#i need to focus on important things like video games and crying over exam results
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in the second level you can choose whether to give them a ladder or hammers to hit each other with
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heyletsbeorganised · 5 years
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Organisation and Planning
Have a planner or some area where you can write your plans for the day so you can easily see when you have a class or event.
Update your planner/ calendar every day
Have weekly to do lists. I taped mine in each week of my planner so i can see all tasks and events in the one glance.
Clean your desk or work space every night or after a session, this way it’s so much easier to get started the next day.
Have a post it note near you to jot down important things you remember for you to do later that way you don’t get sidetracked. 
Get out any power cords, pens, food etc. that you need for a study sesh before you start.
Stick on your wall a list of upcoming assignments or class work due dates and tick of as you do them, or post it note them and remove when done.
Break down tasks on lists so it seems more achievable. 
Always make a plan before starting an assignment, maybe a mind map of what needs to be done and where you’ll get what info. I love doing this for essays.
Make sure you know what things you need to do before each class whether its reading or printing slides, come prepared.
Keep all notes for a subject together whether in a folder or digitally, this will help in exam season and don’t leave papers in your bag to be forgotten about.
Empty your bag everyday and put handouts or information in its appropriate place.
Pomodoro! Most people i know do the 30 mins study 5 min break but this has always been too short of time for me to accomplish something with too little of a break so i tend to do 45 or 60 minutes with a 10 minute break which is pretty much the same time it just works better for me.
ASMR! i know this sounds cringe or cliche but asmr can be super relaxing and provides that white noise that we like without listening to music which may prove distracting. I suggest the Harry potter common room ones they are beautiful.
Attitude. This is so important because if you go into studying pessimistically you will end up annoyed, go in with the mindset of getting a lot done and reaching your goals.
A pretty work space is a used work space, well at least for me. When my walls are covered with artwork and my desk is neat i feel most motivated, cleaning your desk is a small task that might inspire you to get working. 
Candles, see above. 
Watch YouTube videos on the subject you're studying, for visual and auditory learners this is especially helpful. 
Make summaries after your notes, mainly focusing on explicit points in the syllabus.
Make sure your summaries are done as you complete the course work so you are prepared for exam season.
A few weeks before exams make a list of all you want to get done before then and start working!
If you have your textbook on your device get a program that will read the text to you, save your eyes and this is normally a quicker way to digest material.
Find the study space that works for you, e.g. home, the library etc. 
As much as i love it, coffee makes you peak and come down so if you can water and good snacks can be better for sustained energy.
DO PRACTICE QUESTIONS! For some reason i thought it was okay to think about a practice question and then just look at the answer? No, this did not work, you need to actually see what you know and write a response. 
When possible work under exam conditions, it's going to be stressful to be put under those circumstances but you need to actually get used to working that way.
Set a time and write down all you know about a small topic on a page, what you miss is what you need to go over.
Most textbooks are a base resource that can help you if you don’t understand a concept but there shouldn't be too many notes to gather that you shouldn't have already gotten in class, this is obviously different for each class but for me this has been the case. Don't waste good revision time relearning what you know.
Highlighting allows us to tune out of the actual reading so avoid when possible and take notes as you go if you need to as this makes you focus more.
Flashcards are fun to make and they are proven to work, just make sure if you make question cards you don’t cheat when using them and look at the answers. 
Making your notes is pretty but time consuming, don’t feel pressured to have that aesthetic all the time, the work is more important.
Find online quizzes on the topics you are studying. Many people have done your course before and already put in the hard yards, take advantage of this.
As above there are many resources for topics online, find these before you start a new section to be extra prepared. 
Rereading notes before bed makes sure it stays in your head as your brain will be processing it overnight or some science but it does work.
When studying put your phone in another room to relieve the urge to check it all the time.
Have a good trusty pen. Mine is the uniball signo. We have a friendship, it’s good.
I've learned recently you don’t need 100 coloured pens and the entire fine-liner collection because i only like a few colours and often don’t have enough time to use a brush pen, markers, highlighters and pens all in the one page of notes.
Don’t feel pressured to have pretty equipment, functional equipment is 100 times more important
Small dot or grid notebooks to do summaries in or mind maps really has helped me feel motivated because they do look really pretty and gets me focused in exam times.
There is a movement towards digitising notes but i think it is still good to have a binder for handouts and articles etc.
Only take to college/school/university the essentials and save your back.
