#i need to kiss him wtf
madame-mongoose · 5 months
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this was originally going to be kept in the vault but i figured you might like this, happy monday
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l3viat8an · 3 months
Putting a collar ‘n leash on Lucifer <3
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cherrykamado · 7 days
look at me and stop gatekeeping your happiness for you. get over the idea that you're just a bother — you're not !
indulge in what you wanna indulge. talk about that selfship! post that thing about your blorbos you're second guessing!!! share that song that reminds u of them !!!!!
you are in all your right, just like everyone else. if someone doesn't vibe, then goodbye!! so first you please yourself babes!!!<3
#🌸.cherry's philosophical thoughts#sincerely: me. to: also me#directed at nothing in particular im just verbalizing something ive been feeling quite eeh ab and in case u need it then this is for u too!#ive been hoarding so many drawings. so many silly thoughts. thinking someone's not gonna vibe someone's not gonna like this. wtf ??#if i wanna do something and i wanna share then wtf do i care?? is there even that someone whos not gonna like it ?? why am i giving that so#+much relevance??#also because ive been posting significantly a LOT less than three years back: i used to post the silliest thought that popped in my head+#+without a care in the world. wanna go back to that honestly.#so here i am gettin once & for all over the idea of my ss being annoying or not someone everyone will vibe to#just bc ive been told that beforNO WE ARE GONNA BE#ANNOYING AND VIBEEEEEEE#nope that ends today! i will extend that to all my selfships. wont gatekeep my happinesssssssssssssssssssssssss#just posted a selfship intro i'd never made before or was keepign to myself only to see it done and : its beautiful. this selfship is selfs#i can i must i will!!!!!!!#at the end of the day: its for me. my own enjoyment. i WILL do this because it makes me happy!!!!!#picturing myself looking in the mirror pointing like bitch !!! you better talk about holding that 2d mans hand!! kissing him !!! fuckinghim#at the end of the day la q puede puede y la que no que soporte perraaaa#mil besitos unclench your jaw and drink water daily reminder !!!!!!#and like santa toki said la que no es perra no esta de modaaaaa
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crystalline-teeth · 8 months
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Oooh boy
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I hate Ted so much, dumbass stupid idiot pathetic misogynistic twink of a man I am going to draw us having passionate gay sex to show how much I hate him because he can go choke on a massive throbbing co-
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princeizuku · 1 month
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hey alexa, play “good luck, babe!” by chappell roan
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dodgebolts · 1 year
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crybaby-bkg · 2 years
Bakugou loves it when you wear colored lipstick. He likes when you wear makeup in general, if it means he can sit there and watch you during the whole process. But his favorite is when you put anything colorful on your lips—stick, gloss, liner. Anything that makes it an unnatural color, something that makes your pretty mouth pop and vibrant.
In those instances, he’s practically insatiable when it comes to kissing you. He’ll watch you apply some bright purple on your lips in the mirror before some big event, and immediately is ducking his head down to sneak a kiss. He doesn’t like taking pictures much, but he’s gladly taking mirror selfies with the neck of his shirt pulled down to show the possessive lipstick stains you’ve left on him. He ignores your whining and protests when he practically manhandles you to kiss off your lipstick because, goddamnit Katsuki, you ombré’d this lip and it took really long and it looks too good for him to keep kissing it off!
You thought that maybe he would hate the lipstick transfer, but if anything, he begs for it. Wants a kiss on the lips when you’re wearing red, a kiss on the neck when you’re wearing pink, a kiss on the collarbone if it’s black, and maybe even a kiss a little lower if you don’t mind messing up your makeup.
He’s polite enough to wait until you’re about to wash it all off to ask if you could reapply the color on your lips. You didn’t understand why at first, not until he’s kissing at you feverishly and pulling away scraps of clothing until you’re both laying there naked, him covered in colored lipstick stains and you in love bruises.
