haven’t joined a pjo rp in more than a year. so i found the rp like that!
What other kind of RP do you do?: i used to be in other groups, but the past year hasn’t been kind to me, so i’ve either been kicked out for very very stupid and childish reasonings the admins had, or left because of injustice treatment and unfairness. so after that, my friend and i started our own little personal group for the two of us with all of our characters. we call it 1x1 when it’s technically not. it’s just two people rping together with all of their babies because we didn’t want to abandon them. if anyone wants to know more about my characters there, don’t hesitate to message me. they’re my babies and i cherish them so much!
PJO Universe
What books in Rick Riordan’s mythology series’ did you read (also including the short stories, encyclopedia-type books by Percy and the Egyptian and Norse stories?): i’ve read the pjo series and the heroes of olympus series. loved the first, hated how the second ended 🙄 i tried to read the red pyramid, but couldn’t get into it. i am planning on reading the newer series; magnus chase and the trials of apollo
What was your favorite (and why?): percy jackson and the last olympian. MAN THAT SHIT!!! it was so action packed and so fun to read. i personally think it was the best ending to a series. the blood of olympus in the second series can eat shit
Have you seen the PJO movies and what did you think of them?: we do not speak of those cursed ones
Who is your favorite canon character in the PJO mythology universe (and why?): percy jackson, of course. who doesn’t love our main bitch??? leo was a favorite too, he was funny and relatable and he was my favorite baby 
Where do you think you’d live, CHB or New Rome/Camp Jupiter?:  camp halfblood, probably.
If you were born a demigod, who would your parent be based on your personality and who would you want it to be (if it’s not the same)?: hades hades hades
What would ambrosia taste like for you?:  japanese cheese cake. yes.
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Kisses and Klance
Super sweet texting rp between Keith and Lance--Lance kissed Keith and Keith is confused. 
Stranger: Are we ever going to talk about what happened at the game last week? -K (Highschool AU)
You: I don't know. Are we? L
Stranger: Well you've basically avoided me since then so that's why I'm asking. -K
You: I've been avoiding YOU? YOU've been avoiding ME! That's what's been happening! You're avoiding me, Keithy boy. Avoid avoid avoid, that's what you do! L
Stranger: I try to make eye contact but you look away. I don't start conversayions okay? Im not..good at it. K
You: I can't help it that I'm not always staring at you when you look at me! It's not like I'm watching you until you look at me and then I look away or something. That'd be ridiculous. I'm a busy guy! L
Stranger: And at first yeah I avoided you, I thought you were out up yo some dare. K
You: Look, dude. Just tell me to fuck off, alright? L
You: Get it over with. L
Stranger: I wasn't going to. K
Stranger: I want to know why you did it. If it was a dare then yeah fuck right off. K
Stranger: But if it wasn't..K
You: Why the fuck would I listen to someone daring me to do anything? L That's stupid. We're not little kids. L
Stranger: You'd be surprised. K
You: So would you, apparently. L
You: You ran away, man. L
Stranger: I was scared! K
Stranger: No one has ever taken me under the bleachers, I've never been down there at all! K
You: Well, now you have. L