Keep a few bad ballpoints in your bag to save giving friends your nice pens and never getting them back.
Don’t buy stationery that doesn't work, yes the New York post its i got were beautiful, did they stick at all, no. This clutters your work space and steals your money.
Personal Care
Don’t feel guilty for taking breaks, realistically know your limits and think of it as refuelling.
Try to eat healthy not for weight or looking good but because your body will hate you when you are always giving it takeaway and then asking it to do 14 hour study sessions.
When struggling to focus of a morning, get up and have a shower. This will wake you up and get you feeling motivated.
Have a support person. Mine is my boyfriend and is the person i can just let out all the stress onto, have a cry and then get back to work. You just need to let it out sometimes.
A more relaxed study method is to group up with friends and test each other, create little games etc.
Make sure you still socialise and go to events during crazy stressful periods because you need an outlet and a break.
write out your goals for a term, semester, class or year and refer back to them when you get your results, this will make sure you are judging yourself by your own standards and not compared to anyone else’s.
Reach out for help or advice, whether that’s to friends or people on tumblr or your professors, if you are struggling its ok to get a hand.
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purplesurveys · 3 years
survey by xxbieberburnham
A - Accidents
Have you ever been in a car accident? Very minor ones that only caused small dents, and nothing that wrecked either car or put someone in the hospital entirely.
Do you have a lot of scars? I have some, not a lot.
Have you been in a fist fight with someone? Nope.
Have you ever seriously hurt someone by accident? I remember striking my ex in the face accidentally while we were horsing around. She was wearing glasses at the time so she ended up getting a cut in the area in between her eyes.
Have you ever had stitches? No and like I always say, I hope I’ll never need to get them.
B - Beauty
Would consider yourself beautiful? Not beautiful, but I will feel pretty on some days. Not always, though.
Are you self consicous of how you look? These days not so much, because I don’t even get to go out in the first place and there’s been little need to fix myself up most days unless I’ll get on a video call for work. I don’t get self-conscious around my family either.
Do you wear a lot of make up? I never wear makeup.
Would you ever consider getting plastic surgery? Nope. I considered having my breasts done when I was a teenager, but the thought literally never crosses my mind anymore.
What do you think makes a person beautiful? Physically, I think it differs per person. More than that, it’s the things they do when no one is looking.
C - Consequences
What is the longest you've been grounded for? Maybe around a year? Due to issues at home and, honestly, poor parental skills on my mom’s end, I ended up being a rebellious problem child and wasn’t the easiest to temper or raise.
What would you do if you became pregnant? Keep it and try to seek support from family and friends.
Do you ever think about how your actions affect people? Always a people pleaser, y’all. Of course I do.
What do you think is the worst punishment someone could give you? I guess anything that involves taking away basic essentials, like cutting off access to food and water.
What is one thing you wish you didn't do because it wasn't worth it? Stayed in a relationship that I knew was going to end at some point. She always made it clear she’d end it one day and I was just too afraid of confrontation to face it sooner (and too stubborn to handle the truth).
D - Dealing
When you're mad at someone how do you show it? Cold shoulder.
Name a time when you had to be strong. The week of my grandfather’s death, wake, and cremation was on the same week of my entrance examinations for several universities, including the two toughest ones. I had already been in the headspace to just focus on the exams and shut out everything else for the meantime then the death happened, so my life turned into a rollercoaster of emotions quickly. I ended up entertaining relatives and fervently going through my review modules at the wake.  
Have you ever dealt with divorce? Well I’ve never been married and I also live in a country where divorce is illegal, so no.
When people don't accept you, how do you react? It will definitely affect my self-esteem to an extent. I imagine being bothered by it.
Have you ever lost someone to death? Yes. Just yesterday I found out one of grand uncles did from Covid. We are very close with that side of the family, so I am still in shock and have yet to process it.
F - Family
Is there anyone in your family you don't talk to? I barely talk to one of my uncles and only do so when we greet each other at family gatherings. Still, I haven’t looked him in the eye for years now.
If you had to choose: friends or family? Probably my friends.
Do you have any siblings? Yes.
How often do you spend quality time with your family? Pretty regularly now with Covid still on the loose. We have dinner together every night, then after that we usually hang out in the living room doing our own thing. Also breakfast on weekends.
G - Growing
How tall are you? Do you wish you were taller or shorter? I’m around 5′1″. I’m fine with this height.