And does he have the most orgasmic nut of his life when you pull back to kiss at his leaking tip and he catches sight of your stained gloss around his base and on his pubes? Definitely. And does he ask you to do it again the next time you put on makeup? Definitely, again.
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nyxronomicon · 2 months
your tags in that reblog have me 🫶🏼😞 sobbing with love. thank you so much, it means a lot to me coming from you. i love you so much and i'm always thinking about that fic i first read of yours about toji + a reader with pierced nipples. you have a great mind and it's always fun to talk to you and brainstorm ideas
aww my love <3 <3 ugh the toji with pierced nipples reader is STILL a fave that I've written!
honestly I don't remember what fic I read of yours first but I wanna say it was the stepcest geto one... (um and yes it has lived rent-free in my head ever since)... I just re-read that one in fact and now he's living in my head again (suguru just has SUCH a little sis complex to me)
I also very vividly remember the stepcest goth gamer choso bc I won't lie I fantasized about that scenario MANY times (suddenly learning a lot about my priorities bc I think I have read every single one of your stepcest fics RIP... this one was bc of the goth and the cockwarming tho i promise)
BUT ALSO the band au choso..... you're a top tier choso writer for sure <3 <3
idk how we have the exact same taste but it's really such a blessing bc I am just browsing your ao3 drabbles like "whoa how have i not read that" like I didn't realize you had so many Toji drabbles in there (bull toji... 👀)??? and you and I both know that goth is the superior aesthetic for men and all men should get goth drabbles ok
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eggmeralda · 9 months
overcome with the sudden urge to listen to songs my friend likes...what does that mean
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ttimecode · 1 month
AUSVRHHTBRBR hes... so pretty ok. i could not resist. thanks for the food as always bee
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how did you make exorcist aesop so cute man.... wtf........ his eyes are so soft aughh AND THEN THERES ME GETTING POKED IN THE EYE
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runayachi · 11 months
i dont think we talk enough about how oikawa's the tallest in the iwaoisuga polycule
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daemoninfluff · 1 year
why can't straight men just be friends with me
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mewharley · 10 months
I think I enjoyed Season 2 of Good Omens way more than Season 1
Might be because I love drama and tragedy haha 🥲🥲🥲🥲🥲🥲🥲
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honestly like. the more i take it apart and examine it, while going into it entirely is going to be A Post or Three of Its Own and will probably get its own thread: i think one of the reasons nine in canon upsets me so much is that i genuinely related to the version of him that made sense to me, when i tried to apply some continuity to his character from before his imprisonment vs after. he's actually the muse i wrote for the most prose for in this fandom, even more than five--which is saying something!--and he came to me pretty easily.
[longpost and Decidedly Harsh toward canon's depiction of him, but less ARGFMSKDKDKFK HATE than usual so much as 'man the awful way these people handled him was a waste.' believe it or not i'm actually pretty attached to him, but as the secret Better Version that lives in my head lmao]
the arc of his character could have been such a good one about how men and boys and the people around them are harmed by toxic masculinity, and examining the ways in which that's held up by other cis men, every other configuration of gender and AGAB, and both. he came through loud and clear to me as an example of a poorly socialized, abused, isolated homeschooler with very little life experience, who is throwing bits and pieces at the wall that he's cobbled together from the outside without understanding the experiences behind that kind of thing, to see what sticks. all this while having suppressed and sublimated his emotions so much that he doesn't actually recognize what he's feeling, and goes 'well, i guess this trauma reaction to killing people means i like killing people. let's go then!'
like... in canon, you can kind of see how the seeds of his trauma, and baseline personality, from before his capture might have gone septic in the process the way it does in canon. if he was already the kind of person who would spit that result out on the other side. the writers used his Acute Trauma as an excuse to go 'anyway his cêpan was a sexist dickhead under the guise of ~respecting women,~ and he got captured by pursuing a normal teenage crush and blames himself for it, and then he went through solitary for a year. so now he's a gleeful sexual predator who harasses john and thinks women are meat!'