Stranger: Why'd you kiss me. K
You: [delayed] The short answer is that I wanted to. L
Stranger: And the long one? K
You: Fuck, dude, are you really going to make me do this? [delay] The long answer is that... God, okay. You were actually at the game! You showed up even though I know it's not your thing and I know that you were sitting there with Pidge waiting until it was over so you could go home but man, you brought a blanket and everything! And you coulda brought a book like Pidge did but you didn't. You just watched. And I heard you CHEERING! Your voice is so fucking ideal, dude. It's like... it's like... butter and honey, or something. I don't know. It's really nice. And I could hear you all the way from where I was and when I looked up you had a hand over your mouth like you hadn't meant to do that and it was so CUTE. You have no idea how long I've wanted to kiss, you, Keith, but you tipped the scale at the game because you were there and you showed up and you stayed and I couldn't help it. I couldn't help myself and I kissed you. And then you ran away and obviously didn't want to talk about it so I figured I would just hope that you would never acknowledge it and I could pretend I was never that big of an idiot and we'd all live happily ever after without actually talking about it. L Happy, now? L
Stranger: (Delay) Fuck. I'm really happy. K
You: Wait. What? L
Stranger: I came to the game because you seemed so excited about it, first game of your senior year in the first string and I wanted to see that. I..hste sports but I likr watching you. And yeah I got into it because I couldn't stop watching you and how excited and shit you prsctically glow when you did something good. I loved seeing thst in you. But when you kissed me I was scared because I saw some of your teammates laughing and I can't take that. I panicked and I ran and I was so mad I walked all the way back home beating myself up over it. So when Monday rolled around I couldn't face you. I felt awful. K
You: You liked it, then? L
Stranger: A lot. K
You: Oh. L That's good. Okay. Wow. L And... you would be okay if it happened again? L
Stranger: I have a policy against kissing boys who I'm not dating. K
You: Well, then I guess I should ask you out on a date. L
Stranger: You'd be boy number one. K
You: You've never dated before? L
Stranger: Or kissed anyone. K
You: Oh. L
You: I kinda fucked up, then, didn't I. L
Stranger: No! K
Stranger: It was nice..K
You: Are you sure? L Well, I still feel like I need to make it up to you. L Do you want to do something together? A date? An actual date, not just me dragging you under the bleachers. L
Stranger: I'd really Like that, yeah. K
You: Do you want to come over to my house tomorrow night? My mom's taking my sister to some hair thing, and my dad's out of town, so we'd get a few hours to ourselves. We could watch a movie? I know you're not really a huge people person. L
Stranger: Yeah. Yeah that sounds really good actually. I'll finish up homrwork late or something. K
Stranger: I've lived in foster care my whole life, I don't like being ariund many people at once it's overwhelming. K
You: Dude, tomorrow's Friday. Screw homework. L Well, my family won't bother us. L Hopefully. John has a bad habit of dropping by with the kids, but I can text him. L
Stranger: John? K
You: My older brother. He's got two kids, AND his wife is pregnant. She looks like she's going to pop. L
Stranger: Last time I lived with younger kids I wanted to tear my hair out half the time. K
