#i need my skull bashed in with a hammer stat
incesthemes · 7 months
season 4 dean discovering that sam has been drinking demon blood and being jealous—jealous because he can't give his brother what he needs, because he has to sit back and watch sam drink from someone else, and that someone can never be him. season 4 dean displacing that jealousy onto sam, turning it into a resentment that builds into hatred because he can't admit even to himself that he wants to be the one sam is drinking from, that he wants his blood staining sam's lips. season 4 dean being so close to becoming a demon only to be remade into an angel, and he can feel the distance between himself and sam every time sam feeds his addiction and dean can't help him. season 4 dean hating himself and the angels who brought him back because hell made him a monster and he doesn't even have anything to show for it, nothing he can give back to sam for his efforts. season 4 dean fantasizing about returning to hell and going all in just so he can return to his sammy and press his bloody arm to his brother's lips and coax him to drink, to feel better, to be powerful, so he can become an inexorable part of sam, be closer, be wanted and needed and desired in the most intimate way someone can be.
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Idia and Ortho + 💐 (platonic, bouquet is like for ghost marriage!)
True brotherhood is when your bro threatens to blow up the whole school with a laser to save you 😤
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Heaving a loud groan, Idia collapsed into a seat. How fitting that the chair was made up to resemble a tombstone—after just narrowly dodging a magically binding wedding, he just about felt very much not alive. No amount of billowing white cloth, ghostly blue flowers, and decorative skulls (which he prayed weren’t authentic) could mask his clammy skin, his deathly pale complexion.
“I-In the end... ‘True love’ saves the day, huh?” His shoulders shuddered as he bit out a bitter laugh. “... You’ve got to be kidding me. Whoever came up with that corny line seriously needs to catch up to the times... M-More like ‘the power of senseless violence and bashing ghosts in with enchanted bouquets’ saves the day!”
Idia stared in disdain at the students surrounding him, each in some state of disarray from the battle, each lounging at a table and making casual conversation. They were battered and bruised, their suits torn in various places—yet they seemed to carefree, so happy.
Tch. Typical normies... Being able to smile so easily when their lives were just on the line not too long ago... H-How stupidly naive can you possibly be?
“E-Eeek!!” Idia leapt in his seat, almost toppling over from fright. When he looked, his hammering heart somewhat calmed at the sight of his little brother. “Ortho, don’t scare me like that...!”
“Oops, sorry! I wanted to show you something I found, but I guess I must have been a little too excited.” The robot grinned from beneath his visor. “Look, the ghost lady must have dropped this before she left.”
Ortho produced a bouquet of dusty blue roses wrapped in a swathe of grey ribbon. Most would have praised their beauty, but Idia instead recoiled, throwing both hands up as if to protect himself from a terrifying beast.
“G-Get that away from meee! I don’t want to see flowers again for a long, long time!”
“You don’t want it?” Ortho inclined his head, confused.
“N-Not after what happened today...! N-Not after seeing my whole life flash before my eyes...!”
“Eh? But isn’t it true that finding the bride’s bouquet will give you luck in love?”
“Th-That’s the LAST thing I want!”
Ortho blinked down curiously at his brother. “You don’t want love?”
“... Love i-isn’t for someone like me,” Idia managed to say. “B-Besides, investing skill points toward a luck stat that’s already in the negative... Y-You get why it’s meaningless, right?”
“If love is meaningless, then... Do you not love me?” Ortho’s eyes were wide and shiny, simulating tears. His irises were the color of a promise trapped in time. “Do you not care about me?”
“H-Huh?!” This time, Idia leapt onto his feet in shock. “What... D-Don’t be ridiculous. A-As your big brother... Of course I care about you. Y-You’re my very important family...”
“R-Really, really!” Idia attempted at cheer to reassure his sibling, despite cringing hard on the inside. G-Geez... I can never say no to Ortho...
“Hehe~ Nii-san said he loves me!” The robot boy giggled to himself, immediately perking up. He buried his face in the bouquet, framing his sharp, metallic profile with soft petals. “I love you too, Nii-san...!”
“Y-Yeah.” Idia gave a weary smile. “When we’ve got one another... Wh-Who needs some dumb old flowers?”
