#i need the assorted holiday season to be over
imaginingbleach · 3 months
Random Assortment of Captains Proposing
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Included: Shunsui, Suì-Fēng, Shinji, Byakuya, Mayuri, Rukia
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Shunsui Kyoraku
One would expect this man to be over the top with his proposal, but you would be surprised to find out it's nothing like you would expect.
Even before becoming head captain, this still held true.
While he believes the world should know how special you are to him, he also wants certain things to be more personal and private.
He can shout how he feels for you to the high heavens, but he wants special occasions to be just between the two of you-- maybe a small group of friends and family at largest.
It would likely happen some quiet evening in the middle of winter when the snow is gently coming down just outside...
The two of you were snuggled up together next to a gently roaring fire.
You didn't need a blanket with how warm he was as he had his arms wrapped around you.
You were starting to lull off into a very soft slumber, struggling to stay awake between the comfort of you boyfriend and the warmth between him and the fire.
He had thought a lot about when and where he should ask you, but the way you looked snuggled up into his chest?
He couldn't stand it.
You were so cute and you looked so perfect there with him...
"Hey, sorry to wake you, but I wanna ask you something," he spoke gently, waking you from your faint slumber.
"Mmf? Wha's up?" You'd slur out, eyes not even managing to open at first.
It was when he didn't immediately respond that you would open your eyes, blinking slowly and looking at him.
"Will you marry me?"
A mix of something between a squeak and a gasp escaped you, his question definitely waking you up.
"I-" your brain was going faster than you could verbally reply-- but his calm demeanor helped relax you enough to manage the simplest and yet most important reply you could give him, "yes"
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She thinks she's being secretive about her plans to propose, but she's sorely mistaken.
Maybe in regards to you
However, her entire squad and the stealth force absolutely know.
In fact, they would be doing whatever they could to try to give her hints.
"Oh, yeah, Captain! I got a new ring from-" not very subtle, but he does like to wear jewelry and the ring doesn't look awful-
Maybe of the members would have casual 'conversations' while conveniently walking past her.
"The cherry blossom trees are beautiful in-" "There's a fireworks festival this weekend-"
The squad knew you well enough to know how to suggest things they thought you might like.
She's a bit too caught up in the moment to fully notice what they're doing...
When she does propose, she chose your favorite time of year or favorite holiday.
It doesn't matter how tall you are, she would position herself so she could wrap her arms around your shoulders from behind.
She would pull a cute little box out in front of your face and simply asks if you'll be hers.
You're shocked for a moment, but gladly accept and turn around to kiss her happily.
Some time after she finally proposed... She realized just what her squad had done.
She's a little annoyed but doesn't punish anyone so long as they don't bring it up. Omaeda.
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Shinji Hirako
Okay... This man is so in love with you it's absolutely fucking ridiculous.
He has imagined and daydreamed about how he might propose to you and how your wedding might go...
It's always the same in his mind so he has idea of a perfect proposal and the most wonderful wedding and...
Something always seems to happen.
It could be big or small, but he just has never been able to get the timing right!
He had it all planned out, he had a ring, he had a spot, even down to what season he wanted it to happen in!
It would have been a beautiful little day together where he would propose at sunset! Or sunrise! That all depended on what happened 😉
Every. Single. Time! Bad weather, you were busy! He was sick! He had duties! There was a war going on!
So, when it finally does happen... It's not exactly the most romantic extravagant over the top proposal...
But it's extremely fitting for Shinji.
You had just woken up, the smell of food enticing you towards the kitchen to eat.
He was sitting there with a cup of tea, watching as you stumbled towards the table with your eyes barely open and hair an absolute mess.
To him; this scene was just pure perfection. It was so domestic... It filled him with warmth.
"We should get married," he would blurt out, smiling at you.
"W... Wha? I, wha?" You were so shocked you had dropped your piece of toast, whining as it fell buttered side down onto the floor. "Shinji... It's too early for jokes," you would grumble; now upset you had accidentally wasted food.
"I'm not joking," he would grin and pull out a little pristine box he had been carrying since the day he bought it.
He would sweetly say your name and open the box to show you the ring, his usual grin soon spreading over his features. "Will you make me the 3rd happiest man in Connecticut and marry me?"
"We're not in Connecticut!!!" You would exclaim through laughter, wiping the tears from your eyes. "Yes, stupid... You're also banned from the Internet."
"Hey, you know you love me~ and it made you giggle, so it's not all that bad." He would wrap his arms around you, cheek pressed against yours and gently putting the ring on.
You both made up a story about what happened because you didn't want to have to explain the layers of his stupid proposal. (You both think back on it fondly, though.)
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Byakuya Kuchiki
One may think it would take him a while to propose, but that would be quite the opposite of the truth.
What takes him a while is allowing himself to open up to you enough to realize he has feelings for you...
He guards his emotions carefully, especially after the death of Hisana...
But when he's in a relationship with you?
He genuinely cherishes the idea of being called your husband.
He would tell you that when you are ready and feel comfortable with the idea, he would be honored to marry you.
He tells you this up front since it's taken him so long to even accept the relationship, so he already knows he can see himself being with you for the rest of his life.
Because of this, you don't get the whole 'surprise proposal', but you do get to do a lot of things together.
When you admit that the idea of marriage sounds like something you'd like, he takes you to get rings with him.
Though he's used to a more traditional Japanese style wedding, he is open to hearing your thoughts.
He likely puts in more work than you do planning, mostly because he wants to make it perfect for you.
A big extravagant wedding? Done.
A small wedding with only the closest friends and family? That's perfect too.
He wants you to be happy, since he's already decided a while ago that he wants to repay the happiness you've given him tenfold.
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Mayuri Kurotsuchi
He is an interesting one to say the least.
His way of proposing is far from straight forward and even those closest to him who understand him might not see it as such.
Of course, being his partner means he comes to you with complaints about his subordinates or how his research isn't going the way he wants...
That's not unusual.
What is unusual, is how he gives you random little strange gifts.
Well, one wouldn't call them gifts so much...
You'll notice something interesting on his table and make a comment about it.
He'll tell you it was something from a failed experiment and they if you wanted it you could have it.
There was no experiment.
He got it because he knew you'd like it.
He can't say that though, right?
Anyway, through some long winded convoluted explanation you would end up with a ring.
You would end up unintentionally giving him answers to all the important wedding planning stuff and you wouldn't even know it.
You end up finding out because you snuck into his office one day to surprise him with something and you saw his calendar.
It definitely came as a mild shock at first, but somehow you weren't entirely surprised.
Instead you decided to continue to act oblivious up to the day of the wedding. You had to have some fun with it!
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Rukia Kuchiki
Rukia's way of proposing is absolutely adorable and definitely reflects a lot of her personality.
It takes her a bit to decide on the best course of action...
She has been gathering all the important information she would need over the years, after all.
She knows your ring size, your clothing size, your shoe size, your favorite color-- the works!
So, the most important part of everything is the how she does it.
She decided on a date: whatever winter holiday is your favorite.
It just so happened to be snowing that day, which she thought was absolutely perfect.
Whether it was a gift giving holiday or not: she got you one and had it wrapped nicely!
When you opened it, it was a pair of stuffed animals hugging.
One was a rabbit and the other was your favorite animal!
They were velcroed in a way that they could come apart, and when you pulled them apart to see, a small box fell out from between them.
Rukia would kneel down and pick up the box, gently holding it up to you before opening it.
"Will you marry me?"
You said yes, but you also laughed and cried. It was so cute you couldn't help it.
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momo-t-daye · 9 months
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“Hey, Sirius,” said James Potter, “Why has Snape got your scarf?" “The little asshole was whinging about being cold,” Sirius shrugged, unconcerned by the chilly evening air. “I thought he might gag himself but no luck yet.” “Huh,” said James.
“I still think it’s just a marketing ploy,” the little asshole swathed in woolen scarves said thoughtfully.  “Everyone knows he doesn’t sell firewhiskey to students and his butterbeer is near rancid, but once you’ve hiked all the way up here to check out the goat it’s almost a waste of time to not buy something.” “A giant goat is quite the statement given his, ah, past legal entanglements,” Narcissa said with the sort of obvious delicacy that teetered dangerously close to turning suggestive. “It really must be seen to be believed and the last few have hardly lasted any time at all.” “It looks so flammable,” Lily Evans gushed, bubbling with malicious anticipation. The best thing about the magical world, Lily maintained, was the sheer number of holiday traditions that eventually included lighting something on fire.  Her mother’s nerves had never been up for a proper Bonfire Night and Cokeworth’s Catholics weren’t the type to celebrate it either.
“Hey, Sirius,” said James Potter, “Why has Snape got MY scarf?" “Because Evans said it was cold and you gave her your scarf to be gallant and she then handed your scarf over to him” Sirius replied, without any worries over his best friend’s apparent memory issues. “Right,” said James.
“He’s bound to have put up some anti-arson charms on this one after the fiasco with Dumbledore’s pet phoenix last year and inexplicable triple lightning strikes the year before,” Severus scoffed.  “If it’s properly phoenix-proofed— and I doubt the rest of Hogsmeade would allow him to put another goat up that wasn’t properly phoenix-proofed— we’d need a miracle to burn it down without being caught.” “We’ve got the blessings of tradition with us, Sev,” Lily replied. “Can’t you see? The goat must burn again!”
“Hey, Sirius,” said James Potter, “Why has Snape got Remus’ scarf?" “Because I was foolish enough to take my scarf off inside and Snape picked it up and put it and just looked at me when I asked for my scarf back,” Remus interjected, slightly bitter at his ignoble defeat. “Gosh,” said James.