Stranger: Loud and obnoxious. K
You: They are that. But they're also sweet, sometimes. I like being an uncle. L Ella's like you, though. She hates having to babysit. L You should meet her sometime, actually. You've both got that whole emo vibe thing going on. L
Stranger: Oh my god, Lance I'm not emo. K
You: Keith, you forgot to plug in your headphones two weeks ago and you were listening to My Chemical Romance. L
Stranger: I also listen to Nicki Manji and G Eazy what's your point? K
Stranger: And kpop. K
You: Oh, my god. L You're emo and in denial. L
Stranger: Stop no I'm not! K
You: It's okay. I think it's cute. ;) L
Stranger: Uh huh. What's next? My hair? K
You: Duh. L
Stranger: Rude. K
Stranger: I wear it in ponytails and stuff at home. K
You: Do you really? L That's amazing. L
Stranger: It's comfortable and keeps everything out of my face. Hunk gsve me hairpins too and I never wear them. K
You: You should! L Can I do your hair for you? L
Stranger: I'm assuming you do your susters a lot? K
You: Yeah, hers and Amara's. L I'm pretty good at it, if I do say so myself ;) L
Stranger: I'll bring all my hair stuff tomorrow then. K
You: !!!!! L Oh, man, this is gonna be great! L
Stranger: I'm actually really excited. K
You: Me, too. L
Stranger: My foster dad is a bit of a hardass. K
Stranger: Shit. I have to talk to Clark about letting me leave the house. K
You: He won't let you leave the house? L
Stranger: It depends sometimes. I wasn't sulposed to go to the game but I snuck out. K
You: Is there anything I could do? L
Stranger: Don't get involved. It'll be fine. K
Stranger: He's just an asshole. K
You: Okay... Be safe, Keith. L
Stranger: I'll be fine. Always am right? K
You: I guess. L
Stranger: Exactly. Don't worry. K
You: Okay... But promise me that you'll let me know if you can't do it? L
Stranger: What do you mean? K
You: If he says you can't go out. We can always plan for another time. I don't want you getting into any sort of fight or anything because of me. L
Stranger: It'll be my own choice if we fight really. K
You: I'm not worth a fight, man. L
Stranger: You are. K
You: Keith... Please. L
Stranger: Alright alright no fights. Im calling him right now. K
You: Thank you. L
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Giriboy, Mad Clown, Jooyoung - 0 (Young) (ft. No Mercy) j-hope - 1 VERSE B.A.P - 1004 Agust D - 140503 At Dawn One Direction - 18 Akdong Musician - 200% DEAN - 21 BTS - 21st Century Girl BTS - 24/7= Heaven BTS - 2nd Grade EXO - 3.6.5. Suga - 518 - 062 BTS - 95 Graduation BTS - A Typical Idol’s Christmas BTS - A Typical Trainee’s Christmas Miso - Ache 5mg - Adios Cigarettes After Sex - Affection Agust D - Agust D EXID - Ah Yeah VIXX - Alive Suga - All I Do Is Win Dalchong - Alone Infinite H - Alone Little Mix - Always Be Together Bang Yongguk - AM 4:44 BTS - Am I Wrong 10cm - Americano Heize - And July (ft. DEAN, DJ Friz) Red Velvet - Automatic BTS - Awake Rap Monster - Awakening EXO - Baby EXO - Baby Don’t Cry Infinite - Back Got7 - Back To Me Infinite - BAD Big Bang - Bae Bae Big Bang - BANG BANG BANG offonoff - bath Song Haye - Be Alright BTS - Beautiful EXO - Beautiful Amber - Beautiful Crush - Beautiful Jonghyun - Beautiful Lady BTS - Begin Zico - Bermuda Triangle (ft. DEAN, Crush) Park Jaehyung - Better Man Bevy Maco - Bad Dreams (ft. Summersoul) punchnello - Birthday EXO - Black Pearl ?? - Blow A Kiss, Fire Up The Heart offonoff - blu Queen - Bohemian Rhapsody Park Boyoung - Boiling Youth DEAN - Bonnie & Clyde Amber - Borders BTS - Born Singer Kehlani - Bright Infinite - BTD The Foundations - Build Me Up Buttercup BTS - Butterfly BTS - Butterfly (Prologue Mix) Baek Yerin - Bye Bye My Blue Rigid Goons - C.O.Y EXO - Call Me Baby Red Velvet - Campfire Bring Me The Horizon - Can You Feel My Heart Eels - Can’t Help Falling In Love Pentatonix - Can’t Sleep Love Miso - Castles VIXX - Chained Up Lovewave - Chamber Little Mix - Change Your Life PREP - Cheapest Flight Twice - Cheer Up BTS - Christmas Day EXO - Christmas Day Claude Debussy - Claire de Lune Mot. - Close Lovewave - Closer offonoff - Cloud BTS - Coffee Day6 - Colors B.A.P - Coma Zion.T - Comedian Little Mix - Competition Zion.T - Complex (ft. G-Dragon) Day6 - Congratulations BTS - Converse High Red Velvet - Cool World 10cm - Corona punchnello - Corona (ft. Crush) 4Minute - Crazy iamnot - Cut BTS - Cypher 4 BTS - Cypher Pt. 1 BTS - Cypher Pt. 2: Triptych BTS - Cypher Pt. 3: KILLER DEAN - D (Half Moon) (ft. GAEKO) PSY - DADDY BTS - Danger Red Velvet - Day 1 Kim Sunggyu - Daydream Tori Kelly - Dear No One Park Sihwan - Dessert Infinite - Diamond Suga - Diss Rap Monster - Do You Jinshil of Mad Soul Child - DODODO (ft. SparkH) Red Velvet - Don’t U Wait No More Sik-K - Don’t Play (ft. punchnello) Rheehab - Drama (ft. Teogold) Suzi & Baekhyun - Dream offonoff - Dreamgirl Rap Monster - Dreamin’ Kim Soohyun - Dreaming Cigarettes After Sex - Dreaming Of You Red Velvet - Dumb Dumb EXO - El Dorado UNIQ - EOEO BTS - Epilogue: Young Forever Hyorin X Jooyoung - Erase VIXX - Error Jhene Aiko - Eternal Sunshine Live, Sik-K, punchnello, Owen Ovadoz, Flowsik - Eung Freestyle Chen X Punch - Everytime Rheehab - Everywhere EXO - Exodus Soulights - Fall Paloalto - Fancy (ft. DEAN, Sway D) Rap Monster - Fantastic (ft. Mandy Ventrice) Infinite - Feel So Bad Hani - Fire Ed Sheeran - Firefly EXO - First Love Joe Hisaishi - First Love BTS - First Love Day6 - First Time Curtis Fuller - Five Spot After Dark Epik High - Fly Got7 - Fly PRE AK - Fly Jordan v.2 Infinite - Follow Me Troye Sivan - Fools Rap Monster & Jeongguk - Fools BTS - For You Day6 - Freely Akdong Musician - Galaxy Sik-K - GANG (ft. Mac Kidd) EXO - Girl x Friend Agust D - give it to me Akdong Musician - Give Love Jimin N J.Don - GOD Got7 - GOOD GD x Taeyang - Good Boy Eric Nam - Good For You 10cm - Good Night Ailee - Goodbye My Love BTS - Graduation Song punchnello - Green Horizon D&E (Super Junior) - Growing Pains Tove Lo - Habits Red Velvet - Happiness 4Minute - Hate Rosi Golans - Hazy Lilmoney - hcilu (ft. lym en) Demi Lovato - Heart Attack EXO - Heart Attack Willamette Stone - Heart Like Yours Ailee - Heaven Amber - Heights Adele - Hello CL - Hello Bitches Yeeun - Hello To Myself Alessia Cara - Here Sam Tsui - Here Without You Miso - Higher EXO - History Perfume Genius - Hood Miso  - Hooey Park Jimin - Hopeless Love EXID - Hot Pink BTS - House Of Cards (Full Length Edition) Red Velvet - Huff N Puff Day6 - Hunt EXO - Hurt Lasse Lindh - Hush VIXX - Hyde Taeyeon - I (ft. Verbal Jint) Rap Monster - I Believe Sik-K - I Call It Love 2NE1 - I Don’t Care Infinite - I Don’t Know rheehab - I Just Wanna Live BTS - I Like It Pt. 2 DEAN - I Love It (ft. Dok2) Akdong Musician - I Love You Soyu - I Miss You Eels - I Need Some Sleep BTS - I NEED U Miso - I still need Jessi - I Want To Be Me Jeon Jeongguk - I’m In Love Giriboy - I’m In Trouble, You’re A Medical, LO:OP DEAN - I’m Not Sorry (ft. Eric Bellinger) Red Velvet - Ice Cream Cake Blackbear - idfc Nickelback - If Everyone Cared BTS - If I Ruled The World Big Bang - If You Jeon