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megamanxfanfics · 6 years
S.V - Ep. 3: The Earth Crisis Begins
EXT. OUTER SPACE – The Affected Earth - DAY
From Outer Space, the Earth is quickly coated in the purple Sigma Virus, spreading from North America to Canada. Spreading down to South America and across to Africa and Europe.  Soon the entire world is draped in purple, smothered with Sigma’s Virus.  The Space Colony, Eurasia seems to be in bad shape as well, with a visible explosion at it’s main entrance.
ALIA: (o.s, filtered, interference) Th…s… Hunter…ase… This is Hunter Base. Do you read me? Are you all right? Any damage?
SIGNAS: (o.s, filtered) Are you all right? X! Zero! The entire Earth has been thrown into a panic because of the Sigma Virus. It’s dangerous to stay there. Report back to the Base!
ZERO: (o.s, filtered) Damn it! Sigma! You will pay for this!
X: (o.s, filtered) Even if we fight, what good will it do? A battle won’t solve the problem.
- cut to -
[Insert Title Card - The Earth Crisis Begins]
Caption: 3:30 PM
Tau, Venzo and Takuma arise from the wreckage. Venzo and Takuma look around worried, while Tau stares at his blade in awe with a purple, wicked glare in his eyes.
He holds up his large blade, which now bears a dark aura and displays a Sigma logo.
TAU: Whoa guys. Check out this power up!
VENZO: (gasping) Tau’s blade has been infected!!
Takuma shakes his head.
TAKUMA: Not just his blade. Tau, too!
Tau looks at them with an evil grin.
TAU: Sorry, guys. But I just realized that you’ve both been holding me back all this time.
VENZO: What the- No! Tau!!!
Tau swings his blade right into Venzo’s stomach without hesitation.
VENZO: Auu-uu-ughhh…
Venzo falls and twitches on the ground as blood quickly leaks out onto the floor.
Takuma takes out his T-Hammer and stares at Tau with an unforgiving face.
- pan to -
----------------------------------------------------------------- EXT. HEXAGON BAY – Waterfront Area – DAY -----------------------------------------------------------------
Recon Raccoon and his whole team of Special Ops look at the sky in fear.  What was once a simple celebration amongst their ranks had now become a confusing stir of panic.
FRENZY FOX: What the Hell is going on, guys?
TURIAN: It’s the Sigma Virus…  It’s… spreading everywhere.
RECON RACCOON: Holy shit. We gotta get out there, guys.  People need us.
BARYON: If I were you…  I’d worry about myself.
Without warning, Baryon blasts Recon Raccoon as hard as he can.
RECON RACCOON: HEY! What the Hell was that for??
FREEZE ALOPEX: He’s a Maverick!!!  Watch out.
SCORCHE: Shut up, Alopex!
He pulls out his flame whip and strikes her with it, hard.
FREEZE ALOPEX: Aaaaiiii!!!!
She gets knocked down, struck hard from the blast.
He stands by her and helps her up.
Tethlon looks at the group and nudges Blizzard and Blaze to help out, but they do not budge.  They simply look at him with evil eyes and shake their head.
BLAZE: Stay out of this, Teth.
BLIZZARD: This has been a long time and coming… Hasn’t it, sis?
She just nods and pounds her fist.
BLAZE: Let’s settle this, right now.  Who is the strongest…  You?  Or me…
TETHLON: GUYS, are you kidding me!!?  DON’T DO THIS! Hold it together, will ya??
Turian pats Tethlon on the shoulder and shakes his head.
TURIAN: It’s no use. The Maverick Virus isn’t something you can just snap out of.
TETHLON: …Zero, did.
TURIAN: That’s a mystery that still keeps me up at night. Come on!
- cut to –
----------------------------------------------------------------- EXT. HEXAGON CITY – Streets – DAY -----------------------------------------------------------------
Takuma and Tau clash blade against hammer, pretty evenly matched.
TAKUMA: Hrrrh. Huhh. Haaah!!!  Damn you, Tau. I thought you were BETTER than that!!!
He strikes Takuma hard at the side, which causes him to fall down.
TAU: (hurt) AGH. I am better than this. I’m better than ALL OF YOU!!!!
He raises his arms to plant a finishing blow on Tau.  As he does so, Tau thrusts his blade directly through Takuma’s chestplate.  Takuma’s hammer smashes through Tau’s skull and bashes his body in half, as Takuma feels the blade rupture his core.