“Twice is hardly sufficient grounds to claim a tradition,” Narcissa opined. “Three is a far more magically significant number.” “So you’re saying it’s up to us to ensure the sacred fires once more hold back the darkness!” Lily said, full of pyromaniacal resolution. “I say it’ll take planning and proper intelligence gathering, neither of which I’m inclined to do while my mouth still tastes like something died in the Hog’s Head butterbeer barrels,” Severus sighed. “Let’s stop at the Three Broomsticks, Potter will buy us all a round of the special seasonal cinnamon spiced butterbeer, and we’ll work on preparations back at school.”
“Hey,” said James Potter.  “Why hasn’t Snape got—” “Unlike you all, I know better than to leave my clothes and stuff unattended in Snape’s vicinity,” Peter interrupted, smugly snug and cozy. “Oh,” said James. It really was quite cold.
For an assortment @snapecelebration's Snoliday 2023 prompts
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altocat · 10 months
If you have the time, could I request a happy Babyroth with Vincent? I've been exposing myself to too much of their trauma and I need to chill out a bit
Vincent takes his new son far, FAR away from Midgar, selecting a plain, ordinary town where Shinra will never look for them.
It's the Christmas season, and Sephiroth asks if they can stop to admire some of the pretty lights and toys in the shop windows. He's never gotten the chance to experience the holidays before, so Vincent is ready to oblige him. Sephiroth is particularly fascinated with the beautiful Nutcracker clocks, quietly delighted at the design and trimmings, the tiny clockwork figures emerging every thirty minutes. When Vincent asks him if he'd like it as a present, Sephiroth is genuinely dumbfounded. He NEVER receives presents. He barely even knew how to react when Vincent bought him hot cocoa earlier.
On Christmas day, Vincent is surprised to find that Sephiroth made him a gift--an assortment of scribbled crayon drawings of their adventures together. Didn't cost a thing, but he can tell that Sephiroth worked really, REALLY hard on it. When he surprises Sephiroth with his coveted Nutcracker clocks in turn, Sephiroth hops up and down in an excited fit, hugging Vincent's damaged arm over and over. He later curls up in the present pile after all the unwrapping is done and holds his clock while he falls asleep.
And Vincent sits in his chair and cries for the first time in a long while.
Because Sephiroth was the one thing he will never, ever regret. Because now he truly understands.
It was worth it. Worth everything.
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jerzwriter · 10 months
A Sparkling Holiday
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It's their first Christmas together, and Trystan and Carolina are bringing in traditions from their past, and starting some new ones of their own.
Book: Crimes of Passion (post Book 2) Pairing: Trystan Thorne x F!MC (Carolina Rose) Rating: Teen Words: 945 A/N: Participating in @choicesficwriterscreations Holidays 2023, @choicesholidays it sort of fits "But it's tradition..." @choicesdecember2023 Christmas Thank you for the prompt @inlocusmads. I just loved writing this! I hope you enjoy it, too!
Full Masterlist | CoP Masterlist | Holiday Fics Masterlist
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With the workday behind her, Carolina sat back on her couch with a cup of coquito in hand and numerous cardboard boxes surrounding her. Her sweater was covered with bits of silver tinsel, and her smile radiated just as brightly with each ornament she removed. Christmastime. She had a love/hate relationship with the season ever since her father was killed. But she promised that she’d focus on the positive long ago. Not only would he have wanted that, but despite her sometimes hardened exterior, there was light inside of Carolina Rose that fought to shine no matter what life threw her way. If asked, she’d deny its existence, but those who knew her best saw it as clear as day... and one of those people just entered the room.
Having Trystan in her life made finding the magic in the holiday season much easier. A year ago, she would have chastised herself for the stupid grin she wore as she watched him placing his box of decorations beside her. They decided to let the pros decorate his big, fancy apartment, but Carolina’s place was another story.   They'd decorate it together, with items from each of their pasts and a few new things they had chosen.
“What have you got there?” Trystan smiled as he sat next to her.
“It’s a Teddy bear that doubles as a Christmas tree ornament. I bought it for my father at the school bazaar when I was in third grade.”
Trystan took the weathered pale blue bear with a loose button eye from her hands and looked it over carefully.
“I know he’s seen better days,” Carolina apologized. “But he means so much to me.”
Trystan tugged at the string on the button, pulling the eye back into place.
“If you can get me a needle, I’d be happy to fix it. Not that he needs fixing. He's perfect as is.”
“He is?” she queried skeptically.
“Of course! Things that are loved are always beautiful. Take you, for example; you’re simply exquisite... because you’re so loved.”
She threw her arms around his neck with a boisterous laugh. “Trystan Thorne! Are you saying I’m beautiful because you love me?”
“Was my name mentioned anywhere in that sentence? While I love you immensely, you were already well-loved when I came into your life. I can’t take full credit.”
She ran her hand through his hair, mindlessly twirling a long lock around her finger. “And what about you? Are you this gorgeous due to how much I love you?”
“Of course,” he teased. “I was a hideous beast until you came into my life.”
“Not quite,” she grinned. Leaning forward, she took his lips into a soft, lingering kiss, and when she broke free, she decided she must have another. Trystan was too happy to oblige, but she pulled away with a smile when he went in for a third.
“That’s enough, your highness! If we keep this up, there won’t be any decorating this evening... and I, for one, am quite anxious to see what you’ve brought.”
“Well, nothing will compare to this adorable little bear....”
“That goes without saying,” she teased, “but what do you have in your box of Drakovian Christmas magic? Barbed wire? A venomous snake or two?”
“You peeked!” He clutched his chest in mock horror.
“Nope. It’s just a given!”
If Carolina had any thoughts she could be wrong, they were dismissed when Trystan opened his macabre assortment. She was speechless but gasped at one item in particular.
“Is that...please tell me that’s not a skull!”
“It’s not a skull,” he deadpaned. “At least not a real one, just a quality replica. Using the real thing was banned in the early 20th Century.”
“What? Why do you have a skull amongst your Christmas decorations?”
“Because it is a decoration. Every home in Drakovia has one.”
The look of horror in her eyes told him further explanation was necessary.
“It’s a replica of one of my ancestor’s skulls. King Yorick.”
“Please tell me that’s a joke... you did not have a King Yorkick!”
“Nah,” Trystan laughed. “It was King Vyacheslav. I just nicknamed him Yorick because... you know... Hamlet.”
“Yes. I may not have had the best education, but we did cover Hamlet. But why does his skull adorn every Christmas tree in Drakovia?”
“Because unlike most of our monarchs, he was known for his kindness and good deeds. At the holidays, he ensured every child in the kingdom had a gift under their tree.”
“And to commemorate his kindhearted nature... you put a replica of his skull on your trees each year.”
She shook her head with a sigh. “Trystan, I will never understand your people.”
“That’s all right,” he agreed. “Neither will I.”
They sifted through the box, through the black feathers, miniature swords, and a few items Carolina was afraid to ask about, and then Trysten suddenly shut the lid.
“What are you doing?” She asked.
“Putting this away. We can start a new tradition... using my childhood Christmas decorations for Halloween. I much prefer the items we purchased this year.”
He pulled two ornaments out of a paper shopping bag. “See! Barbie and Ken, in all their pink majesty. This is more fitting for our tree!”
“I have to agree with you there,” she nodded. “And they’ll make great playmates for my little bear!”
They removed all the new ornaments one by one... each more sparkly and glittery than the last... then they took out one last thing... their bright, golden star purchased on a walk through the Union Square Holiday Market.
“Do you want to put it on, or shall I?” Trystan asked.
“New tradition. I say we always do it together."
"I can agree to that," he said, holding her hand as she rose on her tiptoes to place the star on the tallest branch of the tree.
Carolina stood before the tree, her face aglow with childlike wonder.
"It's beautiful," she cooed.
Trystan reached out, brushed his hand along her chin, and turned her face toward him. "It is," he smiled. "Absolutely beautiful."
That got much more schmaltzy and gooey than I anticipated, but they deserve it! (And I deserve the coquito! lol)
Thank you for reading!
Tagging separately.
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dameronscopilot · 2 years
Taking Flight
Poe Dameron x f!reader
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Summary: In which you and the handsome aviation technician that strolls into your coffee shop most mornings finally get the nudge you both need with the help of an aptly placed sprig of mistletoe.
Word Count: 1.5k
Content: modern au, fluff, first kiss
Prompt: Mistletoe + dialogue prompt
The lively, pleasant chords of holiday music trickle throughout the café, the interior of which is currently lit by the soft glow of brightly colored lights strung up amongst an array of seasonal décor. Groups of people mill about, talking animatedly over hot drinks and browsing the selection of books for sale on the shelves set along the back wall. You smile to yourself as you wipe a spot of powdered sugar off of the countertop before leaning against it.
You’d spent the past week handing out flyers to customers, inviting them to drop by the shop for an evening of free hot cider and half-off pastries. In turn, you’ll be donating a portion of all proceeds from book sales during the event to a local animal shelter. Though you initially wondered if you’d doomed the turnout by scheduling the event just days before Christmas, the store is thankfully teeming with regular and new customers alike, though one familiar face is nowhere to be found.
At the feeling of something brushing up against your leg, you bend down to scratch the ears of the large orange cat at your feet. 
“I don’t think he’s coming, Bee,” you sigh, and the feline offers up an unimpressed noise in response as she stalks off, likely to wage war with the tinsel hanging in the front window display again. 