Do you think you've grown up in the past year? So much. I think my surveys show that too.
Do you think you're mature for your age or still childish? I want to say I’ve matured in some ways, but I don’t think I’m fully there yet. For one, I’m still scared to learn how to cook lol and I can’t even light up a match.
Are you scared to think that one day you'll turn 30, then 40 & 50? Sometimes I’ll get in those moods because it makes me realize how fast life is and how quickly people turn old. But I hate getting stressed and mulling over things I can’t control, so I also immediately return to the present and just enjoy where I am now.
Do you believe you still have a lot to learn? I’m barely in my mid-20s, so I know that for a fact.
H - Hope
Love - real or not? I want to say it’s still real. Some people just get lucky early, I guess.
Are you a pessimist or an optimist? Realist.
Do you believe in fate or that everything happens for a reason? I believe whatever things that happen are consequences of, or are at least linked to, what’s happened in the past – wherever that falls under.
Do you believe that after we die, your spirit is still alive? I don’t believe in spirits, so no.
What gives you hope when you just feel like dying? My next paycheck. Hahahaha
I - Idols
Who is your idol? I don’t have any.
What makes this person an idol to you?
Has this person done anything good to help other people?
Does this person have good style?
What does this person do for a living?
J - Jokes
Tell me an inside joke between you and your friends. “Packs a punch” is one of mine and Angela’s long-standing inside jokes. I think I’ve shared this story before, but basically in one lunch break in high school I was tasting this juice that one of our friends brought; I remarked that it “packs a punch” which no 16 year old Filipino student uses in a casual setting, so it quickly became a hit in our circle and now Angela brings it back semi-regularly to tease me.
Are you usually the person to make people laugh or the other way around? It’s mostly the other way around but occasionally I’ll be able to blurt out a joke that ends up working well.
Do you cry when you laugh hard? Haha yes. That’s the best kind of laugh.
Do you get in trouble for laughing or talking in class? Almost never. I hated causing trouble, and if I was ever called out in class it was always a classmate talking to me that I was just too shy to ask to keep quiet.
Are you good at making jokes? Depends on the person. I hold back if necessary.
K - Knowledge
The prupose of school: learn, hang with friends or cause trouble? Learn and gain new experiences, then gain friends.
Do people refer to you as dumb, smart or average? I dunno, you��ll have to ask them.
What kind of grades do you usually get? I mostly bummed around in high school just because I didn’t think grades from that early on in life wouldn’t matter in the long run, but I still did well enough to pass all my classes. I exerted a lot more effort in college since that’s when educational backgrounds start to matter, and got even better results from there.
What is your favorite subject to learn or talk about? History.
L - Love
Are you currently in love? Nope.
Do people around you show a lot of love? The people in my life who’ve chosen to stay, yes.
Is love worth it? Not always, but yes, mostly.
Do you hate it when people say "I love you" & they've been dating for a day? It might confuse me a bit since I personally don’t take that phrase lightly; but I wouldn’t be one to judge.
Does it take a lot for you to say you love someone or is it just a word? Like I said, it takes a lot for me to be able to say it. The two times I dated my ex she was always the one who ended up saying it first.
M - Money
Do you believe money makes the world go round? Yes, and that it can buy happiness.
How much money do you have on you now? I’ve been using paper money less and less frequently now, actually. I’m all cashless these days, so my wallet is literally all out of bills and the coins there are probably just piled-up centavos I’ll never use.
Are you saving up for anything? My birthday treat. I already somewhat failed lolol - I got BTS coffees, Ivy Park shoes, and four boxes of wings just this week, but I told myself I am no longer touching my bank account until it’s time to pre-order food for my birthday.
Would you rather win 1 million dollars or find true love? Give me the million dollars. 50 million pesos would last me like ten lifetimes.
On a scale 1-10, how important is money to you? 10.
N - Nothing to lose
Would you ever go on a game show? If it’s a game show I enjoy watching, like Jeopardy or Family Feud. I might not be interested  if it’s anything else I’m not too familiar with.
Do you play the lottery? Never.
Ever been to Las Vegas? Nope.
Have you ever made a bet and then lost? Nah, I don’t really make real bets; I just use the saying with my friends but we never follow through with real money.
Do you give your all in a relationship? To a fault.
