#i needed a better answer than 'oh they're a psychopath they're not sorry we're going to put them in jail now for their crimes'
theinfinitedivides · 1 year
so i just finished Café Minamdang and uh. Choices were made
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deexchanel · 3 years
When he sees me
Word Count: 1400
Summary: Empriss prepares for her first date with Bucky.
Pairing: Bucky Barnes x BlackFem!OC, Steve x Fem!OC
Warning: Fluff and singing!
A/N: (If you do not like singing in one-shots then read something else!) When I wrote this one-shot when I obsessed with the song . “When he sees me” from Waitress the musical.😆 so link to the song right here so you can listen to it while you read!
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Empriss sat in front of her vanity nervous while Hermione curls her hair. Bucky had Steve to help him ask her on a date. They had been liking each other for a while but never had the nerve to ask each until he did.
"Are you nervous bestie?" Emma asked while working her magic.
"I stick with real things, usually facts and figures. When information's in its place, I minimize the guessing game. Guess what?" Empriss sing basically rambling not wanting to admit she was.
"What? Empriss answer the question. It's a simple one!" Hermione stated grabbing another piece of hair to curl it.
"I don't like guessing game, or when I feel things before I know the feelings. How am I supposed to operate if I'm just tossed around by fate? Like on an unexpected date?" Empriss sing turning to look at Alexis. She rolled her eyes letting the last curl fall.
"Empriss you're overthinking. It's just Bucky, this maybe the chance for you to get to finally know each other!"
"With a stranger who might talk too fast. Or ask me questions about myself. Before I've decided that he can ask me questions about myself." Empriss cross her arms over her chest. She stood up going to her closet.
"He might sit too close or call the waiter by his first name or eat Oreos. But eat the cookie before the cream." Hermione mocked jokingly so Empriss could hear how crazy she sound.
But Empriss thought she was finally understanding what she was thinking about. "But what scares me the most. What scares me the most?"
"Is what if when he sees me, what if he doesn't like it? What if he runs the other way and I can't hide from it? What happens then?" Empriss sing holding up a dress. Hermione tilt her head examing it but she doesn't like it so she shake her head no.
Empriss throws it behind her grabbing a couple more to try on. She wanted to pick out the best dress for him. "If when he knows me, he's only disappointed? What if I give myself away, to only get it given back? I couldn't live with that."
"So, I'm just fine, inside my shell-shaped mind. This way I get the best view. So that when he sees me, I want him too." Empriss sing confidently picking up the perfect dress. She shakes it in excitement then walks over to the bed.
"Dawn, don't you think you're being a little, I mean maybe just a tad." Hermione trailed off not wanting to call her crazy. Hermione phone dinged signaling that Steve texted her. "Steve said they're back in the building! Put a little pep in your step bestie!"
"I'm not defensive! I'm simply being cautious, I can't risk reckless dating. Due to my miscalculating."Empriss sing sitting in front of the vanity again. "While a certain suitor stands in line I've seen in movie. Most made for television."
She used her talents to do the best makeup look. "You cannot be too careful, when it comes to sharing your life. I could end up a miserable wife."
Bucky held the red roses bouquet in his hands nervously. "What if she doesn't like me Steve? What if she doesn't like my arm or how I eat or something. What-"
Steve cuts him off, "It's going go good Buck. I know Empriss personally, she doesn't judge people."
"Okay Steve, I'm going to take your word on it. Is she beautiful?" Bucky wondered since he haven't seen what she looked like yet. Steve pat a hand on his shoulder smirking.
"Beautiful as ever."
"Emrpiss you're killing me. Bucky is the best person I've ever known. He's so cute and super sweet." Hermione assured sitting on top of the vanity. " What are you so scared about?"
"Sorry girl, but he could be criminal, some sort of psychopath. Who escaped from an institution,somewhere where they don't have girls." Empriss sing letting her imagination run wild. Hermione sigh taking the brush from her hand so she could do upwards strokes on her face.
"He could have masterminded some way to find me. He could be colorblind. How untrustworthy is that? He could be less than kind." Hermione sing mocking her again. She leaned back once she was finished with the makeup. "Empriss I got to admit it. Your nervousness making you sound crazy."
Empriss rolled her eyes continuing. "Or even worse he could be very nice, have lovely eyes and make me laugh, come out of hiding. What do I do with that?" She sing somberly fumbling with a makeup brush. Hermione lifted Empriss face so their eyes could meet.
"Empriss this is going to be the best date okay?" Be the confident best friend I know. This isn't going to be like what you had with little dick Tyler. Bucky's going to treat you so much better."