His body erupts, onto Tau’s broken corpse.
Just a little farther away, X and Zero run over to witness this horrible massacre.
X: Oh my God!
ZERO: They killed each other!!!  Our Elite Shinobis are gone!
X looks at his partner, sad and annoyed.
X: We’re on our own…
- cut to –
----------------------------------------------------------------- INT. NEW MHHQ – Control Room – DAY -----------------------------------------------------------------
Signas looks at his screens, shocked to his core. His whole operation is falling apart. Just when things were starting to pick up again.
SIGNAS: I can’t believe this…  (v.o, thinking) Is Sigma really this powerful??
He turns to his dispatchers.
SIGNAS: Lucas, David.  Seal the doors to every room.  Hector, Kirk be ready to teleport all survivors on my command.
LUCAS & DAVID: Yes, sir!
Hector gasps and Kirk nods.
SIGNAS: I’m afraid we have no choice but to wait this out.  Some of us have been infected by the Maverick Virus, while the rest of us are forced to weed out the bad ones…
He looks at one of his screens and can see that Green Noir has been infected by the virus.
-pan to –
----------------------------------------------------------------- INT. NEW MHHQ – Break Room – DAY -----------------------------------------------------------------
GREEN NOIR: (manic, evil) Hahahahahah.
He holds out a blaster to a nervous Oliver and Sierra.
OLIVER: Commander, please… Put the gun down.
GREEN NOIR: I’m in Command here!  And you’re either with me, or against me!!!!
He shoots Oliver and Sierra down, which immediately sets off Rho, whose attention was on the quarreling pups.
RHO: God DAMN IT, Noir!  That’s enoooouuuugh!!!!
He fires a drill from his buster, which pierces right through Green Noir’s heart.
RHO: Hmph…
Having quickly settled their dispute, he turns back towards the pups and witnesses Snowflake get killed by her brother Snowball.
Frostbite growls at Snowball and immediately attacks him.  With a flurry of tackles, bites and ice blasts, Frostbite eventually gets the better of his brother and looks up at Rho with bloody lips.
RHO: Stop right there, Frostbite.  Are you friend or foe…?
Frostbite twitches and looks at him with a dogged glare.
FROSTBITE: Don’t test me, Rho…  I just watched the last of my family die.
Rho immediately drops his guard and crouches down.
RHO: Then it’s just us…  I’m sorry, kid.
He pats his chest, welcoming Frostbite to come in for a hug.
Frostbite grimaces and slowly walks over to Rho. The two share a mournful embrace.
- cut to-
----------------------------------------------------------------- EXT. HEXAGON BAY – Waterfront – DAY -----------------------------------------------------------------
Recon Raccoon struggles with Baryon, who powers up with a dark new aura.
RECON RACCOON: BARYON! What’s gotten into you!!???
??????????: I am not Baryon…  I am ANTI-BARYON!!!!
He unleashes a dark new wave of power, which completely overloads Recon Raccoon’s circuits.
RECON RACCOON: Gaaaaahhhh!!!!  Damn it…
He tosses a pack of plastique at the overpowered Maverick.
RECON RACCOON: This should do the trick, you fucking asshole!!!!!
ANTI-BARYON: What the-
The Plastique sticks to his chest.
RECON RACCOON: Hit it, boys!!!
Turian and Tethlon look alert and they immediately fire at him with their standard blasters.
The plastique erupts into a giant explosion which overtakes Anti-Baryon, Recon Raccoon, Turian and Tethlon completely.
From very nearby, Scorche and Frenzy Fox lock whips as the explosion erupts beside them. Fire and Electricity ignite as they take crack after crack at each other.
FRENZY FOX: What the Hell, Scorche!?  I thought we were friends.
SCORCHE: It’s not personal, man.  I just don’t like your sister.
FRENZY FOX: That’s no excuse to hurt her, you Maverick.
SCORCHE: I’m not a Maverick..!  I just don’t like any of you.  I never have.  And it’s about time I acted on it.
FRENZY FOX: (livid) …Screw this.
He unleashes his Frenzy Mode, which loads his entire body with a nova aura.
At a sonic speed, he dashes into Scorche and claws him with his burning sharp nails, right at the scar in Scorche’s armor.
SCORCHE: Aghh!!!