O - Openess
How long does it take you to open up with someone? It depends on how long it takes for me to be comfortable with them...some people can seem standoffish, so I’d be wary about opening up about my life to them out of shyness and uncertainty if they’d be down for such a conversation. Then others can be rays of sunshine who are very easy to talk to.
What does it take for you to fully trust someone? If they’ve proven to be reliable in crises. I’ve always said I’m more of a follower than a leader, so if I see that someone’s capable of handling any sort of issue that I can’t find a way out of, I will find it a lot easier to start trusting them.
Do you trust people too easily? Probably.
Are you comfortable with everyone? Definitely not. I like keeping my circle small.
Do you tell your parents and friends everything? Just my friends.
P - Positive
Is your outlook on life positive or negative? I like to keep it positive but still grounded to reality at the end of the day. I don’t wanna drag myself down with my mindset, but I also don’t want to give myself exuberantly high expectations.
Have you ever had a moment with someone & it didn't end positively? I’ve had very few negative one-off experiences with some strangers, but yes, they’ve happened.
Do you agree with: best to have loved than never loved at all? As negative as my experience turned out to be, I still think it’s better to experience love. I grew up in a lot of ways and also learned new things about myself because I loved.
Do you see most things as negative or positive? Idk, depends on how they realistically look like.
Has anything bad happened but something good came from it? Yes.
Q - Questions
When faced with a problem, do you solve it on your own or ask for help? Ask for help.
Do you like to take quizzes? Maybe not quizzes but surveys.
If you could ask the president one question, what would it be? When he plans to stop being a disgusting misogynist pig. And also if he has an actual Covid response action plan because I am not seeing anything fucking moving in the last year.
When someone does something wrong do you ask them about it or let it go? Depends on how close I am with them, or how attached I am to the issue.
Do you own plaid shorts? Not shorts but skirt, since I had to wear a school uniform in my old school and our school skirt was plaid.
R - Respect
How do you show respect for someone? I talk nicely about them, even (and especially) behind their backs. I also refuse to act or talk like a superior around them.
What can someone do to lose respect for them? If their stances on politics and certain advocacies are questionable; if I see them treating any employee under any industry shittily; and if they excessively badmouth people behind their backs.
Do you respect your parents, teachers or authority? Yeah. I’m afraid of getting into trouble and being reprimanded, and I always like looking good in superiors’ eyes so I’ve always been a bit of a goody two shoes.
If you're disrespectful to your parents, whats your punishment? I’m 23, have a full-time job, and give them a portion of my salary twice a month so they know they can’t really do anything about it anymore lmao. I’ve definitely noticed they’ve cut back on sermons directed to me. The most that can happen these days is that I would get a mild scolding, but that’s it.
If someone is mean to you, are you mean back? Of course, but I do it very passive-aggressively. I want to make sure I get the last laugh.
S - School
If you're still in school, what grade will you be going into? Not in school anymore and no plans to apply for a postgraduate course any time soon.
When will you graduate high school/college? I graduated high school in 2016, college in 2020.
After high school, what do you plan on doing? I went straight to college, as is the common practice here.
Do you like or hate school? I honestly enjoyed it for the most part; the only thing I really had a problem with was the demanding schedule and workload – back in college, I frequently had classes at 7 or 8:30 AM (which required me to start driving by 5 or 6 AM) and then I had extracurricular activities that would end at 10 PM at the very latest; meaning I was usually in my university for 17 hours every weekday. 
The upside to all of this is that I got to attend my dream school and was surrounded with my close friends, so despite the taxing schedule I have little to no complaints about my college experience, even in retrospect.
Have you ever been expelled or suspended? Never.
T - Temptation
Have you ever done something wrong but inside it was okay? Sure, I’ve definitely had my sneaky moments. Some of them I felt guilty doing and decided I’d never repeat, like cheating on a test; some of them I felt like needed to be a part of my youth years to enjoy life a little bit more and so I was ok doing them, like skipping classes to go see my girlfriend at the time or hang out at a bar with friends.
Has anyone ever pressured you to smoke or drink? I never like using the word pressured because my friends were nothing but. They did invite me to try out drinking and smoking, but they never forced me to do anything I was uncomfortable with. My decisions were always mine to make at the end of the day.
Did you ever cheat on someone? Never.
Do you give into temptation easily or are you independent? I think I’m a good balance of it? like I will say I’m influenced easily, but I still have the self-restraint to refuse things I’m adamant about avoiding.