Empriss smiled and her eyes twinkled in excitement. She rushed to the bathroom with her dress in hand. Bucky and Steve arrived at the door. The winter soldier hand was held in front of the door so he could knock until he heard the girl's inside.
"Why aren't you knocking?" Steve asked confused and Bucky held a 'shh' then pointed at his ear then at the door. Both guys placed their ear again the door so they could hear better.
Empriss twirled around in her outfit happily, "Oh, god what if when he sees me I like him and he knows it? What if he opens up a door and I can't close it?" She grabbed Hermione’s hands they both giggled dancing around the room.
"What happens then? If when he holds me, my heart is set in motion I'm not prepared for that. I'm scared of breaking open." Empriss sing hitting a high note. "But still I can't help from hoping."
The music get softer and Emrpiss fall back on the bed, "To find someone to talk to,who likes the way I am. Someone who when he sees me....Wants to again."
Hermione clapped at the beautiful song that she sing, "You're voice is amazinggg!! They should be here any minute, ready to go?"
Empriss nodded her head, "That's you with the beautiful voice bestie. I'm ready!" She gets up from the bed grabbing odds and ins to take with her. Bucky was blown away by her amazing voice. He knocked on the door and in a matter of seconds Hermione opened the door.
"Hi Bucky! Hey baby!"
"Hey Hermione." Bucky smile. Steve leans down giving her a sweet kiss on the lips.
"Hey baby."
Empriss walked over standing beside Hermione. Bucky mouth was agape from her being totally different from what he thought of. "I'm um- uh-."
He stuttered over his words blushing and Steve helped him out like a good friend would. "This is Bucky, my best friend."
All Bucky could do was hold out her flowers towards her which she happily took. "My name is Empriss and Thank you Bucky! These are beautiful." She stands on her tippy toes placing a kiss on his cheek. "I prefer hibiscus flowers but roses are my second fave."
"I'm glad you like them." Bucky smiled looking her lovingly. Hermione took that as a sign that they needed to leave.
"Well me and Steve are going to have dinner with Tony and Lori. See y'all when y'all get back! Have fun!"
Everyone bid goodbyes and it was just Empriss and Bucky left. She was putting the flowers in some water.
"Where are we going for our date? I wanna know if I'm too dressed up."
"Oh we're going to a restaurant and if you didn't mind, afterwards I was going to take us go the beach."
"I love the beach. Let me grab a swimsuit and we can go." Empriss smiled which hooked Bucky on. He bit his lip fighting every temptation to kiss her.Unknowingly to him, she wanted to as well. You only live once so fuck it.
Empriss grabbed his shirt placing a passionate kiss on his lips. Bucky grabbed her waist pulling her closer to him. He deepen the kiss as his hands guides down to her ass, gripping it. The both pulled back with smiles on their face.
"I'm going to enjoy this date with you."
"Me too. I like it already."
Hermione is @kalopsia-flaneur 💞
I hope you guys enjoyed it.
I thought this was really cute and corny.
Stay slutty my friendsss 😉
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btsrmono · 4 years
Trial & Error | chapter 7
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Main Pairing: (jimin): student/idol x (main): foreign student
Side Pairs: main x taehyung,, main x (nct) jaehyun
"What it is?" Jimin asked, making you look up from your pizza to him.
 You sighed, leaning back on the couch sofa in your living room. You guys sat at the coffee table as you enjoyed each others company and forgot about everything you were both were stressed about for a while... Until he bought that up, at least.
"What is what?" you acted stupid.
"Y/n... Earlier. You were clearly crying in class today. What happened?" He bought his knees up to his chest and rested his chin on them, looking at you concerningly.
 You put your pizza down and breathed out, defeated. "I saw Taehyung today," you started. "And he just seemed... Not hisself."
"Yeah, he hasn't been lately," he agreed. "I think he's just upset that the fans are upset. Like, he doesn't want them to feel that way about him, you know? Just give it some time."
"But he told me not to talk to him anymore," you said.
"So what--"
"He seemed serious, Jimin."
He clenched his jaw before poking the inside of his right cheek with his tongue. "Forget him then--"
"No, Jimin, I'm not just going to just ‘forget him’. Tae is my best friend, he's all I had. I don't want him mad at me."
He sucked his teeth, seemingly getting mad. "So I guess I don't exist," he humped.
You cocked your right eyebrow in confusion. "Ummm say ‘sike’ because you and I didn't even start officially becoming friends up until about a week ago."
"But I'm here, right?"
"Yeah and I said he's all that I had, not have. Obviously, I have you right now but not too long ago, it was just him."
Suddenly, he looked sorry. "Oh," he said. "You're right. I'm sorry..."
 You shook your head after staring for quite some time. "No, Jimin... Don't be sorry." You rested your hand on his knee, reassuringly.