His torso separates.
FRENZY FOX: Singe and Scourge were cool.  But together, Scorche was an asshole.
Scorche furrows his brow at Frenzy Fox, helpless.
Frenzy Fox strikes Scorche with a final electric flash from his spark whip, which destroys his opponent.
He turns around to see that Blizzard and Blaze have cancelled each other out with their powers, and his sister is in bad shape.
FRENZY FOX: Is this really it???  …What’s become of us…?
He walks over to his sister, who hopelessly reaches out to him, in pain.
FRENZY FOX: Shh… It’s gonna be okay, sis.
He quickly com-links to HQ.
FRENZY FOX: Hunter Base, this is Frenzy!  We need Medical assistance. Stat!
- cut to-
----------------------------------------------------------------- INT. NEW MHHQ – Med Bay – DAY -----------------------------------------------------------------
PSI: (dark, evil) Suuuuure. Come right on down… We’d love to heeelp.
Nurse Cassandra stares at her boss, afraid as he towers over her, holding her down against a hospital bed.
CASSANDRA: Psi, no!  What are you doing!!??
PSI: Oh, come on, dear sweet Cassandra. You can feel it too, can’t you? That electricity in the air???
She shakes her head with the utmost concern.
CASSANDRA: Something’s come over you, sir. Please, let me look at it.
PSI: (creepy) Mmm, no. I have something else for you to look at.  Come here, dear…!
????: eeeeYAAAAH!!!!!
Completely blind-sided, a Lifesaver comes to Cassandra’s aid, punching Psi square in the head.
PSI: (annoyed, irate) Huurhh..  How dare you!!?
He powers up and grabs his cane.
LIFESAVER: I’ll protect you, Cassandra.
She nods, quietly as she attempts to get her bearings.
The Lifesaver covers Cassandra, but Psi is too quick for him in his newly powered state.
Psi bashes the Lifesaver in the neck, which takes him down. Then,he whacks her with his cane three times until she is on the ground again.
PSI: Damn you, Cassie!!  I’ve always had feelings for you, and I’ve kept them repressed until now.  But now none of that matters, don’t you see!?  The World has gone Mad and everything is going to end. So why stop now!?
She shakes her head, in pain. If she could make tears, she would.
CASSANDRA: (struggling) N-no. We can’t..We can save it! I-I..don’t Feel that way for you! I never have!!  Now leave me Alooooone!!!!!
She struggles with the idea that the world is ending, let alone the idea that her superior wants to take advantage of her. She digs her nails in his chest and /slaps him hard in the face.
PSI: (struck) /Aaaah!!! If I can’t have you, no one wiiilll!!!!!
He deals a finishing blow with his cane, which causes her to power down completely.
At that moment, the Lifesaver is back up. He puts Psi in a full-nelson lock from behind and slams him down to the ground.
LIFESAVER: Damn it, Doctor!!!  You’re done!!
He/smashes him in the face with his/fists as he talks.
LIFESAVER: As /new /Head /Medic, I /hereby /relieve you of /duty!
He completely smashes his face into oblivion, as the soul that once was Psi,forever dies.
SIGNAS: (o.s) Good Lord. That’s it.
- cut to –
----------------------------------------------------------------- INT. NEW MHHQ – Control Room – DAY -----------------------------------------------------------------
Caption: 4:00 PM
Signas turns to his command staff with a defeated look on his face.
SIGNAS: Unlock the doors. Send all the survivors, here.
Without a sound, Lucas, David, Hector and Kirk remorsefully comply.
In an instant X, Zero, Frenzy Fox, Freeze Alopex, Rho, Frostbite, Douglas, Alia and the Lifesaver are teleported to the room.They all look at each other with grief-stricken faces.  Frenzy holds his sister up who has been badly wounded.  Zero appears to have self-repaired as he still favors his arm, folding it tightly behind his good arm.
Their Base Commander lets out a deep sigh and begins to brief them.
SIGNAS: (regretful) I can’t believe what just happened.
RHO: Sir, what’s going on???
He pulls up a map of the World, which shows that the Virus has now scattered to South America and the other continents.  Zero, X, Alia and Douglas step forward to view this information at their Commander’s side.
SIGNAS: The situation is far worse than expected. Sigma’s explosion has spread the Virus all over the Earth. It’s affecting both people and Reploids.  
