#i need to telepathically connect with yall for you to truly understand how i see them
Mumbling to myself about how the nations are some sub-species of primordial gods of the earth who encompass the abstract and vague idea of a civilization or society as I walk across my dimly lit room which is covered in a mess of papers of all sorts, connecting dots with a shitty red yarn string all while running on 5 cups of coffee and 8 minutes of sleep.
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Not Just Lore - Chapter 1
Genre: Fantasy, Filler not fluffy not angsty, just kind of exists.
Word Count: 3107
Pairing: Reader x Jongdae | Reader x Minseok | Jongdae x Minseok | Reader x Jongdae and Minseok... you get the point
A/N:  So this took me about a million years to get through this chapter. Something about this series is hard for me to get the words right. But I’ll work hard to make it everything I have in my head. It’s a pretty interesting concept and I hope yall will ride through it with me.
As always my lovely best friend @exo-resistanceisfutile has been my second set of eyes. Review from her is good. SO hopefully yall like it to. A million thanks to her. 
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Prologue | Chapter 2
Random side note: Imma pick random gifs for each chapter.
Without Further Ado!
Your alarm went off. It wasn’t your normal alarm however. This was the alarm that rang around when you had to leave for work to make it on time. Why was it ringing now? Where was your first alarm? You sat up with a start. That meant that you had slept through all your other alarms. The alarm continued to ring. You quickly jumped out of bed, thanking yourself for laying out the day’s clothes last night. You didn’t really have time to do your hair or make up so you threw your hair into a high ponytail, slicking the sides back so that it looked clean and professional. You smoothed a little eyeliner on and put on some mascara. You would have preferred to have been able to put on foundation and concealer. But really you should have been out of the house 5 minutes ago, so this would have to do. You quickly brush your teeth, grabbed your bag, threw Allocen’s breakfast in his bowl and ran out the door completely forgetting any sort of breakfast and your lunch in the fridge.
Allocen POV
She didn’t eat this morning. And she didn’t grab her lunch. I hope she has time to stop and grab something before getting into the office, and that her meeting allows her to go out and grab lunch. Since the heightening of her powers she has never skipped meals. I can only hope her powers do not manifest in this brief interim. But I am not optimistic, she is too powerful.
Reader POV
The traffic was bad today, your regular parking spot had been taken and you realized you hadn’t eaten. Your stomach was rumbling. But you had roughly 10 minutes to get your presentation set up before your clients arrived. The rest of your team was already waiting for you in the conference room. They all looked at you as you barreled in, slightly out of breath.
“Sorry. I woke up late. It’s fine though. Every one ready?”
Heads moved in a uniform nodding motion around the table. You passed out copies of your presentation to each member of the team present and laid out copies for the team from the other company. You smoothed down your skirt and suit jacket as you moved to take the head of the table opting to remain standing until they arrived.
The 9 stakeholders would all be present at this meeting. It was nerve wracking and you weren’t entirely sure if the sick feeling in your stomach was from the nerves or not eating this morning. Hopefully the negotiations were going well enough that you would be able to go grab some lunch later.
A small knock on the door was followed by your assistant poking her head in. “They’re here. Are you ready?” You nodded, “Send them in.” The 9 men filed into the room taking their seats one by one. You recognized one of them as the man that gave you his seat last night. You flashed him a smile and a small nod. He gave you a slight nod back just before taking his seat.
“First and foremost I would like to thank you all for taking the time out of your day to come here and speak with me it is truly an honor to have you here. My name is y/n and I am the head of the merger team here. I’ll be leading the meeting today and if you have any questions or concerns at any point. Please let me know.” You looked around the room to make sure that they were all listening. You met the piercing brown eyes of a man with lips that curled enticingly at the edges. His lips were shaped like a bow and at the same time reminded you of a cat. His intriguing lips pulled into a smirk as you willed your eyes to continue around the room.
Once you had acknowledged each member around the room you found your eyes drawn back to the man with the cat-like mouth. In the glances you noticed the smirk still played at the edges of his mouth. You could feel your pulse quicken and your mouth become dry. There was something about him that unsettled you. You pushed it down and clicked the remote to turn the projector on.
You began to move through your presentation, giving an introduction to both companies and the necessity of the merger. As you passed the presentation on to one of your teammates and moved to sit down you tripped a little. You felt the world slow you could feel the eyes of the cat mouthed man and the man who had given you his seat on the bus yesterday on you. Nothing was moving, you were no longer falling, and you were able to look up to look into their eyes. The man who had given you his seat raised an eyebrow at you and the cat-mouthed man broke into a wide grin. They shared a look and in that moment the world reverted to real time and you crashed onto the table spilling a glass of water as you did.
Your teammates and the man sitting closest to you, Suho, the owner of all people, yelled and jumped back from the table as the water splashed into his lap.