He, being Poe Dameron. A man with a smile as devastatingly warm as his laugh. While you’ll never outright admit to picking a favorite customer, he holds the title by a landslide
Several early mornings on any given week will find Poe striding into the shop with a grin that you like to imagine is reserved just for you, boots scuffing against the floor as he makes his way over to the register. Donning the leather jacket that you hardly ever see him without and a pair of sunglasses slung over the silver chain around his neck, the aviation technician will run a hand through his dark curls before pulling out his wallet. You’ll normally already have his coffee ready by the time he’s begun twisting his credit card between his fingers, if only because you’re not confident in your ability to actually pour the hot liquid successfully while he makes casual small talk with you from the other side of the counter.
When Poe arrives, Bee usually makes an attempt to steal his attention, butting up against his ankles, tail curling around his leg while he asks how business is, remarks on the weather, and talks to you about the planes he’s working on that week. Meanwhile, when you gesture toward the day’s assortment of pastries, he’ll shrug good-naturedly as he tells you to pick out whatever you think he’ll like. As if the question doesn't send you into an absolute spiral each and every time.
After months upon months of these interactions, you’re certain he’s just naturally this friendly with everyone, but you can’t help the way you fall a little bit more in love with the man each and every time the tinkling of the bell above the shop door is accompanied by the familiar scent of engine oil— something you’ve fondly come to associate with him.
Thinking too hard about the way his nose scrunches and his eyes crinkle when he smiles sends a tide of longing unfurling in your chest, one that’s becoming more and more difficult to contain. 
When you finally worked up the nerve to invite Poe just moments after he’d turned to leave one morning with his coffee in hand, you’d called out for him, brandishing one of the small flyers for the event. He'd looked pleased as he scanned the paper and told you he'd do his best to drop by.
“Can’t wait!”—you were still banging your head against a figurative wall for what you’d chirped back in response, the eagerness that your tone had been brimming with, your complete and total unawareness in the moment of the fact that he was likely just being nice. The insinuation that you'd be leaning against the register all evening, gazing at the door waiting for him to waltz in.
You’re so lost in your own thoughts that you jump at the sound of a voice beside you—
“Hey. Decent turnout.”
Warmth blooms in your chest as you turn your head to find Poe standing there, arms crossed as he surveys the bustle of people filling out most of the tables and chairs throughout the room. Snowflakes still linger in his hair, and the tip of his nose is red from the cold. 
“You came,” you remark dumbly, unable to hide the surprise in your voice.
Poe unfolds his arms, and you spy a flash of something wrapped in gold paper clutched in his left hand as he lets them fall to his sides. “Of course I did. I couldn’t say no to the hot cider,” he winks.
You snort as you make your way behind the counter to pour him a cup. “I don’t think I’ve ever seen you order something that doesn’t have caffeine in it.”
“Coffee is just for the morning so I’m awake enough to make sure those planes get up in the air in one piece,” he chuckles.
“If that’s the case, you’ll have to stop in after work once in a while then. I’ve been told I make a mean peppermint hot chocolate.”
“A woman after my own heart.”
Your face heats up at his words, and you fiddle with your apron in an attempt to find anything to do to busy your fingers, the ones that ache to reach out and see just how soft his curls really are. Before you can mull too hard over how many seconds of silence have passed between the two of you as you attempt to come up with a witty response, something gold flashes in front of you. You turn your focus to Poe’s outstretched hands, which are holding a thin, rectangular package. 
“For me?”
He places it in your own hands and nods.
“But I didn’t get you anything,” you argue, mind racing as you wonder what could possibly be waiting for you underneath the wrapping paper.
“Just open it,” he patiently encourages you, voice laced with a hint of amusement.
You carefully peel open the gift and find a small, worn, leather-bound book, eyes quickly spotting where 'Dameron' is written across the front of it in the bottom right corner. Raising an eyebrow, you shoot a confused look in Poe’s direction, but he simply tips his chin at you, urging you to look inside.
As your fingers untie the thin leather straps wrapped around the book, Poe’s shoulder brushes against yours when he comes to stand closer to you. It’s a journal. The lined, off-white pages are full of ink, and it takes you a few moments of flipping through them to realize that it’s more than that—it's a handwritten glossary of aviation terms and other related notes. 
Poe clears his throat. “That’s the journal I used when I started studying to get my pilot’s license.”
There’s a fluttering caress of emotion that sends your insides careening at the admission as you carefully run a finger over one of the pages, eyes scanning the notes left in the margins and the hastily drawn diagrams. Early on, Poe had explained to you that although he works on planes for a living, he also flies in his free time as a hobby. 
He continues, scratching the back of his head, “I hope it’s not too, uh, presumptuous of me. But you always seem so interested in the planes I work on, I thought maybe I could take you out for a ride sometime.” Tapping a finger against the page the book is opened to, he adds, “And I know how much you like researching things, so I figured you might want to study a little first or something.”
You’re at a loss for words, heart fit to burst out of your chest at the gesture, at the hopeful look on his face, at the fact that perhaps he might look forward to seeing you every morning just as much as you look forward to seeing him.
When you don’t say anything back, Poe hastily adds, “You don’t have to say ye—”
“I’d love to, Poe.”
The lines of worry creeping across his face quickly smooth out as he flashes his teeth in a smile that leaves your knees weak, eyes shining. And as if you weren’t already caught off guard, he leans in, pressing a chaste kiss to your cheek.
Your lips fall open slightly, and he looks slightly sheepish as he points above you. “Mistletoe.”
Fuelled by the hope that you’re not reading into all of this terribly wrong, you finally offer Poe Dameron a smooth response of your own for once. “If you wanted to kiss me you could have just said so. You didn’t need to wait until we were under the mistletoe.”
Poe turns to you fully, carefully taking the book from your hands and placing it on the counter. There’s determination and resolve in his gaze as his eyes meet yours, and he tilts his head to the side, the corner of his mouth quirking upward.
“In that case…” he murmurs.
Poe cups your face in his hands, the cool press of his palms a balm against your hot skin, and your eyes flutter shut as you lean into his touch. And when he slots his mouth against yours, kissing you gently with lips that taste of apples and spices, a soft sound escapes you as you press in closer.
Comments, reblogs, and/or asks are always appreciated!
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the-s1lly-corner · 8 months
Ragatha and Gangle making crafts for their s/o for Valentine's
i think i already did a cast post for valentines hcs... or maybe im confusing it for my CRP post..? either way, its the season again so i may as well indulge a bit! feel free to send in any valentine's reqs/any reqs that are more lovey dovey than usual!
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she makes you a plush heart shaped pillow! complete with embroidered words and a frilly lace around the edges! i think she makes it a habit to sew you something for your birthday or any appropriate holidays (valentines and christmas), from pillows to blankets to clothing to... really anything, if she can make it shes going to do it! its really high quality, too. i dont think she would be shy when giving you the gift.. MAYBE if it were the first time, but since then shes been emboldened to shower you in the love she knows you deserve! loves giving you candies too, usually also homemade! gives them to you in a cute little box with a ribbon... she wouldnt expect any gifts in return but she would be over the moon if you gave her some sunflowers... she looks like a sunflower girlie, or maybe a daisy girl.. perhaps a buttercup enjoyer, even.. assorted flowers..!
another one who makes things hand... ribbon..? made! usually cards, but if she has enough time in her schedule and if her creativity feeds her some ideas, shes going to paint you something! maybe a portrait of you two.. or maybe just you.. i think she would fill a sketchbook with doodles of you and thinks she knows you like and gift it to you... though that one is going to take a while, since she'd need time to fill the pages.. but its still such a sweet gift none the less. the muse of an artist, you know? very shy when giving you your gifts, though... overtime she gets more confident with it but she never quite... fully gets into it, you know? would probably cry a little if you think about her and get her some gifts... if youre into crafting, perhaps make her a homemade notebook/sketchbook? or maybe DIY crayons or something..! i know its generic giving the artist art supplies, but theres something about the fact you made them homemade... you know?
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foodandfolklore · 10 months
Wassail - A Holiday Drink to Good Health
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Wassail has a long history in Europe and winter holiday celebration. It was a drink commonly made and served at celebrations and feasts. To ale, crab apples and assorted spices would be added and allowed to steep. This drink would be heated and served in a large bowl so others could fill their cup.
Every house hold made their Wassail a little different. Partly due to what was available, and partly due to personal tastes. But despite being drastically different, Wassail may be the grandparent of Eggnog. Just another case of people getting access to better ingredients and culinary knowledge.
But Wassail is still drank to this day, though it's fallen a little out of the main stream. Each person makes it their own way still, but now it's more like an apple cider. You can make your own for the season, too. The word Wassail means "To Good Health" and is what people would often say it as part of the toast; which is how the name came. So when you make your Wassail, try to imagine the people partaking having another year of good health and prosperity.
Making Wassail
I make mine in an Electric Cauldron (Slow Cooker) but you can make yours on stove stop too. This recipe focuses mainly on Apples (Longevity, Luck, Rebirth) Oranges (Solar Energy, Happiness, Health) and Cloves (Protection, Kinship, Prosperity).
Need: -1 Gallon Apple Cider -1/2 cup Orange juice -1/2 cup Brown Sugar -1 Orange -Whole Cloves -1-2 Apples, diced -1 Tbsp All spice -1 Tbsp Ginger -2 Tbsp Nutmeg -3 Cinnamon sticks -1 Apple Sliced Widthwise (Optional) -1/2 cup Spiced Rum (Optional)
Combine everything into your crock pot/slow cooker, except orange, cloves, and sliced apple. Cover and let simmer on med/low for about an hour.