Video images are pulled up of the Police Forces amidst Newport, Salem and all of Hexagon.Various Officers are struggling to move and breathe as their armored suits become self-aware and seem to mechanize them in a horrific way.
X: (gasping) This is horrible…
SIGNAS: What’s worse, the Space Colony, Eurasia, is heading straight toward us.
He pulls up a satellite image of Eurasia, which has been mysteriously damaged from the inside. With an explosion at it’s main doors, the colony appears to be off balance, not in it’s usual point of orbit.
SIGNAS: At this rate, it’s going to crash into the Earth… in 16 hours.
The whole group looks shocked and afraid.
SIGNAS: Everything… Including Reploids and the entire human race, will be…… annihilated…
Freeze Alopex passes out in Frenzy Fox’s arms.
LIFESAVER: She’s hurt. I’d better look after her.
FRENZY FOX: Good idea.
They both walk for the door.
Rho and Frostbite look at their cohorts, then back to the awful report.
ALIA: We have no choice… For the sake of the world, we must destroy the Colony!
Rho and Frostbite look at the door again.
RHO: Hey, wait for me!
Rho runs after them and Frostbite quickly follows.
On Signas’ Monitor, an image of a large cannon is pulled up.
ALIA: …But the only weapon we have in the Hunter Base that still works is……the Enigma… And it’s very old.  
X: (surprised) You call 3 years, old???
She raises two fingers and turns to him.
ALIA: (snobby, matter-of-fact) It takes 2 years for technology to become obsolete.
X: What do you call me, then?
ALIA: …An ancient anomaly.
ZERO: (bothered) Can we get back to it?
ALIA: Certainly. We also have a Space Shuttle, but it’s been affected by the Virus, and the Auto-Pilot function doesn’t work…  
ZERO: Damn it!
ALIA: So we need someone to fly it to the Colony and let it collide…  It’s almost certain death, but we have no other choice.
Zero nods with a firm look in his eyes. X is concerned by this.
SIGNAS: How’s the condition of the Enigma?
Douglas uploads his data onto the Halogen Monitor, as this is his department.
DOUGLAS: Far from perfect…  In order to use the Enigma, we need to build it up with some devices. The Enigma doesn’t work as is.
SIGNAS: Under the influence of the Sigma Virus, a lot of Maverick Hunters have become Mavericks, and only a few Hunters remain normal. Let’s join forces with the rest of our brothers and complete the Enigma!
He walks around the monitor and puts a comforting hand on Hector’s shoulder.
Hector looks up at his Commander with a brief smile and then focuses back on his monitor as he pulls up information for the team.
SIGNAS: We only have 16 hours left before the collision! We have to upgrade the Enigma before then.  There are 4 Reploids that have the devices required to enhance the Enigma.  Hector?
Hector nods and pulls up a familiar mugshot of a gruff bear with a scar over his right eye. It is displayed at the top of the Halogen screen for all to see
SIGNAS: Grizzly Slash – a weapons broker.  He has a Crystal Ball.
ZERO: Hmph… I remember him.
A mugshot of Tidal Whale from the Repliforce is pulled up.
SIGNAS: Duff McWhalen – he lives in the ocean.  We will have access to Hydrogen if we can secure the ocean.
X nods, feeling hopeful for a moment. Then, an image of Volt Kraken is displayed on the screen, which causes him to actually quiver.
SIGNAS: Squid Adler – an Ex-Maverick Hunter.  He has an Energy Cart.
Finally, an unfamiliar image of a Firefly with a distinguished moustache is displayed.
SIGNAS: And this is Izzy Glow – a Doctor of Engineering.  He has a Laser Device that would benefit the cannon entirely.
SIGNAS: There are 4 other potential Mavericks from our list of Suspicious Reploids, but right now, these 4 are Priority! They are the only ones who have the devices to upgrade the Enigma.
They both nod in understanding.
The other 4 are displayed on the other side of the screen.  The only two recognizable suspects are Spiral Pegasus and Burn Dino-Rex of the Repliforce.  There is also a Rose-based Reploid and a Humanoid Bat that they have never seen before.
SIGNAS: X, Zero…  You are the only Maverick Hunters that can match these Reploids,should they fail to cooperate. Split up so you can gather the devices!
X & ZERO: Yes sir!!