Jongdae POV
Minseok said the she did not exhibit her demonic powers or sense him yesterday. And already twice today he has been proven wrong. I sensed her attraction to me, the connection. I know she felt it. Her lingering eyes, the glances. And only just now she has exhibited her power. Albeit she did not use it well and still fell she showed it. She must sense our presence, the heightened strength of her powers. The overwhelming urge to take form.
“Are you alright? Perhaps we should take a momentary break so that you can go clean up and we can clean up the table.”
I watched as she darted out of the room clearly fighting covering her face from embarrassment. Minseok took this moment to announce that he was going to use this break as an opportunity to use the restroom and grab a small snack. I stood up and followed him out muttering that it was a good idea and I was going to do the same.
Both of us bolted in the direction she had gone off to. We moved through the halls as if we knew where we were going. Neither of us had ever been to her office, but we could sense her and so we knew where to go. We arrived outside a door with her name on it. We looked at each other and Min stepped back so that I could knock on the door.
She didn’t answer, so I tested the handle to see if it was open. I peered in and her back was to the door. “Y/n? Are you alright?” She turned around to face me a small glass globe hovering above her palm. “Come in Jongdae, Minseok too. I know you’re outside the door.” I turned to look at Min, our names weren’t on the documents sent over, even if they had been, she used our demonic names, not our earthly names. We knew her powers would be stronger than ours, but we didn’t know the extent. Perhaps she had a telepathic ability. He stepped into the room closing the door behind him. They would figure it out later. Right now they had to get her calmed down and back in control enough to finish the meeting. Her coworkers couldn’t be any the wiser about her. It could draw too much attention to them.
“Y/n, have you eaten today?” She levitated the little globe in front of me the black glitter inside the globe swirled to form the word ‘no’ and then it floated back towards her. At the very least they knew she had telekinesis, and in the meeting room it seemed that she was showing time control rather than purely telekinetic powers. So there were at least two of her powers.
Minseok pulled out a small protein bar and offered it to her. “You need to eat this. You need to be in full control of your demonic form and fully in your human form for the rest of this meeting. We can meet with you later to discuss this more. But this meeting needs to go smoothly.”
Her eyes glinted. It was almost frightening. The flash of yellow before they returned to her natural color.
“I’ve already made the meeting a mess…” she trailed off.
“You haven’t. All of our associates are also demons and understand what is going on. However, none of your coworkers are. And you must appear normal to them when we return.” She took the bar from his hand, opened it and ate it quickly. The little glass crystal floated back to sit on her desk and she sat in her desk chair.
“Why are you two in my office?”
A look of shock was probably plastered on my face. I could see my own shock reflected in Minseok. He cleared his throat. “We were just checking on you to make sure you were alright, you ran out looking very upset.” I nodded quickly “We just wanted to make sure that you were alright to continue the meeting.”
She nodded, stood up, straightened her clothes and motioned for us all to move toward the door.
Does she really not remember? She looked at me like she didn’t know me at all. Her demonic energy has not diminished at all and yet it seems she no longer knows who we are. She would not know our names now. It seems we have much to tell the others.
The three of us proceeded back to the meeting room. Min and I kept sharing nervous glances. The rest of the meeting went without issue. Our six other demonic members of our team kept nervously shifting and fidgeting. They seemed uncomfortable in her presence. Perhaps her power was too strong for them. The meeting was concluded successfully. With the results that both companies had wanted. Her team was none the wiser and the six demonic members practically sprinted out of the room, happy to finally be away from her power. Lay slowly strolled out, the fallen angel had no fear of demons, no matter how powerful. The seven of them were probably off to eat. It was a long meeting and they could all feel their human forms slipping.
Min and I stood waiting. We needed to talk to her. But since she didn’t know who we are in her human form we decided that we would have to go through the effort of flirting with her. But at that moment she approached Min.
“I wanted to thank you for giving me your seat yesterday and checking on me today.” She moved a piece of hair that had escaped her ponytail behind her ear. It seemed she was flirting with him. Perhaps this would not be as much effort as we thought. She looked at me, “thank you for checking on me as well. That was very kind of both of you.” I smiled at her and gave her a small nod. “It really was no trouble. I don’t mean to be to forward, but, do you have dinner plans? Our office is on the other side of town so we aren’t sure where to go to eat and I thought you might know somewhere in the area? And of course, this is an invitation for you to join us if you would like.”
Color lit her cheeks as she drew her lip between her teeth, chewing it a little. “Actually, I don’t live very far from here and I usually bring lunch, so I’m not really sure about places around here either.” She laughed a little twinkling laugh that just drew me to her even more. “But, if you two would like, I will happily invite you over and I can cook for you. As thanks for making sure I was okay.”