Jeongguk - If You Fall Out Boy - Immortals Ailee - Insane BTS - Interlude Agust D - Interlude; Dream, Reality BTS - Interlude: Wings BTS - Interlude: What Are You Doing BTS - Intro Agust D - Intro; Dt sugA (ft. DJ Friz) BTS - Intro: 2 Cool 4 Skool (ft. DJ Friz) BTS - Intro: Boy Meets Evil BTS - Intro: Never Mind BTS - Intro: O!RUL8,2? BTS - Intro: Skool Luv Affair BTS - Intro: What Am I To You BTS - Intro: Most Beautiful Moment In Life Keith Ape - It G Ma (ft. JayAllDay, Loota, Okasian, Kohh) Eye Candy - Jaywalking Sik-K - Jealous (ft. Donutman) BTS - Jump Christina Grimme, Sam Tsui - Just A Dream India.Arie - Just Do You Hyuna - Just Follow (ft. Zico) Cigarettes After Sex - Keep On Loving You 10cm - Kingstar Kim Sunggyu - Kontrol EXO - Lady Luck Red Velvet - Lady’s Room Big Bang - Last Dance Demi Lovato - Let It Go BTS - Let Me Know EXO - Let Out The Beast TAEK - Liar BTS - Lie Rap Monster - Life Infinite - Light EXO - Lightsaber Rap Monster, Jeon Jeongguk - Like A Star punchnello - LIME Standing EGG - Little Star Big Bang - Loser BTS - Lost Ruth B - Lost Boy Jeon Jeongguk - Lost Stars Little Mix - Love Drunk BTS - Love Is Not Over (Full Length Edition) G.Soul - Love Me Again EXO - Love Me Right Amber - Love Run Justin Bieber - Love Yourself EXO - Lucky BTS - Ma City Cheeze - Madeleine Love Little Mix - Madhouse Little Mix - Make You Believe BTS - MAMA EXO - MAMA Infininte - Man In Love SHINee - Married To The Music Ryuichi Sakamoto - Merry Christmas, Mr. Lawrence offonoff - midnight offonoff - mind Got7 - Mine EXO - Miracles In December EXO - Monster Rap Monster - Monster offonoff - Moon, 12:04AM Got7 - Moonlight EXO - Moonlight IU - Morning Tears Little Mix - Move BTS - Mrs. Right EXO - My Answer EXO - My Lady EXO - My Turn To Cry BTS - N.O Heize - Never Far Away (unofficial) Crush - newyork(birdland) Got7 - Nice BTS - No More Dream A Sol - No Play Time Urban Zakapa - No Way Perfume Genius - Normal Song The Beatles - Norwegian Wood BTS - Not Today Little Mix - Nothing Feels Like You Jeon Jeongguk - Nothing Like Us Cigarettes After Sex - Nothing’s Gonna Hurt You Baby Infinite - Nothing’s Over ESBEE - Now And Forever punchnello - Null (Black) Red Velvet - Oh Boy Sister Act 2 - Oh Happy Day Green Shoe Studio - Oh Sweet Lorraine Seventeen - OMG EXO - On The Snow One Direction - Once In A Lifetime Kpop Collaboration - One Dream One Korea Red Velvet - One Of These Nights B.A.P - One Shot Miso - only u Twice - Like Ooh-Aah Lucia - Ophelia Lil Cats - Our Nights Adam Lambert - Outlaws Of Love BTS - Outro BTS - Outro: House Of Cards BTS - Outro: Love Is Not Over BTS - Outro: LUV IN SKOOL BTS - Outro: Propose BTS - Outro: Wings BTS - Outro: Does That Make Sense? One Direction - Over Again
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fyrapartnersearch · 5 years
♡ Omegaverse: Fandoms & Originals / KPOP Crave ♡
Greetings! As you can tell from the title I’ve been on a bit of an A/B/O verse kick, if you’re familiar with the general concept then great! We’re already half-way there!
About me: ✦ In my twenties, ideally asking only those 20+ contact me.  ✦ Feel free to call me MC.  ✦ Only looking to roleplay via email and maybe Gdocs. ✦ I’m fairly open to playing any sexuality or gender. ✦ My preference is typically m/f for my “main” pairing. ✦ I have no problem doubling to suit my partner’s own cravings. ✦ Hit me up with those AUs and cliches~! ♡ ♡ ♡ ✦ Able to write anywhere from 1-10+ paragraphs. ✦ Forget love triangles / cheating BS, let’s work on some healthy poly lovin’!