After some time has passed, retrieve the whole spices. You can let them simmer for longer for more intense flavour, but be aware if they are left for too long, the whole spices can leave a bitter taste.
Slice the orange into wheels. Stick the cloves into the fruit. Have some fun and arrange the cloves to look like symbols important to you. Spirals (a symbol of life) are commonly done. But you can do your initial, your zodiac sign, a sigil you made, or just poke them in randomly.
Place the Orange wheels with cloves on top of the Wassail. If you want some additional variety, you can add some apple slices. When you slice into an apple, it naturally leaves a star shape. This star shape can add a lot of spiritual energy to your Wassail. If you are worried about seeds but still want the star, try cutting out the middle with a small star shaped cookie cutter.
Continue to let your Wassail simmer on low until hot and people are ready to drink.
Tip: You may want to consider keeping the alcohol separate and just add right before serving. This way you can leave it out for anyone who may not want it.
And feel free to experiment! Check out your cupboard and see what kinds of whole spices you've been holding onto. I honestly do it a little different each year. The warm winter spices are your best bet. All spice, Star Anise; I might try throwing in some left over pumpkin spice this year. Do what feels right and hope it tastes half way decent :P
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nohoney · 2 years
autumn with touya…
on cold mornings, he enjoys a cup of hot coffee and a cigarette in hand, more so than he usually does as he gazes out a window. doesn’t matter if the morning has a dense fog that clouds the view or if the sun slowly rises to dash away the blue tint of a dusky morning, touya enjoys it either way. he wears the thrifted sweaters you buy for him, he’s lacing up his doc martens, and he’s making sure that he’s got his favorite pack of smokes with him when you ask to go pick out pumpkins for decorations. you can’t help but giggle when he pulls out a flask from his coat and boozes up his apple cider, and then he’s asking for a slice of spice cake from the vendor to pair it. touya carves the pumpkins for you in quiet concentration, indifferent to the activity itself but he doesn’t mind that it makes you happy. he’s not one for baking, but touya hangs around as you make a rum cake and helps himself to the bottle when you reach for it to make the sweet glaze. “no slice for you then!” you tease him as you snatch the bottle back. in the yard, leaves of red and orange and yellow from the tree descend slowly onto the ground outside for him to rake into a pile and throw you in it later for fun.
autumn with keigo…
when the temperature begins to dip, keigo is excited to bring out all the cozy throw blankets and find more reason to cuddle on the couch while the beginning of cheesy holiday movies begin to stream on tv channels. his excuse is that you wouldn’t cuddle him as much in the summer so autumn is the season to begin making it up to him. he’s a pumpkin spice guy, no shame in it whatsoever, you’ll walk with him to get his first pumpkin spice latte of the season. keigo lives for going to the corn mazes and likes to go apple picking, idly standing by with the basket while you take your pickings. one of your favorite activities to do as the trees transition from greens to red, orange, yellow, and brown is to bike ride together through a fancy neighborhood as the leaves fall to the ground; it’s all the fun of admiring the autumn trees without needing to be the one to clean them up. every year, he makes a pinecone bird feeder and likes to watch from indoors any assortment of bird help themselves to the treats he put on it. “not too much! i don’t want it too burnt!” you playfully chastise keigo as he roasts a marshmallow for you to make s’mores over a little tea light, more than happy to feed a sweet treat to his sweetest person.
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wqterlillypdfs · 2 years
with you this christmas (s.h)
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pairing: steve harrington x fem!reader summary: steve doesn't love the holiday season, but for you he'll sacrifice whatever - and turns out, you just end up making it all the better word count: 1k trigger warnings: none i think a/n: this is inspired by a cute little dream i had last night, and i just really wanted to write it down. also, @thatfangirl42, i'm sorry dream me stole your man! take this as a present from me to you to make up for it 🥰 i'm also super out of practice and i kinda hate this, so i'm really sorry it's not that great
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Steve had never liked Christmas; he was used to ignoring the cheerful holiday music and the dazzling lights that adorned practically every street in his neighbourhood. All those decorations had never meant anything to him, not when his parents had done little more than stuff some overpriced presents beneath an even more overpriced tree.
He had always tried to enjoy it. He had tried baking the cookies, and stuffing the stockings. He’d attended every Christmas party his friends had invited him to, but by the end he’d just feel absolutely exhausted. He couldn’t see the point in celebrating something that meant so little to him.
But that was until he met you.
You approached Christmas with an entirely different energy. You basically buzzed with festive spirit. You adored the lights, the elaborate decorations, the delicate ornaments and all of the home-cooked meals. Sure, Steve had heard you mention Christmas offhandedly throughout the year, he hadn’t expected you to approach it with such fervour. 
And while Steve wasn’t sure that he’d be able to fulfil all your Christmas wishes to the fullest, he promised himself he’d try for you. 
Your living room was filled with the scent of fresh-baked gingerbread and cinnamon. The slow crackling of the fireplace and the smell of burning wood felt just like home. This was the first Christmas you’d be spending away from your parents, but also your first proper Christmas with Steve. The past week had been nothing short of busy, you had spent an entire day decorating just the Christas tree alone which Steve had kindly helped you lug up your apartment stairs, and then had got to work baking an assortment of Christmas cookies, which again, Steve had generously helped you do.
So far, everything had been going perfectly, but as the week had continued you realised your dilemma. It had been about four days until Christmas and you still hadn’t gotten your boyfriend a gift. You wanted this Christmas to be absolutely-nothing-less-than perfect for him, and while you’d consider yourself a top-notch gift giver, you think you’d finally met your match. You were well aware that Steve wasn’t fond of this time of year, and you were grateful of how much effort he’d put into making this perfect for you, so of course you were determined to do the same for him.
After much back and forth and consulting with both Robin and Nancy, you think you’ve finally found the perfect present.
But right now, this current moment was perfect. It was Christmas day, and after a peacefully slow morning that you had spent with your boyfriend,the two of you were enjoying each other’s presence. You sat curled up on your sofa, Steve’s head resting in your lap as you ran one hand through his soft hair. His eyes were closed peacefully, lips turned in a sweet lazy smile. It took everything in you not to kiss his face right there. 
“Stevie,” you mumbled, your hand brushing over his cheek ever so lightly. He hummed in response, eyes still closed. “I have one more thing for you.”
He turns his face so his eyes meet yours in a quizzical look, before he pushes himself off your lap and positions himself properly on the sofa next to you - one leg hanging off the edge with his body turned to face yours. “You didn’t need to do that-”
“I wanted to!” you insist before he could protest any further, you pulled out a bag from underneath the sofa, watching as his pretty smile got even wider. You adored it when he smiled like that, he looked just like a little puppy. Finally, you pulled out the present, the gift was wrapped in a glittery Christmas paper with Steve’s name printed carefully on top.
“For you,” you say, as you hand the gift over to him.
He takes it tenderly from your hands before pressing a smiley kiss to your lips, “you’re too sweet.” The compliment makes you blush.
You hoped and prayed that the gift would be good enough, but little did you know Steve would’ve been content if you had given him socks or a lump of coal. Carefully, he works to undo the gift wrapping, treating the present like porcelain. You didn’t think it was possible, but his face lights up even more when he sees the gift underneath.
The other gifts you had gotten Steve this Christmas were all just little novelties, things you’d known he liked but they weren’t memorable enough. You wanted to give Steve a gift that he would cherish for a very long time.
“Is this what I think it is-?” He asks excitedly, as he undid the final bit of wrapping paper, revealing the specially made gift underneath. His thumb brushes over the mixtape you had made for him of both of your favourite songs. You had titled it “Steve + Y/n’s mix!” with cute little shiny hearts and star stickers decorating the edges.
“Do you like it?” You asked quickly.
“I more than like it, sweetheart,” he said, eyes reflecting the glow of your warm fireplace, “I love it.”
You grinned widely, “I just really wanted this Christmas to be perfect for you,” you told him, “and I don’t want you to feel like I’m forcing all this on you, I know you’ve never been fond of all this Christmas-y stuff-”
But even before you could finish your sentence, Steve pulled you into a kiss, his lips firmly pressed against yours, all so sweet and filled with love.
“I may not have always loved Christmas,” Steve starts, pulling his lips away from yours, “but I do love you, and this Christmas has been nothing short of amazing.”
His arms wrap around your waist as you bury your face in his neck to hide your blush that has definitely gone three shades darker.
“Merry Christmas,” you whisper into his ear.
His smile is sweet as he parrots your words. "Merry Christmas," he says back, and for the first time in a long time, he thinks he really means it.
tagging: n/a
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itssweetiedarling · 10 months
Secret Santa
Day 3 of @12daysofchristmas - "If you don't have gloves, you can just hold my hand."
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Fandom: Harry Potter Magic Awakened 
Characters: Daniel Page/MC
Warnings: None
Word Count: 1036
Hogsmeade during Christmas time was a sight to behold, with its cobblestone streets adorned with twinkling fairy lights and the sweet scent of cinnamon wafting through the air. So, MC dragged Daniel out of the sixth-year dorm, eager to immerse him in the holiday spirit.
As they strolled through the snow-covered lanes, the storefronts of Honeydukes, Zonko's Joke Shop, and the other shops were decked out with festive decorations.
MC spotted an enchanted snowman dancing in the snow, they giggled pointing, “Look!”
Daniel followed MC's gaze and chuckled at the sight of the enchanted snowman, its carrot nose wiggling as it performed a lively dance in the snow. "I didn't know snowmen had moves like that! Must be the holiday magic," he remarked, joining in MC's laughter.