I glanced at Minseok. He gave me a small nod. “I think I can speak for both of us when I say we will gladly accept.” He drawled to her. His voice nearly reaching a purr. She really was making this easy for us. “Shall we run by the store on our way there?” I spoke up. She nodded and then led us out of the office, toward the bus stop.
“Ah, y/n. We actually drove here today. We can take the car rather than the bus.” Min called to her. She shifted her weight back and forth a few times and she was chewing her cheek. Clearly the idea of getting into a car with two nearly perfect strangers made her a bit uneasy. She gave a small nod before slipping into the back seat. I closed the door behind her and let Min take the driver seat as I slid into the passenger side.
The journey was short and the trip to the grocery store even more so. It would seem she already knew what she wanted to cook and was merely missing a few things. We trailed behind her through the store. We probably looked like lost puppies, but with her display of power before, and her lack of knowledge after, well, it was probably best they not let her out of their sight.
Reader POV
What on earth am I doing. This could put the merger at risk. These are colleagues now. Just because they’re both way too hot to be human doesn’t mean you can flirt with them and feed them. You can’t date them you know. Oh my God you’re going to ruin everything. Okay y/n calm the fuck down. It’s one time. It’s a thank you gesture and it will never happen again. Great. Everything is great. Especially them.
The two of them carried the groceries up the stairs, only adding to your inner monologue of cursing yourself for inviting them over, because they’re perfect and you won’t be able to stop thinking about them for weeks.
It was moments past when you should be home, but as you slid the key into the door you could hear Allocen yowling that you were late and that he was clearly going to die of starvation for 5 minutes late.
Allocen POV
Her Conjoints. Oh! Her powers must have manifested. How did they find her? Have they bonded so quickly? Have they managed to lift her curse so suddenly? Such news! Such joy. Soon we will reign. The day is coming. The plan will soon be in motion. The strength of their three energies. It’s exhilarating!
Minseok POV
As the door opened the yowling of her familiar intensified. Its energy was strong mirrored to her own. Perhaps they would be able to gain some answers from him later. He intended to find out why she could not recognize them while in full human form. It didn’t make sense. The three of them were to form the strongest demon known in all of history. Her energy, her strength, her three known powers. Why did she not recognize them with all her power and strength.
As the three of them stepped inside the cat-creature wound its way between mine and Jongdae’s legs. A purr rippling through its body as it pressed itself into us. It knew who we were, clearly. And if she wasn’t confused before, she certainly looked it now. Her eyebrows were pulled together and her lips pressed into a line.
“That’s odd. Allocen doesn’t like anyone but me usually. He’s usually off in a corner hissing at them for ages.”
Allocen. How fitting. A demonic name. I wonder if she even knows. The head of a lion. Ha. It’s comical really.
I followed her into the kitchen, carefully setting the bags on the counter. I knew she hadn’t eaten much today and I wondered how long it would be until her powers and her demonic form manifested themselves again.
“Would you two like a little tour? The place isn’t fancy and not very big. But I’ll show you around if you like.”
“That sounds great!” Dae chimed before throwing a glance in my direction. It would seem he had the same idea as I did. Distract her from eating until we retrieve the demon form again.
She showed us around the small living room, a small couch and a TV, few decorations. There was a larger study. A desk with a computer adorned one corner and a large book shelf adorned a whole wall.
She looked a bit shy “I collect books. I love to read.”
“Me too,” I answered as I made my way toward the shelf. I was curious as to what she was reading. There were hundreds of books. Most of them however, were on demons and demonology. Stories of the fall from heaven. Accounts of the Great Battle. Many of these were considered great works of fiction in the human world. Those that knew however knew that these were memoirs from those that had survived. The stories were real.
“Big fan of demons I see…” I mused as I trailed my finger along the spines of the books.
“Uh, yeah… Kinda weird I know. But I just find it fascinating.”
“Not weird. Believe it or not I’ve read a lot of these as well.” And wept. Many great friends were lost in those battles. We had been waiting years for our Conjoint to finally manifest to complete our demonic form, we had lived many lives waiting. But the time had come. She would remember eventually.
Finding a title I recognized I grabbed it off the shelf. “Ah! This is one of my favorites. Do you mind if I pop down on the couch for a moment and just refresh myself on the whole thing really quick?” She shook her head gesturing back to the living room.
“I can start dinner while you do if you would like.”
“You can rest for a moment if you’d like. We won’t starve waiting an extra ten minutes.” Jongdae chuckled. She laughed as she plopped onto the couch next to me. Her familiar jumped in her lap and began yowling at her again.
“Allocen seems to think differently.” She laughed, her bright little laugh. She quickly got up and moved to feed the cat. Jongdae and I shared another look. Her powers should re-manifest soon. She only ate the granola bar…
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