U - Unique
Do you do a lot of things because your friends are? That’s the case sometimes, but not for all.
Do you follow trends or do whatever you want? Again, I can be both. It’s nice to like things that can be my own thing, and it can also feel cool to follow trends because it’s easier to relate to others who are into the same things.
Do you give in easily to peer pressure? No.
What makes you different from people your age? I dunno if there is anything that sets me apart. You’d have to ask other people.
V - Value
What's the most expensive thing in your room? Right now, probably the laptop I was given by my employer for work. I never use it though because my laptop works just fine, and I’m already used to how my own laptop works like and feels like; I have little time to get accustomed to a new laptop, given how hectic my work schedule is. It’s also an older MacBook Pro model, so I don’t want to use it even more than it’s already been used by past employees. I had to sign some contract that basically tells me I have to pay for it if I ever do some damage to it, and the current value is a little above P50,000.
What's more valuable: your life or the ones around you? Others’. But I’m also slowly learning to value my own as well.
What's something you value? Not because it’s expensive but it means a lot? Handwritten letters and notes from friends. Ever since I got a corkboard for Christmas last year I’ve been saving up the ones I’ve received and putting them up on the board; I hope to one day fill it up.
If there was a fire in your house/apartment what would you grab? Kimi. Someone else in the family is in charge of Cooper.
Do you think the past or future is more valuable? I think the present is, actually.
W - Wishes
If you had three wishes, what would they be? A sushi platter, a box of macarons, and my bank account replenished hahaha.
Would you rather wish yourself to be happy or others? Again, others’.
Do you believe that wishes come true if you really believe? Sure, but you also have to do something about them if you really want them to come true. Things won’t always come your way.
Have you ever had a wish come true? Yes.
Do you find wishing on things to be a waste of time? Not really; it makes me feel hopeful and gives me a reason to keep doing the things I’m doing.
Y - You
Are you more independent or social? Social. I love being around people. But I also like recharging by myself.
What's something that makes you mad when you see it? Animal abuse, more than anything.
Do you have potential to do anything you want? I hope so.
Do you believe people are born a certain way? No.
What color are your eyes? Dark brown.
Z - Zest
Are you currently happy with your life? I could be doing more if the pandemic wasn’t around, to be honest. But given how much has happened and what I’ve been through, I’m still happy with what I have for now.
When change occurs, do you get scared? Yeah, I’m very resistant to change and I try to avoid or outright deny it as much as possible. I know it’s a problem point of mine that I have to fix.
Do you like to try new things or meet new people? Try new things, yes always. Meet new people, not all the time.
What is the most motivational thing on earth? Money.
Do you have a motto? Nope.
Last questions
Do you hate how the letters on the keyboard aren't in ABC order? No, I’ve long been used to the QWERTY order and never found myself complaining about it either at any point.
Do you drink water? ...What?
What did you have for breakfast? I skipped it today, but this morning I did have a box of these chocolate Korean snacks that was part of the ~care package~ she had sent over to my house last Thursday.
Do you like convertibles? They’re cool. I don’t need to have one of them, but they look nice.
Do you like the American or British way of spelling words? I don’t have a preference in the sense that I dislike one of these, but I tend to follow American spelling.
What colors are on your country's flag? Blue, red, white, and yellow.
Can you skateboard? Nope, I haven’t even tried getting on one.
Do you like long hair? Sure, but not too long.
Do you like Fiber One bars? I’ve never tried them but judging from the name I doubt they would be favorites of mine.
What does your sleeping bag look like? I never need to use a sleeping bag, so I don’t have one.
Do you like to save your results after a survey? Yep, which is why I opened a Tumblr for it.
Do you like Sour Patch Kids? Just some flavors. I leave the other ones because I find them too sour for my liking.
If you could have your own show, what would it be about? Fooooooooooood triiiiiiiiiiiiiiip.
Ever rode on a jet? Not yet.
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kingofthewilderwest · 5 years
I have a super hard exam Monday morning and I really think I can't make it. I have been studying, but I can't understand a think! I thought It was the way I was studying but it's too late to look for alternatives. I have been reading my notes crying all day (I'm doing it right now and sobbing) but still no light.
I’m really sorry about the stress you’re going through. Exams can be extremely tough and I feel for you on that one. I’ve cried over tests and schooling and all that as well. It sucks to feel this stress. Academia many times pushes us to the brink beyond what we should be given, and I hope that you come out of this on the other side feeling relief.