"I just want things to go back to normal," he whispered.
"Isn't your school almost done with the reconstruction?" you asked, placing your hand back in your crossed lap. "Maybe then, things will change."
 He shrugged. "They don't seem like they're getting done anytime soon, to be honest."
"Oh, I'm sorry. That sucks."
He smiled shyly at you. "No, actually, it's okay. I kinda like having class with you now," he said, winking.
"Jimin, are you flirting?" you teased.
"Maybe," he replied, biting his lip in a seductive manner and looking you up and down.
 You rolled your eyes, picking a pillow up and throwing it at his face. He instantly picked the pillow back up whilst laughing and gently tossed it back in your lap. You guys silently collected your fits of laughter together before Jimin turned to you again. "Hey, you still owe me ice cream."
"Ugh," you grunted. "Fine, let's go."
He smiled, jumping up quickly to go put on his shoes. You followed in his footsteps and both left the apartment, walking to the nearest ice cream parlor.
"Do you do this often?" Jimin spoke up in the midst of your journey.
"Do what?" you wondered.
"Walk alone at night like this."
"I'm not alone," you scoffed.
"Y/n, you know what I mean."
You shrugged your shoulders. "Sometimes. Why?"
He started to look at the ground as you two continued to walk. "It's just... You need to be more safe, okay?" You looked over at him, making him look back at you. "You're a pretty girl," he started. "And people can be crazy. Just start taking taxis everywhere. Got it?" He took his hand out of his pocket and roughly slapped his hand on your back right shoulder.
"Yah!" you yelled out. It was obviously just a playful hit that you doubt was meant to actually hurt but clearly Jimin just didn't know his power. "The only crazy person is you, you psychopath, who goes out to get ice cream while its cold outside?" you complained, rubbing your back shoulder in the spot where you could still feel some lingering pain.
 On your left, Jimin was just cracking up. You scowled at him, still lowkey upset about the hit but quickly getting over it as you both, unnoticeably, arrived at the parlor. "Aww, poor y/n," he joked, as he rubbed the spot for you.
 You pushed him off of you just before entering the store as Jimin followed, still laughing.
"What do you want?" you asked.
"What do you want?" he asked back.
"Mint chocolate chip."
He scanned the menu. "Melon," he decided.
 You shook your head, then paid for your order as Jimin found you guys a table to sit at. After handing him his bowl and sitting down across from him, you started to worry about something. "I figure this is a bad idea."
 Jimin tilted his head, picking his spoon up. "How so?"
 "It's just... Last time I was out with Tae--"
 "Oh please," he quickly cut you off. "Look around, there's no one here. You don't have to be paranoid, y/n." He started eating his ice cream, clearly not bothered at all. You, however, were still scared.
"I just don't want to bring you boys trouble, I've done enough already."
His shoulders slugged and you could tell that you were sucking the joy out of his pep. You hated to be the person to do that, you did. 
 A few pauses later, Jimin put his spoon down and reached across the table for yours. He scooped up some ice cream and put it in front of your mouth. "Open up," he said.
 You looked around, aware that the worker at the register was carefully watching the both of you. She was sitting, seeing what was about to happen next and Jimin saw this. "I dont care if they see," he said. “We're friends. Am I not allowed to hang out with you?"
Not wanting to argue back, you simply complied, opening your mouth as asked. You ate the scoop and looked at him. "Happy?"
He smiled. "It's good right? Now eat up, don't worry too much." He went back to his own bowl and began to make small talk.
 You started to remember what it was like the first time Jimin and you actually had your first real conversation. You realized it was just easy to talk to him about things. He was real but non-judgmental with you. He just wants the best for everyone and you found that to be so nice of him. He truly had a way with making you feel better about every situation and making you forget about things in the time being.
After a little while, you and Jimin walked back to your place, stopping in front of the main entrance. You saw your mom in the lobby, waiting for the elevator, making you turn to Jimin. "It looks like my parents are home," you spoke. "Guess that's your cue to go too."
 Jimin looked through the lobby, his eyes slightly widening. "That's your mom?" he questioned. You nodded your head. "She's beautiful! I see where you get your looks from."
 You playfully rolled your eyes as you laughed, placing your hand on his chest to slightly shove him. "Please, Jimin." You noted that this was his second time complementing your looks that night and not going to lie, you were flattered.
 He laughed too. "Alright give me a hug," he said, pulling you in before you even got the chance. You hugged him back tightly, grateful for him taking your mind off things for a while.
 "I'll see you later," you spoke, looking up at him. He looked down and shook his head in agreement before you both let go and he took off.