As they approached the Three Broomsticks, the inviting warmth and the scent of spiced butterbeer beckoned them inside. The tavern was decorated with festive wreaths and garlands, and the tables were adorned with red and green candles. They found a cozy corner booth, sinking into the plush seats and soaking in the holiday atmosphere.
MC, unable to contain their excitement, said, "I love how Hogsmeade transforms during Christmas. It's like stepping into a magical holiday card."
Daniel nodded in agreement, taking a sip of his butterbeer. "Absolutely.” He looks around, people watching.
Their conversation was interrupted by the arrival of the tavern’s landlady, Madam Rosmerta, who greeted them with a warm smile. "Enjoying your visit, dears? Anything else I can get for you?" she asked.
"Just the warmth and cheer, thank you," Daniel replied, causing MC to giggle once again. He was always trying to make them happy. He didn’t necessarily understand why, but their smile made him smile.
Madam Rosmerta chuckled at Daniel's response, "Warmth and cheer are the specialties of the season, my dears. But if you fancy some more butterbeer or a plate of mince pies, don't hesitate to ask." With a friendly nod, she left them to enjoy their drinks.
MC leaned over the table, “So…who did you get for our Secret Santa?” Their friend group decided to do a Secret Santa this year, and MC is just being snoopy.
“I can’t tell you!” Daniel sips some more butterbeer.
MC raised an eyebrow, playfully persistent. "Come on, Daniel, you can trust me with your Secret Santa reveal."
Daniel grinned, his eyes twinkling with amusement. "Nice try, but a good man never reveals his secrets.”
The banter continued as they finished their butterbeer, the cozy atmosphere of the Three Broomsticks making their conversation even more enjoyable.
“So, where do you need to go to get your Secret Santa a gift?” MC asked.
Daniel pointed, “Honeydukes.”
MC's eyes lit up with excitement. "Ah, the sweetest place in Hogsmeade! Perfect choice. Let's head there and see if we can find the perfect treat for your special someone."
Daniel became flustered, “They are not a special someone!”
“Oh?” MC raised their eyebrow but chuckled and continued walking.
As they entered the sweet shop, the aroma of chocolates and candies enveloped them. Shelves upon shelves were filled with a tempting array of confections, and the festive displays showcased special holiday treats.
Daniel perused the shelves thoughtfully, considering the preferences of his secret Santa. "I know they have a sweet tooth, but I'm not sure if they lean more towards chocolate or something fruity."
MC, always ready to offer advice, suggested, "How about a box of assorted chocolates? That way, you cover all bases. And, of course, you can't go wrong with a few Honeydukes classics."
Daniel smiled, appreciating the suggestion. "You're right. A mix of chocolates and maybe some of those magical candies they have here. It's the perfect combination."
They gathered an assortment of treats, carefully selecting a variety of chocolates, fizzing whizzbees, and Bertie Bott's Every Flavor Beans. They put them in a holiday box. As they approached the counter to pay, MC couldn't resist adding a few extra surprises to the mix for themselves.
Outside, the snow had intensified, creating a serene and picturesque scene. The glow from the shop windows reflected off the white-covered ground, enhancing the enchanting ambiance of Hogsmeade.
With their bags filled with magical sweets, Daniel and MC made their way out the door.
Daniel sighed, “Why is it so cold!”
“I told you to layer up!” MC looked at him.
“I did!”
“Did you?”
“Do you have more layers like a scarf or gloves?”
Daniel checked his pockets, “No.”
“Well, your hands are pretty purple. If you don’t have gloves you can just hold my hand.” MC playfully winked. Just like how Daniel liked to see them happy, MC liked to tease him.
“I- um-” Daniel’s cheeks turned redder than they already were from the cold.
“I’m joking!”
Daniel gave another sigh.
- MC’s friends all gathered in the secret room behind the painting. “Is everyone ready to give out their Secret Santa gifts?” Everyone cheered, and MC smiled, “Let’s start then!”
When everyone started chatting and giving out gifts, Daniel walked over to MC. “So…you’re my secret Santa…I know you were there when we bought the candy, I just wanted your opinion without directly asking…” He handed them a box of all the different types of candy he bought.
“You know I’m a sucker for sugar!” They smiled, looking down at the box. “You know, you’re actually my secret Santa as well.”
“Really?” He looked at his feet.
“Mhm! I got you a journal for taking notes, writing down thoughts, or whatever! But this one is not just any journal, it’s special.” They handed their gift over, “Take a peek inside.”
Daniel opened it and inside was a note.
“Dear Daniel, I wanted to say thank you for being with me for six years at Hogwarts. You’ve opened up to me when I know you find it hard. You’re a sweetheart deep inside and I see that every day. You’re so smart and talented I can’t wait to see you do incredible things in the future. I love you. From, MC.” MC opened the box of candy, “Hope you like it!” They walked away before Daniel could talk about what was in the note.
“Wait MC-”
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zahri-melitor · 9 months
This apparently has no real Santas in it but I am COMMITTED at this point, have another Holiday Special fully reviewed. Next up is DC Holiday Special '09 #1.
It's always fascinating which characters make it into the specials. Reading these has reminded me that the war stories and the frontier stuff apparently has a bunch of fans - there's frequently Sgt Rock, Enemy Ace, Jonah Hex, etc.
Silent Knight - Batman. I am presuming DickBats chases a crook dressed as Santa and ends up in a warehouse of Santas. He identifies which is the crook, takes him out, and then is invited to what looks like a Santa Christmas Party.
Man of Snow - Superman. A kid makes a snow golem. This is one of the Hanukkah stories. Supes talks to the family and takes the kid flying.
The Flash Before Christmas - Flash. Family time story! Wally is very busy at Christmas with family and hero responsibilities (including fighting Killer Croc with Dick and Donna!) After the fight Dick and Donna twit Wally ('Linda got you a present, remember you have Raven in the Secret Santa') like the good best friends they are. (Also Wally accidentally gives the wrong gifts to Linda and Raven and has to emergency-switch them).
Also delightfully Wally keeps saying 'crud', presumably because he's working to avoid swearing with the twins at home.
The Christmas of Doom - Doom Patrol. Flashback story (Beast Boy is on Doom Patrol). Rita and Gar both hate Christmas. Rita and Steve make the offer to adopt Gar.
Party Gift - Superboy (Actually Match). This is unfortunately Bizarro!Match, who organises the Christmas Party for assorted Rogues Galleries.
Reason for the Season - Martian Manhunter. Another flashback story, it's J'onn as John Jones, police detective. J'onn learning about togetherness on Earth, as opposed to the Mars type.
Angel & the Ape - this has no title, and is just the two soliciting for holiday donations for kids' presents.
A Peace on Earth - Sgt. Rock. Sgt Rock runs into a German soldier on Christmas Eve 1944 (literally). They sit down and drink cognac and smoke cigarettes together, and discuss family and their fathers who both died during WWI. Then they both 'follow orders' to shoot on sight when encountering the enemy...by both firing into the air, before parting.
Stille Nacht - Enemy Ace. General Werner Dietrich wants an air assault on the English and French lines on Christmas Day 1914. Enemy Ace takes his squadron over the lines ready to bomb...only to see the Christmas Truce and refuses to bomb the mixed English-French-German troops singing carols together.
The Hunt for Christmas - B'wana Beast. So this is a bad guy character I didn't even know existed, who has been dead since 1992, and is an avatar of the Red (except he got resurrected in n52 because of course he did). That out of the way - our man here is hunting poachers in Africa and brings supplies stolen from them to a Christian Mission (all set to Light Shining out of Darkness by William Cowper).
Look. Decisions were made here. I really want to know who pitched this, and who approved it. The writer is Beau Smith, whose other writing credits include a lot of Guy Gardner: Warrior, and being co-writer on the Batman-Wildcat (which I adore for its 90sness) and Catwoman-Wildcat minis.
Home for Christmas - Captain Marvel. Billy is fighting Ibac and they realise they've knocked down a homeless shelter. Both having connections (Ibac's had a friend on the street; Billy's been homeless), Billy insists they need to rebuild the shelter, after which they agree to stop the fight for Christmas.
Unbearable Loss - Deadman. Boston saves a suicide jumper - Scarecrow's mother.
A Night Before Christmas Story - Red Tornado. Reddy is trying to find a present for Traya that is the IT gift that year, and is horrified by the venality of man when it comes to competing to get a low stocked toy.
He does manage to get the toy, but realises as Traya comes to cuddle in bed on Christmas morning the real present is family.
Naughty or Nice - Huntress. Helena stops a shop robbery, and contemplates what makes someone good deep inside.
Seeing the Light - Ragman. The OTHER Hanukkah story this issue, retelling the story.
Auld Lang Syne - Adam Strange. Adam's trying to get home for New Year's Eve but fighting crime keeps interfering.
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willow-balcoin · 9 months
holiday prompt → chan balcoin.
001. under the mistletoe—
Chan tends to be hyper aware of mistletoe so he can avoid it at all costs, was probably a cootie believer when he was a kid. Nowadays he doesn't subscribe to the idea that he needs a plant hanging over his head to help him with that kind of thing. Would definitely give his mom a peck on the cheek though, low key cutie.
002. in front of the fireplace, cuddled up under a blanket with a hot drink.
He's alone for sure. He's immune to cuffing season propaganda BUT might feel a twinge in his chest when faced with family nights and his sister and cousins all bringing their someones around. If he asks anyone if Tara's coming around, no he didn't.
003. snowed in from a heavy snow storm.