and this becomes even more glaringly obvious when you set it next to how the aftereffects of his trauma are (not) depicted. this kid spent a year in solitary confinement--broken up by the intermission of mercy-killing his adopted dad after watching his torture--while not being fed enough and hurting himself on the forcefield on the regular. he's not going to immediately come out of that Ripped and an Incredible Polished Fighter; he's not going to come out of that a ~charming edgy debonair lovable asshole.~ this kid knows what the fuckin hat man looks like, dude. that's shit you come out of an emotional, physical, and psychological wreck, and not in a 'haha look how rude and boundary-pushing and violent and sleazy i am uwu' way.
he is barely going to be able to walk out of there on his own two feet. he is going to be hallucinating and not remember how to tell faces apart. he is going to freak out at anything like an enclosed space. he is going to be food-insecure. he is going to be constantly finding ways to self-harm when he feels at all out of control, and once again not in a 'haha i'm so quirky and edgy' way. he is going to have obsessive rituals and get stuck on repetitive thought patterns because you run out of shit to think about after a year with nothing to do but pushups, even before you add in the shiny new PTSD events to obsess over. which tend to take up all of your brain space even when you aren't isolated with them for long periods. he is going to be doing weird fucking shit after he gets out, bizarre and frightening shit that's not just 'being violent and a dick,' and other people will probably notice.
and all of this is before you factor in his backstory! (which, by the way, is not conducive to him coming out of his imprisonment an Unstoppable Highly Trained Killing Machine. he was taught how to actually fight opponents for Three Whole Ass Weeks before he got captured, and none of that was training against human-shaped opponents. i don't care how many pushups he does over how long, he still has had zero practice fighting Other People and that's immediately going to fuck him over in a fight. it's one thing to have him be dangerous because he makes up for lack of skill with being completely fucking berserk with zero regard for his own safety or anyone else's, but he's not going to be an unstoppable whirlwind of death. and you're not going to build muscle while you're being starved.)
and like. i could go on for a long time about how they fucked up his character to the point where seeing him onscreen anywhere outside his novella makes me instantly want to flip a table. but i think so much of what it comes down to--and i don't say this casually, i mean after laying out and examining all his scenes in the first series--is that he doesn't actually have an arc. he doesn't grow. the entire point of his character's existence is to be an awful person and never be held accountable, self-examine, or allowed to face any kind of real consequences for it.
it's genuinely fascinating to examine all the different methods they use to do this (which is for a whole post of its own), but he's not an exploration of culpability or responsibility--for past, current, and future actions--the way five's arc is. he's just a parade of all the abuse tactics and rhetoric the authors could think of, both direct and via enablement by people around him, to pour into one guy. nine is literally The Missing Stair: The Character.
contrast this with five getting nailed to the fuckin wall for things that are often, arguably, much less horrific or unhinged than what nine does. he's treated like a ~broken, irreparably insane monster~ by characters and narrative both. he's punished brutally and endlessly over and over and over and over no matter how much he tries to grow, or make amends, or even lay down and take everything that might be done to him as punishment because he Deserves It for, [checks notes] repeatedly having been groomed and manipulated for years. If You Can't Tell I am a Little Bitter
and it's not just other characters who suffer for it. the creators are SO invested in nine never being accountable, by himself or anyone else, that he is PUNISHED FOR IT when he makes even the slightest effort to unpack. when he has a moment of vulnerability during a breakdown over fucking up, he is restrained in exactly the same way as when he had to watch eight die. this so that he can have his self-blame literally beaten out of him to make him 'stop moping.' the writers don't care about his trauma, or being compassionate or fair in their portrayal of it, or letting him heal. the only thing they care about here is getting to write a Missing Stair as a good thing, and trying to get you, the reader, in on it by forcing you to like him.
anyway just. man. they did nine so fuckin dirty and their version of him brings down every other narrative around it. i know i rant about nine a lot but justice for my boy
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sunflowerpirateart · 1 year
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