When I was in school, one of the ways I calmed myself was to think about long-term. In less than 48 hours, this stressor will be completely gone from your life. It’ll no longer exist because you’ve taken the test. It’s a stressor, but it’s one for a VERY short time frame in your life. In the long scale of things, it’s very soon going to be out of your life and over with. And while tests can change our grades and that’s important, in the very long scale of school and academia… it’s not a big impact on our life. We can retake a class if we need to, or do better on the next test, or any and all sorts of options that will all result in a happy, fulfilling, awesome life of many years to come. This test is a very, very small part of the grand scheme of your life, and it’ll be completely over with and out of your life very, very soon. Whether you get a good grade or a bad grade here, your life will move forward, and provide you many great experiences to come. My happiness for the decades I will live is not reliant on one number on a sheet of paper.
I don’t know if that helps you, but it always helped me: once I remembered how small this thing was in the grand scheme of things, and how soon it’d leave my life as a stressor… it helped me realize… it shouldn’t be a stressor even now.
I hope I don’t sound like I’m brushing aside what you feel, because I mean the opposite. I know there’s many situations going into why academia feels SO IMPORTANT in our lives, both for our personal situation, and in the way society trends go. I do hope it helps to say that, in the grand course of whether or not your life will be complete on one test grade, it’s a minuscule thing, and I hope that that perspective can give some ease.
You’ve done your best. You’ve been studying. You’ve been working extremely hard and I want to commend you for that diligence. You’ve rocked that. And that’s something important. You have already shown a lot of character and drive working on this, and that’s better than any number you get. You’re already a hero and a succeeder in my eyes.
And, it’s not a shortcoming on your end that you don’t understand things. We all need time to understand anything; all information we first hear is something we don’t understand at first. That’s okay. That’s the nature of it. Every single human on this planet doesn’t understand things and may take a while to understand something; you are not ever going to be a failure for being confused, even if it feels understandably frustrating to not understand.
It’s always fine to talk to instructors about your struggles. I don’t know if you have or haven’t yet, but honest conversations with instructors can work wonders. I’ve taught college courses and have definitely played the mercy game with my own final grades once a student has come to me. I’ve been on the side of mercy with professors, where they’ve been willing to extend deadlines or work with me one-on-one to succeed. Many, many teachers want you to succeed, and will extend extra help and understanding to you if you talk to them. I know how much mercy can be given once they understand how much you want to succeed, and show you are willing to talk to them about ways in which you can. And I hope your instructor is one such person who will listen. It’s always worth talking over, and it can ease buttloads of stress.
Also… though you are on a time budget… if you’re really feeling this stressed, please give yourself a break. Please give yourself sleep. Please give yourself something nice, even if it’s eating a special treat for dinner or watching half hour of your favorite comedy show. Your mind in this state won’t learn the material most productively. Stepping back away from studying will actually help you and make a more efficient and productive study schedule.
I know it’s late in the game and you think there aren’t other ways to study, but if you want, I’m happy to list off some of the ways I’ve studied before. I hope I’m not overextending my bounds. I know you came here to vent and you might not want advice, but if you want some studying suggestions, here’s things I’ve done. We all learn different ways, and you’ll notice I tend to be text-oriented (with some hearing-oriented)… but maybe something here will click. Some of these studying strategies are time-consuming (not helpful for you right now), some of them are fast, but they’re different ways to work at the same material:
Do NOT just skim read notes or engage in “passive” reviewing. If you’re just looking over the books or old homeworks without engaging, it’s less likely for it to stick. Rereading is one of the least interactive ways and least demanding ways to try to “study,” and thus is often not effective for long-term retention and mastery of concepts. Make your study sessions as engaging as possible without destroying your brain cells and giving you a migraine.
Build up. Start simple, with easier learning devices, and then make it more challenging for yourself. For instance, for foreign language, I might start with flashcards or matching tasks. Then, I’ll eventually get to the point where I will try to write my entire vocabulary list from memory. Build up from easy to harder.
Multiple study sessions throughout a day or throughout the course of a week (when you have it) will almost always be better than one massive study session. Repeatedly engage with the material.
Repeat, repeat, repeat, repeat frankly is always the way to go.
PRIORITIZE. Focus on problem sections. Focus on sections that are most likely to be on the test in large quantities. Prioritize what you work on. You don’t need to know every tiny detail to get a passing grade; you just need to know what big stuff is most likely to be hit.