Everyone in his family's circle is a yes and a no. Yes because he has a quiet longing to be part of the family his mom has built and it would be nice to finally be a proper part of one of their big family stories that will be recounted for years down the line, but no because he's realised he made a mistake following his dad and allowing himself to be cut off from said family. Now he's too prideful to admit how badly he wants to be part of it so it's easier to stay on the outside looking in.
004. at a busy dinner table, food piled on the center and family chaos ensuing around the house.
If it's with the Balcoins and co. I think it'd be good vibes!! He's still figuring out where he fits amongst everyone and knows he's the shiny new thing they're all paying attention to so he's pretty reserved. He's steadily finding his feet as his own person outside of his father's shadow though so I think everyone would be pleasantly surprised when he starts showing some actual personality.
005. standing in front of the christmas tree, decorating it with an assortment of baubles, lights and tinsel.
I'd say he's indifferent to the decorating business, he'll leave those decisions to his mom, but he definitely encouraged her to get a stupidly large tree because he never really had that type of stereotypical holiday experience with his dad. Having some family time with just Daphne and Willow while decorating the tree would have healed some of the unacknowledged childhood trauma he's harbouring. The magic of Christmas etc etc.
006. setting out snacks for santa and his reindeers. don't forget the milk and cookies for christmas hardest workers!
Despite his dad being a hardass I wouldn't suggest he was an awful person, so I think he would have helped Willow set things up for the kids when they were little– footprints in flour through the kitchen to a plate of cookies, a half finished glass of milk and so on. Probably realised Santa wasn't real when his nosy little self found his parents taking bites out of carrots as if reindeer had been in the house. Definitely snitched to all the other kids too lmao.
007. at the mall, waiting in line to sit on santa's lap and spill your christmas gift wishes. will you be deemed naughty or nice?
I would say he's on the nice list. Could technically be nicer, but he's doing his best while dealing with his own shit. He'd quietly be pretty pleased about that, he definitely reacts well to praise.
008. exchanging and open gifts, anticipating what gift they may get. is it something cool or just another pair of socks?
Wishlist wise he'd be hoping for some acknowledgement from his father after their falling out. He wouldn't get it as such, just a generally addressed Christmas card to them all in the mail, but he knows if he wants the man's attention he needs to achieve something first. His task for the year ahead is figuring out whether appeasing his father aligns with his own desires or if it's too detrimental. Best gift he ever got was probably light up sneakers when he was a kid. He's still chasing the high of the joy he felt on that day.
009. auditions are now open for the town christmas extravaganza !!!
Oh Channie is so not a performer, his skills are purely that of observation. Back in the day I'm sure Tara managed to wrangle him into being part of productions though. Catch him painted up like Peeta Mellark as Rock Number 3. He would hate being on stage, but he was her biggest fan so being able to support her moment in the spotlight from right there with her..... 🥺🤧
010. in the trenches of snow forts, amidst a war of a snow fight! who will win?  
Dude's a human bulldozer– he loves a snowball fight. Definitely got in trouble a lot as a kid because of it, probably always jumping out of nowhere initiating things which could go either way depending on who he was flinging the snowballs at. FOR SURE got in the shit for having an icicle sword fight at school one time.
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lavender-annd-lilac · 2 years
🎁 Holiday Gifting Guide 🎁
(Fic Rec Edition!!)
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Do you put the "PRO" in procrastination? Are you reading this on today, December 24, 2022 instead of scrambling to get all the gifts you haven't got yet?
Well you made the right choice, because I have the PERFECT gifting recommendations for you!
From the bottom of the heart that I may or may not have, please enjoy 🖤
See the rest of my fic recs HERE
I have linked each fic with my comments attached, but I also put a warning (?) if you might want to skip the commentary
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Little White Lies
By @cockslutpadalecki
Pairing: Dark!Catfish!Ransom x Reader
Skip over my comments if: you don’t like Rick Astley
Who it’s for:
The "practical" gift giver
This kind of person gives you...A new toaster oven because you wrecked yours in the sink when your bagels started burning! A new humidifier bc your house is dry af! A new set of tableware bc you break everything and now just eat soup out of the can with a straw!
Not the most thrilling unboxing experience, but honestly, it’s shit that you actually need but probably would never have made time to get for yourself bc you are too busy reading fics on Tumblr.
Why it’s the perfect gift:
This gift will let them know you are very aware that that people have it worse out there. You’re basically saying, "I appreciate this family size pack of 3-ply toilet paper, because even though my disappointment was through the roof when I opened this big ass present I thought was going to be something epic, at least I’m not stuck in a hotel bc I got catfished over 3 months by some trust fund prick". A sentiment that truly encapsulates everything about the holiday season, and the gratitude you feel towards human kind.
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The time Brock Rumlow broke a rule *
(drabble from the ongoing “Penthouse” series)
By @kinanabinks
Pairing: sex worker!fem!reader x multiple characters (*not a Brock x Reader fic)
Skip over my comments if: you hate hot dogs 🌭
Who it’s for:
The last minute gift giver
You know that person that gives you things they obviously bought at the gas station on the way home? Like, a selection of snacks, beef jerky, candy, and a couple lottery tickets?
Well, if you think about it, this forgetful person is the other side of the coin with has your procrastinating face on the front! They may only have remembered at the last possible moment, but they still cared enough to give you a random assortment of items packaged together as a cohesive “present” even though you both know what really happened. But still! They were willing to endure the shame and ridicule you surely put them through afterwards, and basically give you this leverage to hold over them in the future.
Why it’s the perfect gift:
It’s also about someone coming through and being there when you need them. Plus, if they don’t like it (cut them out of your life if they don’t like this fic tbh), you can always bring up the fact that their present was shit, so they have no business complaining about this wonderful work of fiction.
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Stained like Georgia Clay
(ongoing series)
By @georgiapeach30513
Pairing: Cole Turner x Reader
Skip over my comments if: you are a cop
Who it’s for:
The nostalgic gift giver
A game boy colour from the 1990’s. Those roller skates with 4 wheels that I feel like people don’t really skate with. A lava lamp. This is for the person who loves the way things used to be - the person who always carries a quarter or two to use a phone booth “just for fun” bc you never know when they will vanish.
Why it’s the perfect gift:
Why not indulge them with some of the same nostalgia by introducing them to this delightful series steeped in old fashioned small town charm, with a hint of excitement for the future. Wow, that's so on point!! You really are the best gift giver!!
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Ranking biggest and baddest
(HC from ongoing series “All That Ultraviolence”)
By @the-iceni-bitch
Pairing: Lloyd Hansen x gf!law student reader, plus a LOT of other CE/SS characters, and a partridge in a pear tree Henry Cavil one
Skip over my comments if: you're a coward that doesn't want a peak inside my brain
Who it’s for:
That’s right! Treat yo self this holiday season bc you deserve it!!! And you can quote me on that!! Show this to your boss/overbearing parent/pain in the butt child/anyone else that is giving you a hard time! If they have any questions, my ask box is open.
Why it’s the perfect gift:
We’ve all seen that tumblr post at some point - the one that’s like “I read too many stories as a kid and now I’m emotionally burnt out so I can only read about the same 2 idiots falling in love over and over again”.
Well, if you are one of those burnouts, this is for you. I mean it’s not technically a fic, but at a time where we choose to believe in immaculate conception, flying reindeer, and benevolent home invaders, let’s not fuss about it.
If you love reading about two people falling in love ad nauseam, what about 9+ variations of 3 actors characters with varying degrees of affection for YOU. Plus, each with their own distinct personality, relationship dynamic, and and dick size! All described in detail for your reading pleasure! (you can find that last one for yourself in the author’s masterlist, like an Easter egg hunt!)
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Keep Running Back
By @slyyywriting
Pairing: Lloyd Hansen x Reader
Skip over my comments if: you don’t reduce, reuse, and recycle
Who it’s for:
The regifter
This person give you things that have obviously been regifted. A “worlds best boss” mug from your relative you see 3 times a year at most? Men’s basketball shorts that don’t fit you with the logo of a sports team you don’t know about? An item that still has a card attached with the original person’s name on it bc they forgot to remove it before re-gifting?
Why it’s the perfect gift:
It’s about things coming back into your life unexpectedly, and how it can be super disruptive and fuck up your routine. But also since it’s Xmas, it has smut and kind of a happy ending. So there, you aren’t being entirely petty (unlike the person that gave you a box of chocolates that expired last year).
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The Way Home
By @delaber
Pairing: Bucky Barnes x Reader
Skip over my comments if: you believe in the curse of “The Scottish Play” (Macb*th)
Who it’s for:
The gift card giver
Steam gift cards, Sephora gift cards, gift cards you can use at like 18 different restaurants or 16 different stores own by the same giant business conglomerate, whatever is vaguely in your interest, there's a gift card for it!!
Now, some people may think this is a boring gift. But it’s basically cash money, so if you find that boring, feel free to send me all your boring currency.
Why it’s the perfect gift:
The person that gives you gift cards is doing you a solid. It's not something you have to worry about returning, or bringing out of storage each time this person visits your house so you can pretend you don't hate it. It's basically unconditional love, just like the reader in the fic has for Bucky.
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If Only
By @littlelioncub43
Pairing: Best friend!Jake Jensen x Female!Reader, Steve Rogers x Female!Reader
Skip over my comments if: you think Orpheus should suffer for eternity bc he took a teeny tiny little peak behind him
Who it’s for:
The person that already has everything
Can’t get them ANYTHING bc they have it all? Man, if only you were super wealthy maybe you could afford to give them an expensive gift, like some Gucci loafers, or a ticket to Taylor Swift's upcoming tour … oh wait, they already have all that shit.