X turns to his partner with a curious look.
X: Where are you gonna go?
ZERO: I think I’ll pay good old Grizzle a visit…  We have an old grudge to settle.
X: (smiling) Don’t have too much fun with this.
ZERO: (smiling) Hm.
He lets out a light chuckle as he chooses his mission.
X: Alright.  In that case, I’ll visit McWhalen.  He’s closest in vicinity and is probably the most willing to cooperate.
SIGNAS: (hopeful, proud) Good luck, men!  Remember that you can always check back on the devices you have acquired here on our Main Computer.  Douglas is quite the handyman and he might be able to equip power-up parts out of any materials you recover from your missions. Prepare your equipment and fulfill your mission!
ZERO: I don’t need any power ups…
DOUGLAS: You sure about that?  Your arm looks pretty banged up.
Zero smirks and walks over to Douglas.
ZERO: Hmph…  you think you’d be able to fix my Z-Buster?
He admittedly shows Douglas his defunct buster.
Douglas takes a good look at his arm, and inspects it carefully.  The cracks within his buster are corroded and completely rusted out.
DOUGLAS: Hm…  Maybe if we build it up with some new parts, but right now, I’m just not sure. Sorry, man.
ZERO: Figures… Thanks anyway.
He turns away and looks at David.
ZERO: Alright, I’m ready.  Send me to Grizzly Slash.
David nods and punches in the coordinates.  Within seconds, Zero’s body teleports away.
- cut to-
EXT. KHETA XETA – Russian Truck Route –NIGHT
Caption: 2:15 AM – Russian Time
10 hours ahead of Hexagon time, it is well into the dead of night as Zero descends upon the back of an open trailer of a large armored truck. It is hitched to a series of other trailers by an array of light beams, but something isn’t right.  This truck seems more weaponized than it should; even for a Weapons Dealer. Zero must shut this operation down before reaching his target.
ZERO: (muttering) Grizzly Slash, what have you been up to…
ALIA: (o.s, filtered) Destroy the Maverick trucks! Then you'll be able to reach the security warehouse.
ZERO: You mean, his whole truck went Maverick???
ALIA: (o.s, filtered) Looks like it!
ZERO: (nodding) Right!
He dashes and jumps to the next trailer, where he climbs over to see a wheel-based rollin’ gear mechaniloid hop around.  Zero drops down to impale it with his Z-Saber. Then he moves on to the next trailer with another dash-jump.  Once there, two spikys bounce in his path, as a laser is shot at him from the truck itself.
Zero’s eyes widen, as he destroys the spikys and narrowly dodges the laser with a side-dash.  Then, he rushes over to destroy the laser gun, only to find that missiles have fired upon him, also from the truck.
ZERO: Jeez! What is with this thing??
ALIA: (o.s, filtered) Sigma’s virus is awful…  I can’t believe what it’s done to everyone and everything on Earth, living and non-living alike.
Zero jumps to the front of the truck as more missiles fire upon him. He quickly dashes to the front of the vehicle, where he can see a giant blue mechanical core, which almost resembles that of an eye.
ALIA: (o.s, filtered) The blue core you can see below you is the weak point. If you destroy it, the truck will begin to explode. But you'd better jump to the next truck before this one blows! Then, head to the end of the line.
ZERO: Right!
He carefully drops down to the front of the truck, where he rests his feet on the front bumper and proceeds to slash away at the core. The eye quickly retaliates with a large laser blast of energy.
ZERO: (hurt) Augh!!
He crouches and carefully slashes up at the core until he destroys it.  Just as Alia said, the whole truck explodes before Zero.  He turns around and jumps on to the next truck along the route, where a Mad Taxi is waiting for him.  
ZERO: Hmph…
This mad taxi unleashes missiles upon Zero as well as it’s unrelenting buzz saw arms.
Zero fearlessly runs into the missiles and slashes them, while attempting to dodge the buzz saw arms.  He bats them away and slashes the main cab of the tank with a swift three-hit combo.
Upon exploding, Zero can see the cannons of the truck fire lasers and missiles upon him again.
ZERO: Damn, this is gonna be a long night.