Extra: -I expect my partner to put in effort in detail, grammar and punctuation, ideally providing at LEAST 2 paragraphs for me to work with. Please, no text talk – unless you’re writing out actual text conversations. This includes messages inquiring about requests, otherwise I’ll likely be turned away from even responding, sorry. -I must add that I need a flexible partner, meaning someone who doesn’t demand a response every single day. I’m sorry, if that’s what you’re looking for then it’s unlikely we’re a good match. I have my own daily responsibilities, I try my best. Sometimes I can post multiple times a day, sometimes it’s only once a week. I try to let any and all partners know if I’m unable to reply after a week if you see nothing new from me. Just putting that out there so there’s no surprises. If you read my expectations of sorts, please let me know by a casual mention of the last song you listened to. Limits: -Rape / non-con. scenes – past tense experience or implied is fine -Beastiality  -Pedophilia  -Extreme torture 
✧ Miraculous Ladybug (Chat Noir x OC ; Male Ladybug x OC) ♡ 
✧ Noragami (Canon/original – check demon x human examples) ♡  
✧ Haikyuu!! (craving AUs ; ghoul & soulmate) ♡ 
✧ Boku no Hero Academia / My Hero Academia (Male Toga x OC ; Tomura x OC ; Dabi x OC ; Bakugo x OC ; Aizawa x OC craving AUs – soulmate, werewolf, merfolk, demon ect.) ♡ ♡ ♡ 
✧ Attack on Titan (Levi x OC) ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡
✧ Inuyasha (Koga x OC ; Inuyasha x OC) ♡ ♡
✧ Yu Yu Hakusho (Hiei x OC ; Yusuke x OC ; Yoko x OC ; Touya x OC)
✧ Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse
✧ The Flash (Savitar x OC ; Barry x OC) ♡
✧ Split - the movie (Kevin + personalities x OC ; AU & rough plot in mind)
✧ Riverdale (Sweet Pea x OC ; Jughead x OC)
✧ Voltron (Lotor x OC ; Matt x OC ; Keith x OC ; Lance x OC)
✧ Disney / Dreamworks (Craving Hiccup and/or Jack Frost x OC ; Humanoid Toothless x OC ; Tadashi or older Hiro x OC) ♡
✧ Studio Ghibli / Mamoru Hosoda films ♡
🌸AUs / Themes / Prompts🌸
♡ = craving
= preferred role
✦ A/B/O ; Omegaverse setting ♡ ♡ ♡
✦ Soulmates ♡ ♡ ♡
✦ Hybrid AU ♡ ♡ ♡
✦ Mafia / Gang (ex: He’s Dedicated to Roses) ♡ ♡ ♡ ✦"
Person A
owns a flower shop and person B comes storming in one day, slaps 20 bucks on the counter and says, “How do I passive-aggressively say fuck you in flower?” (Prompt can be used in various settings.) ♡ ♡ ♡
✦ Korean Drama / KPOP inspired (Craving BTS x OC ; Idol x Idol ; Idol x Fan ; Idol x Manager ; BTS with AU(s) – supernatural, soulmate, A/B/O, mafia/gang, college ect.) ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ 
✦ Ghouls (ex: Tokyo Ghoul) ♡ ♡
✦ Robotics / Androids (ex: animated movie Hal ; Absolute Boyfriend ; Chobits ; Detroit: Become Human)
✦ YouTube related (real or fictional) ♡ ♡ ♡
✦ Anime sports themes (ex: Haikyuu!! ; Yuri on Ice ; Free!)
✦ Werewolf / shapeshifter x
(ex: Shiver ; I’ve got the basics of a plot for this / could also be fandom AU based.)
✦ Mystic Messenger ♡
✦ Self aware / Fiction meets reality (ex: Dramaworld)
✦ Yandere / possessive characters ♡ ♡ ♡
✦ Slice of life
Archery club member
✦ Rebel x
Blind character
✦ “Pretty boy” / Rebel x
Chubby character
(ex: Pochamani manga ; Sierra Burgess is a loser movie)
✦ Demon / Dragon / Spirit x Human / Demon / Spirit (ex: Miss Kobayashi’s Dragon maid ; Inuyasha ; Noragami) ♡ ♡ Sample ;
✦ Rebel x
Anime nerd
(ex: couple in the manga Out of Control)
0 notes
riskeith · 4 years
hihi! <333
it didn’t stay for long but then it started snowing a lot again and this time it seems like it will stick.. dude crazy how different our climates are rn.. i can only imagine how warm it is rn in aus. no worries! there’s always a tomorrow after today :DDD my days has been nothing but stressing over school and exams, watching haikyuu, playing genshin and thinking about you (sry i have to flirt can’t help it 😜) wbu?
i do have her, i meant hypothetically ! also THE DILUC COMIC IS SO SPOT ON gosh that’s so funny shhdkdhdjdjdj that happened with my boy bennett he just... can’t light those torches... bouken da bouken... 3: gotta bring out amber for that task tbh.
traveller is such a op!! from what i gather people sleep on them because they’re free and there are “more” exciting characters but traveller is a five star!!! put some respect on their name 😤 to each their own, but yk. underrated baby.