Why it’s the perfect gift:
Since you are such a considerate person, you want to give them something money can’t buy... an ~experience. And not just any experience, no, you’re going to treat them to something completely new, something they’ve never felt before
So go ahead, gift them this fic and watch their world crumble as they experience angst and despair. You can even emphasis your point by including a festive card with the following season's greetings: This is how it feels when you can't get what you want in life!! When the object of your desires lies just beyond your reach!! This is how us ordinary people feel when we don’t have enough change to afford a little Starbucks treat at the end of the day.
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(ongoing series)
By @darkficsyouneveraskedfor
Pairing: Lloyd Hansen x Reader
Skip over my comments if: you are Emily Blunt. I just feel like what I wrote might give you the impression that I’m obsessed with you or something, when really I’m just like your biggest fan.
Who it’s for:
The person that insists on not receiving presents
This is for the smug asshole who thinks they are above material items. The, “I’m just thankful to be healthy and happy” person. The person who acts like there is a special VIP lounge in heaven, with a table reserved just for them, and unlimited bottle service. The person that might actually just be genuinely satisfied with their life... but still, they shouldn't rub it in your face with their radiant happiness and cheerful disposition SMH. Just take the damn gift I didn't want to get you anyway, and give a half-hearted "thanks, I love it" like every other normal unhappy person on autopilot during this time of year.
Why it’s the perfect gift:
"Thankful to be healthy and happy”?? Well, not for much longer dude, bc this isn’t a present. It’s a clever little series that will worm its way into your soul like a Katy Perry pop song, and make you question what you find appealing or attractive in other people. Happy and healthy? More like deeply confused and aroused. Get ready to fight the demons of desire that lurk deep within you.
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The Magic Box
By @rustytricycle
Pairing: Dark!Terry the Terrific x Reader
Skip over my comments if: you don’t believe in magic, or you don’t want to find out how David Copperfield does that one trick where he "teleports" like a dozen audience members to Hawaii in 5 minutes
Who it’s for:
The smartass that always manages to guess what the present is before unwrapping it
Why do they insist on doing this shit? MK Ultra has been shut down dude, remote viewing isn't a marketable asset anymore. No one is impressed. No ones enjoys watching you shake, smell, and squint at the box for 10 minutes when we all just want to get this family gathering over with so we can go home and watch Netflix.
Why it’s the perfect gift:
Whether they are actually gifted with ESPN powers, x-ray powers, or being a nosy bitch powers, this magical gift is sure to surprise them. They will never see it coming. Just like the reader in this fic hahaha!
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Teacher’s Pet
By @whateveriwant
Pairing: Professor!Bucky Barnes x Student!Reader
Skip over my comments if: you are a university professor who thinks it is reasonable to make your students literally wait WEEKS to get their exams graded, when the grading process is just running those fill in the bubble sheets through a computer
Who it’s for:
The person that gives the gift of “a donation to [insert charity of THEIR choice here ]”
Wow. Maybe this is the relative who has never forgiven you for not going to church anymore after you discovered you had more important things to do with your time, so she gives you a receipt for some missionary project that seems a bit sketchy. Or maybe it's the relative always posting misinformation of facebook, who makes a donation to a political party/politician you do not support in your name. Whatever it is, this is a “charity” or “cause” you would rather not be associated with.
Why it’s the perfect gift:
This isn’t actually a petty move. It’s giving them a sign from the universe (via you), that what they are doing is not cool. I mean, of course you could always confront them directly and have a discussion about it, but that’s not really a gift. Who wants “a conversation” as a holiday gift? No, you are going to send them this delightfully unhinged fic from a burner an email with the subject line: I KNOW WHAT YOU DID. If you want to write anything in the email, it should preferably be in comic sans for the extra touch of je ne sais pas.
And they won’t know what’s happening either! If they respond with ????, don’t answer. Let them wonder if [email protected] sent it to the wrong person, if [email protected] really knows anything incriminating, or if there is an evil doppelgänger out there ruining their reputation.
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Candy canes and hot cocoa
(from her “Make it a December to Remember” Christmas series*)
By @imyourbratzdoll
Pairing: Elf!Ransom x Reader
Skip over my comments if: your name starts with “J” and ends with “esus Christ”. Some of my private and confidential communication with my boy Baphomet is included here, and that’s none of your business tbh.
* these are all cute af and you need to read every single one… my other fav elves are Steve and Lee
Who it’s for:
The person that gives the gift of “a donation to [insert charity of YOUR choice here ]”
While your first reaction might be disappointment bc you really wanted that Chanel purse or Valentino gown, after thinking about it, this gift is actually really sweet!!
This person not only knows you well, but they are also helping you curb your addiction to material items. AND they are basically being generous in your name so you don’t have to do it yourself. Wow, they are really racking up those karma points for you!!
Why it’s the perfect gift:
This person deserves the cutest goddamn Christmas fic I have ever had the courage to openly admit I enjoyed (just don’t tell anyone I said that). In fact, your gift might even be better than what they got for you! So don’t forget to tell them that it’s ok, and you appreciate their effort.
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On read
By @straywords
Pairing: Stalker! Bucky Barnes x Reader
Skip over my comments if: you are one of those guys who tries to get onlyfans content for free
Who it’s for:
The distant but wealthy family member that always sends a card with a reasonable amount of money inside
Although… I feel like they haven’t really considered the inflated cost of living these days. So maybe it’s time to adjust for that? I mean, get with the times, right? They should consider how your purchasing power could be affected here.
Why it’s the perfect gift:
This one gets kind of spicy but tbh if they are a distant family member it should be ok. Plus they might appreciate it and give you more money next year. Who knows. Or they might come back at you asking for more fic recs and then you can charge a finders fee.
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Starting Gate
By @navybrat817brat817
Pairing: Motocross!Bucky Barnes x Female Reader
Skip over my comments if: you don’t love that I love Nat
Who it’s for:
The generous, well intentioned gift giver that unfortunately gets it wrong, like, every damn time
This is the kind aunt who gets you a nice pair of pearl earrings for your un pierced ears, a cute designer iPhone case for your android (tbh that’s on u for choosing the wrong phone tho… lol jk), a lifetime bark box subscription for your cat, or even a new car with stick shift, when you can only drive an automatic.
Why it’s the perfect gift:
Show them what a thoughtful person (Nat) would really do for their friend. Like, hint hint, next year I expect you to introduce me to my future soulmate, ok??
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John the Baptist
By: definitely not me lol who even suggested that get outta here u lying liar
Pairing: Priest!Bucky x no one bc he’s a man of God you fucking perverts
Skip over my comments if: I didn't leave any comments bc I feel like this drabble speaks for itself tbh
Who it’s for:
The “joke” gift giver
We all have (or had) this friend. The one that gives you a family size package of adult diapers, or an enormous bottle of denture cleaning solution, or anything else that is funny when it happens to other people, but not cool when it's your turn to enjoy life - i.e. it sucks that you got them a nice sweater while they got you a package of XS condoms and a bottle of cranberry juice.
Why it’s the perfect gift:
Why not turn the tables this year! Fight humour with humour. Spread the joy! And ok, am I recommending my own “fic”? For the last time, NO! Omg… like seriously who said that? I would NEVER self promote on this most humble of holidays.
For an actual joke of a piece of writing tho, (that was published on a legit platform btw) check out this review of Seb Stan in Picnic from the Hollywood Reporter
Skip over my comments if: you wrote that article and stand by your statements regarding abdominal muscles
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Slow Hands
By @heli0s-writes
Pairing: Steve Rogers x his hands x his imagination?
DON’T skip these comments if: you work for the Onion News. Seriously guys, I think I would be at least an average level employed to add to your team.
Who it’s for:
The selfish romantic partner that gets themselves a gift, and then tries to pass it off as a “couples/bonding experience” like you wouldn’t immediately see through that shit
“Babe, I got us tickets to see that sports team I know you couldn’t care less about!! You know, the one that I always ditch you for when they have a game that I want to watch with the guys, even though we already made reservations at a restaurant that’s not Olive Garden for once! This is going to be so much fun for us!! Oh ya, don’t forget to dress hot in case they show us on the kiss cam”
Why it’s the perfect gift:
Now if you’re familiar with this fic I already know what you’re going to say,
“But this is a beautiful masterpiece!!! Why would I allow my inconsiderate jerk of a partner the privilege of reading it??”
Well, first of all, “beautiful masterpiece”? I mean… that’s just YOUR opinion man. (Lol jk it is truly a work of art)
But listen, in the xmas spirit, I think you can find it within yourself to turn the other cheek, and show that even though they might not give a damn about what you enjoy, you’re still going to be gracious, thoughtful, and kind.
Plus your partner will probably need some cheering up after you dump their ass live on national tv when they propose to you with a dollar store ring pop* on the kiss cam. 😘
*lol jk. Nothing against ringpops tbh. I’d take one of those solid lumps of corn syrup and food colouring over a blood diamond any day. In fact, I’d take one over a regular diamond bc engagement rings are one of the biggest marketing scams ever, created by a Machiavellian cartel (*cough* De Beers *cough*) with a monopoly on the market, who purposely restricts supply and creates a false sense of scarcity in order to justify massively inflating the price of these inherently worthless chunks of compressed carbon to ensure profit and distract you from the fact that diamonds are a depreciating asset backed by arbitrary claims of “investment value” that come from the same greedy, lying, fatcats that have poured millions of advertising dollars to convince you that you’re a failure in life if you don’t have or can’t afford to buy a common rock (that’s right, common, plentiful, more numerous in quantity than tickets to the latest TSwift tour) the size of an grotesquely enlarged, genetically modified blueberry.