-cut to-
INT. PACIFIC OCEAN – Surface Caves – DAY
Caption: 4:20 PM – Hexagon Time
X teleports down to the surface of the Pacific Ocean near Hexagon Bay with hopes that he can find Duff McWhalen and convince him to allow them to siphon the ocean’s hydrogen into their Enigma Cannon.
He intakes a lot of water as he inhales deeply and exhales slowly, trying to keep his thoughts together. Then, suddenly a giant submarine creeps behind him, which catches X off guard.
X: Huh??
He runs away from the Sub-marine, unsure if it is friend or foe, as Alia com-links in to his ear-piece.
ALIA: Wow! It looks like the giant ship "U-555" is coming right at you! I don't believe it. It belonged to a marine museum. What an incredible influence the Sigma Virus has!
X turns around and notices that the U-555 appears to have developed a mouth with sharp teeth and four scaly cannons from the Sigma virus.
X: ...it's horrible
ALIA: I know, but so be it... To secure the sea, we have no choice but to fight against the U-555. Be careful not to get stuck on the complicated terrain.
X: (sarcastic) Great…
X clenches a fist and calls upon the power of the Force Armor.  With a flash of light his white gloves turn blue, and his blue armor transforms into a shiny white armor with blue, red and gold designs amidst his arms, chest, legs and helmet.
X: Okay… Let’s go.
He continues to run away from the machinated Submarine, which proceeds to shoot lasers at X from it’s scales and four dejira mechinolids from it’s mouth.
X: Hmph!
He charges up and destroys the four dejiras with one plasma shot. The residual plasma takes care of the rest, while the U-555 inches closer.
X notices that the plasma residue affects the top and bottom of the U-555 before they dissipate, so he charges up once again.
X: Take this!
He fires a plasma shot at the bottom jaw of the submarine, which overtakes the scaly cannons completely.
X: Alright!!
The top scales fire at X, while the bottom two re-generate, almost holographic.
X: What the-? Oh no!
X proceeds to dash further away, along the winding terrain. He charges up again once he reaches the bottom of a short tunnel.  Then he turns around and fires at the bottom lip of the U-555 once again. This time the plasma shot fully corrodes the scales to the point where two holes are blown off the ship completely.  Clearly showing signs of damage, the bottom scale cannons will not regenerate again.
X gasps.
ALIA: (o.s, filtered) Nice shot, X! Keep it up.
X smiles and charges up once again as he dashes away from the U-555   It spits out more dejiras, which chase after X.  He blasts them down, then finds himself at a short wall, which he must climb.
Upon climbing the wall, he finds himself at the perfect vantage point to blast away the top scales, which he does so with another Charge Shot.
Affected, but not fully destroyed, the scales regenerate, while X jumps away and moves on to higher terrain.  He has to contend with narrow corners, but he gets even higher than before, which is perfect.  He charges up once again and turns around.  With a confident blast from his X-Buster, he destroys the top of the U-555 at last.  Now the scaly cannons are completely destroyed, however the U-555 continues to pursue him.
X: (surprised) Damn, this thing won’t let up.
-cut to-
----------------------------------------------------------------- EXT. KHETA XETA – Russian Truck Route – NIGHT -----------------------------------------------------------------
Zero jumps from an exploding truck and air-dashes onto an extra large trailer from the truck. This one provides rigging, which holds up a ceiling to the construct, which makes Zero suspicious.
ZERO: What the Hell is he doing; transporting a lair??
ALIA: (o.s, filtered) I don’t know, but you have to stop him soon!
ZERO: Agreed.
He runs and takes a ladder down, inside the trailer. He destroys a rollin’ gear, then kick-jumps up to the next part of the trailer where a hover gunner and mad taxi await him.
ZERO: Hmph. I’ve had just about enough of these guys.
He destroys the mad taxi as the hover gunner fires at him. Zero ignores it and moves on to the next trailer.  After climbing a ladder, he notices a rope amidst the rigging above a set of spikes, which forces him to use his wire hook.
ZERO: Damn him.
Zero uses the wirehook and gets shot at from behind from the hover gunner he ignored, as well as a new one ahead of him.
ZERO: Agh. Damn it!!
He swats at both of them with his saber and moves on once they’re destroyed.  Making it to the other side of the rope, he is able to dash-jump over to the end of the trailer, which is more ordinary once again.  The front-end of the truck still fires lasers and missiles at him, however as a rollin’ gear mechaniloid turns around.