YEAH PRO BENDERS!!!!!!! well.. they’re on opposite teams and something happens at an important match of theirs so they’re forced to link up to survive and well.. yeah 😌 i’ve written about 20k words and i’m not even half done with the story help... i really wanna finish it though... anyway yes i do write shdksjdksjdk at first i was too shy to bring it up but you know so much about me already might as well.. 😶 i’ve written for years but i only started posting seriously again after years of not doing it in 2020... i have a couple out actually !! shsjdjhdjdjd not a lot of klance but some bnha ! 🥺 maybe someday i’ll share... 🥺
this connects a bit with this ^ part above as well i suppose. it was incredibly freeing ! it was actually the best thing i’ve done to myself.. idk i realized that that life was just dragging me down so much... always being connected and knowing everything all the time drained me so much. then i just cut everything out and found myself??? this sounds so generic but it’s true jshsjjsisjfj if it’s something you’ve thought about i truly recommend it!!! it takes some time to get used to the silence but god when you do it’s so relaxing. it’s like... so fun hanging out with yourself. i got into so many shows and watched so much movies and stuff by myself and made my own memories and i treasure that so much. shdhdkdhkssj this got so deep..... freelance writing do be like that. you can’t force it you just gotta let it come to you. but looking at your posting list you’re super consistent and it’s always quality fics so don’t feel too bad!! here’s an outside view telling you that you’re doing super well... <333
COUPLES THAT FIGHT TOGETHER STAY TOGETHER. yea they fucking do. look at us being todobaku kinnies... dhsjdhkshsksjdhdkd LMAO. GOD SERIOUSLY AAAA??????? wait 😭😭 venti baby is coming home..... he is coming home!! 😭😭😭😭 i’ve thought about it seriously and i’d happily pay money to have him his fighting style is just soooo good... 🥺 imagine if we had xiao and venti that would be so sexy of us. manifesting it all day every day. you know i would happily give some financial support for your xiao pulls... if it comes down to it <333333 i haven’t read anything either i haven’t thought much about shipping while playing tbh shksdhksshdk maybe someday for fun tho.. also i had no idea!!!! i’m def gonna check it out, is it on their website?
if they announced a movie and it was a prequel... i’d be so upset. like... so fucking upset lmao. there are so many unresolved loose ends it would be so annoying... but truthfully i don’t think they’ll do it. voltron took to hard of a hit for them to pull a move like that lmao .
hmmmm it’s true that studio ghibli movies end too fast.. one moment you’re like... in this amazing beautiful world and the next there are end credits. haku is BESTEST boy. dragon king.... <3333 you’re going on a studio ghibli marathon??? how beautiful of you. <3
🥺 ik but i love asking.... you know that tumblr post where the dude talks about how he keeps calling his wife ‘my wife’ because it makes him happy to remember that they’re married? that’s literally me.. ANYWAY AAAAA ! a one shot multichap sounds soooooooooo good.... i’d love to read it pls i’d be so honored. it’s up to you though i’d accept Anything i too have my whole heart open..
btw i’ve never asked but always wondered: what kind of music do you listen to? <3
*bernie voice* i am once again asking for your forgiveness. i keep sending these long ass asks i rly need to chill... goodbye LMAO :*
(‘read more’ again bc my reply got long fhksjfjds)
hi bb!
oooo nice! did you get to play in the snow~ and yeah ahah it’s close to 30 degrees rn! it was pretty shit earlier in the week but it’s gonna get hotter again for a bit. does it get pretty hot in sweden in the summer? or are you guys too close to the north pole or something for that to happen
that sounds good!! (other than the horrible thing that is school...) ahah you’ve got my heart going doki doki now please 🤪💓. in all honesty it seems pretty balanced tho i do hope you’re taking breaks from study and all!! hmm today i got up super late again and then i tried to go for a walk (it was too hot so i came back) and then i was editing a fic! and now i’m gonna play genshin bc i think a new event started, then hopefully maybe finally start studying fhksjfd
ahh ! AHHAHA nooooo rip :( but omg i still can’t believe you have bennett.. like i know that i haven’t tried for this banner and maybe i would have him too if i did but 😩😩 he’s so cute!! WAIT on that topic guoba does that too i swear i have to like make so many calculations and figure out the optimal spot to place him so he won’t go breathing fire in the wrong direction XD
i 10000000% agree!!! like excuse me they can also control TWO elements???? who else could ever 😩 i watched a video about geo traveller too some time ago and that made me stop sleeping on them like damn they did some damage!