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Thanks for reading! And thanks to all the authors!
& ty @firefly-graphics for the dividers!!
(Except whoever wrote that shitty John the Baptist drabble)
If for whatever reason you feel uncomfortable with having your fic included in this, the holy grail of gift guides, send me a DM along with $300 worth of doge coin haha kidding y’all, I only accept cash.
LOL JK, send me a DM and I will replace the title of your fic AND your @username with 3 emojis of my choice.
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verdantglow · 6 months
so is it safe to assume that you're going to be going through each of the seasons chronologically then? and exploring how each of their relationships form and change over time? or are you going to pick a set point that is the "current" times and make references back to older series and stunts?
also out of curiousity, whos pov(s) do you watch? im always interested in learning this stuff
also also i think seer of void is perfect for Sc(h)ott and i think heir of rage works really well for Joel. im trying so hard to think of any other classes that would work for him and im just... coming up short. maybe page? because i can see him inciting rage in others and growing stronger as time passes with it. but i dunno. youve thrown me back into my homestuck phase that i thought i had gotten out of years ago and thus have forgotten too much :')
So that’s a bit of tricky question. The campaigns happen in the chronological order of the seasons, but I honestly haven’t settled on what is ‘now.’ Tbh, I’m kinda treating this AU as a playground for all my crossover relevant headcanons & plot bunnies. I’m not planning on making one cohesive fic for this AU. My hope is to do an assortment of art, comics, & fics (& maybe animations?; gods I’d love to do mini animations/“flashes” for this & would like to try to, if I can get my brain to sit still long enough). Each piece will be a different chunk of the story, a significant event or plot line that I feel like examining, rather than there being a linear story. Kinda like a selection of vignettes rather than a novel.
Granted, I’m not married to this idea yet. It’d be a nice way to do things in that it’d allow me to follow my inspirations rather than be stuck in a timeline. But at the same time, I’m not sure how that’ll read/look. I might just start at Secret Life or after Secret Life & do everything else as flashbacks. But it’ll definitely be around the Secret Life time if I do decide to do some linearity because Gem is bae & I desperately need her at least somewhat prominent. (& she joins up with the others between sometime before Limited Life & before Secret Life. Haven’t nailed that quite down either, but she wasn’t part of the group from the get go, like the others. (Everyone was somehow linked to each other from before/around the 3rd Life campaign, even if they didn’t join the VLARP until Last Life.))
Tbh, I haven’t comprehensively watched most of the Traffic seasons. I started watching mcyt when Limited Life was happening, but couldn’t maintain focus at the time. (Probably because I was watching Grian’s viewpoint of EVERY SINGLE SEASON AT THE SAME TIME, dear god what is wrong with me lol.) So until recently, I’d only seen the first half of all of Grian’s seasons. I finally finished his 3rd Life the other day (in one sitting mind you; wild experience) as well as Martyn’s 3rd Life.
When Secret Life rolled around, I was more invested & wound up watching Grian, Mumbo, Gem, Joel, Scar, Lizzie, Martyn, Jimmy, & some of Etho & Cleo.
Right now I’ve got Jimmy & Tango’s 3rd Life, Joel’s Last Life, & Etho’s Double Life going on a rotation. I think that’s all I’m currently watching? I’m kinda crawling through those as I’ve got an absolutely massive list of Hermits I’m watching at the moment. Other POVs I’ve got earmarked for watching at some point: Impulse 3L, Lizzie, Martyn, & Pearl LL, Joel, BigB, & Pearl DL, & I haven’t even started figuring out who I’m gonna watch for LimL.
I’m so flattered this AU is getting you back to Homestuck! You know, I hadn’t seriously thought about it in… six? seven? years, until I had the thought that Scar & Grian made sense as fucked up moirails & I suddenly had an AU to be fascinated by lol. Like. I haven’t even been observing the high holidays for a few years, & now I’m doing in depth research on Lore so I can work on this AU. Funny how life works that way, a new special interest resurrecting an old one.
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malcolmhclland · 9 months
holiday prompt → lyrica holland.
001. under the mistletoe—
well, she certainly takes advantage of the mistletoe hanging at traxs as she very much makes out with jimi underneath it whenever given the chance— but isn't the rules of the mistletoe? as for other kisses, i mean, she's very much free love so i'm sure she's kissed much of rosewood due to mistletoe.
002. in front of the fireplace, cuddled up under a blanket with a hot drink.
i don't think she was snuggling up to any one person specifically this year. i think the holiday's came and she was out having fun. bar crawls with her fellow traxs employees, taking pictures with drunk santas during santa con, watching the sun come up from her roof top with her friends. if she woke up besides anyone this holiday season, it was surely in a cuddle puddle after a long night out.
003. snowed in from a heavy snow storm.
five people she'd like to be snowed in goes as following— 1. Cliff, Benny and Teddy: C'mon, that's like Rosewood musical royalty. She needs to hear all about their escapades back in the days whilst also recording literal masterpieces. 2. January's Dream: Once again, I don't think she needs to explain the contributions these women had to music. 3. Natalia Maston: If you've ever had anything her bestie has ever made, you'd understand why she's definitely needed in a lock down situation. 4. Her dad: If you're facing god knows how many hours without entertainment, why wouldn't you want Malcolm by your side? Her dad down. Plus, for the edibles he surely has on his person. 5. Maybe Jimi: That's if he's not on her shit list at the moment and time. But if he's not, most definitely him.
004. at a busy dinner table, food piled on the center and family chaos ensuing around the house.
I know that the holidays most definitely go down at Cassandra and Dove's place for the Empire Records gang— and that's just a good ol' time over there. The Empire Record cast is fully just good vibes all around, so I'm just picturing really good music and a whole lot of laughter. But simply don't ask Lyrica or Malcolm to cook, their talents surely lie elsewhere when it comes to dinners. Like getting everyone high for them.
005. standing in front of the christmas tree, decorating it with an assortment of baubles, lights and tinsel.
Lyrica, for certain and I imagine the Holland family tree to be quite whimsical. Like, they are surely the people to have bought the upside down tree and it's a sight to behold.
006. setting out snacks for santa and his reindeers. don't forget the milk and cookies for christmas hardest workers!
You know, I don't think Lyrica ever had too long a believing in Santa Clause phase, solely because I truly believe Malcolm would have spilled those beans accidentally when she was way too young. But I also believe that Lyrica was too sweet to break anyones bubble, so I believe that Mal and her were both the cookie eaters in their house.
007. at the mall, waiting in line to sit on santa's lap and spill your christmas gift wishes. will you be deemed naughty or nice?
She's a nice list girl all the way. Sure, she can be vindictive at times, but she doesn't revel in being mean. In fact, she tries to make up for it almost immediately after the act is done. She's a nice girl.
008. exchanging and open gifts, anticipating what gift they may get. is it something cool or just another pair of socks?
I want to say that the best present Lyrica has ever received was surely a vinyl of Renaissance by Beyonce. I like to think that album very much inspired baby Lyrica in many ways, but more specifically, it's production and it definitely inspired her dj sets.
009. auditions are now open for the town christmas extravaganza !!!
Lyrica definitely loves a stage moment, I believe she would have surely been a part of a Rosewood holiday production or maybe five. Never a Rudolph, but most definitely a Dasher or Vixen. I don't think she's much of a performer now a days, her talents lying more behind a CDJ.
010. in the trenches of snow forts, amidst a war of a snow fight! who will win?  
C'mon now, Lyrica is definitely joining in on a snow ball fight and I know she took them seriously. The enemy had to be covered in snow before she accepted any defeat as I know the children of the Empire Records cast know all too well.
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frauleindermorgen · 10 months
“Oh here, let me grab that for you!” Ethlyn grabs the dish Micaiah is holding, careful that it might be hot. She is quite pleased with the assortment of food her guests have decided to bring. Of course, there would have been plenty of food without the pot luck element but there is something special about food shared. Each person who brought a dish brought a piece of their own homeland and, with so many people from so many different places here, it’s nice to know that each of them will have something familiar to them.
In the end, that’s what this whole event is about: bringing a sense of familiarity and home.
“It smells delicious! Ah and, trade you!” Ethlyn hands over a bag of a plush sapphire velvet with braided gold drawstrings. If she is tempted to peek inside, she will find the festive goodies of the typical Chalphy holiday season: roasted nuts coated in a caramelized warming spice mixture, a hand-pulled twisted peppermint stick, decadent candied orange peel, and a holiday cracker to be pulled later with little knick-knacks within.
Though Micaiah has spent years attending classes and, indeed, eating in the same hall if not the same table as these people she finds herself oddly nervous when it comes to the Chalphy’s invitation. A party, and one for the joy of the season rather than selfish social connections – it’s wonderful! And completely outside of Micaiah’s experiences thus far. She wears the black and silver dress from her first Ethereal Ball (though with a shawl this time) with the tourmaline hair pin Pelleas had given her not long ago, and for the first time fusses overly in the small mirror in her room wondering if it was enough.
When she gets there Lady Ethlyn’s warm greeting takes near all her worries away, and she finds herself grinning back ass he carefully hands the three bean soup over. “Oh, thank you! For having me and the help,” Micaiah explains as she follows her to where the other potluck items are all laid out; “and it’s not much but I figured there must be others who would appreciate a hearty soup without the meat. Ah, it looks like you really have a feast here.”
When Lady Ethlyn hands her the bag Micaiah takes it reverently, holding it close to her chest with the same smile as before. “I am humbled by your hospitality, and while I will now go find my seat please do let me know if you or Sir Sigurd need any help. I’ve heard it’s the season for it!”
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