With a persistent glare, Zero dashes over to the rollin’ gear and destroys it with a few slashes.  Then, he takes out the laser cannon once again. Missiles rain down upon him, which affect him, but he perseveres to the front of the truck again and destroys the core.
-cut to-
----------------------------------------------------------------- INT. PACIFIC OCEAN – Surface Caverns – DAY -----------------------------------------------------------------
X continues to run away from the giant U-555 ship as it peaks out a large cannon from it’s mouth.
X: Huh?
ALIA: (o.s, filtered) Look out!
The U-555 fires a long orange blast of power, which threatens to take X out, but he thinks fast and jumps towards a hanging rock from the ceiling. He does his best to kick-jump against the rock and stay afloat until the power beam lets up.  Once it does, X drops to the ground and dashes away from it again.
The U-555 blasts X again as he air-dashes over some spiky terrain and again evades the blast by remaining afloat near the ceiling with the aid of his thrusters. Once he finds the clearing, he moves on to the end of the cavern.  The U-555 has him cornered now.
X: This is it. There’s only one thing left to do, now.
He opens up his X-Buster and charges up.
The U-555 comes after him with another heavy blast.
X crouches down and fires his Plasma Shot right at the cannon, interrupting the blast.
-cut to-
----------------------------------------------------------------- EXT. KHETA XETA – Russian Truck Route – NIGHT -----------------------------------------------------------------
Once the truck explodes, Zero notices that the rest of the trucks in the line seem to be exploding this time.
ZERO: What the-?
He jumps over and lands onto the back of the exploding truck.
ALIA: This truck has already begun to explode! Hurry and move to the next!
Zero does a mad-dash upon the trailer and ignores the mad-taxi ahead of him.  With a far jump ahead of him, he barely makes it to the back of the next truck as he kick-jumps up and climbs inside.  This truck is exploding as well and hosts a series of drills, which threaten to impale Zero as they expand and retract into their bases at the walls.
ZERO: (gasping) This is wild! This can’t be Slasher’s work. He’s not smart enough for that.  It’s gotta be the Sigma Virus doing this.
He quickly dash-jumps and kick-jumps over to each corresponding wall, treading carefully amongst the trailers.
Then, he notices a sub-tank at the front of the truck, so he grabs it.
ZERO: Maybe this was a trap, after all…  Not a very good one though!
He jumps over to a new truck, which is not currently in danger of exploding.
ALIA: (o.s, filtered) Hmm, I don’t know…
Zero runs on and takes out two hover gunners with a grin on his face.  Then he makes it to the top of the truck.
ALIA: (o.s, filtered) ZERO LOOK OUUUT!!!!
Before he knows it, the truck collides into a parked truck, head on.  
He high-jumps as the trucks collide with a massive explosion.  
-      fade to white -
----------------------------------------------------------------- INT. PACIFIC OCEAN – Surface Caverns - DAY -----------------------------------------------------------------
The white screen turns into a final blast from X’s charged buster cannon. The charge shot zooms over to the front cannon and destroys the mouth of the U-555.
ALIA: (o.s, filtered) Yes!! You did it!
The U-555 explodes as it slowly retreats away from X, moving ahead, mysteriously through the cavern walls.
X: Man… this Sigma Virus is becoming.. strange.
He shakes his head and proceeds to hop down the descending caverns when suddenly, the back-end of the ship seems to mysteriously reappear through the walls and attack him again.
X: What the Hell??
ALIA: (o.s, filtered) Those are its fins!  Be careful. They’re loaded with missiles.
X: (nodding) I will!!
Four orange barrels are strewn about the back fins of the ship. A large thruster is centered between the barrels.
X does his best to blast the top two away from the top fin, but they simply reappear, while the bottom barrels fire homing missiles upon X.
X: (affected) Agh!!
-cut to-
----------------------------------------------------------------- INT. KHETA XETA – Secret Warehouse - NIGHT -----------------------------------------------------------------
From high above, Zero lands and winds up inside a cave that has been built up.
ALIA: Is this the secret warehouse?  I can't tell... but there ARE strong energy readings...  We're getting even stronger energy readings from deep inside! It must be him! Stay on guard!
ZERO: (grinning) Hmph… Hold on, Grizzly Slash. I’m coming!
- Freeze frame. Grainy effect-
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