You and Jimin had been hanging out a little less than usual due to him and the boys having multiple dance practices, meaning he would not only rarely show up to school but you rarley even talked or texted with him. Of course he tried to keep up with you when he could which was better than nothing, you guess. You just kind of missed him.
"Psstt," you heard from behind you. 
You turned around to find Kayla, another internatial student like yourself. "Hey," you said, smiling at her. "What's up?"
"I'm freaking out," she replied. "I didn't do my homework last night, I was too busy. Before class starts, can I pleasssee copy yours?"
 You shook your head, not minding as you grabbed your homework from your backpack and handed it to her. "You're a life saver!" she exhaled. She quickly copied your homework and within about two minutes, it was back in your hand. "Thank you so much!"
"No problem," you replied, ready to turn back around before she cut you off.
"Wait," she said. "Is it true, about you and Taehyung?"
 You sighed, not aware that that was still a thing. "People are still on that?" you asked, semi annoyed. It had almost been two weeks, you thought it was behind you.
She scoffed. "Of course they are girl, you snatched up two of the most wanted guys in this school.” She paused, thinking. “ Well, besides Jungkook and Jaehyun."
 You were confused, what did she mean? "Two?"
"Jimin and Taehyung," she responded in a ‘Duh’ tone.
 You stared at her for a quick second. "Well to answer your question, no. How bout' you spread that around the next time you decide to gossip?" you snapped. You don't know what it was but you were over it. This rumor ruined your friendship with Taehyung and you were sick of it following you around.
"Jesus, well excuse me," she said, putting her hands up in surrender. "It's not like it was me that started it."
"Well you're sure as hell not helping, no?"
"Attitude much?"
 You sighed. She was right. Normally, Kayla was really nice to you so although she was being annoying at the moment, you still couldn't help but feel bad for the way you spoke to her. "I'm sorry," you apologized. "I've just been really stressed."
Her face softened. "Yeah, you look it," she joked, a small grin appearing on her face. "Hey, if you're not busy after school, me and Heejin are gonna go grab some boba if you want to join us?"
 You thought it over. Having some girl company didn't sound too bad, it actually sounded like just the perfect plan to you at the time. It wasn't anything significant but given the fact that you only was hanging out with guys for most part, this seemed overdue.
"That actually sounds really nice right about now."
She shook her head. "Okay then, we'll just be waiting for you at the bus stop after school."
Just then, your math teacher walked in and you all started our work.
After a long day of 7 classes, you and the girls did end up hanging out. Kayla ordered matcha boba, Heejin ordered strawberry and you ordered coconut. The three of you got a table and sat down, discussing random things such as school and who they liked.
 “Taeyong is definitely the most handsome boy in our school,” Kayla stated.
 “Really?” you chimed in. “He is super attractive but he’s too mysterious.”
 Kayla threw her head back in admiration. “That’s what makes him hot, y/n!” she cried, making you giggle.
"Well, I hands down like Jungkook," Heejin said. "No doubt about it, he is my ultimate crush." She was swooning over him and got dramatically emotional at just the thought of him. "Ugh! My heart is beating so fast even thinking about him, I think I'm going to die!" she then plopped her head on the table as you and Kayla laughed at her silliness. "It's depressing," she said said in a muffled voice, her face still on the cold surface.
"You'll survive," you responded.
She lifted her head back up, looking at you curiously. "Wait, aren't you friends with Jungkook?"
 You scoffed, looking around to make sure no one at the surrounding booths heard that. "No," you responded. "I hardly know him."
"Oh, I just assumed because you and Taeh--"
 Heejin was interrupted by Kayla shoving her quickly as a means to get her to stop talking. Kayla cleared her throat. "So, y/n," she started, changing the subject. "Heejin and I were thinking about starting this club--a dance club and we were wondering if you would be willing to join?"
 Heejin gave her a look, scrunching her eyebrows together, as did you, wondering where this was coming from. "Me?" you asked. "Why me of all people?"
"Because," Kayla started. "I see how you are in class, you're a team player. I already know you would do well on our team. Plus, you just look like you can dance," she chuckled.
 Her explanation wasn't good enough and you were still confused. Heejin still looked confused too but she seemed to not want to bud into it.
"What do you say?"
You started to stutter. "I-I-I.... I, um... I'm not sure," you said. "Dancing isn't really my thing..." She suddenly started to look disappointed, which made you feel a little bad. "But I'll let you know," you added, wanting to give her a glimpse of hope.
She smiled again, shaking her head. A few minutes later, you then dismissed yourself and said your goodbyes before you headed out the cafe door to go home.
A/N: Surprise! Heejin is in this. She’ll be around a little more often now hehe okay stay tuned to see what happens next! <33
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