hehehe that sounds so intriguing 👀 20k!!! that’s more than i could ever omg... sending you strength!! you’ve got this 💪💪 icb you were too shy to bring it up pls im losing my mind over here 😭 but aw that’s really nice <3 maybe 2020 did some good after all.. !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! pls whenever you’re ready i’m here... or mayhaps would you be okay with just plain copying a snippet into an ask sometime i promise i won’t look it up and try find you 😩 but i wanna witness some of your magnificence !
(also scratch that genshin co-op date idea um... fic collab instead?! could you imagine 😌)
yeah ugh i totally get the being drained feeling.. it’s like it doesn’t bring you joy you know? and you’re just still there bc you’ve just always been there and it’s too late to leave. !!! that does sound really tempting.. but i think i’m a bit too attached to the people i’ve met (you being one of them hehe) to fully let go. but if in the future i just need to take a break i’ll def do it! i was hesitant about doing that last year but now that i’ve done it before surely I won’t hesitate before doing it again (tho i’ve noticed that whenever i try to leave/take a break some new thing happens or releases and i’m losing my mind and can’t go fskjfhsd)
tysm marriage anon i appreciate you sm 😭💞 but yeah it’s easy to get lost in it sometimes but then i’ll look back and see how much i’ve actually done throughout the year and it’s like?? wow i did actually do and achieve a lot? so perspective matters i guess ahah
FHKDSJFH okay but todobaku who’s who? i like writing from bakugou’s POV more which makes me think I can relate to him more (like i used to write from lance’s pov a lot! that, and just bc we both love keith a lot 🤪) but i do write from todoroki’s pov quite a bit too.. hm. 
and yes!!! honestly if venti is actually coming back i should invest in getting him too.. he can do so much !! the only issue i have is that i don’t really like bow users bc i’m shit at aiming hfkdsjfhjsd. waiting for the day we can live out our xiaoven dreams <333 FKJSHFKJSD and please don’t give me money for that fhsdkfjs!! spend it on yourself instead 😩😩 but also real talk i wasn’t gonna say this bc i’m uber paranoid that somehow someone will read it and hack into my account FKHSFKSJD but i have like... 12k primogems rn AHAHAH so i’m feeling good about getting him! ty for the offer tho but seriously, let that go to your own genshin funds first if anything fhksjfds get yourself a c6 venti. yeah honestly me not really shipping anyone is a big reason why i haven’t read anything either lolll. like the art is good and i’m fine but i’m not invested enough to read fics about it yet fdshfkjs. yup it is! in case you haven’t found it yet, here! (i saw that the prologue alone was 74 pages and yeeted out of there hfdsjf)
yeah i think dreamworks ended up kinda unhappy with it all FKJFHKDSHFS but honestly with how they ended the show i feel like in their minds all ends were tied so the only option would be for a prequel? idk. and also bc i feel like movies from shows tend to do that ahaha. or omg a spinoff with completely new characters and maybe we only get mentions or cameos of the old ones hfkdsjf
yesss i’m so excited to at least get through the most popular ones!! still haven’t started howl’s moving castle yet tho lol. can’t wait to finally understand when everyone talks about these movies 😩
no i don’t know that post?? but omg.. 💕💕 also is this an appropriate time to ask what your pronouns are/how you like to be referred to FHSDKFHSD i’ve been using non-gendered language as much as i could bc idk what you prefer! 
okay i might.. post a link to that doc in an ask sometime soon then or hm.... what if i continued working on it instead... many different options hfskjdfd
i mostly listen to kpop!! ahah in recent years i’ve really said fuck western media and fully immersed in the asian stuff.. but yeah my ults are bts but i really got into seventeen in 2020 and i love them so much... they’re all so funny btsvt collab when HFKSFJS. hbu?? 
*bernie voice* i am once again asking you to stop apologising >:( please these are genuinely the highlight of my day LOL i am always looking forward to your messages!! pls do not chill >:((((
yours, c.r. <3
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