Tackle one section at a time. Don’t think about the full breadth of the unit. Master one concept at a time. Smaller chunks are always more manageable, more efficient, and more effectively learned. If you don’t understand the full breadth of your test, start with the smallest thing you can, work on that, and get that one thing right first. Just that one thing. 
Try to engage in the different styles of learning. Reading. Speaking. Acting out. All these will help you retain the information in different ways. For some subjects, this may be easier than others. But do what you can.
Flash cards. When you go through the flash cards, don’t go through each card once. Put aside the ones you get wrong. Rework the ones you get wrong a second time… or a third time… until you get them right. Then put them into the big pile again of every flash card and restart. ENGAGE with these things rather than quickly skim over the fronts and backs.
Draw diagrams. Venn diagrams. Tables. Charts. STUFF. Organize your information in new ways.
Make tests for yourself. Create tests that are multiple choice, fill in the blank, short essays, anything. Then, after you make those tests, give yourself a break, go back, and take your tests. See what you do and don’t remember.
Make memory devices! Memory devices for the win! Make them silly and absurd! Make it fun! Make memory devices from puns. Set key phrases to musical melodies. Make silly analogies. Do whatever you need to to memorize the material, even if in a dorky way. Like, I first learned the kanji 白 was ‘shiro’ because it looks like the character Shiro from Voltron. It’s got a square face with a scar in the center, and even a little tick at the top to represent Shiro’s WHITE hair floof (and ‘shiro’ means ‘white’ woot victory!). Other times, I’ve memorized numbers by setting them to tunes.
Rewrite your notes or key pages from your textbook. Type up your notes from class, or rewrite them, or take notes from your book again. Note that you can rearrange your notes as you do this; maybe you could make a page that’s all about X topic?
Study with friends! Quiz each other, talk to each other about problematic points, try to figure out difficult sections together. And don’t skimp, but don’t be afraid to make it fun. Learning goes better when it’s fun.
Write a “study guide” or “cheat sheet” for yourself of all the most pertinent material.
Talk out loud as you reread your notes. Engage with the material both with eyes and ears.
Try to quote your notes. Talk to yourself about what you remember. Then look and see what you didn’t talk about.
Try explaining to someone else what you’ve learned. This is a really good one. This will help you really pinpoint what you do and don’t know, and will mentally solidify the things that you do, in fact, understand. Nothing says “learning” like having to tell someone else what you’ve learned.
Especially if it’s mathematical, but also for other subjects, rework problems from your textbook or homeworks, get new problems from textbooks, or go online to find other problems with solutions. 
Find tutors. Or talk to teachers. Seriously, talk to teachers!
Any academic videos on YouTube explaining concepts? What about Wikipedia? Other websites on these topics to help you see the information presented in a new way? My ass got saved in Mathematical Logic due to a good logic wiki.
Give yourself breaks. Everyone needs different break points and has different levels of concentration ability, but one not-terrible-rule to consider is 50 minutes studying, 10 minute break. I personally prefer longer sessions and will do something like 2 hours, then 30 minute break. But that’s for you to decide with yourself.
SLEEEEEEEEEEEEEP. You do no favors for yourself if you don’t sleep. Sleep as best as you can. Fatigue prevents us from using our full mind, will prevent the recall we could have had if we were more awake. Fatigue prevents us from learning and retaining information we would have learned faster in a more rested state. Sleep allows us to process the information we’ve just thought about; we’ll wake up with a more solid understanding of materials because there’s been some unconscious processing. I know you want to maximize those study hours, but you’ll be wasting those 75% of the time if you’re up to 3 AM trying to work on something and can barely keep your eyes open. 
Make it about you. What is it about this material that you can care about? Find ways to relate it to what you care about, whatever the subject.
I know that’s not a very widespread list - I could write a lot more - but unfortunately I have to get going to my own time crunch for work. And I know I’m not covering every angle in which this is a stressful situation and how we may engage with it, and how people with different learning styles and minds and social situations interact with materials… but I hope that something in here helps you nevertheless.
Please give yourself a break right now.
To say the least, I’m wishing the absolute best for you. I’m rooting for you. I’m sympathizing. My heart feels for you. And I hope that you can find a bit of stress-relief in the midst of this. Take care, friend, and please take care of yourself through all this.
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